[google-appengine] Re: Help with identifying the authentication error in

2020-01-03 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Thanks for reporting this. It seems you are trying to use Application 
Default Credentials to set the  default service account to authenticate 
between services. To clarify be default GCE service accounts have the Cloud 
IAM project editor role 

please check if that is still the cause or if it has been modified. I can 
see you are using Compute Engine credentials which is recommended to 
explicitly state the credentials being used. In terms of Blogger API, it 
doesn't appear to be directly supported by GCP but if the issue is with the 
API then this Blogger Community forum  
be used to discuss authorization for the API. 

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[google-appengine] Re: unable to browse default instance as https url

2019-12-31 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
It unclear what you mean by build issue so please specify when the wait 
time occurs and how long and if any other services are involved (ex. Cloud 
Build, Task queues etc). Please note that that when instances and services 
are spinning up there will be a wait time and that is expected behavior 
.  Its 
also unclear if you are requesting instructions on restarting your app 
engine services but that is usually not recommended due to downtime. Please 
provide more details on your use case as well as your app.yaml if the issue 
is with service/instance spin up (after removing all sensitive and personal 
information such as emails addresses, project id, passwords, keys etc) as 
your exact request in difficult to address without the context. 

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[google-appengine] Re: unable to browse default instance as https url

2019-12-30 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Sounds like there an issue with the SSL configurations with your custom 

please verify a managed certificate has been provisioned 

if you are using the one provided by Google (which happens automatically 
after setting up your custom domain and update the DNS records 
or if you are using wildcard mapping or you have your own SSL certificate 
check your own certificate configuration 


If the above looks correct please specify the package dependency issue 
before the HTTPS issue began as it is currently unclear if it is related to 
this issue. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Где-то видел телефон службы поддержки, кто подскажет может?

2019-12-30 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
If I understand you issue you would like the phone numbers for Cloud 
support which is available here 
 for users with Gold 
or Platinum support packages. Otherwise please confirm the issue in English 
as that is the language we provide support in.  

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[google-appengine] Re: App is listening on port 8080. We recommend your app listen on the port defined by the PORT environment variable to take advantage of an NGINX layer on port 8080.

2019-12-27 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Thanks for reporting this. I understand the error message sounds 
concerning, the Product team specified that the error is more closely 
described as "App is listening on port 8080, You could take advantage of an 
automatic nginx layer available on port 8080 if your application listens on 
the port defined by the PORT environment variable." for Java runtimes on 
App Engine. Its unclear how the timer works but it is possible the times is 
unable to continue counting when a warning is returned and as it sounds 
like the counter is self coded so if possible can you have it ignore the 
warning? Otherwise you may be able to exclude the specific warning as 
detailed by this document 
 if the 
actual warning log is what is causing the timer to stop as it sounds like 
the request should work it just also returns an error. 

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: GCLOUD SDK Support For Python 3

2019-12-23 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Yes it seems Cloud SDK now has GA support for Python 3 as per these release 
notes  and 
you can either install the latest version 
 if you don't already have Cloud SDK 
installed or updating via the gcloud command 
: gcloud 
components update. For exclusions and more information on configuring your 
Python interpreter, run gcloud topic startup. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server ---

2019-12-23 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Thanks for reporting this. As it seems the rest of your website pages works 
so there may be an issue with the URL of the linked page. Its unclear if 
another service is integrated with handling of the page (ex. Cloud Storage) 
so please specify if any are and provide a snapshot of the Stackdriver 
logging of the Not Found error triggered when trying to access the page if 
applicable. To locate that please go to Cloud Console > Logging 
Select GAE Application, service id etc and check the HTTPs code of the 
as well as the error message as that should provide more details on the 
cause of the issue. Its unclear if "instances" refers to services/version 
of an App Engine applicable 

or resource instances 

the number of neither matter when dealing with errors as if the code is 
similar (errors are present in any of the services/version) the issue could 
occur and if the resource usage is low then the number of instances does 
not likely reflect on the cause of the issue. 

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[google-appengine] Re: This site can’t be reached

2019-12-10 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Are you using the App Engine service and if so are you hosting using a 
custom domain? If so you can follow these steps to install SS 
for custom domains(this is the App Engine Flex version of the document 


The error "This site can’t be reached error" is very generic and it is 
unclear the cause so please specify if it worked at some point and if so 
what (if any) actions led to the error? Also please specify your use case 
and if certain versions of your website works while others do not (for 
example the wesbite works without securing with SSL). 

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[google-appengine] Re: Deploy two versions of same app at same time

2019-10-07 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
There shouldn't be any issues with deploying the same code twice or more as 
it will result in different App Engine versions. It doesn't seem like there 
is an option to deploy multiple versions of the same services to App Engine 
though you can deploy different services in one gcloud command[1]. 


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[google-appengine] Re: App engine not spliting traffic to new version

2019-08-13 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Thanks for reporting this. This is likely related to a reported issue 
tracker[1] regarding App Engine Flex where the cause is likely due to 
connection issues or some other change interrupts the run of gcloud which 
causes the previous versions will be left in their existing state. As a 
workaround, you can split traffic to the new version to migrate traffic as 
detailed by the below gcloud command[2] or though the Cloud Console (please 
note that the information in the document[2] is incorrect, you will need to 
use traffic splitting for App Engine Flex in the Console[3]). 

[1] https://issuetracker.google.com/63711899
[2] https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/java/migrating-traffic

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[google-appengine] Re: 502 Bad Gateway error - upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream

2019-08-01 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
As mentioned on the Stackoverflow post[1] the issue is likely due 
to default proxy_buffer_size which is 4K and while there is an internal 
feature request to increase this the current workaround to to reduce 
proxy_buffer_size to 4K or lower. 


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[google-appengine] Re: How to parse Cloud Datastore backups

2019-07-31 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Please check though the suggested method 
exporting from Datastore to BigQuery to see if all the limitations and 
requirements are compatible with your use case. The document also provides 
details on how to use Datastore backups 
 to update 
BigQuery. App Engine's Python standard runtime connects to Cloud Datastore 
the NDB Client Library 
 and if you 
are planning on using App Engine flex 
you can use the Client library 

also provides a code sample. This is the same for Node.js for Standard 
and Flex 
which provides the applicable samples. 

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Install Redis Slave on App Engine Flex

2019-07-30 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
As Redis is a database it doesn't seem installing it on App Engine Flex is 
typical and this is the suggested method 
doing it, by installing it on GCE and deploying with App Engine Flex. Its 
unclear that a custom runtime 
would work as that is meant for allowing unsupported runtimes to be used. I 
have not found any evidence of installing Redis directly with App Engine 
only through Compute Engine. 

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Install Redis Slave on App Engine Flex

2019-07-29 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Connecting local Redis to App Engine seems be address on this tutorial 
perhaps this is what you've been looking for. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Can't Connect from GCP AppEngine to GCP Cloud SQL

2019-07-29 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
This is the recommended method for connecting Cloud SQL with App Engine  
so if you are 
not connecting as detailed please specify your connection method. If you 
use IP 
the issue is unlikely due to configuration of the network as that IP should 
allow any application to connect (this includes unauthorized ones, which 
can cause a security issue). Please note that if you have sensitive or 
proprietary data in your database, you should not use this method to 
investigate connectivity issues. Please specify if any error messages 
result from your attempt to connect, specifically any Stack driver logs 
. Please remove any 
sensitive or personal information such as cookies, passwords, email 
addresses and credit card information before posting any 

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[google-appengine] Re: Install Redis Slave on App Engine Flex

2019-07-26 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
You can connect Memorystore for redis with App Engine Flex using this 
if you would like high availability 
Memorystore it is available for Redis instances with the Standard 
Tier configuration. To clarify, do you want the Redis replica to be 
connected to it's App Engine Flex instance or Memorystore for Redis as if 
you are interested in the latter, high availability 

cannot be used as a read replica. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Is there any way of triggering DataPrep based flow from AppEngine?

2019-07-22 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
To clarify are you using App Engine  as 
part of your use case is it doesn't seem so however this issue is in App 
Engine groups. If this issue is related to App Engine please specify the 
role App Engine has in your use case. If it is not related, posting this 
question in Dataproc groups 
 or using App 
Maker groups  will 
likely provide more specific help. 

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[google-appengine] Re: builder error when deploying to App Engine

2019-07-22 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
The 500 Internal errors may be related to a known issue so please specify 
the time as exact as possible when creating an issue tracker 
this issue will likely need further investigation. It is unclear the cause 
of the of the builder error so please include in the issue tracker if you 
are using Cloud Build and if so how it is deploying App Engine(perhaps by 
using Cloud Source Repositories 
and your use case as it is unclear why the deployment error is occurring. 

To delete an App Engine service using the below gcloud command 
however as there is a deployment error deleting the currently one is not 
recommended until we take a look at the issue. 

gcloud app services delete SERVICES 


 …] [--version 


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[google-appengine] Re: How can I use appengine memcache in django cache setting?

2019-07-22 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
There is a Stackoverflow post 

it is suggested to use the API library and use the 

package. If this works with your use case please try and reply if any error 
messages occur. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Can't connect to redis instance in memorystore

2019-07-22 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
The application must be in the in the same region as the redis instance and 
on the same network to be authorized to access the Redis instance 
Please check that your use case follows these requirements and if so please 
post an example of the timeout error when the instance fails to connect 
with memorystore as the resulting error is unclear when the connection 

To clarify were you trying to connect via a Compute Engine VM as detailed 
If not please specify how you tried to connect any resulting error message. 

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[google-appengine] Re: App Engine no longer delivering Sendgrid emails

2019-07-12 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Thanks for reporting this. To clarify, are you sending the emails as 
detailed by this document 
.  To 
clarify, is the receiver of the emails the same as before the issue began? 
Can you specify a date where the issue began? I checked our known issues 
but was unable to view any that could have caused this issue. 

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[google-appengine] Re: App without sensitive or restricted scopes still showing "Unverified App" message to clients

2019-07-12 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
If the application is marked as internal  
will not need to go through the verification process it will no longer be 
unverified and the screen indicates an unverified 
application. The "unverified app" screen should not occur with internal 
apps as if your application is an internal web application for users in the 
same G Suite domain and the app is associated with a Cloud Organization 
that all of your users belong to, you don't need to go through 
verification(under section: When to go through verification) 
. You can use these 
to mark your app as 

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[google-appengine] Re: Instance gone without any notification and nothing recover after half hour.

2019-07-11 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
This is the App Engine SLA  which 
defines the allowable downtime and the specific percentages when downtime 
is exceeded. You can fill out this form 
 to request a 
review  if it seems SLA was not met, this should be done no more than 30 
days after the close of the month for which you are requesting 
an adjustment. If you suspect you are being affected by a known issue, 
check the dashboard  and issue tracker  
where known issues 
and their progress for resolution may be posted. If you have access to the 
Cloud Support , they will be able to 
confirm it. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Earth Engine Service Account Authorization

2019-07-11 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
The form 
that there may be a delay between  delay between the submission of the form 
and the registration of the service account and it does not seem an ETA has 
been provided. If you have further questions regarding Earth Engine I 
suggest posting the question on the Earth Engine developers group 
the question can be more directly addressed.

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[google-appengine] Re: App without sensitive or restricted scopes still showing "Unverified App" message to clients

2019-07-10 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
An internal application will only allow access to users from your 
organization (@your-organization.com) 
. A 
public application allows access to users outside of your organization 
(@your-organization.com). Access can be from consumer accounts, like 
@gmail.com, or other organizations, like @partner-organization.com. Public 
applications need to go through verification as detailed. 
 As to why 
verification is required, Google verifies public applications that use 
OAuth 2.0 and meet one or more of the verification criteria 

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[google-appengine] Re: "Unverified App" message on an app that does not require verification?

2019-07-10 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
As detailed by this similar Groups post 

you created yesterday, if the the owner and users of your apps belong to 
the same G Suite domain or customer then it is a internal application and 
you should mark it as internal-only 
That way you can skip submitting for verification.  

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[google-appengine] Re: App without sensitive or restricted scopes still showing "Unverified App" message to clients

2019-07-10 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
If the the owner and users of your apps belong to the same G Suite domain 
or customer then it is a internal application and you should mark it as 

way you can skip submitting for verification. 

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[google-appengine] Re: App without sensitive or restricted scopes still showing "Unverified App" message to clients

2019-07-09 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
To clarify, did you receive any emails regarding OAuth verification as that 
could provide more details on what actions need to be completed? I did 
notice that openid API may be related to OAuth API 
I tried to recreate your issue with the same scopes there does not appear 
to be any warnings about verifying. 

Please post a screenshot of the "unverified app" message as it may not be 
due to OAuth verification 
 after removing 
sensitive or personal information such as project ids, passwords, email 
addresses and credit card information. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Permission denied when deploying queue.yaml

2019-07-09 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
It seems from this document 
 that what 
you have granted permissions for Cloud Tasks for should be sufficient as 
cloudtasks.queues.update is needed to modify an existing task. 

It does seem that that appengineDeployQueue is App Engine-specific Gradle 
likely means it requires App Engine roles 
perhaps additional actions to use Gradle plugin 
 if you 
have not done so yet. 

This will likely require investigation into your permissions so I suggest 
opening an issue tracker 
the above suggestions do not resolve the issue. Please note I provided all 
documents in App Engine Standard format but Flex documents should exist. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Oauth verification warnings

2019-07-08 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
You're welcome, glad to be of assistance :)

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[google-appengine] Re: Oauth verification warnings

2019-07-05 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Looking at your screenshot the warning seems typical when unverified scopes 
are present however if the email does say that if the app is not verified 
by August 18, 2019, it will be classified as unverified then I suggest 
getting the submission done. 

>From the 3 warnings, "Use of this API scope will be restricted until it is 
approved" "Use of this domain will be restricted until it is approved" and 
"Because you've added a sensitive scope, your consent screen requires 
verification by Google before it's published" I not found any evidence that 
by submitting the verification, that the scope would not be able to be used 
and the warning themselves do not seem to point to this. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Instance gone without any notification and nothing recover after half hour.

2019-07-04 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Thanks for reporting this. There was a known issue  
occurred the same time that may be related to your issue which has since 
been resolved. Are you still experiencing the issue as it may be possible 
that there are no instances if your app.yaml is configured to automatic 

and no minimum number of instances defined. If this is not the case please 
file an issue tracker for private App Engine 
with the time frame the issue began, your project ID and the affected 
service/version so we can determine the cause of the 502 errors. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Oauth verification warnings

2019-07-04 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
According to this document 
 it is suggested to 
go through verification before you launch a user-facing app. If you have 
confirmed that you need to submit your application for verification and cannot 
skip the process , 
you can go through the process with these steps 
. If 
you do not submit in time your app will become unverified  
so if necessary I 
suggest completing the process sooner then later as it can take some time 
be completed. 

The 3 warnings provided do not indicate that your app will become 
unverified  if you 
submit for verification so if the email indicated a date on which the your 
app will become unverified then submitting it early is best practice for 
avoiding the app from becoming unverified. 

Please check out the FAQ 
 for more 

I hope you have found this information helpful. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Loading resources from appengine instance is not successful

2019-07-04 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Thank you for reaching out. This looks to be related to a known issue which 
has been reported to the App Engine engineering team and you can track the 
progress on this issue tracker.  The 
team is currently working to resolve the issue and once they have an update 
should be posted there.  

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[google-appengine] Re: Storing data (images) on google cloud storage from app engine Java

2019-04-04 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Sounds like your use case should work and you should be able to upload your 
files . You can 
use Cloud Storage on Firebase  
significant change to your use case it seems. I don't believe either option 
would provide better security, either seems like it should work. This issue 
looks like it may require exchange of sensitive information like your 
project ID for more visibility so if you are still experiencing the issue 
please create an issue tracker  and refer 
to this groups issue. 

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Mount Cloud Storage for App Eng

2019-02-05 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
This is the document[1] referring to /tmp file as a writable file which may 
be able to be the reference file. App Engine Flex should also work however 
please reply if you are using Flex and using /tmp as the reference file 
does not work in this case. 

[1] https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/go111/runtime#filesystem_2
[2] https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/go/runtime

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[google-appengine] Re: Appengine search API doesn't work for deploys in flex environment

2018-12-06 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
This issue tracker[1] can be used to track the request for Search API to be 
available for App Engine flex. The App Engine team is now aware of this 
feature and are currently looking into it. Please note that feature 
requests are not guaranteed and there is not ETA on them.

[1] https://issuetracker.google.com/120617455

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[google-appengine] Re: Appengine search API doesn't work for deploys in flex environment

2018-12-06 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
The search service is unavailable outside the standard environment 
as a workaround you can host any full-text search database such as 
on Google Compute Engine 

and access it from both the standard and flexible environments. Details on 
how to create search indexes can be accessed here 

it is only accessible for the standard environment. 

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[google-appengine] Re: is it possible listen to a pub/sub topic without a subscription?

2018-10-29 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
According to this Pub/Sub FAQ question 
trying to publish a topic 
without subscriptions will result in the messages being dropped, however 
the publish operation should succeed which you can use to confirm that your 
application is switched on. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Accessing datastore from microservice

2018-10-17 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
This seems like a design/code issue which would be best posted on 
Stackoverflow. It would also be helpful to clarify why redefining your user 
class in GAE code when you are using NDB to get / put the data would not be 

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[google-appengine] Re: Getting CURRENT_VERSION_ID from Java Flex VM?

2018-10-15 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Do you need a scripted method of getting the info? If so try this Java API 

static final SystemProperty applicationVersion). Otherwise you can check 
for the current version ID from the Cloud Console 
 by selecting App 
Engine -> versions and specify the service. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Having problems with final step with Google Course Builder Deployment

2018-10-08 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
To clarify, are you referring to the chmod command? This StackExchange 
post[1] goes over equivalent windows commands that will allow you to modify 


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[google-appengine] Re: How To Install Python3 On Google APPENGINE

2018-09-26 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Using App Engine Flex with a custom runtime 
specifying both Python3 and PHP as the runtime may allow you to call your 
backend script. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Google Clound endpoints not showing

2018-09-18 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
I haven't located a Stackoverflow post in your message so can you post it? 
If the post does not include the full error message please post it here. To 
clarify, you have deployed services to App Engine 
 but it 
is not visible in the Cloud Console by selecting App Engine under the Cloud 
Console menu and selecting Services. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Datastore - Audit Log of the Project Owner

2018-09-17 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
The Datastore team is aware of this request and is currently looking into 
it. You can use this issue tracker[1] to track the progress of that feature 
request. Please note that feature requests are not guaranteed to fulfilled 
and there is no ETA on them. 

[1] https://issuetracker.google.com/115872913

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[google-appengine] Re: Some pages are SSL, others are not.

2018-09-14 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
According to this StackExchange post[1] it seems that your website is 
secure and the SSL is working as intended but you may have added mixed 
content such as page references or images that are not secure. 


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[google-appengine] Re: Datastore - Audit Log of the Project Owner

2018-09-14 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
So to clarify, you want a feature for audit logs to record the email 
addresses of users why they modify Datastore data? Can you post a 
screenshot of the Audit logs that do not currently contain this as it is 
not clear where you would like this implemented after removing all personal 
and sensitive information such as email address, keys, passwords, credit 
card information etc. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Issues with configuring React app for App Engine Standard Environment (Node.js 8 [beta])

2018-09-10 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
App Engine now supports Nodejs under a beta release 
. The 
tutorial goes though setting up an sample application 
Can you post screenshot of the 500 server errors and app.yaml you are using 
after removing all personal and sensitive information as it is not clear 
how you are configuring the yaml file. 

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[google-appengine] Re: Google Dictionary app for mobile (while unlocking mobile screen)

2018-09-06 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
To clarify is app google dictionary API a Google provided API or a personal 
one as it is not clear. Also you are expecting a Google mobile app? Is that 
one that you are developing? If so, any features that require updates would 
be the responsibility of the developer. 

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[google-appengine] Re: get_serving_url for images available in Ruby gem?

2018-08-21 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
This looks like a duplicate of this Groups post 
as been answered. 

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[google-appengine] Re: get_serving_url for Ruby gem?

2018-08-21 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
It seems Ruby is not a supported language for Images AP 
I. You can 
use App Engine Flex and implement a Ruby custom runtime 
 however only App 
Engine Standard has access to the Images service 
This feature request has been filed and you can updates on this feature 
using this issue tracker . Please 
note that feature requests are not guaranteed and there is no ETA on them.

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[google-appengine] Re: App engine to connect to Oracle on-premise instance

2018-08-08 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
This looks like a duplicate of this Google Groups post 

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[google-appengine] Re: Google app engine creating instances not in 'default internal' ip ranges?

2018-08-06 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine

On Thursday, August 2, 2018 at 3:13:49 PM UTC-4, Ryan Barker wrote:
> I am having issues that some of the instances that are being automatically 
> spun up by google app engine are not able to connect to my database. I have 
> a hunch the issue is that the problem relates to ip addresses outside of 
> the range of ip addresses that should be set up for internal machines.  
> Unfortunately (or fortunately) the problem resolved itself before I could 
> get the ip address of the machines that could not connect.
> 1) How can I find the logs of internal ip addresses that are being created?
> 2) What should the internal firewall ip range be set to? It is currently 
> set to 
> Thanks

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Using Process Managers

2018-07-31 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Can you provide the full details of the error when the restart is 
occurring(perhaps, a screenshot of the error) as it is not clear why a 
restart would be occurring. 

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[google-appengine] Re: What software can I use to create account billing for my customer using Google Cloud?

2018-07-27 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
Can you provide more context on how your application will be used as it not 
currently clear what functionality you are looking for? I assume since this 
was posted in the App Engine thread that you are planning on using App 
Engine? App Engine does have supported APIs 
will provide different functionality but there isn't currently an API for 
specifically creating account billing. 

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Using Process Managers

2018-07-26 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
The decision on whether or not to include a process manager really depends 
on your application and if it is critical that it avoids/minimizes 
downtime. As mentioned by Kenworth, including one would likely improve user 
experience but may increase resource usage and therefore cost.

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Using Process Managers

2018-07-25 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine
How you are planning to use the Process Manager? I can check to see if that 
functionality is supported. 

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[google-appengine] Re: App Engine Flexible NodeJS App adding Http2 in Nginx web server.

2018-07-17 Thread 'Julie (cloud platform support)' via Google App Engine

According to this Google Cloud Platform Blog post 
support for the HTTP/2 protocol is automatically negotiated as part of the 
TLS handshake via ALPN. This is done by default and the runtime used should 
not effect this. 

If you are using the default appspot.com address then it should already be 
served using HTTPS. If you’re request is not being served with HTTPS it's 
probably because a custom domain is being used. Please check that you have 
mapped the custom domain using these steps, updated the DNS records 

and then secure it with SSL 
either with the automatically provided one or by using your own. You can 
check to see if your website is secure using the tips detailed here 

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