Re: [google-appengine] Re: Project too successful - due to Arctic Sea Ice Drama.

2012-08-22 Thread Rob Coops
The big question for me is where are you serving these images from?
If you are serving them directly from NASA servers or from an alternative
source then you would most likely see very little traffic as most of it
will be just URI's pointing to the images. There are a lot of hosting
companies out there that claim to deliver unlimited bandwidth (not true I
am sure, but worth giving it a shot). GAE seems to have been purely at
delivering functionality actual content should be served from other
locations if you want to keep bill within reason.

If you are already showing people the images from an location other then
GAE you will have to choose to limit the amount of data people can consume
(only a static image no zooming, panning or any other fancy stuff)
informing visitors that you are unable to afford this functionality due to
the high bandwidth demands. If that still won't do it you could attempt to
find some company willing to sponsor your efforts, unfortunately the nature
of GAE means that portability is not to great so moving to an alternative
host will be difficult at best.

I have seen many projects that got sponsorship from companies
or government organisations to allow them to continue to provide the unique
information to viewers.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 11:40 AM, Richard Watson

 Which resources are being hit the hardest? Outgoing bandwidth?

 On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 6:51:45 AM UTC+2, Torsten Becker wrote:


 since two years I’m running a blog at GAE focusing the Arctic and as an
 unique feature a Google Map with daily high resolution Arctic satellite
 images from NASA was included. The NASA images need to be tiled, cached and
 served and this process runs on GAE, too.

 Usually interest is low during dark Arctic Winter and rises in September
 the time sea ice reaches its minimum extent. No problem so far with the
 free quota on outgoing bandwidth.

 This year is different: Latest Arctic storm reduced sea ice extent by a
 million square kilometers in a week and public interest was so high free
 quota was exhausted 5 hours after reset.

 Now - end of August - it is absolutely clear that this year will or has
 already broke all records in terms of sea ice minimum and makes a major
 step direction ice free-ness. When in a few years the Arctic lacks sea ice
 completely in September, it will change weather pattern all over the
 northern hemisphere - one explanation of accelerating public interests.

 I’d like to mention the project is ad free and totally beyond any
 economic interests. All I want is to keep it running and give everybody on
 the planet the chance to see with his own eyes how dramatic the situation
 in the Arctic is. True color satellite images are free of interpretation
 and do not lead to discussions whether there is sea ice or not.

 Here is the thing: If I enable billing to satisfy the need for pure
 information I’m bankrupt next month. If not 99% of the users are going to
 see nothing, get frustrated and possibly never come back.

 So my best option is to close the site now.

 What do you think?

 -- Torsten

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: Project too successful - due to Arctic Sea Ice Drama.

2012-08-22 Thread Rob Coops
That really depends on how you get your images...

Assuming the images are accessible via http on the NASA servers I would
begin by using that and let NASA deal with the traffic. Contact their web
admin and inform them about the expected traffic and ask them if this is
going to be a problem before you do so. No reason to upset a
US government agency if you don't have to ;-)

If NASA is not happy with the idea of so much additional traffic (I would
expect them to protest) or you cannot access the images via http but only
after logging in or via some other protocol etc.
Then I would basically find any provider that is offering web hosting where
I could run a code from cron or a similar scheduler and of course the
unlimited bandwidth bit in the conditions. After that simply run a script
from a scheduler to pull the images from NASA over to this host and figure
out a way to inform your app about the URI of the images and any other
additional data required (I would expect some geo-coding information would
be needed to place the images correctly)

In both situation your current application provides the Google maps API
with a URI to each of the images you want to overlay, this URI happens to
be pointing to your GAE instance but there is no reason for that it could
just as well point to another machine (like the one that you now have a
copy of the NASA images stored) As far as the Maps API is concerned there
is no problem it does it's thing and points the client to the image
location using the URI. The client follows the URI requests the image and
you save a lot of bandwidth.

That should do the trick, every image is now being served by NASA or
another provider and you only point the clients to a source where they can
cheaply access the images.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 1:09 PM, noiv wrote:

 Thanks Rob, Richard,

 the image tiles are directly served from GAE and only outgoing bandwidth
 limits capacity. I'm going to reach out in Winter for sponsoring, but the
 question is how to survive next 8 weeks?

 If I understand you correctly there might be an option to put a provider
 with unlimited bandwidth in front, so GAE serves each image only once. How
 could I start that?

 -- Torsten

 On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 11:55:13 AM UTC+2, Rob Coops wrote:

 The big question for me is where are you serving these images from?
 If you are serving them directly from NASA servers or from an alternative
 source then you would most likely see very little traffic as most of it
 will be just URI's pointing to the images. There are a lot of hosting
 companies out there that claim to deliver unlimited bandwidth (not true I
 am sure, but worth giving it a shot). GAE seems to have been purely at
 delivering functionality actual content should be served from other
 locations if you want to keep bill within reason.

 If you are already showing people the images from an location other then
 GAE you will have to choose to limit the amount of data people can consume
 (only a static image no zooming, panning or any other fancy stuff)
 informing visitors that you are unable to afford this functionality due to
 the high bandwidth demands. If that still won't do it you could attempt to
 find some company willing to sponsor your efforts, unfortunately the nature
 of GAE means that portability is not to great so moving to an alternative
 host will be difficult at best.

 I have seen many projects that got sponsorship from companies
 or government organisations to allow them to continue to provide the unique
 information to viewers.

  On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 11:40 AM, Richard Watson 

  Which resources are being hit the hardest? Outgoing bandwidth?

 On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 6:51:45 AM UTC+2, Torsten Becker wrote:


 since two years I’m running a blog at GAE focusing the Arctic and as an
 unique feature a Google Map with daily high resolution Arctic satellite
 images from NASA was included. The NASA images need to be tiled, cached and
 served and this process runs on GAE, too.

 Usually interest is low during dark Arctic Winter and rises in
 September the time sea ice reaches its minimum extent. No problem so far
 with the free quota on outgoing bandwidth.

 This year is different: Latest Arctic storm reduced sea ice extent by a
 million square kilometers in a week and public interest was so high free
 quota was exhausted 5 hours after reset.

 Now - end of August - it is absolutely clear that this year will or has
 already broke all records in terms of sea ice minimum and makes a major
 step direction ice free-ness. When in a few years the Arctic lacks sea ice
 completely in September, it will change weather pattern all over the
 northern hemisphere - one explanation of accelerating public interests.

 I’d like to mention the project is ad free and totally beyond any
 economic interests. All I want is to keep it running and give everybody on
 the planet the chance to see with his

Re: [google-appengine] Re: GAE starting unnecessary instances

2011-07-22 Thread Rob Coops
1/ Idle Always On instance  Spawning a new Dynamic instance
2/ Spawning a new Dynamic instance  Busy Always On instance
3/ Idle Dynamic instance  Busy Always On instance
4/ Idle Dynamic instance  Idle Always On instance

So App engine prefers to use bored Always On instances over spawning new
dynamic once that's good. If the Always On instances are busy it spawns a
new Dynamic instance good. If a Dynamic instance is bored but the Always On
once are busy the Dynamic instance gets the load still good.

But then you loose me if the Always one instance is idle the Dynamic
instance still gets the load, why?

In this last case I would expect the Always on instance to get the load
otherwise the Dynamic instance will keep on being busy and will not get
stopped because of it.

I don't know what the cost are of spawning and later destroying a Dynamic
instance but I cannot imagine that this is such a huge cost that you would
have to prefer using the Dynamic instances over the Always On once.

I believe that this last rule should read:
4/ Idle Always On instance  Idle Dynamic instance

In which case the Idle Always On instances would get the load and the bored
Dynamic instances would get cleaned up much faster then they are now.
I suspect this is a typo though as I cannot imagine that this is really the
setup but if it is I would say that is a candidate for change. :-)

The other thing I would suggest is altering the load balancing rules for
Dynamic instances from the picture painted in this email it looks like the
load balancing of multiple Dynamic instances is pretty much round robin (or
equal load based). If this would be changed to always try and load use one
Dynamic instance till the load reaches 80% or so before using the second one
and so on this would allow the despawning of excess Dynamic instances much
sooner then when one uses the current setup. This does mean a slightly
bigger hit in case of a serious failure of the currently preferred Dynamic
instance. Hence the 80% mark for the load which is arbitrarily chosen by
randomly picking a number above 50 and might need some more scientific work
to ensure that in an average scenario the remaining instances will usually
be able to take the load caused by the sudden death of an Dynamic instance.

From what I currently see it looks like the safest option has been chosen,
meaning that in all cases the service will remain active no matter what
happens but this means a significant cost on the customer side. I suspect
that many customers are happy with that, but I think that an equal amount of
them will want to see a situation where the costs are less likely to spike
while providing a similar albeit slightly less high availability solution.
It might be an interesting idea to offer several flavors of high
availability, ranging from the current supper safe but relatively
unpredictable cost to a pretty decent with very predictable costs one. I
have no idea if this is technically possible but something tells me that it
should not be that hard to do. And even if it is a little harder to do my
guess is that Google would be up to that task.

Well that's my two cents...



( reads as has priority for handling the incoming request)
2/ Spawning a new Dynamic instance  Busy Always On instance
4/ Idle Dynamic instance  Idle Always On instance

On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Johan Euphrosine wrote:

 HI Galoch,

 Thanks for the followup,

 I think you are experiencing a combinaison fo the two following rules
 I was pointing to in my previous email:
 ( reads as has priority for handling the incoming request)
 2/ Spawning a new Dynamic instance  Busy Always On instance
 4/ Idle Dynamic instance  Idle Always On instance

 Applied to your example it could means that:
 Resident Instance 1:   Requests: 49 Age: 1Hr
 Resident Instance 2:   Requests: 6  Age: 1Hr
 Resident Instance 3:   Requests: 2  Age: 1Hr
 Dynamic Instance 1:   Requests: 7  Age: 2min
 Dynamic Instance 2:   Requests: 291  Age: 1Hr
 Dynamic Instance 3:   Requests: 322  Age: 1Hr

 - 1 Hours ago while all your Always On instance were busy and you had
 a burst of incoming requests and the scheduler spawned new Dynamic
 instances as per rule 2/ highlighted above.
 - After the burst and back to normal traffic the new Dynamic Instances
 were handing incoming requests in priority as per rule 4/ highlighted
 - 2 Minutes ago all your instances Always On + Dynamic were busy again
 and the scheduler spawned a new Dynamic instance that handle 7
 incoming requests.

 Hope that make more sense for you and Francois, but as I said earlier
 we are open to suggestion and I will make sure someone working on the
 scheduler team monitor this thread for your input.

 On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 9:09 AM, Galoch wrote:
  The issue is not about Always On instance being busy. Its actually the
  other way ... the Always On instance is never busy ... at least that

Re: [google-appengine] Re: how to let the user sign-in as a different user

2011-07-14 Thread Rob Coops
The trick is the same as logging into Facebook using your Google account or
to Google+ using your Facebook account.

The first time a user visits your site even if they are logged in to another
Google product they are asked to allow this site to allow them to login
using their Google account. If they accept then in their Google account a
note is made that this site can now be logged into using their Google

The next time the user visits the site they will be asked to login to their
Google account, unless they are already logged in for instance via Google+
or Gmail. In that last case the Google account server will check the account
see that the site has already been approved by the user and thus log them in
without showing the screen asking them to allow the site.

So for a user to use a different login simply have them logout. Once done
send them to the login page again and Google will popup with the same
question with of course a login box. After all they just logged out of their
Google account...

So for you to be able to offer a switch user option you will have to ask the
users to logout and log back in with a different account or make it so that
your application sends the to the logout page and as soon as they return
back to the login page again. At the moment there is no switch user option
offered by Google so the ugly load logout page, load login page is the only
option if you want to use the Google authentication.

If you need to offer your users this switch user option you will have to
simply create your own login service at which point you should be able to
switch the user without all the page reloading in the middle.

On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 10:47 AM, Ernesto Oltra ernestoka...@gmail.comwrote:

 You don't have to delete any cookies from google; the GMail users DON'T log
 automatically, they have to give their permission; Google Accounts doesn't
 means GMail accounts, so @hotmail, @yahoo, etc. users can log to your
 application too. You should see:

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Re: [google-appengine] Re: SMSLib With Google App Engine

2011-07-12 Thread Rob Coops
You do realize that this means your site will only work as long as your
laptop is switched on and in reach of a cell tower so it can sent the SMS?

Anyway, I remember several years ago working with a SMS module connected to
a linux machine, what we did (as the http server ran on a different machine)
was simply send an email to a specific mail address, on the machine with the
SMS module a little script would poll the mailbox every few minutes and once
an email was found the body was read. The body contained something like

Sender user ID
Telephone number
Telephone number

Each telephone number on the list would all telephone numbers that would get
the message the Sender user ID was simply for internal tracking just in case
someone would send something that was less appreciated by the receiver(s)

Using the chanel or XMPP communication is an option but as you are going to
be using a laptop to do the sending you have to make the assumption that the
laptop will not be always on. By using the mailbox and the polling script
your mail server will cache the messages till your laptop is available
again and the polling script can be bothered to pick up the emails.
(of course the mail solution will introduce a bit more delay between the
user hitting the button and the SMS being send but with the sending system
being a laptop I have the feeling that this might not be such a big

Personally I don't see why this stuff should be done by a laptop but its
your system and I am sure you have a good reason to use the setup as you are
planning to do.



On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 4:37 PM, Rohit Bhat wrote:

 Thanks for the replies.

 I would want a free application preferably. That's the reason I chose
 SMSLib. Now although I can send and receive SMSes and perform other
 functions from my own laptop, the only hindrance is how to integrate it with

 So from what I gather, the suggestion by Gubbi seems to be the best. I'll
 look at the channel API and XMPP.

 Is there any other way?

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[google-appengine] WEB-INF\classes\appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.5.1.jar. Consider using --enable_jar_splitting.

2011-07-11 Thread Rob Coops
As the subject says this is the advice appcfg provides me: Found a jar
file too large to upload: C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Local\Temp
sdk-1.5.1.jar.  Consider using --enable_jar_splitting.

So here is what I do to try and fix this: C:\appcfg --
enable_jar_splitting update C:\Users\Rob\workspace\Dashbord\war

The result is the exact same error :-(

The weird thing is that I have been uploading this app several times
today but since this evening app engine doesn't like the appengine SDK
anymore :-/

Am I doing something silly or incorrect? Is there away to get my
project uploaded via a tool that is a little friendlier about the
Google supplied jar's :-)



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Re: [google-appengine] WEB-INF\classes\appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.5.1.jar. Consider using --enable_jar_splitting.

2011-07-11 Thread Rob Coops
This problem has been resolved.

The solution was to trash the project and start it over from an empty
project. This uploaded without any complaints and so far still does. The
reasons why appcfg decided to complain about the appengine api is beyond my
knowledge of the system. For the moment all is fine and I'll just pretend
that this was just bad luck or something and hope that it will not happen

On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 2:51 AM, Rob Coops wrote:

 As the subject says this is the advice appcfg provides me: Found a jar
 file too large to upload: C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Local\Temp
 sdk-1.5.1.jar.  Consider using --enable_jar_splitting.

 So here is what I do to try and fix this: C:\appcfg --
 enable_jar_splitting update C:\Users\Rob\workspace\Dashbord\war

 The result is the exact same error :-(

 The weird thing is that I have been uploading this app several times
 today but since this evening app engine doesn't like the appengine SDK
 anymore :-/

 Am I doing something silly or incorrect? Is there away to get my
 project uploaded via a tool that is a little friendlier about the
 Google supplied jar's :-)



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