[google-appengine] Region of Static IP

2019-09-23 Thread Terry Lin
I can't choose my VM when I want to change my external static IP option, is 
that both Static IP and my VM need to be in the same region?  Is it 
possible to assign a static IP from a VM in a different region? Many Thanks!

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[google-appengine] Region of Static IP

2019-09-23 Thread Terry Lin
I can't choose my VM when I want to change my external static IP option, is 
that both Static IP and my VM need to be in the same region?  Is it 
possible to assign a static IP from a VM in a different region? Many Thanks!

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[google-appengine] Google App Engine SSL Auto-Renewal

2019-04-24 Thread James Terry
Hi all,

I'm am trying to set up SSL Renewal on my domain name in Google App Engine. 
In Settings > Custom Domains, I select my domain and then click on Enable 
Managed Security. It prompts me with the following: 

domain.com is currently using certificate '$(certificateName)'. This 
> certificate will continue to be used until the Google-managed certificate 
> is activated. Are you sure you want to proceed?

I click ok and then get prompted with "Failed to activate certificate". 
Naturally, I tried to remove the previous SSL certificate but even after 
selecting it under the SSL certificates tab, the delete button is greyed 
out. When I hover over it, it says that, "To delete a certificate, it must 
not be in use by any domain across any project". I'm guessing that this 
means I have to stop the domain before I uninstall the certificate. I then 
disabled the domain and tried again and still, I got the same message. I've 
tried searching how to remove a certificate from being used but I get no 
good results.

Not stopping there, I tried working with the cloud console. According to 
I tried the following command, 

gcloud app domain-mappings update DOMAIN --certificate-management='AUTOMATIC'

This instead gave me an error saying the operation failed. This is the 

ERROR: (gcloud.app.domain-mappings.update) Error Response: [7] Caller is 
not authorized to administer the domain 'www.domain.com'. If you own 
'www.domain.com', you can ob
tain authorization by verifying ownership of the domain, or any of its 
parent domains, via the Webmaster Central portal: 
omain=www.domain.com. We reccomend verifying ownership of the largest scope 
you wish to use with subdomains (eg. verify 'example.com' if you wish to 
map 'subdomain.example.com'

Then, I click on the link provided which sent me to a page explaining 
domain verification. At the top of the page however, it says I'm already 
the verified owner of my domain. Now I'm confused as there doesn't seem to 
be any other logical progression to solving this problem. Could anyone help 
me out with this?

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[google-appengine] Re: [Newbie Questions] Setting up and test a local php app before deploying in QCP

2019-04-18 Thread Terry Middleton

This very much does help.  Thank you for your details responses.  This goes 
a long way in helping understand the big picture of GCP and how the pieces 
fit together.   

Truly, Thank You!


PS.  QCP was a typo.  I meant to type GCP.  Not sure how that happens as 
the G and Q are really far apart on the keyboard.

On Wednesday, April 17, 2019 at 8:25:10 PM UTC-5, Harmit Rishi (Cloud 
Platform Support) wrote:
> Hi Terry, 
> Thanks for using Google Groups!
> I am not too sure what QCP is. Would you be able to clarify what you mean 
> by that?
> In regards to your questions: 
> 1. What can I use to develop the PHP files locally, then test them?
> Since PHP is a scripting language that is suited for web development and 
> can be used to embed into HTML, you will need a local server to run your 
> PHP code. You can check out the official installation and configuration 
> guide that PHP offers on their official website here 
> <https://www.php.net/manual/en/install.php>.
> As for a code editor, there are plenty of free ones offered on the web. 
> Typically, the one you use is based on preference.
> 2.Is it truly just creating the php files in a directory structure and 
> declaring the app in the yaml file?
> It depends on the size of your application, you may want to consult this 
> documentation 
> <https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/php/configuration-files> 
> that highlights the configuration files required for PHP on App Engine 
> standard. 
> 3.How do I setup my local environment?  I followed the instructions on 
> this, yet I'm missing something because I don't see where I test it locally.
> You may use the PHP development server for App Engine standard here 
> <https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/php/tools/using-local-server#running_the_local_development_server>
> for local testing. This local dev server stimulates how your application 
> would run in production on App Engine. Additionally, the local development 
> server simulates the services provided by the libraries in the SDK for App 
> Engine (i.e: Datastore, Memcache, Task Queues, etc). You may follow the 
> instructions to set this up here 
> <https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/php/tools/using-local-server#running_the_local_development_server>
> .
> Side note: I believe it would be worth it for you to check out the 
> differences between our two App Engine environments (Flexible vs Standard) 
> here <https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/the-appengine-environments>. 
> I hope this helps!
> On Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at 2:47:23 PM UTC-4, Terry Middleton wrote:
>> Hello GAE Developers,
>> I am wanting to develop a PHP app and deploy in the QCP.   I'm so close, 
>> yet I'm missing something because I'm not there yet.
>> Here's what I have done so far.
>>- Downloaded the GCP SDK, PHP, App Engine, etc.  I've actually walked 
>>through deploying an php application (and it worked).
>> However, I have absolutely no idea what I did.  I just followed the 
>> instructions.  Although, I have somewhat of an idea.  I'm not 100% in the 
>> dark. I now understand what roll QCP plays and what it takes to push an app 
>> to QCP.  
>> What I really want to do is create the app in PHP, test it locally, then 
>> push it out to QCP.
>> My questions are:
>>- *What can I use to develop the PHP files locally, then test them?*
>>- *Is it truly just creating the php files in a directory structure 
>>and declaring the app in the yaml file?*
>>- *How do I setup my local environment?  I followed the instructions 
>>on this, yet I'm missing something because I don't see where I test it 
>> Any thoughts, directions, or insights would be so appreciated.  
>> Terry

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[google-appengine] [Newbie Questions] Setting up and test a local php app before deploying in QCP

2019-04-16 Thread Terry Middleton
Hello GAE Developers,

I am wanting to develop a PHP app and deploy in the QCP.   I'm so close, 
yet I'm missing something because I'm not there yet.

Here's what I have done so far.

   - Downloaded the GCP SDK, PHP, App Engine, etc.  I've actually walked 
   through deploying an php application (and it worked).

However, I have absolutely no idea what I did.  I just followed the 
instructions.  Although, I have somewhat of an idea.  I'm not 100% in the 
dark. I now understand what roll QCP plays and what it takes to push an app 
to QCP.  

What I really want to do is create the app in PHP, test it locally, then 
push it out to QCP.

My questions are:

   - *What can I use to develop the PHP files locally, then test them?*
   - *Is it truly just creating the php files in a directory structure and 
   declaring the app in the yaml file?*
   - *How do I setup my local environment?  I followed the instructions on 
   this, yet I'm missing something because I don't see where I test it 

Any thoughts, directions, or insights would be so appreciated.  


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[google-appengine] App Engine Type & Cost

2018-02-08 Thread Terry Caliendo
I'm trying to understand what it would cost to run a fairly simple app on 
Google App Engine.  I've tried the cost calculator, but I'm a bit unsure 
that I'm entering everything correctly (and/or reading the limits of the 
free tier correctly).  The simple app I'm developing is for a non-profit so 
I need to keep the cost extremely low.

*Basic App Info*
The app will be a specialized database of client information.   

The app will be very responsive for the user in that when the user makes a 
change to a field, the browser will send the change to the server after the 
focus moves away from the field (ie. the user won't be hitting a "submit" 
button to save the changes).  

Also, in similar fashion to the way google docs works, if two users have 
the same record open at the same time and one user makes an update to a 
field that gets saved (as outlined above), the system will send the change 
to the other user's browser to update the corresponding field.  

I'm primarily a php developer and this type of instant interaction is not 
well suited, because each instance of php/cgi is resource intensive.  Thus 
keeping a process alive to create a websocket type setup would put an 
unnecessary strain on the server.  And polling the server every 5 seconds 
via client side "pull" would also be intensive on the server.  

*Flexible Enviornment*
Thus I'm was looking at NodeJS as the development platform as I believe it 
would handle websockets with high efficiency.  But it appears as though 
Node JS needs to run in the "Flexible Environment", which does not have a 
free tier and appears as though it would be somewhat costly for the non 
profit at around $20-$40 per month (from articles I've read on the 

*Standard Environment*
The "Standard Environment" has a free tier that it seems like I may be able 
to keep this app within.  I think I'd probably choose to have the app 
developed in Python, but I'm open to suggestions as to what would be the 
best player for websockets (or server "push") in the Standard Envoronment.

*App Resource Needs*
My app will have about 5 users that will use the app on and off throughout 
their day.   Each of them would make approximately 5 changes per session, 
and browse approximately 10 records per session.And lets say each 
worker does 20 sessions per day, and that the sessions each last 10 
minutes.  So, with approx 23 work days per month, there would be about a 
total of 11,500 writes per month and 22,000 reads per month.  The total 
data stored on the database would be small, around 10MB.

>From what I'm gathering from the pricing, I'm absolutely in the free tier 
for the database usage, correct?

If I had the app built to run in the Standard Environment, it appears as 
though I can have one F1 instance running 24/7 for free.  At some point 
during the day the 5 users could all be accessing the app at the same time, 
so would one F1 instance (running Python) be able to handle 5 concurrent 
websocket connections with read/writes to the database?   

If so it appears as though I could get this app hosted for this non profit 
on google's platform for free.

Am I thinking about this in the correct way?  Are there any fees I'm likely 

Thanks for any suggestions and input.


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[google-appengine] Google App Engine Cost

2018-02-08 Thread Terry Caliendo
I'm trying to understand what it would cost to run a fairly simple app on 
Google App Engine.  I've tried the cost calculator, but I'm a bit unsure 
that I'm entering everything correctly (and/or reading the limits of the 
free tier correctly).  The simple app I'm developing is for a non-profit so 
I need to keep the cost extremely low.

*Basic App Info*
The app will be a specialized database of client information.   

The app will be very responsive for the user in that when the user makes a 
change to a field, the browser will send the change to the server after the 
focus moves away from the field (ie. the user won't be hitting a "submit" 
button to save the changes).  

Also, in similar fashion to the way google docs works, if two users have 
the same record open at the same time and one user makes an update to a 
field that gets saved (as outlined above), the system will send the change 
to the other user's browser to update the corresponding field.  

I'm primarily a php developer and this type of instant interaction is not 
well suited, because each instance of php/cgi is resource intensive.  Thus 
keeping a process alive to create a websocket type setup would put an 
unnecessary strain on the server.  And polling the server every 5 seconds 
via client side "pull" would also be intensive on the server.  

*Flexible Enviornment*
Thus I'm was looking at NodeJS as the development platform as I believe it 
would handle websockets with high efficiency.  But it appears as though 
Node JS needs to run in the "Flexible Environment", which does not have a 
free tier and appears as though it would be somewhat costly for the non 
profit at around $20-$40 per month (from articles I've read on the 

*Standard Environment*
The "Standard Environment" has a free tier that it seems like I may be able 
to keep this app within.  I think I'd probably choose to have the app 
developed in Python, but I'm open to suggestions as to what would be the 
best player for websockets (or server "push") in the Standard Envoronment.

*App Resource Needs*
My app will have about 5 users that will use the app on and off throughout 
their day.   Each of them would make approximately 5 changes per session, 
and browse approximately 10 records per session.And lets say each 
worker does 20 sessions per day, and that the sessions each last 10 
minutes.  So, with approx 23 work days per month, there would be about a 
total of 11,500 writes per month and 22,000 reads per month.  The total 
data stored on the database would be small, around 10MB.

>From what I'm gathering from the pricing, I'm absolutely in the free tier 
for the database usage, correct?

If I had the app built to run in the Standard Environment, it appears as 
though I can have one F1 instance running 24/7 for free.  At some point 
during the day the 5 users could all be accessing the app at the same time, 
so would one F1 instance (running Python) be able to handle 5 concurrent 
websocket connections with read/writes to the database?   

If so it appears as though I could get this app hosted for this non profit 
on google's platform for free.

Am I thinking about this in the correct way?  Are there any fees I'm likely 

Thanks for any suggestions and input.


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[google-appengine] Re: [Node JS] Is it possible to enable CORS

2017-09-18 Thread Terry Di Luzio
Hi Kenworth,

thank you for your answer. So if I have an error: "Response to preflight 
request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' 
header is present on the requested resource" my ExpressJS API CORS config 
is causing it ?
I've tried everything I could to reproduce it locally; it is as if my CORS 
config is omitted once deployed.

Le lundi 18 septembre 2017 00:42:09 UTC+2, Kenworth (Google Cloud Platform) 
a écrit :
> You do not need to add any new code to take advantage of CORS support on 
> Google App Engine, it will simply work as expected for Cloud Storage 
> buckets configured with CORS. This article 
> discusses Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in more detail.

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[google-appengine] [Node JS] Is it possible to enable CORS

2017-09-17 Thread Terry Di Luzio
Hi everyone,

Having CORS issues with my project I was wondering if anyone knows how to 
enable CORS in (Node JS) Google App Engine.

Thank you ;)

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[google-appengine] Re: I updated Google Eclipse Plugin to 3.6.0 and then could NOT deploy due to size limit of 150MB

2014-07-25 Thread Terry Parker

On Thursday, July 17, 2014 8:54:02 PM UTC-7, Rodrigo Teixo wrote:

 Hi All,

 After I updated from Google Eclipse Plugin from 3.4.2 to 3.6.0, it cannot 
 let me deploy. The message error is:
 *Applications are limited to 157286400 bytes of resource files, you have 

 I backup my eclipse version before de update and I could deploy again with 
 no code alteration.

 Its is very strange cause the staging directory after the end of 
 permutation is about 2.6Mb. Its much more during the compile. 

 I found something very curious searching for a solution for this error. I 
 found the snipet of code of appengine that produces this message in this 


 if (resourceTotal  resourceLimits.maxTotalFileSize()) {
   throw new LocalIOException(Applications are limited to 
   + resourceLimits.maxTotalFileSize() +  bytes of resource 
   + you have  + resourceTotal + .);

 And on same page looking for how resourceTotal is calculated we see that 
 is the sum of size of files relative to a variable called *basepath*.

 Looking for how this variable is initiated we find out this function:

 private File getBasepath() {
 File path = app.getStagingDir();
 if (path == null) {
   path = new File(app.getPath());
 return path;

 Look that it uses the staging directory, but if for some reason could not 
 return it uses de app directory witch in my case, the war directory is much 
 more than 150Mb and I think its my case.

 This code is very strange, cause if the staging directory could not be 
 returned it should gives a error and not make this adjustment that could 
 end in a quota limit.

 I am completed tied in this bug, cause its brings a lot of insecurity if 
 I could not deploy with new updates of google plugin.

 Aditional info:
 1 - That deploy folder is outside of the war directory with the -deploy 
 and -extra parameters.
 2 - I have about 50 jars with total 17Mb in WEB-INF/lib folder. With the 
 jars generated by appengine and gwt it goes to about 68Mb in the 
 WEB-INF/lib folder.
 3 - In my current app, under the versions tab of appengine dashboard the 
 sizes of the deployed versions are all more de 150Mb. (are this the same 
 number of the limit?)
 4 - I updated the latest versions gwt (2.6.0) and appengine(1.9.7) and 
 could deploy normally. I just cant update the Eclipse Plugin to 3.6.0.

 Any help would be very appreciated.

Hi Rodrigo,

This bug was fixed back in May and should be in the 1.9.7 SDK.  Is the GPE 
configured to use 1.9.7?  See 
https://developers.google.com/eclipse/docs/using_sdks. If you configure the 
GPE to use 1.9.7 but still see this issue let us know. Worst case you can 
launch your configuration that uses GPE 3.4.2, look at which AppEngine SDK 
it is using, and configure your GPE 3.6.0 version to use that SDK.


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[google-appengine] How to run this Python Script

2014-05-31 Thread Terry Smith
Hi there,

Just looking for a small bit of help in setting up the code in the link 


I want to scrape the Dublin bike data for a number of docking stations and 
monitor how the system is being used. 

Would anyone be able to give me a quick setup guide on how I could get this 
setup to scrape data using google app engine or indeed if this is possible?


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[google-appengine] Unable to access the Datastore Admin in my source application's Admin Console

2011-09-26 Thread Terry Beavers
I enabled the Datastore Admin for my source application using the
Built-in available on the Admin Console, but I am unable to access
through the Admin console and get the following error:

This webpage is not available
The webpage at
might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new
web address.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this web page later.
Error 118 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT): The operation timed out.

The app is not down nor has it been moved.

Any help in resolving this issue will be gratefully appreciated.

Thanks for your support,


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Re: [google-appengine] How to make this

2010-11-15 Thread terry lee
Thanks for your advice, but I'm in fact just interested in that if there
exists a way to make this by a software or some pieces of code, you know, we
may do this by simulate HTTP requests or things like that, so I just want to
find out a correct way to realize this.

2010/11/15 Barry Hunter barrybhun...@gmail.com

 You can paste in multiple email addresses into the box.

 On 15 November 2010 06:57, Terry qq3838...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi guys,
  I've recently created a Google Group myself, and I was planning to
  invite all of my friends to this group. But I'm really getting crazy
  because I have to add their email address one by one to the panel on
  the invitation page. So it came to my mind that if I could write a
  program to help me automatically invite friends to the group. Say, if
  I have all their email address in a text file, how can I automatically
  add them to my Google Group without opening the browser?
  I guess it may be similar to make some HTTP requests or things like
  that, but I don't know how to write the code, will you be so kind to
  provide me some advice or similar code resources?
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 Google App Engine group.
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[google-appengine] How to make this

2010-11-14 Thread Terry
Hi guys,
I've recently created a Google Group myself, and I was planning to
invite all of my friends to this group. But I'm really getting crazy
because I have to add their email address one by one to the panel on
the invitation page. So it came to my mind that if I could write a
program to help me automatically invite friends to the group. Say, if
I have all their email address in a text file, how can I automatically
add them to my Google Group without opening the browser?
I guess it may be similar to make some HTTP requests or things like
that, but I don't know how to write the code, will you be so kind to
provide me some advice or similar code resources?

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[google-appengine] I'm in need of this kind of engine

2010-11-12 Thread Terry
I want to find an program which could transfer my HTTP request to
Google App Engine, and fetch the result from the GAE, so it won't be
blocked by some firewalls, does anyone have any idea if there exists
such kind of program on GAE all ready?

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[appengine-java] Re: XMPP -- GAE in outage for our application

2010-05-19 Thread Terry
The same problem for my apps.

On May 19, 3:49 pm, Jerome jerome.mou...@gmail.com wrote:
 For at least two hours, most of our customers are unable to send XMPP
 messages to our GAE application.

 Checking in the logs, all the users unable to talk with our app do not
 have their Gtalk requests logged in /_ah/xmpp/message/chat/, so
 basically GAE does not receive or map the requests to the servlet.

 Surprisingly, there are a very few customers for which it is working
 ok, but again most of them are unable to reach the app.


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[appengine-java] Request was aborted after waiting too long to attempt to service your request

2010-05-06 Thread Terry
These days, the logs show these warnings frequently and get the
response code 500:
Request was aborted after waiting too long to attempt to service your
request. This may happen sporadically when the App Engine serving
cluster is under unexpectedly high or uneven load. If you see this
message frequently, please contact the App Engine team.

Each request will cause my app to fetch about 10 small web pages, but
it will complete in 30 seconds. A few days ago, it worked fine, but
now almost all these requests will get 500 from server.
Please Help!

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[google-appengine] is there some opensource 'wap cms' project for google app engine?

2009-10-05 Thread terry-wang

 I'm working for a wap cms application on google app engine. Could
you pls tell me that there is some open source 'wap cms' here, and
then i can use it as reference.
 many thanks.

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[google-appengine] Re: Alternate way to receive verification code than SMS?

2008-12-23 Thread Terry Jan Reedy

 I can help you get your account manually activated, I will follow up
 offline.  But what is the browser/OS you are using when you get the error
 you described?  I have not been able to get that message when testing on my

   Please fill out this form:

I just got my waitlist invitation and have same problem -- no mobile
phone.  I filled out above form, hit return, added signature, and got
same 'error message'.  I hit back button, removed sig and \n,
resubmitted, and that was apparently accepted.  FF3.0.5.

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