[google-appengine] Re: Is there any open source project/ticket management app that can be deployed on App Engine?

2009-09-04 Thread kugutsumen

I love Google Code and I really wish there was a commercial plan for
private projects.
It would fit nicely with Google Apps.

On Sep 4, 4:10 pm, Jaap Taal j...@q42.nl wrote:
 Seriously, don't wast time on building/porting/hacking/slashing a trac-like
 thing on GAE, use google code...

 On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Brandon N. Wirtz drak...@digerat.comwrote:

   Anything off the shelf will use flat files or SQL… neither of these
  technologies will work on GAE.  Porting the SQL calls to GQL is not an
  overwhelming task… but you would then be on your own branch so you’d be on
  yoru own for updates.

  In these situations it is generally best to deploy the app on a supported
  platform, and start off loading the bits that are easiest to do to GAE
  first, until eventually the whole app runs on GAE.

  I have done this with several of my installs… and find even getting 75%
  running on GAE can help my scalability.

  *From:* google-appengine@googlegroups.com [mailto:
  google-appeng...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Jaap Taal
  *Sent:* Friday, September 04, 2009 12:48 AM
  *To:* google-appengine@googlegroups.com
  *Subject:* [google-appengine] Re: Is there any open source project/ticket
  management app that can be deployed on App Engine?

  Use google code.


  On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 4:38 PM, arpit mathur.ar...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have just started with GAE and one of the things I'd like to do is
  deploy something like Trac or RedMine to track the project we are
  working on. Unfortunately Trac doesnt work on GAE since it needs MySQL
  or similar relational database. Is there any app for tracking projects/
  ticket management for GAE?

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[google-appengine] Re: Snow Leopard Compatibility

2009-08-31 Thread kugutsumen

No problem here (I have been using Snow Leopard for several months
already... and I have been
using the GM build since it was first seeded a few weeks ago.

The only issue is that App Engine depends on python2.5 so
it shouldn't try to use the default python and specify python2.5 on
the first
line of every script. Did anyone file an issue for this?

On Aug 31, 11:41 am, Robert Kluin robert.kl...@gmail.com wrote:
 That is what I expected as well, but so far I have not found any issues.  My
 biggest concern is stuff working locally but not working on the production
 servers -- so far so good.


 On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 6:35 PM, Ross Karchner rosskarch...@gmail.comwrote:

  This is just speculation (my copy of SL arrives tomorrow) but since
  Launcher uses the system python by Default, and on Snow Leopard the
  system python is 2.6.1-- There's bound to be *some* problems, right?

  2.6 isn't supported yet (per

  On Aug 29, 2:15 pm, Robert Kluin robert.kl...@gmail.com wrote:
   I have done basic testing on 4 apps, so far all seem to be running fine.

   RobertOn Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Koen Bok k...@madebysofa.com

I'm quite curious for this too. Anyone else?

On Aug 29, 2:21 pm, Paul Kinlan paul.kin...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have not seen any problems but I have only just updated.

 2009/8/29 bentford blarg...@gmail.com

  Does anyone have any news about running the Google App Engine
  on snow leopard?  Any issues?

  I'm about to upgrade my development machine, so I'll post my
  soon.  But I thought I'd ask.
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[google-appengine] Re: Datastore writes are temporarily unavailable

2009-08-18 Thread kugutsumen

Thanks a lot for the link.

That's extremely short notice and I didn't know the downtime notify
group even existed.

Maybe a link to that group on the status page would be useful. Instead
the status reports points back to the google-appengine group:

If you feel we have incorrectly diagnosed this issue please inform us
by posting in our developer forum.

On Aug 18, 11:44 pm, Joshua Smith joshuaesm...@charter.net wrote:

 This was announced yesterday.
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[google-appengine] Datastore writes are temporarily unavailable

2009-08-18 Thread Kugutsumen

Just got the following exception:

Please see http://code.google.com/status/appengine for more

The status page doesn't say anything. I am not the only one affected
this issue as jaiku.com is broken too, you can't login (Jaiku |
Something Broke :().
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[google-appengine] Re: Eating one's own dog food

2009-07-17 Thread kugutsumen

I am working on three toy projects using Google App Engine. I chose
GAE  because it
was the cheapest and most practical solution (no time wasted in sys
admin, installation, hardening, etc...). Working with GAE is a lot of
fun, I'm learning new things every day  and
I get to interact with some of the coolest engineers at Google. It's
unbelievable how much
they are giving back to the community (tons of open source projects
and libraries, Google
IO sessions...)

Amazon is garbage. a) I found their offering super expensive; b)
virtualization is a security and performance nightmare c) their
network infrastructure and international connectivity is really bad;
you talk about eating your dog food, Amazon can't even serve its own
ads and banners reliably, they take forever to load. Two weeks ago,
our basecamp and highrise was lagging like crazy... can you guess what
was the root cause? The static images are hosted on s3 and were taking
60 seconds to load.

For their initial proof of concept, Serge and Larry used a disparate
cluster of salvaged and borrowed computers. You can still take this
very same approach using AppScale, an open-source GAE implementation
(it's sponsored by Google) and it lets you run GAE on top of Amazon or
whatever else you have. You can also rent cheap Quad core servers with
8GB of RAM and 2TB of bandwidth from Hetzner for 40 EUR per month (I
use one of these as a staging server for bulk uploads)

On Jul 15, 11:53 pm, richard emberson richard.ember...@gmail.com
 Eating one's own dog 
 or in this case:
 Using one's own cloud.

 Amazon' cloud is based upon the IT technology they use
 within Amazon.
 Salesforce.com's Force.com offering is what they used to
 build their CRM system.

 These cloud vendors Eat their own dog food.

 If a cloud vendor does not use their cloud offering for
 their other products and/or internal systems, one
 would have to assume that the cloud is viewed as
 a technology ghetto within their own corporation - good
 enough for others but not for ourselves.

 So, concerning the Google App Engine, are other groups
 within Google clamoring to port or build their offerings
 on top of the App Engine? If so, please be specific, what
 Google products and infrastructure and what are the schedules
 for their hosting on GAE?

 Is the GAE group supporting the Google Docs group as they
 move to use GAE? How about gmail, will the Google Gmail
 group be relying on GAE support? I have not seen emails
 from either of those internal Google groups on the GAE
 mailing list. Lastly, when will Google search be supported
 by the GAE group;

 Will those groups have to live under the same quota restrictions
 while they evaluate using GAE?  If not, why not? If they
 are unreasonable for an internal evaluation, what makes them
 reasonable for an external evaluation?

 Evaluating whether or not GAE should be used for a particular
 application is not FREE even if one gets a very small slice
 of GAE resources with which to do the evaluation.
 Tens or hundreds of hours go into determine if GAE has
 the right characteristics and quotas that limit how fast one
 can work makes it worse. (Yes one can $$ for higher quotas,
 but during the evaluation phase $$ is out of the question.)

 Richard Emberson

 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
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[google-appengine] Re: : full-text search for app-engine-patch/Django

2009-06-26 Thread kugutsumen

One happy customer here (probably one of the first :) )

Impressive work from Waldemar and Thomas! I'm going to play
with gae-search over the weekend. I might use it to let people
search version banners my nkill gae project.
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[google-appengine] Re: Costumize google log-in page.

2009-05-27 Thread Kugutsumen

You should create a related issue. I'm sure a lot of people will like
this feature request and star it.

On May 26, 6:01 pm, winzter143 lover.winzter...@gmail.com wrote:

 I dont known if this is the right place to post my question.

 It assign me a task that can customize our google log-in pages.

 Like doubleclick.com. youtube .com, orkut.com makes.

 this are the URLs,


 Can i do like this, that customize  the google log-in pages that can
 view our LOGO and some describe for our site.

 i grad to hear your suugestion on how to do the task.

 Thanks in advance..

 --- winzter143
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[google-appengine] Re: Datastore usage ~ 80 times more than expected (Add your vote to a datastore usage accounting feature)

2009-05-09 Thread Kugutsumen

Two weeks ago, I've sent my applications ID to both you and Nick and I
haven't heard from you since then.

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[google-appengine] Re: Datastore usage ~ 80 times more than expected (Add your vote to a datastore usage accounting feature)

2009-04-30 Thread Kugutsumen

I've sent you my ID.

Thanks for looking into this.

On Apr 29, 4:06 am, Jason (Google) apija...@google.com wrote:
 Can you both provide your application IDs so I can investigate a bit?

 - Jason

 On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Kugutsumen kugutsu...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Apr 23, 4:47 am, Panos pa...@acm.org wrote:
   I have also been puzzled at times on where the space is going. I filed
   this request today:

   More granular accounting of how datastore space is used

   Please browse to the issue and add your vote/star if you want to see
   this feature implemented.


  I also think there is something wrong.

  I have 2.3M Domain records and the source CSV is only 63 megabytes,
  no composite index. The dashboard claims I am using 3GB !?!
  (3.03 of 101.00 GBytes)

  This is my base expando model:

  class Domain(db.Expando):
   name = db.StringProperty(required=True, verbose_name='FQDN')
   revname = db.StringProperty(verbose_name='Reverse FQDN')
   since = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

  I am ready to upload 102M more records, I guess I am going to wait
  until this issue is resolved.

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[google-appengine] Bulk uploading to App Engine is faster than you think

2009-04-30 Thread Kugutsumen


One of the things that really worried me when I started porting the
nkill project to App Engine was the speed at which I could upload data
to the app engine datastore.

I kept seeing threads indicating that it was a slow and painful
Luckily, bulkupload.py isn't bad at all! I suspect that the bottleneck
is upload speed. Typically home users have asymnetric bandwidth
wherein the download speed is significantly higher than the upload
speed which is typically capped at 256-512 kbit/s.

Here are some stats:

2332970 entities in 21112.7 seconds (that's 2.3M in about 5 hours and
110 entities per second.)

I split my input CSV into 10,000 line files and used the following
bulkloader.py (SDK 1.2.0) options:

--rps_limit=250 --batch_size=50

I am pretty sure there is room for improvement. I tried to use
conservative values to minimize CPU usage and stay under the quota
radar (I still managed to get in the red).

The following parameters will affect the speed at which you can

--batch_size= (max 500)
--num_threads= (default 10)
--rps_limit= (default 20)
--http_limit= (default 8)

I'll do a follow-up post since I have several million records to
upload. Hopefully I'll find the sweet spot.

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[google-appengine] Re: Datastore usage ~ 80 times more than expected (Add your vote to a datastore usage accounting feature)

2009-04-25 Thread Kugutsumen

On Apr 23, 4:47 am, Panos pa...@acm.org wrote:
 I have also been puzzled at times on where the space is going. I filed
 this request today:

 More granular accounting of how datastore space is 

 Please browse to the issue and add your vote/star if you want to see
 this feature implemented.


I also think there is something wrong.

I have 2.3M Domain records and the source CSV is only 63 megabytes,
no composite index. The dashboard claims I am using 3GB !?!
(3.03 of 101.00 GBytes)

This is my base expando model:

class Domain(db.Expando):
  name = db.StringProperty(required=True, verbose_name='FQDN')
  revname = db.StringProperty(verbose_name='Reverse FQDN')
  since = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

I am ready to upload 102M more records, I guess I am going to wait
until this issue is resolved.

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[google-appengine] Re: Intercepting Model Creation

2009-03-29 Thread Kugutsumen

Here is another way to check if an instance is saved without
checking _from_entity.

from google.appengine.ext import db
import types

class A(db.Model):  # works with Expando too
name = db.StringProperty(required=True)

def __init__(self, _is_new=True, key_name=None, _app=None,
   _from_entity=False, parent=None, **kwds):
if not parent and type(_is_new) is not types.BooleanType:
parent = _is_new
print # before __init__: is new %s % bool(_is_new)
super(db.class_for_kind(self.kind()), self).__init__(parent,
key_name, _app, _from_entity, **kwds)
print # after __init__: is new %s % bool(_is_new)

a = A(key_name=ka,name=a)
# before __init__: is new True
# after __init__: is new True

b = A(parent=a,key_name=kb, name=b)
# before __init__: is new True
# after __init__: is new True

c = A.all()[0]
# before __init__: is new False
# after __init__: is new False

c = A.get(a.key())
# before __init__: is new False
# after __init__: is new False

c = A.get_by_key_name(a.key().name())
# before __init__: is new False
# after __init__: is new False

When you try to get model instances using db.Model.get,
Model.get_by_key_name, etc. db.get(keys) will be called to get the
entities from the datastore and convert them to models instances using
the class method Model.from_entity(entity). Query fetches also use
from_entity to return model instances.

In from_entity, the model instance is called this way: cls(None,
_from_entity=True, **entity_values). It passes None to the parent
argument; when you retrieve an entity
parent and key_name are never passed to the model's __init__  so it is
to grab it with _is_new and make the default True.

Now that I wasted more time with this ad-hockery, I am going to stick
with the _from_entity method which is much cleaner.
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[google-appengine] Re: Intercepting Model Creation

2009-03-27 Thread Kugutsumen

On Mar 23, 11:27 am, Kugutsumen kugutsu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Same problem here; I starred 844.

 In the meantime if I need to check within __init__ if an entity is
 in the datastore I use this ugly workaround:

 bool(self.is_saved() or kwds.has_key('_from_entity') and kwds

There is a typo, to test if an entity is in the datastore in the
__init__ method, use:

if self.is_saved() or _from_entity:

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[google-appengine] Re: Intercepting Model Creation

2009-03-22 Thread Kugutsumen

Same problem here; I starred 844.

In the meantime if I need to check within __init__ if an entity is
in the datastore I use this ugly workaround:

bool(self.is_saved() or kwds.has_key('_from_entity') and kwds

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[google-appengine] Re: quick data upload?

2009-03-21 Thread Kugutsumen

On Mar 21, 2:53 pm, neoedmund neoedm...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mar 20, 10:20 pm,Kugutsumenkugutsu...@gmail.com wrote:

  Out of curiosity what is your upload bandwidth? Have you ever tried
  uploading a video on youtube or Google Video for example.

  For example in Indonesia, the best internet access you can get is via
  cable. They give you  3 mbit downstream but the upload bandwidth is
  ridiculously slow, only 128kbit or 256kbit. It takes forever to upload
  anything. To avoid this problem, I usually rsync everything on one of
  my dedicated host in Germany then upload from there.

  I'm about to upload 8 gig of data to App Engine; I'll share my

 Hi, since the data quota is 1GB, how could you upload 8 GB?

If you are a billed user, quotas are different and adjustable:

Incoming bandwidth  10.40 GBytes / 24h
Stored Data: up to  41.00 GBytes / 24h
Url Fetch: 1046.13 GBytes / 24h

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[google-appengine] Re: quick data upload?

2009-03-20 Thread Kugutsumen

Out of curiosity what is your upload bandwidth? Have you ever tried
uploading a video on youtube or Google Video for example.

For example in Indonesia, the best internet access you can get is via
cable. They give you  3 mbit downstream but the upload bandwidth is
ridiculously slow, only 128kbit or 256kbit. It takes forever to upload
anything. To avoid this problem, I usually rsync everything on one of
my dedicated host in Germany then upload from there.

I'm about to upload 8 gig of data to App Engine; I'll share my

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