[google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway (nginx)

2020-05-05 Thread Amit Singh
I am getting 502 Bad Gateway (nginx) error. I have deployed spring boot 
application as jar file to GCP. But it give me error as 502 bad getway when 
I tried to access the url. 
Why I'm getting such type of issue. Here i'm also attaching image. 

[image: 502 Bad Gateway.png]
Can anyone help?

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[google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway nginx and how to re-deploy

2020-04-23 Thread jane B

When I followed the guide for "Running Django on the App Engine standard 
environment" : https://cloud.google.com/python/django/appengine and 
deployed the app when I went onto the browser I received a 502 Bad Gateway 
Nginx  error. I think I did not connect to MySQL correctly. I think I fixed 
this issue and I want to re-deploy my app using gcloud app deploy .

After following the guideline again (basically redoing it) I get this error 
File upload done.

ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) INVALID_ARGUMENT: This deployment has too many 
files. New versions are limited to 1 files for this app.

- '@type': type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.BadRequest


  - description: This deployment has too many files. New versions are 
limited to 1

  files for this app.

field: version.deployment.files[...]

I want to know how to re-deploy the app with the correct code. how am I 
suppose to go about this?

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[google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway Please try again in 30 seconds... :(

2019-12-16 Thread Piotr Zerynger
The project I have troubles is a swagger genarated spring boot java project 
(more than 160 java files).
Locally on intellij works well and fast.

After executing
 mvn clean spring-boot:run 

on gclod console the project starts and I see the default generated page on 
the browser.

After executing
 mvn  appengine:deploy 

on gclod console I always see this message on the browser:
*Error: Server Error*
*The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your 
*Please try again in 30 seconds.*

Or This error:
*502 Bad Gateway*

This are the last messages from gcloud console (afterbmvn  

[INFO] GCLOUD: latest: digest: 
size: 2209
[INFO] GCLOUD: Updating service [default] (this may take several minutes)...
[INFO] GCLOUD: Setting traffic split for service [default]...
[INFO] GCLOUD: ...done.
[INFO] GCLOUD: Deployed service [default] to 
[INFO] GCLOUD: You can stream logs from the command line by running:
[INFO] GCLOUD:   $ gcloud app logs tail -s default
[INFO] GCLOUD: To view your application in the web browser run:
[INFO] GCLOUD:   $ gcloud app browse
[INFO] Total time:  05:03 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-12-15T17:33:22+01:00
p_zerynger@cloudshell:~/PolishAPI_sample (polishapi-psd2)$

*In logs there are no errors.*
A basic super simple spring boot hello world project works but not that 
swagger generated big one.

Please Help me. Thank you.

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[google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway error - upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream

2019-08-01 Thread Muthuvel
I'm using wordpress in Google App Engine. When I make a POST API, getting 
an Error : "upstream sent too big header while reading response header from 
upstream". which returns 502, Bad Gateway, nginx

The data(JSON) i'm sending in POST API is around 4kb. If the Data is sent 
below 2kb API returns success.

I tried App Engine Standard and Flexible Environment, but facing the same 

As per this link: upstream sent too big header while reading response 
header from upstream 

Modifying the nginx-app.config file with buffers will fix this issue. But 
it's not working.

In App Engine, the default nginx-app.config looks like.

location / {
try_files $uri /index.php?q=$uri&$args;

location ~ ^/wp-admin {
try_files $uri $uri/index.php?$args;

Not sure where I need to add these proxy buffers.

I tried adding the proxy buffers inside the default locations as shown 
below, but it didn't help.

location / {
try_files $uri /index.php?q=$uri&$args;
fastcgi_buffers 16 16k;
fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;
proxy_buffer_size 16k;
proxy_buffers 4 32k;
proxy_busy_buffers_size 32k;

Kindly help me to fix this issue.

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[google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway on GAE FLEX for Node JS Express App using WSS

2019-06-28 Thread Sai M

I have been working on proof of concept  to demonstrate an idea i have been 
researching on. This idea is based on Google's Dialogflow, TogetherJS and 

The Application uses WebSockets to create real time chat app based message 
Application is perfectly fine on my local machine but when i deployed it on 
GAE i am getting "502 Bad Gateway" error repeatedly.

Initially i deployed the app on GAE SE, i got the same error, but after 
some research i found that WebSockets are not yet supported on GAE SE.  So 
i have deployed the app on GAE FLEX, but still i am getting the same issue.

I am not even able to load main landing page of the Application and getting 
into this "502 Bad Gateway".

Request for any help  / guidance where i am going wrong and this is my 
first Application trying to make it work on GAE.

Thanks in advance


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[google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway

2019-03-11 Thread Amit kumar
Locally django app is working fine but on being deployed with docker on 
GAE, it is giving 502 Bad Gateway error. 

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[google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway on a PHP GAE Standard - no app logs

2018-10-17 Thread Maxime Lebastard


We've got a Node Express app on a GAE standard instance. It calls a PHP 
service on another GAE standard instance - through a server-to-server http 

Most of the time it works well, but since our first production deployment 
we had a few (32 times) 502 Bad Gateway errors every day on that request.

By looking to the trace logs:

   - I can see the NodeJS errors (getting a 502 response, throwing an 
   exception etc...), 
   - I can see a first log at 22:59:52.974 http_load_balancer WARN log 
   because a 502 error has been returned.  jsonPayload.statusDetail value is 
   - I can see a second log at 22:59:52.979 http_load_balancer WARN log 
   because a 502 error has been returned. jsonPayload.statusDetail value is 

But I can't see any trace on the PHP service. I checked the health calls of 
the same timeframe for the PHP service, all the healthchecks return a 200 

My guess is a network error from Google Cloud - or maybe a latency matter, 
but is there a way I can diagnose and fix that ? What can be the causes of 
a load balancer returning a Bad Gateway whereas the GAE instance is up and 
running ?


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[google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway openresty

2018-06-19 Thread Gcn Comunicação

By including HTTPS in my main domain it presents the 502 error. However in 
submodels https works correctly. How can I fix this?

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[google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway

2018-02-27 Thread Carlos Martínez
I deployed my django project in GAE and I get the 502 Bad Gateway error on 
all pages except the main one. 
The previous version was working, but is not working since I added API 
calls for storage (storages.backends.gcloud.GoogleCloudStorage). 
I added environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS in both 
settings.py and app.yaml. Log shows this error:

[error] 32#32: *111 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading 
response header from upstream, client: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, server: , request: "GET 
/accounts/login/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: 
"http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/accounts/login/";, host: ".appspot.com", 
referrer: "https://.appspot.com/";

I posted a question in stackoverflow too and I get no answer. I spent 2 days in 
this and can't get it working.

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[google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway nginx google app engine

2017-11-01 Thread 'Oluwatobi Omotayo' via Google App Engine
Hello, I'm just trying app engine for the first time. I followed through 
the Hello world application and I was able to deploy it successfully. 
However, I went on to deploy my own app from my computer, everything was 
working perfectly, but when I deployed using gcloud, a new version was 
created and the previous one was stopped. After deployment was complete I 
navigated to the URL of my app and I'm getting 502 Bad Gateway nginx. I've 
checked the logs nothing seems to be wrong. Please help resolve this quickly

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[google-appengine] 502 Bad gateway error

2017-02-06 Thread Vinay Chitlangia
We are seeing intermittent occurrences of 502 Bad Gateway error in our 
About 0.5% requests fail with this error.

Out setup is:
Flex running jetty9-compat
F1 machine
1 server

Our request pattern is bursty. So the server gets ~30 requests in parallel. 
The failures, when they happen are clustered, that is over a period of 
10'ish seconds one would see 3-4 errors.

The requests which complete successfully, finish in 50-100 ms, so it does 
not appear like the server is under major load and not able to keep up.
To rule out this possibility, I started the servers with 5 replicas. 
However the failure percentage did not change.

>From the looks of it, it appears that there is some throttling or quota 
issue at play. I tried tweaking max-concurrent-requests param. Set it to 
300, but that did not make any difference either.

I do not see new instances being created at the time of failure either.

The request log for the failed request:
09:57:30.686POST502262 B4 msAppEngine-Google; (+
http://code.google.com/appengine; appid: s~village-test)/read - - [07/Feb/2017:09:57:30 +0530] "POST /read HTTP/1.1" 502 
262 - "AppEngine-Google; (+http://code.google.com/appengine; ms=4 cpu_ms=0 
cpm_usd=2.9278e-8 loading_request=0 instance=- 
app_engine_release=1.9.48 trace_id=-
protoPayload: {…}  
insertId: "58994cb30002335cb47fd364"  
httpRequest: {…}  
resource: {…}  
timestamp: "2017-02-07T04:27:30.686052Z"  
labels: {…}  

operation: {…}  

Looking around at other logs at around the time of failure I see. 
09:57:30.000[error] 32#32: *35107 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by 
peer) while reading response header from upstream, client:, 
server: , request: "POST /read HTTP/1.1", upstream: "";, host: "bigtable-dev.appspot.com"
AFAICT this request never made it to our servlet.

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[google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway error

2017-02-06 Thread Vinay Chitlangia
We are seeing intermittent occurrences of 502 Bad Gateway error in our 
About 0.5% requests fail with this error.

Out setup is:
F1 machine
1 server

Our request pattern is bursty. So the server gets ~30 requests in parallel. 
The failures, when they happen are clustered, that is over a period of 
10'ish seconds one would see 3-4 errors.

The requests which complete successfully, finish in 50-100 ms, so it does 
not appear like the server is under major load and not able to keep up.
To rule out this possibility, I started the servers with 5 replicas. 
However the failure percentage did not change.

>From the looks of it, it appears that there is some throttling or quota 
issue at play. I tried tweaking max-concurrent-requests param. Set it to 
300, but that did not make any difference either.

I do not see new instances being created at the time of failure either.

The request log for the failed request:
09:57:30.686POST502262 B4 msAppEngine-Google; 
(+http://code.google.com/appengine; appid: s~village-test)/read - - [07/Feb/2017:09:57:30 +0530] "POST /read HTTP/1.1" 502 
262 - "AppEngine-Google; (+http://code.google.com/appengine; ms=4 cpu_ms=0 
cpm_usd=2.9278e-8 loading_request=0 instance=- 
app_engine_release=1.9.48 trace_id=-
protoPayload: {…}  
insertId: "58994cb30002335cb47fd364"  
httpRequest: {…}  
resource: {…}  
timestamp: "2017-02-07T04:27:30.686052Z"  
labels: {…}  

operation: {…}  

Looking around at other logs at around the time of failure I see. 
09:57:30.000[error] 32#32: *35107 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by 
peer) while reading response header from upstream, client:, 
server: , request: "POST /read HTTP/1.1", upstream: 
"";, host: "bigtable-dev.appspot.com"
AFAICT this request never made it to our servlet.

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[google-appengine] 502 BAD Gateway NodeJs and MongoDb

2017-02-03 Thread Kriti das
I started getting the 502 error when I did a gcloud deploy of the nodejs 
app. check -  https://transm-157601.appspot.com/#

The 502 error is only coming in POST commands and that too for login and 
register attempts. I went through lot of solutions out here and did the 
following to my app.yaml -

# [START app_yaml]
runtime: nodejs
env: flex
- url: /.*
  script: app.js
  secure: always
instances: 1
  cpu: 1
  memory_gb: 2
  disk_size_gb: 10
  - name: ramdisk1
volume_type: tmpfs
size_gb: 1
# [END app_yaml]

But nothing seems to help! I am still getting the 502 error from both 
postman and chrome. 


Github - https://github.com/kritird/transM

Can you please let me know.

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[google-appengine] 502 bad gateway - flexible environment n1-standard-1

2016-04-11 Thread Deepak Singh
Dear Team,

We just upgraded to flexible environment with n1-standard-1 and started
getting 502 / 503 most frequently.

App is configured with Cloudflare so we raised an incident with cloudflare
and here is the result that they provided


Origin server is responding to 502 /503 for around 70% requests.

Pls let us know.


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[google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway

2011-01-24 Thread engin . tekin

I've made all dns settings and the site was working, but for some time it's 
getting this error (502 Bad Gateway), I tried some things (I deleted 
re-added domain name vs.) but I couldn't correct it, can you help me?


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Re: [google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway from High Performance Images

2010-09-14 Thread Ikai Lan (Google)
Are you seeing the 502 errors on the images themselves or calling
getServingUrl()? Can you provide some example URLs that are causing errors?

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 11:30 AM, jorge  wrote:

> I'm getting a lot of 502 errors from images served by the high
> performance image servers.  Anyone else seeing this?
> --
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> http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine?hl=en.

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[google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway from High Performance Images

2010-09-14 Thread jorge
I'm getting a lot of 502 errors from images served by the high
performance image servers.  Anyone else seeing this?

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[google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway

2009-07-21 Thread Takashi Matsuo

Hi list,

Out of the blue, all my apps and admin console started to throw 502 Bad Gateway.
Is there anyone experiences the same issue?

Takashi Matsuo

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[google-appengine] 502 Bad Gateway on XMLHttpRequest from Firefox Extension

2008-11-08 Thread Gijsbert


I have a Firefox extension that sends an XMLHttpRequest multipart/form-
data request to my GAE application to upload a png screengrab (request
uses code taken from 
All is well on my dev server and on .appspot.com.
However, sending the same request to the same app through my own
domain (registered through Google Apps, CNAME with ghs.google.com)
gives me HTTP status 502 Bad Gateway after about 20 seconds. The
message body has some blurp about temporary error and try again in 30
seconds, but retrying gives the same result.

Does anybody have an idea on how to debug this further?
The logs on the admin console on appspot.com does not show any
activity for these requests. And the logs for the same request to
appspot.com look fine, they don't take very long (<400ms,
<1000mcycles) and return less than 1KB json status (I am testing with
small screengrabs, so the form-data is < 10KB).
I believe ghs.google.com proxies requests, is there some restriction


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