[appengine-java] Re: How to exclude the optional jars for deployment?

2010-04-21 Thread Jake
No problem :)

 Hm, I think that if you had chosen to set the This project has a war
 directory setting, and set it to src/main/webapp, this error could have
 gone away.

Yup, I discovered that eventually - it was all about the ordering.  I
think the best solution here would either give a more specific step-by-
step process for GAE users (since the current correct path is to
follow the instructions for non-Java EE Eclipse users) and/or have the
error message that pops up give a hint about setting the WAR

 I think for runtime, they are referring to the server on which your
 application will run. The best thing was indeed to select none, because
 App Engine's server is not one of the choices. The default configuration is
 a good choice too, unless you want to add other stuff, like Web Services,
 JSF, etc..

 We should improve the doc in our FAQ.

I'm a cog in a slightly larger programming machine.  So, when it comes
to Eclipse, I know just enough to get my applications running and then
I spend all my time in the Java trenches.  I know it's not Google's
job to write FAQs for Eclipse, but you did such a great job with the
other steps (in description) that it would be nice to have
explanations here.  As you say, the default worked, but you suggest
adding other stuff like Web Services and JSF which, I'll admit, I
know nothing about those words other than I see them a lot on these
forums :)  The GAE documentation frequently points people to other
places where they can learn about non-GAE technologies - I hope that
you do it here, too :)

 Looks like we need to have some sort of break-out in the FAQ for those users
 that are working with App Engine-only projects.

Yes, please, if only to point to the correct help documents
elsewhere.  Again, by a hint from someone else in another forum, I
followed the steps for non-Java EE Eclipse users (even though I use
the Eclipse Java EE version).

 Couldn't you have gone back to Use Specific SDK, and chosen the one listed
 on your build path (instead of having to use one of the SDKs that are
 installed with the plugin)?

I apologize...I have since had to wipe this test project (and the
Eclipse installation) for completely unrelated reasons, so I can't
reproduce anything at the moment - though I still have the pom.xml.
From memory, though, I believe changing the option in the Google menus
did not change the SDK that was listed in the Eclipse build path.

 Can you elaborate on the pom.xml-related problem? Was this GPE reporting an
 error, or the Maven plugin?

Again, from memory, the errors were symptomatic of missing Jar files
during compile time and/or duplicate Jar files - GPE was not reporting
any errors at this point.  I'm not sure what the best solution is when
mixing maven with the plugin (and I'm certainly not the best person to
ask about it).  However, it seems that if someone is dead set on using
maven, then perhaps all jar files should be loaded via maven and the
GPE could generate a pom.xml with the necessary base files.

 How did you end up fixing the problem? Was geronimo_jpa missing from the

Yes, I put geronimo_jpa back in my pom.xml, which I think is strange
since it was listed on the build path along with the other dozen+ GAE
jars.  This goes back to my previous comment.

 This is interesting (that it was working fine without GPE). It must be some
 sort of difference in your classpath in GPE vs. not in GPE. Can you tell me

 1) Your build classpath looks like?
 2) What files you have in your WEB-INF/lib folder?

I did not put anything directly in my WEB-INF/lib folder - it was
either dragged in by GPE or in my pom.xml.  I've pasted snippets of my
pom.xml below.  I didn't do any modifications to my classpath other
than to bring in the correct GAE SDK (which hadn't been done
automatically via switching SDKs in the GPE menu).

 The refreshing of the target folder - was this something that you had to do
 manually? I guess you're saying that this is something we should doc after
 the mvn package step?

Yup.  Eclipse is really bad about refreshing folders in the Project
Explorer.  In my mind, I was going down the really bad path of
believing that I would end up running this out of Eclipse's WTP
folders (e.g. /Users/jacobbrookover/Documents/
wtpwebapps/app-id).  That was a stupid mistake and ignored the
instructions in the FAQ, but perhaps something as simple as On first
run, choose the folder that looks like /target/app-id.  It may not
show up in Eclipse right away, so refresh your folders.

In fact, you could even give a brief explanation of what the 'mvn
package' step does.  I know now how that plays out with GAE, but only
because I learned it when trying to get maven to work with GAE before
GPE 1.3.

Feel free to peg me with any more questions.  I may have time to re-
create this all again tomorrow, if necessary.  And, of course, any
hints about the SAX Parser issue would 

[appengine-java] Re: How to exclude the optional jars for deployment?

2010-04-21 Thread Jake
Forgot to post the relevant pom.xml bits:

  !-- Insert Many Workspace Dependencies Here --


On Apr 21, 1:54 pm, Jake jbrooko...@cast.org wrote:
 No problem :)

  Hm, I think that if you had chosen to set the This project has a war
  directory setting, and set it to src/main/webapp, this error could have
  gone away.

 Yup, I discovered that eventually - it was all about the ordering.  I
 think the best solution here would either give a more specific step-by-
 step process for GAE users (since the current correct path is to
 follow the instructions for non-Java EE Eclipse users) and/or have the
 error message that pops up give a hint about setting the WAR

  I think for runtime, they are referring to the server on which your
  application will run. The best thing was indeed to select none, because
  App Engine's server is not one of the choices. The default configuration is
  a good choice too, unless you want to add other stuff, like Web Services,
  JSF, etc..

  We should improve the doc in our FAQ.

 I'm a cog in a slightly larger programming machine.  So, when it comes
 to Eclipse, I know just enough to get my applications running and then
 I spend all my time in the Java trenches.  I know it's not Google's
 job to write FAQs for Eclipse, but you did such a great job with the
 other steps (in description) that it would be nice to have
 explanations here.  As you say, the default worked, but you suggest
 adding other stuff like Web Services and JSF which, I'll admit, I
 know nothing about those words other than I see them a lot on these
 forums :)  The GAE documentation frequently points people to other
 places where they can learn about non-GAE technologies - I hope that
 you do it here, too :)

  Looks like we need to have some sort of break-out in the FAQ for those users
  that are working with App Engine-only projects.

 Yes, please, if only to point to the correct help documents
 elsewhere.  Again, by a hint from someone else in another forum, I
 followed the steps for non-Java EE Eclipse users (even though I use
 the Eclipse Java EE version).

  Couldn't you have gone back to Use Specific SDK, and chosen the one listed
  on your build path (instead of having to use one of the SDKs that are
  installed with the plugin)?

 I apologize...I have since had to wipe this test project (and the
 Eclipse installation) for completely unrelated reasons, so I can't
 reproduce anything at the moment - though I still have the pom.xml.
 From memory, though, I believe changing the option in the Google menus
 did not change the SDK that was listed in the Eclipse build path.

  Can you elaborate on the pom.xml-related problem? Was this GPE reporting an
  error, or the Maven plugin?

 Again, from memory, the errors were symptomatic of missing Jar files
 during compile time and/or duplicate Jar files - GPE was not reporting
 any errors at this point.  I'm not sure what the best solution is when
 mixing maven with the plugin (and I'm certainly not the best person to
 ask about it).  However, it seems that if someone is dead set on using
 maven, then perhaps all jar files should be loaded via maven and the
 GPE could generate a pom.xml with the necessary base files.

  How did you end up fixing the problem? Was geronimo_jpa missing from the

 Yes, I put geronimo_jpa back in my pom.xml, which I think is strange
 since it was listed on the build path along with the other dozen+ GAE
 jars.  This goes back to my previous comment.

  This is 

Re: [appengine-java] Re: How to exclude the optional jars for deployment?

2010-04-20 Thread Rajeev Dayal
Hey Jake,

Thanks for writing this up. Replies inline:

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 1:22 PM, Jake jbrooko...@cast.org wrote:


 Thanks for the help.  This is quite a long, detailed post, but
 hopefully it will help generate some documentation.

 I started by making an exact copy of an existing Maven/GAE project
 that I've been working on.  The pom.xml file for that project has a
 few build commands that run embedded ANT scripts that call the
 executables in the SDK direcotry that either run the instance locally
 or deploy it.  Everything is done within Eclipse.

 So, I've taken that copy, Right Clicked in Eclipse, Google-App Engine

 I check Use Google App Engine and try to set the Application ID, but
 it claims that the appengine-web.xml is missing.  It is currently
 there under src/main/webapp/WEB-INF where the standard Maven would
 place it.  Without the ability at this point to designate where to
 find the file, I'm stuck unless I choose to create a new project
 according to the GPE FAQ.

Hm, I think that if you had chosen to set the This project has a war
directory setting, and set it to src/main/webapp, this error could have
gone away.

 So, I create a new Dynamic Web Project per the FAQ.  I'm not really
 sure what to set for Runtime or Configuration, either because I'm an
 eclipse newb or I'm not entirely certain how this will run in the
 end.  I set that project up, copy over all of my code/resources and
 the pom.xml and enable Maven Dependency Management.  At this point, it
 looks like a clean maven package and I pull out all of my ANT scripts
 from the pom.xml (since I shouldn't need them now).

I think for runtime, they are referring to the server on which your
application will run. The best thing was indeed to select none, because
App Engine's server is not one of the choices. The default configuration is
a good choice too, unless you want to add other stuff, like Web Services,
JSF, etc..

We should improve the doc in our FAQ.

 I'm using Eclipse for Java EE.  Continuing with the FAQ, it talks
 about enabling GWT, which I do not want to do.  Elsewhere, it was
 suggested that I look at the FAQ for users who are not using Eclipse
 for Java EE.

Looks like we need to have some sort of break-out in the FAQ for those users
that are working with App Engine-only projects.

 So, I set the This project has a WAR directory (and, at this point
 realize I could probably have done that on my original application
 without starting from scratch and copying over the files).  I am able
 to enable Google App Engine for this project, but I get a few build
 path errors.  For example, I accidentally selected a missing SDK at
 first.  Selecting the correct path for the SDK in the Google Screen
 didn't seem to remove the previous bad path, so I'm doing that
 manually.  It also complained about the existing GAE files in my
 pom.xml, but did so in a roundabout way.

Couldn't you have gone back to Use Specific SDK, and chosen the one listed
on your build path (instead of having to use one of the SDKs that are
installed with the plugin)?

Can you elaborate on the pom.xml-related problem? Was this GPE reporting an
error, or the Maven plugin?

 I tried doing a Maven Package per the FAQ, but it claimed
 javax.persistence did not exist.  I see geronimo_jpa on the google
 supplied list of resources in my build path, but it's not working?
 Anyways, put it back in my pom.xml and it packaged into the  /target/
 directory.  (At some point, I also removed all folders from ORM
 enhancement since I use Objectify).

How did you end up fixing the problem? Was geronimo_jpa missing from the

 Finally, I ran as a WebApplication.  On the bright side, I'm getting
 completely different problems now :)  I'm getting files not found:

 javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider
 org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl not found
at org.mortbay.xml.XmlParser.init(XmlParser.java:69)

 WARNING: Nested in javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError:
 Provider org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl not found:
 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org/apache/xerces/jaxp/
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:164)

 I'm not an expert on XML parsing - it's a small miracle I got it
 working in the first place under my old deployment methods.  Here are
 my dependencies:

 net.sf.saxon - saxon -
 net.sf.saxon - saxon-dom -
 xml-resolver - 1.2
 xml-apis - 1.3.03

 Do I know the difference between Xerces and Saxon?  Nope.  Do I care
 what I use?  Nope.  Do I know if that was even a valid question?
 Nope.  I used Saxon merely because I was getting some errors with
 Xerces back in the day, so I presumed GAE was somehow incompatible.  I
 see this bug report:

[appengine-java] Re: How to exclude the optional jars for deployment?

2010-04-15 Thread Jake

Thanks for the help.  This is quite a long, detailed post, but
hopefully it will help generate some documentation.

I started by making an exact copy of an existing Maven/GAE project
that I've been working on.  The pom.xml file for that project has a
few build commands that run embedded ANT scripts that call the
executables in the SDK direcotry that either run the instance locally
or deploy it.  Everything is done within Eclipse.

So, I've taken that copy, Right Clicked in Eclipse, Google-App Engine

I check Use Google App Engine and try to set the Application ID, but
it claims that the appengine-web.xml is missing.  It is currently
there under src/main/webapp/WEB-INF where the standard Maven would
place it.  Without the ability at this point to designate where to
find the file, I'm stuck unless I choose to create a new project
according to the GPE FAQ.

So, I create a new Dynamic Web Project per the FAQ.  I'm not really
sure what to set for Runtime or Configuration, either because I'm an
eclipse newb or I'm not entirely certain how this will run in the
end.  I set that project up, copy over all of my code/resources and
the pom.xml and enable Maven Dependency Management.  At this point, it
looks like a clean maven package and I pull out all of my ANT scripts
from the pom.xml (since I shouldn't need them now).

I'm using Eclipse for Java EE.  Continuing with the FAQ, it talks
about enabling GWT, which I do not want to do.  Elsewhere, it was
suggested that I look at the FAQ for users who are not using Eclipse
for Java EE.

So, I set the This project has a WAR directory (and, at this point
realize I could probably have done that on my original application
without starting from scratch and copying over the files).  I am able
to enable Google App Engine for this project, but I get a few build
path errors.  For example, I accidentally selected a missing SDK at
first.  Selecting the correct path for the SDK in the Google Screen
didn't seem to remove the previous bad path, so I'm doing that
manually.  It also complained about the existing GAE files in my
pom.xml, but did so in a roundabout way.

I tried doing a Maven Package per the FAQ, but it claimed
javax.persistence did not exist.  I see geronimo_jpa on the google
supplied list of resources in my build path, but it's not working?
Anyways, put it back in my pom.xml and it packaged into the  /target/
directory.  (At some point, I also removed all folders from ORM
enhancement since I use Objectify).

Finally, I ran as a WebApplication.  On the bright side, I'm getting
completely different problems now :)  I'm getting files not found:

javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider
org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl not found
at org.mortbay.xml.XmlParser.init(XmlParser.java:69)

WARNING: Nested in javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError:
Provider org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl not found:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org/apache/xerces/jaxp/
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:164)

I'm not an expert on XML parsing - it's a small miracle I got it
working in the first place under my old deployment methods.  Here are
my dependencies:

net.sf.saxon - saxon -
net.sf.saxon - saxon-dom -
xml-resolver - 1.2
xml-apis - 1.3.03

Do I know the difference between Xerces and Saxon?  Nope.  Do I care
what I use?  Nope.  Do I know if that was even a valid question?
Nope.  I used Saxon merely because I was getting some errors with
Xerces back in the day, so I presumed GAE was somehow incompatible.  I
see this bug report: 
However, I don't really understand it and/or what I need to do :)
Regardless, it was working fine *without* GPE, so I presume my issue
is a GPE bug, not an AppEngine bug.

What did I do differently this time?  I believe it has something to do
with Maven Packaging options (WAR vs JAR), and failing to refresh the
target folder in Eclipse.  I don't think that was the actual folder
I was selecting the first time I ran the Web Application when I tried
this last.  So, documentation there could be helpful.  I think I was
diving deep into the WTP temp folder when I couldn't figure it out.

So, it looks now as if my dependencies are somehow failing with GPE,
instead of the entire thing failing.  I'm going to leave the entire
post there so you can see my process (and perhaps update some FAQs to
help make it simpler.

Thanks for any help in advance!



On Apr 14, 10:57 am, Rajeev Dayal rda...@google.com wrote:
 Hey Jake,

 I just took a look at the thread that you mentioned. Could you describe the
 problems that you were running into (on the original thread)? I can try and
 help you out.


 On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 10:21 AM, John Patterson 

Re: [appengine-java] Re: How to exclude the optional jars for deployment?

2010-04-14 Thread Rajeev Dayal
Hey Jake,

I just took a look at the thread that you mentioned. Could you describe the
problems that you were running into (on the original thread)? I can try and
help you out.


On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 10:21 AM, John Patterson jdpatter...@gmail.comwrote:

 On 13 Apr 2010, at 19:56, Jake wrote:

 I mean, the latest SDK (1.3.2) isn't even in the central repository
 yet :)

 If it helps you can add this:


 which is kept up-to-date with the latest app engine libs

 BTW, I am using maven with GPE with no problems.  I do not add the App
 Engine Library so none of the optional jars are copied into my lib folder.
  The only trick was to specify -Dappengine.sdk.root ... and strangely it
 keeps removing the -javaagent argument every time I run it.

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For more options, visit this group at 

[appengine-java] Re: How to exclude the optional jars for deployment?

2010-04-13 Thread Jake
I tried using GPE 1.3 here:
However, I never managed to get it working properly and gave up after
a few hours.  I currently use plain maven with an Ant script to run
the command line GAE tools.  I'll probably dive back into the plugin
at some point, but I'm not sure it has flexibility as its main focus.
I mean, the latest SDK (1.3.2) isn't even in the central repository
yet :)


On Apr 12, 11:19 am, Rajeev Dayal rda...@google.com wrote:

 @Jake: Actually, version 1.3 of the Google Plugin for Eclipse is far more
 maven-friendly. What problems are you running into? 
 Seehttp://code.google.com/eclipse/docs/faq.html#gwt_with_mavenfor more

 On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 7:22 PM, Jake jbrooko...@cast.org wrote:
  Or you could forgo the plugin and use maven to build/upload your
  projects.  Then, you determine the jars to be included.  This was the
  primary reason that I wanted the plugin to support maven, but that
  became non-trivial and the documentation wasn't very helpful.


  On Apr 9, 10:05 am, Rajeev Dayal rda...@google.com wrote:
   Unfortunately, there is no great way to disable all of the JDO-related
   features on a given App Engine project. If you could, file a feature
   for this in the issue tracker.

   The best way to exclude these jars would be to remove them from your
   war/WEB-INF/lib directory, and when the plugin complains that they're
   missing, add them to the list of exclusions of jars that are on the build
   path but are not required to be on the server's runtime classpath.
   Unfortunately, you'll have to re-do this step if you switch SDKs.

   On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 4:39 AM, dflorey daniel.flo...@gmail.com wrote:
I don't need JDO etc. in my app as I'm using the native datastore.
What is the easiest way to exclude these jars from deploy to app
Would be very nice if the Google Plugin would provide some options for
disabling datanucleus. I have to disable the builder etc. for each
project manually.

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: How to exclude the optional jars for deployment?

2010-04-13 Thread John Patterson

On 13 Apr 2010, at 19:56, Jake wrote:

I mean, the latest SDK (1.3.2) isn't even in the central repository
yet :)

If it helps you can add this:


which is kept up-to-date with the latest app engine libs

BTW, I am using maven with GPE with no problems.  I do not add the App  
Engine Library so none of the optional jars are copied into my lib  
folder.  The only trick was to specify -Dappengine.sdk.root ... and  
strangely it keeps removing the -javaagent argument every time I run it.

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App Engine for Java group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: [appengine-java] Re: How to exclude the optional jars for deployment?

2010-04-12 Thread Rajeev Dayal

@Jake: Actually, version 1.3 of the Google Plugin for Eclipse is far more
maven-friendly. What problems are you running into? See
http://code.google.com/eclipse/docs/faq.html#gwt_with_maven for more

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 7:22 PM, Jake jbrooko...@cast.org wrote:

 Or you could forgo the plugin and use maven to build/upload your
 projects.  Then, you determine the jars to be included.  This was the
 primary reason that I wanted the plugin to support maven, but that
 became non-trivial and the documentation wasn't very helpful.


 On Apr 9, 10:05 am, Rajeev Dayal rda...@google.com wrote:
  Unfortunately, there is no great way to disable all of the JDO-related
  features on a given App Engine project. If you could, file a feature
  for this in the issue tracker.
  The best way to exclude these jars would be to remove them from your
  war/WEB-INF/lib directory, and when the plugin complains that they're
  missing, add them to the list of exclusions of jars that are on the build
  path but are not required to be on the server's runtime classpath.
  Unfortunately, you'll have to re-do this step if you switch SDKs.
  On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 4:39 AM, dflorey daniel.flo...@gmail.com wrote:
   I don't need JDO etc. in my app as I'm using the native datastore.
   What is the easiest way to exclude these jars from deploy to app
   Would be very nice if the Google Plugin would provide some options for
   disabling datanucleus. I have to disable the builder etc. for each
   project manually.
   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
   Google App Engine for Java group.
   To post to this group, send email to
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
   For more options, visit this group at

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 Google App Engine for Java group.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Google App Engine for Java group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[appengine-java] Re: How to exclude the optional jars for deployment?

2010-04-09 Thread Jake
Or you could forgo the plugin and use maven to build/upload your
projects.  Then, you determine the jars to be included.  This was the
primary reason that I wanted the plugin to support maven, but that
became non-trivial and the documentation wasn't very helpful.


On Apr 9, 10:05 am, Rajeev Dayal rda...@google.com wrote:
 Unfortunately, there is no great way to disable all of the JDO-related
 features on a given App Engine project. If you could, file a feature request
 for this in the issue tracker.

 The best way to exclude these jars would be to remove them from your
 war/WEB-INF/lib directory, and when the plugin complains that they're
 missing, add them to the list of exclusions of jars that are on the build
 path but are not required to be on the server's runtime classpath.
 Unfortunately, you'll have to re-do this step if you switch SDKs.

 On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 4:39 AM, dflorey daniel.flo...@gmail.com wrote:
  I don't need JDO etc. in my app as I'm using the native datastore.
  What is the easiest way to exclude these jars from deploy to app
  Would be very nice if the Google Plugin would provide some options for
  disabling datanucleus. I have to disable the builder etc. for each
  project manually.

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  Google App Engine for Java group.
  To post to this group, send email to
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  For more options, visit this group at

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Google App Engine for Java group.
To post to this group, send email to google-appengine-j...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 