Re: Developer shell Crash

2008-09-07 Thread jdmoncr

I Just updated my version of java and  was able able to get a readable
Static dump

here it is

# An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x, pid=17118, tid=2892163984
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.6.0_01-b06 mixed mode)
# An error report file with more information is saved as
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  vector::_M_range_check
/usr/lib/GWT: No such file or directory.
Cannot access memory at address 0x59e7c8ee
/opt/gwt/samples/Mail/17118: No such file or directory../Mail-shell:
line 3: 17118 Killed  java -cp $APPDIR/src:$APPDIR/
bin:$APPDIR/../../gwt-user.jar:$APPDIR/../../gwt-dev-linux.jar -out $APPDIR/www $@

No stack.
/usr/share/bug-buddy/gdb-cmd:3: Error in sourced command file:
No registers.

and the dump
System: Linux #1 SMP 2008-06-09 13:53:20 +0200
X Vendor: The X.Org Foundation
X Vendor Release: 7020
Selinux: No
Accessibility: Disabled
GTK+ Theme: Gilouche
Icon Theme: Industrial

Memory status: size: 210640896 vsize: 210640896 resident: 15937536
share: 14041088 rss: 29978624 rss_rlim: 1014799360
CPU usage: start_time: 1220769267 rtime: 180 utime: 148 stime: 32
cutime:0 cstime: 0 timeout: 0 it_real_value: 0 frequency: 100

--- .xsession-errors (3258 sec old) -
GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x89c2c40: NP_GetMIMEDescription return
GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x89c2c40: NP_GetValue
GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x89c2c40: NP_GetValue: returning plugin name.
GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x89c2c40: NP_GetValue return
GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x89c2c40: NP_GetValue
GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x89c2c40: NP_GetValue: returning plugin
GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x89c2c40: NP_GetValue return
gnome-session: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on
X server :0.0.
Window manager warning: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily
unavailable) on display ':0.0'.
nm-applet: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X
server :0.0.
gnome-cups-icon: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
on X server :0.0.
nautilus: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X
server :0.0.
gecko: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X
server :0.0.
gnome-panel: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X
server :0.0.
opensuse-updater-gnome-applet: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily
unavailable) on X server :0.0.

On Sep 6, 1:00 am, jdmoncr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am new to GWT and I runing in to seem to be running problem where I
 try to excute the app-shell  i get it cashes every time then the gnome
 reporting tool popups
 in my console this message popup  as will

 157fc3f5-83f3-48b0-73276a9b-16cffee3 is dumped

 here is my specs of my environment i  am runing

 OS-openSuse  10.3
 Keneal- Linux exchage #1 SMP 2008-06-09 13:53:20
 +0200 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
 window manager-gnome desktop
  java -version-java version 1.5.0_12
 Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_12-b04)
 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_12-b04, mixed mode)

 the dump seem to be in binary format as will so can not see the errors

 Has anyone seen this before
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Re: Developer shell Crash

2008-09-07 Thread jdmoncr

I Just updated my version of java and  was able able to get a readable
Static dump

here it is

# An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x, pid=17118, tid=2892163984
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.6.0_01-b06 mixed mode)
# An error report file with more information is saved as
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  vector::_M_range_check
/usr/lib/GWT: No such file or directory.
Cannot access memory at address 0x59e7c8ee
/opt/gwt/samples/Mail/17118: No such file or directory../Mail-shell:
line 3: 17118 Killed  java -cp $APPDIR/src:$APPDIR/
bin:$APPDIR/../../gwt-user.jar:$APPDIR/../../gwt-dev-linux.jar -out $APPDIR/www $@

No stack.
/usr/share/bug-buddy/gdb-cmd:3: Error in sourced command file:
No registers.

and the dump
System: Linux #1 SMP 2008-06-09 13:53:20 +0200
X Vendor: The X.Org Foundation
X Vendor Release: 7020
Selinux: No
Accessibility: Disabled
GTK+ Theme: Gilouche
Icon Theme: Industrial

Memory status: size: 210640896 vsize: 210640896 resident: 15937536
share: 14041088 rss: 29978624 rss_rlim: 1014799360
CPU usage: start_time: 1220769267 rtime: 180 utime: 148 stime: 32
cutime:0 cstime: 0 timeout: 0 it_real_value: 0 frequency: 100

--- .xsession-errors (3258 sec old) -
GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x89c2c40: NP_GetMIMEDescription return
GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x89c2c40: NP_GetValue
GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x89c2c40: NP_GetValue: returning plugin name.
GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x89c2c40: NP_GetValue return
GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x89c2c40: NP_GetValue
GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x89c2c40: NP_GetValue: returning plugin
GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x89c2c40: NP_GetValue return
gnome-session: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on
X server :0.0.
Window manager warning: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily
unavailable) on display ':0.0'.
nm-applet: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X
server :0.0.
gnome-cups-icon: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
on X server :0.0.
nautilus: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X
server :0.0.
gecko: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X
server :0.0.
gnome-panel: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X
server :0.0.
opensuse-updater-gnome-applet: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily
unavailable) on X server :0.0.

On Sep 6, 1:00 am, jdmoncr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am new to GWT and I runing in to seem to be running problem where I
 try to excute the app-shell  i get it cashes every time then the gnome
 reporting tool popups
 in my console this message popup  as will

 157fc3f5-83f3-48b0-73276a9b-16cffee3 is dumped

 here is my specs of my environment i  am runing

 OS-openSuse  10.3
 Keneal- Linux exchage #1 SMP 2008-06-09 13:53:20
 +0200 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
 window manager-gnome desktop
  java -version-java version 1.5.0_12
 Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_12-b04)
 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_12-b04, mixed mode)

 the dump seem to be in binary format as will so can not see the errors

 Has anyone seen this before
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Re: Developer shell Crash

2008-09-07 Thread jdmoncr

 Here is the java error ouput
# An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x, pid=18675, tid=3084528528
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.6.0_01-b06 mixed mode)
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:

---  T H R E A D  ---

Current thread (0x08057c00):  JavaThread main [_thread_in_Java,

[error occurred during error reporting, step 90, id 0xb]

Stack: [0xb7d52000,0xb7da3000),  sp=0xb7da0d20,  free space=315k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code,
C=native code)
V  []
V  []
C  [+0x440]  __kernel_rt_sigreturn+0x0
V  []
V  []
V  []
V  []
C  [+0x420]  __kernel_sigreturn+0x0
j  org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl.createNode(S)I+20
j  org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl.createDeferredDocument()I
j  org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractDOMParser.startDocument(Lorg/
j  org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLNamespaceBinder.startDocument(Lorg/apache/
j  org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd.XMLDTDValidator.startDocument(Lorg/
j  org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentScannerImpl.startEntity(Ljava/
j  org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager.startEntity(Ljava/lang/
j  org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager.startDocumentEntity(Lorg/
j  org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentScannerImpl.setInputSource(Lorg/
j  org.apache.xerces.parsers.DTDConfiguration.parse(Z)Z+19
j  org.apache.xerces.parsers.DTDConfiguration.parse(Lorg/apache/xerces/
j  org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Lorg/apache/xerces/xni/
j  org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.parse(Lorg/xml/sax/
j  org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(Lorg/xml/sax/
j  javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder.parse(Ljava/io/InputStream;)Lorg/
j  org.apache.commons.modeler.util.DomUtil.readXml(Ljava/io/
j  org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry.load(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/
j  org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry.loadDescriptors(Ljava/lang/
j  org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry.loadDescriptors(Ljava/lang/
j  org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry.findDescriptor(Ljava/lang/
j  org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry.findManagedBean(Ljava/lang/
j  org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry.findManagedBean(Ljava/lang/
j  org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry.registerComponent(Ljava/lang/
j  org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.init()V+117
j  org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start()V+16
j  org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.start()V+104
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
V  []
V  []
V  []
V  []
V  []
C  [java+0x1b98]  JavaMain+0x2c8
C  []

---  P R O C E S S  ---

Java Threads: ( = current thread )
  0x0833c000 JavaThread Keep-Alive-Timer daemon [_thread_blocked,
  0x08420400 JavaThread Timer-0 daemon [_thread_blocked, id=18739]
  0x08421000 JavaThread Thread-0 daemon [_thread_in_Java, id=18736]
  0x080be400 JavaThread Low Memory Detector daemon [_thread_blocked,
  0x080bcc00 JavaThread CompilerThread0 daemon [_thread_blocked,

Re: Google Chrome GWT

2008-09-07 Thread dflorey

I experienced the same issue and already opened an issue in both gwt
and chrome bugtracker. In my app it's absolutely random if StackPanel
works on Chrome. If I change some of the content, it suddenly works
and vice versa. No idea, I guess it's a timing/event problem.

On 5 Sep., 04:34, El Cucurucho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I managed to replicate the problem I'm having with StackPanel in
 chrome on

 It's difficult to provide exact steps to replicate the problem, as I
 managed to encounter the problem by trying many different things.
 However, I was unable to replicate it by following exact steps that
 had previously led to the problem. But to give you a rough idea, you
 should be able to see what's happening by first going to the
 StackPanel, selecting 'Two', then spend some time playing with other
 panels, widgets and listeners. After doing that for some time, return
 to the StackPanel, and you may find that it will not switch between
 subpanels. It will probably take a few attempts to break it, but there
 is definitely a problem there. I'd like it if a few other people could
 check it out, and maybe help find the cause so that I can submit it to
 the Chrome developers.


 On Sep 3, 10:07 am, Ian Bambury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If it happens 
 in Safari as well, then it's probably a general WebKit problem
  (Chrome (i.e.Chromium) and Safari are all WebKit-based). If it's a problem
  in Chrome and not in Safari then it's probably a V8 problem (the JS

  If it happens only in Chrome and it's not a CSS problem (try it out in a
  HelloWorld program) then if you post it here, I'll see if I can reproduce

  If it's just in Chrome, then you can report it, but GWT doesn't support
  Chrome :-)


  2008/9/3 Mehdi Rabah [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I have some problems, Accordion panel and ListBox are not working (I don't
   know if it's because it's inside a maps InfoWindow)
   I'm not sure If I should open an issue, other experiencing problems ?

   On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 12:27 AM, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The Google Chrome browser is out, and I'm running through my GWT app
   with it -- it's fast!  No problems yet, looks great.


  Internet communications are not secure and therefore I do not accept
  legal responsibility for the contents of this message. Any views or
  opinions do not necessarily represent what I really think unless
  otherwise specifically stated and even then, I might still be lying.
  This message may contain confidential privileged information, but if it
  does, I've nicked it from someone else. If you have received this email
  in error then tough, hit delete, and don't bother me about it, I really
  don't care. Batteries not included. Contents may go up as well as down.
  Shares may vary in size. May cause drowsiness, if affected, go to bed.
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Re: GWT + comet?

2008-09-07 Thread Reinier Zwitserloot

As you said, comet is a complex problem on the server side. On the
client it's relatively straightforward.

Some issues:

1) You either need an async webserver (such as something based on the
fairly new java Simple, or the continuation support available in
jetty), or you need an OS + VM combo which can handle tons of threads
without a high overhead (the latest linux + the latest java 6 seems
capable of this). Be especially careful if you've got a frontloader
(such as Apache) that merely redirects to your actual java stuff.
Apache, out of the box, will probably not use the new worked thread
mechanism to communicate with the java server at the backend, and by
default apache will start serving up 'busy' pages if more than 50
simultaneous connections are already running. You get to 50 very
quickly when using comet. If this is your setup, google around for how
to implement apache+comet+java properly. Personally I just run jetty
only, no apache.

2) The only safe way to do comet is to make a request from the client
to the server, then the server returns NOTHING, not a single byte, it
just waits, and then, once data is available, it sends it, and then
closes the connection. In response, the client should open another
connection and this whole song and dance number is repeated. The
reason you can't just keep sending data across a single HTTP
connection, is because the HTTP standard has no concept of 'flush'. A
proxy or even the webclient itself (IE and Safari both do some limited
caching, for example) will simply assume more will come very shortly,
and never forward the data to the endpoint (your GWT app). In order to
do this concept right, you need some sort of tracking number.

For example, imagine an IRC (chat) client using comet. You could
simply assign to each chat line in the chat room an index number, and
upon first connect, tell the client the last chat line index number
spoken. From here on out, comet can be done by letting the client
request; +
lastReceivedChatLineIdx++ - the server, upon receiving such a request,
first checks if a line with that idx has already been said. If so, it
is returned immediately (no comet). if NOT, it will not return an
error, it will instead just wait and hold the connection open. Your
servlet should register a listener of some sort with the central
repository of chat messages, so it can wake up when the line with the
given idx is actually spoken. You can't just ask for 'the next line'
without a tracker ID of some sort, because in between receiving one
line, processing it on the client, and opening another connection, a
line might have been spoken. Without tracking you'd miss this line.

3) Because proxies, webservers, and web clients all have HTTP
timeouts, and they are all different, you should manually close the
connection after ~50 seconds. In our chat example, you'd send back
something like: [NO CHAT] to indicate to the client that in the entire
50 second span, the chat line with idx '1234' never came up so far. In
response, the client should re-open the connection with the exact same
request (gimme line 1234).

4) For efficiency you may want to let the server respond with all
relevant messages that have a tracker ID equal to or larger than the
requested item. For example, in our chat app, if a client asks for
message #1234, but on the server you already know that we're on
message 1237 (a burst of rapid chats just recently happened, for
example), then you should just send 1234, 1235, 1236, and 1237 in one
go. You'll need a way to delimit each 'packet' of information in the
response in this case. You could use JSON, for example. Or use a GWT-
RPC call, though I don't know the specifics of making that work right
with comet.

5) Web clients internally have a 2 connections limit. This means that,
for any given full server name, if there are already 2 open
connections, and a third thing is requested from this server, the
client will queue up this request instead of sending it. Once one of
those 2 open connections is closed, it will send it. This is perfectly
reasonable when all requests are handled as fast as possible, but in
comet, the whole point is that requests are NOT handled as fast as
possible. If you have multiple comet elements on a single web page
(Let's say, a 'live' stock ticker AND a chat box, each running a
separate comet connection), then you're out of connections, and the
act of requesting a simple image in response to a mouse over or some
such never goes through!

There are two solutions to this:

A) run your non-AJAX calls off a different server. For example, serve
up images from instead of just You
can't do this for your comet connections, because those usually use
AJAX calls, and those must go to the same domain as the web page (Same
Origin Policy, wikipedia that if you don't know what that is). This
won't help you if you have 3 separate comety things going on, and it
won't help 

Announce: MathEclipse GWT module 0.0.6 released

2008-09-07 Thread Axel Kramer


I've just released this refactored MathEclipse parser package as a GWT
1.5 module:

The MathEclipse parser package could be used to evaluate math
expressions in double and complex numeric mode.

From the Changelog:
* refactored the parser package names to be directly usable as a GWT
* all classes below the package org.matheclipse.parser.client are
now compilable from Java to JavaScript by the GWT compiler.
* in your *.gwt.xml module you have to insert the line:
  inherits name=org.matheclipse.parser.Parser/
  and to add the meparser-0.0.6.jar on your classpath to use it with
  For more information about the GWT module mechanism see:
* Example for using the double evaluator:
  DoubleEvaluator engine = new DoubleEvaluator();
  double d = engine.evaluate(str);
* Example for using the complex number evaluator:
  ComplexEvaluator engine = new ComplexEvaluator();
  Complex c = engine.evaluate(str);
  String complexStr = ComplexEvaluator.toString(c);
* for more examples please see the JUnit tests in the Eclipse

Your feedback for improving MathEclipse is appreciated. See the forum

Axel Kramer
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How to create a busy/loading icon?

2008-09-07 Thread Karl

Good Day To All,

How can I create a busy/loading icon while my flextable is being
rendered? By the way, my flextable is consist of comboboxes that
contain a large amount of data so while the page is being rendered,
there is a slight delay of displaying the contents of the flextable.

Karl Chan
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Re: Announce: MathEclipse GWT module 0.0.6 released

2008-09-07 Thread rakesh wagh

great, keep up the good work!

Rakesh Wagh
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Re: accessing parentpanel method from dialogbox

2008-09-07 Thread YoeZ


in the parentpanel, i create method getinstance(), so i can access the
method from dialogbox

On Sep 6, 7:19 pm, gregor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi YoeZ,

 DialogBox implements SourcesPopupEvents, therefore if you have your
 parent panel implement the PopupListener interface and register
 iteself as a listener with the DialogBox, it will be notified via void
 onPopupClosed(PopupPanel sender,  boolean autoClosed) when the
 DialogBox closes, and can access what it needs from the sender (which
 is the DialogBox).


 On Sep 6, 6:59 am, YoeZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  dear all,
  how can i access parentpanel method from DialogboxPanel? i want to
  send variable from dialogbox to parent panel.

  thanks before
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Re: GWT + comet?

2008-09-07 Thread markww

Thanks for the excellent response, that was very helpful. Everything
makes sense, I was taking a look at Jetty and it seems easy to use for
what I want to do. I had been writing my own java nio server for a
class I was taking, it's cool to see how Jetty has taken advantage of
the nio stuff to support 'comet'.

From a game development point of view, this is great because we can
wait for the server to send us data instead of constantly polling it.

One thing that still seems to be missing is fast graphics support, to
actually render dynamic game data. I was working with the gwt canvas
intensively a few months ago, but was disappointed to find out that
IE's support for it was just horrible. Firefox and Safari (and
probably Chrome now) can do a decent job of rendering simple
primitives fast in a canvas. In fact, my iPhone could render
primitives faster than IE! I wonder if there is any development on
this (providing a fast canvas for direct pixel manipulation) by the
browsers. Right now it seems like the only way to do it is by using

Anyway thanks again for all those answers, definitely got me in the
right direction,


On Sep 7, 6:30 am, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As you said, comet is a complex problem on the server side. On the
 client it's relatively straightforward.

 Some issues:

 1) You either need an async webserver (such as something based on the
 fairly new java Simple, or the continuation support available in
 jetty), or you need an OS + VM combo which can handle tons of threads
 without a high overhead (the latest linux + the latest java 6 seems
 capable of this). Be especially careful if you've got a frontloader
 (such as Apache) that merely redirects to your actual java stuff.
 Apache, out of the box, will probably not use the new worked thread
 mechanism to communicate with the java server at the backend, and by
 default apache will start serving up 'busy' pages if more than 50
 simultaneous connections are already running. You get to 50 very
 quickly when using comet. If this is your setup, google around for how
 to implement apache+comet+java properly. Personally I just run jetty
 only, no apache.

 2) The only safe way to do comet is to make a request from the client
 to the server, then the server returns NOTHING, not a single byte, it
 just waits, and then, once data is available, it sends it, and then
 closes the connection. In response, the client should open another
 connection and this whole song and dance number is repeated. The
 reason you can't just keep sending data across a single HTTP
 connection, is because the HTTP standard has no concept of 'flush'. A
 proxy or even the webclient itself (IE and Safari both do some limited
 caching, for example) will simply assume more will come very shortly,
 and never forward the data to the endpoint (your GWT app). In order to
 do this concept right, you need some sort of tracking number.

 For example, imagine an IRC (chat) client using comet. You could
 simply assign to each chat line in the chat room an index number, and
 upon first connect, tell the client the last chat line index number
 spoken. From here on out, comet can be done by letting the client
 request; +
 lastReceivedChatLineIdx++ - the server, upon receiving such a request,
 first checks if a line with that idx has already been said. If so, it
 is returned immediately (no comet). if NOT, it will not return an
 error, it will instead just wait and hold the connection open. Your
 servlet should register a listener of some sort with the central
 repository of chat messages, so it can wake up when the line with the
 given idx is actually spoken. You can't just ask for 'the next line'
 without a tracker ID of some sort, because in between receiving one
 line, processing it on the client, and opening another connection, a
 line might have been spoken. Without tracking you'd miss this line.

 3) Because proxies, webservers, and web clients all have HTTP
 timeouts, and they are all different, you should manually close the
 connection after ~50 seconds. In our chat example, you'd send back
 something like: [NO CHAT] to indicate to the client that in the entire
 50 second span, the chat line with idx '1234' never came up so far. In
 response, the client should re-open the connection with the exact same
 request (gimme line 1234).

 4) For efficiency you may want to let the server respond with all
 relevant messages that have a tracker ID equal to or larger than the
 requested item. For example, in our chat app, if a client asks for
 message #1234, but on the server you already know that we're on
 message 1237 (a burst of rapid chats just recently happened, for
 example), then you should just send 1234, 1235, 1236, and 1237 in one
 go. You'll need a way to delimit each 'packet' of information in the
 response in this case. You could use JSON, for example. Or use a GWT-
 RPC call, though I don't know the 

Re: How to make DialogBox modal both in terms of code execution and events?

2008-09-07 Thread lama

Thanks for the explanation. Makes sense.
Easier to understand for RPC, a bit harder to get for UI events.

On Sep 1, 8:56 am, Jason Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is the way it's done.

 You can think of JavaScript as running on the event-dispatch-thread.

 Therefore, opening a DialogBox and making the thread wait until a button is
 clicked results in the following on the queue:

 ++     +-+
 | wait for click | -  | click event |
 ++     +-+

 the wait for click will wait for ever since it never lets the thread move onto
 the click event task and process the actual event.

 This is a simplification, but in essence the way it works. I wrote about this
 problem in terms of GWT RPC... but the principal is the same:

 Hope that explains things a bit.

 lama wrote:
  I have the same question.
  I've had to workaround this by adding callbacks to transfer the data
  from the dialog back to the caller.


  On Aug 29, 9:16 am, gwt-user [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  1.      To illustrate the first point. In the following code:

  boolean ok = Window.confirm(Are you sure .);

  if (ok) {



  code inside the if block will be executed only after user presses
  button on the confirm dialog. Is it possible to do the same with
  instance of DialogBox?

  2.      The following code

  DialogBox dialog =  new DialogBox(true, true);;

  does not ignore keyboard and mouse events for widgets not contained by
  the dialog

  Thank you,

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Re: GWT + comet?

2008-09-07 Thread Reinier Zwitserloot

Glad you liked the missive. I've saved a bookmark for future reference
in case someone else comes in and asks (Comet usually comes up once a
month or so).

For game development: Just screw IE. There's no way to do halfway
decent graphics on IE, period. Go flash, or tell people to switch to

All 3 non-IE browsers are trying to speed up javascript. Opera 9.5 has
a fairly spiffy javascript engine already, and both firefox and webkit
are on the verge of shipping custom very smart and very fast VMs for
javascript (tracemonkey for firefox, and squirrelfish for safari).
Then there's V8, which you can see at work today in Google Chrome. It
looks like V8, Tracemonkey, and squirrelfish will all be roughly as
fast as one another (can you say meep meep?) - should do wonders for
attempts to write games in canvas.

Which brings us back to IE. F!*k IE.

There's future hope though:

I believe apple has rescinded copyright/patent claims on canvas, or
they ran out, so in theory nothing is stopping IE from implementing
them now - though as I understand it, Microsoft never expressed
interest in supporting them.

Microsoft is part of the W3C and evidently they have not been able to
use their considerable weight there to stop the latest news at W3C.

W3C's own home-grown XHTML 2.0 effort has effectively been mothballed
indefinitely, and instead HTML5 has been adopted (HTML5 started as
something from the WHAT-WG, which is a much less officious entity
compared to W3C, and consists of the developers of Opera, WebKit
(Safari), and Gecko (Firefox/mozilla). - e.g. the anti-IE league, and
the main reason stuff like canvas has seeded so quickly to the other
non-IE browsers) HTML5 has been dollied up with some lip service to
XHTML but make no mistake: Few really expected the W3C to 'fold' to
the clearly superior HTML5 work in progress. HTML5 includes Canvas
for proof). The question now becomes: Does Microsoft break even more
from the W3C than they already have (remember, IE isn't exactly
standards compliant). So far betas of IE8 indicate that Microsoft is
seriously attempting to build a more compatible browser, so there's
hope. Then again, armchair analysts (like myself ㋛) believe that
Microsoft is still trying to prevent the web from becoming the host of
virtually every computer app out there, in order to keep their own OS
(Windows) in a safe market leader position. Microsoft's stranglehold
on the web community by way of IE is one of the things holding web
apps back, so there are plenty of pessimists who believe that the
final version of IE8 will be a big disappointment.

On Sep 7, 9:41 pm, markww [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for the excellent response, that was very helpful. Everything
 makes sense, I was taking a look at Jetty and it seems easy to use for
 what I want to do. I had been writing my own java nio server for a
 class I was taking, it's cool to see how Jetty has taken advantage of
 the nio stuff to support 'comet'.

 From a game development point of view, this is great because we can
 wait for the server to send us data instead of constantly polling it.

 One thing that still seems to be missing is fast graphics support, to
 actually render dynamic game data. I was working with the gwt canvas
 intensively a few months ago, but was disappointed to find out that
 IE's support for it was just horrible. Firefox and Safari (and
 probably Chrome now) can do a decent job of rendering simple
 primitives fast in a canvas. In fact, my iPhone could render
 primitives faster than IE! I wonder if there is any development on
 this (providing a fast canvas for direct pixel manipulation) by the
 browsers. Right now it seems like the only way to do it is by using

 Anyway thanks again for all those answers, definitely got me in the
 right direction,


 On Sep 7, 6:30 am, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  As you said, comet is a complex problem on the server side. On the
  client it's relatively straightforward.

  Some issues:

  1) You either need an async webserver (such as something based on the
  fairly new java Simple, or the continuation support available in
  jetty), or you need an OS + VM combo which can handle tons of threads
  without a high overhead (the latest linux + the latest java 6 seems
  capable of this). Be especially careful if you've got a frontloader
  (such as Apache) that merely redirects to your actual java stuff.
  Apache, out of the box, will probably not use the new worked thread
  mechanism to communicate with the java server at the backend, and by
  default apache will start serving up 'busy' pages if more than 50
  simultaneous connections are already running. You get to 50 very
  quickly when using comet. If this is your setup, google around for how
  to implement apache+comet+java properly. Personally I just run jetty
  only, no apache.

  2) The only safe way to do 

Re: Imagedata isn't reloaded

2008-09-07 Thread Folke

Append a unique ID as query string of the image URL, i.e. the time the
file was last modified as integer.


On Sep 7, 11:34 pm, Paul van Hoven [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have a simple Widget where the user can set its user picture. It has
 a fileupload and shows the user image. So when the user wants to
 change his user picture, he simply clicks on the fileupload chooses
 picture and this is then send to the server. On the server side the
 picture is safed as  userId.jpg where userId is a unique integer
 associated with each user. So everytime the user updates his foto, his
 file named userId.jpg is simply overwritten, keeps its name and
 after the fileupload succeeded on the client side in the public void
 onSubmitComplete(FormSubmitCompleteEvent event) method I make an RPC
 call to the server to retrieve the new image data, such that the user
 can see his newly changed picture. But there is a problem.

 The image in the widget is constructed by

 setupWidget() {
 Image userPicture = new Image( GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() +
 umi.userPic.thumbPath );
 userPicture.setPixelSize( umi.userPic.width, umi.userPic.height );


 So after having gotten the new image data from the server the method
 setupWidget() is called andthe new picture gets the same path as the
 old one was, since the userId.jpg hasn't changed name but content.
 The problem: The new image is not reloaded, i.e. the same image as the
 old one is shown. But the size of the picture changes. So now I have
 the old picture but poorly scaled. I've already tried not to create a
 new image but to call setURL() on the old userpicture. But it
 doesn't work either.

 Why is the image not reloaded properly?

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Re: How to make DialogBox modal both in terms of code execution and events?

2008-09-07 Thread Ian Bambury
Iama, under what conditions do you need to use callbacks? Can you give an

Also, to gwt-user: you may get mouse-down/mouse-up events (which is wrong,
but just changes the appearance of a button, or sets focus) but I don't
think you can do anything with them (like enter text, or click). Either way,
consider a blinder (glass panel, whatever you want to call it) to block the
page off (faded or not faded).


2008/9/1 lama [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have the same question.
 I've had to workaround this by adding callbacks to transfer the data
 from the dialog back to the caller.


 On Aug 29, 9:16 am, gwt-user [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  1.  To illustrate the first point. In the following code:
  boolean ok = Window.confirm(Are you sure .);
  if (ok) {
  code inside the if block will be executed only after user presses
  button on the confirm dialog. Is it possible to do the same with
  instance of DialogBox?
  2.  The following code
  DialogBox dialog =  new DialogBox(true, true);;
  does not ignore keyboard and mouse events for widgets not contained by
  the dialog
  Thank you,


2B or not 2B,
that is FF

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Re: MVC, GWT and Model Annotations

2008-09-07 Thread Arthur Kalmenson

I'd file a bug with the GWT Designer people then It works
perfectly fine when you do UI creation by hand.

On Sep 4, 7:43 pm, Alline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am importing the Hibernate libraries to my classpath already.
 The problem is that I am trying to use the GWT Designer and this
 application doesn't let me import any external library inside my
 client package.

 On Sep 4, 2:24 pm, Folke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If you want to keep yourannotationson your entity classes and your
  entity classes inside client packages you have to includeHibernatein
  your classpath. The GWT compiler needs to know about them.

  You can either strip theannotationsand map your entities with an
  hbm.xml or you make an annotation-less copy of each entity class and
  use them as data transfer object (DTOs).

  May I ask why it is a problem to includeHibernatein your classpath
  when compiling your GWT app? Theseannotationsdo not appear in the

  On Sep 4, 10:06 pm, Alline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I am using GWT and I had to put my Model package inside the GWT client
   The problem is that I am usingHibernateAnnotationsto persist my
   data, and theannotationsstays inside the Model Classes.
   So, I am forced to importHibernatelibraries inside to my client
   I didn't like that...

   Do you have a suggestion for a way that I can work together with
  hibernateannotations, MVC and GWT ?- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -
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Re: Difference Between GWT componant and GWTEXT

2008-09-07 Thread Arthur Kalmenson

It depends if you're talking about ExtGWT or Gwt-ext. Nevertheless, I
usually recommend to avoid both of them. You're better off in the long
run using your own widgets or ones in the incubator. Gwt-ext amounts
to a bunch of JSNI calls to the ExtJS library. Its performance is
atrocious and it has far too many quirks (event handling is way
different, hard to integrate with GWT widgets, etc). The widgets in
that library are nowhere near the level of quality that you get from
the regular GWT ones.

The ExtGWT library is licensed under GPL v3.0, so it can't be used in
commercial apps. I haven't tried it so I won't comment. However, from
what I've heard, you're better off using the standard GWT widgets and
maybe some stuff from the incubator (although some if it is really

Arthur Kalmenson

On Sep 4, 1:17 am, Jigar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 can any one explain me what is the different between and com.gwtext.client.widgets

 moreover i want to know that is GWTExt can not  be used for the
 commercial purpose,
 but can we use GWT component for commercial purpose?
 Thanx in advance
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is communication over GWT-RPC secure

2008-09-07 Thread harimack

Hi All,

  i am a new to Security, i am using GWT-RPC for login, i read the GWT
LoginFAQ, and see that they are recommending  using GWT-RPC for login,
but my concern is, how secure is GWT-RPC over the wire, if some one is
sniffing, is the data protected over the wire ?. Can you please let me
know how would you approach login if you were using GWT-RPC.

thanks for the help

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MySQL RPC Example

2008-09-07 Thread branflake2267

Thought I would post my MySQL example. - GWT MySQL demo getting data - MySQL
code snippets

Download the Eclipse project via the SVN.

I made an example widget in which a widget grabs MySQL data from the
server and display it to screen. I use an object array to transport
the data from the server to the client and often back to the server.
Check out the demo and code snippets for more information on how I do
it. I show the object array at the bottom of my gwt-examples.

Hope the MySQL RPC example helps, have fun dissecting it.

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