Re: GWT Timer doesn't work

2012-01-19 Thread Hanna Varakhobava
Hey, somebody...

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The (currently) definite way to achieve Push/Comet/Streaming in a GWT app? :)

2012-01-19 Thread Stefan Sigvardsson
Hi y'all!

Just a few quick questions. 

We have a GWT app running on multiple touch-screen interfaces which need to 
stay up to date with each other. 
Currently we make scheduled callbacks to update the apps when they are 
idle, but some kind of Push technology would be preferable. 
We are not using app engine, instead we have our own tomcat 7 server which 
we deploy the application to. 
We are using RemoteService interfaces to do standard async callbacks to 
RemoteServiceServlet implementations. 
The touch-screens are all running the latest Firefox release (currently 
We have held off dealing with Push, confident that GWT soon would include 
it natively, but now GWT seems to only focus on app engine from what I can 

1. What is your (currently) recommended way of dealing with Push in GWT? Is 
it still (or is it abandoned)?
2. Do you know if maybe GWT soon will include a simple Push technology for 
servers other than app engine?
3. If you have your own implementation, and it is stable and easy to run in 
a GWT app, would you mind sharing it?

Kind regards!

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Re: The (currently) definite way to achieve Push/Comet/Streaming in a GWT app? :)

2012-01-19 Thread Andrea Boscolo
There are a lot of libraries out there dealing with comet/push/reverse ajax 
technology. Some could be:

- (I don't see a valid update in almost 
an year)
- (over 2 year of inactivity)
- (should be a gwt wrapper 
for atmosphere)
- (I don't know if it could 
be work with tomcat)
- (updated, can be easily used 
with RPC, long polling/streaming options)

There are also websocket libraries 
(, servlet 3.0 suspend/resume options, 
server-event communications and so on.
Probabily there are too many options to look into...
worth a read, even if it states a "PatchesWelcome" status and is ment for 
request factory.

GWT has always been server-agnostic, so you can still use whatever server 
tech you prefer. Of course by using servlets/app engine you can find some 

Hope that helps.

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Re: The (currently) definite way to achieve Push/Comet/Streaming in a GWT app? :)

2012-01-19 Thread Stefan Sigvardsson
*GWTEventService* looks promising, i'll look into that one. Thanks!

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Re: GWT SimpleBeanEditorDriver - generate editor class

2012-01-19 Thread -sowdri-
This is possible! But you have to write a GWT Generator for to achieve 
that. For example: 

class Customer {
 // field1 .. field10;

// This still has to be written, to semantically determine what type of 
widget you are planning to use in your editor

interface CustomerView implements XXMarkerInterface {
  TextBox field1;
  Label field2; ... 

// while creating the widget, instead of using the new operator, just use
CustomerView view = GWT.create(CustomerView.class);

// in the GWT.xml, you specify if type is XXMarkerInterface, invoke the 
generator you have written. 

In the generator implementation, you can read the interface and generate 
the implementation required for that!

Hope this helps!

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Re: The (currently) definite way to achieve Push/Comet/Streaming in a GWT app? :)

2012-01-19 Thread Andrea Boscolo
It has its own group:!forum/gwteventservice and forum
I've been using it in the last few weeks and looks (and works) good for my 
simple requests.


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Re: GWT SimpleBeanEditorDriver - generate editor class

2012-01-19 Thread Raivis Vasilevskis
First of all, thank you for the answer

> // This still has to be written, to semantically determine what type of
> widget you are planning to use in your editor
> interface CustomerView implements XXMarkerInterface {
>   TextBox field1;
>   Label field2; ...
>   ...
>    field10;
> }

If I understand you right, this par still has to be written for every
view I will create. I have literally hundreds if not thousands of
them. All the data models are generated, so I don't have to worry
about them. I want to write a generator, that would generate editors
fields according to given data model in runtime. If I still have to
write those interfaces manually, that does not differ from writing
editor classes manually. That's still the boilerplate hardcoding.
Correct me if I didn't understand you correct.

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Re: Making an RPC call from a CellTable ButtonCell in a view (MVP pattern)

2012-01-19 Thread Drew Spencer
Hey Patrick,

The thing with setFieldUpdater is that I can't work out how to access it 
from the Presenter. If I add something like HasCell getDeleteColumn() 
to the interface my view implements, I can only access getFieldUpdater, not 
setFieldUpdater. In honesty the whole CellTable thing seems like it needs 
some work, so maybe they have plans for the next release or something.

If anyone can suggest an easier way to do this then I would appreciate it. 
I thought FlexTable or something similar would be a bad move as cells are 
meant to be much more efficient and cleaner, so decided to put in the extra 
work and go for cell widgets straight away.

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building a project with maven on a 16core machine

2012-01-19 Thread pansen

we have our setup on maven running and all is fine. unfortunately we
could not ever accomplish to get the build running on a 16core server.
its always dieing during the permutations.

do you have any suggestions how to debug this, or what to tweak?

cheers, andi

run command::

mvn -U -X clean install -Penv-config,env-hudson-javabot-1 -Dev -
Djetty.port=9855 -Dgwt.compiler.workDir=/data/tmp

``mvn help:effective-pom`` on that machine with the same options::


-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -
Xss4096k -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled

-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -
Xss4096k -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled


-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -Xss4096k -



[INFO]   Computing all possible rebind results for
[INFO]  Rebinding
[INFO] Invoking generator
[INFO]   checking:
org.fusesource.restygwt.client.JsonEncoderDecoder, type: class
[INFO]Compiling 18 permutations
[INFO]   Compiling permutation 0...
[INFO]   Process output
[INFO]  Compiling
[INFO] Compiling permutation 11...
[INFO]   Process output
[INFO]  Compiling
[INFO] Compiling permutation 10...
[INFO]   Process output
[INFO]  Compiling
[INFO] Compiling permutation 2...
[INFO]   Process output
[INFO]  Compiling
[INFO] Compiling permutation 3...
[INFO]   Process output
[INFO]  Compiling
[INFO] Compiling permutation 4...
[INFO]   Process output

GWT- Quirks mode :Is there any way to force Document mode to "Quirks" in GWT ?

2012-01-19 Thread vaibhav bhalke
How to force Document mode to Quirks mode ?

I am using GWT application
My Iframe is not completely appear in IE8. But works in IE7 and Mozila FF.

I tried  to
solve this isssue  bt no suceess :(

IE8 wrks only when I am setting document mode to "Quirks"  using developer

Is there any way to force Document mode to "Quirks" in GWT ?

Best Regards,
Vaibhav Bhalke

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Line Charts GWT options Vs Google Visualization api

2012-01-19 Thread Gokul

I am trying to draw a line chart using GWT. Couple of features that I
want is to - 1
1. Have X and Y axis gridlines
2. Control the number of ticks displayed on the X-Axis

These options seem to be available in GChart, which I believe is a
library written on top of GWT. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Also, the js chart api provided by google -
seems confusingly close to GWT. When I was doing a fast lookup, I was
believing that the features available in the JS api are all available
in GWT. It doesn't seem to be the case.

Can you guys please clarify the differences with the JS api's and the
options available in GWT. And if with time, this would be available in
the GWT java libraries as well.


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Collapsible Component in GWT2.4

2012-01-19 Thread vaibhav jain
Hello Experts,

Actually i want to use a Panel in GWT 2.4 ,which can be collapsed towards

I am making a Menutree on the left of the screen and will display the item
on the right side of the screen which is selected by MenuTree,I want to put
this MenuTree in a Panel which can be collapsed towards left when clicking
some thing so that item in right panel can take full space of screen.

Can any one tell me to use Collapsible Component available at:
I have made the classes as given in above link,i just want to do  the task
by these classes.

vaibhav jain.

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Re: GWT- Quirks mode :Is there any way to force Document mode to "Quirks" in GWT ?

2012-01-19 Thread El Mentecato Mayor
Using the "Transitional" doctype will make your app run in quirks


Keep in mind that the layout panels introduced in GWT 2.0 work
properly only under standards mode, at least at the time they were

On Jan 19, 7:34 am, vaibhav bhalke  wrote:
> How to force Document mode to Quirks mode ?
> I am using GWT application
> My Iframe is not completely appear in IE8. But works in IE7 and Mozila FF.
> I tried  to
> solve this isssue  bt no suceess :(
> IE8 wrks only when I am setting document mode to "Quirks"  using developer
> tools
> Is there any way to force Document mode to "Quirks" in GWT ?
> --
> Best Regards,
> Vaibhav Bhalke

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Re: LayoutPanel and Custom Widget

2012-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Tuesday, January 17, 2012 3:49:14 AM UTC+1, Cristian Rinaldi wrote:
> Hello:
> The real question is: I have a widget to inherits of ComplexWidget with 
> the following declarations:
> private Element root = Document.get().createDivElement();
> private LayoutPanel header = new LayoutPanel();
> private Image imgUp = new Image(getDefaultResources().imageUp());
> header.add(label);
> .
> .
> root.appendChild(header.getElement());

Unless you know exactly what you're doing, do not by any mean append 
widgets using their getElement(). Always put widgets inside other 
(container) widgets, otherwise the child widget's onAttach/onLoad and 
onDetach/onUnload won't be called, the events won't work, etc.
That is, when you are compositing widgets, extend Composite (or 
ResizeComposite), not Widget.

> .
> setElement(root);
> sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK);
> Now I add a domHadler for image (the only event that interests me), but, 
> sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK) register the event at level of element root, I 
> don't know how propagate the event at image, so that only the image, treats 
> you, and not the other elements of the widget.
> I made this:
> imgUp.addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() {
> @Override
> public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
> header.setWidgetTopHeight(imgUp, 0, PX, 0, PX);
> header.setWidgetTopHeight(imgDown, 0, PX, 30, PX);
> collapsed = !collapsed;
> collapseBody(collapsed);
> }
> }, ClickEvent.getType());
> But entire the widget  treats the event.
> Any idea?

If you added you Image inside another widget (and not taking the image's 
getElement to append it to an Element), that would "just work", you 
wouldn't even need a sinkEvent(ONCLICK) at the container level.

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Re: GWT\GAE With Java Video Course Need Urgently

2012-01-19 Thread Brandon Donnelson
I have added a few simple tutorial videos to youtube:

Hope that helps,
Brandon Donnelson

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Re: CellTable - how to load just one page?

2012-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer
Using a RangeChangeEvent.Handler, or more simply an AbstractDataProvider 
(or AsyncDataProvider).

When clicking "next page" in the "pager" (let's say we have a SimplePager, 
or any AbstractPager; if you roll your own code, then just mimic what these 
widgets do), it'll setVisibleRange on your CellTable, which will then fire 
a RangeChangeEvent. An AbstractDataProvider listens to this event (but you 
can register your own RangeChangeEvent.Handler if you prefer) and calls 
onRangeChanged which you have to implement (unless you're using a 
ListDataProvider) and call updateRowCount and/or updateRowData with the new 
values. That will call setRowCount and setRowData on your CellTable to 
update the display.

But well, the docs explain this better and in depth:

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Docs Elaboration Suggestion: Activities & Places, Editor & Request Factory.

2012-01-19 Thread Brandon Donnelson
I'd like to suggest more documentation and elaboration on the Activities & 
Places, Editor & Request Factory modules. What you have is awesome, but I 
think quite a few features are undersold.

I think you could use another sample source demo for all three of those. 

Brandon Donnelson

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Re: Doubts on EditorFrameWork

2012-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer
A ValueListBox allows you to select a single value one, among a list of 
acceptable values. The Editor framework is only responsible for selecting 
the value and then retrieving the selected value.

As for lists of values, have a look at CompositeEditor, ListEditor and 
have a look at the sample code linked next to ListEditor)

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Re: accessing the compiled javascript from a stand alone project.

2012-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer
Add  to make it work "cross site" (as files 
loaded from the file system all have different "origins", you need 
something that supports "cross origin" loading)

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Re: Is there a difference between int and Integer?

2012-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer
RequestFactory works very well with primitive types; it's just that you 
can't use them as generic type-arguments in Java (this is a Java 
limitation), so any service method returning an "int" on the server-side 
will have to use Request on the client-side. Everything else in RF 
can use primitives: service method arguments, and proxy getters and setters.

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Re: GWT support for Application Servers

2012-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer

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Re: any existing component for scroll pages

2012-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer
No (SimplePager only shows prev/next and/or first/last, and the current 
page), but you can easily build your own (extend AbstractPager, it gives 
you everything you need, and you just have to code the UI around that)

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Re: GWT SimpleBeanEditorDriver - generate editor class

2012-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Thursday, January 19, 2012 11:11:14 AM UTC+1, Raivis Vasilevskis wrote:
> First of all, thank you for the answer 
> > // This still has to be written, to semantically determine what type of 
> > widget you are planning to use in your editor 
> > 
> > interface CustomerView implements XXMarkerInterface { 
> >   TextBox field1; 
> >   Label field2; ... 
> >   ... 
> >field10; 
> > 
> > } 
> If I understand you right, this par still has to be written for every 
> view I will create. I have literally hundreds if not thousands of 
> them. All the data models are generated, so I don't have to worry 
> about them. I want to write a generator, that would generate editors 
> fields according to given data model in runtime.

Unless you generate some kind of "schema" and then dynamically build your 
UI from that schema, it'll never be "at runtime" (and as you said, the 
Editor framework also works at compile-time, just like almost everything in 

> If I still have to 
> write those interfaces manually, that does not differ from writing 
> editor classes manually. That's still the boilerplate hardcoding. 
> Correct me if I didn't understand you correct.

Let's simplify things:

interface /* or class, it doesn't really matter */ Customer extends 
XXXMarkerInterface {

Now you have a "link" from CustomerView to Customer (by mean of the generic 
type argument), that you can inspect at compile-time to generate the 
concrete implementation for CustomerView (something like "hey, Customer as 
a property "name" of type String, let's create a TextBox for it; and let's 
use a DateBox for the "birthDate" property; and finally, generate the 
EditorDriver interface and the code that GWT.create()s it")

That'd work, but everything would be automated when you "GWT Compile" your 

If I were you, I'd rather write a generator outside GWT; one that loads the 
model classes (compiled, from the classpath, it's the easiest way) and 
generate Java code out of it (same as above), and then use that generated 
code from your GWT project. Difference: you can tweak the generated code 
before "GWT Compiling" your app.
Simply use Java reflection to inspect your model classes, and FileWriter-s 
to generate your code.
We use this approach to generate our RequestFactory proxies out of our 
model classes; works very-well.

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Re: building a project with maven on a 16core machine

2012-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer
Have you tried setting ?

Also, one issue with the gwt-maven-plugin is that it always pass the -gen 
to the GWT Compiler (the  in the POM), which can make extensive use of 
disk I/O (particularly when using UiBinder, RPC/RequestFactory, the Editor 
framework, ClientBundle, I18N, GIN, etc.), so you'll want that directory to 
be on a fast disk.
There's no way of disabling this (yet! patches welcome)

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Re: Collapsible Component in GWT2.4

2012-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer
I think the "recommended" way to do this in GWT 2.0+ is to use a 
DockLayoutPanel or a LayoutPanel and use setWidgetSize (or 
setWidgetLeftWidth in a LayoutPanel) to resize it dynamically (and benefit 
from a smooth animation).

(oh, just noticed this is what's suggested on the GWT-Incubator home page: )

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Re: Docs Elaboration Suggestion: Activities & Places, Editor & Request Factory.

2012-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer
Where's the Editor demo?

(also, where's the "documentation"? I've only seen demos)

I'll resist the temptation to reply with links to my own explanations on 
these topics (will probably do when I update them, as they're one year old 
already, and RF has changed quite a bit in the mean time)

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Auto position popup menu

2012-01-19 Thread Ice13ill
Is there a menu popup like widget with the capability of positioning a
the popup automatically so that it doesn't go off-screen ? For example
a like a menu bar but when the widget is on the bottom of the screen,
the popup opens on top so it will remain on the screen.

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Re: Docs Elaboration Suggestion: Activities & Places, Editor & Request Factory.

2012-01-19 Thread Brandon Donnelson
:) I haven't cooked one up, yet. I admit, I think I am an amateur compared 
to folks like you :) and love to see other folks code.

I'm always very impressed when reading your stuff Thomas! I'd love to see 
what you have in mind for links to content relating. As I search today, 
there is no doubt I'll find more of your content online, and by the way, 
I'm so happy you help so much!!


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Re: Docs Elaboration Suggestion: Activities & Places, Editor & Request Factory.

2012-01-19 Thread Brandon Donnelson
Sometimes I read things wrong.

I was referring to editor: 

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Re: Docs Elaboration Suggestion: Activities & Places, Editor & Request Factory.

2012-01-19 Thread Thomas Broyer
As you asked for it (IIUC), I was referring to 

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Re: GWT\GAE With Java Video Course Need Urgently

2012-01-19 Thread vojko

I hope these will be helpfull:

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Re: Collapsible Component in GWT2.4

2012-01-19 Thread vaibhav jain
 Thanks for your reply,Can you explain little more how to resize layout
panel dynamically to achieve the task as i m very new to GWT.I need to
collapse the left panel towards left.

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 10:03 PM, Thomas Broyer  wrote:

> I think the "recommended" way to do this in GWT 2.0+ is to use a
> DockLayoutPanel or a LayoutPanel and use setWidgetSize (or
> setWidgetLeftWidth in a LayoutPanel) to resize it dynamically (and benefit
> from a smooth animation).
> (oh, just noticed this is what's suggested on the GWT-Incubator home page:
> )
> --
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vaibhav jain.

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Using EntityProxyId as service method parameter

2012-01-19 Thread strcin

What is the correct way of using EntityProxyId as a service
method parameter?

This question was asked at least once since the release of gwt2.1.1
but was never answered.
I tried to use EntityProxyId on the client side and
DomainType on server side but it wouldn't work.
As the app I'm working on is still on 2.1 this was not a pressing
issue for me so I put it aside for a while occasionally trying it
again on each new gwt release until now. In the mean time I upgraded
the app to 2.4 and would like to use EntityProxyId's as method
Luckily this time around there is RF validator thingy so I decided to
try once more and just added a client side method to one of my
RequestContexts, similar to;

abstract Request> findDocumentsByProject
(EntityProxyId projectId)

I did this without defining the server side counterpart, just to see
what would RF Validator have to say about it.
Validators response was that it can't find service method with
signature I kind of expected to see;

public static List findDocumentsByProject (Project

After that, I implemented adequate service method and all was fine
until I started the app in dev mode. All I got was deferred binding
exception originating from RequestFactoryGenerator. The exception
message was "Invalid request parametrisation" and it just flat-out
refused EntityProxyId as method parameter. Which is quite contrary
to original design goal from 2.1.1 "A service method declared in a
RequestContext can take parameters of EntityProxyId type to avoid the
need to find() an object just to use it as a method parameter"

It seems to me that either I'm "holding it wrong TM" and
EntityProxyId's are to be used in a different way as method
parameters, although it seems not very likely since RF Validator was
ok with it.

It's either that or there is something missing from,
more precisely its validateTransportableType method which throws the
exception when it encounters EntityProxyId.

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Problemas con GWTP

2012-01-19 Thread wipay
hola amigos
tengo problemas con gwt 2.4 me sale el siguiente error

19/01/2012 10:37:05 AM
ADVERTENCIA: Multiple Servlet injectors detected. This is a warning
indicating that you have more than one GuiceFilter running in your web
application. If this is deliberate, you may safely ignore this
message. If this is NOT deliberate however, your application may not
work as expected.
[WARN] Server class 'javax.validation.Validation' could not be found
in the web app, but was found on the system classpath
   [WARN] Adding classpath entry 'file:/C:/Java/eclipse/plugins/
validation-api-1.0.0.GA.jar' to the web app classpath for this session
   For additional info see: file:/C:/Java/eclipse/plugins/

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GWT DialogBox & Jquery DatePicker

2012-01-19 Thread Bruno MT

I'm spanish java developer, like u can read(horrible english...)

I'm a little newbie in GWT development. I enter in a maintence
project, and it's the worst code I had ever seen...
Client told that he wants to use Jquery DatePicker in a GWT dialogBox.
In Internet Explorer everything is all right, but in FF the calendar
showed by Jquery is not responding to click events, is like jquery z-
index were less than dialgobox z-index, but its not true.

GWT 1 - Bruno 0

Please Elders From Internet, Help Me!!

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Re: Help with resizing

2012-01-19 Thread Mike Dee
That gives a runtime error when the view calls initWidget() in its

Here is a summary of the code.  Note it uses Activities and Places.

// The view
public class MyViewImpl extends Composite implements MyView,
RequiresResize, ProvidesResize
interface Binder extends UiBinder

private static final Binder binder = GWT.create( Binder.class );

@UiField(provided=true) MySplitLayoutPanel splitPanel;

public MyViewImpl()
initWidget( binder.createAndBindUi( this ) );   // <=== 
thrown here


// MyView.ui.xml";>


public class MySplitLayoutPanel extends SplitLayoutPanel
private static MySplitLayoutPanellUiBinder uiBinder =
GWT.create( MySplitLayoutPanel.class );

interface MySplitLayoutPanelUiBinder extends UiBinder

@UiField SplitLayoutPanel main;

// Just want to be able to override onResize.
public void onResize()
System.out.println( "*** ONRESIZE ***" );

// MySplitLayoutPanel.ui.xml";>

On Jan 18, 5:57 am, Patrick Tucker 
> Define the element as a SplitLayoutPanel in the uibinder and provide
> it with an instance of your class in the java code.
> @UiField(provided=true)
> On Jan 17, 7:37 pm,MikeDee wrote:
> > Just getting back to this.  Was working on something else.
> > I did as describe below, by Ashwin.
> > However, when I switch to design mode in GWTDesigner, the following
> > error occurs:
> > [ERROR] No class matching "west" in
> > Element 
> > I assume that something else must be done so that GWTDesigner knows
> > either: 1) my class is based on SplitLayoutPanel and thus the same XML
> > is used to define it, 2) I have to some how tell GWTDesigner about all
> > the options supported by MySplitLayoutPanel so that it knows how to
> > interpret the uibinder code.
> > It seems like this would be a common practice - to extend GWT widgets
> > - and so I assume it isn't too difficult.  Any pointers?
> >Mike
> > On Dec 28 2011, 8:53 pm, Ashwin Desikan 
> > wrote:
> > >Mike,
> > > As long as you have a default constrictor in your derivedayout panel, you 
> > > should be able to use it in ui:binder like below.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Above m is the namespace identifier for your package.
> > > Did u try something like above?
> > > Thanks
> > > Ashwin
> > > Sent from my iPhone
> > > On Dec 28, 2011, at 10:53 PM,MikeDee wrote:
> > > > Hi Ashwin,
> > > > The SplitLayoutPanel is inside a DockLayoutPanel (in the center).  I
> > > > can see the DockLayoutPanel->onResize() calling SplitLayoutPanel-
> > > >> onResize().  However, it isn't calling the onResize() I added with
> > > > addHandler().  I assume addHandler() has no effect since
> > > > SplitLayoutPanel implements ResizeRequired.  So, now I am figuring out
> > > > how to get a hold of SplitLayoutPanel's onResize() to override.
> > > > I've created a derived panel, called MySplitLayoutPanel.  Currently
> > > > trying to figure out how to make this work with uibinder.
> > > >Mike
> > > > On Dec 28, 1:16 am, Ashwin Desikan  wrote:
> > > >> All layout panels implement the onResize method. So you don't Have to 
> > > >> extend the widget unless you are doing a custom Splitlayout panel.
> > > >> Do you use the Splitlayout panel inside other panels? Also, i trust 
> > > >> you are using rootlayout panel instead of rootpanel in the onModule 
> > > >> method of your entrypoint
> > > >> Since, I can't Access the entire thread over email I am assuming you 
> > > >> are having Splitlayout panel inside another layout like a htmlpanel 
> > > >> etc and expect it to resize on the change of view dimensions?
> > > >> If thats the case on way to fire the onResize automatically is to use 
> > > >> a place the splitlayoutpanel inside a ResizeLayoutPanel or for that 
> > > >> matter any layout panels
> > > >> ~Ashwin
> > > >> Sent from my iPhone
> > > >> On Dec 28, 2011, at 1:08 PM,MikeDee wrote:
> > > >>> Played around with this a little more and came to a few conclusions.
> > > >>> I am guessing that adding a ResizeHandler to SplitLayoutPanel has no
> > > >>> effect because SplitLayoutPanel already implements onResize() - due to
> > > >>> its implementing RequiresResize.  I can see SplitLayoutPanel's
> > > >>> onResize() being called by stepping through the code.  The
> > > >>> ResizeHandler I added is no where to be found.
> > > >>> That leaves the option of deriving my own subclass of SplitLayoutPanel
> > > >>> and then overriding onResize().  Easy enough EXCEPT how does one get
> > > >>> such a class to work with uibinder?
> > > >>> --
> > > >>> You received th

Re: Problemas con GWTP

2012-01-19 Thread Hilco Wijbenga
On 19 January 2012 07:44, wipay  wrote:
> hola amigos
> tengo problemas con gwt 2.4 me sale el siguiente error
> 19/01/2012 10:37:05 AM
> setPipeline
> ADVERTENCIA: Multiple Servlet injectors detected. This is a warning
> indicating that you have more than one GuiceFilter running in your web
> application. If this is deliberate, you may safely ignore this
> message. If this is NOT deliberate however, your application may not
> work as expected.
> [WARN] Server class 'javax.validation.Validation' could not be found
> in the web app, but was found on the system classpath
>   [WARN] Adding classpath entry 'file:/C:/Java/eclipse/plugins/
> validation-api-1.0.0.GA.jar' to the web app classpath for this session
>   For additional info see: file:/C:/Java/eclipse/plugins/
> doc/helpInfo/webAppClassPath.html

Firstly, they're not errors, they're warnings. So unless you actually
see a problem later on, you may ignore them.

If you don't want to ignore them (and it makes sense that you
shouldn't) then fix them. They are all accompanied by a reasonable
description, aren't they?

What exactly are you having trouble with?

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Native GWT drag and drop vs gwt-dnd vs other?

2012-01-19 Thread Rori Stumpf
I need drag and drop capability, what's the best way to go? I've
looked at the GWT drag and drop demo so far, have not tried any code.
So, what do you suggest... native GWT drag and drop, or something like
gwt-dnd (which seems to be the most popular now but predates native

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GWT designer does not autocomplete ui binder?

2012-01-19 Thread Elhanan

actually i have 2 issues, in my attempts to use GXT i swiched to GWT 

however, after trying to use ui binder i saw i have no auto 
complete support , is this a bug? known bug? "feature".

also i understand that the ui binder won't support GXT , but according to 
this: some 
works is being done, but i don't get it.
does this mean GXT 2.5 official release can't be used AT ALL with ui 
binder? would i have to wait for GXT 3 to actually use it?

does Intelij have better support for GXT?

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Re: GWT support for Application Servers

2012-01-19 Thread SergeZ
Thanks a lot, it is my mistake I miss this passage of the official
documentation, but if I got the point right, the article says that,
yes, you cat debug client-side code as ussual, but I have to find a
tool to debug the server-side one.
So, fix me if I wrong, but one of the possible scenarious is - debug
client-side code from the IDE's debug session, and, for example, debug
server-side code in another debug session, probably, being connected
to the Application Server remotely ( remote debugging currentry
running web-app on the Application Server ).

Am I right ?

P.S.: the proble have just appeared, so my questions could look a
little bit strange, but that is becouse I haven't an experience in
substituing Jetty with another Application Server.

On 19 янв, 20:10, Thomas Broyer  wrote:
> See

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Editor Frame work and MVP

2012-01-19 Thread Qrunk
Hi ,

Just a general question, is it true that Editor Framework breaks MVP 
paradigm?? If yes please explain how ? Can we use it while using MVP Design 
pattern ??

Thanks in advance

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Re: Making an RPC call from a CellTable ButtonCell in a view (MVP pattern)

2012-01-19 Thread Eric Metcalf
I'm using flextable to delete items from it.  I pass in the EventBus
and throw an event when a delete occurs.

On Jan 19, 5:34 am, Drew Spencer  wrote:
> Hey Patrick,
> The thing with setFieldUpdater is that I can't work out how to access it
> from the Presenter. If I add something like HasCell getDeleteColumn()
> to the interface my view implements, I can only access getFieldUpdater, not
> setFieldUpdater. In honesty the whole CellTable thing seems like it needs
> some work, so maybe they have plans for the next release or something.
> If anyone can suggest an easier way to do this then I would appreciate it.
> I thought FlexTable or something similar would be a bad move as cells are
> meant to be much more efficient and cleaner, so decided to put in the extra
> work and go for cell widgets straight away.

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Re: Auto position popup menu

2012-01-19 Thread Jim Douglas
The documentation sample shows how to position the popup relative to
the available space, using whatever calculation you choose:

On Jan 19, 8:45 am, Ice13ill  wrote:
> Is there a menu popup like widget with the capability of positioning a
> the popup automatically so that it doesn't go off-screen ? For example
> a like a menu bar but when the widget is on the bottom of the screen,
> the popup opens on top so it will remain on the screen.

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Re: Auto position popup menu

2012-01-19 Thread Jim Douglas
I only read "popup"; I missed "menubar".  But that shouldn't change
anything; just embed your menubar in the popup.

On Jan 19, 1:12 pm, Jim Douglas  wrote:
> The documentation sample shows how to position the popup relative to
> the available space, using whatever calculation you choose:
> On Jan 19, 8:45 am, Ice13ill  wrote:
> > Is there a menu popup like widget with the capability of positioning a
> > the popup automatically so that it doesn't go off-screen ? For example
> > a like a menu bar but when the widget is on the bottom of the screen,
> > the popup opens on top so it will remain on the screen.

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how to add external module WITHOUT Eclipse

2012-01-19 Thread Paul Shannon
I prefer not to do my GWT programming in Eclipse, nor in any IDE, even
though that seems to be what most people use.

 I looked far and wide for instruction on how to add an external
module (like gwt-svg) to a GWT project, tried lots of variations on
adding "inherits" to myProj.gwt.xml, looking for place to specify
classpath, adding the external jar at various places in the project
directory structure -- but always not quite succeeding.

Doing this in Eclipse is well-documented, easily achieved.

If I must persist :} in my command-line approach to GWT, can anyone
explain to me what I am missing?  What exactly are all the steps
needed to add an external project?

Thank you,


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Validation on client side whit Editors

2012-01-19 Thread Daniel Mauricio Patino León
Im traying to use Validation.

my module xml has:

My SampleValidatorFactory Class:

public final class SampleValidatorFactory extends
AbstractGwtValidatorFactory {
  @GwtValidation(value = Person.class, groups = {})
  public interface GwtValidator extends Validator {
  public AbstractGwtValidator createValidator() {
return GWT.create(GwtValidator.class);

My pojo:

public class Person implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -120449367149704989L;

@Size(min = 10)
private String firstName;
private String lastName;

And my Editor:

void handleClick(ClickEvent e){
Person p = myDriver.flush();

Validator validator =
Set> violations = 


Window.alert("Binding "+p.getFirstName()+" "+p.getLastName()+" 
has a
pet whit name "+p.getMyPet().getName());

I should expect get violations  if the @Size(min = 10) of the String
firstName is violated

but i cant get it work

the error output is:

16:07:05.088 [ERROR] [uibinder] Uncaught exception escaped One or more exceptions
caught, see full set in UmbrellaException#getCauses
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor24.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Deferred binding failed for
$GwtValidator' (did you forget to inherit a required module?)

Re: how to add external module WITHOUT Eclipse

2012-01-19 Thread Hilco Wijbenga
On 19 January 2012 13:37, Paul Shannon  wrote:
> I prefer not to do my GWT programming in Eclipse, nor in any IDE, even
> though that seems to be what most people use.

Only the script kiddies. ;-)

>  I looked far and wide for instruction on how to add an external
> module (like gwt-svg) to a GWT project, tried lots of variations on
> adding "inherits" to myProj.gwt.xml, looking for place to specify
> classpath, adding the external jar at various places in the project
> directory structure -- but always not quite succeeding.
> Doing this in Eclipse is well-documented, easily achieved.

I have no idea how to do this in Eclipse but I don't see why a more
manual/CLI approach would be any different.

> If I must persist :} in my command-line approach to GWT, can anyone
> explain to me what I am missing?  What exactly are all the steps
> needed to add an external project?

Add the necessary dependency to your POM (or dump it in your lib
directory if you're not using Maven) [don't forget the sources JAR!]
and add an inherits line to your *.gwt.xml. That's it.

You seem to be doing this already, so it might help if you gave
specific error messages.

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Re: GWT DialogBox & Jquery DatePicker

2012-01-19 Thread Daniel Mauricio Patino León
convence a tu cliente de usar el Date picker del GWT. No tiene sentido
reemplazarlo por el de jQuery.

2012/1/19 Bruno MT 

> Hello,
> I'm spanish java developer, like u can read(horrible english...)
> I'm a little newbie in GWT development. I enter in a maintence
> project, and it's the worst code I had ever seen...
> Client told that he wants to use Jquery DatePicker in a GWT dialogBox.
> In Internet Explorer everything is all right, but in FF the calendar
> showed by Jquery is not responding to click events, is like jquery z-
> index were less than dialgobox z-index, but its not true.
> GWT 1 - Bruno 0
> Please Elders From Internet, Help Me!!
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Google Web Toolkit" group.
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ISC. Daniel Mauricio Patiño León.
Director ejecutivo
Liondev S.A. de C.V.

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Re: Validation on client side whit Editors

2012-01-19 Thread Nick Chalko
Here is the key line,

> Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory

you are missing a compile time dependency.  You need the complete hibernate
validator at compile to to generate the validation code.

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Dev Mode results in 'spinning wheel' delays on Mac

2012-01-19 Thread Eric
I'm using GWT 2.4  I find that after I launch dev (hosted) mode, which
itself takes around 30 seconds, the first page load comes up fine.
But if I start editing java files and do a browser refresh, I find
that very soon the browser refresh starts 'hanging', and I get the
dreaded spinning wheel pointer icon on the mac.  It doesn't matter if
I use Firefox or Safari, after the first few changes the subsequent
browser refresh takes forever to complete.

Do other people experience this problem when using Dev mode?  Are
there things I can do/configure to work around this unfortunate
performance problem?

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Re: GWT- Quirks mode :Is there any way to force Document mode to "Quirks" in GWT ?

2012-01-19 Thread Rob

Try adding the following to the head section of your host page:





Rob (GWT demo) (Smart GWT demo) (Ext GWT demo)

On Jan 20, 2:00 am, El Mentecato Mayor 
> Using the "Transitional" doctype will make your app run in quirks
> mode:
>  "";>
> See:
> Keep in mind that the layout panels introduced in GWT 2.0 work
> properly only under standards mode, at least at the time they were
> introduced.
> On Jan 19, 7:34 am, vaibhav bhalke  wrote:
> > How to force Document mode to Quirks mode ?
> > I am using GWT application
> > My Iframe is not completely appear in IE8. But works in IE7 and Mozila FF.
> > I tried  to
> > solve this isssue  bt no suceess :(
> > IE8 wrks only when I am setting document mode to "Quirks"  using developer
> > tools
> > Is there any way to force Document mode to "Quirks" in GWT ?
> > --
> > Best Regards,
> > Vaibhav Bhalke
> > 

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Re: Re : Re: Re : Re: CellTree with SingleSelectionModel will not fire event for root node (GWT 2.3)

2012-01-19 Thread Rodrigue Lagoue
Hi Jens,

did you solve this issue? I have the same issue now.

Thank you very much

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 4:32 PM, Jens Teglhus Møller wrote:

> Hi
> I have trimmed down my tree to a minimal example root node with one
> child both strings and here it works (should of course have done this
> before my initial post :-(), i suspect it to be related to some
> generics stuff that i'm clueless about. I will have to dig deeper into
> this.
> Sorry for the noise.
> Best regards Jens
> On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 3:18 PM, 
> wrote:
> > Can you post your getNodeInfo methdo code ?
> >
> > --
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> >
> > To post to this group, send email to
> .
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >
> >
> --
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Re: how to add external module WITHOUT Eclipse

2012-01-19 Thread Paul Shannon
Thanks, Hilco, for offering to help out.

(It may be that, working in true-beginner learning mode as I am, that
using Lukas Laag's gwt-svg library as my test case, as the external
module I wish to include in my simple gwt app,  is more complicating
than need be.  If there is some classic gwt add-on, 3rd party external
module that would be a better -- simpler -- test case, please suggest

In svgApp/src/examples, where client/ server/ and shared/ directories
are found, I have svgApp.gwt.xml which includes this line:


I put the gwt-svg jar in svgApp/war/WEB-INF/lib, which has this


# which has these contents:
# jar tvf lib-gwt-svg-0.5.4.jar | grep gwt.xml
#   2141 Wed Nov 02 18:54:46 PDT 2011 org/vectomatic/libgwtsvg.gwt.xml

And the error message is:

00:00:00.032  [TRACE] Loading inherited module
  00:00:00.032  [ERROR] Unable to find 'org/vectomatic/dom/
svg.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo,
or maybe you forgot to include a classpath
entry for source?

Is  war/WEB-INF/lib the wrong place for me to put the client-side
external module jar?

Thanks for any advice!

 - Paul

On Jan 19, 2:12 pm, Hilco Wijbenga  wrote:
> On 19 January 2012 13:37, Paul Shannon  
> wrote:
> > I prefer not to do my GWT programming in Eclipse, nor in any IDE, even
> > though that seems to be what most people use.
> Only the script kiddies. ;-)
> >  I looked far and wide for instruction on how to add an external
> > module (like gwt-svg) to a GWT project, tried lots of variations on
> > adding "inherits" to myProj.gwt.xml, looking for place to specify
> > classpath, adding the external jar at various places in the project
> > directory structure -- but always not quite succeeding.
> > Doing this in Eclipse is well-documented, easily achieved.
> I have no idea how to do this in Eclipse but I don't see why a more
> manual/CLI approach would be any different.
> > If I must persist :} in my command-line approach to GWT, can anyone
> > explain to me what I am missing?  What exactly are all the steps
> > needed to add an external project?
> Add the necessary dependency to your POM (or dump it in your lib
> directory if you're not using Maven) [don't forget the sources JAR!]
> and add an inherits line to your *.gwt.xml. That's it.
> You seem to be doing this already, so it might help if you gave
> specific error messages.

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Re: how to add external module WITHOUT Eclipse

2012-01-19 Thread Hilco Wijbenga
On 19 January 2012 15:35, Paul Shannon  wrote:
> Thanks, Hilco, for offering to help out.
> (It may be that, working in true-beginner learning mode as I am, that
> using Lukas Laag's gwt-svg library as my test case, as the external
> module I wish to include in my simple gwt app,  is more complicating
> than need be.  If there is some classic gwt add-on, 3rd party external
> module that would be a better -- simpler -- test case, please suggest
> it).
> In svgApp/src/examples, where client/ server/ and shared/ directories
> are found, I have svgApp.gwt.xml which includes this line:

My first guess is that you've got the name wrong. I think it's

> I put the gwt-svg jar in svgApp/war/WEB-INF/lib, which has this
> listing:
> gwt-servlet-deps.jar
> gwt-servlet.jar
> lib-gwt-svg-0.5.4.jar
> # which has these contents:
> # jar tvf lib-gwt-svg-0.5.4.jar | grep gwt.xml
> #   2141 Wed Nov 02 18:54:46 PDT 2011 org/vectomatic/libgwtsvg.gwt.xml
> And the error message is:
> 00:00:00.032  [TRACE] Loading inherited module
> 'org.vectomatic.dom.svg'
>  00:00:00.032  [ERROR] Unable to find 'org/vectomatic/dom/
> svg.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo,
>                        or maybe you forgot to include a classpath
> entry for source?
> Is  war/WEB-INF/lib the wrong place for me to put the client-side
> external module jar?

Not sure, I don't use the strange and unconventional setup that the
GWT docs seem to advocate. I use Maven and the gwt-maven-plugin. But
it's a lib directory so it may very well be the right one. Check the
docs, I'm sure this is documented.

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Confirme o seu e-mail

2012-01-19 Thread Equipe do Hotmail
To view this email message, open the email in with
HTML compatibility!

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DataGrid and EditTextCell not working properly on blur in IE

2012-01-19 Thread Vampire
I'm using a DataGrid and I show some EditTextCells in there, and also some 
EditSelectionCells. They are a combination of SelectionCells and 
EditTextCells and work after the same principal as the EditTextCells. They 
render as normal text if not in editing mode and if you click them, a Selec 
Box is displayed and on blur it is committed and again shown as text.

The problem is, in Firefox this works like a charm.
But in IE this is not working properly.
It seems to me that the blur events are not propagated properly down in IE.
Does someone know this effect and has a solution?
Currently I click on various EditTextCells and all stay in editing mode as 
long as ESC or RETURN is pressed.
The behaviour in FF is much better where always only one cell can be in 
editing mode as on blur the change is committed.

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Editing list of child objects in CellTable

2012-01-19 Thread Maiku
I am trying to set up a CellTable with a HasDataEditor and it appeared
to work up until I tried to create an ActionCell column that launches
a dialog to edit a list of child objects (ex. My main CellTable edits
"Fields" and my dialog should provide a way to add "Attributes" like
read-only, enabled, etc. to those Fields). This dialog also uses its
own CellTable (although I suppose I could use a simple ListEditor if
need be) but the CellTable never seems to get any information.

I think I am having problems understanding fundamentally how this
would be hooked up and so I am asking

1. How do others usually deal with a situation of modifying lists of
child objects from their CellTable? Do you use a popup or is there
some way to edit them in place that I am not aware of?

2. Does hooking a CellTable up to a HasDataEditor work at all? I saw
old posts from the beginning of 2011 that suggested it did not but
they referenced a bug in 2.2 that appears to be fixed now.

3. If the q1 is "use a popup/dialog" and q2 is true, then how would I
set it up that the ActionCell knows to hook up the proxy it receives
to an editor? I couldn't think of it and thus produced the following
which is obviously wrong (given the error I stated in the paragraph

  ActionCell presentsCell = new
new ActionCell.Delegate()
   public void execute(AttributeListProxy alproxy)
  // Setup a dialog
  // Pass in the RequestContext
  // Start the driver
  // Launch the dialog
  plproxy =
  AttributeListProxy attributeEditor = new
  attributeEditor .setRequestContext(requestContext);
  attributeEditor .edit(plproxy);
  attributeEditor .center();

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Editing list of child objects in CellTable

2012-01-19 Thread Maiku
I am trying to set up a CellTable with a HasDataEditor and it appeared
to work up until I tried to create an ActionCell column that launches
a dialog to edit a list of child objects (ex. My main CellTable edits
"Fields" and my dialog should provide a way to add "Attributes" like
read-only, enabled, etc. to those Fields). This dialog also uses its
own CellTable (although I suppose I could use a simple ListEditor if
need be) but the CellTable never seems to get any information.

I think I am having problems understanding fundamentally how this
would be hooked up and so I am asking

1. How do others usually deal with a situation of modifying lists of
child objects from their CellTable? Do you use a popup or is there
some way to edit them in place that I am not aware of?

2. Does hooking a CellTable up to a HasDataEditor work at all? I saw
old posts from the beginning of 2011 that suggested it did not but
they referenced a bug in 2.2 that appears to be fixed now.

3. If the q1 is "use a popup/dialog" and q2 is true, then how would I
set it up that the ActionCell knows to hook up the proxy it receives
to an editor? I couldn't think of it and thus produced the following
which is obviously wrong (given the error I stated in the paragraph

  ActionCell presentsCell = new
new ActionCell.Delegate()
   public void execute(AttributeListProxy alproxy)
  // Setup a dialog
  // Pass in the RequestContext
  // Start the driver
  // Launch the dialog
  plproxy =
  AttributeListProxy attributeEditor = new
  attributeEditor .setRequestContext(requestContext);
  attributeEditor .edit(plproxy);
  attributeEditor .center();

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Re: Validation on client side whit Editors

2012-01-19 Thread Daniel Mauricio Patino León
Hi Nick

But now i get another errors.

[ERROR] [uibinder] - Errors in
[ERROR] [uibinder] - Line 36: No source code is available for type
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.impl.SizeValidatorForString; did you
forget to inherit a required module?
[ERROR] [uibinder] - Line 36: No source code is available for type
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.impl.SizeValidatorForCollection; did
you forget to inherit a required module?
[ERROR] [uibinder] - Line 36: No source code is available for type
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.impl.SizeValidatorForMap; did you
forget to inherit a required module?
[INFO] [uibinder] - See snapshot:

It seems that don't recognize the hibernate @Size(min = 10) anotation.

I got the hibernate validation jars on web-inf/lib/

This the complete trace

20:03:12.768 [ERROR] [uibinder] Failed to create an instance of
'' via deferred binding

at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor24.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Re: how to add external module WITHOUT Eclipse

2012-01-19 Thread Paul Shannon
You were right, Hilco:  I misspelled the module name.  Fixing that got
me a bit further, but alas, linking problems continue.

All of which reminds me that, when in Rome, one should do as the
Romans do.  Eclipse, here I come.

Thanks for your kind assistance!

 - Paul

On Jan 19, 4:12 pm, Hilco Wijbenga  wrote:
> On 19 January 2012 15:35, Paul Shannon  
> wrote:
> > Thanks, Hilco, for offering to help out.
> > (It may be that, working in true-beginner learning mode as I am, that
> > using Lukas Laag's gwt-svg library as my test case, as the external
> > module I wish to include in my simple gwt app,  is more complicating
> > than need be.  If there is some classic gwt add-on, 3rd party external
> > module that would be a better -- simpler -- test case, please suggest
> > it).
> > In svgApp/src/examples, where client/ server/ and shared/ directories
> > are found, I have svgApp.gwt.xml which includes this line:
> >  
> >  
> My first guess is that you've got the name wrong. I think it's
> "org.vectomatic.libgwtsvg".
> > I put the gwt-svg jar in svgApp/war/WEB-INF/lib, which has this
> > listing:
> > gwt-servlet-deps.jar
> > gwt-servlet.jar
> > lib-gwt-svg-0.5.4.jar
> > # which has these contents:
> > # jar tvf lib-gwt-svg-0.5.4.jar | grep gwt.xml
> > #   2141 Wed Nov 02 18:54:46 PDT 2011 org/vectomatic/libgwtsvg.gwt.xml
> > And the error message is:
> > 00:00:00.032  [TRACE] Loading inherited module
> > 'org.vectomatic.dom.svg'
> >  00:00:00.032  [ERROR] Unable to find 'org/vectomatic/dom/
> > svg.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo,
> >                        or maybe you forgot to include a classpath
> > entry for source?
> > Is  war/WEB-INF/lib the wrong place for me to put the client-side
> > external module jar?
> Not sure, I don't use the strange and unconventional setup that the
> GWT docs seem to advocate. I use Maven and the gwt-maven-plugin. But
> it's a lib directory so it may very well be the right one. Check the
> docs, I'm sure this is documented.

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Drag and Drop API in GWT 2.4

2012-01-19 Thread stagirus
I am glad to see that GWT team has introduced Drag and Drop support in
GWT 2.4. We have been using SmartGWT just for Drag and Drop
functionality in one module. We are just switching to GWT 2.4 and
tried to implement DnD functionality using GWT 2.4 API. Most of the
API seems pretty friendly. But I am highly surprised to learn that
none of the panels (except SimplePanel) supports drag & drop. Panels
(Absolute, Vertical, etc.) play an extremely importat role in GWT. Was
it an oversight not support drag and drop for complex panels? In our
requirements, panels act as drop targets.

I understand GWT drag and drop is still an experimental/developmental
API. I hope my above coments would help improve it further.

Can anybody suggest any panel or widget that could act as drop target
and also can hold (as parent) for several child widgets?
Alternatively, is there a simple way to introduce drag and drop
behavior to AbsolutePanel?

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How to Update Entity with Editors & RequestFactory

2012-01-19 Thread jmbz84

My question is how can I update an existing Entity instead of creating
a new one. When I use my persist method in my Entity I always create a
new Entity in my DB whith a new Id, even when the object passed in my
persist method has an existing Id.

Im using Editors and RequestFactory, the save/flush/persist flow works
because it is saving data on the BD.

Perhaps I need something like a if() find() method and then something
like entityManager.itemFound.persist(newItem)???

I have the server  Entity Articulo with the Id declared as:
private Integer id;

This is my persist method on the server:

public void persistArticulo(Articulo articulo)
try {
EntityManager entityManager = entityManager();
return ;
catch (Exception e)
return ;

Thanks a lot

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Re: how to add external module WITHOUT Eclipse

2012-01-19 Thread Hilco Wijbenga
On 19 January 2012 19:22, Paul Shannon  wrote:
> You were right, Hilco:  I misspelled the module name.  Fixing that got
> me a bit further, but alas, linking problems continue.

Just for the record, it really is quite simple. Add the JAR (+
sources) to your classpath and add an inherits line. It really isn't
hard. Maybe the SVG library has it's own dependencies?

> All of which reminds me that, when in Rome, one should do as the
> Romans do.  Eclipse, here I come.

If you're using some sort of SCM, you should be able to check the
changes Eclipse makes. (I mean you should be able to create a diff
between the before and after.) That ought to tell you what you want to
know. I bet it's something small: a typo or editing the wrong file. Or
missing dependencies.

> Thanks for your kind assistance!

You're welcome. Good luck.

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Re: Help with resizing

2012-01-19 Thread Ashwin Desikan
In your ui:binder you are using a SplitlayoutPanel. You have to use the same 
for the variable definition in your view as well. At runtime assign qn instance 
of your custom SplitPanel to the declared variable


SplitLayoutPanel splitPanel = MySplitLayoutPanel();

You need to add a cast anywhere you are using methods which are not part if the 
base class


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 20, 2012, at 12:18 AM, Mike Dee  wrote:

> That gives a runtime error when the view calls initWidget() in its
> constructor.
> Here is a summary of the code.  Note it uses Activities and Places.
> // The view
> public class MyViewImpl extends Composite implements MyView,
> RequiresResize, ProvidesResize
> {
>interface Binder extends UiBinder
>private static final Binder binder = GWT.create( Binder.class );
>@UiField(provided=true) MySplitLayoutPanel splitPanel;
>public MyViewImpl()
>initWidget( binder.createAndBindUi( this ) );   // <=== Exception
> thrown here
> }
> // MyView.ui.xml
>  xmlns:g=''
> //
> public class MySplitLayoutPanel extends SplitLayoutPanel
> {
>private static MySplitLayoutPanellUiBinder uiBinder =
> GWT.create( MySplitLayoutPanel.class );
>interface MySplitLayoutPanelUiBinder extends UiBinder MySplitLayoutPanel>
>@UiField SplitLayoutPanel main;
>// Just want to be able to override onResize.
>public void onResize()
>System.out.println( "*** ONRESIZE ***" );
> }
> // MySplitLayoutPanel.ui.xml
>  xmlns:g="">
> On Jan 18, 5:57 am, Patrick Tucker 
> wrote:
>> Define the element as a SplitLayoutPanel in the uibinder and provide
>> it with an instance of your class in the java code.
>> @UiField(provided=true)
>> On Jan 17, 7:37 pm,MikeDee wrote:
>>> Just getting back to this.  Was working on something else.
>>> I did as describe below, by Ashwin.
>>> However, when I switch to design mode in GWTDesigner, the following
>>> error occurs:
>>> [ERROR] No class matching "west" in
>>> Element 
>>> I assume that something else must be done so that GWTDesigner knows
>>> either: 1) my class is based on SplitLayoutPanel and thus the same XML
>>> is used to define it, 2) I have to some how tell GWTDesigner about all
>>> the options supported by MySplitLayoutPanel so that it knows how to
>>> interpret the uibinder code.
>>> It seems like this would be a common practice - to extend GWT widgets
>>> - and so I assume it isn't too difficult.  Any pointers?
>>> Mike
>>> On Dec 28 2011, 8:53 pm, Ashwin Desikan 
>>> wrote:
 As long as you have a default constrictor in your derivedayout panel, you 
 should be able to use it in ui:binder like below.
 Above m is the namespace identifier for your package.
 Did u try something like above?
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Dec 28, 2011, at 10:53 PM,MikeDee wrote:
> Hi Ashwin,
> The SplitLayoutPanel is inside a DockLayoutPanel (in the center).  I
> can see the DockLayoutPanel->onResize() calling SplitLayoutPanel-
>> onResize().  However, it isn't calling the onResize() I added with
> addHandler().  I assume addHandler() has no effect since
> SplitLayoutPanel implements ResizeRequired.  So, now I am figuring out
> how to get a hold of SplitLayoutPanel's onResize() to override.
> I've created a derived panel, called MySplitLayoutPanel.  Currently
> trying to figure out how to make this work with uibinder.
> Mike
> On Dec 28, 1:16 am, Ashwin Desikan  wrote:
>> All layout panels implement the onResize method. So you don't Have to 
>> extend the widget unless you are doing a custom Splitlayout panel.
>> Do you use the Splitlayout panel inside other panels? Also, i trust you 
>> are using rootlayout panel instead of rootpanel in the onModule method 
>> of your entrypoint
>> Since, I can't Access the entire thread over email I am assuming you are 
>> having Splitlayout panel inside another layout like a htmlpanel etc and 
>> expect it to resize on the change of view dimensions?
>> If thats the case on way to fire the onResize automatically is to use a 
>> place the splitlayoutpanel inside a ResizeLayoutPanel or for that matter 
>> any layout panels
>> ~Ashwin
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 28, 2011, at 1:08 PM,MikeDee wrote:
>>> Played around wi

Re: GWT SimpleBeanEditorDriver - generate editor class

2012-01-19 Thread -sowdri-
>> If I were you, I'd rather write a generator outside GWT;

Thanks Thomas for pointing this out! Now I could understand that Generators 
are not the only way of using reflection in GWT.

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Re: How to Update Entity with Editors & RequestFactory

2012-01-19 Thread -sowdri-
This usually doesn't happen, as the entities with existing id will be only 
merged rather than creating the new instance. Try checking your equals and 
hashcode implementations for 'Articulo' class, as that plays a central role 
in merge mechanism. 

If you still want a workaround, 

public void persistArticulo(Articulo articulo) 
try { 
EntityManager entityManager = entityManager(); 
// if != null, merge
// else persist
return ; 

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ui:with - calling methods with arguments

2012-01-19 Thread Shaik Muhammad
I want to dynamically set values to a field in uibinder. I am trying
something like this

and the field is set with value like this

and the ValueStore has 2 methods

public String getValue(String key) {
return localizedValues.get(key);

public String getValue() {
return null;
The problem is i am unable to call the getValue(key). I could only
call the no-args method meaning the following is not possible

Please clarify if there is a way to achieve this where i can call a
method with arguments passed to it.

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Re: any existing component for scroll pages

2012-01-19 Thread tong123123
Oh, so sad, any existing code or sample code available to accomplish
my requirement?
the requirement is
"jumping to a certain page like the following:
Showing 1 to 10 of 123 records  < | >| 1 | 2 || 12 | 13

if user press on the number, can jump to that page, if press <, jump
to previous page,if press >, jump to next page. "

On Jan 20, 12:12 am, Thomas Broyer  wrote:
> No (SimplePager only shows prev/next and/or first/last, and the current
> page), but you can easily build your own (extend AbstractPager, it gives
> you everything you need, and you just have to code the UI around that)

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