Re: user.agent options

2010-09-03 Thread John Denley
Thanks Thomas for clearing up those points and clearly another very good
reason for someone from Google documenting this properly!!!

On 2 September 2010 02:24, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 On Sep 1, 10:10 pm, John Denley wrote:
  Thanks for this sbraheem.
  For anyone else reading this who doesnt know how to access what sbraheem
  talking about (as I didnt) then just search your hard drive for the
  gwt-user.jar file then simply copy it and rename it to
  then open it with any zip browser and you can navigate down to
  'com/google/gwt/user/UserAgent.gwt.xml' as stated by sbraheem.

 Or you could just navigate the JAR from within your IDE (i.e.

  For me (version 2.04) the available options are
  which is interesting because - whats happened to ie7? is it really not
  supported? The answer is of course NO the ie6 option covers ie7 (but I
  to look at the code inside the XML file to find that out!) - Surely these
  things should be part of the standard documentation somewhere shouldn't

 Yes, probably.

 And to makes things clear: ie8 only means IE 8 in SuperStandards
 mode. And IE 9 will require a new user.agent value (which is actually
 fortunate, because it will share more code than before with the other
 permutations; standards compliance FTW!)

  Also, this still doesn't answer the second part of the question, which is
  what do these mean? or to put it another way where are chrome and

 You have to reverse engineer the associated property-provider

  The following website does help a bit*
  and this is what seems like a very comprehensive list of mobile phone
  but gecko1_8 didnt seem to be FULLY mentioned anywhere, however looking
  I found that gecko1_8 seems to be Firefox prior to V2.1, and gecko
  (presumably inferring v1.9) is for FF2.1 and above (although I notice
  FF4.0b3pre and FF4.0b4 are gecko v2.0)

 Actually, no.
 user.agent=gecko is gecko 1.7.something, which is something like
 Firefox 1.0, and was used in HostedMode (i.e. before GWT 2.0 and its
 in-browser DevMode). I believe it should have been removed since then,
 but I suppose no one actually took the time to nuke it (and all
 associated Java files, cleaning up class hierarchies when needed)
 user.agent=gecko1_8 applies to both Gecko 1.8 and 1.9, i.e. every
 Firefox version out there.

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Re: user.agent options

2010-09-01 Thread John Denley
Thanks for this sbraheem.

For anyone else reading this who doesnt know how to access what sbraheem is
talking about (as I didnt) then just search your hard drive for the
gwt-user.jar file then simply copy it and rename it to and
then open it with any zip browser and you can navigate down to
'com/google/gwt/user/UserAgent.gwt.xml' as stated by sbraheem.

For me (version 2.04) the available options are


which is interesting because - whats happened to ie7? is it really not
supported? The answer is of course NO the ie6 option covers ie7 (but I had
to look at the code inside the XML file to find that out!) - Surely these
things should be part of the standard documentation somewhere shouldn't

Also, this still doesn't answer the second part of the question, which is
what do these mean? or to put it another way where are chrome and firefox?

The following website does help a bit*

and this is what seems like a very comprehensive list of mobile phone

but gecko1_8 didnt seem to be FULLY mentioned anywhere, however looking at

I found that gecko1_8 seems to be Firefox prior to V2.1, and gecko
(presumably inferring v1.9) is for FF2.1 and above (although I notice that
FF4.0b3pre and FF4.0b4 are gecko v2.0)
Firefox 2.1

   - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; de; rv:
   Gecko/2009101601 Firefox 2.1 (.NET CLR

Firefox 2.0b3

   - Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.8.1b1)

Hope this helps out other people asking the same questions. Anyone from
google fancy adding some of this information to the doc page at:

On 1 September 2010 08:18, sbraheem wrote:

 You can see all the supported options at 'com/google/gwt/user/
 UserAgent.gwt.xml' in the gwt-user.jar file.

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Re: does anyone fancy testing the security on my test application?

2010-05-04 Thread John Denley
OK Just for completeness for anyone reading this regarding how do sessions
work, here is my summary (apologies that this is a somewhat App Engine
biased response, and these steps are only designed for a native GWT/GAE
installation, I cannot comment on any other framework)

   1. App Engine does not by default have sessions turned on (you have to
   add the following to your 'appengine.web.xml' file)
  - sessions-enabledtrue/sessions-enabled
  2. To Set a default timeout for App Engine sessions you need to add
   the following to your 'web.xml' file
  - session-config
  session-timeout60/session-timeout   !-- minutes of inactivity --
  3. on your server you can use the following to 'get' your current
  - HttpSession session = this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession();
   4. Then once you have confirmed that the user has performed a successful
   login you do something like the following:
  - session.setAttribute(authenticatedUserName, username);
   5. Then later when your server recieves any request for data you include
   the following code:
  - if
  != null)
//get the data and send it back
  //send back an error message stating that the session has
  timed out
   6. You can manually invalidate the session (eg if the user clicks logout)
   by using:
  - this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().invalidate();
  7. Each time the Client makes an RPC call to the server (Assuming the
   Session is still valid (ie not timed out)) then the Session is automatically
   refreshed with a timeout set to whatever you set above in the web.xml file
   8. On the Client Side you can use the following line to establish the
   session ID (if cookies are enabled):
  - String jSessionId=Cookies.getCookie(JSESSIONID);
   9. You should however probably take care of what happens if Cookies are
   not enabled, you can test this with:
  - if (Cookies.isCookieEnabled()) {/*deal with someone who has cookies
  10. However, this is relatively meaningless until you check with the
   server that the session is actually still valid as the session validity is
   ALWAYS controlled by the server. There is no real way to confirm on the
   client side that the user is logged in and still had a valid session until
   you connect to the server and ask for some data. However, you could set a
   flag on the client for efficiency to determine for instance which
   buttons/popups are enabled/available after a user is logged in rather than
   having to keep asking the server.

Incidentally, does anyone know how to turn off cookies, if you dont actually
want to use them, and yet still use sessions on the server? Id rather not
have the prompt appear that says that my site needs cookies enabled,
especially if im not actually using them!!

Hope this helps some people reading this, feel free to comment or correct if
ive done anything wrong!

On 28 April 2010 00:55, John Denley wrote:

 OK, I think Im getting somewhere with all this, thanks so much for your
 input Sri!

 Essentially all I need is an interim solution until GAE supports SSL. We
 are actually not going to be storing data thats likely to be particularly
 exciting for any hacker, the best they can hope for is a list of addresses
 of people who use any one hairdresser in any one town!

 Regarding the 5 points (Which I think we can now cut down to just one
 (the use of sessions) going forward!)

1. I understand that any kind of encryption on the client is
effectively pointless without SSL, but its always going to be better than
nothing! A bit like saying that hding your front door key under a rock in
your neighbours front garden is no different to leaving it in your front
2. I figured TLS was something like SSL, either way its not on GAE yet,
so I cant use it yet!
3. My passwords are being salted and hashed 
before being stored.
4.  5. Still not sure i get how sessions really work. Ill keep reading
and trying to figure it out. But surely at some point I still need to send
the session ID from the server to the client right? As far as I can tell so
far, the session ID is generated on the server, so the right thing to do it
set a timeout on that sessionID and touch it every time the user makes a
call to the server, making sure that the sessionID has not timed out. There
are mentions in various places that you should refresh/regenerate the
sessionID on a regular basis during a logged in session, to keep it

 On 27 April 2010 10:16, Sripathi Krishnan sripathikrish...@gmail.comwrote:

 If you can recommend a security framework that works with App Engine

Re: does anyone fancy testing the security on my test application?

2010-04-29 Thread John Denley
Thanks jhulford, Your points are taken in good faith. I think sometimes the
problem is that I dont know what i dont know until someone points it out! Im
learning all the time its been a very eye opening experience, and I cant
wait until I can afford to employ some real programmers to do this all for

Thanks for all yr responses, very helpful.

On 28 April 2010 16:04, jhulford wrote:


 Generally there's a certain expected level of understanding when
 posting into a technical forum like this, which is why people will
 general preface a post with something like I'm a beginner and I have
 some questions.. or something like that to indicate they're not at
 that level.  I'd really suggest finding a book about building web
 applications in java - tutorials are mostly crap when trying to
 actually learn something new.

 That said, here's some answers to your questions:

 1) A web container is the server application where your server side
 code runs and accepts client HTTP requests...tomcat, jetty, websphere,
 2) You can configure the session timeout globally in your web
 application's configuration file, web.xml, also called the deployment
 descriptor.  You can use the max interval method on individual
 sessions to make them deviate from the standard timeout value.
 3) The way session tracking is done by default is by sending a session
 cookie (named session cookie because the cookie will expire after the
 user closes their browser) named 'jsession' id to the client browser
 as a session cookie.  You can use this cookie to retrieve the session
 id on the client side if you need it for anything.
 4) An application token is sometimes used to mitigate XSRF attacks.
 The server will associate a unique ID with the client and send it back
 to the client, the client then sends this token back with every
 request and the server validates the value matches what is expected
 for that session.
 5) A request header contains all the meta information the browser
 sends to the server about the request - response header is server -
 browser.  There's a great firefox plug to view header information
 called Live HTTP Headers.  Very useful.
 6) Browser memory...essentially just a cookie for long term or medium
 length client session storage (ie. the duration a user has their
 browser open) - or can just mean objects stored in javascript global
 scope. HTML5 introduced a more robust storage mechanism, but it's not
 widely used or available on all browsers yet.
 7) Originating Domain - See the domain property under the Set-Cookie
 response header section here:

 Also note that any sort of client side code you run, you have to
 expect can be tampered with and modified.  It's extremely easy to do
 this with javascript debugging tools like Firebug (another essential
 Firefox plugin when doing web dev.).  Honestly, if keeping your
 traffic a secret is important then you can't really get by without
 SSL.  If you can't use that with GAE, then you should think about
 moving to another server platform (Amazon EC2?) or dropping your
 custom domain and using SSL through the plain appspot URL (set up a
 forward from your custom URL to the appspot one).

 On Apr 28, 3:46 am, John Denley wrote:
  I understand what you are saying hazy1, you are right I dont know the
  basics, but the reason for that is that I cant find anywhere where I can
  properly LEARN the basics.
  If there is anywhere you can point me to that actually explains all this
  stuff from the VERY BASICS then I would be very greatful. The reason Im
  asking questions on this forum is to try to learn from friendly people
  might be able to help me understand these things specifically in the
  of GWT (and GAE). Its the back and forth question and answers format
  this) that make this forum a useful place to discuss these concepts.
  The rest of this reply is not any kind of criticism of you personally,
  just an observation of the type of problem I keep finding myself having
  whilst trying to figure all this stuff out (you touch on a very important
  point so thank you for that). I started out building a proof of principle
  and then grew it from there, I didnt ever really expect to suddenly
 become a
  web developer. I would much prefer to employ real developers if only I
  could afford them!
  The actual problem here is that I cant find any kind of tutorials that
  explain all these concepts as if the person reading them has absolutely
  knowledge at all about how the basics work already. Generally speaking
  tutorials are written by experts who know all the terms and concepts like
  they are second nature and often some terms are used like they are
  english but they are not, they are technical terms where each one
  needs further explaination on its own
  In your first point (1

Re: does anyone fancy testing the security on my test application?

2010-04-27 Thread John Denley
Awesome response SRI, and with a bit of luck this will help all those
hundreds of people on here who are struggling with how to implement decent

Ive spent months wrestling with security, after finding out that Google
accounts doesnt have a good enough API for use with GWT/GAE.and that GAE
doesnt support SSL/HTTPS for custom URLs (eg in my case

What struck me immediately is how easy it was for you to figure out what my
client side code was doing, esp given that GWT should be obfuscating the
code, which I thought would me making it pretty hard to actually read my
source code...

Ill address your points individually and I would very much appreciate any
further feedback you are willing to give.

   1. The client side encryption is just trying to make it as hard as
   possible for people like you;) to crack my password, ive had loads of
   people say theres no point doing client side encryption, but my feeling is
   that you have to do SOMETHING on the client side, even if it does only take
   a determined hacker half an hour to figure it out. At least im forcing
   someone to consider whether or not its really worthwhile bothering to spend
   that time trying to crack my encryption. Even the fact that you have
   referred to it as some kind of encryption makes me smile, as you are right
   in that I have created what i think is a pretty tough encryption. Id be
   interested to hear what kinds of methods a determined hacker might use to
   crack it, as Im fairly happy that the only way to actually do that would be
   to examine the source code. I dont think that any kind of brute force will
   succeed, but Im reasonbly OK if brute force will work, as stated earlier in
   this response! Im not happy that you can find the secret key id forgotten
   to hide that... Ill get onto that ;)
   2. Ive never heard of TLS, but SSL is not currently available for custom
   URLs on Google App Engine, which is why I cant use it. Extracting the
   password is something that worries me, however I am somewhat relying on the
   sessionID to provide a unique connection once the user has just logged in
   once (see some comments below on this)
   3. I am using a well recognised encryption algorithm on the server side
   to actually store the passwords in Google App Engine Big table (although Im
   reasonbly happy about the fact that Google datastore is pretty secure in its
   own right)
   4. I dont really understand session ID's and have not been able to find a
   simple explaination anywhere on the web as to how they work. Im not actually
   planning on using cookies initially because of the potential security issue.
   Is a session cookie automatically created? does it store the same sessionID
   as the server?
   5. how does the server know if im logged in or not? Actually, from point
   4, Im just guessing that you could store the session ID with a timeout. Is
   that how it should be done? Checking it on the client side is an efficiency
   thing, no point in doing an RPC call if the client side knows for sure if
   the session is not logged in. The client side check is more of a check that
   your logged out rather than a check that you are logged in

If you can recommend a security framework that works with App Engine and
custom URL's without SSL/HTTPS and has really good documentsation for
complete dummies then please do let me know

Thank you SOO much for your input Sri, its really great to have had even the
feedback you have given me so far!


On 27 April 2010 04:46, Sripathi Krishnan sripathikrish...@gmail.comwrote:

1. You are doing some kind of encryption of passwords on the client
side. Its a big mistake. Its easy to  figure out how its being
encrypted/hashed. In your case, the secret key is

The exact algorithm used for encryption is also extractable, just needs 
an hour of determination.
2. Not using SSL/TLS is another big mistake. It is trivial for anybody
to see the traffic an extract the password. Your custom password encryption
algo (in 1 above) is not going to help at all.
3. I can't tell how you are storing passwords on the server side, but
you must salt and hash your passwords. They must not be stored in a
recoverable form. Also, use a strong hash function (SHA-1, for example). 
is broken, don't use it. And please do not create your own hash function,
its not worth it.
4. Why do you have a RPC method getSessionID()? You don't need the
sessionid in client side code. Just stick to the default session id that
your application server provides. If you want to read the session
identifier, pick it up from the cookie
5. I see there is a javascript check to see if the user is logged in or
not. I hope you are doing it on the server side as well... Its useless to 
the check on client side.

Re: does anyone fancy testing the security on my test application?

2010-04-27 Thread John Denley
OK, I think Im getting somewhere with all this, thanks so much for your
input Sri!

Essentially all I need is an interim solution until GAE supports SSL. We are
actually not going to be storing data thats likely to be particularly
exciting for any hacker, the best they can hope for is a list of addresses
of people who use any one hairdresser in any one town!

Regarding the 5 points (Which I think we can now cut down to just one (the
use of sessions) going forward!)

   1. I understand that any kind of encryption on the client is effectively
   pointless without SSL, but its always going to be better than nothing! A bit
   like saying that hding your front door key under a rock in your neighbours
   front garden is no different to leaving it in your front door
   2. I figured TLS was something like SSL, either way its not on GAE yet,
   so I cant use it yet!
   3. My passwords are being salted and hashed
   before being stored.
   4.  5. Still not sure i get how sessions really work. Ill keep reading
   and trying to figure it out. But surely at some point I still need to send
   the session ID from the server to the client right? As far as I can tell so
   far, the session ID is generated on the server, so the right thing to do it
   set a timeout on that sessionID and touch it every time the user makes a
   call to the server, making sure that the sessionID has not timed out. There
   are mentions in various places that you should refresh/regenerate the
   sessionID on a regular basis during a logged in session, to keep it

On 27 April 2010 10:16, Sripathi Krishnan sripathikrish...@gmail.comwrote:

 If you can recommend a security framework that works with App Engine and
 custom URL's without SSL/HTTPS and has really good documentsation for
 complete dummies then please do let me know

 As far as I know, the above is impossible. You cannot have security without
 ssl. You cannot have a custom domain *and* ssl *and* GAE (because it is
 prohibitively expensive for google). And you have already starred the GAE
 issue that speaks about 
 so there really isn't anything new for me to add.
 If you cannot use google's authentication, and if you can't use any of the
 (not-so-secure) workarounds described in that issue, I am afraid there is no
 way you can use GAE. I'd recommend discussing this in GAE discussion thread
 to get ideas from people. Either that, or just wait till GAE starts
 supporting SSL.

 Additional responses to your comments

1. It doesn't matter what encryption method you use on client side; it
may be the most secure algo on earth. The problem is with the key
management. JS code needs the key to encrypt. And if it is in the JS code,
an attacker will always be able to get it. Ofuscation is just a very minor
hurdle, its easy to read through it.
2. TLS is transport layer 
which is essentially the new SSL.
3. On the server side as well - you should NOT encrypt passwords.
Encryption means there is a way to decrypt and recover the password. If you
can decrypt it, an attacker will find a way as well. The recommended way to
store passwords is to Salt and Hash 
4. Sessions can loosely be described as 'per-user-server-side-hashmap'.
The server automatically creates a cookie 'jsessionid' to track the user. 
when you call request.getSession(), the container gets the session id from
the jsessionid cookie and then gets the state corresponding to that
sessionid. You should read more about this in the j2ee tutorial.
5. I'd recommend OWASPs guide to session 
If you are interested in application security, OWASP is the best place to


 On 27 April 2010 12:54, John Denley wrote:

 Awesome response SRI, and with a bit of luck this will help all those
 hundreds of people on here who are struggling with how to implement decent

 Ive spent months wrestling with security, after finding out that Google
 accounts doesnt have a good enough API for use with GWT/GAE.and that GAE
 doesnt support SSL/HTTPS for custom URLs (eg in my case

 What struck me immediately is how easy it was for you to figure out what
 my client side code was doing, esp given that GWT should be obfuscating the
 code, which I thought would me making it pretty hard to actually read my
 source code...

 Ill address your points individually and I would very much appreciate any
 further feedback you are willing to give.

1. The client side encryption is just trying to make it as hard as
possible for people like you;) to crack my password, ive had loads of
people say theres

Re: Issues in embedding same GWT component twice on the same page

2010-02-24 Thread John Denley
Have you checked the google development mode tab (assuming you are using
eclipse) for uncaught exceptions?

Im thinking specifically the A widget that has an existing parent widget
may not be added to the detach list which will just stop parts of your
screen from loading without any other obvious/external warning/error

I seem to be getting that error all over the place when I try to use the
RootPanel.get().add() functionality, with no obviously good reason at the
moment. Plus I still cant work out what this really actually means! I  dont
mean to hijack your thread, but if anyone can explain this error in
laymans terms Id appreciate it!

Good Luck,

2010/2/24 Vik


 I created a gwt component which is a button (click on which inovkes a

 If i embed it just once then it comes fine on the html page. However, when
 i embed it for the second time i just see one.

 here is the module load code:
 public void onModuleLoad() {

 final Button joinusButton = new Button(Join Us);
 joinusButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
 public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
 // Instantiate the popup and show it.
 JoinUsPopup joinusPopup = new JoinUsPopup();

 if(RootPanel.get(joinusbottom) != null){
 final Button joinusBottomButton = new Button(Join Us);
 joinusBottomButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
 public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
 // Instantiate the popup and show it.
 JoinUsPopup joinusBottomPopup = new JoinUsPopup();

 and mypage.html has following divs

 div id=joinus/div

 div id=joinusbottom /div

 Any idea why i see just one ?

 Thankx and Regards


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Re: Issues in embedding same GWT component twice on the same page

2010-02-24 Thread John Denley
Thanks for this Thomas this has helped me narrow down my problem, but Im
still not sure why Im getting the error heres my HTML code:

iframe src=javascript:'' id=__gwt_historyFrame tabIndex='-1'
table id=registration_page
td id=loadingcontainer
 Loading the Application, Please
td id=logincontainer

Heres my onmoduleLoad():
RootPanel.get(logincontainer).add(new HTML(+LOGIN SCREEN));

If I comment out the first line it works fine, and if I leave it as above I
get the error on the second line.

From what you have said, Im guessing that the very act of using the
setVisible is making GWT think that the registration_page is now a GWT
widget and so it now wont let me add the new HTML to the logincontainer
which is a child of registration_page, presumably because there is a
possibility that I could setVisible(false) and that would effectively
kill the logincontainer?!

Have I read this correct?

Again apologies to Vik for hijacking your thread, Im going to use my test
harness to try to recreate your issue in compensation, however I notice that
you seem to have defined a new JoinUsPopup class, and not included the code
for that, so its possible the problem is in the code for that class


On 24 February 2010 10:56, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 On Feb 24, 10:50 am, John Denley wrote:
  Have you checked the google development mode tab (assuming you are
  eclipse) for uncaught exceptions?
  Im thinking specifically the A widget that has an existing parent widget
  may not be added to the detach list which will just stop parts of your
  screen from loading without any other obvious/external warning/error
  I seem to be getting that error all over the place when I try to use the
  RootPanel.get().add() functionality, with no obviously good reason at
  moment. Plus I still cant work out what this really actually means! I
  mean to hijack your thread, but if anyone can explain this error in
  laymans terms Id appreciate it!

 It means you cannot RootPanel.get(...) or SomeWidget.wrap(...) an
 element that happens to be a child/descendant of a Widget (i.e. of an
 element which GWT thinks it is a GWT Widget's element).

 As for Vik's issue, sorry, no idea.

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Re: Issues in embedding same GWT component twice on the same page

2010-02-24 Thread John Denley
OK Vik, so using the standard PopupPanel your code works fine for me

On 24 February 2010 12:40, John Denley wrote:

 Thanks for this Thomas this has helped me narrow down my problem, but Im
 still not sure why Im getting the error heres my HTML code:

 iframe src=javascript:'' id=__gwt_historyFrame tabIndex='-1'
 table id=registration_page
 td id=loadingcontainer
  Loading the Application, Please
 td id=logincontainer

 Heres my onmoduleLoad():
 RootPanel.get(logincontainer).add(new HTML(+LOGIN SCREEN));

 If I comment out the first line it works fine, and if I leave it as above I
 get the error on the second line.

 From what you have said, Im guessing that the very act of using the
 setVisible is making GWT think that the registration_page is now a GWT
 widget and so it now wont let me add the new HTML to the logincontainer
 which is a child of registration_page, presumably because there is a
 possibility that I could setVisible(false) and that would effectively
 kill the logincontainer?!

 Have I read this correct?

 Again apologies to Vik for hijacking your thread, Im going to use my test
 harness to try to recreate your issue in compensation, however I notice that
 you seem to have defined a new JoinUsPopup class, and not included the code
 for that, so its possible the problem is in the code for that class


 On 24 February 2010 10:56, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 On Feb 24, 10:50 am, John Denley wrote:
  Have you checked the google development mode tab (assuming you are
  eclipse) for uncaught exceptions?
  Im thinking specifically the A widget that has an existing parent
  may not be added to the detach list which will just stop parts of your
  screen from loading without any other obvious/external warning/error
  I seem to be getting that error all over the place when I try to use the
  RootPanel.get().add() functionality, with no obviously good reason at
  moment. Plus I still cant work out what this really actually means! I
  mean to hijack your thread, but if anyone can explain this error in
  laymans terms Id appreciate it!

 It means you cannot RootPanel.get(...) or SomeWidget.wrap(...) an
 element that happens to be a child/descendant of a Widget (i.e. of an
 element which GWT thinks it is a GWT Widget's element).

 As for Vik's issue, sorry, no idea.

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Re: Issues in embedding same GWT component twice on the same page

2010-02-24 Thread John Denley
AH-HA (yes that was my AH-HA moment!)

That really helps me understand your original post that you mentioned below,
I didnt get the significance of you saying you don't need a Widget here.
because as far as my application was working, I didnt HAVE a widget, and i
didnt want a widget, and as far as I knew i was not creating a widget, but
now you tell me that using RootPanel.get() turns that section INTO a widget,
it all suddenly makes sense! LOL

Thanks, I think i can figure it all out from here now...

On 24 February 2010 15:30, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 On Feb 24, 1:40 pm, John Denley wrote:
  Thanks for this Thomas this has helped me narrow down my problem, but Im
  still not sure why Im getting the error heres my HTML code:
  iframe src=javascript:'' id=__gwt_historyFrame tabIndex='-1'
  table id=registration_page
  td id=loadingcontainer
   Loading the Application, Please
  td id=logincontainer
  Heres my onmoduleLoad():
  RootPanel.get(logincontainer).add(new HTML(+LOGIN SCREEN));
  If I comment out the first line it works fine, and if I leave it as above
  get the error on the second line.
  From what you have said, Im guessing that the very act of using the
  setVisible is making GWT think that the registration_page is now a

 No, RootPanel.get(...) creates a RootPanel widget that wraps the
 element, whether you call setVisible or not.

  and so it now wont let me add the new HTML to the logincontainer
  which is a child of registration_page, presumably because there is a
  possibility that I could setVisible(false) and that would effectively
  kill the logincontainer?!

 Possibly because you could do weird things with the
 registration_page that would somehow put logincontainer in such a
 state that GWT would correctly clean up after itself on page unload,
 leading to memory leaks.
 As I said on issue 3511 a while ago:
 If all you want to do with rightTopTable is make it visible/
 invisible, use
 Document.get().getElementById(rightTopTable) and then
 getStyle().setProperty(display, none) or UIObject.setVisible(e,
 false); you don't
 need a Widget here.

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Re: Unable to debug GWT in Eclipse

2010-02-22 Thread John Denley
I know this is a have you turned it on type of question, but are you
actually running it in debug mode? Ive made that mistake myself a few time,
being so used to pressing the play button I sometimes do it without
realising, when i really meant to press the little bug icon instead!

On 19 February 2010 20:38, KRFournier wrote:

 I've been reading these forums and trying everything I could find.
 Still, I cannot capture a breakpoint.

 Eclipse 3.5.1
 GWT 2.0.2
 Windows 7 x64
 JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_18 -- (I've
 confirmed this path is correct)
 URL =

 I've been going through the StockWatcher tutorial. I've tried setting
 debugs in both the onModuleLoad and updateTable methods. I've tried
 creating a new webApplication project and placing a breakpoint in

 I've tried JDK 1.6.0_13, 1.6.0_16 and the last, 1.6.0_18. I've tried
 64-bit and I've tried 32-bit. I'm currently leaving it at 1.6.0_18 32-

 I've even tried rebooting my machine.

 I've browsed my project settings but can't seem to see anything out of
 place. I'm out of ideas. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Resizing Events for % Sized Widgets/Panels?

2010-02-19 Thread John Denley
I think it depends on the widget, but ive had to implement a timer to
constantly check for splitter panel resizing. I understand this is how
Google would implement it themselves anyway, so it should be an acceptable

On 18 February 2010 23:52, Andrew Hughes wrote:

 Hi All,

 I've got...


 The actualy size of this can change dynamically, as it's a % and not
 absolute. For example:
 + other content is added to the dom
 + the css style is changed
 + a split panel is moved by the user
 + the browser window size changes --- ignore this, we have

 Anyway, if myWidget (or the panel around it) changes is actual size - How
 can I detect this? Do I already have an event I can listen for?

 Cheers :)

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Re: How to set the initial state of a radiobutton?

2010-02-18 Thread John Denley
is it possible that this maybe an asynchronos issue, I have had that before
where Im displaying the radio buttons before im setting them because the
setting of the buttons is based on a reply from the server, which is an
asynchronous call!

On 18 February 2010 14:28, Bonor wrote:

 It should! May be something else deselects it?

 I use many radio's and I just use:

 On 18 feb, 04:42, dhoffer wrote:
  gwt 2.0.  I've tried calling setValue(true, true) on radio buttons but
  when the app is run, neither radio button is selected, what is the
  trick to code setting the initial value of radio buttons?

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Re: How to set the initial state of a radiobutton?

2010-02-18 Thread John Denley
Its hard to try to solve this problem without being able to debug the code,
and Ive certainly got no time for that!

You can try to create a really small application that just creates and sets
the radio buttons, so that you can proove to yourself that the functionality

You could also try stepping through the code line by line (if you are using
something like the eclipse IDE)

Otherwise you could try manually stepping through your own code, very
tedious and boring and you need to concentrate but its possible to do if
theres not too much code to trawl through!

Regarding the Asynchronos problem, this all depends if you are using RPC
calls to your server to get the values for your radio buttons, but Im
guessing from what you have said that you are currently hardcoding the
initial values (which of course it one of the debugging steps you could have
tried). The problem though can be that you create and display the radio
buttons, but then the RPC call fails to update them for whatever reason, or
worse yet, tries to update the radio buttons before they have even been

Other than that I dont know enough about how you are trying to do it (or
enough of the internal workings of GWT) to offer any advice on the actual
order of creation etc.

However its worth remembering and considering whether or not your panels or
buttons are being destroyed or just merely hidden. Ive made that mistake
with dialog boxes and not realising that a a call to dialogbox.hide is only
hiding the dialog box, so if you try to create the dialogbox at the
beginning of a function and then hide it later in the same function, later
when you call the same function, it will create a new (clean) version of the
same dialogbox

On 18 February 2010 15:17, dhoffer wrote:


 So how do I solve this?  I'm not clear on the solution you propose.


 On Feb 18, 7:51 am, John Denley wrote:
  is it possible that this maybe an asynchronos issue, I have had that
  where Im displaying the radio buttons before im setting them because the
  setting of the buttons is based on a reply from the server, which is an
  asynchronous call!
  On 18 February 2010 14:28, Bonor wrote:
   It should! May be something else deselects it?
   I use many radio's and I just use:
   On 18 feb, 04:42, dhoffer wrote:
gwt 2.0.  I've tried calling setValue(true, true) on radio buttons
when the app is run, neither radio button is selected, what is the
trick to code setting the initial value of radio buttons?
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Re: setting or refreshing the parent URL from within an iframe

2010-02-18 Thread John Denley
OK, thanks Chris, looks like Im going to HAVE to drop google accounts as a
user authentication method, at least until there is a better way to
integrate applications with google accounts.

On 18 February 2010 15:07, Chris Ramsdale wrote:

 Chris, do you know if there is anyway I can set a similar continue type
 process for what happens when users click on the email link after CREATING a
 google account? At the moment they are just taken to a thank you for
 confirming your account screen, which is all very well, but we would much
 prefer for the user to be able to then click through to our application

 Right now there is no way to force the Account Creation Confirmation
 screen to follow the continue param. To make things more complicated, the
 user will have to verify their account, which is completely decoupled from
 your app. I would suggest adding some text which lets users know that
 they'll need to either a) refresh your app once they have verified their
 account creation, or b) click the sign-out link and sign back in with their
 newly verified account.

 You could also set a timer that inspects the contents of the iframe, and
 auto-refresh in an attempt to catch the account verification that may occur
 in a separate tab. To do this though, you'll need to catch the response,
 otherwise you'll end up with an iframe that appears to be refreshing the
 same content.

 Net, net: there is some room for improvement within the Google Account
 creation process.


 On 17 February 2010 20:51, Chris Ramsdale wrote:

 This thread might help out:

 -- Chris

 On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 6:39 PM, John V Denley wrote:

 I forgot the line from where I am getting the URL:


 On Feb 14, 11:16 pm, John V Denley wrote:
  OK, I think I might have figured out what the problem is... when Im
  creating the frame Im trying to set it using the following line:
  The resulting URL is /_ah/login?continue=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost
  %3A%2F so the problem is that it is stripping out the /
  myappname.html?gwt.codesvr= part which then results in
  me running the last version of the application that I deployed to the
  Does anyone know why the version at localhost: is not the same
  version that exists at localhost:888/IDeBanet.html?
  gwt.codesvr= or how I can force it to be the same
  without having to deploy each time?
  Oh and Im running eclipse ganymede by the way.
  On Feb 14, 4:06 pm, John V Denley wrote:
   My application requires a login to a google account.
   I have been looking at trying to do this login step within a GWT
   which works fine.
   The problem is that once that login has been completed my
   then loads INSIDE the frame, I really want it to reload in the
   window. I have tried both the following:
   Window.Location.reload();;, _top,);
   but neither of them have the desired effect, If I press F5 it does
   exactlywhat I want it to do, even if the focus is on a text box
   the frame.
   Anyone got any ideas, am I doing something wrong, is there a better
   way to do this?

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Re: Google Accounts are killing my application!....

2010-02-18 Thread John Denley
It certainly seem to be the only way forward Jeff, IVe tried and tried and
tried to use google accounts for authentication, but its just too damn
complicated and difficult to make it work in a sensible and user freindly
way! What a shame, I would have expected more from Google!

On 18 February 2010 15:05, Jeff Chimene wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 7:38 AM, John V Denley

 I have been trying to leverage google accounts for security for my
 users, but the way its working is really preventing useability within
 my application, its very frustrating

 Ive just spent the best part of the last week trying to get the google
 account login to work in an frame within my application.

 At this point I'd try another path.

 Perhaps use oauth? I think that Google supports that API

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Re: setting or refreshing the parent URL from within an iframe

2010-02-17 Thread John Denley
Thanks Chris, Hard Coding is what Ive had to end up doing too... quite
irritating though

Incidentally I have cracked the other two problems this evening too, namely
(a) how to set the parent URL from within the iframe and (b) how to get make
sure that after logging into the google account in the frame, that it doesnt
then just load the application in the frame:

(a) This is now achieved by using:;,
_top,); wherever there is programatical control over making that call,
which works now that the frame is loading the correct version
(b) This is achieved by adding the following code to my standard HTML file
which is a frame breakout:
script type=text/javascript
 if (parent.frames.length  0) {
top.location.replace(document.location); }

This now means the the users can login to a google account from within my
application without having to be forced out to a separate website (even if
it is all powerful google :D ) and once they have logged in, and google
automatically returns them via the continue variable in the URL (continue=

Chris, do you know if there is anyway I can set a similar continue type
process for what happens when users click on the email link after CREATING a
google account? At the moment they are just taken to a thank you for
confirming your account screen, which is all very well, but we would much
prefer for the user to be able to then click through to our application


On 17 February 2010 20:51, Chris Ramsdale wrote:

 This thread might help out:

 -- Chris

 On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 6:39 PM, John V Denley

 I forgot the line from where I am getting the URL:


 On Feb 14, 11:16 pm, John V Denley wrote:
  OK, I think I might have figured out what the problem is... when Im
  creating the frame Im trying to set it using the following line:
  The resulting URL is /_ah/login?continue=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost
  %3A%2F so the problem is that it is stripping out the /
  myappname.html?gwt.codesvr= part which then results in
  me running the last version of the application that I deployed to the
  Does anyone know why the version at localhost: is not the same
  version that exists at localhost:888/IDeBanet.html?
  gwt.codesvr= or how I can force it to be the same
  without having to deploy each time?
  Oh and Im running eclipse ganymede by the way.
  On Feb 14, 4:06 pm, John V Denley wrote:
   My application requires a login to a google account.
   I have been looking at trying to do this login step within a GWT frame
   which works fine.
   The problem is that once that login has been completed my application
   then loads INSIDE the frame, I really want it to reload in the parent
   window. I have tried both the following:
   Window.Location.reload();;, _top,);
   but neither of them have the desired effect, If I press F5 it does
   exactlywhat I want it to do, even if the focus is on a text box within
   the frame.
   Anyone got any ideas, am I doing something wrong, is there a better
   way to do this?

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Re: GWT 2.0.2 : Failed to Connect development mode

2010-02-15 Thread John Denley
Im not sure what the problem is here, but Ive had the same problem, and all
I did was to change the first to localhost and it worked OK
after that

In my current development phase I dont have time to mess around trying to
fix things properly if I can find a workable workaround, so Im OK with this
for now.

I have a slightly different problem in that my application keeps dropping
the bit after the portnumber () and then running the previously deployed
version, rather than the current development version, which is very


On 15 February 2010 15:44, Thomas wrote:

 I followed the steps on
 and updated my eclipse plugin to GWT 2.0.2, then I created a web
 application without modifying it. I met a problem while wanting to run
 the unchanged app locally in development mode : The development mode
 tab pop up and give me the address to paste in my favorite browser :
 When I do so I get :
 Page load error
 Failed to Connect
 Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
 I don't know where to start to debug that, can anyone help ?

 PS : When I compile and run in Production Mode I get the web
 application starter projet page like in the example

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Re: My app - shameless plug :-)

2010-02-14 Thread John Denley
Id be tempted to ask Chris why he is asking the question, because if you are
trying to get an idea as to how long it takes to get a GWT/GAE application
up and running, its entirely dependent on how complex you are planning to
make your application.

As a slight benchmark, I knew nothing about how to write a web application
at the end of July last year and very little about how to program in java
(although I have dabbled, and have done a fair bit of C and VB programming
in the past). I started watching some of the videos from google IO 2009 back
in August, started coding in anger at the beginning of September and went
live with my first beta at a customer side with my application on November
1st. That customer is still using the system, we have 7 other beta testers
now, and we are just on the verge of going properly live any day now so
thats from NOTHING to live in less than 6 months!

On 14 February 2010 14:48, Benjamin wrote:

 Hi Cris, thanks!

 To be honest, i've been working on a data historian for over 6 years
 in one form or another. I always ran into problems with either
 scalability or delivery. Always ended up having to tell a client they
 needed to build a huge server to run my code - and i was just another
 expensive historian.  It wasn't until the advent of cloud computing
 that I was able to deliver the service.

 I couldn't even begin to calculate how much time i put into the
 compression algorithms, calculation engine and all of the things i put
 into the back end and how much time I put into the app itself. Since
 the hard part was done, it only took me two days to put together the
 android piece, and about two weeks to create with the windows desktop
 client. That's the great thing about SOA.


 On Feb 14, 5:43 am, Chris Lercher wrote:
  Looks good, great idea! First question: How many hours did you invest
  to develop the AppEngine/GWT app? And how many additionally for the
  Android interface?

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Re: My app - shameless plug :-)

2010-02-14 Thread John Denley
LOL, well firstly my source code is probably not at all well written!

I am looking to employ a real programmer to completely rewrite my
application in the next few months though, assuming that someone doesnt buy
us! ;)

On the other hand if someone can either point me to a really good website,
or write to me offline and explain to me why open source is a good way to
go, and how I can protect my product from being stolen if I do put it open

On 14 February 2010 16:34, Duong BaTien wrote:


 Is there any thought of Sharing the source code for the community
 benefits? It is very easy with at

 Duong Batien
 DBGROUPS and BudhNet

 On Sun, 2010-02-14 at 06:48 -0800, Benjamin wrote:
  Hi Cris, thanks!
  To be honest, i've been working on a data historian for over 6 years
  in one form or another. I always ran into problems with either
  scalability or delivery. Always ended up having to tell a client they
  needed to build a huge server to run my code - and i was just another
  expensive historian.  It wasn't until the advent of cloud computing
  that I was able to deliver the service.
  I couldn't even begin to calculate how much time i put into the
  compression algorithms, calculation engine and all of the things i put
  into the back end and how much time I put into the app itself. Since
  the hard part was done, it only took me two days to put together the
  android piece, and about two weeks to create with the windows desktop
  client. That's the great thing about SOA.
  On Feb 14, 5:43 am, Chris Lercher wrote:
   Looks good, great idea! First question: How many hours did you invest
   to develop the AppEngine/GWT app? And how many additionally for the
   Android interface?

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Re: What causes, and how to trace it?

2010-01-26 Thread John Denley
This is beyond anything Ive come across before, sorry I cant help anymore,
though it looks like i did manage to push you in the right direction!

good luck figuring it out...

2010/1/26 dduck

 On 26 Jan., 16:15, Djabi wrote:
  BTW, Your code stills looks like compiled with -style obfuscated.

 You are right.

 Thought I had fixed it, but hadn't.

 Here is the unobfuscated code:

 function com_google_gwt_user_client_ui_Panel_
  var it;
  it = com_google_gwt_user_client_ui_WidgetCollection$WidgetIterator_
 $WidgetIterator_2(new com_google_gwt_user_client_ui_WidgetCollection
 $WidgetIterator, this
  while (it.com_google_gwt_user_client_ui_WidgetCollection
 $0.com_google_gwt_user_client_ui_WidgetCollection_size - 1) {

 Error points to line starting with it = com_google..

 Error message is:
 (TypeError): Result of expression 'this$static' [null] is not an

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Re: Building a Calendar Widget like Google Calendar with GWT advisable?

2010-01-24 Thread John Denley
Thanks Scholle, it actually turned out to be the border-collapse:collapse;
setting that made the difference, but what I was doing wrong was applying it
to the individual cells rather than the root table itself!

Looking at information on wc3schools (below) it seems that the cellspacing
and cellpadding are html settings and dont apply to CSS settings. Although I
did find somewhere that cellspacing is valid if you
have border-collapse:separate; set in your CSS... but i cant find that
reference anymore!


Good luck with your project too, its been good to talk,


 Hi John,

 my name is actually Matthias, but I prefer using Scholle...

 Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I think I know what I need to know
 and will get this done next week.

 Regarding your problem with the gaps. It's a typical cellpadding /
 cellspacing problem.

 Thanks to the Firebug guys, I just looked at your DOM representation
 and found that there are 3 three tables with class daygrid (table
 for days, table for employee/owner, table for the main grid itself).
 All three tables missing the two attributes cellpadding=0 and
 cellspacing=0. Add them and you are where you want to be...

 Good luck...


 On Jan 23, 6:34 pm, John Denley wrote:
  Great to have some technical feedback on this at last Scholle (is that
  first name?) I've been pretty much flying alone on this over the last few
  months. I only started with java/GWT/GAE in September having done
  no programming for  nearly 10 years before that! I only say this because
  lot of what you have said below would have been totally meaningless to me
  months ago. I have built what I have done based on whatever was the
  and most workable solution I could figure out at the time, so in answer
  your question, I have not put any thought into the methods behind what
  been doing. This product originally started off as one row per hour, and
  vertical columns as a proof of principle so see if GWT would work for me,
  and if it worked fast enough! Ive extended as and when I have learned new
  functionality and methods.
  It has always been my intention that as soon as we get some additional
  funding, then we can employ a real programmer or two, to reconstruct
  product in a more streamlined way (it does a huge amount more than what
  can see in that small demo!)
  I love your ideas of flowing the views to make it look smooth and cool.
  The philosophy behind what I have done has always intended to be a
  replication of a paper diary as close as possible, such that it is not
  alien to anyone who has NOT used something like outlook in the past.
  is why we have the month/week/day forward and backwards buttons, trying
  make it a little like turning the page of a paper diary. As such for me
  would be nice to make it LOOK like you were actually turning the page
  seen this in online magazines etc, but they usually use flash to do it).
  The google approach is surely the best way to go, as we certainly need
  ability to create appointments that do not comply with a standard slot
  (incidentally, in the admin section, you can change the number of
  appointment slots per hour, currently 4 (=15 min))
  I currently have a small problem with my version, in that I cannot get
  of the gaps between each table cell. I thought that setting
  border-collapse: collapse; in the CSS would achieve this, and it may
  do, but I suspect I have not set it in the correct place, so if you or
  anyone else reading this can help, please do let me know!
  Thanks, it was great to hear from you,
  On 23 January 2010 15:28,
   Hi John,
   first, I just visited your calendar app and it looks like a nice piece
   of code... I like the feature of being able to select the number of
   days and also the separation of different concepts such as Employee,
   Owner... Regarding the first, I have this feature on my list as well.
   I was also thinking about giving the user the possibility to choose
   the granularity of the hours axis, so let's say you have field like
   1-2, 3-4,  This option might be useful if you have events lasting
   several hours. I was also thinking about implementing a more advanced
   switch between any time range. Let's say you have a week view and
   press the button to show the next week. Currently, all calendar
   implementations just replace certain parts of the calendar
   view, .e.g. clear old and render new events etc. Wouldm't it be nice
   to fade week 1 out and week 2 in at the same time? Basically, it

Re: Building a Calendar Widget like Google Calendar with GWT advisable?

2010-01-23 Thread John Denley
It all depends on what your several reasons for doing it yourself are... I
have had to do it all myself, I'm not 100% pleased with the results, but at
least the functionality is working how I want it to work, and I have 100%
control over what it does and how it works.

I was lead to believe there were some things in the pipeline for the google
calendar API that might help me do what i needed to do, but it seems that
the API for the google calendar itself wont do what i need it to do in quite
the right way and certainly not in the timeframe i need, so im sticking with
my self built solution.

The hardest part I have found so far is dealing with mouse interraction and
resizing of columns and rows, not least to take account of scroll bars,
which are different sizes on different browsers, and I have yet to find a
consistent automatic way to take care of this.

Ive also had a huge amount of problems with figuring out dynamic CSS
priorities, which obviously effects the look and feel of the calendar area.
firebug has helped a great deal on this, but i still find myself saying why
has that border size not filtered through correctly?

PS if you want to look at what Ive done so far you can see it at (doesnt seem to work in IE7, havn't figured out why

On 22 January 2010 15:39, mstu...@googlemail.comwrote:

 Useful hint, one can certainly use the calendar of this lib as a
 reference implementation...


 On 21 Jan., 19:02, Paul Robinson wrote:
  Paul wrote:
   Hi All,
   I am quite new to GWT and currently evaluating this technology. For a
   project I need to build an application containing a calendar such as
   Google Calendar where the user can create and move events around. The
   SmartGWT lib contains a Calendar Widget but I want to build my own due
   to several reasons. However, when using the SmartGwt Calendar widget,
   it seems very slow. Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean that
   building such kind of widgets with GWT will be slow. However, the
   alternative to using GWT would be implenenting it in pure JavaScript
   and using some of the libs such as Prototype, Dojo, etc. I am pretty
   familiar with.
   Has anyone build a Calendar in GWT or something similar and is willing
   to share some experience?
   Thanks very much!

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Re: Building a Calendar Widget like Google Calendar with GWT advisable?

2010-01-23 Thread John Denley
Great to have some technical feedback on this at last Scholle (is that your
first name?) I've been pretty much flying alone on this over the last few
months. I only started with java/GWT/GAE in September having done virtually
no programming for  nearly 10 years before that! I only say this because a
lot of what you have said below would have been totally meaningless to me 6
months ago. I have built what I have done based on whatever was the easiest
and most workable solution I could figure out at the time, so in answer to
your question, I have not put any thought into the methods behind what Ive
been doing. This product originally started off as one row per hour, and 3
vertical columns as a proof of principle so see if GWT would work for me,
and if it worked fast enough! Ive extended as and when I have learned new
functionality and methods.

It has always been my intention that as soon as we get some additional
funding, then we can employ a real programmer or two, to reconstruct the
product in a more streamlined way (it does a huge amount more than what you
can see in that small demo!)

I love your ideas of flowing the views to make it look smooth and cool.
The philosophy behind what I have done has always intended to be a
replication of a paper diary as close as possible, such that it is not too
alien to anyone who has NOT used something like outlook in the past. This
is why we have the month/week/day forward and backwards buttons, trying to
make it a little like turning the page of a paper diary. As such for me it
would be nice to make it LOOK like you were actually turning the page (ive
seen this in online magazines etc, but they usually use flash to do it).

The google approach is surely the best way to go, as we certainly need the
ability to create appointments that do not comply with a standard slot
(incidentally, in the admin section, you can change the number of
appointment slots per hour, currently 4 (=15 min))

I currently have a small problem with my version, in that I cannot get rid
of the gaps between each table cell. I thought that setting
border-collapse: collapse; in the CSS would achieve this, and it may well
do, but I suspect I have not set it in the correct place, so if you or
anyone else reading this can help, please do let me know!

Thanks, it was great to hear from you,

On 23 January 2010 15:28, mstu...@googlemail.comwrote:

 Hi John,

 first, I just visited your calendar app and it looks like a nice piece
 of code... I like the feature of being able to select the number of
 days and also the separation of different concepts such as Employee,
 Owner... Regarding the first, I have this feature on my list as well.
 I was also thinking about giving the user the possibility to choose
 the granularity of the hours axis, so let's say you have field like
 1-2, 3-4,  This option might be useful if you have events lasting
 several hours. I was also thinking about implementing a more advanced
 switch between any time range. Let's say you have a week view and
 press the button to show the next week. Currently, all calendar
 implementations just replace certain parts of the calendar
 view, .e.g. clear old and render new events etc. Wouldm't it be nice
 to fade week 1 out and week 2 in at the same time? Basically, it
 requires you to build up week 2 in an invisible area and then stitch
 it directly to the right side of week 1. This done, you smoothly move
 the container containing week 1 and 2 to the left. I have implemented
 a proof-of-concept in pure JavaScript and it looks pretty cool. What
 do you think about this?

 Another thing I am still undecided with is regarding the question of
 how to build the calendar grid itself. I looked at your DOM
 representation. You decided to use a pure Table-based approach. This
 means you have one cell per time unit (e.g. 15 min). In contrast, the
 Google calendar is based on a mix, using a table as the overall
 container. It then uses one div per time unit (they use 1 hour = 24
 divs) on the horizontal axis. Wisely, they use just one div for the
 whole time range, 7 days in this case. On top of this, they create
 another set of divs on per day basis on the vertical axis. Thus, they
 need 7 divs to construct one week. The latter div also serves as a
 container for events, making it possible to size events on a per pixel
 basis which is very flexible. Another approach would be to use a one
 div per time unit per day. For 7 days and a time unit of one hour, you
 would need to create 24*7 divs, whereas the Google calendar approach
 only requires 24+7. Due to simplicity reasons, I have used the 24*7
 div approach in the proof-of-concept implementation mentioned above
 which worked fine. However, the Google approach obviously outperforms
 the 24*7 approach. John, have you thought about these issues or even
 have another lightweight solution in your sleeve?

 Thanks! Scholle

 On Jan 23, 2:45 pm, John Denley

Re: GWT hosting

2010-01-23 Thread John Denley
I'd agree with Cristian, take a look at GAE ( that's what we are using, works well for
me and its free (at least it is at my current level of useage)

On 22 January 2010 15:55, Cristian Nicanor Babula

 Take a look at Google Application Engine. It is free. Of course, if you get
 high traffic, then it will cost you.

 On 01/22/2010 04:38 PM, gengstrand wrote:

 While it is true that you could just use the javascript generated by
 GWT and hook it to any back end (assuming that you are using REST or
 POX and not GWTRPC), the real value add in using GWT is with J2EE
 development. Otherwise, you could just use one of the other great RIA
 JS libraries such as jQuery or YUI.

 There are now a growing list of ISPs whose web hosting packages
 include Tomcat. I use Network Solutions and their large Linux package
 includes what they call JSP which means you upload a war file into a
 Tomcat server.

 Obviously, any ISP that offers a VPS package will do the job too.

 On Jan 22, 9:25 am,  wrote:

 GWT by itself doesn't need anything more then just plain old http
 server. GWT application that doesn't do rpc call to the server can be
 hosted on about anything. If you want to make rpc calls to services
 things get a bit more complicated as you need to host the service
 somewhere, but it doesn't have to be tomcat or Java based server

 On Jan 22, 5:50 am,  wrote:

 To lay GWT necessarily need a hosting with support for Tomcat and
 other complex servers? And you can do without such complications?

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Re: Getting User details in GWT RPC

2010-01-23 Thread John Denley
without knowing more about your main program It sounds like the user is not
actually logged in?

2010/1/23 ToonDoom

 I am also seeing this.  Did you get a resolution?

 On Dec 23 2009, 4:03 pm, Pavi wrote:
  I am trying to get user information in my GWT application while trying
  to host it on the appspot. In my RPC service impl class I invoke the
  UserService userService =UserServiceFactory.getUserService();
  User user = userService.getCurrentUser();
  I plan to store the value of the user in the datastore, but the value
  is always null. Could someone please let me know if I am missing
  Thank you,

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Re: javascript error (invalid Argument)

2010-01-22 Thread John Denley
Thanks Paul, you are quite right, it does work fin in IE8, I just tried it
on another PC, and it works!

So its just IE7 then... hm and G!

2010/1/22 Paul Stockley

 Works fine for me on IE 8

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Re: What causes, and how to trace it?

2010-01-21 Thread John Denley
I dont get that option, where is this compile button you refer to? I
always use the run as, there is a Compile GWT project under that, but it
doesnt give me any options, it just starts compiling!

Incidentally, I have now deployed this fixed for IE version, and online,
it doesnt work, even though locally it works fine! sigh.

2010/1/21 g p

 When you press the compile button in Eclipse, there is a drop down menu
 called: Output Style. One of the options there is the detailed. I suppose
 that would do the trick ...

 2010/1/21 John V Denley

 Id still like to know how to set this setting via eclipse, which im
 sure is very simple for someone who knows!


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