Re: Firefox 12 release

2012-04-24 Thread Qian Qiao
On Apr 25, 2012 3:00 AM, James Wendel wrote:

 Looks like Firefox 12 was released:

 Any word on getting a GWT plugin that is compatible with it?


This question gets asked every time when there's a new Firefox release.

Please search the list for similar topics on Firefox 5/6/7/8/9/10/11 and
swap 12 for the version number.

-- Joe

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Re: Firefox 12 release

2012-04-24 Thread Qian Qiao
On Apr 25, 2012 3:46 AM, James Wendel wrote:

 I'm well aware of the other threads that exist.  But these thread
 tends to act as a central place for people to go to see if a build of
 the GWT plugin is available.  Alan has been very helpful in previous
 few FF releases on getting us new plugin builds within a day or 2.

 I'm just sitting and waiting for Alan or another Googler to say they
 have a build or are working on it.  I'm not in any real rush, just
 wanted to get the ball rolling.

I'm not annoyed by the threads asking for the progress the plugin. I'm more
annoyed by Firefox itself.

One would thought that if they were to do rapid releases, at least they'd
think of a way to provide compatibility with old plugins...

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Re: How to set default textbox on form?

2012-04-23 Thread Qian Qiao
On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 10:15, Blake McBride wrote:

 Is there a way to set which widget (usually a certain textbox) that should
 be the default widget with focus when a new form appears?  Basically when
 the new form appears, if the user just starts typing, the input should
 appear in the widget that was specified as the one with the default focus.

 (I discovered that the order that the widgets are defined in the source file
 determines the tab order.  This order can be changed in designer mode by
 changing the order in the widget list for the form via dragging.)


 Blake McBride

Widgets that can be focused on all have setTabIndex method. Don't know
if this is what you want.

Worst case, yon can override the onAttach method of your form
container, and do textbox.setFocus(true)


-- Joe

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Re: Disappointing start to GWT - Firefox different than Chrome

2012-04-21 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 23:59, Steve wrote:
 I'm trying out GWT and was disappointed  to see the following basic
 program render very differently on Firefox and Chrome.  Am I missing

 On Chrome the buttons fill the page.  On Firefox the buttons fill
 vertically but not horizontally.

 Windows 7
 GWT 2.4.0
 Firefox 11.0
 Chrome 18.0.1025.162 m

        public void onModuleLoad() {

                LayoutPanel layoutPanel = new LayoutPanel();
                RootLayoutPanel rootLayoutPanel = RootLayoutPanel.get();

                layoutPanel.setSize(100%, 100%);

                Button btnNewButton = new Button(New button);
                layoutPanel.setWidgetLeftRight(btnNewButton, 0.0, Unit.PX, 0.0,
                layoutPanel.setWidgetTopHeight(btnNewButton, 0.0, Unit.PX, 

                Button btnNewButton_1 = new Button(New button);
                layoutPanel.setWidgetLeftRight(btnNewButton_1, 0.0, Unit.PX, 
                layoutPanel.setWidgetBottomHeight(btnNewButton_1, 0.0, Unit.PX,
 50.0, Unit.PCT);

What's that to do with GWT?

You've effectively added button with position: absolute, without ever
giving it a parent with position: relative so that the browser can
calculate the button's dimentions.

-- Joe

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Re: GWT 2.4

2012-04-20 Thread Qian Qiao
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 21:57, Ashu wrote:
 can any one help me in this??

Our good friend Thomas Broyer has a nice write up on this subject:

Hope that's what you are looking for.

-- Joe

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Re: JSNI differences between hosted mode + production

2012-04-20 Thread Qian Qiao
On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 21:06, marklar wrote:

 I'm running into an issue with JSNI that I was hoping someone could help me
 with. I am using an external JS file to generate QR codes and it works great
 when running from the development server in Eclipse. When I push it to my
 'production' server, however, it fails to find the function I am trying to
 call. The JS file is loading correctly, it just can't refer to that
 function. The specific error I am getting is:

 Uncaught ReferenceError: qrcode is not defined

 I have double checked for typos. I've had trouble finding any documentation
 about this, any help would be very much appreciated.


This is just a shot in the dark: in your JSNI, did you use $wnd.qrcode
or just qrcode?

I seemed to noticed a trend in the list of people asking questions
without providing the offending code snippets, it's very hard for the
rest of us to provide any meaningful help without seeing what the
actual code, or at least part of it.

-- Joe

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Re: gwt and css

2012-04-20 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 14:19, gwt-newbie wrote:
 Hi all,

 Typically, I use ids and id scoped styles for child elements of that id to
 control how they look when contained by that id.  However, this doesn't seem
 to work well in gwt. There appears to be no support to set fixed ids for
 widgets in the ui binder other than debugId. Also does the ui:style element
 even support # styles since it mangles names of classes?

 How do gwt veterans style their views? It appears that with gwt one is
 forced to use classes to style most things and then setting classes on child
 widgets to change the look based on the container it appears in.

 Thanks for any guidance on this matter.

What's the reason you don't want to use classes?

.theme1 .myWidget {
  background-color: red;

.theme2 .myWidget {
  background-color: black;

The above code snippet seemed a lot easer than using IDs

-- Joe

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Re: permutation explosion

2012-04-20 Thread Qian Qiao
2012/4/13 Larry
 Hi Thomas,
        I have the same issue and solved by your advice. After my app
 deployed, I check the appcfg1464646291421890984.tmp folder.  The total size
 of this folder is 112M and the content   as following:

 The __static__ contains all folders and files same as parent folder.
 Only WEB-INF not included in this folder.
 Is it normal or I miss something? If it's normal, it is about 50M. I worry
 my app will exceed 150M when I
 add more modules to my app.

 Thank you

Try this: use xs or xsiframe linker, dump the JS files onto Google
Storage or S3, and serve the JS from there.

-- Joe

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Re: Uibinder multiple click handlers

2012-04-20 Thread Qian Qiao
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 23:32, Joost wrote:
 I'm using two separate Uibinder templates, so two xml files and two
 associated Java files. Both have a button, annotated with @UiField,
 and both have a @UiHandler annotated method for a ClickEvent. Now if I
 add an instance of each of these two to the RootLayoutPanel
 (RootLayoutPanel.get().add(myInstance);), they display correctly on
 screen. But only the click handler of the instance added last is
 working! Clicking the button belonging to the first instance doesn't
 do anything. If I change the order of adding them to the
 RootLayoutPanel, the behavior changes accordingly. Am I doing
 something wrong?

 Thanks for any advice.


Code snippet please? This shouldn't be happening and I cannot reproduce.

-- Joe

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Re: Error when trying to create HTML in GWT2.4

2012-04-19 Thread Qian Qiao
On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 23:02, SCK wrote:
 I'm trying to create HTML page and I get an error : Unhandled event
 Loop exception. I need help to fix this problem.


How about a minimal code snippet to reproduce the problem?

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Re: Testing app with subdomains in development-mode

2012-04-17 Thread Qian Qiao
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 20:11, Gilad Egozi wrote:

 I have a GWT application that supports multitenancy by subdomains.
 I want to be able to test my app in development mode.
 I am able to access my app using either:


 But I'm NOT able to access it using


 I'm developing on a Windows machine. I'd modified the HOSTS file to map
 subdomain.localhost to - And yes, I'm sure that the mapping is
 alright since I AM able to access http://subdomain.localhost:/_ah/admin.

 Any help would be very appreciated!


What error did you get?

Does adding -bindAddress to the start up command help?

-- Joe

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Re: Is SplitLayoutPanel stupid or arrogant?

2012-04-17 Thread Qian Qiao
On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 00:19, stagirus wrote:
 Thank you very much. I did not find many classes that are based on the new
 Layout panel design. Does the single LayoutPanel class support all the
 features of older HorizontalPanel and VerticalPanel. What about the
 AbsolutePanel and FlowPanels? Are they compatible with the new LayoutPanels?

The underlying technology are almost exactly the same between
AbsolutePanel and LayoutPanels, where widgets inside them are placed

HorizontalPanels and VerticalPanels place child widgets inside table
cells. And tables behave differently to divs. However, it's perfectly
fine to place Horizontal/VerticalPanels inside layout panels, provided
that you don't then place layout panels inside the

I recommend reading the javadoc of the widgets you are about to use,
and ensure that they work in standards mode. There are a few widgets
that only work in quirks mode and you'll need to avoid them. GWT had
however provided substitutes to them that works in standards mode in
most cases.

Again, the key is that LayoutPanels need explicit size information,
either by being inside a ProvidesResize, or by given the size, many of
the old style Panels don't, they auto expand as their contents grow.

Sometimes for sophisticated UI, developing your own widgets will
almost be unavoidable.


-- Joe

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Re: Is SplitLayoutPanel stupid or arrogant?

2012-04-16 Thread Qian Qiao
On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 08:01, stagirus wrote:
 Pardom me for humanizing the all mighty SplitLayoutPanel. This panel seems
 to be very powerful except that it is making itself unfriendly and useless
 in the following scenario.

 In our application, we needed a vertical splitter (content in North and
 South). We require the widget to spread out within its parent panel, by
 calling splitter.setSize(100%, 100%). But SplitLayoutPanel only takes
 pixels (setPixelSize). Providing fixed pixel size is not an option for our
 application. (Our custom built spitter is not properly functioning with
 Standardards Mode enabled.)

 Why is SplitLayoutPanel forcing pixel sizes only and not supporting the
 basic GWT design feature? Is there any work around for this problem?

I don't quite understand here. When you say you require the widget to
spread out in it's parent, do you mean:
a) The widgets added to each of the region of the split panel, namely
the north and the south, should occupy its entire given space?
b) the SplitLayoutPanel need to fill up its parent?

You usage of the term 'splitter' is also slightly confusing. I've
always assumed it means the little drag-able thing between the
regions, but from what I've read in your email, you seemed to name the
entire Panel splitter, is that correct?

If you want meaningful help from anybody, you'll need to post a bit
more code snippets.

-- Joe

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Re: Is SplitLayoutPanel stupid or arrogant?

2012-04-16 Thread Qian Qiao
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 01:14, stagirus wrote:
 My apologies for my English being not that helpful.

 As my original post stated: SplitLayoutPanel.setSize(100%, 100%) does
 not function as one would expect. In our case, the instance of (new
 SplitLayoutPanel) is added into another panel (VerticalPanel) that in turn
 fills (spreads) out within its parent panels/widgets. Our layouts are very

 Unfortunately, SplitLayoutPanel only shows up when I invoke
 SplitLayoutPanel.setPixelSize(600,600). This is the problem.

 I hope this makes sense for you all. May I should report this as a defect?

Ah, it makes a lot more sense now.

The problem here is that you are adding a LayoutPanel, or more
generally, something that implements RequiresResize to a container
that doesn't implement ProvidesResize.

So in your specific case, you SplitLayoutPanel doesn't acquire its
size anywhere, until you've specifically given it with setPixelSize().

Off the top of my head, I can think of a few simple solutions:
a) if it's only north and south, try just using VerticalSplitPanel?
b) Switch the entire layout of you application to standards mode and
use layout panels throughout
c) Since your vertical panel cannot be resized anyway, implement a
custom ProvidesResizeWrapperPanel which sets it's own size to (100%,
100%) and, this is doable because your own panel doesn't have to use
pixel as it's unit. This custom panel then wraps the VeticalSplitPanel
inside the position: relative element and ensures that it calls the
VerticalSplitPanel's onResize method after it's been attached to the
DOM. Voila. :)

I hope this helps solving your problem.

-- Joe

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Re: Is SplitLayoutPanel stupid or arrogant?

2012-04-16 Thread Qian Qiao
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 03:27, stagirus wrote:
 Are you saying, the so called LayoutPanels in GWT 2.X are not compatible
 with the ubiquitous GWT panels such as VerticalPanel? This implies there
 were some design flaws in non-layout panels. Rather than fixing the design
 limitation in older panels, GWT team has introduced a separate layout panel
 design. This is sad because it must be a totally painful process to upgrade
 the older panels into new LayoutPanels?

The are compatible to a certain extend, but the underlying technology
they use are totally different.
The API of the new LayoutPanels and old Panels are very similar, so in
most cases it really is just changing the class you use that's all.

These layout panels place whatever that are inside them absolutely,
i.e., they use position: absolute and left, right, top, bottom in
order to display correctly. The advantage of this is that there's no
need for the JavaScript to interfere when the size of the window
changes and the underlying browser will take care of all of that and
in return, the performance much much better. The drawback, however, is
that all widget's size will need to be specified, you can no longer
say: I want the north to auto expand with the widget that's inside it,
instead, you can only do: the maximum size of the north is 100px, if
what's inside it is bigger, it'll need to scroll.

The reason they can't simply fix the old panel is that it'll break
backward compatibility, and the new layout panels won't work in quirks
mode, so I think their decision to introduce new implementations and
get the uses to make concious decisions on the switch is a good one.

 For the SplitLayoutPanel to acquire size information, will it be sufficient
 to make just the parent panels including RootLayoutPanel to be LayoutPanels?
 I suppose the child widgets could be non-layout panels, right?

That is the idea. To put it in simple terms, you can put widgets that
doesn't implement RequiresResize in LayoutPanels, but LayoutPanels
will have to be inside widgets that implements ProvidesResize, it's as
simple as that. :)

 GWT shows that HorizontalSplitPanel and VerticalSplitPanel as deprecated. Do
 they work well in standards mode? I am not sure these panels support our
 requirements either.

Good point, they may not work in standards mode. As I said in my
previous email, if you can simply switch everything to layout panels,
do that; If not, implement a custom Container widget that implements
ProvidesResize and calls the LayoutPanel's onResize() when it's
attached to the DOM tree and is visible.

Hope it helps.

-- Joe

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Re: GWT 2.5, when?

2011-11-15 Thread Qian Qiao
On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 00:19, Neil wrote:
 Any information on when 2.5 will be released (Beta, RC1, official)?
 I'm interested in the changes to the CellTable and want to know if I
 should wait for 2.5 or  plan for alternatives.


You can just build it from trunk. You can take a look at Making GWT
Better on how to checkout and build the source code. It's very simple
to do.

If you want absolute peace of mind, you can always just take the
CellTable portion of trunk and use 2.4 for the rest.

I have been using trunk for a while and I haven't encountered any major issue.

-- Joe

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Re: New GWT theme

2011-09-09 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 03:51, Travis Camechis wrote:
 Wasn't there a new theme created for GWT 2.3 ? Clear or Clean? Something
 along those lines.

I guess you mean

-- Joe

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Re: Parent container style used?

2011-07-20 Thread Qian Qiao
On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 22:36, JC wrote:
 I was doing a test with this code. But the text in the table is being
 styled by the parent container. Why it does not use the 'important'
 css style defined locally?

                .important {
                        color: #FDFDFD;
                        font-weight: bold;
                        font-size: 14pt;

Because it should be {style.important}, not important?

On a side note, please don't use widgets unless you need to handle
events on them. Use plain old HTML tags wherever possible.

-- Joe

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Re: Scrolling CellList sample?

2011-06-11 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 01:36, Jim Douglas wrote:
 The original version doesn't show a vertical scrollbar and doesn't
 load new data when I attempt to move past the bottom of the first
 page, so all I ever see is a single page of names out of the 1000
 names in the list.  The tiny change I posted appears to have fixed
 that, although I have no clue what difference it made or why.

 On Jun 10, 10:21 pm, Qian Qiao wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 01:00, Jim Douglas wrote:
  Can you elaborate on that a bit?  How would you change that sample?

  On Jun 10, 9:13 pm, Qian Qiao wrote:
  On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 20:54, Jim Douglas wrote:
   Thanks for the response, Joe.

   I'm sure the general idea is the same, but the UiBinder stuff is
   gibberish to me; translating UiBinder code to traditional code is
   making my head hurt.

   I *think* I copied all of the relevant pieces out of the sample, but
   I'm clearly missing something.  I get a page of items, but the
   ScrollPanel doesn't appear to be working.  Does anything in this jump
   out at you as obviously wrong?


   On Jun 10, 5:26 pm, Qian Qiao wrote:
   On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 14:57, Jim Douglas wrote:
I thought it would be a trivial matter to build a scrolling CellList
like the one in the showcase:!CwCellList

But I need to work with hand-coded GWT Widgets, and that sample is
based on UiBinder.  Can anyone point me to a sample like the one in
the showcase (a large scrolling list) that does not use UiBinder?  
documentation isn't helpful; it's all based on trivial samples like
days-of-the-week that don't require scrolling.

   The idea's the same regardless of the usage of uibinder isn't it? the
   basic idea is to put the celllist inside a scrollpanel, and then
   listen to scroll events on the scrollpanel, once you reach the bottom,
   load more data.

   -- Joe

  You haven't given the cellist a data provider, that's why :)

 Just had another look at your example, it shouldn't even need a data
 provider, could you be a bit more specific on what the problem is?

 -- Joe

Ah. The lack of scrollbar explained why the first version didn't work.

The logic was that it loads more data when the scrollbar reaches the
bottom, but for that to happen, first of all you need a scrollbar. The
solution is fairly simple, give your list a larger initial page size
or user a smaller scrollpanel.

-- Joe

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Re: Scrolling CellList sample?

2011-06-10 Thread Qian Qiao
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 14:57, Jim Douglas wrote:
 I thought it would be a trivial matter to build a scrolling CellList
 like the one in the showcase:!CwCellList

 But I need to work with hand-coded GWT Widgets, and that sample is
 based on UiBinder.  Can anyone point me to a sample like the one in
 the showcase (a large scrolling list) that does not use UiBinder?  The
 documentation isn't helpful; it's all based on trivial samples like
 days-of-the-week that don't require scrolling.

The idea's the same regardless of the usage of uibinder isn't it? the
basic idea is to put the celllist inside a scrollpanel, and then
listen to scroll events on the scrollpanel, once you reach the bottom,
load more data.

-- Joe

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Re: Scrolling CellList sample?

2011-06-10 Thread Qian Qiao
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 20:54, Jim Douglas wrote:
 Thanks for the response, Joe.

 I'm sure the general idea is the same, but the UiBinder stuff is
 gibberish to me; translating UiBinder code to traditional code is
 making my head hurt.

 I *think* I copied all of the relevant pieces out of the sample, but
 I'm clearly missing something.  I get a page of items, but the
 ScrollPanel doesn't appear to be working.  Does anything in this jump
 out at you as obviously wrong?


 On Jun 10, 5:26 pm, Qian Qiao wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 14:57, Jim Douglas wrote:
  I thought it would be a trivial matter to build a scrolling CellList
  like the one in the showcase:!CwCellList

  But I need to work with hand-coded GWT Widgets, and that sample is
  based on UiBinder.  Can anyone point me to a sample like the one in
  the showcase (a large scrolling list) that does not use UiBinder?  The
  documentation isn't helpful; it's all based on trivial samples like
  days-of-the-week that don't require scrolling.

 The idea's the same regardless of the usage of uibinder isn't it? the
 basic idea is to put the celllist inside a scrollpanel, and then
 listen to scroll events on the scrollpanel, once you reach the bottom,
 load more data.

 -- Joe

You haven't given the cellist a data provider, that's why :)

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Re: Scrolling CellList sample?

2011-06-10 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 01:00, Jim Douglas wrote:
 Can you elaborate on that a bit?  How would you change that sample?

 On Jun 10, 9:13 pm, Qian Qiao wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 20:54, Jim Douglas wrote:
  Thanks for the response, Joe.

  I'm sure the general idea is the same, but the UiBinder stuff is
  gibberish to me; translating UiBinder code to traditional code is
  making my head hurt.

  I *think* I copied all of the relevant pieces out of the sample, but
  I'm clearly missing something.  I get a page of items, but the
  ScrollPanel doesn't appear to be working.  Does anything in this jump
  out at you as obviously wrong?


  On Jun 10, 5:26 pm, Qian Qiao wrote:
  On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 14:57, Jim Douglas wrote:
   I thought it would be a trivial matter to build a scrolling CellList
   like the one in the showcase:!CwCellList

   But I need to work with hand-coded GWT Widgets, and that sample is
   based on UiBinder.  Can anyone point me to a sample like the one in
   the showcase (a large scrolling list) that does not use UiBinder?  The
   documentation isn't helpful; it's all based on trivial samples like
   days-of-the-week that don't require scrolling.

  The idea's the same regardless of the usage of uibinder isn't it? the
  basic idea is to put the celllist inside a scrollpanel, and then
  listen to scroll events on the scrollpanel, once you reach the bottom,
  load more data.

  -- Joe

 You haven't given the cellist a data provider, that's why :)

Just had another look at your example, it shouldn't even need a data
provider, could you be a bit more specific on what the problem is?

-- Joe

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Re: Server Side ColumnSorting with AsyncDataProvider

2011-06-05 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 04:41, Jamies wrote:
 same problem here

 i won't bother to create another Map object, instead, I @override the
 toString() function for TextColumn class. By calling
 cellTable.getColumnSortList().get(0).getColumn().toString(); and i can
 get back the pre-defined string.

 hope gwt group can enhance the Cell Table in the future.

On the contrary, I quite like the GWT team to not make that
enhancement and leave it to the developers, the reason being: not
all the developers need their grids to be column sortable, and if we
were to maintain such a Map across the board, those who don't need
column sorting will be penalized both in terms of code size/complexity
and performance, and it's a price not all people are willing to pay.

-- Joe

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Re: Getting database results from server to client

2011-03-30 Thread Qian Qiao
You cannot send result sets directly, and I don't imagine you'd want to.
Take a look at request factory perhaps?

-- Joe

Sent from tablet
On Mar 30, 2011 4:04 PM, azuniga wrote:
 I am passing 2 Dates from the client to the server via RPC. The server
 will then take these 2 dates and query the database for the results
 between these dates, something roughly along the lines of select *
 from table where date_attribue between date1 and date2. Now when I
 get the result set, what is the best or maybe simplest way to pass
 back the results so that I can display the rows in something like a
 celltable widget? I'm wondering what options I have. I've read a
 little about code sharing but I've never used it before. Any
 suggestions and advice is greatly appreciated.

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Re: Ganymede Eclipse Older GWT Plugin link needed

2011-02-18 Thread Qian Qiao
As far as I can recall, there was a bug in eclipse that if you fail to 
download something once, it'll keep on failing until you install something 

So just go download some random small plugin from any'ol update site, and 
then try installing GPE again.


-- Joe

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Re: build GWT from source, only can do on Linux?

2011-02-08 Thread Qian Qiao
Sorry to resurrect this old thread, I'm having exactly the same issue, funny 
enough though, I'm doing it under linux with ant 1.8.1.

Can anybody shed any light on this?

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Re: Error compiling GWT source code from trunk

2010-10-27 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sep 20, 10:30 pm, Ashton Thomas wrote:
 I was trying tocompilethe source code on Ubuntu but switched to a
 mac and it compiled. Ubuntu hasant1.8and mac hasant1.7.1

 Not sure if this is specific to the theantversion on Ubuntu.

It appear as if ant 1.8 is being dodgy here. I can compile the exact
same checkout with ant 1.7, but with ant 1.8, it fails with package
not found issues similar to what the OP had reported.

-- Joe

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Re: GWTCanvas not working on IE6?

2010-07-03 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 16:56, Muhammad Saifullah wrote:
 in IE how can i use quirks mode? can you give me some syntax of quirks mode
 where i can write

To trigger a browser's quirks mode, just don't put any DOCTYPE tags at
the beginning of the page, if a browser can't find a proper DTD, it
renders the page in quirks mode.

Google is your friend...

-- Joe

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myth, others try very hard to make it happen but don't know how, and
most magazines, books and videos showing it are showing faked ones.

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Re: How to Select text from GWT Label or HTML

2010-07-01 Thread Qian Qiao
On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 18:09, Raghunath wrote:

 I'm have one text Label/HTML. User should be able to copy text from
 the this component. But the selection is not happening. Please help

 Please help me..


You can indeed select text from them. Can you post any code snippet
that is problematic for you? Otherwise it's impossible to help you.

-- Joe

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myth, others try very hard to make it happen but don't know how, and
most magazines, books and videos showing it are showing faked ones.

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Re: CSS Localization

2010-06-28 Thread Qian Qiao
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 05:32, Dan Dumont wrote:
 is that documented anywhere?   I saw no mention on the css section of the
 building user interfaces part of the docs.

 On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 4:44 AM, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 On 28 juin, 03:53, Dan wrote:
  Is it possible to localize the css in a CssResource so that during the
  translation phase of product development, css tweaks can be made to
  adjust for language specific spacing and formatting issues?

 Yes, you can have distinct MyStyle_en.css MyStyle_fr.css, etc. and
 have them picked from a single @Source(MyStyle.css).

  if not, what's the current best practice to work around these issues?

 If the changes are localised though, I'd rather use @if blocks:
 @if locale en {
 @elif locale fr {

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It is in the documentation:

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myth, others try very hard to make it happen but don't know how, and
most magazines, books and videos showing it are showing faked ones.

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Re: GWT Application not working in IE6

2010-06-24 Thread Qian Qiao
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 13:27, Vikash wrote:
 I have created a GWT application which is working fine in all browsers
 but there is some problem in IE6. When I run it on IE6 crashes giving
 some error like cannot read memory.

 Can anybody tell me why it is happening.
 and what is the solution.

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myth, others try very hard to make it happen but don't know how, and
most magazines, books and videos showing it are showing faked ones.

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Re: Question about gwt from a newbie.

2010-06-24 Thread Qian Qiao
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 02:46, tank wrote:
    Assume i have two widgets A and B in host page. They bind to
 datasource DSA and DSB respectly. I do some stuff in A then DSA has
 changed. DSA's change leads to  DSB's change. Question is:
    How to reflect DSB's change on B and where to put such code?
    I can let widget A has a reference of B. When the rpc call for
 changing DSA finished i call B's some function to refresh B's data.
 Another way is keeping widget A and B seperately and to put this logic
 in entrypoint. But first, refresh data always means refilling , i cant
 do it with an incremental manner. Second, when we have more than two
 widgets whose datasources all have relationship with other, the code
 will become more ugly and hard to maintain.
    I am not familiar with RIA, i used to write some jsps/servlets and
 just jump from page to page. I dont need worry about data
 refreshing.Then what's the common way in GWT?

One option is to make it event driven. So once A is updated, it fires
some sort of event, triggering all listeners on it to do whatever
appropriate. The advantage of this approach is that as you add more Bs
and Cs and Ds in, the complexity doesn't grow out of control.


-- Joe

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myth, others try very hard to make it happen but don't know how, and
most magazines, books and videos showing it are showing faked ones.

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Re: Linux

2010-05-24 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 19:03, davidfx wrote:
 Is it possible to setup google web toolkit on a linux box?

 Just wondering if anyone out there has some detailed instructions to
 get it started on linux.

 I have installed eclipse and the google web toolkit plugin.

 Thanks for your help

It is, it requires almost no special treatment. Although only Firefox
is supported by the GWT developer plugin.

-- Joe

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myth, others try very hard to make it happen but don't know how, and
most magazines, books and videos showing it are showing faked ones.

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Re: refresh page in every 5 sec

2010-04-06 Thread Qian Qiao
On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 01:46, Durgesh Kumar Mishra wrote:
  I am trying to refresh a gwt page in every 5 secs where data is keep on
 changing i have to show updated data in every 5 secs. Can anybody tell
 me the solution how do i implement it?

 I am using simple gwt1.5 and for baceknd part hibernate for retrieving data
 from the database.
 Calling a service i usually populate the form.

 If anybody knows the solution Please  reply asap. It is urgent requirement.


This is an old doc for server push:

You should also google for gwt comet for existing implementations.



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Re: Supporting[username] urls with a gwt app?

2010-04-05 Thread Qian Qiao
On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 22:17, markww wrote:
 Yeah I just think that the average user has been trained to expect
 slashes, especially after twitter and the like,


Can't you just for requests to /asdf to #asdf? Should simple enough to achieve.


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Re: Supporting[username] urls with a gwt app?

2010-04-05 Thread Qian Qiao
On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 00:17, Qian Qiao wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 22:17, markww wrote:
 Yeah I just think that the average user has been trained to expect
 slashes, especially after twitter and the like,


 Can't you just for requests to /asdf to #asdf? Should simple enough to 


By for, I meant forward, sorry for the typo.


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Re: publishing

2010-03-15 Thread Qian Qiao
On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 12:02, _Robert_ wrote:
 How do I publish the project I have created? Which files do I transfer
 to my web host?



-- Joe

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Re: Can I developing Gwt 2.0 apps on linux using firefox ?

2010-01-15 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 00:47, R.Domingo wrote:

 I'm using gwt 1.5.x for some time now in combination with the hosted
 But after switching to gwt 2.0 the hosted browser is no longer used
 AND I can't get the firefox gwt plugin working.

 Can anyone please confirm this should work ?
 Or explain how  I can test/develop my apps now the hosted browser is
 no longer there ?


I've been using GWT2.0 on Linux with Firefox for a while without any problems.

-- Joe

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Re: How to use a initServlet for database connections in host mode??

2010-01-05 Thread Qian Qiao
On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 22:08, ojay wrote:

 I need to access my database in the server area of my gwt application.
 Now I have the problem that i cannot init the database connection. I
 am using hibernate to access my database, in my previous applications
 (struts) I used the Datasource of the underlying tomcat to start and
 database transcation with hibernate. Now with GWT 2.0 I want to use
 the hosted mode and therefore I need to initialize my database
 connection pool. Therefore I tried to create this pool with a servlet.
 Now I have the problem that my servlet will not be started in the
 hosted mode.

 Can somebody explain where I can define in GWT to start a special
 servlet at startup of the host mode?

ehhh, web.xml maybe?

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Re: packing custom gwt libraries

2010-01-03 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 21:07, Rodrigue Lagoue wrote:
 i have a problem when packing custom utilities in a jar for reusing in other
 projects. I would like to know, if there is special way to pack custom gwt
 library into jar file.
 In my IDE (Eclipse galileo) i have 2 projects A (main project) and B
 (project with the gwt utilities classes). project A references project B. I
 defined ant build scripts for both projects. The both java and javascript
 compilations work fine on my desktop (windows vista). But when starting the
 same build files on the server (Debian) only the java compilation works...
 The compilation to javascript prints error telling that some GWT2.0 classes
 and packages cannot be found,
 When you look at the error messages below printed, the problem seems to
 occur when validating the jar containing the project with my custom
 libraries. The same ant script is used on both side. I'm using hudson on the
 Any help will be appreciated
 Here are the error messages:

Have you got an old version of gwt-user.jar on your server?


-- Joe

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Re: packing custom gwt libraries

2010-01-03 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 21:25, Rodrigue Lagoue wrote:
 Thanks for your answer..
 No i have the new one... I think if it was the case, the java compilation
 wouldn't work, since i use the new classes added with GWT2.0.

The reason I asked whether you have GWT2.0 on your debian server is
that if you look at the error message, all missing classes are those
introduced in GWT 2.0, so my guess is that the GWT compile isn't
picking up the 2.0 gwt-user.jar

Are you using a different classpaths for the GWT compilation and the
Java compilation? You might want to check that.

-- Joe

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Re: packing custom gwt libraries

2010-01-03 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 21:38, Rodrigue Lagoue wrote:
 Hi Quian Qiao,
 i just looked at it more precisely and i fount out, that the path to
 gwt-user.jar was wrong. I think i was tired last nignt :-)
 thanks a lot for your support...
 it works now
 happy new year

Glad I could help. Happy new year to you too.

-- Joe

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Re: Eclipse, GWT-2.0 and google APIS

2010-01-03 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 09:02, jetpac wrote:
 Hello experts,

 I am new to gwt and am trying to use google map api. In the getting
 started guide, there is a prerequisite to know how to 'import it into
 the Eclipse IDE environment using the projectCreator and
 applicationCreator tools'.

 I've been trying to set it up for several hours - I have downloaded
 the jars, added it to classpath, tried to append the jars to the
 project - so far no luck. I haven't been able to find projectCreator
 nor applicationCreator utilities anywhere in gwt-2.0 distribution.
 Only webAppCreator - this tool doesn't have the required parameters

 Haven't found any doc how to do it on gwt-2.0, only for gwt-1.5- I
 assume there is a different way (probably obvious for more experienced
 folks) how to achieve it.

 Can someone point me the right direction?

 Thanks a lot!

If you are using the Google Plugin for Eclipse[1], you don't have to
run projectCreator at all.

Read the docs for GPE, that should get your started nicely.


-- Joe


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Re: GWT maps 2.x version issue

2010-01-03 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 22:17, morfeusys wrote:
 When I trying to define another version in script tag than 2 (for
 example 2.0) my gwt compiled code doesn't work. It only displays map
 without my overlays and controls.
 I need to define 2.0 version because of 2nd version of google maps
 doesn't work properly with overlays in Opera browser.
 Has anybody some workaround for version definition in this case?

It's probably too late since it sounds like your project is quite far
down the line, if it was at its early stage, I'd recommend using
Google Maps API from the gwt-google-api[1] project?


-- Joe


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Re: GWT and Eclipse not working

2010-01-03 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 05:34, shooty wrote:
 Hi All,

 I tried everything, but the eclipse plugin is not working together
 with the GWT SDK.
 I installed newest JDK, GWT and tried several eclipse versions. I also
 installed the newest appengine.

 The behavior is always the same. Eclipse is compiling the project and
 is quiting with an error popup but no further details:

 An exception stack trace is not available.

 java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
 BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=de_DE
 Command-line arguments:  -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86

 I am desperate, any ideas?
 Also my browsers cannot connect to eclipse on port 9997?
 Please help and thank you!

Try fiddling with -Xms -Xmx etc etc?


-- Joe

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Re: Last Hope for GWT

2010-01-02 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 16:08, Jignesh Prajapati wrote:

 i m Totally new bee wid GWT.

 i created module using Cmd line

 Webappcretor -out dirname module1.submodule1

 it create submodule.html, and submodule.nochase.js
 its OK

 This is my first page. now i want to Create new Page in same Project
 like submodule2.html

 now i created

 Compiled it by ant, ant javac and ant gwtc also

 in second step i create submodule2.html in war dir

 but still i not able to Create module2.nochase.js

 Now the Question is

  how to call item define in in submodule2.html

 -- i never  change any XML  file is it needed  then which File?
 -- or Only submodule1.nochase.js is sufficient ?(i tried to call is but
 not found any it show ERROR Object not define Bla bla)

 Pls Help Pls Send me step by step method to it without ECLIPSE i don't want
 PAGE ??? :(  here i my last hope for this  or i will left GWT )

 Thanks :)

Wow, all those caps...

Here goes my caps: RTFM is your solution.

You haven't even gotten the basic idea of how GWT works.

-- Joe

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Re: Cache file is 3 MB!!

2009-12-27 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 21:13, moejo wrote:

 My team has been developing an application in GWT and we are
 constantly having issues with the size of the GWT cache.html file.
 Our current file size is at 3.3 MB which is huge!

 Compared to some of the file sizes I've seen in the forums (50kb,
 500kb, etc), I'm wondering if maybe there is something we've missed
 completely which has resulted in bad performance.  Can anyone assist
 in this?

 I've already read the forums and i know we can reduce the size of the
 file to around 500kb using gunzip, however, I feel this should be used
 as a final fix.  What I'm trying to find is the source of the huge
 size in the first place so as to avoid it in future.

 Has anyone had a huge file like this before, any suggestions?

 FYI - we are using GWT 1.7, compiling for all browsers and are using
 SmartGWT (solely for the calendar component).  I've removed SmartGWT
 to test and retried it, we still ended up with the same file size.

 Any help would be appreciated.

You might consider to upgrade to GWT 2.0 to take advantage of the
guided code split feature, it might not reduce the size of you code,
in fact it'll probably make the total size larger, but the user won't
have to download your application all at once, so they'll enjoy a much
faster start up time. Also, with GWT2.0's SYOC feature, you'll see
exact what makes up of your 3.3MB, so you can work on them

Also, this might be trivial, but I thought I might also ask, are you
using obfuscated mode?

-- Joe

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Re: Cache file is 3 MB!!

2009-12-27 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 21:27, moejo wrote:
 Hi Joe

 Thanks for the info, I'll see what effect upgrading to GWT 2.0 has - I
 hadn't heard of the SYOC feature, so that definitely might come in
 handy.  Only thing is though, we're very close to go-live so I'm a
 little hesitant to upgrade at this time, in case there turns out to be
 compatibility issues among other things.

 Yeah I've got the flag for obfuscated on for the compiler (even though
 i know it's by default).

 On Dec 27, 3:21 pm, Qian Qiao wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 21:13, moejo wrote:

  My team has been developing an application in GWT and we are
  constantly having issues with the size of the GWT cache.html file.
  Our current file size is at 3.3 MB which is huge!

  Compared to some of the file sizes I've seen in the forums (50kb,
  500kb, etc), I'm wondering if maybe there is something we've missed
  completely which has resulted in bad performance.  Can anyone assist
  in this?

  I've already read the forums and i know we can reduce the size of the
  file to around 500kb using gunzip, however, I feel this should be used
  as a final fix.  What I'm trying to find is the source of the huge
  size in the first place so as to avoid it in future.

  Has anyone had a huge file like this before, any suggestions?

  FYI - we are using GWT 1.7, compiling for all browsers and are using
  SmartGWT (solely for the calendar component).  I've removed SmartGWT
  to test and retried it, we still ended up with the same file size.

  Any help would be appreciated.

 You might consider to upgrade to GWT 2.0 to take advantage of the
 guided code split feature, it might not reduce the size of you code,
 in fact it'll probably make the total size larger, but the user won't
 have to download your application all at once, so they'll enjoy a much
 faster start up time. Also, with GWT2.0's SYOC feature, you'll see
 exact what makes up of your 3.3MB, so you can work on them

 Also, this might be trivial, but I thought I might also ask, are you
 using obfuscated mode?

 -- Joe

I hadn't got much trouble upgrading to GWT 2.0 myself, but then again,
I can't speak for everybody. One strategy you might consider is: still
use GWT 1.7 when you release, but just compile with 2.0 during testing
to see what the heavy-weight components are, and try to optimize

Personally, I think you should consider 2.0, not only the SOYC
feature, the new development also makes developing and testing much

-- Joe

Two things that are infinite, the universe and my stupidity, and I'm
not sure about the universe.
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Re: Blank Screen in IE8 but Normal in FF3.5

2009-12-27 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 16:32, Nomis wrote:
 Dear all,

 Just figured it out the problem was caused by using RootLayoutPanel.

 When I put all my content into RootLayoutPanel.get(), they appear only
 in IE but not Firefox.
 If I use RootPanel.get() instead, they appear in both browsers.

 Tho I don't quite understand the reasonale, but the problem is
 solved.  Thanks.


 On Dec 26, 2:18 pm, Nomis wrote:

 I am developing a project that contain just a single simple class.  I
 have been working on it with GWT 2.0 and FF3.5.  Today, I just wanna
 try it out in IE8.  After downloading the plugin and solve a problem
 of the plugin (
 detail?id=4358), I just got a blank screen in IE8

 Please help.


Have you switched your DOCTYPE to standard mode?

-- Joe

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Re: How to manage runAsync calls?

2009-12-07 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 19:06, balachandra maddina wrote:
 You mean when make the same async call through the runAsync then the
 downloaded script will be used? because since the runAsync call is linked to
 a button click every time the button is clicked the runAsync call will be
 triggered isnt it?

 On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Qian Qiao wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 17:28, balachandra maddina
  Hi There,
    If im using the runAsync to load a particular script based on a click
  every time i click the script is getting downloaded freshly and getting
  loaded. is there a way to manage this behavior like to check if
  that particular object is loaded or not?
  i thought of using a hashmap to keep the objects that are loaded through
  the runAsync  call, but that doesnt seems a good idea as the map will be
  holding all the script that is loaded through all runAsync calls and get
  heavy. is there a better way to manage the script loaded through
  the runAsync call?
  Your help is appreciated.
  Thank you,

 The downloaded script is cached. So it requires nothing special in your


 -- Joe

That is correct, the script is downloaded the first time, all
subsequent invocation will not make any HTTP round trips.

-- Joe

Two things that are infinite, the universe and my stupidity, and I'm
not sure about the universe.


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Re: How to manage runAsync calls?

2009-12-06 Thread Qian Qiao
On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 17:28, balachandra maddina wrote:
 Hi There,
   If im using the runAsync to load a particular script based on a click then
 every time i click the script is getting downloaded freshly and getting
 loaded. is there a way to manage this behavior like to check if
 that particular object is loaded or not?
 i thought of using a hashmap to keep the objects that are loaded through
 the runAsync  call, but that doesnt seems a good idea as the map will be
 holding all the script that is loaded through all runAsync calls and get
 heavy. is there a better way to manage the script loaded through
 the runAsync call?
 Your help is appreciated.
 Thank you,

The downloaded script is cached. So it requires nothing special in your code.


-- Joe

Two things that are infinite, the universe and my stupidity, and I'm
not sure about the universe.


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Re: Unsubscribe

2008-12-19 Thread Qian Qiao

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 13:22, Martin G wrote:


Must... resist... posting... the... unsubscribe... kit...

on a serious note, please learn to read list message headers, it says
in the header:



-- Joe

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Re: Problems to create a project

2008-11-21 Thread Qian Qiao

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 20:58, Alfredo Cavalcanti Segundo
 C:\gwt-windows-1.5.3projectCreator -eclipse Projeto -out Projeto
 Exception in thread main java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError:
 com/google/gwt/user/tools/ProjectCreator (Unsupported major.minor version
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
 at Source)
 at Source)
 at$100(Unknown Source)
 at$ Source)
 at Method)
 at Source)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
 at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)


 someone know how to fix this?

Can you run java -version and post the output?


There are 3 kinds of people in the world: those who can count, and
those who can't.

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Re: Problems to create a project

2008-11-21 Thread Qian Qiao

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 21:22, Alfredo Cavalcanti Segundo
 C:\java -version
 java version 1.3.1_01
 Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1_01)
 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.1_01, mixed mode)

That's the problem then, you are using a 1.3.1 JRE

There are 3 kinds of people in the world: those who can count, and
those who can't.

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Re: Use ASP.NET backend with Google Web Toolkit

2008-11-20 Thread Qian Qiao

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 16:21, bennyb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Is there a way to package all those HTML files into one bundle (DLL

I've never touched ASP, so can't comment on this one.

 - Also, is there a way to detect the Request QueryString when the
 application starts (onModuleLoad)?

The host page doesn't have to be a static page you know, it can be a
dynamic page. So you can have to host page do generate sth like this

var dictionary = {
  foo: bar

where bar is the value of your query string.

You can then use a Dictionary to access the key/value pairs above:

public void useDictionary() {
  Dictionary dictionary = Dictionary.getDictionary(dictionary);

  String apple = dictionary.get(foo);


-- Joe

There are 3 kinds of people in the world: those who can count, and
those who can't.

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ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with ant compilation

2008-09-28 Thread Qian Qiao


I've run into a very funny problem here, I've got an skeleton project
which I generated with applicationCreator, I then wrote a ant target:

target name=gwt-compile
jvmarg value=-Xmx256M /
arg value=-logLevel /
arg value=ALL /
arg value=-out /
arg file=${www} /
arg value=${} /

The above target gives me this error:
Exception in thread main java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at

However, If I compile it with the shellscript generated by
applicationCreator which is basically the same command, it compiles

I'm probably missing something trivial, but can anybody point me in
the right direction?

Thanks in advance.

-- Joe

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