Re: Getting started GWT 2.1

2010-08-25 Thread dougx
You'll probably find an update here soon

On Aug 25, 4:00 pm, hezjing wrote:

 May I know if there is any article about GWT 2.1 features, especially the
 data presentation widgets and the MVP framework?



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Re: How do I make alternative style sheets for IE7 etc. in GWT?

2010-07-18 Thread dougx
You'll find the conditional css is remarkably unreliable in the real

The list of supported user.agent properties is here though, since it
fails to turn up anywhere in the actual documentation:

Supported values are:

You'll notice particularly vexingly there is no good way to specify an
IE7 specific style rule.

You'll find a justification for that decision here:


On Jul 18, 11:15 pm, Stefan Bachert wrote:

 ClientBundle with CssResource supports conditional styles.
 See docu

 Stefan Bachert

 On 16 Jul., 15:52, sythiar wrote:

  I'm a complete beginner to GWT and am in fact only the designer for
  the site that a programmer is creating. Out of the two of us I have
  charged myself to find a solution for this problem. I'm really not
  sure if this has been posted yet, so pardon me if this may be
  repeating a question asked in a previous post.

  The problem:
  I would like to know if there is any way to implement alternative
  style sheets for IE7 as well as IE6 to iron out CSS bugs for these
  browsers. I have previously tried to implement the conditional HTML in
  the head of the index.html file of our site (aka. !--[if IE 7] link
  href=ie7styles.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css ![endif]--).
  However, even though I put this style at the end of the head sector
  after all the other scripts, it seems that the css still isn't active
  or is being overwritten as it does not show up in IE7.

  Actions so far:
  - I have checked the path for the style sheet and it is right.
  - To check if the conditional HTML works I have put it into the body
  area of index.html and filled it with some random text. It works as
  the text is only displayed in IE7.

  Other solutions?
  - Do I have to edit the modules .xml file that is included into the
  index.html through a .js file?
  - Or do I have to edit that js file itself?

  I really hope that someone is able to help me with this. Somehow I
  feel that the solution to this should be fairly easy, but I still
  can't find it.
  Meanwhile I'll look at some more forum posts for some answers...

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Re: How do I make alternative style sheets for IE7 etc. in GWT?

2010-07-16 Thread dougx
In theory, if you're only using GWT components, they should already be
styled correctly for all browsers.

In practice, that is only true if your site is entirely GWT; mixing it
up with a little GWT here and there will without fail screw all the
styles up. There isn't really a good solution for the problem; you can
have a look asset bundling though; it has some inbuilt smarts for
browser hacks, but it can only detect IE6. There's some documentation
about that here:

If you're working with a designer that isn't GWT friendly, your best
bet is probably to great the code; and then get them to style it
correctly using a couple of style sheets; webkit, gekko, IE-new, IE-
old, then use a JSNI call to detect browser type;

private native String getBrowser */-{
  // native js detection hackery. :/

Then use a CssResource to inject the appropriate stylesheet:

String b = getBrowser();
if (b.equals(ie-old)) {

Long story short; mixing non-GWT and GWT is a pain. If you can, stick
to an entirely GWT web app, and you'll find all the browser quicks
should smooth out. If that's not an option... well, good luck with


On Jul 16, 9:52 pm, sythiar wrote:
 I'm a complete beginner to GWT and am in fact only the designer for
 the site that a programmer is creating. Out of the two of us I have
 charged myself to find a solution for this problem. I'm really not
 sure if this has been posted yet, so pardon me if this may be
 repeating a question asked in a previous post.

 The problem:
 I would like to know if there is any way to implement alternative
 style sheets for IE7 as well as IE6 to iron out CSS bugs for these
 browsers. I have previously tried to implement the conditional HTML in
 the head of the index.html file of our site (aka. !--[if IE 7] link
 href=ie7styles.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css ![endif]--).
 However, even though I put this style at the end of the head sector
 after all the other scripts, it seems that the css still isn't active
 or is being overwritten as it does not show up in IE7.

 Actions so far:
 - I have checked the path for the style sheet and it is right.
 - To check if the conditional HTML works I have put it into the body
 area of index.html and filled it with some random text. It works as
 the text is only displayed in IE7.

 Other solutions?
 - Do I have to edit the modules .xml file that is included into the
 index.html through a .js file?
 - Or do I have to edit that js file itself?

 I really hope that someone is able to help me with this. Somehow I
 feel that the solution to this should be fairly easy, but I still
 can't find it.
 Meanwhile I'll look at some more forum posts for some answers...

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Re: This is getting beyond a joke

2010-07-13 Thread dougx

On Jul 14, 10:10 am, Jaroslav Záruba
 Or, maybe you're over-estimating importance of Maven for average

 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 3:39 AM, Richard Vowles 

  We do host our own repository - thats not the point. The point is that
  thousands of people use GWT and use dependency management, not having
  it go into central as a matter of course is simply ridiculous! It is
  absolutely, point blank unprofessional.

  On Jul 13, 4:32 pm, Paul Grenyer wrote:

   If you need it that much, why don't you host your own repository, such as
  Nexus? That's what we do for Ivy.

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GWT 2.0.4! Thank you! 3

2010-07-12 Thread dougx
Ah, been fighting with safari 5 on windows all morning (of course, it
works perfectly on a mac...) and then lo, I saw that there was 2.0.4
out, with a fix for safari 5 bugs. Recompiled with 2.0.4 and it works
perfectly now.

To the GWT team; thank you. :)


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User.agent detection in CssResource not working?

2010-03-10 Thread dougx
I'm havign trouble with a CssResource I'm using.
This is my css:

.Box {
  border: 1px solid #f00;
@if user.agent ie6 {
.Box {
background: #f00;

It's pretty much straight out of the example here:

The problem is that the user.agent detection doesn't seem to work.
That style is never added...

So I thought maybe I was doing it wrong? Tried this...

.Box {
  border: 1px solid #f00;
@if user.agent ie6 {
.Box {
background: #f00;
} @elif (com.client.Com.Check()) {
.Box {
background: #0f0;
} @else {
.Box {
background: #00f;

public static boolean Check() {
if  (Navigator.getUserAgent().toLowerCase().contains(msie))

...and as a result the div has a green background on ie, and blue on
everything else.

Anyone else having issues @if user.agent?  Did something change in
2.0.3 so it doesn't work the same way anymore?


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CssResource user.agent problem?

2010-03-10 Thread dougx
Sorry if this is a double post; I thought I posted a message about
this before but it's been 24 hours and it still hasn't shown up...

So, long story short, I can't get the @if user.agent syntax to work
in gwt 2.0.3.
Does anyone know how to use this correctly?

This is my style sheet:
.Box {
border: 1px solid #000;
@if user.agent ie6 ie7 ie8 {
.Box {
background: #f00;
@if (com.client.Com.Check()) {
.Box {
background: #0f0;
@else {
.Box {
background: #00f;

And this is the code to Com::Check:
public static boolean Check() {
if  (Navigator.getUserAgent().toLowerCase().contains(msie))

The style output is style background: #0f0 on all versions on IE. That
is, the @if user.agent query string isn't working at all.

I've tried the example here too, and that also doesn't work for me:

I'm sure I've got this working before. Is there a syntax change or
something I should be using? I've seen some example around where
people are going @if user.agent msie7 or example, but that doesn't
work for me either. :(


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Re: CssResource user.agent problem?

2010-03-10 Thread dougx
Sorry, my bad (it did turn up:
It just isn't showing up in the search results for some reason.

On Mar 11, 10:32 am, dougx wrote:
 Sorry if this is a double post; I thought I posted a message about
 this before but it's been 24 hours and it still hasn't shown up...

 So, long story short, I can't get the @if user.agent syntax to work
 in gwt 2.0.3.
 Does anyone know how to use this correctly?

 This is my style sheet:
 .Box {
         border: 1px solid #000;}

 @if user.agent ie6 ie7 ie8 {
         .Box {
                 background: #f00;

 @if (com.client.Com.Check()) {
         .Box {
                 background: #0f0;

 @else {
         .Box {
                 background: #00f;


 And this is the code to Com::Check:
         public static boolean Check() {
                 if  (Navigator.getUserAgent().toLowerCase().contains(msie))

 The style output is style background: #0f0 on all versions on IE. That
 is, the @if user.agent query string isn't working at all.

 I've tried the example here too, and that also doesn't work for 

 I'm sure I've got this working before. Is there a syntax change or
 something I should be using? I've seen some example around where
 people are going @if user.agent msie7 or example, but that doesn't
 work for me either. :(


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Re: How to run tests with GWTTestCases and -noserver mode?

2010-02-13 Thread dougx
I don't know if this helps (I'm not really sure I follow your
question), but I blogged about how to run unit tests in eclipse a
while ago:

That probably doesn't help much if you're trying run from the command
line, but you might be able to use it as a starting point...


On Feb 9, 8:41 pm, Ed wrote:
 How can I run tests that extends from GWTTestCase in gwt 2.0 with
 noserver mode?

 I tried it, accoding to the documentation GWT JUnit, but don't really
 understand why GWT uses his own GWTShellServlet, instead of mine :(...
 I also tried to use my own war/WEB-INF/web.xml but without any luck.
 I think I am missing something here

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Re: Use Javascript library into a ClientBundle

2010-02-13 Thread dougx
There's really no good reason to use ClientBundle for this, but you
_can_ do it if you want to



public interface SampleAssetsBundle extends ClientBundleWithLookup {

public static final SampleAssetsBundle instance =
GWT.create(SampleAssetsBundle .class);

public TextResource myScript();


package com.hax.Sample.client.js;

public class SampleLoader {
public void injectScript() {
String raw = SampleAssetsBundle.instance.myScript().getText();
ScriptElement e = Document.get().createScriptElement();


SampleLoader l = new SampleLoader();


On Feb 11, 7:26 pm, obesga wrote:
 I want to use a javascript library - just to encode into sha256, this
 is the url into GWT code.

 I have one way, using JSNI

 public final class SHA256 {

 public static native String doSHA256(String text) /*-{


 (I think that's ok )
 as far as the js libraries are included into the host page.

 ¿ Is there a way to use a ClientBundle with Javascript libraries /
 files to inject them into GWT code ?

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Re: jQuery

2010-02-09 Thread dougx
There's no magic to this; just add jquery to the page as a javascript
include and then use JSNI to invoke various calls.

Here is a trivial example:

public static native Object query(String selector) /*-{

public static native void hide(Object target) /*-{

public void javaTest() {
Object objects = query(.mytarget);

If you want to have access to a more 'complete' jquery interface, you
can have a look at the GQuery project; you'll have to get the source
and rebuild it yourself, however, to use it with 2.0


On Feb 9, 3:41 pm, muhannad nasser wrote:
 Dear all;

 can u please tell me how to use jQuery in GWT... do i need to add something
 to xml files. and how to call the jQuery functions


 ~~~With Regards~~~
 Muhannad Dar-Nasser
 ~~Computer Systems Engineering~~

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Re: Any Google Wave developers in this group?

2010-02-09 Thread dougx
Yes. I use GWT for all my wave code; please post if you create a
specific group for wave related GWT stuff...


On Feb 9, 1:57 pm, Jonas Huckestein wrote:
 Hi guys,

 I was wondering if there were enough wave developers around here that
 use gwt so that we could start our own group. I feel that in both the
 Wave API group and in this one messages on that subject tend to go

 Anybody interested?

 I am about to publish my own mock implementation of the Wave API for
 GWT that I made to locally test my gadgets, but I guess I might not be
 the only one.

 Jonas Huckestein

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Re: Authenticate before loading the application

2010-02-09 Thread dougx
Serve content via servlet, it's fair easy. For an example look here:

You can then check in the servlet for authentication via cookie / id
and refuse to serve unauthenticated users.


On Feb 9, 6:26 am, Simon wrote:
 Yes that is the basics of app engine security. I use it to get the
 Google account of the user.

 This is the first step of the login: Google authentication.
 Second step I want to validate the Google account against my own set
 of users,
 Last step I want to send to the user the whole javascript app.

 On 8 fév, 23:04, Youngster wrote:

  Did you have a look at this 

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Re: jQuery

2010-02-09 Thread dougx
My bad; Jan is of course correct... :)

On Feb 9, 8:50 am, Jan Ehrhardt wrote:
 The $ method is in the global namespace, which cannot be accessed from GWT
 native JS code directly. You'll have to use the $wnd variable instead, which
 brings the global namespace to GWT. So the first method of the simple
 example has to look like this:

 public static native Object query(String selector) /*-{


 Jan Ehrhardt

 On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 9:30 AM, dougx wrote:
  There's no magic to this; just add jquery to the page as a javascript
  include and then use JSNI to invoke various calls.

  Here is a trivial example:

  public static native Object query(String selector) /*-{

  public static native void hide(Object target) /*-{

  public void javaTest() {
     Object objects = query(.mytarget);

  If you want to have access to a more 'complete' jquery interface, you
  can have a look at the GQuery project; you'll have to get the source
  and rebuild it yourself, however, to use it with 2.0


  On Feb 9, 3:41 pm, muhannad nasser wrote:
   Dear all;

   can u please tell me how to use jQuery in GWT... do i need to add
   to xml files. and how to call the jQuery functions


   ~~~With Regards~~~
   Muhannad Dar-Nasser
   ~~Computer Systems Engineering~~

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Re: Authenticate before loading the application

2010-02-09 Thread dougx
Absolutely, store the files in the data store or something but serve
them as though they were normal pages; simply serving a static
resource via servlet won't achieve anything.

Also; don't use code splitting as a security measure; it's a client
side thing, which means it can be avoided. (Yes, I know, it's a server
side thing, but _triggering_ it is a client side thing, and you can do
that even if the application doesn't want you to).


On Feb 10, 5:20 am, Simon wrote:
 Thanks for your post, I didn't knew that app engine did not support

 One difference: I want the files to be accessed *only* by servlet, ie
 the servlet should serve the files, not redirect to them.

 On 9 fév, 09:44, dougx wrote:

  Serve content via servlet, it's fair easy. For an example look 

  You can then check in the servlet for authentication via cookie / id
  and refuse to serve unauthenticated users.


  On Feb 9, 6:26 am, Simon wrote:

   Yes that is the basics of app engine security. I use it to get the
   Google account of the user.

   This is the first step of the login: Google authentication.
   Second step I want to validate the Google account against my own set
   of users,
   Last step I want to send to the user the whole javascript app.

   On 8 fév, 23:04, Youngster wrote:

Did you have a look at this 

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Re: JSNI method doesn't work in IE?

2009-10-25 Thread dougx

Hm. IE doesn't support setAttribute to set event listeners, and GWT
prides itself on not accommodating different browsers for things like

You're best off writing your own.
Perhaps something like this?

public void onModuleLoad() {
final Label l = new Label(This is a label);
setProperty(l.getElement(),onclick, alert('hello'););

private native void setProperty(Element e, String property, String
value) /*-{
var event = null;
value = event = function() {  + value + };;
e[property] = event;


On Oct 24, 4:42 pm, Tomer wrote:
 Yes, this is exactly what I expected.
 I'm using GWT 1.7.1

 Following your response, I went over to WinXP (SP3), installed a fresh
 copy of eclipse and of the Google plugin, created a new GWT project
 and replaced the entire contents of the entry module class with the
 code listed above. Still doesn't work - when I click the label,
 nothing happens - not in hosted mode and not in web mode. (and still
 works in the other browsers)


 On Oct 24, 3:23 am, dougx wrote:

  O_o can you be more specific? This works fine for me in ie6 / ie7 /
  ie8 / ie8 compatability mode...

  Well... which is to say, I got a popup saying Hello.
  What were you expecting to happen?

  public class Testing implements EntryPoint {
      static {
      public void onModuleLoad() {
     private static native void runJSNI() /*-{
     private static native void exportJSNI() /*-{
          $ = function() {



  On Oct 23, 11:38 pm, Tomer wrote:

   I've got the following piece of code. Works perfectly in every browser
   other than IE.
   What's going on?

   package test.client;


   public class Iejsni implements EntryPoint {

           static {

           public void onModuleLoad() {
                   final Label label = new Label(click me);
                   label.getElement().setAttribute(onclick, run());

           private static native void exportJSNI() /*-{
                   $ = function() {

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Re: JSNI method doesn't work in IE?

2009-10-23 Thread dougx

O_o can you be more specific? This works fine for me in ie6 / ie7 /
ie8 / ie8 compatability mode...

Well... which is to say, I got a popup saying Hello.
What were you expecting to happen?

public class Testing implements EntryPoint {
static {
public void onModuleLoad() {
   private static native void runJSNI() /*-{
   private static native void exportJSNI() /*-{
$ = function() {


On Oct 23, 11:38 pm, Tomer wrote:
 I've got the following piece of code. Works perfectly in every browser
 other than IE.
 What's going on?

 package test.client;


 public class Iejsni implements EntryPoint {

         static {

         public void onModuleLoad() {
                 final Label label = new Label(click me);
                 label.getElement().setAttribute(onclick, run());

         private static native void exportJSNI() /*-{
                 $ = function() {

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Re: change css rules dynamically

2009-10-19 Thread dougx

as above; not an entirely trivial problem, but this should get you
going on the road to a solution.
Note the requirement of a title tag on the style to identify it.

style itype=text/css title=MyStyleObject
.myStyle {
margin: 10px;
border: 3px solid #f00;
div class=myStyleHello World/div

   private void test() {
Stylesheet st = Stylesheet.loadStylesheet(MyStyleObject);
if (st != null)
st.setRule(.myStyle, border: 5px solid #ff0);


 * Simple API for interacting with native style objects.
public class Stylesheet {

/** Native instance. */
private Object _native = null;

/** Create a stylesheet interface with native reference. */
public Stylesheet(Object object) {
_native = object;

/** Loads a style sheet by title. */
public static Stylesheet loadStylesheet(String title) {
Stylesheet rtn = null;
Object _native = _loadStylesheet(title);
if (_native != null)
rtn = new Stylesheet(_native);

private static native Object _loadStylesheet(String title) /*-{
var rtn = null;
try {
var sheet, i;
var set = $doc.getElementsByTagName(style);
for(i = 0; i  set.length; i++) {
sheet = set[i];
if (sheet.title == title) {
rtn = sheet;
if (rtn.styleSheet)
rtn = rtn.styleSheet;
else if (rtn.sheet)
rtn = rtn.sheet;
catch(error) {}

/** Inserts a CSS rule. */
public void setRule(String selector, String rule) {
int index = _getRuleIndex(_native, selector);
if (index != -1)
_deleteRule(_native, index);
_addRule(_native, selector, rule);

private static native void _addRule(Object sheet, String selector,
String rule) /*-{
try {
if (sheet.addRule)
sheet.addRule(selector, rule);
else if (sheet.insertRule)
sheet.insertRule(selector + {  + rule + ; }, 0);
catch(e) {}

private static native int _getRuleIndex(Object sheet, String
selector) /*-{
var rtn = -1;
try {
var set = null;
if (sheet.cssRules)
set = sheet.cssRules;
set = sheet.rules;
if (set) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i  set.length; ++i) {
if (set[i].selectorText == selector) {
rtn = i;
catch(e) {}

private static native void _deleteRule(Object sheet, int index) /*-
try {
if (sheet.deleteRule)
else if (sheet.removeRule)
catch(e) {}

On Oct 18, 9:56 pm, Adam T wrote:
 ...if you mean actually changing a value in an already defined style
 sheet, then you need to use JSNI (or rethink your application to
 change the style applied to elements rather than the style


 On 18 Okt, 15:52, Adam T wrote:

  You can do it in at least 4 different ways in GWT.  Say you define a
  label as Label first = new Label(First Label) and add it to the DOM,
  then you can do one of the following to hide it:

  a) first.setVisible(false);
  b) first.getElement().getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.HIDDEN);
  c) first.getElement().getStyle().setProperty(display, hidden);
  d) first.addStyleName(hidden-style);  (assuming you have hidden-
  style defined in your style sheet and that sets the display property
  to hidden)


  On 18 Okt, 09:07, bhomass wrote:

   I found there is a way to change css rules using javascript.

   is there a way to do this using gwt?
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Re: OOPHM plugin for firefox problem.

2009-10-16 Thread dougx
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(
Contains: Could not delete 'C:\Workspace\UnitTest\war\WEB-INF\lib\gwt-

The issue you've mentioned doesn't seem to be directly related
(although it is also an  issue when you swap over to 2.0 ms 1);
cleaning the project (removing all files) and rebuilding fixes any
issues with the nocache.js files in the project for me... but I guess
that's what I'd expect to have to do once I change libraries...

On Oct 15, 9:29 pm, Rajeev Dayal wrote:
 Hey dougx,
 Are you using the Google Plugin for Eclipse? If so, switching the SDK should
 update the gwt-servlet.jar in your war/WEB-INF/lib folder. However, there is
 another issue that you'd run into:

 On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 6:16 AM, dougx wrote:

  Seems that because I was trying to switch an existing eclipse project
  over to the new version my war/WEB-INF/lib/gwt-servlet.jar was still
  the 1.7 version; replacing it with the same file from 2.0 ms1 archive
  fixed the problems I was having.

  (Well... the browser still doesn't launch automatically, but if you
  start it manually it'll actually connect and do debugging, etc. now.)

  Kind of lame that doing a project-clean in eclipse doesn't clear and
  redeploy those files; and that the browser plugin doesn't seem to
  output any kind of debug log / warning that you're being a dork (there
  should always be dork warnings... :D); this is a problem that a
  lot of people seem to be running into (according to
  the comments here anyway:

  Still, it's early release. Just glad I got it working!


  On Oct 15, 3:21 pm, Paul Robinson wrote:
   It used to be the case that the server would start firefox with the
   appropriate URL for you, but that didn't always work too well. They
   fixed this by removing the attempt to start firefox altogether - you
   have to start the browser yourself and point it at the URL you're given.

   dougx wrote:
Just installed the GWT 2.0 MS1  OOPHM plugin for firefox, and I
can't get it to work in development mode.

The webserver simply sits there and reports:
00:00:02.844 [INFO] Waiting for browser connection to

This is odd, because I've tried with the chrome and ie plugins as
well, and get the same thing.

I've tried adding and localhost to the list of accepted
servers in the plugin options, but that doesn't seem to do anything...

I've also tried telnet'ing into and the server
00:02:11.797 [INFO] Connection received from

So it seems the server is up and listening; the plugin just isn't
talking to it...?
Anyone had similar troubles?

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Re: OOPHM plugin for firefox problem.

2009-10-15 Thread dougx

Seems that because I was trying to switch an existing eclipse project
over to the new version my war/WEB-INF/lib/gwt-servlet.jar was still
the 1.7 version; replacing it with the same file from 2.0 ms1 archive
fixed the problems I was having.

(Well... the browser still doesn't launch automatically, but if you
start it manually it'll actually connect and do debugging, etc. now.)

Kind of lame that doing a project-clean in eclipse doesn't clear and
redeploy those files; and that the browser plugin doesn't seem to
output any kind of debug log / warning that you're being a dork (there
should always be dork warnings... :D); this is a problem that a
lot of people seem to be running into (according to
the comments here anyway:

Still, it's early release. Just glad I got it working!


On Oct 15, 3:21 pm, Paul Robinson wrote:
 It used to be the case that the server would start firefox with the
 appropriate URL for you, but that didn't always work too well. They
 fixed this by removing the attempt to start firefox altogether - you
 have to start the browser yourself and point it at the URL you're given.

 dougx wrote:
  Just installed the GWT 2.0 MS1  OOPHM plugin for firefox, and I
  can't get it to work in development mode.

  The webserver simply sits there and reports:
  00:00:02.844 [INFO] Waiting for browser connection to

  This is odd, because I've tried with the chrome and ie plugins as
  well, and get the same thing.

  I've tried adding and localhost to the list of accepted
  servers in the plugin options, but that doesn't seem to do anything...

  I've also tried telnet'ing into and the server
  00:02:11.797 [INFO] Connection received from

  So it seems the server is up and listening; the plugin just isn't
  talking to it...?
  Anyone had similar troubles?

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Re: How can you wait until GWT is ready externally? (after onEnterModule)

2009-08-09 Thread dougx

Quick answer is: If you're providing a series of APIs to a third
party, you:
1) Don't want to give them the source code to recompile them
2) Don't want to make their life difficult by forcing them to
3) Don't want to step outside of what is 'normal' for a JS library (no
extra custom ready functions...)

I understand what you're saying; yes, linking it all together is more
efficient. Yes, you can bind everything together that way and you
don't need multiple ready functions. Its a great way of building a
rich net app.

However, for JS mashups, you don't want a single page application that
does everything. You want something that compiles into a generic
robust usable JS API, that is easy to use and obviously interact with
other JS APIs.

Incidentally, as I mentioned, the javascript isn't being loaded in an
iframe. I'm compiling in xs (cross site scripting) mode, which means
the JS is added as an inline element in the head. The google code
launcher specifically waits until after everything else before it
launches itself (I presume to ensure the DOM is ready before kicking
off the application init), but I would have been pleased if maybe the
module constructor was run on load, and only onModuleLoad waited until
after body.onload was called. Oh well.

I've come to realize that GWT is ill suited to what I'm doing. I'm
quite disappointed really.


On Aug 9, 3:02 am, David wrote:
 I'm not 100% following your question, so excuse me if my answer does
 not match your question.

 Why would you need to have a toBeCalledByGWT for every method you want
 to expose from GWT ?

 I presume you have created an API in GWT and want to expose it outside of GWT 
 Just make sure that the onModuleLoad exposes all the methods (one way
 or another) and at the end you just call one method on the window
 object to indicate that the API is ready to be used. So you JS code
 just needs to wait until that method is invoked before starting

 If you want to use multiple GWT APIs this way, I guess the best thing
 to do is to have one onModuleLoad that invokes the injection of all
 the APIs in JS and then call one callback to kickstart your
 application. The idea of GWT is that you compile everything in one
 application to improve optimisations and to have a small as possible

 Why  is the GWT API not fully initialized ? Well because it is
 actually loaded by a hidden IFrame. Additionally with GWT 2.0 we will
 be able to actually load parts on demand through runAsync support.


 On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:11 AM, wrote:

  Yes, that does work. However, it's awkward.

  For example, if someone using jquery were to use my API, it would be
  nice for them to be able to do this:
  $(function() {

  Not this:
  myApiReady() {

  Big deal right? ...but imagine how it scales. Say you depend on three
  GWT API's. Now you're looking at something like this:

  var readyStates = {'one' : false, 'two' : false, 'three' : false };
  myReallyActuallyReallyReadyFunction() {
  function myApiOneReady() { = true;
     if (  readyStates.two  readyStates.three)
  function myApiTwoReady() {
     readyStates.two = true;
     if (  readyStates.two  readyStates.three)
  function myApiThreeReady() {
     readyStates.three = true;
     if (  readyStates.two  readyStates.three)


  I still don't understand why the onModuleLoad kicks off after the
  onLoad event; unless GWT is specifically waiting for the onLoad event
  before it kicks off its own internal processes.

  I suppose that vaguely makes sense, but it means that as an API
  platform it's vastly unuseful, unless there's a way to turn it off.


  On Aug 6, 3:06 pm, olivier nouguier
   On simple  solution:

  * In your html/js code define a:

  function toBeCalledByGWT{


  * Call this function by JNSI at the end of onModuleLoad().

  public void onModuleLoad(){
  ... Standard GWT code.



  public void native callJSInPage() /*-{



  On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 8:09 AM, wrote:

   How can you wait until after onModuleLoad() has been invoked for an
   application in external javascript?

   Should be quite a simple matter:
   - I have a GWT aplication that publishes a static JS API via JSNI.
   - I have a page that uses that API.

   I should be able to do this:
   body onload=apiTest();
   script src=js/NetLoaderAPI/NetLoaderAPI.nocache.js/script
   function apiTest() {

Re: JSNI for non-static functions.

2009-08-09 Thread dougx

For anyone else, attempting to do this: It's not possible.
GWT doesn't maintain the 'this' context, as I suspected.

The best work around I've found for this is below.

Note 1) the odd syntax, something about JSNI means typical JS
{ 'name' : ... , 'name' : ... } syntax doesn't compile, and 2) we
exploit Js's stack to preserve the self context in the javascript call
(but that's pretty standard fare).

public class demo implements EntryPoint {

  public void onModuleLoad() {

  private static Object instance() {
  Object rtn = (Object) new demo();

  private native void init() /*-{
  var obj = {};
  obj.self = @com.gwt.client.demo::instance()();
  obj.test = function() {;
  $wnd.js_test = obj;

  private void run() {
Element el = RootPanel.get(around).getBodyElement();
DOM.setStyleAttribute(el, border, 1px solid #0f0);


On Aug 3, 5:08 pm, dougx wrote:
 I can't seem to get the JSNI interface to work, as described 

 Specifically, the th...@::call functionality seems not to work
 when invoked from external javascript.

 When I bind a static function like this:
 $wnd.js_test_static = function() { �...@com.gwt.client.demo::runStatic()
 ();  };

 I can invoke it in the page js like this:
 a href=# onclick=js_test_static();Static test/a

 However, this combination does not work:
 $wnd.js_test = function() { th...@com.gwt.client.demo::run()();  };
 a href=# onclick=js_test();Static test/a

 I've searched high and low for this, and all I can find is blog posts
 saying that it -should- work, nothing actually show that it can.

 I'd be greatful for a working sample, or anyone who can point out my
 (Perhaps I need to establish a context before the call to th...@...
 will work? But how?)

 This is the test case I'm using:


 public class demo implements EntryPoint {

   public void onModuleLoad() {

   private native void init() /*-{
       $wnd.js_test = function() {

   private native void initStatic() /*-{
       $wnd.js_test_static = function() {

   private void run() {
     Element el = RootPanel.get(around).getBodyElement();
     DOM.setStyleAttribute(el, border, 1px solid #0f0);

   public static void runStatic() {
     Element el = RootPanel.get(around).getBodyElement();
     DOM.setStyleAttribute(el, border, 1px solid #f00);


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How can you wait until GWT is ready externally? (after onEnterModule)

2009-08-06 Thread dougx

How can you wait until after onModuleLoad() has been invoked for an
application in external javascript?

Should be quite a simple matter:
- I have a GWT aplication that publishes a static JS API via JSNI.
- I have a page that uses that API.

I should be able to do this:
body onload=apiTest();
script src=js/NetLoaderAPI/NetLoaderAPI.nocache.js/script
function apiTest() {

However, I can't use it, beacause I get an error like this:
TypeError: window.NetWorkerAPI is undefined

What? How is there some kind of delay between scripts loaded and run,
and the document ready event?

I have, for reference, compiled in xs mode, so the gwt code is not
being loaded in an external iframe.

ie. The API js is being included directly into the page header,
firebug shows it as:
script src=http://localhost:8080/js/NetLoaderAPI/

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Re: How can you wait until GWT is ready externally? (after onEnterModule)

2009-08-06 Thread dougx

Yes, that does work. However, it's awkward.

For example, if someone using jquery were to use my API, it would be
nice for them to be able to do this:
$(function() {

Not this:
myApiReady() {

Big deal right? ...but imagine how it scales. Say you depend on three
GWT API's. Now you're looking at something like this:

var readyStates = {'one' : false, 'two' : false, 'three' : false };
myReallyActuallyReallyReadyFunction() {
function myApiOneReady() { = true;
if (  readyStates.two  readyStates.three)
function myApiTwoReady() {
readyStates.two = true;
if (  readyStates.two  readyStates.three)
function myApiThreeReady() {
readyStates.three = true;
if (  readyStates.two  readyStates.three)


I still don't understand why the onModuleLoad kicks off after the
onLoad event; unless GWT is specifically waiting for the onLoad event
before it kicks off its own internal processes.

I suppose that vaguely makes sense, but it means that as an API
platform it's vastly unuseful, unless there's a way to turn it off.


On Aug 6, 3:06 pm, olivier nouguier
  On simple  solution:

 * In your html/js code define a:

 function toBeCalledByGWT{


 * Call this function by JNSI at the end of onModuleLoad().

 public void onModuleLoad(){
 ... Standard GWT code.



 public void native callJSInPage() /*-{



 On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 8:09 AM, dougx wrote:

  How can you wait until after onModuleLoad() has been invoked for an
  application in external javascript?

  Should be quite a simple matter:
  - I have a GWT aplication that publishes a static JS API via JSNI.
  - I have a page that uses that API.

  I should be able to do this:
  body onload=apiTest();
  script src=js/NetLoaderAPI/NetLoaderAPI.nocache.js/script
  function apiTest() {

  However, I can't use it, beacause I get an error like this:
  TypeError: window.NetWorkerAPI is undefined

  What? How is there some kind of delay between scripts loaded and run,
  and the document ready event?

  I have, for reference, compiled in xs mode, so the gwt code is not
  being loaded in an external iframe.

  ie. The API js is being included directly into the page header,
  firebug shows it as:
  script src=http://localhost:8080/js/NetLoaderAPI/


 A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the
 Mohandas Gandhi
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JSNI for non-static functions.

2009-08-03 Thread dougx

I can't seem to get the JSNI interface to work, as described here:

Specifically, the th...@::call functionality seems not to work
when invoked from external javascript.

When I bind a static function like this:
$wnd.js_test_static = function() {  @com.gwt.client.demo::runStatic()
();  };

I can invoke it in the page js like this:
a href=# onclick=js_test_static();Static test/a

However, this combination does not work:
$wnd.js_test = function() { th...@com.gwt.client.demo::run()();  };
a href=# onclick=js_test();Static test/a

I've searched high and low for this, and all I can find is blog posts
saying that it -should- work, nothing actually show that it can.

I'd be greatful for a working sample, or anyone who can point out my
(Perhaps I need to establish a context before the call to th...@...
will work? But how?)

This is the test case I'm using:


public class demo implements EntryPoint {

  public void onModuleLoad() {

  private native void init() /*-{
  $wnd.js_test = function() {

  private native void initStatic() /*-{
  $wnd.js_test_static = function() {

  private void run() {
Element el = RootPanel.get(around).getBodyElement();
DOM.setStyleAttribute(el, border, 1px solid #0f0);

  public static void runStatic() {
Element el = RootPanel.get(around).getBodyElement();
DOM.setStyleAttribute(el, border, 1px solid #f00);

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Eclipse 3.5 Plugin

2009-08-02 Thread dougx

For anyone who missed the memo.

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Re: Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this type unavailable

2009-07-27 Thread dougx

I don't know if this will help, but check your paths.

If you have a source path like this:
- App.gwt.xml

Where App.gwt.xml reads:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC -//Google Inc.//DTD Google Web Toolkit 1.7.0//
module rename-to='app'
  inherits name=''/
  inherits name=''/
  entry-point class=''/

You will get an error like this:
Compiling module
   Computing all possible rebind results for ''
 Checking rule generate-with
[ERROR] Unable to find type ''
   [ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made
this type unavailable

This is because GWT is (very) not smart, and cannot locate classes in
the small path as the gwt.xml file (notice how the template projects
always have a client and server directory).

So fix this, change the class path of to:

And the entry point to:
entry-point class=''/

This may not be the problem you have, but it sounds quite similar.

Don't worry. It's not just you. I've never come across a good
explanation of why this happens.


On Jul 24, 6:44 pm, BMax wrote:
 Thanks mirceade!
 Now, after your post, I'm really so happy! Fortunately you exist!!!

 However, there is someone (smarter than mirceade) who can help me?

 Bye, Max

 On 24 Lug, 10:20, mirceade wrote:

  Read the manual, read the errors, learn English, get a life.

  On Jul 23, 2:46 pm, BMax wrote:

   Hi, I post here my module xml code:


           inherits name=''/

           inherits name='com.gwtext.GwtExt' /

           entry-point class='org.xlab.semantic.gwtext.client.Sisma'/

           stylesheet src=js/ext/resources/css/ext-all.css /
           script src=js/ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js /
           script src=js/ext/ext-all.js /

           inherits name=''/

           servlet path=/sismaService

           stylesheet src=Sisma.css/


   I think that it's good...!
   Bye, Max

   On 23 Lug, 13:27, Norman Maurer wrote:


like stated in the error message... Do you have am inherits statment
for org.xlab.semantic.gwtext.client.Sisma ?


2009/7/23 BMax

 Hi guys,
 please help me! I have to finish an important work but now my project
 is blocked by this error:

 Checking rule generate-with
               [ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made
               [ERROR] Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your
 module; it may not be inheriting a required module or a module may not
 be adding its source path entries properly

 I readed other post about this problem but I didn'tfinda solution!

 Thanks, Max

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