Re: widgets within widgets

2009-03-31 Thread lukehashj

It sounds like you want to implement the SourcesClickEvents class.

Just implement that class, in your implementation just use

Of course, you'll need to bump the button out of your constructor and
into scope.


On Mar 31, 12:59 pm, alanj wrote:
 Hi, I'm new to java  gwt, so please be gentle :-)

 I'm wrapping a MyButton widget, which extends Button,  inside another
 widget MyDiv which extends FlowPanel, to control styles etc. So:

 public class MyDiv extends FlowPanel {
         public MyDiv(){
                 MyButton  button = new MyButton();
         public MyDiv(String html) {
                 MyButton button = new MyButton(html);
         private void setStyle(){

 Can I within this MyDiv class create an addClickListener(ClickListener
 listener) method -  native to Button but not to FlowPanel -  which
 simply passes a received listener over to the MyButton widget which
 can use it? So from somewhere else:

 newButton = new MyDiv(click me);
 newButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener(){
                         public void onClick(Widget widget) {
                                //do something on click

 div class=myDivinput type=button value=click me/div which does
 something on click

 Thanks in advance!

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Re: Back Refresh button handling

2009-03-27 Thread lukehashj

You can not rely on this event being raised before the browser is
closed. You can use the onunload=someJavascript() on your body tag
and then some JSNI to call your google code.

Here's the problem: the event gets raised, and you start doing your
work. The window gets closed before you finish doing your work, and
your rpc never completes and the server never knows.

I'd say at best you get a 50% success rate with the window close
events :)


On Mar 26, 3:58 pm, bigtruckdriver wrote:
 I'm in a similar predicament, perhaps you might have an idea of what
 to do.

 When the user closes the browser window, I want the application to
 logout his/her session automatically so as to free up memory on the
 server from their session. So I use the onWindowClosed() function to
 take care of this... But when the page is refreshed, the session gets
 logged out as well through the same function. This is something I want
 to stop from happening. Any suggestions?

 On Mar 15, 9:26 am, Rohit wrote:

  There is no way in GWT to distinguish betweenRefreshbuttonclick and
  Window closebuttonclick. But you can trackrefreshbuttonwith a
  little trick. You should use a time cookie which will expire after
  some time. So whenrefreshbuttonis pressed, in on module load of
  entry point , track the value of this cokkie, if this cookie is still
  alive, this meansrefreshbuttonis pressed. The time this cookie will
  expired should be considered. It should be very little.

  Second for history, you should save your information in Session on
  window close and then ifrefreshbuttonis pressed, get your
  information from this session.

  Thanks and regards


  On Mar 14, 2:30 am, levi.bracken wrote:

   You can restore state, but it's a bit more work than just using GWT
   History.  Basically you'll need to come up with some way of modifying
   the url search parameter (stuff after the #) to include some info so
   that you can bring the userbackinto the same state as they were
   before.   For example, if your application has a number of screens and
   they were on screen foo, which was loading with properties for an item
   with id 10 then you'd need that information in the Url.


   You could also put a conversation id in the url param and then keep
   the fine details cached on the server, but that makes the state/data
   more transient. If you go with an option like this though it can help
   make your pages open and work in other tabs and even make points in
   your application bookmark'able'.

   Now for the easy answer, yes you can just prevent the user from
   carelessly clickingrefresh.  Fortunately there isn't a way to trap
   somebody on a webpage (think about how bad the web would be).   But,
   you can use the WindowCloseListener to present a user with a
   confirmation before they close the window, navigate to a new page, or
   hitrefresh.  It'd look something like this (not tested):

     new WindowCloseLisener(){

       public String onWindowClosing(){
         return Are you sure you want to leave this application?;

       public void onWindowClosed(){
           // Cleanup if need be


   On Mar 13, 2:52 pm, dodo wrote:

GWT provides History.onHistoryChange event to handle history but how
can we restore application state when a user clicks onRefreshbutton?
For example the user performed multiple actions on the web site and
then clickedrefreshbutton. Now how using GWT History class we can
restore the same state?

Another question, is there a way to trap Refresh click before
actually the app refreshes and can be cancel the event?

Rajesh- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -
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Re: RPC Performance/Response Problem

2009-03-26 Thread lukehashj

Have you tried using a List instead of an array?

On Mar 26, 2:46 am, -Lord-67 wrote:
 First of all: Hi to everyone!

 I'm new to GWT and just programming my first app. Since i've some
 experience in Java it's not a big problem, but in this case i am stuck
 and hopefully someone can help me.

 In my app i make a RPC: On server side i get some data out of a
 database and save it into an array of type String. Up to 10.000
 Strings atm, later on maybe up to 50.000. It is no problem so far. The
 server is handling this really fast. I measured 5 RPCs with about 500
 Strings each and it took less time than 200 milliseconds each (SQL
 Statement + creating the array).

 The problem now is: I have to wait 5 SECONDS to get the results of the
 RPC (the String[] created on the server) on the client side so i can
 do something with them. Regarding the overall time i measured, these 5
 seconds are more than 75% of the time which my app needs. Is it
 possible that the serialization and deserialization takes that much
 time? I don't think so and i have no clue where this 5 seconds come
 from. If someone has any ideas, solutions, suggestions on this problem
 i would appreciate any help!

 Thanks in advance,

 P.s.: Of course i searched for a solution for this problem for hours,
 if i somehow just typed the wrong keywords to get the fitting results,
 just let me know and post a link :-).
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Re: Flash with GWT

2009-03-26 Thread lukehashj

There's not much you can do about this :)

This happens for the same reason that dropdown menus burn through
'popunders' like you describe.

Try creating a new popup class that uses an IFRAME to show your
element, and then it won't burn through to the second iframe.

Sucks, yes.

On Mar 26, 6:28 am, ping2ravi wrote:
 Hi All,
 I have a web page where i am using Flash and GWT both, i am using
 GWT's popup thing.
 Non flash screen part of the page shows the popup correctly but the
 screen part where flash is, it hides the popup under it. I can see
 that the potion of popup which should be on the top of Flash part is
 hidden and the otehr part is visible as there is no flash on that

 I remember that in JS/CSS we used to use z-index kind of this to make
 such ordering of JS object, but how to do that with flash.

 Any comments/Suggestion?
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Re: How to show waiting status in GWT web apps?

2009-03-25 Thread lukehashj

Alternatively, you may want to double-check that its fetching the data
that's taking a long time (and not rendering it).

Look into using IncrementalCommands to increase the apparent
responsiveness of your UI.

Also, look into using DeferredCommands when you need to show a spinner
but it's not going to be completed at the end of an async method.

On Mar 25, 1:07 am, Vikas wrote:
 Hi All,

 In my GWT web application, while fetching data it takes some time, so
 for that period I want to show some waiting message like Fetching
 record... similar to gmail for e.g. when we click on inbox it shows
 Loading... status on first line till all mails fetched.

 How to achive this in GWT?
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Re: Gilead tutorial

2009-03-25 Thread lukehashj

Giliead is used to serialize hibernate objects to the client and then
get them back in sync once they get back to the server.

Yes, you could just create POJOs that mirror your hibernate objects
and use those instead, then sync then with your hibernate objects.

On Mar 25, 6:53 am, Rafael Barrera Oro wrote:

    I was wondering if anyone knew of a tutorial and/or introduction for
 Gilead, the reason i am asking you for this is that i read the official
 tutorial and i was not able to follow it completely (i should point that i
 can be considered a total nooboid in what regards GWT and related
 technologies, hibernate also)
    Speaking of nooboids, i was wandering if, instead of using Gilead, i
 could do the following...

 Consider i have a functional Hibernate project, i could extract the POJOs
 from the project and make them visible for the client side of a GWT
 application and perform all the heavy duty database work in async services,
 right? I guess that where i am going with this is that i am failing to see
 the goal of GILEAD, the reason it was created, the problems it aims to solve
 (although i am sure there are, i do not mean any disrespect to the Gilead

 thanks in advance
 yours trully

 Rafael Barrera Oro

 PS: If what i just said is so wrong that it hurted your front lobes please
 refrain from coming to my castle angrily waving pitchforks and torches
 around, just point it out in a respectful manner i will listen thankfully
 and bow my head in gratitude
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Re: Working with compiled js files

2009-03-25 Thread lukehashj

That's a possibility, but really not maintainable like your java code
and after the handoff takes place your java code becomes throw-away.

Another solution is to let them code in native methods.

private native void nativeMethod(String effect, Element element) /*-{
//write javascript here

On Mar 25, 8:06 am, logicpeters wrote:
 Does anyone have experience working with the raw compiled (detailed /
 pretty) javascript that GWT produces?  Is this a feasible option when
 you wish to hand off a GWT project to another team who prefers to
 work with javascript and has the expertise for that?
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Re: How to use Servlets to download file to browser?

2009-03-24 Thread lukehashj

This looks like an operation that should use an RPC.

This may help you:

On Mar 24, 1:06 pm, vroom_vroom wrote:
 Hello, I know this topic has been discussed in a few threads. I have
 attempted to ask my questions in those but for some reason they are
 not posting, so I had to create this new one. I read documentation and
 other posts but still confused on how to do this. File download is
 very simple in normal web app, but having trouble in GWT. Can someone
 please help me with what I have written here?

 This is code for client side :
   private void exportToExcel() {
           final int STATUS_CODE_OK = 200;
           final String url = /exportExcel;
           RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET,

             try {
               Request response = builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback
 () {
                 public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
                   // TODO:

                 public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response
 response) {
                   // TODO:

             } catch (RequestException e) {
               // TODO:

 This is in the ***.gwt.xml file:
 inherits /
 servlet path=/exportExcel
 class=com.myweb.server.ExportExcelServlet /

 This is my servlet:
 package com.myweb.server;

 import; ...

 public class ExportExcelServlet extends HttpServlet {

    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
             HttpServletResponse response)
             throws ServletException, IOException {


             try {
                         StringBuffer sb = generateCsvFileBuffer();
                         InputStream in = new 
                         ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();

                         byte[] outputByte = new byte[4096];
                         //copy binary contect to output stream
                         while(, 0, 4096) != -1)
                                 out.write(outputByte, 0, 4096);
                 } catch (Exception e) {
                         // TODO Auto-generated catch block


         public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
             HttpServletResponse response)
             throws ServletException, IOException {

         private static StringBuffer generateCsvFileBuffer()
                 StringBuffer writer = new StringBuffer();


                 writer.append(your name);

                         return writer;


 At first I was having no errors generated but in the browser no
 download dialog would pop up, and nothing happened.
 I changed something...not sure what now, and getting runtime errors.
 [ERROR] Unable to find 'exportExcel.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could
 be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for

 My entire app is written in GWT, so I dont have a web.xml file

 I am very stuck any help would be extreemly appreciated
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Re: Keyboard event

2009-03-23 Thread lukehashj

Remember, when flaming a forum, not to use your real email address :)

You can use the DOM and event listeners to manually monitor events.
Just make sure to sink the events properly.

On Mar 23, 3:31 am, nicanor.babula wrote:
 Very nice though... Useless forum... No help at all... I finally
 figured it out. But it doesn't worth sharing the solution with you...
 Thank you anyway for your help..

 On Mar 20, 5:37 pm, nicanor.babula wrote:

  Hello everyone... This is my first post in here so don't be too sharp
  on me..

  I have wrote a class that extends AbsolutePanel and implements
  SourcesMouseEvents in order to have an AbsolutePanel that accept mouse
  events. Now, the next step I want to do is to make it accept Keyboard
  events. I won't use any other component existing in other libraries
  (like extjs) because my app must be very light.

  So, you have any hint? Any tutorial? So far I could handle it just by
  reading the javadocs, but for this one I couldn't figure it out...

  Sorry for my poor english too..
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Re: Trying to change the style of tabTopLeft and right on tabBars

2009-03-23 Thread lukehashj

I've had mixed results with CSS inheritence (seems like sometimes IE
just doesn't listen...)

So here's the idea -

Say I have three CSS classes,

.test1 {
  border:1px solid red;

.test2 {

.test1 .test2 {

and the following html:

span class=test1test1/span
span class=test2test2/span
span class=test1span class=test2test3/span/span

then I would expect the following:

test1 will have a red border as it inherits the class .test1
test2 will have a blue background as it inherits the class .test2
test3 will have a red border, a blue background, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY,
font size 16pt as it inherits the class .test1 .test2

(note the missing comma in .test1 .test2! its intentionally gone!)


On Mar 20, 12:09 pm, ProtoLD wrote:
 All the other CSS styles are easily applied after setting a style name
 to the tab bar and addressing them as follows:

 .customizedStyleName .tabTopCenter {
         background-image: url('images/centerTopImage.gif');


 but this doesn't appear to work for the two corners, the base GWT
 overrides my CSS.  The CSS for the right corner looks like this:

 html  body .gwt-DecoratedTabBar .tabTopRight {

 when inspecting it in Firebug (yah Firefox).  Can anyone tell me how
 to override this?
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Re: Trying to change the style of tabTopLeft and right on tabBars

2009-03-23 Thread lukehashj

Sorry, didn't read your question thoroughly enough.

It looks like you understand the css inheritence problem.

Why not just use

.gwt-DecoratedTabBar .tabTopRight {

as the CSS class? Do you have more than one tabbar this would effect?

If so, could you wrap the tabbar in a container with a css class name,
and then use:

.container .gwt-DecoratedTabBar .tabTopRight {

Good luck.

On Mar 20, 12:09 pm, ProtoLD wrote:
 All the other CSS styles are easily applied after setting a style name
 to the tab bar and addressing them as follows:

 .customizedStyleName .tabTopCenter {
         background-image: url('images/centerTopImage.gif');


 but this doesn't appear to work for the two corners, the base GWT
 overrides my CSS.  The CSS for the right corner looks like this:

 html  body .gwt-DecoratedTabBar .tabTopRight {

 when inspecting it in Firebug (yah Firefox).  Can anyone tell me how
 to override this?
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Re: Scroll to certain position

2009-03-23 Thread lukehashj

You have a few options.

You can use the ScrollPanel class, and the setScrollBarPosition

Or, you can use DOM.scrollIntoView(Element e)

Good luck

On Mar 22, 4:40 pm, wrote:
 im a newbie
 how could i scroll to the certain position in a panel?

 For example:

 Panel pagePanel = new Panel();

 When i click a button, the pagePanel will start to show the from the
 10th line.
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Re: How to mask page when show a dialog box ?

2009-03-23 Thread lukehashj

I did something like this:

SimplePanel modalDiv = new SimplePanel(new HTML(nbsp;));


DOM.setStyleAttribute(modalDiv.getElement(), position, absolute);
DOM.setStyleAttribute(modalDiv.getElement(), left, 0);
DOM.setStyleAttribute(modalDiv.getElement(), top, 0);

with css:

.modalDiv {


On Mar 18, 12:34 am, Saeed Zarinfam wrote:
 I want to mask page element when i show a dialog box over the page
 (like google reader message box).
 please guide me.
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Re: How to mask page when show a dialog box ?

2009-03-23 Thread lukehashj

Forgot to include background-color:black in the css.

On Mar 23, 5:03 pm, lukehashj wrote:
 I did something like this:

 SimplePanel modalDiv = new SimplePanel(new HTML(nbsp;));


 DOM.setStyleAttribute(modalDiv.getElement(), position, absolute);
 DOM.setStyleAttribute(modalDiv.getElement(), left, 0);
 DOM.setStyleAttribute(modalDiv.getElement(), top, 0);

 with css:

 .modalDiv {



 On Mar 18, 12:34 am, Saeed Zarinfam wrote:

  I want to mask page element when i show a dialog box over the page
  (like google reader message box).
  please guide me.
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Re: Problem with opening a new Window

2009-03-23 Thread lukehashj

This may help you:

On Mar 23, 5:44 am, Magius wrote:
 Ummm, it seems complex.
 The DialogBox it's a layer placed on top of the current window, but
 it's part of the window and I don't know how to print only it (you
 could manipulate the rest of the elements using css to not print them
 but I think it not a good idea).

 Probably the best approach is to open another window with only the
 contents of the dialogBox.
 But you need to pass arguments to the new Window(date,
 action=showDetails, ...).

 One way is:
    1. to open a new window with the URL of a generic jsp (.../
    2. to generate in the jsp an GWT-HTML page with a additional js-
 variable storing the parameters. The page can use your current
   3. to modify the EntryPoint to check if the js-variable exists in
 the page and, in this case, to render only the DialogBox inside the
 Panel instead of starting the whole application. The parameters are
 available in the page.
   4. to call to the print option of the navigator.

 Another way is:
    1. to send to the server the parameters using RPC and to store them
 in session
    2. to open a new window using a static GWT-HTML page (with a
 different tittle or an additional js-variable or anything that could
 be used as a flag). The page can use your current EntryPoint.
   3. to modify the EntryPoint to check if the HTML page has the flag
 and, in this case, to render only the DialogBox inside the Panel
 instead of starting the whole application. The parameters are
 avialable in the user session.
   4. to call to the print option of the navigator.

 There are more approach but I cannot imagine anyone more simple.
 I hope it helps!

 On Mar 22, 7:48 pm, wrote:
  I'm writing a programm with gwt in Eclipse. It is a calendar where you
  can add dates. I also implemented a method to show an overview of all
  dates. At the moment it is shown in a Dialogbox. Now I want that
  overview to be printed. So I have to questions
  1. Can I print a dialogbox? If yes HOW?

  2. If not: can I open a new window, where the overview is included?
  How can I do this? I saw the function (URL...) but how can
  I say what the URL is? I don't know what is the name of it. How to
  create a new Window? Can you give me a piece of code?

  Many questions and hopefully many answers.

  I hope you can help me

  Thanks for now
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Re: Profiling browser memory usage in a GWT application

2009-01-06 Thread lukehashj

You can get the firebug plugin for firefox and compile your GWT
project with the -style pretty flag.

-style pretty:

On Dec 27 2008, 9:31 am, byhisdeeds wrote:
 Hi. I have a GWT application that I want to try and reduce the size of
 the memory footprint in the browser. What can I use to look at the
 memory foot print dynamically in firefox (or IE) so I can see when my
 code is stressing the browser.

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Re: How do I make a pretty, easy to use button without making custom images for each one?

2009-01-05 Thread lukehashj

If you are able to use .pngs with a full alpha channel in your project
(IE6 does not support them without a work-around - google 'ie6 png')
you can have great success using images. If you only have a few
different background colors on your site, than create a rounded corner
- fill in the area that is the background with its appropriate color
and leave the area that will form the face of the button transparent.
Then, you can use those four rounded corners (in various colors) to
round everything from buttons to containers. Simple set the background
color of the button to be the color that you want it to be, and whala!
Now you have buttons in any color :)

To create the PrettyButton widget you can use a grid wrapped in a
focus panel - just make sure to use setCellSpacing(0) and
setCellPadding(0) on the grid. You can use the same method to create a
PrettyCornersWidget that will take a widget as an argument, then wrap
it in rounded corners.

On Jan 2, 4:00 am, dduck wrote:

 I would like to make a button that looks like this:

 (|| text ||)

 ...where ( is a rounded left-end of the button, ) is a rounded right-
 end of the button, || is a background and text can be specified e.g.
 at creation. Thus, all buttons of this type would share the same
 style, but not the same text on the face of it. Examples:

 (|| OK ||)
 (|| My very long button text ||)

 How would I go about this, without having to generate each individual
 button as an image in my drawing program?

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