Sequential workflow in an asynchronous GWT world

2009-03-04 Thread rlaferla

How is everyone managing to implement sequential workflows when GWT
only allows async calls?

I have a series of panels that user must respond to in sequence and
their answers may lead to a different path of panels (warnings, error
panels, etc..)  I think every GWT programmer working on a large
project must have run into this.   I'm interested in what strategies/
techniques/code you used to help keep the complexity down.

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Google Analytics and GWT

2009-03-04 Thread rlaferla

This may be simple (or not) but has anyone integrated Google Analytics
into a GWT app?  Are there any tips or issues I should be aware of?

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How to debug serialization issues?

2009-01-07 Thread rlaferla

How do you guys go about debugging serialization issues?  I am using
GWT 1.5.3 and my GWT client is sending a DTO to the server.  If I do a
Log.debug() just prior to the call to the server, I see all of my data
in my DTO.  However, when I do a log.debug() on my DTO in the GWT-RPC
service, some of my data is missing.  I have read through forum posts,
etc... but I feel I don't have the necessary tools to debug the
problem.  The data that appears to not be serialized is a
Set (implementation is a HashSet) off of my DTO.  Both
the DTO and CustomClass are marked Serializable, I use generics for
the Set.

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File download using GWT?

2008-11-28 Thread rlaferla

Here's a tricky one for you GWT experts!

In my application, I need to dynamically create a text file (in
memory) and allow the user to download it.  In a traditional web
application, this is easy.  However, how can you do this with GWT?
Before you answer, keep in mind that the file does not exist on disk
anywhere.  Therefore, a GWT-RPC service would send a String back to
the GWT client and the client would have to do something to trigger
the download of that string as a file.  I have already searched this
forum and there is a thread on doing a file download but that's for a
file that exists on disk and for various reasons, my application
cannot write the string to a file first.

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Re: SmartGWT 1.0 Released

2008-11-18 Thread rlaferla

That's awesome.  Is it native Java/GWT or a JavaScript wrapper?
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Re: Debugging support in compile mode?

2008-10-28 Thread rlaferla

On Oct 14, 11:38 am, JohnMudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any way to get the same sort of debugging support in compile mode as
> in shell mode?

How about using gwt-log?
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Re: GWT-ext or ext-GWT?

2008-10-28 Thread rlaferla

On Oct 28, 3:25 am, "alex.d" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ext GWT definitely. It's nativa Java-GWT code vs. Javascript wrapper.
> Even though you have to pay for it it's worth it.

Sounds good but what are some of the problems that one may encounter
with GWT-Ext?  Also, GWT-Ext has GWT-Plus to connect your backend
database objects to the GWT-Ext widget's store (e.g. GridPanel).  What
do you use for Ext GWT?

BTW - The names are really confusing.  I expect a lawsuit will force a
name change at some point.
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Re: Composite widgets

2008-10-21 Thread rlaferla

Thanks.  I ended up extending Composite and created a VerticalPanel
with three SimplePanels in it.

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Composite widgets

2008-10-20 Thread rlaferla

I'd like to create a composite widget that contains three widgets:
header, body, and footer.  These components can be any type of
Widget.  I want to be able to add my composite widget to a panel just
like any other widget.  I also want to be able to call setHeader(),
setBody() and setFooter() and have that widget REPLACED with the new

What's the best way to design this?  What class should I extend?
Composite?  HTMLTable?  Panel?  Widget?

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