Re: Elemental in GWT 2.5 is what?

2012-07-11 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 11:15:01 PM UTC+2, Clint Gilbert wrote:

 Hash: SHA1 

  (just like everyone else doing web dev out there, in JS, CoffeeScript, 
 Dart, etc.) 

 TLDR: There are many of us out here, I suspect, for whom this is exactly 
 what we do not want. 

 Elemental sounds cool, but I'm glad it's optional. I hope that stays 
 the case, and that the permuted-compile use case stays well-supported 
 for the foreseeable future. 

I see no reason it wouldn't be.
AFAICT, Elemental is not meant to replace what already exists, it's a new, 
different way of doing similar things (and more!) for people who need it. 
It's new as in new choice, not new vs. old.
As Ray said at I/O, it's best-suited for mobile apps where you need to cut 
every possible overhead, or for people who need to use bleeding-edge APIs 
without waiting for someone to hand-wrap them.

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Re: Elemental in GWT 2.5 is what?

2012-07-10 Thread Thomas Broyer

DISCLAIMER: this is what I know about Elemental, and my interpretation of 
it, and I haven't yet looked closely at it (its internals). Everything 
below can be read online (e.g. on Google+)

On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 12:34:13 AM UTC+2, mp31415 wrote:

 I'm trying to make some sense from that Elemental feature. But I'm 
 definitely missing something. On 2.5 main page there is a link to a brief 
 article about Elemental which really does not add much. GWT team is 
 notoriously bad on documentation side and it's not getting any better. Just 
 please don't tell me to shut up and use something else. It's impossible to 
 see the big picture without some background information, like what was 
 missing before, what real purpose of the feature is. It's very nice that we 
 can now call some latest API but what about the more trivial stuff that say 
  UiBinder was in charge so far? Or maybe it is not about UI but more about 
 better hiding JSO types? Or something totally different at all?

The main thing about Elemental is that, for the most part, it's 
auto-generated, which makes it a breath to maintain: grab the IDL files 
from WebKit (yes, the same files that are being used to generate the C++ 
code that powers Chrome and Safari, themselves being more or less copies of 
what can be found in W3C specs) and regenerate the Java files out of them.
The goal is to be as close to the browser as possible, removing all 
abstraction layers.
That implies there's no deferred-binding being used: it's not meant to hide 
browser discrepancies, it's meant to be used in environments where those 
discrepancies don't exist or can be worked around in your code (code 
running in a UIWebView in a mobile native app, as a Chrome extension, or 
simply targeting only the most recent versions of browsers, where 
differences are vanishing a bit more each day that passes, thanks to the 
many standardization efforts).
Ideally, you no longer produce 1 permutation for each user agent, but a 
single one running everywhere (just like everyone else doing web dev out 
there, in JS, CoffeeScript, Dart, etc.)

In addition to that, Elemental is made of interfaces for the most part, so 
you can easily mock things in unit-tests, contrary to* and the like.

(BTW, UiBinder doing trivial stuff? really?)

 It's not any better with all other features in fact, but right now my 
 gripe is about Elemental. 

 I looked at the Collide project code. They reference elemental.* packages 
 all over the place and elemental classes carry copyright statement from 
 2010. So is it new or just recently opened by Google?

Elemental is not new. It's only been open-sourced recently.

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Re: Elemental in GWT 2.5 is what?

2012-07-10 Thread mp31415
Thank you very much Thomas for the expanded answer. (I'm somewhat worried 
about GWT as a bus factor looks close to one).

I understand what you say, but my question is more of an Elemental consumer 
nature. I mean it's definitely a big time saver for the GWT team to 
generate semi-magically all java wrappers for all existing and forthcoming 
features, it makes keeping GWT up to date much easier, but from GWT 
consumer point of view (i.e. all developers using GWT not developing it) it 
buys what? It's definitely better to have 5 permutations (e.g. per locale) 
instead of 30 but that's just compilation time, so it's nice but not 
critical. Also supporting old browsers still will add a few extra 
permutations anyway. 
The unit-test factor is probably important if you have them - I'm so far 
from them in my adventure, that I cannot appreciate this.
Removing all extra layers. Hmm... If we get too close to DOM and JavaScript 
then GWT advantage may be questioned as well. Java being a statically typed 
language is a double-edged sword. Those programming closer to the metal in 
fact prefer to stay behind extra layers of abstractions be it jQuery, 
CoffeeScript or Backbone.js.
Again I'm not questioning Elemental utility greatness, but so far it looks 
to be much more important to GWT internally than to the rest of us, mere 
GWT consumers.


P.S. Saying UiBinder for doing trivial stuff I meant trivial on my part, 
not on UiBinder part, I really appreciate UiBinder magic. I just hoped to 
find similar breakthrough with Elemental but it's probably not the case.

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Re: Elemental in GWT 2.5 is what?

2012-07-10 Thread Paul Stockley
Elemental really is two things. Firstly,  a set of collections that have 
very little overhead compared to the java emulated classes. They are 
created based on JSO objects and are about as performant as you can get. 
Secondly, a generated set of JSO mappings to ALL webkit/chrome exposed 
javascript api's. These are not hand created like the rest of GWT. Instead 
they are created by a python script that runs against the browser IDL 
defined interfaces. So elemental can be kept up to date with the bleeding 
edge of the web more easily.  

So you are asking what the point of this is? If you want maximum performing 
collections then you can use the new ones provided in elemental. If you 
want to write a GWT program with the minimum possible footprint then using 
the JSO elemental bindings will provide this. In addition, if you want to 
access some part of the browser api not covered by GWT then elemental will 
provide a way to do that. It is mainly targeted for writing code for modern 
html 5 browsers. I think the idea is to make it a bit more general than 
webkit/chrome in the future. 

On Monday, July 9, 2012 6:34:13 PM UTC-4, mp31415 wrote:

 I'm trying to make some sense from that Elemental feature. But I'm 
 definitely missing something. On 2.5 main page there is a link to a brief 
 article about Elemental which really does not add much. GWT team is 
 notoriously bad on documentation side and it's not getting any better. Just 
 please don't tell me to shut up and use something else. It's impossible to 
 see the big picture without some background information, like what was 
 missing before, what real purpose of the feature is. It's very nice that we 
 can now call some latest API but what about the more trivial stuff that say 
  UiBinder was in charge so far? Or maybe it is not about UI but more about 
 better hiding JSO types? Or something totally different at all?

 It's not any better with all other features in fact, but right now my 
 gripe is about Elemental. 

 I looked at the Collide project code. They reference elemental.* packages 
 all over the place and elemental classes carry copyright statement from 
 2010. So is it new or just recently opened by Google?

 I mean we get some random pieces of information from GWT team which I have 
 a hard time stitching together.
 And I didn't download yet 2.5 RC, as I prefer to understand things first, 
 before diving into some low-level details.


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Re: Elemental in GWT 2.5 is what?

2012-07-10 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 2:32:19 PM UTC+2, mp31415 wrote:

 Thank you very much Thomas for the expanded answer. (I'm somewhat worried 
 about GWT as a bus factor looks close to one).

 I understand what you say, but my question is more of an Elemental 
 consumer nature. I mean it's definitely a big time saver for the GWT team 
 to generate semi-magically all java wrappers for all existing and 
 forthcoming features, it makes keeping GWT up to date much easier, but from 
 GWT consumer point of view (i.e. all developers using GWT not developing 
 it) it buys what? It's definitely better to have 5 permutations (e.g. per 
 locale) instead of 30 but that's just compilation time, so it's nice but 
 not critical. Also supporting old browsers still will add a few extra 
 permutations anyway. 

Not having permutations per UA is not only a compile-time thing, it also 
means you don't have to sniff the UA at runtime, so there's no risk of 
false-positives or false-negatives 
and supporting a new browser 
comes for free.

 The unit-test factor is probably important if you have them - I'm so far 
 from them in my adventure, that I cannot appreciate this.
 Removing all extra layers. Hmm... If we get too close to DOM and 
 JavaScript then GWT advantage may be questioned as well. Java being a 
 statically typed language is a double-edged sword. Those programming closer 
 to the metal in fact prefer to stay behind extra layers of abstractions be 
 it jQuery, CoffeeScript or Backbone.js.

AFAIK, CoffeeScript is not a layer of abstraction as its only a language 
that compiles to JS (similar to how Xtend is translated to Java: , or Traceur brings ES6 and experiments to 
any ES3 or ES5 engine )
jQuery is known not to scale well on mobile (hence the jQueryMobile effort, 
or Zepto).

For every abstraction layer you have, you add bloat. Mobile or 
resource-intensive web apps (games, even running on desktop browsers) need 
to get rid of every bit of bloat. The closer you get to the browser, the 
faster you are. Feel free to add abstraction layers in your app, but you 
shouldn't have to pay for the ones of the library you use.
With Elemental now you have the choice: cutting-edge but rough, or with 
some candy but necessarily behind.

 Again I'm not questioning Elemental utility greatness, but so far it looks 
 to be much more important to GWT internally than to the rest of us, mere 
 GWT consumers.

Everyone has different needs. Enterprise apps probably need even more 
full-featured widgets doing plenty of fancy stuff out of the box (SmartGWT, 
GXT), but there are also game makers (PlayN) and mobile devs. When you know 
what Google did to make GMail on Mobile start fast and run smooth, you 
understand why they'd need Elemental to do the same with GWT.
was 3 years ago, but GMail is not really what could be called resource 
intensive, so it probably holds true today, at a different scale)

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Re: Elemental in GWT 2.5 is what?

2012-07-10 Thread Derek

On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 9:47:56 AM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 Not having permutations per UA is not only a compile-time thing, it also 
 means you don't have to sniff the UA at runtime, so there's no risk of 
 false-positives or false-negatives (,, and 
 supporting a new browser ( 
 comes for free.

The goal is to only have a single permutation? I thought the multiple 
permutation system of GWT was only good (though admittedly I have been 
burned by IE9 and 10). Isn't it preferable to not send 
-moz-linear-gradient(...) to Chrome and -webkit-linear-gradient(...) to 
Firefox? (Same with mozIndexedDB vs webkitIndexedDB.) I thought this made 
the code smaller and better tailored than the this or this or this style 
of coding.

Also, assuming I go this route, how do I tell GWT to just do one 
permutation without UA concerns? I've been working on an app that I was 
originally only targeting webkit for (thus set-property name=user.agent 
value=safari/), but nothing in it should necessarily have broken in 
Firefox (besides the WebSQL stuff). So I decided to point Firefox to it, 
and immediately got an alert saying Firefox wasn't supported, despite the 
app working well enough. Obviously it was easy to fix by adding gecko1_8 to 
set-property, but how do I create the one permutation to rule them all that 
doesn't complain?

 Again I'm not questioning Elemental utility greatness, but so far it looks 
 to be much more important to GWT internally than to the rest of us, mere 
 GWT consumers.

 Everyone has different needs.

I'm very happy to be able to use Elementals to use a new Web API without 
having to hand-generate the overlays myself. (Haven't actually sat down to 
play with it yet, but I'm excited.)

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Re: Elemental in GWT 2.5 is what?

2012-07-10 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 4:45:43 PM UTC+2, Derek wrote:

 On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 9:47:56 AM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 Not having permutations per UA is not only a compile-time thing, it 
 also means you don't have to sniff the UA at runtime, so there's no risk 
 of false-positives or false-negatives (,, and 
 supporting a new browser (
 comes for free.

 The goal is to only have a single permutation? I thought the multiple 
 permutation system of GWT was only good (though admittedly I have been 
 burned by IE9 and 10). Isn't it preferable to not send 
 -moz-linear-gradient(...) to Chrome and -webkit-linear-gradient(...) to 
 Firefox? (Same with mozIndexedDB vs webkitIndexedDB.) I thought this made 
 the code smaller and better tailored than the this or this or this style 
 of coding.

I think it depends the use cases ;-)
Browser sniffing has bad press, and for good reasons. That obviously 
doesn't mean feature detection has no cost.
The thing is: with modern browsers slowly reaching feature parity, the 
future is in the feature-detection side; differences between browsers are 
becoming marginal enough than putting them all in the same script with 
runtime checks doesn't cost that much (BTW, this is the approach used for,,, 
etc. with deferred-binding mostly helping in saying no in browsers we're 
sure the feature isn't there)

 Also, assuming I go this route, how do I tell GWT to just do one 
 permutation without UA concerns? I've been working on an app that I was 
 originally only targeting webkit for (thus set-property name=user.agent 
 value=safari/), but nothing in it should necessarily have broken in 
 Firefox (besides the WebSQL stuff). So I decided to point Firefox to it, 
 and immediately got an alert saying Firefox wasn't supported, despite the 
 app working well enough. Obviously it was easy to fix by adding gecko1_8 to 
 set-property, but how do I create the one permutation to rule them all that 
 doesn't complain?

To have only one true permutation, you'd have to get rid of everything 
doing deferred-binding on the user.agent property.
You can produce a single script using soft permutations but it 
only hides permutations, it doesn't remove them (browser-sniffing is 
still there, just moved out of the selection-script down to the permutation 

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Re: Elemental in GWT 2.5 is what?

2012-07-10 Thread emurmur
Elemental is a GWT api that exposes the raw browser api's defined in
the browser IDLs.  So, Elemental is a 'to the metal' way of
programming the browser using Java (assembly programmers please
forgive the usage).   It allows me to program the browser in a type-
safe language using direct browser api's with basically zero
overhead.  Prior to Elemental, I've been using GQuery to do something
similar, but Elemental improves on this in that new API's are
implemented sooner and with full fidelity.  For me, this means that I
can read any article showing how to use a new HTML5 api and implement
it in type-safe Java.  I can more fully benefit from the experience of
the huge community of Javascript programmers that are constantly
experimenting with these new apis.

I will still use UIBinder and other GWT api's for widget-heavy UIs.
However, much of my work is now on mobile and tablets and does not
involve IE8 or prior, so Elemental offers a lighter-weight way to
handle these platforms.

It's true that there is very little formal documentation or examples
on Elemental right now.  I hope that changes.  I would expect that the
community will start to use it and that will result in a lot more
discussion and examples.  I have a little tutorial that explains how
to get Elemental, CodeServer and Source Maps working within Eclipse,
I'll post that soon.


On Jul 9, 3:34 pm, mp31415 wrote:
 I'm trying to make some sense from that Elemental feature. But I'm
 definitely missing something. On 2.5 main page there is a link to a brief
 article about Elemental which really does not add much. GWT team is
 notoriously bad on documentation side and it's not getting any better. Just
 please don't tell me to shut up and use something else. It's impossible to
 see the big picture without some background information, like what was
 missing before, what real purpose of the feature is. It's very nice that we
 can now call some latest API but what about the more trivial stuff that say
  UiBinder was in charge so far? Or maybe it is not about UI but more about
 better hiding JSO types? Or something totally different at all?

 It's not any better with all other features in fact, but right now my gripe
 is about Elemental.

 I looked at the Collide project code. They reference elemental.* packages
 all over the place and elemental classes carry copyright statement from
 2010. So is it new or just recently opened by Google?

 I mean we get some random pieces of information from GWT team which I have
 a hard time stitching together.
 And I didn't download yet 2.5 RC, as I prefer to understand things first,
 before diving into some low-level details.


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Re: Elemental in GWT 2.5 is what?

2012-07-10 Thread Clint Gilbert
Hash: SHA1

I can see how this would be helpful for some apps - ones that need
HTML5 features, only need to support one (or a couple) of up-to-date
browsers, like mobile or tablet apps as others have mentioned.

But a huge selling point of GWT at my organization (where we don't
need HTML5 features and need to support as many browsers as possible,
even older IEs) is that a compiled GWT app more-or-less Just Works on
all our target browsers.  Our devs mostly don't know - and don't want
to know! - browser-specific quirks or workarounds.  We don't even have
easy access to Windows machines for testing with IE.

I get that UA sniffing is error-prone, but in my experience with GWT's
UA sniffing and permuted compiles, it works well enough to make
browser-specific fixups much, /much/ rarer than when I wrote apps with
plain JS and Jquery.

 the most recent versions of
 browsers, where differences are vanishing a bit more each day
 that passes, thanks to the many standardization efforts

I really hope you're right, though I'm very, very skeptical about this.

Implementing browser-specific workarounds and feature detection was
such a miserable process compared to having GWT do a permuted compile
that I do /not/ want to go back.

That code using Elemental is more easily mocked out and unit tested is
a great thing, for sure.

On 07/10/2012 04:49 AM, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 DISCLAIMER: this is what I know about Elemental, and my
 interpretation of it, and I haven't yet looked closely at it (its
 internals). Everything below can be read online (e.g. on Google+)
 On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 12:34:13 AM UTC+2, mp31415 wrote:
 I'm trying to make some sense from that Elemental feature. But I'm 
 definitely missing something. On 2.5 main page there is a link to
 a brief article about Elemental which really does not add much.
 GWT team is notoriously bad on documentation side and it's not
 getting any better. Just please don't tell me to shut up and use
 something else. It's impossible to see the big picture without some
 background information, like what was missing before, what real
 purpose of the feature is. It's very nice that we can now call some
 latest API but what about the more trivial stuff that say  UiBinder
 was in charge so far? Or maybe it is not about UI but more about
 better hiding JSO types? Or something totally different at all?
 The main thing about Elemental is that, for the most part, it's 
 auto-generated, which makes it a breath to maintain: grab the IDL
 files from WebKit (yes, the same files that are being used to
 generate the C++ code that powers Chrome and Safari, themselves
 being more or less copies of what can be found in W3C specs) and
 regenerate the Java files out of them. The goal is to be as close
 to the browser as possible, removing all abstraction layers. That
 implies there's no deferred-binding being used: it's not meant to 
 hide browser discrepancies, it's meant to be used in environments
 where those discrepancies don't exist or can be worked around in
 your code (code running in a UIWebView in a mobile native app, as
 a Chrome extension, or simply targeting only the most recent
 versions of browsers, where differences are vanishing a bit more
 each day that passes, thanks to the many standardization efforts). 
 Ideally, you no longer produce 1 permutation for each user agent,
 but a single one running everywhere (just like everyone else doing
 web dev out there, in JS, CoffeeScript, Dart, etc.)
 In addition to that, Elemental is made of interfaces for the most
 part, so you can easily mock things in unit-tests, contrary to* and the like.
 (BTW, UiBinder doing trivial stuff? really?)
 It's not any better with all other features in fact, but right now 
 my gripe is about Elemental.
 I looked at the Collide project code. They reference elemental.* 
 packages all over the place and elemental classes carry copyright 
 statement from 2010. So is it new or just recently opened by
 Elemental is not new. It's only been open-sourced recently.
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Re: Elemental in GWT 2.5 is what?

2012-07-10 Thread Clint Gilbert
Hash: SHA1

 (just like everyone else doing web dev out there, in JS, CoffeeScript, Dart, 

TLDR: There are many of us out here, I suspect, for whom this is exactly
what we do not want.

Elemental sounds cool, but I'm glad it's optional. I hope that stays
the case, and that the permuted-compile use case stays well-supported
for the foreseeable future.

On 07/10/2012 05:06 PM, Clint Gilbert wrote:
 I can see how this would be helpful for some apps - ones that need
 HTML5 features, only need to support one (or a couple) of up-to-date
 browsers, like mobile or tablet apps as others have mentioned.
 But a huge selling point of GWT at my organization (where we don't
 need HTML5 features and need to support as many browsers as possible,
 even older IEs) is that a compiled GWT app more-or-less Just Works on
 all our target browsers.  Our devs mostly don't know - and don't want
 to know! - browser-specific quirks or workarounds.  We don't even have
 easy access to Windows machines for testing with IE.
 I get that UA sniffing is error-prone, but in my experience with GWT's
 UA sniffing and permuted compiles, it works well enough to make
 browser-specific fixups much, /much/ rarer than when I wrote apps with
 plain JS and Jquery.
 the most recent versions of
 browsers, where differences are vanishing a bit more each day
 that passes, thanks to the many standardization efforts
 I really hope you're right, though I'm very, very skeptical about this.
 Implementing browser-specific workarounds and feature detection was
 such a miserable process compared to having GWT do a permuted compile
 that I do /not/ want to go back.
 That code using Elemental is more easily mocked out and unit tested is
 a great thing, for sure.
 On 07/10/2012 04:49 AM, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 DISCLAIMER: this is what I know about Elemental, and my
 interpretation of it, and I haven't yet looked closely at it (its
 internals). Everything below can be read online (e.g. on Google+)
 On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 12:34:13 AM UTC+2, mp31415 wrote:
 I'm trying to make some sense from that Elemental feature. But I'm 
 definitely missing something. On 2.5 main page there is a link to
 a brief article about Elemental which really does not add much.
 GWT team is notoriously bad on documentation side and it's not
 getting any better. Just please don't tell me to shut up and use
 something else. It's impossible to see the big picture without some
 background information, like what was missing before, what real
 purpose of the feature is. It's very nice that we can now call some
 latest API but what about the more trivial stuff that say  UiBinder
 was in charge so far? Or maybe it is not about UI but more about
 better hiding JSO types? Or something totally different at all?
 The main thing about Elemental is that, for the most part, it's 
 auto-generated, which makes it a breath to maintain: grab the IDL
 files from WebKit (yes, the same files that are being used to
 generate the C++ code that powers Chrome and Safari, themselves
 being more or less copies of what can be found in W3C specs) and
 regenerate the Java files out of them. The goal is to be as close
 to the browser as possible, removing all abstraction layers. That
 implies there's no deferred-binding being used: it's not meant to 
 hide browser discrepancies, it's meant to be used in environments
 where those discrepancies don't exist or can be worked around in
 your code (code running in a UIWebView in a mobile native app, as
 a Chrome extension, or simply targeting only the most recent
 versions of browsers, where differences are vanishing a bit more
 each day that passes, thanks to the many standardization efforts). 
 Ideally, you no longer produce 1 permutation for each user agent,
 but a single one running everywhere (just like everyone else doing
 web dev out there, in JS, CoffeeScript, Dart, etc.)
 In addition to that, Elemental is made of interfaces for the most
 part, so you can easily mock things in unit-tests, contrary to* and the like.
 (BTW, UiBinder doing trivial stuff? really?)
 It's not any better with all other features in fact, but right now 
 my gripe is about Elemental.
 I looked at the Collide project code. They reference elemental.* 
 packages all over the place and elemental classes carry copyright 
 statement from 2010. So is it new or just recently opened by
 Elemental is not new. It's only been open-sourced recently.
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 Google Groups Google Web Toolkit group. To view this discussion
 on the web visit 
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 group, send email to For more options,
 visit this group at 

Elemental in GWT 2.5 is what?

2012-07-09 Thread mp31415
I'm trying to make some sense from that Elemental feature. But I'm 
definitely missing something. On 2.5 main page there is a link to a brief 
article about Elemental which really does not add much. GWT team is 
notoriously bad on documentation side and it's not getting any better. Just 
please don't tell me to shut up and use something else. It's impossible to 
see the big picture without some background information, like what was 
missing before, what real purpose of the feature is. It's very nice that we 
can now call some latest API but what about the more trivial stuff that say 
 UiBinder was in charge so far? Or maybe it is not about UI but more about 
better hiding JSO types? Or something totally different at all?

It's not any better with all other features in fact, but right now my gripe 
is about Elemental. 

I looked at the Collide project code. They reference elemental.* packages 
all over the place and elemental classes carry copyright statement from 
2010. So is it new or just recently opened by Google?

I mean we get some random pieces of information from GWT team which I have 
a hard time stitching together.
And I didn't download yet 2.5 RC, as I prefer to understand things first, 
before diving into some low-level details.


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