[gwt-contrib] Re: Resubmitting r9970 again (again) - updating Animation to use the native requestAnimationFrame, w... (issue1446812)

2011-05-26 Thread t . broyer

I only gave it a glance but here are a few comments:
 - while I like the public requestAnimationFrame API, I don't like the
static methods
 - I don't quite like the ImplMozilla/ImplWebkit extends ImplTimer
See details inline.

File user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/Animation.gwt.xml (right):

user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/Animation.gwt.xml:22: inherits
Those are implicitly inherited from the c.g.g.user.User module.
+ inheriting UserAgent without User cause all sorts warnings, see

File user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/client/Animation.java (right):

user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/client/Animation.java:56: public
static void cancelAnimationFrame(AnimationRequestId requestId) {
How about a cancel() method on AnimationRequestId instead?

user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/client/Animation.java:82: public
static AnimationRequestId requestAnimationFrame(AnimationCallback
callback) {
The issue with static methods is that you cannot mock them. When doing
the previous patch, my idea rather was to extend Scheduler with a
scheduleAnimationFrame or something like that (but without the
cancel bit then, as there's no such notion of cancellation in
Scheduler). I didn't go as far as implementing it as I though it'd be
better done in a distinct CL.

user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/client/Animation.java:105: private
static AnimationImpl impl() {
Is there anything in Animation that wouldn't use the impl and justify
lazy-initializing it? or is to allow injecting a mock AnimationImpl
using reflection in unit tests? (looks bad; I like the Scheduler.get() /
SchedulerImpl.INSTANCE pattern much better)

File user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/client/AnimationImplMozilla.java

if (!isSupported) {
Can't there be a better pattern that would use either
AnimationImplMozilla (mozRequestAnimationFrame) or AnimationImplTimer so
that isSupported is only evaluated once at startup/first use?

Maybe something like a hasNativeSupport() method that Animation#impl()
would call, and if it returns false it switches to an explicit new
AnimationImplTimer() ?
(and those ifs in ImplMozilla and ImplWebkit would simply turn into
asserts: if the ImplMozilla/ImplWebkit is used, it must be that there is
native support for requestAnimationFrame)



[gwt-contrib] Re: Resubmitting r9970 again (again) - updating Animation to use the native requestAnimationFrame, w... (issue1446812)

2011-05-26 Thread jlabanca

File user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/Animation.gwt.xml (right):

user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/Animation.gwt.xml:22: inherits
On 2011/05/26 13:07:58, tbroyer wrote:

Those are implicitly inherited from the c.g.g.user.User module.
+ inheriting UserAgent without User cause all sorts warnings, see


File user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/client/Animation.java (right):

user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/client/Animation.java:56: public
static void cancelAnimationFrame(AnimationRequestId requestId) {
That works for me.  Should we rename AnimationRequestId to

On 2011/05/26 13:07:58, tbroyer wrote:

How about a cancel() method on AnimationRequestId instead?

user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/client/Animation.java:82: public
static AnimationRequestId requestAnimationFrame(AnimationCallback
callback) {
I think the method will be used like a Scheduler as well, but some
people objected to actually putting animation methods in the Scheduler
class.  What about creating a
com.google.gwt.animation.client.AnimationScheduler class and move these
methods there (as instance methods)?

On 2011/05/26 13:07:58, tbroyer wrote:

The issue with static methods is that you cannot mock them. When doing


previous patch, my idea rather was to extend Scheduler with a
scheduleAnimationFrame or something like that (but without the

cancel bit

then, as there's no such notion of cancellation in Scheduler). I

didn't go as

far as implementing it as I though it'd be better done in a distinct


user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/client/Animation.java:105: private
static AnimationImpl impl() {
Agreed.  See AnimationScheduler suggestion above.

On 2011/05/26 13:07:58, tbroyer wrote:

Is there anything in Animation that wouldn't use the impl and justify
lazy-initializing it? or is to allow injecting a mock AnimationImpl


reflection in unit tests? (looks bad; I like the Scheduler.get() /
SchedulerImpl.INSTANCE pattern much better)

File user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/client/AnimationImplMozilla.java

if (!isSupported) {
On 2011/05/26 13:07:58, tbroyer wrote:

Can't there be a better pattern that would use either


(mozRequestAnimationFrame) or AnimationImplTimer so that isSupported

is only

evaluated once at startup/first use?

Maybe something like a hasNativeSupport() method that Animation#impl()


call, and if it returns false it switches to an explicit new
AnimationImplTimer() ?
(and those ifs in ImplMozilla and ImplWebkit would simply turn into

asserts: if

the ImplMozilla/ImplWebkit is used, it must be that there is native

support for


I don't like mixing GWT.create() with new, especially if
AnimationImplTimer uses a Timer that needs to be mocked as well for
non-browser testing.

Alternatively, AnimationImplMozilla can have an inner class NativeImpl
that implements AnimationImpl.  In the constructor of
AnimationImplMozilla, we check isSupported(), then set an instance field
impl = new AnimationImplTimer() or to new NativeImpl().

class AnimationImplMozilla implements AnimationImpl }
  AnimationImpl impl;

  AnimationImplMozilla() {
impl = isSupported() ? new NativeImpl() : new AnimationImplTimer();

  requestAnimationFrame() {
return impl.requestAnimationFrame();

That way, AnimationImplMozilla does not need to extend
AnimationImplTimer, there is only one check in the constructor, and we
do not have any new calls in Animation.



[gwt-contrib] Re: Resubmitting r9970 again (again) - updating Animation to use the native requestAnimationFrame, w... (issue1446812)

2011-05-26 Thread t . broyer

File user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/client/Animation.java (right):

user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/client/Animation.java:56: public
static void cancelAnimationFrame(AnimationRequestId requestId) {
On 2011/05/26 14:15:47, jlabanca wrote:

That works for me.  Should we rename AnimationRequestId to



user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/client/Animation.java:82: public
static AnimationRequestId requestAnimationFrame(AnimationCallback
callback) {
On 2011/05/26 14:15:47, jlabanca wrote:

I think the method will be used like a Scheduler as well, but some


objected to actually putting animation methods in the Scheduler class.


about creating a com.google.gwt.animation.client.AnimationScheduler

class and

move these methods there (as instance methods)?

+1, using the same pattern as Scheduler with a static get() method

File user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/client/AnimationImplMozilla.java

if (!isSupported) {
On 2011/05/26 14:15:47, jlabanca wrote:

I don't like mixing GWT.create() with new, especially if


uses a Timer that needs to be mocked as well for non-browser testing.

You could GWT.create(AnimationImplTimer.class) if you prefer ;-)
But there's already a similar pattern in FocusImpl where, if the
GWT.create()d class is a FocusImplStandard (instanceof), then it news
a FocusImpl.
I think the idea is not to allow usage with GWTMockUtilities.disarm(),
but rather to use a DI pattern where, outside tests, you fill the value
using Scheduler.get().
(In most cases, code using Scheduler would fail with NPEs if you use it
with GWTMockUtilities.disarm(), and I'd support doing the same for

Alternatively, AnimationImplMozilla can have an inner class NativeImpl


implements AnimationImpl.  In the constructor of AnimationImplMozilla,

we check

isSupported(), then set an instance field impl = new

AnimationImplTimer() or

to new NativeImpl().

class AnimationImplMozilla implements AnimationImpl }
   AnimationImpl impl;

   AnimationImplMozilla() {
 impl = isSupported() ? new NativeImpl() : new



   requestAnimationFrame() {
 return impl.requestAnimationFrame();

That way, AnimationImplMozilla does not need to extend

AnimationImplTimer, there

is only one check in the constructor, and we do not have any new

calls in


But that introduces yet another indirection.

Honestly, I have absolutely no problem mixing GWT.create() with new as
in FocusImpl, provided this is done in an impl class as well:
public abstract class AnimationScheduler {
   public AnimationScheduler get() {
  // This is the only use of AnimationSchedulerImpl in
AnimationScheduler, so it's safe as long as you don't call get()
outside of a browser context; in unit tests, you'd provide a mock
AnimationScheduler and never touch AnimationSchedulerImpl
  return AnimationSchedulerImpl.INSTANCE;
class AnimationSchedulerImpl extends AnimationScheduler {
   static final AnimationScheduler INSTANCE;

   static {
  AnimationSchedulerImpl impl =
  // if impl==null, use null (would be because of
GWTMockUtilities.disarm(), we don't want to new an
AnimationSchedulerImpl in this case)
  INSTANCE = (impl == null || impl.isSupported()) ? impl : new

   protected abstract boolean isSupported();
or something like that.

Of course YMMV, and I'd be OK with whatever the team prefers.



[gwt-contrib] Re: Bugfixes in ControlFlowAnalyzer (issue1443807)

2011-05-26 Thread zundel

File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/ControlFlowAnalyzer.java

dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/ControlFlowAnalyzer.java:231: }
This loop has the same comment as the one  in visit(JInterfaceType, ...)
but written differently.  Since refereces is always false, if
isInstantiated is always false, this rescue becomes a no-op.  We could
either surround this with an if test as below, or just predicate rescue
(JReferenceType, isReferenced, isInstantiated with:

if (type == null || (!isReferenced  !isInstantiated)) { return; }



[gwt-contrib] Re: Broken editor type conversions in GWT trunk r10227

2011-05-26 Thread Thomas Broyer
TextBox is for editing String (it's a IsEditorLeafValueEditorString), 
use an IntegerBox for Integers (IsEditorLeafValueEditorInteger).

(and this group is for contributors to GWT, 
use http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit for support questions)


[gwt-contrib] Changed method dependencies report to show method code sizes. Call stacks are now a dropdown act... (issue1451803)

2011-05-26 Thread dconnelly

Reviewers: zundel,

Changed method dependencies report to show method code sizes. Call
stacks are now a dropdown action under each method.

Please review this at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/1451803/

Affected files:
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/JavaToJavaScriptCompiler.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/JsAbstractTextTransformer.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/JsFunctionClusterer.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/JsIEBlockTextTransformer.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/js/JsReportGenerationVisitor.java

  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/SizeBreakdown.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/SoycDashboard.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/StaticResources.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/resources/soyc.css
  M eclipse/dev/.checkstyle
  M eclipse/samples/DynaTable/.classpath
  M eclipse/samples/DynaTable/.project
  M eclipse/user/.project
  M samples/dynatable/src/com/google/gwt/sample/dynatable/DynaTable.gwt.xml


[gwt-contrib] Re: Changed method dependencies report to show method code sizes. Call stacks are now a dropdown act... (issue1451803)

2011-05-26 Thread dconnelly

On 2011/05/26 15:08:30, dconnelly wrote:



[gwt-contrib] Отг: Re: Broken editor type conversions in GWT trunk r10227

2011-05-26 Thread Miroslav Genov
Ah my mistake. Sorry about that post, but I wasn't sure where the problem is 
with my usage or some GWT issue. Thats why I posted it on both groups. 


[gwt-contrib] Re: Misc GWT compiler bugfixes and cleanups (issue1452802)

2011-05-26 Thread scottb

Reviewers: jbrosenberg, zundel,

File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JGwtCreate.java (right):

dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JGwtCreate.java:40: if (ctor
instanceof JConstructor) {
All methods have their params frozen as soon as construction is done.
Probably it would be better to simply require params to be provided at
construction time instead of making it stateful, but that's how it was

The reason to check for original params is that we're looking for a
specific signature.  If some non-default constructor theoretically had
its params removed prior to this, we wouldn't want to call the wrong

Practically speaking, it doesn't matter since opts don't run before
GWT.creates() are replaced, but this is more correct.


for (JMethod methodIt : enumType.getMethods()) {
Probably so.  Will fix, or maybe just compare method signature.

File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/ReferenceMapper.java

JMethod clinit =
I *think* that the currently-being-compiled-unit will want to encode a
reference from its own clinit to its super clinit, which will generally
be an external type from another unit.  There needs to be a placeholder
to target so that it can be resolved later.  I suppose it could be
written such that GwtAstBuilder does not insert the super clinit call
and leaves it to UnifyAst (the code I'm working on) to do so later.

But even if it didn't make a practical difference, there's a hard-baked
assumption in lots of places that method 0 of any class is always the
clinit.  This isn't necessarily a great formulation, there's probably
better ways we could have modeled it, but there you have it.  To not
have a placeholder method would risk introducing subtle bugs.

Please review this at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/1452802/

Affected files:
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JClassType.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JConstructor.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JField.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JFieldRef.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JGwtCreate.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JInterfaceType.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JMethod.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JStringLiteral.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/BuildTypeMap.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/GwtAstBuilder.java

  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/MakeCallsStatic.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/ReferenceMapper.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/util/collect/Lists.java


[gwt-contrib] Re: Adding new DataGrid widget. DataGrid is a variation of CellTable that supports a fixed header a... (issue1450805)

2011-05-26 Thread jlabanca

committed as r10228

File user/src/com/google/gwt/user/cellview/client/AbstractCellTable.java

// IE doesn't support innerHtml on a TableSection or Table element, so
The comment is misleading. Its important to know if anyone touches the
code, but generating a new table makes sense anyway.  Setting innerHtml
on a Table or TableSection seems more fragile than just wrapping it with
a table tag, regardless of the browser.

On 2011/05/25 23:16:42, rchandia wrote:

If this is due to IE behavior, shouldn't this strategy go in

ImplTrident, with a

more refined replacement strategy used here? Or may be explain why


the whole table is not as bad as it sounds.

private void updateDependsOnSelection() {
On 2011/05/25 23:16:42, rchandia wrote:

The name of this method is now a misnomer as it updates a lot more

than just

dependsOnSelection. Same for the javadoc.


Renamed to coalesceCellProperties() and updated javadoc.

File user/src/com/google/gwt/user/cellview/client/CellTable.java

super.setColumnWidth(column, width);
I wanted to update the JavaDoc comments.  The additional comment doesn't
apply to DataGrid because it always uses fixed layout.  I added a note
explaining why the methods are overridden.

On 2011/05/25 23:16:42, rchandia wrote:

Are these overriden methods  necessary? I'd imagine the standard


dispatch in Java would handle this.



[gwt-contrib] Re: Misc GWT compiler bugfixes and cleanups (issue1452802)

2011-05-26 Thread zundel




[gwt-contrib] Re: Misc GWT compiler bugfixes and cleanups (issue1452802)

2011-05-26 Thread zundel

File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/ReferenceMapper.java

JMethod clinit =
I'm playing catchup:  this part I don't understand.  Why is this not
just bloat on this class?  Is this to satisfy referencing from
subclasses? - if so, at the time they are
resolved, won't there be a real $clinit()



[gwt-contrib] Re: AutoboxUtils cleanup (issue1443808)

2011-05-26 Thread jbrosenberg

File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/AutoboxUtils.java (right):

dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/AutoboxUtils.java:47: for
(JMethod method : wrapperType.getMethods()) {
move initialization of boxSig  unboxSig before the start of the for

JMethodCall argMethodCall = (JMethodCall) arg;
How do we know the only possible methodCall that could be passed here
will be an unboxMethod()?  Is that the only methodCall type that can be
the lhs of a binaray assignment (e.g. looking at the call-site in
It looks like there are other call-sites with less guaranteed



[gwt-contrib] Re: AutoboxUtils cleanup (issue1443808)

2011-05-26 Thread scottb

File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/AutoboxUtils.java (right):

dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/impl/AutoboxUtils.java:47: for
(JMethod method : wrapperType.getMethods()) {
On 2011/05/26 15:45:00, jbrosenberg wrote:

move initialization of boxSig  unboxSig before the start of the for


Done.  Whoops!!

JMethodCall argMethodCall = (JMethodCall) arg;
Yeah, you cannot assign into a method call.  Code like foo() = 3 is an
error, so is foo()++.  The only time it should ever happen is exactly
this case that this pass fixes.  So it really should just be an



[gwt-contrib] Re: A mechanical refactoring of the Precompile options as prep for further cleanup. (issue1452804)

2011-05-26 Thread zundel

Specifically, I used Eclipse refactoring to move
Precompile.PrecompileOptions, Precompile.PrecompileOptionsImpl,
Precompile.ArgProcessor, and GraphicsInitThread to top level classes.

I updated one or two comments, and added @Override tags where eclipse
highlighted them as being needed.



[gwt-contrib] Re: A mechanical refactoring of the Precompile options as prep for further cleanup. (issue1452804)

2011-05-26 Thread jbrosenberg




[gwt-contrib] Changed method dependencies report to show method code sizes. Call stacks are now a dropdown act... (issue1443809)

2011-05-26 Thread dconnelly

Reviewers: zundel,

Changed method dependencies report to show method code sizes. Call
stacks are now a dropdown action under each method.

Review by: zun...@google.com

Please review this at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/1443809/

Affected files:
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/SizeBreakdown.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/SoycDashboard.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/StaticResources.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/resources/soyc.css


[gwt-contrib] Re: Add BatchedRequestScope utility class to aggregate all requests made within a single tick of the... (issue1449804)

2011-05-26 Thread rjrjr




[gwt-contrib] Re: Add RequestContext.find() to support chained requests. (issue1448806)

2011-05-26 Thread rjrjr



* The base interface for RequestFactory service endpoints.
Add disclaimer explaining that this interface (and the others) are
normally implemented by generated code, and are subject to incompatible

And should log an item on the issue tracker with the appropriate
breaking change label.


new Object[] {proxyId}, propertyRefs, proxyId.getProxyClass(), null);
Ha! Do you have other sneaky literals like this lying around?



[gwt-contrib] Re: Changed method dependencies report to show method code sizes. Call stacks are now a dropdown act... (issue1443809)

2011-05-26 Thread zundel

And, as you pointed out, there is no need for the class name headers to
be clickable - could you remove that non-functioning clicking?

File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.java

outFile.print(b1( + nameArray + ,);
Rename b1() and b2() to be one character names in order to save space in
the generated output.

outFile.println(\open\ : \images/play-g16-down.png\,);
I assume these files will be checked in with the patch.

outFile.println(document.write(\img onclick='swapShowHide(
fix the size of the icon when the element is created to avoid re-layout
once the image resource is loaded.

File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/SizeBreakdown.java (right):

dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/SizeBreakdown.java:27: public
MapString, Integer methodToSize = new HashMapString, Integer();
this and most of the other fields should probably be private final and
use accessors, but I won't make you go through and do all that.

File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/resources/soyc.css (right):

.soyc-method-size-table {
? needed



[gwt-contrib] Creating a default Locator for RequestFactoryServlet

2011-05-26 Thread Jeff Larsen

Thanks for committing the previous change, and I've got one more change that 
will make my, and probably a bunch of other people's, lives easier. By being 
able to setup a DefaultLocator, it would stop me from having to copy/paste 

@ServiceName(value=com.my.service.MyService *

 in every RequstContext. 

The cleanest way I can think to implement this is by adding an additional 
constructor param and requiring the user extend RequestFactoryServlet like 
they already do with ServiceLayerDecorator

The other option I considered was allowing them to specify a default Locator 
in web.xml, but that either becomes a much bigger patch or involves a static 
variable in RequestFactoryServlet being referenced by LocatorServiceLayer. 

What do you think? 


Re: [gwt-contrib] Dollar sign and binary types

2011-05-26 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski
2011/5/26 Grzegorz Kossakowski grzegorz.kossakow...@gmail.com:
 2011/5/26 Eric Ayers zun...@google.com:
 Hi again,

 Can you point out any of places where you saw this assumption?  The
 last time I was mucking around with binary type names I was told not
 to assume that $ could not appear in source names, so it might be

 Hi Eric,

 The problematic place for me is ReplaceBindings.java, lines 154-155:

    // Rebinds are always on a source type name.
    String reqType = type.getName().replace('$', '.');

Any comment on that one? Working-around it is possible but quite
involved. I'd love to know if I need some solid work-around or just
hack to keep me going because this will be removed upstream.

Grzegorz Kossakowski


[gwt-contrib] Re: Creating a default Locator for RequestFactoryServlet

2011-05-26 Thread Thomas Broyer
How about simply using a ServiceLayerDecorator that overrides 
resolveLocator, delegating to super.resolveLocator and, if it returns null 
then return the default locator instead?


[gwt-contrib] Re: Changed method dependencies report to show method code sizes. Call stacks are now a dropdown act... (issue1443809)

2011-05-26 Thread dconnelly



Re: [gwt-contrib] Dollar sign and binary types

2011-05-26 Thread John Tamplin
On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Grzegorz Kossakowski 
grzegorz.kossakow...@gmail.com wrote:

  The problematic place for me is ReplaceBindings.java, lines 154-155:
 // Rebinds are always on a source type name.
 String reqType = type.getName().replace('$', '.');

 Any comment on that one? Working-around it is possible but quite
 involved. I'd love to know if I need some solid work-around or just
 hack to keep me going because this will be removed upstream.

There is a common place for these in c.g.g.dev.util.Name, that provides all
the conversions between different name types.  So, this should be:

String reqType = Name.BinaryName.toSourceName(type.getName())

However, that doesn't solve your problem.

The main problem is that once you get to a binary class name as a string,
you can no longer distinguish these cases. You would have to have package,
enclosing class, and class broken out separately in order to do anything
more useful with this, or at least have an oracle of possible classes you
can look up (though that would still fail if A.B and A$B were both present).
 JReferenceType just takes a single string, so you can't get that

However, I think in this case there is no need to replace $, since despite
the lack of documentation I believe type.getName() is actually a source name
(we have been really sloppy with the 3 types of names - a year or two ago I
started to rewrite it all with type-safe wrappers but that was rejected
because it dramatically increased memory usage in the compiler).  For
example, if you look at ReferenceMapper.createType, it takes a JDT
ReferenceBinding.compoundName and creates the names by simply joining the
components with dots.  My guess is if you simply remove the .replace from
that line, it will work fine (and in fact is removing a bug).  I wouldn't
get your hopes up that that is the last time you will run into a problem,
because anyplace that calls Name.isSourceName, for example, will fail on a
class name with an embedded $.

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


Re: [gwt-contrib] Re: Creating a default Locator for RequestFactoryServlet

2011-05-26 Thread John Tamplin
On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 2:23 PM, Thomas Broyer t.bro...@gmail.com wrote:

 How about simply using a ServiceLayerDecorator that overrides
 resolveLocator, delegating to super.resolveLocator and, if it returns null
 then return the default locator instead?

 If it were in a separate annotation, you could simply define your own
interface with whatever defaults you like and then extend that interface
instead of RequestContext.  We use this pattern a lot for i18n Messages to
get company/project-wide defaults.

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


[gwt-contrib] Re: Change the wrapElement API to receive the id and a parent element. I also ported some of the boo... (issue1446811)

2011-05-26 Thread rjrjr

File user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/IsRenderable.java (right):

user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/IsRenderable.java:29: public
interface IsRenderable extends SafeHtmlRendererString {
Let's drop the extends SafeHtmlRenderer.

Should document that it's up to the implementation to choose how to use
the id (unless we pass in a helper, see below). Perhaps change its name
to token to drive home the point.

user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/IsRenderable.java:33: * the DOM
tree. The id is assumed to be the same passed in at render time.
I think it's time to implement a helper class, to be used for both
rendering and
lookup. If we don't have one soon retrofitting will be a nightmare.
here that the receiver cannot assume that the element is attached to the
and @see to the helper.

The helper could be something like:

SafeHtml stampElement(SafeHtml mustBeOpeningTag, String token) {
  String tag = mustBeOpeningTag().asString();
  assert tag.endsWith();
  return SafeHtmlUtil.whatever(tag.substring(tag.length()-1) + ,
id=' +
token + '));

Element find(String token, Element parentElement) {
  return Document.get().getElementById(token);

And I think the thing to do is pass an instance of the helper into the
render() and wrap() calls. The alternative is to make some hacky static
lookup scheme, but I think we'll regret that pretty quickly.

You buying it?

File user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/RenderablePanel.java

user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/RenderablePanel.java:61: BUILT,
I'm not liking the phases. I think we can simplify.

user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/RenderablePanel.java:65: //
single callback.
Time to take care of this. But that said, I don't like our plan from the
other day. :-)

We earlier talked about having binder generate subclasses of
RenderablePanel that override no-op default implementations, but I'm
having second thoughts about that. My rational was that it avoids
unnecessary class definitions, but that's silly — a subclass of
RenderablePanel is a new class just like a command object is — and it
will make it trickier to allow people to use their own subclasses of
RenderablePanel (which they will do, trust me).

Instead, let's introduce a null command object and use it here, so that
you can always call the thing without having to think abou it:

public Command wrapInitializationCallback = NullCommand.INSTANCE;
public Command detachedInitializationCallback = NullCommand.INSTANCE;

That said, I think you're right to dislike the magical phase check in
getElement(). Can you go ahead and rework this to give the wrap callback
an argument? So this becomes:

public WrapCallback wrapInitializationCallback = WrapCallback.INSTANCE;
public Command detachedInitializationCallback = NullCommand.INSTANCE;

But *that* said, see the comment on line 182. Maybe we dont need these
commands at all.

protected SafeHtml html = null;
I dislike protected fields. Can you methods around these? Should also
ensure that the code here uses the methods rather than poking the fields
directly, in case subclasses get tricky.

user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/RenderablePanel.java:72: private
String styleName = null;
TODO need a more general mechanism for caching attributes while

user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/RenderablePanel.java:182: public
void performDetachedInitialization() {
If we go ahead and add the helper object to the wrap and render calls,
can it be in charge of accumulating the callbacks as well, and get these
command objects out of here?

user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/RenderablePanel.java:230: if
(currentPhase != Phase.RENDERED) {
You're forcing the 

[gwt-contrib] Re: Change the wrapElement API to receive the id and a parent element. I also ported some of the boo... (issue1446811)

2011-05-26 Thread rjrjr

File user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/IsRenderable.java (right):

user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/IsRenderable.java:33: * the DOM
tree. The id is assumed to be the same passed in at render time.
Re-reading this, I see I shifted my stance in midstream. Let me shift if

To be clear, I think we should not put control of the
document.getElementById() call in the hands of the individual panels,
and instead we should give them a helper object.

And now that I think about it, if we're giving them the helper then we
don't need to give them the id at all. It can be built into the helper.
And we can go back to giving them just the element they stamped.

interface Stamper {
  /** Error to call more than once */
  SafeHtml stampRenderedOpenTag(SafeHtml mustBeOpeningTag);

interface IsRenderable {
  void render(SafeHtmlBuilder builder, Stamper stamper);

  /** Provides the element that was stamped, not some ancestor */
  void wrapElement(Element);

Note that it's entirely up to them to choose what element they stamp.
There is no requirement that it's the root of their rendered product,
and no requirement that the renderer produce a single dom element.



[gwt-contrib] Re: Changed method dependencies report to show method code sizes. Call stacks are now a dropdown act... (issue1443809)

2011-05-26 Thread zundel


Updated report looks great!



Re: [gwt-contrib] Dollar sign and binary types

2011-05-26 Thread Eric Ayers
Unfortunately, I tried removing the replace('$',.) and it failed
miserably.  Looking at it in the debugger, those really are binary names.


On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 2:24 PM, John Tamplin j...@google.com wrote:

 On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Grzegorz Kossakowski 
 grzegorz.kossakow...@gmail.com wrote:

  The problematic place for me is ReplaceBindings.java, lines 154-155:
 // Rebinds are always on a source type name.
 String reqType = type.getName().replace('$', '.');

 Any comment on that one? Working-around it is possible but quite
 involved. I'd love to know if I need some solid work-around or just
 hack to keep me going because this will be removed upstream.

 There is a common place for these in c.g.g.dev.util.Name, that provides
 all the conversions between different name types.  So, this should be:

 String reqType = Name.BinaryName.toSourceName(type.getName())

 However, that doesn't solve your problem.

 The main problem is that once you get to a binary class name as a string,
 you can no longer distinguish these cases. You would have to have package,
 enclosing class, and class broken out separately in order to do anything
 more useful with this, or at least have an oracle of possible classes you
 can look up (though that would still fail if A.B and A$B were both present).
  JReferenceType just takes a single string, so you can't get that

 However, I think in this case there is no need to replace $, since despite
 the lack of documentation I believe type.getName() is actually a source name
 (we have been really sloppy with the 3 types of names - a year or two ago I
 started to rewrite it all with type-safe wrappers but that was rejected
 because it dramatically increased memory usage in the compiler).  For
 example, if you look at ReferenceMapper.createType, it takes a JDT
 ReferenceBinding.compoundName and creates the names by simply joining the
 components with dots.  My guess is if you simply remove the .replace from
 that line, it will work fine (and in fact is removing a bug).  I wouldn't
 get your hopes up that that is the last time you will run into a problem,
 because anyplace that calls Name.isSourceName, for example, will fail on a
 class name with an embedded $.

 John A. Tamplin
 Software Engineer (GWT), Google


Eric Z. Ayers
Google Web Toolkit, Atlanta, GA USA


Re: [gwt-contrib] Activities Places

2011-05-26 Thread Juan Pablo Gardella

2011/5/25 A. Stevko andy.ste...@gmail.com

 Thanks. I like it. It makes clearer some of the relationships.

 On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 11:43 AM, danieldietrich 


 I've drawn an informal map about Activities  Places
 - perhaps it is helpful for someone...

 Greetings from Kiel/Germany

 - Daniel

 (No warranty is given about correctness/completeness)


 -- A. Stevko
 If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough. M.



[gwt-contrib] Re: Change the wrapElement API to receive the id and a parent element. I also ported some of the boo... (issue1446811)

2011-05-26 Thread rjrjr

For the record:

Rafa talked some sense into me offline. The Stamper notion really isn't
practical given the limitations of SafeHtmlTemplates, so I'm backing off
of most of this craziness. Instead we'll just delete the extends
SafeHtmlRenderer thing. That will also allow backing away from the phase
stuff, since we won't yet shift responsibility for the getElementById

Instead, when this is done Rafa will look into extracting a superclass
out of UIObject that is able to cache calls made to setStyleName,
setVisible, setWidget, etc., before setElement has been called; maybe
apply them during getElement(); but mainly provide access to them for
smart subclasses to use in their render methods. (Eventually this new
superclass, RenderableObject, should itself implement IsRenderable, but
not in the first pass.)

With that in hand we should be able to make move RenderableComposite
back into Composite, and RenderablePanel back into HTMLPanel.




[gwt-contrib] Re: Change the wrapElement API to receive the id and a parent element. I also ported some of the boo... (issue1446811)

2011-05-26 Thread rdcastro



[gwt-contrib] Re: Re-implement runAsync to improve code size. (issue1442807)

2011-05-26 Thread scottb

Hey guys, I fixed some bugs and optimized a few things. Looking to
resubmit this.

File user/src/com/google/gwt/core/client/impl/AsyncFragmentLoader.java

private final Object[][] allCallbacks;
This actually generates less code.



[gwt-contrib] Reformatting in advance of forthcoming patch (issue1446813)

2011-05-26 Thread jbrosenberg

Reviewers: zundel,

Reformatting in advance of forthcoming patch

Please review this at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/1446813/

Affected files:
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/GeneratorContext.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/GeneratorContextExtWrapper.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/javac/StandardGeneratorContext.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/shell/StandardRebindOracle.java
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/i18n/rebind/CachedGeneratorContext.java


[gwt-contrib] Re: Reformatting in advance of forthcoming patch (issue1446813)

2011-05-26 Thread zundel




[gwt-contrib] Removes CompileModule.java, retaining the unit test that depends on it. (issue1449806)

2011-05-26 Thread zundel

Reviewers: scottb, jbrosenberg,

Removes CompileModule.java, retaining the unit test that depends on it.

Please review this at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/1449806/

Affected files:
  D dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/CompileModule.java
  A dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/GwtAstBuilderUtil.java
  M user/test/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/GwtAstBuilderTest.java


[gwt-contrib] Re: Re-implement runAsync to improve code size. (issue1442807)

2011-05-26 Thread zundel


File user/src/com/google/gwt/core/client/impl/AsyncFragmentLoader.java

private final Object[][] allCallbacks;
On 2011/05/26 21:11:51, scottb wrote:

This actually generates less code.

I'll bite. Why does it generate less code?



[gwt-contrib] Re: Resubmitting r9970 again (again) - updating Animation to use the native requestAnimationFrame, w... (issue1446812)

2011-05-26 Thread jlabanca



[gwt-contrib] Adds ability to query the generator context whether a rebind rule exists for a given type (issue1450806)

2011-05-26 Thread jbrosenberg

Reviewers: scottb, zundel,

Adds ability to query the generator context whether a rebind rule exists
for a given type

Please review this at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/1450806/

Affected files:
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/GeneratorContext.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/ext/GeneratorContextExtWrapper.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/javac/StandardGeneratorContext.java
  A dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/javac/rebind/RebindRuleResolver.java
  M dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/shell/StandardRebindOracle.java
  M user/src/com/google/gwt/i18n/rebind/CachedGeneratorContext.java


[gwt-contrib] Re: Resubmitting r9970 again (again) - updating Animation to use the native requestAnimationFrame, w... (issue1446812)

2011-05-26 Thread jlabanca

File user/src/com/google/gwt/animation/client/AnimationImplMozilla.java

if (!isSupported) {
On 2011/05/26 14:50:36, tbroyer wrote:

On 2011/05/26 14:15:47, jlabanca wrote:
 I don't like mixing GWT.create() with new, especially if


 uses a Timer that needs to be mocked as well for non-browser


You could GWT.create(AnimationImplTimer.class) if you prefer ;-)
But there's already a similar pattern in FocusImpl where, if the


class is a FocusImplStandard (instanceof), then it news a FocusImpl.
I think the idea is not to allow usage with GWTMockUtilities.disarm(),


rather to use a DI pattern where, outside tests, you fill the value


(In most cases, code using Scheduler would fail with NPEs if you use

it with

GWTMockUtilities.disarm(), and I'd support doing the same for

 Alternatively, AnimationImplMozilla can have an inner class

NativeImpl that

 implements AnimationImpl.  In the constructor of

AnimationImplMozilla, we

 isSupported(), then set an instance field impl = new

AnimationImplTimer() or

 to new NativeImpl().

 class AnimationImplMozilla implements AnimationImpl }
   AnimationImpl impl;

   AnimationImplMozilla() {
 impl = isSupported() ? new NativeImpl() : new



   requestAnimationFrame() {
 return impl.requestAnimationFrame();

 That way, AnimationImplMozilla does not need to extend


 is only one check in the constructor, and we do not have any new

calls in


But that introduces yet another indirection.

Honestly, I have absolutely no problem mixing GWT.create() with new as


FocusImpl, provided this is done in an impl class as well:
public abstract class AnimationScheduler {
public AnimationScheduler get() {
   // This is the only use of AnimationSchedulerImpl in


so it's safe as long as you don't call get() outside of a browser


in unit tests, you'd provide a mock AnimationScheduler and never touch
   return AnimationSchedulerImpl.INSTANCE;
class AnimationSchedulerImpl extends AnimationScheduler {
static final AnimationScheduler INSTANCE;

static {
   AnimationSchedulerImpl impl =


   // if impl==null, use null (would be because of


we don't want to new an AnimationSchedulerImpl in this case)
   INSTANCE = (impl == null || impl.isSupported()) ? impl : new

protected abstract boolean isSupported();
or something like that.

Of course YMMV, and I'd be OK with whatever the team prefers.




[gwt-contrib] Re: Adds ability to query the generator context whether a rebind rule exists for a given type (issue1450806)

2011-05-26 Thread jbrosenberg

File dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/shell/StandardRebindOracle.java

These 2 data structures appear to be relics from an older version of
this class, I can't see how it's possible for them to retain state
between successive calls to Rebinder.rebind()



[gwt-contrib] Re: Removes CompileModule.java, retaining the unit test that depends on it. (issue1449806)

2011-05-26 Thread jbrosenberg




[gwt-contrib] Re: RequestFactoryServlet

2011-05-26 Thread Etienne P.
Here's the blog post and sample code. It's not Spring-y, but it's 


You are right Andrés. I've noticed the same behavior. Not sure if it's a 
feature or an issue though.  Either way, it's something useful to know!


[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r10229 committed - Misc GWT compiler bugfixes and cleanups....

2011-05-26 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 10229
Author:   sco...@google.com
Date: Thu May 26 06:00:55 2011
Log:  Misc GWT compiler bugfixes and cleanups.





--- /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JClassType.java	Tue Apr  
19 10:10:18 2011
+++ /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JClassType.java	Thu May  
26 06:00:55 2011

@@ -33,9 +33,7 @@

 private Object readResolve() {
-  JClassType result = new JClassType(SourceOrigin.UNKNOWN, name,  
false, false);

-  result.setExternal(true);
-  return result;
+  return new JClassType(name);

@@ -48,6 +46,15 @@
 this.isAbstract = isAbstract;
 this.isFinal = isFinal;
+  /**
+   * Construct a bare-bones deserialized external class.
+   */
+  private JClassType(String name) {
+super(SourceOrigin.UNKNOWN, name);
+isAbstract = false;
+  }

   public String getClassLiteralFactoryMethod() {
--- /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JConstructor.java	Tue  
Apr 19 10:10:18 2011
+++ /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JConstructor.java	Thu  
May 26 06:00:55 2011

@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@

   protected Object writeReplace() {
-if (getEnclosingType() != null  getEnclosingType().isExternal()) {
+if (isExternal()) {
   return new ExternalSerializedForm(this);
 } else {
   return this;
--- /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JField.java	Fri May 13  
08:44:36 2011
+++ /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JField.java	Thu May 26  
06:00:55 2011

@@ -122,6 +122,10 @@
   public boolean isCompileTimeConstant() {
 return isCompileTimeConstant;
+  public boolean isExternal() {
+return getEnclosingType() != null  getEnclosingType().isExternal();
+  }

   public boolean isStatic() {
 return isStatic;
@@ -162,7 +166,7 @@

   protected Object writeReplace() {
-if (enclosingType != null  enclosingType.isExternal()) {
+if (isExternal()) {
   return new ExternalSerializedForm(this);
 } else if (this == NULL_FIELD) {
   return ExternalSerializedNullField.INSTANCE;
--- /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JFieldRef.java	Tue Apr  
19 10:10:18 2011
+++ /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JFieldRef.java	Thu May  
26 06:00:55 2011

@@ -27,11 +27,6 @@
   private final JDeclaredType enclosingType;

-  /**
-   * The referenced field.
-   */
-  private final JField field;
* This can only be null if the referenced field is static.
@@ -54,7 +49,6 @@
 assert (instance != null || field.isStatic());
 assert (enclosingType != null);
 this.instance = instance;
-this.field = field;
 this.enclosingType = enclosingType;
 this.overriddenType = overriddenType;
@@ -64,7 +58,7 @@

   public JField getField() {
-return field;
+return (JField) getTarget();

   public JExpression getInstance() {
@@ -80,6 +74,7 @@

   public boolean hasClinit() {
+JField field = getField();
 // A cross-class reference to a static, non constant field forces  

 if (!field.isStatic()) {
   return false;
--- /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JGwtCreate.java	Wed Apr  
27 14:46:52 2011
+++ /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/ast/JGwtCreate.java	Thu May  
26 06:00:55 2011

@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 JConstructor noArgCtor = null;
 for (JMethod ctor : classType.getMethods()) {
   if (ctor instanceof JConstructor) {
-if (ctor.getParams().size() == 0) {
+if (ctor.getOriginalParamTypes().size() == 0) {
   noArgCtor = (JConstructor) ctor;

[gwt-contrib] [google-web-toolkit] r10231 committed - Changed method dependencies report to show method code sizes. Call sta...

2011-05-26 Thread codesite-noreply

Revision: 10231
Author:   dconne...@google.com
Date: Thu May 26 09:07:47 2011
Log:  Changed method dependencies report to show method code sizes.  
Call stacks are now a dropdown action under each method.

Review at http://gwt-code-reviews.appspot.com/1443809

Review by: zun...@google.com


--- /dev/null   
Thu May 26 09:07:47 2011

Binary file, no diff available.
--- /dev/null   
+++ /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/resources/images/play-g16.png	 
Thu May 26 09:07:47 2011

Binary file, no diff available.
--- /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.java	 
Wed May 18 12:28:03 2011
+++ /trunk/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/soyc/MakeTopLevelHtmlForPerm.java	 
Thu May 26 09:07:47 2011

@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Map.Entry;
 import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.SortedSet;
 import java.util.TreeMap;
@@ -260,6 +261,23 @@
 + globalInformation.getSplitPointToLocation().get(sp) + ',);
   outFile.println(  ];);
+  // object/dictionary containing method sizes
+  outFile.println(  var methodSizes = {);
+  for (SizeBreakdown breakdown :  
globalInformation.allSizeBreakdowns()) {
+for (EntryString, Integer methodEntry :  
breakdown.methodToSize.entrySet()) {

+  String methodSignature = methodEntry.getKey();
+  String method = methodSignature.substring(0,  
+  outFile.println(\ + method + \ :  +  
methodEntry.getValue() + ,);

+  }
+  outFile.println(};);
+  // dropdown button image srcs
+  outFile.println(  var images = {);
+  outFile.println(\closed\ : \images/play-g16.png\,);
+  outFile.println(\open\ : \images/play-g16-down.png\,);
+  outFile.println(  };);

   // TODO(zundel): Most of this below is just inserting a fixed string  
into the code. It would
   // be easier to read and maintain if we could store the fixed part  
in a flat file. Use some

@@ -270,27 +288,68 @@
   outFile.println(  function a(packageRef, classRef) {);
   outFile.println(var className = internedStrings[packageRef] +  
\.\ + 

   + internedStrings[classRef];);
-  outFile.println(document.write(\a name='\ + className +  
-  outFile.println(document.write(\h3  
class='soyc-class-header'Class: \ + className + 

-  + \/a/h3\););
+  outFile.println(document.write(\div class='main'\););
+  outFile.println(document.write(\table  

+  outFile.println(document.write(\thead\););
+  outFile.println(document.write(\tha  

+  + name='\ + className + \'
+  + Class: \ + className + \/a/th\););
+  outFile.println(document.write(\th  

+  + span class='soyc-th-units'(bytes)/span/th\););
+  outFile.println(document.write(\/thead\););
   outFile.println(  });
+  outFile.println(  function swapShowHide(elementName) {);
+  outFile.println(hp = document.getElementById(elementName););
+  outFile.println(arrow = document.getElementById(\dropdown-\ +  
+  outFile.println(if (hp.style.display !== \none\   

+  + !== \inline\) {);
+  outFile.println(  hp.style.display = \inline\;);
+  outFile.println(  arrow.src = images[\open\];);
+  outFile.println(} else if (hp.style.display === \none\) {);
+  outFile.println(  hp.style.display = \inline\;);
+  outFile.println(  arrow.src = images[\open\];);
+  outFile.println(} else {);
+  outFile.println(  hp.style.display = \none\;);
+  outFile.println(  arrow.src = images[\closed\];);
+  outFile.println(});
+  outFile.println(  });
   // function to print a single dependency in the methodDependencies  

   // see printDependency()
   outFile.println(  function b(c, deps) {);
-  outFile.println(document.write(\div class='main'
-  + a class='toggle soyc-call-stack-link'  