RE: [GRASS-user] install grass with new wxPython user interface in Ubuntu

2008-09-18 Thread Hamish
[cc list]

Jhon Ortiz wrote:
> >> But with this errors:
> >> **
> >> Errors in:
> >> /usr/local/src/grass-6.3.0/visualization/nviz
> >> **

> When I type
> cd /usr/local/src/grass-6.3.0/visualization/nviz
> make
> Give me a lot erros, but this errors is because nviz is
> working with tcltk, and I compiled without tcltk. 
> I resolved that compiled with tcltk

ok, it is already fixed in SVN that nviz will only build if Tcl/Tk is

but 6.3.0 shipped before that change.

> [...] and python
> ./configure -with-cxx -with-gdal=/usr/bin/gdal-config
> -with-postgres
> -with-postgres-includes=/usr/include/postgresql
> -with-postgres-libs=/usr/lib/postgresql/8.2/lib
> -with-tcltk-includes=/usr/include/tcl8.4 -without-mysql
> -without-odbc -with-readline -with-fftw
> -with-fftw-libs=/usr/local/lib -with-freetype
> --with-freetype-includes=/usr/include/freetype2
> -enable-largefile -with-python
> -with-proj-share=/usr/share/proj

"-with-python" is not enough to get the new wxPython GUI installed.
That is only required for the new vdigit.

You will need to install wxPython 2.8 and friends.
see grass-6.3.0/gui/wxpython/README 

> But now when I type in the terminal for start grass
> (grass63 -wxpython), give me this error:
> ***
> >>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ grass63 -wxpython
> Cleaning up temporary files.
> Starting GRASS ...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/usr/local/grass-6.3.0/etc/wxpython/",
> line 31, in 
> from gui_modules import globalvar
>   File
> "/usr/local/grass-6.3.0/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/",
> line 48, in 
> CheckForWx()
>   File
> "/usr/local/grass-6.3.0/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/",
> line 39, in CheckForWx
> except (ImportError, ValueError,
> wxversion.VersionError), e:
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'wxversion' referenced before
>  assignment
> Error in GUI startup. If necessary, please
> report this error to the GRASS developers.
> Switching to text mode now.
> Hit RETURN to continue...
> ***

but the Tcl/Tk GUI works, right? and -text mode?
$ grass63 -tcltk

I think just the wxPython 2.8 packages are missing.

> Thanks Hamish and all list
> And sorry for repet the post, but is for answer the
> question to Hamish.

answers are good to have in the archives for others who search for the
same error.
> someone has an idea of how I can install grass with new
> wxPython user interface in Ubuntu 7.10?

If you wish to use the new wxGUI I would suggest to download the latest
6.4svn source code snapshot. The GUI has seen a lot of improvements.

And see grass64.svn/debian/README.debian there for instructions on how
to download Debian packaging rules from DebianGIS and build a .deb for
your version of Ubuntu. (it is almost as simple as "dpkg-buildpackage"
to create them using the automated scripts)

or if you prefer just compile it yourself as you have been doing.



grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] r.fillnulls (GRASS BOOK 3rd edition)

2008-09-18 Thread Luís Ferreira
Qui, 2008-09-18 às 18:33 -0700, Hamish escreveu:
> Luís Ferreira wrote:
> > Using g.gisenv and g.gisenv --help:
> > 
> >GRASS 6.4.svn (nc_spm_08):~ > g.gisenv
> >LOCATION_NAME=nc_spm_08
> >MAPSET=user1
> >"GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=/usr/lib/iceweasel/iceweasel"
> >GRASS_DB_ENCODING=iso8859-1
> >GRASS_GUI=wxpython
> edit ~/.grassrc6 and remove the GRASS_HTML_BROWSER line.
> Besides not needing the "quotes" it doesn't belong in that file as it is
> an environment variable not a GIS system variable.
> running this before starting GRASS should get that set correctly:
>  export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=iceweasel
> (assuming you use bash)
> Hamish

Editing ~/.grassrc6 solved all the r.fillnulls error warnings in bash,
gis.m and g.gui.

Thank you very much

Luís Ferreira

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] r.fillnulls (GRASS BOOK 3rd edition)

2008-09-18 Thread Hamish
Luís Ferreira wrote:
> Using g.gisenv and g.gisenv --help:
>GRASS 6.4.svn (nc_spm_08):~ > g.gisenv

edit ~/.grassrc6 and remove the GRASS_HTML_BROWSER line.

Besides not needing the "quotes" it doesn't belong in that file as it is
an environment variable not a GIS system variable.

running this before starting GRASS should get that set correctly:
 export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=iceweasel

(assuming you use bash)


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] r.fillnulls (GRASS BOOK 3rd edition)

2008-09-18 Thread Luís Ferreira
Qui, 2008-09-18 às 15:40 -0700, Hamish escreveu:
> > GRASS 6.4.svn (nc_spm_08):~ > r.fillnulls \
> >   elev_srtm_30m_null out=elev_srtm_30mfilled
> > 
> > it gives me the errors
> > 
> > /usr/lib/grass-6.4.svn/scripts/r.fillnulls: eval: line 82:
> > unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
> goes "g.gisenv --help" or just "g.gisenv" work from the command prompt?
> it sounds like GRASS is not fully installed correctly.

> Hamish

I had compiled GRASS 6.4 from grass6_devel.

Kernel  : Linux 2.6.26-1-vserver-amd64 (x86_64)
Compiled: #1 SMP Thu Aug 28 13:09:10 UTC 2008
C Library   : GNU C Library version 2.7 (stable)
Distribution: Debian GNU/Linux lenny/sid

Code lines in /usr/lib/grass-6.4.svn/scripts/r.fillnulls
82 eval `g.gisenv`

Using g.gisenv and g.gisenv --help:

GRASS 6.4.svn (nc_spm_08):~ > g.gisenv

GRASS 6.4.svn (nc_spm_08):~ > g.gisenv --help

 Sai e modifica as atuais variáveis de usuário do GRASS.

Palavras chave:

g.gisenv [get=VARIABLE] [set=VARIABLE=value] [store=string]
   [--verbose] [--quiet]

 --v   Saída do módulo verbosa
 --q   Saída do módulo silenciosa

get   Variável do GRASS para capturar
set   Variável do GRASS para ajustar
  store   Onde as variáveis do GRASS são guardadas
  opções: gisrc,mapset
  padrão: gisrc

 Using gis.m gives:

/usr/lib/grass-6.4.svn/scripts/r.fillnulls: eval: line
82: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/usr/lib/grass-6.4.svn/scripts/r.fillnulls: eval: line
83: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Locating and isolating NULL areas...

Reading input raster map <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...

Finding buffer zones...

Writing output raster map ...

Creating interpolation points...

Extracting points...

Building topology for vector map
egistering primitives: 
Building areas: 
Número de nós :   2187
Número de primitivas:   2187
Número de pontos:   2187
Número de linhas :   0
Número de fronteiras:   0
Número de centróides :   0
Número de áreas :   0
Número de ilhas :   0

Topology was built

0 areas built  
0 isles built
Anexando ilhas:
Anexando centróides: completo. 

2187 primitives registered
2187 vertices registered
Interpolating 2187 points

Note: The following warnings may be ignored.

Removing raster 

Using segmentation for interpolation...

Porcentagem completada: 

Carregando dados da tabela de atributos ... 

Lendo linhas do mapa vetorial ... 

Lendo nós do mapa vetorial

Processing all selected output files
Porcentagem completada: 

will require 1818544 bytes of disk space for temp files

The number of points from vector map is 2187
The number of points outside of 2D/3D region 0
The number of points being used is 2187

há uma faixa com dados insuficientes

demorando demais para encontrar pontos para

Re: [GRASS-user] Trouble with ESRI TIGER/LINE Files and Coordinate System

2008-09-18 Thread Hamish
> In my experience reprojection on-the-fly is nice in theory,
> a disaster in practice. 

I wonder if instead of reprojecting the data we just reprojected the mouse 
cursor coordinate displayed in the GUI display status bar?



grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Trouble with ESRI TIGER/LINE Files and Coordinate System

2008-09-18 Thread Hamish
Ryan R. Rosari wrote:
> Which gets me to thinking... It would be great if GRASS had a similar
> feature, where the user can select how the coordinates are displayed at
> the bottom of the map output window (meters, feet, degrees) as
> a quick reference.

 "g.proj -p" from the command line
 "PROJ_UNITS" file in the location's PERMANENT mapset
 G_database_unit_name(), G_database_units_to_meters_factor() in libgis

In my experience reprojection on-the-fly is nice in theory, a disaster
in practice. I would suggest to help QGIS (and Arc for that matter) get
that working correctly before thinking about doing so in GRASS. 
(neither handle mixed datums well; real raster reproj is too expensive)

see also viewproj from GRASS 5,



grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] updating site-vector map in grass62

2008-09-18 Thread Hamish
Francois Delclaux wrote:
> I imported a site list from grass54 to grass62, so I obtained a vector 
> map with a corresponding dbf table.
> Now I would like to simply update this map by adding new
> points for which I have the coordinates and names.
> In grass5, it was quite simple, I just had to edit the
> ascii site file and add new records.
> But, in grass6, what is the best - and most simple- method
> for doing that ? + v.patch



grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] r.fillnulls (GRASS BOOK 3rd edition)

2008-09-18 Thread Hamish
Luís Ferreira wrote:
> GRASS 6.4.svn (nc_spm_08):~ > r.fillnulls \
>   elev_srtm_30m_null out=elev_srtm_30mfilled
> it gives me the errors
> /usr/lib/grass-6.4.svn/scripts/r.fillnulls: eval: line 82:
> unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''

goes "g.gisenv --help" or just "g.gisenv" work from the command prompt?

it sounds like GRASS is not fully installed correctly.


grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] error: too many nested evaluations

2008-09-18 Thread G. Allegri
I can't see any "*_modify" nor "update" inside progressbar.tcl

2008/9/18 Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> G. Allegri wrote:
>> While importing a polygon with I've received the following
>> message on the console:
>> too many nested evaluations (infinite loop?)
>> (procedure "Gronsole::add_data_tag" line 1)
>> invoked from within
>> "Gronsole::add_data_tag $path $ci out"
>> (procedure "Gronsole::readout" line 13)
>> invoked from within
>> "Gronsole::readout $path $ci $mark $fh"
>> invoked from within
>> "if [eof $fh] {
>> Gronsole::readeof $path $ci $mark $fh
>> Gronsole::done_command $path $ci
>> } else {
>> Gronsole::readout $path $ci $mark $fh
>> }"
>> (procedure "Gronsole::file_callback" line 2)
>> invoked from within
>> "Gronsole::file_callback .gronsole.gronsole 41 cmdinsert41 file9"
>> and the process stalls...
>> This is the output until the crash:
> Try removing the "update" call from the end of ProgressBar::_modify,
> at the bottom of $GISBASE/bwidget/progressbar.tcl.
> --
> Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] Display window export

2008-09-18 Thread Vincent Bain
Has anybody had this problem : I try to export a raster image of the
Display window (tcltk interface), with the button on the top bar :
 'Export display to graphics file > JPG* > very high resolution (300%
your current resolution)'

The file generated through this command is actually 3 x the display
resolution, but features (e.g. vector lines, raster maps, etc.) are
drawn at the screen low resolution, i.e. 3 times coarser than the .jpg
image resolution ! in other words 9 contiguous pixels have the same

What does this suggest you ?

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] r.fillnulls (GRASS BOOK 3rd edition)

2008-09-18 Thread Luís Ferreira

On page 123 of the book "Open Source Gis - A GRASS GIS Aproach", when

GRASS 6.4.svn (nc_spm_08):~ > r.fillnulls elev_srtm_30m_null

it gives me the errors

/usr/lib/grass-6.4.svn/scripts/r.fillnulls: eval: line 82: unexpected
EOF while looking for matching `''
/usr/lib/grass-6.4.svn/scripts/r.fillnulls: eval: line 83: syntax error:
unexpected end of file
/usr/lib/grass-6.4.svn/scripts/r.fillnulls: line 83: GISDBASE: parameter
null or not set

I'm starting using GRASS. Any suggestion to solve this?

Thank you

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Trouble with ESRI TIGER/LINE Files and Coordinate System

2008-09-18 Thread Ryan R. Rosario

*Blushes* Solved. It ended up being a dumb error on my part. Months ago, I
converted the shape files to EPSG 3310 (California Teale Albers) to match
another line file I was using but no longer need. That is why gvSIG was able
to convert the coordinates to lat/lon, because the view (location) was
projected as 3310. Using the original, untouched shape files, I have pure

Which gets me to thinking... It would be great if GRASS had a similar
feature, where the user can select how the coordinates are displayed at the
bottom of the map output window (meters, feet, degrees) as a quick


Ryan R. Rosario wrote:
> Ugh. The LINESTRINGs contain the weird coordinates (in the 10s), not
> raw lat/lon.
> Extent: (-59948.354015, -457156.354302) - (51189.384222, -322776.485268)
> QGIS also uses the weird coordinates as well. gvSIG did as well, until I
> changed the measurement unit to "degree." It's GUI for map display is very
> similar to QGIS. Is there a such thing switching measurement units to
> degrees in GRASS? ;-)
> Unfortunately, there is no PRJ file with these shapefiles, which is really
> frustrating. The website claims they are NAD83 lat/lon decimal degrees. My
> region should be 119W to 121W and 34N to 36N. Could these be UTM
> coordinates?? 
> R.
> hamish_b wrote:
>> can you check with ogrinfo what's *really* in the shapefile?
>>ogrinfo -ro -al mapname.shp
>> That will dump a huge amount of stuff to the terminal (^C to kill it)
>> but you should see LINESTRING with a comma separated list of coordinates.
>> Are those raw coordinates in lat/lon or ...?
>> what does the shapefile.prj look like?
>> I am not too familiar with gvSIG's capabilities; will QGIS load it and
>> show correct projection info and mouse-over coords on the bottom status
>> line?
>> Hamish

View this message in context:
Sent from the Grass - Users mailing list archive at

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user]

2008-09-18 Thread Alexandre H. Coelho

It does (for me), I just used it. Please be more specific.



I have the same problem: need to merge every adjacent lines with a specific
equal attribute, and need to add some others atributes when the lines are
merged. I tried to solve using the v.edit module and have concluded that the
simple use of this module cannot solve the problem. If I'm wrong, how should
be the WHERE clausle? I believe that the only way out is to build a script
involving several steps...

View this message in context:
Sent from the Grass - Users mailing list archive at

grass-user mailing list

[GRASS-user] updating site-vector map in grass62

2008-09-18 Thread DELCLAUX Francois


I am not used in manipulating vector maps in grass6. So my question is 
the following:

I imported a site list from grass54 to grass62, so I obtained a vector 
map with a corresponding

dbf table.
Now I would like to simply update this map by adding new points for 
which I have the

coordinates and names.
In grass5, it was quite simple, I just had to edit the ascii site file 
and add new records.

But, in grass6, what is the best - and most simple- method for doing that ?

Thanks in advance for your reply



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grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] error: too many nested evaluations

2008-09-18 Thread Glynn Clements

G. Allegri wrote:

> While importing a polygon with I've received the following
> message on the console:
> too many nested evaluations (infinite loop?)
> (procedure "Gronsole::add_data_tag" line 1)
> invoked from within
> "Gronsole::add_data_tag $path $ci out"
> (procedure "Gronsole::readout" line 13)
> invoked from within
> "Gronsole::readout $path $ci $mark $fh"
> invoked from within
> "if [eof $fh] {
> Gronsole::readeof $path $ci $mark $fh
> Gronsole::done_command $path $ci
> } else {
> Gronsole::readout $path $ci $mark $fh
> }"
> (procedure "Gronsole::file_callback" line 2)
> invoked from within
> "Gronsole::file_callback .gronsole.gronsole 41 cmdinsert41 file9"
> and the process stalls...
> This is the output until the crash:

Try removing the "update" call from the end of ProgressBar::_modify,
at the bottom of $GISBASE/bwidget/progressbar.tcl.

Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] How to import grass ASCII grid with comma as a separator

2008-09-18 Thread Benjamin Ducke

Since the comma is used to format decimal numbers in several
countries, I still think a flag to interpret it that way should
be added to all modules affected by this.

I can think of:,,

Any others?


Adam Dershowitz wrote:

Translate (tr) is very fast.
If you do:
tr ',' '.' < input_file.txt > out_file.txt
it should do the job pretty quickly.


On Sep 16, 2008, at 9:08 AM, Jarekj wrote:

I recived a number of grass ascii grid floating point maps with 
resolution 6000 x8000 (over 300 MB) px with comma (,) instead of point 
(.) as a decimal separator.

I have problem with import that data due to bad interpretation of 
comma in file. I tiried with find/replace command in gedit but due to 
file size it takes to much time.
Is some method to import such file without replacing commas with 
points in external text editor

grass-user mailing list

grass-user mailing list

Benjamin Ducke
Senior Applications Support and Development Officer

Oxford Archaeology Ltd
Janus House
Osney Mead
Oxford, U.K.

Tel: +44 (0)1865 263 800 (switchboard)
Tel: +44 (0)1865 980 758 (direct)
Fax :+44 (0)1865 793 496

Files attached to this email may be in ISO 26300 format (OASIS Open Document 
Format). If you have difficulty opening them, please visit 
for more information.

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] v.generalize / reanimation of dead lines ?

2008-09-18 Thread Benjamin Ducke

Further on this subject, I tried v.generalize on the North Carolina
sample dataset and ran into the same "attempt to read dead line" error
with the "boundary_county" areal layer. Very small threshold settings
( < 1.0 ) worked OK, but obviously, there is only a minimal
simplification to be gained from this. Any threshold setting around 10.0
resulted in the above error not more than 10% through the data.
I tried all different algorithms and did not have better success with
any of them.



Markus Metz wrote:

Hi Peter,

as an interim solution you might try an alternative to v.generalize that
I called v.simplify, available here:
The module works for me so far, but I still discover strange behaviour
now and then. I developed that module specifically for areas, before
v.generalize was available.
Differences to v.generalize are that this module only
simplifies/generalizes lines/boundaries, smoothing is not available, and
only the Douglas-Peucker algorithm is implemented.
The appropriate level of topology is always maintained, centroids are
always kept and never altered. Boundaries are not simplified if this
would result in area deletion or changed centroid attachment. All the
work is done with a temporary vector, and after simplifying the
temporary vector, only alive lines are copied to the final output vector
(no dead lines, smaller file size).  v.simplify can also delete
duplicate points only, i.e. of two adjacent vertices in a line/boundary
with identical coordinates one is removed. This should be done before
simplification in v.simplify.
As far as I understand the source code v.generalize discards all
centroids and builds them anew at the end, area topology is not
maintained during simplification.
This is not meant to be competition for v.generalize, just some ideas on
how to avoid dead lines in the output vector and how to preserve all
areas/centroids, with their original category ID.


Peter Löwe wrote:


I second the "unclean deletion" theory as I encountered this phenomenon before. Also, when generalizing areas which are 
attached to each other, while the overall "appearance" of the generalized borderlines is ok, more than 50 % of the 
areas cease to exist, which needs further investigation: Apart from "dead lines" we're dealing with "area 
mutilation" and "centroid abduction"!

The (topological) truth is somewhere out there,


Datum: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 19:17:46 +0300
Von: Wolf Bergenheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Betreff: Re: [GRASS-user] v.generalize / reanimation of dead lines ?


On 29.08.2008 18:54, Dylan Beaudette wrote:

I have noticed this behavior as well when using v.generalize. I will try

dig up the exact situation that caused it-- but I am pretty sure that

initial linework was correct = unclean deletion.


That is very much possible. This module is still quite young and hasn't
gone through a lot of live testing yet. Dylan, I'd be vey interested in
this, if you can give me a simple case where it goes wrong.


Adding Daniel Bundala to the Cc list, as he wrote it last summer.


<:3 ) Wolf Bergenheim ( 8:>


grass-user mailing list

Benjamin Ducke
Senior Applications Support and Development Officer

Oxford Archaeology Ltd
Janus House
Osney Mead
Oxford, U.K.

Tel: +44 (0)1865 263 800 (switchboard)
Tel: +44 (0)1865 980 758 (direct)
Fax :+44 (0)1865 793 496

Files attached to this email may be in ISO 26300 format (OASIS Open Document 
Format). If you have difficulty opening them, please visit 
for more information.

grass-user mailing list

Re: [GRASS-user] Not this pest again!

2008-09-18 Thread Marco Pasetti


The NASA SRTM seems as if it would suit my purposes, except that using I get a lovely image with no elevation data. So r.what comes
up with latitude, longitude, and null, eg:
150 | -34 | | *

also consider the option to import ASCII SRTM data usign in GRASS.
the projection is lat/long (WGS84, epsg id = 4326), while the elevation data 
are in meters.



grass-user mailing list