export.html appears as text D3

2009-12-15 Thread Jonas Thomas
I hate to be a pain here.  But I don't know if I hosed something or

I found the backstage export to be convenient to export my archived
actions and projects and then delete them after I did the export.

I thought I was dumping data into a blank D3 file and I could look at
what I archived later.

It seems like everything was working correctly except when executed
export.html everything appeared as gibberish. (See below.  )

I wanted to keep track of completed projects and this seemed(at the
time) to be an efficient method of doing this.

Is there a way to get the export.html file to display properly?
If not, I suppose I should attempt to import data into a blank D3

Reading the D3 specific documentation I got the impression you could
backup a complete file with archive information and the purge the main
file of the archive.

I want to keep a file of just completed projects and actions.  I've
got to think that this  has been discussed, but for apparently, I
haven't stumbled on the magic search terms...


0,width:"1px",height:"1px",visibility:"hidden"};for(E in M){F.style[E]
I=0,H=0,F;if(this[0]){var G=this.offsetParent(),J=this.offset(),E=/
E.top,left:J.left-E.left}}return F},offsetParent:function(){var E=this
(E.tagName)&&o.css(E,"position")=="static")){E=E.offsetParent}return o
(E)}});o.each(["Left","Top"],function(F,E){var G="scroll"+E;o.fn[G]
=function(H){if(!this[0]){return null}return H!==g?this.each(function()
(I,G){var E=I?"Left":"Top",H=I?"Right":"Bottom",F=G.toLowerCase();o.fn
["inner"+G]=function(){return this[0]?o.css(this
[0],F,false,"padding"):null};o.fn["outer"+G]=function(K){return this
J=G.toLowerCase();o.fn[J]=function(K){return this[0]==l?
o.css(this[0],J):null):this.css(J,typeof K==="string"?K:K+"px")}})})
(); //]]>


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MonkeyGTD and Export to CSV or Excel

2009-12-15 Thread youngheart80
Hey all,

I've been playing with tiddlywikis for a while and have started to
implement GTD methodology to my work flow.  I've been researching
various GTD wikis and had a question about MonkeyGTD in particular.

Is there a way to export all the info contained in an MGTD project
into a CSV or Excel file?  I've tried using TiddlyTools Export and
SaveAs plugins, but that only gets me the basic title, text, and tags
kind of fields.  At work, my boss has started setting up a tracking
system for projects, but I'm really hoping to use the power of a
tiddlywiki to augment my work flow as I find it does a better job of
helping me stay organized than this tracking system does.

Any thoughts?



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Monkey GTD performance

2009-12-15 Thread Marijn Vriens
Hi all,

I've been using MonkeyGTD for organizing my work and personal issues,
with quite some success. I've really found it useful for maintaining
my own information.

However, It seems to become a victim of that same success. As it's
starting to run slower and slower everyday. I already turned of
animations and such. It's becoming a multi-second wait to reassign a
action to a different project, associate someone with an action, or
creating an action.

I have around 450 tidders at the moment.

My setup might be a bit non standard, since I am running MonkeyGTD
ontop of tiddlyweb. However I have looked at the network usage, and
it's really quite minimal and the wait doesn't seem related to network

My browsers are FF3 and FF3.5 on Linux and WinXP.

I have the feeling the JS walking over each tiddler in turn to when
assigning values. Is this correct? Can I change something to make
things faster, maybe loosing something else.

Any hints on how to improve performance? I wouldn't mind spending time
improving this my self, but honestly, i don't understand enough about
tiddlywiki to know where to start looking.


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