[h-cost] Re: ...what's your dressmaker's dummy wearing?

2007-10-06 Thread Suzanne
Verity is attired in:  a generic Italian Ren cotton chemise based  
on one in Cut My Cote, and the orange polyester satin 1490's  
Florentine dress that I made for CostumeCon 25 [the challenge merely  
said to wear orange...].  Both pieces are there to remind me to get  
to work on the mending!  I have a bad habit of stepping on my own  
hems when going up stairs.

On the cutting table, I've got the pieces of a black silk split skirt  
pinned together [The Sewing Workshop's Tahoe Pant pattern].  In a  
bag next to the sewing machine are the pieces of an Elizabethan high- 
necked smock that I'm no closer to finishing than I was in April


On Oct 5, 2007, at 7:29 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: [h-cost] What's your dressmakers dummy wearing?

I'm bored with the medical, trademarks  copyrights discussions.  Any
chance we can return to our regularly scheduled topic?
What's your dressmakers dummy wearing?
Cynthia Barnes

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Re: What's your dressmaker's dummy wearing?

2005-11-15 Thread Jayne Thomas
Hi! Ann
I did look into getting ready made holly leaves, but the ones I have come 
across come in packets of six leaves at £3.00 a packet (sorry, I don't know 
what that is in dollars!), and I have to budget for gift shopping for Santa 
(I'm one of his elves in disguise!! lol), so the DIY option was the cheapest.  
Hubby has promised to cut some out though!  Better find that extra pair of 
All the best 

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h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Re: What's your dressmaker's dummy wearing?

2005-11-15 Thread Debloughcostumes
Bless you!  You had better get lots of photos, to be sure your  daughter 

Absolute must - my Nana spent hours making me a medieval princess dress when 
was little, but we didn't get any pics - all I can remember is that it was 
gorgeous, purple, 
and had a big pointy henin!

h-costume mailing list

Re: [h-cost] Re: What's your dressmaker's dummy wearing?

2005-11-15 Thread Lloyd Mitchell
The last time I did this sort of project, after cutting the first  10
leaves, I began to cut the rest free-hand.  This made the chore more
interesting (as to repeating the shapes from a given piece of felt),  The
assembly thereafter was Much more interesting.
Pick your best flick and enjoy the evening.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] Re: What's your dressmaker's dummy wearing?

In a message dated 11/15/2005 8:15:03 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

I did  look into getting ready made holly leaves, but the ones I have come
across  come in packets of six leaves at £3.00 a packet (sorry, I don't know
what that  is in dollars!),

Ouch!  That is pricey.  You couldn't pull leaves off bunches for  a lot
cheaper? And are you sewing them all on, as opposed to gluing?

Bless you!  You had better get lots of photos, to be sure your  daughter

Ann Wass
h-costume mailing list

h-costume mailing list

[h-cost] Re: What's your dressmaker's dummy wearing?

2005-11-14 Thread Pierre Sandy Pettinger
We don't have a dummy either.  But, the DH is busy making 2 teddy 
bears and 2 shoulder wraps out of an old mink coat.  A co-worker of 
mine had this old coat from her grandmother, and she asked if we 
could make bears and wraps out of it for her granddaughters.  So, I 
spent about 2 weeks carefully picking the whole thing apart, now the 
re-construction begins.  The wraps will be lined with the original 
coat lining, and there were some monogram appliques on the lining 
that will be applied to one of the wraps as well.  We'll probably put 
the original coat label on the other wrap.
My project for the next 1.5 months will be baking holiday goodies and 
the various holiday dinners.


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