[Harbour] achoice hack?

2010-04-30 Thread Jerry Finuliar

Base from dbu's menu system the following hack 
will fix freezing dropdown menus.

   lFinished := ( nMode == AC_NOITEM )
// just insert this block
   IF lFinished 
  IF lUserFunc
 Do( xUserFunc, nMode, nPos, nPos - nAtTop )
// end block
   DO WHILE !lFinished

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RE:[Harbour] extern / contrib to parse excel files?

2010-04-30 Thread Jerry Finuliar
Hi smu,

You just need hbwin to create an ole object. 

local xls := win_OleCreateObject(Excel.Application).


Best Regards,

Surf the Web in a faster, safer and easier way:
Download Opera 9 at http://www.opera.com

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] SMB1 and SMB2

2010-04-30 Thread Enrico Maria Giordano
Dear friends, can you tell me if there are any known issues with Harbour and 
Microsoft's Server Message Block technology? It is a caching technology 
which will delay the writing of data to shared files on a Windows server. 
SMB2 is new with Server 2008 and Vista / Windows 7 clients. I'm wondering if 
that technology will obey dbCommit() commands in Harbour, or if it simply 
ignores them.

Thank you.


EMAG Software Homepage: http://www.emagsoftware.it
The EMG's ZX-Spectrum Page: http://www.emagsoftware.it/spectrum
The Best of Spectrum Games: http://www.emagsoftware.it/tbosg
The EMG Music page: http://www.emagsoftware.it/emgmusic 

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] ACHOICE() bug for 2010, with simple hello world example

2010-04-30 Thread smu johnson

Here is a proven section of code to denote a Harbour / Clipper achoice()
difference.  From looking at the difference, I believe it is a simple fix.
But this I cannot guarantee (yet).

Anyways, the code + comments will summarize everything.  But in a nutshell,
it is this:  the cursor position of the called function doesn't always show
up vertically where the choice selection is.

Thank you in advance for taking a concern in this.


// The seconds() should appear to the right of the currently highlighted row
// This works until you arrow past the top of the list or use the right/left
arrows, in which case it
// always uses the last row of the screen coordinates to print the seconds.

// In this program, there are only 5 rows for 10 letters of the alphabet, so
in the case described above,
// it will always print the seconds on the 5th (bottom) row when left/right
is hit, or the top array
// value (a) is reached.

// For others' curiosity sake, I found this bug because in my program I am
trying to highlight an item in red,
// or position a get text field on the row they are on.

// This has been tested in Harbour and CL52e, and Clipper does it correctly
where the seconds() printed text is not
// positioned incorrectly.

Func main()
Return Nil

Func Myfunc()
if lastkey()=13
return x

smu johnson smujohn...@gmail.com
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[14415] trunk/harbour

2010-04-30 Thread druzus
Revision: 14415
Author:   druzus
Date: 2010-04-30 09:39:25 + (Fri, 30 Apr 2010)

Log Message:
2010-04-30 11:39 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
  * harbour/src/rtl/hbznet.c
! fixed stupid typo which caused that hb_znetFlush() in encrypted
  buffers never returned 0 (the returned value was increased by 4)

  * harbour/contrib/hbnetio/netio.h
  * harbour/contrib/hbnetio/netiocli.c
  * harbour/contrib/hbnetio/netiosrv.c
  * harbour/contrib/hbnetio/readme.txt
+ added support for communication streams/channels which allow to
  send asynchronously data from server to client.
  The following client side functions had been added:
 NETIO_OPENDATASTREAM( cStreamFuncName [, params,...] )
- nStreamID
 NETIO_OPENITEMSTREAM( cStreamFuncName [, params,...] )
- nStreamID
 NETIO_CLOSESTREAM( nStreamID, [cServer], [nPort] )
- lOK
 NETIO_GETDATA( nStreamID, [cServer], [nPort] )
- aData | cData | NIL
  The following server side functions had been added:
 NETIO_SRVSTATUS( pConnectionSocket [, nStreamID] )
- nStatus
 NETIO_SRVSENDITEM( pConnectionSocket, nStreamID, xData )
- lSent
 NETIO_SRVSENDDATA( pConnectionSocket, nStreamID, cData )
- lSent
+ added RT errors to the netio client code. They should help to early
  detect any communication problems
! disabled hb_socketSetNoDelay() in client and server code.
  I enabled it for some local tests and by mistake committed to SVN
  and I didn't noticed it. It could cause serious problems in some cases
  i.e. with slow WiFi or WAN connections.

  Warning: server signature changed due to extensions in protocol.
   both client and server side has to be updated and use
   current SVN code.

  + harbour/contrib/hbnetio/tests/netiot03.prg
+ added demonstration/test code for alternative RDD IO API, RPC and
  asynchronous data streams in HBNETIO

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the 
world's largest Open Source development site.
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: Netio Questions

2010-04-30 Thread Alex Strickland

Alex Strickland wrote:

If the server is stopped (quit), the client stays frozen, it doesn't
out. Or am I doing something wrong here?

I just started looking at the code:

NETIO_CONNECT( [cServer], [nPort], [nTimeOut], ;
  [cPasswd], [nCompressionLevel], [nStrategy] )

nTimeOut defaults to -1 if you don't set it, and I guess that means no timeout.

Note, I haven't run any code or confirmed my guess by digging deeper.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Removal of non-UNICODE Windows codepath?

2010-04-30 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas


I see no problem for Win 3.x and Win32s, we still have customers with 
Win9x. Many of the projects are contained in the only .exe file, so 
requirement of extra .dll is not nice. One more thing is that my 
libraries are non-UNICODE, but I do not see a big reason to do rewrite a 
working piece of code until HVM internals does not allow to contain 
multi-language strings and rewrite do not add new fuctionality.

Maybe some macros like HB_PARSTR() can help to implement a good layer 
for UNICODE/non-UNICODE versions of app. It can help to make code clean 
and easy maintainable.


On 2010.04.29 15:13, Viktor Szakáts wrote:

If that simplifies things (which it definitely does), and
the majority of developers agree with it, we can drop
non-UNICODE mode altogether from Harbour source code.

It's unlikely we shall ever support Windows 3.x or Win32s,
and unicows solution works just perfect now to cover Win9x/ME
host versions, so I can see no hard reason to maintain duplicate
code paths for both UNICODE and non-UNICODE Windows API

Having only UNICODE path could greatly simplify code in
many crucial points, making it easier to maintain,
extend, debug and keep bug free. Especially if we want
to move towards internal (HVM) unicode support in the

Any opinions on this?

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Removal of non-UNICODE Windows codepath?

2010-04-30 Thread Viktor Szakáts
Hi Mindaugas,

 I see no problem for Win 3.x and Win32s, we still have customers with Win9x. 
 Many of the projects are contained in the only .exe file, so requirement of 
 extra .dll is not nice. One more thing is that my libraries are non-UNICODE, 
 but I do not see a big reason to do rewrite a working piece of code until HVM 
 internals does not allow to contain multi-language strings and rewrite do not 
 add new fuctionality.

Pls remember that you may well need other extra 
.dlls/packages anyway f.e. to run Harbour apps 
on Win95/Win95b and other combinations, like 
mingw/msvc builds and Win95-98. Chances are high 
though that unicows.dll and these other extra 
packages are already installed by now (had 12-15 
years to do that), if not, there are simple MS 
packages users can install on these PCs. My point 
is that it's unavoidable anyway to deal with the 
extra package issue when running Harbour apps 
(and many other apps) on Win9x, and that such 
issue is not very hard to deal with, since there 
exist official MS package for all of them, and 
the packages are well documented even in our 

Other libs and local code are unaffected by 
Harbour core's UNICODE mode. So while I see your 
point, this is not something which has any 
technical influence on our decision.

 Maybe some macros like HB_PARSTR() can help to implement a good layer for 
 UNICODE/non-UNICODE versions of app. It can help to make code clean and easy 

It covers part of the problem, but doesn't cover 
other 200 code sections, where these functions 
cannot be used. These are usually code sections 
which deal with the conversions on the low level 
(as opposed to simply accept/return Harbour 
function parameters, like with HB_PARSTR() and 


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[14415] trunk/harbour

2010-04-30 Thread Mindaugas Kavaliauskas


On 2010.04.30 12:39, dru...@users.sourceforge.net wrote:

 + added support for communication streams/channels which allow to
   send asynchronously data from server to client.
   The following client side functions had been added:
  NETIO_OPENDATASTREAM(cStreamFuncName  [,params,...] )
 -  nStreamID
  NETIO_OPENITEMSTREAM(cStreamFuncName  [,params,...] )
 -  nStreamID
  NETIO_CLOSESTREAM(nStreamID, [cServer], [nPort] )
 -  lOK
  NETIO_GETDATA(nStreamID, [cServer], [nPort] )
 -  aData  |cData  | NIL
   The following server side functions had been added:
  NETIO_SRVSTATUS(pConnectionSocket  [,nStreamID] )
 -  nStatus
  NETIO_SRVSENDITEM(pConnectionSocket,nStreamID,xData  )
 -  lSent
  NETIO_SRVSENDDATA(pConnectionSocket,nStreamID,cData  )
 -  lSent

Thank You for another great piece of code. I'm trying to understand the 
ideas of this.

In case of item stream, received items are buffered on client side and 
NETIO_GETDATA() return array of items. In case of char stream, data is 
concatenated and NETIO_GETDATA() return a single stream. Function 
NETIO_GETDATA() is not blocking function and returns NIL if no data are 
received. Am I right?

You've mentioned in the past, that these communication streams allows 
server application to give access to local resources like COM ports, 
etc. In most cases, f.e. COM port, communication is bidirectional, but I 
found communication stream unidirectional (from server to client). How 
do you suggest to do data transfer in the opposite direction?

In the sample code, the communication streams are closed after 
NETIO_DISCONNECT(). Is data transfer allowed in between of 

Are connection stream ids unique among multiple connection? As far as I 
can see, each connection has it's own connection ideas, and this 
requires to use additional cServer and nPort parameters to distinguish 
different connections.
I see s_fileGetConnParam(), hb_socketResolveAddr(), s_fileConFind() in 
NETIO_GETDATA(). Isn't this a bottleneck for applications what needs a 
lot of data transfers? The same question for RPC calls.

Thanks again, regards,
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Error BASE/1099 Argument error: STR

2010-04-30 Thread ivan re
Hi Viktor,

I don't understand how to implement follow line

  Rather use -i option or point to xhb.hbc file.
  (or simply copy your sample to contrib/xhb/tests/ dir
  and issue hbmk2 from there)

I also tried all the suggestions figure out but unfortunatly it doesn't
The mistake is:

Compiling 'xml1.prg'...
xml1.prg(17) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'TXMLDOCUMENT'

No code generated.
hbmk2: Error: Running Harbour compiler (embedded). 1
(/usr/bin/harbour) -n2 xml1.prg -w3 -es2 -o/tmp/ -i/usr/include/harbour -i..
-i../../hbct -i../../hbtip -i/usr/local/lib/harbour

Thanks in advance
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[14408] trunk/harbour

2010-04-30 Thread ivan re
HI Viktor

I don't understand if I had to download hbxml.c and use it. I don't
understand how to use it.

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 11:12 PM, vszak...@users.sourceforge.net wrote:

 Revision: 14408

 Author:   vszakats
 Date: 2010-04-28 21:12:17 + (Wed, 28 Apr 2010)

 Log Message:
 2010-04-28 23:11 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu)
  * contrib/xhb/hbxml.c
! REVERTED: 2010-04-05 11:04 UTC+0200
  This means that these heavy leaks are again present
  in this xhb ported code, but at least it won't GPF.

  * contrib/xhb/tests/xml1.prg
! Minor to prev.

 Modified Paths:

 This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform,
 the world's largest Open Source development site.
 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[14408] trunk/harbour

2010-04-30 Thread Bruno Luciani
I think that viktor say that  try to test your sample in test folder

in order to hbmk2 use the hbmk config file from tests samples

Copy your prg to xhb test folder   and try to compile  without use any

only hbmk2 your_prg  and make sure that hbmk.hbm file is present


2010/4/30 ivan re re.i...@gmail.com

 HI Viktor

 I don't understand if I had to download hbxml.c and use it. I don't
 understand how to use it.

 On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 11:12 PM, vszak...@users.sourceforge.net wrote:

 Revision: 14408

 Author:   vszakats
 Date: 2010-04-28 21:12:17 + (Wed, 28 Apr 2010)

 Log Message:
 2010-04-28 23:11 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu)
  * contrib/xhb/hbxml.c
! REVERTED: 2010-04-05 11:04 UTC+0200
  This means that these heavy leaks are again present
  in this xhb ported code, but at least it won't GPF.

  * contrib/xhb/tests/xml1.prg
! Minor to prev.

 Modified Paths:

 This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform,
 the world's largest Open Source development site.
 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SMB1 and SMB2

2010-04-30 Thread francesco perillo
do a search on past messages. There was a person that had several
serious issues with smb2.

From memory, he solved applyuing a security patch that allowed to
disable smb2...

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SMB1 and SMB2

2010-04-30 Thread Lorenzo Fiorini
On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Enrico Maria Giordano
e.m.giord...@emagsoftware.it wrote:

 Dear friends, can you tell me if there are any known issues with Harbour and
 Microsoft's Server Message Block technology? It is a caching technology
 which will delay the writing of data to shared files on a Windows server.
 SMB2 is new with Server 2008 and Vista / Windows 7 clients. I'm wondering if
 that technology will obey dbCommit() commands in Harbour, or if it simply
 ignores them.

I've found some msgs about it. In my gmail the first reference is:

2009-12-06 13:30 UTC+1200 Peter Rees peter(AT)rees.co.nz
  * source\rtl\winos.prg
+ OS_ISWINVISTA_OR_LATER() - .t. if osvi.dwMajorVersion = 6
* Update OS_NETREGOK() for Vista,Win2008  Win7
 SMB2 is required to be turned off on Server

best regards,
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SMB1 and SMB2

2010-04-30 Thread francesco perillo
From a thread started by smu johnson on March 3

Well we have a ton of people who still use Windows, and because of
that we need a Windows solution.

I am happy to report that after about 30 mins of Googling, I came
across this page, which solved the problem, if you disable SMB2.


It's amazing, as we have spent countless hours Googling for this
months ago, and relied on .bat files that worked 80% of the time.  So
far, this works 100% of the time.

This is a miracle for us!!!  We've worried for 6 years about this problem.
- Show quoted text -
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SMB1 and SMB2

2010-04-30 Thread Enrico Maria Giordano

-Messaggio Originale- 
Da: francesco perillo fperi...@gmail.com

A: Harbour Project Main Developer List. harbour@harbour-project.org
Data invio: venerdì 30 aprile 2010 18.04
Oggetto: Re: [Harbour] SMB1 and SMB2

do a search on past messages. There was a person that had several
serious issues with smb2.

From memory, he solved applyuing a security patch that allowed to
disable smb2...

Thank you.


EMAG Software Homepage: http://www.emagsoftware.it
The EMG's ZX-Spectrum Page: http://www.emagsoftware.it/spectrum
The Best of Spectrum Games: http://www.emagsoftware.it/tbosg
The EMG Music page: http://www.emagsoftware.it/emgmusic 

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SMB1 and SMB2

2010-04-30 Thread Enrico Maria Giordano

-Messaggio Originale- 
Da: Lorenzo Fiorini lorenzo.fior...@gmail.com

A: Harbour Project Main Developer List. harbour@harbour-project.org
Data invio: venerdì 30 aprile 2010 18.14
Oggetto: Re: [Harbour] SMB1 and SMB2

I've found some msgs about it. In my gmail the first reference is:

Thank you.


EMAG Software Homepage: http://www.emagsoftware.it
The EMG's ZX-Spectrum Page: http://www.emagsoftware.it/spectrum
The Best of Spectrum Games: http://www.emagsoftware.it/tbosg
The EMG Music page: http://www.emagsoftware.it/emgmusic 

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SMB1 and SMB2

2010-04-30 Thread Enrico Maria Giordano

-Messaggio Originale- 
Da: francesco perillo fperi...@gmail.com

A: Harbour Project Main Developer List. harbour@harbour-project.org
Data invio: venerdì 30 aprile 2010 18.31
Oggetto: Re: [Harbour] SMB1 and SMB2

From a thread started by smu johnson on March 3

Thank you.


EMAG Software Homepage: http://www.emagsoftware.it
The EMG's ZX-Spectrum Page: http://www.emagsoftware.it/spectrum
The Best of Spectrum Games: http://www.emagsoftware.it/tbosg
The EMG Music page: http://www.emagsoftware.it/emgmusic 

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SMB1 and SMB2

2010-04-30 Thread Viktor Szakáts
Hi Francesco,

Can you test following Harbour call, to see how well it works?

   ? WIN_OSNETREGOK( .T., .T. )

(you need to be logged in as administrator to make the above 
call successful)


On 2010 Apr 30, at 18:31, francesco perillo wrote:

 From a thread started by smu johnson on March 3
 Well we have a ton of people who still use Windows, and because of
 that we need a Windows solution.
 I am happy to report that after about 30 mins of Googling, I came
 across this page, which solved the problem, if you disable SMB2.
 It's amazing, as we have spent countless hours Googling for this
 months ago, and relied on .bat files that worked 80% of the time.  So
 far, this works 100% of the time.
 This is a miracle for us!!!  We've worried for 6 years about this problem.
 - Show quoted text -
 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SMB1 and SMB2

2010-04-30 Thread francesco perillo
Enrico should answer... I just forwarded the message...

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SMB1 and SMB2

2010-04-30 Thread Enrico Maria Giordano

-Messaggio Originale- 
Da: francesco perillo fperi...@gmail.com

A: Harbour Project Main Developer List. harbour@harbour-project.org
Data invio: venerdì 30 aprile 2010 19.09
Oggetto: Re: [Harbour] SMB1 and SMB2

Enrico should answer... I just forwarded the message...

Sorry, I can't make any significative test right now.


EMAG Software Homepage: http://www.emagsoftware.it
The EMG's ZX-Spectrum Page: http://www.emagsoftware.it/spectrum
The Best of Spectrum Games: http://www.emagsoftware.it/tbosg
The EMG Music page: http://www.emagsoftware.it/emgmusic 

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[14415] trunk/harbour

2010-04-30 Thread Viktor Szakáts
Great stuff. Thanks a lot!


On 2010 Apr 30, at 11:39, dru...@users.sourceforge.net wrote:

 Revision: 14415
 Author:   druzus
 Date: 2010-04-30 09:39:25 + (Fri, 30 Apr 2010)
 Log Message:
 2010-04-30 11:39 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
  * harbour/src/rtl/hbznet.c
! fixed stupid typo which caused that hb_znetFlush() in encrypted
  buffers never returned 0 (the returned value was increased by 4)
  * harbour/contrib/hbnetio/netio.h
  * harbour/contrib/hbnetio/netiocli.c
  * harbour/contrib/hbnetio/netiosrv.c
  * harbour/contrib/hbnetio/readme.txt
+ added support for communication streams/channels which allow to
  send asynchronously data from server to client.
  The following client side functions had been added:
 NETIO_OPENDATASTREAM( cStreamFuncName [, params,...] )
- nStreamID
 NETIO_OPENITEMSTREAM( cStreamFuncName [, params,...] )
- nStreamID
 NETIO_CLOSESTREAM( nStreamID, [cServer], [nPort] )
- lOK
 NETIO_GETDATA( nStreamID, [cServer], [nPort] )
- aData | cData | NIL
  The following server side functions had been added:
 NETIO_SRVSTATUS( pConnectionSocket [, nStreamID] )
- nStatus
 NETIO_SRVSENDITEM( pConnectionSocket, nStreamID, xData )
- lSent
 NETIO_SRVSENDDATA( pConnectionSocket, nStreamID, cData )
- lSent
+ added RT errors to the netio client code. They should help to early
  detect any communication problems
! disabled hb_socketSetNoDelay() in client and server code.
  I enabled it for some local tests and by mistake committed to SVN
  and I didn't noticed it. It could cause serious problems in some cases
  i.e. with slow WiFi or WAN connections.
  Warning: server signature changed due to extensions in protocol.
   both client and server side has to be updated and use
   current SVN code.
  + harbour/contrib/hbnetio/tests/netiot03.prg
+ added demonstration/test code for alternative RDD IO API, RPC and
  asynchronous data streams in HBNETIO
 Modified Paths:
 Added Paths:
 This was sent by the SourceForge.net collaborative development platform, the 
 world's largest Open Source development site.
 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SMB1 and SMB2

2010-04-30 Thread smu johnson
Yeah, this SMBv2 patch fixed everything for us.  It became a problem when
SMB2 was running for doing .dbf file access over a simple run-of-the-mill
Windows Shared Network.  We could have used HBNETIO, but we didn't want to
have to change hundreds of lines of code where the NET USE code would end up

Anyways, please let me know if the smbv2 disable patch works for you.  If
you are doing what we are doing, which is filesharing, only the host of who
is sharing the files needs the patch installed.
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[14415] trunk/harbour

2010-04-30 Thread Angel Pais

Awesome !!!
Thank you 

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[14415] trunk/harbour

2010-04-30 Thread Pritpal Bedi

druzus wrote:
 Revision: 14415
 Author:   druzus
 Date: 2010-04-30 09:39:25 + (Fri, 30 Apr 2010)
 Log Message:
 2010-04-30 11:39 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
   * harbour/src/rtl/hbznet.c
 ! fixed stupid typo which caused that hb_znetFlush() in encrypted
   buffers never returned 0 (the returned value was increased by 4)
   * harbour/contrib/hbnetio/netio.h
   * harbour/contrib/hbnetio/netiocli.c
   * harbour/contrib/hbnetio/netiosrv.c
   * harbour/contrib/hbnetio/readme.txt
 + added support for communication streams/channels which allow to
   send asynchronously data from server to client.
   The following client side functions had been added:
  NETIO_OPENDATASTREAM( cStreamFuncName [, params,...] )
 - nStreamID
  NETIO_OPENITEMSTREAM( cStreamFuncName [, params,...] )
 - nStreamID
  NETIO_CLOSESTREAM( nStreamID, [cServer], [nPort] )
 - lOK
  NETIO_GETDATA( nStreamID, [cServer], [nPort] )
 - aData | cData | NIL
   The following server side functions had been added:
  NETIO_SRVSTATUS( pConnectionSocket [, nStreamID] )
 - nStatus
  NETIO_SRVSENDITEM( pConnectionSocket, nStreamID, xData )
 - lSent
  NETIO_SRVSENDDATA( pConnectionSocket, nStreamID, cData )
 - lSent
 + added RT errors to the netio client code. They should help to early
   detect any communication problems
 ! disabled hb_socketSetNoDelay() in client and server code.
   I enabled it for some local tests and by mistake committed to SVN
   and I didn't noticed it. It could cause serious problems in some
   i.e. with slow WiFi or WAN connections.
   Warning: server signature changed due to extensions in protocol.
both client and server side has to be updated and use
current SVN code.
   + harbour/contrib/hbnetio/tests/netiot03.prg
 + added demonstration/test code for alternative RDD IO API, RPC and
   asynchronous data streams in HBNETIO

Something extraordinary.
Harbour community will ever remain indebted to your contributions.

I have already started base work how effectively I can port 
my applications to reside on server for their better part.

Thank you for such excellency.

 enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi 
View this message in context: 
Sent from the harbour-devel mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[14415] trunk/harbour

2010-04-30 Thread smu johnson
Przemek must know a lot about computers and Harbour!

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 2:39 AM, dru...@users.sourceforge.net wrote:

 Revision: 14415

 Author:   druzus
 Date: 2010-04-30 09:39:25 + (Fri, 30 Apr 2010)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Removal of non-UNICODE Windows codepath?

2010-04-30 Thread smu johnson
Hi Viktor,

It turns out that my tests of doing the devout calls to the screen in Win9x
with the unicows solution is about 2 or 3 times slower than non-unicode
compiled .EXEs on the same machine.  And this is with Przemek's SET CURSOR
OFF trick as well for Win9x machines...

So this simple test and its performance hit would leave me to conclude that
the unicows solution isn't 100% perfect.

Just my two cents.  If it cannot be solved, then I suppose my vote would be
to still keep the non-unicode mode...?  I don't know enough about Harbour to
see the implications :[

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 5:13 AM, Viktor Szakáts harbour...@syenar.huwrote:

 It's unlikely we shall ever support Windows 3.x or Win32s,
 and unicows solution works just perfect now to cover Win9x/ME
 host versions,

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Re: [Harbour] Removal of non-UNICODE Windows codepath?

2010-04-30 Thread smu johnson
Update:  well I did a raw DEVOUT for loop test, and it was a only about 10%
slower.  The 2 or 3 times slower claim was in the ap we use itself, where we
have another test which does almost the same thing, and it is about 2 or 3
times slower...  not sure what really is responsible, only thing I know of
that changed on my end was the non-unicode / unicode build...


On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 2:01 PM, smu johnson smujohn...@gmail.com wrote:

 It turns out that my tests of doing the devout calls to the screen in Win9x
 with the unicows solution is about 2 or 3 times slower than non-unicode
 compiled .EXEs on the same machine.  And this is with Przemek's SET CURSOR
 OFF trick as well for Win9x machines...

smu johnson smujohn...@gmail.com
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