Re: [Harbour] Re: Qt - Distribution Licensing Clarification

2010-06-11 Thread Antonio Maniero

IMHO for average Harbour users more official releases would be important.
For sure most users here build Harbour from SVN but the majority
non-hardcore users wait to official releases. In defense of these users I
would suggest release an official package at least two times by year to
facilitate the access to latest technologies to them. I think future users,
die hard Clipper users, xHarbour users which need the final motive to
migrate to Harbour and other people need an ease way to enter in Harbour
world. If this is a good idea, it means 2.1 need to walking quickly to
official release now. Harbour 2.0 is completing 6 months in next weeks (It
was hard to calculate this :-) )

I see a lot of improvements, important bug fix, new technologies, cleanups,
some incomplete issues on 2.0 was finished, in my vision HBIDE was alpha in
2.0 and is beta now. It have good reasons to release a new official release
soon.  Some hidden problems could arrive when preparing the official
package, it's one more reason to do this with less interval than past.

For me SVN is perfect I advocate this to users whom aren't here to request

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: Documentation storm on user's list

2010-05-29 Thread Antonio Maniero

Most important thing is the title. Have fun! :-)

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: SVN: harbour-project:[14538] trunk/harbour

2010-05-20 Thread Antonio Maniero

 Anyhow, I am dropping the idea to base anything on QScintilla.
 I will try to add features with my existing thought of

 Viktor is just caring about Harbour project, it is his job and I totally
agree with him about this issue.

You are the master of HbIDE, you need to care about HbIDE. Because you are
the master and not me, you need take decisions to take HbIDE to best result.
I can't say what you should do to the best interest of HbIDE, you need to
think about what you want to its future, what problems you will face in
future, how you will find solutions to them.

You often state about QPlainTextEdit and other widgets as a limitation to
implement some features. QScintilla brings new possibilities? You need think
about this. You need looking for a solution to HbIDE, not a solution to
Harbour, this will be the consequence. You need to decide only thinking
about HbIDE requirements. Do what HbIDE needs. Are you sure the QScintilla
is the solution? Are you sure you can achieve all HbIDE goals without

You don't ask to anyone what they think about QScintilla, it's ok, it's your
call, but it looks like you decide without thinking and give up without
balance and search alternatives when you found an obstacle. Pick QScintilla
or not is a very important strategic decision to make.

Viktor didn't close the doors, just put some rules. If they are too much,
you have alternatives to make HbIDE a terrific product. I am afraid you are
making decisions without balance the technical needs.

If HbIDE fails I will use generic editors to handling Harbour code or I will
need write my own editor. Both are bad solutions to me. I need HbIDE in
right direction. In moments when you refuse some feature without a good
reason denying the obvious solution I see the wrong direction. In moments
like this topic I see no direction to HbIDE.

I would use QScintilla to build a code editor, but only you can say if
QScintilla is the answer to HbIDE requirements. What's the best to HbIDE?

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: SVN: harbour-project:[14538] trunk/harbour

2010-05-20 Thread Antonio Maniero

 2. go past into the virtual space, I mean end of line, which again
   is a question in the dark as I did not find any Qt/QScintilla based
   having this capability. In Windows it is easy, even I can simulate it.

I am not sure if virtual space is a goo thing. Maybe. I think it's

 But don't worry, I have the setup in order on my laptop and will be
 though in a limited manner as access time to that resource is limited. And
 when I will be in a position to show to the list the improvements, then we
 decide where it goes.

 Good to know.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbIDE - - Needed your Reviews

2010-05-19 Thread Antonio Maniero

 Then it is a serious bug in hbIDE.

 How do you activate hbIDE ?

 Check if you can find Projects Functions List populated
 at startup after ( once ) tagging few projects ?

 Show us hbIDE.ini responsible to load projects.

 I will try but for now I can't run HbIDE. Do you have a clue?
Run-time Error!
Error BASE/1005  Message not found: XBPTABWIDGET:_QCORNERWIDGET
Called from __ERRRT_SBASE(0)
Called from (b)HBOBJECT(0)
Called from HBIDE:CREATE(408)
Called from MAIN(102)

I just do a clean full build to R14532.

 i just read these pages:

 First is based on Jave applet and so out of implementation.


 I can only stretch myself what Qt provides in base API.

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbIDE - - Needed your Reviews

2010-05-18 Thread Antonio Maniero

  Can you explain what constitute it to be unstable?
  HbIDE crashs.

 I do not experience it now, anybody else ? And can you describe
 circumstances, when ?

 Like some situations I already posted before and you put in your todo list.
I have a crash trying close a split editor but I can't reproduce it again.
When split editor vertically or horizontally pops a lot of problems with
cursor, scrollbar and H/V rule marks.

 You must not be following the exact sequence. It works. Please
  re-read the ChangeLog entry. I will update online docs soon.
  So I suggest the sequence be:
 1. right-click the function name
 2. click on GOTO item on context menu
 Done. HbIDE gone to the function declaration. This is an intuitive and
 standard way to do this.

 I think you missed something.
 Here I explain again:

 1. Click on Projects Functions Lookup docking widget.
 2. Click on Mark Projects button.
 3. In the popup component, check the blank checkboxes.
These are the names of the projects visible in your Projects tree.
 4. Click on Re-Tags. Remember, this has to be done once.
 5. Keep a watch on the window, after a little it will start
   filling the list with function names. You will also visualize the
   running number of functions added to the list.
 6. After running numbers stops to increase, list will be populated
 7. Close the window. You are ready to jump to the function.
 8. To test: position the cursor on a function name which must be
present in one of the projects you just re-tagged, right-click,
select Goto Function...

 Report back if it worked.

 Sometimes works sometimes doesn't. I can say when (or why) doesn't work. I
will post here when I get a clue about it. Anyway HbIDE should persist tags
in some way. Everytime I start HbIDE I need to retag. I never see this
behavior in any code editor.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbIDE - - Needed your Reviews

2010-05-18 Thread Antonio Maniero

 It persists.

Not for me.

 You need to re-tag only when you add a new project or
 there are heavy changes in your code. Recommened course is
 to re-tag every week to be on the safer side.

 Anyway, I admit that it needs a reworked approach.


i just read these pages:

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Harbour ecosystem

2010-05-17 Thread Antonio Maniero

 IMO it's time to start building a world around Harbour outside our
 physical repository. We're already getting size problems. Actually
 this world around Harbor exists since a long time with quite some
 well known and widely used components, so there is nothing more to
 do than extending it with new stuff, like VOUCH.


 I like the idea of creating an ecosystem to Harbour, but I hate to seeking
around the world. I would like to see a central repository with main Harbour

Maybe it could be a good idea to create a project on sourceforge to shelter
some third-party projects. It could be a repository recognized by core team
and promoted by community but not officially supported besides the specific
developers of each sub-project.

 Some soft rules would be applied to a project be accepted on this

This is just a first idea about the topic. If anyone have better ideas about
this, please share with us.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbIDE - - Needed your Reviews

2010-05-17 Thread Antonio Maniero

  Tab order on project properties is skipping some input boxes.

 I could not follow it. What you mean skipping ?

 Tab order is out of order.

 Can you explain what constitute it to be unstable?

HbIDE crashs.

  Goto Function on context menu doesn't jump to function declaration as you

 You must not be following the exact sequence. It works. Please
 re-read the ChangeLog entry. I will update online docs soon.

 So I suggest the sequence be:
1. right-click the function name
2. click on GOTO item on context menu
Done. HbIDE gone to the function declaration. This is an intuitive and
standard way to do this.

  Project Explorer need to allow multiple files selection to open.

 You means Properties DialogSources tab ? It does.

 No, I mean on Projects panel. It should allow open multiple files to editor
tabs. It's just a minor suggestion.

  Look lines 366 and 380 of idetags.prg using HbIDE. The parser needs more

 I think you have examined it deeply, please forward the patch.

 Unfortunately I can't do that soon. It's a big job. For now I can suggest
things and you decide what is your priority to do.

I will concentrate my suggestions in editor (not only widgets). I think this
is the most important component of an IDE and it is a fundamental part for
my choice about what IDE to use. However I won't post more suggestions for
now. You have a lot of work to do yet.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: QScintilla - Harbour Port

2010-05-17 Thread Antonio Maniero
Reading the QScintilla code and the Notepad++ code, I had some ideas.

In future if HbIDE fails to fit my needs and I still wants more than
Notepad++ or another general code editor, I could write a full featured code
editor specific to Harbour programmers (based on Scintilla/NP++ or from
scratch using QScintila) or I could write extensions for NP++ providing
features to Harbour developers. It would be almost an IDE.

I considered write extensions to VS or another full featured IDE, but no,
thanks :-) All them are too heavy-weighted to my taste and the difficulty is
almost the same than write an almost IDE* with [Q]Scintilla.

I have no time this year to this big job. My very first choice still being
HbIDE. I like the idea to have an IDE written in Harbour. Trying to write
another IDE will be my last option.

[]'s Maniero

* Features to edit (with lots of code helpers), navigate, refactor,
organize, build, debug, etc.
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: SVN: harbour-project:[14476] trunk/harbour

2010-05-16 Thread Antonio Maniero

 -   A look and feel based on icon on tool bar (that will be easy
 trasformed if Pritbal give us
add/remove tolbar or better Customize toolbar icon


 -   The menu hbide is very similar to Visual studio the look and feel no

The major problem is not look  feel, is too.

 -   interactive and Visual debug

This will come if the core is fine. Someone work on it, maybe me.

 I suggest use visual studio 2010 as Model  ide because is know as modern

 Me too, except by the weight.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: SVN: harbour-project:[14476] trunk/harbour

2010-05-16 Thread Antonio Maniero

 To me the most alien is that users are forced to
 use toolbars for various everyday tasks, and toolbar
 is their only option (*). Plus many times I hear that as
 a final argument:
  it's done that way in xMate so it will be like that in HBIDE
 For a non-xMate user like me, this conveys a scary message.

Toolbar is useful to learn the software. Keyboard is useful to day-by-day.
Consistency about menus, context menus, toolbar and keyboard mapping is a
must have.

HbIDE being xMate clone scares me too.

 (*) besides macros. But macros for basic tasks will
 never compensate for well thought out basic design.
 And most users will never use them. It's a new language
 after all to understand and maintain.

 If basic features is done in a right way, macros exists only to
extraordinary tasks. I have thoughts about API too. I don't write down
details now but HbIDE is open source and written in same language that user
knows well. These two points allow API be simple (not like VS or Eclipse)
and could be very powerful to extend the core. It doesn't need complex
plugin or macro system. User could just compile extensions together. This is
only general words about this topic.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: SVN: harbour-project:[14476] trunk/harbour

2010-05-16 Thread Antonio Maniero
2010/5/16 Massimo Belgrano

 I apreciate xmate because i have used and found high consistence
 But can suggest Pritpal Use a  model different from xmate because
 xmate is a project born in 2003  as possible read in Pritpal's page at
 IMO can be right use a more recent/modern model
 My proposal is follow Microsoft Visual studio 2010 The Alternative can
 be eclipse or Delphi

 xMate model can be used *TOO*. Flexibility is name of the game.

VS, Delphi, Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, Komodo, Code::Blocks are some
of the best examples about IDE. UltraEdit, CodeLite, Notepad++
(or Scintilla based in general), SlickEdit, Zeus, are some of examples about
code editors only. I like some features and behaviors of Vailton's
xDevStudio too.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: SVN: harbour-project:[14476] trunk/harbour

2010-05-16 Thread Antonio Maniero

 could be better to allow to launch an external editor form hbIde? Just a
 provocation, as Harbour programmer's could obtain same productivity without
 to spend learning time.
 I think that the choice of  emulating xMate was a very useful path to
 obtain a quick and effective skeleton and i think anyway that his editor
 it's no so bad at all.

For my personal needs, code editor (with formatting, auto-completion, sr,
good navigation) and integrated debugger is the most important. FOR ME,
project manager is a bonus. We have some good code editors but none treating
specific issues to Harbour code.

Because everyone has your personal needs and wishes, flexibility is the key.
Flexibility respects individual users.

 Only, it's has some non standard behaviour that could frustrate the
 programmers using other editors.
 This could have two aspects:
 1. the natural reject of a new method to achieve same result in a new
 editor environment
 2. some non optimal choice that xMate made in his behaviour
 About point 1, i think that some time needs to be spent to learn the new
 commands, as we made coming form Alt-B (on upper left corner) - Alt-B (on
 lower right corner) to select in PE2 a block to the Alt+(nouse/keyboard)
 selection of other standard editors (none talked about Notepad++, a very
 powerful one). So, if the xMate/hbIde well does the job i don't think that
 is needed to change something already working.

HbIDE it won't be my only tool to program. I have difficulties to remap my
mind between one tool and another. Notepad++ is my main general code editor
today. Notepad++ with specific Harbour features would be great, although not
perfect, would be better than I have today. HbIDE today is useless to me,
but this is changing to better everyday. My major concern is about the
future. Can I trust HbIDE always will go in right direction? Will have
consistency? What happens if Pritpal decides create anything that brings me
a problem and I have no way to turn off or choose how that thing will
behave? Should I sit and cry to choose the wrong tool? :-)

When I get this answers by myself, I put my foot in HbIDE definitively.

Thanks to help with yours opinions. It's a good feedback.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: SVN: harbour-project:[14476] trunk/harbour

2010-05-16 Thread Antonio Maniero

  -   The menu hbide is very similar to Visual studio the look and feel no
  The major problem is not look  feel, is too.
 Wich are your pratical suggestion for hbide?
 wich Philosophics like Consistency about menus, context menus, toolbar
 and keyboard mapping ?
 what hbide need to be widely useed?
 wich part need be rewritten?

I already wrote about specific issues some weeks ago. Some implemented
(better or worse), some still in Pritpal's todo (i guess), some denied (it's
ok, mostly). I will write more soon. But the major problem today is change
the thinking about HbIDE be based on xMate clone idea to a professional
standard IDE embracing xMate specific features too, as an option. The better
compatibility with xMate issue is already achieved (i think, because this is
unimportant to me): import its projects.

To give one example, every action need to be attached to a set of keys.
Keyboard mapping is a key to an IDE :-)

  -   interactive and Visual debug
  This will come if the core is fine. Someone work on it, maybe me
 Very Intresting can you detail
 .need qscintilla?

No, it needs a good API to standard HbIDE components, and probably (I don't
know) some extent to existent debug functions provided by Harbour core. I
know little about HbIDE internals, but this is not a problem. Pritpal have
worked on documentation and organization code, it's not perfect yet, but
this necessary work is in Pritpal's mind, it's better than Harbour core :-)
I have no time now but I am researching about integrated debugger in general
and Harbour's specific. It seems a Harbour's weakness at least about
advanced tool. I am having difficulties to understand Harbour internals to
achieve advanced features because its lack of documentation. My concern
about HbIDE is the non standard philosophy and harbor core is lack of
documentation. I don't know which one is harder to change :-) At least I
have alternatives and some solutions in my mind to HbIDE problem (IMHO). I
am not able to document Harbour core.
It's too early to talk about details. Integrated debug is very important to
me. If nobody do this, I will get the responsibility (well, I will try), but
I have a big job to do with my old .prgs and I can't sped time now. Basic
functions seems a kind of ease, but I am not sure yet. Without a good
editor, debugger is a waste.

In general, making specific suggestions or build a integrated debugger only
worth if HbIDE is going in right way. Sometimes I think it is, other times
It looks the opposite. If HbIDE doesn't fit my needs I will still on
standard editors like Notepad++ or move to UltraEdit or other option or
maybe I do a plugin to another IDE (well, this is coming to my mind but I
don't really want it). HbIDE still my first option.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: SVN: harbour-project:[14476] trunk/harbour

2010-05-16 Thread Antonio Maniero

 There is QScintilla though, which could be interesting:

Very interesting. I knew just the original Scintilla.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: SVN: harbour-project:[14476] trunk/harbour

2010-05-16 Thread Antonio Maniero
2010/5/16 Massimo Belgrano

 and now you can use qscintilla to pritpal's wrapper

 I think it is not needed, but could be useful if present on HbIDE. Looking
at surface I like the idea of using QScintilla, but it is not my call.
Certainly using QScintilla it would things behave more standard by default,

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: QScintilla - Harbour Port

2010-05-16 Thread Antonio Maniero

 Few months back I had played with this code and found
 that it can be useful. But due to its heavyness and a lot
 of interdependancy, I stayed with hbqt_qplaintextedit.cpp.

 I hate heavy-weighted software then I gone to read QScintilla. Like the
original Scintilla, seems to be a good piece of software and as
light-weighted as possible to a full feature editor platform. Maybe
dependencies could be a problem, I don't know.

Did you build wrappers to access QScintilla directly by .prg code?

I am not saying you should use it on HbIDE, I just commented about it. You
know HbIDE structure and tried QScintilla and can say better than I if
QScintilla is valuable to HbIDE achieve its goals and what goals will be for
now and for future.

I think QScintilla is useful basically to HbIDE or to an alternative to
HbIDE, it's very specific to a code editor implementation.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: QScintilla - Harbour Port

2010-05-16 Thread Antonio Maniero

 QScintilla is a class just like QTextEdit or QPlainTextEdit with many more
 methods to manage text files supporting multiple lexers. Basically it
 underlying document handlling and editing widgets of Qt. Nothing more...

 Exactly, lexer, document handling and editing widgets, all what a code
editor need.

  Did you build wrappers to access QScintilla directly by .prg code?

 No. As said earlier, to write wrappers to this class I need it be part
 of hbQT anyway. All alone it can only be used in a restricted manner.

 I don't think so, but it was just a curiosity.

  I think QScintilla is useful basically to HbIDE or to an alternative to
  HbIDE, it's very specific to a code editor implementation.

 It is not an alternative to hbIDE. It can be an aid to it, and more so,
 if some more exotic features we wish to include in hbIDE. For example,
 code folding and line wrapping etc.

 I mean QScintilla would be useful to any code editor, HbIDE or other,
oppositing to other applications which it would be almost useless.

Code folding and line wrapping are exotic features? Topics like this shows
differences between our views about a code editor. For me they are very
basic features, some of them prevent me to use HbIDE today.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: SVN: harbour-project:[14476] trunk/harbour

2010-05-15 Thread Antonio Maniero

 Great, but I would like to have a possibility to implement MultiEdit way
 using key binding macro. I guess hbide should be flexible enough to do this.


xMate is a sub and non standard IDE. IMO it's ok and I can understand the
reason to reproduce his behavior, but if HbIDE wishes to be a professional
IDE then, at least, it should be flexible to have industry standard
behavior. xMate behavior turns HbIDE useless to me although
I recognize that behavior is very useful to other users.

I don't use MultiEdit, but to me it seems more standard than xMate. I don't
request to default behavior be more standard according a wide range of other
IDEs, I just request to have a option. For me, in doubt a standard behavior
is always better than xMate specific behavior.

I have nothing against xMate or mirror it on HbIDE, I just request an
additional way to do things more standard.

I really wanna use HbIDE in future but I will only if it fits on my needs.
Be sure I respect any decision about HbIDE, it's not my call defines way
that HbIDE does things, I can write about my needs and I can decide use it
or not.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: SVN: harbour-project:[14476] trunk/harbour

2010-05-15 Thread Antonio Maniero

 I am really sorry
 to hear about so ridiculous comments about xMate. I would suggest you
 just to give it a try before repeatedly shouting against it.

xMate was my first try when I come back to xBase programming. I will never
use it or nothing with same behavior.
Maybe my comments are ridiculous, maybe yours. I still thinking (not
guessing) xMate is a non standard IDE with non complete code editor. I used
a lot of code editors and IDEs. You refused try them at least to get
inspired and see by your own eyes what is a standard behavior.

 What is the standard in selections and cut/copy/paste ? MS Word ?
 Or any other editor ? The standard is/was already there in Qt and

I am talking about IDE. Sorry if want talk about editor of letters or an
niche project manager with a sub optimal code editor. And I am sorry you
want insistently close your eyes to professional IDEs available in the

I am not talking about a specific issue, but in general. I am seeing a lot
of good improvements on software. What I am not seeing is you open your eyes
to standard behavior adopted from established IDEs. When it happens, the
quality is go high fast because you are able to make good things very fast
when you want.

Again, you are free to do how you want, but Harbour community will have no
professional IDE to work.

Mindaugas, Viktor and I are not alone about this.

Certainly nobody can impose anything to you except the individual relegation
of final product.

I reinforce: I want use HbIDE, it's very important to me, but I will only if
it fits my needs and workflow. Am I alone?

And I want contribute to HbIDE when it is adequate to me and I hope when
HbIDE have proper behavior. Thus for now I hope can contribute with
suggestions to improve the most important tool to Harbour platform itself.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbMK2 - xHarbour ( Oct 2007 ) - Unresolved External

2010-05-14 Thread Antonio Maniero
Don't offend me in any way. I totally understand you. Again maybe my poor
English sent wrong impression.

As I said *personally IF I am last Harbour user* I would drop a lot of
legacy, but I never would that thinking about the whole community.

[]'s  Maniero

2010/5/14 Viktor Szakáts

  It wasn't my intention make you reply that, I just do a statement trying
 to wide the view about the problem. As I wrote I completely agree about the
 whole decision and specially your last paragraphs as below. Maybe my poor
 English have been confusing about my message.

 Sorry if message seemed to offend you, I didn't mean
 it that way, and any opinion or reaction (like yours)
 which leads toward any direction is always useful
 to hear and very much welcome. I tried to
 reiterate on the key problems, in the hope this time
 it gets a reception (again not just by you, but
 everyone interested in this or pushing the problem).

 BTW, back to dropping legacy stuff is an
 interesting topic, but at the same time the
 _hottest potato_. As time goes by we can revisit
 such topics, since probably it won't make sense
 to support f.e. MS-DOS or Windows 95 ten years
 from now, or there will be a point where Clipper
 cross-compatibility won't be a real-life issue
 anymore, since there won't be any real systems
 running MS-DOS apps. We will see it in the future,
 and we will see what are those parts which we
 can benefit from by revising them. F.e. 8.3
 naming limit, or non-UNICODE Windows builds, or
 building Harbour on MS-DOS hosts, to mention
 some of these from recent times, and there are
 language-related items here as well. For sure
 for now all of these seem too early to address,
 and usually stir a lot of heat, that's why we
 should rather concentrate on stuff which is
 inline with our current goals and possibilities.


 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbMK2 - xHarbour ( Oct 2007 ) - Unresolved External

2010-05-13 Thread Antonio Maniero
Hi Viktor

First of all, I support your decision, don't get me wrong. Maybe this
statement be unnecessary.

I can (guessing) understand what Massimo said. Some modern
languages/development platforms allow this construction in a portable way
(Java, CLR, Python, Ruby, even Delphi could), some better than others on
results and implementations. It demands a deploy on
development environment to generate information about external libs
(probably generating some like a more complex .hbc) and It isn't just a
compiler directive. Ok, is a little bit different, but I think it is, in
general, what Massimo wants. It has ways to implement this in a good way.
Maybe not be ease or even compensate to implement it, but it's possible.
Certain it requires lots of work.

IMHO, in general I think this is *a little* better and ease to Harbour users
than build options although it isn't so ease to Harbour developers to
implement it. The question is:

Is it good to Harbour philosophy? I guess it is not.

Personally if I am the last Harbour user I would drop total portability and
compatibility with the past, specially I would drop multiple compilers and
dead platforms. A software without maintenance for 2 years is dead. Users
have the right to continue using these zombies, people are still using
Clipper :-). Harbour support this and it's ok. I completely understand
Harbour's DNA and I will support it until the almost 100% of community
decides to change this.

Portability is a solution so as a problem too :-)

Setting dependencies in hbc and hbp files is more simple and good enough,
sure, but I just don't think it's a ton better than a good lib import
implementation in compiler, even considering portability. Anyway I think
Harbour has others priorities to be a better development platform that that.

I see the problem in a different way but in final I am just confirming your

[]'s Maniero

F.e. please explain how will harbour compiler
 find the headers of your dependency? Also think
 about how the possible dependencies of your
 dependency will be added to the build?

 You could also explain, why adding 'mypkg.hbc'
 to the build cmdline is worse than adding
 '#pragma mypkglib1.lib' to each source
 that might use that package?

 What happens if one dependency consists of
 multiple libs? Should the user remember to
 list each of them in each source? What happens
 if the lib packager decides to change the
 internal layout or names of the libs? Will
 you want to go through all source files and
 change it each time? How will
 #pragma mylib.lib be portable between
 compilers? Should the compiler know about
 the different lib naming schemes of all the
 compilers we support?

 Anyhow I think the first thing you should do
 before for yet another feature, is to look at
 the problem as a whole and decide what is the
 issue you _really_ want to solve here, and
 check whether there exist a solution for it

 Having features and hacks just to have them,
 or without good reason is not something we
 welcome in Harbour.

 IMO .hbc files are just a ton better to
 solve this problem, and portable. Try it.

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbMK2 - xHarbour ( Oct 2007 ) - Unresolved External

2010-05-13 Thread Antonio Maniero
It wasn't my intention make you reply that, I just do a statement trying to
wide the view about the problem. As I wrote I completely agree about the
whole decision and specially your last paragraphs as below. Maybe my poor
English have been confusing about my message.

Please don't waste time on this problem, we need you focused on more
important problems.

[]'s Maniero

Exactly. Such feature would require total integration
 of build tool and compiler (hbmk2 and harbour).
 Meaning harbour compiler will in essence be dropped
 and all work would be done in hbmk2, which in turn
 gets much more intimate information from source
 parser (compiler) than now, most importantly embedded
 references of package names, and compiler would have
 to deal with .hbc parsing and automatic inclusion of
 referenced #include files, etc. It's essentially an
 #package mypkg[.hbc] feature. Plus some sort of
 .hbc repository has to be solved. Looks like a lot
 of work to me and a lot of potential discussion along
 the way. It would also require that user understand
 and accept the .hbc concept, since it will be something
 similar to the one we have already.

 BTW, if someone really wants to use the half-baked
 solution, we have #pragma BEGINDUMP/ENDDUMP since
 many years, which makes everyone free to use any
 sort of weird and C compiler dependent code embedded
 in .prg, including '#pragma lib', and whatever else
 that seems to be useful. I don't recommend it, but
 it works regardless.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[14458] trunk/harbour

2010-05-11 Thread Antonio Maniero
Hi Pritpal

Please, make this a option. I unknown another code editor which highlighting
only one brace and I ever used coding with pair highlighting. For me,
highlight one brace is confusing, or highlight none or both braces.

xMate is a bad example of code editor implementation. It has too many non
standard features, please focus on a establish, rock solid and standard code
editor to inspire you.

Look at Visual Studio, Eclipse (which I don't like), CodeLite, IntelliJ
IDEA, NetBeans, SlickEdit, UltraEdit, Notepad++, Crimson Editor, Hippo,
Zeus, PSPad, Komodo, Emacs, PHPEd, Magic Editor, Code Insight, Delphi,
Lazarus, Textmate/E-Texteditor, Scite, even VIM.

[]'s Maniero


 Revision: 14458
 Author:   vouchcac
 Date: 2010-05-11 14:36:42 + (Tue, 11 May 2010)

 Log Message:
 2010-05-11 07:29 UTC-0800 Pritpal Bedi (
  * contrib/hbqt/hbqt_hbqplaintextedit.cpp
% Optimized: selections display with proprietory color.
  Now it oply operates within viewport() coordinates.

% Changed: the behavior of matching brace. Now only corresponding
  brace is highlighted instead of both. This is exactly like
  xMate. Please note that highlighting both braces create
  confusion and at time I am lost.

 Modified Paths:

 This was sent by the collaborative development platform,
 the world's largest Open Source development site.
 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Question about Preprocessor

2010-05-11 Thread Antonio Maniero

I am curious about this need. Can you provide some useful example?

[]'s Maniero

2010/5/11 CarozoDeQuilmes

 Hi, when I put the following #translate in my program always convert the
 parameter myparm to literal myparm.  It is good for me.


 #translate MYEXAMPLE myparm ;
 = ;

 function main()
 Return .T.

 Code Generated:

   function main()



 Return .T.

 The question is: how make it in reverse ? (convert literal or variable to

 #translate MYEXAMPLE ? ;
 = ;

 function main()
 Return .T.


 function main()



 Return .T.

 Thanks in advance

 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Harbour for the iPad - ok

2010-05-07 Thread Antonio Maniero

Are there any license problem to run Harbour on iPad?

[]'s Maniero

2010/5/7 Viktor Szakáts

 Hi Antonio,

  I have managed to build Harbour for the iPad:


  You need to jailbreak in order to use it. Next I will post some
  There is just a minor required fix in order to avoid the use of modf()
  as it is not supported (help Viktor! :-)

 Pls send the warnings to the list and I'm sure we can
 fix them.

 (I see you're using some sort of hybrid Harbour codebase,
 to make the effort useful, pls try using latest SVN.)

  The major obstacle is to get working the right toolchain for the iPad.
  I can help on this if some of you are interested about it.

 It would be interesting to hear more about it.


 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Harbour for the iPad - ok

2010-05-07 Thread Antonio Maniero
There is a problem on the iPad side :-) At least seems it when I read tech
news about iPad.

[]'s Maniero

2010/5/7 Viktor Szakáts

  Are there any license problem to run Harbour on iPad?

 From the Harbour side there isn't.


 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[14429] trunk/harbour

2010-05-04 Thread Antonio Maniero

  * contrib/hbxbp/xbptabpage.prg
! Fixed to not generate error on right-click on a tab.

 I got same error on right-click while I trying to use HbIDE, but I don't
remember where. There are 2 or 3 places outside tabs.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: SVN: harbour-project:[14429] trunk/harbour

2010-05-04 Thread Antonio Maniero
I post them as soon as I can see them again.

[]'s Maniero

2010/5/4 Pritpal Bedi

 Antonio Maniero wrote:
  I got same error on right-click while I trying to use HbIDE, but I don't
  remember where. There are 2 or 3 places outside tabs.

 No Maniero.
 This was not a bug as I reported. I was trying to
 ascertain tab index from global mouse position as was
 introduced day before yesterday.

 I have no other occurance where right-click is producing
 a RTE.

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Harbour and ADO.NET

2010-05-03 Thread Antonio Maniero

Short answer is no.

.Net platform is binary incompatible with native applications like Harbour
runs. Of course is possible to create a wrapper to communicate to
ADO.NETbut is a crazy thing to do. There is no advantages to do that.

[]'s Maniero

2010/5/3 Adolfo Lagos Jimenez

  Hi everyone

 I’m using ADO and MYSQL for almost a year with no problems at all.

 Nevertheless, I’m curious about the possibility to use ADO.NET to do the
 same, and more of course.

 Has someone done anything to use ADO.NET and HARBOUR ?

 Is it possible to use?


 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: BUG: HBIDE ctrl+ins / shift+ins don't work

2010-05-03 Thread Antonio Maniero

  +1: There is still a lot of functionality which are
  only available on the toolbar, but not from the menu.

 And keyboard too.

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: SVN: harbour-project:[14417] trunk/harbour

2010-05-03 Thread Antonio Maniero

 I am following xMate and it has nothing like this. I think it should not be
 difficult once I know exact implementation details.

 Please, try to do a better product than xMate. Don't stay limited to xMate

  2) I'm trying to use Setup-Keyboard mappings, but unable to find a way
  to assign key for many toolbar buttons. I want to add key for Toggle
  selection mode button.

 Ok, it is also a candidate for public methods API.
 It will and some others will be committed today.

 This is a very tough request. Only for this reason, block copy/paste
 eluded me so long. I still do not know how to handle it unless QDocument
 is also sub-classed. This is on my todo list but am still at loss how to.
 Probably I have to spend more time on this feature.

 So subclass it! I think is the right way. You can have power trying work on
raw class.

I put my signature below of all Mindaugas suggestions. Some of
them optionally, of course.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: SVN: harbour-project:[14417] trunk/harbour

2010-05-03 Thread Antonio Maniero

 I think MultiEdit has free 30-days evaluation. I really like functionality
 of this editor. Default functional keys mappings can seem unusual, but later
 you find it comfortable.

 Pritpal, I think you need download and install some editors and IDEs to
 have ideas and to learn how some features working. If you want I can suggest
 some good example (closed and open source).

 Thank, you for your efforts. After I look to C++ code, magic QT signal/slot
 binding, moc_*.cpp files, I start to think I know nothing about C++. Plain C
 is much more clear to me.

 Me too, Mindaugas! :-)

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbIDE - - Needed your Reviews

2010-05-02 Thread Antonio Maniero
Hi Pritpal

More suggestions:

When creating a new project, ask to create a folder instead to show error
when a folder doesn't exist.

Create a option to enable a x button on tabs to close it or a unique x
button which will be close the current tab or keep without x button.

Need context menu to so many objects that I let to later an extensive list.
First suggestion is to enable on tabs (look to your browser to give you some
ideas beyond close action).

Please review some modal windows about anchors. One example: Theme manager
has anchor on top and bottom. I use it almost maximized on height and it
looks ugly.

When I was looking for line number bg color, a color (light orange was in
button), I choose none color and my bg color on line numbers got this color.
The color button should shows the current color always.

Tab order on project properties is skipping some input boxes.

File picker dialog box should preserve last location (optionally).

I can't dock a panel where I want. I can floating a panel or dock it in
original place.

Code completation need improvements to suggest local variables, Harbour's
functions, etc. and suggest completation to parameters.

Change in setup or window position need to be save immediately, at least
until HbIDE be stable.

File toolbar should be able to turns off like the others toolbars.

Sometimes double-click on Function List window doesn't jump to function

Goto Function on context menu doesn't jump to function declaration as you

.T., .F., Nil, etc. are not keywords?

Project Explorer need to allow multiple files selection to open.

Look lines 366 and 380 of idetags.prg using HbIDE. The parser needs more

Sometimes Functions List is highlighting wrong function name.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbIDE - - Needed your Reviews

2010-04-28 Thread Antonio Maniero

 I entrust you can do this very well. Just maintain a list what is missing
 and required,
 and chances are I will implement them as soon as possible.

 The only problem I can't schedule to you.

  Include line numbers configuration in theme manager.

 Is already there.

 Just background color is there, not the number and round numbers (10,20,
30, etc). I think you should overhaul Theme Manager to allow change
background color for any item just like all other IDEs. An item on theme is
a text element like any other. Text element has font type, size, color, bg
color, italic tag, bold tag, underline tag, etc)

 Spaces to Tabs=   Tabs to spaces is useful and is
 implemented, why this is needed ?

For same reason that spc-tab is needed. To meet all programmers need not
just the ones using spaces for tabulation.

 Low-Upcase   =  Is already there.
 Up-Lowcase   =  Is already there.

Is it in new release?

  Option to use tabs or spaces (number of columns or spaces configurable).

 A candidate for final Setup dialog, I have put it to last.
 But probably we must not go towards Tab inculsion. Many of the
 repositories are immune to it. Also we do not advocate it in Harbour SVN.

 If HbIDE don't have this feature it will be the only one in the market.

 Yes, and a must have, and is on my todo list.
 But before I start, we must be very clear how and where the backups
 will saved. So far I am not been able to devise a proper location.
 Remember, hbIDE is a Project Builder and Text Editor two in one,
 Projects are independant of editing sessions, though I save a source
 if it falls in included project(s) before building.

 I totally agree.

  Usage Search (context menu) to find usage locations from a function.

 Please be more subjective, I am unable to follow this point.

 You can point and right-click on a name function (a call or declaration)
and the IDE find all calls used on entire project. To know where a function
was used is essential to refactoring. And Logic to build function list put
us on more than half way to implement usage search. Without go deep on code
I think this feature will be very ease to be implemented.

  Copy to Clipboard with formation (keeping syntax highlite).

 Where this information will be used ?
 Syntax highlighting are a rule and not an attribute of text itself.
 Yes, if we know the target where it will be used, we will encapsulate
 thus target to honot syntax-highlighting rules.

 To post on a blog, to create a document. Put on RTF format is my guess.
Should be target independent, export to clipboard with formatting is IDE
problem only.

  Full screen mode.

 This works fine on my machine, anybody else with this issue ?

 How I can toggle HbIDE to Full Screen mode?

  GoTo/View Declaration (context menu, maybe opening a new tab or splitting
  editor) When parameters tips is not enough.

 Detail this again.

 You point and right-click a name function (just on calls) and you see the
function declaration (implementation) on a new tab or on a splitted editor.

  Show file size and other properties of current file on status bar.

 If you inspect Status-bar, it is already cluttered.
 What other properties of the current file should go there ?

 I agree. Maybe just file size is ok. Let's gonna think about improved the
Project explorer to put more information about the files.

In name of flexibility status bar items need to be configurable. Many items
there is useless for me but others is needed. The user should choose the
right items for him. This is turns status bar more useful to individuals
reducing the clutter.

  Task/ToDo List

 Implementation details ?

 Not important now but is a simple list of items to help organize thew user
workflow. Later HbIDE could scan project to find comments with tags TODO,
FIXIT, DOCUMENTIT, etc to fill task list automatically. The first step is
allow user add his own tasks. This is a simple data entry in browser mode
with two or three fields (Description, the type of task and maybe the
Not a core feature.

  Clipboard manager

 Please explain .

 Allow multiple items on clipboard. Windows Clipboard has only one item,
application should implement its own clipboard manager to allow multiple
items. Manager should allow the user access any items easily and should have
a box to manage the items.
Do you have the MS-Word?

  While debugger is not possible, put a BreakPoint in code (Just an
  AltD(), right?)
  Just to you think :-) Historical Debug AKA Time-Machine Debug AKA

 No, I could not follow you.

 First part or second part?

The second one is almost a joke. This is relatively new technology. It's
very hard to implement although I think not so much to Harbour. But first we
need to have a solid traditional debugger.

  Sticky notes

 Implementation details.

 Not a priority. It's a Post-it to 

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbIDE - - Needed your Reviews

2010-04-28 Thread Antonio Maniero
Hi Viktor

 IMO HBIDE should offer Harbour standards as default
 and let user override it.

I totally agree.

 Besides duplicating efforts and losing focus, it also
 make HBIDE heavier and heavier, and I'm not sure it's
 good idea to pull in large amount of unnecessary
 code into memory just to edit source files.

 The last message I just throw some ideas as I wrote on the bottom of
original message. For my personal use, HbIDE should have a damn good editor
and debugger.

Definition of damn good:
* all needed features to edit *code*
* help to edit code (code and symbol completion, parameters tips,
conversions, some code generation, suggestions, etc)
* tools to search and navigate through code easily and fast way
* don't be intrusive
* have every tool in hand (mainly by keyboard)
* totally configurable
* have predicable ways, consistency
* be extensible
* be stable and reliable
* others points that I don't remember now :-)

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbIDE - - Needed your Reviews

2010-04-28 Thread Antonio Maniero

 No, since begining. Selecet some text, click on left-side toolbar icon

 My Fault, I just look on main menu edit. (inconsistency here)

 We are primarily focussed on Xbase dialect compilers only.
 It is not our goal to make hbIDE universal as yet. So I will look
 forward to group decision.

For me (xBase programmer) HbIDE is useless if I can't choose spaces or tabs

   Usage Search (context menu) to find usage locations from a function.
  You can point and right-click on a name function (a call or declaration)
 and the IDE find all calls used on entire project. To know where a function
 was used is essential to refactoring. And Logic to build function list put
 us on more than half way to implement usage search. Without go deep on code
 I think this feature will be very ease to be implemented.

 This is available under Find-in-Files protocol. Tell me if that is not

It's not the same.

Typo in Find-in-Files: Expressior

I think ENTER should trigger the Find button action.

 Oh, I get it.
 But this is not possible as I stated earlier. Text editors are not a RTF
 They are plain text oriented and highlighting is applied to them under
 diiferent way which in turn does not offer those attributes to be copied.

 It's totally another thing, but I don't need this and I won't try to detail

 If I am taking it right, click on maximize button on right of titlebar.
 Or am I misunderstandng you.

 It is not Full screen mode, but Viktor stated some problems related some
platforms. Don't worry about that for now. Intead you can allow menu and
status bar be hidden too. It's almost a Full Screen mode, like I use my

 Note: color syntax details will certainly be missing.
 Should every item be named like snippets or just ...
 Also, should the contents be persistent or only for current session?

 I think per session is good enough, but optionally persistence is better
Try the good enough first and we see the results to think
about enhancements to the feature.

 What type of switch you would like to have ?

I don't know it was just a question:-)

 Something like a plugin system, but because the open

   nature of project, more flexible and more simple.

 Probably I need an example what you have in mind, to start with.
 It should be easy though.

 I will develop this idea later. I think an API/plugin system is very
important to the IDE. Even some features inside HbIDE should be plugins.
You could try to use the Harbour model about separation of core and
contribs/plugins even when the plugin is 100% yours.

Just to fill your dreams, think about slots defined by plugins on status
bar, menu bar, toolbar, keyboard mapping, panels (new ones). Think about a
ease way to plugins hijack editor behaviors to modify them. Just some
free thoughts.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[14399] trunk/harbour

2010-04-27 Thread Antonio Maniero
Good to see, many thanks.

[]'s Maniero


 Revision: 14399
 Author:   vouchcac
 Date: 2010-04-27 08:21:35 + (Tue, 27 Apr 2010)

 Log Message:
 2010-04-27 01:11 UTC-0800 Pritpal Bedi (
  * contrib/hbide/resources/environ.ui
  * contrib/hbide/resources/environ.uic
  * contrib/hbide/resources/projectpropertiesex.ui
  * contrib/hbide/resources/projectpropertiesex.uic
  * contrib/hbide/resources/shortcuts.ui
  * contrib/hbide/resources/shortcuts.uic

  * contrib/hbxbp/xbplistbox.prg
% Fixed nasty bug.

  * contrib/hbide/hbide.prg
  * contrib/hbide/ideactions.prg
  * contrib/hbide/idedocks.prg
+ Featured: Projects, Editors, Skeletons docking widgets made floatable.
+ Added: Manubar-Setup-Tools  Utilities.
! Refined: Manubar-Setup-Encoding - submenus prompts.
! Resized: Keyboard Mappings dialog buttons.
! Refined: Projects Properties Dialog - General tab.

  These tweaks were proposed by Antonio Maniero.

 Modified Paths:

 This was sent by the collaborative development platform,
 the world's largest Open Source development site.
 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbIDE - - Needed your Reviews

2010-04-27 Thread Antonio Maniero

 BTW what part of the artical is relevant to what follows ?
 Is it ti guide me, what objects are, and, how to program them
 or how should these behave ?

 It's describe a pattern (not necessarily related to OOP) which IMO help you
organize the code to avoid inconsistencies. The command pattern defines a
centralized action to be triggered by any events on application, a button, a
menu option, a keyboard shortcut, or by code too. If you treat each action
isolated you will get inconsistencies since it's hard keep all
places synchronized.

 Well, the word inconsistencies is a relevant term.
 It is relevant to what one is used to and what he encounters
 somewhere which is not similar to he is used. So, in this
 context what you see as an inconsistency may be a feature for other.

 As bug is not a feature, inconsistency is not a feature. GUI can't have
inconsistency, GUI need to be predictable.

 The close X button is a generic one and is present on any window visible
 on the desktop. It is usual that at some point of time one accidently
 hbIDE's X whereever his aim was another window but he could not recognize
 as hbIDE was partially covered by some other one. So the alert is issued
 if he is not making a mistake. Contray to this Menubar-Files-Exit option
 and Exit icon on the toolbar is specific to hbIDE only and user will ever
 click them knowingly, so no alert.

This is I call inconsistent. In case of accident, the user can open it again
without a danger.  The user wants be cautious? Ok, IDE need have a option to
all close application triggers request a confirmation. IDE need to be
flexible. Each programmer has its own workflow.

 I do not want it to get displaced by the user and always have
 them handy and at the same place for easy and fast access.

 But the user could think different. The user can use only keyboard or it
can prefer all toolbars on top, or some on the monitor 1 and others on
monitor 2.
I think toolbars need to be more granular too. Toolbars should mirror (or
almost mirror) the menus. Should have a file toolbar, a edit toolbar, a view
toolbar, a build toolbar, etc, etc.

These can be floatable, though, persoanlly I do not like them to hang
 anywhere because of always-available-same position.
 Subject to group decision.

Give options to user is always a good decision on a IDE. Remember each user
have a different monitor setup. Think about 1, 2, 3 monitors, thinks about
full screen and wide screen, or portrait x landscape position, or entire
monitor to IDE x shared screen with another app.

  All panels detached (not docked) lost visibility when HbIDE is closed and
  opened again.

 Yep, this should be like this. I will implement.
 Subject to group decision.

 It's ok if panels can be docked on secondary monitor.

   For some panels should be modal windows like you done right with
  Mapping panel, Tool and Utilities (although it can open just by toolbar):
  Project Properties (should be open by Project menu)
  Compiler Environments
  Theme Manager
  Code Skeletons
  Last three should be Setup options like KB Mapping and ToolUtil.

 It is OK both ways, what is the harm in current implementation ?

 No big harm, but no standard in any application with good GUI design. For
it's ok, but HbIDE looks less professional. This is inconsistent. Setup has
rare use. I don't wanna give a bad idea, (please, don't do this): If Theme
manager, Comp Env, etc should be a panel, KB Maps, TU should be too. Setup
is modal window.
Sorry, i have difficulty to explain with more details in English.

  Editor as a panel? I don't think so. A menu and/or a drop down button on
  bar is more appropriate.

 No, I find it more convinient than menus.

 And I find a lot more convenient haven't a panel for this. I respect your
and others taste, I and others have another taste or need. Again, IDE need
to be flexible. In my personal need I can't have this panel open taking a
precious space of my screen. Main editors (for me this is tabs) are on
top of editor and collateral should be reachable by a drop down and keyboard
shortcut (to navigate to back and forward, I didn't try this yet) and to
consistency (not for my need) the same should be in menus too.

Menus is almost useless for me, I am writing about this just to be

I am not inventing nothing here, I just write what I see on applications
like that.

  Find in Files panel looses his position after HbIDE be closed.

 I could not follow you, please explain a bit more.

 Maybe the real problem is the panel can't be docked on another monitor.
When I reopen HbIDE and I manually turn visible my panels on secondary
monitor (like I left before close IDE), Documentation panel, Function List
panel are on same position that I left last time (floating of course, as I
left), but Find in Files have a different behavior and it shows floating on
primary monitor in different position that I left.

My concern is about inconsistency 

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbIDE - - Needed your Reviews

2010-04-27 Thread Antonio Maniero
I think you need to keep an informal roadmap with features which not be
implemented very soon. You implement many features in hours or days, but
some of them need too much time and an informal roadmap would be useful. But
this is your call only, I just gave a idea.

Some random ideas not organized in any way (not my
priorities neither the easiest feature comes first):

About word wrapping: maybe you know this feature as line breaking, I think
this term is more appropriate to programmers.

Toggle option to shows blank characters independently (space, tab, line
feed, line break) and choose the character and color to shows.

Include line numbers configuration in theme manager.

Code Folding.

Spaces to Tabs
Trailing spaces
Split, Join and swap lines
Duplicate selected lines (or text)

Option to use tabs or spaces (number of columns or spaces configurable).

Encoding conversions.

Backup policy configuration (HbIDE keep last N versions of file).

Usage Search (context menu) to find usage locations from a function.

Copy to Clipboard with formation (keeping syntax highlite).

Full screen mode.

GoTo/View Declaration (context menu, maybe opening a new tab or splitting
editor) When parameters tips is not enough.

Highlight current function on Function List panel.

Show file size and other properties of current file on status bar.

I prefer Snippet term to Skeleton according to Viktor's view. Snippet is
more standard term but I have no problem with Skeleton problem.
I think Snippet/Skeleton placement need to be more smart but I will describe
this later.

Task/ToDo List

Clipboard manager

While debugger is not possible, put a BreakPoint in code (Just an implicit
AltD(), right?)
Just to you think :-) Historical Debug AKA Time-Machine Debug AKA

Sticky notes

Database editor

Macro recorder

HbIDE have command line options?

Most of suggestions above are not my priority, I think editor and core
should be the priority and I will try focused on it.

Later this week I will write some suggestion about navigation code. This
point need to be really improved.

I wanna see some refactoring on code to make HbIDE more extensible friendly.
I like to see an API.

Thanks for your effort.
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbIDE - - Needed your Reviews

2010-04-27 Thread Antonio Maniero
Hi Pritpal

I reply your message tomorrow. Before I go to bed I suggest you read this
page about importance of UI:

Do you know Joel? All programmers should know him. I agree and disagree with
him on individual topics but he becomes a reference to programmers on a lot
of topics.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] 2.1.0beta1

2010-04-24 Thread Antonio Maniero
Do you downloaded Harbour from SVN? For now 2.1.0.beta1 is available only
from SVN. You need download and build it. If you can't download and build
from SVN I think you should wait official 2.1.0 come, I am pretty right
someone will build and publish it on Sourceforge.

[]'s Maniero

2010/4/24 Siny


 Where can I download from the current version? I do not find it anywhere.



 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] someone uses hbqt for business applications ?

2010-04-21 Thread Antonio Maniero
I don't use it yet but I will use soon on a large ERP with
a sophisticated interface building way. I hope I can share ss later this

[]'s Maniero

2010/4/21 francesco perillo

 Now that hbqt seems more stable than before, I'd like to know if
 someone is using hbqt for business-type applications, I mean crud
 applications, ERP, accounting, etc

 Anyone wants to share some screenshots ?

 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] hbIDE - - Needed your Reviews

2010-04-20 Thread Antonio Maniero

I think all IDE components need to free to be put in any place, specially
with 2 monitors. Now I work with 2x 1280x1024 but I am buying 2 new monitors
to work on portrait position (2x 1200x1920).

Keyboard mapping for all components and many others things need to be
configurable too. For me, IDE was born to be flexible.

Column mode is absolutely necessary.

I will try do real use with HBIDE this week to review it.

[]'s Maniero

2010/4/20 Massimo Belgrano

 I made a suggestion regarding hbide
 Finish/Explain xharbour/clipper support
 Finish wizard for create new project
 Remove welcome screen in particular when load from command line hbide
 Automatic tag in Function lookup

 Possible a theme with color like Visual studio 2010 and  keyboard mapping
 in editor function:

 3 toolbar are a lot, possible remove one?
 very good use of tab in right Left screen when you open Multiple function
 like Documentation,function list ,Project Properties..
 Now toolbar will be included inside right  left screen (last row)
 Better having toolbar as first,last row
 keboard mapping i not able execute at f12  exectool(calc.exe)

 2010/4/19 Pritpal Bedi

 Hello Everybody

 Can you review and suggest something is if
 going the right direction ?

 Massimo Belgrano

 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbIDE - - Needed your Reviews

2010-04-20 Thread Antonio Maniero

 It is there.
 Just click on Float button on any of the docking widgets ( right-side )
 The window becomes independent and you can place them anywhere you want.
 Also next run will remember previous positions and will open there when

I wrote ALL components. Later this week I will write about my experience
working with 2 monitors.
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] FoxPro compatibility

2010-04-14 Thread Antonio Maniero

I want discuss some things with who uses FoxPro. I have some code which
barely translates some FoxPro syntax, but was not my intent reproduce Foxpro
behavior. I will need adapt to be used as a FoxPro compatibility layer.

[]'s Maniero

2010/4/13 Massimo Belgrano

 Post here that
 we search same intrested user

 2010/4/10 Antonio Maniero
  I had written, many years ago,  a few rules for PP translate some FoxPro
  commands to Clipper compatible code. Anyone here with FoxPro experience
  test this?
  I could contribute these rules (and some code, I really can't remember
 how I
  did) to FoxPro compatibility layer.
  []'s Maniero
  2010/4/9 Viktor Szakáts
   2010/4/9 francesco perillo
  quit.resize( 75, 30 );
 quit:resize( 100,30)
   Will be possible use . istead : like visual fox pro?
   Xbase have added a /fox switch to the Xbase++ compiler to accept the
   . instead of the : in terms of OO syntax and will be become  VFP
  You should read the mailing list:
  Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
  Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

 Massimo Belgrano
 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: A question on C++

2010-04-14 Thread Antonio Maniero
Hi Francesco, Viktor, Pritpal, Prezmek and all guys working on HBQt

It's very good to see all that progress about HBQt. I think the HBQt is
going to right way. I hope can help in a near future.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: Improve on hbqt object handling

2010-04-14 Thread Antonio Maniero
Hi Viktor

Are you talking about Harbour GC or ref count in general? Ref count is
enough for this task? Is not possible have circular references?

Can you talk about Harbour GC? I want know about Harbour internals.

[]'s Maniero

2010/4/12 Viktor Szakáts

 That's why reference counting was invented, and the problem
 is that it's not used by HBQT.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] My first study on hbqt code...

2010-04-14 Thread Antonio Maniero

 If I understand correctly (correct me if not):

 - You intend to create separate hbqt_gcpointer*() calls for
 each object type.
 - To add NULL checking to these functions.

 I agree with both. HBQT code should definitely throw RTE when
 NULL is detected, instead of letting it GPF.

 Is it possible and have a kind of ease way to capture every GPF triggered
on a Harbour application and push a RTE instead to break the application? I
mean in low level code, below VM, of course. I begin to study Harbour
internals this week

I'm sorry if I am saying a lot of bullshit or I am miscommunicating with my
bad english. I have dificulty to express myself out of my natural language.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour] Just for Fun

2010-04-14 Thread Antonio Maniero
Please don't take seriously this checklist, just prize how about Harbour
fill that subjective criteria.

*For me* Harbour is very well, getting points mostly on building/bundling. I
think I should congratulate all that have contributing to little FAIL in
this stress test.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Introducing myself

2010-04-10 Thread Antonio Maniero
Some rules I've learned:
Mailing list can't be used as reliable source :-(
Non-english sources too

WP has so many rules, some of them are ambiguous and contradictory. It's
party to an wikipedia's attorney shows and make trouble where everything
walks ok.

You missed my discussion about newsgroup citation. He deleted the citation.
He shows me the rule. Ok. But I challenge him to deleted same source about
Linux History where Linus call for help on kernel development. He runs away.

The Harbour article have so many problems he not stated... The biggest
problem is he pick bureaucratic problems, not content problems.

If all WP rules going to be apllied the majority articles will be vanished
from WP.

Most of Citation needed was putted for me. The problem is get reliable
sources with so many rules. I am trying to make the article conform to WP
standards, have sure about that.

Yworo wants delete Harbour article in favor of xBase article. If Harbour
article is superfluous, thousands and thousands articles
are superfluous too, but this is not a argument, there is a rule denying
this type of argument. Nobody fix the same problem in famous articles
because there are too many forces to fight against.

In summary, who knows the WP process, knows WP is a place to people
expresses power. The majority WP rules are contrary to original intent of WP
when Jimbo creates it.

BTW, this post has the best value for me because I knew about the MT debate
:-) I think we need create an index to valuable posts like msg10164.

[]'s Maniero

2010/4/10 Viktor Szakáts

 Well, we will have to play ball, WP has many rules and
 it serves the whole thing pretty well, so either we
 should talk with the guy and/or streamline the article to
 adhere with the requirements.

 Reliable 3rd party references were missing, so I've added
 some hard statistics (now also an ohloh page).

 We may also use citations from forums (,,, comp.lang.clipper), and
 our own mailing list. F.e. there was great debate between
 Przemek and Xbase++ owner Steffen F. Pirsig:
   (and follow-up replies/corrections to this article)


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Introducing myself

2010-04-10 Thread Antonio Maniero

 We should try. We have nothing to hide and we're
 not lying, so I believe all we need to do is put
 convincing sources behind our statements.

I totally agree.

 F.e. the
 guy deleted the word fast. Now, we have lots and
 lots of speed comparisons with Clipper, Xbase++ and
 xhb, so the back it up, we can just link to such
 a result posted on the mailing list. And see what

I agree although I think he is right. Fast is a very subjective concept.
It's possible give proofs about that, of course.

 It should be okay if linked through Google Translate.

In general, it's not okay. And yes, WP has a lot of this citations.

 So he should also delete Clipper, xHarbour,
 Xbase++ and FlagShip compiler articles as well.
 This is plain nonsense, just ignore it, or point
 him these articles. A general xBase article
 is good idea, but the details are always put
 on distinct pages.

He stalking Harbour article for now.
My idea is improving xBase article and left implementations details for
compilers and interpreters. But this require time. One thing to each time. I
can not get Harbour's article polished yet.

I am having problems with Dmoz too, but still trying. At least in that case,
Harbour is there already.

I will try to improve the criteria about TIOBE is indexing xBase languages.

Anyway I gave the kick off on english. My wish is sell harbour to
portuguese speakers. I can do a better job in my natural language.

   BTW, this post has the best value for me because I knew about the MT
 debate :-) I think we need create an index to valuable posts like msg10164.

 Yes, absolutely.

It's in my TODO list ;-) but I can't do it alone.

BTW, I thinks it's off-topic but I am curious about past issues on Clipper's
and Harbour's history. I will start a new thread if nobody objects about
this a few OT.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Introducing myself

2010-04-10 Thread Antonio Maniero

 For me WP should be only a place where to say that Harbour exist and

what it is while the details and comparisons should be elsewhere.

I disagree although the article need be cleaned up. I bring a lot things
from Clipper and xHarbour article to be polished.  It's a matter of balance
and you can contribute on article It is not mine.
Look at another programming languages articles about details.

 I understand that expression like fast, modern or unlike Java
 need to be proved and that a sentence like Most softwares originally
 writen to run on Xbase++, Flagship, FoxPro, xHarbour and others
 dialects can be compiled with Harbor with some adaptation. can be
 critical. I've used FoxPro in the past and I can say that some
 adaption is not the term I'd use for a conversion :)

I agree, It is not my text. Feel free to change it. You can discuss about
that on WP too. Some WP editors don't read this mailing list.

 Instead you could summarize the introduction leaving only the facts like:
 Harbour is an open source computer programming language. The compiler,
 the runtime and the support libraries are written in Ansi C and
 Harbour itself so they can be built on every operating system that has
 a compatible C compiler. Harbour is known to work under Microsoft
 Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, BSD,  Windows CE, OS/2 Ecomstation,

 The open source Harbour license[1]  is similar to the GNU General
 Public License, with an exception supporting commercial applications,
 so commercial applications can be produced with Harbour and


 Concepts like multiple graphic terminals or replaceable database
 driver are difficult to explain in few sentences and can be even
 misleading so I would remove them.

 In general I think you could present Harbour as a language by itself
 instead of a Clipper clone. The vast majority of developers don't know
 what Clipper is so references to it are almost useless.

It's not my text but I think this is need be better written. We can't hide
this information too.

 Then you could add some code examples trying to make the code as clean
 as possible starting with:

 function main()
   outstd( Hello World )

 I would avoid:

 - mention macro
 - things like ? or QOut
 - terms like procedure or routine
 - show both begin sequence and try catch syntax
 - using DO x
 - show DO CASE

 In general, it's my intent reduce this. It's first attempt to improve the
article. Look xHarbour article to understand why it's ugly. Remember I am
the first to criticize my edits ;-) And look to old Harbour's article.

My main goal is done: shaking the list about the subject.

Anyway, feel free to change the article.

Personally I code in C style. A typical Clipper programmer
don't recognize my code as xBase program. Unfortunately we still need sell
Harbour to Clipper programmer. I repeat, this view is going against my
personal preference but I think it is necessary comparing old (dBase) style
to new (Harbour) style.

Thanks to your suggestions.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbqt: a couple of questions

2010-04-09 Thread Antonio Maniero
Is it ok just agree on the list with intent to influence the decision?

I agree with Francesco and Viktor. I hope I will use HBQt a lot.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] FoxPro compatibility

2010-04-09 Thread Antonio Maniero
I had written, many years ago,  a few rules for PP translate some FoxPro
commands to Clipper compatible code. Anyone here with FoxPro experience to
test this?

I could contribute these rules (and some code, I really can't remember how I
did) to FoxPro compatibility layer.

[]'s Maniero

2010/4/9 Viktor Szakáts

  2010/4/9 francesco perillo
 quit.resize( 75, 30 );
quit:resize( 100,30)
  Will be possible use . istead : like visual fox pro?
  Xbase have added a /fox switch to the Xbase++ compiler to accept the
  . instead of the : in terms of OO syntax and will be become  VFP

 You should read the mailing list:



 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Introducing myself

2010-04-09 Thread Antonio Maniero
Well, I don't say professional, but it is better now. I am improving now

I am having problems with a Wikipedian Prick on english version. He stating
about deleting Harbour article. When the article was weak, ugly and
incomplete, nobody shows to criticize it.

I got a editor account now. I will try improve Harbour web presence
in my spare time.

[]'s Maniero

2010/4/9 Viktor Szakáts

 Hi Antonio,

 Thank you very much for your kind introduction e-mail,
 and very much so for the update work you've done on
 Harbour's wikipedia entry, I've just checked it, it's
 very good job. It finally looks professional.

 You're welcome in the team.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Introducing myself

2010-04-09 Thread Antonio Maniero
I am waiting my wikipedian stalker give up to continue my edits :-) But,
yes, your blog will be my target :-) Today I will edit pt version with
console/GUI drivers. I will use your blog as reference.

Today I asked Vailtom to allow me edit in some way he
thinks ok.

I can help on portuguese, sorry to all. I think english should be a primary
source, but I can do a few with this language. I know my limitations.

[]'s Maniero

2010/4/9 Massimo Belgrano

 i propose  add c:\harbour\doc\xhp-dif.txt to wikipedia page
 if you need any info you can copy[less] from my unprofessional blog
 I am not a professional writer. So this blogger certainly is not as
 slick and clean as something you would find in a professional website
 or magazine. This is just my experience, that I share with you, in my
 own words. English is not my native language, so my constructs are
 probably a bit strange and there are mistakes. Please mail them to me,
 so that I can fix them.

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Introducing myself

2010-04-09 Thread Antonio Maniero
Thanks. I will try Linux soon. This weekend I will try build Harbour64 on my
Windows and I will try Qt as static. I think all my big problems will be
build Harbour with external dependencies. Really external, not the
dependencies on /external folder in SVN, these are ok. And thanks to Viktor
to update them today.

2010/4/9 Bruno Luciani

 Excellent Work in Wikipedia Antonio

 If you need some help in linux , i am UBUNTU user actually , but I have
 from 1997 using some distributions starting from Red Hat 5.0



Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Introducing myself

2010-04-09 Thread Antonio Maniero
It's a shame but this edit will be deleted soon by Yworo wikipedia's user.
he is a experient user and know all wp laws.

I was finding for mailing list statistics ;-) Thanks

[]'s Maniero

2010/4/9 Viktor Szakáts

  i propose  add c:\harbour\doc\xhp-dif.txt to wikipedia page

 I've added it a few hours ago.


Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: Introducing myself

2010-04-09 Thread Antonio Maniero
I will try improve documentation too, but I can just do well in Portuguese.
I will be the boring guy to touch key of documentation.

Typical xbase programmers (not most of this list) have problems when they
documentation, imagine when he can't found documentation. I am not a very
expert on programming but I know fundamentals, I have experience with low
level programming and I worked with hundreds big companies and I am in
trouble to put my own Harbour build up and to understand some internals that
I will need work soon.

I know many Clipper programmers, I helped a lof of them and I am very proud
that all of them are better xBase programmer than the average. Some of them
never had heard on Harbour, some gave up Harbour after one failure (this is
a typical xBase programmer), and old Harbour versions helped build an image
of unprofessional plataform to migrate applications.

I feel that documentation and advocacy are very necessary. Even when I
dislike advocacy :-)

Thanks but I am just giving some thing back to all efforts that the team
have done to Harbour.

Again, sorry by my very strange english.

[]'s Maniero

2010/4/9 Pritpal Bedi

 Viktor Szakáts wrote:
  Hi Antonio,
  Thank you very much for your kind introduction e-mail,
  and very much so for the update work you've done on
  Harbour's wikipedia entry, I've just checked it, it's
  very good job. It finally looks professional.
  You're welcome in the team.

 Others just talked, you did it. Thanks.

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbqt: a couple of questions

2010-04-09 Thread Antonio Maniero
Fisrt, ^C Francesco words and ^V as my words :-)

I really hope HBQt comes to be the most important non-core Harbour
component. My decision about return to xBase programming was helped by HBQt
introducing, but today I couldn't put HBQt in my production code. IMHO HBQt
needed an overhauling to reach Harbour quality level.

HbIDE is a tool which I want work in future and I will post some suggestions
about it, but I think if HBQt have problems, HbIDE always will have problem.

Pritpal, I am pretty sure about difficulties to improve HBQt and about your
good work until now. I think that all of us are putting our trust in you to
lift HBQt to a place where it deserves be. I agree with Viktor when he says
today HBQt is a risky component to use.

And sorry if my english be confusing.

[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Introducing myself

2010-04-08 Thread Antonio Maniero
Hi Marco

At the momento I will just play with Harbour on Linux. Probably I will try
on CentOS. When I have a problem, I post here. For now I need solve some
problems on Windows yet. I have difficulties with dependencies. I need learn
about hbp, hbc and hbm formats. It's just my opinion, but seems too
complicated build application with external dependencies. I got Qt and MySQL
based applications built, but I am trying with Blat and OpenSSL now. I
believed it would be ease with I learned with Qt and MySQL, but I still
having problems without a clue.

[]'s Maniero

2010/4/8 marco bra

 Hi Antonio which Linux distribution have you installed... or you are about
 to install...?
 I follow the Harbour project for many years using Linux (RedHat, Fedora
 then Ubuntu) i'm ready to help you.

 I think the right place is the harbour user list not this list...

 Best regards


 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Re: hbqt: a couple of questions

2010-04-08 Thread Antonio Maniero

Why clicked() is not a codeblock?

[]'s Maniero

2010/4/8 Pritpal Bedi

 francesco perillo wrote:
  So I started to ask myself the necessity to have s_slots and s_events
  (whatever you call them) defined and handled by the programmer.
  And (I understand that QT_SLOTS_CONNECT has a more powerfull syntax
  since it doesn't require you to create SLOT handlers in objects) was
  thinking about the correct way to translate the line
  QObject::connect( quit, SIGNAL(clicked()), a, SLOT(quit()) );
  in harbour/Qt ...

 Harbour's signal/slot handelling is superior then Qt itself.
 We can attach a codeblock with it and in the calling code
 we can update n number of objects visible into that class/function.
 Whereas in Qt it is one-to-one mechanism. The other way around
 is also there in Qt but that is little cumbersome.

 So, why do you want to translate the
 QObject::connect( quit, SIGNAL(clicked()), a, SLOT(quit()) );
 in another way ?

 enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the harbour-devel mailing list archive at
 Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour] Introducing myself

2010-04-07 Thread Antonio Maniero
Hi Qatan

I got compiled last night. There are so many detais, finnaly I got. Lack of
documentation is really a big problem. I did search for whole list to found
my answers.

I still trying to compile several components and examples without success
but I will try harder before post my doubts here.

[]´s Maniero

2010/4/7 Qatan


 I had problems building HBIDE in the past and I understand you.
 My main problem was configuring the enviroment. I assume that you have
 already downloaded the right tools from the right places and have QT, MingW
 and of course, Harbour with contribs (HBIDE).
 I hope the way I do is correct (please anyone correct me if wrong).
 Follows how it is configured in my computer with Windows XP Home. It
 works for me:

 set PATH=%PATH%;c:\x\bin;c:\x\bin\ng;
 set PATH=%PATH%;c:\x\upx;
 set PATH=%PATH%;C:\x\QT\4.5.3\bin;
 set PATH=%PATH%;C:\x\mgw\bin;
 set PATH=%PATH%;C:\x\hb\bin;


 I have a BATCH file that builds Harbour from SVN: (I build it in this
 folder: C:\x\hb\ )

 set HB_WITH_QT=C:\x\QT\4.5.3\include
 set HB_QT_STATIC=yes
 echo Cleanning...
 CD \x\svn
 mingw32-make clean
 echo Clean OK!
 echo Start building libs (Press ctrl-C to stop now)...
 pause NUL:
 mingw32-make install
 echo Done!


 To build HBIDE I just point the prompt to HBIDE folder under CONTRIB
 and fire a simple hbmk2 hbide.hbp as stated by Pritpal Bedi.

 I recommend you to read the INSTALL file that comes with HARBOUR
 carefully because there you find valuable and important details to build and
 use Harbour successfully.

 I use MingW from TDM. I've compiled HBIDE and it is an impressive work
 by Pritpal Bedi. I am creating a small program (CUI mode) using GTWVT and
 when I finish it I will try to port it to *nix.

 PC is Przemyslaw Czerpak but I think you can just say Przemek since he
 signs down his name this way and seems to be much easier for non Slavic

 I hope it helps you a bit.



 - Original Message -

 *From:* Antonio Maniero
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 6 de April de 2010 12:08
 *Subject:* [Harbour] Introducing myself

 Hello everybody

 First of all I really sorry by my bad and poor English. I made my best.

 I am a software developer for 26 years working with several programming
 languages mostly building Line Of Business applications in Brazil.

 I worked with Clipper since Clipper exists. I used the first copy sold in
 Brazil by Softcorp (succeeded by Officer and after Nantucket Brasil and CA
 Brasil). I worked on a company (one of the major business software companies
 in the world) that was practically the only VO beta tester in Brazil. It's a
 shame a good idea turns trash :-) As 1996 on internet era I change my career
 and dropped Clipper in favor of other solutions. Now I am back to LOB
 applications with total freedom to choose my way. I decided modernize my old
 Clipper applications porting to Harbour. I was a big lover of Clipper,
 specially 5.2 and I had supported the way Nantucket did think Clipper
 evolution and some aspects of Visual Objects developed by CA. I liked to see
 Clipper near to syntax and some semantics of C. Yes, I am not a typical
 Clipper developer. I think dBase style is a bad thing although is
 a necessary evil to carry.

 I want fix some errors and bad style which I made on 80's and use improved
 features available on Harbour.  I need rewrite my C functions, throw away
 some, rethink about UI (console to GUI) and databases (transition from DBF
 to MySQL and others RDBMS).

 I think harbor 2.0 is a wonderful piece of software. It's not perfect
 because the heavy legacy to honor. I like the design of a clean core with
 extensions. I want publicly prize Viktor and PC (I can´t write his name :-)
 ). I agree with most of their decisions and I strongly appreciate their
 work. Ok, now I can criticize some points without fear :-) I want to see
 Harbour moving forward, not in xHarbour style, but in smart Harbour style.
 In Brazil we have a popular expression: The hasty eating raw :-)

 I want to make it clear: I want help Harbour development. Now I can mainly
 give my opinions, try to influence some decisions, suggest enhancements,
 report bugs. I need to get experience with C99 and GCC. My C experience is
 about MS-C 5.0 (I give you a candy if you know why :-) ). I need to get time
 to help with code. I will try to contribute with some thing later.

 I can't help too much with documentation, IMHO the biggest Harbour
 need, because my bad English. I am improving Wikipedia's article now. I
 invite you to contribute too. It's an initial work. I will contribute more
 on Portuguese article. I am writing

[Harbour] Introducing myself

2010-04-06 Thread Antonio Maniero
Hello everybody

First of all I really sorry by my bad and poor English. I made my best.

I am a software developer for 26 years working with several programming
languages mostly building Line Of Business applications in Brazil.

I worked with Clipper since Clipper exists. I used the first copy sold in
Brazil by Softcorp (succeeded by Officer and after Nantucket Brasil and CA
Brasil). I worked on a company (one of the major business software companies
in the world) that was practically the only VO beta tester in Brazil. It's a
shame a good idea turns trash :-) As 1996 on internet era I change my career
and dropped Clipper in favor of other solutions. Now I am back to LOB
applications with total freedom to choose my way. I decided modernize my old
Clipper applications porting to Harbour. I was a big lover of Clipper,
specially 5.2 and I had supported the way Nantucket did think Clipper
evolution and some aspects of Visual Objects developed by CA. I liked to see
Clipper near to syntax and some semantics of C. Yes, I am not a typical
Clipper developer. I think dBase style is a bad thing although is
a necessary evil to carry.

I want fix some errors and bad style which I made on 80's and use improved
features available on Harbour.  I need rewrite my C functions, throw away
some, rethink about UI (console to GUI) and databases (transition from DBF
to MySQL and others RDBMS).

I think harbor 2.0 is a wonderful piece of software. It's not perfect
because the heavy legacy to honor. I like the design of a clean core with
extensions. I want publicly prize Viktor and PC (I can´t write his name :-)
). I agree with most of their decisions and I strongly appreciate their
work. Ok, now I can criticize some points without fear :-) I want to see
Harbour moving forward, not in xHarbour style, but in smart Harbour style.
In Brazil we have a popular expression: The hasty eating raw :-)

I want to make it clear: I want help Harbour development. Now I can mainly
give my opinions, try to influence some decisions, suggest enhancements,
report bugs. I need to get experience with C99 and GCC. My C experience is
about MS-C 5.0 (I give you a candy if you know why :-) ). I need to get time
to help with code. I will try to contribute with some thing later.

I can't help too much with documentation, IMHO the biggest Harbour
need, because my bad English. I am improving Wikipedia's article now. I
invite you to contribute too. It's an initial work. I will contribute more
on Portuguese article. I am writing about Harbour on a variety of articles
(xBase, programming languages comparison, etc). See my contribs logged as
bigown. Please, feel free to add new information or edit and delete wrong or
bad text. I am reviewing text bring from xHarbour. It's a good way to learn
more about Harbour. Viktor, I think now the article is very bad, but not a
shame anymore ;-)

In the next days I will try reply some old messages with my opinions.

I would like help with HBIDE but I have a very different programming style
and my major problem as developer is difficulty of adaptation on other
style. Totally my fault. Anyway I would like to see HBIDE  evolution mainly
in code editor and debugger. In fact I hope to get HBIDE compiled. Four days
trying and nothing :-) But I can't get any application using Qt or MySQL
compiled. Maybe my Harbour build is wrong. I still trying.

Well, I have to learn a lot about Harbour, try it on Linux and I hope PC
(druzus) can get some time to answer some doubts about PP. I have special
interest about it because I am thinking to write a transformation software
to change my legacy code. I love Clipper/Harbour PP and I abuse it, but I
know what I am doing.

Now I have a lot of work to do.

Thanks to everyone efforts. Harbour community need to be more active to
sell Harbour on the web. IMHO most xBase programmer is individualist too
much, including. I hope change this.

Feel free to write me in private when the list is not adequate place.

Antonio Maniero
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