[HCDX] Logging

2016-07-01 Thread Dave Valko
BRAZIL  11734.96   R. Transmundial  Found the het here again at 1952.  This 
indeed turned out to be R. Transmundial mixing with 11735 ZBC Zanzibar.  
Sounded like 2 sets of mx at t/in.  Canned anmnts at 1958 by M in PT.  Website 
anmnt w/ment of “Transmundial” and “www”, then start of next anmnt w/ment of 
Transmundial, and off at 1959:02.  Just about equal with Zanzibar.  Don’t ever 
recall hearing this sign off at this time in the past.  Here’s a link to a 
recording I made at sign off;  
https://app.box.com/s/c0ecl2klaasnkunv5ezpv8rh8o4n9k9b  (mention of “www” at 
:15 and “Transmundial” at :21, then R. Transmundial goes off leaving ZBC in the 
clear and the bandwidth is increased.  (1 July)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus receiver
Wellbrook ALA1530S loop
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] R. Munansi Logging

2016-07-02 Thread Dave Valko
USA   15239.95   R. Munansi (via WWRB)  OC at 1558 t/in.  WWRB ID by W and pgm 
solicitation w/phone at 1559.  More deadair.  R. Munansi suddenly up w/nonstop 
Afro Pops at 1601 in good audio/speed.  At 1614 audio went to increased speed 
and was cutting out every second.  More Afro Pops and had a canned anmnt at 
1631 but impossible to copy of course.  Finally stopped the faulty audio at 
1715 and then deadair for 2 minutes before coming back fixed w/more Afro Pops.  
1723 w/sev. IDs and ments of Uganda by M in Afro vern.  “Moneygram” ad in EG at 
1744.  Back to pgming w/mx and then tlk by M w/many names given and ments of 
Uganda and Kampala.  Another ID at 1802, 1804, 1805, and radiomunansi.com 
website and radiomuna...@gmail.com e-mail addr at 1806.  Fair signal.  Here’s a 
link to a Youtube video I posted;  https://youtu.be/-CHiVrtFbdU  (2 July)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus with Wellbrook ALA1530S
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings From the Last 2 Weeks (17-31 August)

2016-08-31 Thread Dave Valko
 0938, then more mx.  Also Definte mx at 1003, 1012, 
1014, 1016, and 1018.  Too much CODAR QRM.  Tnx Ron Howard for passing 
along tip that its been logged in Moscow around 0245-0302.  (30 

31 August 2016 Micro-DXpedition
RX:  Perseus SDR
ANT:  313' Beverage (BOG) aimed roughly at 350°.
Duration:  0910-1305 UTC.
Solar Indices:  Solar Flux = 100  A Index = 16  K Index = 1  B5 
background X-Ray.  No storms.

7259.96VANUATU   R.V.  0917 Pop mx..  Lady DJ at 0924, jingle by 
M, then into “Karma Chameleon” by Culture Club.  0929 canned anmnt by 
M, then one by W, and live lady DJ returned.  More mx on 0948 recheck, 
0953 jingle by M, then same lady DJ w/ment of “tomorrow night”, 0955 
sounded like an ID jingle by M, and back to mx.  Better at 1035 
w/speech in lcl PD w/ment of “people” and “500”.  Signal seemed strong 
enough but modulation was low.  (31 August)

11925.21BRAZIL   R. Bandeirantes   Nice ID during ad block at 0937 
ending w/jingle and usual cat meowing.  Back to pres. nx pgm.  (31 

3325PAPUA NEW GUINEA   NBC Bougainville  Wasn’t on at 0915 but was 
there at 0932.  0958 feature by studio W anncr w/actualities, then 
same W w/outro and mentiong “…if you’d like to comment on ??, you can 
contact us here at the NBC…”, 1001 M w/ID and TC and bird call 
signature (not the old one), then into NBC EG nx by W.  1020 end of 
regional nx by M w/NBC contact info and mentioning the NBC website, 
then studio M anncr in PD w/pgm notes and ID.  Incredible lvl at 1045 
w/speech.  1050 promo w/children in unison with “My station, my 
Bougainville”.  Lcl nx in PD by M at 1105 recheck.  Many ments of 
Bougainville.   ID by diff. M, promo by M, then same M anncr cont. 
w/ment of celebration of anniversary in Bougainville, the NBC website, 
shortwave, and an NBC representative being present somewhere.  Good 
and peaking from 1045-1115.  A little noisy.  (31 August)

9525.89INDONESIA   V.O.I.   1011 EG ID during nx by W “This news 
comes you from the Voice of Indonesia…”.  Came back at 1054 and caught 
Asian Pop mx.  1103 EG promo/ID by M and W, Gamelan mx bridge then W 
over mx w/canned anmnt w/freqs, website for streaming audio, e-mail 
and mailing addrs.  Very rarely hear this well enough to ID.  (31 

3344.86INDONESIA   RRI Ternate (tent.)  Thought I hrd a W anncr 
briefly at 1026.  Maybe mx at 1043.  No sense in spending time on 
this.  (31 August)

7345YAKUTSK   R. Sakha  1034 nice RS Pop song, //extremely weak 
7295.  1037 W anncr in RS or Yakut.  RS Pop-like mx to 1159 Jews Harp 
and the “boing” SFX, only 3 time ticks, then short ID anmnt by W then 
M (starting with “Yakutskiya…”), and into nx by usual W anncr.  Only 
fair at best.  Should have been a lot better considering the BOG was 
aimed right at Yakutsk.  Seemed a lot more noisy than other bands too. 
(31 August)

7410PHILIPPINES   FEBC Cambodia/V.O. Love  FEBC IS to 1159, then 
pleasant choral song, short voice-over anmnt in Khmer by M, instru. SE 
Asian mx, pres. opening anmnt by same M, then unique SE Asian vcl mx 
at 1202.  Could only get a readable signal in USB as AM mode had 
slop-over QRM from a Marti jammer on 7405.  (31 August)

11100CLANDESTINE   Sound of Hope (pres.)  1128 End of CH tlk by M, 
brief fanfare, then W anncr, 1130 Orch. mx and M w/pres. pgm intro, 
cont. mx, then W anncr.  Fair.  Diff. pgming than 11070 //11150. 
Neither 11070/11150 or 11100 were // to the CNR1 jammers.  (31 August)

11665MALAYSIA   Wai FM  1135 ID during nx by W.  Couple ments of 
Sarawak at 1139 during main points again mixed w/fanfare.  1139 ment 
of warta berita.  Fairly good but slop-over QRM from 11670 CNR2.  (31 

15105BANGLADESH   Bangladesh Betar  1227 start of IS, 
unintelligible anmnt, usual flute theme, W anncr at 1230.   Extremely 
weak but clear.  (31 August)

15180NORTH KOREA   V.O. Korea  1229 Incredible strength.  OC 
w/slight hum.  1230 IS and KR IDs by M and W.  Don’t believe I’ve ever 
hrd this freq so strong.  (31 August)

13800SOMALIA   Puntland R.  1246-1250 continuous Koran-like 
chanting by M, but not breaks as you’d hear in the Koran recitation. 
M w/rhythm singing style at 1250-1301+.   Fading by 1255 but M still 
singing.  Really strange that I’d get this as it was almost broadside 
to the BOG.  (31 August)

No sign of the ABC NT Aussies again this morning.  (31 August)

Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S and 153 foot Delta Loop antennas 
(at home) 

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggins from 10-26 September 2016

2016-09-27 Thread Dave Valko

3260 PAPUA NEW GUINEA   NBC Madang  1049-1058 radio play.  1058- M
anncr in PD w/outro and sev. ments of Madang and also Eastern
Highlands Province, New Britain, and ID "...radio Madang ?? long
broadcast ??".  1059 exotic flute, 1100 studio M anncr in PD w/ment of
Saturday night, phone #, tonight, "fax number", and apparently
upcoming pgm.  1102 into lively island mx.  1113 studio M anncr w/ment
of NBC and TC.  Best hrd yet this season.  Easily as good, if not
better, than Neils Perseus in Brisbane!!  (10 Sept.)

3344.87 Getting a carrier here obviously from RRI Ternate after 1100.
(10 Sept.)

6205 PIRATE (NA) WREC/R. Free East Coast  OC at 2257.  Audio up at
2300 w/ID, and into mx.  Comedy ad at 2309 and ID by W.  Another ID at
2322.  R. Free Whatever was here last weekend.  (10 Sept.)

6264.97 PIRATE (EUROPE)  Johnny Tobacco  2241 Recognized "Rainy
Day Women" by Dylan.  2313 anmnt w/ID.  Recognized his voice too.
More mx and back w/anmnts at 2325 and 2327.  Playing a Polka at 2349
and into another at 2354, then more anmnts at 2355 mentioning "...my
signal...goodnight, goodbye, good morning...".  More mx and Johnny
back briefly at 2359 and plug pulled at 2359:24.  (10 Sept.)

6305.13 PIRATE (EUROPE)   R. Marabu   Could only get a carrier
here after 2257.  No audio as it was too weak.  Dr. Tim said R. Marabu
was here.  2347 definitely got some mx.  Audio right at threshold.
(10 Sept.)

6319.98 PIRATE (EUROPE)   Mustang R.  OC came on at 2335:57.
"Summer Breeze" from Grease started at 2337:39.  2341 canned jingle,
and into Rock song. Sounded like another jingle at 2351.  2352 live
anmnt, but too much static noise.  Did catch a "good morning".  0006
"Let It Be" by The Beatles.  Still going at 0033 when my recording
stopped.  As strong as or maybe a tad stronger than Johnny Tobacco.
(10-11 Sept.)

3325 INDONESIA RRI Palangkaraya (pres.)  1036 getting a little mx
that sounded similar to what was hrd on the Japan Perseus'.  (12

6015 SOUTH KOREA   KBS Hanminjok  1039 found this clear for once
w/tlk by M, no doubt during the “Pops Freedom” pgm.  About 10 seconds
after I started recording, the jammer came back on.  Interesting that
both the jammer on this freq and 6003 came back on at the exact same
time.  (12 Sept.)

The Aussie NT stns on 2310, 2485, and 4835 were back on at 1003 with
mx. 2310 and 2485 weak, but 4835 near 100% copy in LSB to avoid 4840
WWCR. (13 Sept.)

6173.83 PERU   R. Tawantinsuyo  Pleasant rustic OA campo mx at
1011 t/in.  1013 TC by W and ID by M, then right back to mx. 1016
another brief anmnt by W but couldn't copy.  1020 fantastic TC and ID
by M “Transmite R. Tawantinsuyo desde Cusco Peru”.  Best hrd in a long
time and nice on very short peaks (2 seconds or so) due to QSB.  (13

No sign of 6134.8 Santa Cruz to at least 1020 this morning.  (13

5980 USA WWCR Getting a horrible spur product of 45 khz (5935 - 5890)
+ 5935 = 5980.  (13 Sept.)

I was getting Alcaravan as good as Rossii was on the JA2GGZ Perseus in
Japan at 1033.   Conversely, Alcaravan was as poor in Japan as Rossi
was here.  (14 Sept.)

2325 AUSTRALIA   ABC Local R., Tennant Creek  Clear and nearly
100% readable except for a few static crashes.  1040 pgm promo for
girl vocal artist ending w/"ABC Local Radio" ID by M.  1048 tlk abt NT
wx.  (14 Sept.)

20 September 2016 Micro-DXpedition:
RX:  Perseus SDR
ANT:  313' Beverage (BOG) aimed roughly at 355°.
QTH:  State Game Lands
Duration:  0855-1215 UTC.
Solar Indices:  Solar Flux = 83  A Index = 10  K Index = 4  G1
geomagnetic storm.  B1 background X-Ray Flux.
WX:  Clear and calm with a heavy dew.  Upper 50’s.

5939.84BRAZIL   R. Voz Missionaria  A lot of ZY Pops from 0910
w/canned jingles and SFX (including roosters) and “Bon dia”s.  Live
studio M DJ in PT.  TCs and chatter.  Good signal at first, excellent
by 0935.  Some slop QRM from 5935 WWCR as usual.  (20 Sept.)

6059.78BRAZIL   Super R. Deus e Amor   0910-0925 M preaching in
PT.  Quite readable and better than at home.  Diff. M preaching at
0934 return, building to shouting level by 0939.  (20 Sept.)

6040.42BRAZIL   RB2  A number of songs in a row, 0937 canned
anmnts including an ID, then live M DJ in PT.  Not that strong.  (20

9390THAILAND   R. Thailand WS   Signal on at 1157:36, 1200 TC in
EG by M, bells IS and M in EG w/full ID ending w/ment of upcoming pgm
in Malaysian.  Good signal but 9395 WRMI slop QRM.  (20 Sept.)

7265PAKISTAN   Azad Kashmir R. (pres.)  1210 subcont.-sounding mx
during a break in the Ham net here.  Surprised to hear anything at
all.  (20 Sept.)

7345 R. Sakha w/usual ToH routine at 1000 but poor signal.  (20 Sept.)

6130TIBET   Xizang PBS  M and W anncrs in pres. Tibetan at 0938
t/in.  Pleasant mx at 1144 recheck, then same M and W again, //6200.
Both weak.  (20 Sept.)

5900 R. Rossii just as strong (weak) as at home.  Was expecting it to
be better.  (20 Sept.)

4895INDIA   AIR Kurseong  Surprised to fi

[HCDX] Loggings 2-7 October

2016-10-07 Thread Dave Valko

4905   CHINA   Xizang PBS  2248 and have it //4920 w/pleasant 
Chinese mx.  6200 should be on as well but nothing there.  Other Chinese 
on 4820, 4800, and had some very weak audio on 4750.  (2 Oct.)

5580.24  BOLIVIA   R. San Jose (pres.)  Weak mx, obviously R. San 
Jose at 2253.  M anncr noted after 2300.  Hrd later after , but only 
a tad better.  (2 Oct.)

5990   CHINA   Qinghai PBS  2304 M tlking in Chinese or 
similar alternating w/Chinese instru. mx on 5990.  Same as hrd on the 
Delhi Perseus.  Got to be Qinghai.  About the same strength as it is in 
the morning.  (2 Oct.)

Looks like hurricane Matthew knocked off WRMI, or they took the 
transmitters off intentionally.  Oddly 6855 is the only freq on though.  
(7 Oct.)

6160.045BRAZIL   Presumed R. Rio Mar on already at 0945.  Quite a 
het created w/CKZN just below 6160.  Had drifted up from 6160.03 to 
6160.045 by 1010.  (7 Oct.)

3274.990PAPUA NEW GUINEA   NBC Southern Highlands  First noted at 
0949 found on the Brisbane Perseus.  //3260 at 0953 w/EG nx.  Weaker 
than 3260 Madang.  Broke away from 3260 at 1001, had what was probably 
an ID promo but I couldn't copy, then played an updated version of the 
native mx w/birdcall (a short fanfare substituted for the native mx) 
signature, then into more NBC nx.  1018 mention of "NBC Radio".  Also 
noted here in PA right at threshold audio level in the 1100-1130 time 
frame.  Sounded like M tlking at 1131 as hrd on the Brisbane Perseus.  
Nice to see this one back on!!  (7 Oct.)

3325 Bougainville was off at 0953 but was on at 1016 check but only abt 
as strong at 3275.  Much much weaker than usual.  (7 Oct.)

On the Brisbane Perseus, found someone on 3210 playing Pop Dance and Rap 
mx in the 1155-1225+ time frame.  A very short sentence by M at 1209 but 
couldn't copy.  Went into a feature at 1221 presented by M anncr in US 
accent EG giving ment of “?? Radio” and a website.  Couldn’t copy the 
word before “Radio”.  No harmonics work out.  (7 Oct.)


Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA USA

Perseus, Wellbrook ALA1530S and 153 triangular Delta Loop

and Perseus net receivers.

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Recent Loggings

2016-10-09 Thread Dave Valko
1010 and 1020   UNID.   Found a strange noise sounding somewhat like the 
Aboriginal Didjeridoo instrument on 1020 kHz at 0717 UTC.  Brett Saylor 
noticed there was another one on 1000 kHz and that it’s comprised of 
carrier-like lines of audio spaced at about 180 or 190 hertz apart, on 
the upper sideband of 1000, and on the lower sideband of 1020.  Brett 
Saylor theorizes it may be coming from WINS on 1010 kHz.  To see a video 
of the reception, here's a Youtube link   https://youtu.be/jmkmOfRs6s4  
(7 Oct.)

7 October 2016:  Micro-DXpedition

15190 PHILIPPINES   PBS/R. Pilipinas  1905 feature by M and W 
pgm hosts in Tagalog.  Pop mx on return at 1924.  1928 canned R. 
Pilipinas/V.O. the Philippines ID and sked anmnt by M, short choral NA, 
a little deadair, then signal off at 1930:04.  Don’t recall ever hearing 
the Philippine NA here before.  (7 Oct.)

9275.04  USA   WMLK  1910 found on the air.  Spiritual instruction 
with a lot scription quotes.  2000 full complete ID and off the air at 
2001:57.  Good signal.  (7 Oct.)

1630   USA   WPMI336, TIS, US 40/48 and Willow Brook road 
interchange Cumberland, MD Allegany county.  MDOT TIS.  Loop recording 
including ID at 1950:05.  (7 oct.)

9355   CHINA  Firedrake (jammer)  Noted at 1956 until 2001:02 
when 9350 WWCR came on and blasted it.  Firedrake obviously jamming R. 
Free Asia.  (7 Oct.)

11735 ZANZIBAR   ZBC R.  2100 lady DJ, then quick Spice FM ID 
and immediately off.  Was hoping it would stay on for an extra minute or 
2 as the signal was pretty nice, but no.  (7 October)

11895.04UNID.  Getting a signal here at 2107.  Sounded like mx 
briefly.  Signal seemed strong enough but just couldn’t be certain.  
Blasted out by Vatican at 2145-2200, but was clear at 2200 and went off 
before 2201.  Was hoping for Boa Vontade but it should’ve stayed on.  
Who??  (7 Oct.)

6304.82  PIRATE (EUROPE)   Cupid R.  Signal here at 2110.  Too weak 
yet.  Sounded like M anncr at 2128 then mx.  Almost good enough on peaks 
at 2130 to recog. songs.  Bursts from a UTE at 2134 and M anncr.  
2137:00 short canned anmnt by M and immediately off.  Alexandr said it 
was Cupid R.  (7 Oct.)

6215  same as 6284.97 above at 2136.  Alexandr in the chat room said 
others heard R. Oscar Zulu.  (7 Oct.)

6010.15  COLOMBIA   LV de tu Conciencia  Hrd W in EG ending sentence 
w/"...the mercy of the Lord", then into EG song sounding much like Van 
Morrison, and into LA song.  ID promo at 0838 between songs.  Good at 
times.  Fady.  Way off freq now, but not tremendously variable like it 
used to be.  (8 Oct.)

7259.932VANUATU   R.V.  Found this is down a little lower now at 
0910 w/pres. nx by W.  Pop mx later at 0923, M anncr between songs at 
0924.  Long speech or preaching 0958-1016+.  Dropped off towards 1100 
while co-channel presumed Xinjiang was coming up.  (8 Oct.)

11895 UNID  Must have just caught it signing on within a couple 
seconds at 1034 as the signal went from 11895.03 up to 11895.17 quickly, 
then gradually and steadily drifted back down to 11895.12 by 1045, and 
11895.09 by 1125.  Like the other afternoon, it seemed strong enough on 
peaks, but I couldn't detect any audio.  Wonder if this is Boa Vontade 
with a 1030-2200 sked.  (9 Oct.)

12034.88MONGOLIA  V.O. Mongolia   1052-1055 tlk by W in JP, same as 
hrd on Brisbane and Japanese Perseus'.  Quite weak here though, but 
still audible.  (9 Oct.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA 1530S loop antenna and 153 foot Delta 

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 12 October 2016 Loggings

2016-10-12 Thread Dave Valko
7146.56  ERITREA  V.O. the Broad Masses of Eritrea  Found here on 
this odd freq at 0313 w/tlk by studio W anncr in lang. alternating w/HoA 
mx.  Severely jammed with a white noise jammer.  Gradually got worse and 
could barely hear any audio at all by 0330 due to the weakening signal 
and jammer.  Here's the link to a Youtube video of this, 7175 and also 
7120 R. Hargeisa   https://youtu.be/4-X6LdcJM6U  (12 Oct.)

7175   ERITREA   V.O. the Broad Masses of Eritrea  Barely able 
to make out mx through the severe white noise jammer at 0313 followed by 
W anncr.  More difficult than 7146.56.  Was able to hear HoA mx at 0316, 
then M anncr at 0317-0320+.  Like 7146.56, couldn't really hear the 
audio through the jamming by 0330.  (12 Oct.)

7120   SOMALIA  R. Hargeisa  Nothing by 0320 t/out, but the 
signal was there at 0326 recheck.  Could just barely hear mx at 0328 and 
tlk by M at 0330 but it was just totally impossible.  They can't be 
modulating at more than 5%.  (12 Oct.)

5024.93  PERU   R. Quillabamba  Noticed 5025 Rebelde had just an OC 
at 0944 which continued.  Quillabamba's carrier popped on 5024.94 at 
0952 but had deadair as well (at least I couldn't detect any) until 
Rebelde's audio came up at 1035.  Actually Rebelde went off the air 
completely for 5 seconds at 1035 before coming back on with audio.  In 
those 5 seconds when the Quillabamba signal was in the clear, I still 
didn't hear any audio.  (12 Oct.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR, Wellbrook ALA1530S and 153 foot Delta Loop
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 14 October 2016 Loggings

2016-10-14 Thread Dave Valko
4985.01   BRAZIL   R. Brasil Central  0810 found in the clear with the 
RTTY off.  Aparecida pgm.  ZY Pops and live M DJ and occas. ad blocks 
w/Aparecida jingles, TCs.  //11815.02.  Here's a link to a stereo 
recording (4985.01 and 11815.02 separate channels) I made:  
https://app.box.com/s/dqyjtj3e83oyu9ra7h4k7570a5fj7rq2   (14 Oct.)

6035   R. Marti   0916 ID/promo by M, //5980 which was abt 3 seconds 
behind.  Jamming very weak and hardly effective for once but came up to 
near normal level in the next 3 min.  Same complete f/out of the jamming 
occurred again at 0939.  (14 Oct.)

No 6180 R. Nacional Amazonia this morning from 0810 to at least 0920.  
(14 Oct.)

Neither 6160 Canadian showing any kind of a signal at 0947.  Completely 
absent.  (14 Oct.)

600 CUBA   R. Rebelde  With the disturbed conditions, found 
this in and out along with many other Cubans on the MW band.  0942 nx 
pgm w/M and W host, //5025.  When 600 was peaking, almost nothing else 
audible on the freq.  Here's a link to a stereo recording (600 and 5025 
in separate channels) I made:  
https://app.box.com/s/kwl9xeibzn4yvn4b3yvuoeqh3mk4p80i  Of course you 
get the best effect using headphones.  (14 Oct.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA USA

Perseus SDR and NRD-535D
153 foot Delta Loop and Wellbrook ALA1530S loop
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 23 October 2016 Micro-DXpedition loggings and 1 From 25 Oct.

2016-10-25 Thread Dave Valko

23 October 2016:  Micro-DXpedition

6140   CUBA   R. Havana Cuba  Found a spur of 6060 here at start 
0647 and went off at exactly 0701:13.  Some adjacent slop QRM.  
Disappointed this turned out to be a spur.  (23 Oct.)

6205.08  PIRATE (EUROPE)   Coast FM  Dance mx format w/canned 
anmnts/singing jingles between songs, occas. M DJ chatter, and ad blocks 
right from the start.  0659 ad for pharmacy, then nx ID “With ?? News 
around the clock, this is the Canaries biggest British radio station, 
this is Coast FM”, then 2-min. nxcast, and back to mx.  0724-0727 “I’m 
Coming Out” by Diana Ross.  0742 ID “Coast FM.  More music weekend.  
Coast FM”.  0745-0749 “Celebration” by Kool and the Gang.  Decent 
signal.  Still coming in at 0853 when I packed up and left for the other 
site.  Video can be found at  https://youtu.be/gKSsJxbCqsg  (23 Oct.)

6304.8PIRATE (EUROPE)   R. Marabu  Alternative and Pop mx w/M DJ 
in GM and many ID jingles.  Some really nice peaks between 0657-0705.  
Did recognize “Sexual Healing” by Marvin Gaye at 0726.  Fading by 0800.  
Still a little signal w/bits of audio by 0850, but unreadable.  A video 
can be found at  https://youtu.be/63vxaBmML9g   (23 Oct.)

6070   GERMANY   Atlantic 2000 Int. (via Channel 292, Rohrback)  
“Word of Deliverance” pgm to 0659, then Altantic 2000 Int. starting w/M 
giving ID “You’re listening to Atlantic 2000 International” followed 
immediately by W and M w/IDs in FR and GM.  Instru. mx, 0700 M w/short 
voice-over ID, then diff. M w/FR opening freq anmnt”, and into “Listen 
to the Music” by The Doobie Brothers at 0701-0704.  0704 sev. jingles 
including “Whoopie!!”.  0705-0710 “Love is a Battlefield” by Pat 
Benatar.  0710 FR song anmnt and ID by M w/ment of kilohertz.  0711-0714 
unrecog. slow Rock song.  0714 short canned anmnt by W, then same M DJ 
w/ment of kHz sev. times.  Came back at 0718 and hrd “Sunshine Superman” 
by Donavan until 0721, then M DJ again in FR w/ment of R. Waves and 
canned tlk by M over techno mx, and ending w/M DJ giving ID.  0724-0727 
“More Than a Woman” by The Bee Gees.  0727 jingle and live M DJ in FR 
again w/upcoming song anmnt.  0728- Pop song “?? My Heart”.  More of the 
same w/song “98.6” by Keith at 0736.  Didn’t recog. any others.  Faded 
and was getting nasty 6090 Anguilla slop QRM after abt 0745.  Video can 
be found at  https://youtu.be/ccbDZlBcpkg  (23 Oct.)

7254.94  NIGERIA   V.O. Nigeria  0805-0814 nx and sports by M in EG. 
 Very weak modulation.  0814 into Afro Pop mx.  Much better lvl for 
inspirational rel. segment from 0815-0820.  M anncr barely audible then 
at 0820.  Better lvl again for promo by M at 0820 including sev. IDs.  
And ment of freqs, mb, and website at 0821.  Nice ID at 0824.  Somewhat 
surprised it was this readable this late.  A video can be found at  
https://youtu.be/ToYvbfRc5a4  (23 Oct.)

7699.94  PIRATE (EUROPE)   FRSH  0829 end of Pop song, then canned 
ID/promos by M and ment of 30th anniversary.  0830 into another unrecog. 
Soul song.  0834-0838 anmnt w/ment of FRSH and historical tlk segment 
including ment of Bob Dylan.  0838 back to mx w/another unrecog. song.  
Decent peak during song at 0840.  0843 anmnt over end of song (machine 
gun UTE QRM), then immediately into another Rock song.  0847 another 
anmnt but fading.  Pretty fady signal.  Video can be fround at  
https://youtu.be/DzgtvxRHMUg   (23 Oct.)

9510   ITALY??  Euro Gospel R. (tent.)  0935 tlk by W in EG but 
too weak and too much slop QRM from 9515.  Could get an occas. word on 
peaks.  (23 Oct.)

9550.03  UNID.   R. Boa Vontade??  Mx at 0941.  Very weak.  (23 

1620UNID.  Found someone here with an awful transmitter fault 
generating 120 hertz buzzing noise at 1023 UTC.  Suspect it may be R. 
Rebelde, but maybe not.  Strong signal.  Video can be found at  
https://youtu.be/VCHC4t9AgQo  (25 Oct.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with 313 foot Beverage on the ground at 45 and 355 degrees.
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 2 Micro-DXpeditions; 25 and 26 October loggings

2016-10-27 Thread Dave Valko
th at 1811 (wasn’t 
there at 1754) but W anncr barely audible.  Fairly good at 1849 w/nx by 
W in EG.  ID by W at 1958, and into Pop song at 1859.  Pop mx at 1900, 
then W anncr introducing the nx w/M host.  (26 Oct.)

5820   MADAGASCAR   RTE R.  Audio up at 1929:45 as M gave ID, 
and pgm in progress.  Break for nice ID/contact info by W at 1945, and 
cont. pgm.  After changing laptop batteries, checked this at 1953 and 
had the same pgm abt sev. elderly ladies who love to dance as hrd 
yesterday at the same time.  Tone again at 1958 and off w/out ID.  Video 
of the reception can be found at  https://youtu.be/1Rohiu-WBII  (26 

6030   ETHIOPIA   R. Oromiya  Signal suddenly came on at 
1934:15, and the audio came up w/HoA mx at 1935:45.  Signal improved 
quite a bit in just 25 min.  1958 M anncr in apparent Oromo but didn’t 
hear any mention of Oromiya.  Usual anthem to 1959-2000, long deadair, 
and signal gone at 2004:54.  (26 Oct.)

Signal on 5010.63 after 1930, probably Madagascar.  Stronger and enough 
that audio should have been detected at 2019 but wasn’t.  No sign of 
5066.3 Candip.  (26 Oct.)

6090   ETHIOPIA   Amhara R.  Looked like the signal came on at 
1934:45.  Interesting that this and R. Oromiya came on at about the same 
time.  Equal w/CRI at this time.  Started out abt 3 or 4 hz below CRI.  
M anncr when the audio came on at 1935:00.  HoA mx at 1937.  Took phone 
caller at 1954.  ID for CRI at 1956, then instru. CH mx on CRI and HoA 
mx on Amhara.  In the clear w/HoA mx when CRI went off at 1957.  Another 
phone conversation at 2001.  A miniscule signal compared to yesterday.  
Good at 2020 check w/HoA mx.  Phone call again at 2050.  2058 live M 
anncr, very brief mx, then usual ID anmnt w/vibraphone, choral anthem 
and off 2100.  Wonder why the dramatic change in signal level from 
yesterday.  (26 Oct.)

4710   USA   WPII600, Glastonbury, CT TIS (3 X 1570 harmonic)  
ID by M starting the loop anmnt at 2106:45.  Did catch phone number and 
website earlier.  Very fady.  First time hrd since 6 Sept. and surprised 
it made it again.  (26 Oct.)

6205.08  Getting a signal here at 2114, no doubt Coast FM.  Not 
strong enough for audio though.  (26 Oct.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 27 October Micro-DXpedition Loggings

2016-10-28 Thread Dave Valko

27 October 2016 Micro-DXpedition:
RX:  Perseus SDR
ANT:  313' Beverage (BOG) aimed at 60°.
Solar Indices:  Solar Flux = 78  A Index =46  K Index = 5  G2 level 
storms.  A8 X-Ray flux.

 WX:  Cloudy with drizzle and rain, mid-40’s

7146.56  ERITREA   V.O. the Broad Masses of Eritrea  Getting 
extremely weak signals showing up on both 41mb freqs at 1646 start.  
Audio on both 7146.56 and 7185 at 1810.  7146.56 fairly strong w/closing 
anmnt by M at 1830, then long patriotic song 1833, then OC to at least 
1837.  You can view the video here  https://youtu.be/iShJIXKaxEg  (27 

15235 SOUTH AFRICA   Channel Africa  1700 into EG w/”Africa 
Digest” w/pgm intro by W, then live M host w/TC, pgm and stn ID and 
freqs, and upcoming stories preview, and W w/nx.  Fair.  (27 Oct.)

15260 UK   R. Sama from IBRA (via Woofferton)  Signal on at 
1659:40 and audio up 12 sec. later w/AR Pop mx, W w/ID, then switch to 
horrible audio feed like it was through a phone w/mx and M anncr briefly 
which was stopped, then back to good feed w/same M over mx.   Good 
signal.  Video can be found here  https://youtu.be/wgg-x2Nv7l8  (27 

11750 SRI LANKA   SLBC (tent.)  Signal here at 1713 w/what 
sounded like subcont. mx, but too weak and too much 11760 slop QRM.  (27 

11700 SWAZILAND   TWR  1800 chime IS and EG ID by M then off.  
Good signal.  (27 Oct.)

7200L Hams   1804 presumably a Ham operator playing “Flirtin’ 
With Disaster” by Molly Hatchet intentionally jamming other Hams who 
were having a good discussion about him.  One Ham repeated mentioned FCC 
rule paragraph 97.113 sub-paragraph 4.  Went on for quite a while.  
Here's a link to the video  https://youtu.be/u9WHBYVnZ6w  (27 Oct.)

4920   UNID.   Rel. preaching by M at 1655.  Not a spur of 5015. 
 Harmonic maybe??  Not 1230 as lcl stn WCRO is not rel.  There are a few 
regional rel. stns on 1230.  Could be 1640 WJSP, Sussex, WI or 820 WVSG, 
Columbus, OH too.  I didn’t check for parallels.  (27 Oct.)

6090 Amhara R. came on at 1931:22, then mx brought up 10 sec. later.  
And 6030 R. Oromiya came on at 1932:17, then mx on 13 sec. later but 
they were having trouble with the audio cutting in and out (check out 
the video at  https://youtu.be/Sv9W73om5FY  ).  Second day in a row 
these 2 came on around 1930 and wonder how often this occurs.  (27 Oct.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Logging, R. Quillabamba

2016-10-31 Thread Dave Valko
5024.93  PERU   R. Quillabamba  Found R. Rebeldes audio off again 
(just OC) at 0950 and waited/hoped for R. Quillabamba to s/on which it 
did at 0957:13 w/usual opening routine by alternating M and W in SP 
including QTH, ID, calls and freqs, pgming format, etc.  0959 fanfare 
and another ID anmnt by M, barnyard SFX starting w/Rooster crowing, 
Horse, Dog, and even a Wolf howling, then live studio AM W DJ w/nice IDs 
and freqs and website www.radioquillabamba.com over camposino mx.  Into 
campo mx at 1002.  Canned ID jingle between songs.  Then the audio of R. 
Rebelde came on at 1005:10, however R. Quillabamba was giving it a run 
for its money.  Had to tune in LSB to avoid the het from Rebelde.  A bit 
of noise too, possibly from 5015.  Would say conditions were poor.  Had 
it be good, I can’t imagine what Quillabamba would’ve sounded like!!  A 
video of the reception can be found at  https://youtu.be/TPnks1hNxy4  
(31 Oct.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop antenna

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Latest Loggings

2016-11-07 Thread Dave Valko
settled on 6260.05!!  Dance mx up a little at 0823.  
M anncr at 0825:30 but too weak to copy.  When he moved to 6260.05, 
there looked to be like an extremely weak signal already there.  R. 
Waves Int.??  Went off sometime between 0832 and 0834 while I was 
checking calibration.  Tnx Irish Pauls blog.  A video of my reception 
can be viewed at  https://youtu.be/Xh0hoUrXeao  (6 Nov.)

6230   PIRATE (EUROPE)   R. Casanova  Signal on at 0817:10 and 
playing mx at 0818.  Definite mx on 0820, 0821, 0822:45 peaks.  0823 
into another Dutch song.  0823:55 and 0824:20 M anncr voice-over.  0826 
novelty instru., I think “My Bonnie”.  0827 into “The Old Man Down the 
Road” by John Fogerty and M voice-over, and again at 0829:40.  0830 
another Dutch song.   0836:20 M anncr.  0838:05 some kind of jingle w/M 
voice in a bottle.  Really nice peak at 0839 and 0840:05.   0841 sounded 
like canned e-mail in IT.  0842 M voice-over with 
radiocasan...@hotmail.com e-mail addr and into “Candle in the Wind” by 
Elton John.  Fading out completely just 5 min. later.  Some SSB QRM.  
Video of the reception can be viewed at  https://youtu.be/_1sglra6vu0  
(6 Nov.)

9345   ARMENIA   TWR India (relay) (pres.)  1342 found end of 
tlk by W anncr in apparent Bondo then mx, and gone at 1344:49 as per 
sked.  Weak.  (6 Nov.)

15070.07PIRATE (EUROPE)   Cupid R.  Tnx John Cooper tip, found 
w/Dance and Pop mx at 1604.  1613 anmnt w/IDs and peaking during 
listener acknowledgments.  More anmnts at 1622.  Canned e-mail anmnt at 
1628.  Live anmnts again at 1639.  Poor but had a couple decent peaks.  
(6 Nov.)

15059.87PIRATE (EUROPE)   Enterprise R.  Very shortly after getting 
in the Pirate Chat, Capt. Denny asked if I could tune in and did.  
Extremely weak signal and didn’t seem to hold much promise.  But then it 
came up at 1616 with a little mx, and dropped back down.  Back at 1624 
w/a bit more audio, but then the best peak at 1626:00 w/guitar solo who 
Capt. D. said was Queen.  Couldn’t recog. it though as it was a song 
from one of the latter LPs.  Dropped out completely again.  Even though 
it was right at threshold at 1633, it never did come back up.  A Youtube 
video of this reception can be viewed at  https://youtu.be/e7zub-QKvVM   
(6 Nov.)

An e-QSL came in from Renegade R. for 1 Nov. Halloween reception on a 
Youtube video I posted.  (6 Nov.)

6 NOVEMBER 2016  Quick micro-DXpedition:
RX:  Perseus SDR
ANT:  313' Beverage (BOG) aimed at 35°.
Duration:  1705-1735 UTC.

15070.08PIRATE (EUROPE)   Cupid R.  1704 tlk abt the Summer Meeting 
while the BOG was being laid out.  1705:07 ID and greetings, and said 
was closing in 15-20 min., and back to Dance mx and really faded.  1717 
more listener acknowledgments including shout-out to yours truly 
listening at “the remote site”.  Very fady signal.  No better than at 
home, but also about 45 min. later.  A video of the reception can be 
found at  https://youtu.be/u5DtfCCqkJQ  (6 Nov.)

Barely any signal at all on 15059.87 from 1705+ on Enterprise R.  Way 
below threshold.  (6 Nov.)

11750 SRI LANKA  SLBC  subcont. Pop mx at 1725.  Went right over 
the BoH w/mx.  Was hoping for an ID then.  Some slop QRM from massive 
11760 Cuba.  (6 Nov.)

6925U PIRATE (NA)   UNID.  Historical pgm on Sodom & Gomorrah 
from 1853 t/in.  Suddenly off in mid-pgm at 1905:24.  Apparently same 
stn back on at 1915 w/pgm abt Caroline Norton and “The Infants Custody 
Act”.  Gone at 1957.  Strong with a little QSB.  (6 Nov.)

6873.4v   PIRATE (NA)   WEEK  Signal on at 2008:10 right on 6873.4.  
Checked calibration, came back, and was playing “8 Days a Week” by The 
Beatles at 2010.  2011:25 M anncr w/ment of “?? Shortwave free radio 
station….radio ??”  followed immediately by raspy-voiced M w/apparent 
e-mail addr "...dot com".  Recog. a Bluegrass version of “Wild Horses” 
at 2022:50.  Not that strong but would have been easy if not for the 
apparent TV buzzing QRM.  I find it interesting that this is the exact 
same freq and identical xmtr drift to that of Witch City R. heard last 
Monday!!  A video of this reception can be seen at  
https://youtu.be/YEflK-wvDeA  (6 Nov.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR and Wellbrook ALA1530S, 153 foot Delta Loop, and BOGs on 

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 25-26 November Zion PA DX Session, 4 December 2016 Micro-DXpedition Loggings

2016-12-09 Thread Dave Valko
the audio would’ve 
been up to 100%.  (Valko  4 Dec.)

6145   ARMENIA   R. Menschen & Geschichten   End of Pop song at 
1907 and M anncr in GM w/ID, then took phone caller.  Good signal.  A 
video of the reception can be found at  https://youtu.be/pNpR1zEDEao  
(Valko  4 Dec.)

6040   IRAN   V.O. the Islamic Rep. of Iran  Signal came on 
around 1922, then deadair until mx started at 1928 for abut 30 seconds 
before going off.  Audio finally came on at 1958 w/mailbag pgm.  Very 
strong.  (Valko  4 Dec.)

6205.08 Presumed Coast FM at 1942.  Way too weak to get any 
audio yet.  Finally getting some mx at 2010.  Slightly better by 2025.  
Looked gone by 2042.  (Valko  4 Dec.)

5950   ETHIOPIA   V.O. the Tigray Revolution   1952 M DJ trying 
to take a phone call w/many “hello”s before finally getting the caller 
on.  Into HoA mx.  (Valko  4 Dec.)

6925   PIRATE (NA)   R. Free Whatever  2013 big signal old time 
oldie “Look At Him Now”.  2020 “Radio Free Whatever Time Wrap”.  Strong. 
  A video of the reception can be found at  https://youtu.be/0V0RJhCnq3A 
 (Valko  4 Dec.)

4996   RUSSIA   RWM  2039 CW IDs, then time ticks on the 
subsequent minutes.  Quite strong and surprised to find it here.  A 
video of the reception can be found at  https://youtu.be/QJPDHXO33mg  
(Valko  4 Dec.)

7265   PAKISTAN   Azad Kashmir R.  1209 simple M vcl subcont. 
singing to 1218.  Found // that hrd on Aussie web rxs.  Into a song at 
1218 w/wailing vcl.  Faded just enough after 1220 to make it really 
difficult.  Of course China came on at 1230.  (Valko  5 Dec.)

3375.07  BRAZIL  R. Municipal  1006 ZY Pop song, 1008 lively canned 
anmnts by M w/ment of Brasil, then same M DJ over mx at 1009-1013.  Was 
able to catch 1 mention of Municipal and Brasil and ID at 1012:15.   
Back to mx at 1013.  Very difficult due to faulty 60 hz buzzing xmtr.  
(Valko  6 Dec.)

5010   UNID.   Strong OC noted here as early as 1025.  Thought 
it might be Taiwan or China returning, but no audio noted past 1200.  
Also found on KiwiSDR web rx in Montana and Australia.  Also found later 
in the day at 2145+.  Jim Young also had it out west.  (Valko  6 Dec.)

6035   CHINA   Yunnan PBS  Surprised to find this on at 1212 
w/Classical mx, long periods of silence between songs.  Still going at 
1245.  No too bad when it was peaking around 1225-1230.  Ron Howard said 
he had it to 1346.  (Valko  6 Dec.)

9545   CHINA   CNR1  Found here at 1247 w/M and W hosting pgm in 
CH, //9500.   Went off near the end of the ToH time ticks.  I don’t 
recall ever hearing this freq before.  Is this new??  (Valko  6 Dec.)

9500   IRAN   V.O. the Islamic Rep. of Iran  Usual soft piano 
signature song at 1250 mixing abt equally w/CNR1.  Choral anthem-like 
song at 1253, then into the Koran at 1254.  (Valko  6 Dec.)

7175   ERITREA   V.O. the Broad Masses of Eritrea  1333-1349 tlk 
by M in lang. and mx bridge at 1336, and M continuing w/occas. remote 
reporter to 1352, then HoA mx for abt 45 seconds (the beat was 
prominent), and M continued.  Found parallel to that hrd on the SV3EXP 
KiwiSDR web rx in Greece.  Nothing noted here on 7146.55 and no audio 
detected here on 7120 or on the web rx in Greece.  (Valko  6 Dec.)

4949.73  ANGOLA   R. Nacional Angola  2354 soft PT Pop song, 2357 M 
DJ in PT, 4 time ticks, TC, then nx pgm segment by M w/siren SFX.  (A 
crime report??) 0002:20 nice ID by M followed by the siren SFX again, 
then live M anncr tlk w/ment of Angola.  M DJ was having trouble taking 
phone call on the air at 0125.  Usual ToH routine at 0200.  Nice signal. 
 A video of the reception can be found at  https://youtu.be/3Ki0eVC2JzA  
(Valko  6-7 Dec.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop and 153 foot Delta Loop

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 12 December Logging

2016-12-12 Thread Dave Valko
6119.95  BRAZIL   Super R. Deus e Amor  0222 apparent rel. tlk in PT 
by M over instru. mx w/ment of “espirtu santo” (many), “gloria”, “bon 
dia”, etc.  Rel. mx at 0228.  0232 tlk by diff. M w/ment of “programa”, 
“amor”, Sao  Paulo.  Came back at 0239 and noted W anncr w/ment of 
Cristo, transmundial.  0243 instru. mx bridge, then M anncr w/ment of 
Brasil, amor, and many numbers (sounded kind of like phone numbers), 
canned anmnt by W and W, then M host again.  //11764.63 which had some 
noise just on the upper edge.  This freq always very poor, but improved 
this time.  Made a Youvideo of this reception with STEREO AUDIO using 
the Perseus SDR on 11764.63 (left channel) and the NRD-535D on 6119.95 
(right channel).  Here's the link  https://youtu.be/8AHIwHge6IQ  (Valko 
12 Dec.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA USA
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Logging 23 December 2016

2016-12-23 Thread Dave Valko
2520   USA   WOCO, Oconto, WI  2nd harmonic of 1260  First found 
at 1205 w/M w/inspirational message, farming related nx and features.  
1221 Joe Prato(?) w/wx ending w/ID, live lady DJ w/current conditions, 
1222 Polkas.  1229 DJ w/song anmnts and sev. anecdotes.  1230 “USA Radio 
News”, 1232 wx again, lady DJ.  1240-1255 back to Polkas including one 
mentioning “Merry Christmas from Wisconsin” and “I Love Christmastime”.  
Lady tlking abt what Lena was having for breakfast.  1256 wx sponsored 
by Peterson Ford, and another Polka leading up to ToH.  Signal was 
strong but modulation a little low.  A video I posted on Youtube can be 
found with this link  https://youtu.be/J57cEs4SPOk  use 480p quality 
setting for best picture.  (Valko 23 Dec.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus with Wellbrook ALA1530S
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings 20-30 December 2016

2016-12-30 Thread Dave Valko
Have in Jesus” at 2003, studio M anncr w/ID and Swaziland addr, brief 
instru. mx bridge, M again but cut off, IS once, and off at 2005.  
(Valko 29 Dec.)

6040 IRAN   VOIROI  Went off abruptly in mid-pgm at 2020:12. 
 Very strong but usual low modulation.  (Valko 29 Dec.)

9835 MALAYSIA??   Sarawak FM??  Found a weak signal here at 
2038 w/audio right at threshold.  Nothing else sked to be on this freq 
at this time.  (Valko 29 Dec.)

5920.03GERMANY   HCJB Deutschland (pres.)  Had a signal here at 
2050.  Little soft rel-like mx at 2057 and more so on 2058 peaks.  W in 
definite GM at 2100:35 and went off the air at 2101:00.  Just when it 
was starting to come up.  For a Youtube video of the reception, click on 
this link  https://youtu.be/G5yHN7xYvl4  (use 480p quality setting for 
best viewing)  (Valko 29 Dec.)

9380   INDIA   AIR, National Channel, Aligarh  Noted this was 
off-freq on 9381 before Christmas, found they had readjusted it back on 
9380 the past few days.  Came on at 1320:23 and subcont. mx start at 
1325:17 briefly followed by W anncr.  Strength isn’t too bad but 
modulations is low.  For a Youtube video of the reception, use this link 
 https://youtu.be/59CiAr6s3Fo  (use 480p quality setting for best 
viewing)  (Valko 30 Dec.)

e-QSL came in from Europa 24 for September reception reported in 
November.  (Valko 30 Dec.)

5939. BRAZIL   R. Voz Missionaria  Was waiting and hoping to 
catch the full EG ID anmnt and was listening from 2255 and nothing.  But 
at 2356 hrd the same correspondence/report request by M in EG as hrd on 
the 28th at 2358 on 9664.95.  So maybe it's a regular feature at the end 
of the pgm.  For a Youtube video of the reception, use this link  
https://youtu.be/sEQ6f6NlClo  (use 480p quality setting for best 
viewing)  (Valko 30 Dec.)

73 and have a Happy DX-filled New Year, 2017!!!

Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop and 153 foot Delta Loop at 
home, and BOGs on Micro-DXpeditions.

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Correction

2016-12-30 Thread Dave Valko
11735  Zanzibar:  My logging stating the time as "1659" was a typo, and 
of course should have been 1759.  Sorry for any confusion.  (Thanks for 
pointing it out Rich!!)


Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings, January 2017

2017-01-25 Thread Dave Valko

Here are most of the loggings from this month so far:

6049.99   LIBERIA   ELWA  Gospel Pop-like mx from 2326.  No sign of 
HCJB.  2336 live M anncr w/happy new years greeting, poss. ment of 
Liberia, “God bless you and Happy New Year to you”.  More mx.  Closing 
anmnt by same M w/”ELWA Radio” ID, then NA and off at 0002.  (7 Jan.)

5950   ETHIOPIA   V.O. the Tigray Revolution  Although the carrier came 
on around 0254, the flute IS didn’t start until 0302.  Fair at best.  (7 

6089.96  BRAZIL   R. Bandeirantes  Found the Caribbean Beacon off when I 
checked the band at 0740 and this here w/tlk by M, although it was a 
little too weak to determine the lang.  But I did hear the usual Kitty 
Cat meowing at 0743, 0744, and 0746.  And at 0748, it peaked enough to 
tell it was definitely PT.  Trailed off a bit after 0800.  (12 Jan.)

7259.96   VANUATU   R. Vanuatu  0754 noted a W tlking, almost able to 
copy.  Same W hrd in Pidgin on the Freemans Ranch Australia web rx.  (12 

7254.94   NIGERIA   V.O. Nigeria  0758 usual drum IS, then W anncr in EG 
w/ID, gave her name, pgm rundown, then ID "You're listening to the 
English service of Voice of Nigeria...", and M w/pgm intro giving 
website at 0800.  Fair signal.  (12 Jan.)

15420   CLANDESTINE   R. Itahuka (via Madagascar)  Big OC came on at 
1757, but went off the air at 1800 just as the pgm started w/Afro Pop 
mx.  Came back on at 1800:35 followed seconds later w/M in mid-anmnt in 
pres. Kinyarwanda w/ID.  Into apparent political feature w/same M and a 
diff. deep-voiced M w/ments of Rwanda and America.  Also had some sound 
bites from remote reporter.  (Valko 14 Jan.)

6000   ARMENIA  R. Adygeyskoye (tent.)  Signal here from the start at 
1925.  Sounded like a W anncr once at 1940.  Maybe mx at 1955.  W anncr 
at 1958.  Signal went off at 2000:03 on schedule.  Seemed strong enough 
on peaks, but modulation must have been really low.  Hrd on a 
micro-DXpedition.  (Valko 15 Jan.)

5790   PIRATE (NA) (religious)  YHWH  At 0303 got an ID sounding like 
"You're listening to station YHWH", then a mention of "...e-mail address 
??WH...".  Rel. tlk w/many ments of Yaweh.  Unfortunately there was some 
noise just on the upper side and I had the tuner bypassed.  Good on 
peaks.  (Valko 19 Jan.)

I had half a dozen or so loggings from this morning to send out but lost 
them when the laptop battery died.  So, from (short term) memory, here 
is what I can recall:

3310   BOLIVIA   R. Mosoj Chaski   Was surprised to find this suddenly 
go off the air as soon as I rechecked them at 1025:22.  Was fairly good 
earlier.  (Valko 25 Jan.)

6134.83   BOLIVIA   R. Santa Cruz  Excellent signal this morning w/usual 
full canned ID in SP by M over instru. mx at 1001, then into lovely 
rustic flute mx.  (Valko 25 Jan.)

6160.04   BRAZIL   Super R. Boa Vontade  Quite audiable at 0916 t/in 
w/live studio W anncr in PT w/ments of "Deus e amor", espirito, and 
Cristo.  Also bon dia.  0917 clear ment of Boa Vontade.  Very rarely get 
IDable audio on this.  CKZN mixing in by 0930.  Although still audible 
at 0945, CKZN way on top.  Hrd the same pgming quite well on the 
Pardinho Brazil web rx.  (Valko 25 Jan.)

11895.08   BRAZIL  Super R. Boa Vontade  Found as soon as I turned the 
rx on at 0906 w/childrens choir, then W host in definite PT.  Faded 
pretty quickly.  Came back later at 1009 (while listening to Gaucha) and 
noted the same studio W anncr as hrd earlier and also on 6160.04 and the 
Pardinho Brazil web rx.  Very fady signal, but sometimes fairly decent 
easily readable on peaks.  Looked like the only stns on 25m were from 
Brazil at this time!!  (Valko 25 Jan.)

11915   BRAZIL  R. Gaucha  Shocked to find this on at 1009-1030 in 
apparent nx pgm w/M and W hosting (mainly M anncr) in PT.  Ment of 
Gaucha near end of ad block just as I tuned in, and again later.  Time 
ticks noted at 1015 and 1030.  Oddly, this was in the clear here, but 
was extremely weak way in the background under Taiwan in IN on the 
Pardinho Brazil web rx.  Seemed to be a negligible 3 or 4 hertz above 
11915.  Having not hrd it in many months, I thought this was either long 
gone or temporarily inactive.  I see one of the last loggings was from 
Manuel Mendez in early October, so maybe it's been off since then.  Nice 
to see it's still around.  (Valko 25 Jan.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop, and 153 foot Delta Loop
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Logging Correction

2017-01-25 Thread Dave Valko
My tentative logging of 6000 R. Adygeyskoye should have been listed as 
RUSSIA (Armavir Krasnodar) instead of Armenia. Thanks to Wolfgang 
Bueschel for pointing that out. Armavir must have registered as Armenia 
in my mind. Sorry for the mix up.


Dave Valko
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 28-30 January Loggings

2017-01-30 Thread Dave Valko
Noticed 5025 Rebelde was off last night at 0245.  But alas it was back 
on this morning.  Think Quillabamba has a later sign on on weekends 
anyway.  (Valko 28 Jan.)

17640 MADAGASCAR   African Pathways R. (WCB)  Signal on at 1958, 
signature mx 1959, M w/opening anmnt.  Pleasant Afro mx for a few min. 
from 2002.  M and W anncrs and what sounded like live preaching.  Rel. 
tlk by M from 2041-2047 w/ment of Bible, Yahweh, the scriptures, etc.  
Another pgm segment, then Jazz-like Afro mx.  2054 M w/voice-over EG ID 
“Thank you for listening to African Pathways Radio…” and freqs given, 
then cont. mx to 2056, deadair for abt 10 sec. and off.  Poor but 
getting better.  Tnx Dan Sheedy log.  (Valko 29 Jan.)

5915   ZAMBIA  ZNBC/R. One  0258 pleasant W vcl song, 0300 W 
anncr w/nice "Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation" ID then W 
continued over the song to 0302, then another song.  Best signal hrd 
here at this time in quite a while.  But still QRM from 5920.  (Valko 30 

5025 Rebelde was off again last night but was back on again in this 
morning.  (Valko 30 Jan.)

2325   AUSTRALIA   ABC Tennant Creek   1044 end of song and host 
Rebecca McLaren w/song anmnt and ID "...on ABC Radio Darwin and the 
Northern Territory...", and interview of M.  1050 canned anmnt by M "ABC 
will be switching off its shortwave services in the Northern Territory 
tomorrow.  You'll still be able to hear ABC Radio on AM and FM, as well 
as online with the ABC Radio app.  All ABC Radio and digital services 
will continue to be available on the VAST satellite service.  You can 
find out more at abc.net.au/shortwave.  Or call the reception advice 
line on 1-300-13-9994", then promo/ID, Rebecca again, and into mx.  
//2485, 4835 of course.  120mb outlets a little better than usual this 
morning.  4835 really strong.  (Valko 30 Jan.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus with Wellbrook ALA1530S and 153 foot Delta Loop
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings from February So Far

2017-02-11 Thread Dave Valko
4955   PERU   R. Cultural Amauta  1057-1101 somber OA camposina 
mx, live M anncr briefly, then usual canned ID anmnt by W over "El 
Condor Pasa".  Fair signal.  (Valko 1 Feb.)

4865   BRAZIL  R. Verdes Florestas  Rel. pgm hosted by M from 
1035-1101, nice canned ID w/freqs by M over instru. beat mx, and into ZY 
Pop song.  Decent but modulation always seems a little low.  (Valko1 

6105.33  UNID.  Signal here at 1114.  I couldn't get any audio on it 
and there's QRM from 6105.  I had the signal on 2 ZY web receivers as 
well but no audio there either.  Panamericana??  (Valko 1 Feb.)

11895.06BRAZIL   Super R. Boa Vontade  2208 caught full canned PT ID 
anmnt (w/freqs) by M, but the plug was pulled just before the end at 
2208:37.  Fairly readable and actually better than Bandeirantes and RB2 
above.  (Valko 3 Feb.)

9664.91  BRAZIL   R. Voz Missionaria  Caught a short EG/PT ID by M 
at 0010 “RVM, national(?) Brazilian missionaria radio (then in PT)”.  
Not the full EG ID hrd abt a month ago, but still nice to hear an EG ID. 
 Fair.  (Valko 4 Feb.)

6165   MYANMAR   R. Thazin (pres.)  Definitely 2 signals here at 
1126.  One is CNR6.  The other had W tlk at 1135, prob. their ToH nx on 
Thazin.  (Valko 5 Feb.)

4900   CHINA   V.O. the Strait  M and W speaking from 1206 t/in. 
 Sounds like CH but is actually Minnan language pgm per Ron Howard.  No 
wonder a parallel couldn’t be found.  Very strong on the SDR.hu web rx 
at Freemans Ranch Australia.  Jim Young mentions he also hrd it on 27 
Jan. and 3 Feb., but later time.  (Valko 5 Feb.)

9510   ITALY   IRRS (pres.)  From 1236 t/in, hrd Rock and 
Alternative mx w/M anncr in EG between songs giving only artists/groups 
European concert venues and times/dates, but nothing else.  No IDs.  
Went off abruptly in mid-pgm at 1257.  The IRRS website isn’t any help 
as it hasn’t been updated since Nov.  (Valko 5 Feb.)

6065   ZAMBIA   V.O. Hope Africa  Signal noted as early as 2027 
but little audio at that time.  Returned at 2106 and found live M anncr 
in EG w/”We are V.O. Hope radio” ID and voiceofhope.com, and rel. tlk.  
Into rel. Pop-like mx.  2126 M w/ment of 4965 and 6065, phone #, and 
e-mail addr.  Gospel mx.  2200 canned ID by M “Live from Zambia, this is 
the V.O. Hope Africa broadcasting on 4965 and 6065 kHz and streaming 
worldwide at voiceofhope.com.  Broadcasting the Gospel of Jesus.  This 
is the V.O. Hope.  V. O Hope is now closing down.  Please join us again 
tomorrow for more music and ministry from the Word of God", cont. mx, 
then 1800 hz tone, and off at 2201:04.  Good but 6070 CFRX QRM.  Youtube 
video of the reception can be found using this link  
https://youtu.be/cakU_lqX7Kc  (Valko 10 Feb.)

9664.9BRAZIL   R. Voz Missionaria  0016 same short EG/PT ID by M 
as hrd on 4 Feb.  Still looking for that full canned EG ID.  Fair.  
Youtube video of the reception can be found using this link  
https://youtu.be/clcs6oPOkOI  (Valko 11 Feb.)

7550   PIRATE (NA, rel.)  ex: YHWH  Found as early as 0232 
w/usual rel. tlk and many many ments of Yahweh.  At 0302:26, when into 
another pgm, exact same one hrd back on 8 Dec. in the 60mb.  So tuned 
out at 0304.  Quick QSB.  Decent and near 100% copy on peaks, but 
inaudible on fades.  Youtube video of the reception can be found using 
this link  https://youtu.be/vQhr7tbBfOs  (Valko 11 Feb.)

7220   GERMANY   Bible Voice Broadcasting (via Nauen)  0808-0829 
"Jack Van Impe Presents" EG rel. pgm hosted by Dr. Jack and Rexella Van 
Impe abt how current geo-political situation corresponds to the 
scriptures and end times, guitar mx and M w/ID and contact info, then 
plug pulled at 0830:04.  Strongest signal on the band just above 
Nigeria.  Youtube video of the reception can be found using this link  
https://youtu.be/CTKADd6oJjU  (Valko 11 Feb.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S Loop and 153 foot Delta Loop
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Nostalgic Shortwave Recordings on Video

2017-02-11 Thread Dave Valko
For an afternoon project, I put together a few videos on Youtube of some 
old shortwave recordings made here.  You should find them interesting.  
Here are the links to the videos...

https://youtu.be/8KJEJVLjU_U   HKBS/R. Jordan from 1980 (IS), and 
English IDs from 1988 and 2004.

https://youtu.be/gq3F5QVucJc  La Voz de Galapagos from 1979 with IDs and 
part of the Ecuadorian national anthem.

https://youtu.be/wi3eHKuc6bk   Radio Chortis from Guatemala from 1980 
with ID near sign off, and from 1993 with opening ID.

https://youtu.be/HFeibbh1uhU   Africa Number 1 from Gabon from December 
1979 with IS and ID and contest announcement in English.

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 12 February Logging

2017-02-12 Thread Dave Valko
4920   USA   WHRI (sub-harmonic of 9840)  Found w/big OC at 
1156.  1159 M w/ID and QTH over usual theme mx, 1200 Bro. Stair theme 
song, but then sounded like it went into a different pgm.  //9840 of 
course.  A Youtube video of the reception can be found using this link  
https://youtu.be/rGfxfyX-p54  (Valko 12 Feb.)

More radio nostalgia.

Just uploaded a Youtube video with an old reception of Radiodiffusion 
Television Voltaique from Upper Volta on 4815 from 1983.  Here's the 
link if you'd like to hear/watch it  https://youtu.be/_JJrHx8raEQ


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings 14-18 February 2017

2017-02-18 Thread Dave Valko
5915   ZAMBIA   ZNBC/R. One  0310 M DJ in lcl vern. playing Afro 
Pop songs and anmnts between songs.  Great signal on the web rx in 
Pardinho Brazil.  Nonexistant on the rx in South Africa.  0329:20 M 
ended anmnt w/ID and TC "5:29".  0330 W anncr w/rel. pgm segment giving 
Christian EG words every so often.  (Valko 14 Feb.)

5011.3v   MADAGASCAR  R.M.  Was watching from 0210 and it didn’t 
come on by 0232 t/out.  But upon recheck at 0243, found it here playing 
pleasant choral mx.  0253 went into Dance Pop mx.  0257 bubbly W anncr, 
back to mx.  0259 took a quick dive down to 5011.0 but then came back 
up.  Notched out the QRM from 5010.01 Rebelde mixing product.  (Valko 15 

5915   ZAMBIA   ZNBC/R. One  0305 leaving Madagascar came up 
here to find it totally in the clear as Romania had signed off, and 
still no sign of 5920 WHRI.  Fair signal w/M hosting African Pops.  
(Valko 15 Feb.)

11868.4  MADAGASCAR   MWV  Finally figured out who this is.  It’s a 
spur of 11610 Madagascar World Voice.  Also noted the spur below on 
11351.6 as well.  Hrd w/CH rel. pgming from 2106-2143.  Fundamental 
11610 is quite good here.  (Valko 15 Feb.)

9650   GUINEA   R. Guinee  0945 long phoned-in report by M 
journalist in FR to 0951 w/annoying double 'beeps' every 3 seconds.  
Studio M anncr, then another report w/beeps again.  1000 fanfare then 
canned ToH ID anmnt w/several IDs by M, and M w/nx.  Don't usually hear 
Guinea at this time as it fades earlier.  Pres. North Korea underneath.  
(Valko 17 Feb.)

7300   CHINA   CNR1 pres. jammer  1002 nx by W in CH 
w/actualities and occas. breaks, //9500.  Getting an echo here and on 
the Pardinho Brazil web rx, so guess there are 2 xmtrs on the freq.  Hrd 
another weak stn underneath presumably stn it was jamming.  Don't see a 
listing for this freq.  (Valko 17 Feb.)

5910.18  COLOMBIA   R. Alcaravan  First time hrd in a while and way 
off freq.  1012 rel. pgm w/M host in SP w/ments of corazon, Santa Cruz, 
Colombia, gloria de dios, la voz del pueblo, la palabra, and many 
Cristiano.  Into soft vcl song at 1014, then M host returned.  Really 
faded badly, almost complete f/out, but came back up at 1027.  Pgm 
finally ended at 1043 w/outro, studio M anncr giving TC twice, then into 
lively LA tropical mx.  Went off the air suddenly in mid-song at 
:30.  (Valko 17 Feb.)

5875   THAILAND   R.T.  End of VT pgm at 1114.  Usual bells IS, 
M in EG w/ID and lang. pgm anmnt, and several more reps of the bells IS. 
 Good signal.  (Valko 17 Feb.)

3325   PAPUA NEW GUINEA   NBC Bougainville  1122-1143 long 
speech by M w/ments of Bougainville.  1143 brief deadair, and into mx. 
1151 reggae-like island Pop song.  1155 live W w/closing ID anmnt 
"...broadcast on NBC Bougainville." and ment of SW and FM freq, another 
ID, date, and ments of Papua New Guinea, "ogala night", Monday, and 
suddenly off at 1156:55 before she could finish.  Pretty nice signal.  
Not as strong with the Delta Loop but quieter than the Wellbrook for 
some reason.  (Valko 17 Feb.)

5020   SOLOMON ISLANDS  SIBC  1157 usual xmsn ending rel. 
inspiritional segment.  1200 instru. mx and canned EG voice-over closing 
ID anmnt by W "You've been listening to the Solomon Islands Broadcasting 
Corporation, R. Happy Isles.  We have been transmitting on 1035 
kilohertz in the mediumwave band and the shortwave frequency of 5020 
kHz, and 9545 kHz in the 60 and 31 meterbands.  We're now closing down 
for today but we resume transmissions tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock.  So 
until then, from all of us at SIBC, goodnight everyone", instru. NA, and 
signal off at 1202:16.  Despite Rebelde, this was the most readable 
signal in a long time.  (Valko 17 Feb.)

5008.3MADAGASCAR   R.M.  Found way down on this freq at 0241 
w/Afro Pop mx.  0245 M anncr.  0247 song sounded like a remake of "Last 
Friday Night" by Katy Perry.  Usually wobbly signal.  Dropped down below 
5008 briefly at 0247, and down to 5008.1 when next song started at 0355. 
 So the freq drops every time there's a change in audio (song to song, 
anmnt to song, etc.).  0300 ment of Madagascar but couldn't tell if it 
was an ID.  Had to notch out the Rebelde mixing product on 5010.  (Valko 
18 Feb.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA USA

Perseus SDR, Wellbrook ALA1530S and 153 foot Delta Loop

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings the Last Few Weeks

2017-03-12 Thread Dave Valko
5915   ZAMBIA  ZNBC  Fish Eagle IS mixed w/fanfare at 0459, then 
ID and EG nx by W.  Ended at 0517 w/manufacturing ad for Zambia Bureau 
of Standards by M, then ID by studio M DJ in vern. and lively Afro Pop 
mx.  Still audible at 0532 w/M DJ came in after mx, and barely w/mx and 
M vcl at 0555.  Fairly readable at start and surprised it was coming in 
this late.  (Valko 25 Feb.)

6120   SWAZILAND   TWR  0458 chime IS and EG IDs by M.  Came 
back later at 0522 and noted M preaching in EG sounding //4775 QRMed by 
CODAR.  6120 better.  Instru. guitar mx at 0528, then W w/segment intro. 
 Fading.  (Valko 25 Feb.)

4885.02  BRAZIL  R. Clube do Para   Massive S9+20 signal at 0539 
w/live ZY Pops.  Poor on the Pardinho web rx and nowhere near as good as 
4895 Novo Tempo or 4905 Relogio, but oddly just the opposite here.  0541 
rooster and "bon dia" jingle.  0544 bon dia and Clube ID promo.  0551 
full canned ID w/freqs and ending w/QTH by M.  (Valko 25 Feb.)

4996   RUSSIA   RWM time station  0609 usual repeating CW IDs.  
Weak but there.  (Valko 25 Feb.)

4989.98   Getting a signal here at 0613.  Too weak to get any audio so 
can't tell if it's Apintie or not.  (Valko 25 Feb.)

4985.01  BRAZIL   R. Brasil Central   "Lucy in the Sky With 
Diamonds" by Elton John. at 0616, and into ZY Pop.  0622 singing ID 
jingle, and canned anmnts by M.  Had to use LSB and notch out the lower 
RTTY but was still getting severe QRM.  (Valko 25 Feb.)

5005   EQUATORIAL GUINEA   R. Nacional Bata (pres.)  0548 choral 
singing, possibly religious.  Fairly readable and freq dead on 5005.000. 
 (Valko 5 March)

9514.96  BRAZIL   R. Marumby  0943 tlk by M in PT.  Usual "Marumby" 
women singing jingle ID at 0946 before going into pleasant PT song.  
Studio M DJ returned at 0950, and back to mx at 0952.  Quick QSB.  
Creating a het as it was off freq, but audible over China.  Oddly, only 
China noted on the Parinho Brazil web receiver.  (Valko 7 March)

7259.95  VANUATU  R.V.  0959 end of song, M anncr in Bislama, 
fanfare, M then W anncrs briefly, usual conch shell blowing ToH 
signature at 1000:41, then W anncr w/nx w/many actualities.  Would have 
been better if not for the lcl QRN on the freq.  (Valko 7 March)

5025.003   PERU  R. Quillabamba  2328 tlk by lady and M anncrs in SP.  
2330 canned anmnt by M w/ID and ment of Cusco, followed by another 
canned anmnt by same W anncr, then intro w/ID "Radio Quillabamba 
presenta..." for upcoming Rosary recital pgm, and said pgm to 0002.  
Nice signal in absence of Rebelde.  (Valko 7 March)

10010 BRAZIL  PPE time station  Found on this possible new freq. 
 2300, , M w/ID and time w/time tick every 10 seconds.  3 normal +1 
soft ticks between anmnt and the ToH.  Is carrier +USB.  Fair signal.  
Video of reception can be found using this link  
https://youtu.be/YfDoFGPiY5w  (Valko 12 March)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop and 1530 foot Delta Loop 

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Recent Loggings

2017-04-19 Thread Dave Valko
11856.099  BRAZIL   R. Aparecida  Noticed that this has been way off 
freq for at least the last 5 days.  0730 Rosary recital, then soft rel. 
mx at 0734, studio W pgm host in PT at 0736, then Rosary again.  Weak 
and QRMed from 11855.  //9630.02 which wasn't much better.  (Valko 28 

7615   PIRATE (Rel.)  ex-YHWH  0509 Joshua w/usual rel. tlk and 
ments of Yaweh.  Pgm end at 0510 coinciding w/signal drop down to S8, 
but then came back up to S9+10 a min. later.  So fady and very noisy 
signal.  Deadair until finally going off at 0514:41.  Didn't expect to 
find him on this late.  If he's still coming on around 0230, then his 
sked is a good 2 and a half hours.  (Valko 18 April)

5910.02  COLOMBIA   R. Alcaravan  0520 nice canned ID/promo between 
lively LA songs.  Really good signal.  (Valko 18 April)

6010.14  COLOMBIA   LV de tu Conciencia   0522 end of song 
"Heatwave" and into soft LA song.  0524 canned ID by W between songs.  
0534 slow banjo version of the Christmas song "Silver Bells"!!  (Valko 
18 April)

6185.01  MEXICO   R. Educacion  0417 lively instru. XE Ranchera mx.  
Finally call and name ID by W in SP at 0454, and back to Ranchera vcl 
mx.  All songs at this time seemed to be by the same W vclist.  Deadair 
after song at 0503 to at least 0507.  Gone at 0518 recheck. Big signal 
w/some 6180 splash QRM until it went off at 0456.  Also some QSB.  
(Valko 19 April)

7615   ex-YHWH on the air again tonight at 0434.  (Valko 19 April)

4949.73  ANGOLA   R. Nac. Angola  Fair good signal at 0508 w/W doing 
the nx in PT ending w/headlines over fanfare mx at 0513.  M anncr 
briefly, then nice canned ID, and more canned anmnts by M w/ment of 
musica, internet, Angola, a website URL, and "voz popular".  Good audio. 
 (Valko 19 April)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR
Wellbrook ALA1530S and 153 foot Delta Loop
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 26 May - 4 June Loggings

2017-06-04 Thread Dave Valko
should as morning progressed there.  Checked a web rx in Khimki Russia 
and a decent signal there with the same pgming.  Myanmar “long path” is 
very rare here, and especially so, being so close to the solstice.  
Audio recording at 
https://app.box.com/s/svyqgzllt4j9uynzi30dijucs0gjo4zv (includes both 
reception here and in Khimki Russia with clips of reception here being 
weaker, of course).  (Valko 2 June)

11870 ALASKA   KNLS (New Life Station)  Caught the closing EG ID 
by M w/sked for EG pgming at 1254, one last Pop song, some deadair, then 
off.  Kind of surprised it was so readable.  Audio recording at  
https://app.box.com/s/4oplz5zkyscp5vxjtf0u05nc12m9b8q9  (Valko 3 June)

3-4 June 2017:  Micro-DXpedition
RX:  Perseus SDR
ANT:  313 foot BOG at 185°
Duration:  2245-0010 UTC.

5985 MYANMAR   R. Myanmar  Signal already on with 1 khz tone 
at 2345.  2255 tone off.  Sounded like it started w/mx at 2300:06, and W 
anncr abt 40 sec. later.  More mx and W again at 2302, then M.  Wasn’t 
quite as good as at home yesterday.  (Valko 3 June)

6924.4  PIRATE (NA)   Recycle R.  2316 closing ID, “Glory Glory 
We Adore Thee”, then SSTV.  Weak but SSTV fairly strong.  Looked like he 
was back on 6899.98 by 2356, which is the freq where he’s been hrd 
before.  (Valko 3 June)

6880U   PIRATE (NA)   Clever Name R.  2318 end of mx and ID 
w/e-mail, deadair, then canned network ID and e-mail addr, and canned ID 
jingle.  Strong.  (Valko 3 June)

14680H CUBA   RHC  While checking for 14670 CHU, found this 2 X 
7340 harmonic of R. Havana Cuba.  Poor to fair and fady.  (Valko 3 June)

6930U   PIRATE (NA)  WRRI (R. Random Int.) “Cruel Summer” by 
Bananarama at 2357, deadair, and into “Safety Dance” at .  0006 
“Rock the Casbah”.  Fairly good signal.  Fady w/some QRN.  Had moved to 
9945 while I was driving home.  (Valko 3-4 June)

9945U PIRATE   WRRI  Found out from HF Underground this had 
turned up here and did indeed hear mx at 0035 but couldn’t recognize the 
song.  0037 into REM song and faded badly in 2 min.  0045 able to hear 
ID by YL “WRRI ??, WRRI, R. Random Int.” and immediately into R. 
Australia’s “Waltzing Matilda” IS, then off.  (Valko 4 June)

6925.28  PIRATE   Ion R.  Surprised to find this Pirate on the air 
in the early morning w/Pop/Rock mx when I tuned in at 1223.  1225 
apparent comedy skit ending w/live M voice ID sounding like “You’ve been 
listening to Ion R.  ionradioshortw...@gmail.com.”  Then “Beautiful 
Sunday” by Daniel Boone and “Love is in the Air by John Paul Young, “Ion 
Radio” Morse code ID at 1233, “Magic” by Pilot, e-mail addr in code at 
1240, “Thunderstuck” by AC/DC, and several Blues songs.  1254 e-mail in 
code again, and ended w/SSTV scan.  Poor w/quick QSB and a lot of lcl 
QRM.  Youtube video of reception can be found using this link  
https://youtu.be/7rYHWGQFDhA  (Valko 4 June)

73 and Good DX!!

Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 11885 KNLS Unscheduled Transmission

2017-06-05 Thread Dave Valko
11885 ALASKA (USA)   KNLS  Was recording 11870 to catch upcoming 
start of EG pgm and found 11885 on the air unscheduled in Mandarin w/Pop 
mx, M w/tlk including ID, deadair, then start of EG pgm w/ID anmnt by W 
and IS //11870.  Both fairly strong but this freq slightly better.  Is 
this a new transmission, an error, or testing??Posted a Youtube 
video of the reception which can be viewed using this link:  
https://youtu.be/AisW-DfKeXU  Use 480p setting for best viewing.  (5 


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop antenna
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] KNLS Addition

2017-06-05 Thread Dave Valko
I inadvertently left out the time on the 11885 KNLS logging.  Was in 
Mandarin before 1200 UTC, and in English after.  Went off at 1259 
followed by 11870.  Sorry.


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[HCDX] 11885 KNLS Unscheduled On Again

2017-06-09 Thread Dave Valko
Just noticed now at 1220 KNLS is on 11885 again unscheduled and parallel 
to 11870.  Not as good here as the first time noted on Monday.  1221 ID 
and mailing address announcement by lady, song announcement, and into 
"Every Breath You Take" by The Police.

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2017-06-09 Thread Dave Valko
Just want to add that of course no other freqs are noted on KNLS now 
except for 11885 and 11870.  1227 short segment about DXing equipment 
and techniques now, and into song by U2.

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[HCDX] 9-11 June Loggings

2017-06-12 Thread Dave Valko
9685   AUSTRALIA   Reach Beyond Australia  1117-1128 Somewhat 
slow and deliberate EG pgm abt Baseball rules and “Almost Perfect” 
segment of Armando Galarraga’s near perfect game.  1129 instru. mx, and 
into next pgm in Chin Hakha.  No ID between pgms.  Fair signal.  (Valko, 
9 June)

9799.61  EGYPT   R. Cairo  2205 AR mx, 4+1 higher pitch time ticks 
at 2215, then W w/EG nx ending w/ID at 2217.  2219 ID w/intro for 
“Egyptian Challenge” pgm, then off the air.  Back on w/OC a min. later, 
and pgm already continuing.  Good signal but audio over modulated.  
(Valko, 9 June)

9514.97  BRAZIL   R. Marumby  2224-2300 “Voz do Brasil” // to other 
ZYs including 9665.87 Voz Missionaria, 9674.92 Cancao Nova, 11856.02 
Aparecida, and 15190.05 Inconfidencia.  2300 instru. mx, 2301 usual 
“Marumby” singing jingle by women, then canned ID/promo w/ment of 
Marumby, sev. more canned anmnts, and into next pgm at 2304.  Fady 
w/some 9505 WHRI slop QRM, but stronger than usual and readable.  
(Valko, 9 June)

6940U PIRATE (NA)   Seven Trees Radio  Hard Rock, almost Metal 
mx then short final ID by M at 2300 as “Welcome to Seven Trees Radio, 
where we pull the plug every day”, and off.  Came back on w/ID at 2304 
and into current mx, then went off.  Came back on again at 2314 with the 
same ID and played the song “Who Do You Love” by George Thorogood.  Glad 
he came back w/IDs so I could get a recording.  Youtube video of the 
reception can be found using this link: https://youtu.be/p4ZiFDbt1q4  
(Valko, 10 June)

6930U PIRATE (NA)   WEAK/Weak R.  Noted after 0005 w/mostly Punk 
mx, although they also played “Ride Captain Ride” by Blues Image, and 
only novelty C&W song.  Many IDs by W including “We are going crazy 
crazy, we are going crazy, very crazy, Weak R., going crazy” at 0013.  
Comedy ads.  At 0015, someone came on overtop repeating “Welcome to 
Strong R.” which sounded like the anncr from Seven Trees R.  When the 
bdcst ended at 0017, there were 3 SSTV images aired, but they didn’t 
seem to be from WEAK.  In fact the last was from Pee Wee.  Youtube video 
of the reception can be found using this link: 
https://youtu.be/xOJ8MImKht8  (Valko, 11 June)

6205.01  PIRATE (EUROPE)   Laser Hot Hits  0128 Rock song then M 
w/Off Shore Echos ad, then back to mx.  0133 ID jingle, and another 
song.  Thought this might be someone else as they weren’t on nominal 
6220.  (Valko, 11 June)

6925.2v   PIRATE (NA)   Ion R.  Weak signal at 1204, coming up at 
1208, then some sort of rumbling effect at 1209 which turned out to be 
“ambient music” according to the op.  Finally recognized “Ebony Eyes” by 
Bob Welch at 1224, Simple ID by W at 1225, then “Love is in the Air” by 
John Paul Young.  Best at 1228.  SSTV and off at 1240.  Seemed to be 
having xmtr trouble.  No carrier present most of the time and drifting 
around.  (Valko, 11 June)

7850   CANADA   CHU  1230 nothing but an OC here.  Strong 
signal.  Same on 3330 but a much weaker signal.  Must be having some 
technical difficulties.  14670 too weak to tell if there was only an OC 
there, and the web rxs didn’t have it any better.  (Valko, 11 June)

11885 ALASKA (USA)   KNLS   1457 M anncr sounded like Mandarin 
ending w/instru. signature, then 1458-1500 deadair, and 1500 IS twice 
and off.  Came back on w/IS in progress and into Mandarin pgming.  
(Valko, 11 June)

14670 CANADA   CHU  Indeed, only an OC here at 1900 when the 
signal was much improved.  Shortly thereafter, Ron Howard forwarded a 
quote that they had a suspect piece of equipment and they would be 
looking into the problem.  By 2045, everything as back to normal on all 
freqs.  Reception video of the OCs on all freqs can be found using this 
link:  https://youtu.be/Ox78B0nWFbI  (Valko, 11 June)

6924.2PIRATE (NA)   Insane R.  From 2343-  Soundbites mixed 
w/mx.  Radio story abt a “regular guy” who became a time anncr in 
WashingtonDC.  Unrecognizable Rock songs.  0002 M whistling and saying 
he liked to whistle.  0005 repeating “Insane R.” IDs.  Another song.  
0011 repeating IDs again, and Bluesy song.  Went off at 0019.  Massive 
S9+25 signal.  (Valko, 11-12 June)


Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop and 153 foot Delta loop 

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[HCDX] 11858v Aparecida Higher

2017-06-20 Thread Dave Valko
11858.9v BRAZIL  R. Aparecida  Found that this had moved up even 
higher now varying between 11858.9 – 11859.0, mostly hanging around 
11858.93.  PT tlk by M and W on peaks after 0045, //9630 barely audible. 
 Creating a big het against 11860 Yemen (Saudi Arabia) which had to be 
notched out.  (Valko, 20 June)

11858.4v BRAZIL  R. Aparecida  Came down a little by 1015 check.  
Similar varying signal to 10 hours earlier, but no het as Yemen not 
present.  M anncr in PT on peaks.  Signal is much like how 6010 
Conciencia used to be.  Varying between 11858.3 – 11858.5 mostly, but 
did go up to 11858.7 briefly at 1030.  (Valko, 20 June)


Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus with Wellbrook ALA1530S
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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[HCDX] 6250 Malabo (presumed)

2017-07-26 Thread Dave Valko
6250   EQUATORIAL GUINEA   R. Malabo (pres.)  While testing a 
new USB cable to power the Perseus SDR with an XTPower power bank 
charger, was shocked to find a strong signal here at 0001 w/African Pop 
mx.  Nonstop mx past 0045.  M in song at 0034 mentioned Malabo clearly 
several times.  Very glad to have it reactivated (if it is indeed 
Malabo) and hope it stays on.  So far Brandon Jordan in TN noted it 
first.  Youtube video of my reception at 0017 can be found at  
https://youtu.be/VVClRjhneuY  (Valko, 27 July)


Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR (on DC) with 153 foot Delta Loop

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[HCDX] Loggings 29-30 July

2017-07-30 Thread Dave Valko
25000 USA   WWV  Despite not having any luck on checks on 
previous numerous days 1400-1900, have been hearing this the last 2 days 
in the 2300-0100 time period.  According to the NIST website, is 2 kw 
experimental reactivation on this freq.  Usual format aired plus they’ve 
been giving this announcement at 16 min. past the hour: “Beginning the 
7th of July 2017 at 2042 UTC, the 25 megaHertz broadcast is on a 
turnstile antenna with circular polarization and will remain in this 
configuration until after the eclipse on the 21st of August 2017.  
Signal reports are requested and appreciated.  Listener reception 
reports may be e-mailed to w...@nist.gov, or mailed to Radio Station WWV, 
2000 East County Road 58, Ft. Collins, CO 80524”.  Audible on the 
(20-200 degrees) Delta loop but not the Wellbrook ALA1530S.  Seems to be 
peaking here just after 2300 and is always very fady, many times fading 
out completely, but also peaking fairly well at times.  (Valko, 29 July)

 4989.983UNID.  R. Apintie??  Carrier here past 0942 t/in and 
sounded like bits of mx at times.  This was where Apintie was noted last 
February.  (Valko, 30 July)

 5125   UNID.  0944 for at least the next hour, a massive signal 
on this freq, from someone apparently testing w/repeating loop of test 
tones starting w/OC, then 500 hz and jumping up roughly 200 hz every 5 
seconds to 4.9 khz before starting the loop again.  Thought it might be 
a SP numbers stn, but only the loop of tones hrd.  (Valko, 30 July)

 4810   PERU   R. Logos  1003-1009 pleasant instru. mx, 1004 abt 
a 20 second SP ID/promo by M between songs starting w/”R. Logos…”.  
Hammered by the UTE on 4812 and CODAR, and surprised I got the ID.  
(Valko, 30 July)


Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S and 153 foot Delta loop
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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Recent Loggings

2017-10-04 Thread Dave Valko
7140.02  ERITREA   VOBM 1  Caught OC w/1.014 kHz tone from 0247.  At 
t/in, VA7LTX, Richmond, BC, Canada was calling CQ on 7142 and requested 
the person tuning up w/continuous signal on 7140 give him a call not 
realizing it was VOBM!!  After a few minutes, he moved up to 7143 and 
got in a QSO w/Ham in KS but was still causing a lot of QRM to VOBM.  
0257 ended tone and began guitar IS.  A min. later, carrier came on 
7140.0 causing a low het, apparently the white noise jammer that was 
noted later at 0320 check.  0300 M anncr, instru. mx bridge, then diff. 
M, and HoA mx.  Very little audio noted because of the jammer at 0320.  
(4 Oct.)

7180.02  ERITREA   VOBM 2  Like 7140.02, hrd the OC w/1.027 kHz tone 
from 0247.  Odd that both freqs were 22 hertz off (yes, I had calibrated 
the Perseus).  However, the tone here was slightly higher than on 
7140.02.  0300 end of tone, then very low level mx (maybe the IS), then 
stronger audio w/instru. HoA mx w/apparent s/on ID anmnt.  Like 7140.02, 
very little audio making it through the white noise jammer at 0320, but 
did hear vcl singing.  (4 Oct.)

6090   ETHIOPIA   Amhara State R.  Barely audible at 0255 t/in 
w/what sounded like mx.  0258 two and a half reps of the haunting echoey 
IS at better audio level, dead air, then M anncr suddenly at 0300 and 
lively HoA instru. mx.  Not that bad of a signal but massive slop QRM 
from 6105 Japan when they started at 0258.  (4 Oct.)

7120   SOMALILAND   R. Hargeisa  Already on w/anthem at 0329, 
barely audible M at 0330, diff. M introducing the Koran briefly at 0332, 
and into said morning prayers.  Clear but they need to boost the audio.  
(4 Oct.)

6205.01  PIRATE (EUROPE)   Laser Hot Hits  0334 quite audible w/song 
off the Bee Gees “Spirits Having Flown” LP.  Incredible peak at 0336:30. 
 0338 song anmnt, 0339 into next Pop song w/laser shooting SFX.  0342 ad 
for “Off Shore Echos” magazine.  Never seemed to peak during anmnts 
though.  Audio can be heard at:  
https://app.box.com/s/dx1edig0qvd77px6y2my4l91stl5s2nk  (4 Oct.)

9730   MYANMAR   Myanma R.  Surprised to get some audio on this 
at 1125 w/same W anncr as hrd in the past.  Apparent nx by W and M after 
1130.  Signal off at 1133:50.  Very weak w/slop QRM from 9725 CRI.  (4 

9410   UNID.  Fu Hsing??  Found on a couple web rxs around 1150 
w/usual weak signal going off and on.  Decided to try it here for the 
heck of it and was shocked to see it in the display mimicking the on/off 
times on the web rxs, finally going off for good sometime around 1156.  
No hope for any audio here of course.  (4 Oct.)


Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus with 151 foot Delta Loop

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[HCDX] 24 Oct. Micro-DXpedition Loggings

2017-10-25 Thread Dave Valko
4764.06  PERU   R. Huanta 2000  First found at 2318 t/in w/end of ad 
block, then into several beautiful camposino songs.  Left the freq at 
2327 to record the MW band, and when I returned at 2339, there was what 
sounded like a sermon by M w/ment of “madre de dios”.  Not to bad of a 
signal w/CODAR QRM and some weak thunderstorm static crashes.  Thanks to 
Don Moore on his travels for IDing this one.  Here's a link to a Youtube 
video of the reception:  https://youtu.be/UKSv6vuGuaM  (24 Oct.)

5824.9CHILE   R. Triunfal Evangelica (pres.)  Noted the signal 
here on a micro-DXpedition last week (20 Oct.) and thought it was just 
an anomaly not thinking it could be R.T.E.  Tuned in on this outing and 
found what sounded like nonstop rel. mx from 2341 until it suddenly went 
off w/out any announcements or fanfare at 2354:10.  Maybe the extra wire 
(820 feet) over last week helped improve the signal level.  Here's a 
link to a Youtube video of the reception:  https://youtu.be/sKCqCvCWlDA  
(24 Oct.)

6024.96  BOLIVIA   Red Patria Nueva  Great clear signal at 2341 
w/usual evening nx pgm w/M presenter in apparent Amara and many long 
actualities in SP w/ments of Bolivanos, trabajadores, ecomica, solidad, 
Radio Santa Fe, camposinas, Octubre, Departmento Oro, etc.  2350 TC.  
6030 jammer started up at 2352.  (24 Oct.)

The above loggings were made on a micro-DXpedition using a Perseus SDR 
with a 820 foot terminated BOG aimed at 181 degrees (western South 


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Micro-DXpedition Loggings

2017-11-17 Thread Dave Valko
nesia and didn’t realize I had this as well.  W anncr in KR at 1201. 
 Not very strong and had an echo at this time.  Much better at the end 
of the broadcast at 1256 w/end of KR tlk by W, somber vcl song until 
audio suddenly cut off at 1259:24 and signal gone abt 25 sec. later.  
(Valko 16 Nov.)

5010   INDIA  AIR Thiru.  W and M anncrs in definite Hindi at 
1156, mx for abt a min., then W and M anncrs again, and subcont. mx to 
at least 1200.  Still there at around 1210, fairly strong w/simple end 
of EG Pop song and M and W anncrs, but gone at 1219 check.  Looked like 
it was back at 1237 though.  (Valko 16 Nov.)

7555.73  INDIA   AIR Delhi  1209 vcl only singing, then W anncr in 
lang.  Decent strength but very low audio lvl and slop QRM from huge 
7570 WRMI.  (Valko 16 Nov.)

5920   SOUTH KOREA   V.O. Freedom  M anncr at 1121, mx at 1122.  
Way too weak and too much 5925 CNR slop QRM at this time.  1214 Asian 
Pop ballad, then soft KR tlk by W to 1216, and into Bluesy song.  Easy 
MOR mx at 1238 recheck and soft-spoken W returned at 1241.  Fady then.  
(Valko 16 Nov.)

11513 CLANDESTINE  V.O. Tibet (via Dushanbe, Tad.)  Found here 
w/tlk by M in CH at 1222.  Fair w/propagational echo.  (Valko 16 Nov.)

9835   MALAYSIA   RTM-Sarawak FM  Abt best ever rcptn w/M doing 
nx at 1226, promo at 1229, then into Asian rom. ballad by M and W 
vclists, then 2 women  DJs in discussion at 1234, ment of Sarawak.  
Surprised at the strength.  (Valko 16 Nov.)

11603 CLANDESTINE  V.O. Tibet (via Dushanbe, Tad.)  Found M tlk 
in CH here at 1242, mx briefly then diff. M at 1244-1248, then W anncr 
to at least 1255.  Like 11513 this had a slight echo as well.  (Valko 16 

9524.96  INDONESIA  V.O.I.  End of JP pgm, then in EG at 1300 
w/fanfare and canned ID by M and W over mx, then freqs and webstream by 
W, live W w/pgm rundown, and into the nx.  Nice to get some readable 
audio on this for a change.  (Valko 16 Nov.)

7120   SOMALILAND   R. Hargeisa  Weak w/tlk by M at 1306.  
1306:50 canned anmnt by W w/AR mx much more audible.  1308 SP SSB QRM.  
Getting better W/AR mx at 1218 as the sun was rising higher.  Nice “This 
is R. Hargeisa” at 1320:10.  Huge Ham CW signal on 7123 QRM.  Could tell 
it was EG nx by same M at 1323.  Sounded like another ment of R. 
Hargeisa at 1325:47.  Drum solo briefly at 1325 then, and same M.  M 
anncr much weaker by 1344 check.  Still barely audiable at 1354 amid the 
Ham QRM.  (Valko 16 Nov.)

9745   ARMENIA   TWR (via Yerevan)  Found w/IS at 1256.  1300 M 
w/ID and sked for 9410 (every Sat. at 1300) ending w/”God bless” 
seemingly indicating it was a closing ID anmnt.  Into EG inspirational 
message and then rel. Pop mx.  Fairly good.  (Valko 16 Nov.)

11627 CLANDESTINE   V.O. Tibet (via Dushanbe, Tad.)  Tlk by M 
and W in CH at 1313 and mx, then usual theme mx and ID anmnt by M.  Best 
of the 3 freqs and none appeared to be jammed.  (Valko 16 Nov.)

7236   ETHIOPIA   R.E.  Found a carrier here at 1328 barely 
visible through the massive Ham QRM.  Certainly sounded like some mx at 
1331-1332.  Varying up to 7235.99 and 7236.03, so obviously Ethiopia.  
Didn’t stick with it.  Already visible in the display at 1258 the next 
day.  Went off later at 1703.  (Valko 16 Nov.)

7410   JAPAN   Shiokaze Seabreeze  Barely able to hear the soft 
instru. mx bed at the start of the EG lang s/on anmnt at 1330 under huge 
CRI.  Checked again at 1354 but hopeless.  (Valko 16 Nov.)

7625   CLANDESTINE   V.O. the Wilderness (via Tashkent)  1229 
early s/on w/W tlk, then wind blowing SFX, trumpet fanfare, and soft 
opening mx.  1333 tlk by W in KR over mx, mx up briefly at 1335, then 
cont. tlk.  Into soft vcl song by W at 1335.  Actually not too bad.  
Same W returned at end of the song at 1340.  Still in at 1350 w/more tlk 
by W host over soft instru. mx.  (Valko 16 Nov.)

14230U   MEXICO   XE3CIA (Tuxtla, Chiapas)  SSTV CQ picture at 1346 
amid others at the same time.  (Valko 16 Nov.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus with 315 foot BOG's at 45 degrees (towards Europe) on 15 Nov., 
and at 0 degrees (for East Asia) on 16 Nov.  2 different outings at 2 
different local locations.

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 18-19 Loggings

2017-12-19 Thread Dave Valko
1710   UNID.  Pirate??  T/in at 2246 “Never Gonna Let You Go” by 
Dionne Warwick, 2248 “Yakety Sax” by Boots Randolph, 2251 “Together 
Forever” by Rick Astley, 2253 “When I Fall in Love” Natalie and Nat King 
Cole, and 2258 “525,600 Minutes” by Tuks.  Lost at 2259 and didn’t 
return.  No anmnts.  Brett Saylor said he brought up the webstream for 
the Louisiana Pirate R. Reten lo que Tiene and they had preaching.  So 
this is someone new.  (Valko 17 Dec.)

6924.97  PIRATE (NA)   Partial India R.  Holiday program 1938-2026+ 
w/”The Indian 12 Days of Christmas”, canned IDs by Mrs. Krishna.  E-mail 
QSL request anmnt as haroldkrishna...@gmail.com.  Played The Beatles 
“Christmastime is Here Again” song/comedy recording.  Also had sitar 
versions of Christmas songs.  Fair signal and a bit fady.  (Valko 18 

6045   CLANDESTINE (SOUTH KOREA)   V.O. Freedom  2112 getting 
some mx here at this time.  Flute song at 2119 plainly audible.  Then 
song by what sounded like Stevie Wonder at 2122.  Went over BoH w/mx.  W 
anncr in KR mixed w/instru. mx 2156-2159.  Mx leading up to ToH.  M and 
W w/short anmnt, peppy mx, then tlk by M anncr maybe nx.  Wiped out by 
6040 WHRI.  Also hrd on a web rx in South Korea, jammed w/pulsing noise, 
but no jamming detected here.  (Valko 18 Dec.)

6600   CLANDESTINE   V.O. the People   2209 jammer went off, 
then hrd M in KR.  2216 instru. mx bridge, then next segment by W to 
BoH.  M after 2230.  Jammer returned at 2240.  Haven’t hrd this w/out 
the jammer in a while.  Peaked nicely around 2215-2220.  The white noise 
jammer here and on 6520, 6350, and 6015 all went off at the exact same 
time.  Unfortunately there’s some lcl noise on 6350.  (Valko 18 Dec.)

6400   NORTH KOREA   Pyongyang BS, Kanggye  Big signal 
w/orch./opera mx pgm from 2208-2229.  Studio W anncr in KR once or 
twice.  Dear air briefly at 2229, same W anncr, 3+1 higher pitched time 
ticks, then alternating M and W anncrs at 2230-2243+.  Very strong 
around 2225 peak, but faded very quickly after 2235.  Abt the best ever 
hrd at this time.  (Valko 18 Dec.)

4450   CLANDESTINE   V.O. the People  Didn’t appear to be jammed 
at 2211 when M anncr hrd very weakly.  Signal strong enough, just not 
that much audio punch.  (Valko 18 Dec.)

e-QSL received in quick time from Partial India R. for todays reception. 
 Total time, 3 hours 41 minutes.  (Valko 18 Dec.)

6160.03  BRAZIL   Super R. Boa Vontade  W anncr in PT at 0904 t/in, 
then rel. song at 0906-0911.  Fading too quickly.  Could still hear the 
studio W return at 0911, also noted on a Brazilian web rx where she 
ended w/ment of Sao Paulo.  Brief mx, then M anncr w/cadence matching 
that on the web rx w/Super R. Boa Vontade ID w/freq and QTH.  
Unfortunately there was a lcl static-like noise burst a couple times 
over ID here, but did catch the Puerto Alegre QTH.  Have noted this a 
couple times now, but it fades very quickly upon 0900 s/on.  Best on the 
Delta loop.  (Valko 19 Dec.)

9839.81  VIETNAM  V.O.V.  Signal suddenly on at 0959 w/orch. mx 
already playing.  1000 usual instru. mx and EG IDs by W and M.  Opening 
w/W anncr.  Mx briefly and nx headlines and in detail by W.  Peppy 
Caribbean-flavored instru. mx at 1009 recheck, then same W anncr, and 
into lcl traditional mx.  25mb outlet much too weak to //.  (Valko 19 

Perseus SDR and Wellbrook ALA1530S and 150 foot Delta loop.


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA USA
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings 19-26 December

2017-12-27 Thread Dave Valko
NDONESIA   RRI Palangkaraya  Decent signal up at 2158, 
but blasted by South Africa and UTE.  Audio too low and too much QRM to 
ID.  (Valko 24 Dec. micro-DXpedition)

6295.02  PIRATE (EUROPE)  Reflections Europe  2203-2008 rel. tlk by 
M and choral mx at 2210.  Tough reception.  (Valko 24 Dec. 

6310   PIRATE (EUROE)  R. Marabu  M anmnt as soon as I started 
the recording at 2203, and into “Haitian Divorce” by Steely Dan.  2205 
ment of Marabu in GM tlk by M.  “Me and You and a Dog Named Boo” at 
2210.  Better signal than Coast FM.  (Valko 24 Dec. micro-DXpedition)

6973   PIRATE (ARGENTINA)   Lupo R.  Signal here at 2244 after I 
moved to the top of the hill and changed BOG to 175 degrees.  Definite 
mx at 2259, and again at 2307 check.  2318 Tango mx.  W anncr at 2341 
but imposs. To copy.  (Valko 24 Dec. micro-DXpedition)

6925.13  PIRATE (CHILE)   R. Compania Worldwide (pres.)  Signal here 
at 2320 but SP renegades were here.  2332 poss. mx??  Definite mx at 
2343 but extremely weak.  Very fady.  Needed that extra 315 feet of wire 
like last night.  Just too weak.  (Valko 24 Dec. micro-DXpedition)

4054.98  GUATEMALA   R. Verdad  Usual vibraphone-like mx w/SP ID 
anmnt by M at 0805, and into rel. mx.  Guess they were staying on all 
night for Christmas.  Fair signal at best with a lot of crackly 
static-like noise through the entire SW spectrum.  (Valko 25 Dec.)

7400   CHINA apparently  Ron’s UNID. hrd w/signal coming on at 
1056:43 and Chinese mx up already in progress 10 seconds later.  Mx over 
ToH and straight through nonstop till laptop battery ran out of power at 
1219.  (Valko 25 Dec.)

6069.98  CANADA  CFRX  1557 W giving her version of a memorable 
Christmas, canned ID by M “This is Toronto’s breaking news, traffic, and 
weather, Indepth Radio, Newstalk 10-10.  CFRB AM, an iHeart Radio 
station”, and into Christmas mx.  Fanfare, ID, nx and sports from the 
Canadian Press by W, Christmas and New Years ID greeting, then back to 
Christmas mx including “Happy Christmas, War is Over” by Lennon.  
Strong.  (Valko 25 Dec.)

6000   RUSSIA   Adygeyan R. (pres.)  Had the signal here from 
but not strong enough for audio.  Plus there was a band of lcl noise 
between 5999-6010.  Went off at 1859:35.  Had it fairly well on a web rx 
in the Ukraine too.  (Valko 25 Dec.)

6160   UNID.  NA Pirate??   Getting a weak signal here at  
w/unrec. Rock mx.  Also had it on VA web rx, and very weak signals w/out 
audio on various European web rxs, but may have been something else.  In 
fact it was strongest here.  Unreadable M anncr at 2227:55 sounding like 
EG.  2233:20 ment of “…on frequencies 6160 khz shortwave…”.  2234 back 
to Rock mx sounding like a remake of “Here Come the Sun”.  2236:50 
canned tlk in EG by M w/ment of United States, Watergate, and Vietnam, 
then audio off at 2238:14 and signal gone at 2238:31.  Didn’t return.  
Not a spur or image.  One or two NA Pirates have been hrd around this 
freq in the past.  (Valko 25 Dec.)

PIRATE (ARGENTINA)  Nice e-QSL from Lupo R. for Saturdays reception.  A 
great Christmas present!!!  (Valko 25 Dec.)

6294.96  PIRATE (EUROPE)   R. Tower  Found weak signal at 0852 then 
bits of audio on very short peaks after 0900.  Big signal on the Leiden 
NL web rx.  Peaks here at 0925, 0935, and 0942.  M anncr at 0948.  Just 
not in long enough.  (Valko 26 Dec.)

6160.03  BRAZIL   Super R. Boa Vontade (pres.)  Came on late at 
0907:54 today w/male choral song.  Too weak as usual.  (Valko 26 Dec.)

9898   CLANDESTINE   V.O. Tibet (via Tajikistan)  Found w/weak 
signal at 1332 w/tlk in Asian lang., no doubt Tibetan.  Signal went off 
1335:44 on sked.  (Valko 26 Dec.)

9903   CLANDESTINE   V.O. Tibet (via Tajikistan)  Came on here 
just 3 seconds after 9898 went off.  Cont. tlk in pres. Tibetan by M, W 
joining in later.  Still tlking and no change in signal quality by 1345 
t/out.  Don’t recall ever hearing these 2 freqs before.  (Valko 26 Dec.)

HAWAII (USA)   Got a QSL picturing a fiery sunset (or is it sunrise) in 
the mail from WWVH for the Dec. 7 reception on 2.5 mhz.  Ironically the 
time wasn't included!!  (Valko 26 Dec.)

6011.74  BRAZIL   R. Inconfidencia   First found around 2252 w/M and 
W.  W in PT went over the 2300 ToH.  Some canned anmnts at 2302, and 
into mx at 2304.  Slowly getting better.  M in PT at 2318 recheck, and 
more mx.  Mx pgm w/M DJ hosting continued, playing a bunch of songs in a 
row after 2330.  Got a het from pres. China on 6010.  Nothing noted on 
15190 as conditions were too poor.  Hrd on a couple ZY web rxs too and 
only 1 ID in the 2300- hour.  Wonder why it’s so far off freq.  
(Valko 26 Dec.)

Perseus SDR
Wellbrook ALA1530S loop at home and BOGs of 315 feet (except for 23 Dec. 
when 630 feet used) on micro-DXpeditions.

73 and Happy New Year to all in 2018!!

Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Hard-Core-DX mailin

[HCDX] Corrrection

2017-12-27 Thread Dave Valko
Rob Wagner was alert enough to inform me of a mistake I made in my 
loggings.  4KZ is of course in Australia, not New Zealand.  Sorry.   
Thanks to Rob.

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings 27-30 December

2017-12-30 Thread Dave Valko
5010   PIRATE (NA)   Pirate Radio Newport (relay)  2120-2157 
very good signal w/Rock mx including 2129-2139 “Stranglehold” by Ten 
Nugent.  2140 M anncr w/what seemed to be a full list of songs played in 
the show to that point, and ID, then  LP by The Scorpions.  (Valko 27 

4920   INDIA   AIR Chennai  1228-1229 couple canned anmnts.  
1229 W in hyper-speed mentioning upcoming EG nx.  Deadair, then EG nx by 
soft-spoken M anncr to 1235.  ID by studio W anncr, then subcont. mx.  
Fair.  (Valko 28 Dec.)

5010   INDIA   AIR Thiruvananthapuram  EG nx by soft-spoken M 
1230-1235 could just barely tell it was //4920 and 5040.  (Valko 28 

5040   INDIA   AIR Jeypore  Similar strength to AIR Thiru., and 
just barely able to tell it was //4920 w/EG nx by M 1230-1235.  (Valko 
28 Dec.)

9809.97  UNID.  AIR Panaji??  Found a signal here with 1 khz test 
tone from 1245.  Going of over an hour and a half until finally going 
off at 1416:37.  (See below)  (Valko 28 Dec.)

9809.98  INDIA   AIR Panaji  Weak at 1230 but came up rapidly and 
decent signal in just 5 min.  Indian Pop mx to W anncr in pres. Tamil at 
1240, then deadair for 5 min., and audio back at 1245 w/W anncr and 
canned anmnts in possible Hindi.  Horrible distorted noise in the audio. 
 Audio cut and test tone for 2 seconds, then off at 1254:17.  So this 
was indeed the one with the test tone yesterday.  (Valko 29 Dec.)

11828vUNID.   Found a strong OC here at 1417 varying quickly and 
drifting as well.  Was able to check on a number of web rxs around the 
world and it was noted everywhere.  Went off at 1428:46 w/out any audio 
unfortunately.  Must have been someone with a high-powered xmtr.  (See 
below)  (Valko 29 Dec.)

6185.02  MEXICO   R. Educacion  Audible at times.  Thought I had 
Turkey in Italian at 1510 but it wasn't sounding parallel to what I had 
on a web receiver in Greece.  The only other thing I could see that it 
could have been was Educacion.  So I tried a web rx in TX, and sure 
enough, it was parallel.  1531 w/W then M in SP on peaks.  W still 
audible on peak at 1546, and M at 1551 and 1556, same as on the TX web 
rx.  Never heard R. Educacion at this time of day before.  Signal 
visible in the display throughout the day even after China came on at 
2000 (Educacion was slightly off freq.).  (Valko 29 Dec.)

11828.5v INDIA   AIR (site??)  Found again today at 1410 w/audio, 
unlike yesterday.  M tlk in what sounded like Hindi.  1412-1419 subcont. 
mx.  1419:25 clear AIR ID by M and tlk.  Another ID by M at 1429:37.  
Discussion by at least 2 men from 1430 until the signal suddenly went 
off at 1433:05.  Fair signal w/some QRM from 11830 which was easily 
notched out.  I don’t see AIR listed on either 11825 or 11830.  A 
Youtube video of the reception can be found by clicking on this link:  
https://youtu.be/RUHUs6efpvQ  (Valko 30 Dec.)

Used a Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop antenna.


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 2-12 January 2018 Loggings

2018-01-12 Thread Dave Valko
 (TAJIKISTAN)  National Unity R. (via 
Dushanbe)  OC already on at 1156.  Fanfare and W w/apparent opening 
anmnts in KR at 1200, and cont. fanfare mx.  1201 mx and anmnt by W, 
then alternating tlk by same W and M.  Fair signal.  Still readable at 
1310 but not quite as strong.  (Valko 11 Jan.)

7906U VIETNAM   Was able to get varying strengths of audible 
signals from Hai Phong R. at 1213, Vung Tau R. at 1225, Da Nang R. at 
1235, Ben Thuy R. at 1250, Ho Chi Minh R. at 1305, but none of the 
subsequent others past 1400.  Hai Phong and Ho Chi Minh were about equal 
and the best.  (Valko 11 Jan.)

4790   CHINA   Already had an OC here at 1240, presumably 
getting the CNR1 jammer ready for BBC’s transmission at 1300.  (Valko 11 

4765   TAJIKISTAN  R. Tajikistan  Did a quick check and found W 
speaking in the apparent Tajik lang. at 1256.  Wouldn’t have been that 
bad of a signal if not for the awful CODAR.  (Valko 11 Jan.)

4790   TAJIKISTAN   BBC  Signal already on at 1256.  1258 M w/EG 
w/short 20 second ID and website anmnt over mx, and repeated about every 
35 seconds.  Apparent Uzbek pgm start at 1300.  Didn’t seem jammed by 
1303 t/out.  But just getting hammered by CODAR.  (Valko 11 Jan.)

6085   JAPAN   Shiokaze Sea Breeze  Signal on at 1259, then 
usual soft piano mx and opening anmnt by M, but it sounded like JP.  
When hrd in the past on Thursdays, they signed on w/W anncr in EG.  Poor 
signal.  Tnx Ron Howard, says this was a repeat of the special 7 Jan. 
joint broadcast between Shiokaze and Furusato no Kaze in JP.  (Valko 11 

7560   ALASKA (USA)   KNLS  Huge signal at 1307 w/rel. Pop song 
going on and on and on.  Closing w/M in CH at 1358, then theme mx.  Dead 
air, IS start at 1400, and CH opening ID at 1401.  (Valko 11 Jan.)

9743.62  UNID.  Found a fairly strong OC here at 1323 w/QRM from a 
strong TWR India.  (Valko 11 Jan.)

9749.81  KUWAIT   R. Kuwait  AR Pop-like mx w/M vcl 1324.  Suddenly 
went off abt 1326 and didn’t return.  Good signal.  (Valko 11 Jan.)

5985   MYNAMAR   Myanmar R.  Burmese tlk by W anncr 1331-1333+.  
Came back later at 1402 and hrd M anncr still audible but getting some 
slop QRM from a huge 5970 WEWN.  (Valko 11 Jan.)

7120   SOMALILAND   R. Hargeisa  M anncr here very weakly at 
1342.  HoA mx briefly and cont. tlk.  Some CW QRM on the high side.  
Checked at 1325 for EG nx but it was too weak and severe Ham QRM.  
(Valko 11 Jan.)

7625   UZBEKISTAN   V.O. the Wilderness  Easy mx on a wind 
instru. and KR tlk by W over the mx at 1357 continuing to 1401 t/out.  
(Valko 11 Jan)

6045   CLANDESTINE (SOUTH  KOREA)   V.O. Freedom  Came here at 
1402 and found CNR1 off and this in the clear with a KR version of the 
Kenny Rogers song “Coward of the County”.  (Valko 11 Jan.)

4885   CLANDESTINE (SOUTH  KOREA)   Echo of Hope  Still barely 
getting just a bit of audio w/tlk by W at 1405.  The last thing audible 
on the band.  (Valko 11 Jan.)

5915   ZAMBIA   ZNBC/R. One  Per Ron Howards tip, found back on 
w/OC at 0238, then start of Fish Eagle cry IS past 0245.  Very poor and 
had to tune in LSB to avoid tremendous slop QRM from 5920 WHRI.  Will 
have to try later when WHRI is off.  Tnx Ron, and Eike Bierwirth, 
Richard Langley and Bill Bingham in DXLD.  (Valko 12 Jan.)

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop antenna.
On the micro-DXpedition, used a 315 foot BOG at 320 degrees, changed to 
20 degrees.


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 12-15 January 2018 Loggings

2018-01-15 Thread Dave Valko
5950   USA   IBC (via WRMI)  0131 M anncr in accented EG w/ment 
of upcoming features, ment of www.dxfanzine.com, DX pgm of MW and SW 
loggings 0133-0142, IBC singing jingle, SP ID by M, then 425 DX News 
segment past 0148.  Good signal w/some QSB.  (Valko 13 Jan.)

9550.05  BRAZIL   Super R. Boa Vontade  PT tlk by W in PT at 0940, 
// 6160.02 which was very poor.  This freq better.  I believe this was 
the first time I’ve been able to // these freqs.  (Valko 13 Jan.)

4989.98  ASURINAM   R. Apintie  0949 M tlk in Sranan Tongo w/ments 
of September and Pakistani.  Nice peaks at 0950:10 and 0950:50.  Into 
canned anmnts/ads at 0952, 1 w/M shouting, and ID by M at 0953:05.  0954 
people singing/shouting in unison like girls jumping rope.  Faded and 
was very weak but got a “R. Apintie, the happy station” ID by W at 0955. 
 1004 apparent nx sponsor ad, then M w/nx.  Still had some audio at 1050 
recheck.  (Valko 13 Jan.)

11735 ZANZIBAR   ZBC  1805-1905 live coverage of the Mapinduzi 
Cup final between URA from Uganda and AZAM FC from Tanzania w/M anncr 
doing the play-by-play and screaming on occas. when the action got 
intense.  There were a few breaks when they cut into Afro Pop mx.  AZAM 
FC won 4-3.  (Valko 13 Jan.)

6049.98  LIBERIA   ELWA  2150 lcl rel. tlk/phone-in pgm in EG.  2200 
M w/simply short “This is ELWA” ID, then into next EG rel. pgm from 
World Christian ??, and blasted by 6040 WHRI slop QRM.  2230 live M 
anncr w/another ID “You’re listening to ELWA…transmission…night…”, 
instru. NA, and off at 2232:07.  Getting QRM from HCJB as well by s/off. 
 (Valko 13 Jan.)

6150   GERMANY  The Mighty KBC  0019 tlk abt writing of 
“Telstar”, then ID singing jingle, M w/song anmnt, and into “You Can 
Drive My Car” by The Beatles.  Very strong and clear of course.  (Valko 
14 Jan.)

5914.99  ZAMBIA   ZNBC/R. One  0338- live studio M and W pgm hosts 
w/chatter and taking phone calls.  0359 marvelous Fish Eagle mixed 
w/fanfare, then quick ID by W and pres. nx.  0403 Rooster crowing (which 
may have been the actual start of the next song) and into Afro Pop mx.  
More of the tlk show at 0405 to at least 0419.  Not that bad of a signal 
and nice of 5920 WHRI to stay off.  (Valko 14 Jan.)

3310   BOLIVIA   R. Mosoj Chaski  0959 Quechua tlk by M anncr 
including a nice ID, then into instru. Andean mx.  1001 W anncr briefly 
more CP vcl mx.  Fair signal.  (Valko 14 Jan.)

11895.06BRAZIL   Super R. Boa Vontade  1012-1032 rel. tlk by W pgm 
host in PT w/ID at 1016.  Ments of Gloria, Jesus, Jesus Cristo, esparto 
Santo, amor.  1027 canned anmnt by M and W w/ment of “Bible ??” and 
contact info.  1029 W w/ment of “oficial do Brasil” and Sao Paulo.  Then 
rel vcl song 1029-1033.  1035 ID by little girl and then by same W.  M 
anncr continued the pgm then to at least 1045, but was fading badly 
then.  Seemed to peak around 1020-1025.  No //’s found.  Nothing on any 
of the freqs on any web rxs from Brazil either.  This freq best hrd in a 
while.  (Valko 14 Jan.)

4747.58  PERU   R. Huanta 2000 (pres.)  2350 sounded like an ad 
block, OA camposina mx.  What sounded like a ment of Huanta (twice) and 
Peru in the first canned anmnt in an ad/promo block 0004-0007.  Back to 
camposina mx.  Went off abruptly in mid-song at 0009:44.  Horrendous 
CODAR QRM.  Almost certain I could have IDed it if not for the CODAR.  
First hrd here on the 12th.  (Valko 14-15 Jan.)

5055   AUSTRALIA  4KZ (pres.)  1259-1310 getting bits of M tlk a 
few times and mx on very short peaks of a no more than 1.5 seconds.  
Fading.  Still barely visible in the Perseus display at 1438.  Wish I 
would have been on freq earlier at my lcl sunrise.  (Valko 15 Jan.)

Perseus with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop antenna


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Logging

2018-01-15 Thread Dave Valko
4747.58  PERU   R. Huanta 2000  This is indeed the one here.  Noted 
at 2310 w/camposina mx but went off around 2315.  Found back on 2330.  
Was able to // their webstream w/ad/promo block from 2336-2342.  Ments 
of Huanta.  2 anmnts had long list of presumed network stns.  Live M 
anncr came back w/anmnt including ID at 2342.  Caught a full canned ID 
by M at 0005.  Peaked around 2335 and faded some.  Of course horrible 
CODAR QRM.  (Valko 15-16 Jan.)

Perseus with Wellbrook ALA1530S.


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 17 January 2018 Loggings

2018-01-17 Thread Dave Valko
6173.8v   PERU   R. Tawantinsuyo  Seemed a little stronger than 
usual at 1038 t/in on 6173.82 and wasn’t doing the nx which is usually 
the case at this hour.  Instead was playing some OA camposina mx.  
Drifting up rapidly, so must have come on just before I tuned in.  1042 
long canned SP anmnt by M w/echo, then back to mx.  Still going w/mx to 
at least 1101.  Found it was // to their webstream.  Slightly audible by 
1125 and had drifted up to 6173.93.  Still barely visible in the display 
on 6173.94 at 1206, so xmtr settling down by then.  Had to notch out 
6175 China.  (Valko 17 Jan.)

4774.91  PERU   R. Tarma   Starting their nice full canned ID 
w/calls and freqs over dramatic mx bed at 1101 t/in.  Then intro for 
upcoming daily pgm “Antena Informativa”.  Still readable at 1127 recheck 
but fading quickly.  Ments of informativa, Peru, Cusco, and Lima  No 
longer readable at 1135.  Fair signal at first but awful CODAR QRM.  
(Valko 17 Jan.)

9570   CUBA   CRI  w/tremendously strong signal splattering all 
the way out 20 kHz on both sides at 1205.  (Valko 17 Jan.)

15370 CUBA   RHC  Around 1520, I was getting bands of buzzing 
noise in the 19 meterband which I thought was coming from a local 
origin.   I discovered it was in fact being generated by Radio Havana 
Cuba every 67 kilohertz above and below their primary frequency.  The 
first ones above and below were very strong.  A Youtube video of the 
reception showing the noise can be found using this link:  
https://youtu.be/03siD5md7Lw  (Valko 17 Jan.)

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop antenna.


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 25-29 January 2018 Loggings

2018-01-29 Thread Dave Valko
5940   RUSSIA   Kamchatskoye R./R. Rossii  Could just barely 
hear M and lady anncrs underneath R. Algerienne (via Issoudun) here at 
2151 same as hrd on web rx in Novosibirsk.  Algerienne went off at 2159 
and noted het w/5940 and 5939.79 Voz Missionaria.  M and W w/apparent 
promo at 2159, same as hrd in Novosibirsk, then poss. M anncr for abt 
10-15 seconds (this as an ID on the web rx), then 5 clear time ticks, M 
with a few words probably an intro, and definite M w/nx after 2200.  
Very poor due mainly to Voz Missionaria slop QRM.  Tnx Ron Howard tip.  
(Valko 25 Jan.)

6940U PIRATE (NA)   Unsuspected R. (no doubt ex: An Unknown 
Radio Station)  2250 repeating IDs by W “Good evening.  This is 
Unsuspected R., 6-9-40, Unssupected R.”, and into hard Rock mx at 2251.  
Played pieces of Led Zeppelin songs at 2254.  Same ID over song at 2301. 
 Pink Floyd song.  2305 repeating IDs w/out mx again, and apparent Black 
Sabbath song.  Strong and clear.  (Valko 26 Jan.)

5940   FRANCE   R. Algerienne (via Issoudun)  2058 AR vcl song, 
signal off the air for 47 seconds, back on w/OC, then routine of M w/AR 
ID mixed w/AR mx and EG ID by W as “Koran Radio Algeria”, then repeated 
again.  Nice signal //5905.  (Valko 27 Jan.)

4985   BRAZIL   R. Brasil Central  End of soft PT song at 0132, 
W anncr in PT, then nice ID by M over “Theme from a Summer Place”, 
canned anmnt by W, and right back to more PT MOR mx.  Just fair but not 
RTTY QRM.  (Valko 28 Jan.)

3310   BOLIVIA   R. Mosoj Chaski  Nice camposina mx w/W vcl, W 
in Quechua at 0957 including TC, and cont. tlk to 1000.  Usual canned ID 
anmnt w/freq and QTH over instru. CP mx, then W returned briefly before 
going back to camposina mx.  (Valko 28 Jan.)

11600 CLANDESTINE (BULGARIA)   R. OMN  OC already on at 1556.  
1600 HoA mx and nice echo ID by W w/freq in Oromo, M anncr w/couple more 
IDs w/ment of meterband, then obvious nx headlines w/instru. mx between 
each short item.  Good signal and not jammed.  (Valko 28 Jan.)

12255.02PIRATE (EUROPE)   Reflections Europe  Very poor and only 
audible on very short peaks w/M anncr at 1631 and again 1632, and mx at 
1636.  Peak coincided w/ID at 1640, also hrd on a European web rx.  
(Valko 28 Jan.)

7340   INDIA   AIR Mumbai  1240 segment of long tlk by M in 
pres. Sinhalese, brief mx, then W anncr at 1245, and into subcont. mx 
going past 1253.  Weak signal but also on Coimbatore India web rx doing 
well.  (Valko 29 Jan.)

9775   SRI LANKA   FEBA  On w/IS once at 1330, and into Hindi 
rel. pgm.  1344 IS again and opening EG ID anmnt giving freq, and pgm 
“Chords of Praise”, then said EG pgm w/W host w/inspirational tlk and 
playing 2 songs; “King of My Life” and a choral rel. song.  Instru. 
piano mx and ended w/M and W giving ID/pgm/freq/contact info anmnt, IS 
once, and off.  A Youtube video with a STEREO recording of the reception 
here and in Coimbatore India can be found using this link:  
https://youtu.be/qDOHuQMkERM  (Valko 29 Jan.)

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop antenna.

Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 29-31 January Loggings

2018-01-31 Thread Dave Valko
1710.01  PIRATE (NA)  UNID.  Came on at 2201:15 with "The One" by 
Elton John already in progress.  You could see the tell-tale sign of the 
'hook' as the carrier came on.  Started out on 1710.02 and drifted down. 
 The audio was brought up and lowered several times over the following 2 
minutes or so.  Definitely not QSB.  Surprised to hear an anmnt at 2206 
in which a M seemed to ment. "...free radio...".  Too much Flight 93 TIS 
QRM to copy more.  Song by The Carpenters at 2209 followed by a EST TC 
and song anmnt at 2210.  2218 another song anmnt and TC as "...going 
home time is 5:18".  So definitely live.  All but 1 song changeover was 
down in the mud.  Finally went off at 2300:40.  (Valko 29 Jan.)

6973   PIRATE (ARGENTINA)   Lupo R.  Found w/LA and Tango mx 
again from 0223.  0231, 0234, 0244 same W anncr as hrd before, but too 
weak to copy.  Still going at 0246 t/out.  (Valko 30 Jan.)

6540.79  PIRATE??   Weak signal w/Rock music w/an occasional Metal 
and Punk song from 0804 t/in.  Short apparent song anmnts by M in 
(non-UK) EG at 0810 and 0820.  Too weak to copy.  Only recognized a 
remake of "Green Tambourine" at 0844 and went off suddenly at 0847:03.  
Was also getting audio on web rx in Uniontown PA, Alberta Canada, Miami, 
FL, and Warrenton VA, the latter being the best.  Also had the signal 
w/out any audio in Washington state, and Michigan, and I believe 2 
receivers in the UK.  Thought at first it might be a EuroPirate, but it 
shouldn’t have been hrd w/audio as far west as Alberta.  Then thought a 
possible spur, but no //’s found anywhere.  Only possibilities are a NA 
Pirate or harmonic of 1090.  If a NA Pirate, is a strange time/day for 
one.  Not hrd the next morning.  (Valko 30 Jan.)

6024.96  BOLIVIA   Red Patria Nueva  From 1026 t/in w/M and W hosts 
w/apparent “Bolivia Informa” nx pgm.  Many remote phoned-in rpts.  
1029-1035 ad/promo block including ID at 1032:25 several nice IDs in 
promo at 1033:10.  Fortunately the Cuban jammer went off at this time.  
6030 OC came on 1045 causing some QRM.  Then someone on 6020 blasted it 
out at 1058.  (Valko 30 Jan.)

4875.26  BRAZIL  R. Difusora Roraima  Tremendous signal like a local 
at 0256 w/PT contemporary mx.  0259 jingle and TC, then full canned ID 
by M, and into Clapton’s acoustic version of his “Layla”.  (Valko 31 

1710   PIRATE (NA)   R. Reten que lo Tenes  Agonizingly long 
rel.-like song to 0830, then caught one of the SP IDs at 0830:40 when 
the Hudson Co. TIS finally faded.  On the web rx in Kingwood TX, there 
were a ton of IDs in succession from 0830 past 0831, some giving their 
website, and AM and FM freqs.  When I checked back at 0841, they were 
airing the usual live impassioned preaching.  Hrd on the Wellbrook but 
not on the Delta Loop oddly enough.  (Valko 31 Jan.)

6215U HONG KONG   VRC Marine Rescue R. (UTE)  1030 just caught 
end of EG ID by M as I tuned in.  Unfortunately I wasn’t recording.  
Readable signal much like VMW on 6230 above.  Hrd another xmsn at 
1233-1234 w/M sounding like wx w/ment of numbers and possibly 
“visibility”.  Too weak at this time.(Valko 31 Jan.)

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop antenna.


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 26 February 2018 Loggings

2018-02-26 Thread Dave Valko
5960   ASCENSION IS.   R. Ndarason Int. (relay)  NHK (Issoudun) 
went off here leaving R. Ndarason Int. already on with vcl song then 
exotic Afro mx at 0500.  Same W anncr as hrd previous day w/opening 
anmnt mixed in w/ment of Nigeria, Hausa and ending w/ID at 0502:25.  
When a M anncr came on along with the W, I realized it was 2 diff. audio 
feeds.  W continued w/pres. nx to 0511 (many ments of Nigeria, and Boko 
Haram) while the other had more exotic mx then M anncr at 0510.  The 
first feed had all tlk segments (w/mx bridges), and the second had all 
exotic mx (sounding HoA style at 0513 and 0527) with the studio M anncr 
sev. times.  Hrd the M on the second feed ment “International” at least 
twice, possibly Ndarason IDs, but the pace was too fast to be 100% 
certain.  But presumably 2 diff. R. Ndarason Int. feeds mixing together. 
 Was down to just the second feed only at 0620 recheck.  Tnx Mauno 
Ritola and Dave Kernicks tip passed on by Ron Howard.  A Youtube video 
of the reception can be found using this link:  
https://youtu.be/SWfNPDmIc74  (Valko 26 Feb.)

6115   D.R. OF CONGO   R. Congo  Nx pgm at 0549 t/in.  Wasn't 
there at 0540 check, so came on sometime w/in those 4 min.  M pgm host 
in FR w/many many actualities and ments of Rwanda (or was it Luanda) and 
Congo.  Nice ID ending rpt by M at 0554:15.  Afro Pop mx bridge at 0602, 
then canned M and W at 0603, Afro Pop mx w/M voice-over tlk and ment of 
Congo at 0604.  0605 M anncr.  More canned anmnts to pleasant Afro Pop 
mx after 0608.   Tlk during mx at 0614-0615.  Fading.  Best hrd in many 
years.  Stronger on the Delta Loop but a little noisy.  Also getting 
blasted pulsing static noise from 6080.  A Youtube video of the 
reception can be found using this link:  https://youtu.be/4zv8UEbQExc  
(Valko 26 Feb.)

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S and 153 foot Delta Loop


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 26-27 February Loggings

2018-02-27 Thread Dave Valko
4774.87  BRAZIL   R. Sora  “A Voz do Brasil” nx pgm from 2255.  Full 
canned ID w/freqs by M at 2300.  ID as R. Sora de Congonhas.  Best 
signal in a long time but centered right on a CODAR.  (Valko 26 Feb.)

6010.02  BRAZIL   R. Inconfidencia  2301 singing ID jingle, then 
live studio M DJ starting w/nice clear ID, then same ID jingle again, 
and nx highlights w/separater fanfare between each and ment of 
“America”.  Another ID at 2303 and list of network stns.  Good signal 
and clear.  (Valko 26 Feb.)

4747.36  PERU   R. Huanta 2000  Nice signal at 2342 w/camposina mx.  
M anncr in SP at 2344 ending w/ID and TC, then back to campo mx.  Ad 
block 2348-2353 w/many ments of Huanta.  Canned shouted ID by M during 
campo song at 2358:30.  Live M DJ returned at 0001 followed by another 
ad block to 0003 t/out.  One of the rare times it stayed on throughout 
the evening.  (Valko 26-27 Feb.)

4774.90  PERU   R. Tarma  Rapid SP tlk by M at 2353 w/ment of R. 
Santa Rosa.  Tuned out briefly and canned anmnt on return at 2356 w/ment 
of Tarma, live M DJ w/TC and tlk by 2 men over ToH past 0003.  Good 
signal.  No CODAR QRM at this time but horrible het and QRM from R. Sora 
a hair below.  (Valko 26-27 Feb.)

6173.95  PERU   R. Tawantinsuyo  Very surprised to find this audible 
at 0010 w/Huayno mx.  Studio M anncr at 0012-0014.  Phone ringing SFX 
during song at 0015 and 0016.  M anncr didn’t take any calls on the air 
though.  0017 canned W anncr very briefly, no doubt a promo.  M anncr 
returned mixing w/mx 0017-0019.  All parallel to their web stream.  Had 
a nice ID at 0017 but it was just a tad too weak to hear it here.  No 
QRM.  Nearly gone by 0030.  One of the best Andean openings this Winter 
season here.  (Valko 27 Feb.)

5952.46  BOLIVIA   R. Pio Doce  0208 really nice signal w/nonstop 
rustic CP camposina mx.  0220 finally short canned ID anmnt by W, and 
more anmnts.  0225 men shouting “Pio Doce” twice, then alternating M and 
W anncrs over instru. mx w/ID.  0227 usual “Colonel Bogey march and long 
full canned ID anmnt by M w/QTH “Siglo XX, Municipio de Llallagua, 
Departmento de Potosi, Bolivia”, AM SW and FM freqs, website, and phone. 
 Ended w/harp signature 3 times at 0229 and plug pulled at 0230:02.  Had 
slight QRM from weak signal on 5950, but passband removed it.  (Valko 27 

4875.26  BRAZIL   R. Difusora Roraima  Tremendous signal w/long song 
0256-0302, canned PT anmnt by W, tlk by M over mx, 0305 nice full canned 
PT ID by M w/freqs and QTH.  Amazing strength but really poor the 
following morning.  (Valko 27 Feb.)

4885.03  BRAZIL  R. Clube do Para  0301 M anncr in PT w/ment of R. 
Clube, couple canned anmnts, and full canned ID anmnt w/freqs, and QTH 
by M at 0306.  Strong but not quite as good as Roraima next door.  
(Valko 27 Feb.)

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop antenna


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Congo

2018-02-28 Thread Dave Valko
Ron Howard and apparently Glenn Hauser pointed out my recent logging of 
R. Congo should be Republic of Congo NOT Dem. Rep. of Congo.  Yes, from 
Brazzaville.  My mistake.  Sorry for any confusion.

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 2 Loggings, 18 April

2018-04-18 Thread Dave Valko
11735   ZANZIBAR   ZBC  1809 EG ID by W at end of nx as "This is the 
English news from Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation.  Thank you for 
listening".  Best signal during the EG nx in quite a while.  (Valko 18 

6100   PIRATE (NA)   "The Relay Station"  Tnx John Herkimer tip, noted 
at 2205 w/end of anmnt w/ment of website welcomeradio.com, Dance mx w/DJ 
"Annie" giving pgm credits, name and "The General Store", Blues mx, ID 
by little girl for WXNZ, Skowhegan, ME, cont. Blues song, then "Both 
Sides Now" by Joni Mitchell.  Very good signal.  Here's a link to a 
Youtube video of the reception:  https://youtu.be/JTRfsX5LugM  (Valko 18 

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop antenna.


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings and Video Links

2014-06-19 Thread Dave Valko
MALAYSIA (SARAWAK)   9835   Sarawak FM   1014 studio W DJ anncr in BM and 
into rom. SE Asian song.  W again at 1024 w/ID, tlk, and another ID at 1025 
before going back to rom. mx.  Apparent canned promo/ID by M over mx at 
1031, then immed. back to mx.  Has been off for a long time due to fault in 
a transmitter transformer and in the antenna per e-mail Ron Howard got from 
the stn.  (29 May)

BOLIVIA   6024.97   R. Patria Nueva   Discovered that the stns webstream was 
1:26 behind the live audio.  Accounting for the delay, I was able to hear 
one of the three "Patria Nueva" IDs during the promos at 2359:37 despite 
V.O. Vietnam (Albania) playing music and splattering over.  Also heard ment 
on "El Mundo".  But the other IDs just didn't make it through.  (7 June)

BOLIVIA   6024.97   R. Patria Nueva   1000:20 canned ID by W before the next 
hour of nx.  The morning reception here has been QRMed by Marti and the 
jammer on 6030, but the evening reception is clear in the half hour before 
Marti comes on 2330- (China fades out).  (9 June)

PIRATE (EUROPE)   6220   Tip & Elvis   0014* closing anmnt by M, part of a 
song, then off.  Confirmed in a chat this was Tip & Elvis and 500 watts. 
(15 June)

BRAZIL   5990.07   R. Nacional da Amazonia   0835 end of ZY Pop song, then 
deep-voiced M anncr taking phone calls.  "Bom dia"s.  Tlk w/ment of Parana, 
Sao Paulo, Puerto Alegro.  Back to more Pops at 0847.  Fair signal // 
tremendous 6180.01.  (17 June)

AUSTRALIA/ROMANIA   15399.973   HCJB (via Australia)   1057 Heard w/EG and 
CH rel. pgm (M speaking in EG repeated in CH by another M) over R. Romania 
Int. which was on 15400.  You could plainly hear the 27 hz het created by 
the 2.  Romania was ending their FR program, went off the air, and came back 
on weaker w/apparent EG program.  (17 June)

CLANDESTINE   15430   R. Free Sarawak   Came on with a false start briefly 
at 1046, then on at 1050 and audio up at 1052 w/mx.  1100 hrd the usual sign 
on w/IDs and website easily copied.  Only fair signal though.  (17 June)

Recently, I've started posting some videos of the Perseus SDR on Youtube. 
Things that may be of interest should you care to view.  Here are some 

http://youtu.be/5KY7rgXgcZg   European Pirates as heard in Pennsylvania, USA 
(Part 1) (2009-12-06)
http://youtu.be/ui59ILrTnX0   European Pirates as heard in Pennsylvania, USA 
(Part 2) (2009-12-06)
http://youtu.be/mAZcZyGVVnQ   Shortwave Stations (11735) Voice of Korea and 
Radio Transmundial Mixing, (11665) Wai FM  (2014-06-14)
http://youtu.be/qRiXR-vijx0   Canadian Shortwave Stations CKZU and CKZN on 
6160 kHz  (2014-06-14)

http://youtu.be/0wqblJ6eU9I   Shortwave Pirate station MAC  (2014-06-14)
http://youtu.be/s1ZlLoswyHA  15400 HCJB (Australia) and Radio Romania 
Intenational 27 Hertz Apart  (2014-06-17)
http://youtu.be/YXLC42D8IFs   Shortwave Radio Stations from Brazil in the 31 
Meterband  (2014-06-19)
http://youtu.be/23GPWTCd9HQ   Bolivian Shortwave Radio Station Radio Yura 
Identification  (2014-06-19)

http://youtu.be/8McV70ZgFeE  Hets on 11815 and 11735.  (2014-06-19)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA 

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Links for Reception Videos

2014-07-18 Thread Dave Valko
I haven't made any loggings lately, but I have uploaded a number of reception 
videos on Youtube.  Perhaps you'll find them of interest.  Here are the links;

http://youtu.be/ReN27LEAJg0   Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Good on 3 Frequencies

http://youtu.be/WbxhcsWJ7eQ   Voice of Korea signing on and going off, KCBS 
going off, Wai FM IDs

http://youtu.be/CiZD8evldsk   China Radio International and Radio Nacional da 

http://youtu.be/xdXtnSd35os   CNR1 on old Firedrake frequencies

http://youtu.be/EplArnZnksI   Voice of Nigeria

http://youtu.be/2DRD0VqNlIU   AIR Bengaluru, 15410 kiloHertz

http://youtu.be/0xEQwjGFBLw   Shortwave Pirate Station; Whiskey Redneck Radio

http://youtu.be/kfwPsknKDbE   Evening South American Shortwave radio stations 
heard in Pennsylvania (Yura, Para, Chaski, Santa Cruz, Fides)

http://youtu.be/EwM5qVRbkb8   Radio Caiari

http://youtu.be/Od_I-8qv-pw   Radio Logos, No Utility Interference and with 
Utility Interference.

http://youtu.be/IV_gNwXdpfw   Super Radio Deus e Amor on 2 Parallel Frequencies 
in the 49mb.

http://youtu.be/ZU6EktdPok4   Radio Santa Cruz amid white noise jamming of 
Voice of Freedom.

http://youtu.be/9duwY8VK42A   Radio Free Sarawak signing off with several IDs.

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Reception Video Links

2014-07-26 Thread Dave Valko
Made some videos earlier today.  You may find these of interest.  Here are the 

http://youtu.be/D1JygZCxQqQ   Radio Aparecida, Radio Santa Cruz, each one 
notched out in turn.

http://youtu.be/W4VIiP2muUo   WWVH in the clear without any WWV QRM.

http://youtu.be/iizC-12Y9_I   Sarawak FM, ID, etc.

http://youtu.be/aXkBucNYrXw   Vividh Bharati, fairly good with an ID at 1200

http://youtu.be/Ngoz13A2GeY   R. Taiwan Int. going off and on.

http://youtu.be/83sTxkZ3Tiw   RRI Jakarta, in the clear and CNR1 QRM briefly, 
then ToH with more QRM.

http://youtu.be/OHx6gAZulHE   Myanma R.

http://youtu.be/DVvPhIy1Mog   R. New Zealand Int., bird IS, ID, news.

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] A few loggings and video links

2014-07-31 Thread Dave Valko
ASCENSION ISLAND   11985   Akhbar Mufriha (via HCJB, Ascension Is.)   Signal on 
at 2145, ID in AR by M, a lot of tlk and occas. native stringed mx w/vcls 
w/"Hallelujah"s.  Mx sounds like something from Mauritania.  Nice ID w/contact 
info at 2159.  ID and contact info again at 2214, then off.  Fairly good signal 
and clear.  (19 July)

MAYNMAR   9730   Myanma R.   1036 usual closing for this early Monday airing of 
the ABC R. EG lang. pgm.  Canned spots then studio W anncr tlk w/M.  Poor to 
fair.  No sign of the presumed CNR channel that was here yesterday at this 
time.  (28 July)

VIETNAM   9839.85   V.O. Vietnam   1050 M anncr in IN hosting pres. press pgm 
w/journalist reports and soundbites.  Fair signal //better 12019.105.  (28 July 

BANGLADESH   15105   Bangladesh Betar   OC from at least 1222, then tone, and 
IS at 1229.  1230 usual opening routine.  Very very weak.  Something must have 
happened to the transmitter since 19mb conditions were fairly decent.  Wasn't 
on during a check last week.  (28 July)

USA   11715   KJES   Carrier came on with low power at 1249, then boosted to 
full power at 1259, and bdcst began w/girl giving ID and QTH in EG, and into 
rel. mx w/preaching.  Strong but undermodulated.  (28 July)

INDIA   15410   AIR Panaji   Suddenly popped on at :00, mx for 1 second, 
then deadair for 31 seconds and mx continued weakly modulated.  Thai pgm 
started at 1115. ID at 1129, then deadair from 1130-1135, and nx in EG by M 
starting w/ID from 1135-1140.  Carrier w/weak 1 khz tone from 1140 until the 
signal suddenly went off at 1158:36.  Not all that strong.  (30 July)

INDIA 9705, 11740 AIR Panaji No sign of either frequency for the English xmsn 
at 2245. Was there a few days prior. (30 July)

Made a few more videos.  Here are the links;

http://youtu.be/_V_S65dRjik   Strong signals from Pirate stations Wolverine 
Radio and Radio Free Whatever

http://youtu.be/O73XT5bTViY   Pirate, Unidentified on 6925.32 KiloHertz  (I 
think this was Liquid R.)

http://youtu.be/eQZHSnSOLWU   Presumed CNR with ID on 9730.  Heard this one day 

http://youtu.be/Pf04zY7S7Mg   Voice of Vietnam in parallel on 2 frequencies

http://youtu.be/yFpvu5bGA-s   KJES and Voice of Korea, side by side

http://youtu.be/VvOuKHYEmi0   Radio Cairo in English

http://youtu.be/MTjkiNY-mkU   (25 meterband) Massive Spanish numbers station, 
Voice of Korea, Wai FM

http://youtu.be/w0xTgCgG-YQ   A Mess on 11915 kiloHertz

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Youtube video of all the current US shortwave stations

2014-08-05 Thread Dave Valko
I spent a few days recently "collecting" station identifications of all the 
shortwave stations from the US (I think I got them all!!).  It took some time 
and I ran into a few snags, but I finally posted the video on Youtube.  I added 
a few effects to jazz it up a little as well.  Some of you may have already 
viewed one or two of the test videos and found some errors.  If so, I 
apologize.  It would have been much easier to just post the videos of each 
station on Youtube individually, but a full length video kept them all in one 
place with no need to search for a particular station ID.  To aid in finding a 
station in the video, I included the time in the info box as part of all the 
other details.  If you have a spare moment, please drop me a line and let me 
know how good the quality is on your end.  Here's a link to the video;


73   Dave
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings and Reception Video Links

2014-08-06 Thread Dave Valko
SRI LANKA   9720   SLBC   1114 signal sudden on, then brief drum IS, time 
ticks, opening anmnt by W in pres. Tamil, and into mx.  Weak but there.  (1 

MYANMAR   9730   Myanma R.   1105 incredible strength and thought it was CNR 
back on this freq again, so tried to // but found none.  By the time I came to 
the realization it was actually Myanmar, it had already dropped down.  Was way 
down by 1120.  Probably the best heard this year.  (1 August)

USA   17775   KVOH   1515-1529 "Frecuencia al Dia" DX pgm in SP w/many 
recordings of stns including R. Tarma, and mentions of other OA stations 
including R. Cultural Amauta, R. Chaski, and R. Quillabamba. SP ID at 1529, 
then into pleasant Ranchera mx pgm w/host Lorenzo Martinez who gave his name 
and many KVOH IDs and QTH as Los Angeles CA.  Also ment of Internet website.  
Not very strong and quite a bit of QSB.  (1 August)

PIRATE (NA)   6950U   R. Gallifrey Intergalactic   0008 "Dr. Who" theme, then 
instru. ethereal mx.  More mx w/breaks in between songs.  Sounded like there 
was SSTV at 0037 and off at 0039.  Nothing came up on the SSTV decoding.  
Recorded the audio, slowed it down and copied what seemed to be code but it 
just turned up jibberish.  Very strong.  (2 August)

USA   7505.24   WRNO   0058 full ID by M, then another ID by different M at 
0059 w/freq. email wrnora...@mailus.net, addr in Ft. Worth TX. (record)  Into 
New Years rel. mx pgm "The Haven".  Very good signal and nice audio, but off 
freq as usual.  (2 August)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA   7324.96   Wantok R. Light   End of what may have been the 
"Unshackled" pgm at 0955, then studio W anncr giving the pgm contact info, and 
China came on and ruined one of the best receptions as of late.  (2 August)

PERU   4774.92   R. Tarma   Signal popped on at 0958:34, some deadair, then 
surprised to hear the Windows XP opening theme melody at 1000:35!!  A little 
more deadair, then start w/full canned ID anmnt by M w/freqs and calls and 
contact info, into mx pgm.  Only fair and very noisy.  (2 August)

MYANMAR   9731   Myanma R. (pres.)   Off freq and barely audible.  Just voices 
here and there after 1108, then mx pgm from about 1114.  Couldn't detect the 
usual them mx at 1129 but there was mx.  W anncr then at 1130, and gone at 
1130:50.  So it must have been Myanmar.  Nowhere near as strong as it was 
yesterday on 9730.  (2 August)

CLANDESTINE   15550   R. Dabanga   Found here at 1528 mixing w/WJHR.  Since 
WJHR is in USB, Dabanga was audible in LSB w/usual singing ID jingle.  Both 
stns about equal.  (3 August)

USA   7555.033   KJES   0157 children singing then repeating something in an 
almost screaming manner.  0159 girl w/usual ID and QTH, then spiritual readings 
by W with group repeating.  Good signal but UTE QRM.  (4 August)

BRAZIL   5999.99   R. Guaiba   018 discussion by men in PT, 0024 ad block 
starting w/poss. ID, then definite ID at 0025:05.  Adj. slop QRM from 5990.  (6 

BRAZIL   9530v   R. Transmundial   Irregular here at this time but on today.  
1006 pgm of ballads and M host w/canned anmnts. // 11735.  Drifted down from 
above 9530.03 at the start and right on freq at 1012.  (6 August)

Made a few more videos.  Feel free to view at the links below;

http://youtu.be/VAwux4gR_gE   Radio Hilaac signing on

http://youtu.be/lHC69ARl9aU   NBC East New Britain going off and on

http://youtu.be/lufQjNZg_Us   9680.05 RRI Jakarta

http://youtu.be/ZeCrszzhhPg   Radio Tarma on 17775 kiloHertz??

http://youtu.be/TYopeXGXrXU   Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty repeating 

http://youtu.be/Jqx6pdXFKWo   Radio Tarma coming on the air and starting 
Windows XP!!

http://youtu.be/FmmEHfH3jDs   Presumed Myanma Radio off freq on 9731 kiloHertz

http://youtu.be/OgiIkrD4zGA   Pirate station Radio Gallifrey Intergalactic

http://youtu.be/RbmsIMVD-ZY   3 Pirates, Northwoods Radio, Captain Morgan 
Shortwave, and an Unidentified

http://youtu.be/EacYPjz6XNM   Northwoods Radio again with a morning transmission

http://youtu.be/D4TcR4Y-h-0   Very nice signal of Radio Aparecida

http://youtu.be/-A1WhbSsuZc   Radio Patria Nueva station identification

http://youtu.be/qjaxUNkbrZo   Good signal from Alcaravan Radio

http://youtu.be/jkvytJCuDkQ   Antenna switching comparison of Wellbrook and 
Delta Loop antennas


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA USA
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Latest Loggings and Video Links

2014-08-12 Thread Dave Valko
CHINA   9540   CNR1 jammer   0948 tlk by M in CH, //9730.  Looks like both of 
these are jamming Sound of Hope.  9540 stronger.  9730 goes off at 1000 but 
9540 stays on.  (7 August)

ALASKA   9655   KNLS   1000 usual opening of EG w/IS twice, EG ID w/QTH, then 
IS again, and start of EG pgm.  (7 August)

BRAZIL   6134.683   R. Aparecida   Same long list of stns carrying the 
Aparecida pgms ending w/IDs and ID jingle song by womens chorus at 2302.  Fair 
and clear as Santa Cruz hadn't faded in yet.  (7 August)

BOLIVIA   4409.796   R. Eco (pres.)   Sounds like LA mx at 0114. 0116 M anncr 
very briefly but hard to tell if it was SP, then back to mx.  A pretty noisy 
evening.  A lot of uptempo songs w/accordion.  0125 M anncr again.  0127 
sounded like a canned anmnt.  (8 August)

INDONESIA   7289.94   RRI Nabire (pres.)   Possible mx around 0921, then 
soft-spoken M anncr from 0937 recheck to 0945, and back to mx. M returned at 
0950.  0956:25 native singing, then more upbeat song 0957:00.  M anncr briefly 
at 1000.  More somber mx at 1001:30 w/W voice-over.  W ended tlk at 1012:30 and 
back to mx plainly audible.  Pleasant W vcl song at 1030.  Mx 1033:40.  And 
getting mx at 1101 and M anncr at 1102 shortly.  Mx 1118:00.  Was still going 
w/what sounded like drums at 1130.  Surprised and glad this was on throughout.  
(8 August)

MICRONESIA   4755.58   The Cross R.   1027 Christian Pop mx.  Finally a clear 
ID by M at 1035 w/intro for "The Edge" pgm segment".  Best heard yet since last 
season. Not as noisy as it has been.  (9 August)

THAILAND   5875   R. Thailand Int.   1115 caught "This is HSK9..." canned ID by 
M in EG, then into Cambodian pgm.  Very nice signal and fairly quiet for a 
change.  Easily as good as the 31mb outlet with the Malaysian program to 1215.  
The 15590 EG broadcast at  was rather poor.  (9 August)

BRAZIL   11916.195   R. Gaucha   Tlk pgm w/sev. men anncrs.  Occas. ad block.  
From 2327:40-2328:35 hrd three IDs.  Good signal.  (9 August)

BOLIVIA   6024.98   R. Patria Nueva   Found the carrier on at 0801.  Hard to 
tell if there was any audio due to the jammer on 6030.  (10 August)

PIRATE (NA)   6925   V.O. the Abnormal   0038 "Spam" Monty Python skit followed 
by "Spam" Weird Al parody of "Stand" by REM.  Frank Zappa song.  Nice clear ID 
by M, then another song.  Strong.  (11 August)

BOLIVIA   4716.695   R. Yura   0112 nice signal and not too noisy.  Campo mx. 
0016 M anncr.  TC.  Seemed to take a phone caller.  0119 TC by diff. M, and 
more voice-over tlk.  (11 August)

PERU   4747.627   R. Huanta Dos Mil   Series of canned anmnts at 1005 but 
wasn't there at 1001, so must have signed on between those times.  1011:55 ID 
by M during presumed usual nx pgm.  LAs doing a little better this morning.  
(12 August)

MICRONESIA   4755.57   The Cross R.   "Love is the Answer" remake at 1030, 1032 
usual ID intro for "The Edge" segment, said pgm, then back to Christian Pop mx. 
 ID outro for spiritual message segment at 1045 recheck.  Even better than 9 
August and best signal since last season . (12 August)

Uploaded a few more reception videos to Youtube which may be of some interest.  
Here are the links should you care to watch;

http://youtu.be/gIIz971eWGE   2 Brazilians on 4885.012 and 4885.025

http://youtu.be/-IbQcFQYi1I   RRI Nabire staying on late

http://youtu.be/-yZYO9_5Upg   The Cross Radio with station identification

http://youtu.be/XSBBLbOIMUY   Nice reception of Radio Thailand World Service

http://youtu.be/9KA-c0G22ME   Big signal from The Voice of the Abnormal

http://youtu.be/R9Tb7kaoOeA   Radio Voz Missionaria, including jingle station 

http://youtu.be/1MKGAHz8H0Y   15050 AIR Khampur going off, 15040 AIR Bengaluru 
coming on

http://youtu.be/9VccUV55v1U   Just a bit of weak audio from presumed Radio Eco

http://youtu.be/KExH3kMMSqQ   CNR1/Firedrake on 14920 and 14980 kHz

http://youtu.be/1SpoZFdlCHg   An older reception from January of Republic of 
Yemen Radio


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Micro-DXpedition Report and Reception Video Links

2014-08-17 Thread Dave Valko

14-15 August 2014 Micro-DXpedition

Went out for the sole purpose of logging all the ZYs.  I was disappointed 
some weren't on (or not observed); Gaucha, 9 de Julho, 9515 Marumby, and 
Brasil Central has been off for a while.  But other things turned out to 
make it a memorable micro-DXpedition; Panaji, Patria Nueva, Eco.  A nice 
evening for an early season micro-DXpedition.  Not hot or humid.  Conditions 
were a bit noisy on the Tropical bands but not too bad for Summer.

RX:  Perseus SDR
ANT:  315' Beverage (BOG) at 165°
QTH:  Pennsylvania State Games Lands #26
Duration:  2300-0130 UTC
Solar Indices:  Solar Flux = 113  A Index = 5  K Index = 1
WX:   Sunny (until the Sun set), northwest breeze, temp in the low 60's 
dropping to the upper 50's

BRAZIL   11854.98   R. Aparecida   2302 end of long list of Aparecida stns 
and Aparecida theme song by W, mx, then tlk by live men w/IDs and website. 
Excellent signal.  (14 August)

INDIA   9705   AIR Panaji   2315:50 EG ID by W after the nx then sked for 
President Mukherjee's speech on Independence Day, and into "Patriotic 
Songs".  Another ID at 2328:50.  Brief searing sitar mx, W w/intro for the 
presidents speech on Independence Day, instru. NA, and then the EG speech by 
his excellency.  Great S9+10 signal.  Probably the best ever heard Panaji. 
// much much weaker nearby 9690 AIR Bengaluru.  (14 March)

BOLIVIA   6024.97   Red Patria Nueva   2341 Incredible signal w/ment of 
"Bo-Lee-Vee-ah" during promo during break in the nx pgm that may be called 
"Bolivia Informa".  Journalist ?? Sanchez mentioned Patria Nueva at end of 
his report at 2343.  2347:30 break w/nice nx promo, jingle ad, then bank ad, 
2349:55 ment of Patria Nueva in anmnt, 2350:40 short ID promo, same nx promo 
that started the break, then back to nx.  Near 100% copy!!  As easy as 
falling off a log!!  That is until it was blasted out by 6020 and 6030 at 
the ToH.  (14 August)

BOLIVIA   5952.46   R. Pio Doce   2341 alternating SP tlk by M and W pgm 
hosts, M shouting at times.  Ments of Bolivia, camposina, inform.  Into live 
mx at 2348 for a min. and a half then the 2 anncrs returned all past the 
ToH.  Severe slop QRM from 5950 WRMI.  Totally inaudible when WRMI was 
playing mx.  (14 August)

BRAZIL   6080.03   R. Marumby   Fairly good at 2341 t/in w/tlk by M in PT. 
Soft song and more tlk.  2359 full canned ID by deep-voiced M over instru. 
mx, then canned ID/promo.   usual "Marumby" signing jingle by womens 
chorus.  Best early on.  (14 August)

BRAZIL   6089.965   R. Bandeirantes   Not often heard because of Anguilla. 
Good signal w/Futbol coverage starting at 2334 including a long goal at 
2343.  Ment of Brasil, Sao Paulo, Londrina. Going past ToH.  //9645.41.  (14 

BOLIVIA   4409.773   R. Eco   0004 pleasant rom. song, 0008:45 church bells 
made the song sound like a wedding song.  0010:10 surprised to hear canned 
call, ID, and freq by M. Another anmnt w/ment of el servicio, then mx 
briefly, and live studio M anncr from 1011 w/what could have been PSAs (nice 
quick peak at 0015:40).  Still going at 0018.  Went off sometime around 
0100.  (15 August)

BOLIVIA   5580.297   R. San Jose   Deadair but then mx singing started as 
soon as I started the recording at 0019 (ment of corazon in the song).  Then 
apparent Padre w/ment of palabra but very low level.  Guess it was the daily 
Mass.  More of the same.  Long period of deadair, but could just detect very 
faint background rustling noise at times.  When the signal peaked between 
static crashes, it was almost stunning.  Went off sometime between 0044 and 
0055.  (15 August)

BOLIVIA   3310   R. Mosoj Chaski   0102:50 end of long tlk by M anncr and 
nice canned ID w/freq and QTH.  (15 August)

SRI LANKA   11905   SLBC   Outstanding signal.  Came on around 0113, and 
audio suddenly popped on w/mx, one short and one long tick, W w/nice ID, and 
into regional mx.  Another ID by W at 0128:50, and back to mx.  Almost 
S9+10.  Just amazing.  (15 August)

UNID.   15745 UNID.   Saw a signal here at 0122, turned the AGC off to 
increase the signal strength and did hear M anncr w/sports in EG at times of 
brief peaks.  I doubt it was SLBC.  Probably a spur.  (15 August)

Here are links to the videos recorded from the micro-DXpedition.  (check out 
Red Patria Nueva!!)

http://youtu.be/hTdwFmqcuOA   R. San Jose

http://youtu.be/M4JwPr3jRRs   SLBC

http://youtu.be/9pT6y15u7mM   R. Mosoj Chaski

http://youtu.be/0ymS_-1j5Fo   R. Eco

http://youtu.be/i3r3HGIi5_s   Red Patria Nueva

http://youtu.be/7yEnyJQ41-A   AIR Panaji

http://youtu.be/VW5sWN1a4DY   R. Aparecida


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA 

Hard-Core-DX mailing list


[HCDX] R. Nord Revival Video

2014-08-24 Thread Dave Valko
Just uploaded a video of R. Nord Revival to Youtube.  I know many have heard it 
this weekend but what mades this video a little different is that the first 
half was made during a micro-DXpedition and the second half was made during 
reception at home.  Here's the link if you'd like to listen/watch;

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] SIBC Back on 9545

2014-09-17 Thread Dave Valko
SOLOMON ISLANDS   9545   SIBC   0845-0857 long list of messages by studio W DJ 
in Tok Pisin w/many ments of "studio", "transport" and "Thank you for your 
cooperation and understanding", and a couple ments of SIBC.  So obviously a lot 
of late shipments.  Ended at 0857 w/promo, then live W again w/pgm notes 
including a nice ID w/freqs at 0858 and ment of "Bible readling", sports, and 
nx, then said "Bible Reading".  Good signal at t/in but faded by 0938 check.  
Getting some splash QRM from the 9540 CNR1 jammer at 1015 check.  Nothing on 
usual freq of 5020.   Here's a link to a video of the ID
http://youtu.be/2yG7tJErJSc  (17 Sept.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA USA

Perseus SDR
153 foot Delta Loop
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 27 September Loggings

2014-09-27 Thread Dave Valko
4835   AUSTRALIA   ABC Tennant Creek   Very strong at 1100 and just 
caught the nx fanfare and into the nx by M while WWCR had deadair.  It did last 
and WWCR audio returned as the ABC nx started.  (27 Sept.)

4989.995UNID.   Fairly strong signal here at 1116.  If there was any audio, 
it was extremely weak.  Was gone at 1141 recheck.  (27 Sept.)

7260   CHINA   Xinjiang PBS   Strong signal with tlk by M in at 1125 
w/tlk by W in CH.  (27 Sept.)

6050   TIBET   Xizang PBS (pres.)   1124 tlk by M in pres. Tibetan and 
sounded very much //7255.  Later 1146 poss. M anncr again //7255.  Weak signal 
though and no sign of Asyik FM this morning.  (27 Sept.)

4894.997INDIA   AIR Kurseong (pres.)   Sounded very much like the AIR IS at 
1128, and M anncr at 1130.  CODAR just too much to be certain though.  (27 

5985.23  MYANMAR   Myanma R.   Nice signal at 1135 w/apparent nx by M and 
soundbite from M.  1140 alternating M and W.  1144 usual Asian Pop mx then.  W 
DJ w/mx pgm still going barely audible at 1220.  9730 was already off so 
couldn't //.  This is the best ever heard this freq here.  (27 Sept.)

6060   CHINA   Sichuan PBS   Pleasant Chinese mx at 1147 //much better 
7225 which had occas. Ham QRM.  (27 Sept.)

7284.976VIETNAM   V.O. Vietnam (pres.)   Definite tlk by W in Asian lang. 
Fair strength but low modulation.  Couldn't find a //.  (27 Sept.)

6034.95  BHUTAN   BBS   Pop mx as soon as R. Marti went off 1159.  Instru. 
mx to ToH, M anncr in apparent Dzongkha for a minute, pleasant instru. mx 
bridge, then same M w/nx, all // stns webstream.  1214 plucked instru. mx 
bridge, then M anncr, and into more stringed instru. mx at 1217 but fading 
quickly.  This continues to improve.  http://youtu.be/FMqsKwAj9m8  (27 Sept.)


Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA, USA
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] LRA36/R. Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel

2014-09-29 Thread Dave Valko
R. Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel from Antarctica on 15475.97 is staying on 
later this evening.  Its 2215 and its still on.  Give it a shot.  (then again 
as soon as I hit "send", they'll go off the air!!)
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 27-29 September Loggings

2014-09-30 Thread Dave Valko
 Finally went off in mid-song at 2242:55. 
 e audio level seems to vary from one song to the next at times.  Had best 
audio in USB with the AGC off.  The highlight of the DX season, so far.  
S.F.=175  A Index=11  K Index=4  No storms C1 background X-ray flux.  20 mhz 
MUF all the way.  http://youtu.be/hD55dN6Woc0  (29 Sept.)

73 and best DX

Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR

Wellbrook ALA1530S, and 153 foot Delta Loop
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Fw: Loggings from 25 August - 25 September

2014-10-06 Thread Dave Valko
First of all, I have to apologize for the size of this report and any typos 
than may have crept in. The large size isn't due just to the loggings but also 
several micro-DXpeditions and continuing observations which I thought may be of 
some interest.  I've included links to videos I've posted as well. 

6924.15  PIRATE (NA)   Captain Morgan SW   0040 w/old R&B songs.  Song cut 
off and abruptly left the air around 0043.  Tremendously strong signal.  ID per 
HF Underground.  (25 August)

6770.01  PIRATE (NA)   'Old Time R.'   0049 found here w/band mx in 
distorted audio, then comedy w/Bob Hope.  The 90mb went off the other day after 
being on 24h a day nearly all week.  (25 August)

6024.98  BOLIVIA   Red Patria Nueva   0950 usual morning nx pgm.  Instru. 
mx at 0952 break, then clear ID at 0953:00, and back to nx w/M mentioning 
Patria Nueva.  Ad/promo block at 0954.  Not that bad of a signal and 6030 
staying to its own space for the most part.  (25 August)

9665   CHINA   CRI   Apparently a new freq for the EG pgm w/nx by M at 
1002, 1005 ID, and into "People in the Know", // other freqs.  QRMing KCBS 
(just a little weaker), and an extremely weak Voz Missionaria.  (25 August)


4845.004BRAZIL   R. Cultura Onda Tropicais (pres.)   Upon reviewing the 
60mb recordings, found 2 stns on 4845.  This had what sounded like a canned 
discussion between M and W in PT from 2357-2359, then canned anmnt by M until 
WWCR came on.  (25 August)


4845.086UNID.   R. Meteorologia Paulista??   Definitely audio mixing in 
w/4845.004.  What sounded very much like a ment of "municipal' during tlk by M 
anncr at 2355.  Sounded PT.  M anncr just before WWCR came on.  I'm willing to 
bet both Onda Tropicais and Meteorologia Paulista are both here.  (25 August)

11735 ZANZIBAR   ZBC R./Spice FM   2059:30 end of ZBC pgming w/W anncr 
mentioning radio and Spice FM, then into a number of Spice FM jingle IDs, and 
AR Pop mx.  Went off just before 2105.  Fair signal.  
http://youtu.be/lOoZuy0kwQk  (26 August)

9525.9INDONESIA   V.O. Indonesia   Best audio heard in a very long 
time.  In EG w/phone interview at 1035.  W anncr over Indo Pop mx.  1056 end of 
Pop ballad, canned promo, and 1057:10 ID, then another short feature.  Another 
canned ID at 1059:45, and ID starting the nx 1100:10.  (27 August)

9730   MYANMAR   Myanma R.   1108:30 start of ABC EG lang pgm.  Same 
pgm at the restaurant as hrd before. "Would you like to see a menu", "Would you 
like to order now", "Would you like boiled or cooked rice", "Would you like a 
single or double brew", "Thanks for the use of the towel", "I apologize for any 
inconvenience", "Thank you, thank you, I'd like a cup of tea", etc.  And pgm 
end.  (27 August)


9775   VATICAN   Afia Darfur R. (via Santa Maria Galeria, Vatican)   
1929 closing anmnts by M, mx, and suddenly off at 1930.  Surprised this was 
coming in as 31m hasn't been doing that well lately.  (27 August)


3394.72  PIRATE (NA)   'Old Time R.'   Signal already here at 1940, and mx 
plainly audible during a peak at 1943.  (27 August)


5939.849BRAZIL   R. Voz Missionaria   ZY Pops at 0841 t/in.  Sev. men 
anncrs at 0843 and Rooster mixed w/siren SFX, TC, men laughing SFX, 2 loud TCs 
at 0847.  Very nice signal.  And still decent at 0918 w/mooing and bird call 
SFX during song.  The morning DJs took a phone call at 0922 between songs.  
Found //9664.81 at 0932 w/the 2 DJs still going.  (28 August)

6134.973BRAZIL   R. Aparecida  0844 end of ZY Pop song, M anncr w/short 
anmnt and morning "bom dia" greeting, short canned jingle, M again w/accurate 
TC, "bom dia", and into phone-in report w/ment of Aparecida at 0845:55.  Very 
nice signal.  (28 August) 

4864.8v   BRAZIL   R. Alvorada   Nice TC and ID by live studio M anncr 
between ZY Pop songs at 0850:50.  M again at 0856 but all I could copy was a 
TC, and bom dia.  Another mention of Alvorada at 0859:55.  Strength wasn't too 
bad but the modulation was low.  The signal varies quite a bit and there wasn't 
any exact pinpoint carrier.  Also a buzzing was present, the same as whats on 
R. Vision and on 4825.  http://youtu.be/noDOrUVwG-Q  (28 August)

4774.98  BRAZIL   R. Sora de Congonhas   0848 easy ZY Pop-like mx, 0850 
live M DJ in echo starting w/R. Sora ID.  Back to mx, then 0854 canned W anncr, 
then live M returned w/clear "R. Congonhas" ID 0855:00.  0856 lively song.  
0959 canned tlk by diff. M over guitar mx.  0902 M DJ again w/ment of 
informacao and cont. tlk.  Good strength but noisy.  (28 August)

5965.006BRAZIL   R. Transmundial   Was getting a weak signal and soft 
Pop-like mx at 0905.  Definite M anncr in PT briefly between songs at 0919:15.  
M anncr again w/what sounded like another M on the phone at 0923 but fading and 
pulsing noise.  Back to mx at 0926.  Have noted a signal here over the past 
month (never strong enough for a

[HCDX] Radio Clarin Video

2014-10-15 Thread Dave Valko
Just created and uploaded a short little video that I thought you guys could 
appreciate.  Its a nice English station identification from Radio Clarin, 
Dominican Republic, from 1977.  Here's the link;

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings 11 November to 1 December

2014-12-05 Thread Dave Valko
FX during ads.  Ment of Potosi.  Back to nx at 1019 
and almost immediately into soundbits.  Best hrd in quite a while.  Fairly good 
signal at start but fading by 1020.  QRM from 5955 CRI.  (28 Nov.)


4865.015BRAZIL   R. Verdes Florestas   Soft PT vcl song at 1035 t/in, 1036 
full ID w/freqs by M over mx, then into what sounded like a morning rel. pgm.  
Just good enough to copy.  (28 Nov.)


9635.78  VIETNAM   V.O. Vietnam 1   They finally decided to play the chime 
IS for a minute at 1059, then 5+1 long time ticks, ID by W in VT, usual fanfare 
then another ID w/ment of Hanoi.  Good signal this morning too.  (28 Nov.)


3320   NORTH KOREA   Pyongyang BS   1151 finally tlk by W. Couldn't 
//6400 as it had a UTE right on top.  2850 hrd throughout the half hour w/usual 
opera-like songs.  (28 Nov.)


 4750   BANGLADESH   Bangladesh Betar   End of nx by W, nice ID at 
1205:30, then apparent intro by M.  Best signal yet this season.  (28 Nov.)


 4880   INDIA   AIR Lucknow   Carrier w/tone from at least 1208 to 
1213, then AIR IS to 1215 when lady came on w/apparent opening anmnt.  Nice to 
hear Indians on 60m again.  (28 Nov.)


 5040   INDIA   AIR Jeypore   Quite audible at 1213 w/subcont. mx then 
M anncr.  One of many Indians hrd this morning.  (28 Nov.)

11730  BELARUS   R. Belarus   Horrible buzzing signal at 2000 check.  
http://youtu.be/HtkeW1PNYKg  (28 Nov.)

6110ETHIOPIA   R. Fana   Defective mic audio w/lady DJ, 2049.  100 
hz tone/rumble.  http://youtu.be/40579M8jJ8U  (28 Nov.)


 6050.027UNID.  Asyik FM??   Nothing but an OC on HCJB from 1110 this 
morning, so it was easy to hear the het on this freq.  A little mx noted weakly 
towards 1200.  Presumably Asyik FM on this freq.  (29 Nov.)


 15557 CLANDESTINE   V.O. Tibet (via Tajikistan)   *1230 opening 
w/usual routine after 15548 finished. 15548 was QRMed by CNR1 jammer on 15550.  
This freq had a little QRM from 1 VOA until the signal went off shortly 
after 15557 started, then it was clear and very nice.  One of the strongest if 
not the strongest I've ever heard V.O.  Tibet here.  
http://youtu.be/37_JTUDyPR8  (29 Nov.)

5910.03   COLOMBIA   R. Alcaravan   Found back on the air at 1045.  ID 
anmnt at 1102.  Good.  http://youtu.be/m7YSY0IvI5w  (30 Nov.)


 11970 CLANDESTINE   R. Free Asia/Sound of Hope   1356 W in CH 
w/contact info.  Caught an EG ID for R. Free Asia by M then at 1357 during CH 
pgm.  So that confirms why this outlet isn't // to 12560, 13890, or other Sound 
of Hope freqs.  This was weak but readable.  (29 Nov.)


 15070 PIRATE (EUROPE)   Cupid R.   Cut in on a song to air SSTV at 
1612.  More mx.  Finally ID closing anmnt w/freq, rpt acknowledgements, etc. 
over "Every Day is a Winding Road" by Cheryl Crow.  (30 Nov.)


 7265   UNID.   Found the signal came on at 1212:58 and then mx about 5 
seconds later which sounded subcont.   W anncr at 1215 w/what could have been a 
ment of Pakistan but that's very very uncertain.  More mx and tlk but not 
strong enough to get a clue.  Definitely sounds Asian.  India or Pakistan 
perhaps??  Not HLR as nothing was there on the Twente web rx.  And not CNR2 as 
it signed on at 1230.  http://youtu.be/jJg7kB-tKKM  (1 Dec.)


 6050   UNID.   R. Nigeria, Ibadan??   Found w/African-accented EG rel. 
tlk pgm at 2155.  2200 promo for "Revelation Chapel International" services at 
"...Airport highway", followed by live M DJ "You've just listened to the 'Hour 
of Revelation'.  Join us next Monday at 9:30 for the next broadcast.  The ?? is 
next".  Then into pgm "The Heathen Broadcast" to 2227.  2227-2230 what sounded 
like PSAs w/African-accented EG.  Phone # given once.  HCJBs OC was coming up 
strong after 2225, but could still tell there was a nxcast w/M anncr to at 
least 2241 w/ments of Zambia and Liberia.  Fairly strong at t/in.  
http://youtu.be/EjR2w8SGc_8  (1 Dec.)


Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR

Wellbrook ALA1530S and 153' Delta Loop

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] 6050 ELWA

2014-12-06 Thread Dave Valko
6050LIBERIAELWAThe UNID. I noted on 1 December turned out to indeed 
be ELWA.  Found it // 4760 at 2154 w/end of EG rel. pgm.  2156 nice simple EG 
echo ID by M (a little too heavy on the echo), then into "Oh Holy Night", and 
continuing w/more mx.  Fairly good signal.  Thanks to John Herkimer for 
suggesting this might be ELWA at the first reception.  A video can be found at  
http://youtu.be/b1LTKjBt-QQ  (6 Dec.)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA 15930

Perseus SDR
153 foot Delta Loop
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings Over the Holidays

2015-01-03 Thread Dave Valko
urprised to get audio on this. 
(26 Dec.)

MALAYSIA   9835 Sarawak FM had deadair from as early as 1027 to at least 
1202.  (27 Dec.)

CHINA   Found the CNR1 jammers on SOH at 1156 on 6870, 6970, 9155, 9200, 
9280, 9320, 10870, 10960.  (27 Dec.)

VIETNAM   7906U   Have heard the Utilities on this freq from; Da Nang R. 
1235-1243 (30 Dec.), Ho Chi Minh City R. 1305-1313:50* (30 Dec.), Qui Phong 
R. 2235-2244:20* (30 Dec.), Ben Thuy R. 1251 (31 Dec.), Hue R. 2250-2256 (30 
Dec.), Hon Gai R. 1110 (1 Jan. 2015)

CHINA   7345   CNR1   Found this had returned here totally covering Thazin 
at 1056 w/CH tlk by W, //9500.  Strong clear signal.  (31 Dec.)

THAILAND   5875   R. Thailand   1114 just caught the very end of the VT pgm, 
then chime IS, EG pgm outro, chime IS again, then usual "HSK9 R. Thailands 
World Service..." EG ID by M, and into Khmer pgm starting w/sked.  Fairly 
good.  (31 Dec.)

PIRATE (NA)   6925.08   R. Dr. Tim (NA Pirate relay no doubt)   SSTV at 2158 
t/in, then canned ID, New Year greeting, and rpt acknowledgements by W, then 
another canned ID w/e-mail by M, and into "Der Kommissar" remake.  Good 
signal.  (31 Dec.)

PIRATE (EUROPE)   6300   R. Abu Dhabi   Mx at 0126.  Poss. Polka at 0131. 
0133 ID by usual recognized M.  Surprised I was able to get the ID as 
conditions weren't very good.  More mx w/W vcl, then at 0136 M returned 
w/shoutout and "...this is Abu Dhabi.".  0138 cont. anmnt w/poss. ment of 
2015.  Getting some slop QRM from that very strong spur on 6295.  (1 Jan. 

CLANDESTINE   3480   V.O. the People   1108 tlk by M in KR, then Beethoven 
mx bridge, and cont. tlk. // to the other freqs.  Fair signal and better 
than usual.  (1 Jan. 2015)

CHINA   7345   CRI   Playing "Jingle Bells" at 1211.  (1 Jan. 2015)

PIRATE (EUROPE)   6210L   Mini Power R.   2301 bits of mx briefly. 
Screaming M vcl at 2304.  Stronger with Delta Loop at 2307:55.  Op in chat 
said it was "Reasons" by Earth Wind and Fire.  2310:10 peak.  Went off 
sometime around 2318.  Op said he was running only 5 watts!!  (2 Jan.)

BOLIVIA   6024.96   Red Patria Nueva   Good signal this evening w/usual nx 
pgm w/many ments of Potosi, San Borja, and Peru.  Many long soundbites. 
Usual ID/promo at 2330 to start an ad/promo block.  Did have a het on the 
freq no doubt from weakening China.  (2 Jan.)

MYANMAR   6029.992   Thazin R.   OC already on at 2322.  Indigenous log drum 
signature and W anncr, then M vcl song.  Into another song at 2332 like 
you'd hear on Laos.  Calibrated the Perseus, then noted the W anncr again at 
2334 retune and immediately into canned anmnt by W over pleasant Asian 
instru. mx, probably an intro for the next feature (nx??) w/M tlk after 2335 
until R. Marti's OC came on at 2344.  Fairly decent.  Matched up the 
indigenous log drumming at s/on with the recording on Interval Signals 
Online and my previous recording from 7345.  A perfect match.  Very happy to 
finally get Myanmar in the evening.  Hope Marti continues to stay off. 
There was another signal on 6030.014, maybe a fading CNR1.  No audio from it 
though.  OR could it have been CFVP??  http://youtu.be/Y8hw1Frfzms  (2 Jan.)

BRAZIL   4865   R. Verdes Florestas   Strong signal suddenly on at 1036:08 
w/IS already going, followed by full canned ID by M as usual, and into mx. 
http://youtu.be/rjMSHS_hV2k  (3 Jan.)

BRAZIL   9695   R. Rio Mar   Surprised to find this doing well at 1039. 
Long lk by W and M pgm hosts.  Bom Dia and many several of Amazonia and 
"kilovatts" at 1041.  Also Manaus later.  They apparently fixed their 
modulation as it was 100% readable.  1049 long list of network stns. 
1050-1054 song starting w/jungle birds SFX and "Amazonia" sung by womens 
chorus and then M vcl.  1054 W briefly then canned tlk by M over mx w/ment 
of Brasil, Sao Paulo.  http://youtu.be/CDD_ityZs04  (3 Jan.)

USA   10990   WEWN (prob. spur)   1137 end of soft music and then woman 
tlking in SP and giving numbers, and possible mention of Chavez and ment of 
camposino.  1140 interview of M w/ment of Caracas and comercial.  Nice peak 
at 1143:20.  1146 ment of "...la palabra de Dios".  Later also "la amor", 
"spirituales".  End of pgm at 1154 w/instru. mx, then what sounded like an 
ID by W at 1155 but too weak.  Then tlk by M and W anncrs.  1201 rel.-like W 
vcl then rosary w/M and response by women.  At this point, found it to be 
//12050 WEWN.  Fady like it was before.  http://youtu.be/5t2I88VPKh8  (3 


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR
Wellbrook ALA1350S loop antenna
153 foot Delta Loop

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Guyana and Surinam

2015-02-02 Thread Dave Valko
3289.975   V.O. Guyana   Hrd in amidst of the UTE here, first noted at 0118.  
MOR W vclist at 0331 recheck.  Quite readable at 0336, and at 0337 w/Johnny 
Mathis-like song, and another at 0346-0348.  Then "Last Date" by Floyd Cramer, 
cutoff, and into a diff. song.  0357 started "Last Date" again and deep-voiced 
M anncr sounding like a Caribbean accent.  0328 "Goodbye to Love" by the 
Carpenters then W anncr at 0359 (probably the pre-ToH BBC promo), 0400 time 
ticks and BBC nx //9460.  Came back later when the electricity was out due to 
an ice storm and found the freq clear of the UTE and W in EG w/rel. pgm at 
0804.  Hindi mx at 0815 recheck then tried to air a rel. pgm but the audio was 
cutting out badly.  0829 deep-voiced M came on w/ID and apologized, then choral 
NA at 0830.  0831 different M anncr briefly and then what appeared to be the 
Koran.  Into a Pop mx pgm w/M DJ host.  Fading by 0840. Nice ID at 0848.  Nice 
to have them back on SW.  (2 Feb.)

4989.99   R. Apintie   0308 W anncr as I tuned in, then into slow rom. ballad 
by W vclist, kind of sounding like Celine Dion.  0315 W DJ returned, then 
canned anmnt and back to mx.  Nice canned ID at 0418:20.  Another ment of R. 
Apintie at 0435:35.  (2 Feb.)

Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus with Wellbrook ALA1530S
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Latest Loggings

2016-04-04 Thread Dave Valko
 least 1049.  Faded really quickly between 1045-1050 
and was barely audible at 1051.  Nice signal on par w/Tarma.  Just too bad this 
is right in the middle of the strongest CODAR.  (21 March)

7610   PIRATE (NA)   Red Beacon R.  Tnx John Herkimer tip, found here 
at 1847 w/Metal and Hard Rock songs.  Audio cutting out a lot at 1902, deadair, 
then anncr came on at 1904 mentioning the “…DJ is having an issue…” and said it 
was he’d like someone to set up a live stream and use his gear.  Then back to 
Hard Rock mx.  1906 t/out.  (27 March)

6024.96  BOLIVIA   Red Patria Nueva   1000 middle of ad/promo block at 
t/in, 1001 5 plus 1 long time ticks.  Included some nice ID promos.  Ended with 
the usual promo mentioning Bolivia at beginning of each sentence.  Good signal 
but some slop QRM from 6030 Marti and jammer.  (30 March)

3375.07  BRAZIL   R. Municipal  Decent signal at 0948 w/ad block ending 
w/clear ID and ment of ondas tropicais freq at 0951 and into ZY Pop song.  Not 
quite as good as in the 3rd week of March, but much clearer.  (4 April)

4785   BRAZIL   R. Caiari  0953 usual morning pgm w/deep-voiced M 
hosting (rel.??).  1002 nice clear canned ID promo by M, then ad block.  Nice 
singing ID jingle in promo at 1006, ZY Pop briefly, then live M DJ, and into 
mx.  Good but fading w/CODAR QRM of course.  (4 April)

4774.91  PERU   R. Tarma   Signal on at 0956:35, deadair, then usual s/on 
routine, and into “Musica Folklorica Nacional” pgm.  Good w/CODAR QRM.  (4 

4350   UNID.   Found someone here playing C&W mx at 1034.  Fairly 
strong but distorted and cutting out a lot.  In fact it was cutting out longer 
and longer as time went by and was only audible for a split second abt once a 
min. by 1050.  Didn’t hear it at all after 1100.  Any ideas who this would be?? 
 Here’s a link to a Youtube video of the reception.  (please use 480p setting); 
 https://youtu.be/7_O93axYOTc  (4 April)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with 153 foot Delta Loop and Wellbrook ALA1530S

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Logging (R. Nacional da Amazonia)

2016-04-06 Thread Dave Valko
6180.88   BRAZIL  R. Nacional da Amazonia  Found on this off-freq at 1023 
w/apparently “Reporter Brasil” pgm hosted by W and M in PT, which was parallel 
to 11780.1.  Not very strong, but then again it was fading.  11780.1 was 
getting better.  I guess this is a reactivation as I haven’t hrd it in a long 
time.  Here’s a link to a Youtube video of the reception  
https://youtu.be/40GWq3x4Sq0  (5 April)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Correction

2015-03-04 Thread Dave Valko
Ron Howard just pointed out a typo in the loggings I just sent out.  SIBC was 
NOT noted on 5024.87, but rather 5019.87.  My mind must have been wandering on 
Quillabamba!!  Thanks Ron!!


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[HCDX] 19000/18990 UNID

2015-04-04 Thread Dave Valko
UNIDENTIFIED   19000/18990   Found a station on 19000 at around 1225.  Not very 
strong but I could tell it was NOT //CNR1.  Language sounded possibly Asian.  
At 1259 it suddenly jumped down to 18990.  Then had a fanfare that sounded 
familiar at 1300, and into prob. nx by W.  When it jumped down to 18990, there 
was another signal on 19000 which remained for about 15 seconds before it went 
off.  Was one jamming the other??  Anyone know what these stations were??  It 
stayed on 18990 for the next hour and went off at 1400.  Here’s a link to a 
video I posted on Youtube;  
https://youtu.be/RsfA6-kM50k(4 April)
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[HCDX] RAE Off-Frequency and Distorted

2015-04-10 Thread Dave Valko
ARGENTINA   RAE   6054.15v   Found off-freq and very distorted again at 2337 
UTC w/usual mx pgm hosted by M w/infrequent anmnts.  Finally ID/IS/Jazz mx 
routine at 2355, then the signal going off the air at 2356.  But unlike the 
last time, they didn’t appear to jump up to their nominal 6060 this time.  
Strong signal.  Here’s a link to a Youtube video I posted  
(10 April)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop antenna
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] CNR1 Jammers

2015-04-09 Thread Dave Valko
CHINA   CNR1 Jammers   Conditions were very noisy here when I turned on the 
receiver/computer at 1030.  Nothing new or unusual, but I did find a total of 
17 freqs with CNR1 jammers on Sound of Hope.  It’s not the most ever noted at 
one time (I think I had 21 once).  For your amusement, I made a video and 
posted it on Youtube.  Here’s the link;  https://youtu.be/x-WMzTeGWks  (9 April)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA USA

Perseus SDR
153 foot triangular Delta Loop
Wellbrook ALA1530S loop
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Radio Vision reactivated

2015-04-11 Thread Dave Valko
4789.79  PERU   R. Vision reactivated   First noted at 0945 w/”La Voz 
Salvacion” pgm.  0955 break for ID by M giving freqs and e-mail addr, and what 
sounded like a sked, back to “La Voz Salvacion” pgm at 1001 to 1032 w/stopped 
for canned anmnt by M over “El Condor Pasa” bracketed by W giving TCs.  1038 
nice canned ID by M after children signing, then W again w/TC.  Good signal but 
audio distorted, but not quite as bad as it was when it went off months ago.  
Here’s the link to a Youtube video I posted  https://youtu.be/QUYEweMQzQA  (11 
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[HCDX] 15030.078 AIR Aligarh

2015-04-19 Thread Dave Valko
INDIA   15030.078   AIR Aligarh   1048 beautiful Hindi subcont. mx w/vcls by M 
and W during the EG pgm.  Weak and // very good 15410 Bengaluru.  Here’s a link 
to the Youtube video.  https://youtu.be/Mt9oX66O6jo  (19 April)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR
153 foot triangular Delta Loop

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Puntland Radio One Logging

2015-04-28 Thread Dave Valko

SOMALIA   13800 C+USB   Puntland Radio One   After hearing it at home, waited 
until 1300 to make sure the freq was still clear and drove up to the remote 
site to listen.  Fairly decent w/same testing format of HoA mx and occas. 
canned Italian (M)/ EG (M) /Somali (W) ID/contact info after abt every 2 songs. 
 EG ID as “You are listening to Puntland Radio broadcasting on 49 meteband on 
the frequency 6160 kiloHertz, and 22 meterband on the frequency 13800 
kiloHertz. You may contact us at e-mail on puntlandradio...@gmail.com.  Or call 
at 00352-076037.  Ladies and gentlemen(??)”.  Thanks Ivo Ivanov tip.  Here’s 
the link to a video of the full ID/contact info routine during the test xmsn.  
https://youtu.be/KkQZM8OC36U  (28 April)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR and 315 foot BOG aimed at 55 degrees (Somalia)
during a micro-DXpedition.
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[HCDX] Another Puntland Video

2015-04-28 Thread Dave Valko
Here’s a link to another video of Puntland Radio One I posted on Youtube.  I 
had actually started recording before I started laying out the BOG at the 
micro-DXpedition site this morning.  So you can hear/see it go from nothing to 
its full strength while I was laying out the wire.  And they conveniently gave 
the Italian/English/Somali ID loop at the same time!!  Here’s the link;

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[HCDX] Puntland On Now, 1220

2015-05-02 Thread Dave Valko
13800 Puntland Radio One is on now, 1220.  Have been listening to it for about 
the past hour.  Fairly decent signal.  Some QSB of course, but quite readable.  
Should be widely heard.
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[HCDX] Puntland Audio

2015-05-04 Thread Dave Valko
Puntland’s audio came up shortly after I sent my last message, sometime around 
1219.  So, yes, it’s doing very nicely today.  Just got their usual 
Italian/English/Somali ID routine at 1242.
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[HCDX] Puntland Logging

2015-05-04 Thread Dave Valko
13800 SOMALIA   Puntland Radio One   Found w/OC at 1210, then usual 
IT/EG/Somali ID/contact info routine at 1217:48 and repeated several times 
until 1224, then M tlk in Somali until 1228, and into HoA mx.  1242 another ID 
routine.  Another long tlk over 1300 ToH, and into Koran from 1307.  Really 
faded badly and nearly gone at 1330.  Still barely there at 1420 but then lost 
completely.  Best signal yet today.  Peaks here around 1230-1240.  A signal 
popped up several times at 1444 and 1637 (at least), but it could’ve been 
anything.  (4 May)


Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus with 153 foot triangular Delta Loop
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Palau

2015-05-08 Thread Dave Valko

PALAU   9930   T8WH/World Harvest R.   0959 End of “Harvest for Christ” EG pgm 
w/host Rev. Charles Parker ending w/contact info by diff. M anncr.  Then usual 
ID by M w/request for QSLs and South Bend IN addr over instru. mx, then off at 
1000:06.  Just fair reception.  A Youtube video can be found at this link;  
https://youtu.be/gUmjax_Bib8  (8 May)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with 153 foot triangular Delta Loop
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings for the last week, 2015 May 8-14

2015-05-14 Thread Dave Valko

15590 CLANDESTINE (TAJIKISTAN)   R. Free North Korea   Signal already 
on at 1229 and start of the usual soft instru. BBC mx prior to xmsn.  1230 
immediately into R. Free North Korea w/instru. mx and pres. voice-over opening 
anmnts by W in KR, fanfare, and into feature by what sounded like the same W 
anncr.  Poor, but up to fair on very brief peaks.  (8 May)

15630 CLANDESTINE (BULGARIA)   R. Ranginkaman (Rainbow)   Signal on the 
air at 1553 and pgm start at 1600 w/opening by W in Farsi w/sked and ment of 
“kilohertz” and ending w/what sounded like a website.  Immed. into tlk feature 
by M.  Mx at 1607 for a short time.  W over Classical piano mx at 1613, then 
into another tlk feature w/nice peaks.  Went off at 1630.  Heavy deep QSB and 
mixing w/co-channel Greece which was weaker for the most part but was on top 
when Ranginkaman faded.  In fact the Greece IS could be hrd equally briefly at 
1600.  Made for a tricky reception.  Also slop QRM from 15610 WEWN blasting 
away.  Glad this finally added a higher freq.  The lower freqs in the 49 and 41 
mbs during the day are imposs.  (8 May)

9545   SOLOMON ISLANDS   SIBC   Found here again at 0945 w/island Pop 
mx, ad block, W anncr, Reggae song, 1000 promo w/ments of SIBC, usual calliope 
ToH signature at 1001, then M w/EG nx starting w/ID.  W w/more nx to 1025, then 
back to mx.  Came back at 1153 and still there w/QRM from 9550 China.  Usual 
inspirational message feature leading up to s/off, cut off for canned closing 
ID anmnt by W, NA to 1202, deadair, then at 1205 audio came back w/Pop mx which 
Hasagawa stated was relay of Wanton FM 96.3.  Hrd occas. anmnts and ads but had 
faded and too difficult to copy.  Very gradually getting weaker and finally 
lost audio at 1410, but the signal was still there to at least 1630!!  Mauno 
said it went back to SIBC/R. Happy Isles at 1900, and that it was back on 5020 
at 2000.  (11 May)

No sign of 3290 V.O. Guyana this morning.  (13 May)

4824.93  BRAZIL   R. Cancao Nova   0827 end of ZY Pop rel. song, then 
Rooster crowing, TC, and canned anmnts to 0830 starting w/poss. ID/promo, ments 
of Brasil, Sao Paulo.  0830-0833 live M anncr w/ment of Sao Paulo, Santa Maria, 
Fatima, Corazon, etc.  0833 Rooster and TC again, then back to mx.  Live studio 
W anncr.  0838 W w/ment of what sounded like “…radio telecomunicao….”, and also 
ment of Sao Paulo, Brasil, and partial e-mail “…nova.com”.  Found // to the (R. 
Cancao Nova 96.3 FM) webstream at 0848 w/”Maria” song.  Webstream was 1:07 
behind.  Rooster and TC again and another song.  0851 W anncr tlking w/M guest 
giving many ments of Fatima.  Glad to finally ID this.  S.F.= 163, A Index = 
15, K Index = 6 with G2 geomagnetic storm.  (13 May)

4810   PERU   R. Logos   OC on at 0851:00, and long choral NA start at 
0853:25.  0856 M w/ID and freq, then canned ID w/call, another short canned 
anmt, and live M w/speech briefly and into beautiful rustic flute mx.  In the 
clear w/out the UTE on, but ever-present CODAR QRM.  Poor signal amid 
geomagnetic storm.  (13 May)

3290 V.O. Guyana found back on the air at around 2350, but very weak.  Much 
weaker than 3320 Sonder Grense.  (13 May)

3290 V.O. Guyana very weak at 0945 check this morning.  Must be running low 
power again.  (14 May)

2899.75HUSA   KWHW, Altus OK (2X1450 harmonic)   Found w/reasonable audio 
at 0946.  0947 end of wx by live M anncr giving temp and ID as "high of 83. 
 That's the forecast on ?? Country KWHW".  The word before "Country" is 
possibly "Pure" per its given slogan, but I'm not 100% sure.  Went into a C&W 
version of “Crazy” by Aerosmith then.  More C&W songs followed.  Seemed to go 
over 1000 ToH w/out ID, but it seemed there was one later around 1003.  Its 
listed as only 668 watts.  This 2nd harmonic would put the fundamental on 
1449.877.  That's quite a bit off freq.  I don't see anything there.  Surprised 
to ID this.  (14 May)

4810 Logos in the clear at 0955, but not very strong.  (14 May)

7259.94  VANUATU   R.V.   Caught the usual conch shell blowing signature at 
exactly 1001:00, then into pres. nx by M.  Better than it has been lately but 
not good enough to copy.  (14 May)

e-QSL in from DP07 Seefunk from Reiner Dietzel in 1 day.  Filled out an actual 
hard-copy QSL, then sent a picture of it as an attachment to his e-mail.  (14 


Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S and 153 foot triangular Delta Loop
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] KWHW logging and video link

2015-05-19 Thread Dave Valko
2899.75  USA   KWHW, Altus, OK   A readable signal here again at 0936, so 
stayed with it and caught the wx ending w/”…pure country KWHW” ID, then another 
canned ID by M at 0959.  Wasn’t as fady today as yesterday but the peaks were 
better yesterday.  A Youtube video is at  https://youtu.be/8Q1_hfq4SsE  (19 May)


Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR and Wellbrook ALA1530S loop antenna
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings, 20 May 2015

2015-05-20 Thread Dave Valko
5020   SOLOMON ISLANDS   SIBC   Rebelde was off.  0836 W giving PSAs 
and messages ending w/IDs at 0840.  Canned anmnt, then W returned w/pgm notes 
briefly, and M w/Press feature, and then ads at 0843, followed by W very 
briefly w/ID and TC at 0845.  C&W song on return at 0858.  0900 W DJ w/brief 
pgm notes and TC, diff. W w/feature intro and M w/”Bible Reading”.   Current 
Pop songs at 0932.  0949 nice “Voice of the Nation” ID promo by sev. People, 
then ad/PSA block.  0959 into “California Girls” by David Lee Roth.  Youtube 
video of the ID promo at  https://youtu.be/qlM2B_-z4vo  (20 May)

7289.930INDONESIA   RRI Nabire   0850 surprised to hear the Koran here to 
at least 0858.  Signal strength on par with 7259.941 Vanuatu.  Still on at 0902 
return w/mx.  0907 M anncr briefly between songs.  AR style song at 0910.  
Signal suddenly disappeared at 0914:05.  Had some really nasty thunderstorm 
static crashes.  Youtube video at  https://youtu.be/r-9dDIxB1Ig  (notice at the 
end of the video 7260 Vanuatu and 7325 Wantok R. Light)  (20 May)

7324.96  PAPUA NEW GUINEA   Wantok R. Light   0906 W journalist ended her 
report w/ment of NBC during the nx.  (20 May)

5024.95  PERU   R. Quillabamba   OC on at 0955:41, then poss. Mx at 0958.  
1000 what sounded like a fanfare w/canned M anncr. Soft mx, and at 1001 
definite live M anncr.  It was just too weak.  Our sunrise is too early now.  
(20 May)

5035.05  Aparecida??   Signal came on here just after Quillabamba at 
0956:02.  Couldn’t get any audio and faded by 1004.  (20 May)

3904.968RRI Merauke??   No sign of this when I checked at 0830, and then 
Hams were on the freq later.  But at 1006, there was indeed a signal here.  
What audio there was sounded like it was from a few very weak Hams.  Is Merauke 
actually signing on around 0930-1000??  Video of the signal at  
https://youtu.be/UXZoize5uaI  (20 May)


Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop and 153 foot triangular Delta Loop 
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Unidentified on 9670

2015-05-23 Thread Dave Valko

9670   UNID.   Strong steady signal here from someone playing nonstop C&W 
music from 0940 t/in until the signal suddenly went off at the end of a song at 
0956:50.  Obviously a test.  Maybe WRMI, but that’s just a 
total guess.  Still not back on by 1100.  Youtube video at  
https://youtu.be/a7pSvhAvvok  (23 May)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with 153 foot long triangular Delta Loop antenna.
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 21 and 22 May 2015 Loggings

2015-05-23 Thread Dave Valko
6155.12  BOLIVIA   R. Fides   0010-0100 pgm called “Fides, La Paz Informa” 
with +/-10 min. segments by M and W anncrs separated by ad blocks, including 
one for bank, ID/promos, and the same instru. mx that sounded like it came from 
the movie “Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid”.  0100 long choral jingle/song 
w/5+1 long time ticks, and into next pgm.  Fairly decent on peaks and a little 
distorted.  Also had a het from pres. AIR Aligarh.  (21 May)

17580 CLANDESTINE (FRANCE)   V.O. Khaatumo   Just missed the s/on and 
tuned in at 1700 during the opening anmnts M in Somali w/ment of website 
www.codkakhaatumo.com.  Brief chant, then same M returned.  1702 brief HoA mx, 
then M host again and speech by M to 1710.  Discussion by M and W for 5 min. 
then another live in-the-street tlk to 1720, and into HoA choral mx.  Another 
tlk feature at 1722 followed by live speech, and M anncr host but cut off as 
signal left the air.  Fair at best but fady.  (21 May)

15700 PAKISTAN   R. Pakistan   Found here at 1736 after leaving V.O. 
Khaatumo.  Press feature by W in apparent Urdu w/ment of Pakistan and soundbite 
of M tlking.  1738 end of feature w/fanfare, then into subcont. mx.  Same W 
returned between songs at 1742, 1750, 1753, and 1756.  Went off in mid-song at 
1759.32.  Up to fair on peaks.  (21 May)

15730 PAKISTAN   R. Pakistan   Per tip from John Cooper, found here 
w/OC on at 0112:58, then audio up in mid-pgm at 0113:30 w/pgm of “roomy” 
sounding tlk by M and vcl singing by M kind of sounding like the Koran, and 
hosted by another M anncr.  0159 usual ToH fanfare, 3 time ticks, then W w/nx 
ID intro, nx headlines w/instru. mx between each item, then nx in detail.  
Ended w/ID, and off at 0210:24.  Poor but there.  (22 May)

7175   ERITREA   V.O. the Broad Masses of Eritrea   OC w/tone at 0255, 
then usual guitar IS w/occas. IDs starting 0255:57.  Horrible QRM from SP AM 
Hams right on the freq at this time.  Finally clear ID at 0258:50.  Into pgming 
at 0300:45 w/studio M anncr in pres. Amharic.  Into HoA mx at 0302 past 0305.  
Very nice signal when the Hams weren’t on.  (22 May)

7200   ERITREA   V.O. the Broad Masses of Eritrea   IS w/occas. ID 
sequence already going at 0255.  Beautiful signal but Ham net just blasting it 
out.  In fact at 0258:25 one Ham said he tlked to the guys on 7205 that said 
there was a SW stn there (obviously Sudan) and hoped the same thing didn’t 
happen there on 7200.  Another Ham responded that it could be Japan or 
somewhere else.  Pgm start at 0300 w/M and W anncrs in pres. Tigrinya.  0304 
HoA mx, and the tlk segment.  Too bad the freq wasn’t clear.  (22 May)

7205   SUDAN   R. Omdurman/SNBC   Excellent signal w/Ham QRM at 0255 
t/in.  Clear then at 0256 w/canned anmnt by M over AR mx.  0257 studio M w/AR 
ID, then tlk by diff. deep-voiced M for 2 min., 5+1 echoed time ticks, same 
deep-voiced M w/nice ID, usual fanfare, and into nx, and Ham came on testing 
his audio w/”hello radio”.  Still excellent at 0333:10 w/ID by M end tlk 
feature, then into great lcl vcl mx.  About the best ever heard Sudan here.  
(22 May)

13725 FRANCE   R. France Int.   Signal on at 0558:50 and audio up 10 
sec. later w/M cmntry in EG abt conflicts in Syria/Iraq.  4 time ticks over 
instru. mx at 0600 and ID “You’re listening to ‘Paris Live’ on R. France Int.”, 
then into nx by M.  0609:45 ID, website, and e-mail info.  Then more nx 
stories.  Another ID by M at 0629:50, another ID w/nx at 0630.  Good signal and 
100% copy.  Nice to finally hear RFI in EG again, especially since I never 
recorded it years ago.  (22 May)

No sign of 7290 RRI Nabire today at 0830.  (22 May)

15485 PAKISTAN   R. Pakistan   1340 very weak w/what sounded like the 
Koran.  Nearly inaudible 3 min. later but still getting some audio at times 
until it went off at 1354.  Came back on at 1412:30 w/QRM from pres. 15487 V.O. 
Tibet.  Noted tlk by M at 1419 but barely there.  Mx at 1426, and off at 
1429:50.  (22 May)


Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop and 153 foot triangular Delta Loop 
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings for the Past Week; 24-31 May 2015

2015-05-31 Thread Dave Valko
15064.92PIRATE (EUROPE)   Shortwave Papa   2207 w/”Thunderstruck” by AC/DC 
followed by another, then another Pop song, and off at 2215 w/out any anmnt.  
Was in the chat as shortwave_papa_15065, so obviously him.  Fairly decent on 
peaks.  (24 May)

4055   GUATEMALA   R. Verdad   Nothing on the freq by 0940, but did 
catch the last rep of the midi IS at 1001, then long choral NA, and 
multi-lingual IDs including EG.  Really good signal for 800 watts, per Dr. 
Madrid who says they just got back on the air.  They’ve been off for a while 
due to another lightning strike.  (28 May)

6089.96  BRAZIL   R. Bandeirantes   0918 pres. nx pgm by M and W in PT 
mixing just about equally with NHK R. Japan.  Japan finally off at 0930 and 
Bandeirantes // to 9645.4 where nice canned ID was noted.  Much stronger than 
6089.96, but QRM from CNR1.  Youtube video at  https://youtu.be/hV68Ida0E30  
(28 May)

9505   SUDAN   R. Omdurman/SNBC   Regional vcl mx at 1851.  W anncr at 
1900, then extremely low audio.  Finally back up w/more mx at 1907.  1912-1914 
tlk by M anncr w/ment of Sudan.  Back to regional vcl mx by M.  Same M anncr 
again at 1926 and 1929, mx briefly, W anncr w/very short anmnt, and off at 
1930:40.  First time to hear audio let along get anything here in a long time.  
(28 May)

4747.564PERU   R. Huanta Dos Mil   Found OC here at 0845.  But there were 
also spurs of the carrier out 2.777 khz on 4744.187 and 4750.341, and also the 
harmonics as well.  Never seen that before.  (30 May)

11999.875  MONGOLIA   V.O. Mongolia   Per Ivo, found on this NF in EG at 0900, 
but just missed s/on.  Apparent nx and features.  Could only copy a few words 
like Pakistan, 50,000, and India, etc.  Played occas. pleasant mx.  A little 
better by 0928 w/English lang sked at 0929, website given, letter request 
w/mailing addr., then into the usual IS.  (30 May)

5952.42  BOLIVIA   R. Pio Doce   Signal came on the air at 0959:04 in long 
mid-ad/promo block including a nice promo with the Pio Doce male chorus at 
1004.  Into what may have been the “Pio Doce Contacto” pgm.  At least the 
anncrs sounded the same.  But they were playing mx after 1030.  Good signal 
this morning.  Clear with just a little noise.  Youtube video at   
https://youtu.be/knAJklJKomw  (31 May)


Dave Valko

Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S and 153 foot triangular Delta Loop
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 2015-06-10 logging of R. Eco

2015-06-10 Thread Dave Valko
4409.77BOLIVIA   R. Eco   2358 nice Andean folk mx over ToH.  M DJ 
came on and seemingly took phone call from a M that was barely 
audiable.  DJ chatter after 0108 w/clear ment of Bolivia at 0109, then 
someones name.  Ment “programa” at 0111, tarde and noche and ID at 
0112:05,  then back to lively LA mx.  0115 into another song w/yipping 
like a Terrier Dog at the beginning (not a Huayno).  0118 diff. M 
barely audible again.  Still going at 0225 w/sev. songs in a row. 
Ranchera song at 0231, then M came on at 0233.  If not for the 
thunderstorm static crashes, it would’ve been a decent signal. 
Here's a link to a Youtube video that you should enjoy.  It includes 
not only this reception but also good receptions from 1991 and 2005. 
Please check it out at  https://youtu.be/iE8I3qnF2_4  (10 June)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S 

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings for the last week, 14-22 June 2015

2015-06-21 Thread Dave Valko
 w/M giving wx and maritime info/forecasts for the Australian 
coasts.  Fairly decent on peaks.  (16 June)

BRAZIL   11764.67   Super R. Deus e Amor   Finally hrd w/nice clear 
signal for the complete station ID at 0800.  Video at 
https://youtu.be/bGZEvGOAhPg  (17 June)

UNID.  6125.103R. Nac. Del Uruguay??   First noted around 0805 
after finding nothing on 7290.  Didn’t start getting any audio until 
abt 0820.  Could only make out mx and soft-spoken M anncr (0828-0829). 
It wasn’t enough to determine the type or lang.  No audio detected 
again from 0830-0841, then a little more mx.  Seemed to be drifting 
down a couple hertz.  Still there at 0950 but fading badly of course. 
Video at  https://youtu.be/0I251R3odOY  (17 June)

No sign of Wantok again this morning.  (17 June)

BRAZIL   6010.06R. Inconfidencia   0902:40 nice canned full ID 
w/freqs by M, then live M DJ w/another ID w/morning greetings, and 
back to pleasant ZY Pop mx.  Very nice signal and the best hrd here in 
a long time.  No Conciencia.  Video at  https://youtu.be/tQElgJtcHrU 
(17 June)

AUSTRALIA   4835ABC Tennant Creek   0945 nice canned ABC promo 
during break in pgm.  Not much WWCR QRM at this time but then back 
with a vengeance less than a min. later.  (17 June)

BRAZIL   6134.698R. Aparecida   0921 pleasant ZY Pops, sev. canned 
anmnts, then PT tlk by M anncr to 0926, and back to mx.  //9629.96. 
Strong but fading w/Santa Cruz QRM.  (19 June)

Nothing on 6125.1 today.  (19 June)

Another morning w/out Wantok.  (19 June)

BOLIVIA   6134.84R. Santa Cruz   0948 beginning of “The Way it Is” 
by Bruce Hornsby as background mx for a short canned ID by M as “R. 
Santa Cruz, la primera”.  Good but fading.  Besides this and fading 
6134.698 Aparecida, the jammer was on 6135, but no sign of V.O. 
Freedom.  (19 June)

ZANZIBAR   11734.998ZBC R.   Noted a signal here at 1918 along 
w/11734.982 (Transmundial??).  Getting a little distorted audio at 
1941.  Koran.  M anncr w/pres. nx after 2000.  Gradually getting 
better w/AR mx.  Went off abruptly at 2058:38.  Only up to fair by 
s/off but nice to see it back on.  (21 June)

PIRATE (NA)   6925.59Free Thinker R.   Live IDs w/e-mail addr by M 
DJ at 0039 and 0043 between songs “What I Am” and “Sex and Candy”, 
then either canned or scripted ID/contact anmnt at 0046.  Tremendously 
strong.  Video is at  https://youtu.be/Gv6XL_bDuwE  (22 June)

BAHRAIN   9745UR.B./Shabab FM   Audible w/AR Pops from 0110 t/in 
in usual carrier +USB.  (record 0115:30, 0119:10, 0130)   Signal was 
somewhat choppy.  Better in Europe on the Twente web rx.  Finally W 
anncr in AR at 0159 UTC.  While listening to the Twente rx, it sounded 
like she mentioned Shabab, but not certain.  From the nonstop AR Pop 
mx format, I presume this is Shabab FM.  The http://www.984shabab.com/ 
website doesn’t work.  Video is at  https://youtu.be/5AXrEEHmxRI  (22 

One quick note.  If you're playing the videos and it looks a little 
pixelated, please try the 480p setting.


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA USA

Perseus SDR
Wellbrook ALA1530S and 153' triangular Delta Loop 

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 6150 Apparent Pirate

2015-06-22 Thread Dave Valko
PIRATE (NA)   6149.98Unid.   80’s Pop song at 0102 t/in.  Into 
“Give a Little Bit” by Supertramp followed by “Silly Love Songs” by 
Wings.  Had an ID at 0119 sounding like “You’re listening to R. United 
??.  We’re transmitting on 6150 kilohertz…”, then into ‘Pinball 
Wizard” by Elton John.  0127 “Urgent” by Foreigner, then “Carry On 
Wayward Son” by Kansas, “More Than a Feeling” by Boston, and “Goodbye 
Stranger” by Supertramp.  Signal level seemingly manually dropped down 
and brought back up repeatedly at 0146 to at least 0152.  Finally went 
off at 0200:44.  One member in HF Underground said he heard it earlier 
in the day.  Video at  https://youtu.be/DTRQ1-enRIk  (23 June)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop antenna

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Strange Noise on 1000 kHz

2015-06-27 Thread Dave Valko
CUBA??   1000   Apparently one of the Cuban stations, R. Granma or R. 
Artemisa here with a strange effect on the carrier sounding like 
either a Rap DJ doing a "turntablism" or someone warping a hand saw. 
Noted intermittently from 0915-1000, but best heard around 0916 and 
0927.  Brett Saylor mentions the theory is that a power fluctuation in 
the grid is causing the transmitter carrier to "wobble".  Here's a 
video of what it looks/sounds like  https://youtu.be/6Ww3CnCS2LU  (26 


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus with Wellbrook ALA1530S 

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Brazilians

2015-07-13 Thread Dave Valko
BRAZIL   5964.98   R. Transmundial   0815 inspirational pgm w/M host 
in PT ending w/song at 0824.  0829-0831 many IDs and ID/promos, then 
back to mx.  Came back at 0857 and hrd ID/promo and long list of 
network stns.  0900 rooster crowing SFX and TC.  // webstream which 
was :44 seconds behind.  Improved slightly by 0835.  Abt equal in 
strength to 6010.06 Inconfidencia.  (11 July)

BRAZIL   6160.058   R. Boa Vontade   Noticed a big het on 6160 at 
0955, and was surprised to hear audio on 6160.058 when I tuned in and 
notched out CKZN.  A block of canned anmnts by M definitely in PT, 
some quite animated.  0958 definite mention of “…Manaus, Amazonas, 
Brasil…” (a list of the network stn QTHs??), followed by probably the 
full ID at 0959 but all I could copy was a mention of one of the 
freqs.  Went into a long soft slow song w/M vclist at 1000 which 
sounded // the webstream.  Had it IDed at around the 1003 peak, I 
could have copied it.  The next song didn’t seem // to the webstream 
though.  Unfortunately I didn’t find the right webstream until after 
1000.  11895.00 certainly sounded like PT at around 1016.  There was a 
signal on 9550.02 also, but couldn’t get any audio on it. 
Incidentally, the Boa Vontade website besides giving 9550 and 11895 
for Porto Alegre gives the 49mb freq as 6610.  We’re 1 week away from 
a perfect grayline which is obviously one reason why I was getting the 
most audio ever on this.  A video can be found at 
https://youtu.be/gsZ6_LdCgcg  (13 July)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop antenna and 153 foot 
triangular Delta Loop 

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Screenshot Correction

2015-08-01 Thread Dave Valko
I made one small mistake.  The signal that I thought was CKZU (Vancouver) and 
labeled such on my screenshot yesterday is NOT CKZU.  I think it’s just a 
Perseus artifact.  CKZU must not have been off the air.  I suspect they turn 
the transmitter off on Sunday night to Monday morning.  The time of my 
reception would have still been 3:00 AM local time in Vancouver.  CKZU was 
definitely there this morning though.  Plainly visible.  Below are the 
corrected screenshots from yesterday and today.  Notice how much weaker the 
signals look today as compared to yesterday.  Today, Boa Vontade signed on only 
about 30 seconds after Rio Mar.  All settings were exactly the same, including 
the antenna.

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings from 17 August 2015

2015-08-17 Thread Dave Valko

BRAZIL   6160.06R. Rio Mar   Already on at 0938 w/end of tlk by M 
in PT and into pleasant vcl mx.  Surprised this was quite audible at 
this time.  In and out then w/more tlk by M to 0952 pres. soft rel. 
mx.  Fading quickly though.  Was able to // to 9694.65 at 0953 during 
mx.  One of the very rare times to get audio on this.  Youtube video 
can be found at  https://youtu.be/UwONT2uqaU4  (17 August)

UNID.   6070vOnce again, found the distorted signal here coming on 
at 0944:22.  Drifting a bit w/QSB and mixing w/CFRX.  At abt 1022 tlk 
by what sounded like a W anncr.  Too distorted to determine the lang. 
though.  Plainly audible during deadair from V.O. Korea before the IS 
started at 1029 on the “akky” Perseus receiver in Kanuma City Japan, 
and also very weakly on Neils Perseus in Brisbane Australia.  I 
suspect this is RAE/R. Nacional, but it would be way off freq. 
Youtube video can be found at  https://youtu.be/Dgw2sAfcjaI  (17 


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus with 153 foot Delta Loop and Wellbrook ALA1530S loop 

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Loggings from 2015-08-21

2015-08-21 Thread Dave Valko

3289.97 V.O. Guyana not on at 0924 and still not there at 1004
recheck.  (21 August)

Nothing from 4965 R. Alvorada again this morning in checks after 0924.
Haven’t found it the last several times I’ve looked.  (21 August)

3310  No sign of R. Mosoj Chaski here at 0935, but it was there
already fading at 1004 recheck.  (21 August)

ARGENTINA   6070vRAE   The severely distorted signal jumping and
drifting around this freq is indeed RAE.  Found the signal came on at
0954:47 then mx started shortly later.  Caught a M anncr giving an ID
at 0959, 5+1 long time ticks at 1000, then usual multi-lingual ID
sequence for abt 2 min.  It was just clear enough in AM mode with a
width bandwidth.  Was way up on 6071.3 (roughly) when the signal came
on, down to 6070.2 at 1000, and 6069.7 by 1016.  Posted a video on
Youtube at   https://youtu.be/cOUnOGg9hxQ  (21 August)

BRAZIL   11735R. Transmundial   Surprisingly good signal at 1020
w/end of soft vcl song, then canned pgm intro by M w “Bon dia Brasil”,
and live M DJ over instru. mx w/”Bon Dia”, nice ID, and cont. tlk.
There was an R1 radio blackout with another M class flare just a half
hour previous, so I can’t understand why this would be so good, but
the rest of the band was very poor.  In fact this was abt on par with
11780 R. Nacional Amazonia.  There was almost nothing on 19m.  The
only signal audible was the CRN1 jammer on 14920.  (21 August)

NORTH KOREA   11710V.O. Korea   1123 end of slanted EG editorial
feature, ID by W, then closing ID/sked anmnt by W including 1030-1130
in EG on 11710 and 11735.  Strong signal on this freq.  Dead air at
1127.  (21 August)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA USA

Perseus SDR with 153 foot Delta Loop and Wellbrook ALA1530S loop

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