Re: [Hardhats-members] Changeing/Activating PORT 9200 on the VistaLinuxServer

2005-07-30 Thread Gregory Woodhouse
Okay, just one more response. When you get right down to it, the  
point I was trying to make is that polling in basically I/O (even if  
the device you are reading is shared memory) and I/O is expensive,  
much more so than most people (including programmers) realize. The  
nice thing about asynchronous I/O (not supported in standard MUMPS)  
is that it eliminates the need for almost busy waiting, and instead  
uses asynchronous notification mechanisms (like signals) to notify a  
process when a device has become ready. This is not exactly the same  
issue, but trying to read from a socket periodically in hopes that  
data will be available is particularly bad.

Gregory Woodhouse

The most profound technologies are those that disappear.
--Mark Weiser

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Changeing/Activating PORT 9200 on the VistaLinuxServer

2005-07-30 Thread Chris Richardson

Actually, the HANG is a reasonable alternative, but a better solution might
be a timed READ.  The time slice can be reclaimed upon the reception of an
I/O, otherwise, the time slice is released to others.  Subsequent global
reads are usually satisfied from Cache and don't have the big overhead of a
physical IO.  Usually only the first one is expensive, subsequent accesses
are cheap until the value changes (a WRITE always results in a physical IO,
eventually, but may be clustered with other changes in the vacinity
depending on the Cache flush algorythms).  When you start talking about one
node in a cluster serving as a LOCK Manager, then the rules are a bit
different.  The READ must be validated by the LOCK Manager who coordinates
the global access for the cluster.

- Original Message -
From: Gregory Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 10:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Changeing/Activating PORT 9200 on the

 This is what I would have expected, at least on any systems where
 MUMPS jobs are implemented as native threads or processes, but not
 that many years ago, I've heard that people have reported finding
 otherwise. But be that as it may, yielding the processor isn't the
 only issue. You still don't want to wake up and perform an (albeit
 global) I/O operation every second. I/O is still expensive, and not
 yielding control of the processor (as was an issue in older Windows
 and even Java implementations) isn't the only issue here.

 Gregory Woodhouse

 The policy of being too cautious is
 the greatest risk of all.
 --Jawaharlal Nehru

 On Jul 29, 2005, at 7:08 PM, Jim Self wrote:

  This is a non-issue in MUMPS implementations that I have worked
  with in recent years, even
  a HANG of only one second in such a loop is sufficient to prevent
  it from consuming
  significant processing time while idle.

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[Hardhats-members] (no subject)

2005-07-30 Thread bsoler
I will be out of the office from Monday 8/1 through Friday 8/5.

If you need immediate assistance please contact your Quatrex client 

Thank you.

Bill Soler

Quatrex Technical Support

800.446.3393 ext. 87


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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Access Code

2005-07-30 Thread Chris Richardson

   My appologies.  You were using the wiki.   Excellent.  Wlcome to the
community.  It is going to be an interesting few years.

Best wishes;   Chris

- Original Message -
From: Zeno Davatz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Access Code

Thanks for the input!

Sure, I'm already putting all the questions and ansers I understand
into the WIKI:

I just put it in my User Talk section as I'm still working on it
(nothing final yet). Once I get the process and the feeling more
deeply than I could also build a separate FAQ.

I will keep posting the links to my questions and the great anwers I
get from this list.


On 7/29/05, Chris Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A couple of suggestions;
 1) DUZ is a pointer into the NEW PERSON File, file 200 (aka,
 ^VA(200,DUZ,0)), and you have set it to .01.  While .01 could actually be
 user, it is probably not an interactive user (such as POSTMASTER .5).  If
 you are running GTM try this;
 ZWR ^VA(200,*,0)
 Now pick someone already established to set your DUZ to.  If you are at
  prompt, you have great power, but with that comes great responsibility.
 You can see the different roles these people play (what menus they have
 access to).  This can keep you busy for a while.  Once you find someone
 access to EVE, then you can go in and create a new user using the menus.
 2) If you are building an FAQ, could I suggest that you put it out on the
 wiki so that others might benefit from your lessons learned and then they
 can also add their lessons learned?  This would be a great way of giving
 back to the community.

 Best wishes;   Chris

 - Original Message -
 From: Zeno Davatz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 12:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Access Code

 Hmm, this I do not understand yet; when I do:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ FOIAVistA/vista --run



 Setting up programmer environment
 This is a TEST account.


 How would I add a User? I can not see any options?


 On 7/28/05, Kevin Toppenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You should establish a user for yourself.  That user
  will have an access code and verify code (same as a
  login and password combo).
  So do ^XUP -- option EVE-user-add user
  Then, on the user editing pages, set the access code
  to your choice of words.
  Then, next time you d ^XUP, you can use your new
  access code.
  --- Zeno Davatz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   How do I set the Access code?
   Do I need to run
   GTMS DUZ=.01
   everytime before I want to configure something with
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Re: [Hardhats-members] You must have a valid DUZ!

2005-07-30 Thread Chris Richardson

   I am getting to this question a little late, but there are good reasons
for doing things this way for the VA.  Over the years, we have run on a
number of platforms and the most consistant means of maintaining the user
population was to drop the production user diretly into our internal MUMPS
environment as quickly as possible and not letting the users at the
operating system.  From the MUMPS level, the user is using the system at the
CHUI (CHaracter User Interface) level.  It is almost impossible for a
malicious user to load anything executable (it can be done with some very
clever code, but that would be very difficult and rare).

   Also the interface with different operating systems can be very
confusing.  Not forcing the users to use the local OS, they get everything
done in the VistA MUMPS environment which is more consistant between the
different implementations.

- Original Message -
From: K.S. Bhaskar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] You must have a valid DUZ!

 Comments below.  I know that the VA doesn't have separate user ids for
 each user at the operating system level, but I don't know why.  [Anyone

 In any case, best security practices today are not to have shared user
 ids, and in the context of medical practices which may not have the same
 level of physical access control as a VA facility, I would suggest
 stronger access controls.

 -- Bhaskar

 On Fri, 2005-07-29 at 09:56 -0500, Mike Lieman wrote:
  On 7/29/05, K.S. Bhaskar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mike --
  I looked at the document.  There's no need to create a
  separate gtm
  user.  Each user can just login with his/her own user id.
  I thought that through, and decided I wanted the GT.M files owned by a
  user other than root.  'oracle' owns the oracle files, 'mysql' own the
  mysql files, 'qmail' owns the qmail files.

 [KSB] My recommendation is to create a user and a group for each VistA
 instance, i.e., if you have production instances for St. Mungo's
 Hospital and the Azkaban Infirmary on your server, then create two
 groups, azkaban and stmungos, and a user azkaban in the azkaban group
 and a user stmungos in the stmungos group.  These users will own the
 database and journal files as well as the directories they are in, and
 processes with these userids will be used for operations (e.g., backup)
 but not normal VistA usage.  As a further security precaution, you can
 permit someone to su to them, but prevent anyone logging in as users
 azkaban or stmungos.  Give each VistA user his/her own userid, assigned
 to the group where s/he practices.  Special consultants affiliated with
 both institutions can belong to both groups.

 The database files, journal files, and directories would have
 permissions set to be user and group writable, but neither readable nor
 writable by anyone else.

 Shared globals that are not normally updated, e.g., the National Drug
 formulary, would be in a separate directory that is world readable, but
 writable by none.
  I'll *likely* have a single  VistA user, since VistA itself has a very
  robust user maintenance/signon model. ( And I expect most usage to be
  with the Windows client... ).
  It may be helpful if you download the GT.M Acculturation live CD from and work through
  Thanks for the link!  I'll try to get to it over the weekend, but no

 SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference  EXPO
 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
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Re: [Hardhats-members] On portability

2005-07-30 Thread smcphelan
Here, here - well stated.  One thing that needs repeating is that one of
VistA's initial design specifications (and one that still exists) is that
ALL application code be implementation and platform independent.  M vendors
and OS vendors may not prefer that the VA have been so insistent on this
point.  The VA was heavy pointing the M vendors in the area of Structured
System Variables (SSVNs) within MDC prior to the end of MDC for this very
purpose.  Please, Please  do not take this response as a voice for the
resurrection of MDC.  Without a strong M vendor market, reviving MDC would
not be in anyone's interests.

- Original Message - 
From: Greg Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Hardhats
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 3:58 PM
Subject: [Hardhats-members] On portability

It's been said that computer science is the science of trade-offs (time
vs. space, clarity vs. efficiency, bandwidth vs. delay, read time vs.
write time, etc.) Portability is simply another area where you end up
making some sacrifices (e.g., in direct mapping of operations affecting
files, processes and so forth to operating system primitives) to
achieve another goal. Bhaskar has rightly pointed out that the I/O and
process models on different systems vary from one another, sometimes
significantly. What is to be done? One option is to write system
specific on every platform. This is not unreasonable, but it is not
without cost. On the positive side, I/O and interprocess communication
can be very efficient. On the negative side, porting your software from
one platform to another can require a significant (even very
significant) amount of work. Introducing common abstractions that work
the same way on all platforms is another option. On the positive side,
it is only necessary write your code once and, in theory, run it
anywhere the platform is supported. On the negative side, your code may
be slower, not just due to the overhead adapting to the interface, but
due to the problem of writing libraries that may need to perform
complex manipulations to get different systems to look the same. An
additional problem is that your code will almost certainly not have the
same degree of flexibility as code written in C or another language
providing direct system access. You may often find there are things you
want to do, and which you know are supported at the operating system
level, but which simply are not supported in the language you use.

So, where do you strike the balance? There is no one right answer
(which is probably why we have so many programming languages to choose
from). Ultimmately, it comes down to looking at the competing goals of
speed, flexibility, robustness, system footprint, price, and market
share (Do you want something that will only run a 6 CPU Dodekium
running MAXIX?)

Gregory Woodhouse  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Design quality doesn't ensure success, but design failure can ensure

--Kent Beck

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RE: [Hardhats-members] Pointers and keys

2005-07-30 Thread Thurman Pedigo

The new style cross reference
was the key I meant to reference in the original post. I should
have been clearer in that reference. The unique ID we create in
the SD appointment is a number commonly called charge slip number
in our practice. It may be used an ID for numerous activities. 

DOT(truckers exam)

General physical



Lab tests , Xray, etc

Injury visit (Workers Compensation)

And the list can be as long as your imagination.
We need some way to bind that all together in a common identification that
everyone may use to reference activity that typically occurs on a unique date. 

Another way we could do this is let the
date, combined with a new style cross reference creating a unique ID, handle
the uniqueness. I have been using the above scheme since 1970, always hoping to
find a better method. So far, I always wind up back at the charge slip#
as the method. I was hoping to fine something better this time around.
This time I was hoping to use the new styled cross reference (created with
combination of charge slip# and patient name  or date) as the unique ID.

Backward pointer was a considered to
reference (from patient file) anything pointing to patient  and typically
used only in reports. Sort patient file and address the DOT exams pointing to a
unique patient  not a burning need. I am sill listening. 



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gregory Woodhouse
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 11:05
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members]
Pointers and keys

There are applications that use semantically meaningful values for the
IEN, but I don't recommend doing this. In fact, I would recommend rather
strongly that you do not do this. However, you CAN ensure that a field such as
.01 be unique. You need to create new style cross-reference, and this will be
done automatically for you if you make this field into a key. Being
clever is seldom a good idea, but you can even make the
B cross-reference the uniqueness index underlying the key if you
really want to. I don't know if this is responsive to your question, but
I've worked with a number of files that attempt to have semantically meaningful
.01 fields, and that really buys you very little and does cause a bunch of
grief in the long run.

Can you explain a little more what you mean by backward
pointer. Are you wanting to quickly identify the (sub)records in
another file pointing a record in your file?


Gregory Woodhouse


A hero is no braver than an ordinary

man, but he is brave five minutes longer.

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

On Jul 29, 2005, at 8:02 PM, Thurman Pedigo

With so much excitement, I hate to post
such a mundane question as pointers and keys. However, I have never been
able to get KEYs to perform in the way I expect. I want to have file TESTFILE
point to field .01 of another file so that I can use backward pointers. Further
I would like to create a record in the file with a unique # to main the
uniqueness of multiple instances of the same name in .01 field of the file. It
seems I should be able to enter a unique # such as 12345 without having to
encapsulate a new entry as the name file in quotes. For instance if the
name is DOE,JOHN in the referenced field, I would like to enter 12346 (in
field #2) to create a unique entry, then enter DOE,JOHN in field .01, separate
from the first record than the 12345 and still allow the .01 field in this
record to exist as DOE,JOHN . Is this workable? Or is this just
bad policy?

I know this is sort of
confused and will be difficult to sort out. Basically, I want to have field 2
as the UNIQUE ID for each record in TESTFILE, and .01 field point to a sort of
parent file.



[Hardhats-members] (no subject)

2005-07-30 Thread bsoler
I will be out of the office from Monday 8/1 through Friday 8/5.

If you need immediate assistance please contact your Quatrex client 

Thank you.

Bill Soler

Quatrex Technical Support

800.446.3393 ext. 87


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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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2005-07-30 Thread smcphelan
Has any VA representatives without conflicts of interests taken the test to
certify that the test has no implicit biases and that the test does
accurately measure what it is intended to do?

- Original Message - 
From: Joseph Dal Molin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 1:09 PM
Subject: [Hardhats-members] VISTA-OFFICE EHR VENDOR TEST


 In preparation for the upcoming release of VistA-Office EHR, the
 VistA-Office EHR Vendor Support Organization (VVSO) is offering vendors
 with demonstrated expertise the opportunity to qualify for inclusion on
 the VistA-Office EHR Vendor List.

 To qualify, vendors must take a test to demonstrate their ability to
 install, configure, use, and support VistA-Office EHR.  Interested
 vendors may register at to
 take the test.

 It is strongly recommended that vendors without previous VistA
 experience do not take this test.  The VVSO will offer training later
 this year for vendors wishing to improve their VistA skills.

 Registered vendors will receive the test questions and instructions.
 Those who pass the test will be listed on the VistA-Office EHR Vendor
 List  webpage when it goes public.

 The VistA-Office EHR Vendor List will help clinics, doctors, and nurses
 who are interested in installing VistA-Office EHR find vendors qualified
 to help them install, configure, and support the software.

 Contact: Joseph Dal Molin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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 from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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[Hardhats-members] SSH, Rsync communication between CPRS WindwosClient and OpenVistaServer

2005-07-30 Thread Zeno Davatz
On 7/29/05, Greg Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't repeat this often enough: TCP/IP facilities in MUMPS are very
 primitive, so programmers will always find themselves relying on ad hoc
 mechanisms such as this.
Ok, now this is quite nice I guess. In my personal opinion
OpenVistaServer is quite lucky to still only have very primitive
TCP/IP facilities. To me that means the way to go is still very open!

So I would like to take this opportunity to make a suggestion or ask a
few questions:

Why not focus on a modern OpenSource Technology/ Protocol that Linux
is building on/with as well; like Rsync, SSH, GPG? With Rsync, SSH and
GPG you get security, speed and reliability and another good community
connection, that I'm sure is willing to provide thier technology for
the OpenVista Server.

I believe that the connection between client (ie Windwos GUI) and
server (ie Linux) will be one of the very most _utmost_ used basic
features in OpenVista. Just making that connection work reliably will
lay the foundation for many User Stories and services. Imagine the
data of a patient being transfered encrypted over the network to the
computer of another doctor (ie. via the internet or the local
network). With GPG these connections can always be made encrypted for
every single user.

I can tell from what I have seen in Switzerland, that the PGP (GPG in
Linux) encryption works very well for encrypting and transferring
patient data over the network, local or internet. What I do not like
about the solution in Switzerland is, that the solutions provider is
a) just on company not going open source and b) not yet thinking too
much in Open Standards. Also the actual software running on the
doctors desktop does not yet connect that well with encryption
technology that transfers the  data over the internet for example to
the insurance company.

With a small markets as Switzerland (8 Mio population) that may work
in the beginning but not for the long run. That is why I'm so
interested in OpenVista ;)!


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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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Re: [Hardhats-members] SSH, Rsync communication between CPRS WindwosClient and OpenVistaServer

2005-07-30 Thread Nancy Anthracite
With the new version of the Broker it is possible to tunnel the connection 
securely between the client and server on Linux at least, and although I have 
not investigated this with Cache, I assume since Open SSH can be run on 
Windows, the same should be true in that setting.

On Saturday 30 July 2005 08:17 am, Zeno Davatz wrote:
 On 7/29/05, Greg Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I can't repeat this often enough: TCP/IP facilities in MUMPS are very
  primitive, so programmers will always find themselves relying on ad hoc
  mechanisms such as this.

 Ok, now this is quite nice I guess. In my personal opinion
 OpenVistaServer is quite lucky to still only have very primitive
 TCP/IP facilities. To me that means the way to go is still very open!

 So I would like to take this opportunity to make a suggestion or ask a
 few questions:

 Why not focus on a modern OpenSource Technology/ Protocol that Linux
 is building on/with as well; like Rsync, SSH, GPG? With Rsync, SSH and
 GPG you get security, speed and reliability and another good community
 connection, that I'm sure is willing to provide thier technology for
 the OpenVista Server.

 I believe that the connection between client (ie Windwos GUI) and
 server (ie Linux) will be one of the very most _utmost_ used basic
 features in OpenVista. Just making that connection work reliably will
 lay the foundation for many User Stories and services. Imagine the
 data of a patient being transfered encrypted over the network to the
 computer of another doctor (ie. via the internet or the local
 network). With GPG these connections can always be made encrypted for
 every single user.

 I can tell from what I have seen in Switzerland, that the PGP (GPG in
 Linux) encryption works very well for encrypting and transferring
 patient data over the network, local or internet. What I do not like
 about the solution in Switzerland is, that the solutions provider is
 a) just on company not going open source and b) not yet thinking too
 much in Open Standards. Also the actual software running on the
 doctors desktop does not yet connect that well with encryption
 technology that transfers the  data over the internet for example to
 the insurance company.

 With a small markets as Switzerland (8 Mio population) that may work
 in the beginning but not for the long run. That is why I'm so
 interested in OpenVista ;)!


 SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
 from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
 informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
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 Hardhats-members mailing list

Nancy Anthracite

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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
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2005-07-30 Thread Joseph Dal Molin


Please take the test and tell us if you believe there are biases in it. 
If you feel there are any we will address them. Our objective is to 
include as many qualified vendors as possible.



smcphelan wrote:

Has any VA representatives without conflicts of interests taken the test to
certify that the test has no implicit biases and that the test does
accurately measure what it is intended to do?

- Original Message - 
From: Joseph Dal Molin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 1:09 PM
Subject: [Hardhats-members] VISTA-OFFICE EHR VENDOR TEST


In preparation for the upcoming release of VistA-Office EHR, the
VistA-Office EHR Vendor Support Organization (VVSO) is offering vendors
with demonstrated expertise the opportunity to qualify for inclusion on
the VistA-Office EHR Vendor List.

To qualify, vendors must take a test to demonstrate their ability to
install, configure, use, and support VistA-Office EHR.  Interested
vendors may register at to
take the test.

It is strongly recommended that vendors without previous VistA
experience do not take this test.  The VVSO will offer training later
this year for vendors wishing to improve their VistA skills.

Registered vendors will receive the test questions and instructions.
Those who pass the test will be listed on the VistA-Office EHR Vendor
List  webpage when it goes public.

The VistA-Office EHR Vendor List will help clinics, doctors, and nurses
who are interested in installing VistA-Office EHR find vendors qualified
to help them install, configure, and support the software.

Contact: Joseph Dal Molin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list


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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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2005-07-30 Thread smcphelan
I do plan on taking the test.  I have not talked to anyone else at DSS, but
I assume DSS will be participating.  But I could not publicly state that
without first checking with the president of the company.

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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
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2005-07-30 Thread Mike Lieman
On 7/30/05, Joseph Dal Molin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Steve,Please take the test and tell us if you believe there are biases in it.If you feel there are any we will address them. Our objective is toinclude as many qualified vendors as possible.

Not to be overly critical, but was releasing the exam on Friday, July
29th with a deadline of Sunday, July 31st, poorly thought out, and
counter to that objective?

Now, if the cycle time for updating the list is a day or two, that's
not a problem. But who really wants to deal with this over the


2005-07-30 Thread Stephen K. Miyasato


Whew, that a hefty download. When I initially downloaded to program and open 
the Excel spreadsheet I got some errors that kicked me off Excel with a 
trouble report generated. I will try and download from another site.

Stephen K. Miyasato
Pacific Telehealth and Technology Hui

- Original Message - 
From: Joseph Dal Molin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 3:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] VISTA-OFFICE EHR VENDOR TEST


Please take the test and tell us if you believe there are biases in it. If 
you feel there are any we will address them. Our objective is to include 
as many qualified vendors as possible.



smcphelan wrote:
Has any VA representatives without conflicts of interests taken the test 

certify that the test has no implicit biases and that the test does
accurately measure what it is intended to do?

- Original Message - 
From: Joseph Dal Molin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 1:09 PM
Subject: [Hardhats-members] VISTA-OFFICE EHR VENDOR TEST


In preparation for the upcoming release of VistA-Office EHR, the
VistA-Office EHR Vendor Support Organization (VVSO) is offering vendors
with demonstrated expertise the opportunity to qualify for inclusion on
the VistA-Office EHR Vendor List.

To qualify, vendors must take a test to demonstrate their ability to
install, configure, use, and support VistA-Office EHR.  Interested
vendors may register at to
take the test.

It is strongly recommended that vendors without previous VistA
experience do not take this test.  The VVSO will offer training later
this year for vendors wishing to improve their VistA skills.

Registered vendors will receive the test questions and instructions.
Those who pass the test will be listed on the VistA-Office EHR Vendor
List  webpage when it goes public.

The VistA-Office EHR Vendor List will help clinics, doctors, and nurses
who are interested in installing VistA-Office EHR find vendors qualified
to help them install, configure, and support the software.

Contact: Joseph Dal Molin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
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Hardhats-members mailing list

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list


SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
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[Hardhats-members] (no subject)

2005-07-30 Thread bsoler
I will be out of the office from Monday 8/1 through Friday 8/5.

If you need immediate assistance please contact your Quatrex client 

Thank you.

Bill Soler

Quatrex Technical Support

800.446.3393 ext. 87


SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list


2005-07-30 Thread Mike Lieman
On 7/30/05, Stephen K. Miyasato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Whew, that a hefty download. When I initially downloaded to program and openthe Excel spreadsheet I got some errors that kicked me off Excel with atrouble report generated. I will try and download from another site.

I got 191 rows in a workbook with 3 worksheets, #2 and #3 empty, right?

If you're not distributing this with detatched gpg signatures (Hint,
Hint) then how about at least a md5sum or sha1sum, so at the end of the
download, it can be verified.

Unsigned and unverified executables suck.


2005-07-30 Thread Joseph Dal Molin


To clarify the deadline, our goal is tocreate a list of Vendors in 
time for the impending release of VistA Office EHR. Any replies to the 
test that arrive after Sunday will be assessed, and if succesfully 
completed, posted within two days of receipt.


Program Manager, VVSO

Mike Lieman wrote:

On 7/30/05, *Joseph Dal Molin* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Please take the test and tell us if you believe there are biases in it.
If you feel there are any we will address them. Our objective is to
include as many qualified vendors as possible.

Not to be overly critical, but was releasing the exam on Friday, July 
29th with a deadline of Sunday, July 31st, poorly thought out, and 
counter to that objective?

Now, if the cycle time for updating the list is a day or two, that's not 
a problem.  But who really wants to deal with this over the weekend?

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from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list

[Hardhats-members] Announcing the VistA Office EHR Discussion Forum

2005-07-30 Thread Joseph Dal Molin

Dear Hardhats List Members,

The WorldVistA VVSO has created a discussion forum specific to VistA 
Office EHR. Please post all messages relating to VistA Office EHR to 
this list. The exception being technical questions relating to VistA 
infrastructure issues, such as Fileman, Taskman etc. which should 
continue to be directed to the Hardhats list.

We are creating this list with the full support of the HardHats list 
administrators, partly to address the anticipated significant increas in 
traffic and diversity of messages expected with the launch of VistA 
Office EHR.

To subscribe to the new list, go to:

Thank you,

Joseph Dal Molin

Program Manager, VVSO

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] == Learning MUMPS ==

2005-07-30 Thread Gregory Woodhouse

Maybe I should get myself a copy just on principle.
Gregory Woodhouse

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.
--Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

On Jul 29, 2005, at 1:37 PM, K.S. Bhaskar wrote:

[KSB] I too recommend Prof. Walters' book (the newer one, circa 1996,
not the older one).

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list


2005-07-30 Thread Mike Lieman
On 7/30/05, Joseph Dal Molin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mike,To clarify the deadline, our goal is tocreate a list of Vendors intime for the impending release of VistA Office EHR. Any replies to thetest that arrive after Sunday will be assessed, and if succesfully
completed, posted within two days of receipt.Two days is an excellent target. 

Thanks for the quick reply.


RE: [Hardhats-members] Announcing the VistA Office EHR Discussion Forum

2005-07-30 Thread David Sommers
Why are we splitting lists?  I'm treating Hardhats as The VistA
resource outside of the VA.  Does furthering VistA outside of the VA
involve infrastructure vs support?  Do the people that would respond to
Taskman questions not want to hear about setting up DUZ=1 before
entering Fileman?  To me - they're related.  The same person that
answers that question twice will help build the resource (Wiki) for FAQs
(as we all are), etc.  Then when all the easy questions are answered
(which they will), do they go here for the really tough stuff?  Wouldn't
they go to the Wiki first and we just remind them on that on their first
newb post?

Before you reply - give this long (but great) article a read:

If you don't want to read it all, jump down to Part Three: What Can We
Take for Granted?  (hint: use the browser's find text tool)

I think we're all well connected to each other and contribute to this
thing we've come to love.

If someone can explain to me why I don't want to hear about installing
VistA - tell me - because I'm listening and I'm seeing new and exciting
things growing up all around me.  [And then tell me what Hardhats is for

David Sommers, Architect

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Joseph Dal Molin
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 1:12 PM
To: hardhats
Subject: [Hardhats-members] Announcing the VistA Office EHR Discussion

Dear Hardhats List Members,

The WorldVistA VVSO has created a discussion forum specific to VistA 
Office EHR. Please post all messages relating to VistA Office EHR to 
this list. The exception being technical questions relating to VistA 
infrastructure issues, such as Fileman, Taskman etc. which should 
continue to be directed to the Hardhats list.

We are creating this list with the full support of the HardHats list 
administrators, partly to address the anticipated significant increas in

traffic and diversity of messages expected with the launch of VistA 
Office EHR.

To subscribe to the new list, go to:

Thank you,

Joseph Dal Molin

Program Manager, VVSO

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list

RE: [Hardhats-members] (no subject)

2005-07-30 Thread David Sommers
Must - buy - Qautrex - and - call - for - support.

Don't - know - why.

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] == Learning MUMPS ==

2005-07-30 Thread Chris Richardson
I did.  As well as Lewkowicz's Book, to boot.

- Original Message - 
From: Gregory Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] == Learning MUMPS ==

 Maybe I should get myself a copy just on principle.
 Gregory Woodhouse
 It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.
 --Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
 On Jul 29, 2005, at 1:37 PM, K.S. Bhaskar wrote:
  [KSB] I too recommend Prof. Walters' book (the newer one, circa 1996,
  not the older one).
 SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
 from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
 informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
 speed, fast.
 Hardhats-members mailing list

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] == Learning MUMPS ==

2005-07-30 Thread Mike Lieman
Tannenbaum's _Structured Computer Organization_

as long as were suggesting books to each other...


[Hardhats-members] Forum Mode for Hardhats NOW?

2005-07-30 Thread TyrusMaynard

  I am posting with a specific topic, but want to thank David Sommers
for his recent post expressing caution about splitting discussion between
the new VistaOffice (which is a forum) and the historically unified hardhats 
(which of course is a mail list)  I don't have a confident answer for that, but

I am reviving an older question  *will hardhats convert to a forum style*
	I believe the time to convert is now, although I realize some folks might still 
prefer the email mode (and if the tools are difficult to maintain identical 
content in both emaillist and forum application modes, I think forum should be 
the sole choice)
For Friday 7/29 there were about 150 email postings, but volume is not the 
entire issue.  The threads are long (which is proof of effort) and problem 
solving and teaching is a multifocal conversation necessarily.  I think a *forum 
is much more readable* than a succession of emails, whether in your own 
cherished mail client or in the archives of hardhats. Email clients and archives 
require a click to move to each new post and often have confusing styles for the 
sequence of pasting past copy into a reply. *Forum mode transcends the pasting 
of prior thread content*  and it presents a cleaner read for pasting into your 
PIM or linking into other sites like wiki etc ( I do wish that the HTML of forum 
archives treated each forum post as a document anchor for more granular linking)

 If we believe that our postings should have the discipline to leave a trail of 
solutions that alone speaks for using a forum archive so that content is 
more readable by subsequent visitors (not to mention our interacting usage)

 If it is appropriate to have the OpenOffice/hardhats split according to the 
guidelines just now  posted by Joseph , I think it is all the more important to 
convert hardhats to forum, if only to  handle the additional traffic that will 
occur on hardhats. That said it's probably valuable to have the forum interface 
just for readability.

   Right now there is not a large mass of forum content in the universe of 
hardhats/worldvista/mumps/gtm to reflect upon, but visit this link as an example 
of a mature sourceforge project with lots of history to feed newcomers:
  Pick a thread with 20 or 30 replies and consider its readability.

Now read this archive of Hardhats email thread (on the topic of OpenForum)

  Thanks for David Sommers link to the excellent article on technical tools and 
social actions

   Now that the VistaOffice has been given its guidelines and vehicle as a 
forum, the core group that guides hardhats must face these questions on the mode 
for handling big traffic at hardhats.  I don't know the methods for this 
decision among venerable hardhats, but after some discussion and some process 
that probably thankfully won't be called voting...I'm sure everyone can take 
whatever changes in stride.

Rusty Maynard

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list

[Hardhats-members] (no subject)

2005-07-30 Thread bsoler
I will be out of the office from Monday 8/1 through Friday 8/5.

If you need immediate assistance please contact your Quatrex client 

Thank you.

Bill Soler

Quatrex Technical Support

800.446.3393 ext. 87


SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Forum Mode for Hardhats NOW?

2005-07-30 Thread Ruben Safir
Forums generally suck.  Web tools squash communications and of course,
are nothing like the tools for handling email.  Nearly ever major
programming project has been handled by mailing lists, news groups, and

This and searchable archives are the backbone of collaboration.

Finally, MORE mailing lists just means more things I need to sing up to
and merge in my mailbox.

And please don't look at Open Office for a guild on these kinds of
things.  They are a complete failure in this regard, and that is before
we start to discuss the problems of the product itself.


On Sat, 2005-07-30 at 21:09 -0400, TyrusMaynard wrote:
I am posting with a specific topic, but want to thank David Sommers
 for his recent post expressing caution about splitting discussion between
 the new VistaOffice (which is a forum) and the historically unified hardhats 
 (which of course is a mail list)  I don't have a confident answer for that, 
 I am reviving an older question  *will hardhats convert to a forum style*
   I believe the time to convert is now, although I realize some folks 
 might still 
 prefer the email mode (and if the tools are difficult to maintain identical 
 content in both emaillist and forum application modes, I think forum should 
 the sole choice)
  For Friday 7/29 there were about 150 email postings, but volume is not 
 entire issue.  The threads are long (which is proof of effort) and problem 
 solving and teaching is a multifocal conversation necessarily.  I think a 
 is much more readable* than a succession of emails, whether in your own 
 cherished mail client or in the archives of hardhats. Email clients and 
 require a click to move to each new post and often have confusing styles for 
 sequence of pasting past copy into a reply. *Forum mode transcends the 
 of prior thread content*  and it presents a cleaner read for pasting into 
 PIM or linking into other sites like wiki etc ( I do wish that the HTML of 
 archives treated each forum post as a document anchor for more granular 
   If we believe that our postings should have the discipline to leave a trail 
 solutions that alone speaks for using a forum archive so that content is 
 more readable by subsequent visitors (not to mention our interacting usage)
   If it is appropriate to have the OpenOffice/hardhats split according to the 
 guidelines just now  posted by Joseph , I think it is all the more important 
 convert hardhats to forum, if only to  handle the additional traffic that 
 occur on hardhats. That said it's probably valuable to have the forum 
 just for readability.
 Right now there is not a large mass of forum content in the universe of 
 hardhats/worldvista/mumps/gtm to reflect upon, but visit this link as an 
 of a mature sourceforge project with lots of history to feed newcomers:
Pick a thread with 20 or 30 replies and consider its readability.
 Now read this archive of Hardhats email thread (on the topic of OpenForum)
Thanks for David Sommers link to the excellent article on technical tools 
 social actions
 Now that the VistaOffice has been given its guidelines and vehicle as a 
 forum, the core group that guides hardhats must face these questions on the 
 for handling big traffic at hardhats.  I don't know the methods for this 
 decision among venerable hardhats, but after some discussion and some process 
 that probably thankfully won't be called voting...I'm sure everyone can take 
 whatever changes in stride.
 Rusty Maynard
 SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
 from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
 informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
 speed, fast.
 Hardhats-members mailing list

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Forum Mode for Hardhats NOW?

2005-07-30 Thread Mike Lieman
On 7/30/05, Ruben Safir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Forums generally suck. 
On the other hand, are four fingers and a thumb. ( YMMV )

Gmail Rocks.

And please don't look at Open Office for a guild on these kinds ofthings.They are a complete failure in this regard, and that is before
we start to discuss the problems of the product itself.
I think linux-kernel is the gold standard for that.

Re: [Hardhats-members] Forum Mode for Hardhats NOW?

2005-07-30 Thread Joseph Dal Molin


The current list actually has a web based forum style that can present 
messages by thread and a couple of other variants.follow the link 
below to the archive:

IMHO, anything that is an important thread and needs to be more 
organized than what we are using now should and deserves to be in a Wiki 
where it can be turned into something useful.

As for the VistA Office EHR list it too is based on Sourceforge and uses 
the same software as this list.


TyrusMaynard wrote:

  I am posting with a specific topic, but want to thank David Sommers
for his recent post expressing caution about splitting discussion between
the new VistaOffice (which is a forum) and the historically unified 
hardhats (which of course is a mail list)  I don't have a confident 
answer for that, but

I am reviving an older question  *will hardhats convert to a forum style*
I believe the time to convert is now, although I realize some folks 
might still prefer the email mode (and if the tools are difficult to 
maintain identical content in both emaillist and forum application 
modes, I think forum should be the sole choice)
For Friday 7/29 there were about 150 email postings, but volume is 
not the entire issue.  The threads are long (which is proof of effort) 
and problem solving and teaching is a multifocal conversation 
necessarily.  I think a *forum is much more readable* than a succession 
of emails, whether in your own cherished mail client or in the archives 
of hardhats. Email clients and archives require a click to move to each 
new post and often have confusing styles for the sequence of pasting 
past copy into a reply. *Forum mode transcends the pasting of prior 
thread content*  and it presents a cleaner read for pasting into your 
PIM or linking into other sites like wiki etc ( I do wish that the HTML 
of forum archives treated each forum post as a document anchor for more 
granular linking)

 If we believe that our postings should have the discipline to leave a 
trail of solutions that alone speaks for using a forum archive so 
that content is more readable by subsequent visitors (not to mention our 
interacting usage)

 If it is appropriate to have the OpenOffice/hardhats split according to 
the guidelines just now  posted by Joseph , I think it is all the more 
important to convert hardhats to forum, if only to  handle the 
additional traffic that will occur on hardhats. That said it's probably 
valuable to have the forum interface just for readability.

   Right now there is not a large mass of forum content in the universe 
of hardhats/worldvista/mumps/gtm to reflect upon, but visit this link as 
an example of a mature sourceforge project with lots of history to feed 
  Pick a thread with 20 or 30 replies and consider its readability.

Now read this archive of Hardhats email thread (on the topic of OpenForum)

  Thanks for David Sommers link to the excellent article on technical 
tools and social actions

   Now that the VistaOffice has been given its guidelines and vehicle as 
a forum, the core group that guides hardhats must face these questions 
on the mode for handling big traffic at hardhats.  I don't know the 
methods for this decision among venerable hardhats, but after some 
discussion and some process that probably thankfully won't be called 
voting...I'm sure everyone can take whatever changes in stride.

Rusty Maynard

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list


SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Forum Mode for Hardhats NOW?

2005-07-30 Thread Ruben Safir
 As for the VistA Office EHR list it too is based on Sourceforge and uses 
 the same software as this list.

Which o=is bad enough :)


Brooklyn Linux Solutions

So many immigrant groups have swept through our town 
that Brooklyn, like Atlantis, reaches mythological 
proportions in the mind of the world  - RI Safir 1998

DRM is THEFT - We are the STAKEHOLDERS - RI Safir 2002

Yeah - I write Free SUE ME - Consulting -- Happy Clients - Leadership Development in Free Software - Unpublished Archive or stories and 
articles from around the net - See the New Downtown Brooklyn

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Forum Mode for Hardhats NOW?

2005-07-30 Thread TyrusMaynard

I am only a relatively recent arrival to the hardhats list and a beneficiary no 
matter how this content is packaged ...thank you all.
The example I  offered in the initial post is a link to LEO another type of 
project but with a strong and disciplined membership. I believe groups are 
mainly composed of their demeanor and traditions whatever the tools offered them 
...but I believe forum offers a better finished product in archives and 
archiving is important.

 The sourceforge forums are very searchable just as the email archives are.
The basic boolean and/or searching seems as good as I can get out of my large 
collection of local hardhats email on mozilla.

 One problem I failed to mention is that your local email is yours and a forum
server can be slower.
 The link provided by David Sommers is excellent reading on group dynamics and 
it suggests some sort of leadership has to guide changes (whatever form of 
voting with partial participation  or other polling is used in the whole 
community). In discussion, which is what I intended here, Ruben has spoken out 
for email lists which is the status quo and I do not categorize email lists and 
archives as a failure.
 I continue to advocate a forum for the benefits of a cleaner (and  searchable) 
archive  which I believe to be an easier read. Speed of the server is  another 
consideration...but I am considering giving the maintenance of my local client 
hardhats archive anyway. Thanks for the active list.


Ruben Safir wrote:

Forums generally suck.  Web tools squash communications and of course,
are nothing like the tools for handling email.  Nearly ever major
programming project has been handled by mailing lists, news groups, and

This and searchable archives are the backbone of collaboration.

Finally, MORE mailing lists just means more things I need to sing up to
and merge in my mailbox.

And please don't look at Open Office for a guild on these kinds of
things.  They are a complete failure in this regard, and that is before
we start to discuss the problems of the product itself.


On Sat, 2005-07-30 at 21:09 -0400, TyrusMaynard wrote:

  I am posting with a specific topic, but want to thank David Sommers
for his recent post expressing caution about splitting discussion between
the new VistaOffice (which is a forum) and the historically unified hardhats 
(which of course is a mail list)  I don't have a confident answer for that, but

I am reviving an older question  *will hardhats convert to a forum style*
	I believe the time to convert is now, although I realize some folks might still 
prefer the email mode (and if the tools are difficult to maintain identical 
content in both emaillist and forum application modes, I think forum should be 
the sole choice)
For Friday 7/29 there were about 150 email postings, but volume is not the 
entire issue.  The threads are long (which is proof of effort) and problem 
solving and teaching is a multifocal conversation necessarily.  I think a *forum 
is much more readable* than a succession of emails, whether in your own 
cherished mail client or in the archives of hardhats. Email clients and archives 
require a click to move to each new post and often have confusing styles for the 
sequence of pasting past copy into a reply. *Forum mode transcends the pasting 
of prior thread content*  and it presents a cleaner read for pasting into your 
PIM or linking into other sites like wiki etc ( I do wish that the HTML of forum 
archives treated each forum post as a document anchor for more granular linking)

 If we believe that our postings should have the discipline to leave a trail of 
solutions that alone speaks for using a forum archive so that content is 
more readable by subsequent visitors (not to mention our interacting usage)

 If it is appropriate to have the OpenOffice/hardhats split according to the 
guidelines just now  posted by Joseph , I think it is all the more important to 
convert hardhats to forum, if only to  handle the additional traffic that will 
occur on hardhats. That said it's probably valuable to have the forum interface 
just for readability.

   Right now there is not a large mass of forum content in the universe of 
hardhats/worldvista/mumps/gtm to reflect upon, but visit this link as an example 
of a mature sourceforge project with lots of history to feed newcomers:
  Pick a thread with 20 or 30 replies and consider its readability.

Now read this archive of Hardhats email thread (on the topic of OpenForum)

  Thanks for David Sommers link to the excellent article on technical tools and 
social actions

   Now that the VistaOffice has been given its guidelines and vehicle as a 
forum, the core group that guides hardhats must face these questions on the mode 
for handling big traffic at hardhats. 

Re: [Hardhats-members] Forum Mode for Hardhats NOW?

2005-07-30 Thread Ruben Safir
On Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 10:37:58PM -0400, TyrusMaynard wrote:
 I am only a relatively recent arrival to the hardhats list and a 
 beneficiary no matter how this content is packaged ...thank you all.
 The example I  offered in the initial post is a link to LEO another type of 
 project but with a strong and disciplined membership. 

Displine is a hinerance, not a help.  There are a lot of words here
but they offer nothing in terms of content.  

All you need for a good project is a mail server and an IRC channel.



Brooklyn Linux Solutions

So many immigrant groups have swept through our town 
that Brooklyn, like Atlantis, reaches mythological 
proportions in the mind of the world  - RI Safir 1998

DRM is THEFT - We are the STAKEHOLDERS - RI Safir 2002

Yeah - I write Free SUE ME - Consulting -- Happy Clients - Leadership Development in Free Software - Unpublished Archive or stories and 
articles from around the net - See the New Downtown Brooklyn

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list

[Hardhats-members] (no subject)

2005-07-30 Thread bsoler
I will be out of the office from Monday 8/1 through Friday 8/5.

If you need immediate assistance please contact your Quatrex client 

Thank you.

Bill Soler

Quatrex Technical Support

800.446.3393 ext. 87


SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Forum Mode for Hardhats NOW?

2005-07-30 Thread Mike Lieman
On 7/30/05, Ruben Safir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 10:37:58PM -0400, TyrusMaynard wrote: I am only a relatively recent arrival to the hardhats list and a beneficiary no matter how this content is packaged ...thank you all.
 The example Ioffered in the initial post is a link to LEO another type of project but with a strong and disciplined membership.Displine is a hinerance, not a help.There are a lot of words here
but they offer nothing in terms of content.All you need for a good project is a mail server and an IRC channel.And CVS

( I dither about the IRC channel )...

Re: [Hardhats-members] Forum Mode for Hardhats NOW?

2005-07-30 Thread TyrusMaynard

  By forum style do you mean the accumulated archives of an email list?  I 
know that hardhats has a vestigial forum which is not congruent with the wealth 
of content that will be mined in the regular email list/archives is that 
mother lode that I am speaking about.
I have wrongly assumed that your invitation was to a forum  but I now 
realize that the link is to mailman listinfo for an email list instead. Whether 
or not there is successful splitting of the community tools, I believe a forum 
would be a better mode for either of the split. If a mother lode of VistaOffice would be better served by a true forum for later mining.
  I have heard of forums that cross post to a mailman archive ...but I have not 
seen the application that will receive traditional email posts and cross post 
them to a forum archive * as original copy+signature without redundant thread 
copy* . What a deal ...everybody presented consistently without automated thread 
copy in replies (as I am practicing below)!   Wiki is yet another paradigm

Thanks for your work in making all this commotion.
Rusty aka Tyrus

Joseph Dal Molin wrote:


The current list actually has a web based forum style that can present 
messages by thread and a couple of other variants.follow the link 
below to the archive:

IMHO, anything that is an important thread and needs to be more 
organized than what we are using now should and deserves to be in a Wiki 
where it can be turned into something useful.

As for the VistA Office EHR list it too is based on Sourceforge and uses 
the same software as this list.


TyrusMaynard wrote:

  I am posting with a specific topic, but want to thank David Sommers
for his recent post expressing caution about splitting discussion 
the new VistaOffice (which is a forum) and the historically unified 
hardhats (which of course is a mail list)  I don't have a confident 
answer for that, but

I am reviving an older question  *will hardhats convert to a forum style*
I believe the time to convert is now, although I realize some 
folks might still prefer the email mode (and if the tools are 
difficult to maintain identical content in both emaillist and forum 
application modes, I think forum should be the sole choice)
For Friday 7/29 there were about 150 email postings, but volume is 
not the entire issue.  The threads are long (which is proof of effort) 
and problem solving and teaching is a multifocal conversation 
necessarily.  I think a *forum is much more readable* than a 
succession of emails, whether in your own cherished mail client or in 
the archives of hardhats. Email clients and archives require a click 
to move to each new post and often have confusing styles for the 
sequence of pasting past copy into a reply. *Forum mode transcends the 
pasting of prior thread content*  and it presents a cleaner read for 
pasting into your PIM or linking into other sites like wiki etc ( I do 
wish that the HTML of forum archives treated each forum post as a 
document anchor for more granular linking)

 If we believe that our postings should have the discipline to leave a 
trail of solutions that alone speaks for using a forum archive so 
that content is more readable by subsequent visitors (not to mention 
our interacting usage)

 If it is appropriate to have the OpenOffice/hardhats split according 
to the guidelines just now  posted by Joseph , I think it is all the 
more important to convert hardhats to forum, if only to  handle the 
additional traffic that will occur on hardhats. That said it's 
probably valuable to have the forum interface just for readability.

   Right now there is not a large mass of forum content in the 
universe of hardhats/worldvista/mumps/gtm to reflect upon, but visit 
this link as an example of a mature sourceforge project with lots of 
history to feed newcomers:
  Pick a thread with 20 or 30 replies and consider its readability.

Now read this archive of Hardhats email thread (on the topic of 

  Thanks for David Sommers link to the excellent article on technical 
tools and social actions

   Now that the VistaOffice has been given its guidelines and vehicle 
as a forum, the core group that guides hardhats must face these 
questions on the mode for handling big traffic at hardhats.  I don't 
know the methods for this decision among venerable hardhats, but after 
some discussion and some process that probably thankfully won't be 
called voting...I'm sure everyone can take whatever changes in stride.

Rusty Maynard

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Forum Mode for Hardhats NOW?

2005-07-30 Thread Ruben Safir

 ( I dither about the IRC channel )...

An IRC channel is wonderful for a sense of community integrity and for
help when you need something more interactive and bit more detailed than
one can do through email.


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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Forum Mode for Hardhats NOW?

2005-07-30 Thread Ruben Safir
On Sat, 2005-07-30 at 23:28, TyrusMaynard wrote:
By forum style do you mean the accumulated archives of an email list? 

That is the motherload of searchable archives.  And it works great
with google.  A backend to usenet is useful sometimes as well.

  I have wrongly assumed that your invitation was to a forum  but I now 
 realize that the link is to mailman listinfo for an email list instead. 
 or not there is successful splitting of the community tools, I believe a 
 would be a better mode

No it would be a disaster.  In fact, RMS wouldn't even have access to a
forum because he never uses the net and fetches his mail by scping his
/var/spool/mail directory and using rmail in emacs.

A forum is for control freaks who feel great need to have control of
discussions.  Its a disaster for grepping through messages, quickly
addressing issues while at work, and general communication.

It's just sucks.  It's a crackpot cooperate idea based on control of the
information which stymies conversation and innovation.  And it is
further propagated as idea by AOL junkies who never used compuserve. 
Every forum I've ever seen from to Oracles Tech Forum has
been designed and successfully stymied contributions for the sake of

Even Slashdot have limited use as a communications mechanism.

If you can't use mutt to communicate with the medium, then the medium is
about worthless.

  for either of the split. If a mother lode of VistaOffice would be better served by a true forum for later mining.
I have heard of forums that cross post to a mailman archive ...but I have 
 seen the application that will receive traditional email posts and cross post 
 them to a forum archive * as original copy+signature without redundant 
 copy* . What a deal ...everybody presented consistently without automated 
 copy in replies (as I am practicing below)!   Wiki is yet another paradigm

Screw it.  Let the threads be redundant, and redundant again.  Of just
point someone to the darn archive with google, which is really a RTFM
thingie which should have been done before asking a technical question.

 Thanks for your work in making all this commotion.
 Rusty aka Tyrus

I'm not enjoying this.  This is ding dong, stupid idea of the week, the
kind of thing which is bound to arise every few months from newbies
without any real experience working on a collaborative project outside
of their cooperate visio/AOL/slaveware experience.


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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Forum Mode for Hardhats NOW?

2005-07-30 Thread Ruben Safir
On Sat, 2005-07-30 at 22:19, Mike Lieman wrote:
 On 7/30/05, Ruben Safir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Forums generally suck.  
 On the other hand, are four fingers and a thumb.  ( YMMV )
 Gmail Rocks.

this is very good and when I'm in a better mood, I'm going to remember
this instead of my normal answer which is something along the lines of
WTF - were you like born yesterday...dropped on your head.. Jane - You
ignorant slut...blah blah blah


SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Forum Mode for Hardhats NOW?

2005-07-30 Thread Nancy Anthracite
This list has built from one with only occasional posts to a busy one that has 
built a community.  The step of splitting into an applications type 
discussion list like the VO users are going to likely want and an 
infrastructure list is already going to rock the boat and I feel that we need 
to take this slowly lest we risk loosing what we have.  

Personally, I hope we all sign up for this new list as it is important to 
bring these new folks into the VistA community so that their contributions 
can join ours to build and improve VistA.  If we are not there to ease the 
new VistA Office users through their first steps, they may leave and never 
take another look at VistA.  I actually suspect many of us will have a lot to 
learn from this because the configuration of VistA is pretty much an untapped 
topic on this list.  The behind the scenes work to do this right is 
considerable and crucial to the success of an installation of VistA. 

Those of us that have been involved with the VistA-Office project so far have 
seen very clearly how very important doing this configuration right is to the 
users and how very powerful it is as well.  I see proper configuration as the 
leading factor that will lead to the success or failure of VO installations, 
and I think that configuration will vary considerably from office to office 
and will change over time within offices.  

I am hoping that the VA ADPACs  and CACs and other specialists will be joining 
the new list to help us along.   I think the clinicians in the group in 
particular are going to enjoy exploring these new areas, and those in the 
business of installing and configuring VistA will learn what users like to 
help improve their customer's satisfaction as well as patient care and 

I am really pretty excited and yet feeling some trepidation about the release 
of VistA-Office.  The cooperation we are seeing between the government 
entities and the private sector is something I think we all have fervently 
wanted for some time and it is happening.   Those who went to VEHU came back 
bubbling over with news about the wonderful training materials that were 
available and a lot of that should soon become available to us to be posted 
on the fledgling VVSO web site.  And I am looking forward to bringing in more 
people to help with volunteer efforts to provide open source tools for 
clinicians to use and teaching material to incorporate into VistA to help 
educate our patients and maybe even attract some funding for the technical 
gurus build interfaces, etc.  I fear failure to build this community 
successfully and I will be doing every thing I can to see that it does not 

On Saturday 30 July 2005 10:37 pm, TyrusMaynard wrote:
 I am only a relatively recent arrival to the hardhats list and a
 beneficiary no matter how this content is packaged ...thank you all.
 The example I  offered in the initial post is a link to LEO another type of
 project but with a strong and disciplined membership. I believe groups are
 mainly composed of their demeanor and traditions whatever the tools offered
 them ...but I believe forum offers a better finished product in archives
 and archiving is important.
   The sourceforge forums are very searchable just as the email archives
 are. The basic boolean and/or searching seems as good as I can get out of
 my large collection of local hardhats email on mozilla.
   One problem I failed to mention is that your local email is yours and a
 forum server can be slower.
   The link provided by David Sommers is excellent reading on group dynamics
 and it suggests some sort of leadership has to guide changes (whatever form
 of voting with partial participation  or other polling is used in the whole
 community). In discussion, which is what I intended here, Ruben has spoken
 out for email lists which is the status quo and I do not categorize email
 lists and archives as a failure.
   I continue to advocate a forum for the benefits of a cleaner (and 
 searchable) archive  which I believe to be an easier read. Speed of the
 server is  another consideration...but I am considering giving the
 maintenance of my local client hardhats archive anyway. Thanks for the
 active list.

 Ruben Safir wrote:
  Forums generally suck.  Web tools squash communications and of course,
  are nothing like the tools for handling email.  Nearly ever major
  programming project has been handled by mailing lists, news groups, and
  This and searchable archives are the backbone of collaboration.
  Finally, MORE mailing lists just means more things I need to sing up to
  and merge in my mailbox.
  And please don't look at Open Office for a guild on these kinds of
  things.  They are a complete failure in this regard, and that is before
  we start to discuss the problems of the product itself.
  On Sat, 2005-07-30 at 21:09 -0400, TyrusMaynard wrote:
I am posting with a specific topic, but want to thank David 

[Hardhats-members] (no subject)

2005-07-30 Thread bsoler
I will be out of the office from Monday 8/1 through Friday 8/5.

If you need immediate assistance please contact your Quatrex client 

Thank you.

Bill Soler

Quatrex Technical Support

800.446.3393 ext. 87


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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Forum Mode for Hardhats NOW?

2005-07-30 Thread Nancy Anthracite
We will get you straightened out with time, Rubin.  Just hang in there and 
maybe you will avoid that stroke after all!  ;-)

On Sunday 31 July 2005 12:22 am, Ruben Safir wrote:
 On Sat, 2005-07-30 at 22:19, Mike Lieman wrote:
  On 7/30/05, Ruben Safir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Forums generally suck.
  On the other hand, are four fingers and a thumb.  ( YMMV )
  Gmail Rocks.

 this is very good and when I'm in a better mood, I'm going to remember
 this instead of my normal answer which is something along the lines of
 WTF - were you like born yesterday...dropped on your head.. Jane - You
 ignorant slut...blah blah blah


 SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
 from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
 informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
 speed, fast.
 Hardhats-members mailing list

Nancy Anthracite

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Hardhats-members mailing list