Re: [H] Windows 8.1 problem

2014-10-05 Thread Bruce Sinclair
I have run the CHKDSK with no errors detected.  I know what S.M.A.R.T. 
means but is it part of Windows Administrator  tools or do I need to 
get/buy a third party application?

Thank you for your help.

Regards, Bruce Sinclair

On 10/5/2014 5:20 AM, Joshua MacCraw wrote:

Question is what file are you prevent from restoring? Must be
something in the logs about it. Could be the very action that "hid"
the files is what's preventing their restore. I'm sure this message
mean the files in question (that won't restore) ARE in the restore but
write is being blocked.

Chkdsk is good advice always as 1st course of action for soft errors
but SMART is better for checking drive health.

On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Thane Sherrington

At 05:24 PM 02/10/2014, Bruce Sinclair wrote:

Hello everyone.  New Guy here.  I have a new Lenovo M83 mini-tower running
Win 8.1 64bit Pro OS .
While “exploring” the C:\ folder ( BUT not the C:\Windows folder), I
either deleted or hid a set of files.  I tried to run the System Restore
program to recover them.

I don't think System Restore restores all files - it isn't an image, just
protection for key system files.

  I received the following error message:
“System Restore did not complete successfully.  Your computer’s system
files and setting were not changed.
Details:  System Restore could not access a file.  This is probably
because an anti-virus program is running on this computer.
Temporarily disable your antivirus program and retry System Restore.
An unspecified error occurred during System Restore (ox80070005)”

My guess is that your system restore point is damaged.  You could try a
different restore point.

In my experience, Windows 8 is significantly more flaky than Windows 7, so
you may have issues with System Restore in 8.

Another possibility is that your hard drive is corrupted/failing.  You could
try running a CHKDSK before doing the System Restore.


 Regards, Bruce

"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men [and women]
stand ready in the night to visit violence on those
who would do us harm." -  George Orwell

[H] Windows 8.1 problem

2014-10-02 Thread Bruce Sinclair

Hello everyone.  New Guy here.  I have a new Lenovo M83 mini-tower 
running Win 8.1 64bit Pro OS .
While “exploring” the C:\ folder ( BUT not the C:\Windows folder), I  
either deleted or hid a set of files.  I tried to run the System Restore 
program to recover them.

 I received the following error message:
“System Restore did not complete successfully.  Your computer’s system 
files and setting were not changed.
Details:  System Restore could not access a file.  This is probably 
because an anti-virus program is running on this computer.

Temporarily disable your antivirus program and retry System Restore.
An unspecified error occurred during System Restore (ox80070005)”

I made sure my virus protection software was turned off and ran System 
Restore a 2nd time.  I got the same error message again.

I goggled the error code (ox80070005) and got many confusing entries.  
Most of the discussion of this error code centers on its popping up 
during a routine Windows system update, which is not my case.

Has anyone experienced this problem and solved it?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or solutions.

 Regards, Bruce

"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men [and women]
stand ready in the night to visit violence on those
who would do us harm." -  George Orwell

[H] New member

2014-09-26 Thread Bruce Sinclair
Hi everyone, my name is Bruce Sinclair and I am joining this august 
group of technical experts to try to gain knowledge about Microsoft's 
newest operating system. Windows 8.1.

Some of you may know me as the older brother of a long time member of 
this list, Duncan.When I would ask him technical questions about the 
mysteries of Microsoft's operating systems, he would sometimes post my 
questions to you all.You all have been very helpful.Duncan finally 
convinced me to join this group and post my questions directly.I am an 
experienced user of personal computers since I bought my first PC, a 
beige IBM PC with 256K of memory in 1983. I was a real power user from 
the start….LOLI now use a new Lenovo M83 mini desktop with Win 8.1 64K 
Pro operating system.I also own a HP laptop still with Win XP, and 
tucked away in a storage box, a vintage IBM 755 laptop that I am keeping 
for no apparent good reason.Duncan has suggested I use it as a doorstop.

The transition from the Win XP operating system to Win 8.1 64K Pro has 
been daunting at times.I am now at the stage where I am trying to learn 
how to control the different features of Win 8.1 and correct some 
mistakes I have made which I will post about later.In summary, I am a 
knowledgeable user of Microsoft based PCs but do not expect any 
technical answers from me now.I am here to learn.

 Regards, Bruce

"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men [and women]
stand ready in the night to visit violence on those
who would do us harm." -  George Orwell