[classlib]bug-to-bug compatibility: HashMap

2006-03-15 Thread Paulex Yang

Pls. try the test case on HashMap below.

On RI, it print out:

On Harmony, it print out

it is definitely bad practice to reuse a object as hash key by modify 
its hashcode, but I DID see some similar cases before, after all, you 
cannot force but only can *suggest* developers what to do.

So, what should we do?  Try to replicate RI's behavior?

public class HashMapTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
 ReusableKey k = new ReusableKey();
 HashMap map = new HashMap();
 map.put(k, value1);

 //both RI and Harmony get null here

 //RI get null
 //Harmony get value1
 //the number of 17 is *magic* because the default length of HashMap is 16.

class ReusableKey{
private int key = 0;
public void setKey(int key){
 this.key = key;
public int hashCode(){
 return key;
public boolean equals(Object o){
 if(o == this){
  return true;
 if(!(o instanceof ReusableKey)){
  return false;
 return key == ((ReusableKey)o).key;

Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab

Re: [Fwd: Re: [jchevm] JCHEVM discussion]

2006-03-15 Thread Chris Gray

I think we should take Geir's advice and pipe down a bit. Those whose task it 
is to resolve this issue are by now pretty aware of the issues involved, and 
our explanations to eachother serve only to increase entropy.

Meanwhile we may meditate on Jorge Luís Borges' story _Pierre Menard, Author 
of Don Quixote_:



Chris Gray/k/ Embedded Java Solutions  BE0503765045
Embedded  Mobile Java, OSGihttp://www.k-embedded-java.com/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] +32 3 216 0369

Re: Excluded tests in x-net module or back to bootclasspath issue

2006-03-15 Thread Stepan Mishura
Hi Tim,

On 3/14/06, Tim Ellison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree that they need to be reinstated Stepan, I'd just like to
 separate out the suite of tests that are pure API tests (and therefore
 expected to run on all compliant implementations, modulo their known
 bugs/departures) and the internal implementation tests that we would
 only expect to pass on Harmony code.

 I had hoped that we could separate them using JUnit test suites, but as
 Geir pointed out the Ant support for JUnit suites produces very limited
 reports.  I'd always run suites directly from Eclipse and could see all
 the required info.

 So it seems that the options are to (a) figure out why Ant is hiding the
 data, and fix that; or (b) live with it and invent a naming scheme for
 Harmony implementation tests that keep them separate from the API tests.

I'd suggest the following tests separation:
(java|javax|org)/**/*Test.java (excluding org/apache/harmony/tests)

First folder contains tests for 'package access' functionality and tested
classes must be on bootclasspath. Second folder keeps tests for public API (
i.e. 'compliant' tests). To avoid test code duplication the preferred folder
for placing new tests is the second one - if a test doesn't depend on
package access functionality them it goes to 'compliant' tests. So it is up
to a developer to decide where to place a test. Also it may be makes sense
to compile tests to different 'bin' folders.

So we'll have the next 'testing modes':
1) Compliant mode: 'compliant' tests are run on some java certified
2) Cross-compliant mode: all tests run against the following JRE
configuration - a module's jar + compliant java implementation (i.e. a
module's jar and 'package access' tests are on the bootclasspath)
3) Self-testing mode: all tests run against Harmony implementation

As (I think it was) Mikhail pointed out a while ago, using class naming
 schemes is far from ideal, as there may be a significant repetition of
 test cases and the suites they fit into.

I believe that the separation suggested above may solve this issue.

 If we want to support testing
 with 'exotic' configurations then we will need some 'suites' that assume
 basic set-up, and others that can assume a test http server, ldap
 server, database, and so on.

I'd prefer to avoid external dependencies for unit testing as much as
possible. Otherwise specific (some special set-up is required) tests should
be placed to a separate test suite.


So my preference is to figure out why Ant produces its limited report
 for JUnit suites.

 Matt: can you shed any light on this?


 Stepan Mishura wrote:
  Hi Tim,
  Currently you excluded 12 tests in 'x-net' module. The ant script file
  contains the following comments for them: The following tests are
  because they fail for reasons to be determined
  The reason is well known and it was discussed a lot. These tests depend
  package access functionality and BC provider jar is still required to be
  bootclasspath (I don't remember that we solved this issue). I know that
  are allergic to putting all stuff on bootclasspath but I'd prefer keep
  running to track regressions rather then adding them to exclude list and
  forgetting about them for a long time.
  Stepan Mishura
  Intel Middleware Products Division


 Tim Ellison ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 IBM Java technology centre, UK.

Stepan Mishura
Intel Middleware Products Division

Re: Location of test data files

2006-03-15 Thread Stepan Mishura
Hi George,

I'd like to fix outcome of this discussion. I think a JIRA issue should
filed to track tests reorg. As far as it'll be next massive reorg. and can
not be applied right now (there are other massive updates pending in JIRA).
And JIRA won't let us to forget about our decision.


On 3/14/06, George Harley wrote:

 Stepan Mishura wrote:
  On 3/13/06, George Harley wrote:
  Richard Liang wrote:
  George Harley wrote:
  Hi Mikhail (again),
  Just a couple of brief observations about the SerializationTest.java
  code as it stands in SVN today :
  1) The reference/golden .dat files for Serializable classes in a
  given module could be added under the module's src/test/resources
  directory (in sub-folders corresponding to their package names). In
  an Ant build these would be copied under the test bin using a tweaked
  version of the copy-test-resources target (see the proposed changes
  to make/build-java.xml contained in the HARMONY-57). At runtime this
  would make the .dat files available from the classpath.
  Hello George,
  It's good to put all test data files for one module into one folder,
  such as src/test/resources. However, there may be other options,
  personally I'd like to put the test data file into the same directory
  of the test case which uses the data file. This may make the
  maintenance work easy. :-)
  Anyway, I think we shall follow the same style.
  Hi Richard,
  Just to avoid any ambiguity here, what I proposed was to place the
  reference serialization files *under* a given module's
  src/test/resources folder in sub-folders that matched the package name
  of the test class - and not just have them all in one folder.
  For instance, the LUNI module could have a SimpleTimeZoneTest.dat file
  located in the folder
  Another alternative would be to use a tree structure that mirrored the
  package name of the Serializable type under test.
  To make it more clear because we talked only about data files for
  serialization but I'm aware of all resource files. So we have the
  img/   == image files
  net/   == net resource files
  other/ == disembodied files, for example, policy files
  serialization/ == data files for serialization
  And during the build all resource files will be copied to:
  directory. Right?

 Hi Stepan,

 Yes, that sounds great - with the very minor suggestion that at build
 time these test resource files go to their corresponding sub-directories
 under the test bin (e.g. bin/test) which is separate from the bin folder
 (e.g. bin/main) that the stuff getting tested is compiled to.

 Best regards,

  I think that separating out all test artefacts from actual source code
  is cleaner and IMHO makes the maintenance easier :-)
  Using either Ant or IDE of choice it is pretty straightforward to get
  these resources placed on the classpath when the tests are run.
  Best regards,
  2) The need for the TEST_SRC_DIR system property goes away if
  method getDataFile() were updated to use java.net.URI.
  protected File getDataFile(int index) {
 String name = / + this.getClass().getName().replace('.', '/') +
 + index + .dat;
 return new
  It seems to me that the src/test/resources directory would be an
  ideal place to keep a module's reference .dat files.
  Best regards,
  George Harley wrote:
  Mikhail Loenko wrote:
  2006/3/9, George Harley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Such a testing effort still sounds pretty daunting though.
  BTW, there is a framework for serialization testing which is
  in the security module:
  It serves to simplify serialization testing and has the docs
  inside. Actually
  almost all serializable security-related classes are tested with
  this framework.
  Does it make sense to move the framework to a common place?
  Hi Mikhail !
  I've spent a little bit of time running this (with a couple of my
  little concrete subclasses of SerializationTest) and I really like
  It was pretty straightforward to create a JUnit error for the case
  java.util.TimeZone after my overridden version of getData() used
  TimeZone.getDefault() to generate a couple of TimeZone instances
  the RI.
  I can definitely see a case for broadening this approach outside
  the security classes. Really impressive stuff !
  Best regards,

abstract templates (was: Re: How to deal with this kind of serialization compatibility issue?)

2006-03-15 Thread Mikhail Loenko

We can discuss the problem in general  and then apply the decision to
serialization framework.

So, can we have standard test templates
i.e. abstract classes with prepared test scenarios implemented as test methods
such that specific tests would extend a template (and thus inherit all
test methods)
and override some possibly trivial methods to adopt for specific class.

If we do this, we can hide similar scenarios in a framework super class,
and actual tests will be simple and lightweight.

But, we will not be able to subclass two different templates, we might have
multiple tests extending different abstract classes for a single class.



Re: [classlib]bug-to-bug compatibility: HashMap

2006-03-15 Thread Mikhail Loenko
Hi Paulex,

IMHO from compatibility point of view any behavior is legal.
HashMap is mostly designed for keys that do not change over time, at least
spec silent about changing the keys. So, I think implementation specsific is
allowed here.

But I think that aiming stability we'd better compare current hash
with the original one - in this case get() result will depend on the hash
rather that on the inernal state of HashMap (such as HashMap length)


2006/3/15, Paulex Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Pls. try the test case on HashMap below.

 On RI, it print out:

 On Harmony, it print out

 it is definitely bad practice to reuse a object as hash key by modify
 its hashcode, but I DID see some similar cases before, after all, you
 cannot force but only can *suggest* developers what to do.

 So, what should we do?  Try to replicate RI's behavior?

 public class HashMapTest {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
  ReusableKey k = new ReusableKey();
  HashMap map = new HashMap();
  map.put(k, value1);

  //both RI and Harmony get null here

  //RI get null
  //Harmony get value1
  //the number of 17 is *magic* because the default length of HashMap is 16.

 class ReusableKey{
  private int key = 0;
  public void setKey(int key){
  this.key = key;
  public int hashCode(){
  return key;
  public boolean equals(Object o){
  if(o == this){
   return true;
  if(!(o instanceof ReusableKey)){
   return false;
  return key == ((ReusableKey)o).key;

 Paulex Yang
 China Software Development Lab

Re: How to deal with this kind of serialization compatibility issue?

2006-03-15 Thread Paulex Yang

Hi, Mikhail,

Mikhail Loenko wrote:

Hi Paulex,

2006/3/14, Paulex Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I spent a little time on the framework, and I must say that this
framework is very easy to use. Impressive!

But I still have some thoughts on it:
1. Sometime assertEquals() is not enough for the deserialized objects,
i.e., if the predefined constants is serialized first by JRE instance A
and deserialized later on  JRE instance B,  it should has same object
identity with the existing constants in B, for example, the Locale.CHINA
should be unique in any JRE instance. So it will be perfect if some
helper method like assertSame() is provided.

It is also worth mentioning that some other time assertEquals() is too
strict, because some serializable class may not override j.l.Object's
equals(), so that the assertEquals() is equivalent to assertSame(), and
it may not necessary.

There is assertDeserialized() method in the framework (SerializationTest.java)
do you mean something like that?

Yes, something like that, but invoke assertSame() instead of 
assertEquals(), or switch case by some configuration.

2. I have some concerns on the abstract-class mode of SerializationTest,
i.e., if some test want to leverage it, it must subclass this abstract
class at first. What to do if it needs to inherited other abstract test
cases, say, PerformanceTest?  So personally I prefer the less
intrusive way like utility class. Another option is make the test case
implements an interface with getData(), say ISerializationTest, and pass
an instance of this interface to the utility class(similar with command

SerializationTest.java has bodies of two test methods:

These methods are inherited and called by JUnit, so test developer do not have
to care about them.

Sure, that's the advantages of abstract class mode, but the utility 
class is more *flexible*, i.e. less intrusive to the concrete test 

Maybe there is another way to achieve both convenience and flexibility, 
by separate test case for serialization to  a single file, say ,

public  class AClass implements Serializable{...}

we have:
AClassTest, for common test cases,
AClassSerializationTest extends SerializationTest, for serialization test.

btw, I noticed there is also a serialization test utility class in the
Harmony-57 contribution. The class is located in
Harmon_Tests/src.helper/tests/util with name SerializationTester.java.
It is a helper class which only providing some handy utility methods.
But seems it lacks of adaptability to generate GoldenFile by reading
configuration and not well documented.

What I suggest is to merge the two classes in some way, so that the
whole class library test suites can leverage the benefits of unified
serialization test framework/utility/anything.

I need to study H-57 SerializationTester, likely it makes sense taking
best ideas from both




Mikhail Loenko wrote:

2006/3/9, George Harley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


Such a testing effort still sounds pretty daunting though.

BTW, there is a framework for serialization testing which is currently
in the security module:


It serves to simplify serialization testing and has the docs inside. Actually
almost all serializable security-related classes are tested with this framework.

Does it make sense to move the framework to a common place?



Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab


Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab

Re: [tools] Eclipse JRE support

2006-03-15 Thread Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen

Tim Ellison wrote:

That URL is a bit of a mouthful though, perhaps we need a redirect from

http://incubator.apache.org/harmony/updates ?

Personally I'd rather have a XML file to import in the Update dialogue 
since it gives the correct values for both fields.


Re: How to deal with this kind of serialization compatibility issue?

2006-03-15 Thread Mikhail Loenko
Hi Paulex,

2006/3/15, Paulex Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi, Mikhail,

 Mikhail Loenko wrote:
  Hi Paulex,
  2006/3/14, Paulex Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I spent a little time on the framework, and I must say that this
  framework is very easy to use. Impressive!
  But I still have some thoughts on it:
  1. Sometime assertEquals() is not enough for the deserialized objects,
  i.e., if the predefined constants is serialized first by JRE instance A
  and deserialized later on  JRE instance B,  it should has same object
  identity with the existing constants in B, for example, the Locale.CHINA
  should be unique in any JRE instance. So it will be perfect if some
  helper method like assertSame() is provided.
  It is also worth mentioning that some other time assertEquals() is too
  strict, because some serializable class may not override j.l.Object's
  equals(), so that the assertEquals() is equivalent to assertSame(), and
  it may not necessary.
  There is assertDeserialized() method in the framework 
  do you mean something like that?
 Yes, something like that, but invoke assertSame() instead of
 assertEquals(), or switch case by some configuration.

Actually framework calls assertDeserialized() who in its turn by default
calls assertEquals().

For each specific test an author may override assertDeserialized() by
something like you call assertSame(). Please have a look at an example:


  2. I have some concerns on the abstract-class mode of SerializationTest,
  i.e., if some test want to leverage it, it must subclass this abstract
  class at first. What to do if it needs to inherited other abstract test
  cases, say, PerformanceTest?  So personally I prefer the less
  intrusive way like utility class. Another option is make the test case
  implements an interface with getData(), say ISerializationTest, and pass
  an instance of this interface to the utility class(similar with command
  SerializationTest.java has bodies of two test methods:
  These methods are inherited and called by JUnit, so test developer do not 
  to care about them.
 Sure, that's the advantages of abstract class mode, but the utility
 class is more *flexible*, i.e. less intrusive to the concrete test

 Maybe there is another way to achieve both convenience and flexibility,
 by separate test case for serialization to  a single file, say ,
 public  class AClass implements Serializable{...}

 we have:
 AClassTest, for common test cases,
 AClassSerializationTest extends SerializationTest, for serialization test.

That is what we have now in security module:



  btw, I noticed there is also a serialization test utility class in the
  Harmony-57 contribution. The class is located in
  Harmon_Tests/src.helper/tests/util with name SerializationTester.java.
  It is a helper class which only providing some handy utility methods.
  But seems it lacks of adaptability to generate GoldenFile by reading
  configuration and not well documented.
  What I suggest is to merge the two classes in some way, so that the
  whole class library test suites can leverage the benefits of unified
  serialization test framework/utility/anything.
  I need to study H-57 SerializationTester, likely it makes sense taking
  best ideas from both
  Mikhail Loenko wrote:
  2006/3/9, George Harley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Such a testing effort still sounds pretty daunting though.
  BTW, there is a framework for serialization testing which is currently
  in the security module:
  It serves to simplify serialization testing and has the docs inside. 
  almost all serializable security-related classes are tested with this 
  Does it make sense to move the framework to a common place?
  Paulex Yang
  China Software Development Lab

 Paulex Yang
 China Software Development Lab

Re: How to deal with this kind of serialization compatibility issue?

2006-03-15 Thread Paulex Yang

Hi, Mikhail,

Mikhail Loenko wrote:

Hi George!


I need to study H-57 SerializationTester, likely it makes sense taking
best ideas from both

I was trying to find out how the framework works and how a test
based on that framework looks like.

I've taken the first class refering to SerializationTester, it was

it has two serialization related test methods:

They both call SerializationTester methods but I did not find that they check
that the objects are the same. Did I miss anything?
The CharacterCodingException don't necessary to be assertSame() for 
serialization test, because it has no predefined constants:).

I think the classes commonly needs to override readResolve() method to 
implement predefined constants serialization properly, so that it is 
easy to find all the candidates from the JavaDoc page of serilization 
form. But, of course, readResolve() is not a suffient condition:(.



Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab

Re: How to deal with this kind of serialization compatibility issue?

2006-03-15 Thread Paulex Yang


Mikhail Loenko wrote:

Hi Paulex,

2006/3/15, Paulex Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi, Mikhail,

Mikhail Loenko wrote:

Hi Paulex,

2006/3/14, Paulex Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:



I spent a little time on the framework, and I must say that this
framework is very easy to use. Impressive!

But I still have some thoughts on it:
1. Sometime assertEquals() is not enough for the deserialized objects,
i.e., if the predefined constants is serialized first by JRE instance A
and deserialized later on  JRE instance B,  it should has same object
identity with the existing constants in B, for example, the Locale.CHINA
should be unique in any JRE instance. So it will be perfect if some
helper method like assertSame() is provided.

It is also worth mentioning that some other time assertEquals() is too
strict, because some serializable class may not override j.l.Object's
equals(), so that the assertEquals() is equivalent to assertSame(), and
it may not necessary.

There is assertDeserialized() method in the framework (SerializationTest.java)
do you mean something like that?


Yes, something like that, but invoke assertSame() instead of
assertEquals(), or switch case by some configuration.

Actually framework calls assertDeserialized() who in its turn by default
calls assertEquals().

For each specific test an author may override assertDeserialized() by
something like you call assertSame(). Please have a look at an example:


OK, I'm fine with this solution.

2. I have some concerns on the abstract-class mode of SerializationTest,
i.e., if some test want to leverage it, it must subclass this abstract
class at first. What to do if it needs to inherited other abstract test
cases, say, PerformanceTest?  So personally I prefer the less
intrusive way like utility class. Another option is make the test case
implements an interface with getData(), say ISerializationTest, and pass
an instance of this interface to the utility class(similar with command

SerializationTest.java has bodies of two test methods:

These methods are inherited and called by JUnit, so test developer do not have
to care about them.


Sure, that's the advantages of abstract class mode, but the utility
class is more *flexible*, i.e. less intrusive to the concrete test

Maybe there is another way to achieve both convenience and flexibility,
by separate test case for serialization to  a single file, say ,
public  class AClass implements Serializable{...}

we have:
AClassTest, for common test cases,
AClassSerializationTest extends SerializationTest, for serialization test.

That is what we have now in security module:



That's great.


btw, I noticed there is also a serialization test utility class in the
Harmony-57 contribution. The class is located in
Harmon_Tests/src.helper/tests/util with name SerializationTester.java.
It is a helper class which only providing some handy utility methods.
But seems it lacks of adaptability to generate GoldenFile by reading
configuration and not well documented.

What I suggest is to merge the two classes in some way, so that the
whole class library test suites can leverage the benefits of unified
serialization test framework/utility/anything.

I need to study H-57 SerializationTester, likely it makes sense taking
best ideas from both




Mikhail Loenko wrote:

2006/3/9, George Harley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


Such a testing effort still sounds pretty daunting though.

BTW, there is a framework for serialization testing which is currently
in the security module:


It serves to simplify serialization testing and has the docs inside. Actually
almost all serializable security-related classes are tested with this framework.

Does it make sense to move the framework to a common place?



Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab


Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab


Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab

Re: How to deal with this kind of serialization compatibility issue?

2006-03-15 Thread Mikhail Loenko
Using serialization framework from security module,
the test would look like as follows:

public class CharacterCodingExceptionTest extends SerializationTest {

protected Object[] getData() {
return new Object[] { new CharacterCodingExceptionTest ()};

protected void assertDeserialized(Object oref, Object otest) {
CharacterCodingExceptionTest ref = (CharacterCodingExceptionTest ) oref;
CharacterCodingExceptionTest test =
(CharacterCodingExceptionTest ) otest;



2006/3/15, Paulex Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi, Mikhail,

 Mikhail Loenko wrote:
  Hi George!
  I need to study H-57 SerializationTester, likely it makes sense taking
  best ideas from both
  I was trying to find out how the framework works and how a test
  based on that framework looks like.
  I've taken the first class refering to SerializationTester, it was
  it has two serialization related test methods:
  They both call SerializationTester methods but I did not find that they 
  that the objects are the same. Did I miss anything?
 The CharacterCodingException don't necessary to be assertSame() for
 serialization test, because it has no predefined constants:).

 I think the classes commonly needs to override readResolve() method to
 implement predefined constants serialization properly, so that it is
 easy to find all the candidates from the JavaDoc page of serilization
 form. But, of course, readResolve() is not a suffient condition:(.


 Paulex Yang
 China Software Development Lab

Re: [Fwd: Re: [jchevm] JCHEVM discussion]

2006-03-15 Thread Dalibor Topic
On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 06:50:44PM -0500, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
 Dalibor Topic wrote:
 On a Harmony-unrelated side note, if you are interested in seeing your
 port in the Kaffe.org CVS tree, and your contract allows for it, feel
 free to send me the patch. :)
 On a harmony-related note, are you interested in looking at Weldon's 
 glue layer to see if Kaffe can also run Hello World using Harmony Classlib?

Sure. I must have missed it going in, I'll give it a go on the weekend
and report back. 

dalibor topic


Re: Location of test data files

2006-03-15 Thread George Harley

Hi Stepan,

Good idea. I will raise it today. It will only cover the proposed layout 
of these test resources in a given module and not discuss how the 
serialization tests are carried out since that discussion is still ongoing.

Best regards,

Stepan Mishura wrote:

Hi George,

I'd like to fix outcome of this discussion. I think a JIRA issue should
filed to track tests reorg. As far as it'll be next massive reorg. and can
not be applied right now (there are other massive updates pending in JIRA).
And JIRA won't let us to forget about our decision.


On 3/14/06, George Harley wrote:

Stepan Mishura wrote:

On 3/13/06, George Harley wrote:


Richard Liang wrote:

George Harley wrote:


Hi Mikhail (again),

Just a couple of brief observations about the SerializationTest.java
code as it stands in SVN today :

1) The reference/golden .dat files for Serializable classes in a
given module could be added under the module's src/test/resources
directory (in sub-folders corresponding to their package names). In
an Ant build these would be copied under the test bin using a tweaked
version of the copy-test-resources target (see the proposed changes
to make/build-java.xml contained in the HARMONY-57). At runtime this
would make the .dat files available from the classpath.

Hello George,

It's good to put all test data files for one module into one folder,
such as src/test/resources. However, there may be other options,
personally I'd like to put the test data file into the same directory
of the test case which uses the data file. This may make the
maintenance work easy. :-)
Anyway, I think we shall follow the same style.


Hi Richard,

Just to avoid any ambiguity here, what I proposed was to place the
reference serialization files *under* a given module's
src/test/resources folder in sub-folders that matched the package name
of the test class - and not just have them all in one folder.

For instance, the LUNI module could have a SimpleTimeZoneTest.dat file
located in the folder

Another alternative would be to use a tree structure that mirrored the
package name of the Serializable type under test.


To make it more clear because we talked only about data files for


serialization but I'm aware of all resource files. So we have the


img/   == image files
net/   == net resource files
other/ == disembodied files, for example, policy files
serialization/ == data files for serialization

And during the build all resource files will be copied to:


directory. Right?



Hi Stepan,

Yes, that sounds great - with the very minor suggestion that at build
time these test resource files go to their corresponding sub-directories
under the test bin (e.g. bin/test) which is separate from the bin folder
(e.g. bin/main) that the stuff getting tested is compiled to.

Best regards,

I think that separating out all test artefacts from actual source code


is cleaner and IMHO makes the maintenance easier :-)

Using either Ant or IDE of choice it is pretty straightforward to get
these resources placed on the classpath when the tests are run.

Best regards,

2) The need for the TEST_SRC_DIR system property goes away if
method getDataFile() were updated to use java.net.URI.

protected File getDataFile(int index) {
   String name = / + this.getClass().getName().replace('.', '/') +


   + index + .dat;
   return new

It seems to me that the src/test/resources directory would be an
ideal place to keep a module's reference .dat files.

Best regards,

George Harley wrote:

Mikhail Loenko wrote:


2006/3/9, George Harley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Such a testing effort still sounds pretty daunting though.


BTW, there is a framework for serialization testing which is


in the security module:


It serves to simplify serialization testing and has the docs
inside. Actually
almost all serializable security-related classes are tested with
this framework.

Does it make sense to move the framework to a common place?

Hi Mikhail !

I've spent a little bit of time running this (with a couple of my


little concrete subclasses of SerializationTest) and I really like


It was pretty straightforward 

Re: [jira] Resolved: (HARMONY-161) Improper override method in java/util/zip/GZIPOutputStream.close()

2006-03-15 Thread Tim Ellison

As we recently discussed, there is nothing in the spec that prevents us
from (re-)implementing the method in the subclass, even though it is not
specified to have any additional behavior to the inherited version.  So
while the point of the issue may be wrong, I've applied the patch to
remove the close() method as I see it is not required.


Tim Ellison (JIRA) wrote:
  [ http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-161?page=all ]
 Tim Ellison resolved HARMONY-161:
 Resolution: Fixed
 Applied patch to ARCHIVE module java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream at repo 
 revision 386064.
 Please check that it was applied as you expected.
 Improper override method in java/util/zip/GZIPOutputStream.close()

  Key: HARMONY-161
  URL: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-161
  Project: Harmony
 Type: Bug
   Components: Classlib
 Reporter: Paulex Yang
 Assignee: Tim Ellison
  Attachments: java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream.patch

 java/util/zip/DeflaterOutputStream.close() is overriden by 
 java/util/zip/GZIPOutputStream in Harmony while it isn't in spec.


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

Re: Location of test data files

2006-03-15 Thread Tim Ellison
Why not describe it in a doc, and submit it for the website?


George Harley wrote:
 Hi Stepan,
 Good idea. I will raise it today. It will only cover the proposed layout
 of these test resources in a given module and not discuss how the
 serialization tests are carried out since that discussion is still ongoing.
 Best regards,
 Stepan Mishura wrote:
 Hi George,

 I'd like to fix outcome of this discussion. I think a JIRA issue should
 filed to track tests reorg. As far as it'll be next massive reorg. and
 not be applied right now (there are other massive updates pending in
 And JIRA won't let us to forget about our decision.


 On 3/14/06, George Harley wrote:
 Stepan Mishura wrote:

 On 3/13/06, George Harley wrote:

 Richard Liang wrote:

 George Harley wrote:

 Hi Mikhail (again),

 Just a couple of brief observations about the SerializationTest.java
 code as it stands in SVN today :

 1) The reference/golden .dat files for Serializable classes in a
 given module could be added under the module's src/test/resources
 directory (in sub-folders corresponding to their package names). In
 an Ant build these would be copied under the test bin using a
 version of the copy-test-resources target (see the proposed
 to make/build-java.xml contained in the HARMONY-57). At runtime this
 would make the .dat files available from the classpath.

 Hello George,

 It's good to put all test data files for one module into one folder,
 such as src/test/resources. However, there may be other options,
 personally I'd like to put the test data file into the same directory
 of the test case which uses the data file. This may make the
 maintenance work easy. :-)
 Anyway, I think we shall follow the same style.

 Hi Richard,

 Just to avoid any ambiguity here, what I proposed was to place the
 reference serialization files *under* a given module's
 src/test/resources folder in sub-folders that matched the package name
 of the test class - and not just have them all in one folder.

 For instance, the LUNI module could have a SimpleTimeZoneTest.dat file
 located in the folder

 Another alternative would be to use a tree structure that mirrored the
 package name of the Serializable type under test.


 To make it more clear because we talked only about data files for

 serialization but I'm aware of all resource files. So we have the

 img/   == image files
 net/   == net resource files
 other/ == disembodied files, for example, policy files
 serialization/ == data files for serialization

 And during the build all resource files will be copied to:

 directory. Right?


 Hi Stepan,

 Yes, that sounds great - with the very minor suggestion that at build
 time these test resource files go to their corresponding sub-directories
 under the test bin (e.g. bin/test) which is separate from the bin folder
 (e.g. bin/main) that the stuff getting tested is compiled to.

 Best regards,

 I think that separating out all test artefacts from actual source code

 is cleaner and IMHO makes the maintenance easier :-)

 Using either Ant or IDE of choice it is pretty straightforward to
 these resources placed on the classpath when the tests are run.

 Best regards,

 2) The need for the TEST_SRC_DIR system property goes away if
 method getDataFile() were updated to use java.net.URI.

 protected File getDataFile(int index) {
String name = / + this.getClass().getName().replace('.', '/') +


+ index + .dat;
return new

 It seems to me that the src/test/resources directory would be an
 ideal place to keep a module's reference .dat files.

 Best regards,

 George Harley wrote:

 Mikhail Loenko wrote:

 2006/3/9, George Harley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Such a testing effort still sounds pretty daunting though.

 BTW, there is a framework for serialization testing which is


 in the security module:


 It serves to simplify serialization testing and has the docs
 inside. Actually
 almost all serializable security-related classes are tested with
 this framework.

 Does it make sense to move the framework to a common place?

 Hi Mikhail !

 I've spent a little bit 

Re: [tools] Eclipse JRE support

2006-03-15 Thread Tim Ellison
Just for you Thorbjørn



?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
   site name=Apache Harmony update site



Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen wrote:
 Tim Ellison wrote:
 That URL is a bit of a mouthful though, perhaps we need a redirect from

 http://incubator.apache.org/harmony/updates ?

 Personally I'd rather have a XML file to import in the Update dialogue
 since it gives the correct values for both fields.


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

Re: [jira] Resolved: (HARMONY-88) Contribution of code and unit tests for jndi, logging, prefs and sql plus unit tests only for beans, crypto, math, regex and security

2006-03-15 Thread Tim Ellison
FYI: I noticed a few minor things that we should probably fix in this
contribution, but they don't break the build and it makes sense to
commit the contribution as we received it then fix it up in 'business as
usual' development.


Tim Ellison (JIRA) wrote:
  [ http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-88?page=all ]
 Tim Ellison resolved HARMONY-88:
 Resolution: Fixed
 Thanks George  Mark,
 I've committed the contribution at repo revision 386087.
 Please check that it was applied as you expected.
 Contribution of  code and unit tests for jndi, logging, prefs and sql plus 
 unit tests only for beans, crypto, math, regex and security

  Key: HARMONY-88
  URL: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-88
  Project: Harmony
 Type: New Feature
   Components: Contributions
  Environment: Win32 and Linux
 Reporter: George Harley
 Assignee: Tim Ellison
  Attachments: 01.harmony.88.integration.sh, 01.harmony.88.integration.sh, 
 02.harmony.88.integration.diff, 02.harmony.88.integration.diff, 

 Zip file containing implementation and unit test code for the following 
 components :
 * jndi
 * logging
 * prefs
 * sql
 In addition there is unit test code only for the following Harmony 
 components :
 * beans
 * crypto
 * math
 * regex
 * security
 The contents of this zip have been laid out with the current classlib 
 structure of the Apache Harmony SVN repository in mind. A version of 
 enhanced/classlib/trunk/make/build-java.xml is included containing new Ant
 targets to compile the new implementation plus tests code, and then run the
 Native code, plus makefiles are included to build a shared library that is
 required to support the prefs implementation on the win.IA32 platform.
 Not all of the unit test classes are capable of being compiled when the Ant 
 target compile-tests in EXTRACT_DIR/Harmony/make/build-java.xml is run. 
 is because the current contents of the Harmony trunk do not satisfy all of 
 dependencies of some classes. This issue affects the unit test code for the 
 following set of components ...
 * beans (needs beans implementation in trunk)
 * crypto (needs crypto implementation in trunk)
 * logging (needs beans implementation in trunk)
 * jndi (needs applet implementation in trunk)
 * sql (needs rmi implementation in trunk)
 As a temporary measure, the lines of Ant script in
 EXTRACT_DIR/Harmony/make/build-java.xml that compile the above test code
 have been commented out with explanations. 


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

Re: [classlib]bug-to-bug compatibility: HashMap

2006-03-15 Thread will pugh
Will Sun's implementation ever find ReusableKey if the value has been 

It would not surprise me if this simple case Sun doesn't find the entry, 
because they do something like hashing the hash that ReusableKey 
returns, or only allocating a prime number of buckets, e.g. you ask for 
a size of 16 and get 17, because 16 is not prime.

This doesn't actually seems like crazy behaviour, since it is probably 
rather common to have programmers that are not very good at creating 
well distributed hashing algorithms, and so having something built in to 
help is probably pretty good design.


Paulex Yang wrote:

Pls. try the test case on HashMap below.

On RI, it print out:

On Harmony, it print out

it is definitely bad practice to reuse a object as hash key by modify 
its hashcode, but I DID see some similar cases before, after all, you 
cannot force but only can *suggest* developers what to do.

So, what should we do?  Try to replicate RI's behavior?

public class HashMapTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
 ReusableKey k = new ReusableKey();
 HashMap map = new HashMap();
 map.put(k, value1);

 //both RI and Harmony get null here

 //RI get null
 //Harmony get value1
 //the number of 17 is *magic* because the default length of HashMap 
is 16.


class ReusableKey{
private int key = 0;
public void setKey(int key){
 this.key = key;
public int hashCode(){
 return key;
public boolean equals(Object o){
 if(o == this){
  return true;
 if(!(o instanceof ReusableKey)){
  return false;
 return key == ((ReusableKey)o).key;

Re: svn commit: r386058 [1/49] ...

2006-03-15 Thread Leo Simons
49 commit messages for a single commit! The continuous wash-in of
Really Big(tm) chunks of code scares me a little (even if its real cool)
 -- usually I make it policy to read every single line of code contributed
to a project for which I'm on the PMC but there's no chance in hell I'm
going to spend an entire weekend reading unit tests. Just keeping up amounts
to something close to a fulltime job. The usual oversight model that at
least some parts of the ASF are used to seems near-impossible to apply here.

Will all people able to read every line of code as it comes in please raise
their hands?

I'm thinking about how to make this stuff scale. Any ideas? The natural
tendency is to want to partition, but that way we lose the many eyes

Anyway, just a random thought...

- Leo

Re: svn commit: r386058 [1/49] ...

2006-03-15 Thread Magnusson, Geir
Isn't this the initial commit for somwthing we just voted in?

(me in car so can't see right now)

 -Original Message-
From:   Leo Simons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wed Mar 15 11:34:35 2006
To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject:Re: svn commit: r386058 [1/49] ...

49 commit messages for a single commit! The continuous wash-in of
Really Big(tm) chunks of code scares me a little (even if its real cool)
 -- usually I make it policy to read every single line of code contributed
to a project for which I'm on the PMC but there's no chance in hell I'm
going to spend an entire weekend reading unit tests. Just keeping up amounts
to something close to a fulltime job. The usual oversight model that at
least some parts of the ASF are used to seems near-impossible to apply here.

Will all people able to read every line of code as it comes in please raise
their hands?

I'm thinking about how to make this stuff scale. Any ideas? The natural
tendency is to want to partition, but that way we lose the many eyes

Anyway, just a random thought...

- Leo

Re: svn commit: r386058 [1/49] ...

2006-03-15 Thread Tim Ellison
Yes, the log message is only shown in the first commit message in the set.

That particular commit is the HARMONY-57 bulk contribution that was
voted on by the -dev list.  The other big commit I did today is the
HARMONY-88 bulk contribution that was also accepted by the -dev list.

I'm not *that* productive!


Magnusson, Geir wrote:
 Isn't this the initial commit for somwthing we just voted in?
 (me in car so can't see right now)
  -Original Message-
 From: Leo Simons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wed Mar 15 11:34:35 2006
 To:   harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
 Subject:  Re: svn commit: r386058 [1/49] ...
 49 commit messages for a single commit! The continuous wash-in of
 Really Big(tm) chunks of code scares me a little (even if its real cool)
  -- usually I make it policy to read every single line of code contributed
 to a project for which I'm on the PMC but there's no chance in hell I'm
 going to spend an entire weekend reading unit tests. Just keeping up amounts
 to something close to a fulltime job. The usual oversight model that at
 least some parts of the ASF are used to seems near-impossible to apply here.
 Will all people able to read every line of code as it comes in please raise
 their hands?
 I'm thinking about how to make this stuff scale. Any ideas? The natural
 tendency is to want to partition, but that way we lose the many eyes
 Anyway, just a random thought...
 - Leo


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

Re: svn commit: r386058 [1/49] ...

2006-03-15 Thread Magnusson, Geir
I assume that you noted the jura entry in the commit log.

 -Original Message-
From:   Tim Ellison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wed Mar 15 11:44:19 2006
To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject:Re: svn commit: r386058 [1/49] ...

Yes, the log message is only shown in the first commit message in the set.

That particular commit is the HARMONY-57 bulk contribution that was
voted on by the -dev list.  The other big commit I did today is the
HARMONY-88 bulk contribution that was also accepted by the -dev list.

I'm not *that* productive!


Magnusson, Geir wrote:
 Isn't this the initial commit for somwthing we just voted in?
 (me in car so can't see right now)
  -Original Message-
 From: Leo Simons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wed Mar 15 11:34:35 2006
 To:   harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
 Subject:  Re: svn commit: r386058 [1/49] ...
 49 commit messages for a single commit! The continuous wash-in of
 Really Big(tm) chunks of code scares me a little (even if its real cool)
  -- usually I make it policy to read every single line of code contributed
 to a project for which I'm on the PMC but there's no chance in hell I'm
 going to spend an entire weekend reading unit tests. Just keeping up amounts
 to something close to a fulltime job. The usual oversight model that at
 least some parts of the ASF are used to seems near-impossible to apply here.
 Will all people able to read every line of code as it comes in please raise
 their hands?
 I'm thinking about how to make this stuff scale. Any ideas? The natural
 tendency is to want to partition, but that way we lose the many eyes
 Anyway, just a random thought...
 - Leo


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

Re: svn commit: r386058 [1/49] ...

2006-03-15 Thread Tim Ellison
I did my usual trick, which is to mention the JIRA tag and the issue
summary; in this case it was:

In svn commit: r386087 [1/45] -...

Commit contribution HARMONY-88 (Contribution of code and unit tests for
jndi, logging, prefs and sql plus unit tests only for beans, crypto,
math, regex and security)

and in svn commit: r386058 [1/49] -...

Apply HARMONY-57 (Contribution of unit test code for a number of components)

I did them as a single commit, so I assume it is the SVN mail notifier
that splits the single r386058 message into 49 pieces due to length.


Magnusson, Geir wrote:
 I assume that you noted the jura entry in the commit log.
  -Original Message-
 From: Tim Ellison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wed Mar 15 11:44:19 2006
 To:   harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
 Subject:  Re: svn commit: r386058 [1/49] ...
 Yes, the log message is only shown in the first commit message in the set.
 That particular commit is the HARMONY-57 bulk contribution that was
 voted on by the -dev list.  The other big commit I did today is the
 HARMONY-88 bulk contribution that was also accepted by the -dev list.
 I'm not *that* productive!
 Magnusson, Geir wrote:
 Isn't this the initial commit for somwthing we just voted in?

 (me in car so can't see right now)

  -Original Message-
 From:Leo Simons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent:Wed Mar 15 11:34:35 2006
 To:  harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
 Subject: Re: svn commit: r386058 [1/49] ...

 49 commit messages for a single commit! The continuous wash-in of
 Really Big(tm) chunks of code scares me a little (even if its real cool)
  -- usually I make it policy to read every single line of code contributed
 to a project for which I'm on the PMC but there's no chance in hell I'm
 going to spend an entire weekend reading unit tests. Just keeping up amounts
 to something close to a fulltime job. The usual oversight model that at
 least some parts of the ASF are used to seems near-impossible to apply here.

 Will all people able to read every line of code as it comes in please raise
 their hands?

 I'm thinking about how to make this stuff scale. Any ideas? The natural
 tendency is to want to partition, but that way we lose the many eyes

 Anyway, just a random thought...

 - Leo



IBM Java technology centre, UK.

Re: svn commit: r386058 [1/49] ...

2006-03-15 Thread Magnusson, Geir
That's what I fgured.  Me still in car.

 -Original Message-
From:   Tim Ellison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wed Mar 15 11:53:57 2006
To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject:Re: svn commit: r386058 [1/49] ...

I did my usual trick, which is to mention the JIRA tag and the issue
summary; in this case it was:

In svn commit: r386087 [1/45] -...

Commit contribution HARMONY-88 (Contribution of code and unit tests for
jndi, logging, prefs and sql plus unit tests only for beans, crypto,
math, regex and security)

and in svn commit: r386058 [1/49] -...

Apply HARMONY-57 (Contribution of unit test code for a number of components)

I did them as a single commit, so I assume it is the SVN mail notifier
that splits the single r386058 message into 49 pieces due to length.


Magnusson, Geir wrote:
 I assume that you noted the jura entry in the commit log.
  -Original Message-
 From: Tim Ellison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wed Mar 15 11:44:19 2006
 To:   harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
 Subject:  Re: svn commit: r386058 [1/49] ...
 Yes, the log message is only shown in the first commit message in the set.
 That particular commit is the HARMONY-57 bulk contribution that was
 voted on by the -dev list.  The other big commit I did today is the
 HARMONY-88 bulk contribution that was also accepted by the -dev list.
 I'm not *that* productive!
 Magnusson, Geir wrote:
 Isn't this the initial commit for somwthing we just voted in?

 (me in car so can't see right now)

  -Original Message-
 From:Leo Simons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent:Wed Mar 15 11:34:35 2006
 To:  harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
 Subject: Re: svn commit: r386058 [1/49] ...

 49 commit messages for a single commit! The continuous wash-in of
 Really Big(tm) chunks of code scares me a little (even if its real cool)
  -- usually I make it policy to read every single line of code contributed
 to a project for which I'm on the PMC but there's no chance in hell I'm
 going to spend an entire weekend reading unit tests. Just keeping up amounts
 to something close to a fulltime job. The usual oversight model that at
 least some parts of the ASF are used to seems near-impossible to apply here.

 Will all people able to read every line of code as it comes in please raise
 their hands?

 I'm thinking about how to make this stuff scale. Any ideas? The natural
 tendency is to want to partition, but that way we lose the many eyes

 Anyway, just a random thought...

 - Leo



IBM Java technology centre, UK.

Closing of HARMONY-88

2006-03-15 Thread Tim Ellison
Mark wrote:
 Of course, it shouldn't be closed yet since quite a few of the
 contributed test cases still need to be integrated.

Well I figured I'd mark it closed it since the code is now in SVN, even
if it is not fully integrated yet.  I figured we could work on the final
aspects of integration in day-to-day development, taking patches etc.

But I don't particularly care, so if you really want it reopened I'll
happily do it.


Mark Hindess (JIRA) wrote:
 Mark Hindess commented on HARMONY-88:
 This looks good.  Of course, it shouldn't be closed yet since quite a few of 
 the contributed test cases still need to be integrated.
 I'm just about to take a look at the beans tests and uncommenting logging so 
 that those can go in as soon as someone integrates the HARMONY-39 
 That will just leave the security/crypto tests which will probably have to 
 wait until those modules are restructured.
 Contribution of  code and unit tests for jndi, logging, prefs and sql plus 
 unit tests only for beans, crypto, math, regex and security

  Key: HARMONY-88
  URL: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-88
  Project: Harmony
 Type: New Feature
   Components: Contributions
  Environment: Win32 and Linux
 Reporter: George Harley
 Assignee: Tim Ellison
  Attachments: 01.harmony.88.integration.sh, 01.harmony.88.integration.sh, 
 02.harmony.88.integration.diff, 02.harmony.88.integration.diff, 

 Zip file containing implementation and unit test code for the following 
 components :
 * jndi
 * logging
 * prefs
 * sql
 In addition there is unit test code only for the following Harmony 
 components :
 * beans
 * crypto
 * math
 * regex
 * security
 The contents of this zip have been laid out with the current classlib 
 structure of the Apache Harmony SVN repository in mind. A version of 
 enhanced/classlib/trunk/make/build-java.xml is included containing new Ant
 targets to compile the new implementation plus tests code, and then run the
 Native code, plus makefiles are included to build a shared library that is
 required to support the prefs implementation on the win.IA32 platform.
 Not all of the unit test classes are capable of being compiled when the Ant 
 target compile-tests in EXTRACT_DIR/Harmony/make/build-java.xml is run. 
 is because the current contents of the Harmony trunk do not satisfy all of 
 dependencies of some classes. This issue affects the unit test code for the 
 following set of components ...
 * beans (needs beans implementation in trunk)
 * crypto (needs crypto implementation in trunk)
 * logging (needs beans implementation in trunk)
 * jndi (needs applet implementation in trunk)
 * sql (needs rmi implementation in trunk)
 As a temporary measure, the lines of Ant script in
 EXTRACT_DIR/Harmony/make/build-java.xml that compile the above test code
 have been commented out with explanations. 


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

Results of big commits

2006-03-15 Thread Mark Hindess
As well as the new classes, we have over 2700 tests that's nearly ten
times the number we were running a week ago.  And there are a few more
that need some work.  So if anyone is looking for something to do,
take a look at the excluded tests in the
modules/*/make/common/build.xml files.

I've been doing some application testing on the latest trunk plus the
integration of HARMONY-39 in my workspace.  It's pretty cool.

Tomcat 5.5 (which uses the eclipse compiler rather than requiring a
jdk) now starts up ok.  (I do get an error when it shuts down but I'm
sure we'll get to that.)

I tried axis but it looks like we'll need stubs for a few more classes
before that will work - e.g. java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable and

It's great to see some really substantial applications running on the
Harmony classes.

IBM Java Technology Centre, UK.

Re: Closing of HARMONY-88

2006-03-15 Thread Tim Ellison
No problem, I've reopened it.

Let's hope that HARMONY-39 gets committed soon then we can finish the


Mark Hindess wrote:
 Not all the code is in svn.  So I'd say leave it open to remind us
 that there's still more  work to do.
 On 3/15/06, Tim Ellison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mark wrote:
 Of course, it shouldn't be closed yet since quite a few of the
 contributed test cases still need to be integrated.
 Well I figured I'd mark it closed it since the code is now in SVN, even
 if it is not fully integrated yet.  I figured we could work on the final
 aspects of integration in day-to-day development, taking patches etc.

 But I don't particularly care, so if you really want it reopened I'll
 happily do it.


 Mark Hindess (JIRA) wrote:

 Mark Hindess commented on HARMONY-88:

 This looks good.  Of course, it shouldn't be closed yet since quite a few 
 of the contributed test cases still need to be integrated.

 I'm just about to take a look at the beans tests and uncommenting logging 
 so that those can go in as soon as someone integrates the HARMONY-39 

 That will just leave the security/crypto tests which will probably have to 
 wait until those modules are restructured.

 Contribution of  code and unit tests for jndi, logging, prefs and sql plus 
 unit tests only for beans, crypto, math, regex and security

  Key: HARMONY-88
  URL: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-88
  Project: Harmony
 Type: New Feature
   Components: Contributions
  Environment: Win32 and Linux
 Reporter: George Harley
 Assignee: Tim Ellison
  Attachments: 01.harmony.88.integration.sh, 01.harmony.88.integration.sh, 
 02.harmony.88.integration.diff, 02.harmony.88.integration.diff, 

 Zip file containing implementation and unit test code for the following 
 components :
 * jndi
 * logging
 * prefs
 * sql
 In addition there is unit test code only for the following Harmony 
 components :
 * beans
 * crypto
 * math
 * regex
 * security
 The contents of this zip have been laid out with the current classlib 
 structure of the Apache Harmony SVN repository in mind. A version of
 enhanced/classlib/trunk/make/build-java.xml is included containing new Ant
 targets to compile the new implementation plus tests code, and then run the
 Native code, plus makefiles are included to build a shared library that is
 required to support the prefs implementation on the win.IA32 platform.
 Not all of the unit test classes are capable of being compiled when the Ant
 target compile-tests in EXTRACT_DIR/Harmony/make/build-java.xml is 
 run. This
 is because the current contents of the Harmony trunk do not satisfy all of 
 dependencies of some classes. This issue affects the unit test code for the
 following set of components ...
 * beans (needs beans implementation in trunk)
 * crypto (needs crypto implementation in trunk)
 * logging (needs beans implementation in trunk)
 * jndi (needs applet implementation in trunk)
 * sql (needs rmi implementation in trunk)
 As a temporary measure, the lines of Ant script in
 EXTRACT_DIR/Harmony/make/build-java.xml that compile the above test code
 have been commented out with explanations.

 Tim Ellison ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 IBM Java technology centre, UK.

 IBM Java Technology Centre, UK.


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

Re: svn commit: r386171 - /incubator/harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/make/build-java.xml

2006-03-15 Thread Mark Hindess

I took a few shortcuts getting these integration done.  I'm planning
to factor out the acquire depends jars step in to a separate ant file.
 My current plan is to create a new make/depends.xml file that would
be responsible for fetching the files and have the make/build.xml use
that to check for the presence of the files and only run the get tasks
file if any files are missing.  (Ditto for make/build-test.xml which
currently duplicates this download process.)

This way, if you have the required jars in the correct location then
it should be possible to avoid the HTTP If-Modified queries that are
causing your problems.

Once I've fixed these problems that I created then I intend to look at
HARMONY-196 to see if that contribution can be added to the
make/depends.xml step.


On 3/16/06, Mikhail Loenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tim, Mark

 revisions 386087, 386171 of that file break my build:

   [get] Getting: http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/xalan/jars/xalan-2.6.0.jar
   [get] To: C:\harmony\depends\jars\xalan-j_2.6.0\xalan.jar
   [get] Error getting
 http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/xalan/jars/xalan-2.6.0.jar to C:\

 C:\harmony\make\build.xml:36: The following error occurred while
 executing this line:
 C:\harmony\make\build-java.xml:352: java.net.NoRouteToHostException:
 Operation timed out

 The problem seems to be with proxy setting

 Mikhail Loenko
 Intel Middleware Products Division

 2006/3/16, Mark Hindess [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Thanks Tim.  I spotted that I'd missed that one too.
   Author: tellison
   Date: Wed Mar 15 13:37:44 2006
   New Revision: 386171
   URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs?rev=386171view=rev
   Ensure the XML JARs go directly into the boot dir
   Modified: incubator/harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/make/build-java.xml
   --- incubator/harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/make/build-java.xml 
   +++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/make/build-java.xml Wed Mar 
   15 13:37:44 2006
   @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
!-- Copy across the dependency jars --
copy todir=${target.output}/jre/lib/boot overwrite=yes
   -  verbose=yes
   +  verbose=yes flatten=yes
fileset dir=${depends.jars}
patternset includes=*.jar /
patternset includes=xerces_2.6.2/*.jar /
  Mark Hindess [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  IBM Java Technology Centre, UK.

IBM Java Technology Centre, UK.

Subclipse Diff: Are there any way to ignore whitespace when creating patch using Subclipse in Eclipse

2006-03-15 Thread Richard Liang


If you select Spaces only as Eclipse tab policy and you format the 
Harmony source code in Eclipse, when you creating patch for the source 
code, Subclipse may regard the source code as total different  with the 
source in SVN. Then other developers cannot know what you have changed 
to the source code. So are there any way to avoid this confusion? Thanks 
a lot.

Richard Liang
China Software Development Lab, IBM