Re: BASE64Encoder class missing?

2006-08-09 Thread Anthony Green
On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 17:58 -0400, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
 Yes- the idea is to provide that suncompat.jar for that reason with
 those clases in the sun.* namespace that user apps depend on.

This way lies madness.  I urge you to take a strong stand against bad

Experience tells us that application developers are happy to fix their
programs once made aware of this issue.  GNU Classpath users have
already paved the way with the developers of many popular programs and
libraries (Eclipse,, Azureus, a lot of Apache code like
Batik and Tomcat, etc).  This is the only solution that makes sense for
users and developers.


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Re: Using Cairo for Harmony graphic stuff?

2006-02-13 Thread Anthony Green
On Mon, 2006-02-13 at 13:38 +0300, Sergey Soldatov wrote:
 In my opinion the only area to use Cairo is the Java2D part of AWT.
 Unfortunately any additional layer between 2D and native calls may
 dramatically affect the performance of UI, especially Swing.

GNU Classpath is using Cairo, but I think a better plan now would be to
use jogl (JSR231, whose reference implementation has a very liberal
license).  Sun has done some interesting work with their OpenGL single
threaded rendering backend to address the JNI overhead issue.  You get
nice 2d/3d integration as well.


Re: [tools] Javadoc! Javadoc! Javadoc! (the tool, not the debate...)

2006-02-09 Thread Anthony Green
On Thu, 2006-02-09 at 13:41 -0500, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
 We were planning to just use the eclipse compiler.  No reason to rewrite.

Didn't you just write in this thread that you need all the tooling?
What makes the compiler special?   If you can non-Apache FOSS licensed
tools, why not just use the excellent gjdoc for your javadoc tool?


Re: NIO Component improvement

2006-01-18 Thread Anthony Green
On Wed, 2006-01-18 at 21:51 +0300, Vladimir Strigun wrote:
 Attached document contains a proposal describing an approach which is
 trying to enforce portability of nio socket channels implementation by
 moving supporting functions up to java layer and by sharing the code
 between's socket implementations and socket channels in
 java.nio package thus reducing the amount of java code and number of
 native methods in both packages.

If I understand your document properly, this is similar to how we handle
things in GNU Classpath (see  

One difference is that we throw exceptions in the JNI code.  As you
mention in your document, this has the disadvantage of resulting in a
JNI class lookup -- but in your example, don't you have to do a second
JNI call to get the error string? (BSDSocketErrors.getMessage(res)).

(For GCJ, we implement this code in CNI - not JNI.  It's simpler and
there's zero overhead between the Java and C++ code - so we can throw
exceptions in C++ code with no JNI name lookups.)


Re: ASF has been shipping GPL exception stuff for years and still is ;)

2005-12-05 Thread Anthony Green
On Mon, 2005-12-05 at 00:13 -0500, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
 But even then, there is no guarantee that people will want to do it
 because they can't make a closed fork if they want to for whatever
 reason. (Which ASL allows and if people wanted to do that, they would
 already be participating in one of the existing VM's in the classpath

This is true.  My feeling about this, as it relates to the core class
libraries, is that this is no place for proprietary innovation.  Let
people innovate around JIT, GC or other technology, but we're all better
off collaborating on a first class J2SE-certifiable core class library

The proprietary Java vendors seem to agree on this point since, as far
as I can tell, they all use the same class libraries as well.


Re: ASF has been shipping GPL exception stuff for years and still is ;)

2005-12-05 Thread Anthony Green
On Mon, 2005-12-05 at 11:53 -0500, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
 for example, there is work done already on XSLTC
 ( in Xalan. I'd like to
 be able to make *my* JRE distribution use this by default. To save
 space, i *don't* want to use the gnu xml stuff. why should i have to
 distribute that? see my point?

I don't believe there's anything preventing you from doing that today.

Fedora Core ships GNU Classpath (via libgcj) as well as Apache XML code.
Users can choose to use the Apache code instead of the GNU with a
command line option if they like.


Re: Testsuite (Was: Where to place the core classlib code?)

2005-12-05 Thread Anthony Green
On Mon, 2005-12-05 at 20:34 +0100, Mark Wielaard wrote:
 On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 16:38 +, Tim Ellison wrote:
  Unless/until someone shows up with a comprehensive test suite we have
  to start by writing tests for everything that gets patched.
 Take a look at

Speaking of Mauve (a project born of class library licensing
frustrations!), there's some real interest amongst the Mauve community
to migrate the test cases to JUnit.  The Mauve infrastructure predates
JUnit.  This would be a universally useful task for some enthusiastic


Re: Full disclosure

2005-12-02 Thread Anthony Green
On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 10:47 -0800, Dalibor Topic wrote:
 Yup. I think dual licensing with the LGPL should be sufficient for
 that to happen,
 and get us rolling forward in that aspect as well.

Rather than dual license the code, maybe switching to LGPL+exception
would be better.  The GNU FOO+exception licenses say that you can
redistribute using the FOO license at will.

But what would be the point of a relicensing effort like this?  AFAICT,
many people here show no interest in collaborating on a single free
class library project.


Re: Full disclosure

2005-11-30 Thread Anthony Green
On Mon, 2005-11-28 at 07:16 -0800, Leo Simons wrote:
 I didn't take notes but one of the many things I took away from this is that 
 it might
 be a real good idea to try and see if classpath can be LGPLed; Mark seemed to 
 that is not an unattainable goal. When I get my hands on some spare time (I 
 hope it'll
 be under the christmas tree) I hope to push forward om some of that.

I don't understand this.  The GNU Classpath license was designed to be
even more liberal than the LGPL.  What makes relicensing GNU Classpath
to LGPL a good idea?


Re: The Unofficial Harmony, Licensing, the Universe and everything FAQ

2005-11-17 Thread Anthony Green
On Thu, 2005-11-17 at 14:50 -0800, Leo Simons wrote:
 As a special exception, for Classpath we have decided to make all the
 problems described at
 go away.
 And then in proper lawyer terms.
 Heh. Very interesting, very pragmatic! Mark, do you think there's
 any chance of making this happen?

IANAL, but my understanding is that there are two ways to make all the
problems go away:
a) Modify the Apache license to remove the additional restrictions, or
b) Modify the GPL to remove the additional restrictions requirement.

Only the copyright holders of the Apache licensed code can do (a), which
doesn't seem to be what you're proposing.

As for (b), this would effectively make GNU Classpath incompatible with
GPL licensed code, because we still have Apache's additional
restrictions to worry about.  This is a non-starter for a GNU project.

I like the creative thinking though.


Re: Third Way - implement the JVM in a new C/Java hybrid

2005-05-13 Thread Anthony Green
On Fri, 2005-05-13 at 14:25 +0100, David Griffiths wrote:
 I thought GCJ was a static compilation system? 

Not quite.  GCJ is an ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler for the Java
programming language.  However, the GCJ runtime execution environment
supports all of the dynamic properties of the Java programming language
(run-time loading/linking/verification, reflection, all of the binary-
compatibility rules, etc) for both bytecode and AOT compiled code.


Re: I hope the JVM implements most using Java itself

2005-05-11 Thread Anthony Green
On Wed, 2005-05-11 at 13:10 -0500, Archie Cobbs wrote:
 Those are good points.. I'm not saying JIT is bad, I'm just saying
 WAT has a place and can sometimes do things that JITs cannot because
 of time constraints.

Yes - in the real world, JITs don't always necessarily win.

Here's an example.  Wikipedia is currently using a gcj-built version of
Lucene to power their search feature.  Here's some text describing a
benchmark that help them make this decision:

- cut here 
Crude, simple benchmark; does single-word fulltext search for pope 100
times sequentially. This is a fairly popular word, and returns 6890
results from the test database used (English Wikipedia, 2005-03-09
dump). Time returned is the average time spent for a request on the
client, over the second set of 100 runs.

 GCJ 4.0 -O2: 588.3437 ms (fastest)
Sun Java 1.5 -server: 636.9209 ms
Sun Java 1.5: 695.5374 ms
 GCJ 4.0: 707.2302 ms
  Mono 1.1.6: 894.4488 ms (slowest)

Each version of the daemon read from the same index set, which I had
generated with the Mono-based version. (dotlucene 1.4 is index-
compatible with the Java Lucene 1.4.)
- cut here 

I'm fairly certain we can do much better with additional compiler
options (-march=pentium4 and the like).

In any case, this is a showcase app for Apache + FSF technology working
together in an important real-world application.


Re: Contributing to project...

2005-05-10 Thread Anthony Green
On Tue, 2005-05-10 at 21:45 +0200, Art - Arthit Suriyawongkul wrote:
 On 10 May 2005 13:30:45 -0600, Tom Tromey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yeah.  Also, note that all the missing parts of java.math are new in
  1.5.  It helps to look at the 1.4 comparison as well, to see what is
  historically missing and what is just new.
 I believed one among them is in BigDecimal, from JSR 13.
 JSR 13: Decimal Arithmetic Enhancement
 Based on the work from IBM
 (Java implementation with sources under IBM alphaWorks License Agreement)

This code is also available in ICU4J sources, which have the liberal X

I know Mike Cowlishaw, the IBM fellow who did the work and asked him his
work.  He wrote:
 The ICU4J BigDecimal ( is very close in principle 
 to the Java 1.5 version, but was always just intended as a prototype for 
 JSR 13.   There are minor but subtle differences in the arithmetic 
 (following details changed by IEEE 754 since then) and in the API.   It 
 would need some careful work to bring it into line (though of course very 
 much less than writing it from scratch!).

It never really became critical enough to get anywhere near the top of
my TODO list.


Re: State of the World (it's security)

2005-05-10 Thread Anthony Green
On Tue, 2005-05-10 at 21:43 -0400, Bob wrote:
 If Harmony security works only for applets, then it will not be useful 
 for my needs.

GNU Classpath implements java.lang.SecurityManager and related code
which may be used in any application.  I think we're just left with
simple bugs to fix as opposed to big wide gaping holes with no plans to
fill them.

   Moreover, it needs to be able to securely run Java code 
 that wasn't specifically made for Harmony (i.e. the Java spec needs to 
 be followed).

That's what's been done.