Re: [ha-Safran]: Copy cataloging and copyrights

2003-12-11 Thread Daniel Stuhlman
Works produced by U.S. government agencies is not 
copyrighted.  Bibliographic information is not copyrightable.  Titles of 
books are not copyrightable. They may be registered trademarks.  Library of 
Congress has information about copyrights on their web site. The results of 
collecting information for a data base such as OCLC is protected by 
copyright.  You may not copy an entire catalog without permission. Copying 
of individual records is a normal activity within libraries. This is one of 
the ways libraries share resources.

Putting material on a webpage is protected by copyright.  The owner does 
even have to claim copyright.  This has nothing to do with cataloging.

My December Librarian's Lobby dealt with some of the issues of trademark 
and copyright.

Daniel Stuhlman
Chicago, IL  60645
ddstuhlman @

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-11 Thread sdubin
A number of years ago AJL had a committee to produce just such a brochure.
Does anyone remember what happened to it? Outreach is a definite item on my
agenda. We are trying to make a dent, but maybe it is time to make a concerted
effort to reach library students.
Susan Dubin
Off-the-Shelf Library Services

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-11 Thread Zyroff, Ellen
Might reference to salary averages listed through ALA or SLA be of help?

Would SJL want to do a program at ALA on the joys of Judaica librarianship?

Also, there is a New Member Round Table of ALA and a nmrt listserv, as well 
as one for library school students. You never know who among these people 
might be a candidate for Judaic librarianship, but not seriously considered 
it before.

Ellen Zyroff

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[ha-Safran]: Copy cataloging and copyrights

2003-12-11 Thread Rabbi Elie Ginsparg
Hi, Can anyone provide me with information on the following issue. A little 
while ago a co-librarian of mine noticed that I was entering all the data 
into our cataloge from scratch. He asked me why don't I just copy cataloge. 
In another words find the similiar book on another libraries webpage and 
cut and paste the information into our cataloge. I mentioned this to 
another Librarian who questioned its legality. The first librarian told me 
that the other libraries webpage is public and they can't copyright the 
title or author of a book. And since it's being copied into our cataloge we 
aren't taking anything from the first library other then the title and 
author etc.  Who is correct and where can I find out more about this issue 
in general

Elie Ginsparg

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[ha-Safran]: non-English language editions of Holocaust literature

2003-12-11 Thread Chaim Singer-Frankes
Greetings fellow safranim,
at the Shoah Foundation we are ramping up to begin indexing and cataloguing 
our collection of non-English language testimonies.  Much of this 
collection is in Hebrew and Russian, along with Polish, Spanish, Czech, 
Dutch, German, Hungarian, Romanian & French.  Given that a significant 
number of our trainees are native speakers of these languages it would be 
terrific to have translations of the most essential and popular resources 
on the Holocaust in our library, for their benefit.  Toward that end I'm 
wondering if there are any among you who might have access on where to find 
donated or purchasable copies of the following. It is a tall order, but 
anything listed below, particularly in Hebrew and/or Russian would be 

Bauer, Yehuda. A History of the Holocaust. New York: Franklin Watts, 1982.

Bauer, Yehuda, Rethinking the Holocaust. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University 
Press, 2000

Bergen, Doris L. War and Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust. 
Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003.

Berenbaum, Michael, ed. The Holocaust and History: The Known, the Unknown, 
the Disputed, and the Reexamined. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University 
Press, 1998.

Braham, Randolf. The Politics of Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary. New 
York: Columbia University Press, 1994

Dwork, Deborah and Robert Jan van Pelt. Holocaust: A history. New York: 
W.W. Norton, 2002.

Gilbert, Martin. The Holocaust: A History of the Jews in Europe during the 
Second World War. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1985.

Gutman, Israel, editor in chief. The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. New 
York: Macmillan, 1990.

Gutman, Israel, and Chaim Shatzker. The Holocaust and Its Significance. 
Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center, 1984.

Hilberg, Raul. The Destruction of the European Jews. Chicago: Quadrangle 
Books, 1961 (definitive edition, New York: Holmes and Meier, 1985).

Hellig, Jocelyn. The Holocaust and Antisemitism: A Short History. Oxford: 
Oneworld, 2003.

Knopp, Guido, Hitler's Holocaust. Stroud, Gloucestershire: Sutton, 2001.

Laqueur, Walter ed., The Holocaust Encyclopedia. New Haven, Conn.: Yale 
University Press, 2001

MacKale, Donald M. Hitler's Shadow War: The Holocaust and World War II. New 
York: Cooper Square Press, 2002.

Marrus, Michael. The Holocaust In History. Hanover, NH: University Press of 
New England, 1987.

Niewyk, Donald L., The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust. New York: Columbia 
University Press, 2000

Poliakov, Leon. Harvest of Hate. London: Best Seller Library, 1960 (French 
edition, copyright 1954).

Reitlinger, Gerald. The Final Solution. New York: Beechurst Press, 1953 
(second revised and augmented edition, London: Vallentine-Mitchell, 1968).

Rozett, Robert and Shmuel Spector eds., Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. New 
York: Facts on File, 2000

Spector, Shmuel ed., The Encyclopedia of Jewish life before and during the 
Holocaust. New York: New York University Press, 2001

Wistrich, Robert S. Hitler and the Holocaust, New York: The Modern Library, 

Yahil, Leni. The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry. New York: Oxford 
Press, 1990.

Thanks so much for your assistance.



Chaim Singer-Frankes

Cataloguing Content Manager

Survivors of The Shoah Visual History Foundation



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[ha-Safran]: Colonial Bibliographies celebrating 350 years

2003-12-11 Thread Barbara Leff

Now you can turn to the AJLSC Website for Ellen Cole's three bibliographies 
about Jews in the Colonial Era.  Two lists suggest materials for adults and 
children, the third offers a webography.

Take note all YE Librarians!  The 350th ANNIVERSARY of Jewish Settlement in 
the United States is fast approaching.  Prepare your selves, your shelves, 
and your students with the history of Colonial Jews in New Amsterdam and 
the 13 colonies.  AJLSC's bibliographies will help get you started.

Barbara Y. Leff
Chair, Website Committee
Association of Jewish Libraries of Southern California

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-11 Thread Tina Weiss
As a recent MLS graduate (Sept '03 - QC), I believe this may be in fact a 
great step towards outreach to potential Judaica librarians.  Nowadays, 
students are looking for internships as a means to "bridge the gap" and to 
gain hands-on experience in the field, which is certainly beneficial to the 
students and libraries.  Students can get a feel for different libraries 
and departments within.  The truth is, ALA has student chapters, SAA does 
too-- I would have been interested in a student AJL chapter if it were 
available.  Perhaps links between non-student chapters and established ones 
as a mentor-mentee project would be beneficial.  As a graduate of an MLS 
program with a significant Jewish population this may have been 
interesting.  Additionally, wearing another hat, as the former president of 
the Queens College Graduate School of Library Science Club, I had the 
opportunity to schedule library tours and site visits for a limited number 
of students (i.e. about 20) per trip and a bus to go to ALA Midwinter.  It 
may be wise to get email addresses of Library Schools nationwide and have 
them send out emails regarding AJL and especially the upcoming conference-- 
just about every library school has a listserv.  Library schools often like 
outside lecturers to come in to speak about the "library world," this may 
be a suitable forum to discuss AJL, your individual library, and the field 
of Judaica librarianship.


Tina Weiss


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-11 Thread Fredisaac
I support Eli's comments in many ways.  It sometimes feels that 
librarianship has been sinking in status since I was in school (1970-71), 
and that it probably has never had much status.  The ubiquity of web'based 
services and online searching from home has certainly not enhanced our 
community's identity.

I would not be quite as harsh on the AJL as he is, though.  We have 
recruited students in various schools (even as the number of LS's has 
shrunk) over the past years, and have encouraged attendance at the 
Conventions through our subsidies and the scholarships.  It isn't much, but 
it isn't nothing, either.

It is also instructive that the ATLA is also trying to recruit.  From my 
own travels, discussions with minister-friends, and peeks into church 
libraries, they are frequently more dismal than ours. I see it as a comment 
on the importance we (as Jews and as librarians) place on the need for 
access at the local level. The fact that our members are not paid (there is 
another posting today about that issue)  is regrettable, but true.

In the end, I am not entirely happy with our situation, Eli.  There is 
indeed more we can do. There are ways to act that we need to move toward 
increasing our numbers, our significance, and our involvement.  But I would 
not say we are either without resources, either.

Fred Isaac
Oakland, CA

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-11 Thread Wexler, Linda
I am a new (and volunteer) librarian for a Reform temple in West Central
Florida.  Before I joined AJL and ha-Safran, I was under the impression that
synagogue librarians are largely volunteers. Are there any statistics for me
to see regarding how many are paid and how many are not?  And if there are
no statistics, are you willing to give us a show of hands one way or the

Linda Wexler
Ariel Goldman Memorial Library
Temple Ahavat Shalom
Palm Harbor, FL

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[ha-Safran]: Out of Print Book

2003-12-11 Thread Lustgarten, Irene
A colleague would like to purchase a copy of Raoul Wallenberg: Hero of the 
Holocaust by Thelma I. Pangburn, Samhar Press, 1987. Does anyone have a 
used copy they are willing to part with/sell?

Irene Lustgarten
Director of Westchester Services
Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York
Westchester Center
701 Westchester Avenue, Suite 2A2
White Plains, NY 10604

Phone: 914-328-8090 ext. 202
Fax: 914-328-8093

Visit the WJC/BJE Adult Education Internet Directory at

HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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[ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-11 Thread Eli Wise
The great sage Hillel taught, " if I am not for myself, who will be for
me" (Avos 1:13)
I have brought up the issue of the future of Judaica Librarianship. Many
responses range from complete resignation to the dreary outlook to total
apathy. This listserve is sometimes more preoccupied with politics and
political agenda than with the future of our collections.

I recently received a pamphlet from the American Theological Library
Association. It was about recruitment to the specialty of theological
librarianship. The graphics were very impressive and the titles of the
for student membership to ATLA. Why don't we do such outreach? I know that
people will respond to this by focusing on the low salaries. This is true
and it is also an area that AJL needs to address and perhaps issue a report
and then go public with the findings as well a some lobbying efforts. At any
rate if we focus this way then we certainly will have no one within a

The brochure seems to be aimed at library school students. Last year the
President of Gratz College, the head of Judaica studies at Drexel University
and myself met with the Dean of the Library school at Drexel. We were
lobbying for course that would address Judaica issues. The Dean responded
that the interest for these courses is unknown. Wouldn't an AJL brochure for
recruitment also serve as a barometer for interest of library school
students. While we recruit we need to make a unified effort for salary

In Pennsylvania there is currently a severe crisis of funding for public
libraries. I had a letter in the Philadelphia Inquirer addressing that
issue. The Newspaper had an article about this desperate situation with no
comment from any professional organization. Protest is not credible if the
professionals do not have a public involvement. If we do not do our own
outreach and do not try to deal with the salary situation then we become
part of the problem. I urge the organization to do more for our present
(salaries) and our future (recruitment)

Eliezer M. Wise
Library Director
Tuttleman Library of Gratz College
7605 Old York Road
Melrose Park, Pa. 19027
215-635-7300 extension 159

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[ha-Safran]: Complete Guide to the Temple Mount Excavations

2003-12-11 Thread Jerusalem Books
Shalom, shalom,

We've just come across this English translation (2002) of a title we 
carried (and still do) in Hebrew (2000).  This is a soft cover text, 120 
pages with extensive sketchs and full-color photographs.   It includes 
history, a bibliography and a pull-out map.  This is a worthy addition to 
any library collection or educational institution.

If you're interested, let me know. cat.# 49508 -  $24.00

Shabbat Shalom, wendy

Wendy Weiss Simon
Jerusalem Books, ltd.
POB 26190
Jerusalem, 91261
972-2-643-3580 (tel/fax)

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