[ha-Safran]: Weine!

2006-03-09 Thread Erika Zeitz
Shalom safranim--I knew there must be a way to order directly from 
AJL, and found it, with your guidance, on the order form.

Todah rabbah!

Erika Zeitz
Congregation Ohev Sholom
Prairie Village, Kansas
  and Corinth Public Library, Youth Services

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[ha-Safran]: Adding Jewish and holocaust books to the

2006-03-09 Thread Mmiller54

BEST FRIENDS by Elisabeth Reuter is for ages 7-12
DEFYING THE TIDE by Reha and Al Sokolow is for High School ages and 
tells the story of interfaith compassion as a pregnant Jewish woman n 
Berlin during the war is saved and protected by a non-Jewish woman at 
great risk to herself.

Michael Miller
Pitspopany Press

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Children books and censorship

2006-03-09 Thread David Elazar

Would you include an anti-Semitic or holocaust denial children's book in
your collection in order to be evenhanded? Such books should be in an adult
collection, perhaps in a closed section to be used under supervision when it
comes to children and youth.

The same holds true with books dealing with the Israeli/Palestinian
conflict.  During WWII, did children collections included books from the
Japanese and German points of view?  Would you have agreed to include such
books?  Do you have children books glorifying the acts Al Qaida?

As librarians and educators, we have the responsibility to guide our
children in all respects to understand our tradition, our values and what is
important for the continuity of the Jewish People which includes the State
of Israel. We must explain to our children/youth that if the Arabs would
have accepted the 1947 Partition Plan all the so-called injustices and
suffering on both sides would not have occurred. They must understand the
history of Eretz Yisrael (the area called Palestine) that since the fall of
the 2nd Temple there has not been an independent entity until the State of
Israel and that the Palestinians did not consider themselves a nation until
after the 6 Day War (1967) and that the population that lived here over the
centuries (including Jews who were not allowed to freely  return by the
governing bodies) were peoples (including Arabs) from all over the Middle
East and Mediterranean countries.

Prior to introducing our children to the other  points of view, they must
first have a good basic background in our history.

Be careful when choosing books for our children and youth - they are our
future.  We, Jews and Israelis, are not perfect, but we do not have to
commit national suicide in the name of evenhandedness.

David Elazar  Rishon LeZion, Israel
www.geocities.com/d_elazar   (home page)
eVoicemail  (413) 581-4711(USA)
eFax   (801) 672-2976(USA)

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: Re: Three Wishes

2006-03-09 Thread ha-Safran

--- Message requiring your approval --
From: Bernard Katz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Re: Three Wishes

Dear Safranim,
Please forgive yet another long posting from me.

I'm sorry to say that my colleague and friend 
Anne Dublin's remarks about Three Wishes are 
not correct; they reflect an incorrect and 
inaccurate understanding of historical events. I 
say this with respect and would not normally 'go 
public', except that Anne, in all good conscience 
posted her review to Hasafran, and also because 
her review is on record as published in Jewish Book World (Spring 2005).

Anne says that Deborah Ellis is biased not 
simply in favor of the Palestinians, but her 
skewing of historical events is at the cost of 
truth. The bias is subtle and hard to catch. In 
support of this significant charge, Anne offers 
three examples. The first quotes a passage from 
Ellis' introduction, noting that the term 
'Palestinians' was not used at that time [1947] 
to describe the Arabs who opposed the newly-founded Jewish State.

While Anne likely is only repeating what she has 
read, this is stated far too often by people who 
wish to deny the 'peoplehood' or political 
ethnicity of Arab Palestinians and it is, simply 
stated, WRONG. My demonstration of this is a 
little long, so please bear with me as this is important.

Under the Ottoman empire there was no single 
geo-political, ie. a singularly administered, 
area called Palestine - for one thing the 
Ottomans did not want to have such a single 
contiguous area that would cause them difficulty 
in terms of their fight against a rising tide of 
Arab nationalism wanting to break up their 
empire. But the term Palestine was used widely 
and extensively by many thousands of pilgrims, 
diplomats and tourists (I have hundreds of books 
from 1800 on to prove it), and by the inhabitants 
themselves of all faiths. Further, Arab ethnic 
nationalism increased after the 1908 Turkish 
revolution and in Palestine resulted in the 
establishment of newspapers (such as Filastin 
in Jaffa), cultural, fraternal and semi-political organizations.

In addition, the Arab inhabitants of Palestine 
thought of themselves and referred to themselves 
as Palestinians, and from the time of the British
victory over the Turks in 1917-18 they acted more 
openly about it. For example, in Jan., 1919 they 
held the first Palestinian Conference at which 
representatives of various outright political 
societies that had been established near the end 
of 1918 (once the Turks were ousted) got together 
and passed various resolutions about Palestine. 
The second such conference was to be held in May, 
1920, but was prevented by the British and took 
place in Dec., 1920. One of its resolutions 
called on the British to set up local government 
in Palestine. All the facts I am stating can be 
found in the extensive entry under Israel in Vol. 
9 of the Encyclopaedia Judaica. Tom Segev, in 
One Palestine Complete notes that the 1920 Nebi 
Musa riot (by an Arab mob), was one of the 
catalysts of Palestinian Arab nationalism as well as one of its early results.

On a personal note, my paternal grandparents, my 
father's sister and her husband and several of 
his first cousins all made aliya from eastern 
Galicia (where conditions were terrible after 
WW1) to Palestine in 1920-21. Because of my 
discussions with them during the 1960's to 1990's 
and from their earlier letters (which I read 
later) kept by my parents, I know that the term 
Palestinian was applied to Arabs in Palestine 
by Jews living there, though they also and 
perhaps more often simply called them Arabs (aravim).

So Anne is incorrect in this example she gives to 
demonstrate how she derives Ellis' skewing of 
historical events... at the cost of truth. What 
else does she say to support her contention that 
Ellis is biased in favor of the Palestinians 
and that her bias is subtle and hard to catch?

Anne notes that Israel declared its independence 
after the U.N. vote was ratified by member 
nations, suggesting that Ellis implies something 
other than this when she says: In 1947 the 
United Nations created a plan to separate 
Palestine into two states­ - one Jewish and one 
Arab. The Palestinians and the neighboring Arab 
countries rejected the plan, but in May 1948, 
Israel declared its independence, and the 
Israelis and Palestinians went to war (p. 7-8). 
As we all know, the UN vote took place Nov. 29, 
1947 and five months later, as the last of the 
British forces were leaving, Israel proclaimed 
itself a state. I fail to understand Anne's 
objection to what Ellis wrote. It is both true and accurate, and not skewed.

Anne's third and final example of Ellis' subtle 
and hard to catch bias contains some truth. 
Ellis says that Israel went to war because the 
Arab countries surrounding Israel refused to 
accept the decision of the U.N. They attacked the 
new country on all fronts. Israel 

[Hasafran] Any new Purim videos/DVD's out there for children?

2006-03-09 Thread Levine, Janice
Sent this last week but it did not seem to go through so I am trying 
again. We are looking for some new videos/DVD's for Purim. Does 
anyone have any recommendations on any new ones that have come out 
for children preschool-Grade 8 since Purim Rock came out in 2000? 
Thanks for your feedback! Janice Levine

Janice R. Levine
Judaics Media Specialist
The Epstein School Media Center
335 Colewood Way
Atlanta, GA 30328

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: e-books in Hebrew for high school students

2006-03-09 Thread lahad5
Does anyone know of literature-based e-books in Hebrew, either books 
originally in Hebrew or books which are translated from English?  I 
am interested in those which are available online for free as well as 
for a fee.

Thank you.

Leah Moskovits
Torah Academy of Bergen County
Teaneck, New Jersey

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: AJL-NYMA's New Website

2006-03-09 Thread Aviva Astrinsky
Yasher Koyekh and Yishar Koah to AJL-NYMA and its webmaster Steve Bernstein
on creating the Chapter's user friendly website!

It even includes scans of all past newsletters, reminding us that the 
first newsletters
was typed on the first IBM PC acquired by JTS Library in 1985.

Way to go!

Aviva Astrinsky
(NYMA chapter secretary, 1985-6; chapter president 1996-8)

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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to:  galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage  http://www.JewishLibraries.org 

[ha-Safran]: Journals to give away

2006-03-09 Thread Marion Stein
We have runs of the following magazines that we do not want.  They are
free for anyone who wants them.  We will ship them; all you would need to
do is pay the postage.
Here's what we've got:
 Midstream 1967-1997 (incomplete)
 Orion Nature Magazine 1987-1994 (incomplete)
 Michigan Quarterly Review 1983-1994 (13 issues in 
all not complete)

We also have vol. 3-9 and 11-13 of the Hebrew Encylopedia Talmudit
We also have vols. 1,2,4,5,6,7 of the Soncino English Midrash Rabbah.

 Contact me:   Marion Stein if 
interested in any of these.

Marion M. Stein, Librarian
Abraham Joshua Heschel High School
20 West End Avenue
New York, NY 10023
#212 246 7717 Ex. 11639

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Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage  http://www.JewishLibraries.org 

[ha-Safran]: Invitation to a Lecture at Temple Emanu-El

2006-03-09 Thread ha-Safran

--- Message requiring your approval --
From: Liza Stabler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Invitation to a Lecture at Temple Emanu-El

Stettenheim Library at Temple Emanu-El Present  Bernard Museum of Judaica
2006 Lecture Series: The Arts and [Jewish] Identity
March 22, 2006 at 6:30pm
What IS It About Jews and Food?
A Conversation with Nach and Maron Waxman
• How did the elaborate laws of kashrut evolve from 4 simple rules?
• How to de-construct a Sabbath dinner
• Are brownies kosher for Passover — and should they be?
Come hear the distinguished husband and wife team 
of Maron and Nach Waxman engage in a lively 
discussion of these issues and other delightful digressions.
Nach Waxman is the owner of Kitchen Arts  
Letters, a New York City bookstore specializing 
in food and wine.  A resource and a meeting place 
for food professionals as well as advanced home 
cooks, the store is wide-ranging in its coverage, 
treating every subject with which food is 
connected as deserving attention.  For the past 
three years he has also done food judging at the Iowa State Fair.
Maron L. Waxman, a retired editor, also served on 
the faculty of the publishing institutes of both 
New York University and City University of New 
York. She now reviews books, largely on Jewish subjects.

Enter at Temple Emanu-El Community House
1 East 65th Street  (between Fifth and Madison Avenues)
New York, NY 10021
RSVP: (212) 744-1400 x362
Admission is Free

Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:  Hasafran @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to:   Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to:  galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage  http://www.JewishLibraries.org 

Re: [Hasafran] Any new Purim videos/DVD's out there for children?

2006-03-09 Thread Yael Resnick
Queen of Persia

Sent this last week but it did not seem to go through so I am trying
again. We are looking for some new videos/DVD's for Purim. Does
anyone have any recommendations on any new ones that have come out
for children preschool-Grade 8 since Purim Rock came out in 2000?
Thanks for your feedback! Janice Levine

Yael Resnick
publisher/editor, Natural Jewish Parenting

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to:   Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to:  galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage  http://www.JewishLibraries.org 

Re: [ha-Safran]: Re: Three Wishes

2006-03-09 Thread Linda Silver
Bernard Katz does not quote the first paragraph of my review of 
Three Wishes in which, like Anne Dublin, I pointed out the problems 
with the book. It says in part:  
The Canadian author of this book brings to it assumptions that will 
set off alarm bells. One is that the United Nations is an honest 
broker.  Another is that the West Bank is occupied.  A third is that 
refugee camps are an inevitable result of the conflict.  But how many 
children reading the book will have the knowledge to challenge these 
assumptions or to know that they represent an essentially 
pro-Palestinian argument?

I agree with much of what David Elezar says but committing 
national suicide is too strong a term for placing a book like Three 
Wishes, in which children on both sides of the conflict speak, in 
library collections. Jewish librarians are not alone in waging the 
struggle for children's hearts and minds so we have to assume (and 
hope) that parents and teachers will do their part to teach the full 
history of Israel and Zionism.  Our job is to provide the resources 
for them to do it and including Three Wishes in library collections, 
in my opinion, is part of that job.

Linda Silver

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:  Hasafran @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to:   Listproc @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to:  galron.1 @ osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage  http://www.JewishLibraries.org