Re: [ha-Safran]: Encyclopedia on Race and Racism

2008-09-08 Thread Lee Jaffe
First, can I do a bit of bibliographic verification here?
I frequently see the publisher of this text given as Gale in the 
messages on this list.  However, when I
followed the link to Amazon, the publisher is given as 
Macmillan.  The Macmillan edition on Amazon
is three volumes and has a publication date of 2007 (ISBN 978-0028660202).
But searching Google by title I found the same item on Gale's site, 
but again with the Macmillan imprint
but with 2008 publication date.  I just want to make sure that we're 
talking about the same edition and
suggest that identify the publisher as Macmillan (or at least 
Gale/Macmillan)  to be consistent with the
information others will see.

Second, I've added my review of the Zionism article to the Amazon site.

Third, has anyone found anything about John Hartwell Moore, the 
editor?  I'm on vacation so I don't have access
to my academic sources, but he doesn't show up anywhere in Google 
except in connection with this edition.
The article's author, Noel Ignatiev, however, is a nut-job with a 
long history of beyond-marginal racial issues. He runs a Web site 
called with the theme that all racial identity is 
wrong.  He was fired,
according to Wikipedia, from a position as a tutor at Harvard for 
opposing the installation of kosher toasters
in a dining hall.  He has published academic works on the issue of 
race but it looks like it's been a while
and I don't see anything in the mainstream press on Israel or Zionism.
This seems to be an increasingly popular tactic on the anti-Israel 
front.  Find a genuine PhD with no credentials
or marginal credentials in any of the related areas to write a 
pseudo-academic article superficially about Zionism.
Since they don't know anything about Zionism, they skate over the 
facts, or make them up off the top of their
heads, whatever suits their larger theme.  Terms like post-Zionism 
meaning that the concept is obsolete are
showing up more and more.  The racist tag is an older and 
once-discredited ploy that's making a comeback
in a number of creative ways.
Proving that Zionism, the foundational ideology behind the creation 
of the modern State of Israel, is flawed is
part of a strategy to attack Israel.  (Similar to those who claim 
there was no Holocaust, or that it was exaggerated,
or was a ploy to bolster the Zionist movement, if you can undermine 
the founding drive to create a Jewish state,
that there was no legitimate motivation,  it's easier to criticize 
Israel.)   It is important to ignore qualified scholars
in the field because a hack will do the kind of half-assed hatchet 
job you need, overlooking the evidence that
might undermine his position and highlighting the most skewed and 
prejudicial evidence available.
We had a conference on post-Zionism at UCSC where the panel 
included a couple of reputable scholars, such
as Judith Butler, but was mainly filled out by C-list 
academics.  None of the panelists had any scholarly publications
on Zionism to their credit.  But all the panelists had taken active 
roles opposing Israel in their personal lives.  That's
what it takes to get on a dais or published in an encyclopedia these 
days, just a willingness to trash Israel without any
qualifications or attention to scholarly standards.  The convener was 
an anthropologist who does not teach, conduct
research or write on the topic, not a political scientist or 
historian or Middle East scholar, and she refused any
suggestions  for speakers qualified to speak on the 
topic.  Ironically, Butler choose to speak on Hannah Arendt as
an example of opposition to Israel, however admitting that she hadn't 
read the _Jewish Writings_ while the editor
of that edition sat in the audience.
I read an exchange between Norman Finkelstein and one of his 
reviewers.  The reviewer had trashed _Beyond
Chutzpah_ saying F. had failed to do scholarly research.  F. 
responded in the letters column that he'd combed
through thousands of documents as part of his research.  In the same 
issue, the reviewer responded to F. saying,
Yes, but you brought forward only the evidence that supported your 
thesis and ignored the rest, and that's
not scholarship.
I spoke to  a local scholar -- a real, dyed-in-the-wool scholar -- 
about this situation, and he said the thought
American academia had come to model itself on the U.S. judicial 
system where opposing attorneys spend all
their efforts trying to suppress the evidence that would hurt their 
case.  Academics today seem to focus completely
on establishing their thesis by selectively choosing which evidence 
to include and ignoring the rest.  Had the
anthropologist who convened the UCSC post-Zionism event conducted 
her research with the same focus
on personal prejudice over scholarly integrity as she brought to 
assembling a panel of speakers, she could have
been accused of academic fraud.  There are some fields where 
cherry-picking evidence is not acceptable,
but I fear that the social 

Re: [ha-Safran]: Race Encyc. and NT

2008-09-08 Thread Mark Stover
My thanks to Andrea for reminding me of Rabbi Michael Cook from HUC 
and his NT scholarship.  Rabbi Cook is indeed a respected NT scholar 
who has views somewhat divergent from the scholars I had previously mentioned.

I plan to read Rabbi Cook's new book in the near future.


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RE: [ha-Safran]: Fwd: Gale Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2008-09-08 Thread Kathy Bloch
I refer, of course, to Jay Flynn's response from Gale that didn't carry over
to my e-mail.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kathy Bloch
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 4:08 PM
Subject: RE: [ha-Safran]: Fwd: Gale Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

Wow.  What a load of BS.

Kathy Bloch
Associate Director
Asher Library

Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies
610 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60605
Phone (312) 322-1745
Fax (312) 922-0455

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Fwd: Gale Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2008-09-08 Thread Weisman, Yaffa
I'll second that!

Dr. Yaffa Weisman
Library Director
The Frances-Henry Library
Hebrew Union College-JIR
3077 University Ave.
Los Angeles, California 90007

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Fwd: Gale Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2008-09-08 Thread Lee Jaffe
This raises good issues for AJL and maybe for the public relations 
committee specifically.  There are a lot
of naive people who think that questions about Judaism or Israel are 
simply matters of opinion and that
any objections we might raise are just different sides of the same 
coin.  We need to combat the notion that
saying that Zionism is racism, Israel is an Apartheid state or 
some scholars question whether the
Holocaust actually took place, are valid intellectual propositions 
worthy of debate.
We need to develop a series of position papers on instances like this 
and make a case that shows that
these are not matters of opinion, that real issues are at stake.  In 
this case, the author is unqualified,
that specific statements are demonstrably false, that the author 
never addresses the topic at hand,
that the nature of the comments,  the lack of serious scholarly 
content, and an obvious bias in the
selective presentation of fact, adds up to a flawed work unfit for a 
scholarly encyclopedia.  It's not
just a case that a good scholar did his research and is reporting his 
findings and that the editor did
his due diligence, but that a fringe hack with no serious 
qualifications and a history of biased
publication, was invited to contribute an article to what was 
supposed to be a serious scholarly
encyclopedia.  And he produced an unsubstantiated propaganda piece 
and the editors accepted it.
That's the sort of shoddy academic and editorial work that it takes 
to make this happen.  Let's
expose shoddy work.  That should be our task.
-- Lee Jaffe, UC Santa Cruz

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Fwd: Gale Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2008-09-08 Thread Andrea Rapp
The part below is illuminating, as if an encyclopedia should be 
written as to fully satisfy all readers,  rather than be written to 
present the information accurately. This seems to be  where we are in 
much of academia today.

 I am not sure that any encyclopedia article on the subject could be
 written as to fully satisfy all readers.

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Re: [ha-Safran]: What worries me

2008-09-08 Thread Aaron Kuperman
Partisan politics does not belong on a professional listserve.

Some of us our red, and some of us are blue (and some are kachol and
lavan, but that's besides the point).

Aaron Wolfe Kuperman
LC Social Sciences Cataloging Division, Law Team

This is NOT an official communication from the Library of Congress.

Posted from home, not on company time or with a government server.

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Re: [ha-Safran]: What worries me

2008-09-08 Thread Lee Jaffe
Maybe there is an object lesson here for us as librarians. I would 
encourage a healthy
dose of skepticism to any friend of a friend messages.  I try to 
make a point of fact-
checking these sorts of items, especially when it is something I 
agree with.  I believe in
the old saw, when it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
Many times, you quickly discover that the real person who is supposed 
to be the source
of this information doesn't exist.  You notice that the name is 
spelled wrong, that the
organization they are supposed to belong to and the venue where the 
event took place
don't exist.  It's worth double checking.  I often start with the 
rumor-checking site,
In this case I couldn't find anything mentioning this particular 
email.  Searching Google, I did
find one blog site that noticed several different versions of 
Kilkenny email in circulation,
suggesting that it may have been a planted item but in play by someone else.

On the other hand, I found an article in the NYTimes about Palin's 
record as mayor and
governor which mentions Anne Kilkenny as a source and describes some 
of the events
quoted in this 
While a bit calmer than the email message, it still paints a 
devastating picture of what kind
of person, politician and administrator Sarah Palin really is.  And 
this from the NYT, not
a friend of a friend.

-- Lee Jaffe, UC Santa Cruz

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RE: [ha-Safran]: What worries me

2008-09-08 Thread Weisman, Yaffa
but all of us are librarians...

Dr. Yaffa Weisman
Library Director
Frances-Henry Library
Los Angeles, CA
Phone: 213-765-2170
Fax: 213-749-1937

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RE: [ha-Safran]: What worries me

2008-09-08 Thread Aaron Kuperman
Many of us are civil servants, who aren't supposed to be involved in
partisan politics on company time. Unless you have a patronage job
gained through connections rather than merit, a civil servant is required
to be willing to work whether the boss is red meat Republican or a
bi-coastal Democrat, and all points in between, or even further extreme.

Many Judaica librarians work for institutions who have specific stands on
issues and won't be thrilled if a staff member takes an opposing position
(do you really believe that an Orthodox institution won't be annoyed if
someone identifying themselves as an employee, with an institution email,
comes out for gay marriage and abortion, or if an institution affiliated
with the Reform movement won't object if someone uses their email address
to attack a candidate for being supportive of infanticide and sexual

Judaica librarians are probably the less willing to support an absolutist
policy on intellectual freedom, since many of the books people want to ban
are vilely anti-Semitic. So if a newly elected mayor asks the village
librarian of a library that is 100% owned and paid for by the village
about acquisition policy, is that a political issue we should be
discussing on a Judaica listserve (I am reasonably certain the books she
objected to did not deal with Jewish conspiracies to rule the world,
holocaust denial, etc.).???

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Re: [ha-Safran]: What worries me

2008-09-08 Thread Andrea Rapp
It's not clear from this post whether Yaffa received this email 
personally from the writer and actually knows the writer (Anne 
Kilkenny) or whether it is something being passed around the internet 
without a known provenance, or something she received second or third hand.

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RE: [ha-Safran]: What worries me

2008-09-08 Thread Stuart Schnee
Why is this being posted on this list??

Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing  Sales

US Tel: 973-796-2753

Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120

Fax: +972-2-561-0943

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RE: [ha-Safran]: What worries me

2008-09-08 Thread Weisman, Yaffa
Dear Friends,
Thank you for all the feedback, private and public, for and against,
regarding my latest post.
My posting goes to the issue of politicians banning books, questioning
the judgement of professional librarians, and to librarians'
responsibility to allow uncensored access  to collections they manage-
something I believe we should all be concerned about. And since this
particular politician has a chance of being a heartbeat away from the
Presidency - I believe this is the kind of information librarians should

Dr. Yaffa Weisman
Library Director
The Frances-Henry Library
Hebrew Union College-JIR
3077 University Ave.
Los Angeles, California 90007

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[ha-Safran]: Re: Alaskan letter/Snopes

2008-09-08 Thread Andrea Rapp
Here is the page about the letter, which according to 
snopes is legit.
Andrea Rapp

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[ha-Safran]: off-topic also

2008-09-08 Thread Miller, Philip
I heartily concur with my colleague and friend Yaffa Weisman, and I 
hasten to add this to her message


-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Fri 9/5/2008 12:47 PM
To: Philip E Miller
Subject:  While Mayor, Palin Tried to Ban Books From Public Library

  While Mayor, Palin Tried to Ban Books From Public Library
  Posted by Staff, People For the American Way Foundation at 3:57 PM on
September 2, 2008.

Time Magazine today reports that Alaska Governor, and Republican
vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin, attempted to ban books from her local

library as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, and then threatened to fire the
librarian who stood up to her for not giving full support to the mayor.

  People For the American Way president Kathryn Kolbert issued the following
  People can disagree about a lot of things, but censorship is completely
beyond the pale. Our democracy was founded on the belief that government
shouldn't tell people what kinds of books to read or what kind of beliefs
to hold. No one with that kind of history should be anywhere near the White
House. Sarah Palin needs to clarify her stance on freedom of speech
immediately, and John McCain needs to explain why he chose a running mate
with so little regard for the Constitution.

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[ha-Safran]: Golda Meir

2008-09-08 Thread Paula Sandfelder
I've been asked for a list of biographies of Golda Meir.  Any 
suggestions for the most readable and accurate?  You can reply to me 


Paula Sandfelder

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FW: [ha-Safran]: What worries me

2008-09-08 Thread Adas Israel Librarian
From: Adas Israel Librarian
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 9:01 AM
Subject: RE: [ha-Safran]: What worries me


This is by now not new, but thank you for sending it in, regardless of
any non-political stance we supposedly have. Some things, whether or
not they are political, are issues for librarians, nonetheless. In
fact, if we are doing our jobs right, and are aware of the world around
us, a lot of so-called political items should be, must be, in our work
and professional worlds.

Book-banning and librarian firing are librarian and librarian
organization issues, although they are by definition political. They are
_not_ issues we can ever be neutral about.

Madeleine Cohen Oakley
Director of Library Services
Adas Israel Congregation
Washington, DC

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Fwd: Gale Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2008-09-08 Thread Adas Israel Librarian
Refunding your money is hardly the point, is it?!
What is it they don't get about racism and anti-semitism?

Madeleine Cohen Oakley
Director of Library Services
Adas Israel Congregation
Washington, DC

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[ha-Safran]: Eisenhower and the Jews Found!

2008-09-08 Thread Marga Hirsch
Thanks to Dan Wyman of Dan Wyman Books, Park Avenue Synagogue will 
soon have a well-preserved copy of Eisenhower and the Jews, complete 
with dust jacket and signed by Rabbi Nadich. Thanks, Dan, and thanks 
to everyone who wrote congratulating me on the new position.


Marga Hirsch
Park Avenue Synagogue
50 E. 87th Street
New York, NY 10128

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Who is behind Librarians for fairness

2008-09-08 Thread info
Librarians for Fairness is, indeed, sponsored by 
StandWithUs.  However, we have a substantial amount of 
autonomy...we  are the librarians (and archivists) and we know 
library-related issues best.  All of the librarians involved in it 
volunteer their time and work.  None of us receive any financial 
remuneration of any kind for our involvement.  Some of us have the 
computerized code for posting articles on our excellent (this is no 
time for modesty) website, and others simply recommend articles and 
links to be added.

The basic idea for Librarians for Fairness originated back in 1992, 
at the time the ALA Council passed two very strong condemnations of 
Israel.  In fact, no other nation in the world has been condemned so 
many times by the ALA Council, which has passed anti-Israel 
resolutions in 1984, 1992, and 2002.  The ALA's SRRT also sponsored 
one in 1998.  After the 2002 condemnation, several very 
pro-Israeli  librarians decided to stop discussing the matter,  moved 
ahead and organized.  We knew that none of us had the time and 
resources to put LfF together on our own, so we contacted a number of 
Zionist groups.  StandWithUs was the third we contacted and it liked 
the idea of Librarians for Fairnress.

We have been growing and have members in both Israel and the United 
States, including an increasing number who also belong to AJL.  We 
had a recruiting table at the 2004 AJL convention, which was held in 
Brooklyn.  I think we were more open about things then...that was 
before we started getting hate mail...some of which has practically 
made my hair stand on end.  There are some librarians who are most 
unfriendly to Israel who have been trying to find out who is involved 
in our organization.  Not all of us work in Judaica libraries and 
some of us have legitimate concerns that belonging to LfF could hurt 
our careers.  There are two Zionistic librarians I personally know of 
who have been effectively muted by anti-Israel activists in our 
profession.  One of these pro-Israeli librarians even received 
anonymous, threatening phone calls, at the time he was most active on 
behalf of the Jewish State.

We seek out members who work as professionals in libraries and 
archives. Those having at least an M.L.S. are preferred, but nobody 
has to mail us a photocopy of it.  Liking Israel is not a sufficient 
enough emotion for acceptance.  We are looking for library and 
archive professionals who LOVE Israel!

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[ha-Safran]: More on the Encyclopedia of Race Racism

2008-09-08 Thread Bernstein, Steven (Library)
Just an FYI, this encyclopedia was wrongfully named an Outstanding 
Reference Source by ALA in January of 2008.

  Steven Jay Bernstein
  Assistant Catalog Librarian
  Elihu Burritt Library
  Central Connecticut State University
  1615 Stanley Street
  New Britain, Connecticut 06050
PHONE: (860) 832-2079
  FAX: (860) 832-2053

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[ha-Safran]: free for the price of postage

2008-09-08 Thread Beverly Geller
Anyone interested in Heichal Shlomo's Shanah ba-shanah for 5737 and 5738?

Beverly Geller

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Fwd: Gale Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2008-09-08 Thread tzolelet

First of all, I applaud you and Mr. Flurry for taking this directly to Gale.

Mr. Flynn's response appears to me to be an attempt to dodge the 
issues.  I didn't believe there were questions to be asked.  I 
thought that the veracity and the opinionated tone of the article 
were in question and there was also the issue of whether or not 
Zionism belonged in such a work.

Once you start to ask questions, you run the risk of having them 
answered.  And then there is nothing more to be said.  This is a less 
than brilliant but nevertheless time-honored and effective form of 
deflection of criticism.

Mr. Flynn's claim  that:

The topic of Zionism and its attendant
relationship to racism and Race/Racism Studies could, after all, be
the subject of an entire library full of doctoral dissertations, and
I am not sure that any encyclopedia article on the subject could be
written as to fully satisfy all readers.

assumes that one is in accord that Zionism should be included in the 
encyclopedia at all.  This inclusion
was apparently an editorial decision and Mr. Flynn is supporting 
it,as one would expect. I do wonder if there
is an article or any reference to dhimmi.
The message I get from the message is that questions will be 
entertained primarily for the purpose of
  refuting them.  I believe it might be fruitful to review the entire 
encyclopedia and review it from the point of view
of legitimacy and evenhandness of content.   Does that make me a volunteer?

Perhaps this is a  negative and  distrustful  reaction.  What do you think?

Anne Jaron
Math teacher and tutor, New York City, former librarian

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