[ha-Safran]: A new book about the Jews of Poland

2011-09-16 Thread Hava Ben-Zvi
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[ha-Safran]: A new book of original Yiddish songs by David Botwinik

2010-07-09 Thread arthur kiron
   Dear Safranim - I just learned about a new publication which I 
think will interest many of you.  It's a book of original Yiddish 
songs: From Holocaust to Life (Fun khurbn tsum lebn). Vilna-born 
Montreal composer David Botwinik presents his life's work, a 
collection of 56 original musical compositions. These include solo 
and choral works -- with lyrics by various Yiddish poets -- complete 
with English translations, piano accompaniments, and chords. This 
392-page "lay-flat" hardcover book was published by the League for 
Yiddish (New York).

You may order the book from the League for Yiddish: 
i...@leagueforyiddish.org ($40 US each, plus postage) or from 
Alexander Botwinik: i...@botwinikmusic.com.

   Best wishes,

Arthur Kiron
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
T. (215) 573-7431
F. (215) 898-0559
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
T. (215) 238-1290 ext 202
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[ha-Safran]: A New Book: The Legal Foundation and Borders of

2008-11-21 Thread Sol Lee
Israel under International Law
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As Israeli politicians try to see who can divest Israel of its land 
first, a new book has just been published that clearly defends and 
explains Israel's legal right to its land, based on international law!

Attorney Howard Grief, author of "The Legal Foundation and Borders of 
Israel under International Law" is the originator of thesis that de 
jure sovereignty over the entire Land of Israel and Palestine was 
vested in the Jewish People as a result of the San Remo Resolution 
adopted at the San Remo Peace Conference in April 1920 and that it 
was from that moment that the State of Israel derives its legal 
existence. The San Remo Peace Conference divided up the territory of 
the Ottoman Empire after World War One.

This book will provide the legal evidence that people today need to 
accurately present the facts about Israel's legal rights to its land. 
One reviewer has written, "This treatise is must reading for every 
nationalistic Jew, so that he may be equipped to debate with, and 
prove our enemies and Quislings wrong when they advocate Israel's 
abandonment of integral parts of our motherland."
The author writes about identity theft of the name "Palestine" and 
offers legal solutions to population issues.

A major work, this book took the author more than seven years to 
complete and has just been published by Mazo Publishers of Jerusalem. 
This treatise on Jewish Sovereignty over the Land of Israel is fully 
documented and footnoted.

The late Dr. Ya'akov Meron, a former Adviser on the Law of Arab 
Countries at the Ministry of Justice in Jerusalem, described Grief's 
book as "a forceful and erudite pleading for the respecting of the 
letter and spirit of the law, not only Israeli law but also the 
international law that came into existence in the wake of World War 
I. This law, now largely forgotten or neglected, is still relevant 
today in regard to the status and borders of the Land of Israel. The 
author makes a thorough analysis of the international documents which 
recognized the rights of the Jewish People to the land of their 
ancestors, most significantly the San Remo Resolution on Palestine, 
agreed to by the victorious Allies at the Peace Conference of April 1920."

A preview of the book is available on the publisher's website: 

Title: The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law
Author: Howard Grief
ISBN: 978965-7344-521
Hard cover
732 pages
Published by Mazo Publishers email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Distributed by Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Ingram, Baker and Taylor

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[ha-Safran]: A new book, Chestnut Roulette, by Jan Kot.

2008-02-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mazo Publishers announces the publication of a new book, Chestnut
Roulette, by Jan Kot.

This story is the special saga of a Jewish youth from Lvov who outwits
the Nazis and the Luftwaffe during WWII. It is truly a lottery for life.

The author, who lives today in Israel, remembers and documents in
Chestnut Roulette, the extermination, the wish to revolt, and the
resourcefulness of the "Kashtans" in the midst of the Nazi inferno. The
Kashtans (Polish for Chestnut) were a group of young men who grouped
together to remain alive.

Kot tells us from a different approach, about the Gentiles. These are
the non-Jews who helped him stay alive. He presents in this true story
the fact that "not all of them were against us." Kot does not permit
prejudices or blind hatred to possess him.

Amongst all the amazing things that Kot did to survive, he even found
himself as a member of the German Air Force.

Here is how Kot describes his emotion-filled story:

In the first days when the swastika flew over my city of Lvov, I dreamt
of describing and transmitting my torments, as a fraction of the pain of
many. During the Holocaust I was infrequently, and in exceptional
moments of grace, able to write down a few words. In recent years these
jottings – together with a few documents and photographs, creased or
torn – enabled me to reconstruct those events and their accompanying
disillusionment, more difficult to heal than physical illness. Let me
point out straight away that in my writing I have not left out the
moments in which my spirit or that of my friends sought refuge in the
beauty of nature, in love or in jokes. All of these represented,
perhaps, a kind of self-healing and made it possible to preserve sanity.

If in the third millennium my long-time dream has been fulfilled, that
is to say that I have been able to overcome my frailties and
deficiencies and my ability to express myself in writing has increased,
this is a result of the encouragement of people who have heard my story
or read passages which I wrote, among them Dr. Nili Keren and Professor
Shevah Weiss.

In my writing I am fulfilling an obligation to the murdered and to the
heroes, and I feel certain that they, respected and dear to me,
somewhere in the heavens, will understand my desire to present a
balanced picture. I have also fulfilled an obligation to those who lived
with a borrowed identity, described in the language of those who work in
code "Kasztan" ("Kashtan" – Polish for chestnut) who – with ruse and
resourcefulness – fought for their lives. Many of them did not have the
good fortune to be saved; their struggle and their suffering remain
unknown. In my story, personal and true, I hope to decode, if only a
little, their "black box".

Here are abridged comments about Jan Kot and Chestnut Roulette:

Professor Shevah Weiss, Former Chairman of the Council of Yad Vashem,
and Israel's Ambassador to Poland: "Jan Kot is counted among that group
of Holocaust survivors that still, in the days of darkness and
obscurity, there was kindled in their hearts the aspiration: to remember
and to remind…"

Professor Charlotte Vardi University of Haifa, Professor of Comparative
Literature and Holocaust Author: "Chestnut Roulette describes an
odyssey, not a product of fantasy, of young men during World War II. It
is emotional and will draw the reader to wonder how they managed to
survive their adventures. Jan Kot's prose stands out for an honest

Soft Cover, 450 pages, $22.95

ISBN: 978-965-7344-39-2

Published by Mazo Publishers

Publisher Contact: Sol Lee: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Distributed by: Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble

Link to the web page for this book:


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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: A new book: Ladino-Hebrew dictionary

2008-02-20 Thread Maale Adumim Institute
To: "hasafran":

  We wish to bring to your attention the following publication:

Diksionario Amplio Djudeo-espanyol – Ebreo
"Lashon me-Aspamia"
(Ladino – Hebrew comprehensive dictionary)
Dr. Avner Perez
Gladys Pimienta
  This is the first appearance of such a large and comprehensive 
dictionary for the Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) language. It includes the 
various dialects from the eastern Mediterranean basin and Europe.
  The dictionary, which totals over 50,000 entries, is based on 
37 dictionaries and glossaries, which are included in their 
entirety.  The glossaries represent a variety of literary genres: 
religious literature, novels and short stories, romansas, coplas, 
classical poetry and plays, contemporary language, etc.
 The work was accompanied by an advisory committee, headed by 
Prof. David Bonis, the most important and prominent Ladino linguist 
in the world, who wrote a foreword to the dictionary

  The price, (not including shippment) is $50, and can be ordered 
by E-Mail through the Maale Adumim Institute ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),
or Robinson Books ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

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[ha-Safran]: A new book on Hasidism

2008-01-23 Thread Leah Orent
Dear Hasfran subscribers,

I would like to bring to your attention a newly published Hebrew book on

Hebrew title: Ratso va-shov.
English title: Ethical and Mystical Perspectives in the Teachings of R.
Shneur Zalman of Liadi, a Comparative Study.
author: Leah Orent

The book is a comparative study of Habad Hasidism. It presents Habad
Hasidism as an ethical system in the context of ethical philosophy and
also as a mystical system in the context of  comparative mysticism. It
focuses on the question of the relation between ethics and mysticism in
mystical texts in general and in Habad Hasidism in particular.

It was published  by Hakibbutz Hameuchad, Sifriyat Helal ben Hayyim.
P.O. Box 1432, Bene Berak  5114 Israel.

Thank you for your consideration

Leah Orent

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[ha-Safran]: A new book

2008-01-04 Thread Maale Adumim Institute
I wish to bring to your attention the publication of the following book:

"Perah tsahor - Masa bi-netive ha-romansah"
"Blanka Flor – Un viaje en Los Kaminos de la Romansa",
by Avner Perez

  For the first time since the appearance fifty years ago of 
Moshe Attias's "Romancero Sepharadi", an annotated new collection of 
romansas is being published, both in the original Ladino (Hebrew 
letters and Latin transcription), and in artistic Hebrew translation 
by Avner Peretz.

   This is a continuation of Attias's work, and the work of the 
two well-known American scholars Armistead and Silverman.  It 
contains 14 romances from the Salonica (Thessaloniki) tradition, 
along with a new essay: Researching the Romances with Modern Literary Theory.

  The price (not including shipment) is $25
The book can be ordered by E-Mail through the Maale Adumim Institute 

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[ha-Safran]: A new book on the Parashah

2007-05-29 Thread Leah Orent
Dear subscriber to Hasafran,

I would like to inform you about an innovative and unique book of 
commentaries on the Pentateuch: Deot al Parashat ha-Shavua. (in Hebrew)
The author Yeshayau Yarnitski, is a Prof. of mechanical engineering 
in the Haifa Technion. He introduces a contemporary modern point of 
view, which includes Jewish and non-Jewish philosophers and mystics. 
The book was praised by  Israeli academia and journalists:  Prof. 
Wolfensohn, Yair Harlap, Nethaniel Lifshits and others. It is 
important to include such a book in your Judaica collection.


Leah Orent

Judaica specialist at the Harvard College Library

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: A new book: The Jewish Community in Istanbul, 1948-1992 (English and Hebrew)

2005-05-23 Thread Yossi Galron

--- Message requiring your approval --
From: Oren Mass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: A new book: The Jewish Community in Istanbul

A new book about the Jews in Turkey:
The Jewish Community in Istanbul, 1948-1992 (English and Hebrew)
Author: Tuval,Shaul
Publisher: WZO- Zionist Library
Jerusalem, 2004, 384 pages
ISBN: 965-440-050-2
cat#: 119921
Price: US$28.00 + $16 air delivery, total: US$ 44.00
Distributor: Rubin Mass ltd.; POB 990, Jerusalem 91009, Israel; 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]  fax +972-2-6277864


About the book:

As a result of the Ataturk Revolution of 1923 and the events that took 
place in its wake, the Jewish community in Turkey was cut off from the 
Jewish communities of the Diaspora. For its part, the Jewish community in 
Turkey withdrew into its shell, as it were, adopting a policy of 
self-imposed silence, both within the community and in its relations with 
the outside world. For decades, the community maintained this low profile, 
becoming in the process a closed and thoroughly introverted society.

In this book, the author analyzes the life of a contemporary Jewish 
community living in a Muslim country, examining the symbolic dimension of 
its Jewish identity and existence as these are manifested in the 
community’s lifestyle, its leadership and its institutions. Exercising 
great sensitivity, he analyzes the life of this society from the 
demographic, pedagogical, social and economic points of view. Skillfully, 
the author traces the history of the shifting relations between the 
authorities and the Jewish community during the decades of rule of the 
Turkish republic. Step by step, he leads the reader along an unusual 
progression of events that saw the Jewish community transformed from one 
that was getting ready to “pack its suitcases,” at the outset of the 
Revolution – and that was casting grave doubts on its own chances of 
survival under the new regime – into a community in whose welfare and 
continued existence as a Jewish community the Turkish authorities have 
begun to show keen interest.


About the author:

Shaul Tuval, scholar and researcher, is a native of the New City of 
Jerusalem. He received his degree in Education at the Mizrahi Teachers 
Seminary in Jerusalem. During the five years preceding Israel’s War of 
Independence, he taught at the Talmud Torah for Sephardim in the Old City 
of Jerusalem. In December 1947 he headed the Educational Delegation that 
“went down” to the Jewish Quarter of the Old City. There he organized a 
company of 90 boys and girls, acting as its Commander during five months of 
siege and 16 days of fighting. Later, he represented the Haganah (Jewish 
defense) organization in the first stage of the cease-fire negotiations 
with Abdallah el-Tal. During the fighting with the Arab Legion, Tuval was 
taken prisoner and interned for nine months in Transjordan, where he served 
as Deputy Commander of the prisoners’ camp.

After joining Israel’s foreign service, Shaul Tuval served as Consul in 
Addis Ababa and in Istanbul and, later, as Consul General in Alexandria, Egypt.

For his study, “The Jewish Community in Istanbul, 1948-1992,” prepared 
under the auspices of the Institute for Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew 
University of Jerusalem, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 
The study was subsequently published as a book with the same name. 
Meanwhile, Tuval also published his study on “The Gadna in the Jewish 
Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, 1948/5708.” He is currently working 
on a research project entitled “Synagogues in Istanbul and Throughout 
Turkey” – and another that addresses the question: What caused the fall of 
the Old City of Jerusalem in 1948?


Cover Photo:

Ottoman Turkey welcomes a shipload of Jews who had been expelled from 
Christian Spain.

RUBIN MASS Ltd., Publishers and Booksellers
Exporters of ALL Israeli books and periodicals
POBox 990,  Jerusalem 91009, Israel
 Mr. Oren Mass (Manager)
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[ha-Safran]: a new book about the Kingdom of Israel

2005-04-11 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim,

I thought some of you might be interested in a book just published in
Israel, Kes vaKheter (Throne and Crown) by Yosef Dayan.  It is
published by the Lishkat Hagazit Academy of Government (25 King George
Street, Jerusalem  94261; www.malchut-israel.org).  Mr. Dayan is one
of the founders of the academy. So far as I am aware, it is the first
extended treatise since the founding of the Zionist movement arguing
for the restoration of the Hebrew monarchy. On the back cover are
these comments from Professor Hillel Weiss of Bar Ilan University (I
hope my translation is not too wretched):

"The book is a step-by-step ascent--through an excellent analysis,
acute and penetrating of the intensifying political and cultural
reality in the State of Israel in our times--to the Hebrew-Jewish
essence that is latent in the kingdom of the House of David.

"In the darkness the engulfs us, Dayan's books is like a lamp that
shines in the darkness."

To order or find out price and shipping costs, the thing to do is to
phone (02 622-3078), fax (02 624-5396, or email ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
israel.org) Lishkat HaGazit.

  Chodesh tov.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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Ha-Safran Archives:
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[ha-Safran]: a new book

2004-08-30 Thread Yossi Galron
--- Message requiring your approval --
From: "Negev-Koren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]:  a new book
We are the authors of In Our Hearts We Were Giants, the remarkable story
of the Lilliput Troupe, a dwarf family's survival of the Holocaust. It got
excellent reviews in Forward, Jewish Week, Jerusalem Post, Publisher's
Weekly, Kirkus Review, Booklist and others.
We'll be grateful if you could pass on the information to members of  AJL.
Yours sincerely,
Yehuda Koren and Eilat Negev
In Our Hearts We Were Giants
The Remarkable Story of the Lilliput Troupe­A Dwarf Family’s Survival of 
the Holocaust
by Yehuda Koren and Eilat Negev

The moving and inspirational story of survival by the Ovitz family, whose 
dwarf members lived a dark fairy tale

“An often-wrenching and at times almost unbelievable account of a family of 
Jewish dwarfs from Transylvania­a family who struggled in life and cheated 
death, amazingly.” –Jon Kalish, Forward

In the remarkable, never-before-told account of the Ovitz family, seven of 
whose ten members were dwarves, readers bear witness to the best and worst 
of humanity and to the terrible irony of the Ovitz’s fate: being burdened 
with dwarfism helped them endure the Holocaust.  Throughout IN OUR HEARTS 
WE WERE GIANTS (Carroll & Graf, June 2004, ISBN: ISBN:0-7867-1365-8, $25) 
authors Yehuda Koren and Eilat Negev weave the tale of a beloved performing 
troupe who were deported to Auschwitz in May 1944, descending into the hell 
of the concentration camp. Josef Mengele was notified of their arrival and 
they were assigned better quarters and provided more nutritious food than 
other inmates. The authors chronicle Mengele’s experiments upon the 
Ovitz’s, and the creepy fondness he developed for these small people, even 
the songs he composed and sang to this family of singers, dancers, and 
musicians. Finally liberated by Russian troops, the family returned to 
their deserted village in Transylvania, and eventually found their way to a 
new home in Israel.

About the authors
Yehuda Koren and Eilat Negev write for the Israeli newspaper, Yedioth 
Ahronoth. In addition to their interviews with Perla Ovitz, her nephew and 
her cousin, they tracked down significant medical documentation and 
archival lists, and unearthed original records from Auschwitz.

The Remarkable Story of the Lilliput Troupe­A Dwarf Family’s Survival of 
the Holocaust

by Yehuda Koren and Eilat Negev
ISBN:0-7867-1365-8/Trade Cloth/$25.00
Published by Carroll & Graf, distributed by Publishers Group West
To order books, contact:
Publishers Group West
1700 Fourth Street
Berkeley, CA 95710
Phone 800-788-3123 / Fax 510-528-3444

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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Ha-Safran Archives:
AJL HomePage  http://www.JewishLibraries.org 

[ha-Safran]: A new book: Loss and Redemption

2004-07-30 Thread Oren Mass
We offer you to buy our recent book:

Loss and Redemption

The Mystery of Jewish Survival



Emanuel Schlesinger

Published by Rubin Mass Ltd., Jerusalem, 2004, 88p., Soft Cover,

ISBN 965-09-0175-2, Rubin Mass Ltd. Cat. # 117971,

Price: Paperback US$10 (+ US$5 Air Mail Delivery)


Offered by:

Rubin Mass Ltd., POB 990, Jerusalem 91009, Israel

Tel: +972 2 6277863  Fax: +972 2 6277864  E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


"Loss and Redemption - The mystery of Jewish survival" is an attempt to 
answer the qquestion Jews have grappled  with for centuries: Why  does the 
world hate us?
Anti-Semitism, at its most horrific during the Holocaust years, never died 
completely, thus becoming an ongoing torment to Jews, even today, with 
terror and anti-Zionism  growing stronger worldwide.

The author, Emanuel Schlesinger, learnt about anti-Semitism the hard way, 
by personal experience. Having lost almost his entire family, he survived 
by escaping from Vienna viaa Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Belgium 
and finally to Switzerland where he died in 1968. The book is essentially a 
dialogue between the fictional David Kowalsky and Prof. Freud that explores 
the roots of anti-Semitism and tries to find a solution to it and to 
understand the secret of Jewish survival.

The book offers the first fruits of the author's life-long search for 
finding thr key that would ensure everlasting Jewish existence, free of 

We will be pleased to offer you more information on this book and receive 
and execute your book orders for you.

RUBIN MASS Ltd. - Exporters of all Israeli books and periodicals
Mr. Yitzhak Eisenberg - Public Relations Dept.
POBox 990
Jerusalem 91009, ISRAEL
tel. +972-2-6277863
fax +972-2-6277864

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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to: galron.1 @ osu.edu

Ha-Safran Archives:

AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org

[ha-Safran]: A new book about the Jews in Denmark

2004-01-15 Thread Oren Mass
A NEW BOOK (in Hebrew) by:

Emilie Cohn Roi


(in Hebrew: Hatserot Copenhagen)

Georg Cohn: in Search of War Prevention

Seven Generations in Denmark

Rubin Mass Ltd., Jerusalem, 2003, 252 p., ISBN 965-09-0169-8, price $18 (in 
Israel: NIS 72)


Georg Cohn's position at the Danish Foreign Ministry as Advisor in 
International Law to successive governments over a 43-year period 
(1913-1956), involved him continuously in the dramatic events of his era: 
at home, at the Paris Peace Conference, the League of Nations, the 
International Court of Justice, the United Nations and elsewhere. In his 
quest for war prevention he helped keep Denmark neutral in the First World 
War and developed his theory of "Neo-Neutrality".

RUBIN MASS Ltd., Publishers and Booksellers
**Exporters of ALL Israeli books and periodicals**
POBox 990,  Jerusalem 91009, Israel
  Mr. Oren Mass (Manager)
  \/   \/\
   \_/   / _ \

Tel. 972-2-6277863
Fax  972-2-6277864

HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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[ha-Safran]: A new book: The Temple Mount

2004-01-15 Thread Oren Mass

The Temple Mount: Where is the Holy of Holies?


Published by Har Yera'eh, Jerusalem; Distributed by Rubin Mass Ltd.,

Jerusalem, 2004, (XXXII, 184) p., ISBN 965-09-0170-1,

Price $40 (in Israel: NIS 180 incl. VAT); Mass' cat.# 116390

RUBIN MASS Ltd., Publishers and Booksellers
Exporters of ALL Israeli books and periodicals
POBox 990,  Jerusalem 91009, Israel
  Mr. Oren Mass (Manager)
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Tel. 972-2-6277863
Fax  972-2-6277864
NEW WEB: http://www.rubin-mass.com

HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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[ha-Safran]: A new book

2003-11-12 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim.

I thought you might be interested in knowing about the
recently-published book "A Centaur in Auschwitz:  Reflections on Primo
Levi's Thought" by Massimo Giuliani, who formerly taught at my university
and is now a professor of Jewish Studies at the Univerity of Trento in
Italy. The publisher is Lexington Books and there is a hardcover edition
for $60 (ISBN 0-7391-0663-5) and a paperback for $22.80 (ISBN 0-7391-0742-9).

  Very truly yours,

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.


HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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[ha-Safran]: A new book from the Lookstein Center

2003-09-16 Thread Esther Feldman
To Study and to Teach: The Methodology of Nechama Leibowitz

by Shmuel Peerless

This work systematically presents Nechama Leibowitz's unique approach to
Torah instruction, organizing Nechama's methodological teachings and
pedagogical techniques in a manner that makes them easily accessible to
teachers and mature students of Torah. The information provided in this work
is collected and extrapolated from Nechama's lectures, published writings,
and gilyonot on the weekly Torah portion. It is a treasure that will help to
preserve Nechama the teacher, scholar, and person as an inspiration to
future generations of Torah teachers students.

Contents Include:

Nechama Leibowitz's Methodology: An Overview
Introducing the Unit
The Role of Midrash in Torah Instruction
Using the Commentators: Asking the Right Questions
Use of Comparative Texts
Common Textual Difficulties
Biblical Literary Style
A Model Lesson - Legal Section (Vayikra 19)
A Model Lesson - Narrative Section (Bereshit 4)

List price: $21.00
(pre-paid prices include shipping)


On your order, include your name, address, number of copies you wish to
purchase and a check made out to:

Bar-Ilan University

North American orders should be mailed to:

The Lookstein Center
c/o Rena Bannet
20 North Tenth Avenue
Highland Park, NJ 08904

Other orders should be mailed to:

The Lookstein Center
Bar-Ilan University
Ramat Gan, Israel

For more information about publications, please write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ms. E. Feldman
Director, Information & Technology Services
The Lookstein Center, School of Education
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
URL: http://www.lookstein.org
Tel: 9723-5354980, Fax: 9723-5351912

HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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[ha-Safran]: A new book

2003-09-05 Thread Ceupress
What makes a Jew? This question has been raised in many forms and numerous
answers have been given. "New Jewish Identities" seeks to respond as
precisely as possible, applying up-to-date instruments of social science.
See http://www.ceupress.com/books/html/NewJewishIdentities.html

Chapters of the book:
Social Identity in British and South African Jewry
Attitudes of Orthodox and Progressive Jews in the UK
Changing Patterns of Jewish Identity Among British Jews
A Typological Approach to French Jewry
"Jewishness" in Post-Modernity: The Case of Sweden
Becoming Jewish in Russia and Ukraine
The Jewish Press and Jewish Identity: Leningrad/St. Petersburg
Patterns of Jewish Identity in the Jewish Community of Moldova
Jewish Identity and the Orthodox Church in Late Soviet Russia
Central Asian Jews in the Wake of Communism
Jewish Groups and Identity Strategies in Post-Communist Hungary
New Polish Jewish Identities and a New Framework of Analysis
Polish Jewish Institutions in Transition
Jewish Identity in the United States and Israel
Notes Towards the Definition of Jewish Culture in the New Europe
Jewish Identity in Transition: Transformation or Attenuation?

Best regards  -  Central European University Press, Marketing

P.S. A few more titles from our rich list of Judaica:

An extraordinary woman from the 16th century -

The fate of Ostjuden through the centuries -

Memories, rites and history of a community in Central Europe -

A classic story of love and the pain of emancipation -

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