Re: [ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-17 Thread Ethan Starr
I would like to commend Eliezer Wise for raising the issue of recruiting
future Judaica librarians.  While I am neither a Judaica librarian nor a
member of AJL, I do think this is an important issue.

Unfortunately, however, I understand all too well when Mr. Wise states that
"Many responses range from complete resignation to the dreary outlook to
total apathy."  Why do I say this?  Two and half years ago there were a
number of posts on ha-Safran complaining about the recent AJL dues increase
(I think from $25 to $50), and the difficulty of paying such dues on the
salary of a Judaica librarian.  In response, I posted a message to
ha-Safran in June 2001 suggesting that AJL consider increasing its
fundraising efforts to help reduce the reliance on dues to cover operating
expenses.  In my message, I asked "Does AJL have a development/fundraising
committee?  If not, why not?"  Two and a half years later, I just looked at
the AJL website, and I counted 15 committees, but no committee which
appears to devote even part of its time to raising funds from outside the
AJL membership/community.  Thus my skepticism that anything will result
from Mr. Wise's post (I hope I am wrong to be skeptical!).

I would like to make some suggestions regarding the recruitment issue.
First, I think it is late to be targeting library school students to become
Judaica librarians.  A more proactive approach would be to recruit from
among undergraduates majoring in Jewish studies, talking to students in
their junior or senior years.  I think the library profession generally
does a poor job of publicizing career possibilities to undergraduates -
perhaps this explains why relatively few of my library school classmates
were recent college graduates, full-time students, or even in their 20s.

Another possibility is to coordinate with the National Yiddish Book Center
and make the Center's summer interns more aware of Judaica librarianship as
a career option.

I would also like to suggest that one of AJL's committees be charged with
responsibilities for outreach and recruitment efforts.  The Publicity or
Scholarship Committees seem best related to these tasks.

And I will raise once again the issue of fundraising.  The Jewish community
in America as a whole is quite successful.  According to the website of the
Jewish Funders Network, "the number of Jewish foundations has more than
doubled in the past seven years to approximately $30 billion in assets."
Clearly there is no shortage of funds out there.  And there are Jewish
cultural organizations that focus on books and archives that have been
quite successful at raising funds.  Why is it that AJL -still- does not
have a committee dedicated in large part to fundraising?

Fundraising could help in several areas related to recruitment and
salaries.  Money could be raised to:

* help cover AJL operating expenses, thus reducing the need to have dues
cover such costs

* increase the funds available each year for convention travel stipends
* cover part of the costs of the annual convention
* pay for a brochure to inform students and others about Judaica
librarianship careers
* pay for a brochure for synagogue and school librarians to explain to
library users what they do, and why supporting their library financially is
* create paid internships for undergraduate Jewish studies students to
spend a summer or a semester assisting a Judaica librarian
* pay for increased distribution of the AJL newsletter among Jewish studies
* increase the funds available for scholarships for library school students

Whether my above suggestions have merit is another issue, but those are
some of the ideas that came to my mind.  As Judaica librarian salaries are
set and paid for by the institutions which employ the librarians, other
than suggesting the possibility of "named" librarian positions, I don't
have any other ideas on the salary issue at the moment.

Considering that much of this post has to do with suggestions about
fundraising, some people may wonder if I will put my money where my mouth
is and make a contribution to AJL.  At this point, my answer is "not yet."
I could make a contribution if I chose to, but quite frankly, if the AJL
leadership/membership isn't going to make an effort to help themselves by
fundraising outside the AJL community, why should I contribute?  Or, as Mr.
Wise quoted from Hillel in opening his message, "if I am not for myself,
who will be for me."

Should AJL form a committee or make an effort to raise money from outside
the AJL community, as an individual who used to do fundraising research for
a non-Jewish non-profit, I would be willing to contribute some of my time
to suggest and research foundation and/or individual donor prospects.  And
I would then also consider making a small financial contribution.

Before I close, I'd like to apologize to anyone who found the tone of my
note too blunt or overly critical.  But I think it is overdue for AJL to
make an effort to

Re: [ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-12 Thread Kimberley A. Shaw
Amen, well said!
You have stated exactly the biggest reason why I am working for a college
library and not at some Jewish collection (including a very interesting
historical institute at which I was once interviewed for a cataloging
Kimberley Shaw
Wellesley College Library


 I would love to work in Judaica Librarianship when I finish my library
 Master's program.  I currently work as a middle school librarian.  The
 hope is that when I complete my degree, I will be able to find a
 position in a Jewish library that will have a pay scale that allows me
 to support my family.  Currently, I volunteer as my Temple librarian.
 Between work, school and two kids, there is not as much time as I 
 like to devote to my Temple library.  To bring qualified, intelligent
 people into Jewish libraries, the salary offered will need to reflect
 what can be earned in other libraries.  School librarians are paid 
 the same as teachers, and we all know how underpaid teachers are.
 Jewish libraries need to at least come close to creating livable
 salaries for their librarians.  I hope and pray that I will be able to
 find such a position.

 Patti Stein

HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-12 Thread Steven Bernstein
Was that an online or an onground course... I would have loved to have 
taken it.


-Original Message-
From:  Pastcan Ben
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 12:38 PM
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

One possible solution to the problem in recruiting Judaica Librarians is to
offer classes in MLIS programs on Judaica Librarianship. This semester I
have had the blessing and fortune of taking a Judaica Libraries class with
Mr. Stuhlman, a professor at San Jose State University.  He is wonderful
and very knowledgeable about the subject of Judaica Librarianship.  I think
to recruit MLIS students into the field of Judaica Librarianship, there
should be more classes in this field offered.

Shabbat Shalom,

HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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send to: galron.1 at AJL HomePage

RE: [ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-12 Thread Stein, Patti
I would love to work in Judaica Librarianship when I finish my library
Master's program.  I currently work as a middle school librarian.  The
hope is that when I complete my degree, I will be able to find a
position in a Jewish library that will have a pay scale that allows me
to support my family.  Currently, I volunteer as my Temple librarian.
Between work, school and two kids, there is not as much time as I would
like to devote to my Temple library.  To bring qualified, intelligent
people into Jewish libraries, the salary offered will need to reflect
what can be earned in other libraries.  School librarians are paid about
the same as teachers, and we all know how underpaid teachers are.
Jewish libraries need to at least come close to creating livable
salaries for their librarians.  I hope and pray that I will be able to
find such a position.

Patti Stein

HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

Submissions for HaSafran, send to: Hasafran at
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AJL HomePage

RE: [ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-11 Thread sdubin
A number of years ago AJL had a committee to produce just such a brochure.
Does anyone remember what happened to it? Outreach is a definite item on my
agenda. We are trying to make a dent, but maybe it is time to make a concerted
effort to reach library students.
Susan Dubin
Off-the-Shelf Library Services

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-11 Thread Zyroff, Ellen
Might reference to salary averages listed through ALA or SLA be of help?

Would SJL want to do a program at ALA on the joys of Judaica librarianship?

Also, there is a New Member Round Table of ALA and a nmrt listserv, as well 
as one for library school students. You never know who among these people 
might be a candidate for Judaic librarianship, but not seriously considered 
it before.

Ellen Zyroff

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-11 Thread Tina Weiss
As a recent MLS graduate (Sept '03 - QC), I believe this may be in fact a 
great step towards outreach to potential Judaica librarians.  Nowadays, 
students are looking for internships as a means to "bridge the gap" and to 
gain hands-on experience in the field, which is certainly beneficial to the 
students and libraries.  Students can get a feel for different libraries 
and departments within.  The truth is, ALA has student chapters, SAA does 
too-- I would have been interested in a student AJL chapter if it were 
available.  Perhaps links between non-student chapters and established ones 
as a mentor-mentee project would be beneficial.  As a graduate of an MLS 
program with a significant Jewish population this may have been 
interesting.  Additionally, wearing another hat, as the former president of 
the Queens College Graduate School of Library Science Club, I had the 
opportunity to schedule library tours and site visits for a limited number 
of students (i.e. about 20) per trip and a bus to go to ALA Midwinter.  It 
may be wise to get email addresses of Library Schools nationwide and have 
them send out emails regarding AJL and especially the upcoming conference-- 
just about every library school has a listserv.  Library schools often like 
outside lecturers to come in to speak about the "library world," this may 
be a suitable forum to discuss AJL, your individual library, and the field 
of Judaica librarianship.


Tina Weiss


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-11 Thread Fredisaac
I support Eli's comments in many ways.  It sometimes feels that 
librarianship has been sinking in status since I was in school (1970-71), 
and that it probably has never had much status.  The ubiquity of web'based 
services and online searching from home has certainly not enhanced our 
community's identity.

I would not be quite as harsh on the AJL as he is, though.  We have 
recruited students in various schools (even as the number of LS's has 
shrunk) over the past years, and have encouraged attendance at the 
Conventions through our subsidies and the scholarships.  It isn't much, but 
it isn't nothing, either.

It is also instructive that the ATLA is also trying to recruit.  From my 
own travels, discussions with minister-friends, and peeks into church 
libraries, they are frequently more dismal than ours. I see it as a comment 
on the importance we (as Jews and as librarians) place on the need for 
access at the local level. The fact that our members are not paid (there is 
another posting today about that issue)  is regrettable, but true.

In the end, I am not entirely happy with our situation, Eli.  There is 
indeed more we can do. There are ways to act that we need to move toward 
increasing our numbers, our significance, and our involvement.  But I would 
not say we are either without resources, either.

Fred Isaac
Oakland, CA

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-11 Thread Wexler, Linda
I am a new (and volunteer) librarian for a Reform temple in West Central
Florida.  Before I joined AJL and ha-Safran, I was under the impression that
synagogue librarians are largely volunteers. Are there any statistics for me
to see regarding how many are paid and how many are not?  And if there are
no statistics, are you willing to give us a show of hands one way or the

Linda Wexler
Ariel Goldman Memorial Library
Temple Ahavat Shalom
Palm Harbor, FL

HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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