Re: aide SVP

2002-08-30 Thread Jan Brosius

I guess he is asking how to define a modifiable list in Haskell.

I leave the answer to the experts.

AFAIK updating in place can only be done with the (ST s) monad.

- Original Message -
From: fouad ktiri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 2:03 PM
Subject: aide SVP


Comment faire pour stocker des données dans une liste comme
en programmation normale (x=x+1)

Merci beaucoup
Boîte aux lettres - Caramail -

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Fw: Fatima 10

2000-08-19 Thread Jan Brosius

- Original Message - 
From: Marita Wojdak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 1 juni 2000 16:58
Subject: Fw: Fatima 10

 God love you,
 Helpers of Our Lady Queen of Peace
 - Original Message -
 From: DougMarianne Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 1:03 AM
 Subject: Fatima 10
  Jacinta's Visions Of The Holy Father
  One day we spent our siesta down by my parents' well. Jacinta sat on the
  slabs on top of the well. Francisco and I climbed up a steep bank in
 search of
  wild honey among the brambles in a nearby thicket. After a little while,
  called out to me: "Didn't you see the Holy Father?"  "No".  "I don't know
 how it
  was, but I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table,
  his head buried in his hands, and he was weeping. Outside the house, there
  were many people. Some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing
  and using bad language. Poor Holy Father, we must pray very much for him."
  I have already told you, how one day two priests recommended us to pray
  the Holy Father, and explained to us who the Pope was. Afterwards Jacinta
  asked me: "Is he the one I saw weeping, the one Our Lady told us about
  in the secret?"   "Yes, he is", I answered.  "The Lady must have shown him
  to those priests. You see, I was not mistaken. We need to pray a lot for
  At another time, we went to the cave called Lapa Cabeco. As soon as we got
  we prostrated on the ground, saying the prayers the Angel had taught us.
  sometime, Jacinta stood up and called to me: "Can't you see all those
  and roads and fields full of people, who are crying with hunger and have
  to eat? And the Holy Father in a church praying before the Immaculate
  of Mary? And so many people praying with him?"
  Some days later, she asked me: "Can I say that I saw the Holy Father and
  those people?"  "No! Don't you see that that's part of the secret? If you
  they'll find out straight away."  "All right! Then I'll say nothing at
  Visions of War
  One day, I went to Jacinta's house to spend a little while with her. I
 found her
  sitting on her bed, deep in thought. "Jacinta, what are you thinking
  "About the war that is coming. So many people are going to die, and almost
  all of them are going to hell!  Many homes will be destroyed and many
  will be killed. Look I am going to Heaven, and as for you, when you see
  light which the Lady told us would come one night before the war, you run
  up there too."
  "Don't you see that nobody can just run up to Heaven!"  "That's true, you
  But don't be afraid!  In Heaven I will be praying hard for you, for the
  Holy Father, for Portugal, so that the war will not come here, and for all
  Your Excellency is not aware that a few years ago, God manifested that
  which astronomers chose to call an aurora borealis. I don't know for
  but I think if they investigated the matter, they would discover that, in
  form in which it appeared, it could not possibly had been an aurora
  Be that as it may, God made use of this to make me understand that His
  was about to strike the guilty nations. For this reason, I began to plead
  for the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays, and the
  of Russia. My intention was to obtain mercy and pardon, not only for the
  world but for Europe in particular.
  When God, in His infinite mercy, made me feel that the terrible moment was
  drawing near, Your Excellency may recall how, whenever occasion offered,
  I took the opportunity of pointing out, I still say that the prayer and
  which have been done in Portugal, have not yet appeased the Divine
  for they have not been accompanied by either contrition or amendment. I
  that Jacinta is interceding for us in Heaven.
  As I said in the notes I sent about the book called Jacinta, she was most
  impressed by some of the things revealed to us in the secret. Such was the
  with the vision of hell and the ruin of so 

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Jan Brosius

|From: Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|To: Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 12:07 PM
|Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 Jan Brosius wrote:

   "x" in the domain of your model, and that that element, at least,
  x is a variable ; no domain ; no model

 You must have some assumed convention that makes x a variable.

That's true . To be complete in Bourbaki's formal logic  they don't speak in
the beginning about
a variable but they define a substitution mechanism for ONLY small latin
letters ,denoted

 ( T | u) S

which means replace in S , being just consecutive string of symbols, every
occurence of the letter u
by  T  , which itself is also a consecutive string of symbols , I think this
corresponds to

  (T | u) S   == (lambda u . S) T

(as far as I know lambda- calculus)

Of course they begin with a set of allowable symbols.

Later when they talk about a mathematical theory they introduce the
"metha-mathematical " notion of variable
in the following sense  a letter  t  is a variable of the theory if this
letter does not occur explicitly
in one of the axioms of the theory.

Another way to introduce a variable would be to use a special letter say x
and to say, that a variable

is  an x subscripted by an integer number , this would mean that only  x0 ,
x1 , x2 , ... ,x10 , etc. ..
are variables.

But this is not the place to explain in full detail Bourbaki's approach of
formal logic . I thought there is a common
consensus in logic about a variable.

Allow me to come back to to some meaning of variable expressed by someone
else in a previous email.

A person said  something like this  "  alpha(x) means that alpha(x) is true
for some x " (where alpha(x) denotes
a formula containing a variable x .)

Now if one looks carefully this above sentence means formally

[exists x. alpha(x) is true]  which is a FALSE assertion. To be honest he
didn't wrote the above english phrase
not like this , but he represented it by the implication

  alpha(x) = [exists x . alpha(x)] which is a totally other thing . This
implication should more be read as

" if alpha(x) is true for some x then there exists an x such that alpha(x)
is true" Now as everybody can see
the above phrase looks a bit strange . It would have been better to replace
it by

(T | x) alpha(x) = [exists x . alpha(x)]   where  T is a TERM not
containing the letter x

which can be read " if alpha(x) is true for some x = T then  there exists an
x such that alpha(x) is true " which
is perhaps an english phrase that makes more sense (I don't know) . Bourbaki
uses this implication ( (T | x) alpha(x) = [exists x . alpha(x)]   where  T
is a TERM not containing the letter x ) as an axiom scheme for his theory
quantifiers . Bourbaki makes a distinction about axioms and speaks about
explicit axioms and axiom schemes.

But the above remarks would have lead the discussion off the road and also
not everybody knows about

When I referred to variables and to the forall quantifier  I implicitly
thought that there was a common consensus
about the use of variables and the forall quantifier.  Now it doesn't bite
me if someone regards variables as ranging
over a domain . But I had to reply since one was insinuating that I don't
understand the difference
between free and bound variables , that is saying as much as : you don't
understand logic.

As Mark Jones has allready said  this thread should end or come to a
conclusion. Unfortunately he said more than that . He said that the
discussion was all about the difference  a - a  and forall a. a - a . And
that's not
true . One only has to read the first  2 or 4 emails about this thread of

On the other hand someone's remark  and about the meaning Haskell gives to
these two types and I wonder since today if one means  by  a - a   a type
indication to be understood as a function having this type signature
means that the function is only defined for some a 's   and by forall a.
a - a a type indication to be understood
as a function that is really defined for ALL type's a .
The above is just a question . If my interpretation is right then one can
change  a - a by  [exists a. a - a]
But again my first email didn't talk about that , as every reader willing to
look in the archives would acknowledge.

Jan Brosius

PS : by saying weird I didn't mean illigitimate I meant more something like
"it surprises me" where I am talking
as a mathematician trying to use Haskell , not knowing the type system that
is used nor the theory behind it , only
being surprised that in some cases forall cannot be understood anymore as
forall in formal logic.
E.g. it is a true fact that Bourbaki doesn't use forall before a type , and
I thought it is common consensus in
formal logic used in math th

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Jan Brosius

I also think it is hopeless , but I still want to try again

*- Original Message - 
*From: Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*To: Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 12:59 PM
*Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

*Jan Brosius writes:
* I must put this in the good way;
* [forall x . alpha(x)] = alpha(x) is True
*   Yes, by instantiation.
*  I disagree.

*You disagree with my agreeing with you?

About what do you agree with me?

* If alpha(x) is TRUE then the following is true : alpha(x) = [forall x.
* alpha(x)]
*   No, alpha(x) only asserts that some element named x satisfies alpha. It
*  does
*   not follow that therefore every other element also satisfies alpha.
*  No the variable x means that it can be substituted by any term. That is the
*  real meaning of a variable
*  (at least in classical logic).

*Only when the variable is bound by a forall. It is exactly the same situation
*as with lambda-calculus and lambda. The term "x" denotes a fixed element of
*its type. When I bind it, as in "\x - x", I'm saying that that x may range
*over any element in the type. Once I've said that, yes, I can substitute any
*element for x in the body.

 * (\x - P(x)) t = P(x) [t/x]

*  Consider e.g. Carl Witty's formula  : prime(x) == x is a prime number.
*  Then  prime(2) == (2|x) prime(x) is true , and prime (4) is false
*  Take something else alpha(x) == prime(x) AND ¬ prime(x)   ( ¬  signifies
*  not)
* then alpha(x) is a false formula  and you have  ¬ [exists x. alpha(x)]
*  On the contrary   beta(x) == ¬ alpha(x) is true for any x

*Yes, because x is bound in the body of beta.

I have seen what you mean by bound.
Clearly you are talking about something else than quantified logic

* beta := \x - not(alpha(x))

You are talking about lambda calculus where I am talking about quantified logic

*BTW, I don't understand your "(2|x)" notation. Is this a substitution?


* So if alpha(x) is TRUE then [forall x. alpha(x) ]= alpha(x)
*   This does not follow. It is truth-equivalent to:
*  Sorry, I disagree

*Well, you certainly have the right to disagree. But you are disagreeing with
*every logician since Gentzen.

I disagree with you Frank , the rest is your imagination. 

* [forall x. alpha(x)] = True
*  ( In the above you should at the very least not forget to mention that
*  [forall x. alpha(x)] must be true )

*Isn't that what I wrote?

Of course not , what you wrote down is FALSE stated like that. Don't you see that?

*   I repeat: you do not understand the difference between bound and free
*  variables.
*  I disagree  a free variable is not a constant.

*  A free variable behaves like a constant.
*  No a constant is always the same constant, it is never substituted by
*  something else, it is "immutable".
*  A variable is a placeholder for a Term ( a constant is a special term)

*I see where you are heading. In the reduction laws, you substitute for free
*variables. This is true, but you can only substitute for a free variable if it
*was bound in an outer scope, and you are stripping off the binding, as in the
*beta-equality for lambda-calculus, which I will repeat:

I am not talking about reduction laws

* (\x - P(x)) t = P(x) [t/x]

*You cannot simply substitute any value you please for an arbitrary free
*variable and expect the new term to be equal to the old one. For example in
*Haskell, fst :: (a,b) - a is a free variable in every term (where it's not
*shadowed). Now if I have the term

*  fst p

*and I substitute snd for fst:

*  (fst p) [snd/fst] = snd p


*  fst p /= snd p

*which demonstrates that substitution on free variables is not sound in

No you still don't understand me 

* This is the reason for abstraction: it asserts that a free variable
*in the scope of the abstraction can range over the whole domain, so any
*substitution will preserve equality. It is exactly the same with forall.

*  It is not "implicitly"
*   quantified in any way, because it denotes a specific element. The only
*   difference between a constant and a free variable is syntactic: a free
 *  variable can be bound in an outer scope,
*  No the real role of a variable   say  x in a formula alpha(x) or a term T(x)
*  is a PLACEHOLDER ready to be substituted by a Term (e.g. constant or a
*  parameterized term)
*  And that's the reason why I should find it weird if  In Haskell 98+ one
*  would distinguish  between
*  a - a   and [forall a. a - a]
*  while a constant cannot.
*  The sentence "alpha(x)" asserts that there is a _distinguished_
*  element
*  named
* NO , saying that there is a distinguished element T that satisfies
*  alpha
* implies
* that exists x. alpha(x) is true
*   Yes, it also impli

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-19 Thread Jan Brosius

From: Peter Douglass [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Jan Brosius' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 6:03 PM
Subject: RE: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

| Jan Brosius wrote:
|  look at this example:  
|   alpha(x) ==  x is_an Integer = x^2  -1 
|  this is an example of a formula that is true  

Sorry, this is not my logic. Since this formula is "true" it is allowed to be 

forall x . alpha(x) == forall x. (x is_an Integer = x^2  -1)

and this may be rewritten in a more known form

forall x. alpha(x) == [forall x is_an Integer. (x^2  -1)]

or still another way

forall x. alpha(x) == [forall x `element_of` N) .( x^2  -1)]  (where N denotes the 
set of integers)

which can be read as " forall x element of the set of integers N , x^2  -1 "

The forall in the above expression is an example of a bounded forall. It is also an 
example of a so called
closed formula (because having no free variables anymore ) or also called a sentence.

An other example , let R be the set of real numbers and we want to express that the 
square of a real number is 
always = 0 then on can write

beta == [forall x `element_of R . ( x^2 = 0)]

then by definition of a bounded forall :

beta == [forall x . (x `element_of R = x^2 = 0 )]

and define next : alpha (x) ==( x `element_of R  = X^2 =0 )

Next remember that everybody agreed that the following is a TRUE implication:

(*)  forall x . alpha(x)  =  alpha(x)

Finally remember that the Modus Ponens rule gives us a way to derive new theorems from 
implications :

P = Q   true
Q  true

Then I get 

[forall x . alpha(x)] = alpha(x)  (true)

forall x . alpha(x)  (true)
alpha(x)   (true)

So we get the  true formula


where x is free.

I only wanted to state that this is not my logic and that IF one accepts the validity 
of the Modus Ponens rule and the fact  agreed by everybody that the implication  
[forall x . alpha(x)] = alpha(x) is true,
then one HAS to accept that the following formula


is true.

Finally, since I have been attacked by someone to have misread Bourbaki's book , well 
you have something:

Book entitled  : " N. Bourbaki 

Elements de Mathematique

editor : Hermann, Paris 1970

page: E I.39

Theoreme 1. -   x = x

" Designons par S la relation x = x de T0. ..

For those who don't know French  :  In Bourbaki one  proves theorem  1  :   x = x

this shows that alpha(x) ==  x = x   is a true formula in a quantified theory with an 
equal sign

A message to the one who liked to ridiculize me so much :  If you don't agree with all 
this , please send your 
comments directly to Bourbaki (a famous french society of mathematicians ) , say to 
these mathematicians 
they are a laughing stock for all logicians from the time of Tarski , Gentzen  and ... 
your name . Please 
don't forget to put a stamp on the envelope ( joke about Dutch).

I hope that this will settle once and for all that this is not my logic , but I 
appreciate it much that you (the person in Dutch - land) want to give me full credit 
of their work. 

|  *If you want to come up with your own logic, where alpha(x) 
|  is equivalent to
|  *forall x. alpha(x), then that's fine.
|  No, if alpha(x) is a true formula then forall x. alpha(x) is 
|  again a  true assertion 
| I think part of the confusion here has to do with the notation alpha(x).
| The traditional mathematical notation f(x) is ambiguous.  It may either
| refer to an abstraction or an application.  In this regard, lambda notation
| is much superior.   What does the alpha(x) here mean?  
| If we assume it is a function like:  
|   alpha = \ x . (x is_an Integer = x^2  -1 )
| then it is meaningful to debate whether or not the inner 'x's refer to the
| same x as the lambda bound x or whether "x is_an integer" creates a new
| binding.
|   On the other hand, if we assume that alpha(x) is an application of alpha
| to x then the debate seems to be whether x refers to some value, or whether
| it is simply a place-holder.

|   Perhaps Jan can clarify what is meant here.
| --Peter Douglass

Still friendly greetings

Jan Brosius

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-18 Thread Jan Brosius

Thanks for your comments.
They are to the point.

But the first email arose from the fact that someone else claimed that
the forall quantifier was used in the same way as in (say "classical")

I still claim  that everything could be put in a classical logic framework,
which is then another framework than the  one proposed in Haskell

Very friendly
Jan Brosius

- Original Message -
From: Lars Lundgren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 On Tue, 16 May 2000, Jan Brosius wrote:

  - Original Message -
  From: Lars Lundgren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 1:54 PM
  Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell
   On Tue, 16 May 2000, Jan Brosius wrote:
Ok I understand this isomorphism better. However this remark seems
to be
no value to functional programmers.
Why trying to mix terms( otr types) with relations ?
   What is a 'type' in your oppinion?
  I look at it as a set (either a variable set or a specific set). E.g. I
  at Bool as a specific set which itself contains
  values  True , False that are not sets. Next I interpret   something
like f
  :: a - Int  as a family (indexed by a) of functions of   " set"  a into

 So in other words, f will map any value - given that it is an element of
 the right set (i.e given that it satisfies the precondition) to a value
 that is an element of Int - sounds like a postcondition to me.

  I didn't come into problems by this interpretation after having read the
  Haskell's User Guide. Which is my
  only general source about Haskell. It is up to someone else to say if
  an interpretation shall lead into misinterpretation.
  I think Haskell will not be attractive to mathematicians if types MUST
  read as formula's .

 But of course, that is not the case, but it might help if you want to
 understand the rationale behind the choice of name for the type quantifier

  If that is the case
  I can only say that I find the term "functional programming"  a bit
   Isn't a type a statement about pre- and post-conditions, i.e. a
  I can't answer this since I have never read the definition of a type in
  typed lambda calculus.

 I wasn't after a definition, I just tried to explain that it is quite
 natural to view types as formulas, and that it is not in conflict with
 other views. (and it is not restricted to type systems for fp languages)

  I have a book about logic that deals about plain lambda calculus and
  deals about "restricted" typed lambda calculus (where a type is not
  considered as a formula). I never read the definition of Hindley-Milner

 If you read the typing rules, remember to have a reference of the natural
 deduction rules with you...

  And the only introduction about types were the general user's guides
  from Clean , SML , Ocaml and of Haskell.

 If you are interested in systems that exploit the isomorphism further you
 can take a look at :

 cayenne, agda, alfa from:

 /Lars L

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-18 Thread Jan Brosius

From: Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 1:35 PM
Subject: Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 Jan Brosius writes:
Why do some computer scientists have such problems with the good
and exist.  Remember that good old logic came first.
On it was build SET theory.
On it was built topological space
To prove some theorem in lambda calculus one used a topological
You see : good old logic came FIRST  afterwards came theorems of
lambda calculus .
This is not the sophistic question : what came first : the egg or the
NO good old logic came first .

 Your argument is absurd and irrelevant.

  SORRY,  this is quite TRUE , in fact  [forall x. alpha(x)]  = alpha(x)

Here, I have to say that the above equivalence is false . SHAME on me.

I must put this in the good way;

[forall x . alpha(x)] = alpha(x)   is   True

If alpha(x) is TRUE then the following is true : alpha(x) = [forall x.

So if alpha(x) is TRUE then  [forall x. alpha(x) ]= alpha(x)

Sorry for the error
  the above true equivalence seems to be easily considered as wrong . Why?
  Because alpha(x)  is TRUE can be read as  alpha(x) is TRUE for ANY x.

 I think this is one of the roots of your misconceptions.

These two
 propositions are certainly not equivalent. Maybe it is because you have
 told that, in Haskell, syntax we typically elide the "forall" quantifier.

 The sentence "alpha(x)" asserts that there is a _distinguished_ element

NO , saying that there is a distinguished element T that satisfies alpha

that   exists x. alpha(x) is true

So the following implication is true

(T | x) alpha(x) = exists x. alpha(x)

that is , if alpha(T) is true then  [exists x. alpha(x)] is true

more precisely , let c be a constant , and if alpha(c) is true then

you can say that  exists x. alpha(x) is true.

 "x" in the domain of your model, and that that element, at least,

x is a variable ; no domain ; no model

 "alpha". The sentence "forall x. alpha(x)", OTOH, asserts that _any_
 in your domain satisifies "alpha". So if your domain is a set D, then a
 of "alpha(x)" needs a subset C of D to interpret "alpha", along with a
 X of C to interpret "x", and the sentence is true iff X is in C. OTOH, a
 of "forall x. alpha(x)" needs only the subset C, and is true iff C=D,
since it
 asserts that for any element Y of D, Y is in C.

 In Haskell the situation is complicated by the fact that there are no
 "set-theoretic" models (are you even aware that Haskell's type system is
 unsound?), and the fact that the domain is multi-sorted. But those facts
 not bear on the distinction between the two terms on either side of the
 equivalence above.

Very friendly
Jan Brosius

 Frank Atanassow, Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University
 Padualaan 14, PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands
 Tel +31 (030) 253-1012, Fax +31 (030) 251-3791

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-18 Thread Jan Brosius

Sorry, if in some way I have upset you
Jan Brosius

From: Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 1:50 PM
Subject: Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 Frank Atanassow writes:
   Jan Brosius writes:
  Why do some computer scientists have such problems with the good
  and exist.  Remember that good old logic came first.
  On it was build SET theory.
  On it was built topological space
  To prove some theorem in lambda calculus one used a topological
  You see : good old logic came FIRST  afterwards came theorems of
  lambda calculus .
  This is not the sophistic question : what came first : the egg or
  NO good old logic came first .
   Your argument is absurd and irrelevant.

 I take it back. There is no argument here, only the childish insinuation
 "my daddy can beat up your daddy".

 So there. blt!

 Frank Atanassow, Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University
 Padualaan 14, PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands
 Tel +31 (030) 253-1012, Fax +31 (030) 251-3791

Fw: Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-18 Thread Jan Brosius

- Original Message -
From: Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 Thanks Carl for letting me see an ugly error that I made . SHAME on me.

  the equivalence  [forall x. alpha(x)] =  alpha(x)  is ONLY TRUE if
 alpha(x) is a TRUE formula.

 [forall x. alpha(x)] = alpha(x)  is TRUE

 Let's see what happens when alpha(x) is FALSE for not all x and if one
 accept that:alpha(x) = [forall x. alpha(x)] is TRUE.

 Since alpha(x) is FALSE there might still be a constant c such that
 is TRUE

 Then (Modus Ponens)

 alpha(c) = [forall x. alpha(x)]



 forall x . alpha(x)  is TRUE

 which is of course false

 this shows that the implication  alpha(x) = [forall x. alpha(x)]  is in
 general false (it is only true if alpha(x) is a true formula.

 Very friendly
 Jan Brosius

 .From: Carl R. Witty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 4:24 AM
 Subject: Re: Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

  "Jan Brosius" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
SORRY,  this is quite TRUE , in fact  [forall x. alpha(x)]  =
the above true equivalence seems to be easily considered as wrong .
Because alpha(x)  is TRUE can be read as  alpha(x) is TRUE for ANY
(Is there something wrong with the education of a computer
  Jan, could you tell us whether you think the following statements are
  true or false?
  Let prime(x) mean "x is a prime number".
  1. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(x)
  2. forall x.([forall x. prime(x)] = prime(x))
  3. forall y.([forall x. prime(x)] = prime(y))
  4. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(y)
  5. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(2)
  6. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(2)
  7. prime(2) = [forall x. prime(x)]
  8. prime(2)
  9. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(4)
  10. [forall x. prime(x)] = prime(4)
  11. prime(4) = [forall x. prime(x)]
  12. prime(4)
  13. forall x. prime(x)
  14. prime(x)
  15. Statement 1 above means the same thing as statement 2 above.
  16. Statement 2 above means the same thing as statement 3 above.
  17. Statement 3 above means the same thing as statement 4 above.
  18. Statement 5 above is a substitution instance of statement 3;
  thus, if statement 3 were true, statement 5 would be true.
  19. Statement 13 above means the same thing as statement 14 above.
  If we follow the convention that free variables are to be considered
  implicitly universally quantified, my vote is that statements 6, 8, 9,
  10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 are true; the rest are false.
  Carl Witty

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-18 Thread Jan Brosius

From: Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 Jan Brosius writes:
   I must put this in the good way;
   [forall x . alpha(x)] = alpha(x) is True

 Yes, by instantiation.

I disagree.

   If alpha(x) is TRUE then the following is true : alpha(x) = [forall x.

 No, alpha(x) only asserts that some element named x satisfies alpha. It
 not follow that therefore every other element also satisfies alpha.

No the variable x means that it can be substituted by any term. That is the
real meaning of a variable
(at least in classical logic).

Consider e.g. Carl Witty's formula  : prime(x) == x is a prime number.
Then  prime(2) == (2|x) prime(x) is true , and prime (4) is false

Take something else alpha(x) == prime(x) AND ¬ prime(x)   ( ¬  signifies

then alpha(x) is a false formula  and you have  ¬ [exists x. alpha(x)]

On the contrary   beta(x) == ¬ alpha(x) is true for any x

   So if alpha(x) is TRUE then [forall x. alpha(x) ]= alpha(x)

 This does not follow. It is truth-equivalent to:

Sorry, I disagree

   [forall x. alpha(x)] = True

( In the above you should at the very least not forget to mention that
[forall x. alpha(x)] must be true )

In principle   True is a sloppy expression for saying that [forall x .
alpha(x)] is a theorem of some mathematical theory. I have used True because
discussing mathematical theories would have lead the discussion
out of the scope of the discussion.

For instance let "T="  denote a mathematical theory with equality

then one has   "T="  -|  x = x

that is  the formula  x = x  is a theorem in "T=" . More sloppy the formula
x=xis  TRUE in   "T="

 which is equivalent to:

   forall x. alpha(x)

 which is only true when every element satisifies alpha; so it is not a

 I repeat: you do not understand the difference between bound and free

I disagree  a free variable is not a constant.

A bound variable is a variable tied to a quantifier. In principle a bound
variable is not visibly.
This is best illustrated by  Bourbaki's approach where they first define :

exists x . alpha(x) == (`t x (alpha)| x) alpha

where if e.g.  alpha(x) == x = x then

`t x (alpha) == `t ( `sq = `sq )  where `sq denotes a small square  and
where here both `sq are tied to `t by a line
 In this way I can really say that in   [existx x. x = x] the variable x has

Finally Bourbaki defines   forall x . alpha(x) == ¬ [exists x . ¬ alpha(x)]

I repeat : there are no domains in propositional calculus , but I am aware
that in some text books about
propositional calculus one speaks about it , I regard this as cheating :
introducing a concept that one is   going to define later. I remember my
prof, in logic in 1 cand. math - physics where his first lesson began by
on the blackboard  :  p V ¬ p  and he only said  " p or not p "  " tertium
non datur"  " a third possibility is not given "
His whole course was as formally as possible, and variables were not
supposed to range about a domain.

 A free variable behaves like a constant.

No a constant is always the same constant, it is never substituted by
something else, it is "immutable".

A variable is a placeholder for a Term ( a constant is a special term)

It is not "implicitly"
 quantified in any way, because it denotes a specific element. The only
 difference between a constant and a free variable is syntactic: a free
 variable can be bound in an outer scope,

No the real role of a variable   say  x in a formula alpha(x) or a term T(x)
is a PLACEHOLDER ready to be substituted by a Term (e.g. constant or a
parameterized term)

And that's the reason why I should find it weird if  In Haskell 98+ one
would distinguish  between

a - a   and [forall a. a - a]

while a constant cannot.

The sentence "alpha(x)" asserts that there is a _distinguished_
   NO , saying that there is a distinguished element T that satisfies
   that exists x. alpha(x) is true

 Yes, it also implies this fact, because it can be derived by

   alpha(x) = exists y. alpha(y)

 However, existential quantification hides the identity of the element in
 question. The fact that we know _which_ element it is that satisifies
 permits us to say more. This is why:

   exists x. alpha(x),


   forall x. alpha(x)

 are not truth-equivalent. Rather we have:

   forall y. alpha(y) = alpha(x)   and   alpha (x) = exists z. alpha(z)

AND ifalpha(x)  is a TRUE formula then   alpha(x) = forall x. alpha(x)

A better way to express this is

Rule of genaralization:

alpha(x )  is True (and x is a variable)

forall x . alpha(x ) is true

I repeat that my use of true or false 

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Jan Brosius
 for all (types) a and for all (types) b, if (a proof exists that)
 -- a(-typed objects)s exist and (a proof exists that) b(-typed objects)s
 -- exist, then (a proof exists that) b(-typed object)s exist

 forall a,b . a - b - b
 -- read: for all a and for all b, if as exist, then (a proof exists that)
 -- the existence of bs implies the existence of bs

 forall a,b . (a - b) - b
 -- read: for all a and for all b, if (a proof exists that) the existence
 -- as implies the existence of bs, then bs exist

 forall b. (forall a. a - b) - b
 -- read: for all b, if (a proof exists that) for all a, the existence of
 -- implies the existence of bs, then bs exist
 -- [note the limited scope of the inner forall]

 None of the statements that correspond to these types is true unless you
 can give concrete non-bottom elements of the types (empty types correspond
 to false propositions). So, "xs exist" should probably rather be "xs can
 constructed". In all of these cases, the proofs would be functions,
 and the correspondence between types and propositions allows us to
 derive some properties that such functions must have (*).

 In the third case, the argument proof/function must not make any
 about as, because it has to work on all as (the proof has to be supplied
 before a specific a is given; the quantification over a is inside the
 parameter proof). In the second case, the proof can be given after both a
 and b have been given (the proof is inside of both quantifiers).

 It is this limitation of potential function definitions by their required
 type that is used in the context of runST.

 runST :: forall a. (forall s. ST s a) - a
 -- read: for all a, if (a proof exists that),
 -- for all s, objects of type ST s a exist,
 -- then objects of type a exist

I think a functional programmer wouldn't like to read it as that,

I just want to ask if this reflects completely the idea of runST as defined
in Haskell?

I can also say that there is an algebraic isomorphism from propositional
calculus onto a boolean algebra.

ARE we for this reason going to mix+  with or  etc.

e.g.  a or b + c and d . f

This doen't look as a good logic course to me. It only confuses.

Very friendly
Jan Brosius

 Again, there is a quantifier inside an inner proof/function. To construct
 object of type a, runST (as a proof for the non-emptyness of its type) can
 make any assumption it needs about s, and so the inner proof can make
 no assumptions about s. It is not necessary for ST s a to be a function,
 it should be a container, because the inner proof is runST's only source
 of as.

 To expand this a little, assume that ST s a was just a type of pairs, then

 noRunST st@(sv,av) = (fst.last) [(av,True,"or not"),(av,sv,sv)]

 would require that the type s of the value sv can be instantiated to both
 Bool and String, but would ignore sv and return av, justifying the type

 noRunST :: forall a. (forall s. (s,a)) - a

 noRunST is an overly lazy state transformer: as it ignores its state
 parameter, it would happily accept any non-constructive proof for
 the state component of the pair.

 But in a world without bottom (*), we have little chance of constructing
 the required proof parameter ourselves, and we have to use the primitives
 supplied for the ST monad - they thread the state along, making sure that
 only one state type is used in all operations of a given sequence, without
 making any further assumptions about what that type may be.

 A primitive operation

 doSomeThing :: forall s,a. ST s a

 is a proof that objects of the required type exist, which we can feed into
 runST, but what about operations such as

 get :: forall s. ST s (T s)
 -- where T is some type constructor,
 -- but not a type synonym that ignores s

 Doesn't this allow the "hidden" state type to escape? Well, no: the
 requirement in runST is that the proof parameter cannot make any
 assumptions about s. In particular, we cannot assume that there is
 any relation between s and a (as get does) in

 runST :: forall a. (forall s. ST s a) - a

 So, this is why an "internal" use of the state type is okay (has a type)

 runST (get  return ()) :: ()

 whereas an escaping reference to the "hidden" state type

 runST get :: ???

 is not okay (does not have a type in this system).

 [I thought this was discussed extensively in the "State in Haskell"-paper,
 but found, to my surprise, that the explanation was intermingled with
 problem descriptions and details about the type checking process..]

   and what I was saying (UP TO NOW NOBODY could show
   where I was wrong) is the following:
   Hi, folks you can forget everything about this second order
   the usual forall does all .

 You might want to have a look at Mark Jones' paper on "First-class
 Polymorphism with Type Inference" (which should be available via his home

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Jan Brosius

I reply , but I like to make some comments before:

As readers would have noticed from the former email my answers are put here
in a different context.
This might give the reader the false impression that I made some serious
mistakes in the formal

 Fri, 12 May 2000 00:42:52 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]

newSTRef :: a - ST s (STRef s a)
readSTRef :: STRef s a - ST s a
  f:: STRef s a - STRef s a
  f v = runST( newSTRef v = \w - readSTRef w)

Here you have omitted something of the former email . By doing that the
context of the below has changed.

Readers may think that I committed an error! Is this a HONEST way to reply?

  Let's start
  v has type   STRef s a

 ...for "s" and "a" coming from the instantiation of a polymorphic
 function "f". Yes.

Next one sees that below something is reproduced but out of the context of
the former email.

  newSTRef v has type   ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))
  (THIS is of the form  ST s (STRef s T(s))

 No. It has the type
 ST s1 (STRef s1 (STRef s a))

That is indeed what I said in my former email where I
stated that newSTRef does NOT deliver something with type St s (STRef s
T(s))v and where you
said the CONYRARY.

 where "s1" is free (thus can be later generalized over) and "s" and
 "a" come from the environment inside "f" (thus are monomorphic).

Really? are there now 2 sorts of variables  , variables that are variables
and variables that are not variables?

 It would have the type you wrote if "v" was created in this thread.


Now   forall s1. ( ST s1 T(s))  IMPLIES   forall s . ( ST s T(s) )
   It does not. And I have already told why, a few e-mails ago.

Why then doen't you repeat it here? Because this is most interesting for the
In which email have you told it ? In a private email ? or in the

  IT DOES  : that is a well known rule of forall  (forall x,y . alpha(x.y)
  forall x. alpha(x,x) )

 I see no "forall s" in the left type.

I shall make it easier:
forall s1. ST s1 T(s)   is EQUIVALENT with forall s1,s. ST s1 T(s)

Now  forall s1.s ST s1 T(s)  IMPLIES ( =) forall s1.  ST s1 T(s1)

Marcin, forall s1 . alpha(s1,s) is EQUIVALENT with alpha(s1,s)
One has  alpha(s1,s) IMPLIES alpha(s,s) and the latter is EQUIVALENT to
forall s. alpha (s,s)

   When you use runST, you don't always know if the type given for "s"
   will be instantiated to a type variable or not. Being a type variable
   is not a property of a type.
  I can only say here : ???

 runST':: ST s Int - Int
 runST' x = ...

 Inside the body of runST' "x" has the type "ST s Int", with "s"
 taken from the environment.

s is here a type variable , isn't it?

 When runST' will be later applied to a value of the type "ST s Int"
 with "s" free, "x" will have the type "ST s Int" with nothing more
 known about "s". (If runST was applied to this value directly, it
 would be OK.)

 When runST' will be applied to a value of the type "ST RealWorld Int",
 "x" will have the type "ST RealWorld Int".

I thought that runST does not work on types of the form ST Blurb Int
Has something changed in the documentation?

 But you have to compile runST' _now_, and decide whether the first
 argument of ST from the type of "x" is a type variable.

 Haskell does not have this problem. It does not ever check if a type
 is a type variable, but if it is a _free_ type variable, i.e. one
 that can be generalized over.

 what's the difference between a -free-type variable and a type variable (if
bound by a quantifier)?My, my!! Haskell is even more difficult than I

 runST':: forall s. ST s Int - Int
 runST' x = runST x

 Should it compile with your type of runST?

"my" type of runST is nothing else but the official runST .
So, I expect that if s is instantiated to the type RealWorld you will get a
since is not defined for s = RealWorld  because runST will not work with
with s= RealWorld.
So, you should get (I guess) an error.

  function runST are fullfilled . So ("my") runST will work.

With this I mean MORE  "my" runST is nothing but the OFFICIAL runST.
So I see that your runST' is only partially defined
, like e.g.  head :: [a] - [a]  where in the definition one does not
consider the case [a] == [] .

 Now I write
 len :: Int
     len = runST' (liftM length (readFile "foo") :: ST RealWorld Int)
 which creates a global value of type Int which changes in time. Oops!

Oops! Did  the above program work in Hugs ?  Or did it come from your



  __("Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \__/  GCS/M d- s+:-- a23 C+++$ UL++$ P+++ L++$ E-
   ^^  W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP+ t
 QRCZAK  5? X- R tv-- b+++ DI D- G+ e h! r--%++ y-

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Jan Brosius

From: Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 Tue, 16 May 2000 10:54:59 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]

newSTRef v has type   ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))
(THIS is of the form  ST s (STRef s T(s))
   No. It has the type
   ST s1 (STRef s1 (STRef s a))
  That is indeed what I said in my former email where I stated that
  newSTRef does NOT deliver something with type St s (STRef s T(s))v
  and where you said the CONYRARY.

 newSTRef applied to some value can have a type ST s (STRef s T(s)),

That is strange , can you give a little example?

 thus the type of newSTRef must be as in Haskell, not as you say.

I agree if you can give me an example. But if you are right then newSTRef
should be more documented,
and then I guess I would still be able to give the correct logical
description of newSTRef.
However everything depends on the answers of the questions posed below.

(e.g. if there are 2 sorts of type variables in Haskell 2 (or in Haskell
98 ) then I would really like to know
what is the practical reason of this.
I have no problem with the diference between a variable in a function
definition and in a type signature.
But making a distinction among type variables looks very WEIRD to me.
Sincerely I can't think of any practical (implementation) reason to do this
Before saying more I await your answer.

 But it does not have such type in your example.

   When runST' will be applied to a value of the type "ST RealWorld Int",
   "x" will have the type "ST RealWorld Int".
  I thought that runST does not work on types of the form ST Blurb Int

 runST was already compiled into the body of runST'. It does not have
 a chance of accepting or rejecting types. What matters when we use
 runST' is the type of runST', nothing more. It allows aplying runST'
 to any type "s", including RealWorld.

I don't know if it compiles. If it compiles I can only say that this seems
strange to me.
I certainly should not expect that that is possible.
I repeat here your runST'

runST' :: ST s Int - Int
 runST' x = runST x

written down like that I thought runST' would work fine  as long as runST
works fine.
Since runST does not work on something with type  ST World Int , I would
have expected
that since x has now the wrong type  thart runST x woulg give an error at
least at runtime.
It looks very strange to me that such a thing can happen. VERY strange.
Since I have not tried
it myself . This is indeed contrary to math:  where , if given a function f
: a - b and if one defines
a function g :: c - b where c contains a then if one defines

g by  :  g(x) = f(x) then this automatically guarantees that g and f are
IDENTICAL functions.

Do I have to conclude that Haskell departs  from this common sense?
QUESTION : Is this true ?

  what's the difference between a -free-type variable and a type
  variable (if not bound by a quantifier)?

 f1:: (a - a) - [Int] - [Int]
 f1 f l = map f l

 This definition does not compile, although f has type a-a.

First I didn't know that the use of forall was obligatory in Haskell 98 .
Next I would read  a - a as:  this argument is a (general) endomorphism .
Third If I would  give any meaning to  forall a. a- a  then I would give it
same meaning as   a - a . If Haskell doesn't do so I can only regret this
and I would like to know
why for heaven's sake a distinction has to be made between

f1 :: ( a - a) -  [Int] - [Int]
f1' :: ( forall a . a - a) - [Int] - [Int]

??? What is the practical reason for such a distinction?

Very Friendly
Jan Brosius

 f does not have the type forall a. a-a.

 The type variable "a" in the type of "f" here is bound by implicit
 lambda in the definition of f1. It is some concrete type each time
 "f1" is used. The type variable "a" in the type "a-a" of the function
 "\x - x" is free, so can be generalized over and the function "\x - x"
 can be instantiated for any choice of "a".

  __("Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \__/  GCS/M d- s+:-- a23 C+++$ UL++$ P+++ L++$ E-
   ^^  W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP+ t
 QRCZAK  5? X- R tv-- b+++ DI D- G+ e h! r--%++ y-

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Jan Brosius

- Original Message -
From: Lars Lundgren [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 On Tue, 16 May 2000, Jan Brosius wrote:

  Ok I understand this isomorphism better. However this remark seems to be
  no value to functional programmers.
  Why trying to mix terms( otr types) with relations ?

 What is a 'type' in your oppinion?

I look at it as a set (either a variable set or a specific set). E.g. I look
at Bool as a specific set which itself contains
values  True , False that are not sets. Next I interpret   something  like f
:: a - Int  as a family (indexed by a) of functions of   " set"  a into set
I didn't come into problems by this interpretation after having read the
Haskell's User Guide. Which is my
only general source about Haskell. It is up to someone else to say if such
an interpretation shall lead into misinterpretation.
I think Haskell will not be attractive to mathematicians if types MUST be
read as formula's . If that is the case
I can only say that I find the term "functional programming"  a bit strange.

 Isn't a type a statement about pre- and post-conditions, i.e. a formula?

I can't answer this since I have never read the definition of a type in say
typed lambda calculus.
I have a book about logic that deals about plain lambda calculus and that
deals about "restricted" typed lambda calculus (where a type is not
considered as a formula). I never read the definition of Hindley-Milner
types.And the only introduction about types were the general user's guides
from Clean , SML , Ocaml and of Haskell.

 /Lars L

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Jan Brosius

- Original Message -
From: Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 Tue, 16 May 2000 22:37:45 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   newSTRef applied to some value can have a type ST s (STRef s T(s)),
  That is strange , can you give a little example?

 I've given it four mail pairs ago, but here it is again:

 refRef :: ST s Int
 refRef = do
 v1 - newSTRef 0

I have not the do notation definition in front of me, so I guess (I am

type of v1 is ST s (STRef s Int) ? (or STRef s Int ?)

 v2 - newSTRef v1 -- Here!

Ok, type of v2 is ST s1 [STRef s1 (ST s (STRef s Int)] ? (or  STRef s1
[STRef s Int]  ?)

which is of the form ST s1 (STRef s1 T(s)) with the additional condition
given to
the type checker that s1 =/ s and will always be considered as different
i.e. s1 =/ s

This shows that the additional comments given by me for the signature of
newSTRef  are not  redundant.

 v1' - readSTRef v2
 readSTRef v1'

  (e.g. if there are 2 sorts of type variables in Haskell 2 (or in
  Haskell 98 ) then I would really like to know what is the practical
  reason of this.

 I see nothing that could be described as 2 sorts of type variables.

Sorry, what were you then talking about in the former email??

  I don't know if it compiles. If it compiles I can only say that
  this seems strange to me.
  I certainly should not expect that that is possible.

 Of course it does not compile in Haskell. This was to show that your

Why then did you say it compiled?

 checking "whether something is a type variable" is meaningless: here
 a type is a type variable as far as I can tell, but runST requires
 some different condition.


As I said allready before the socalled "my" runST is nothing else but a
better documented runST.
The Terms Variable(s) and Free(a) are not implemented (yet)
This is for the implementor to do ,if he wants. If these "terms" could be
implemented that could allow
a richer set of functions then one can have today.

   f1:: (a - a) - [Int] - [Int]
   f1 f l = map f l
   This definition does not compile, although f has type a-a.
  First I didn't know that the use of forall was obligatory in Haskell 98

 It is not - and that's why in Haskell 98 you cannot write the
 type signature of "f" inside the definition of "f1". If you write
 "f:: a - a", it means "f :: forall a. a - a", but "f" has a
 different type.

 In GHC you can write the type of "f", provided that you have given a
 name to the type variable in question, using a pattern type signature
 or result type signature (the latter not working yet).

  Third If I would  give any meaning to  forall a. a- a  then I
  would give it the same meaning as   a - a .

 Wrong. The first is the type of a function that is polymorphic:
 works for any argument type and gives a result of the same type
 (there exist only three function of that type in Haskell 98:
 bottom, function that always returns bottom, and identity).

 The second is the type of a function from "a" to "a". Depending on what
 "a" is, it can mean different things. For example if "a" is bound at
 some outer function definition, it is the function from the whatever
 type the outer function has been instantiated to, to the same type.

  I would like to know why for heaven's sake a distinction has to be
  made between
  f1:: ( a - a) -  [Int] - [Int]
  f1':: ( forall a . a - a) - [Int] - [Int]

 How can you propose a better type of runST if you don't understand
 such basic things?!

I don't understand illogical things. You on the contrary made mistake after
mistake with your so called counterexample.

Moreover you said your runST' did compile and now you say your runST' does
not compile.
Next time please don't lie. Try to be as clear as possible.

Because I don't use forall in a bad and meaningless manner. You do ,perhaps
Haskell 2 does, when it is not

a - a  should mean an  endomorphism e.g. id etc.or something like

 f :: Int - Int

f x = x^2 + x + 1

is an instance of an endomorphism  a - a

forall a. a - a should mean the same thing but clearly it does not in
Haskell 2 .

Please people, do not accept this in Haskell 2 ? I am almost sure there is
no need for it.

 To use f1, you choose a type for "a", pass a function of the type
 "a - a" and get a function [Int] - [Int]. For example you can
 pass not (of type Bool-Bool) to f1.

Yes, and inid . f  (where f is as above f x  = x^2 + x + 1 and where id
x = x ) you cannot pass type Bool - Bool
to id .

Very Friendly
Jan Brosius

Very primitive explanation to defend  the writings   a - a and forall a.
a - a as different .
If Haskell 2 interprets a - a as ea GENERAL endomorphism ther is no problem
at all.

Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-16 Thread Jan Brosius

- Original Message -
From: Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Richard Uhtenwoldt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 1:23 AM
Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

 - Original Message -
 From: Richard Uhtenwoldt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 11:06 PM
 Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

  although this argument originated from a discussion of rank-2
  polymorphism in Haskell's type system, the part I am replying to
  addresses only first-order predicate logic (also called "predicate
  Jan Brosius asserts
   Now   forall s1. ( ST s1 T(s))  IMPLIES   forall s . ( ST s T(s) )
  Marcin replies
   It does not. And I have already told why, a few e-mails ago.
   I can explain it again.
   For the first term to have any meaning, "s" must have a meaning,
   because it is a free variable. So for a counter-example assume that
   we sit in real numbers and
   ST a b  means  a^2  b
   T(a)means  a+1
   s   means  -2
   The first term means forall s1. s1^2  -1, which is true.
   The second term means forall s. s^2  s+1, which is false.
   So the first does not imply the second.

 Now I understand what Marcin meant with this "counterexample".
 I admit I was very puzzled to find out where these formulas came from.
 It's a pity that I didn't saw it in a previous email.

 I guess Marcin meant with first term:

 forall s1. ST s1 T(s) == forall s1. s1^2  T(s)  == forall s1. s1^2  s +

 As everybody can notice the first term is FALSE . Indeed let s1 = 1 and s
 and we get a false assertion.
 (the assertion 1^2  20

 [forall s1. ST s1 T(s)  ]  = [ forall s. ST s T(s)]  is always TRUE.

 Since  EX FALSO QUODLIBET ( a false assertion implies everything) if we
 would say

 [ forall s1. ST s1 T(s) ] = [ forall s . ST s T(s)]  ( remember always )

 forall s1. ST s1 T(s)   (FALSE)

 forall s . ST s T(s)   == forall s . s^2  s + 1 (TRUE or FALSE) ( here

 The above rule is called a syllogism

 Marcin departed in his reasoning allready with a false assertion. The
 he committed was to say
 that the first term was true for the case s = -2 . Here it is clear what
 confusion computer scientists
 might experience if they lose the real meaning of a variable. Indeed if I
 would put s =3 then everybody sees
 that one gets a FALSE assertion  forall s1. s1^2  4   (false for s1 = 1)

 So Marcin's statement that he gave a counterexample was FALSE.

 (Sometimes one needs to reread something several days later in order to
 what was meant
 by somebodyelse)

  Jan's assertion and Marcin's counter-assertion are later repeated two
  more times in different words.  I think Marcin's counterexample
  completely disproves Jan's assertion.

 Well Marcin's counterexample is FALSE ( see above)

  I am adding my thoughts to the
  discussion simply to argue for Marcin's conclusion using different (and
  more numerous) words and concepts.

 too numerous and thus too dangerous.

  it might prove illustrative to quantify every variable in Jan's
  assertion. this means quantifying the single free occurence of s.
  there are two ways to do that, and I am tempted to say that this next
  way is the right way.
  forall s.((forall s1. ( ST s1 T(s)))  implies   forall s . ( ST s
T(s) ))

 WARNING : The notation forall s1 , s . alpha(s1, s)  is since unbounded
 forall's commute simply an abbreviation
 for either forall s1. forall s . alpha(s1,s)  or forall s. forall s1 .

  (redundant parentheses added for emphasis.)  but to be perfectly
  intellectually honest, Jan wrote the formula, so Jan has a right to
  decide what it means.  Jan could have meant this next.  the only
  syntactic difference between that last formula and this next one is that
  the scope of the "forall s" that I added to Jan's assertion is limited
  to the left of the "implies".
  (forall s,s1.( ST s1 T(s)))  implies   forall s . ( ST s T(s) )

 yes  using braces is better if there is risk of confusion

  the latter has the considerable advantage of being true whereas the
  former is false.

 If you mean by the former : [forall s1. ST s1 T(s) ] = [forall s. ST s
 T(s)]  then I must say
 that on the contrary this is TRUE

 REMEMBER : [ forall s1. ST s1 T(s)] is EQUIVALENT to [forall s1, s . ST s1

 These are the formall rules of forall (even not using Bourbaki's logic)

 however, the true one is less useful in establishing
  conclusions than the false one.  if we have already proved (forall s1. (
  ST s1 T(foo))) for some concrete thing "foo", then the false formula
  allows us immediately to conclude forall s.(ST s T(s)).
  moreover, Jan wrote that "(forall y) ( foral

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-11 Thread Jan Brosius

Marcin Kowalczyk wrote at Wed, May 10, 2000 7:54 PM :

 Wed, 10 May 2000 16:18:06 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]

pisze ? you meant wrote? Please don't use Russian in your reply, I don't
know Russian.
Do You know what pisze in Dutch could mean if spoken out loosely?

  2. Next let me point out once and for all that
  logical quantifiers are used only in logical formula's .

 Types can be treated as logical formulas, according to the Curry-Howard

Sorry, never heard of in logic. But perhaps you can explain.

I see no reason to change the notation of forall in types,
 which coresponds to forall in formulas.

This is your claim . I leave it to you to prove it

E.g. explain to me what is meant by:

forall a. (a,b)

not (a,b)

(a,b) equivalent to forall c. (c,d)

(a,b) implies (c,d)

exists a.(a,b)

(a,b) is true

(a,b) is false

  b.  bad use :
newSTRef:: forall s.a . a - ST s STRef s a

 You meant ST s (STRef s a).


  This type signature MUST be replaced by
  newSTRef:: forall a. [forall s ni Free ( a ) .  a - ST s STRef s a]
  where  Forall s ni Free(a)  means " forall s not being a free variable
  (occurring in ) of a "

 Wrong. You disallowed a perfectly legal usage:

NO, NO it seems legal to you and perhaps to others but in the detailed
explanation it was
shown that the version I propose gives the necessary information for the
reader that
the type of   newSTRef v  shall never be of the form  ST s (STRef s T(s))

As I said allready in the first email the following are different functions:

id2 :: forall s, a . (s,a) - (s,a)
id2 (x,y) = (x,y)

id2" :: forall a. [forall s ni Free(a) . (s,a) - (s,a)]
id2" (x,y) = (x,y)  (here of course the definition is not complete since the
above information cannot be treated now
by the typechecker)

But perhaps you prefer

id2" :: forall a. (forall s. (s,a) - (s,a))

and tell everybody that forall s   in id2"  is an example of second rank

id2 (x,x) will compile but id2" (x,x) not

Other examples:

pr2 :: forall s, a . (s,a) - a
pr2  (x,y) = y


pr2" :: forall a. [forall s ni Free(a) . (s,a) - a]
pr2" (x,y) = y   (here the definition is of course not complete, because the
typechecker can not treat this information

 pr2 (x,x) will give x and   pr2"(x,x) will do complain the typechecker

But perhaps you will prefer

pr2" :: forall a. (forall s. (s,a) - a)

and tell everybody that the use of forall s in pr2"  is an example of second
rank polymorphism.

 refRef :: ST s Int
 refRef = do
 v1 - newSTRef 0
 v2 - newSTRef v1 -- Here!
 v1' - readSTRef v2
 readSTRef v1'
 and you did not disallow any illegal usage that current rules allow
 (in fact I believe there is not any). Of course you did not allow more,
 because this type is a subset of what we have now.

I did answer this question somewhere above.

  c. illigitimate use :
  runST:: forall a. ( forall s. ST s a ) - a

 Let's see why do you claim that, because I see nothing wrong here.

  3. The why
  b. This is because in reality the function newSTRef is meant to be
  used only in cases where s is not a free variable of a.

 False: see above.

No, I disagree, you must look below for the why.
I know very well that the type newSTRef :: a - ST s (STRef s a )
shall work , because the typechecker in some way does the job.
But the reason why is not explained to the programmer.

As I said below ifforall x,y alpha(x,y) is truethen alpha(x, x) is
for any x

  c.  forall s. ST s a   is illigitimate since you can not form a
  logical phrase with it

 You can: for all s, ST(s,a) holds.

Yes? and what does it mean?  Up to now it doesn't mean more than  (forall
apple . apple )   is true (false ) ?, and
wat does the last thing mean?

  (It is not supposed to be known that ST s a is in reality implemented
  as a function.).

 Why is this a problem?

This is not a problem , but if   ST s a :: s - (s,a)  is a function you
could in principle use forall

forall s . ST s a :: s - (s,a)  then means  (could then mean) : " forall s
. ST s a is a function of s into (s,a) "
Admitted such a function will be very uncommon. Is it an injection? Then
which injection. Everybody is immediately interested to see the

Now if you look at the implementation you will see that it is not an
injection but a family f(a) indexed by a , of
constant functions  of  s into (s,a) .The actual implementation of  f(a)
was not given in the paper.

  There are 2 ways to circumvent this problem.

 There is no problem!

Obviously not for you.

 And you create additional language, which would have to be understood,
 given a precise meaning, implemented, documented etc. It is not needed.
 BTW, would it change the semantics, or only the language we talk about

It certainly does not change the way GHC is compile

Fw: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-11 Thread Jan Brosius

  Jan Brosius writes:
Marcin Kowalczyk wrote at Wed, May 10, 2000 7:54 PM :
  2. Next let me point out once and for all that
  logical quantifiers are used only in logical formula's .

 Types can be treated as logical formulas, according to the
Sorry, never heard of in logic. But perhaps you can explain.
  [I hope it is ok if I reply, although I am sure Marcin can defend
  himself just as well]
  Maybe because you have only learnt about classical logic, which is a
  shame especially for a computer scientist. Have a look at a standard
  text book, like Troestra  van Dalen's "Intuitionism I,II".

 Sorry, but I cannot study all sorts of logic that circulate around. I
 know what a computer scientist is supposed to know. I follow Bourbaki's
 logic where there is no need for an axiom of choice . However the so
 axiom of choice is there a theorem that is one proves that the Cartesian
 product of a non empty family of non empty sets is in fact non empty.

 What about me : I have done  theoretical physics and mathematics.
 I have embraced formal logic ,and the whole of math can be build on it.
 Formal logic is not sentimental.
  Anyway, in intuitionistic logic it is natural indentify proofs and
  programs and proposition and types. Maybe best illustrated by the BHK
  (Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogoroff) semantics:
  A proof of a /\ b is a proof of a and a proof of b, hence a /\ b = (a,b)

 Sorry, are you going to say that a tuple (a,b) is the same as " a AND b "
 Then the Haskell language didn't state it. Sorry, a tuple is a tuple and
 nothing else,
 what you tell me is that the notation of tuple can be used as logical AND
 for propositions.

  A proof of a \/ b is a proof of a or a proof of b, hence a /\ b = Either

 You mean  a V b = Either a b ?
 I guess you mean with  a V b the logical or?

  A proof of a - b is a method to calculate a proof of b from a proof

 Here you use the sign  - (function ) for the sign = (implies)

  of a hence a - b = a - b

 In formal logic we say just this

a (true)

   a = b  (true )
 b (true)

  There is no proof of False, hence one would identify False with the
  empty type, but as far as I know there is no empty type in Haskell?
  As an example how do we prove (a \/ b) /\ c - (a /\ c) \/ (a /\ b)
  in Haskell ?
  lem :: (Either a b,c) - Either (a,c) (b,c)
  lem (Left a,c) = Left (a,c)
  lem (Right b,c) = Right (b,c)

 Sorry I don't have to know all this , do you really think I am illiterate
 propositional logic or boolean algebra

 (a + b) . c = a . c + b . c (distributivity) AND (a.b) + c = (a+c).(b+c)

  The disputed forall is just the (2nd order) quantification over all

 RunST is not the only disputed thing .
 newSTRef is also disputed.

 and what I was saying (UP TO NOW NOBODY could show where I was wrong)
 is the following:

 Hi, folks you can forget everything about this second order
 the usual forall does all .

 What I want to say is this :

  put   forall s. ST s a   in a logical phrase . This is an invitation.

 By the way I am trying to forward my comments to the Haskell committee.
 can I reach them?

 It is a pleasure to know that somebody else than Marcin is also reading ,
 because the discussion is reaching the point
 where it will be yes against no . Please people don't come with books  nor
 names to strengthen claims.
 Talk logically about it , try to define very clearly what you mean.

I see no reason to change the notation of forall in types,
 which coresponds to forall in formulas.
This is your claim . I leave it to you to prove it
  Seems more an issue of explanation?!

 Sorry , I don't understand . In a logical language there are RELATIONS
 (formula's if you want) and TERMS (types if you want) and these
 2 are distinct and shall ever be distinct. But if I can learn something
 , why not ?

 e.g.  (a,b) is a tuple , a special TERM and no RELATION . But you and the
 Haskell committee are free to
 INTERPRET this as   a AND b , but in that latter case a and b denote
 RELATIONS . In the former case
 a and b denote TERMS


 May I forward this mail to the Haskell - mailing list?

I saw that your email allready found his way to the Haskell-list

 Very friendly
 Jan Brosius

reaching Haskell committee

2000-05-11 Thread Jan Brosius


is there any way to email written stuff to the Haskell 

Very Friendly
Jan Brosius

Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-11 Thread Jan Brosius

Dear Marcin,
I think we have reached now a point in the discussion that will only result
in yes and no.

1. Even as I still think that the forall in runST is misplaced I still stand
open for everyone that could
put forall s. (ST s a)  in an acceptable logical phrase. forall and exist
work like that PERIOD. And if you want an excellent mathematical society
from which I borrowed this formal logic (still the best I ever saw) then I
only have to name the French mathematical society NICOLAS BOURBAKI. I guess
none of the readers on the Haskell -list has ever read their "Theory of
sets". The foundation upon which they wanted to build the whole of math..
Their books are the best books on mathematics that I have ever seen ; the
formulation is always precise . Ok enough  "laudatio" (latin).
The sad thing is : they never reached their goal.

2. I still try to be open for any new insights (I am myself involved in a
conservative extension of their logic :
a work that I shall restart as soon as possible) but then you will have to
do a minimum of effort to make some things clear and not answer most of the
time in semi-programmese - mathese .

3. Promise me to reply from which doubly quantified formula your formula
comes from.

 Thu, 11 May 2000 13:48:56 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Types can be treated as logical formulas, according to the
  Sorry, never heard of in logic. But perhaps you can explain.

 Others explained it better that I could.

NO, they did not explain : at the very best they gave a site to look at .
Which I shall do if my phone bill allows it.
I did expect these explanations from you, otherwise withdraw your claim. So
in the next reply surprise me with these explanations (copy and paste ).

newSTRef:: forall a. [forall s ni Free ( a ) .  a - ST s STRef s a]
where  Forall s ni Free(a)  means " forall s not being a free
(occurring in ) of a "
   Wrong. You disallowed a perfectly legal usage:
  NO, NO it seems legal to you and perhaps to others but in the
  detailed explanation it was shown that the version I propose gives
  the necessary information for the reader that the type of newSTRef v
  shall never be of the form  ST s (STRef s T(s))

 Wrong: it can have this form.

OK this is something to start from. I rehearse the definitions and the
little program I found in the paper.

  newSTRef :: a - ST s (STRef s a)

  readSTRef :: STRef s a - ST s a


f :: STRef s a - STRef s a
f v = runST( newSTRef v = \w - readSTRef w)

Let's start

v has type   STRef s a

newSTRef v has type   ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))(THIS is of the form ST
s (STRef s T(s))

w has type STRef s (STRef s a)

readSTRef w   has type  ST s (STRef s a)

runST  gets as argument  ST s (STRef s a)   and the typechecker or whatever
thing complains.

AM I right or not.?

Since I know that this program works (found in the paper) you are going to
use the following trick:

newSTRef :: forall s,a . a - ST s (STRef s a)

Ok, a "needs" to be instantiated , I prefer substituted

(STRef s a | a) forall s. [ a - ST s (STRef s a)]

== forall s1 . [ STRef s a - ST s1 (STRef s1 (STRef s a))

Ok in logic one has the following rule for forall :

 forall s1 . [STRef s a - ST s1 (STRef s1 (STRef s a)) = forall s.
[STRef s a - ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))]

Now where in the Haskell documentation is written down NOT to use

forall s. [ STRef s a - ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))]

and thus not to use

STRef s (STRef s a)  as type for w.

So, at this point I guess a little daemon informs the typechecker that the
type for w is in reality

STRef s1 (STRef s a) and this little daemon performed a check to see if s1
does not occur in STRef s a
and further informs the typechecker that s1 from now on is never to be
allowed to become s.

Next  readSTRef w  gets type ST s1 (STRef s a)

and the argument of runST can now work and will deliver something with type
STRef s a

look closely at

newSTRef :: a - ST s (STRef s a)  and at

runST :: forall s .(ST s a) - a

as seen above : newSTRef is NOT allowed to DELIVER something of the type  ST
s (STRef s T(s))

also runST is NOT allowed to ACCEPT anything with type  ST s T(s)

Do you see the similarity

 I have posted a legal and correct program which uses newSTRef with
 such type.

Well , if that's true  there is a problem ( I think)

 If you claim that it should not be used with that type, please show
 a program which is legal without the restriction of type of newSTRef
 and whose semantics are incorrect (e.g. allows a value to depend on
 the order of reduction, or allows using IO in pure expressions).

I thought this program is above , see f v

(believe it or not I still have not typed some little code in Hugs in my
Windows NT OS ; I guess I am lazy)

  I know very well that the type newSTRef :: a - ST s (STRef s a )
  shall work , because the typechecker in some way does the jo

more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

2000-05-10 Thread Jan Brosius
be known that ST s a is in reality implemented 

as a function.).

There are 2 ways to circumvent this problem.

c1. Use a new free variable binder ,e.g. `b 
,for types
to mean the following:

 `b s. ST s a

is the type of ALL ST s a with the 
of all types of the form ST s T(s)

and then give runST the type signature

runST :: forall a. (`b s . ST s a) - a

c2. Use the following type signature for runST

runST :: forall a. [forall s ni Free( a ) . ST s a - 

If we are supposed to know that IO a = ST World a
then use the signature

runST :: forall a. [forall Variable ( s ) ni Free ( a ) . ST s 
a - a ]

where Variable (s) means " s is a type variable".

Since Variable (World) is not true , the above 
signature will not allow that runST accepts types 

of the form IO a as argument.

4. If it were possible to interrogate the typechecker in 

the following way :

 typeOf (x) = typeOf (y)

then it would be possible to give a direct definition of 

5. Using `b as defined above we could give 
the following type signature for newSTRef

newSTRef :: forall a . a - (`b s. ST s (STRef s 

Here `b s. ST s (STRef s a) will mean the type 

of ALL ST s (STRef s a) with the EXCEPTION 
of any type of the form ST s (STRef s T(s))

As we can see `b appears as a type 

Thanks for reading , sorry for the typo's.

Very Friendly,
Jan Brosius

PS: I have the impression that no notice is taken
of the remarks given in my first email.
I hope the Haskell committee will take notice of 
these remarks after reading these more detailed 
It is a bit sad that I cannot send a pdf form
as an attachment . This would allow better 
and better checking for typo's .

Re: discussing basAlgPropos

2000-05-03 Thread Jan Brosius

I also support the idea's , and It doesn't chande the language it only
structures it, but I am a lightweight in Haskellland.

Sometimes I wonder if the readers are overworked or just plainly arrogant.

Jan Brosius

- Original Message -
From: Jan Skibinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: S.D.Mechveliani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: discussing basAlgPropos


 I will only make a short observation here - skipping
 other unnecessary details which do not move this
 discussion in right direction.
 You misread me, I wanted to help. Specifically, I sensed
 a tone of resignation in your letter dated Wed, 26 Apr, 2000
 in reponse to Fergus:

 Fergus: I think the "jury" is unlikely to rewrite the proposal;
 Fergus: more likely, they will simply reject the proposal.
 Fergus: It is up to the proponent(s) of the proposal to rewrite it.

 Sergey:I have no idea of how such committee may appear.
 Sergey:Neither do I care much of what with this proposal will happen.

 If you are satisfied with a current process, I rest
 my case.


 P.S. I read your proposal. I saw your comments within
 it. I could even extract some sort of a small and
 a big picture.
 But this is not good enough to attract general attention
 and to make it easy to discuss about. The onus is still
 on you, to be frank.

Re: About the abuse of forall in Haskell

2000-05-03 Thread Jan Brosius

- Original Message -
From: Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: About the abuse of forall in Haskell

  May 03, 2000 12:53 AM Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:

  Tue, 2 May 2000 22:47:08 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   First I want to end this with the following observation : if  the
   forall  in  ( forall s1 . ST s1 T(s) )  really had the meaning
   of  the logical  forall  , that is if "  forall s1 . ST s1 T(s)
   is  true  then  the case ST s T(s)   i.e.  the case for s1 = s is
   also true.
  Wrong implication. "forall s. ST s T(s)" is not an instance (result
  of some variable substitution) of "forall s1. ST s1 T(s)". Variable
  substitution is not a textual replacement, because variables are
  lexically scoped - you cannot rebind a variable to a different
  qualifier and say that it's the same thing.

  "forall s1. ST s1 T(s)" does not imply "forall s. ST s T(s)".

 So I looked  to the example below:

 forall x . x + a  x is not true , however forall x. x + a = x is true,

Of course not . Let me correct myself

   forall Positive ( x ) . x + a = a is true.

Jan Brosius

 of course as you say below if we talk about the wel known +.

  Let's move to another domain. "forall x. x+a  x" does not imply
  "forall a. a+a  a" when variables denote real numbers. For example
  when "a" (bound somewhere outside) equals 1, then the first sentence
  is true and the second is false.

 As I said above , both sentences are false

  It's the same with runST.
runST :: (forall s . ST s a ) - a
   What sort of sentence could be meant by this?

  I have the impression thatyou haven't read anything what I said before

  Let's rewrite it by making foralls explicit:
  runST :: forall a. (forall s. ST s a) - a
  It means that ST is a function that can be instantiated for any "a",

 you mean also for  a = STRef s a

  takes a value of type "ST s a" which can be instantiated for any "s",

 so also for s =s

  and returns a value of type "a".

 and ... which delivers  ST s STRef s a

 I only followed what you sais before  about any s and aboyt any a

  I don't see any problem with this. There exists no type "a" for which
  you could use runST to apply it to a value of type "forall s. ST s [s]".
   If we accept this we can now give the following type signature for
   runST:: forall a . forall s ni FreeV( a ) .  ST s a - a
  If you mean parentheses put such:
  runST :: forall a . forall s ni FreeV( a ) . (ST s a - a)

  then this is wrong, because when we take a = Int and s = RealWorld,
  runST could have the type ST RealWorld Int - Int, which must not be
  possible, because a value of type "ST RealWorld Int" may describe
  a computation that has I/O effects.

 Let us polish it a bit more then (I couldn't find anymore a confirmation
 the GHC/HUGS extension libraries
 that IO a = ST RealWorld a )

 runST :: forall a. forall Free( s ) ni FreeV ( a ) . ( ST s a - a)

  If you mean parentheses put such:
  runST:: forall a . (forall s ni FreeV( a ) . ST s a) - a
  then it's exactly the same as currently. "forall s" introduces a
  fresh type variable "s". It cannot be bound in some type outside
  by definition.

 I think I have allready answered above and in my email  enough this
 rewriting either is not necessary or it means
 something differently.

   __("Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   \__/  GCS/M d- s+:-- a23 C+++$ UL++$ P+++ L++$ E-
^^  W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP+ t
  QRCZAK  5? X- R tv-- b+++ DI D- G+ e h! r--%++ y-

 Thanks anyway for reading and commenting honestly

 but the impression that the use of quantifiers is abusive in many ways is
 only reinforced

 Jan Brosius

Re: your mail

2000-05-02 Thread Jan Brosius

Well it is a question that originated after studying the (mathematical)
strange typing for runST.
Besides runST I had no other specific problem in my mind and I thought  if
it was possible to interrogate the typechecker to contol
(only in the compiler phase) the flow just as runST is in some sense doing.
But perhaps it is not possible in a statically typed language.
More about this will be clear in a forthcoming email that I am now preparing
titled  "About the abuse of frall in Haskell"

Jan Brosius

 Tue, 2 May 2000 10:14:40 +0200, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED] pisze:

  Suppose in some function definition some variable is of type  A s a and
  want to do something like this : if the type variable of the first
  in  A s a
  is   s  then do this if not then do something else.

 This is what classes are for, even if not exactly in the way you mean.

 This is a complex subject: they are powerful, but many things that
 seem to be almost possible cannot be done with them, and there are
 many extensions to Haskell related to classes.

 Remember that there is no "else". Everything must be positive.
 And it must fit into the statically typed world.

 Tell us what the specific problem is. Maybe some completely different
 approach would be reasonable for it.

  __("Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \__/  GCS/M d- s+:-- a23 C+++$ UL++$ P+++ L++$ E-
   ^^  W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP+ t
 QRCZAK  5? X- R tv-- b+++ DI D- G+ e h! r--%++ y-

No Subject

2000-04-29 Thread Jan Brosius


Is it possible to interrogate the typechecker 
from within a Haskell program

Jan Brosius

Fw: doubly linked list

2000-04-28 Thread Jan Brosius

  Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

  Yes, Simula-67.
  Actually *they did* that. A "node" had two sub-classes, the link and the
  head, and the link chain was doubly attached to the head. This structure
  has been havily used for the maintenance of the co-routine bedlam
  exploited in simulation programs.
  The idea of double lists was to permit a fast two-directional
  and the ease of insertion/deletion.
  But in Haskell, where the beasts are not mutable:
  ... Actually, has anybody really used them for practical purposes?
  Jerzy Karczmarczuk
  Caen, France

 Well I want to see the simulation of  a mutable  doubly linked list too.

 The author of  Lout writes in his documentation that after much searching
 was compelled

 to use doubly linked C lists.

 In Ocaml there was recently an online English version about using pointers
 in Ocaml

 (if people would like to do this) . I have got yesterday the solution of

 doubly linked lists, it was rather short.

 I also wonder how one could simulate objects with mutable state in Haskell.

 Another question : is there any way to interrogate the typechecker from
 within a Haskell program?
 Could this be put on the wishlist?

Jan Brosius

doubly linked list

2000-04-27 Thread Jan Brosius


I wonder if it is possible to simulate a doubly linked list in 


Jan Brosius

Re: doubly linked list

2000-04-27 Thread Jan Brosius

- Original Message - 
From: Chris Okasaki [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: doubly linked list

  I wonder if it is possible to simulate a doubly linked list in
 Depends on what you mean.  
   - Using mutable state in a monad you can implement a doubly 
 linked list directly.

please show me how to implement using mutable state in
a monad

Jan Brosius

a newbie's question about something related to runST

2000-04-26 Thread Jan Brosius


First I give the following primitive 
 newVar :: a 
- ST s (MutVar s a)
 readVar :: MutVar 
s a - ST s a

 writeVar :: MutVar 
s a -a - ST s ()

Next consider the function

 f :: MutVar s a 
- Mut Var s a

 f v = runST 
(newVar v `thenST` \w -

readVar w)

1. What is the type given to newVar v by 
the typechecker?


Jan Brosius

Re: a newbie's question about something related to runST

2000-04-26 Thread Jan Brosius

 On 26-Apr-2000, Jan Brosius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  First I give the following primitive operations
newVar  :: a - ST s (MutVar s a)
readVar :: MutVar s a  -  ST s a
writeVar :: MutVar s a - a - ST s ()
  Next consider the function
f :: MutVar s a - Mut Var s a
f v = runST (newVar v `thenST` \w -
readVar w)
  1. What is the type given to newVar v  by the typechecker?

 Let's see... `v' has type `MutVar s a', and after renaming apart
 `newVar' has type `forall a2,s2 . a2 - ST s2 (MutVar s2 a2)',
 so, substituting `Mutvar s a' for `a2', we see that
 `newVar v' has type `forall s2 . ST s2 (MutVar s2 (MutVar s a))'.


Ok, Next recall

 runST ::  forall s. (ST s a) - a

 and let  runST1 give the type signature

runST1 ::  ST s a  - a


v = runST1 ( newVar True)

Then newVar True gets the type   ST s (MutVar s a)

( I prefer the more sloppy notation without a forall as it gives less

In runST1 :: ST s a - a

Let us substitute a by  say  MutVar s a

we then get  after renaming the s in runST1 by s2

ST s2 ( MutVar s a ) - MutVar s a  )

Have we finished ? One would say no : one  needs  a substitution for s2 , If

don't "cheat"  we must now substitute s2  by s and we get

ST s (MutVar s) - MutVar s a

In principle this is not the type of  runST.

Because technically the "domain" of runST is of the form

ST s a  where a is never of the form T(s)

Finally consider

runST ::  forall s . ( ST s a) - a

What to do now ? let us first substitute  a by  MutVar s a   as shown above.

After renaming  there remains

 forall s2 . ( ST s2 (MutVar s a)) - MutVar s a

What is now the meaning of the forall s2  above?  If it means that s2 can be

substituted then we must substitute it by s But that is not what one wants :

one wants s2 to remain non free.

Where I wanted to come is this:

  give  runST the type signature

   runST :: exists s . ( ST s a ) - a

and technically we have also a bounded variable s. What is the reason for

forall  against  exists ? I think there is no reason for it. But I can be


Jan Brosius

Human rights

2000-04-21 Thread Jan Brosius

 Dear Friends, Please 
do not ignore this email. This is something that we ashuman 
beings need to support - I don't know if this is going to 
help but pleasetakeabout 3 minutes out of your life to do your 
part. Madhu, the government of Afghanistan, is waging a war 
upon women.Since theTaliban took power in 1996, women 
have had to wear burqua and havebeenbeaten and stoned in public 
for not having the proper attire, even ifthismeans simply not 
having the mesh covering in front of their eyes.One woman was beaten 
to death by an angry mob of fundamentalists foraccidentally exposing 
her arm while she was driving.Another was stoned to death for 
trying to leave the country with aman thatwas not a 
relative. Women are not allowed to work or even go out 
inpublicwithout a male relative; professional women such as 
professors,translators, doctors, lawyers, artists and writers have 
been forcedfromtheir jobs and stuffed into their homes. Homes 
where a woman ispresent must have their windows paintedso 
that she can never be seen by outsiders They must wear silentshoes so 
that they are never heard.Women live in fear of their lives 
for the slightest misbehavior. Because they cannot work,those without male 
relatives orhusbands are either starving to death or begging on 
the street, evenif they hold Ph.D.s. 
Depression is becoming so widespread that it has reachedemergency 
levels. There is no way insuch an extreme Islamic society to 
know the suicide rate withcertainty, but relief workers 
areestimating that the suicide rateamong women, who cannot 
find proper medication and treatment forsevere depression and would rather 
taketheir lives than live in such conditions, has 
increasedsignificantly.There are almost no medical facilities 
available for women. At oneof the rare hospitals for women, 
areporter found still, nearly lifeless bodies lying motionless 
on topof beds, wrapped in their burqua,unwilling to speak, eat, or 
do anything, but slowly wasting away.Others have gone mad and were 
seencrouched in corners, perpetually rocking or crying, most of 
them infear. One doctor is considering,when what little 
medication that is left finally runs out, leavingthese women in front 
of thepresident's residence as a form of protest. It is at the point 
wherethe term "humanrights violations" has become an 
understatement. Husbands have thepower of life and death over 
theirwomen relatives, especially their wives, but an angry mob 
has just asmuch right to stone or beat awoman, often to 
death,for exposing an inch of flesh or offending them in the slightest 
way. Women enjoyed relative freedom, to work, 
dress generally as theywanted, and drive and appear inpublic alone 
until 1996. The rapidity of this transition is the mainreason for the 
depression andsuicide; women who were once educators, doctors or 
simply used tobasic human freedoms, are now severelyrestricted and 
treated as subhuman in the name of right-wing fundamentalist Islam. It 
is not theirtradition or 'culture,'but it is alien tothem, and it 
is extreme even for those cultures where fundamentalismis the rule. Everyone 
has a rightto a tolerable human existence, even if they are women in a 
Muslimcountry. If we can threaten and 
carry out military force in Kosovo in thename of human rights for the 
sakeof ethnic Albanians, (also Muslims), citizens of the 
world cancertainly express peaceful outrage atthe oppression, 
murder and injustice committed against women 
by the Taliban. 
STATEMENT: In signing this, we agree that the 
current treatment of women inAfghanistan is completelyUNACCEPTABLE 
and deserves action by the United Nations and that thecurrent situation will 
not betolerated. Women's Rights is not a small issue anywhere, and 
it isfor women in 1999(2000) to be treated as subhuman 
and so much as property. Equality and human 
decency is a RIGHT not afreedom, whether one lives inAfghanistan 
orelsewhere.1. Barbara Jakschik, PHD, Rome, 
Italy 2. Carol L. Story, Buckhannon, West Virginia 
3. James B. McCafferty, Buckhannon, West Virginia 4. Lynne 
Snyder, Belington, WV 5. Jan Brosius PhD, Rotselaar , 
 PLEASE COPY this email on to a new message, sign the 
bottomand forward it to everyone on your distribution 
lists. If you receive thislist with morethan 300 
names on it, please e-mail a copy of it 
to: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]. Even ifyou 
decide not to sign, please beconsiderate and do not kill the petition. 
Thank you!

Re: .gz files

2000-03-31 Thread Jan Brosius

Thanks for this workaround, it worked.

This might be a tip to be put on the mailing list, since
other people using Windows NT and Winzip might have the
same problem.

Jan Brosius
- Original Message -
From: Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Jan Brosius' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 1:58 PM
Subject: RE: .gz files

 | However if you have no problems opening these files with
 | winzip, then I
 | don't know
 | anymore.

 I do have a problem.
 I download them.
 If winzip complains I remove the .gz suffix.
 Then ghostview reads them fine.

 I have no idea why they are invisibly uncompressed.  I'm just
 telling you a workaround that works for me


Some questions

2000-03-27 Thread Jan Brosius


Suppose   a   denotes a type variable. 

1.Can I then say:  Bool  is of type   a ?

2. I suppose I can say that   True   is of type   Bool.  However   True   is not 
itself a type, isn't it?  
I suppose that I cannot say that  True   is  of type   a, isn't it  ? So   True is   a 
 "value"  but not  a  "type value" , isn't?

3. Now  consider the type  of  state transformers  ST s a  :
in the above   s  is a type variable that ranges over the values(?)  of type  State .  
Since   IO a  =  ST RealWorld  a  , I deduce 
that  RealWorld  is not a type variable (because the first letter is a capital) but a 
very specific type : 
i.e. RealWorld is of type State   and   RealWorld itself  contains values  but  not of 
type  State ; 
shouldn't I then say that   s  ranges  over  "type values " of type state
instead of "values" of type State.

4. Consider the type   f :: a - b - c.
Can I say that f is of type   a - b   since b  is a more general type than  the type  
b - c  , and if this is true can I then say
that f is also of type  a?  And if this is true  I suppose that   "being of type "  is 
a transitive relation among types, isn't?

Hoping to get comments


Jan Brosius

Fw: Some questions

2000-03-27 Thread Jan Brosius

  2.  I would first like to come back to the type signature
  f :: a - b
   I can say the type of   f  is  a - b  , isn't it?
  Well, people often do say that, but it is a little sloppy; if you want
  to be precise, it is more correct to say that the type of `f' is
  `forall a,b .  a - b'.
   But a and b are both variables. Question
   can I replace the General type b  by  the type c - d  ?
  In general that transformation does not preserve type-correctness.
  Changing `b' to `c - d' in the type signature might
  change a type-correct program into an ill-typed one.
  For example, if the program contains
  foo :: Int - Int
  foo x = f x
  then changing the type signature of `f' to `f :: a - c - d'
  would mean that the previously type-correct call to `f' here
  would now become a type error.
 I would rather say that the programmer has not looked well at the definition of f; 
e.g. if  f was defined as
 f :: a - a
 f x = x
foo :: Int - Int
foo x = f x
 gives no problem and 
   foo1 :: (Int - Int)  -  (Int - Int)
   foo1 x = f x
 shouldn't give a problem too, should it? 
 It is clear that the type a - a is completely different from the type a - b : you 
can never go with substution from a - a  to a - b
 but the reverse is possible.
 Also if f was defined as
   f :: a - b
   f x = x
 wouldn't the typechecker complain?
 Jan Brosius

a question about a paper

2000-03-22 Thread Jan Brosius



 the paper is titled " lazy functional state-threads" .

 Under the topic "2.4 Encapsulation" consider the code

 let v = runst (newVar True)
 runST (readVar v)

 Consider the last line ; if the type of readVar v is say " MutVar s Bool"
 then readVar v will have type "ST s Bool".
 the article sais " s is free " . So my question is why hasn't readVar v
 type " forall s ( ST s Bool) " ?


 Jan Brosius

Fw: Fw: a problem concerning a paper

2000-03-21 Thread Jan Brosius

- Original Message -
From: Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: a problem concerning a paper

 Mon, 20 Mar 2000 14:59:26 +0100, Jan Brosius

   let v = runst (newVar True)
   runST (readVar v)
   Consider the last line ;

 Consider the first line before, because it must be typed in order to
 type the last line.

 "newVar True" has type "ST s (MutVar s Bool)".
 runST has type "(forall s. ST s a) - a".

 The type of expected argument of runST cannot be matched with the
 type of the actual argument. "ST s (MutVar s Bool)" is not of the
 form "forall s. ST s a" for any type a, because the second argument
 of ST depends on the first, yet "forall s. ST s a" says it does not

 Yes , but what if I would say using your own explanation below that s is
not a variable anymore
but that it actually has a certain specific type say  s0. In that case ...
but to keep this discussion
in sequence I first need to know if this is correct.

 (a is bound somewhere outside).

 So the first line won't typecheck, and the question whether the last
 line would typecheck if the first line would becomes irrelevant.

I think it is relevant,  for in the paper it is said that "s is free in ...
and so it doesn't match the type of runST ".
I beg to discuss this paper since it is the most recent explanation of the
implementation of runST
that I could download . If I can understand this paper I can understand the
rest too, I think.
Moreover it is important even for those who only uses Haskell98 since the
of  IO a  comes from   ST RealWorld a .

 Now, consider the following example:

 runST $ do
 v - newVar True
 return (runST (readVar v))

 Here the cause is different. The type of "readVar v" is "ST s Bool".
 Which s? The s that comes from a lambda-bound variable v, because
 readVar requires s from the monad and s from the variable to be the
 same. The lambda is hidden inside the do notation:

 runST $
 newVar True = \v -
 return (runST (readVar v))

 "ST s Bool" with s taken from the environment does not match
 "forall s. ST s a", because runST requires the s to be free.

So , I think you mean s is no longer a variable but has a certain type say
s0. Or am I wrong ?
But again please let us focus the discussion on the paper. Once I understand
this paper I can go on further.

 BTW. In GHC and Hugs the names are actually STRef, newSTRef, readSTRef,

Please focus the discussion on the paper. ( By the way several (not all)
compressed archived papers
could not be opened by my Winzip program (I use Windows NT ))

  __("Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \__/  GCS/M d- s+:-- a22 C+++$ UL++$ P+++ L++$ E-
   ^^  W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP+ t
 QRCZAK  5? X- R tv-- b+++ DI D- G+ e h! r--%++ y-

Fw: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-21 Thread Jan Brosius

- Original Message -
From: Ketil Malde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2000 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: speed of compiled Haskell code.

 "Jan Brosius" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  But this example task was chosen as unlucky for Haskell.
  In other, average case, I expect the ratio of  6-10.

  This seems that Haskell cannot be considered as a language for real
  world applications but merely as a toy for researchers .

 Yeah.  Let's just lump Haskell in with Perl, Python, Java, Lisp and
 all those other toy languages, completely useless in the "real world".

 The only argument against Haskell's performance that IMHO carries
 any real weight, is that GHC is dog slow as a compiler[0].  No other
 Haskell programs I've used or written[1] have been slow enough for me

NO, NO and NO , please read only what I have written. E.g. I believe that
Ocaml is certainly not toy language, it gives as
far as people have communicated to me fast compact native code.
My question about the speed of Haskell is not meant to upset people. On the
contrary Haskell does attract me by its elegance.
I just wanted to know what to expect of the code produced. I thought some
people could give me some honest answers
about it. Recent (really recent ) benchmarks are not available ont the
Haskell website as far as I know


Jan Brosius  (a lazy wanting to use Haskell )

 to notice it.


 [0] almost as bad as Microsoft's C++ compiler, imagine that.
 [1] admittedly not many.  Are people using Haskell having problems
 getting good enough performance?  Enough to regret choosing it as a
 language? (This is not a rhetoric question!)
 If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Re: HaskellDoc?

2000-03-20 Thread Jan Brosius

 Frank Atanassow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyway, I don't think the choice of markup is all that crucial, but I
 think markup for documenting Haskell should also be as functional and
 elegant as possible.  Is Lout a thing to consider?

Yes, I think Lout is the best candidate


Jan Brosius

Fw: a problem concerning a paper

2000-03-20 Thread Jan Brosius


 the paper is titled " lazy functional state-threads" .

 Under the topic "2.4 Encapsulation" consider the code

 let v = runst (newVar True)
 runST (readVar v)

 Consider the last line ; if the type of readVar v is say " MutVar s Bool"
 then readVar v will have type "ST s Bool".
 the article sais " s is free " . So my question is why hasn't readVar v
 type " forall s ( ST s Bool) " ?


 Jan Brosius

Re: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-20 Thread Jan Brosius

Sergey Mechveliani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 E.g. if one uses GHC to compile Haskell code into native code what
 speed performance can be expected versus a same program written in
 C  [..]

My experience with the program of generating permutations on
showed that the code produced by  ghc-4.04  is  22  times slower than
certain specially written C program.
Only the C program algorithm was taken very different from Haskell's
one. For each system has its own best algorithm and appropriate data
But this example task was chosen as unlucky for Haskell.
In other, average case, I expect the ratio of  6-10.

This seems that Haskell cannot be considered as a language for real world
applications but merely
as a toy for researchers .
Do Ocaml or MLTon (SML) beat Haskell by a factorof 3?

See e.g.
   What is MLton's efficience versus C?

   Here are the times in seconds for a few small benchmarks on my
400 MhZ
   Pentium II.  For benchmarks that use arrays, I have also included
   time when compiling with the -unsafe flag, which turns off bounds

  gcc -O2 mlton mlton -unsafe
  --- - -
 fft 18.69 31.66 28.69
fib 7.44 9.97
matrix mult 2.65 13.27 6.15
quicksort 17.69 27.80 20.94
tak 15.86 21.99

  As you can see mlton -unsafe is within a factor of 2 on all the
  benchmarks except matrix multiply, which is 2.3 times slower.

  P.S. As I understand the CPS (continuation passing style ) used
to implement
  SML/NJ will be abandoned as it did not produce small and fast

I don't think that CPS is entirely the cause of this.  Although, I
believe that their use of the heap for allocating stack frames does
slow them down.  As to size, I think they just haven't gone to
effort to clean up the exported heaps.

Is MLton portable to other OSes?

   Yes, but it hasn't been done yet.  Right now, there is a Windows port
   underway by [EMAIL PROTECTED], using a crosscompiler from
   Linux (  He just
   started, so I'm not sure how it will turn out.

   I am not aware of any other porting efforts.  The current focus of
  development efforts are improving the performance with an X86 native
  backend and adding functionality.

But I am not so sure.
It is easy to mistake with such comparison.


Jan Brosius

RE: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-20 Thread Jan Brosius


So lazy Haskell (GHC 4.0...) is 10 times slower than a same program coded in
C  (let forget about Fortran).

imperative functional programs like OCaml (or MLTon (SML 97) are 2.5 times
slower than C , for any sort of program.

Haskell code optimised by strictnes annotions in functions or in
datastructures are ? times slower than C.

Please correct me where I am wrong and fill in the required number for the ?
sign above


Jan Brosius

speed and size of compiled Haskell code

2000-03-16 Thread Jan Brosius


I wonder if someone could tell me more about the speed and size of compiled
Haskell code.
E.g. if one uses GHC to compile Haskell code into native code what speed
performance can be expected versus a same program written in C (Hints about
the nhc compiler are welcome).
Is lazyness as good as strictness.
What about Haskell 98 versus (I anticipate) Haskell 2


Jan Brosius

Re: records in Haskell

2000-03-16 Thread Jan Brosius

Does anyone know if this below situation is as bad in say SMLNJ or OCAML?

- Original Message -
To: Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: records in Haskell

 Simon Marlow wrote:
  Jan Kort writes:
   It seem that any record, no matter how trivial, can't be much
   longer than about 200 lines in Haskell. If a try to compile a
   300 line record containing just:
   data X = X {
   f1 :: String,
   f2 :: String,
   f3 :: String,
 f300 :: String
   It needs about 90M heap in ghc4.06. Whereas a 150 line record
   requires less than 6M heap. After this big gap it levels off
   to a somewhat more decent exponential increase: a 450 line
   record requires about 180M heap.
   I could file a bug report, but it seems that all compilers
   (ghc4.06, nhc98, hbc0.9994 and hugs) have this problem. So,
   is this a fundamental problem ?
  Actually, the 150-line record needs about 20M, and the 300-line record
  about 75M.  These figures are roughly double the actual residency,
  GHC's underlying collector is a copying, not compacting, one.
  GHC automatically increases the heap size up to a maximum of 64M unless
  tell it not to (with -optCrts-M32m, for example).  I'll bet this is the
  source of the confusion.
  The heap requirement is still non-linear, but I'm guessing that this is
  because for each line you add to the record the compiler has to not only
  generate a new selector function, but also add a field to the record
  pattern matched against in all the existing selectors.

 Thanks for the answers and sorry for the late reaction.

 I worked out an example to understand what you wrote.
 GHC will probably generate something like this:

 data R = R String Integer
  deriving (Read,Show)

 selectA (R s _) = s
 selectB (R _ i) = i

 updateA (R _ b) a = (R a b)
 updateB (R a _) b = (R a b)

 emptyR  = R undefined undefined

 Which you can then use like this:

 updateR = updateB (updateA emptyR "a") 2
 testA   = selectA updateR
 testB   = selectB updateR

 I agree that the select and update pattern matchings would
 get big for a 300 line record, but 75M is a lot of memory.
 Especialy because the pattern matches and the right hand
 sides of both the selects and updates are trivial pieces
 of code: no nesting, no currying etc. But maybe GHC
 generates something extra ? Is special code generated
 for updating multiple fields for example ?

 I can probably work around this in a simple way: since I'm
 generating the big record, I might as well generate
 the selects, updates and emptyR instead and split them
 over a couple of files.


comparison with the ML family

1999-07-19 Thread Jan Brosius


compared with Ocaml and SML , Haskell is a more sophisticated and more
elegant language. Does anybody know how efficient the Haskell compiler is
with regards to impure functional languages.



Re: typing error?

1999-07-19 Thread Jan Brosius

Thanks to Amr A Sabry for showing the error in my reasoning and thanks to
John Launchburry for clarifying the reason of this at first strange example.
It helped me a lot about understanding better rank 2 polymorphism.


- Original Message -
From: John Launchbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 19, 1999 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: typing error?

 Jan Brosius wrote:

  I have read the online postscript paper " Lazy Functional State
  I think the typing (page 4)
  f :: MutVar s a - Mutvar s a
  is wrong, since the definition of  f  is :
  f v = runST ( newVar v 'thenST'  \w -
readVar w)

 I think you mean page 10...

 The typing given for f is an instance of the more general typing you gave.
The intent was to show that the s-types were not special in any way, and
that state threads could manipulate state structures belonging to other
threads. There are less contrived examples which are not mere instances of
more general polytypes.


No Subject

1999-07-19 Thread Jan Brosius


will Haskell compiled programs be faster by using more strictness
annotations; I especially think of Clean where strictness annotations are
"abundantly" used?



typing error?

1999-07-18 Thread Jan Brosius


I have read the online postscript paper " Lazy Functional State Threads".
I think the typing (page 4)

f :: MutVar s a - Mutvar s a

is wrong, since the definition of  f  is :

f v = runST ( newVar v 'thenST'  \w -
  readVar w)

and since newVar is typed as:

newVar :: a - ST s (MutVar s a)

hence  v  is of type  a. Furthermore runST has type

runST :: (forall s.  ST s a) - a

hence  f v  can't have the type " MutVar s a ". If I understand well  the
definition of  f v ,thenST and  readVar  (see above)  , f v  must have type

Thanks for any comments.


second rank polymorphism

1999-07-06 Thread Jan Brosius


Is there anyone who can explain to me what is meant by second rank
I have already read all available online documentation.
In logic one has: forall x forall y = forall y forall x.
Doesn't haskell 98 allow in place updating e.g; for records?

