>From: Frank Atanassow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Jan Brosius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 2:53 PM
>Subject: Re: more detailed explanation about forall in Haskell

> Jan Brosius writes:
>  > I must put this in the good way;
>  >
>  > [forall x . alpha(x)] => alpha(x) is True
> Yes, by instantiation.

I disagree.

>  > If alpha(x) is TRUE then the following is true : alpha(x) => [forall x.
>  > alpha(x)]
> No, alpha(x) only asserts that some element named x satisfies alpha. It
> not follow that therefore every other element also satisfies alpha.

No the variable x means that it can be substituted by any term. That is the
real meaning of a variable
(at least in classical logic).

Consider e.g. Carl Witty's formula  : prime(x) == x is a prime number.
Then  prime(2) == (2|x) prime(x) is true , and prime (4) is false

Take something else alpha(x) == prime(x) AND ¬ prime(x)   ( ¬  signifies

then alpha(x) is a false formula  and you have  ¬ [exists x. alpha(x)]

On the contrary   beta(x) == ¬ alpha(x) is true for any x

>  > So if alpha(x) is TRUE then [forall x. alpha(x) ]<=> alpha(x)
> This does not follow. It is truth-equivalent to:

Sorry, I disagree

>   [forall x. alpha(x)] <=> True

( In the above you should at the very least not forget to mention that
[forall x. alpha(x)] must be true )

In principle   True is a sloppy expression for saying that [forall x .
alpha(x)] is a theorem of some mathematical theory. I have used True because
discussing mathematical theories would have lead the discussion
out of the scope of the discussion.

For instance let "T="  denote a mathematical theory with equality

then one has   "T="  -|  x = x

that is  the formula  x = x  is a theorem in "T=" . More sloppy the formula
x=x    is  TRUE in   "T="

> which is equivalent to:
>   forall x. alpha(x)
> which is only true when every element satisifies alpha; so it is not a
> tautology.
> I repeat: you do not understand the difference between bound and free

I disagree  a free variable is not a constant.

A bound variable is a variable tied to a quantifier. In principle a bound
variable is not visibly.
This is best illustrated by  Bourbaki's approach where they first define :

exists x . alpha(x) == (`t x (alpha)| x) alpha

where if e.g.  alpha(x) == x = x then

`t x (alpha) == `t ( `sq = `sq )  where `sq denotes a small square  and
where here both `sq are tied to `t by a line
 In this way I can really say that in   [existx x. x = x] the variable x has

Finally Bourbaki defines   forall x . alpha(x) == ¬ [exists x . ¬ alpha(x)]

I repeat : there are no domains in propositional calculus , but I am aware
that in some text books about
propositional calculus one speaks about it , I regard this as cheating :
introducing a concept that one is   going to define later. I remember my
prof, in logic in 1 cand. math - physics where his first lesson began by
on the blackboard  :  p V ¬ p  and he only said  " p or not p "  " tertium
non datur"  " a third possibility is not given "
His whole course was as formally as possible, and variables were not
supposed to range about a domain.

> A free variable behaves like a constant.

No a constant is always the same constant, it is never substituted by
something else, it is "immutable".

A variable is a placeholder for a Term ( a constant is a special term)

>It is not "implicitly"
> quantified in any way, because it denotes a specific element. The only
> difference between a constant and a free variable is syntactic: a free
> variable can be bound in an outer scope,

No the real role of a variable   say  x in a formula alpha(x) or a term T(x)
is a PLACEHOLDER ready to be substituted by a Term (e.g. constant or a
parameterized term)

And that's the reason why I should find it weird if  In Haskell 98+ one
would distinguish  between

a -> a   and [forall a. a -> a]

>while a constant cannot.
>  > > The sentence "alpha(x)" asserts that there is a _distinguished_
>  > > named
>  >
>  > NO , saying that there is a distinguished element T that satisfies
>  > implies
>  >
>  > that exists x. alpha(x) is true
> Yes, it also implies this fact, because it can be derived by
>   alpha(x) => exists y. alpha(y)
> However, existential quantification hides the identity of the element in
> question. The fact that we know _which_ element it is that satisifies
> permits us to say more. This is why:
>   exists x. alpha(x),
>   alpha(x),
> and
>   forall x. alpha(x)
> are not truth-equivalent. Rather we have:
>   forall y. alpha(y) => alpha(x)   and   alpha (x) => exists z. alpha(z)

AND if    alpha(x)  is a TRUE formula then   alpha(x) => forall x. alpha(x)

A better way to express this is

Rule of genaralization:

alpha(x )  is True (and x is a variable)
forall x . alpha(x ) is true

I repeat that my use of true or false is not really the way it is expressed
in Bourbaki , I used it
in order to be understood by everybody (and in this discussion it doesn'

>  > > "x" in the domain of your model, and that that element, at least,
>  > satisfies
>  >
>  > x is a variable ; no domain ; no model
> A model must assign an element in the domain to each free variable. You
need a
> model to determine the truth-value of a first-order proposition which is
> tautological. We are trying to establish the truth-value of a proposition
> a free variable; therefore we need a model. A model needs a domain of
> to draw from. Therefore we need a domain. OK?

No, you don't need a model for (formal ) logic . If at this stage
(propositional calculus) you would
talk about a domain or set then you are introducing  "domain" before you
have discussed what
a domain is. If you are using a model than you are implicitly accepting the
fact that the whole
of mathematical set theory is at your disposition. Since mathematical set
theory is based on propositional calculus a variable   x   in propositional
calculus  is really a variable  which is equivalent to saying that it
can be used for substitution no more,no less.

The forall's used with domains, say e.g.   N  is the set of  integers are in
fact bounded forall's and
one has e.g.

forall x in N . prime(x) ==  forall x.  x in N => prime(x)

the left forall above is an example of a bounded forall where x must range
over a constant set , here N.

However more complicated bounded forall's can be considered.
In general let alpha(x) be a formula about a variable x then

[forall alpha(x) . prime(x)]  == [forall x. alpha(x) => prime(x)]

> --
> Frank Atanassow, Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University Padualaan
> PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands Tel +31 (030) 253-1012, Fax
> (030) 251-3791

Jan Brosius

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