Re: [Haskell] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 155 - October 20, 2010 (Originally posted to Haskell-Cafe)

2010-10-24 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
(Not really Haiku form:)

Haskell Weekly News, finally back!
Nooo, they just hid in the café!?
So many to catch up... 3.

Oh, I'm so happy!
Daniel! Thanks!

- Marc

Am Thursday 21 October 2010 schrieb Daniel Santa Cruz:
 Hello all,
 Malcolm Wallace noticed that I had not posted the HWN to this list,
 and requested that I do so.
 I realize that many of you are also following -Cafe, and I do
 apologize if this is a bit spamish due
 to that.  Hopefully some of you will find this useful.
  Welcome to issue 155 of the HWN, a newsletter covering developments in
   the [1]Haskell community in the week of October 10 - 16.
   This time around we again have 87 posts to HackageDB. Instead of
   posting the individual packages, we get to see and celebrate the 43
   people behind these efforts.
   Want to keep a close eye on the haskellers that lurk twitter? Don
   Steward made [2]a twitter list of tweeting haskellers! Let him know if
   you'd like to be added to the list.
   There were a total of 24 new stories posted to the Haskell Reddit
   channel, 27 new questions taged with Haskell in StackOverflow, and 408
   messages posted to Haskell-Cafe.
   So, what was hot last week?
   Gregory Crosswhite is pleased to [3]announce the release of a family of
   packages for type-level natural numbers. He also [4]announced
   tagged-list, a package which provides fixed-length lists that are
   tagged with a phantom type-level natural number corresponding to the
   Janis Voigtlander [5]announced that it is time to collect contributions
   for the 19th edition of the Haskell Communities  Activities Report.
   The submission deadline is November 1, 2010.
   Alexander Solla [6]announced his new Facts library. The Facts
   hierarchy is meant to contain commonly used, relatively static facts
   about the real world.
   Kevin Jardine [7]announced polyToMonoid: a library that supplies two
   very general polyvariadic functions that can map their arguments into
   any monoid you specify.
   Simon Hengel [8]announced a new version of DocTest. DocTest now uses
   Haddock for parsing of comments.
 Interesting Threads on Haskell-Cafe
   Michael Snoyman [9]reported that has become popular a
   lot falter that he anticipated. Read up on what changes are planned for Michael is very interested in some help with running
   the site.
   Jacek Generowicz [10]asked how to deal with dynamic dispatch on
   extensible sets of types.
   Uwe Schmidt [11]replied to a question about why HXT uses arrows as
   opposed to using monads. Good comments followed.
   Jason Dusek [12]asked if there is a way to write a Haskell data
   structure that is necessarily only one or two or seventeen items long;
   but that is nonetheless statically guaranteed to be of finite length?
   Twenty-three messages followed.
   Simon Thompson [13]annouced the availability of books for review for
   the Journal of Functonial Programming.
   Andrew Copping [14]summarized a report produced by Google Szwitzerland
   on taking a Python system and rewriting bits of it in Haskell, some of
   which is now in production use.
   Ben Franksen [15]ranted about the current Haskell Blurb on the first
   paragraph of Quite the read to end the week :)
 Top Reddit Stories
  * Using Haskell’s ‘newtype’ in C
Score: 37, Comments: 5
On Reddit:
  * The Haskell theme: consistent visual branding for Haskell
Score: 34, Comments: 11
On Reddit:
  * Haskellers: Survey results and new site features
Score: 22, Comments: 6
On Reddit:
  * My Experience Learning Haskell
Score: 21, Comments: 6
On Reddit:
  * Invertible monads for exception handling and memory allocations
Score: 21, Comments: 0
On Reddit:
  * Accelerating Haskell Array Codes with Multicore GPUs
Score: 19, Comments: 0
On Reddit: 

Re: [Haskell] Re: Marketing Haskell

2009-04-02 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
slow and lazy... that's me, too. but haskell is not slow.

how about an octopus?

there are some kinds (or all?), which are more chameleon like than real 
chameleons; they can look like strange fishes, stones, or whatever.
they have a decentralized brain (like multi core), are really intelligent (can 
even open cucumber glasses, but probably not 100 bottles of beer) and are from 
the stronger types of animals; strong because they save their energy (glucose 
and oxygen) in their blood for times when they need it -- like being lazy but 
they can swim backwards and can squeeze themself through holes of the size of 
their own eyes -- reminds me of javascript as backend.
and they are funny and cool: they squirt water at you like dolphins -- the 
Quotes of the Week are funny and cool, too, but you have to wet yourself.

imho, you can compare them to handy parrots (but mute) with colour/sign 
language and chameleon features. and they know some ninja arts; inky, but 
ninjas are cool.

some videos:
The Indonesian Mimic Octopus
One Very Clever Octopus
Skilled octopus opens bottles
Octopus escaping through a one inch hole
Wow! Giant octopus - extreme animals - BBC wildlife
Pulpos: suave inteligencia (Octopus intelligence)

- marc

Am Donnerstag, 2. April 2009 schrieb Bulat Ziganshin:
 Hello Benjamin,
 Thursday, April 2, 2009, 2:54:38 PM, you wrote:
  Likewise.  Why don't we ask the real Simon to choose an additional
  mascot for Haskell?  Something slow and lazy would do
 i propose myself...
 Best regards,
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Re: [Haskell] Current XML libraries status

2008-10-24 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
there was a thread about xml parsing, one month ago.
well, i don't know much about xml, except what it looks like;
but i know about that interesting parsing problem behind it.
maybe Lev Walkin has fixed that in HXML. at least he wrote this patch...

- marc

sometimes i think, i should write a paper about it. but then... naah, i'm like 
haskell: non-strict.

Am Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2008 schrieb Krasimir Angelov:
 Does some one have made performance tests on the different XML libraries for
 Haskell? I have a 20MB xml file that I want to read. I remember from my
 earlier experiments (years ago) that all libraries were too slow and were
 consuming too much memory. I hoped that this situation had changed but maybe
 not. I looked at HaXML, libxml, HXML and HXT. HaXML eats a lot of memory and
 is still very slow. libxml is unfinished binding to the C library. Currently
 it only allows to create documents. HXML seems to be very promising. It
 works fast and it doesn't eat memory. Unfortunately it is that it seems to
 be rather old. It uses its own Arrow and Tree libraries instead of the
 standard libraries. I have not jumped into HXT yet because it seems to be
 very large library. Could someone recomend which one is the state of the
 Best Regards,

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: XML (HXML) parsing :: GHC 6.8.3 space leak from 2000

2008-09-23 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
  -- Lazily build a tree out of a sequence of tree-building events
  build :: [TreeEvent] - ([UnconsumedEvent], [Tree String])
  build (Start str : es) =
  let (es', subnodes) = build es
  (spill, siblings) = build es'
  in (spill, (Tree str subnodes : siblings))
  build (Leaf str : es) =
  let (spill, siblings) = build es
  in (spill, Tree str [] : siblings)
  build (Stop : es) = (es, [])
  build [] = ([], [])
  We don't know of a good way to fix this problem.  I'm going to record 
  this example in a ticket for future reference, though.
 is there a way, perhaps, to rewrite this expression to avoid leaks?
 An ad-hoc will do, perhaps split in two modules to avoid intramodular
 Lev Walkin

finally... there is a way! :D

hmm... this was a nice puzzle ;)

i've tried several times (and hours!) to implement a Continuation (not monad) 
based solution, but finally i developed this tricky but elegant foldr 
i built the parser around this type:
  type FoldR_Builder = (TreeEvent,[UnconsumedEvent]) - [Either 
[UnconsumedEvent] (Tree String)] - [Either [UnconsumedEvent] (Tree String)]

it is based on the following thought:
the tuple
  (rs,ps)::([Rest],[Processed]) -- with the restriction, which forces the list 
ps to be processed entirely before rs.
is equipollent to
  (fmap Right ps++[Left rs])::[Either [Rest] Processed]
, but the latter is easier to handle least if you can't trust the GC.

- marc

module Main where

import Data.List

data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a] deriving Show

data TreeEvent = Start String   -- Branch off a new subtree
| Stop  -- Stop branching and return 1 level
| Leaf String   -- A simple leaf without children
deriving Show

main = print . snd . build $ Start top : cycle [Leaf sub]
--main = print . snd . build $ [Leaf bla,Leaf bla,Start S(,Leaf 
bli,Start T(,Leaf blu,Stop,Stop,Leaf bla]

type UnconsumedEvent = TreeEvent-- Alias for program documentation

build :: [TreeEvent] - ([UnconsumedEvent], [Tree String])
build tes = let (ts_,ue_,_) = splitAtLeftDefault [] $ foldr builder [] 
[(te,ue)|ue@(te:_)-tails tes] in (ue_,ts_)
-- a little change (bugfix?) to the space leaking solution...
-- [Stop,Leaf x]  now evaluates to  ([Stop,Leaf x],[])  instead of  ([Leaf 
-- like this:   build ue@(Stop:_) = (ue,[])
-- instead of:  build (Stop : es) = (es,[])

type FoldR_Builder = (TreeEvent,[UnconsumedEvent]) - [Either [UnconsumedEvent] 
(Tree String)] - [Either [UnconsumedEvent] (Tree String)]
builder :: FoldR_Builder
builder (Stop,ue) euts = (Left ue:euts)
builder (Leaf str,_) euts = (Right (Tree str []):euts)
builder (Start str,_) euts = let (sub,_,euts') = splitAtLeftDefault [] euts in 
(Right (Tree str sub):euts')

-- default value is needed iff the list is finite and contains no (Left _).
splitAtLeftDefault :: a - [Either a b] - ([b],a,[Either a b])
splitAtLeftDefault a0 [] = ([],a0,[])
splitAtLeftDefault a0 (Right b:xs) = let (bs,a,es) = splitAtLeftDefault a0 xs 
in (b:bs,a,es)
splitAtLeftDefault _ (Left a:xs) = ([],a,xs)

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Related Reading

2008-06-29 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
i think, you are looking for this paper:
Functional programming with bananas, lenses, envelopes and barbed wire

atm, the link is broken or server offline. so here is another reference...

the paper is pretty cool, but it has nothing to do with arrows, monads or 
for those, i don't know any paper.

- marc

Am Samstag, 28. Juni 2008 schrieb Darrin Thompson:
 I have a trip coming up and might have some reading time. I was hoping to
 get through some of the classics, bananas and lenses, the essence, etc.
 So I have a few questions:
 Bananas and lenses et. al. uses some notation that I don't understand right
 out of the gate. Is there a good primer on whatever that brand of double
 bars and arrows means?
 The essense of functional programming looks good, I could understand it when
 I skimmed it but can I print it out on US letter? The PDF at citeseer was
 aligned badly. (Essece seemed like a fabulous intro or chapter 2 on getting
 used to monads. Better than most stuff on the web. Funny that...)
 I'm also interested in FRP as it might relate to web programming. Anyone
 have a recommendation?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] GADT rhymes with cat

2008-03-16 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
GADTs always reminds me of the japanese word gattsu.
ガッツ == ga-tsu-tsu == gattsu, spoken somehow like gah-t--ts... followed 
by a half spoken english u (second half).
gattsu means in english guts.
that in mind, i was just GADDing in StarDict, which translates gatsugatsu 
with burning with desire for something, greedily.

hm. that explains how excited some people are about this extension. guts are 

- marc

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why does this blow the stack?

2007-12-21 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
Am Freitag, 21. Dezember 2007 schrieb Justin Bailey:
 Given this function:
   dropTest n = head . drop n $ [1..]
 I get a stack overflow when n is greater than ~ 550,000 . Is that
 inevitable behavior for large n? Is there a better way to do it?

[1..] equals [1, (1)+1, (1+1)+1, (1+1+1)+1, (1+1+1+1)+1, ...] where the 
brackets are a reference to the previous entry in the list.
so, if you want to reach the nth element in [1..], then the garbage collector 
automagically collects the unused list entries... but there are no unused.

[1..]!!10 = ((1)+1)+1)+1)+1)+1)+1)+1)+1)+1)+1
now, that one long formula needs to be completely build in the stack prior to 
to prevent this, each value has to be evaluated before stepping deeper into the 
list. i.e. like with this bang pattern:

let ((!x):xs)!!!i = case i of {0-x;_-xs!!!pred i} in [1..]!!!10

or simply like this trick:
this causes every single entry to be checked against the list-end-condition, 
just before the calculation of the next list entry.

- marc

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] MonadFix

2007-12-18 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
Am Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2007 schrieb Joost Behrends:
fix f is the least fixed point of the function f, i.e. the least defined x
 such that f x = x.
 What does least mean here ? There is nothing said about x being a variable 
 an instance of Ord. And why fix has not the type a - (a - a) - a, means: 
 can i provide a starting point of the iteration x == f x == f (f x) == 

the starting point is undefined.
the ordering of functions is is_subset_of.

a more detailed explanation:

a function A - B is a subset of the cartesian product A x B, where for 
each element in A there is not more than one element in B.
subsets are partially ordered. the empty set (the function const undefined or 
simply undefined) is the lowest subset, and AxB is the largest (but in most 
cases not a function).
the function f0 (_::a) = (undefined::b) is the lowest subset.
the function f1 ('x'::a) = (5+fromEnum 'x'::b) is larger than f0.
the function f1' ('y'::a) = (7::b) is larger than f0, and not equal (neither 
equal, nor lower, nor larger) to f1.
the function f2 (c::a) | isUpper c = (5 + fromEnum c::b) is larger than f1, 
and not equal (neither equal, nor lower, nor larger) to f1'.
the function fn (c::a) | True = (5 + fromEnum c::b) is one maximal defined 
function: it is defined on every input parameter.

now, the fix function takes a function construct_f::(a-a)-(a-a) and 
calculates first (construct_f undefined) :: (a-a). undefined :: (a-a) 
equals f0, the lowest function/element, but it is not a fixpoint. construct_f 
undefined is a bit more defined
construct_f . construct_f . construct_f . construct_f . ... (oo times) $ 
undefined is the largest thing you can get this way, it does not need to be 
defined everywhere, but it is a fixpoint. there may be larger fixpoints, but no 


fix construct_f
 where construct_f f = \x - (if x==0 then 42 else f (x-1))

look at construct_f undefined: it constructs a function which is defined on 
the input x==0; otherwise it tries to evaluate undefined (x-1), which is 
completely undefined.
look at construct_f $ construct_f undefined: it constructs a function which 
is defined on the input x==0 and x==1.

fix cf = cf (fix cf) is the fixpoint function, and with this...
fix construct_f constructs a function which is defined on all inputs x=0, 
but not on inputs x0. this function is one fixpoint (the least one) of 
another function is a fixpoint of construct_f: \x-42. but this is a larger 
function than the above fixpoint, so this is not the LEAST FIXPOINT; the above 
one is.
you can test, whether it is a fixpoint: construct_f (\x-42) == (\x-if x==0 
then 42 else (\x-42)(x-1)) == (\x-if x==0 then 42 else 42) == (\x-42)
exercise1: construct_f (\x-if x=0 then 42 else 23) == ...?
exercise2: construct_f (\x-if x=0 then 42 else undefined) == ...?

another example: lists.

fix (\fibs-1:1:zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs))

i hope to have helped.
- marc

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] GUI

2007-12-12 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
Am Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2007 schrieb Miguel Mitrofanov:
 Gtk2Hs is good (I suppose), but it requires X. OK, I have X, but it's  
 not native on my Mac; some Mac users don't install it and almost  
 all Mac users don't always run it.

the problem is Apple. if you want to have a native gui on OSX then you are 
either nearly stuck to Objective-C or to obsolete gui libraries.
i'm not a mac user, but i know one who is; he told me.
on osx there are two main gui apis: carbon and cocoa.

carbon is obsolete, but it partially runs on osx -- it is not 64bit compatible.

cocoa is the newer one, which every mac user likes.
AFAIK there is no C backend to that api, so you will have to develop a C 
backend first and then the haskell (or gtk2) wrapper.
there are some bindings for other languages, i.e. C#, but no C.

if you are able to code objective-c and know how to access cocoa using c, 
please help those gtk developers to port gtk2 to native OSX.
it will then automagically work with gtk2hs.

- marc

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] New slogan for

2007-12-11 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
i did just read the haskell description from galois [1]. i like
 1) ...enabling much higher coding efficiency, in addition to formalisms that 
greatly ease verification.
 2) All programming languages suffer from a semantic gap:...

maybe we could compose sth similar to 1) to introduce static typed functional 
programming, and to 2) to introduce some strange new buzzwords coming with 
i'm sure, there will be no problem in using scary words, iff we introduce them 
as easy-to-handle master solutions to all incurable programming diseases. ;)

...imho the present slogan [2] is not that bad, too.

- marc


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Style

2007-08-24 Thread Marc A. Ziegert


 tm_parallelizable_v1 = \n - sum . takeWhile (0) $ map (div n) fives
   where fives = iterate (*5) 1
 tm_improved_v1 n = sum . takeWhile (0) $ iterate (div `flip` 5) (div n 5)
 tm_fastestIMHO n = let m=div n 5 in if m5 then m else m+tm_fastestIMHO m

Henning Thielemann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 tm4 = sum . takeWhile(0) . tail . iterate (flip div 5)

Bjorn Bringert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 tm_silly n = length $ takeWhile (=='0') $ reverse $ show $ product [1..n]

Arie Groeneveld [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 tm = sum . takeWhile(0) . iterate f . f
where f = flip div 5
 tm1 n = sum . takeWhile(0) . map (div n . (5^)) $ [1..]
 tm2 n = sum . takeWhile(0) . map (div n) $ iterate ((*)5) 5
 tm3 = sum . takeWhile(0) . flip map (iterate ((*)5) 5) . div

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Style

2007-08-24 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
whops... i did check it, but
that was a copypaste mistake.

 tm_parallelizable_v1 = \n - sum . takeWhile (0) $ map (div n) fives
   where fives = iterate (*5) 1

should be:
 tm_parallelizable_v1 = \n - sum . takeWhile (0) $ map (div n) fives
   where fives = iterate (*5) 5

- marc

Am Freitag, 24. August 2007 schrieben Sie:
 Hi Marc
 First off, thanks for your reply.
  tm_parallelizable_v1 = \n - sum . takeWhile (0) $ map (div n) fives
 where fives = iterate (*5) 1
 Did you check this one? IMHO I think it's producing the 'wrong' answer.
 *Main tm_parallelizable_v1 100
 (0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
 *Main tm 100
 (0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
 If comparing the result to the other variants is accepted as a sort
 of proof. ;-)
 But calculating the number of trailing zero's of n! is a matter of
 counting powers of five in the factorized n!: f.e.:
 10! = 1 2 3 2^2 5 2*3 7 2^3 3^2 2*5
 -- 5^2 -- picking up enough powers of 2 -- (2*5)^2 = 100
 So you will have to correct your 'fives' to f.e.
 fives = tail $ iterate (*5) 1

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] #haskell irc channel reaches 400 users

2007-08-22 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
i interpret it as this:

all [ usage x  usage y || fun_to_talk_about x  fun_to_talk_about y
| let lang=[minBound .. maxBound] -- C++,Haskell,Java,etc.
, x-lang
, y-lang
, irc_channel_users x  irc_channel_users y 

- marc

Am Dienstag, 21. August 2007 schrieb Albert Y. C. Lai:
 Andrew Coppin wrote:
  ...does this mean Haskell is officially harder to understand than Lisp, 
  Java, Perl and O'Caml? :-}
  (OTOH, does this mean Haskell is easier to understand than PHP or C++?)
 Or, Haskell is the easiest to understand of them all.
 Reason: Extremely large channel means so hard to understand that many 
 people want help. Extremely small channel means so hard to understand 
 that few people show interest. The middle-sized channel sits at the 
 sweet spot.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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[Haskell-cafe] howto install ghc-6.7.* ?

2007-08-11 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
i just don't get it.
please, can anybody explaim me how to do that?
i tried it the last few days with ghc-6.7.20070807, ghc-6.7.20070809, and 
it always results in a broken library (without Prelude):

# ghc-pkg list
{ghc-6.7.20070810}, rts-1.0

i did this on my gentoo-i386-box (pretty old, takes 1h for quick build, 3.5h 
without mk/

tar xjf ghc-6.7.$T-src.tar.bz2 
tar xjf ghc-6.7.$T-src-extralibs.tar.bz2 
cd ghc-6.7.$T
#echo BuildFlavour = quick
#cat mk/
)  mk/
./configure  ( time nice -n 19 make all install )

those extralibs seem to be installed in
but registered in
instead of

- marc

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] creating graphics the functional way

2007-08-06 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
Am Montag, 6. August 2007 00:48 schrieb Frank Buss:
 I've created a small program to compose images with combinators:
 look very smooth. And it is very slow, it needs about 40 seconds on my
computer to calculate the image. Using parametrized combinators sounds like

in that source file, you define Size and Pixel as structs of Integers. that 
are neither unsigned chars (8_bit) nor ints (32-64_bit) nor floats (32_bit) but 
an artificial oo_bit int (1 int + list of bytes).
i'm sure you will gain a speedup by redefining these structs. i.e. use Float or 
Int instead of Integer; see Data.Int and Data.Word for more alternatives.

- marc

[code snippet from source file]
-- image size
data Size = Size { width :: Integer, height :: Integer }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

-- RGB components for an image pixel
data Pixel = Pixel { r :: Integer, g :: Integer, b :: Integer }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

-- helper functions for saving bytes
writeByte byte = putWord8 (fromIntegral byte)
writeBytes bytes = mapM_ putWord8 bytes

-- binary instance for saving Pixels
instance Binary Pixel where
put (Pixel r g b) = do
writeByte b
writeByte g
writeByte r
get = error Pixel get not supported


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Exiting GLUT application

2007-07-31 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
in old glut, the main loop was the core of the single threaded program. exiting 
it did mean to exit the program completely.
in freeglut, you have alternatives. but for compatibility, it defaults to the 
old behaviour.

- marc

Am Dienstag, 31. Juli 2007 19:16 schrieb Dave Tapley:
 Hi everyone, I have the following skeleton GLUT code:
  import Graphics.UI.GLUT
  main = do
 It loads into both hugs and ghci fine and when 'main' is evaluated an
 empty window opens as expected.
 However when closing the window (clicking the window manager's x
 button) both hugs and ghci exit with the window, as opposed to
 returning to the the 'Main' prompt.
 I suspect I need some callback to exit the GUI cleanly?
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC and GLUT

2007-07-25 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
to replace only is not enough. if i understand you correctly, you 
changed the backend without the API. (you need .h at compiletime, .a (an 
archive of .o files) when you link everything to an executable, and .so at 
my libglut installation comes with...

/usr/lib/ (link to .3.8.0)
/usr/lib/   (link to .3.8.0)

i guess, you have to recompile Graphics.UI.GLUT, too.

- marc

Am Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2007 05:27 schrieb Paul L:
 I wonder if anybody has experience with the GLUT library that GHC
 currently supports? I was trying to use freeglut because I need the
 actionOnWindowClose function. GHC documentation seems to indicate it's
 possible to do this, but my effort isn't successful.
 I even replaced the system-wide with the new
 that comes with freeglut installation, but GHC still won't recognize
 it's now freeglut and I still can't use the actionOnWindowClose
 This is on Linux, and I've not tried Windows. Do I need to compile GHC
 myself in order to enable freeglut support? Any help is greatly
 Paul L
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Weird ghci behaviour?

2007-07-21 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
 This is ghc 6.6. Anyone else seeing this?
not here.

what do these output:
ghc --version
ghci --version
? are they different?

besides that.. why do you use 6.6? may it bee.. is your Unix-like OS sth 
between OSX and linux? (i remenber there exists a Gnu/Darwin package manager 
without the (faster bootstrapping) ghc-6.6.1)

- marc

Am Freitag, 20. Juli 2007 23:12 schrieb Dan Piponi:
 On Unix-like OSes:
 If I run ghc test.hs and then run ghci test.hs, ghci fails to load
 up my code. I have to touch test.hs and then run ghci. I can
 understand ghci refusing to recompile something it thinks it has
 already compiled. But it appears to refuse to load it into an
 interactive session - which is less useful. In fact, removing test.hi
 makes ghci work again.
 This is ghc 6.6. Anyone else seeing this?
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] xkcd #287 NP-Complete

2007-07-10 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
Am Dienstag, 10. Juli 2007 00:25 schrieb Albert Y. C. Lai:

 It disappoints me that there is no solution if each item is used at most 
 once. However, do change the code to allow multiple uses, then there are 
 many solutions.

i see only two solutions.

let menu = [215, 275, 335, 355, 420, 580]
let run x menu = [[c]|c-menu,c==x]++[c:cs|c-menu,cx,cs-run (x-c) (dropWhile 
(/=c) menu)]
run 1505 menu


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell's partial application (not currying!) versus Business Objects Gem Cutter's burning

2007-07-04 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
exercise done. :D
there is still a problem with the functional dependencies. see last line of 
- marc

Am Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2007 14:22 schrieb Conor McBride:
{? * 10 + ?} 4 2 = 42

 (3) Exercise for readers:
implement constructors
  P v  for embedding pure values v
  Ofor holes
  f :$ a   for application, left-associative
and an interpreting function
such that
  emmental (P (+) :$ (P (*) :$ O :$ P 10) :$ O) 4 2 = 42
 I think the question of whether to support linear abstractions other  
 than of
 an argument suffix is an interesting one. The flip answer is a bad  
 lambda abstraction is a good answer, but sometimes feels too heavy  
 for this
 job. I really don't have a strong opinion about whether it's worth  
 a lighter notation for the linear case, but I thought I'd at least  
 try to
 inform the debate.
 All the best
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
{-# OPTIONS  -fglasgow-exts -farrows -fbang-patterns -fno-full-laziness -funbox-strict-fields  -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
{-# PACKAGE ghc-6.6 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

module Main where

--import Control.Arrow
--import Data.Array as Array
--import Data.Array.ST as STArray
--import Data.Array.Unboxed as UArray
--import Data.Map as Map
--import Data.Set as Set
--import Data.List as List
--import Data.Queue
--import Data.Sequence as Seq
--import Data.IntSet as IntSet
--import Data.IntMap as IntMap
--import Data.Maybe
--import Data.Bits (xor)
--import Data.Word
--import Data.Int
--import Control.Monad
--import Control.Arrow
--import Control.Monad.State
--import Control.Monad.Writer
--import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
--import Control.Applicative
--import Data.Traversable
--import System.Posix
--import System.IO.Unsafe
--import Data.Graph.Inductive as Gr hiding (())
--import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Example as Example
--import Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.BFS
--import Control.Monad.ST.Strict
--import Data.STRef
--import System.Random
--import Data.Ratio
--import System.Exit
--import MonadLib


   implement constructors
 P v  for embedding pure values v
 Ofor holes
 f :$ a   for application, left-associative
   and an interpreting function
   such that
 emmental (P (+) :$ (P (*) :$ O :$ P 10) :$ O) 4 2 = 42


data ZERO
data NAT n = SUCC n

class NAT n where
  nat :: n - Int
instance NAT ZERO where
  nat _ = 0
instance NAT n = NAT (SUCC n)  where
  nat _ = succ $ nat (undefined::n)

newtype HOLE a = HOLE a

class NAT n = UNHOLE n h f | n h - f where
  unhole :: n - h - f
instance UNHOLE ZERO (P v) v where
  unhole _ (P v) = v
instance (NAT n , UNHOLE n f g) = UNHOLE (SUCC n) ((HOLE a)-f) (a-g) where
  unhole _ f = unhole (undefined::n) . f . HOLE

data P v = P v
data O = O
data (:$) f a = f :$ a

infixl 8 :$

class PLUS a b c | a b - c where
instance PLUS ZERO b b where
instance (PLUS a b c) = PLUS (SUCC a) b (SUCC c) where

class COUNT a n | a - n where
  countH :: a - n
  countH _ = undefined
instance COUNT (P v) ZERO where
instance COUNT O ONE where
instance (COUNT f nf,COUNT a na,PLUS nf na nfa) = COUNT (f :$ a) (nfa) where

class EmToH e n h | e - n h where
  emToH :: e - h
instance EmToH (P v) ZERO v where
  emToH (P v) = v
instance EmToH O ONE (HOLE h-h) where
  emToH O (HOLE h) = h
instance (EmToH f nf f',EmToH a na a',ApplyH nf f' na a' nfa fa) = EmToH (f :$ a) nfa fa where
  emToH (f :$ a) = applyH (undefined::(nf,na)) (emToH f) (emToH a)

class ApplyH nf f na a nfa fa | nf f na a - nfa fa where
  applyH :: (nf,na) - f - a - fa
instance ApplyH ZERO (a-fa) ZERO a ZERO fa where
  applyH _ f a = f a
instance (ApplyH ZERO f na a na fa) = ApplyH ZERO f (SUCC na) (HOLE h-a) (SUCC na) (HOLE h-fa) where
  applyH _ f a h@(HOLE _) = applyH (undefined::(ZERO,na))f (a h)
instance (ApplyH nf f na a nfa fa) = ApplyH (SUCC nf) (HOLE h-f) na a (SUCC nfa) (HOLE h-fa) where
  applyH _ f a h@(HOLE _) = applyH (undefined::(nf,na)) (f h) a

class UnH n f r | n f - r where
  unH :: n - f - r
instance UnH ZERO f f where
  unH _ = id
instance (UnH n f r) = UnH (SUCC n) (HOLE h-f) (h-r) where
  unH _ f h = unH (undefined::n) $ f (HOLE h)

class Emmental e f | e - f where
  emmental :: e - f

instance (EmToH e n h, UnH n h r) = Emmental e r where
  emmental = unH (undefined::n) . emToH

main :: IO ()
--main = print $ emmental (P (+) :$ (P (*) :$ O :$ P 10) :$ O) 4 2
main = print $ emmental (P ((+)::Int-Int-Int) :$ (P ((*)::Int-Int-Int) :$ O :$ P (10::Int)) :$ O) (4::Int) (2::Int)

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] found monad in a comic

2007-06-14 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
well, i see sth like this:

data IceCream = EmptyCone | Vanilla | Strawberry | Wasabi | ...
data Hypothetical a = ...

instance Monad Hypothetical where -- one Functor and two Natural 
   fmap :: (a - b) - (Hypothetical a - Hypothetical b)
   return :: a - Hypothetical a
   join :: Hypothetical (Hypothetical a) - Hypothetical a

and this is the eye opener:
knife = join!
there is no unsafePerformIO-alike
coreturn :: Hypothetical a - a.
that belongs to CoMonads.

you can actually do the same trick like in the comic in RealWorld:
 whatever you can do in the real world, that can be done in the Hypothetical 
world, too.
 into an Hypothetical world you can imagine/return everything from the real 
world ...even whole Hypothetical worlds (return (return Wasabi)) and 
world-cutting knifes (return join).
 but the knife/join will never be a .../coreturn, a bridge from any 
Hypothetical world into the RealWorld.
that is what i call a monad.

- marc

i do not understand what the others are interpreting, maybe it is too high for 
me to see any connection between the comic and kripke semantics, higher order 
physics, the different worlds we live in...
for me it is just a little monad like Id without runId.

Am Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2007 21:10 schrieb Albert Y. C. Lai:
 Andrew Coppin wrote: everybody else looking at a different web page to me? *blinks*
 Everybody is interpreting it differently. (As usual.)
 I see an unsafePerformIO. :)
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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[Haskell-cafe] found monad in a comic

2007-06-11 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
( join /= coreturn )

IMHO this could be a beautiful and easy way to explain monads.

- marc

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What puts False before True?

2007-05-30 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
Am Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2007 05:52 schrieb PR Stanley:
 What is the basic philosophy for Bool being a member of Ord?
you can do sth like

Data.Set.fromList [minBound .. maxBound] :: Data.Set.Set Bool

 What justifies False  True?
in most interpretations this equals:

False == 0
True == 1
and == (*)
or == max
not == (1 -)
a `xor` b == (a + b) `mod` 2

and not this:

False == 1
True == 0
and == max
or == (*)
not == (1 -)
a `xor` b == (a + b) `mod` 2

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Memoization

2007-05-27 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
you may want to use a container like Array or Map.
most times i use an Array myself to speed things up like this.
with Map it will either be a bit tricky or you'll need to use an unsafeIO hack.
here are some functions that may help you. my favorites are Array and MapMealey.
- marc

memoizeArrayUnsafe :: (Ix i) = (i,i) - (i-e) - (i-e)
memoizeArrayUnsafe r f = (Data.Array.!) $ Data.Array.listArray r $ fmap f $ 
Data.Ix.range r
memoizeArray :: (Ix i) = (i,i) - (i-e) - (i-e)
memoizeArray r f i = if Data.Ix.inRange r i then memoizeArrayUnsafe r f i else 
f i

data Mealey i o = Mealey { runMealey :: i - (o,Mealey i o) }
memoizeMapMealey :: (Ord k) = (k-a) - (Mealey k a)
memoizeMapMealey f = Mealey (fm Data.Map.empty) where 
fm m k = case Data.Map.lookup m k of
(Just a) - (a,Mealey . fm $ m)
Nothing - let a = f k in (a,Mealey . fm $ Data.Map.insert k a 
$ m)

memoizeMapST :: (Ord k) = (k-ST s a) - ST s (k-ST s a)
memoizeMapST f = do
r - newSTRef (Data.Map.empty)
return $ \k - do
m - readSTRef r
case Data.Map.lookup m k of
(Just a) - return a
Nothing - do
a - f k
writeSTRef r $ Data.Map.insert k a m
return a

or with inelegant unsafe hacks you get more elegant interfaces:

memoizeMapUnsafeIO :: (Ord k) = (k-IO a) - (k-a)
memoizeMapUnsafeIO f = unsafePerformIO $ do
r - newIORef (Data.Map.empty)
return $ \k - unsafePerformIO $ do
m - readIORef r
case Data.Map.lookup m k of
(Just a) - return a
Nothing - do
a - f k
writeIORef r $ Data.Map.insert k a m
return a

memoizeMap :: (Ord k) = (k-a) - (k-a)
memoizeMap f = memoizeMapUnsafeIO (return . f)
memoizeMap f = runST $ do
f' - memoizeMapST (return . f)
return $ runST . unsafeIOToST . unsafeSTToIO . f'

Am Sonntag, 27. Mai 2007 04:34 schrieb Mark Engelberg:
 I'd like to write a memoization utility.  Ideally, it would look
 something like this:
 memoize :: (a-b) - (a-b)
 memoize f gives you back a function that maintains a cache of
 previously computed values, so that subsequent calls with the same
 input will be faster.
 I've searched the web for memoization examples in Haskell, and all the
 examples use the trick of storing cached values in a lazy list.  This
 only works for certain types of functions, and I'm looking for a more
 general solution.
 In other languages, one would maintain the cache in some sort of
 mutable map.  Even better, in many languages you can rebind the name
 of the function to the memoized version, so recursive functions can be
 memoized without altering the body of the function.
 I don't see any elegant way to do this in Haskell, and I'm doubting
 its possible.  Can someone prove me wrong?
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I select all the 3-element-combination out of a list efficiently

2007-05-20 Thread Marc A. Ziegert

with which model in Combinatorics in mind do you want that function? with or 
without repetition? 
order matters and each object can be chosen more than once the 
order matters and each object can be chosen only once the 
order does not matter and each object can be chosen only once 
order does not matter and each object can be chosen more than once

import Data.List

perm3_with_rep,perm3_without_rep,comb3_with_rep,comb3_without_rep :: [a] - 
[(a, a, a)]
perm3_with_repes = [(x,y,z)|x-es,y-es,z-es]
perm3_without_rep es = [(x,y,z)|let it s=zip s $ zipWith (++) (inits s) (tail $ 
tails s),(x,xr)-it es,(y,yr)-it xr,z-yr]
comb3_with_repes = [(x,y,z)|let it=init.tails,xs@(x:_)-it es,ys@(y:_)-it 
comb3_without_rep es = [(x,y,z)|let it=init.tails,(x:xr)-it es,(y:yr)-it 

comb3_to_perm3 :: [(a, a, a)] - [(a, a, a)]
comb3_to_perm3 xyz = concat[perm_without_rep [x,y,z]|(x,y,z)-xyz]

- marc

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell: the Craft of Functional Programming

2007-05-20 Thread Marc A. Ziegert

i don't know where my copy is or who it has, for years.
but i remember one bad thing... either i missread the following (my english was 
not that good) or it is a bug in the book:

(in the first chapter, i guess)
if you have the function
 sqr x = x*x
then haskell does reduce the term
 sqr (1+2)
first to
 (1+2) * (1+2)
and then to
 3 * (1+2)

that hurts.

the only thing i still remember to have learnt from that book is the good style 
of programming, which is very well explained.
(only one due to my Prelude and other Hugs-Library source reading/studying 
well, that alone is worth enough to read that book. even though it is plain old 
haskell98 without those gorgeous libs and without -fglasgow-exts.

- marc

Am Montag, 21. Mai 2007 01:46 schrieb PR Stanley:
 I've acquired a copy of the above title but it requires a lot of 
 transcription work. So, I thought I'd first ensure it's worth the 
 time and effort. This edition was published in 1999.
 All Opinions on the text, good or bad, would be very welcome.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] help -- need a random number

2007-04-26 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
module Dice where

import System.Random
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO,unsafeInterleaveIO)
import Data.List (unfoldr)

dice4,dice6,dice8,dice10,dice12,dice20,dice666 :: [Int]
dice4 = randomRs (1,4) (read foo::StdGen)
dice6 = randomRs (1,6) (mkStdGen 5)
dice8 = randomRs (1,8) (unsafePerformIO newStdGen)
dice10 = unfoldr (Just . randomR (1,10)) (read 42::StdGen)
dice12 = fmap ((+1).(mod `flip` 12)) $ randoms (read bar::StdGen)
dice20 = [succ $ x `mod` 20|x-unfoldr (Just . random) (mkStdGen 23)]
dice666 = unfoldr (\io_a - Just . unsafePerformIO $ fmap ((,)`flip` io_a) 
io_a) $ randomRIO (1,666)

Am Donnerstag, 26. April 2007 18:58 schrieb robert bauer:
 I need some random numbers.  The documentation identifies StdGen, but I can't 
 figure out how to invoke it.  The documentation is great
 in every way, except an actual example that I can essentially cut and paste.
 Haskell mailing list

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Re: [Haskell] help -- need a random number

2007-04-26 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
that is exact the way, how i had learned about the state monads like IO and 
that was even before i understood the [] monad, folding and using Random; i 
don't remember when that was... ghc-5.xx age.

in my opinion, unsafePerformIO is a good learning tool, as soon as you use it 
tricky to analyze and discover new worlds you have never been before.
like this:

blah = unsafePerformIO $ do
putStrLn I'm here: blah!
return blub

this way, it may be even more important than undefined:

undef s = unsafePerformIO $ do
putStrLn whops, this shouldn't happen
putStrLn s
return undefined

well, this is my unpure way of learning to think in new languages.
i used ways like this in c++ to analyze OOP and to discover the world before 
and after int main().

- marc

Am Donnerstag, 26. April 2007 20:15 schrieb Johannes Waldmann:
  import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO,unsafeInterleaveIO)
 Whoa! I'd be very cautious recommending these for newbies ...
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[Haskell-cafe] runST $ return () /= runST (return ()) ??

2007-03-24 Thread Marc A. Ziegert

i've just discovered this strange behaviour of existential quantifiers with 

Prelude Control.Monad.ST :t runST (return ())
runST (return ()) :: ()

Prelude Control.Monad.ST :t runST $ (return ())
Couldn't match expected type `forall s. ST s a'
   against inferred type `m ()'
In the second argument of `($)', namely `(return ())'

Prelude Control.Monad.ST

the same with id runST undefined.
is this a bug or an unsolved problem?
i'm not sure wheather it is a part of the wanted feature of runST's type 

i did not find any discussions about this.
can anyone enlighten me, please?

- marc

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stupid newbie question

2007-01-05 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
Am Samstag, 6. Januar 2007 05:12 schrieb Brian Hurt:
 Even better, if I define:
 nth 0 (x:_) = Just x
 nth i (_:xs) = if i  0 then Nothing else nth (i-1) xs
 nth i [] = Nothing
 makelist i = i `seq` i : (makelist (i+1))
 nth 1000 (makelist 1)

Hi Brian.
i just like to mention another tricky solution:
you can apply seq in such a way to the list, so that each element will be 
evaluated before advancing deeper into the list.

ghci -fglasgow-exts -fbang-patterns

Prelude :t foldr
foldr :: forall a b. (a - b - b) - b - [a] - b

Prelude let strict = foldr (\x xs -x `seq` (x:xs)) []
Prelude let strict = foldr (\(!x) xs - (x:xs)) [] --  using bang patterns 
instead, this is easier to read
Prelude let strict = foldr ((:) $!) [] --  or complete 
Prelude let lazy   = foldr ((:) $) []
Prelude :t strict
strict :: forall a. [a] - [a]

Prelude lazy [1..] !! 100
*** Exception: stack overflow
Prelude strict [1..] !! 100

- marc
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Showing the 1 element tuple

2006-12-19 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
 A weird question, what does the 1 element tuple look like?

there is one in Control.Monad.Identity:
 Identity 1
i miss the short version
 newtype Id x = x

writing (1,) is not that well defined; how do you want to use its constructor 
writing (1;) may be the solution, i think. (;) could be the constructor.
does anyone know, how ; could cause any problems?
if i am not mistaken, (do return 1 ; return 2;) should be the same like ((do 
return 1 ; return 2);).

- marc

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Getting my feet wet - small browser game

2006-12-18 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
 Comments and suggestions welcome :-)
hi Joachim.

i have some suggestions:

use fastcgi instead of hacking an own http-server.

there are virtual linux servers out there, free to rent.
some of them are even cheaper than the power-usage of one's old pc (at least 
compared to speed).
if you intend to write a game for thousands of users, who play it 24/7, then it 
may be comfortable to rent one.
(friends of me rented one.)

software upgrades:
use Read/Show classes instead of Foreign.Marshal,
and combine them with version counting data-structures:

data MyData = V1 String deriving (Show,Read)
read_v1 :: MyData - String
data MyData = V1 String
| V2 [String] deriving (Show,Read) 
read_v1 :: MyData - String
read_v2 :: MyData - [String]
data MyData = V1 String
| V2 [String]
| V3 [(String,Int)] deriving (Show,Read) 
-- obsolete: read_v1 :: MyData - String
read_v2 :: MyData - [String]
read_v3 :: MyData - [(String,Int)]

i've thought about writing a browsergame in haskel, too;
but atm, i have no time for (writing) games.

- marc

Am Montag, 18. Dezember 2006 12:30 schrieb Joachim Durchholz:
 OK, after years of looking and discussing and doing HSoE exercises, I
 have finally decided that Haskell is far enough into practical
 usefulness that I should give it a try in a real project.
 The basic idea is a browser game - this touches all the potentially hard
 issues without miring me too deeply in target platform details.
 I'd like to lay out my plans here and ask how they are going to work
 out, and take advice.
 I'll start with and get a
 toolchain together. I haven't decides which compiler (interpreter?) to
 choose; I'll probably go for the one that give the least amount of trouble.
 Next would be library selection. I'm willing to undergo some modest
 amount of hassle here, since I don't expect all libraries that I need to 
 be mature yet.
 My preliminary plan is to split the application into a central world 
 simulation process, and satellite processes that accept HTTP requests, 
 feed them into the simulation, read back the results, and generate the 
 response HTML.
 The interface between simulation and satellite is:
 * Satellites can read a snapshot of the game data.
 * Satellites cannot directly write game data.
What they can do is to post commands to a blackboard, which are marked
as no more updatable as soon as the simulation starts executing
 I expect the simulation and the satellites to be separate OS processes, 
 so I'll need a way to marshall command and game data between processes.
 The simulation will have to store its entire state to disk, too - in 
 theory, it could run forever and never write to disk (and I don't need a 
 database, too), but in practice, I have to plan for the occasional reboot.
 Since the server will be running Apache for other purposes anyway, and I 
 don't want to force the players to use a URL with a port number, I think 
 I'll set up Apache so that it proxies game-related URLs to the Haskell 
 software. I just hope that Apache doesn't incur much overhead in that mode.
 I have no idea how to organize software upgrades. The satellites are 
 easy, but how do I make sure that revision N+1 of the simulation can 
 read the marshalled data from revision N?
 The final software should be efficient. Ideally, the satellites are able 
 to saturate the network card of today's typical cheap rootserver if the 
 simulation is a no-op.
 I have two data points for a typical cheap rootserver:
 * 100 MBit/s Ethernet, 256 MB RAM, 1.2 GHz Celeron (~3 years old)
 * 1 GBit/s Ethernet, 1 GB RAM, 2.2 GHz Athlon (current)
 Of course, not needing an RDBMS will give the system a head start 
 Comments and suggestions welcome :-)
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is this array use wrong?

2006-12-16 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
b needs a type.

Prelude Data.Array.IArray :t array
array :: (Ix i, IArray a e) = (i, i) - [(i, e)] - a i e
Prelude Data.Array.IArray let b = array (1,33) [(i,False) | i - [1..33]] :: 
Array Int Bool
Prelude Data.Array.IArray :t b
b :: Array Int Bool
Prelude Data.Array.IArray b
array (1,33) 
Prelude Data.Array.IArray 

the error said:
 No instance for (IArray ...)
 arising from use of `array'

the unspecified type of b did not had this instance;
but now it has the type Array --and with that type the needed instance, too.

- marc

Am Samstag, 16. Dezember 2006 12:56 schrieb Maurí­cio:
I'm trying this in ghci:
 let b = array (1,33) [(i,False) | i - [1..33]]
 after :m Data.Array.IArray. It gives me that error message:
  No instance for (IArray a Bool)
arising from use of `array' at interactive:1:8-12
  Probable fix: add an instance declaration for (IArray a Bool)
  In the definition of `b': b = array (1, 33) ([(i, False) | i - [1 
 .. 33]])
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] don't: a 'do' for comonads?

2006-11-09 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
don't :: a
don't = error D'oh!

- marc

Am Donnerstag, 9. November 2006 04:47 schrieb Donald Bruce Stewart:
 As seen on #haskell, from an idea by Malcolm,
 14:42  ?let top'n'tail = (pre++) . (++/pre) 
 14:42  lambdabot Defined.
 14:43  dons'n'tail foo me now
 14:43  lambdabot  prefoo me now/pre
 14:43  mauke that reminds me, haskell needs don't
 14:43  dons yes!
 14:44  pkhuong- mm. the opposite of do, eh? do for comonads? :)
 So now a prize to the person who comes up with the best use for the
 don't :: ?
 -- Don
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: All Monads are Functors

2006-08-15 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
Am Dienstag, 15. August 2006 23:34 schrieb Jon Fairbairn:
 On 2006-08-15 at 16:25CDT Taral wrote:
  On 8/15/06, Bulat Ziganshin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   in this case we lose class Functor a = Monad a base class
   declaration. so what will be the meaning of this:
  I don't see why that is the case.
  class Functor m = Monad m where
  return :: a - m a
  (=) :: m a - (a - m b) - m b
  instance Functor m where
  fmap f = (= return . f)
  What's wrong with this? All Monads are Functors. If you don't provide
  a Functor, it gets defined for you. The problem is working out whether
  to use the default Functor or an external Functor.
 It seems obvious to me that we always use an external
 definition if one exists, so I suppose the problem is
 knowing whether an external instance exists -- so this
 proposal would rely on doing something about scoping for
 instances, I suppose.

I see a solution in different ways of writitng an instance:


-- to define the functions in the Functor, using the defaults defined in the 
class _Functor_ (assumed there would be any default):
instance Monad m where
  return = ...
  (=) = ...
instance Functor m where

-- to define the functions in the Functor, using the defaults defined in the 
class _Monad_:
instance Monad m where
  return = ...
  (=) = ...
  instance Functor m where

--to define a new Functor:
instance Monad m where
  return = ...
  (=) = ...
  instance Functor m where
fmap = ...
instance Monad m where
  return = ...
  (=) = ...
instance Functor m where
  fmap = ...


the advantages are, that we can decide which default functions we want to use, 
and that it will be compatible to the old library.

- marc
Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] throwing sugar into the void.

2006-05-06 Thread Marc A. Ziegert

I'd like to hear some comments about the following ideas; maybe they are 
someway obsolete or even useless nonsense.

A few days ago, I thought about abstracting the instance of an object away, 
like used in Foreign.Storable.sizeOf::(Storable a)=a-Int, where only the type 
of an object is used.
The problem with the function sizeOf is, that the result should be constant per 
definition(*), but how can we make the compiler know this?

 Computes the storage requirements (in bytes) of the argument. The value 
 of the argument is not used. 

So I thought we may need a new (abstract) datatype to wrap the type of an 
object, just to contain no dynamic data:

data Type a
typeOf :: a - Type a
typeOf = undefined
#define TYPE(a) (undefined::Type (a))
sizeOf :: (Storable a) = Type a - Int

Maybe this is a little bit too ugly and cumbersomely, just to make sizeOf 
This version of sizeOf is not really comfortable anymore; but it isn't 
comfortable to write (undefined::a), too.
To be able to write (::a) instead, would be really nice, IMHO; but how about 

trying to be equivocating
 undefined is another way to implement ...nothing.
/trying to be equivocating
More comfortable would it be to write a single symbol instead of the long word 

_ :: a
_ = undefined

Using _ as a function should not be such a problem: it cannot be mixed with 
the joker _ as parameter.
To define this function may be a problem: It needs a compiler-patch to allow 
this, ATM.

By the way, this symbol is not used at type-level... How about praefix/postfix 
operators instead of only infix?

-- praefix
newtype BigLambda a = BigLambda a
(/\) :: _ - a - BigLambda a
/\ a = BigLambda a

-- postfix
newtype Lifted a = Lifted a
(!^) :: a - _ - Lifted a
a !^ = Lifted a

May this be confusing? Or even impossible? Am I insane?
Well, I don't know how hard it would be to implement those language features. I 
would not like to make anyone implement all this, if it is only a 
niceToHave-butIDontUseIt, like the implicit parameters feature.

- marc

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Newbie] Why or why not haskell ?

2005-12-10 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
hi Christophe.

 In terms of speed, is haskell good enough ?

in some cases, optimized haskell may even be faster than C. (that depends on 
your C-programming skills. i.e. function-inlining will speed C up, too.) how 
possible? look at the mangler:

there were discussions about the efficiency of some compilers and their 

hm. sorry, don't know. ...look at the libraries.

my personal experience with other languages:
- ada
- erlang
nice. easy to learn, functional, multi-threaded, and more elegant than lisp.
see as example program.
- clisp or scheme
forget those lisp languages. boooring. brackets everywhere. lisp was one of the 
first (was the first?) functional languages. if you like to experiment with the 
lambda-calculus, this is the perfect language.
well, you still should learn it, because it is too easy to learn, and it is 
still used. maybe you will meet that language in the future. spend some time 
into learning it, before you learn haskell. some hours should be enough.
suggestion: how about learning haskell and lisp at the same time? write an 
lisp-interpreter as your first haskell-project. ;)
- haskell
it is like the c++stl of functional languages, just higher. it is 
meta-programming. think about it as the tool-language, that replaces thousands 
of code-monkeys.
and it will be really easy, after you started to think in haskell. that could 
take some time, so don't give up.
it has three giant disadvantages:
1.) you do not feel the need for learning other languages anymore.
2.) waiting for a new ghc release, with new never-thought-of-before high-level 
language extensions, can make you crazy.
3.) the industry prefers, java#, vb-excel-script, php4iexplorer and 
other bug-friendly (most times proprietary and/or incompatible) languages 
instead of haskell.

to start with a functional language, read about the lambda-calculus. functional 
languages depend on it.

to learn haskell, continue with... (especially about monads and arrows)
...and reading the library.

as gui library, i preferr...

- marc

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: lambda calculus theory

2005-11-07 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
(this duplicates that inquiry from glasgow-haskell-users@ to haskell@)

Am Sonntag, 6. November 2005 15:53 schrieb Hans N Beck:
 I'm searching for a good mathematical oriented introduction to the  
 theory of lambda calculus or other theoretical foundations of Lisp/ 
 Haskell, i.e. monads or such (of course in the web there are much  
 hints, but what is the best for mathematicans foreign to this field)
 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Hi Hans,

i'm searching for such lectures/papers/scripts, too.
well, untill there is a better answer, i send you some links, which i think 
could be interesting to you.
the first real mathematical definition of monad, i read, was in the paper 
The essence of dataflow programming. i approve to not omit that paper, if you 
like both, haskell and that theory.
beside that, i attended a german lecture about Algebraic Topology. one chapter 
was about cathegory theory. it was not that much, but interesting.

very interesting is the typed lambda calculus, which allows effective 
bug-prevention, which you do not have in most variants of lisp (or lisp's 
derivatives) but in haskell.


there is a mathematical definition in the paper The essence of dataflow 
programming, see 'comonad:' below.

cathegory theory:



beside these links, do not abstain from reading parts of the haskell library. 
(Data.Maybe, Data.Monoid, Control.Monad, Data.FunctorM, Control.Arrow)

- marc

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

[Haskell] Re: lambda calculus theory

2005-11-07 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
(this duplicates that inquiry from glasgow-haskell-users@ to haskell@)

Am Sonntag, 6. November 2005 15:53 schrieb Hans N Beck:
 I'm searching for a good mathematical oriented introduction to the  
 theory of lambda calculus or other theoretical foundations of Lisp/ 
 Haskell, i.e. monads or such (of course in the web there are much  
 hints, but what is the best for mathematicans foreign to this field)
 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Hi Hans,

i'm searching for such lectures/papers/scripts, too.
well, untill there is a better answer, i send you some links, which i think 
could be interesting to you.
the first real mathematical definition of monad, i read, was in the paper 
The essence of dataflow programming. i approve to not omit that paper, if you 
like both, haskell and that theory.
beside that, i attended a german lecture about Algebraic Topology. one chapter 
was about cathegory theory. it was not that much, but interesting.

very interesting is the typed lambda calculus, which allows effective 
bug-prevention, which you do not have in most variants of lisp (or lisp's 
derivatives) but in haskell.


there is a mathematical definition in the paper The essence of dataflow 
programming, see 'comonad:' below.

cathegory theory:



beside these links, do not abstain from reading parts of the haskell library. 
(Data.Maybe, Data.Monoid, Control.Monad, Data.FunctorM, Control.Arrow)

- marc

Haskell mailing list

Re: Automatically derived instances

2005-08-29 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
just try to compile it with

 ghc -fallow-overlapping-instances -Wall --make Main.hs

or inseart sth. like this at the first line:

 {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fffi -fallow-undecidable-instances 
-fallow-overlapping-instances #-}

- marc

Am Montag, 29. August 2005 05:25 schrieb Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza:
 David Menendez wrote:
 Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza writes:
 The way Haskell type classes
 work, the overlap is determined without looking at the context, so Show
 a will overlap with every possible instance for Show, including Show
 Int, which is predefined.
Ah. :-P Bummer.
 I'm not sure what the official justification for that is, but reason is
 to avoid situations like this:
 class A t where a :: t
 class B t where b :: t
 class C t where c :: t
 instance A t = C t where c = a
 instance B t = C t where c = b
 instance A Char where a = 'a'
 instance B Char where b = 'b'
 What should c :: Char evaluate to?
Right. Ambiguity. But as long as there's no ambiguity, there's no 
 reason to be this restrictive. Oh, well.
 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Confused about Cyclic struture

2005-07-07 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
well, it is a little bit tricky.
you know, imps do not always make what you want.

 imp_creates x = x `knot` imp x
 where knot = (:)

imagine the following:
you pull a foulard out of your  sleeve,

 foulard : sleeve
 where sleeve = imp_creates foulard

and pull

 foulard : foulard : sleeve
 where sleeve = imp_creates foulard

and pull.

 foulard : foulard : foulard : sleeve
 where sleeve = imp_creates foulard

you will waste more and more space, maybe your storage will swell to discworld.
this is recursion, but not a cyclic structure.
on the other hand:

 where serviette_ring = foulard `knot` serviette_ring

you will pull one single foulard through that thing.

 x@( foulard `knot` serviette_ring )
 where knot = (:)
   serviette_ring = x

and then there is a knot with the beginnig of the same thing you pulled out 

 beginning@( foulard `knot` beginning )
 where knot = (:)

if you pull more and more, you will get the same foulard again and again.
you do not need an imp to produce more and more foulards, because this knot 
closes the ring.
so, you will never fill the room just by pulling, because this is a nice little 
cyclic structure.

- marc

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] pair (f,g) x = (f x, g x)?

2005-07-02 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
'.' is not always a namespace-separator like '::','.','-' in c++ or '.' in 
it is used as an operator, too.
 (.) :: (b-c) - (a-b) - (a-c)
 (f . g) x = f (g x)

remember the types of fst and snd:
 fst :: (a,b)-a
 snd :: (a,b)-b
so the function (.) combines
 square :: Int - Int
with fst to
 (square . fst) :: (Int,b) - Int
the same with toUpper:
 (Char.toUpper . snd) :: (a,Char) - Char

so you have with 'pair (f,g) x = (f x,g x)':

 pair (square . fst,Char.toUpper . snd) (2,'a')
 ((square . fst) (2,'a'), (Char.toUpper . snd) (2,'a')) 
 ( square (fst(2,'a')), Char.toUpper (snd(2,'a')) )
 ( square 2 , Char.toUpper 'a' )

- marc

Am Samstag, 2. Juli 2005 08:32 schrieb wenduan:
 I came across a haskell function on a book defined as following:
 pair :: (a - b,a - c) - a - (b,c)
 pair (f,g) x = (f x,g x)
 I thought x would only math a single argument like 'a', 1, etc,but 
 it turned out that it would match something else, for example, a pair as 
 square x = x*x
 pair (square.fst,Char.toUpper.snd) (2,'a')
 The type declaration of  pair is what confused me,
 pair :: (a - b,a - c) - a - (b,c),it says this function will take a 
 pair of functions which have types of a-b,a-c,which I would take as 
 these two functions must have argument of the same type, which is a,and 
 I didn't think it would work on pairs as in the above instance,but 
 surprisingly it did,can anybody enlighten me?
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Haskell naming conventions

2003-12-23 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
to all: excuse my bad english.
to javas: excuse my extreme opinions. - regard me as s.o. of an other... religion.
to newbies: read it.
to haskellers: you don't need to.

johi, Sean.

i remember that i've had the same problems with haskell, at the beginning.
you are right, that there should be a special introduction just for 
but you are wrong, not haskell has to change sth. - the other languages have to do it, 
if anyone at all. but if the others are imperative languages, like all those you 
learned before, the change would imply to nullify their existence. ;)

 asm to forth to basic, pascal, C, C++, java, and C#...
i've learned the following:
MS-DOS-3.3/5.0 .bat files
turbo-pascal + intel-asm
vc++ (while my university was/is_still teaching java like bill gates foists windows)
aversed look at java - whatabullshit!!! (all the extremest down running prejudices 
-not knowing the language- seem to fit -especially after having learned the language-. 
the power of half-oop, easy to learn like risc-asm, with the speed of basic, and the 
no-compiletime-but-runtime-typechecking of cLisp or Tcl. but as a psychology student 
i'm fascinated about those obvious marketing-tricks, making s.o. believe in java.)
little bit prolog
linux :) :) :) :)
math (!!!best!!! - but not a computer language)

so i know those cut and dried opinions one has by learning new languages.
i've learned that there are at least two types of languages: the lower (-asm) and the 
higher (-math) ones.
in c++ the difference between struct and class is that its default is public or 
private. that has nearly nothing to do with classes - except oop.
if you have data somewhere in memory, you call it an instance of a (struct- or 
class- or whatever-) type.
in math you have types, sets, elements, classes, instances, ... (but not interface - 
don't think in java. a human-machine interface like monitor+keyboard+mouse is an 
interface, too. to define an interface does mean to use a pattern, not an special 
abstract-only--no-variable--no-default-functionimplementation--java-class to simulate 
cumbersomely multi-inheritance.)
the language haskell is an attempt to implement math as computer language. (Haskell 
Brooks Curry was a genius who invented the banal function we call curry.)
any function has a type; the data in your memory has a type; combinations of functions 
and data_structures_in_memory have types.
but a function is not a variable piece of memory - it depends on its definition, like 
a constant.
the types of data structures, which are instanciated in memory, are defined with 
that data keyword in haskell.

all types - functions too - are instances of classes; means: types are 
elements(instances) in special sets(classes), for which some individual attributes (in 
haskell: individual function-implementations) are defined.
try to proof this view in haskell and c++. you will see, that the sense of oop-classes 
is not the definition of types but the unification of inherited types.

some examples in c++ (didn't try to compile it):

templatetypename a
class Eq
Eq(){} // This constructor exists just to be protected.
virtual bool operator ==( const a r ) const {return !( (*this) != r );}
virtual bool operator !=( const a r ) const {return !( (*this) == r );}

templatetypename a
struct Maybe : public virtual EqMaybea 
enum Constructor_t {Nothing, Just};
Constructor constructor_;
Constructor constructorNothing;
Constructor constructorJust;
const a *data;

Maybe() { constructorNothing = Nothing; }
Maybe(const a d) { constructorJust = Just; data = new a(d); }
Maybe(const Maybe m) { constructor_ = m.constructor_; 
if(m.constructorJust==Just) data = new a(*; }
~Maybe() { if( constructorJust == Just ) delete data; }

virtual bool operator ==( const Maybe r ) const
switch( constructor_ )
case Nothing:
return (r.constructorNothing==Nothing);
case Just:
return (r.constructorJust !=Just) ? (false) : 
throw undefined;

// functionname :: (Eq a) = a - returntype
templatetypename a
inline returntype functionname( const a param )
static_castconst Eqa*(param); // ignore result of casting, but test 
wether...  param is instance / a (TYPE of param) is instance ...of Eq class.

merry xmas,
- marc

Am Mittwoch, 24. Dezember 2003 02:29 schrieb Sean L. Palmer:
 It occurs to 

Re: Perspectives on learning and using Haskell

2003-12-23 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
 In recent conversation with a colleague, he mentioned to me that the term 
 functional programming has an image problem.  He suggested that the term 

short komment:
meta programming and meta-language makes people curious, functional programming 
seems to have the opposite effect.

merry xmas
- marc

Am Dienstag, 23. Dezember 2003 18:26 schrieb Graham Klyne:
 I've spent part of the past few months learning Haskell and developing a 
 moderately sized application.  I came to this from a long background (20 
 years or so) of conventional programming in a variety of languages (from 
 Fortran and Algol W to Java and Python).  For me, learning Haskell has been 
 one of the steepest learning curves of any new language that I have ever 
 learned.  Before this project, I was aware of some aspects of functional 
 programming, but had never previously done any in anger (i.e. for real).
 Throughout this period, I've been accumulating some notes about some things 
 that I found challenging along the way.  The notes are not organized in any 
 way, and they're certainly not complete.  I've published them on my web 
 site [1] in case the perspective might be useful to any old hands here.
 Also on the topic of perspectives:
 In recent conversation with a colleague, he mentioned to me that the term 
 functional programming has an image problem.  He suggested that the term 
 conveys an impression of an approach that is staid, non-progressive or 
 lacking novelty, and is prone to elicit a response of been there, done 
 that from programmers who don't realize the full significance of the term 
 functional.  I've also noticed that when I talk about functional 
 programming, some people tend to think I'm talking about using techniques 
 like functions in C or Pascal (which is course is very desirable, but old 
 hat and not worthy of great excitement).
 Graham Klyne
 For email:
 Haskell mailing list

Haskell mailing list

Re: interact behaves oddly if used interactively

2003-10-01 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
 main=interact id basically echoes every line of my input, whereas
 main=interact show correctly waits for EOF before outputting something.

 What should a student think about interact in the Prelude? (It's ok 
 for pipes only, I guess.)

main = interact show
behaves similar to
main = interact (\x-seq (length x) x)

i do not know the exact implementation, but i think of it like ...

import System.IO(hGetContents,hIsEOF,hGetChar,stdin)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

interact :: (String - String) - IO ()
interact f = do s - hGetContents stdin
putStr $ f s

putStr = mapM_ putChar

hGetContents h = do eof - hIsEOF h
if eof then return []
   else c - hGetChar h
return (c : (unsafePerformIO $ hGetContents h))

... so there will be the same problems like with getChar, hGetChar, getLine, or 
hGetLine (buffering), and with hGetContents and unsafePerformIO (sequrence of IOs).

for beginners/students: think about such situations: (to me, it was the reason to 
learn IO monadic programming)
read the next char(s) from input before writing the previous char(s) to output.

f :: String - String
f [] = []
f (c:[]) = (c:[])
f (c:s) = (c:f s)

equals to

f :: String - String
f [] = []
f (c:[]) = (c:[])
f (prev:s@(next:_)) = (prev:f s)

Haskell mailing list

Re: How can I implement this arrow? Thanks

2003-09-15 Thread Marc A. Ziegert
Am Dienstag 16 September 2003 04:57 schrieb Yu Di:
 Hi, I want to create an arrow which is essentially
 data MyArrow a b = MyArrow ((String, a) - (String,b))
 i.e. there is an information asscioated with each piece of data 
 (represented by the string), and I want
 to pass it around. But I have a problem about how to define pure and 
 first. At first, I declared
 pure f = MyArrow (\(s, x) - (s, f x))
 first (MyArrow f) = MyArrow (\(s, (x, y)) - let (s', z) = f (s, x) in (s', 
 (z, y)))
 this seems to work, but then I begin to have problems with the 
 data-plumbing pure arrows, e.g. in
 pure (\x - (x, x))  first someArrow  pure (\(_, x) - x)
 Ideally, this arrow will preserve whatever information I put there for the 
 input, but because first
 someArrow will change the whole information associated with the pair of 
 result, I can't find any
 way to let pure (\(_, x)-x) (which is an extremely generic function) 
 retrieve the part of information for the second piece in the pair tuple.

what does the compiler say? or is it a runtime error?
how did you implement () :: a b c - a c d - a b d?

(MyArrow f1)  (MyArrow f2) = MyArrow (f2 . f1)

does this compile?:

(pure (\x - (x, x)) :: MyArrow a (a,a))  (first (someArrow :: MyArrow a b) :: 
MyArrow (a,a) (b,a))  (pure (\(_, x) - x) :: MyArrow (b,a) a)

pure and first seem to be correct.
but ... just as an (slow) alternative:

-- first :: a x fx - a (x, y) (fx, y)
first (MyArrow f) = MyArrow $ (\((fs,fx),y)-(fs,(fx,y))) . (\(sx,y)-(f sx,y)) . 

- marc

 Of course I can create specialized arrows for the tasks \x - (x, x) and 
 \(_, x) - x which passes the information around, but this will become 
 tedious as I will have to define specialized arrows for a lot of similar 
 tasks one by one, and I won't be able to use the arrow pre-processor at all.
 So how can I implement this? Thanks very much!
 Di, Yu

Haskell mailing list