Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cabal Install Links to Source from Haddock Docs

2008-12-22 Thread R Hayes

Thank you.  As it turns out, I was aware of that recipe.  What I  
wanted was to be able to use cabal install's nice dependency following  
features and still get source links in my documentation.

Personally, I feel that inclusion of source and docs should be the  
DEFAULT for cabal, as well as for binary distributions of ghc.


On Dec 21, 2008, at 1:11 AM, Thomas Hartman wrote:

the answer: not cabal install, just cabal.


--help | grep -i doc
haddock  Generate Haddock HTML documentation.

haddock --help | grep -i link
  --hyperlink-source Hyperlink the documentation to the source  

haddock --hyperlink-source

2008/12/21 R Hayes

Is there a way I can get Haddock Docs WITH links to source (local)  

modules installed with cabal install xxx?

Getting the docs themselves is pretty easy by changing either
~/.cabal/config or using --enable-documentation.

Automatically generating the source (colourised or not) and  
integrated links

eludes me.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Cabal Install Links to Source from Haddock Docs

2008-12-20 Thread R Hayes

Is there a way I can get Haddock Docs WITH links to source (local)  
from modules installed with cabal install xxx?

Getting the docs themselves is pretty easy by changing either ~/.cabal/ 
config or using --enable-documentation.

Automatically generating the source (colourised or not) and integrated  
links eludes me.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Ghci for Mac OSX?

2008-11-21 Thread R Hayes

I had this problem.  The installer didn't make the sym links from  / 
usr/bin/ghc* to /Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/Versions/Current/usr/ 
bin/ ghc*

The issue was I had installed the beta package and not removed it.   
The fix was to uninstall 6.10.1 using /Library/Frameworks/ 
GHC.framework/Tools/Uninstaller and then reinstall the package.


On Nov 20, 2008, at 11:08 AM, Colin Adams wrote:

I installed the 6.10.1 .pkg on my MacBook Air, and ghci works fine,
but if I type ghci, I get program not found. Is it supposed to be
available for Mac?
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Help with Building on Mac OS X Leopard

2007-10-31 Thread R Hayes

What resembles an old issue has reappeared when building HEAD on  

The build of the stage two compiler fails with:

ld: in  /Users/rfh/3rdParty/builds/ghc-6.9.20071028/libraries/ 
haskell98/dist/build/libHShaskell98-1.0.1.a, archive has no table of  

This happens when the modify time on library is later than the  
timestamp on the library index.  It's not an uncommon issue for  
building software on the Mac.  The usual cause is builds that copy .a  
files and are unaware of this mac feature.

Running ranlib on libHShaskell98-1.0.1.a file and resuming the make  
causes the build to continue until it gets to the next .a file.

ld: in /Users/rfh/3rdParty/builds/ghc-6.9.20071028/libraries/array/ 
dist/build/libHSarray-0.1.a, archive has no table of contents

It seems this problem has occurred before.  My guess is that a work- 
around was put in place that no longer works on Leopard.  I'm not sure  
exactly where to look in the Make system.  Any pointers would be  

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Transformation sequence

2007-10-22 Thread R Hayes

I know that this is a resolved question, but wouldn't Huet's Zipper  
also work for this

On Oct 20, 2007, at 5:26 PM, Alfonso Acosta wrote:

On 10/20/07, Mads Lindstrøm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am not a monad-expect, so I may be wrong, but wouldn't a writer  

be more appropriate?

You are at least more monad-expert than myself . I knew the existence
of the writer monad but not really how it works. After checking its
documentation I must say you and Brandon are right. Using the Writer
Monad makes sense.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Do you trust Wikipedia?

2007-10-18 Thread R Hayes

shai dorsai

On Oct 18, 2007, at 5:00 PM, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On Oct 18, 2007, at 19:53 , John Meacham wrote:

On Thu, Oct 18, 2007 at 02:31:10AM +0100, PR Stanley wrote:

Do you trust mathematical materials on Wikipedia?

Certainly! I honestly think wikipedia is one of man's greatest
achievements, and it is just in its infancy.

For what it's worth, I'm withholding judgement on Wikipedia until  
it matures a bit (they're still learning how to deal with editorial  
issues IMO) --- but when I first heard about it I couldn't help but  
think of the Final Encyclopedia.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell]  
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]  
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cabal, lib and exe in one

2007-05-02 Thread R Hayes

I think Simon is right, and not just from a Haskell point of view.   
Allowing a package to contain a both a library and an executable  
makes the behavior of the package system less obvious.  That's not to  
say that it can't behave correctly, but that it can't behave both  
correctly and in a way that is easy to understand.  Yes, it makes  
installation of an executable package more complicated if you have to  
install its library package as well.  But making this simple should  
be handled by a layer above the cabal package files (Hackage?).

In my experience, the best packaging systems  distinguish between  
dependency assurance and dependency satisfaction.  For example, the  
Debian packaging system has two layers.  dpkg deals with package  
files, installing a single package, and assuring that dependencies  
are met prior to installation.  apt-get retrieves packages from  
repositories with their pre-reqs (based on the dependency) and  
invokes dpkg on the retrieved packages.  I know the problem is not  
identical to the one cabal is trying to solve, but I think there is a  
great deal to be learned by looking at the Debian packaging system  
and its conventions.

In any event, solid naming conventions could go a long way to making  
this obvious.  If foo has a useful exposed library, but primarily  
consists of an executable, dividing it into foo-bin and foo-lib could  
serve to clarify.  I would propose that, since the bulk of existing  
packages seem to be libraries, we use a naming convention to  
distinguish packages that build executables and leave the names of  
library packages unannotated.


On May 2, 2007, at 2:08 AM, Simon Marlow wrote:

Duncan Coutts wrote:

On Tue, 2007-05-01 at 22:29 +0100, Magnus Therning wrote:
So if foo.hs is in test-src and Foo/Bar.hs is in src then I  
think you

just need:

hs-source-dirs: test-src, src
No, that's not enough, I also have to add the following lines to  

the executable compile and link:

  extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface
  c-sources: csrc/ptrace.c

That is, I end up compiling the library a second time!  Can't I  
get the

executable to link against the library that was just created?
I was just expecting to not have to repeat myself in the cabal file.
Not such a strange thing to expect from a build system, I think :-)
Yes this is an interesting question about what it means to have  

in the same cabal package as an executable.
Currently having a executable and a library inside a cabal package is
not the same thing as having a library package and separate  
package that

contains only that executable. The difference is that when the
executable is in the same cabal package it merely has access to  
the same

modules, it doesn't 'depend' on that library package exactly. So for
example it can access modules which are not exposed by the library  
indeed it can compile those same modules with completely different  

flags. So currently those modules will be built twice.
It's not clear to me that this is the right meaning, or indeed  
that we
should allow multiple entries in a single .cabal file. I think it  

be better to just have multiple .cabal files (possibly in the same
directory). Then we could be explicit and state that an executable
depends on the library or if we want to use different build flags, or
use modules that are not exposed by the lib then we can do that  
and only

in that case do we build those modules twice.

Right at the front of the Cabal docs it says:

However having both a library and executables in a package does  
not work very well; if the executables depend on the library, they  
must explicitly list all the modules they directly or indirectly  
import from that library.

IMO we shouldn't allow both a library and an exe in the same  
package.  I think I argued against this originally, and my  
understanding is that doing this is deprecated, although perhaps  
not visibly enough.  Whenever the question of what to do about lib 
+exe packages arises, the discussion tends to spiral out of control  
into what we should do about collections of packages in general.

For now, the simple story is that each package should have either a  
single library or a single executable (even multiple executables in  
a package is questionable; if they share some code it shoud be in a  

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How Albus Dumbledore would sell Haskell

2007-04-25 Thread R Hayes

I don't know how many of the other people on this list are actually  
going to *be* at OSCON.  I will.

I think it is important to think about the kinds of problems the  
audience is trying to solve, as well as the context in which they are  
trying to solve them.  For the most part, the attendees at OSCON work  
on system software: operating systems, operating system services  
(printing, packaging, scheduling, etc), network  distributed  
computing infrastructure, databases, languages, and every imaginable  
variation on the word web.

1) Build a simple database access layer that is immune to SQL  
injection attacks from user input (using the type system to guarantee  
that safety).  Include the FFI portion (FFI is a point of paranoia  
about any new language).  Now the, the audience values the type  

2) Show something appallingly simple, yet blazingly fast.   
Demonstrate that it is blazingly fast.  I would implement wc -l  
using data.Bytestring.lazy and run in over a huge file.  It's a one  
line program and it will run faster than the built in unix command.   
Explain that its fast because of GHCs rewrite rules.  Explain that  
the rewrite rules are only possible because of purity.   Now the, the  
audience values purity.

3) Build a simple combinator framework that supports multiple  
evaluation schemes (like your derivative framework that supported  
both valuation and settlement processes).  For this audience, it  
might be cool to build a simple package system that both installed  
software and later verified the integrity of the installation.   
Although, if you *wanted* to present How to write a financial  
contract I could not object.  Quantitative finance is my business  
and I promise to be in the audience for this.

Also, see if Audrey Tang is going to be present.  If she is, consider  
enlisting her support.  Haskell has *enormous* credibility in the  
Perl 6 community because of PUGS.  I recently had a conversation with  
Jesse Vincent, the Perl 6 program manager.   He said that the  
majority of the Perl 6 community is aware that PUGS (and therefore  
Haskell) are crucial to the success of Perl 6.  Perl has its own  
track at this conference.

reilly hayes

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How Albus Dumbledore would sell Haskell

2007-04-18 Thread R Hayes

In general, problems that would lose millions of dollars are noticed  
very quickly.  Quants are constantly analyzing the sources of  
shortfall in implementing strategies.  Also, time to market is  
generally more important than correctness.  It's much better to have  
a strategy that mostly works sooner than a strategy that's perfect  
later.  The opportunities to extract alpha from the market decay as  
more people see them (it is a zero sum game after all).  Most of this  
technology has a lot in common with a Formula 1 race car: you can't  
win the race with a car that doesn't risk breaking down halfway  
through the race.  Of course, there are exceptions (risk systems,  
systems that handle client orders, etc).  The interest I've seen in  
Haskell and ML in the quant world has been driven by expressiveness.

On Apr 18, 2007, at 1:47 PM, Seth Gordon wrote:

Paul Johnson wrote:
You cannot win over the entrepreneur with promises of easier and  
robust. This translates to anyone can do it and the valuable  

secret of arcane wizardry is now devalued.

I suggest reading extracts from Beating the Averages by Paul  

Then explain that Graham only wrote in Lisp because his university
didn't teach Haskell.

I think a more powerful argument would be to talk about cases where
Haskell is *actually being used* industrially.  E.g., these folks at
Credit Suisse are using Haskell for their analytics because in their
line of work, if the implementation of the code doesn't match up
perfectly with the spec, their employer could lose millions of  

and the programmers might not notice the bug until those millions were
long gone.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-17 Thread R Hayes

In my opinion, one of the things that makes Haskell difficult to  
learn is the value system.  I'm not referring to pure vs.  
impure.  Instead, I am referring to the beliefs and principles held  
by the Haskell community that are not shared with most of the  
programming world.  Principles like It is valuable to be able to  
reason about programs rigorously.  This is foreign to most  
developers.  When they get to the section of a Haskell book that  
starts talking about this, their eyes glaze over and they skip over  
to the more practical stuff.  By the time they get to Monads  
they're ready to rip their eyes out because the book is too  
theoretical or too academic.

One of the truly powerful things about Haskell is the short distance  
between theory and practicality.  The problem is how to demonstrate  
this convincingly.  The ability to prove a program's correctness is  
regularly trotted out for show in this arena (or at least the lighter- 
weight claim that programs that compile usually work).  I don't think  
that most developers (and certainly not the OSCON crowd) are ready to  
drink that kool-aid.  They *enjoy* debugging and are tired of the  
static vs. dynamic debate.  But the ability to reason about  
programs has borne fruit that I *do* think they will appreciate.   
Because many of them care about performance.

I don't need to tell the subscribers to this list that the shockingly  
good performance of code written using Data.ByteString.Lazy is a  
direct result of being able to reason about programs.  Obviously, the  
details of the fusion techniques are outside the scope of any  
introductory tutorial.  But I think it would be useful to quickly  
implement a wc -l equivalent and explain why it's faster than the  
simple C equivalent.  Nothing overly deep, just draw the line from  
reasoning about programs to fusion and on to amazing  
performance  (capping it off with the fact the the fusion  
optimization is in the *Library*, not baked in to the compiler).  At  
a minimum, it shows that being able to reason about programs  
rigorously can have a payoff in a currency that they value.

R Hayes

On Apr 16, 2007, at 1:34 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:


I have agreed to give a 3-hr tutorial on Haskell at the Open Source  
Convention 2007

I'm quite excited about this: it is a great opportunity to expose  
Haskell to a bunch of smart folk, many of whom won't know much  
about Haskell.  My guess is that they'll be Linux/Perl/Ruby types,  
and they'll be practitioners rather than pointy-headed academics.

One possibility is to do a tutorial along the lines of here's how  
to reverse a list, here's what a type is etc; you know the kind  
of thing.  But instead, I'd prefer to show them programs that they  
might consider *useful* rather than cute, and introduce the  
language along the way, as it were.

So this message is to ask you for your advice.  Many of you are  
exactly the kind of folk that come to OSCON --- except that you  
know Haskell.   So help me out:

Suggest concrete examples of programs that are
* small
* useful
* demonstrate Haskell's power
* preferably something that might be a bit
tricky in another language

For example, a possible unifying theme would be this:

Another might be Don's cpu-scaling example

But there must be lots of others.  For example, there are lots in  
the blog entries that Don collects for the Haskell Weekly  
Newsletter.  But I'd like to use you as a filter: tell me your  
favourites, the examples you find compelling.  (It doesn't have to  
be *your* program... a URL to a great blog entry is just fine.)  Of  
course I'll give credit to the author.

Remember, the goal is _not_ explain monads.  It's Haskell is a  
great way to Get The Job Done.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-17 Thread R Hayes

On Apr 17, 2007, at 4:46 PM, David Brown wrote:

R Hayes wrote:

They *enjoy* debugging ...

I have to say this is one of the best things I've found for catching
bad programmers during interviews, no matter what kind of system it is
for.  I learned this the hard way after watching someone who never
really understood her program, but just kept thwacking at it with a
debugger until it at least partially worked.

I've seen this too, but I would not use the word debugging to  
describe it.  I don't think I agree that enjoying debugging is a  
sufficient symptom for diagnosing this condition.  There are many  
people that love the puzzle-box aspect of debugging.  Some of them  
are very talented developers.

R Hayes


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Mathematics in Haskell

2007-04-02 Thread R Hayes

Wouldn't this be a good discussion for the Haskell Prime List?

Reilly Hayes
+1 415 388 3903 (office)
+1 415 846 1827 (mobile)

On Apr 2, 2007, at 3:24 PM, Andrzej Jaworski wrote:

I too was put off by the Num issues though--strange mixture of  
category theory and lack of a sensible hierarchy of algebraic  

Perhaps we should replace CT with lattice theoretic thinking (e.g.  
functor = monotonic

function) before cleaning up the type-related mess?

so count me in on an effort to make Haskell more mathematical.   
For me that

probably starts with the semigroup/group/ring setup, and good
arbitrary-precision as well as approximate linear algebra support.

I agree: semigoups like lattices are everywhere.
Then there could be a uniform treatment of linear algebra,  
polynomial equations, operator

algebra, etc. So, perhaps haste is not a good advice here?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-prime mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Mathematics in Haskell

2007-04-02 Thread R Hayes

Wouldn't this be a good discussion for the Haskell Prime List?

Reilly Hayes
+1 415 388 3903 (office)
+1 415 846 1827 (mobile)

On Apr 2, 2007, at 3:24 PM, Andrzej Jaworski wrote:

I too was put off by the Num issues though--strange mixture of  
category theory and lack of a sensible hierarchy of algebraic  

Perhaps we should replace CT with lattice theoretic thinking (e.g.  
functor = monotonic

function) before cleaning up the type-related mess?

so count me in on an effort to make Haskell more mathematical.   
For me that

probably starts with the semigroup/group/ring setup, and good
arbitrary-precision as well as approximate linear algebra support.

I agree: semigoups like lattices are everywhere.
Then there could be a uniform treatment of linear algebra,  
polynomial equations, operator

algebra, etc. So, perhaps haste is not a good advice here?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Problems with -caf-all

2007-02-22 Thread R Hayes

I get the following error message when I try to compile with -caf-all.

FATAL:Symbol _Mainmain_CAF_cc_ccs already defined.

My command line looks like this:

ghc --make PriceHisto.hs -ljudy -prof -auto-all -caf-all

I also tried the following command line and got the same error:

ghc --make PriceHisto.hs -ljudy -prof -caf-all

Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?

R Hayes

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