Re: [haskell art] haskell-art] euterpea realtime? or other realtime audio in haskell

2014-05-14 Thread Paul Hudak
Miguel, thanks for your reply regarding Euterpea.  Although Euterpea works well 
enough for real-time MIDI, it is inadequate for doing any substantive real-time 
audio.  There are two problems we have faced:  (1) finding a suitable real-time 
audio back-end that works across multiple platforms, and (2) optimizing arrows, 
on which our sound synthesis work is based, to make them sufficiently fast.  
The first problem is a technical issue that I am sure we can resolve with 
enough poking around to find the right interface.  The second problem is more 
serious.  Originally the plan was to use CCA optimization to make arrows go 
fast, but our first attempt at that using Template Haskell ran into problems 
(constraints placed on us by TH) that we have not resolved.  We have also tried 
using GHC rewrite rules, but also ran into problems.  We have even considered 
dropping arrows altogether.  I believe that GHC is fast enough to do real-time 
audio, but the overhead of arrows is slowing things down.

In any case, this issue has become a priority for us, and I hope that sometime 
in the next six months we will have a good solution.

Paul Hudak
Yale Haskell Group


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[haskell art] Automated YouTube uploads

2014-05-14 Thread Henning Thielemann
In case I did not announce it before - I wrote a set of two small
programs that upload videos to YouTube. It is useful in two situations:

1. Upload a list of videos with metadata fetched from a spreadsheet.
2. Upload from a remote machine without a graphical browser.

You need 'curl' to be installed and you need to register for a YouTube
developer key.


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[haskell-art] Retirement of mailman list - last email

2014-05-14 Thread alex
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Re: [haskell art] [haskell-art] euterpea realtime? or other realtime audio in haskell

2014-05-14 Thread Miguel Negrão
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Em 13-05-2014 23:44, Ben Burdette escreveu:

> So questions:
> 1) how would a reckless individual produce real time audio from
> Euterpea?  Yes I understand it may fail. 
> 2) if someone has used euterpea in real-time, what's the complexity
> level that is usable before failure occurs? 
> 3) if euterpea is incapable of real time, then can anyone recommend a
> noob-class haskell environment for real time audio? 


I'll let others more knowledable then me answer about Euterpea, although
last time I checked it wasn't capable of real-time audio. I look forward
to the moment when that will be implemented since I think euterpea is
one of the few audio patching languages I'm aware of that really
advances what can be done when compared to SuperCollider, max/msp,
chuck, etc. For instance the ability to make arbitrary feedback networks
(no issues with sample block delay as far as I can remember), dynamic
graph changes and writting ugens in a high level language are quite amazing.

In the mean time I would suggest using supercollider via hsc3 and
hsc3-server packages. It's quite nice to use these packages from the
IHaskell interactive environment as you can then do live-coding (emacs
is also an option).

Miguel Negro
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