RE: [Haskell-cafe] Proposal for restructuring Number classes

2006-04-19 Thread Andrew U. Frank
i am most grateful to henning and dylan for their effort in restructuring
the number classes. there seems to be agreement, that the current classes
are not optimal. the decision what goes in a class depends enormously on
what axioms one is assuming for an operation symbol. should * always be
commutative or is its use for non-commutative types acceptable? 

i will now make an effort to use the proposed classes by dylan and hennig
and adapt my code to it and then come back and report how it suited my

thank you for the help!

andrew frank

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] recursive matrix computations

2006-04-19 Thread Andrew U. Frank
it appears possible to define matrix operations like LU-decomposition, SVD,
inverse etc. in a recursive fashion (see transpose in the prelude).

is this possible? has anybody code in haskell which does this (not asking
for high performance here, more instructive value).

thank you!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: recursive matrix computations

2006-04-19 Thread Wilhelm B. Kloke
Andrew U. Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> it appears possible to define matrix operations like LU-decomposition, SVD,
> inverse etc. in a recursive fashion (see transpose in the prelude).
> is this possible? has anybody code in haskell which does this (not asking
> for high performance here, more instructive value).

I would like to see this, too. Myself I did some experiments in trying
to implement the transformation to upper diagonal form by rational Givens
transforms. The following code fragment does this recursively:

-- rationalGivens :: Fractional a => a -> [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
-- marginal cases first
rationalGivens qq [x] ((pp:[]):[]) = ( pp + qq * x * x : [] ) : []
rationalGivens _ [] [[]] = [[]]
rationalGivens qq xy pmat | qq == 0 = pmat
rationalGivens qq (x:y) (ppr:pmat) | x == 0 = ppr:rationalGivens qq y pmat
rationalGivens qq (x:y) [[]] = ( qq * x * x : (1/x).*y ) : []
-- main case
rationalGivens qq (x:y) ((pp:r):pmat) = let
pp' = pp + qq * x * x
qq' = pp * qq / pp'
s = x * qq / pp'
y' = y - x .* r
r' = r + s .* y'
in ( pp' : r' ) : rationalGivens qq' y' pmat

-- rationalGivens 1 [2,1] [[1,0],[1]] == [[5.0,0.4],[1.2]]

Arrays are double lists in this code,
q a scale factor (starting with 1)
xy a row vector to be added to the u.t. matrix pmat.

The diagonal elements of pmat contain the square of the scale factor of
the row, i.E. the matrix [[5.0,0.4],[1.2]] is to be interpreted as the product

(sqrt(5)  0   ) ( 1  0.4 )
(   0sqrt(1.2)) ( 0   1  )

Dipl.-Math. Wilhelm Bernhard Kloke
Institut fuer Arbeitsphysiologie an der Universitaet Dortmund
Ardeystrasse 67, D-44139 Dortmund, Tel. 0231-1084-257

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] recursive matrix computations

2006-04-19 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 19 Apr 2006, Andrew U. Frank wrote:

it appears possible to define matrix operations like LU-decomposition, SVD,
inverse etc. in a recursive fashion (see transpose in the prelude).

is this possible? has anybody code in haskell which does this (not asking
for high performance here, more instructive value).

There is some code by Jan Skibinski called 'indexless linear algebra':
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proposal for restructuring Number classes

2006-04-19 Thread Jacques Carette

Andrew U. Frank wrote:

should * always be
commutative or is its use for non-commutative types acceptable? 
This very question caused much agony in many design meetings for the CAS 
Maple.  The list of pros and cons on each side is quite large!

There are too many really nice optimizations that one can do with a 
commutative, associative function (like * over commutative rings), and 
these are expected to be performed if ``efficiency'' matters.  Hoping 
that the compiler will always be smart enough to tell that in case X or 
Y, such an optimization is valid, is quite optimistic.

Until there is a way to encode that a particular instance of * is 
commutative, and another is not, it is much safer to have two symbols.

Note that I would personally prefer a much larger set of classes, which 
would include encodings of *properties*, so that one could (easily, 
cheaply) declare some occurence of * as commutative by using the right 
signature.  That would really require some kind of class aliases to have 
a hope of success.  But such a large set of classes is understandably 
too ambitious, and better suited to Haskell''.  But for a taste of what 
you get if you follow that route, see
and also
for why the 'base' of the system needs to be complex to allow scaling.  
Note that the above libraries are NOT optimal, as the authors went part 
of the way to fully breaking down the algebraic hierarchy, but were not 
prescient enough 10 years ago when the basic design was being laid down 
to break it down all the way.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Brian Hulley

Hi -
In C++, STL provides a vector class which behaves as an array except you can 
insert/delete elements from it. I'm wondering what is the best Haskell data 
structure to use to simulate this, either mutable or immutable.

I've looked at the Array interface, but although there is the // operation 
to replace some elements, there does not appear to be a simple way to 
delete/insert elements.

Ideally I'd like functions like:

-- Insert new elements starting at the specified index, moving the others up 
to make room

insert:: Array i e -> i -> [e] -> Array i e

-- Delete a range of elements, moving later elements back down
delete:: Array i e -> i -> i -> Array e

-- Append a new element to the end of an array
push_back :: Array i e -> e -> Array i e

Is there an efficient way of implementing these operations in Haskell, based 
on arrays, or should I be using some other data structure altogether eg a 

Also, for large arrays, am I right in thinking that it is still more 
efficient to use immutable arrays rather than mutable arrays (because it is 
easier for gc to always just deal with immutable values)?

Thanks, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On 4/19/06, Brian Hulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi -
> In C++, STL provides a vector class which behaves as an array except you can
> insert/delete elements from it. I'm wondering what is the best Haskell data
> structure to use to simulate this, either mutable or immutable.
> I've looked at the Array interface, but although there is the // operation
> to replace some elements, there does not appear to be a simple way to
> delete/insert elements.
> Ideally I'd like functions like:
> -- Insert new elements starting at the specified index, moving the others up
> to make room
> insert:: Array i e -> i -> [e] -> Array i e
> -- Delete a range of elements, moving later elements back down
> delete:: Array i e -> i -> i -> Array e
> -- Append a new element to the end of an array
> push_back :: Array i e -> e -> Array i e
> Is there an efficient way of implementing these operations in Haskell, based
> on arrays, or should I be using some other data structure altogether eg a
> list?

Well not efficient in the C++ sense. You'd still have to create a
whole new array for all of those operations. You can use the (//)
operator to update all the elements you need to update...

insert i xs arr = arr // shift_list
where n = length xs
 shift_list = zip [i..] xs ++ [ (j,arr!(j - n)) | j <- [i+n ..
snd (bounds arr)]]

> Also, for large arrays, am I right in thinking that it is still more
> efficient to use immutable arrays rather than mutable arrays (because it is
> easier for gc to always just deal with immutable values)?

Well that depends on what you're doing. Mutable arrays are more
efficient for most operation (replace is O(1) instead of O(n), for
example), but it's possible that for small arrays immutable has a
smaller constant factor (I'm certainly not sure that it does!)


Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Cale Gibbard
Well, you could use something like C++ does for implementing STL
vectors in terms of arrays -- iirc, it generally doubles the allocated
size each time applying an operation to the vector would make it
exceed its capacity (the current allocation size), and keeps track of
the actual number of elements stored separately. It's important to do
allocation which is proportional to the existing capacity, or repeated
insertion will become quadratic time rather than linear. So
essentially, some data structure like

data Vector a = Vector { store :: Array Int a, end :: Int }

would be a sufficient minimal way to start. When the store needs to be
increased, you simply create a new array with twice as many elements,
copy the initial elements in from the old array which is then thrown
away, and only update end to the position of the actual last element.
This is analogous to what C++ implementations of the vector class do.

What will bite you is if you try to generalise from indices of type
Int to instances of Ix -- the Ix operations assume that there are
lower and upper bounds on indices. The upper bound of course quickly
becomes a problem. You could however use Enum, which has toEnum and
fromEnum, which are sufficient to use with the implementation in terms
of Ints. It could also be claimed that Int isn't always the best
initial type to use, and indeed I'd still feel safer with Integer
somehow, but then, fromEnum and toEnum use Int, and if you have more
than 2 billion elements in your vector at the same time, maybe you
should be looking at your algorithm more carefully and/or doing your
own low level memory allocation via FFI. :)

 - Cale

On 19/04/06, Brian Hulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi -
> In C++, STL provides a vector class which behaves as an array except you can
> insert/delete elements from it. I'm wondering what is the best Haskell data
> structure to use to simulate this, either mutable or immutable.
> I've looked at the Array interface, but although there is the // operation
> to replace some elements, there does not appear to be a simple way to
> delete/insert elements.
> Ideally I'd like functions like:
> -- Insert new elements starting at the specified index, moving the others up
> to make room
> insert:: Array i e -> i -> [e] -> Array i e
> -- Delete a range of elements, moving later elements back down
> delete:: Array i e -> i -> i -> Array e
> -- Append a new element to the end of an array
> push_back :: Array i e -> e -> Array i e
> Is there an efficient way of implementing these operations in Haskell, based
> on arrays, or should I be using some other data structure altogether eg a
> list?
> Also, for large arrays, am I right in thinking that it is still more
> efficient to use immutable arrays rather than mutable arrays (because it is
> easier for gc to always just deal with immutable values)?
> Thanks, Brian.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Cale Gibbard
Oops, replace Array there with DiffArray.

On 19/04/06, Cale Gibbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, you could use something like C++ does for implementing STL
> vectors in terms of arrays -- iirc, it generally doubles the allocated
> size each time applying an operation to the vector would make it
> exceed its capacity (the current allocation size), and keeps track of
> the actual number of elements stored separately. It's important to do
> allocation which is proportional to the existing capacity, or repeated
> insertion will become quadratic time rather than linear. So
> essentially, some data structure like
> data Vector a = Vector { store :: Array Int a, end :: Int }
> would be a sufficient minimal way to start. When the store needs to be
> increased, you simply create a new array with twice as many elements,
> copy the initial elements in from the old array which is then thrown
> away, and only update end to the position of the actual last element.
> This is analogous to what C++ implementations of the vector class do.
> What will bite you is if you try to generalise from indices of type
> Int to instances of Ix -- the Ix operations assume that there are
> lower and upper bounds on indices. The upper bound of course quickly
> becomes a problem. You could however use Enum, which has toEnum and
> fromEnum, which are sufficient to use with the implementation in terms
> of Ints. It could also be claimed that Int isn't always the best
> initial type to use, and indeed I'd still feel safer with Integer
> somehow, but then, fromEnum and toEnum use Int, and if you have more
> than 2 billion elements in your vector at the same time, maybe you
> should be looking at your algorithm more carefully and/or doing your
> own low level memory allocation via FFI. :)
>  - Cale
> On 19/04/06, Brian Hulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi -
> > In C++, STL provides a vector class which behaves as an array except you can
> > insert/delete elements from it. I'm wondering what is the best Haskell data
> > structure to use to simulate this, either mutable or immutable.
> >
> > I've looked at the Array interface, but although there is the // operation
> > to replace some elements, there does not appear to be a simple way to
> > delete/insert elements.
> >
> > Ideally I'd like functions like:
> >
> > -- Insert new elements starting at the specified index, moving the others up
> > to make room
> > insert:: Array i e -> i -> [e] -> Array i e
> >
> > -- Delete a range of elements, moving later elements back down
> > delete:: Array i e -> i -> i -> Array e
> >
> > -- Append a new element to the end of an array
> > push_back :: Array i e -> e -> Array i e
> >
> > Is there an efficient way of implementing these operations in Haskell, based
> > on arrays, or should I be using some other data structure altogether eg a
> > list?
> >
> > Also, for large arrays, am I right in thinking that it is still more
> > efficient to use immutable arrays rather than mutable arrays (because it is
> > easier for gc to always just deal with immutable values)?
> >
> > Thanks, Brian.
> >
> > ___
> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> >
> >
> >
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Udo Stenzel
Brian Hulley wrote:
> In C++, STL provides a vector class which behaves as an array except you 
> can insert/delete elements from it.

Though you shouldn't.  If you constantly insert and delete in the middle
of a std::vector, you're not using the right data structure.  In fact,
std::vector is almost always wrong and std::deque would probably serve
you better.

> I'm wondering what is the best Haskell 
> data structure to use to simulate this, either mutable or immutable.

The obvious mutable data structure is an (STRef (STArray i a)).  You can
implement std::vector in terms of that, almost literally translating
from C++.  If you want Haskell code that looks as ugly as C++, you
should do exactly that.

Immutable array-like thing with insertion and deletion are an
ill-conceived idea, imho.  Every write operation would require a
complete copy and often a reallocation, too.

Instead, use some functional sequence implementation, like Finger Trees.
Operations in the middle of the sequence incur a logarithmic cost, but
thats better than constantly copying the whole thing around.  Being
immutable it also results in more idiomatic code where you don't need to
drag the ST monad around everywhere.  You might also consider a
Finger Tree of smallish Arrays, that's about the closest equivalent to
std::deque you can get.

"In the software business there are many enterprises for which it is not
clear that science can help them; that science should try is not clear
-- E. W. Dijkstra

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Brian Hulley

On Wednesday 19th April 2006 18:09PM Udo Stenzel wrote:

Brian Hulley wrote:

In C++, STL provides a vector class which behaves as an array except you
can insert/delete elements from it.

Though you shouldn't.  If you constantly insert and delete in the middle
of a std::vector, you're not using the right data structure.  In fact,
std::vector is almost always wrong and std::deque would probably serve
you better.

std::deque only gives fast insert/delete at the ends so for insert/delete in 
the middle it is still slow, and any speedup relative to std::vector might 
be offset by extra slowness in subscripting if multiple physical blocks of 
memory are used to simulate a contiguous array. I could have used a 
std::list (which is doubly linked) but then I'd lose the constant time 
random element access, so in my particular case (which was a text buffer for 
an edit control implemented as a std::vector of lines where each line 
contains some book-keeping info plus a std::vector of character info) the 
std::vector seemed to work out to be the best one to use, since there are 
more read operations (rendering, parsing etc) than write operations (user 
typing a character).

I'm wondering what is the best Haskell
data structure to use to simulate this, either mutable or immutable.

The obvious mutable data structure is an (STRef (STArray i a)).  You can
implement std::vector in terms of that, almost literally translating
from C++.  If you want Haskell code that looks as ugly as C++, you
should do exactly that.

I'm keen to learn what the Haskell way is rather than just porting my old 
C++ code directly.

Immutable array-like thing with insertion and deletion are an
ill-conceived idea, imho.  Every write operation would require a
complete copy and often a reallocation, too.

It depends how many write operations there are in practice, versus how many 
times you need to read from it using array access. A reallocation (amortized 
cost O(0)) and copy (a simple memcpy) might be very fast compared to the 
time it might take for generational garbage collection to deal with the 
problem of cells in a previous generation referencing new cells as happens 
in mutable data structures. But of course it's probably not optimal.

Instead, use some functional sequence implementation, like Finger Trees.
Operations in the middle of the sequence incur a logarithmic cost, but
thats better than constantly copying the whole thing around.  Being
immutable it also results in more idiomatic code where you don't need to
drag the ST monad around everywhere.  You might also consider a
Finger Tree of smallish Arrays, that's about the closest equivalent to
std::deque you can get.

Thanks, I've downloaded a paper about them from so I'll 
see if I can understand it! Looks interesting...

Best regards, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Christophe Poucet

Either way,

Even an STL vector has O(N) insert because it needss to shift all the 
items past the current element where insertion is taking place.  If your 
application is insert intensive the most ideal structure is a map.  
Concerning the suggestion regarding doubling the capacity, I don't 
believe that STL actually doubles the allocated size.  Most applications 
that use vector-like data structures (STL Vector, Ruby Array) typically 
use the fibonacci sequence for the sizes because the doubling grows too 


Cale Gibbard wrote:

Oops, replace Array there with DiffArray.

On 19/04/06, Cale Gibbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, you could use something like C++ does for implementing STL
vectors in terms of arrays -- iirc, it generally doubles the allocated
size each time applying an operation to the vector would make it
exceed its capacity (the current allocation size), and keeps track of
the actual number of elements stored separately. It's important to do
allocation which is proportional to the existing capacity, or repeated
insertion will become quadratic time rather than linear. So
essentially, some data structure like

data Vector a = Vector { store :: Array Int a, end :: Int }

would be a sufficient minimal way to start. When the store needs to be
increased, you simply create a new array with twice as many elements,
copy the initial elements in from the old array which is then thrown
away, and only update end to the position of the actual last element.
This is analogous to what C++ implementations of the vector class do.

What will bite you is if you try to generalise from indices of type
Int to instances of Ix -- the Ix operations assume that there are
lower and upper bounds on indices. The upper bound of course quickly
becomes a problem. You could however use Enum, which has toEnum and
fromEnum, which are sufficient to use with the implementation in terms
of Ints. It could also be claimed that Int isn't always the best
initial type to use, and indeed I'd still feel safer with Integer
somehow, but then, fromEnum and toEnum use Int, and if you have more
than 2 billion elements in your vector at the same time, maybe you
should be looking at your algorithm more carefully and/or doing your
own low level memory allocation via FFI. :)

- Cale

On 19/04/06, Brian Hulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi -
In C++, STL provides a vector class which behaves as an array except you can
insert/delete elements from it. I'm wondering what is the best Haskell data
structure to use to simulate this, either mutable or immutable.

I've looked at the Array interface, but although there is the // operation
to replace some elements, there does not appear to be a simple way to
delete/insert elements.

Ideally I'd like functions like:

-- Insert new elements starting at the specified index, moving the others up
to make room
insert:: Array i e -> i -> [e] -> Array i e

-- Delete a range of elements, moving later elements back down
delete:: Array i e -> i -> i -> Array e

-- Append a new element to the end of an array
push_back :: Array i e -> e -> Array i e

Is there an efficient way of implementing these operations in Haskell, based
on arrays, or should I be using some other data structure altogether eg a

Also, for large arrays, am I right in thinking that it is still more
efficient to use immutable arrays rather than mutable arrays (because it is
easier for gc to always just deal with immutable values)?

Thanks, Brian.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list


Haskell-Cafe mailing list


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Brian Hulley
Thanks. I might try this if I don't have any luck with finger trees (from 
Udo's post), or if they seem too heavy for the simple thing I'm planning to 
use them for (implementing the text buffer for an edit control which needs a 
mutable array of lines where each line contains a mutable array of character 
info). I don't need non-Int indices so your data type for Vector would be 

Best regards, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Brian Hulley

Sebastian Sylvan wrote:

On 4/19/06, Brian Hulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ideally I'd like functions like:

-- Insert new elements starting at the specified index, moving the
others up to make room
insert:: Array i e -> i -> [e] -> Array i e

-- Delete a range of elements, moving later elements back down
delete:: Array i e -> i -> i -> Array e

-- Append a new element to the end of an array
push_back :: Array i e -> e -> Array i e

Is there an efficient way of implementing these operations in
Haskell, based on arrays, or should I be using some other data
structure altogether eg a list?

Well not efficient in the C++ sense. You'd still have to create a
whole new array for all of those operations. You can use the (//)
operator to update all the elements you need to update...

insert i xs arr = arr // shift_list
where n = length xs
 shift_list = zip [i..] xs ++ [ (j,arr!(j - n)) | j <- [i+n ..
snd (bounds arr)]]

Thanks, but I think this would be too slow, unless the compiler could 
somehow optimize out the list argument from // . I imagined that 
insert/delete would just use C memcpy internally to quickly blit the cells 
up or down.

Also, for large arrays, am I right in thinking that it is still more
efficient to use immutable arrays rather than mutable arrays
(because it is easier for gc to always just deal with immutable

Well that depends on what you're doing. Mutable arrays are more
efficient for most operation (replace is O(1) instead of O(n), for
example), but it's possible that for small arrays immutable has a
smaller constant factor (I'm certainly not sure that it does!)

I was thinking perhaps generational garbage collection suffers badly when 
faced with mutable arrays but perhaps I'm wrong or it is not a necessary 
consequence of using mutable data structures.

Best regards, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Robert Dockins

On Apr 19, 2006, at 3:06 PM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Thanks. I might try this if I don't have any luck with finger trees  
(from Udo's post), or if they seem too heavy for the simple thing  
I'm planning to use them for (implementing the text buffer for an  
edit control which needs a mutable array of lines where each line  
contains a mutable array of character info). I don't need non-Int  
indices so your data type for Vector would be fine.

In that case, you may be interested in this paper, which discusses a  
data structure specifically designed for strings called 'ropes': 

I'm not aware of a Haskell implementation of ropes, but there may  
well be one floating around.  Actually, I'd be kind of surprised if  
someone hasn't implemented this already (does YI use ropes?); it  
seems like such a great fit for Haskell.

Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Cale Gibbard
I should perhaps point out that in the development GHC (iirc), there
is a library called Data.Sequence which uses 2-3 finger trees to get
rather nice efficient sequences. Operations on both ends (appending or
dropping) are constant time, while operations in the middle tend to be
on the order of the logarithm of the distance to the closer of the two
ends. For instance, concatenation and splitting at a point both have
complexity proportional to the logarithm of the smaller of the two
parts involved.

 - Cale

On 19/04/06, Brian Hulley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks. I might try this if I don't have any luck with finger trees (from
> Udo's post), or if they seem too heavy for the simple thing I'm planning to
> use them for (implementing the text buffer for an edit control which needs a
> mutable array of lines where each line contains a mutable array of character
> info). I don't need non-Int indices so your data type for Vector would be
> fine.
> Best regards, Brian.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] C++ parser in Haskell?

2006-04-19 Thread Ravi Nanavati
It turns out we might find such a beast useful at Bluespec. If anyone 
has written a C++ parser in Haskell (or knows of one), we'd like to hear 
about it.


 - Ravi Nanavati
   Bluespec, Inc.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Udo Stenzel
Brian Hulley wrote:
> in my particular case (which was a text buffer 
> for an edit control implemented as a std::vector of lines where each line 
> contains some book-keeping info plus a std::vector of character info)
> [...]
> I'm keen to learn what the Haskell way is rather than just porting my old 
> C++ code directly.

Well, in this case I'd even say the Haskell way and the C++ way
coincide.  The best data structure is a rope (not standard in C++, but
widely available), which is basically a (balanced) tree of small
immutable strings that can share substrings.

Ropes provide indexing, concatenation and substring extraction with
logarithmic costs and traversal in amortized linear time.  Operations
through iterators have amortized constant cost, and the overall cost is
quite low.  They work best with garbage collection and actually sound
very Haskellish.  You could even dump your whole text into a single
rope, you don't need to split it into lines.  In fact, a text editor
implemented in exactly this way is the major selling point of the Rope

We don't have an implementation of Ropes (yet?).  I think, a Finger Tree
of Fast Packed Strings might be the closest thing.  I'd even implement
it this way, if the low performance of raw Strings finally overcame my

> A reallocation 
> (amortized cost O(0)) and copy (a simple memcpy) might be very fast 

Doing a memcpy every time a character is inserted is a Bad Thing.  It
gets slower the longer the edited line is.  Vim seems to do something
like that and I positively hate this behavior.  Use two Ropes instead
(or two Finger Trees) and the cost becomes amortized O(1).

> Thanks, I've downloaded a paper about them from 
> so 
> I'll see if I can understand it! Looks interesting...

Even better, thanks to Ross Paterson you can get code at or
simply get a recent version of GHC:

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Brian Hulley

Cale Gibbard wrote:

I should perhaps point out that in the development GHC (iirc), there
is a library called Data.Sequence which uses 2-3 finger trees to get
rather nice efficient sequences. Operations on both ends (appending or
dropping) are constant time, while operations in the middle tend to be
on the order of the logarithm of the distance to the closer of the two
ends. For instance, concatenation and splitting at a point both have
complexity proportional to the logarithm of the smaller of the two
parts involved.

Does anyone know where I can download this from (since I was just about to 
try to implement exactly this myself based on the paper)? I can't find it 
listed in the hierarchical libraries for ghc.

Thanks, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] C++ parser in Haskell?

2006-04-19 Thread Christophe Poucet
I would be very interested in this as well.  I have looked myself but 
haven't found anything else.  I wrote one myself in Haskell but for a 
subset of C++ (subset of C but with some extra things like methods).

Christophe Poucet

Ravi Nanavati wrote:

It turns out we might find such a beast useful at Bluespec. If anyone 
has written a C++ parser in Haskell (or knows of one), we'd like to 
hear about it.


 - Ravi Nanavati
   Bluespec, Inc.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Brian Hulley

Robert Dockins wrote:

On Apr 19, 2006, at 3:06 PM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Thanks. I might try this if I don't have any luck with finger trees
(from Udo's post), or if they seem too heavy for the simple thing
I'm planning to use them for (implementing the text buffer for an
edit control which needs a mutable array of lines where each line
contains a mutable array of character info). I don't need non-Int
indices so your data type for Vector would be fine.

In that case, you may be interested in this paper, which discusses a
data structure specifically designed for strings called 'ropes':

I'm not aware of a Haskell implementation of ropes, but there may
well be one floating around.  Actually, I'd be kind of surprised if
someone hasn't implemented this already (does YI use ropes?); it
seems like such a great fit for Haskell.

Thanks, I'll look into this paper too.
Incidentally, there are quite a lot of interesting issues that come up with 
the task of implementing an edit control (or any other user interface 
element) in Haskell. For example, if the user types several characters, a 
naive implementation would enter each character individually into the text 
buffer, resulting in a sequence of updates, even though the control would 
not be re-rendered until there are no more (character) messages left in the 
message queue, whereas another way is to represent the operations explicitly 
eg Insert 'b' (Insert 'a' (Buffer ...)) so that this can be optimized to 
InsertString "ab" (Buffer ...) resulting in only one update before the 
control is re-rendered...

Best regards, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Brian Hulley

On Wednesday 19th April 2006 20:39 Udo Stenzel wrote:

Even better, thanks to Ross Paterson you can get code at or
simply get a recent version of GHC:

Thanks for the link. On the wiki, all the links I found point to old 
documentation ie docs/latest/html/libraries instead of 

Best regards, Brian. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] C++ parser in Haskell?

2006-04-19 Thread Jake Luck
I would be very interested in this as well.  I have looked myself but haven't 
found anything else.  I wrote one myself in Haskell but for a subset of C++ 
(subset of C but with some extra things like methods).

Did you build it using parsec or happy? jake
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Greg Fitzgerald
Brian,> implementing the text buffer for an edit controlJust a few weeks ago I was thinking about a functional way to implement an edit control.  I ended up with the code below.  The function 'text' takes a stream of user input and returns the text to be displayed.
Rather than using a mutable buffer, I chose to implement this using a stream of user input and two stacks where each stack contains the characters on opposite sides of the cursor.  I'm certainly no expert, but I believe all operations are constant time, except that returning the final string at the end of the input stream is O(n).  Of course, if you have a huge amount of text to display and need to display it after each key is pressed, then this is pretty worthless.

text s = mySort s [] []

mySort  [] stack sorted  = (reverse sorted) ++ stack

mySort ('R':xs)   [] sorted  = mySort xs   [] sorted

mySort ('R':xs) (s:stack)    sorted  = mySort xs    stack  (s:sorted)

mySort ('L':xs)    stack []  = mySort xs    stack []

mySort ('L':xs)    stack  (s:sorted) = mySort xs (s:stack)    sorted

mySort   (x:xs)    stack sorted  = mySort xs    stack  (x:sorted)Here's how it works:The string 's' in the 'text' function is a string of numbers (sorry, my app only needed to handle numbers) and
two special characters 'L' and 'R' which translate to
MoveCursorOnePositionRight and MoveCursorOnePositionLeftIn 'mySort', numeric characters in the input stream are pushed onto the 'sorted' stack.    A 'Left' movement causes the head of the 'sorted' stack to be transferred to 'stack'.  A 'Right' movement causes the head of the 'stack' to be transferred to 'sorted'.  At the end of the input stream, the characters to the right of the cursor (the characters in 'stack') are appended to the characters to the left of the cursor (the reverse of 'sorted').
I'm new to Haskell so maybe Ropes are better, but if the problem you need to solve is as simple as mine, it's hard to read research papers when you can get the job finished with 7 lines of Prelude code.Thanks,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] C++ parser in Haskell?

2006-04-19 Thread Christophe Poucet

For the parsing and lexing I used happy and alex.

Jake Luck wrote:

I would be very interested in this as well. I have looked myself but 
haven't found anything else. I wrote one myself in Haskell but for a 
subset of C++ (subset of C but with some extra things like methods).

Did you build it using parsec or happy? jake
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Christophe Poucet
Ph.D. Student
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advice needed on best way to simulate an STL vector

2006-04-19 Thread Brian Hulley

On Wednesday 19th April 2006 21::55 Greg Fitzgerald wrote:


> implementing the text buffer for an edit control

Just a few weeks ago I was thinking about a functional way to
implement an edit control.  I ended up with the code below.
The function 'text' takes a stream of  user input and returns the
text to be displayed.

Rather than using a mutable buffer, I chose to implement this
using a stream of user input and two stacks where each stack
contains the characters on opposite sides of the cursor.
 I'm certainly no expert, but I believe all operations are constant
time, except that returning the final string at the end of the input
stream is O(n).  Of course, if you have a huge amount of text
to display and need to display it after each key is pressed,
then this is pretty worthless.

Thanks! I see you are representing the text buffer from the point of view of 
the cursor therefore all edit ops are constant time or O(k) where k is the 
numbers of chars involved in the change (eg for cut and paste).
Some ops such as clicking the mouse on a different part of the text after 
scrolling up/down would be O(n) in the difference between the old and new 
cursor position, but since most editing is presumably sequential, perhaps 
the amortized cost would still be constant.

I think this would also work even for very large texts, because many things 
can probably be done without having the create the whole string each time, 
but I'll have to try it out to see how it works in practice.

In any case it is a very useful pattern to make use of the locality of 
editing to get such a direct and efficient purely functional representation. 
Before I was just looking at the data structure from a "bird's eye" view, 
but I see the key to functional efficiency here is to represent it from a 
place where everything non-local is not changing ie from the point of change 

Thanks for this pattern,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] 1G strings in Haskell

2006-04-19 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
Can I manipulate 1G strings in Haskell?

Short answer:
Yes! Mostly.

Doing some stress testing of FPS, here are some results for 1G strings.

3.2Ghz box, 2G physical mem.
Size of input string: 1G

N.B. 2G of physical ram is not enough when trying to benchmark functions
that copy 1G strings around :)

FunctionTime in seconds

All O(1) functions:
length  O
index   0

O(n) , but answer found early on:
compare 0   
any 0
all 0
elemIndex   0

O(n) mostly:
maximum 3.855
minimum 4.666   
filterChar  8.084   
lines   12.247  
tails   27.328
inits   33.620  
words   100.963
map toUpper 143.871

Failed due to memory exhaustion. 
Almost made it though, just need a tad more ram than I had.

filter  ! 
unlines !
unwords !
reverse !   -- copy
cons!   -- copy
snoc!   -- involves a copy
++  !   -- can't concat two 1G strings on this box

sort? taking too long, but space was ok.

[Char] functions are much more costly.
pack!   -- constructing 1G [Char] is not ok.
unpack  !

Lesssons, you can play with 1G strings in Haskell. Having more than 2G
ram is useful though. Replacing higher order functions with hard coded
first order equivalents can help.

-- Don
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