Re: [Haskell-cafe] Bit string

2006-09-14 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
> On Fri, Sep 15, 2006 at 11:35:45AM +1000, Thomas Conway wrote:
> > My question for all present is: Have I missed either a problem with
> > using Integer, or have I overlooked a better representation?
> Consider also (UArray Int Bool). In GHC it has an efficient
> implementation.

A _very_ efficient implementation:


-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Bit string

2006-09-14 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Fri, Sep 15, 2006 at 11:35:45AM +1000, Thomas Conway wrote:
> My question for all present is: Have I missed either a problem with
> using Integer, or have I overlooked a better representation?

Consider also (UArray Int Bool). In GHC it has an efficient

Best regards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Why is type 'b' forced to be type 'm a' and not possibly 'm a -> m a'

2006-09-14 Thread Vivian McPhail

Dear Haskell 
I have a problem I can't get my head around. 
code below sets the problem out.  What I need to be able to do is commented 
This code works, the 
only problem is that what I need is that an argument will be evaluated before it 
is passed,
so ((and fries eats) 
eggs) has a single `eggs` (fries1 eggs2 and3 eats4 egg2) not (fries1 eggs2 
and3 eats4 eggs5).
The code that 
doesn't work is commented out at the bottom.  I'm not sure the 
behaviour  of ghc is correct, because 
it typechecks it tries to unify `b = t t1` 
but `b` could actually be `t t1 -> t t1`.
I want to be able to 
specify that when the first argument of `b` is of type `m a` that fork should 
run it and _then_
fork the 
argument to the first two arguments of 'fork'.  The instance for (a -> b) covers the rest of 
the possibilities.
just type "run test[1-4]" to see 
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts 
-fno-monomorphism-restriction #-}
module Fork where
import Prelude hiding (and)
import Control.Monad.State
data NRef = NS0 
String  | NS1 String 
NRef  | NS2 String NRef 
data UniqueS = US { nums :: [String] 
}    deriving(Show)
type USM a = StateT UniqueS IO a
newUniqueS :: UniqueSnewUniqueS = US { nums = [ 
show x | x <- [1..] ] }
freshInstance :: String -> USM 
StringfreshInstance x = 
(f:fs) <- gets 
put $ US { nums = fs 
return $ x ++ f
single x = do    x' <- 
freshInstance x    return $ NS0 x'
unary x n = do    x' <- 
freshInstance x    n' <- n    return $ 
NS1 x' n'
binary x n1 n2 = do    x' <- 
freshInstance x    n1' <- n1    n2' 
<- n2    return $ NS2 x' n1' n2'
foxy = single "foxy"eggs = single 
"eggs"golden = unary "golden"white = unary "white"fries = binary 
"fries"eats = binary "eats"
class Forkable a where    fork 
:: String -> a -> a -> a
instance (Forkable a, Forkable b) => Forkable (a 
-> b) where    fork n a1 a2 a = fork n (a1 a) (a2 
{-instance (Monad m, Forkable (m a), 
Forkable b) => Forkable (m a -> b) where    fork n a1 
a2 a = 
a' <- 
fork n (a1 $ return a') 
(a2 $ return 
instance Forkable (USM NRef) 
where    fork n a1 a2 = 
a1' <- 
a2' <- 
return $ NS2 n a1' a2'
and = fork "and"
test1 = (and foxy eggs)test2 = (and golden 
white) eggstest3 = (and fries eats) foxy eggstest4 = (eats foxy (and 
(golden eggs) (white eggs))) 
run x = runStateT x newUniqueS >>= 
(putStrLn . show . fst)\end{code

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.12.4/448 - Release Date: 14/09/2006
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Anonymous types

2006-09-14 Thread Thomas Conway

Hi all,

Is there any deep and meaningful reason why Haskell doesn't have
anonymous discriminated union types?

I'm thinking of an example like:

data Amount = Amount Integer (Mg|G|Kg|T)

Now this particular case is perhaps unconvincing - a seperate Units
type would be quite sensible, however I'm thinking of translating
ASN.1 definitions into Haskell. ASN.1 allows SEQUENCE (record types)
and CHOICE (discriminated unions) as a kind of type constructor.

Not having to invent names for anonymous SEQUENCE and CHOICE types
would be nice.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Bertram Felgenhauer
Ross Paterson wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 05:22:05PM +0200, Bertram Felgenhauer wrote:
> > [much subtle code]
> > We can now build the splitStream function, using the following helper
> > function:
> > 
> > > splitSeq' :: Ord a => Map a () -> [(a,b)] -> ([(a,[b])], Map a [b])
> This works for infinite lists if there is no balancing, but if insert does
> balancing, the top of the map will not be available until the last key
> is seen, so splitSeq' could only be used for finite chunks.  Then you'll
> need a way to put the partial answers together.

Just to prove the point, here's the same code with balancing:

>>> SNIP HERE (end marked with <<<) >>>

module SplitSeq (splitSeq) where

import Prelude hiding (lookup, map)

-- our map
data Map k a  = Node !Int k a (Map k a) (Map k a) | Leaf deriving Show

size :: Map k a -> Int
size Leaf = 0
size (Node s _ _ _ _) = s

member :: Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Bool
member _ Leaf  = False
member k (Node _ k' _ l r) = case compare k k' of
LT -> member k l
EQ -> True
GT -> member k r

-- insert key into blueprint and extract the corresponding value from
-- the second argument, threading it backward through all operations
insert :: Ord k => k -> Map k () -> Map k a -> (Map k (), a, Map k a)
insert k Leaf~(Node _ _ a _ _)
= (Node 1 k () Leaf Leaf, a, Leaf)
insert k (Node s k' _ l r) node
= case compare k k' of
LT -> let (m, a, l'')  = insert  k l l'
  (m', a', l', r') = balance k' m r node
  in  (m', a, Node s k' a' l'' r')
EQ -> error "inserting existing element"
GT -> let (m, a, r'')  = insert  k r r'
  (m', a', l', r') = balance k' l m node
  in  (m', a, Node s k' a' l' r'')

-- balance and co are taken from Data.Map and adapted
balance k l r node
| size l + size r <= 1 = let Node _ _ a l' r' = node
 in  (mkNode k () l r, a, l', r')
| size r >= 5 * size l = rotateL k l r node
| size l >= 5 * size r = rotateR k l r node
| otherwise= let Node _ _ a l' r' = node
 in  (mkNode k () l r, a, l', r')

rotateL k l r@(Node _ _ _ l' r') node
| size l' < 2*size r' = singleL k l r node
| otherwise   = doubleL k l r node

rotateR k l@(Node _ _ _ l' r') r node
| size r' < 2*size l' = singleR k l r node
| otherwise   = doubleR k l r node

singleL k l (Node s k' _ m r)
~(Node _ _ a ~(Node _ _ a' l' m') r') =
(mkNode k' () (mkNode k () l m) r,
a', l', Node s k' a m' r')

singleR k (Node s k' _ l m) r
~(Node _ _ a l' ~(Node _ _ a' m' r')) =
(mkNode k' () l (mkNode k () m r), 
a', Node s k' a l' m', r')

doubleL k l (Node s k' _ (Node s' k'' _ ml mr) r)
~(Node _ _ a ~(Node _ _ a' l' ml') ~(Node _ _ a'' mr' r')) =
(mkNode k'' () (mkNode k () l ml) (mkNode k' () mr r),
a', l', Node s k' a'' (Node s' k'' a ml' mr') r')

doubleR k (Node s k' _ l (Node s' k'' _ ml mr)) r
~(Node _ _ a ~(Node _ _ a' l' ml') ~(Node _ _ a'' mr' r')) =
(mkNode k'' () (mkNode k' () l ml) (mkNode k () mr r),
a'', Node s k' a' l' (Node s' k'' a ml' mr'), r')

-- make a new node with the correct size
mkNode k x l r = Node (size l + size r + 1) k x l r

-- update the element associated with the given key
update :: Ord k => k -> (a -> a) -> Map k x -> Map k a -> Map k a
update k f (Node s k' _ l r) ~(Node _ _ a' l' r') = case compare k k' of
LT -> Node s k' a' (update k f l l') r'
EQ -> Node s k' (f a') l' r'
GT -> Node s k' a' l' (update k f r r')

-- standard map function, no blueprints here
map :: (a -> b) -> Map k a -> Map k b
map _ Leaf = Leaf
map f (Node s k a l r) = Node s k (f a) (map f l) (map f r)

-- finally, define splitSeq
splitSeq :: Ord a => [(a,b)] -> [(a,[b])]
splitSeq = fst . splitSeq' Leaf

splitSeq' :: Ord a => Map a () -> [(a,b)] -> ([(a,[b])], Map a [b])
splitSeq' bp [] = ([], map (const []) bp)
splitSeq' bp ((a,b):xs) = case member a bp of
True  -> let (l, m) = splitSeq' bp xs in (l, update a (b:) bp m)
False -> let (bp', a', m) = insert a bp m'
 (l, m')  = splitSeq' bp' xs
 ((a, b : a') : l, m)

The balancing code is adopted from Data.Map. I added threading back the
result map (from splitSeq) to the balancing operations.

This results in the promised O(n*log m) time. The cost associated with
a lazy pattern (it creates a closure for each bound variable, IIRC)
is quite high but constant, so each call to insert takes O(log m)
time, including future forces of the lazy patterns.

Likewise, member and update are also O(log m).

Example test:

Prelude SplitSeq> print $ take 11 $ snd $ splitSeq ([(n `mod` 1, 'a') | n 
<- [1..10]] ++ [(n, 'b') | n <- [0..]]) !! 9534
(1.07 secs, 137026252 bytes)

The nonbalancing version would take ages.



Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: evaluate vs seq

2006-09-14 Thread Michael Shulman


With this in mind the equations
1)  return _|_ == Return _|_
2)  _|_ `seq` (return _|_) == _|_
can be interpreted:
1) when reducing a return-redex (i.e. evaluating it), we get weak-head
normal form without evaluating the argument (which was _|_)
2) when reducing the `seq`-thing but not further evaluating the
arguments (_|_ in our case), we get nowhere (i.e. only _|_)

Thus, when evaluating the expressions (one step!, i.e. just to weak head
normal form), number 1) returns immediately but in 2), the `seq` needs
to evaluate its first argument. So the semantics of applying _|_ to a
function determines its behavior with respect to how much of its
arguments will be evaluated! I think this is the point our
misunderstanding is about?

For (evaluate :: a->IO a), I said something like
3)  evaluate _|_== ThrowException
and meant, that when evaluating 3) one step to weak head normal form,
the argument does not get evaluated. 2) is much different to that.
Equation 3) is of course wrong and must be more like
evaluate x == Evaluate x
where (Evaluate x) is a constructor but with a particular behavior when
executed in the IO-Monad.

Great, thank you!  I think this finally answers my question.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Bit string

2006-09-14 Thread Thomas Conway

On 9/15/06, Lennart Augustsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's hard to tell what the best representation is if you don't know
what the operations that you are going to perform are.  If all you
are going to do is I/O of bitstrings, then [Bool] could be great.  If
you need to do bitwise boolean ops then Integer is a wise choice.

And is I/O of bitstring represented as Integer going to be
significantly worse [Bool]? It is certainly a much denser
representation. Actually the main operations are probably tests (is a
certain bit set), and encoding and decoding (to and from BER, PER,

The operations that need to be efficient are:

-- test to see if the Nth bit is set
testBit :: BitString -> Integer -> Bool

-- set the Nth bit
setBit :: BitString -> Integer -> BitString

-- clear the Nth bit
clearBit :: BitString -> Integer -> BitString

I can see the potential for creating large intermediate Integers (i.e.
1 `shift` n), if the number of bits is large.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Bit string

2006-09-14 Thread Lennart Augustsson
It's hard to tell what the best representation is if you don't know  
what the operations that you are going to perform are.  If all you  
are going to do is I/O of bitstrings, then [Bool] could be great.  If  
you need to do bitwise boolean ops then Integer is a wise choice.

-- Lennart

On Sep 14, 2006, at 21:35 , Thomas Conway wrote:

Hi all,

I'm doing some work with ASN.1, and I'm thinking about how to
represent the type "BIT STRING".

The obvious, and inefficient representation would be

type BitString = [Bool]

A reasonable sparse representation might be

type BitString = [Integer]

where the integers represent the positions of the non-zero bits, but
other implementations (e.g. C & C++ based ones) mostly seem to use
dense representations, and there are certain predictability advantages
to be had by following existing implementations in this regard.

But given that a value of type BIT STRING is allowed to have leading 0
bits, which have no semantic effect, another representation would be

type BitString = [Word64]

(I'm a modern type, and believe in 64bit computing ;-), but you could
use Word32 if you liked).

However, after a few moments' consideration, I realized, that if I was
going to use a representation like that, I could probably use

type BitString = Integer

which already has [I assume] a carefully optimized implementation.
Also, it ends up being significantly more strict than a list
representation, which is probably a good thing in most situations.

My question for all present is: Have I missed either a problem with
using Integer, or have I overlooked a better representation?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Bit string

2006-09-14 Thread Thomas Conway

Hi all,

I'm doing some work with ASN.1, and I'm thinking about how to
represent the type "BIT STRING".

The obvious, and inefficient representation would be

type BitString = [Bool]

A reasonable sparse representation might be

type BitString = [Integer]

where the integers represent the positions of the non-zero bits, but
other implementations (e.g. C & C++ based ones) mostly seem to use
dense representations, and there are certain predictability advantages
to be had by following existing implementations in this regard.

But given that a value of type BIT STRING is allowed to have leading 0
bits, which have no semantic effect, another representation would be

type BitString = [Word64]

(I'm a modern type, and believe in 64bit computing ;-), but you could
use Word32 if you liked).

However, after a few moments' consideration, I realized, that if I was
going to use a representation like that, I could probably use

type BitString = Integer

which already has [I assume] a carefully optimized implementation.
Also, it ends up being significantly more strict than a list
representation, which is probably a good thing in most situations.

My question for all present is: Have I missed either a problem with
using Integer, or have I overlooked a better representation?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: evaluate vs seq

2006-09-14 Thread Lennart Augustsson

On Sep 14, 2006, at 16:20 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Michael Shulman wrote:

So `seq` forces its first argument. When we define
  f x = x `seq` (Return x)
we thereby get
  f _|_== _|_
  f [] == Return []
  f (x:xs) == Return (x:xs)
To compare, the semantics of (evaluate) is
  evaluate _|_== ThrowException =/= _|_
  evaluate [] == Return []
  evaluate (x:xs) == Return (x:xs)
That should answer your question.

I must not be phrasing my question very well; I feel like we're
talking past each other.  It seems to me that when writing actual
programs (rather than reasoning about denotational semantics) the
reason one would use `seq' or `evaluate' is to force something to be
evaluated "now" rather than "later", i.e. to get around Haskell's
default lazy execution.

Your semantics say that (x `seq` return x) and (evaluate x) have the
same result when x is anything other than _|_.  All well and good,  
(return x) *also* has those same results when x is not _|_.  Why  
one use the former two rather than (return x), if x is known not  
to be
_|_?  Because they evaluate x at different "times", right?  Even  
the eventual return value is the same, and thus the *semantics*  
are the
same.  So laying aside the formal semantics, what is the  
difference in

terms of actual, real, Haskell programs?

You are right, I completely forgot that executing a real Haskell  

is a graph reduction and that `seq`'s purpose is to control this
reduction and associated memory usage. But it's possible to use
denotational semantics as an approximation to the actual graph  

No, you were right the first time. :)  The denotational semantics is  
the important one.  Haskell can be executed by other means than graph  
reduction.  (That's why the report says a "non-strict" rather than  
"lazy" language.)  Peculiar language constructs may allow you to tell  
the difference, but then they are highly dubious (and like all  
dubious things, they should be in the IO monad :) ).

-- Lennart

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Lennart Augustsson

On Sep 14, 2006, at 03:05 , Rohan Drape wrote:

splitStreams [(3,x),(1,y),(3,z),(2,w)]



Furthermore it should work on infinite lists. It can't eat the whole
list before producing any output.

This doesn't seem to make sense?  Only at the end of the list can you
know that you've collected all the events for each channel.  If you
output anything before scanning to the end, you'd not know if there
were perhaps more events on that channel?
It makes good sense.  Each list will of events will be evaluated  
lazily, so thing will appear there as they appear in the input.

I don't think you can do it in Haskell without some magic in the IO/ 
ST monad.

In LML we had an array construction function that did almost exactly  
what the O.P. asked for.

-- Lennart

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Ross Paterson
On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 05:22:05PM +0200, Bertram Felgenhauer wrote:
> [much subtle code]
> We can now build the splitStream function, using the following helper
> function:
> > splitSeq' :: Ord a => Map a () -> [(a,b)] -> ([(a,[b])], Map a [b])

This works for infinite lists if there is no balancing, but if insert does
balancing, the top of the map will not be available until the last key
is seen, so splitSeq' could only be used for finite chunks.  Then you'll
need a way to put the partial answers together.  It might be possible
to amortize the cost of that for an appropriate choice of chunk length.
It would also cost some laziness: the chunked version would work for
infinite lists, but wouldn't produce all the output for a partial list.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread apfelmus
Bertram Felgenhauer wrote:

>> splitSeq' :: Ord a => Map a () -> [(a,b)] -> ([(a,[b])], Map a [b])
>> splitSeq' bp [] = ([], map (const []) bp)
>> splitSeq' bp ((a,b):xs) = case lookup a bp bp of
>> Just _ -> let (l, m) = splitSeq' bp xs in (l, update a (b:) bp m)
>> _  -> let (bp', m) = insert a bp m'
>>   (l, m')  = splitSeq' bp' xs
>> in
>>   ((a, b : (fromJust $ lookup a bp' m')) : l, m)
> splitSeq' takes a blueprint for a map with all keys seen so far, and
> a list tail. It returns the result list for all new keys, and a map
> (corresponding to the given blueprint) with the tails of the seen
> elements.
> The in the base case it just fills the blueprint with empty lists and
> returns to the caller.
> If a new element is seen, insert is used to create a new blueprint,
> including the new key a, which is passed to the recursive call of
> splitSeq'. The resulting map from that call is threaded back into
> insert, which gives us a new map without the a key which matches
> the structure of the original blueprint.

Very interesting! So the map with the seen tails matches the blueprint
and therefore throws away information (the future keys) from the future.
This is what effectively allows the key-tree structure to be rebalanced.
   If one would return the tails-map with all future keys, it would be
_|_ because the key-order in the tree depends on the future keys and
changes everytime when a new key is found.

I thought that there can only be a static solution, i.e. like the one
Ross Paterson presented where the structure (I mean the outermost
constructors) of the returned tree are determined before the future.
This obviously excludes rebalancing.

I found a static solution by trying to fit the key-tails pairs into an
infinite tails-map which is filled "first comes first":
  map ! 1 := (first key seen, tails)
  map ! 2 := (second key seen, tails)
By keeping another key-position-map around which records where each key
has been inserted, so that the future knows where to put the tails. The
point is that the structure of tails-map is known before the future
comes as its keys are just 1,2,3,... and so on.

It remains to construct such an infinite random access list, but this is
turns out to be even easier than finite random access lists (when using
non-uniform recursion from Okasaki's chapter 10) :)

> data Imp a = Imp a (Imp (a,a)) deriving (Show)
> instance Functor Imp where
>fmap h ~(Imp x xs) = Imp (h x) (fmap (\(x,y) -> (h x, h y)) xs)
> update :: (a -> a) -> Position -> Imp a -> Imp a
> update f 1 ~(Imp x xs) = Imp (f x) xs
> update f n ~(Imp x xs) = Imp x $ update f2 (n `div` 2) xs
>f2 ~(y,z) = if even n then (f y, z) else (y, f z)

Note that we can use irrefutable patterns without hesitation as there is
only one constructor.

Folding over an infinite thing is strange but here we are

> fold :: (a -> b -> b) -> Imp a -> b
> fold f ~(Imp x xs) = f x (fold f2 xs)
>f2 (x,y) z = f x (f y z)

It's not so strange anymore when we realize that this can be used to
convert it into an infinite list

> toList = fold (:)

The implementation of fromList is fun as well, so I won't tell it. As
fold and unfold can be defined generically for Mu f where f is a
functor, i wonder how to deal with it in the case of non-uniform recursion.

For splitStreams, the key-position-map is needed in both directions, so
we quickly define a bijective map

> type BiMap a b= (Map.Map a b, Map.Map b a)
> switch :: BiMap a b -> BiMap b a
> switch (x,y) = (y,x)

with the usual operations (empty, member, size etc.) omitted here.

Now comes splitStreams itself:

> splitStreams :: Ord a => [(a,b)] -> [(a,[b])]
> splitStreams xs =
>takeWhile (not . null . snd) $ toList $ splitStreams' empty xs
> splitStreams' :: Ord a => BiMap a Position -> [(a,b)] -> Imp (a,[b])
> splitStreams' bimap [] =
>fmap (\i -> (findWithDefault undefined i $ switch bimap,[])) $
>fromList [1..]
> splitStreams' bimap ((a,b):xs) =
>update fun pos $ splitStreams' bimap' xs
>fun ~(_,bs) = (a,b:bs)
>sz  = size bimap
>pos = findWithDefault (sz+1) a bimap
>bimap'  =
>   (if member a bimap then id else insert a (sz+1)) bimap

Note that update actually generates fresh constructors, so the structure
of our tails-Imp is not really static. But this is no problem as the
form of the constructors is completely known: there is only one.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Numeric type classes

2006-09-14 Thread Jacques Carette

That is what polymorphism is all about! 

Not in this context, sorry. This is a convention. Another one may give 

an abomination, e.g., 1+sin means 1 plus the addres of the sin routine.
(Of course not in a 'decent' language, but I know a few undecent.

No, it is much more than convention.  In this case, it can be made 
completely formal.  The paper I referred to offers one way to do this.  
I sketched another.

Yes, it is possible to have 1+sin become meaningless in 'indecent' 
languages.  But as the mathematics (and Maple and ...) convention shows, 
there is one reasonable way to make this make sense which turns out to 
be quite useful.  In other words, the convention can be turned into a rule.

ML and Haskell have (thankfully) learned a lot from Lisp and Scheme, and 
then proceeded to 'tame' these with static typing.  And this is 
continuing - witness the flurry of type-theoretical research on 
continuations in the last 15 years (and very recent papers on typed 
delimited continuations).  More recently, GADTs have added to the set of 
'safe' programs that can by typed (which Lisp programmers writing 
interpreters knew all along).  I am saying that the case of 'adding 
arrows to the left' is another safe practice.  I backed myself up with a 
published reference [ie I took your comment regarding some of my 
previous haskell-cafe postings seriously!].

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Numeric type classes

2006-09-14 Thread jerzy . karczmarczuk
Jacques Carette after David Menendez ... : 


It gets worse than that. Imagine trying to explain to someone why "1 +
sin" is actually "\a -> const 1 a + sin a". 

It isn't that hard - it is done routinely in mathematics courses.  In 
fact, that is what 1+sin means in Maple today (and has for 25 years).  It 
is also what it means in MuPAD.  

Actually in Maple 1 + sin means 1+sin. Of course, you may write
and get 1+sin(5), but replacing "sin" by "jacques" gives Maple a very
similar behaviour. This is just a symbolic, *NOT* a functional object!
(And somehow I am sure that you know that...) MuPAD behaves identically. 

That is what polymorphism is all about! 

Not in this context, sorry. This is a convention. Another one may give you
an abomination, e.g., 1+sin means 1 plus the addres of the sin routine.
(Of course not in a 'decent' language, but I know a few undecent. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: evaluate vs seq

2006-09-14 Thread apfelmus
Michael Shulman wrote:
> On 9/13/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So `seq` forces its first argument. When we define
>>   f x = x `seq` (Return x)
>> we thereby get
>>   f _|_== _|_
>>   f [] == Return []
>>   f (x:xs) == Return (x:xs)
>> To compare, the semantics of (evaluate) is
>>   evaluate _|_== ThrowException =/= _|_
>>   evaluate [] == Return []
>>   evaluate (x:xs) == Return (x:xs)
>> That should answer your question.
> I must not be phrasing my question very well; I feel like we're
> talking past each other.  It seems to me that when writing actual
> programs (rather than reasoning about denotational semantics) the
> reason one would use `seq' or `evaluate' is to force something to be
> evaluated "now" rather than "later", i.e. to get around Haskell's
> default lazy execution.

> Your semantics say that (x `seq` return x) and (evaluate x) have the
> same result when x is anything other than _|_.  All well and good, but
> (return x) *also* has those same results when x is not _|_.  Why would
> one use the former two rather than (return x), if x is known not to be
> _|_?  Because they evaluate x at different "times", right?  Even though
> the eventual return value is the same, and thus the *semantics* are the
> same.  So laying aside the formal semantics, what is the difference in
> terms of actual, real, Haskell programs?

You are right, I completely forgot that executing a real Haskell program
is a graph reduction and that `seq`'s purpose is to control this
reduction and associated memory usage. But it's possible to use
denotational semantics as an approximation to the actual graph reduction.

To achieve that, we think of _|_ as an *unevaluated expression*, i.e.
something that is not a constructor like (:) or [] in weak head normal
form. This is different from interpreting _|_ as "divergent program" and
coincides with the denotational view that _|_ is a value we don't know
anything about. So to speak, when executing a program which evaluates
the list [1..3], the evaluation steps proceed as follows:
_|_ , 1:_|_, 1:(2:_|_), 1:(2:(3:_|_)) and finally 1:(2:(3:[]))

In different terms, one might say that a notation like (1:_|_) is a
shorthand for the set of all possible lists that start with 1. The task
of a program is to select a single one out of these by narrowing down
the possible sets. This is the intuition behind why every function must
be monotone (so for example _|_ <= 1:_|_ implies f (_|_) <= f (1:_|_)
and <= is interpreted the way that larger sets are <= smaller sets).

With this in mind the equations
1)  return _|_ == Return _|_
2)  _|_ `seq` (return _|_) == _|_
can be interpreted:
1) when reducing a return-redex (i.e. evaluating it), we get weak-head
normal form without evaluating the argument (which was _|_)
2) when reducing the `seq`-thing but not further evaluating the
arguments (_|_ in our case), we get nowhere (i.e. only _|_)

Thus, when evaluating the expressions (one step!, i.e. just to weak head
normal form), number 1) returns immediately but in 2), the `seq` needs
to evaluate its first argument. So the semantics of applying _|_ to a
function determines its behavior with respect to how much of its
arguments will be evaluated! I think this is the point our
misunderstanding is about?

For (evaluate :: a->IO a), I said something like
3)  evaluate _|_== ThrowException
and meant, that when evaluating 3) one step to weak head normal form,
the argument does not get evaluated. 2) is much different to that.
Equation 3) is of course wrong and must be more like
evaluate x == Evaluate x
where (Evaluate x) is a constructor but with a particular behavior when
executed in the IO-Monad.

Note that `seq` and evaluate only force weak head normal form, so
   evaluate (1:undefined) >>= print . head
will not rise an exception.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Numeric type classes

2006-09-14 Thread Jacques Carette

David Menendez wrote:

 * Having (+) work on lists, tuples and all the other monoids would
   make error messages more complicated.

It gets worse than that. Imagine trying to explain to someone why "1 +
sin" is actually "\a -> const 1 a + sin a".
It isn't that hard - it is done routinely in mathematics courses.  In 
fact, that is what 1+sin means in Maple today (and has for 25 years).  
It is also what it means in MuPAD.  AFAIK, that is also what 1+Sin means 
in Mathematica.  That is what polymorphism is all about! [This is really 
equational-theory polymorphism rather than parametric polymorphism, but 
that's a minor detail, since Monad polymorphism is _also_ 
equational-theory polymorphism].

This kind of polymorphism [where you add the 'right number' of arrows on 
the left] is quite useful.  Things like differential operators become 
quite tiresome to write down if you have to pedantically spell 
everything out, even though there is only one 'sensible' way to 
interpret a given expression [1].

In the very same way that fromInteger can project a literal integer into 
other typeclasses, one can project values into spaces of functions by 
just "adding arrows on the left" (ie exactly what const does).  It is 
possible to make this quite formal, but you need Natural(s) (as an 
additive monoid) on the type level, and then be able to be polymorphic 
over _those_ to do make it all work.  It should even be decidable [but 
that part I have not checked].  Something I should write up one of these 
days, but in the meantime go read [1]!


[1] Bjorn Lisper and Claes Thomberg have already investigated something 
very close to this, see
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Numeric type classes

2006-09-14 Thread David Menendez
Ross Paterson writes:

> On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 01:11:56AM -0400, David Menendez wrote:
> > Coincidentally, I spent some time last week thinking about a
> > replacement for the Num class. I think I managed to come up with
> > something that's more flexible than Num, but still mostly
> > comprehensible.
> The fact that the first part of your structure is much the same as
> the one on the web page (which is essentially that part of the revised
> numeric prelude plus a Haskell 98-compatible veneer) is evidence that
> it's pretty clear what to do with Num and Fractional.

That being said, I don't expect anything to change.

I've looked through the revised numeric prelude, but the qualified class
names put me off. Everything shows up in Haddock as "C". Also, it
doesn't support naturals--which, admittedly, is not a big loss.

> The only point of contention is whether to factor out monoid and
> semiring classes.  Arguments against include:
>  * There are lots of monoids, and (+) doesn't seem a reasonable symbol
>for some of them.

True enough. (At least it's more general than "mappend".)

I would expect all the more specific monoid operators, like (||) and
(++), to stick around for readability when not writing
non-monoid-generic code. Not to mention that (+) and (++) associate

>  * Having (+) work on lists, tuples and all the other monoids would
>make error messages more complicated.

It gets worse than that. Imagine trying to explain to someone why "1 +
sin" is actually "\a -> const 1 a + sin a".

On the other hand, tuples could be made an instance of Num right now.
David Menendez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | "In this house, we obey the laws
  |of thermodynamics!"
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Bruno Oliveira

Hello Magnus,

You are right. Silly me. I was thinking of Rel as a kind of Hashtable. In this case, 

I think it should be possible to have O(n), since "cons" would only need constant 




On Thu, 14 Sep 2006 13:11:05 -0400 (EDT), Magnus Jonsson wrote:

>Thanks Bruno.


>However I think this is still O(n*m). As far as I understand your code it 

>is a longwinded way to say "[b | (a,b) <- input, b == 

>myChannelOfInterest]". This is fine if you are only interested in one 

>channel, and for that case I agree it's O(n), but if you are interested in 

>many different channels, it will take O(n*m). Here's why I think your 

>code is equivalent to using a filter/list-comprehension:


>>> cons :: Eq a => (a,b) -> Rel a b -> Rel a b

>>> cons (x,y) l z

>>>| x == z= y : l x

>>>| otherwise  = l z


>z is the channel that the user is interested in.

>x is the channel of the current message in the list.

>y is the message content.

>l is a function for searching the rest of the list.


>For each element of the list you create a function that compares the 

>requested channel to a (in (a,b)). If it's the same, you return that 

>element followed by a continued search down the list. If you don't find 

>it, you forward the request to the next function down the list. That's 

>exactly the same as what the filter function does.


>It is possible I made a mistake somewhere and if I did, let me know.


>/ Magnus


>On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Bruno Oliveira wrote:


>> Hello,


>> I think it is possible to do it in O(n) (if you change the representation

>> of the output stream).


>> Note that the solution is quite similar toTwan van Laarhoven,

>> and it should be trivial use "Map" instead of "Rel".


>> Here is my take on it:


>> The type of the output stream:


>>> type Rel a b = a -> [b]


>> Here are cons and nil:


>>> nil :: Rel a b

>>> nil _ = []


>> and a lookUp function:


>>> lookUp :: Rel a b -> a -> [b]

>>> lookUp = id


>> Finally the splitStreams algorithm:


>>> splitStreams :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> Rel a b

>>> splitStreams = foldr cons nil


>> Here is a test with finite lists:


>>> fin = splitStreams [(3,'x'),(1,'y'),(3,'z'),(2,'w')]


>> and here are the console tests:


>> *General7> lookUp fin 1

>> "y"

>> *General7> lookUp fin 2

>> "w"

>> *General7> lookUp fin 3

>> "xz"


>> Now with infinite lists:


>>> inf = splitStreams (map (\x -> (0, x)) [1..])


>> and here a case where it terminates with infinite lists:


>> *General7> take 10 (lookUp inf 0)

>> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]


>> Cheers,


>> Bruno Oliveira



>> ___

>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Bertram Felgenhauer
Magnus Jonsson wrote:
> Thanks Bertran for your solution. I have difficulty understanding it so I 
> can't comment on it right now but I'll try to have a look at it. Do you 
> know of any article that explains this technique, starting from very 
> simple examples?

Not really. It's a result of thinking about lazy evaluation, and
especially lazy patterns (and let bindings) for some time. A wiki article
that helped me a lot to understand these is

I'd like to point out the trustList function there which uses the idea
of encoding the structure of a term and its actual values in different
arguments, i.e. a blueprint.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskore microtonal support

2006-09-14 Thread Magnus Jonsson

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Magnus Jonsson wrote:

Now even more interestingly, my program also deals with music! :) I'm
generating microtonal midi files. I use it for very much the same purpose as
you do (although my program is not yet finished).

Is it something we could and should add to Haskore?

If Haskore could support microtones that would make this world a slightly 
better world for me. Here are the basic things you need to support 
microtonal music:

- Pitch representations would have to be able to express any pitch.
  - One appealing approach is to represent a pitch directly as it's 

  - Probably the most useful representation though is a base pitch,
say one of C,D,E,F,G,A,B, followed by a list of accidentals that
modify the pitch. The user should be able to define his own base
pitches and accidentals, in terms of cents or frequency ratios or
something similar.
- Generating microtonal midi files requires that you add pitch-bend 
messages before all notes. That restricts each midi channel to only being 
able to play one note at a time. This is a big deficiency in the midi 
protocol imo.

/ Magnus
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Magnus Jonsson

Thanks Bruno.

However I think this is still O(n*m). As far as I understand your code it 
is a longwinded way to say "[b | (a,b) <- input, b == 
myChannelOfInterest]". This is fine if you are only interested in one 
channel, and for that case I agree it's O(n), but if you are interested in 
many different channels, it will take O(n*m). Here's why I think your 
code is equivalent to using a filter/list-comprehension:

cons :: Eq a => (a,b) -> Rel a b -> Rel a b
cons (x,y) l z
   | x == z= y : l x
   | otherwise  = l z

z is the channel that the user is interested in.
x is the channel of the current message in the list.
y is the message content.
l is a function for searching the rest of the list.

For each element of the list you create a function that compares the 
requested channel to a (in (a,b)). If it's the same, you return that 
element followed by a continued search down the list. If you don't find 
it, you forward the request to the next function down the list. That's 
exactly the same as what the filter function does.

It is possible I made a mistake somewhere and if I did, let me know.

/ Magnus

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Bruno Oliveira wrote:


I think it is possible to do it in O(n) (if you change the representation
of the output stream).

Note that the solution is quite similar toTwan van Laarhoven,
and it should be trivial use "Map" instead of "Rel".

Here is my take on it:

The type of the output stream:

type Rel a b = a -> [b]

Here are cons and nil:

nil :: Rel a b
nil _ = []

and a lookUp function:

lookUp :: Rel a b -> a -> [b]
lookUp = id

Finally the splitStreams algorithm:

splitStreams :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> Rel a b
splitStreams = foldr cons nil

Here is a test with finite lists:

fin = splitStreams [(3,'x'),(1,'y'),(3,'z'),(2,'w')]

and here are the console tests:

*General7> lookUp fin 1
*General7> lookUp fin 2
*General7> lookUp fin 3

Now with infinite lists:

inf = splitStreams (map (\x -> (0, x)) [1..])

and here a case where it terminates with infinite lists:

*General7> take 10 (lookUp inf 0)


Bruno Oliveira

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Magnus Jonsson
Thanks Bertran for your solution. I have difficulty understanding it so I 
can't comment on it right now but I'll try to have a look at it. Do you 
know of any article that explains this technique, starting from very 
simple examples?


On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Bertram Felgenhauer wrote:

I wrote:

[1] Balancing can be done with the information in the blueprint, and
mapping back is easily done by doing the transformation on the tree
in reverse.

I should add that this possibility was the main reason for dealing with
blueprints at all. As Ross Paterson's solution shows, it's possible to
get simpler code without balancing the tree.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Bruno Oliveira

I think it is possible to do it in O(n) (if you change the representation 
of the output stream). 

Note that the solution is quite similar toTwan van Laarhoven, 
and it should be trivial use "Map" instead of "Rel".

Here is my take on it:

The type of the output stream:

> type Rel a b = a -> [b]

Here are cons and nil:

> cons :: Eq a => (a,b) -> Rel a b -> Rel a b
> cons (x,y) l z
>| x == z= y : l x
>| otherwise  = l z

> nil :: Rel a b
> nil _ = []

and a lookUp function:

> lookUp :: Rel a b -> a -> [b]
> lookUp = id

Finally the splitStreams algorithm:

> splitStreams :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> Rel a b
> splitStreams = foldr cons nil

Here is a test with finite lists:

> fin = splitStreams [(3,'x'),(1,'y'),(3,'z'),(2,'w')]

and here are the console tests:

*General7> lookUp fin 1
*General7> lookUp fin 2
*General7> lookUp fin 3

Now with infinite lists:

> inf = splitStreams (map (\x -> (0, x)) [1..])

and here a case where it terminates with infinite lists:

*General7> take 10 (lookUp inf 0)


Bruno Oliveira

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Bertram Felgenhauer

I wrote:

[1] Balancing can be done with the information in the blueprint, and
mapping back is easily done by doing the transformation on the tree
in reverse.

I should add that this possibility was the main reason for dealing with
blueprints at all. As Ross Paterson's solution shows, it's possible to
get simpler code without balancing the tree.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] ambiguous partially defined type problem

2006-09-14 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Brian,

Thursday, September 14, 2006, 7:43:55 PM, you wrote:

> Even if the compiler did know, by some other means, that a Node had been
> wrapped, Haskell doesn't support true existentials

> whereas you'd really need an existential:

> getCommon :: (forall gc. Node gc) -> Common

they are supported in ghc 6.6 with name of "impredicative
polymorphism", section 7.4.9 or 7.4.10 of new user manual

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Ross Paterson
Here's my attempt, also using the quicksort idea, but using two passes
instead of tying the knot:

> import Data.Set hiding (map)

First a binary search tree, with a lookup function:

> data Tree k v = Node (Tree k v) k v (Tree k v)

> get :: Ord a => a -> Tree a b -> b
> get a (Node l k v r) = case compare a k of
> LT -> get a l
> EQ -> v
> GT -> get a r

There's no empty case: we'll ensure that we only search for keys that
are in the tree.

Now to make a tree of lists from the list of pairs:

> mkTree :: Ord a => [(a,b)] -> Tree a [b]
> mkTree [] = error "unused"
> mkTree ((a,b):abs) = Node l a (b:bs) r
>   where l = mkTree [(a',b') | (a',b') <- abs, a' < a]
> r = mkTree [(a',b') | (a',b') <- abs, a' > a]
> bs = [b' | (a',b') <- abs, a' == a]

It remains to extract from this tree the list of second elements
corresponding to the each distinct first element in the input list:

> splitStreams :: Ord a => [(a,b)] -> [(a,[b])]
> splitStreams abs = [(a, get a t) | a <- uniq (map fst abs)]
>   where t = mkTree abs

where uniq computes the list of unique elements of a list:

> uniq :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
> uniq = u empty
>   where u s [] = []
> u s (x:xs)
>   | member x s = u s xs
>   | otherwise  = x : u (insert x s) xs

There's no rebalancing, so it suffers from the same problems as

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Magnus Jonsson wrote:

> On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> > Interestingly we use such a routine in Haskore for splitting a sequence of
> > notes into sequences of notes of equal instruments. It's implemented
> > rather the same way like your version.
> > 
> > It's 'slice' in
> >
> >  but it is a bit more complicated because it has to manage time
> > information.
> Now even more interestingly, my program also deals with musiec! :) I'm
> generating microtonal midi files. I use it for very much the same purpose as
> you do (although my program is not yet finished).

Is it something we could and should add to Haskore?

"microtonal" -- I recently read this term here:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ambiguous partially defined type problem

2006-09-14 Thread Brian Hulley

Maarten wrote:

For a project involving I use some partially defined node (in this
case a simple record, in my project state transformers) in which the
defined part is common to all nodes, and the custom part is different
for each node. They have to become anonymous so I can put them in a
list of connections from each node to another.

For some reason GHC complains of 'ambigous type variable' in the code
below. The thing is, part of the code may be undefined, but since I'm
(explicitly) not using that part, why would GHC care? Are there other
solutions to this problem? Any pointers or comments appreciated.

-- data structure with custom and common part
data Node cust = Node cust Common
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

-- anonymous data structure to put use in list
data AN = forall ar. (Show ar, Typeable ar) => AN ar

instance Show AN where
   show (AN an) = "AN (" ++ show an ++ ")"

-- common part
data Common = Common Integer
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

data Custom = Custom Integer
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

data Custom2 = Custom2 Integer
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

-- extract common part, ignoring type of custom part
getCommon :: forall gc. (Node gc) -> Common
getCommon (Node cust com) = com

main = do
   let a = AN (Node (Custom 5) (Common 10))
   let b = case a of (AN a') -> getCommon (case (cast a') of Just a''
-> a'')
   putStrLn $ "ok:" ++ show b

Hi Maarten -
The problem is that AN is far too general. The compiler can't tell that 
you've wrapped a Node, so the call to getCommon will fail to typecheck.

Even if the compiler did know, by some other means, that a Node had been 
wrapped, Haskell doesn't support true existentials, so the type signature 
for getCommon doesn't do what I think you mean ie:

   getCommon :: forall gc. (Node gc) -> Common

is the same as writing:

   getCommon :: Node gc -> Common

whereas you'd really need an existential:

   getCommon :: (forall gc. Node gc) -> Common

The fact that gc is not used in the definition of getCommon doesn't matter, 
since the type system has to just use the same rules for type inference 
regardless of the content of the function. In other words, without true 
existentials, or some other extension to the type system, there is no way to 
propagate the fact that the actual binding for a type variable is never 
required. Also, AFAIK there is no guarantee that Node Int Common and Node 
String Common would always be laid out in memory in the same way - the 
compiler is allowed to use special optimized layouts for particular 
instantiations of cust (even though it probably won't be clever enough to do 
this at the moment in Haskell implementations).

I suggest you wrap the custom part separately instead of wrapping the whole 
Node eg:

   data Custom = forall cust. ICusom cust => Custom cust

   data Node = Node Custom Common

where the ICustom class is whatever class you need to be able to do anything 
useful with cust.

Alternatively, you could wrap the custom part within the node as in:

   data Node = forall cust. ICustom cust => Node cust Custom

   getCommon :: Node -> Common
   getCommon (Node cust com) = com

Regards, Brian.
Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Magnus Jonsson

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Henning Thielemann wrote:

Interestingly we use such a routine in Haskore for splitting a sequence of
notes into sequences of notes of equal instruments. It's implemented
rather the same way like your version.

It's 'slice' in
 but it is a bit more complicated because it has to manage time

Now even more interestingly, my program also deals with musiec! :) I'm 
generating microtonal midi files. I use it for very much the same 
purpose as you do (although my program is not yet finished).

- Magnus
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] foreach

2006-09-14 Thread Rich Neswold

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

we can also develop some ideas that will allow user to extend language
with imperative-friendly features. first, the problem is that Haskell
requires to exactly specify order of evaluation.


second, we need to be able to define new keywords together with using
layout statements in our constructs:


and last problem is what code to generate for break/continue (goto? :)
I realize Mr. Ziganshin has much more experience with Haskell than I (I 
only became aware of Haskell in the last year and I'm still struggling 
with the more advanced corners of the language.) But I have to 
respectfully disagree with these suggestions. At no point have I wished 
that Haskell adopt more from the imperative programming world! Others 
have already shown how "foreach" can be written in a functional manner. 
I think it's more important that we (the new members of the Haskell 
community) learn the language rather than make the language more 
familiar to imperative programmers.

My exposure to Haskell (in its current form) motivated me to attend this 
year's ICFP conference. (I'm looking forward to attending the Haskell 
Workshop this Sunday.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Bertram Felgenhauer
Magnus Jonsson wrote:
> splitStreams::Ord a=>[(a,b)]->[(a,[b])]
> >splitStreams [(3,x),(1,y),(3,z),(2,w)]
> [(3,[x,z]),(1,[y]),(2,[w])]

> I'm afraid this algorithm is O(n*m) time in the worst case, where n is the 
> length of the input list, and m is the number of unique channels.
> But is there any way to write it such that each element is touched only 
> once? Or at least an O(n*log(m)) algorithm?

This can be done. It's an interesting puzzle to make it work for infinite
lists. For finite lists, sortBy + groupBy + map easily do the job.

The problem is dealing with holes in data structures in Haskell, which
are to be filled in later. This can be done by providing blueprints for
them. Let's define a basic map:

> data Map k a  = Node k a (Map k a) (Map k a) | Leaf

We will use Map k () as blueprints - the () indicate where the holes
are. Next we define a lookup function, which takes a blueprint and
evaluates the correct hole in a second map:

> lookup :: Ord k => k -> Map k () -> Map k a -> Maybe a
> lookup _ Leaf_  = Nothing
> lookup k (Node k' _ l r) ~(Node _ a' l' r') = case compare k k' of
> LT -> lookup k l l'
> EQ -> Just a'
> GT -> lookup k r r'

As you can see, the structure of the second argument is forced
by the first argument. The lazy pattern assures that we don't look
at the second argument too early.

In a similar fashion, we can define an update function:

> update :: Ord k => k -> (a -> a) -> Map k x -> Map k a -> Map k a
> update k f (Node k' _ l r) ~(Node _ a' l' r') = case compare k k' of
> LT -> Node k' a' (update k f l l') r'
> EQ -> Node k' (f a') l' r'
> GT -> Node k' a' l' (update k f r r')

Next comes insert. Insert takes a blueprint and inserts a key into it.
It also takes a map and removes the corresponding hole from it. To
simplify the code it does no balancing. [1]

> insert :: Ord k => k -> Map k () -> Map k a -> (Map k (), Map k a)
> insert k Leaf_
> = (Node k () Leaf Leaf, Leaf)
> insert k (Node k' _ l r) ~(Node _ a' l' r')
> = case compare k k' of
> LT -> let (m, m') = insert k l l' in
>   (Node k' () m r, Node k' a' m' r')
> EQ -> error "inserting existing element"
> GT -> let (m, m') = insert k r r' in
>   (Node k' () l m, Node k' a' l' m')

We also need a map, defined in the usual fashion, without the blueprint.
A version with blueprint can also be defined, but it isn't necessary for
our problem:

> map :: (a -> b) -> Map k a -> Map k b
> map _ Leaf   = Leaf
> map f (Node k a l r) = Node k (f a) (mapMap f l) (mapMap f r)

We can now build the splitStream function, using the following helper

> splitSeq' :: Ord a => Map a () -> [(a,b)] -> ([(a,[b])], Map a [b])
> splitSeq' bp [] = ([], map (const []) bp)
> splitSeq' bp ((a,b):xs) = case lookup a bp bp of
> Just _ -> let (l, m) = splitSeq' bp xs in (l, update a (b:) bp m)
> _  -> let (bp', m) = insert a bp m'
>   (l, m')  = splitSeq' bp' xs
> in
>   ((a, b : (fromJust $ lookup a bp' m')) : l, m)

splitSeq' takes a blueprint for a map with all keys seen so far, and
a list tail. It returns the result list for all new keys, and a map
(corresponding to the given blueprint) with the tails of the seen

The in the base case it just fills the blueprint with empty lists and
returns to the caller.

If a new element is seen, insert is used to create a new blueprint,
including the new key a, which is passed to the recursive call of
splitSeq'. The resulting map from that call is threaded back into
insert, which gives us a new map without the a key which matches
the structure of the original blueprint.

Finally we can define splitSeq as follows:

> splitSeq :: Ord a => [(a,b)] -> [(a,[b])]
> splitSeq = fst . splitSeq' Leaf

A quick test:
*Main> let s = splitSeq ([(3,'x'),(1,'y'),(3,'z'),(2,'w')] ++ repeat (4,' '))
*Main> s !! 0
(3,"xzInterrupted.  (I pressed ^C)
*Main> s !! 2
(2,"wInterrupted.   (ditto)
*Main> s !! 3
(4,"   ...

Is there a simpler way to do this? I don't know.

I'm also unsure whether it is a good idea - unless you use several
threads to process the list the code will produce a lot of thunks,
and eat a lot of memory.

The code above provides a maximum amount of lazyness while using
O(n log m) time. Depending on the circumstances processing the list in
chunks and using techniques like the above to combine the result will
be better.



[1] Balancing can be done with the information in the blueprint, and
mapping back is easily done by doing the transformation on the tree
in reverse.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] foreach

2006-09-14 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Tim,

Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 10:48:37 PM, you wrote:

> I would like to add to this.  The previous loop runs the code
> once independantly for each item in the list.  Sometimes you want
> to carry state through the loop:

all this can be easily implemented by programmer himself. but we can't
add our own syntax constructions. so it will be great to either add
constructs that mimics existing imperative languages or a way to
redefine syntax on-the-fly. second can be implemented by using
Parsec-like parser in haskell compiler. i also seen a syntax macros
for Haskell:

one project that adds syntax sugar for manipulating imperative arrays
and hashes is

we can also develop some ideas that will allow user to extend language
with imperative-friendly features. first, the problem is that Haskell
requires to exactly specify order of evaluation. but in many cases
it's not important - when we want to multiply values of two variables,
it's no matter what variable will be read first. so, instead of

a' <- val a
b' <- val b
c =: a' * b'

we will prefer to write

c =: a*b

this involves a lot of problems with types and and need to redefine
classes for every operation that can be used in such way

second, we need to be able to define new keywords together with using
layout statements in our constructs:

for i in [1..n] while a[i]<0 do

may be it should be just syntax-level macro which generates code like

foreachCond [1..n] (a]i]<0) $ \i -> do

and last problem is what code to generate for break/continue (goto? :)

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ambiguous partially defined type problem

2006-09-14 Thread Maarten

Dear all,

For a project involving I use some partially defined node (in this case 
a simple record, in my project state transformers) in which the defined 
part is common to all nodes, and the custom part is different for each 
node. They have to become anonymous so I can put them in a list of 
connections from each node to another.

For some reason GHC complains of 'ambigous type variable' in the code 
below. The thing is, part of the code may be undefined, but since I'm 
(explicitly) not using that part, why would GHC care? Are there other 
solutions to this problem? Any pointers or comments appreciated. Thanks.


(This code is just some dummy code that contains the essence of the 
problem. I posted the complete code with piggy bagged state transformers 
in active objects on, but that is rather long and 
this seems to be the correct mailing list).

-- data structure with custom and common part
data Node cust = Node cust Common
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

-- anonymous data structure to put use in list
data AN = forall ar. (Show ar, Typeable ar) => AN ar

instance Show AN where
   show (AN an) = "AN (" ++ show an ++ ")"

-- common part
data Common = Common Integer
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

data Custom = Custom Integer
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

data Custom2 = Custom2 Integer
   deriving (Show,Typeable)

-- extract common part, ignoring type of custom part
getCommon :: forall gc. (Node gc) -> Common
getCommon (Node cust com) = com

main = do
   let a = AN (Node (Custom 5) (Common 10))
   let b = case a of (AN a') -> getCommon (case (cast a') of Just a'' 
-> a'')

   putStrLn $ "ok:" ++ show b

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Matthias Fischmann

> >Magnus Jonsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >>splitStreams::Ord a=>[(a,b)]->[(a,[b])]
> >
> >>>splitStreams [(3,x),(1,y),(3,z),(2,w)]
> >>[(3,[x,z]),(1,[y]),(2,[w])]
> >
> > [...]
> >
> >>But is there any way to write it such that each element is touched
> >>only once? Or at least an O(n*log(m)) algorithm?
> >
> >I guess it should be possible to use a quicksort-like algorithm,
> >splitting the stream into three streams with keys less than, equal,
> >and greater than the first element, and recurse on the less/equal
> >streams?

something like this, then?

splitStreams :: Ord a => [(a, b)] -> [(a, [b])]
splitStreams [] = []
splitStreams ((a, b) : t) = (a, b : bs) : splitStreams t'
(bs, t') = foldr f ([], []) t
f z@(a', b') (bs, t') = if a' == a
then (b' : bs, t')
else (bs, z : t')

(i guess i should use a strictness '!' for (xs, ys), but i am still
running ghc-6.5, and i don't like the case constructions that much.
does this bite me here?  i didn't check, really.)

who can tune this any further?


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] program execution and laziness

2006-09-14 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, Tim Newsham wrote:

> I'm having a problem with program execution in win32 which seems
> to be tied to laziness.  The function I'm using is:
> runCmd cmd outdir dir base ext = do
> let argv = words cmd
> (i,o,e,p) <- runInteractiveProcess (head argv) (drop 1 argv) Nothing
> Nothing
> hClose i
> out <- hGetContents o
> -- print out
> x <- waitForProcess p
> hClose o
> hClose e
> case x of
> ExitSuccess  -> return 0
> (ExitFailure n)  -> return n

Btw. you may want to enclose starting the process and closing the file
handles in a 'bracket'.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, Magnus Jonsson wrote:

> When programming the other day I ran into this problem. What I want to do is a
> function that would work like this:
> splitStreams::Ord a=>[(a,b)]->[(a,[b])]
> > splitStreams [(3,x),(1,y),(3,z),(2,w)]
> [(3,[x,z]),(1,[y]),(2,[w])]

Interestingly we use such a routine in Haskore for splitting a sequence of
notes into sequences of notes of equal instruments. It's implemented
rather the same way like your version.

It's 'slice' in
  but it is a bit more complicated because it has to manage time
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Magnus Jonsson

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Ketil Malde wrote:

Magnus Jonsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

splitStreams::Ord a=>[(a,b)]->[(a,[b])]

splitStreams [(3,x),(1,y),(3,z),(2,w)]



But is there any way to write it such that each element is touched
only once? Or at least an O(n*log(m)) algorithm?

I guess it should be possible to use a quicksort-like algorithm,
splitting the stream into three streams with keys less than, equal,
and greater than the first element, and recurse on the less/equal


That is probably the best we can do. I think in a hypothetical concurrent 
Haskell with futures/promises, the split stream problem could be solved. 
But if it can be solved in regular Haskell, I would be pleasantly 

/ Magnus

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] program execution and laziness

2006-09-14 Thread Ferenc Wagner
Bulat Ziganshin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>  out <- hGetContents o
>>  -- print out
>> How can I force hGetContents to be strict (or at least to completely
>> process the stream prior to the waitForProcess command)?
> return $! last out

You will still get into trouble if the command produces copious error
output.  See runCommand in 
for a GPL'd solution.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Numeric type classes

2006-09-14 Thread Ross Paterson
On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 01:11:56AM -0400, David Menendez wrote:
> Ross Paterson writes:
> > I've collected some notes on these issues at
> >
> >
> Coincidentally, I spent some time last week thinking about a replacement
> for the Num class. I think I managed to come up with something that's
> more flexible than Num, but still mostly comprehensible.

The fact that the first part of your structure is much the same as
the one on the web page (which is essentially that part of the revised
numeric prelude plus a Haskell 98-compatible veneer) is evidence that
it's pretty clear what to do with Num and Fractional.

The only point of contention is whether to factor out monoid and
semiring classes.  Arguments against include:

 * There are lots of monoids, and (+) doesn't seem a reasonable symbol
   for some of them.

 * Having (+) work on lists, tuples and all the other monoids would make
   error messages more complicated.

On the other hand, if we had a Natural type, it would be the standard
example of a semiring.

> I'm not sure what the contract is for fromInteger. Perhaps something
> like,
> fromInteger 0 = zero
> fromInteger 1 = one
> fromInteger n | n < 0 = negate (fromInteger (negate n))
> fromInteger n = one + fromInteger (n-1)
> Which, actually, could also be a default definition.

That is also the default definition in the revised numeric prelude,
but we can do better using associativity:

fromInteger n
  | n < 0   =  negate (fi (negate n))
  | otherwise   =  fi n
  where fi 0=  zero
fi 1=  one
fi n
  | even n= fin + fin
  | otherwise = fin + fin + one
  where fin = fi (n `div` 2)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Ketil Malde
Magnus Jonsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> splitStreams::Ord a=>[(a,b)]->[(a,[b])]

>> splitStreams [(3,x),(1,y),(3,z),(2,w)]
> [(3,[x,z]),(1,[y]),(2,[w])]


> But is there any way to write it such that each element is touched
> only once? Or at least an O(n*log(m)) algorithm?

I guess it should be possible to use a quicksort-like algorithm,
splitting the stream into three streams with keys less than, equal,
and greater than the first element, and recurse on the less/equal

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Slow IO

2006-09-14 Thread Ketil Malde
Daniel Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Yes, I did it wrong, but I didn't keep anything (but the first and last Char 
> of each line) in memory on purpose. I hoped for the lines to be read one 
> after the other, head and last extracted 
> Profiling (hy,hc) shows that the IO part of the programme holds on to tons of 
> lists - that couldn't be anything but parts of the file-contents, I believe.

Chances are that you don't evaluate these characters right away, so
what you are retaining is just unevaluated thunks that refer to the
lines themselves.  So the fix is to make the extraction of the
characters stricter.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Optimization problem

2006-09-14 Thread Rohan Drape
> > splitStreams [(3,x),(1,y),(3,z),(2,w)]
> [(3,[x,z]),(1,[y]),(2,[w])]


> Furthermore it should work on infinite lists. It can't eat the whole
> list before producing any output.

This doesn't seem to make sense?  Only at the end of the list can you
know that you've collected all the events for each channel.  If you
output anything before scanning to the end, you'd not know if there
were perhaps more events on that channel?

You could accumulate only over a window, which would produce values on
an infinite input, though the output list could have multiple packets
for each channel.

splitterW 3 [(3,x),(1,y),(3,z),(2,w),(3,v)]
> [(3,[x,z]),(1,[y]),(2,[w]),(3,[v])]

Or accumulate until either there are 'n' messages on a channel or
the end of the list is reached?

splitterN 3 [(3,x),(1,y),(3,z),(2,w),(3,v),(1,u),(3,t)]
> [(3,[x,z,v]),(1,[y,u]),(2,[w]),(3,[t])]


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