Re: [Haskell-cafe] Language support for imperative code. Was: Re: monad subexpressions

2007-08-09 Thread Jules Bean

Brian Hulley wrote:
Haskell is designed so 
that any attempt at abstracting mutable local state will infect the 
entire program (modulo use of a highly dangerous function whose 
semantics is entirely unclear, depending on the vagaries of evaluation 
strategy of the particular compiler) 

(Your email message is long and very interesting, and it does an a 
considerable injustice to take one sentence out of context, but...)

This echoes a misconception that I see here on haskell-cafe quite often.

Mutable local state *really* doesn't need to infect the whole program, 
and haskell is certainly not designed so it must.

We have all kinds of techniques for ensuring that the pure parts of your 
code can remain pure, and only the impure parts get 'infected' with an 
IO signature.

Additionally, if it's just refs, you can use ST, which is totally pure.

If it's literally just state, you can use the techniques of the State 
monad and the Reader monad: but you don't necessarily have to use them 
explicitly with those names. Sometimes it is actually simpler just to 
use the types s -> (a,s) and s -> a directly; only in certain 
circumstances is the extra plumbing useful.

Often different parts of your program have different needs; some parts 
actually need the ability to make fresh names (and so need STRefs) other 
parts merely read the state (and can use Reader techniques) and other 
parts alter it (and can use State techniques). You need some plumbing to 
connect the different parts together, but fortunately haskell has 
powerful abstraction and it's quite easy to slap together the 
higher-order functions (combinators!) to do this.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] How odd...

2007-08-09 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
Indeed!  Getting the library numerics to do the Right Thing is something that 
can only be done by people who know about numerics.  People who build compilers 
aren't, alas.  It's quite a specialised subject, and very easy to screw up.  
And there's performance to worry about too in the common case when the corner 
cases don't appear.

So if there are folk out there who care about getting numerics correct, we 
would welcome your direct involvement.  Look at the code, make it right, send 
patches to [EMAIL PROTECTED].  It's all open source, 
and you'll be benefiting lots of people.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lennart 
Sent: 04 August 2007 16:47
To: Andrew Coppin
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] How odd...

Haskell doesn't know much about infinity, but Haskell implementations are 
allowed to use IEEE floating point which has infinity.
And to get things right, there needs to be a few changes to the library to do 
the right thing for certain numbers, this is not news.  In fact I filed a bug 
report a while back about it.

  -- Lennart
On 8/4/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Paul Johnson wrote:
> Andrew Coppin wrote:
>> > 0**2
>> 0
>> > (0 :+ 0)**2
>> NaN :+ NaN
>> (Is this a bug?)
> According to the Standard Prelude,
> #   x ** y   =  exp (log x * y)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Pure functional GUI (was "a regressive view of support for imperativeprogramming in Haskell")

2007-08-09 Thread 'Peter Verswyvelen'
LOL. Yeah you are correct I guess. Oh well ;-)

-Original Message-
From: Bulat Ziganshin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 7:30 AM
To: Peter Verswyvelen
Cc: Donn Cave;
Subject: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Pure functional GUI (was "a regressive view
of support for imperativeprogramming in Haskell")

Hello Peter,

Wednesday, August 8, 2007, 11:14:37 PM, you wrote:

> To me, having an imperative background, a graphical application is
> just a big tree of data that evolves when events from the OS come
> in. (this data is NOT per se the data for the GUI element; instead
> use the model-view-controller design pattern) In Haskell, instead of
> mutating the data (as done in C/C++), a infinite stream of this
> tree-data is generated responding to an infinite steam of events, as
> in Paul's SOE book (the reactive stuff). Since most of the data can
> be shared, the performance impact should be minimal.

> So could you please tell me more about the problem with pure
> functional GUIs

seems that such program will have no effects :)

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pure functional GUI (was

2007-08-09 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Thu, 2007-08-09 at 08:59 +0800, Hugh Perkins wrote:
> To be fair, GTK is pretty standard.  This is so even for "big name"
> gc'd imperative languages such as C#.  Sure, you can use Windows.Forms
> in C#, but you often wouldnt, because of the patent burden.
> Also, gtk in partnership with glade rocks! 
> How easy is gtk to use from haskell by the way?  In gc'd imperative
> languages, typically only one thread is allowed to communicate with
> the GUI, and you need to set up a whole bunch of message-parsing stuff
> to communicate with other threads.  To what extent is this easier in
> Haskell?

The story on this isn't as nice as it could be. It depends on which GHC
runtime system you choose to use. In the single threaded rts, you can
use threads willy nilly as they all run in the context of one OS thread
(though it requires a little bit of code to set up cooperative
scheduling). In the fully threaded rts you have to be very careful to
only use GUI stuff from a single OS thread. Gtk2Hs provides a couple
functions to post actions to the main GUI thread.

We've been thinking of ways to make this more transparent but it's not
so easy.

> Other question on using gtk from haskell: how easy is it to integrate
> with glade?  ie, can we directly bind glade form elements to haskell
> variables?  How easy is it to bind events to glade form elements from
> within Haskell?

It's pretty easy, see the Gtk2Hs/Glade tutorial:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Slow IO or bad code?

2007-08-09 Thread Vimal
I am practicing writing code in haskell, by solving problems at this
The problem , is pretty simple.

1. Given two lists A,B , of N numbers, sort them and take sum of products.
i.e. Sum ai * bi

I wrote a code, but seems to give "Time limit exceeded"!

>> Beginning of CODE
loop t function
  | t == 1 = do function
  | otherwise = do { function; loop (t - 1) function }

prod [] [] = 0
prod (a:as) (b:bs) = a*b + prod as bs

to_int :: [String] -> [Integer]
to_int [] = []
to_int (x:xs) = (read x) : to_int xs

doit = do
  n <- getLine
  a <- getLine
  b <- getLine
  let la = to_int (words a);
  lb = to_int (words b); in
print (prod la lb)

main = do
  t <- getLine
  loop (read t) doit

I would love to see if there is any improvement that can be done, to
the code ...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Slow IO or bad code?

2007-08-09 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
> Hi
> I am practicing writing code in haskell, by solving problems at this
> site.
> The problem , is pretty simple.
> 1. Given two lists A,B , of N numbers, sort them and take sum of products.
> i.e. Sum ai * bi
> I wrote a code, but seems to give "Time limit exceeded"!

We have a page for these SPOJ problems:

With bytestring IO, you can aim to be around the speed of OCaml or C++,
according to the existing bytestring entries.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Slow IO or bad code?

2007-08-09 Thread Lutz Donnerhacke
* Vimal wrote:
>>> Beginning of CODE
> loop t function
>  | t == 1 = do function
>  | otherwise = do { function; loop (t - 1) function }
> prod [] [] = 0
> prod (a:as) (b:bs) = a*b + prod as bs

prod = sum . zipWith (*)

> to_int :: [String] -> [Integer]
> to_int [] = []
> to_int (x:xs) = (read x) : to_int xs

This is the slow part. ist really slow.

Futhermore use the recusion pattern again:
to_int = map read

> doit = do
>   n <- getLine
>   a <- getLine
>   b <- getLine
>   let la = to_int (words a);
>   lb = to_int (words b); in
> print (prod la lb)

What is n used for?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-09 Thread Jules Bean

David Roundy wrote:

On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 02:20:39PM -0400, Paul Hudak wrote:
As long as the sugar has a pretty obvious desugaring (which I seem to
recall it did), I don't see how it's likely to make things worse.  And

Some people are arguing that the desugaring isn't obvious.

Although I like the proposal to start with, I am beginning to be 
convinced by those arguments.

For example:

> do foo x

can be simplified to

> foo x

under the new proposals

> do x <- bar y
>foo x

would shorten to

> do foo (<- bar y)

and now you really really want to remove the do, to get simply

> foo (<- bar y)

but that would be illegal. The new sugar is going to remove all kinds of 
substitution and simplification lemmas that we have got used to.

There is also the fact that if :

foo x = bar x x

then you call foo monadically as in

do foo (<- baz)

You can no longer "replace foo with its definition", because if replace 
that with

do bar (<- baz) (<- baz)

...that means something rather different :(

A third example is with nested dos:

do x <- bar y
   something $ do foo x

is not the same as

do baz
   something $ do foo (<- bar y)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-09 Thread David Pollak
For what it's worth from a Haskell newbie (and from someone who's been doing
FP since November, mainly in Scala.)

I really like Haskell's purity and having the clear separation between zero
side effects and monads is most excellent.

It was quite a brain change to program functionally.  It took a lot of work
and a lot of discipline.  In Scala, I set myself the goal of not having any
variables (except as instance variables of a very limited number of
classes... Scala doesn't support monads), but to only use single-assignment
values.  At first, it was really hard to think in a new way.  Now, I find
that, even when I write Java code, I write in a functional style.

The benefit for me is reducing the number of moving parts as well as forcing
me to do significantly more design work up front.  Now, the OO ideal was to
model ones class hierarchy and the messages and the code will all flow
automagically.  In my 17 years, dozens of commercial applications, and 1M+
LoC of OO programming, it's never worked that way for me.

On the other hand, programming in a state-minimized (or state-free) way
makes me work a lot more to define my types and how the types interact with
each other.  I find that I'm spending a lot more time "up front" piecing the
types together.  I am spending no time worrying about hidden state (gee, if
I call X before I call Y, the state will not be set up, so I have to
shoe-horn some sort of test to make sure that the state is set up

I also find that my code is shorter and less dense at the same time.  The
"what" part of my code is easier to see because filter/map/zip constructs
are a lot less distracting than "new array/for/if/..." constructs.

The proof is in the output for me.  My web framework (
and the commercial product that my team is building with Scala ( have been remarkably stable and low in bugs. And
the bugs have by and large been "logic" bugs rather than "changing X which
caused a bug in Z because the state was wrong" bugs. The code bases are
large enough, that I'd normally be expecting to see breakage from unexpected
side effects from code changes.  That hasn't started happening.

Part of the challenge that Haskell and Scala and the other FP languages face
is the pain developers face as they change the way they approach and solve
problems.  Based on my 28 years of professional coding, I think that FP is
the single best and single most important technology that I've invested my
time in.  I think that Haskell's brand of purity is hyper-important and will
allow for assembly of significantly more complex systems than will any other
technology that I've seen.

Please, keep to the vision.  The vision is powerful, inspiring, and I
believe correct.



On 8/8/07, Paul Hudak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  All of the recent talk of support for imperative programming in Haskell
> makes me really nervous.  To be honest, I've always been a bit uncomfortable
> even with monad syntax.  Instead of:
> do x <- cmd1
>  y <- cmd2
>  ...
>  return e
> I was always perfectly happy with:
> cmd1 >>= \x->
> cmd2 >>= \y->
> ...
> return e
> Functions are in my comfort zone; syntax that hides them takes me out of
> my comfort zone.
> In my opinion one of the key principles in the design of Haskell has been
> the insistence on purity.  It is arguably what led the Haskell designers to
> "discover" the monadic solution to IO, and is more
> generally what inspired many researchers to "discover" purely functional
> solutions to many seemingly imperative problems.  With references and
> mutable data structures and IO and who-knows-what-else to support the
> Imperative Way, this discovery process becomes stunted.
> Well, you could argue, monad syntax is what really made Haskell become
> more accepted by the masses, and you may be right (although perhaps Simon's
> extraordinary performance at OSCOM is more of what we need).  On the other
> hand, if we give imperative programmers the tools to do all the things they
> are used to doing in C++, then we will be depriving them of the joys of
> programming in the Functional Way.  How many times have we seen responses to
> newbie posts along the lines of, "That's how you'd do it in C++, but in
> Haskell here's a better way...".
> I hope I don't start a flame war with this post -- I'm just expressing my
> opinion, which admittedly is probably regressive rather than progressive
> :-).
>   -Paul
> --
> Professor Paul Hudak
> Department of Computer ScienceOffice: (203) 432-1235
> Yale University   FAX:(203) 432-0593
> P.O. Box 208285   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> New Haven, CT 06520-8285 
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list


Re: [Haskell-cafe] Slow IO or bad code?

2007-08-09 Thread Vimal
Thanks for the link.

> prod = sum . zipWith (*)
> This is the slow part. ist really slow.
> Futhermore use the recusion pattern again:
> to_int = map read
> What is n used for?
Those are some nice tricks... Thanks!
Now, the 'n' is for getting the number of numbers in the list. Which I
don't need, since I had a way around it. I just had to skip that
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] New Eq instance

2007-08-09 Thread Bayley, Alistair
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> rodrigo.bonifacio
> data Step = Step Id Scenario Action State Response
> How can I define Step as an "Eq Instance", in such way that 
> two steps are equals if they have the same Id (Id is defined 
> as a synonimous for the String type).
> I tried the following code, but something is wrong
> instance Eq Step where 
>   Step id1 scenario1 action1 state1 response1 == Step id2 
> scenario2 action2 state2 response2 = id == id
>   _ == _ = False

What error messages are you getting?

Anyway, you have the right idea, you just need a bit of cleaning up and
correct syntax. As I don't have your definitions for Scenario, Action,
etc, I'll just ignore them (we don't need them for your Eq anyway):

> data Step = Step String String
> instance Eq Step where 
>   Step id1 _ == Step id2 _ = id1 == id2

 - the _ == _ case will never be reached (AFAICT)
 - I assume " = id == id" is a typo, and that you intended "id1 == id2"

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Slow IO or bad code?

2007-08-09 Thread Marc Weber
> I wrote a code, but seems to give "Time limit exceeded"!
Your code writes
15 to stdout which is correct (with the example given on the page)..
You have to explain what you mean by >>seems to give "Time limit exceeded"<<

> loop t function
Does already exist.
sequence $ replicate 10 function
is a much shorter way :-)

oor perhaps mapM_ [ function | i <- [1..10] ] )

prod, to_int:
You can both implement using higher order functions

prod = sum . zipWith (*)
to_int = map read

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] New Eq instance

2007-08-09 Thread rodrigo.bonifacio

I had defined the follwing data type:

data Step = Step Id Scenario Action State Response

How can I define Step as an "Eq Instance", in such way that two steps are 
equals if they have the same Id (Id is defined as a synonimous for the String 

I tried the following code, but something is wrong

instance Eq Step where
  Step id1 scenario1 action1 state1 response1 == Step id2 scenario2 action2 
state2 response2 = id == id
  _ == _ = False

ps.: sorry, this kind of basic question can be sent to this list?

Thanks in advance.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New Eq instance

2007-08-09 Thread Jules Bean

rodrigo.bonifacio wrote:

instance Eq Step where 
  Step id1 scenario1 action1 state1 response1 == Step id2 scenario2 action2 state2 response2 = id == id

  _ == _ = False

Almost. You just used 'id' and 'id' when you meant 'id1' and 'id2'.

> instance Eq Step where
>   Step id1 scenario1 action1 state1 response1 == Step id2 scenario2 
action2 state2 response2 = id1 == id2

but it's a common idiom not to bother to name unused parameters, so:

> instance Eq Step where
>   Step id1 _ _ _ _ == Step id2 _ _ _ _ = id1 == id2

(and the default case is never reached so you don't need it)

ps.: sorry, this kind of basic question can be sent to this list?

Yes, that's fine.
You may get quicker answers if you hop onto IRC at #haskell, though.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Slow IO or bad code?

2007-08-09 Thread Brent Yorgey
On 8/9/07, Marc Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I wrote a code, but seems to give "Time limit exceeded"!
> ??
> Your code writes
> 15 to stdout which is correct (with the example given on the page)..
> You have to explain what you mean by >>seems to give "Time limit
> exceeded"<<

I think Vimal is referring to a message from SPOJ rather than the compiler.
I.e. the program runs too slowly so it is rejected by the judging software.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Derivation of Eq given Ord

2007-08-09 Thread Dougal Stanton
Is there a reason why automatic derivation of Ord without Eq doesn't
do "the sensible thing" and just derive Eq anyway?

> newtype Id a = Id { a :: String }
>deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
> newtype Ego a = Ego { b :: String }
>deriving (Read, Show, Ord)

Both will type check, but if you try any (in)equality operators on the
second they'll be spat back at you.

> *Main> let e1 = Ego ""
> *Main> let e2 = Ego ""
> *Main> e1 < e2
> :1:0:
> No instance for (Eq (Ego a))
>   arising from use of `<' at :1:0-6
> Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Eq (Ego a))
> In the expression: e1 < e2
> In the definition of `it': it = e1 < e2

It doesn't seem *much* of a hardship, but it wasn't what I expected.
I'm not used to GHC accepting input and silently dropping stuff it
doesn't like...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Slow IO or bad code?

2007-08-09 Thread Chaddaï Fouché
I get "Wrong answer" with the following code for the same problem...
Is there something strange in this code :

module Main where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B

main =
B.getLine >>=
sequence_ . flip replicate hot . maybe 0 fst . B.readInt

hot = do
men <- B.getLine
women <- B.getLine
  $ sum
  $ zipWith (*)
(map (maybe 0 fst . B.readInt) $ B.words men)
(map (maybe 0 fst . B.readInt) $ B.words women)

I get the expected results with my tests.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] (no subject)

2007-08-09 Thread Thomas Hartman
In the following code which uses template haskell, how can I get back the 
macro-expanded code generated from 

$(inferStartState ''MyState)

I *can* recover the macro-expanded code for 

$(cnst 1 "x") 

using a debugging technique bulat describes on his tutorial at

You can see what's going on in the function debugTemplates below.

I'm trying to do this actually, to better understand how HAppS deals with 
state. It's a bit opaque now since the example on the tutorial uses TH. I 
think I would understand it better if I had code that didn't depend on TH.

(MyState is from the happs tutorial at )



{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fth  #-}
module MyState where
import HAppS
import HAppS.Protocols.SimpleHTTP2
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Monad.State (get, put)

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
data MyState = MySt { appVal :: Int } deriving (Read, Show, Typeable)
instance Serialize MyState where
  encodeStringM = defaultEncodeStringM
  decodeStringM = defaultDecodeStringM
instance Monoid MyState where
  mempty = MySt 0
  mappend (MySt x) (MySt y) = MySt (x+y)
-- in ghci...  -fth, :m +

-- ghci... :t (inferStartState ''MyState) :: (Quasi m) => m [Dec]
$(inferStartState ''MyState) -- boilerplate that will eventually be SYB

-- ghci... :t cnst 1 "x" :: (Monad m) => m Exp
cnst n s = return (LamE (replicate n WildP) (LitE (StringL s)))

dumpSplice splice = runQ splice >>= putStrLn . pprint
debugTemplates = do dumpSplice (cnst 1 "x")
dumpSplice (inferStartState ''MyState)

*MyState> debugTemplates
\_ -> "x"
Template Haskell error: Can't do `reify' in the IO monad
*** Exception: user error (Template Haskell failure)


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Derivation of Eq given Ord

2007-08-09 Thread Malte Milatz
Dougal Stanton, Thu, 9 Aug 2007 16:57:26 +0100:
> Is there a reason why automatic derivation of Ord without Eq doesn't
> do "the sensible thing" and just derive Eq anyway?
> > newtype Id a = Id { a :: String }
> >deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
> > newtype Ego a = Ego { b :: String }
> >deriving (Read, Show, Ord)
> Both will type check, but if you try any (in)equality operators on the
> second they'll be spat back at you.

According to the output of ghci's info command, deriving Ord without
deriving Eq is equivalent to

instance Eq Ego => Eq Ord where ...

That is, if there's an Eq instance declaration for Ego, then Ego will be
an instance of Ord, too.  This may come in handy if you want to declare
the Eq instance yourself, possibly even in another module.  The
compiler cannot know about instances you're up to declare in other
places, so it would probably not be convenient for the compiler to
derive Eq behind the scenes.

> It doesn't seem *much* of a hardship, but it wasn't what I expected.
> I'm not used to GHC accepting input and silently dropping stuff it
> doesn't like...

Well, obviously, you will still get a type error when trying to use the
instance without an Eq instance declaration, so it is not really a
matter of “silently dropping stuff”, I suppose.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] how can I get template haskell macro-expanded code from inferStartState? (repeated post, now with subject)

2007-08-09 Thread Thomas Hartman
(sorry, forgot the subject on my first post)

In the following code which uses template haskell, how can I get back the 
macro-expanded code generated from 

$(inferStartState ''MyState) 

I *can* recover the macro-expanded code for 

$(cnst 1 "x") 

using a debugging technique bulat describes on his tutorial at 

You can see what's going on in the function debugTemplates below. 

I'm trying to do this actually, to better understand how HAppS deals with 
state. It's a bit opaque now since the example on the tutorial uses TH. I 
think I would understand it better if I had code that didn't depend on TH. 

(MyState is from the happs tutorial at ) 



{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fth  #-} 
module MyState where 
import HAppS 
import HAppS.Protocols.SimpleHTTP2 
import Data.Monoid 
import Data.Typeable 
import Control.Monad.State (get, put) 

import Language.Haskell.TH 
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax 
data MyState = MySt { appVal :: Int } deriving (Read, Show, Typeable) 
instance Serialize MyState where 
  encodeStringM = defaultEncodeStringM 
  decodeStringM = defaultDecodeStringM 
instance Monoid MyState where 
  mempty = MySt 0 
  mappend (MySt x) (MySt y) = MySt (x+y) 
-- in ghci...  -fth, :m + 

-- ghci... :t (inferStartState ''MyState) :: (Quasi m) => m [Dec] 
$(inferStartState ''MyState) -- boilerplate that will eventually be SYB 

-- ghci... :t cnst 1 "x" :: (Monad m) => m Exp 
cnst n s = return (LamE (replicate n WildP) (LitE (StringL s))) 

dumpSplice splice = runQ splice >>= putStrLn . pprint 
debugTemplates = do dumpSplice (cnst 1 "x") 
dumpSplice (inferStartState ''MyState) 

*MyState> debugTemplates 
\_ -> "x" 
Template Haskell error: Can't do `reify' in the IO monad 
*** Exception: user error (Template Haskell failure) 


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Derivation of Eq given Ord

2007-08-09 Thread Andreas Marth
I would say that qualifies as a bug because it relays an error from compile
time to run time.


- Original Message -
From: "Dougal Stanton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "haskell-cafe" 
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 5:57 PM
Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Derivation of Eq given Ord

> Is there a reason why automatic derivation of Ord without Eq doesn't
> do "the sensible thing" and just derive Eq anyway?
> > newtype Id a = Id { a :: String }
> >deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
> > newtype Ego a = Ego { b :: String }
> >deriving (Read, Show, Ord)
> Both will type check, but if you try any (in)equality operators on the
> second they'll be spat back at you.
> > *Main> let e1 = Ego ""
> > *Main> let e2 = Ego ""
> > *Main> e1 < e2
> >
> > :1:0:
> > No instance for (Eq (Ego a))
> >   arising from use of `<' at :1:0-6
> > Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Eq (Ego a))
> > In the expression: e1 < e2
> > In the definition of `it': it = e1 < e2
> It doesn't seem *much* of a hardship, but it wasn't what I expected.
> I'm not used to GHC accepting input and silently dropping stuff it
> doesn't like...
> Cheers,
> D.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Slow IO or bad code?

2007-08-09 Thread Chaddaï Fouché
Note that this code isn't more successful, clearly I have
misunderstood one requirement :

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.List (unfoldr)

main = B.interact $ hot

hot = B.unlines . map (B.pack . show) . processList . tail . unfoldr readInt1

readInt1 cs = do
  (n, cs') <- B.readInt cs
  return (n, B.tail cs')

processList [] = []
processList (x:xs) = (sum $ zipWith (*) men women) : processList rest
where (men,r1) = splitAt x xs
  (women,rest) = splitAt x r1

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Derivation of Eq given Ord

2007-08-09 Thread Malte Milatz
I wrote:

> instance Eq Ego => Eq Ord where ...

This should have been

instance Eq (Ego a) => Ord (Ego a)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I get template haskell macro-expanded code from inferStartState? (repeated post, now with subject)

2007-08-09 Thread Brian Brunswick
On 09/08/07, Thomas Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (sorry, forgot the subject on my first post)
> In the following code which uses template haskell, how can I get back the
> macro-expanded code generated from
>  $(inferStartState ''MyState)

I just recently used ghc -ddump-splices  to debug this very same problem.

It turns out to be due to overlapping instances - inferStartState generates
a (from memory) specific StartStateEx instance, but actually theres a general
StartState => StartStateEx, and also a general Monoid=>StartState instance, and
thats why the error message mentions Monoid.

I guess this teaches us the reason that overlapping instances are bad:
***They don't work across modules

Another module can add an instance which wasn't visible when a first module
was compiled, and the two modules end up using different instances
than expected.

I've been meaning to start trying to contribute to improving the HAppS
documentation, since
its been such a struggle to start learning it.

So the question to the HAppS people is, where is the canonical place
for this documentation, where should one work? Is it the wiki page
above, or the stuff inside the HAppS repository?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pure functional GUI

2007-08-09 Thread Andrew Coppin

Duncan Coutts wrote:

On Thu, 2007-08-09 at 08:59 +0800, Hugh Perkins wrote:

uestion on using gtk from haskell: how easy is it to integrate
with glade?  ie, can we directly bind glade form elements to haskell
variables?  How easy is it to bind events to glade form elements from
within Haskell?

It's pretty easy, see the Gtk2Hs/Glade tutorial:

Indeed - the *hard* part seems to be figuring out how to run Glade on 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Andrew Coppin

Which of these is likely to go faster?

 type Quad = (Bool,Bool)

 foo (r,t) =
 x = if r ...
 y = if t ...
   in ...

 data Quad = BL | BR | TL | TR

 foo q =
 x = if q == TL | q == TR ...
 y = if q == BR | q == TR ...
   in ...

(Unless somebody has a better idea...)

I'm hoping that the latter one will more more strict / use less space. 
But I don't truely know...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Matters of precision

2007-08-09 Thread Andrew Coppin

Hi folks.

I'm trying to write a Mandelbrot generator, and I've having a few 
problems with precision.

First of all, currently I'm just using Double to represent coordinates. 
Can anybody tell me what the smallest value you can represent with one 
is? (Not including denormals.)

(I've built a function that checks for cycles in the orbit - by looking 
for previous points that are sufficiently "near" to the current one. But 
I want to know how much precision a Double gives me so I can figure out 
how near is "near".)

Next up, at some point I'm going to need more precision than a Double 
can give me. (But, obviously, I still want the thing to go as fast as 
humanly possible.) In particular, I do NOT want to go into "infinite" 
precision. (E.g., exact arithmetic with arbitrary fractions.) I want to 
be able to make the precision arbitrarily high, but still finite and 
fixed. (The idea being that the further you zoom in, the more the 
computer turns up the precision.) Is there anything useful for this in 
the standard libraries? Or will I have to write something?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Problem with question 3 about knights and knaves on wikipedia

2007-08-09 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
I was writing some haskell code for fun to solve some "knights and knaves"
problems, and I have troubles with

So knights always tell the truth and knaves always lie. John and Bill are
two persons, but you don't know what they are, and you have to find out.

Question 3
You: Are you both knights?
John: answers either Yes or No, but you don't have enough
information to solve the problem.
You: Are you both knaves?
John: answers either Yes or No, and you can now solve the problem.

My haskell code gave the following result:
--(what is john, what is bill, first answer from john,   second
answer from john)
("John is a knight","Bill is a knight","Yes","No ")
("John is a knight","Bill is a knave ","No ","No ")
("John is a knave ","Bill is a knight","Yes","Yes")
("John is a knave ","Bill is a knave ","Yes","No ")

Anyone has an idea what I missed here?



The (quick and dirty) haskell code I wrote for this is:

infixl 1 <=>
infixl 1 ==>

-- Equivalence
x <=> y = (x == y)

-- Implication
True ==> False = False
_==> _ = True

-- Knights tell the truth
name `isa` True = name ++ " is a knight"

-- Knaves always lie
name `isa` False = name ++ " is a knave "

answer True = "Yes"
answer False = "No "

--Logician: Are you both knights?
--John answers either Yes or No, but the Logician does not have enough
information to solve the problem.
--Logician: Are you both knaves?
--John answers either Yes or No, and the Logician can now solve the problem.

condition j b answer1 answer2 = 
  (j <=> ((b && j) == answer1)) &&
  (j <=> ((not b && not j) == answer2))

solution = [("John" `isa` j, "Bill" `isa` b, answer answer1, answer answer2)
j <- [True,False], 
b <- [True, False], 
answer1 <- [True, False],
answer2 <- [True, False],
condition j b answer1 answer2 ]

main =  mapM_ putStrLn (map show solution)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On 09/08/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Which of these is likely to go faster?
>   type Quad = (Bool,Bool)
>   foo (r,t) =
> let
>   x = if r ...
>   y = if t ...
> in ...
>   data Quad = BL | BR | TL | TR
>   foo q =
> let
>   x = if q == TL | q == TR ...
>   y = if q == BR | q == TR ...
> in ...
> (Unless somebody has a better idea...)
> I'm hoping that the latter one will more more strict / use less space.
> But I don't truely know...

Sounds like the perfect candidate for a benchmark, then!

Another tool for your toolbox:

{-#OPTIONS -funbox-strict-fields #-}

data Quad = Quad !Bool !Bool

foo True True = ...
foo True False = 
... etc...

The GHC option just causese GHC to unbox primitive types when they're
strict in the data type, and the bangs cause them to be strict.

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 07:12:12PM +0100, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
> {-#OPTIONS -funbox-strict-fields #-}
> data Quad = Quad !Bool !Bool
> foo True True = ...
> foo True False = 
> ... etc...
> The GHC option just causese GHC to unbox primitive types when they're
> strict in the data type, and the bangs cause them to be strict.

Unfortunately, Bool is not a sufficiently primitive type for that to


Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Derivation of Eq given Ord

2007-08-09 Thread Isaac Dupree

Andreas Marth wrote:

I would say that qualifies as a bug because it relays an error from compile
time to run time.

It doesn't relay anything to run time - ghci has to _compile_ the 
expressions you give it too. If you _compile something_ successfully, 
you will know that _it_ will not fail in the stated way (which is all 
you need to know for a normal program with 'main').

However it does relay an error from deriving module to using 
[module/ghci], which may not be right.  HOWEVER, I can't reproduce it - 
ghc (6.6.1) always tells me

No instance for (Eq Foo)
  arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
whether data or newtype, deriving Ord, no Eq instance, and no using 
operations at all, and Hugs does too (in different words).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Slow IO or bad code?

2007-08-09 Thread Brent Yorgey
On 8/9/07, Chaddaï Fouché <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I get "Wrong answer" with the following code for the same problem...
> Is there something strange in this code :

This problem description is not worded very well.  You have to figure out
the matching that maximizes the sum of hotnesses; you don't necessarily just
do a sum . zipWith (*).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-09 Thread Benjamin Franksen
Donn Cave wrote:
> (I have a soft spot for O'Haskell, but 
> alas I must be nearly alone on that.)  

You are /not/ alone :-) I always found it very sad that O'Haskell and also
its sucessor Timber (with all the good real-time stuff added) died
the 'quick death' of most research languages.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Operator overloading

2007-08-09 Thread rodrigo.bonifacio
Hi all.

I want to overload the operator "^" for working instead of the following "+++" 

(+++) :: String -> [[String]] -> [[String]]
x +++ y = [ x:e | e<-y ]

How can I overload the "^" operator?

Thanks a lot.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] (no subject)

2007-08-09 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Thomas,

Thursday, August 9, 2007, 8:12:27 PM, you wrote:

> In the following code which uses template haskell, how can I get
> back the macro-expanded code generated from

citating :

In order to make debugging Template Haskell programs easier, compiler
supports flag -ddump-splices, which shows the expansion of all
top-level splices as they happen.

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with question 3 about knights and knaves onw ikipedia

2007-08-09 Thread Steve Schafer
On Thu, 9 Aug 2007 20:07:02 +0200, you wrote:

>("John is a knight","Bill is a knight","Yes","No ")
>("John is a knight","Bill is a knave ","No ","No ")
>("John is a knave ","Bill is a knight","Yes","Yes")
>("John is a knave ","Bill is a knave ","Yes","No ")
>Anyone has an idea what I missed here?

You're missing a key element of the problem: After John answers the
first question, the Logician doesn't have enough information to solve
the problem. Think about that for a second, and you will see the light.

Steve Schafer
Fenestra Technologies Corp.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On 09/08/07, Stefan O'Rear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 07:12:12PM +0100, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
> > {-#OPTIONS -funbox-strict-fields #-}
> >
> > data Quad = Quad !Bool !Bool
> >
> > foo True True = ...
> > foo True False = 
> > ... etc...
> >
> >
> > The GHC option just causese GHC to unbox primitive types when they're
> > strict in the data type, and the bangs cause them to be strict.
> Unfortunately, Bool is not a sufficiently primitive type for that to
> work.

Ah good point. Well I'd guess a Word8 would do (might be faster to use
a Word32 or Word64 depending on your machine though?).

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Pure functional GUI

2007-08-09 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
> Indeed - the *hard* part seems to be figuring out how to run Glade on

I did not dare to ask this question because I could not believe this was
hard... So anybody know how to do this? Run Glade on Window$?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andrew Coppin
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 7:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pure functional GUI

Duncan Coutts wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-08-09 at 08:59 +0800, Hugh Perkins wrote:
>> uestion on using gtk from haskell: how easy is it to integrate
>> with glade?  ie, can we directly bind glade form elements to haskell
>> variables?  How easy is it to bind events to glade form elements from
>> within Haskell?
> It's pretty easy, see the Gtk2Hs/Glade tutorial:

Indeed - the *hard* part seems to be figuring out how to run Glade on 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Operator overloading

2007-08-09 Thread Brent Yorgey
On 8/9/07, rodrigo.bonifacio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I want to overload the operator "^" for working instead of the following
> "+++" operator:
> (+++) :: String -> [[String]] -> [[String]]
> x +++ y = [ x:e | e<-y ]
> How can I overload the "^" operator?

import Prelude hiding ( (^) )  -- this is the key

(^) :: String -> [[String]] -> [[String]]
x ^ y = [ x:e | e<-y ]

By the way, there's nothing special about Strings here: if you made the type
of ^

(^) :: a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]

it would work on lists of any type, including String.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-09 Thread David Roundy
On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 04:02:05PM +1200, ok wrote:
> On 9 Aug 2007, at 8:41 am, David Roundy wrote:
> >I may be stating the obvious here, but I strongly prefer the do syntax.
> >It's nice to know the other also, but the combination of do +indenting
> >makes complicated code much clearer than the nested parentheses that
> >would be required with purely >>= syntax.
> Er, what nested parentheses would those be?

do x1 <- e1
   if x1 then do x2 <- e2
 xx <- if x2 then e3
 else do x4 <- e4
 x5 <- e5
 e6 x4 x5
 e7 xx x1
 else do x8 <- e8
 x9 <- e9
 e10 x8 x9 x1

would become something like

   e1 >>= \x1 -> if x1 then e2 >>= \x2 -> if x2
  then e3
  else e4 >>= \x4 ->
   e5 >>= \x5 ->
   e6 x4 x5 >>= (flip e7) x1
   else e8 >>= \x8 -> e9 >>= \x9 -> e10 x8 x9 x1 >> x11

except that you'd have to figure out where to add parentheses.  I'm sure
I'd end up writing extra parentheses, but if you put in the minimal number
of parentheses, then I doubt I'd be able to read the code.

If you only consider the case of trivial code, then you're right, there are
no extra parentheses required.  This is the beauty of the do notation, it
allows one to write actual real complicated monadic code in a form that is
actually comprehensible.
David Roundy
Department of Physics
Oregon State University
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-09 Thread Benjamin Franksen
David Roundy wrote:
> Several times since reading the beginning of this discussion I've wished I
> had the new syntax so I could write something like:
>   do if predicateOnFileContents (<- readFile "foo") then ...
> instead of either
>   do contents <- readFile "foo"
>  if predicateOnFileContents contents then ...
> or (as you'd prefer)
>   readFile "foo" >>= \contents ->
>   if predicateOnFileContents contents then ...

Isn't this problem, namely being forced to name intermediate results, also
solved by some sort of idiom bracket sugar, maybe together with the lambda
case proposal? I would prefer both very much to the proposed (<- action)
syntax for the same reasons that e.g. Jules Bean nicely summarized.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-09 Thread David Roundy
On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 02:08:20PM +0100, Jules Bean wrote:
> David Roundy wrote:
> >On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 02:20:39PM -0400, Paul Hudak wrote:
> >As long as the sugar has a pretty obvious desugaring (which I seem to
> >recall it did), I don't see how it's likely to make things worse.  And
> Some people are arguing that the desugaring isn't obvious.

That's a reasonable objection (although I disagree).

> Although I like the proposal to start with, I am beginning to be 
> convinced by those arguments.
> For example:
> > do foo x
> can be simplified to
> > foo x
> under the new proposals
> > do x <- bar y
> >foo x
> would shorten to
> > do foo (<- bar y)
> and now you really really want to remove the do, to get simply
> > foo (<- bar y)
> but that would be illegal. The new sugar is going to remove all kinds of 
> substitution and simplification lemmas that we have got used to.

I guess I'd just have to argue that like the <- notation, the (<- )
notation is *part* of the do notation.  Just as you can't pull a <- out of
a do loop and expect it to behave identically, you can't do the same with a
(<- ).  To me, the similarity with existing do-dependent syntax (and it
helps that except for pattern guards, <- is *only* used within a do block.

> There is also the fact that if :
> foo x = bar x x
> then you call foo monadically as in
> do foo (<- baz)
> You can no longer "replace foo with its definition", because if replace 
> that with
> do bar (<- baz) (<- baz)
> ...that means something rather different :(

Again, this seems obvious, and it doesn't seem like "replace foo with its
definition" is something I think of.

> A third example is with nested dos:
> do x <- bar y
>something $ do foo x
> is not the same as
> do baz
>something $ do foo (<- bar y)

Again, it all comes down to whether the "find the nearest do" is obvious.
It seems pretty obvious to me.  And I like the idea of someone just
implementing this, and then those of us to whom it appeals can try it.
I've longed for something like this (mostly for monadic ifs and cases) for
quite a while now...
David Roundy
Department of Physics
Oregon State University
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-09 Thread David Menendez
On 8/9/07, Benjamin Franksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Donn Cave wrote:
> > (I have a soft spot for O'Haskell, but
> > alas I must be nearly alone on that.)
> You are /not/ alone :-) I always found it very sad that O'Haskell and also
> its sucessor Timber (with all the good real-time stuff added) died
> the 'quick death' of most research languages.

There is also RHaskell, which implements an O'Haskell-like system as a
Haskell library.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-09 Thread David Roundy
On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 08:45:14PM +0200, Benjamin Franksen wrote:
> David Roundy wrote:
> > Several times since reading the beginning of this discussion I've wished I
> > had the new syntax so I could write something like:
> > 
> >   do if predicateOnFileContents (<- readFile "foo") then ...
> > 
> > instead of either
> > 
> >   do contents <- readFile "foo"
> >  if predicateOnFileContents contents then ...
> > 
> > or (as you'd prefer)
> > 
> >   readFile "foo" >>= \contents ->
> >   if predicateOnFileContents contents then ...
> Isn't this problem, namely being forced to name intermediate results, also
> solved by some sort of idiom bracket sugar, maybe together with the lambda
> case proposal? I would prefer both very much to the proposed (<- action)
> syntax for the same reasons that e.g. Jules Bean nicely summarized.

I'm not familiar with the lambda case proposal, and don't know what you
mean by idiom bracket sugar, but I haven't had an idea (or heard of one)
that was nearly so elegant as the (<- action) proposal, which neatly allows
one to lift any existing pure function or syntactic construct (except
lambda expressions?) into a monad.  i.e. we don't need to define a separate
'if', 'case', etc, and we don't need liftM, liftM2, liftM3, liftM4andahalf,
all of which are subsumed by a single pretty syntax.  The only cost is that
this syntax relies on the do notation, and thus makes the desugaring of
that do notation slightly more complicated when used.
David Roundy
Department of Physics
Oregon State University
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Slow IO or bad code?

2007-08-09 Thread Vimal
On 8/9/07, Brent Yorgey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/9/07, Chaddaï Fouché <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I get "Wrong answer" with the following code for the same problem...
> > Is there something strange in this code :
> This problem description is not worded very well.  You have to figure out
> the matching that maximizes the sum of hotnesses; you don't necessarily just
> do a sum . zipWith (*).
The description says:
"Company XYZ has done the work for you, and now do xxx". This confused
me a lot :-)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Slow IO or bad code?

2007-08-09 Thread Vimal
On 8/9/07, Marc Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I wrote a code, but seems to give "Time limit exceeded"!
> ??
> Your code writes
> 15 to stdout which is correct (with the example given on the page)..
> You have to explain what you mean by >>seems to give "Time limit exceeded"<<
> > loop t function
> Does already exist.
> sequence $ replicate 10 function
> is a much shorter way :-)
> oor perhaps mapM_ [ function | i <- [1..10] ] )
> prod, to_int:
> You can both implement using higher order functions
> prod = sum . zipWith (*)
> to_int = map read

Thanks :) Yes, I see no reason why the code should be rejected by the
judge (Time limit exceeded)  just because I had defined all the
functions. I had done this on many other occasions, and they all had
worked well.

I think that it has a lot to do with the (read) function and how it is
implemented. So parsing takes quite a bit of time, and eventually most
of the time gets used up in processing input.

But the new functions are wonderful :-) I had a hunch that these
functions should have been defined, but I learnt a lot in the process
of writing those functions again!

-- Vimal
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New Eq instance

2007-08-09 Thread Miguel Mitrofanov
rb> data Step = Step Id Scenario Action State Response

rb> instance Eq Step where
rb>   Step id1 scenario1 action1 state1 response1 == Step id2
rb> scenario2 action2 state2 response2 = id == id
rb>   _ == _ = False

"id == id" must be replaced with "id1 == id2".

Error message you've got might be confusing, since "id" is already
defined as an identity function, and functions are not Eq instances.

I'd suggest something like

data Step = Step {stepId :: Id,
  stepScen :: Scenario,
  steAction :: Action,
  stepState :: State,
  stepResp :: Responce}
instance Eq Step where step1 == step2 = stepId step1 == stepId step2

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Derivation of Eq given Ord

2007-08-09 Thread Andreas Marth
I have to admit that I didn't test it before my first response.
But now I did and can verify that it in deed "it does relay an error from
deriving module to using [module/ghci]".
So if I don't do any comparisons on Ego everything succeeds.
If there is any comparision then ghc (6.6 in my case) returns the
appropriate error.

Still a bit strange for me, but now atleast I know it. :-)


- Original Message -
From: "Isaac Dupree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Andreas Marth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Dougal Stanton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "haskell-cafe"

Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Derivation of Eq given Ord

> Andreas Marth wrote:
> > I would say that qualifies as a bug because it relays an error from
> > time to run time.
> It doesn't relay anything to run time - ghci has to _compile_ the
> expressions you give it too. If you _compile something_ successfully,
> you will know that _it_ will not fail in the stated way (which is all
> you need to know for a normal program with 'main').
> However it does relay an error from deriving module to using
> [module/ghci], which may not be right.  HOWEVER, I can't reproduce it -
> ghc (6.6.1) always tells me
>  No instance for (Eq Foo)
>arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
> whether data or newtype, deriving Ord, no Eq instance, and no using
> operations at all, and Hugs does too (in different words).
> Isaac

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I get template haskell macro-expanded code from inferStartState? (repeated post, now with subject)

2007-08-09 Thread Thomas Hartman
I would say both.

The stuff under Examples in the repo should all run with 8.8. (I think 
currently it doesn't.)

The stuff in the wiki should say what is 8.8, what is 8.4, and obviously 
also give examples that work.

The advantage of the wiki is you can make a change that propogates to the 
community without having commit priviliges for the repo.

at least, that's how I've been working. Just changing the wiki for now, 
and maybe someday when I'm more confident about what I'm doing I'll ask 
for a commit bit for the repo.


"Brian Brunswick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
08/09/2007 01:28 PM

Thomas Hartman/ext/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
haskell-cafe , [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: [Haskell-cafe] how can I get template haskell macro-expanded code from 
inferStartState? (repeated post, now with subject)

On 09/08/07, Thomas Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (sorry, forgot the subject on my first post)
> In the following code which uses template haskell, how can I get back 
> macro-expanded code generated from
>  $(inferStartState ''MyState)

I just recently used ghc -ddump-splices  to debug this very same problem.

It turns out to be due to overlapping instances - inferStartState 
a (from memory) specific StartStateEx instance, but actually theres a 
StartState => StartStateEx, and also a general Monoid=>StartState 
instance, and
thats why the error message mentions Monoid.

I guess this teaches us the reason that overlapping instances are bad:
***They don't work across modules

Another module can add an instance which wasn't visible when a first 
was compiled, and the two modules end up using different instances
than expected.

I've been meaning to start trying to contribute to improving the HAppS
documentation, since
its been such a struggle to start learning it.

So the question to the HAppS people is, where is the canonical place
for this documentation, where should one work? Is it the wiki page
above, or the stuff inside the HAppS repository?



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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-09 Thread Benjamin Franksen
David Menendez wrote:
> On 8/9/07, Benjamin Franksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Donn Cave wrote:
>> > (I have a soft spot for O'Haskell, but
>> > alas I must be nearly alone on that.)
>> You are /not/ alone :-) I always found it very sad that O'Haskell and
>> its sucessor Timber (with all the good real-time stuff added) died
>> the 'quick death' of most research languages.
> There is also RHaskell, which implements an O'Haskell-like system as a
> Haskell library.

Thanks for the pointer, I didn't know about this. Will take a look.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell DB tutorial link is broken.

2007-08-09 Thread Edward Ing
The following link is broken.

Edward Ing
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pure functional GUI

2007-08-09 Thread Radosław Grzanka
2007/8/9, Peter Verswyvelen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Indeed - the *hard* part seems to be figuring out how to run Glade on
> Windoze...
> I did not dare to ask this question because I could not believe this was
> hard... So anybody know how to do this? Run Glade on Window$?

The google knows??

Frankly, I'm using Linux now, and even under windows (I must use it at
work) I use vmware with ubuntu.. But not so long ago I ran glade on
windows using stuff from this page.


Przedszkole Miejskie nr 86 w Lodzi:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Andrew Coppin

Stefan O'Rear wrote:

On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 07:12:12PM +0100, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:

{-#OPTIONS -funbox-strict-fields #-}

data Quad = Quad !Bool !Bool

foo True True = ...
foo True False = 
... etc...

The GHC option just causese GHC to unbox primitive types when they're
strict in the data type, and the bangs cause them to be strict.

Unfortunately, Bool is not a sufficiently primitive type for that to

Don't ya just hate it when that happens? (I.e., you say something and 
sound all cleaver, and then an expert points out that "actually, no".) 
Happens to me all the time... heh.

OOC, in what way is Bool not "primitive enough"? You mean because it's 
an algebraic data type, rather than a bunch of bits in the machine? For 
that matter, just how much space does such a type typically use?

(Questions, questions, so many questions...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Explaining monads

2007-08-09 Thread Brian Brunswick
(Better view the below in a fixed-width font!)

With all the recent monad discussions, I embarked on trying to clarify
my own thoughts about them, and started to think about things in terms
of just /where/ extra structure is 'understood'.

I think I can explain why 'a->IO b' is better than 'IO a->b'.

The full title of this is really 'Explaining monads by comparison
with comonads and arrows', but I didn't want to scare people off
without putting in the above hook!

We start with a simple single value of type 'a', and then we move into
some other category, where the objects are 'thing a' instead,
encapsulating some additional complexity - perhaps the possible
absence or multiplicity of the value, perhaps extra state, opacity,

But whatever it is, the a-ness is still key for combing these objects.
So lets look how they combine. Pay special attention to the f column.

  g  f   ???  g ??? f

application  a a->b  flip ($) b
monad bind   m a   a->m b>>=  m b
comonad cobind   w a   w a->b=>>  w b
arrowarr a b   arr b c   >>>  arr a c

simple application: f takes one argument, returns one result.

monad: f still takes one argument, but now understands how to put
things /into/ m. (Perhaps it just uses return::a->m a)

comonad: f has access to the entire complexity of 'w a', understands
how to get thing(s) out of it (coreturn), and distills it all down to
one simple b.

arrow: f has access to the entire complexity of the 'input' of arr b
c, and does whatever is needed, to make the complexity of the 'output'
of arr b c. Input/output may even be bidirectional!

Also we can look at the job that ??? does. Remember that ??? has
access to f as a function and can call it as many or as few times
as it wishes.

$: feeds a to f, once.

>>=: picks zero or more a's from 'm a', feeds each one separately to f.
 opens up each of the 'm b' results to combine them into one 'm b'.

=>>: feeds one or more versions of 'w a' to f, then builds a 'w b'
 in some way using the single b's (Perhaps inspired by 'w a')

>>>: links g to f in some way, so they can interact in as complex a way
 as they like. Maybe it also contributes to that complexity.

So now perhaps we can come to some conclusion about why monads are so
useful and universal as control structures. It seems that monads are
somehow the /simplest/ way of adding general control structure on top
of single values.

Notice how in a monad, the things that are combined together, the f's,
still take just one 'a' argument. So theres no extra complexity for f
in understanding its input. f can, however, put some additional
complexity into its output - it can fail, or return multiple values,
or whatever else is possible to encode in 'm a'. Still, f can be dumb,
and just pass the problem onto some other function, maybe return.

The complexity of the monad lives in one place, bind, >>=. It is bind
that has the choice of calling f multiple times if it feels like it,
and has the job of combining the results. bind is in control. f can
only give it directions by returning one 'm b' for a given a.

Contrast a comonad. Each f has to cope with an entire 'w a' on
input. Moreover, it can't communicate any of that complexity back to
cobind - it can only return one b. cobind only has the structure of 'w
a' to inspire it in how to put together 'w b', it can receive /no/
instructions from f.

Arrows are of course most general. Nothing is determined except that f
talks with g in some way, and the compatibility is named 'b'.

So given the choice of the above, which would /you/ choose, when
the nature of the problem means one-on-one application is too simple?

Surely a monad is the pick of the bunch!

* f gives merely directions on control to >>=

* f has to understand merely one single argument.
 (the monad can supply extra specialized functions like get/put,
  if we do want some complexity in there)

* All the complex control structure is handled in one place - bind.
  And it has all the information available to do it well.

Pity the poor comonad, only really suitable for infinite sequences!

Shudder at the thought of the total complexity possible using arrows,
and use them only when /really/ necessary.

monad is king!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-09 Thread Benjamin Franksen
David Roundy wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 08:45:14PM +0200, Benjamin Franksen wrote:
>> David Roundy wrote:
>> > Several times since reading the beginning of this discussion I've
wished I
>> > had the new syntax so I could write something like:
>> > 
>> >   do if predicateOnFileContents (<- readFile "foo") then ...
>> > 
>> > instead of either
>> > 
>> >   do contents <- readFile "foo"
>> >  if predicateOnFileContents contents then ...
>> > 
>> > or (as you'd prefer)
>> > 
>> >   readFile "foo" >>= \contents ->
>> >   if predicateOnFileContents contents then ...
>> Isn't this problem, namely being forced to name intermediate results,
>> solved by some sort of idiom bracket sugar, maybe together with the
>> case proposal? I would prefer both very much to the proposed (<- action)
>> syntax for the same reasons that e.g. Jules Bean nicely summarized.
> I'm not familiar with the lambda case proposal,

or, quoting from a recent post by Stefan O'Rear in this thread:

> I think the CaseLambda proposal on the Haskell' wiki solves this one
> nicely.
> mexpr >>= case of
>   p1 -> branch1
>   p2 -> branch2
> You still have to use >>=, but you don't have to name the scrutinee (and
> names are expensive cognitively).

i.e. your example would become

fmap predicateOnFileContents (readFile "foo") >>= case of
  True -> ...
  False -> ...

(use liftM instead of fmap, if you prefer)

> and don't know what you mean by idiom bracket sugar, 

As has been already mentioned in this thread, in Conor McBride and
Ross Paterson invent/explain a new type class that is now part of the base
package (Control.Applicative). They also use/propose syntactic sugar for
it, i.e.

pure f <*> u1 <*> ... <*> un

~~> (| f u1 ... un |)

(I just made up the symbols '(|' and '|)', the concrete syntax would have to
be fixed by people more knowledgeable than me.)

As to the pros and cons of (<- action) proposal, I think everything has been
said. I'd vote for giving IdiomBrackets and/or LambdaCase a chance for
being implemented, too, so we can try and evaluate different ways to
simplify monadic code.

One reason why I like IdiomBrackets is that they are more generally
applicable (no pun intended ;:) i.e. they would work not just for Monads
but for anything in Applicative. (Of course, that is also their weakness.)
Similary, LambdaCase has more applications than just simplifying monadic
code by avoiding to name an intermediate result.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 09:27:23PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
> OOC, in what way is Bool not "primitive enough"? You mean because it's an 
> algebraic data type, rather than a bunch of bits in the machine? For that 
> matter, just how much space does such a type typically use?


data Bool = False | True

In general, GHC doesn't do "unboxing".  Instead it has a simpler and
more general approach, where it passes the fields of a
single-constructor type instead of the type itself; this is as good as
true unboxing in most of the interesting cases:

data Int = I# Int#
data Float = F# Float#
data Double = D# Double#
data Char = C# Char#
data Ptr = Ptr Addr#

but not always:

data Bool = False | True
data Integer = S# Int# | J# ByteArray# Int#

As far as actual heap usage goes, GHC creates single static values for
all 0-argument constructors; so all Bool WHNFs are one of two addresses,
one for True and one for False.  But GHC isn't quite smart enough for
the -funbox-strict-fields mechanism to understand this...

> (Questions, questions, so many questions...)

I like answering them. :)


Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Pure functional GUI

2007-08-09 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
Yeah I tried that one, but only the runtime, because I assumed that glade would 
be part of it, but I could not find it. I guess I should install the 
development version. Windows users look differently at these things, they 
expect all tools to be precompiled ;) I'll try again and dig deeper. 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Radoslaw Grzanka
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pure functional GUI

2007/8/9, Peter Verswyvelen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Indeed - the *hard* part seems to be figuring out how to run Glade on
> Windoze...
> I did not dare to ask this question because I could not believe this was
> hard... So anybody know how to do this? Run Glade on Window$?

The google knows??

Frankly, I'm using Linux now, and even under windows (I must use it at
work) I use vmware with ubuntu.. But not so long ago I ran glade on
windows using stuff from this page.


Przedszkole Miejskie nr 86 w Lodzi:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Andrew Coppin

Stefan O'Rear wrote:

On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 09:27:23PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
OOC, in what way is Bool not "primitive enough"? You mean because it's an 
algebraic data type, rather than a bunch of bits in the machine? For that 
matter, just how much space does such a type typically use?


data Bool = False | True

In general, GHC doesn't do "unboxing".  Instead it has a simpler and
more general approach, where it passes the fields of a
single-constructor type instead of the type itself; this is as good as
true unboxing in most of the interesting cases:

data Int = I# Int#
data Float = F# Float#
data Double = D# Double#
data Char = C# Char#
data Ptr = Ptr Addr#

I see. (I think!)

but not always:

data Bool = False | True
data Integer = S# Int# | J# ByteArray# Int#

As far as actual heap usage goes, GHC creates single static values for
all 0-argument constructors; so all Bool WHNFs are one of two addresses,
one for True and one for False.  But GHC isn't quite smart enough for
the -funbox-strict-fields mechanism to understand this...

Right. So a Bool is a 32 or 64 bit quantity. (Rather like Smalltalk...)

That presumably means that a (Double,Double) is going to be a thunk that 
evaluates to a (,) pointing to two thunks that evaluate to pointers... 
IOW, something like 3 pointers' worth of space. Whereas my Quad object 
is going to be a pointer to one of 4 values... so it looks like Quads 
save space. (And they're more strict.) OTOH, I'm not sure what the time 
penalty is like...

It would be nice if there were some general mechanism for turning a 
bunch of Bool flags into a single machine word. E.g., if I did a

 data Foo = Foo {flagX, flagY, flagZ :: !Bool}

and it ends up that a Foo value is just a single machine word, and GHC 
picks which bit each flag is... I guess if you want that at present 
you'd have to code it all by hand. Hmm, I think this might work out 
better than my current Quad thing... I could do something like

 type Quad = Word8

 foo q = let
   x = if testBit 0 q ...
   y = if testBit 1 q ...

That should be quite fast... (?)

(Questions, questions, so many questions...)

I like answering them. :)

Heh. I'll have to pester you more often. :-P

PS. Somewhere they should write a page entitled "Optimisations that GHC 
does (and doesn't) do"...

PPS. Hmm. Might be out of date fast? ;-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pure functional GUI

2007-08-09 Thread Andrew Coppin

Radosław Grzanka wrote:

The google knows??

Ah - most optimal...

Now finally I can try Glade. :-D

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with question 3 about knights and knaves onw ikipedia

2007-08-09 Thread Steve Schafer
On Thu, 9 Aug 2007 23:06:04 +0200, you wrote:

>Is still don't get it completely... Could you give me an extra hint? I'm
>getting crazy here, especially because I was really good at this stuff 20
>years ago! :)
>Here's the reasoning
>The first answer could not be "no" because from that I can infer that John
>is a knight and Bill is a knave, which would mean the logician knows the
>This leaves me with 3 possibilities:
>a) Both John and Bill are knights
>b) John is a knave and Bill could be anything

Correct. But you forgot to recursively apply the hint. ;)

The problem states that after John answers the second question, the
Logician knows the solution. How can this be? What answer did John give
that allows the Logician to solve the problem?

Steve Schafer
Fenestra Technologies Corp.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] where to put handy functions?

2007-08-09 Thread Chad Scherrer
Is there process for submitting functions for consideration for
inclusion into future versions of the standard libraries? For example,
I'd like to see this in Data.List:

extract :: [Int] -> [a] -> [a]
extract = f 0
f _ _ [] = []
f _ [] _ = []
f k nss@(n:ns) (x:xs) = if n == k then x:f (k+1) ns xs
else f (k+1) nss xs

This behaves roughly as
extract ns xs == map (xs !!) ns

except that it's a lot more efficient, and it still works if ns or xs
(but not both) are infinite. Oh, and "ns" are required to be ordered
and non-negative.

I'm guessing there are a lot of similarly simple handy functions, and
I'm wondering if there's anything in place to avoid (1) reinventing
the wheel, and (2) name clashes. Someone else may have written
"extract" as well, meaning one of us wasted our time. And chances are,
if they did, it has a different name, leading to forced qualified

Finally, even if no one else is using it, it would be good to settle
on reasonable names for things more easily. Is there a better name for
this function? Is there a reason not to call it "extract"?


Chad Scherrer

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana" -- Groucho Marx
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pure functional GUI

2007-08-09 Thread Radosław Grzanka
2007/8/9, Peter Verswyvelen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Yeah I tried that one, but only the runtime, because I assumed that glade 
> would be part of it, but I could not find it. I guess I should install the 
> development version. Windows users look differently at these things, they 
> expect all tools to be precompiled ;) I'll try again and dig deeper.

Runtime is enough.. But Glade is packaged separetly.

I just cheked it and it works flawlessly (as far as my 1 minute test goes ;) )

(Oh. I seem to remember that I needed GTK runtime from THIS page. It
didn't go nicely with runtime installed with "GIMP for windows"

Have fun,

Przedszkole Miejskie nr 86 w Lodzi:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with question 3 about knights and knaves onw ikipedia

2007-08-09 Thread Peter Verswyvelen
Indeed, I missed that. This rules out the first answer is "no"

But I still keep the 3 other solutions then :(

>("John is a knight","Bill is a knight","Yes","No ")
>("John is a knave ","Bill is a knight","Yes","Yes")
>("John is a knave ","Bill is a knave ","Yes","No ")

Any more help (or just the solution, I give up) is very welcome to help this
poor man in logic hell ;-)

Oh well, it seems I'm getting too old for this stuff ;)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve Schafer
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with question 3 about knights and knaves
onw ikipedia

On Thu, 9 Aug 2007 20:07:02 +0200, you wrote:

>("John is a knight","Bill is a knight","Yes","No ")
>("John is a knave ","Bill is a knight","Yes","Yes")
>("John is a knave ","Bill is a knave ","Yes","No ")
>Anyone has an idea what I missed here?

You're missing a key element of the problem: After John answers the
first question, the Logician doesn't have enough information to solve
the problem. Think about that for a second, and you will see the light.

Steve Schafer
Fenestra Technologies Corp.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] where to put handy functions?

2007-08-09 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 02:29:50PM -0700, Chad Scherrer wrote:
> Is there process for submitting functions for consideration for
> inclusion into future versions of the standard libraries? For example,
> I'd like to see this in Data.List:
> extract :: [Int] -> [a] -> [a]
> extract = f 0
> where
> f _ _ [] = []
> f _ [] _ = []
> f k nss@(n:ns) (x:xs) = if n == k then x:f (k+1) ns xs
> else f (k+1) nss xs
> This behaves roughly as
> extract ns xs == map (xs !!) ns
> except that it's a lot more efficient, and it still works if ns or xs
> (but not both) are infinite. Oh, and "ns" are required to be ordered
> and non-negative.
> I'm guessing there are a lot of similarly simple handy functions, and
> I'm wondering if there's anything in place to avoid (1) reinventing
> the wheel, and (2) name clashes. Someone else may have written
> "extract" as well, meaning one of us wasted our time. And chances are,
> if they did, it has a different name, leading to forced qualified
> imports.
> Finally, even if no one else is using it, it would be good to settle
> on reasonable names for things more easily. Is there a better name for
> this function? Is there a reason not to call it "extract"?


Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] where to put handy functions?

2007-08-09 Thread Brent Yorgey
On 8/9/07, Chad Scherrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> extract :: [Int] -> [a] -> [a]
> extract = f 0
> where
> f _ _ [] = []
> f _ [] _ = []
> f k nss@(n:ns) (x:xs) = if n == k then x:f (k+1) ns xs
> else f (k+1) nss xs
> This behaves roughly as
> extract ns xs == map (xs !!) ns
> except that it's a lot more efficient, and it still works if ns or xs
> (but not both) are infinite. Oh, and "ns" are required to be ordered
> and non-negative.

Nifty function there. =)  And for the record, it works just fine if both
lists are infinite -- it just produces an infinite output list, but it's
lazy so no problem:

*Main> take 10 $ extract [1,3..] [2..]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-09 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
There's been lots of interesting stuff on this thread.  Does anyone feel up to 
summarizing it on a Wiki page, for others to polish?  At least part of that 
page should comprise a compact specification of what the (<- ) proposal is; but 
there have been lots of other suggestions.

Otherwise it'll all get submerged by next month's excitements.


| -Original Message-
| From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:haskell-cafe-
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Benjamin Franksen
| Sent: 09 August 2007 21:31
| To:
| Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: a regressive view of support for
| imperative programming in Haskell
| David Roundy wrote:
| > On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 08:45:14PM +0200, Benjamin Franksen wrote:
| >> David Roundy wrote:
| >> > Several times since reading the beginning of this discussion I've
| wished I
| >> > had the new syntax so I could write something like:
| >> >
| >> >   do if predicateOnFileContents (<- readFile "foo") then ...
| >> >
| >> > instead of either
| >> >
| >> >   do contents <- readFile "foo"
| >> >  if predicateOnFileContents contents then ...
| >> >
| >> > or (as you'd prefer)
| >> >
| >> >   readFile "foo" >>= \contents ->
| >> >   if predicateOnFileContents contents then ...
| >>
| >> Isn't this problem, namely being forced to name intermediate
| results,
| also
| >> solved by some sort of idiom bracket sugar, maybe together with the
| lambda
| >> case proposal? I would prefer both very much to the proposed (<-
| action)
| >> syntax for the same reasons that e.g. Jules Bean nicely summarized.
| >
| > I'm not familiar with the lambda case proposal,
| or, quoting from a recent post by Stefan O'Rear in this thread:
| > I think the CaseLambda proposal on the Haskell' wiki solves this one
| > nicely.
| >
| > mexpr >>= case of
| >   p1 -> branch1
| >   p2 -> branch2
| >
| > You still have to use >>=, but you don't have to name the scrutinee
| (and
| > names are expensive cognitively).
| i.e. your example would become
| fmap predicateOnFileContents (readFile "foo") >>= case of
|   True -> ...
|   False -> ...
| (use liftM instead of fmap, if you prefer)
| > and don't know what you mean by idiom bracket sugar,
| As has been already mentioned in this thread, in
| Conor McBride
| and
| Ross Paterson invent/explain a new type class that is now part of the
| base
| package (Control.Applicative). They also use/propose syntactic sugar
| for
| it, i.e.
| pure f <*> u1 <*> ... <*> un
| ~~> (| f u1 ... un |)
| (I just made up the symbols '(|' and '|)', the concrete syntax would
| have to
| be fixed by people more knowledgeable than me.)
| As to the pros and cons of (<- action) proposal, I think everything has
| been
| said. I'd vote for giving IdiomBrackets and/or LambdaCase a chance for
| being implemented, too, so we can try and evaluate different ways to
| simplify monadic code.
| One reason why I like IdiomBrackets is that they are more generally
| applicable (no pun intended ;:) i.e. they would work not just for
| Monads
| but for anything in Applicative. (Of course, that is also their
| weakness.)
| Similary, LambdaCase has more applications than just simplifying
| monadic
| code by avoiding to name an intermediate result.
| Cheers
| Ben
| ___
| Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 10:19:59PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
> Right. So a Bool is a 32 or 64 bit quantity. (Rather like Smalltalk...)
> That presumably means that a (Double,Double) is going to be a thunk that 
> evaluates to a (,) pointing to two thunks that evaluate to pointers... IOW, 
> something like 3 pointers' worth of space.

I like pretty pictures.

:   : ++
:   :  /->| D# tag |
+---++-+  /   ++++
| somewhere |--->| (,) tag |-/| Value  | /->| D# tag |
+---++-+  || |  ++
:   :| fst |  || |  | Value  |
:   :+-+  ++ |  ||
 | snd |-/  ||

That's how much space a (Double,Double) NF uses.

> Whereas my Quad object is going 
> to be a pointer to one of 4 values... so it looks like Quads save space. 
> (And they're more strict.) OTOH, I'm not sure what the time penalty is 
> like...

Probably none.  The STG-machine was designed to make user-defined
algebraic types very fast.

> It would be nice if there were some general mechanism for turning a bunch 
> of Bool flags into a single machine word. E.g., if I did a
>  data Foo = Foo {flagX, flagY, flagZ :: !Bool}
> and it ends up that a Foo value is just a single machine word, and GHC 
> picks which bit each flag is... I guess if you want that at present you'd 
> have to code it all by hand. Hmm, I think this might work out better than 
> my current Quad thing... I could do something like
>  type Quad = Word8
>  foo q = let
>x = if testBit 0 q ...
>y = if testBit 1 q ...
> That should be quite fast... (?)

Probably. I wound up doing something similar with vty, to considerable
gain.  (I did however use .&. instead of testBit - probably makes no
difference, but I'm reminded of the (^2) being much slower than join(*)

>>> (Questions, questions, so many questions...)
>> I like answering them. :)
> Heh. I'll have to pester you more often. :-P


> PS. Somewhere they should write a page entitled "Optimisations that GHC 
> does (and doesn't) do"...

Good idea!  Maybe it could be fit into the GHC Performance Resource
somehow?  (

> PPS. Hmm. Might be out of date fast? ;-)

That's what wikis are for :)


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] can't build haxml under ghc 6.7, says HughesPJ is hidden... but ghc-pkg doesn't say it's hidden...

2007-08-09 Thread Thomas Hartman
Can I get some help building HaXml (from hackage) under ghc 6.7? 

I'm hoping to get HAppS running under 6.7, and use the new debugger to 
better understand what's going on under the hood. Eg, when I'm in the h 
function, I can take a look at the args and just see what types they are. 
(I am finding building an intuition from the documentation alone to be 
overwhelming. Too many types, too many instances... total confusion.) 
HaXMl is a dependendency for happs, that's why I need it.

Anyway building haxml this is what I get. The subject of my message more 
or less summarizes my confusion.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/installs/HaXml-1.13.2>runghc Setup.hs build
Setup.hs: Warning: The field "hs-source-dir" is deprecated, please use 
Preprocessing library HaXml-1.13.2...
Preprocessing executables for HaXml-1.13.2...
Building HaXml-1.13.2...

Could not find module `Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ':
  it is a member of package pretty-1.0, which is hidden
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/installs/HaXml-1.13.2>ghc-pkg list
Cabal-1.1.7, base-2.1, directory-1.0, filepath-1.0,
ghc-6.7.20070719, haskell98-1.0, hpc-0.5, old-locale-1.0,
old-time-1.0, pretty-1.0, process-1.0, random-1.0, readline-1.0,
rts-1.0, template-haskell-0.1, unix-2.0
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/installs/HaXml-1.13.2>ghc-pkg list pretty-1.0 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/installs/HaXml-1.13.2>ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.7.20070719

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/installs/HaXml-1.13.2>ghc-pkg describe pretty-1.0 
name: pretty
version: 1.0
license: BSD3
maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
description: This package contains a pretty-printing library.
exposed: True
exposed-modules: Text.PrettyPrint Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import-dirs: $topdir/lib/pretty-1.0
library-dirs: $topdir/lib/pretty-1.0
hs-libraries: HSpretty-1.0
include-dirs: $topdir/lib/pretty-1.0/include
depends: base-2.1
haddock-interfaces: $topdir/share/ghc/doc/html/pretty/pretty.haddock
haddock-html: $topdir/share/ghc/doc/html/pretty
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/installs/HaXml-1.13.2>

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ProjectRepos/miscAdmin>ghc-pkg list
Cabal-1.1.7, base-2.1, directory-1.0, filepath-1.0,
ghc-6.7.20070719, haskell98-1.0, hpc-0.5, old-locale-1.0,
old-time-1.0, pretty-1.0, process-1.0, random-1.0, readline-1.0,
rts-1.0, template-haskell-0.1, unix-2.0


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] can't build haxml under ghc 6.7, says HughesPJ is hidden... but ghc-pkg doesn't say it's hidden...

2007-08-09 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 06:40:47PM -0400, Thomas Hartman wrote:
> Can I get some help building HaXml (from hackage) under ghc 6.7? 
> I'm hoping to get HAppS running under 6.7, and use the new debugger to 
> better understand what's going on under the hood. Eg, when I'm in the h 
> function, I can take a look at the args and just see what types they are. 
> (I am finding building an intuition from the documentation alone to be 
> overwhelming. Too many types, too many instances... total confusion.) 
> HaXMl is a dependendency for happs, that's why I need it.
> Anyway building haxml this is what I get. The subject of my message more 
> or less summarizes my confusion.

You're encountering one of my favorite features of Cabal.

When you build a package, Cabal passess the -hide-all-packages option to
GHC, which prevents the package from using any installed packages other
than the ones explicitly listed in the Build-Depends: field.

This is a Good Thing, because it means that whether or not a package
builds depends *only* on the versions of the Build-Depended packages;
other random packages on your system cannot possibly have any effect.

Unfortunately, it means that splitting an existing package (base -> base
+ pretty + directory + old-time, with much more to come) is less than
transparent; all packages which use HughesPJ need their Build-Depends
field modified to include pretty, etc.

Thomas Schilling's "configurations" allows a package to build with split
and unsplit bases, but requires the logic to handle this be present in
every package that wants to use base, and is only in HEAD cabal.  I
personally advocate a Debian-style system of Provides and re-exposing,
but haven't yet bothered to actually implement it at all.  I'm sure
other people have other approaches.

For now, we just edit .cabal files when transporting code between GHC


Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-09 Thread Brandon Michael Moore

On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 11:52:17AM -0700, David Roundy wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 02:08:20PM +0100, Jules Bean wrote:


> > A third example is with nested dos:
> > 
> > do x <- bar y
> >baz
> >something $ do foo x
> > 
> > is not the same as
> > 
> > do baz
> >something $ do foo (<- bar y)
> Again, it all comes down to whether the "find the nearest do" is obvious.
> It seems pretty obvious to me.  And I like the idea of someone just
> implementing this, and then those of us to whom it appeals can try it.
> I've longed for something like this (mostly for monadic ifs and cases) for
> quite a while now...

Funny, I've been longing for the monadic case (and if) for quite a while.
A mondic case is simple, it's handy, and you don't have to worry about
lots of interactions

caseM e of alts ==> e >>= \x -> case x of alts

I'm convinced this would be plenty useful on its own, and also that
trying to design any more comprehensive syntax quickly gets really

The basic problem seems to be that functions can expect either monadic
or pure arguments, and return pure or monadic values, so there are at
least three possible conversion you might want at each application
(considering pure<->pure and monadic<->monadic the same). Defaulting
to "make things work" requires type information, and doesn't seem
nearly so simple if you consider that programmers might actually want
to pass around actions of the monad they are running in as values
(Setting GUI callbacks, using [] for String processing, etc).

Actually, deciding which tranformation gets juxtaposition and how to
recurse into subterms seems to give a design space that might have
reasonable solutions. More on that in a latter message.

> > There is also the fact that if :
> > foo x = bar x x
> > 
> > then you call foo monadically as in
> > 
> > do foo (<- baz)
> > 
> > You can no longer "replace foo with its definition", because if replace 
> > that with
> > 
> > do bar (<- baz) (<- baz)
> > 
> > ...that means something rather different :(
> Again, this seems obvious, and it doesn't seem like "replace foo with its
> definition" is something I think of.

One of the great things about haskell is how completely naive
you can be when you "replace foo with its definition", and still do
valid equational reasoning.

It would be sad if substituting a parenthesized
subterm of something that looked like an expression wasn't valid.
(expanding a definition can change sharing, but at least it's denotationally
equivalent).  The only slightly tricky things now are remembering
that x <- exp does not define x to be exp, and what to expand a class method
to. I think I'd be happier if there was some bracketing around the
expression to be transformed, to warn you to again be cautious and fearful
about transforming your code.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-09 Thread David Menendez
On 8/9/07, Benjamin Franksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Menendez wrote:
> > There is also RHaskell, which implements an O'Haskell-like system as a
> > Haskell library.
> >
> > 
> Thanks for the pointer, I didn't know about this. Will take a look.

Perhaps a wiki page is in order. Reactive objects are an appealing way
to organize programs, but there isn't much information on-line about
people's experience with them.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-09 Thread ok

On 10 Aug 2007, at 6:42 am, David Roundy wrote:

do x1 <- e1
   if x1 then do x2 <- e2
 xx <- if x2 then e3
 else do x4 <- e4
 x5 <- e5
 e6 x4 x5
 e7 xx x1
 else do x8 <- e8
 x9 <- e9
 e10 x8 x9 x1

Granted.  If you desugar nested dos then you need extra parentheses.
(Basically, the invisible curly braces turn visible as parentheses.)
But then, I don't regard this example as readable, and in true
"lots of little functions" style would name the steps.  I especially
dislike the irregular indentation one gets with do/if/do.

Anyone remember when Haskell extended list comprehension syntax to
monads?  Just as I was about to get my head around it, it went away.

This is the beauty of the do notation, it
allows one to write actual real complicated monadic code in a form
that is actually comprehensible.

It seems we are now in complete agreement except for "comprehensible".

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Matters of precision

2007-08-09 Thread ajb

Quoting Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> First of all, currently I'm just using Double to represent coordinates.
> Can anybody tell me what the smallest value you can represent with one
> is? (Not including denormals.)

Remember that floating point numbers are stored in three parts.  There's
a sign, an exponent and a mantissa.  Assuming that floatRadix n == 2,
normalised numbers can be represented as:

   s * m * 2^e

where s is 1 or -1, m is in the range [1/2,1) and stored using
floatDigits n bits of precision, and e is in the range floatRange n.

The reason why this is significant is that the precision of a floating
point number is relative, not absolute.

The relative error is measured by a number called "epsilon":

-- The recursion is just so that we don't need -fglasgow-exts; feel
-- free to use lexically-scoped type variables instead if you like.
epsilon :: (RealFloat a) => a
epsilon = let eps = encodeFloat 1 (1 - floatDigits eps) in eps

epsilon is the smallest number such that 1.0 + epsilon /= 1.0.  It
measures the minimum possible relative separation between two adjacent
normalised floating-point numbers.

That is, if both a and b are normalised floating-point numbers (this
also means that they're not zero), and a /= b, then
abs (a-b) / a >= epsilon.

Similarly, the maximum possible relative separation is epsilon * 2.
(In general, epsilon * floatRadix n, but AFAIK no architectures that
any Haskell implementation has been ported to has any floatRadix other
than 2, so this is a safe assumption.)

> (I've built a function that checks for cycles in the orbit - by looking
> for previous points that are sufficiently "near" to the current one. But
> I want to know how much precision a Double gives me so I can figure out
> how near is "near".)

While epsilon is the minimum relative separation of RealFloat numbers,
it is usually much smaller than the error of any nontrivial bunch of

For something as simple as a Mandelbrot iteration, it's usually okay to
simply use epsilon multiplied by some factor which represents the
accumulated error of a bunch of operations.  If you were doing Serious
Numeric Analysis(tm), you'd go through each step and work out the
possible rounding error, and come up with a tight bound.  But something
like this will probably do:

tolerance :: Double
tolerance = 100 * epsilon

near :: Double -> Double -> Bool
near a b
| a == 0 || isDenormalized a = abs (a-b) < tolerance
| otherwise  = abs (a-b) < tolerance * a

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread John Meacham
On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 06:37:32PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
> Which of these is likely to go faster?
>  type Quad = (Bool,Bool)
>  data Quad = BL | BR | TL | TR
> I'm hoping that the latter one will more more strict / use less space. 
> But I don't truely know...

The second one will be signifigantly better for a couple reasons. A
simple counting of values that they can take on will show not only this
but that they are not isomorphic even, 

(Bool,Bool) can be one of


that is a total of 10 different cases, each time a bottom might appear,
a thunk evaluation (or indirection) is involved.

now, take the second case

data Quad = BL | BR | TL | TR

the possible values are


a whole half of the other representation.

under jhc (and probably ghc at some point in the future) there is another
very strong advantage to the second one, since it is an enumerated type,
internally it can be represented by a simple unboxed byte that takes on
a value of 0,1,2,or 3, which is a very enabling optimization, especially
in the 'if' case in your code.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] where to put handy functions?

2007-08-09 Thread ok

On 10 Aug 2007, at 9:37 am, Stefan O'Rear wrote:

I'd like to ask if it's possible to add expm1 and log1p to
the Floating class:

class ... Floating a where
exp, log, sqrt  :: a -> a
expm1, lop1p:: a -> a-- new, copied from C99
expm1 x = exp x - 1 -- but done more accurately
log1p x = log (1 + x)   -- but done more accurately

However, the Library_submissions page wants an implementation, and
adding this sort of function seems to require getting into the guts
of an implementation.  (Difficult: I am having serious trouble getting
GHC 6.6 to install at all, never mind changing it.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] where to put handy functions?

2007-08-09 Thread Rahul Kapoor
On 8/9/07, Chad Scherrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there process for submitting functions for consideration for
> inclusion into future versions of the standard libraries? For example,
> I'd like to see this in Data.List:

I imagine including it in std lib takes a while. Would it be a good
idea to include it in MissingH
in the mean time?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] where to put handy functions?

2007-08-09 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
> On 8/9/07, Chad Scherrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there process for submitting functions for consideration for
> > inclusion into future versions of the standard libraries? For example,
> > I'd like to see this in Data.List:
> I imagine including it in std lib takes a while. Would it be a good
> idea to include it in MissingH
> in the mean time?

It is probably better not to stick everything in MissingH -- its too big
to be used easily. Smaller packages (say, Data.List.Extensions) make
more sense. However, getting ok for stuff in Data.List isn't too hard.
Just follow the libraries submission process:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread ajb
G'day all.

Quoting Stefan O'Rear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> In general, GHC doesn't do "unboxing".  Instead it has a simpler and
> more general approach, [...]

I'm not convinced that the phrase "more general" is appropriate here. :-)

> As far as actual heap usage goes, GHC creates single static values for
> all 0-argument constructors; so all Bool WHNFs are one of two addresses,
> one for True and one for False.

And, of course, if it's a strict argument, then the values stored are
ALWAYS one of two possibilities.  So as a matter of curiosity, would
there be any advantage at all for "unboxing" enumeration types?  (Apart
from, I suppose, the possibility of using fewer than 32/64 bits to store
a flag.)

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pure functional GUI

2007-08-09 Thread Hugh Perkins
Another way to get glade on Windows is to download mono, which contains both
gtk and glade.

One advantage of getting it this way is you then have mono at your disposal
for benchmarking ghc ;-) (Not that you'd benchmark a gui app, but it seems
there are many people who still think that comparing haskell with non-gc'd
imperative languages having a corruptable stack/heap, such as C, is
meaningfull ;-) )
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Dynamic thread management?

2007-08-09 Thread Hugh Perkins
Haskell/FP seems to have solved the hardest bit of threading, which is
making it obvious which bits of a program are parallelizable, and which are

Remains to actually parallelize out the programs.  Am I being naive or is
this trivial?

There has been a lot of talk about parallelizing out a program statically,
at compile time, but this would seem to suffer from the halting problem?
The only way to know how long a function, or one of it's sub-functions, will
take to run is to actually run it?

Is there some reason why we cant just start a function running in a single
thread, whilst running profiling, then after a while we check which bits of
the function are taking time to run, and are parellizable, and we
parallelize those out?

This sounds reasonably trivial and workable?  Basically, "parallizable" in a
Haskell context means, as a first approximation, any map, foldr, foldl or
derivatives, and any independent let assignments, then we can always add in
extra parallizable cases later.

Profiling is already built into Haskell AFAIK? so the profiling information
is already available?

Thoughts?  Is there some reason why such an approach has been disregarded/is
harder than it sounds?

(By the way, can someone provide me a non-google link to the SPJ video
talking about nested data parallism?  google video is unavailable from my
current location, and although I did watch this video once, it was on my
second day of doing Haskell, a few weeks ago, so much of it was
incomprehensible to me ;-) )
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Dynamic thread management?

2007-08-09 Thread Hugh Perkins
On 8/10/07, Donald Bruce Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps have a look at this new paper:
> "Feedback directed implicit parallelism in Haskell"
> -- Don

Ok interesting. So: it's a viable strategy, it's sortof already being done.

A key difference between the approach in the Harris/Singh paper and the
proposal above is that the Harris/Singh paper proposes recompiling the
program multiple times.  The proposal above is taking a more vm approach,
something like Java or C#, where the vm adapts continuously to the program's
behavior during execution.

I suppose this does partly answer my question however about "how hard can
this be?", in that a pre-requisite to do this is to make Haskell run as a

To what extent is making Haskell run in a vm possible?  To what extent does
ghci attempt to do this/ meet the requirements for an efficient vm?

(off to read the rest of the paper, though everything after the abstract
looks scary :-D )
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Dynamic thread management?

2007-08-09 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
>Haskell/FP seems to have solved the hardest bit of
>threading, which is making it obvious which bits of a
>program are parallelizable, and which are not.
>Remains to actually parallelize out the programs.  Am I
>being naive or is this trivial?

>Is there some reason why we cant just start a function
>running in a single thread, whilst running profiling, then
>after a while we check which bits of the function are taking
>time to run, and are parellizable, and we parallelize those

Perhaps have a look at this new paper:

"Feedback directed implicit parallelism in Haskell"

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 11:09:36PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Quoting Stefan O'Rear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > In general, GHC doesn't do "unboxing".  Instead it has a simpler and
> > more general approach, [...]
> I'm not convinced that the phrase "more general" is appropriate here. :-)

Not sure where that came from; my filters are usually better than that

> > As far as actual heap usage goes, GHC creates single static values for
> > all 0-argument constructors; so all Bool WHNFs are one of two addresses,
> > one for True and one for False.
> And, of course, if it's a strict argument, then the values stored are
> ALWAYS one of two possibilities.  So as a matter of curiosity, would
> there be any advantage at all for "unboxing" enumeration types?  (Apart
> from, I suppose, the possibility of using fewer than 32/64 bits to store
> a flag.)

That was actually described in the first paper on first-class unboxed
types.  The paper described a general mechanism for declaring
user-defined unboxed types and procedures for unboxing any ADT.  No idea
if it was ever implemented, though.


Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Andrew Coppin

Stefan O'Rear wrote:

I like pretty pictures.

...and have lots of spare time, apparently. ;-)

[I actually meant to write (Bool,Bool), but anyway...]

Whereas my Quad object is going 
to be a pointer to one of 4 values... so it looks like Quads save space. 
(And they're more strict.) OTOH, I'm not sure what the time penalty is 

Probably none.  The STG-machine was designed to make user-defined
algebraic types very fast.

My program needs to make decisions based on a pair of boolean values. 
Encoding both values as a single algebraic data type means I have to 
keep "taking it apart" so I can work with it. I'm not sure how much time 
this wastes...

It would be nice if there were some general mechanism for turning a bunch 
of Bool flags into a single machine word. E.g., if I did a

 data Foo = Foo {flagX, flagY, flagZ :: !Bool}

and it ends up that a Foo value is just a single machine word, and GHC 
picks which bit each flag is... I guess if you want that at present you'd 
have to code it all by hand. Hmm, I think this might work out better than 
my current Quad thing... I could do something like

 type Quad = Word8

 foo q = let
   x = if testBit 0 q ...
   y = if testBit 1 q ...

That should be quite fast... (?)

Probably. I wound up doing something similar with vty, to considerable
gain.  (I did however use .&. instead of testBit - probably makes no
difference, but I'm reminded of the (^2) being much slower than join(*)

Well, perhaps I could define a pair of constants representing the bit 
masks? (OTOH, won't GHC optimise "testBit " into something 
faster anyway?)

Heh. I'll have to pester you more often. :-P


Like that time yesterday, I compiled from program and got a weird 
message about GHC about "ignored trigraphs" or something... What the 
heck is a trigraph?

(I compiled the program again later, and it compiled just fine. Weird...)

PS. Somewhere they should write a page entitled "Optimisations that GHC 
does (and doesn't) do"...

Good idea!  Maybe it could be fit into the GHC Performance Resource
somehow?  (

OK. But it'll probably contain a lot of guessing to start with... ;-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Fri, Aug 10, 2007 at 02:08:42PM +0800, Hugh Perkins wrote:
> On 8/10/07, Stefan O'Rear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Good idea!  Maybe it could be fit into the GHC Performance Resource
> > somehow?  (
> >
> >From the wiki: "Since GHC  doesn't
> have any credible competition in the performance department these days it's
> hard to say what overly-slow means"
> Whoa, some wiki editor's been smoking a little too many illicit substances
> recently :-O

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/src/Agda-1.0.2/src$ gcc Import.hs
/usr/bin/ld:Import.hs: file format not recognized; treating as linker script
/usr/bin/ld:Import.hs:1: syntax error
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/src/Agda-1.0.2/src$

> I guess what is meant is "since GHC doesnt have any credible competion in
> the performance department these days relative to other Haskell compilers,
> it's hard to say what overly-slow means"?  (but that's not quite how it
> reads ;-) )

Personally, I think of:

GHC's purpose: To implement Haskell
GHC's competition: Nyhc, Jhc, Hugs, Hbc, Shc, ... a few more maybe ...

Haskell's purpose: To be a generally cool language
Haskell's competition: C++, SML, ... hundreds of thousands more and I make no 
assertion of a representative sample ...


Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Thomas Conway
On 8/10/07, Hugh Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/10/07, Stefan O'Rear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Haskell's purpose: To be a generally cool language
> > Haskell's competition: C++, SML, ... hundreds of thousands more and I make
> no assertion of a representative sample ...
> >
> Well, C++ is not really competitive with Haskell, because C++ does not have
> a GC, and it's trivial to corrupt the stack/heap.

Beg to differ. I offer the following proof by contradiction. :-)

In my current job, I had a version-1 implementation in Python which
had severe performance problems, and was not amenable to concurrency
(The Python interpreter has a global lock, so you can only execute
python bytecodes from one thread at a time. :-(). The natural
alternative implementation language was C++, but I argued successfully
that a Haskell implementation would be significantly easier to make

Saying that it's trivial to corrupt the stack/heap in C++ is a bit
like saying it's easy to fall of a bicycle. Sure it is, but there are
also well understood techniques for avoiding doing so. :-) In C++ that
I write, I almost never use bare pointers. Using auto_ptr, shared_ptr,
etc, handle most of the memory management issues. When they don't, one
can usually make a analogous class to manage the lifetime for you.

Dr Thomas Conway

Silence is the perfectest herald of joy:
I were but little happy, if I could say how much.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Hugh Perkins
On 8/10/07, Stefan O'Rear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Haskell's purpose: To be a generally cool language
> Haskell's competition: C++, SML, ... hundreds of thousands more and I make
> no assertion of a representative sample ...

Well, C++ is not really competitive with Haskell, because C++ does not have
a GC, and it's trivial to corrupt the stack/heap.

Wrt imperative languages, it probably makes more sense to compare Haskell
with imperative languages that do have a GC and for which it's near
impossible to accidentally corrupt the stack/heap.  You'll find by the way
that the imperative GC'd, stack/heap protected languages run *significantly*
faster for many (not all I guess?) algorithms and applications.

This will change with threading of course, but still if you've got a
1024-core Niagara 2012 machine, and the Haskell algorithm runs 65536 times
as slowly as a single-core imperative GC'd language program, you're not
going to see a significant speed-up ;-)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello John,

Friday, August 10, 2007, 5:15:56 AM, you wrote:

> data Quad = BL | BR | TL | TR

> under jhc (and probably ghc at some point in the future) there is another
> very strong advantage to the second one, since it is an enumerated type,
> internally it can be represented by a simple unboxed byte that takes on
> a value of 0,1,2,or 3, which is a very enabling optimization, especially
> in the 'if' case in your code.

it was implemented and merged to ghc HEAD ~1 month ago

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Hugh Perkins
On 8/10/07, Stefan O'Rear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good idea!  Maybe it could be fit into the GHC Performance Resource
> somehow?  (

>From the wiki: "Since GHC  doesn't
have any credible competition in the performance department these days it's
hard to say what overly-slow means"

Whoa, some wiki editor's been smoking a little too many illicit substances
recently :-O

I guess what is meant is "since GHC doesnt have any credible competion in
the performance department these days relative to other Haskell compilers,
it's hard to say what overly-slow means"?  (but that's not quite how it
reads ;-) )
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[4]: [Haskell-cafe] In-place modification

2007-08-09 Thread Hugh Perkins
On 7/15/07, Donald Bruce Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, and I forgot you count up by two now. Here's the Haskell
> transliteration (again).
> {-# OPTIONS -O2 -optc-O -fbang-patterns #-}
> import Control.Monad.ST
> import Data.Array.ST
> import Data.Array.Base
> import System
> import Control.Monad
> import Data.Bits
> main = print (pureSieve 1000)
> pureSieve :: Int -> Int
> pureSieve n = runST( sieve n )
> sieve n = do
> a <- newArray (3,n) True :: ST s (STUArray s Int Bool)
> let cutoff = truncate (sqrt (fromIntegral n)) + 1
> go a n cutoff 3 1
> go !a !m cutoff !n !c
>   | n >= m= return c
>   | otherwise = do
>   e <- unsafeRead a n
>   if e then
> if n < cutoff
> then let loop !j
>   | j < m = do
>   x <- unsafeRead a j
>   when x $ unsafeWrite a j False
>   loop (j+n)
>   | otherwise = go a m cutoff (n+2) (c+1)
> in loop ( if n < 46340 then n * n else n `shiftL`
> 1)
> else go a m cutoff (n+2) (c+1)
>else go a m cutoff (n+2) c
> Marginally faster:
> $ time ./primes
> 664579
> ./primes  0.34s user 0.00s system 89% cpu 0.385 total
> Very cache-dependent though, so widely varying runtimes could be
> expected.
> -- Don

Hi Donald, quick question.  So, one of the things that is very interesting
about Haskell is it's potential for automatic threading, ie you write a
trivial algorithm that looks like it runs in a single thread, and the
runtime splits it across multiple cores automatically.

It's fairly safe to say that maps, foldrs, foldls, and their derivatives are
safe to parallelize?  (For example, hand-waving argument, a foldr of (/) on
[1,5,7,435,46,2] can be split into a foldr on [1,5,7] and a foldr on
[435,46,2], then their results combined).

To what extent is the technology you are using in your algorithm
parallizable?  (I actually cant tell, it's a genuine question).  In the case
that it is parallelizable, to what extent is it trivial for a runtime to
know this?  (Again, I dont have enough information to tell)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
>   You'll find by the way that the imperative
>GC'd, stack/heap protected languages run *significantly*
>faster for many (not all I guess?) algorithms and

Wow. Big claims. It must be silly hat day on the Haskell lists.

We're trying hard to be friendly, perhaps you don't realise that your
inflammatory remarks are out of place here?

Now, just looking at just this assertion, for which you provide no
references: let's see, only imperative and GC'd eh?


Hmm. Not looking so good so for for the imperative, GC'd languages.

Doesn't look too good for your assertion :(

Maybe there really isn't something fundamental about being `imperative'
or being garbage collected that matters performance-wise. Rather, having
a good optimising native code compiler is more to the point?

So, what do we do about this?  

Your unusual advocacy is interesting, but out of place on the Haskell
mailing list.  Given the community is growing rather rapidly, I'd like
to encourage you to contribute more quality material to the list, and to
tone down the sniping.

Recall that your comments go out to around 2000 people directly, and
further via Gmane. So making silly insults simply has the effect of
alienating the people whose help you might seek in the future.

To help more clearly think about the impact of noise on the mailing
list, and how to actively seek to improve (or maintain) quality, I like
to refer to this useful article:

Give back to those who give you their time, rather than insulting them
with silly statements. If we can make this step, there may well be
unexpected benefits, in terms of collaboration and participation, that
you otherwise miss out.

-- Don (Trying to encourage friendly online communities)

Unfortunately, I suspect you'll snip out 90% of this mail, and reply
with some non sequitor. Please prove me wrong.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Typeclasses and implicit parameters

2007-08-09 Thread ajb
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

-- G'day everyone.

-- This is okay.
f1 :: (?foo :: String) => String
f1 = ?foo

-- So is this.
f2 :: (Show a, ?foo :: a) => a -> String
f2 _ = show ?foo

-- Hugs allows this.  GHC rejects it on the grounds that "a" is unused
-- on the right-hand side of the (=>).  I think this is arguably a bug
-- in GHC.
f3 :: (Show a, ?foo :: a) => String
f3 = show ?foo

-- GHC rejects this.  Hugs compiles it, but I can't call it as
-- let ?foo = "Hello" in show Foo
-- Is there a good reason to disallow this?
data Foo = Foo

instance (?foo :: String) => Show Foo where
showsPrec _ Foo = showString ?foo . showString "Foo"

-- Cheers,
-- Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Small question

2007-08-09 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Fri, Aug 10, 2007 at 02:28:09PM +0800, Hugh Perkins wrote:
> On 8/10/07, Stefan O'Rear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Haskell's purpose: To be a generally cool language
> > Haskell's competition: C++, SML, ... hundreds of thousands more and I make
> > no assertion of a representative sample ...
> >

> Wrt imperative languages, it probably makes more sense to compare Haskell
> with imperative languages that do have a GC and for which it's near
> impossible to accidentally corrupt the stack/heap.  You'll find by the way
> that the imperative GC'd, stack/heap protected languages run *significantly*
> faster for many (not all I guess?) algorithms and applications.

I don't have any numbers, but I've got a strong suspicion that this is
almost entirely an issue of "programmer culture"; IOW, if you wrote a
O'Caml to Haskell compiler, and fed idiomatic O'Caml through that and
then GHC, the resulting binaries would be about as fast as if you used
ocamlopt (INRIA's native code O'Caml compiler); and conversely, Haskell
code translated naïvely into O'Caml would be no faster than before.

(I do have the case of my Unlambda compiler, which was somewhat faster
with ghc -O2 than with ocamlopt, but between CPS-conversion and the
complete lack of data types in Unlambda, the resulting code was
sufficiently unidiomatic in either language as to render my numbers
mostly useless).

> This will change with threading of course, but still if you've got a
> 1024-core Niagara 2012 machine, and the Haskell algorithm runs 65536 times
> as slowly as a single-core imperative GC'd language program, you're not
> going to see a significant speed-up ;-)

Just wait 12 years, and if the price of processors follows Moore's
extrapolation and the Haskell keeps its parallelism, Haskell will win :)


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