Re: [Haskell-cafe] STAMP benchmark in Haskell?

2008-03-03 Thread Martin Sulzmann

Some Haskell-STM benchmarks can be found here:

Dissecting Transactional Executions in Haskell
Cristian Perfumo et al


-Willem Maessen writes:
  On Mar 1, 2008, at 6:41 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
   I'm experimenting with STM (in CAL[1] rather than Haskell)
   and want to run the STAMP[2] benchmarks.
  Hmm, I don'tknow of a particularly good STM-in-Haskell benchmark, but  
  I'd say that the STAMP benchmarks are written in a rather imperative,  
  object-oriented style.  You wouldn't get very meaningful data about  
  anything if you were to naively translate them to Haskell; you'd  
  instead have to rewrite them completely (at which point head-to-head  
  comparisons are difficult).
   Is there a Haskell translation available, or can anyone
   suggest a better/different benchmark suite for STM?
  Good question.  Because we tend to eschew mutable state in Haskell,  
  I'd expect the characteristics of such an application to be *very*  
  -Jan-Willem Maessen
   Haskell-Cafe mailing list
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list
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[Haskell-cafe] ICFP08 Final CFP

2008-03-03 Thread Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
Final Call for Papers
ICFP 2008: International Conference on Functional Programming
  Victoria, BC, Canada, 22-24 September 2008
  Submission deadline: 2 April 2008

ICFP 2008 seeks original papers on the art and science of functional
programming. Submissions are invited on all topics from principles to
practice, from foundations to features, from abstraction to
application.  The scope includes all languages that encourage
functional programming, including both purely applicative and
imperative languages, as well as languages with objects and
concurrency. Particular topics of interest include
  * Applications and Domain-Specific Languages
  * Foundations
  * Design
  * Implementation
  * Transformation and Analysis
  * Software-development Techniques
  * Functional Pearls
  * Practice and Experience

Important Dates (at 09:00 Apia time, UTC-11)
Submission:   2 April 2008
Author response:  21 May 2008
Notification: 16 June 2008
Final papers due:  7 July 2008

Call for Papers (full text)

The submission URL will be available from the above page shortly.

Program Chair
Peter Thiemann
Georges-Köhler-Allee 079
79110 Freiburg, Germany
Phone: +49 761 203 8051
Fax: +49 761 203 8052

Mail sent to the address above is filtered for spam. If you send mail
and do not receive a prompt response, particularly if the deadline is
looming, feel free to telephone and reverse the charges.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Failing to make `par`

2008-03-03 Thread Jefferson Heard
I've used Control.Parallel and Control.Parallel.Strategies extensively in
the past, and I thought I knew what I was doing.  I declared the following

findSupernodes' :: S.Set Name - Int - Tree - Protein.Tree - S.Set Name
findSupernodes' set size (Node i _ _ s il ir) (Protein.Node _ pl pr _ g)
| S.size g  size = (Name (fromIntegral i)) `S.insert` set
| otherwise   =  leftNodes `S.union` rightNodes
where leftNodes =  (findSupernodes' set size il pl)
  rightNodes = (findSupernodes' set size il pl)
findSupernodes' set size (Leaf _ _) (Protein.Gene _ _ _) = set

and then simply wrote the following as an initial stab at parallelizing it,
because actually calling this function causes the program to execute an
absurd number of string comparisons:

findSupernodes = findSupernodes' S.empty
findSupernodes' :: S.Set Name - Int - Tree - Protein.Tree - S.Set Name
findSupernodes' set size (Node i _ _ s il ir) (Protein.Node _ pl pr _ g)
| S.size g  size = (Name (fromIntegral i)) `S.insert` set
| otherwise   =  leftNodes `par` rightNodes `seq` leftNodes
`S.union` rightNodes
where leftNodes =  (findSupernodes' set size il pl)
  rightNodes = (findSupernodes' set size il pl)
findSupernodes' set size (Leaf _ _) (Protein.Gene _ _ _) = set

The thing is, these two functions don't return the same thing.  The parallel
version is returning an empty set, while the sequential version returns what
it should return.  Any clue what I did wrong?

-- Jeff
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Issues(Bugs?) with GHC Type Families

2008-03-03 Thread Hugo Pacheco
Hi all,
I have recently tried to replicate some examples from in the articles about
type families but found some possible bugs.

In [2], the example

class C a where
type S a (k :: * - *) :: *
instance C [a] where
type S [a] k = (a,k a)

does not compile under the claim that the type variable k is not in scope.

However, if we extract the type family from the class

type family S a (k :: * - *) :: *
type instance S [a] k = (a, k a)
class C a

it compiles correctly.
According to [3], the difference is purely syntactic sugar, does that mean
that both examples should compile and behave the same or is there some
subtlety that justifies the class example not to compile?

Another issue is that data kinds (used in both [2] and [3]) do not seem to
be supported at all by the compiler, are they already implemented in GHC?

Simple examples such as

datakind Nat = Zero
datakind Nat = Zero | Succ Nat

fail to compile.

Perhaps some of these should be submitted to the GHC Bug Tracker. I have
tested both GHC 6.8.2 and 6.9.20080218.


   1. Associated Types with
Class. Manuel
   M. T. Chakravarty, Gabriele Keller, Simon Peyton Jones, and Simon Marlow.
   In *Proceedings of The 32nd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on
   Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'05)*, pages 1-13, ACM Press,
   2. Associated Type
Synonyms. Manuel
   M. T. Chakravarty, Gabriele Keller, and Simon Peyton Jones. In *Proceedings
   of The Tenth ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming
   *, ACM Press, pages 241-253, 2005.
   3. Towards Open Type Functions for
Haskell. Tom
   Schrijvers, Martin Sulzmann, Simon Peyton-Jones, and Manuel M. T.
   Chakravarty. Unpublished manuscript, 2007.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Issues(Bugs?) with GHC Type Families

2008-03-03 Thread Ryan Ingram
2008/3/3 Hugo Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 class C a where
  type S a (k :: * - *) :: *
 instance C [a] where
 type S [a] k = (a,k a)

 does not compile under the claim that the type variable k is not in scope.

It's not entirely syntactical sugar; I believe that when a type family
is a member of a type-class it makes the assertion that only the class
variables are part of the function.  In the class declaration:

 class C a where
  type S a (k :: * - *) :: *

there are two arguments to the type function S, but the class C only
provides one.

Contrast with the following

 type Pair a k = (a, k a)
 class C a where
 type S a :: (* - *) - *
 instance C [a] where
 type S [a] = Pair a

 datakind Nat = Zero
 datakind Nat = Zero | Succ Nat

datakinds are listed under future work in the papers I have read;
they aren't implemented yet.

  -- ryan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: static constants -- ideas?

2008-03-03 Thread Don Stewart
   I have an awkward programming problem -- I need to take a
   dictionary, parse it, build a bunch of intermediate lists and
   then make maps and tries out of the list. A programming
   problem because it's taken me a fair amount of effort to pull
   together the parser and list generator -- and awkward
   because a 69000 item list, [(String, [(String, String)])],
   does not compile under GHC (stack overflow). (It's not likely
   to compile under anything else, either!)

Here's an example of the approach Bryan outlined, which does seem to
work for files as large as gcc can handle:

* generate your big Haskell Map
* serialise it with Data.Binary, and Codec.Compression.GZip to a file
* compile the data into a C const array, and link that into Haskell
* decode it on startup, ressurecting the Haskell data.

The C source looks like:

const uint8_t beowulf[] = { 
31, 139,   8,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   3, 124, 189,  75,
150,  46,  54,  93, 193,  96, 144, 241, 168, 172, 238, 214,   0,

which is the gzip, Data.Binary encoded version of a Map ByteString Int.
Then the Haskell code need only access this array as a Ptr Word8, wrap
that as a Bytestring, then run Data.Binary over the result to rebuild
the Map. As you can see here:

I've put a couple of examples of how to access C-side serialised Haskell
values in a package here:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Annotating GHC assembler output?

2008-03-03 Thread Justin Bailey
I'm interested in seeing what kind of assembler my functions turn
into. Is there a means of annotating assembler output, similar to the
{#- CORE -#} pragma? Is there a trickier way of doing it?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] (flawed?) benchmark : sort

2008-03-03 Thread Krzysztof Skrzętnicki

I was playing with various versions of sorting algorithms. I know it's very
easy to create flawed benchmark and I don't claim those are good ones.
However, it really seems strange to me, that sort - library function - is
actually the worse measured function. I can hardly belive it, and I'd rather
say I have made a mistake preparing it.

The overall winner seems to be qsort_iv - which is nothing less but old sort
replaced by mergesort now.

Any clues?

Christopher Skrzętnicki

--- cut here ---
[EMAIL PROTECTED] haskell]$ ghc -O2 --make qsort.hs  ./qsort +RTS -sstderr
-RTS  /dev/null
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( qsort.hs, qsort.o )
Linking qsort ...
./qsort +RTS -sstderr
26,094,674,624 bytes allocated in the heap
12,716,656,224 bytes copied during GC (scavenged)
2,021,104,592 bytes copied during GC (not scavenged)
107,225,088 bytes maximum residency (140 sample(s))

  49773 collections in generation 0 ( 21.76s)
140 collections in generation 1 ( 23.61s)

305 Mb total memory in use

  INIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  MUT   time   20.39s  ( 20.74s elapsed)
  GCtime   45.37s  ( 46.22s elapsed)
  EXIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  Total time   65.76s  ( 66.96s elapsed)

  %GC time  69.0%  (69.0% elapsed)

  Alloc rate1,279,723,644 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  31.0% of total user, 30.5% of total elapsed

--- cut here ---

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
module Main where

import System.CPUTime
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import System.Random
import Data.List( partition, sort )

data Tree a =
Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
| Leaf

qsort_i []  = []
qsort_i (x:xs) = qsort_i (filter ( x) xs) ++ [x] ++ qsort_i (filter (= x)

qsort_ii [] = []
qsort_ii (x:xs) = let (ls,gt) = partition ( x) xs in qsort_ii ls ++ [x] ++
qsort_ii gt

qsort_iii xs = qsort_iii' [] xs
qsort_iii' acc [] = acc
qsort_iii' acc (x:xs) =
let (ls,gt) = partition ( x) xs in
let acc' = (x:(qsort_iii' acc gt)) in qsort_iii' acc' ls

qsort_v [] = []
qsort_v (x:xs) = let (xlt, xgt ) = foldl (\ (lt,gt) el - case compare x el
GT - (el:lt,
_  - (lt,
el:gt) ) ([],[]) xs
 in qsort_v xlt ++ [x] ++ qsort_v xgt

-- zmodyfikowany i
qsort_vi [] = []
qsort_vi (x:xs) = qsort_vi (filter (\y- compare x y == GT) xs) ++ [x] ++
qsort_vi (filter (\y- compare x y /= GT) xs)

-- zmodyfikowany iii
qsort_vii xs = qsort_vii' [] xs
qsort_vii' acc [] = acc
qsort_vii' acc (x:xs) =
let (ls,gt) = partition (\y- compare x y == GT) xs in
let acc' = (x:(qsort_vii' acc gt)) in qsort_vii' acc' ls

-- qsort is stable and does not concatenate.
qsort_iv xs = qsort_iv' (compare) xs []

qsort_iv' _   [] r = r
qsort_iv' _   [x]r = x:r
qsort_iv' cmp (x:xs) r = qpart cmp x xs [] [] r

-- qpart partitions and sorts the sublists
qpart cmp x [] rlt rge r =
-- rlt and rge are in reverse order and must be sorted with an
-- anti-stable sorting
rqsort_iv' cmp rlt (x:rqsort_iv' cmp rge r)
qpart cmp x (y:ys) rlt rge r =
case cmp x y of
GT - qpart cmp x ys (y:rlt) rge r
_  - qpart cmp x ys rlt (y:rge) r

-- rqsort is as qsort but anti-stable, i.e. reverses equal elements
rqsort_iv' _   [] r = r
rqsort_iv' _   [x]r = x:r
rqsort_iv' cmp (x:xs) r = rqpart cmp x xs [] [] r

rqpart cmp x [] rle rgt r =
qsort_iv' cmp rle (x:qsort_iv' cmp rgt r)
rqpart cmp x (y:ys) rle rgt r =
case cmp y x of
GT - rqpart cmp x ys rle (y:rgt) r
_  - rqpart cmp x ys (y:rle) rgt r

-- code by Orcus

-- Zadanie 9 - merge sort
mergeSort :: Ord a = [a] - [a]
mergeSort []= []
mergeSort [x]   = [x]
mergeSort xs= let(l, r) = splitAt (length xs `quot` 2) xs
  in mergeSortP (mergeSort l) (mergeSort r)

-- funkcja pomocnicza scalajÄ…ca dwie listy uporzÄ…dkowane w jednÄ…
mergeSortP :: Ord a = [a] - [a] - [a]
mergeSortP xs []= xs
mergeSortP [] ys= ys
mergeSortP (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x = y = x:(mergeSortP xs (y:ys))
| otherwise = y:(mergeSortP (x:xs) ys)

-- Zadanie 10 - tree sort
treeSort :: Ord a = [a] - [a]
-- pointless po raz drugi
treeSort = (treeSortInorder . treeSortToTree)

treeSortToTree :: Ord a = [a] - Tree a
treeSortToTree []   = Leaf
treeSortToTree (x:xs)   = let (xlt, xgt) = foldl (\ (lt,gt) el - case
compare x el of
GT - (el:lt,
_  - (lt,
el:gt) ) ([],[]) xs
  in Node (treeSortToTree xlt) x (treeSortToTree

treeSortInorder :: Ord a = Tree a - [a]
treeSortInorder Leaf   

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Annotating GHC assembler output?

2008-03-03 Thread Ben Lippmeier

Hi Justin.

try:  ghc -c file -ddump-to-file -ddump-asm

You should get a .dump.asm file in the same place as file which still 
has symbols named after the source functions. Keep in mind though that 
the continuation passing style (CPS) conversion done in the back end of 
GHC causes the code not to look like something you might get out of, say 


Justin Bailey wrote:

I'm interested in seeing what kind of assembler my functions turn
into. Is there a means of annotating assembler output, similar to the
{#- CORE -#} pragma? Is there a trickier way of doing it?

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Annotating GHC assembler output?

2008-03-03 Thread Ben Lippmeier

And to answer your actual question..
No - notes in the core language get stripped out during conversion to STG.


Justin Bailey wrote:

I'm interested in seeing what kind of assembler my functions turn
into. Is there a means of annotating assembler output, similar to the
{#- CORE -#} pragma? Is there a trickier way of doing it?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Issues(Bugs?) with GHC Type Families

2008-03-03 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Hugo Pacheco:
I have recently tried to replicate some examples from in the  
articles about type families but found some possible bugs.

In [2], the example

class C a where
type S a (k :: * - *) :: *
instance C [a] where
type S [a] k = (a,k a)

does not compile under the claim that the type variable k is not in  

However, if we extract the type family from the class

type family S a (k :: * - *) :: *
type instance S [a] k = (a, k a)
class C a

it compiles correctly.
According to [3], the difference is purely syntactic sugar, does  
that mean that both examples should compile and behave the same or  
is there some subtlety that justifies the class example not to  

I am sorry for the confusion this causes, but we wrote the paper  
before the implementation in GHC was finalised.  Hence, the  
implementation deviates from the paper in some aspects.  Generally,  
please use

(which will be integrated into GHC's Users Manual for 6.10) as the  
definite guide to the implementation.

Here a brief rational for this change in design.  We originally  
intended to distinguish between type parameters that do use type  
indexing (the a in (S a k)) and those that do not (the k in (S a  
k)).However, we found later that this leads to implementation  
problems.  The new rule is that any explicitly named parmeters, eg, s  
and k in

  type family S a (k :: * - *) :: *

are indexed.  If you don't want to use the second parameter as an  
index, write

  type S a :: (* - *) - *

This is also simpler to explain, as simply *all* explicitly named  
parameters in a type family declaration are indicies.

Another issue is that data kinds (used in both [2] and [3]) do not  
seem to be supported at all by the compiler, are they already  
implemented in GHC?

Simple examples such as

datakind Nat = Zero
datakind Nat = Zero | Succ Nat

fail to compile.

No, datakinds aren't supported yet.  We still intend to add them, but  
our first priority is to thoroughly debug the existing functionality  
and especially to make sure the interaction with GADTs works well.

Thanks for the feedback.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ID3 tagging

2008-03-03 Thread adekoba
I was wondering if there are any haskell packages for tagging ID3 frames in mp3
files. Or perhaps if there were any plans for developing them...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ID3 tagging

2008-03-03 Thread Don Stewart
 I was wondering if there are any haskell packages for tagging ID3 frames in 
 files. Or perhaps if there were any plans for developing them...

hpodder includes the ability to write id3 tags, iirc,

if you can't find a specific library for it, an id3 binding would make a
great introductory haskell programming exercise.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Doubting Haskell

2008-03-03 Thread Alan Carter
Many thanks for the explanations when I was first experimenting with
Haskell. I managed to finish translating a C++ wxWidgets program into
Haskell wxHaskell, and am certainly impressed.

I've written up some reflections on my newbie experience together with
both versions, which might be helpful to people interested in
popularizing Haskell, at:



... the PA system was moaning unctuously, like a lady hippopotamus
reading A. E. Housman ...
  -- James Blish, They Shall Have Stars
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