Re: [Haskell-cafe] mapFst and mapSnd

2013-05-31 Thread Tony Morris
class BinaryFunctor f where
  bimap :: (a - c) - (b - d) - f a b - f c d

mapFst = (`bimap id`)
mapSnd = bimap id
 On 31/05/2013 12:16 PM, Shachaf Ben-Kiki wrote:

 On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Shachaf Ben-Kiki
  One generalization of them is to lenses. For example `lens` has
  both, _1, _2, such that mapPair = over both, mapFst = over
  _1, etc., but you can also get fst = view _1, set _2 = \y' (x,_)
  - (x,y'), and so on. (Since both refers to two elements, you end
  up with view both = \(x,y) - mappend x y.) The types you end up
  with are simple generalizations of mapFoo, with just an extra Functor
  or Applicative (think mapMFoo):
  both :: Applicative f = (a - f b) - (a,a) - f (b,b)
  both f (x,y) = (,) $ f x * g y
  _2 :: Functor f = (a - f b) - (e,a) - f (e,b)
  _2 f (x,y) = (,) x $ f y
  With an appropriate choice of f you can get many useful functions.

 I spoke too quickly -- your mapPair is something different. Indeed
 bimap (or (***), if you prefer base) is the place to find it -- lenses
 don't really fit here. My both is for mapping one function over both


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Projects using Shake

2013-05-31 Thread Stefan Kersten
hi frerich,

On May 31, 2013, at 2:17 AM, Frerich Raabe wrote:
 Is anybody aware of open source projects which I could look at, or is there 
 maybe a conventional file extension for… what do you call them, Shakefiles? 
 other than .hs which I could google for?

we are using a shake-based build system for our mobile sound engine [1]; see 
the shakefile here [2] and associated modules [3]. the focus is on 
cross-compilation of static/shared libraries for mobile platforms (currently 
ios, android in the works) so it might not be what you're looking for. however, 
most of it is quite generic (if you're working with c, c++, objc, asm) and 
we're going to release it as a library as soon the features and the API have 
settled a bit.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Call for Papers IFL 2013

2013-05-31 Thread publicityifl
VACANCY : 1x Phd Student in domain specific type error diagnosis for Haskell

The activities of the Software Systems division at Utrecht University include 
research on programming methodologies, compiler construction, and program 
analysis, validation, and verification. For information about the research 
group of Software Technology, see:

Financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), we
currently have a job opening for:

 * 1x PhD researcher (Ph D student) Software Technology

Domain-specific languages (DSLs) have the potential both to reduce the effort 
programming, and to result in programs that are easier to understand and 
maintain. For various good reasons, researchers have proposed to embed DSLs
(then called EDSLs) into a general purpose host language. An important 
disadvantage of such an embedding is that it is very hard to make type error 
diagnosis domain-aware, because inconsistencies are by default explained in 
terms of the host language. We are currently looking for a highly motivated 
Ph D student to investigate this problem in the context of the functional 
language Haskell. 

The basic approach is to scale the concept of specialized type rules as 
developed by (Heeren, Hage and Swierstra, ICFP '03, see link below) for 
Haskell '98 to modern day Haskell with all of its type system extensions. 
The work is both technically challenging, i.e., how do you ensure that 
modifications to the type diagnositic process do not inadvertently change the 
type system, and practically immediately useful:  making domain-specific type 
error diagnosis a reality for a full sized language such as Haskell is likely 
to have a pervasive influence on the field of domain-specific languages, and 
the language Haskell.

The ICFP '03 paper can be found at

A project paper that describes the context and aims of the current project can 
be found here:

At first, the work will be prototyped in our own Utrecht Haskell Compiler. If
succesfull, the work will also make its way into the GHC.

We expect the candidate to communicate the results academically, to present the 
work at scientific conferences, to supervise Master students, and to assist in 
teaching courses at Bachelor or Master level.

What we are looking for

The candidate should have an MSc in Computer Science, be highly motivated, 
speak and write English very well, and be proficient in producing scientific
reports. Knowledge of and experience with at least one of the following two
areas is essential:

  * functional programming, and Haskell in particular
  * type system concepts

Furthermore, we expect the candidate to be able to reason formally.
Experience in compiler construction is expected to be useful in this project.

What we offer

You are offered a full-time position for 4 years. The gross salary is in the 
range between Û 2083,- and maximum Û 2664,- per month. The salary is 
with a holiday bonus of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8,3% per year. 

In addition we offer: a pension scheme, a partially paid parental leave, 
flexible employment conditions. Conditions are based on the Collective 
Labour Agreement Dutch Universities.

We aim to start November 1, 2013 at the latest, but preferably sooner.

In order to apply

To apply please attach a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, and (email)
addresses of two referees. Make sure to also include a transcript of the courses
you have followed (at bachelor and master level), with the grades you
obtained, and to include a sample of your scientific writing, e.g., the pdf of
your master thesis.

It is possible to apply for this position if you are close to obtaining
your Master's. In that case include a letter of your supervisor with an estimate
of your progress, and do not forget to include at least a sample of your
technical writing skills.

Application closes on the 20th of June 2013.

For application, visit and
follow the link to the official job application page at the bottom.

Contact person

For further information you can direct your inquiries to:

 Dr. Jurriaan Hage
 Phone: (+31) 30 253 3283 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Call for Papers IFL 2013

2013-05-31 Thread Clark Gaebel
Well that's exciting! I really hope uu finds a student. This would be yet
another one of Haskell's killer features.

  - Clark

On Friday, May 31, 2013, wrote:

 VACANCY : 1x Phd Student in domain specific type error diagnosis for


 The activities of the Software Systems division at Utrecht University
 research on programming methodologies, compiler construction, and program
 analysis, validation, and verification. For information about the research
 group of Software Technology, see:

 Financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), we
 currently have a job opening for:

  * 1x PhD researcher (Ph D student) Software Technology

 Domain-specific languages (DSLs) have the potential both to reduce the
 effort of
 programming, and to result in programs that are easier to understand and
 maintain. For various good reasons, researchers have proposed to embed DSLs
 (then called EDSLs) into a general purpose host language. An important
 disadvantage of such an embedding is that it is very hard to make type
 diagnosis domain-aware, because inconsistencies are by default explained in
 terms of the host language. We are currently looking for a highly motivated
 Ph D student to investigate this problem in the context of the functional
 language Haskell.

 The basic approach is to scale the concept of specialized type rules as
 developed by (Heeren, Hage and Swierstra, ICFP '03, see link below) for
 Haskell '98 to modern day Haskell with all of its type system extensions.
 The work is both technically challenging, i.e., how do you ensure that
 modifications to the type diagnositic process do not inadvertently change
 type system, and practically immediately useful:  making domain-specific
 error diagnosis a reality for a full sized language such as Haskell is
 to have a pervasive influence on the field of domain-specific languages,
 the language Haskell.

 The ICFP '03 paper can be found at

 A project paper that describes the context and aims of the current project
 be found here:

 At first, the work will be prototyped in our own Utrecht Haskell Compiler.
 succesfull, the work will also make its way into the GHC.

 We expect the candidate to communicate the results academically, to
 present the
 work at scientific conferences, to supervise Master students, and to
 assist in
 teaching courses at Bachelor or Master level.

 What we are looking for

 The candidate should have an MSc in Computer Science, be highly motivated,
 speak and write English very well, and be proficient in producing
 reports. Knowledge of and experience with at least one of the following two
 areas is essential:

   * functional programming, and Haskell in particular
   * type system concepts

 Furthermore, we expect the candidate to be able to reason formally.
 Experience in compiler construction is expected to be useful in this

 What we offer

 You are offered a full-time position for 4 years. The gross salary is in
 range between Û 2083,- and maximum Û 2664,- per month. The salary is
 with a holiday bonus of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8,3% per year.

 In addition we offer: a pension scheme, a partially paid parental leave,
 flexible employment conditions. Conditions are based on the Collective
 Labour Agreement Dutch Universities.

 We aim to start November 1, 2013 at the latest, but preferably sooner.

 In order to apply

 To apply please attach a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, and
 addresses of two referees. Make sure to also include a transcript of the
 you have followed (at bachelor and master level), with the grades you
 obtained, and to include a sample of your scientific writing, e.g., the
 pdf of
 your master thesis.

 It is possible to apply for this position if you are close to obtaining
 your Master's. In that case include a letter of your supervisor with an
 of your progress, and do not forget to include at least a sample of your
 technical writing skills.

 Application closes on the 20th of June 2013.

 For application, visit and
 follow the link to the official job application page at the bottom.

 Contact person

 For further information you can direct your inquiries to:

  Dr. Jurriaan Hage
  Phone: (+31) 30 253 3283
  e-mail: javascript:;.

[Haskell-cafe] question about singletons

2013-05-31 Thread TP
Hi all,

Following a discussion on Haskell Cafe some time ago (1), Roman C. wrote:

On the other hand, the type 'Succ 'Zero has kind 'Nat and doesn't have
any inhabitants — only types of kind * do.

Indeed, this is what seems to occur in the following example:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord )

main = do

let one = undefined :: 'Succ 'Zero
print one

We obtain an error (ghc 7.6.2):
Kind mis-match
Expected kind `OpenKind', but `Succ Zero' has kind `Nat'
In an expression type signature: Succ Zero
In the expression: undefined :: Succ Zero
In an equation for `one': one = undefined :: Succ Zero

(note that the error is slightly different in the HEAD version of GHC (2)).
Is it related to the sentence As bottom is an inhabitant of every type 
(though with some caveats concerning types of unboxed kind), bottoms can be 
used wherever a value of that type would be.  found at address (3)? Here we 
have a non-* kind, such that bottom would not be an inhabitant of ('Succ 
'Zero). Why is this so? This seems to be an assumed choice (4), but I would 
like to understand the reason for this design, which makes necessary to use 
singletons, as explained at (4).

Now, if I use a singleton to make my example work, I obtain an error when 
trying to make the type (Sing a) an instance of Show:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord )

data Sing :: a - *

deriving instance Show (Sing a)

main = do

let one = undefined :: Sing ('Succ 'Zero)
print one

The error is simply:

test_noinhabitant_corrected.hs: Void showsPrec






Expected a type, but ‛Succ Zero’ has kind ‛Nat’
In an expression type signature: Succ Zero
In the expression: undefined :: Succ Zero
In an equation for ‛one’: one = undefined :: Succ Zero



Both numeric and symbol literal types are empty---they have no inhabitants. 
However, they may be used as parameters to other type constructors, which 
makes them useful. 

A singleton type is simply a type that has only one interesting inhabitant.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Two GHC-related GSoC Proposals

2013-05-31 Thread Thomas Schilling
[I'll be the mentor for this GSoC project.]

I used the MVar approach a while ago and so did Simon Marlow's
original solution.  Using MVars and Threads for this should scale well
enough (1000s of modules) and be relatively straightforward.
Error/exception handling could be a bit tricky, but you could use (or
copy ideas from) the 'async' package to deal with that.

 / Thomas

On 30 May 2013 18:51, Ryan Newton wrote:
 What's the plan for what control / synchronization structures you'll use in
 part 2 of the plan to implement a parallel driver?

 Is the idea just to use an IO thread for each compile and block them on
 MVars when they encounter dependencies?  Or you can use a pool of worker
 threads and a work queue, and only add modules to the work queue when all
 their dependencies are met (limits memory use)... many options for executing
 a task DAG.  Fortunately the granularity is coarse.


 On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 10:34 PM, Patrick Palka

 Good points. I did not take into account whether proposal #2 may be worth
 it in light of -fllvm. I suppose that even if the LLVM codegen is able to
 perform similar optimizations, it would still be beneficial to implement
 proposal #2 as a core-to-core pass because the transformations it performs
 would expose new information to subsequent core-to-core passes. Also,
 Haskell has different overflow rules than C does (whose rules I assume
 LLVM's optimizations are modeled from): In Haskell, integer overflow is
 undefined for all integral types, whereas in C it's only undefined for
 signed integral types. This limits the number of optimizations a C-based
 optimizer can perform on unsigned arithmetic.

 I'm not sure how I would break up the parallel compilation proposal into
 multiple self-contained units of work. I can only think of two units: making
 GHC thread safe, and writing the new parallel compilation driver. Other
 incidental units may come up during development (e.g. parallel compilation
 might exacerbate #4012), but I still feel that three months of full time
 work is ample time to complete the project, especially with existing
 familiarity with the code base.

 Thanks for the feedback.

 On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Carter Schonwald wrote:

 Hey Patrick,
 both are excellent ideas for work that would be really valuable for the
 (independent of whether or not they can be made into GSOC sided chunks )

 I'm actually hoping to invest some time this summer investigating
 improving the numerics optimization story in ghc. This is in large part
 because I'm writing LOTs of numeric codes in haskell presently (hopefully on
 track to make some available to the community ).

 That said, its not entirely obvious (at least to me) what a tractable
 focused GSOC sized subset of the numerics optimization improvement would be,
 and that would have to also be a subset that has real performance impact and
 doesn't benefit from eg using -fllvm rather than -fasm .

 For helping pave the way to better parallel builds, what are some self
 contained units of work on ghc (or related work on cabal) that might be
 tractable over a summer? If you can put together a clear roadmap of work
 chunks that are tractable over the course of the summer, I'd favor choosing
 that work, especially if you can give a clear outline of the plan per chunk
 and how to evaluate the success of each unit of work.

 basically: while both are high value projects, helping improve the
 parallel build tooling (whether in performance or correctness or both!) has
 a more obvious scope of community impact, and if you can layout a clear plan
 of work that GHC folks agree with and seems doable, i'd favor that project

 hope this feedback helps you sort out project ideas


 On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Patrick Palka


 I'm interested in participating in the GSoC by improving GHC with one of
 these two features:

 1) Implement native support for compiling modules in parallel (see
 #910). This will involve making the compilation pipeline thread-safe,
 implementing the logic for building modules in parallel (with an emphasis 
 keeping compiler output deterministic), and lots of testing and
 benchmarking. Being able to seamlessly build modules in parallel will
 shorten the time it takes to recompile a project and will therefore improve
 the life of every GHC user.

 2) Improve existing constant folding, strength reduction and peephole
 optimizations on arithmetic and logical expressions, and optionally
 implement a core-to-core pass for optimizing nested comparisons (relevant
 tickets include #2132,#5615,#4101). GHC currently performs some of these
 simplifications (via its BuiltinRule framework), but there is a lot of room
 for improvement. For instance, the core for this snippet is essentially
 identical to the Haskell source:

 foo :: 

[Haskell-cafe] Performance difference between Linux and Windows?

2013-05-31 Thread James Jones
I've been having a great deal of fun writing a program to solve this year's
Code Jam Fair and Squareproblem in Haskell (and learning about Haskell in
the process). Having gotten it to work, I've been optimizing it as best I
can. I'm not quite in Captain Ahab mode, but before I let it go I would
like to find out what's behind a difference I've seen compiling and running
the program under Linux and under Windows 7.

Profiling it under Linux (compiled with GHC 7.4.1), it had a total
allocation of 165,375,112 bytes. I had an opportunity to compile and run on
Windows 7, with GHC 7.4.2. I expected it to run faster, since the Windows
computer had a 3.1 GHz i7 and my Linux computer has a 2.8 GHz AMD Propus,
but what I didn't expect was that the total allocation on the Windows
version was 88,438,372 bytes!

Thinking it might be due to a compiler improvement, I upgraded my Linux
computer to Ubuntu 13.04 so I could get a newer GHC, but it didn't make
much difference: total allocation 163,248,688 bytes.

So, I'm wondering: what is it about either the Windows implementation or
GHC 7.4.2 in particular that would make a factor of two difference in
memory allocation? Should anyone wish to compile the program, let me know
the best way to make the source available and I will happily do so; I also
use Twan van Laarhoven's semilattice search tree code available at

James Jones
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Job opening Ph D student in type error diagnosis for domain specific languages in Haskell

2013-05-31 Thread Jurriaan Hage
Dear Haskellers,

Apologies in case you have received multiple copies. 


VACANCY : 1x Phd Student in domain specific type error diagnosis for Haskell

The activities of the Software Systems division at Utrecht University include 
research on programming methodologies, compiler construction, and program 
analysis, validation, and verification. For information about the research 
group of Software Technology, see:

Financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), we
currently have a job opening for:

 * 1x PhD researcher (Ph D student) Software Technology

Domain-specific languages (DSLs) have the potential both to reduce the effort 
programming, and to result in programs that are easier to understand and 
maintain. For various good reasons, researchers have proposed to embed DSLs
(then called EDSLs) into a general purpose host language. An important 
disadvantage of such an embedding is that it is very hard to make type error 
diagnosis domain-aware, because inconsistencies are by default explained in 
terms of the host language. We are currently looking for a highly motivated 
Ph D student to investigate this problem in the context of the functional 
language Haskell. 

The basic approach is to scale the concept of specialized type rules as 
developed by (Heeren, Hage and Swierstra, ICFP '03, see link below) for 
Haskell '98 to modern day Haskell with all of its type system extensions. 
The work is both technically challenging, i.e., how do you ensure that 
modifications to the type diagnositic process do not inadvertently change the 
type system, and practically immediately useful:  making domain-specific type 
error diagnosis a reality for a full sized language such as Haskell is likely 
to have a pervasive influence on the field of domain-specific languages, and 
the language Haskell.

The ICFP '03 paper can be found at

A project paper that describes the context and aims of the current project can 
be found here:

At first, the work will be prototyped in our own Utrecht Haskell Compiler. If
succesfull, the work will also make its way into the GHC.

We expect the candidate to communicate the results academically, to present the 
work at scientific conferences, to supervise Master students, and to assist in 
teaching courses at Bachelor or Master level.

What we are looking for

The candidate should have an MSc in Computer Science, be highly motivated, 
speak and write English very well, and be proficient in producing scientific
reports. Knowledge of and experience with at least one of the following two
areas is essential:

  * functional programming, and Haskell in particular
  * type system concepts

Furthermore, we expect the candidate to be able to reason formally.
Experience in compiler construction is expected to be useful in this project.

What we offer

You are offered a full-time position for 4 years. The gross salary is in the 
range between € 2083,- and maximum € 2664,- per month. The salary is 
with a holiday bonus of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8,3% per year. 

In addition we offer: a pension scheme, a partially paid parental leave, 
flexible employment conditions. Conditions are based on the Collective 
Labour Agreement Dutch Universities.

We aim to start November 1, 2013 at the latest, but preferably sooner.

In order to apply

To apply please attach a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, and (email)
addresses of two referees. Make sure to also include a transcript of the courses
you have followed (at bachelor and master level), with the grades you
obtained, and to include a sample of your scientific writing, e.g., the pdf of
your master thesis.

It is possible to apply for this position if you are close to obtaining
your Master's. In that case include a letter of your supervisor with an estimate
of your progress, and do not forget to include at least a sample of your
technical writing skills.

Application closes on the 20th of June 2013.

For application, visit and
follow the link to the official job application page at the bottom.

Contact person

For further information you can direct your inquiries to:

 Dr. Jurriaan Hage
 Phone: (+31) 30 253 3283 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] question about singletons

2013-05-31 Thread Richard Eisenberg
Hi TP,

You bring up a few interesting points in your email.

(A note to those who have visited this playground before: to keep things
sane, let's just pretend that the kind # doesn't exist. Of course, if you
don't know about kind #, then you're a step ahead of the rest of us! While
you're at it, forget about the kind `Constraint` also.)

* Types at kind other than * do not have any inhabitants -- in fact, some
people would hesitate to call type-like things at kind other than * types!
(Though, I will call these things types because there's just not another
good moniker. Type-level data? Type indices? Type constructors? All are
somehow lacking.) Let's start with a more familiar example: Maybe. To form
an inhabited type, we must apply Maybe to something. So, we can have values
of type (Maybe Int) and values of type (Maybe Bool), but not values of plain
old type (Maybe). That's because Maybe has kind (* - *), not kind *.
Another way to say this is what I said above: Maybe requires something
(something at kind *, specifically) to become a proper, inhabited type. And,
even though we say `undefined` exists at all types, that's a bit of a
simplification. `undefined` exists at all types _of kind *_. The full type
of `undefined` is `forall (a :: *). a`. Thus, we can't have `undefined` at
Maybe, because Maybe is not of kind *.

This argument extends directly to where we have types derived from promoted
data constructors. The type 'Zero has kind Nat, not *, so 'Zero is
uninhabitable, even by `undefined`.

(When I first wandered down this road, I was confused by this too. Part of
the confusion was somehow deciding that * had some vague association with *
as used on the command line -- a notation that could expand to something
else. This is totally, completely, and in every way False. In at least one
other programming language [Coq], what Haskell spells * is spelled `Type`.
[Well, almost.])

When I am programming with promoted data constructors, I often find the
following definition useful:

 data Proxy a = P

With PolyKinds, the type constructor Proxy has kind `forall k. k - *`. So,
if we need to quickly make a value associated with the type 'Zero, we can
just use `Proxy 'Zero`. Because Proxy is kind-polymorphic, this works just

Why have the restriction that kinds other than * are uninhabited? Well, for
one, (-) would be a strange beast indeed if other types could be inhabited.
What would be the kind of (-)? I don't want to think about it. We also have
the nice maxim that every type that appears to the right of a :: must be of
kind *.

* Singletons are a useful mechanism for type-level programming. But, there
is more to singletons than just defining `Sing` as you have. Instead, you
should import the definitions from GHC.TypeLits, which comes with singleton
definitions for the built-in Nat and Symbol kinds. One drawback of the
built-in Nat and Symbol kinds is that they are not recursively defined; you
can't pattern-match on them. So, if you want your own Nat, you can define a
singleton like this:

 data SNat :: Nat - * where
   SZero :: SNat 'Zero
   SSucc :: SNat n - SNat ('Succ n)

Now, you can have values that are tightly associated with types. Yay!

* Why did you get that error with `show`? Because the `Sing` type you
defined is uninhabited -- not because it has a funny kind, but because it
has no constructors. So, when a `Show` instance is derived, the `show`
method just fails -- GHC knows `show` at type `Sing` cannot be called
because there are no `Sing`s. Then, when you subvert this logic by using
`undefined`, the derived `show` method doesn't quite know what to do with

I hope this helps! I do have to say I'm impressed, TP, by your intrepid
path of discovery down this road. You're asking all the right questions!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of TP
Sent: 31 May 2013 13:58
Subject: [Haskell-cafe] question about singletons

Hi all,

Following a discussion on Haskell Cafe some time ago (1), Roman C. wrote:

On the other hand, the type 'Succ 'Zero has kind 'Nat and doesn't have any
inhabitants — only types of kind * do.

Indeed, this is what seems to occur in the following example:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord )

main = do

let one = undefined :: 'Succ 'Zero
print one

We obtain an error (ghc 7.6.2):
Kind mis-match
Expected kind `OpenKind', but `Succ Zero' has kind `Nat'
In an expression type signature: Succ Zero
In the expression: undefined :: Succ Zero
In an equation for `one': one = undefined :: Succ Zero

(note that the error is slightly different in the HEAD version of GHC (2)).
Is it related to the sentence As bottom is an inhabitant of every type
(though with some caveats concerning types of 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Performance difference between Linux and Windows?

2013-05-31 Thread Krzysztof Skrzętnicki
The difference is roughly 2x, which suggests difference in Int/pointer
sizes: 32bit vs 64bit. Indeed, only since 7.6.1. GHC supports compiling 64
bit executables on Windows ( That means that in
fact you compare 32 bit vs 64 bit programs.

I didn't have a look at the code so this is just a wild guess.

Best regards,
Krzysztof Skrzętnicki

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 3:26 PM, James Jones wrote:

 I've been having a great deal of fun writing a program to solve this
 year's Code Jam Fair and Squareproblem in Haskell (and learning about
 Haskell in the process). Having gotten it to work, I've been optimizing it
 as best I can. I'm not quite in Captain Ahab mode, but before I let it go I
 would like to find out what's behind a difference I've seen compiling and
 running the program under Linux and under Windows 7.

 Profiling it under Linux (compiled with GHC 7.4.1), it had a total
 allocation of 165,375,112 bytes. I had an opportunity to compile and run on
 Windows 7, with GHC 7.4.2. I expected it to run faster, since the Windows
 computer had a 3.1 GHz i7 and my Linux computer has a 2.8 GHz AMD Propus,
 but what I didn't expect was that the total allocation on the Windows
 version was 88,438,372 bytes!

 Thinking it might be due to a compiler improvement, I upgraded my Linux
 computer to Ubuntu 13.04 so I could get a newer GHC, but it didn't make
 much difference: total allocation 163,248,688 bytes.

 So, I'm wondering: what is it about either the Windows implementation or
 GHC 7.4.2 in particular that would make a factor of two difference in
 memory allocation? Should anyone wish to compile the program, let me know
 the best way to make the source available and I will happily do so; I also
 use Twan van Laarhoven's semilattice search tree code available at

 James Jones

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] lifted-base linking failure with GHC HEAD

2013-05-31 Thread Mateusz Kowalczyk
Hash: SHA1


I'm attempting to build lifted-base (as a dependency for ghc-mod) but
cabal-install fails every time during the linking phase. I pasted the
full log of `cabal install lifted-base --verbose' to hpaste at [1].
I'm attempting to build it with GHC HEAD.

Now, I should note that I have different directories for each ghc
version in my ~. So, for ghc 7.6.3 I would have ~/ghc-7.6.3 with
appropriate bin, lib etc. in there. I thought that might have made
`ld' confused but I just tried to `cabal install lifted-base' with
7.6.3 and it succeeded.

Any ideas about what might be wrong?

[1] -
- -- 
Mateusz K.
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] mapFst and mapSnd

2013-05-31 Thread Alexander Solla
On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 10:56 PM, Tony Morris wrote:

 class BinaryFunctor f where
   bimap :: (a - c) - (b - d) - f a b - f c d

 mapFst = (`bimap id`)
 mapSnd = bimap id

There's a bifunctors package with:

class Bifunctor f where
bimap :: ...
first :: a - b - f a c - f b c
second :: b - c - f a b - f a c
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Simplest way to learn FRP through use

2013-05-31 Thread Christopher Howard
I want to learn FRP but am having trouble wading through all the theory
about how FRP is implemented and how it /could/ be used for various
applications. What is the simplest, easiest-to-learn module or system
allowing you to quickly make something interesting (if not very
impressive) in an FRP style? Say, a simple simulation of some physical
phenomena outputting its state to the terminal; or an object moving on
the screen; or some other toy application that I could create and play with.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simplest way to learn FRP through use

2013-05-31 Thread Tikhon Jelvis
My favorite mini app is John Conway's game of life. I implemented a version
with reactive banana and found it perfect for learning the ideas.

I have a simple version of the code up on GitHub if you ever want a nice
example to read. I tried to make the code neat rather than worrying about
performance or features.
On May 31, 2013 8:43 PM, Christopher Howard wrote:

 I want to learn FRP but am having trouble wading through all the theory
 about how FRP is implemented and how it /could/ be used for various
 applications. What is the simplest, easiest-to-learn module or system
 allowing you to quickly make something interesting (if not very
 impressive) in an FRP style? Say, a simple simulation of some physical
 phenomena outputting its state to the terminal; or an object moving on
 the screen; or some other toy application that I could create and play


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simplest way to learn FRP through use

2013-05-31 Thread Tommy Thorn
Unless I am missing something, The Haskell School of Expression has an 
introduction to it.


On May 31, 2013, at 20:41 , Christopher Howard wrote:

 I want to learn FRP but am having trouble wading through all the theory
 about how FRP is implemented and how it /could/ be used for various
 applications. What is the simplest, easiest-to-learn module or system
 allowing you to quickly make something interesting (if not very
 impressive) in an FRP style? Say, a simple simulation of some physical
 phenomena outputting its state to the terminal; or an object moving on
 the screen; or some other toy application that I could create and play with.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list