Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type hierarchy

2013-01-16 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 11:22 PM, Thiago Negri  wrote:

> The C spec allows the use of GLboolean values where GLenums are expected.

Some fixes off the top of my head (caveats apply):

* define a lift :: GLboolean -> GLenum
* use a typeclass GLenumlike
* if there aren't too many of them, roll a GLboolean specific function for
every one taking GLenum

-- Kim-Ee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: monad-bool 0.1

2013-01-23 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 5:28 PM, Felipe Almeida Lessa <> wrote:

> don't worry about asking the mailing list beforehand (unless you want to,
> of course).

Just a cursory sweep of this thread reveals so much learning and discovery
taking place that would be utterly lost should a self-censoring arrant
pedantry take hold.

Props to John for motivating the use case (on haskell-cafe, no less!) for
monad-bool that sparked this discussion in the first place. Half of the
time, I can't tell what problem a package is trying to solve. I look
forward to seeing more of his contributions.

-- Kim-Ee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: monad-bool 0.1

2013-01-23 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 6:23 AM, wren ng thornton  wrote:

> NotOnHackage: a "package" repository just like
> Hackage, except the packages are just documentation on why there is no
> such package.

Love the idea! It'll make us even more unique among other PLs and even more
ways to be smug:

"A bigger set of libraries? So what? Haskell's the only one with a
/negative/ repo. Eat your heart out, Python!" ;)

-- Kim-Ee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parser left recursion

2013-02-24 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 7:09 PM, Roman Cheplyaka  wrote:

> Thus, your
> recursion is well-founded — you enter the recursion with the input
> strictly smaller than you had in the beginning.

Perhaps you meant /productive/ corecursion? Because the definition "A ::= B
A" you gave is codata.

-- Kim-Ee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parser left recursion

2013-02-24 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 7:47 PM, Roman Cheplyaka  wrote:

> Or perhaps you meant that the production itself, when interpreted as a
> definition, is corecursive?

I was merely thrown off by your mention of "well-founded" and the assertion
that you're left with a "strictly smaller" input. I don't see any of this.

That's when I remembered that well-founded recursion (a desirable) is
sometimes confused with productive corecursion (another desirable).

-- Kim-Ee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parser left recursion

2013-02-24 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 8:03 PM, Roman Cheplyaka  wrote:

> It may become more obvious if you try to write two recursive descent
> parsers (as recursive functions) which parse a left-recursive and a
> non-left-recursive grammars, and see in which case the recursion is
> well-founded and why.

Which grammar are we discussing here? The one you outlined?

A ::= B A

As I pointed out earlier, this doesn't model a program (e.g. a compiler).
It's an OS! What am I missing?

-- Kim-Ee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parser left recursion

2013-02-24 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 10:04 PM, Tillmann Rendel <> wrote:

> The recursion is well-founded if (drop n1 text) is smaller then text. So
> we have two cases, as Roman wrote:
> If the language defined by B contains the empty string, then n1 can be 0,
> so the recursion is not well-founded and the parser might loop.

Ah! So "A ::= B A" is really /not/ the full grammar of the language but an
abbreviated one, minus terminals. At the very least, partial parses make
sense and the input stream is assumed finite.

Because "A ::= B A" could be understood, not so much as a parsing rule, but
as the full definition of a language which comprises only one word: B
... ad infinitum. So all that mention of well-foundedness was confusing.

Thanks, Tillmann!

-- Kim-Ee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] RFC: rewrite-with-location proposal

2013-02-25 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 9:42 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones

> One idea I had, which that page does not yet describe, is to have an
> implicit parameter,
> something like ?loc::Location**

Implicit params has a bad rap in some circles because of counterintuitive
behavior when manually binding the parameter (the syntax is partly to

Since ?loc is never bound by hand, there should be no problems.

-- Kim-Ee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Open-source projects for beginning Haskell students?

2013-03-12 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
Question is: does the task even have to involve the the production of
Haskell code?

Is it possible that both the student and the community-at-large would
benefit further from expository-style artifacts?

Some possible activities:

(1) producing documentation for popular packages that cater to
different learning styles (e.g. styles: Little Schemer, RWH, LYAHFGG,

(2) survey of the various approaches taken by similar packages,
explaining the different choices taken

(3) cheatsheets, whether of GHC extensions, packages, syntax, commonly
used functions, etc.

These don't have to be harder than they sound. Option (2) in
particular could be e.g. a table listing the type signatures of the
various Iteratee packages with regard to Iteratee, Enumerator, and
Enumeratee. Or how a four-line Unix cat is implemented across them.

It's been said that a good teacher doesn't cover material, he
/uncovers/ them, i.e. the few core ideas that underpin everything.

Well, Haskell is just this heap of everything that's pretty hard to dig under.

Failing which, the indefatigable teacher would do well showing how the
student can teach themselves.

-- Kim-Ee

On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 10:48 PM, Brent Yorgey  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am currently teaching a half-credit introductory Haskell class for
> undergraduates.  This is the third time I've taught it.  Both of the
> previous times, for their final project I gave them the option of
> contributing to an open-source project; a couple groups/individuals
> took me up on it and I think it ended up being a modest success.
> So I'd like to do it again this time around, and am looking for
> particular projects I can suggest to them.  Do you have an open-source
> project with a few well-specified tasks that a relative beginner (see
> below) could reasonably make a contribution towards in the space of
> about four weeks? I'm aware that most tasks don't fit that profile,
> but even complex projects usually have a few "simple-ish" tasks that
> haven't yet been done just because "no one has gotten around to it
> yet".
> If you have any such projects, I'd love to hear about it!  Just send
> me a paragraph or so describing your project and explaining what
> task(s) you could use help with --- something that I could put on the
> course website for students to look at.
> Here are a few more details:
> * The students will be working on the projects from approximately the
>   end of this month through the end of April.  During the next two
>   weeks they would be contacting you to discuss the possibility of
>   working on your project.
> * By "relative beginner" I mean someone familiar with the material
>   listed here: and just
>   trying to come to terms with Applicative and Monad.  They definitely
>   do not know much if anything about optimization/profiling, GADTs,
>   the mtl, or Haskell-programming-in-the-large.  (Although part of the
>   point of the project is to teach them a bit about
>   programming-in-the-(medium/large)).
> * What I would hope from you is a willingness to exchange email and/or
>   chat with the student(s) over the course of the project, to give
>   them a bit of guidance/mentoring.  I am certainly willing to help on
>   that front, but of course I probably don't know much about your
>   particular project.
> Thanks!
> -Brent
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Need some advice around lazy IO

2013-03-19 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Konstantin Litvinenko
> Yes. You (and Dan) are totally right. 'Let' just bind expression, not
> evaluating it. Dan's evaluate trick force rnf to run before hClose. As I
> said - it's tricky part especially for newbie like me :)

To place this in perspective, one only needs to descend one or two
more layers before the semantics starts confusing even experts.

Whereas the difference between seq and evaluate shouldn't be too hard
to grasp, that between evaluate and (return $!) is considerably more
subtle, as Edward Yang notified us 10 days ago. See the thread titled
To seq or not to seq.

-- Kim-Ee

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parsec community and up-to-date documentation

2013-03-24 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 5:19 AM, Konstantine Rybnikov  wrote:
> as a beginner had a lot of headache starting from outdated documentation in
> various places, lack of more tutorials, confusion between Text.Parsec and
> Text.ParseCombinator modules and so on.

You're indeed right.

> While I solved most of my problems via googling / reading stackoverflow /
> reading source code (of outdated version first, btw, the one I got from
> Daan's homepage :),  I still had a feeling all the time that I'm doing
> something wrong and that I can't find place where "party is going on".

If you look at the dates of the papers on Wikipedia [1], the party was
totally hoppin' in the last decade of the previous century. Not so
much since. Sigh.

> So I wondered, what can I do to create a community around Parsec, to get
> issue tracking, pull-requests, up-to-date comprehensive documentation and
> tutorials etc.? Parsec seems like a perfect candidate for something like
> this.

While the experience is still fresh in your mind, may I suggest that
you write a note or two on the most confusing things you encountered
and how you dealt with them? Making your notes public is a way of
gathering a community around shared experiences.

Also, the denizens of the haskell IRC at freenode will gladly converse
with you about parsec. The same goes for subscribers to this list and
also haskell-beginners.


-- Kim-Ee

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell is a declarative language? Let's see how easy it is to declare types of things.

2013-04-03 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
Hi Tillmann,

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:59 PM, Tillmann Rendel
> From the type-theoretic point of view, I guess this is related to your view
> of what a polymorphic function is.

Do you have a reference to the previous conversation?

> but we moved further and further towards the System-F-ish view that 
> polymorphism is an explicit, computational thing.

While that may be true, I read the original email as merely referring
to the explicit annotation of types (where they are customarily
neither seen nor written) as a particular pedagogical approach for new
students, something which has much to recommend for.

Which seems miles away from what you're alluding to. Full-blown
type-level programming? Operational semantics at the type-level? I'm
not sure.

-- Kim-Ee

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Possible GSoC project

2013-04-04 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 10:03 PM, Ketil Malde  wrote:
> Not very much, some knowledge of string edit distance and dynamic programming 
> would be good, but if not, it's something I can straighten out with a student 
> in an afternoon, I think.

Just a suggestion:

People love quizzes and brain teasers. (Remember those google billboards?)

If you could blog briefly (expository-style) about this with links to
further reading, and more importantly, include "challenges" in the
bottom-half, I bet you could get some buzz circulating. Especially if
you manage those all-important bragging rights!

-- Kim-Ee

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC Project Proposal: Markdown support for Haddock

2013-04-04 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 3:04 AM, Simon Heath  wrote:
> I humbly suggest reStructuredText rather than Markdown, which is what
> is used by the Python community for documentation.  Since it's specifically
> made for documentation it may be nicer.  But, I don't want to spark
> a format argument.

Could you say something about /why/ you make the suggestion? I, for
one, would be happy to google and read links, but what's missing from
that experience would be input from a fellow haskeller. In context. In
real-time. On topic.

-- Kim-Ee

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC Project Proposal: Markdown support for Haddock

2013-04-04 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
> I don't think so; this was one of the big issues recently when people
> were trying to get Gruber to actually _do_ something with Markdown as
> there were all these corner cases.

In that case, surely this is an opportunity to convene a committee (a
la H98) to craft a formal spec?

-- Kim-Ee

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell is a declarative language? Let's see how easy it is to declare types of things.

2013-04-04 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
(Folks, let's rescue this increasingly tendentious thread.)

Some points to ponder:

(1) "Any" can be often be clarified to mean "all", depending on how
polymorphic functions are exegeted. In a homotopy-flavored explanation
of natural transformation, its components (read "parametric
instances") exist /all at once/ like the collinear rays of a rainbow.
So given this:

> f :: Bool -> t
> f True = 'x'
> f False = 'y'

nope, no rainbow. :(

> ... the aftermath flame war of "why didn't you say it earlier?" "because it's 
> obvious!" "no it's not!" "yes it is!" "is not!" "but all mathematicians find 
> it obvious!" "well then I am not a mathematician and will never be!"

And more to the point, an excellent learning environment requires
empathy from all participants, juniors and seniors alike. Where
diversity is celebrated as a source of new ideas and new ways to
explain old ones. And where the coupling between the two is as
gut-obvious as day and night.


> prove or disprove:
>   for all e>0, there exists d>0,
> if 0
> I grant you that clearly the implicit quantifiers for a and b are "for all".
> The unclear part is where to put them. There are essentially 4 choices

That's a stretch.

It's all in the context, and here it's clearly a continuity
verification exercise from freshman calculus. Unless being
deliberately obtuse, one has no excuse not inferring where the
quantifiers go if one knows about a theorem prover, what more wielding
one to nuke this gnat of a proof.

Moreover, if we grant the imaginary student the rudiments of logic, 3
of the 4 "choices" render the statement vacuously true. Almost. Set d
to deny the antecedent, QED.

I partly agree with Albert's main point, notwithstanding his choice of
examples, that the absence of explicit quantifiers can lead to
confusion. It all depends.

On the other hand Alexander Solla is also on the money with his
remark. A mathematician writes [1], "In particular, any given
assertion in hard analysis usually comes with a number of unsightly
quantifiers (For every there exists an N…) which can require some
thought for a reader to parse."

(3) Newspaper headline: Someone gets hit by a car every 6 seconds.

A few months ago, a good chunk of Devlin's Intro to Math Thinking
massive online course devoted itself to explicit and precise placement
of quantifiers. So not only is the above headline judged improperly
worded and hence badly ambiguous, but also commonplaces like "In case
of fire do not use elevator."

I'm a fervent believer against ambiguity: Let zealotry take its place.


-- Kim-Ee

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] code-as-config, run-time checks and error locations

2013-04-06 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 12:23 AM, Steffen Schuldenzucker
> For the moment I think it would be enough to auto-insert the location of
> calls to a certain set of functions.

Have you tried assert [1]?


-- Kim-Ee

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] meaning of "referential transparency"

2013-04-06 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 12:43 AM, Henning Thielemann
> Can someone enlighten me about the origin of the term "referential
> transparency"? I can lookup the definition of "referential transparency" in
> the functional programming sense in the Haskell Wiki and I can lookup the
> meaning of "reference" and "transparency" in a dictionary, but I don't know
> why these words were chosen as name for this defined property.

Instead of a immaculately precise definition, may I suggest going
about it from the practical benefits POV? RT matters so much in
Haskell because of the engineering leverage it gives us. Bird's Pearls
are a good source of Why Equational Reasoning Matters.

-- Kim-Ee

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] meaning of "referential transparency"

2013-04-06 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
Should probably include the Reddit convo ongoing as we speak (zomg, it's live!):

Not everyone here is a regular there.

-- Kim-Ee

On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 1:21 AM, Eli Frey  wrote:
> Links
> SO:
> Reddit discussions of said SO question.
> This was a fascinating exchange and I'm glad to be reminded to revisit it
> :).
> On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 11:13 AM, Kim-Ee Yeoh  wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 12:43 AM, Henning Thielemann
>>  wrote:
>> > Can someone enlighten me about the origin of the term "referential
>> > transparency"? I can lookup the definition of "referential transparency"
>> > in
>> > the functional programming sense in the Haskell Wiki and I can lookup
>> > the
>> > meaning of "reference" and "transparency" in a dictionary, but I don't
>> > know
>> > why these words were chosen as name for this defined property.
>> Instead of a immaculately precise definition, may I suggest going
>> about it from the practical benefits POV? RT matters so much in
>> Haskell because of the engineering leverage it gives us. Bird's Pearls
>> are a good source of Why Equational Reasoning Matters.
>> -- Kim-Ee
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is there an escape from MonadState+MonadIO+MonadError monad stack?

2013-04-06 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 4:22 AM, Ömer Sinan Ağacan  wrote:
> I'm a hobbyist Haskell programmer and my use of Haskell is mostly
> consists of writing interpreters, simple virtual machines, and type
> checkers.
> One thing I'm not happy about my Haskell programs is, almost all of my
> programs have a monad transformer stack consisting MonadError, MonadIO
> and MonadState.

Welcome! Hobbyist Haskellers writing VMs and type checkers are a
critical part of the community and what sets us apart.

Not as well-known as it should be is the fact that GHC doesn't make
much use of monad transformers. Have you taken a look at the sources?
That might provide ideas on future ways of structuring your

Also, what precisely are the infelicities with monad transformers in
your code? Depth of stack? Forced type annotation? Syntax inflation
due to extra lift* functions?

Monad transformers provide an abstraction which may not be necessary
for some apps. But it's easy to write something and then suddenly, the
need for generalization kicks in.

-- Kim-Ee

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] code-as-config, run-time checks and error locations

2013-04-06 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 4:37 AM, Steffen Schuldenzucker
> Reading through that now...
> [1]

If you're reading that page, you probably also want to get up to speed
on the latest. The thread titled "RFC: rewrite-with-location proposal"
just ended recently [1].


-- Kim-Ee

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is there an escape from MonadState+MonadIO+MonadError monad stack?

2013-04-07 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 5:03 AM, Ömer Sinan Ağacan  wrote:
> That's interesting, thanks! Do you have any recommendations about
> which file to start reading? AFAIK, GHC is _huge_.

Without a discussion of your interests, it's hard to say. Certainly,
I'd set up the reading environment, namely an editor that can traverse
from usage to point of definition and back.

An interesting idea that occurred to me is to start with the file with
the largest comments to code ratio.

-- Kim-Ee

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] NaN as Integer value

2013-04-14 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 3:28 PM, wren ng thornton  wrote:
> Whereas the problematic
> values due to infinities are overspecified, so no matter which answer you
> pick it's guaranteed to be the wrong answer half the time.
> Part of this whole problem comes from the fact that floats *do* decide to
> give a meaning to 1/0 (namely Infinity).

I'm not sure what you mean about overspecification here, but in
setting 1/0 as +infinity (as opposed to -infinity), there's an easily
overlooked assumption that the limit is obtained "from above" as
opposed to "from below."

-- Kim-Ee

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why were datatype contexts removed instead of "fixing them"?

2013-04-25 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Joe Quinn wrote:

> data Foo a where
>   Foo :: Eq a => a -> Foo a

is equivalent to

data Foo a = Eq a => Foo a

but is different from

data Eq a => Foo a = Foo a

(Yup, tripped up a few of us already!)

-- Kim-Ee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Markdown extension for Haddock as a GSoC project

2013-04-28 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 8:42 AM, Alexander Solla wrote:

> I've been scoffed at during interviews for saying I solve problems on
> paper before I start typing!

That has to suck. I hope you're properly avenged when you find work in a
savvier, respectful competitor and KICK THEIR ASSES!

-- Kim-Ee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Release Candidates for Haskell Platform 2013.2

2013-05-13 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 9:39 PM, Mark Lentczner wrote:

> *Some of the release candidates for Haskell Platform 2013.2 are up.*

Kudos! Exactly 7 days from the scheduled date, as stated. Hope to give them
a whirl once the other OSes are baked.

-- Kim-Ee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Identity of indiscernibles

2013-08-08 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 11:05 PM, Tom Ellis <> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 08, 2013 at 03:38:41PM +0200, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:
> > >One could simply implement IO as a free monad
> > Interesting. I wonder how.
> See [1] for an explanation of free monads in general.  For IO in
> particular,
> define a functor
> data IOF a = GetChar (Char -> a) | PutChar Char a | ...
> with constructors for all elementary IO operations.

If I understand correctly, you're proposing equality of (IO a) based on the
AST of imperatives, similar to what comes out of GCC's front-end for C [1].

In what way is this syntactical equality "reasonable"? Useful perhaps for
detecting C&P coding from befuddled undergrads?


-- Kim-Ee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative name for return

2013-08-09 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 7:40 AM, Timon Gehr  wrote:

>  You make the distinction between "evaluate",
> Which essentially means applying reduction rules to an expression until
> the result is a value.
>  and  "execute" or "run", etc. This is not functional.
> How would you know?

I think Jerzy is alluding to the fact that we don't have a denotational
semantics for IO. So I'm not sure I understand your response. Are you
pointing out that some subspace of IO programs admit such a semantics via
an easy inspection?

'putStr "c"' is a pure value.

This is the crux of the matter: "pure value" means different things to
different people.

Some employ it to mean an effectful monadic expression to distinguish
between getLine and (return "Hello"), both of type IO String.

Others use it to distinguish between an ordinary Haskell expression and,
say, C.

So when you write:

> 'unsafePerformIO (putStr "c")' is not a pure value.

I infer you're in the latter camp.

Would you then speak of 'effectful' values vs 'null-effectful' ones? What
oral syntax would you actually use?

-- Kim-Ee

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 7:40 AM, Timon Gehr  wrote:

> On 08/08/2013 01:19 AM, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:
>> Bardur Arantsson comments the comment of Joe Quinn:
>>> >On 8/7/2013 11:00 AM, David Thomas wrote:

> >>twice :: IO () -> IO ()
> >>twice x = x >> x
> >>
> >>I would call that evaluating x twice (incidentally creating two
> >>separate evaluations of one pure action description), but I'd like to
> >>better see your perspective here.
 >x is only evaluated once, but/executed/  twice. For IO, that means

 >magic. For other types, it means different things. For Identity, twice

>>> Your point being? x is the same thing regardless of how many times you
>>> run it.
>> What do you mean by "the same thing"? You cannot compare 'them' in any
>> reasonable sense.
>> ...
> (He is reasoning _about_ the language and not _within_ the language
> because Haskell does not support very powerful reasoning internally.)
>  ...
>> You make the distinction between "evaluate",
> Which essentially means applying reduction rules to an expression until
> the result is a value.
>  and  "execute" or "run", etc. This is not functional.
> How would you know?
>  Your program doesn't "run" anything, it
>> applies (>>=) (or equivalent) to an IO (...) object. This is the only
>> "practical evaluation" of it, otherwise it can  be passed (or duplicated
>> as above). But you cannot apply "bind" twice to the same instance of it
>> (in fact, as I said above, "the same instance"  is a bit suspicious
>> concept...).
>> ...
> Indeed, but you didn't say that above.
>  The "running" or "execution" takes place outside of your program. In
>> such a way Richard O'Keefe and I converge... That's why I say that the
>> concept of purity is meaningless in the discussed context.
> Not meaningless, but redundant. The point of having a purely functional
> programming language is to have reasoning based on purity be universally
> applicable.
>  It is a kind of counterfeit notion, inherited from "pure functions" to
>> something
>> which belongs to two different worlds.
>> ...
> 'putStr "c"' is a pure value.
> On the other hand:
> 'unsafePerformIO (putStr "c")' is not a pure value.
> (But this expression does not exist in standard Haskell. unsafePerformIO
> "unquotes" the action. You may be confusing the "quoted" and "unquoted"
> versions.)
> __**_
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Some philosophy (Was: Alternative name for return)

2013-08-09 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 10:44 PM, Jerzy Karczmarczuk <> wrote:

> I decided to reread some philosophical texts, and I suggest one for your
> evening reading.
> "Indiscrete Thoughts" by Gian-Carlo Rota, published by Birkhäuser in 1997.
> Available on the Web.

I'm rather fond of Rota's two volumes of musings. For the purpose of
furthering the quality of philosophizing, would it not be better served
citing the relevant chapters, if not the actual page numbers?

As you took note, the book covers a swathe of topics.

-- Kim-Ee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Looking for pointfree version

2009-02-11 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

On the same note, does anyone have ideas for the following snippet? Tried the
pointfree package but the output was useless.

pointwise op (x0,y0) (x1,y1) = (x0 `op` x1, y0 `op` y1)

Edsko de Vries wrote:
> Perfect! Beautiful. I was hoping there'd be a simple solution like that.
> Thanks!
> On 9 Feb 2009, at 14:31, Wouter Swierstra wrote:
>> How about using Data.Monoid:
>> down = downPar `mappend` downNew `mappend` downTrans

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] forall & ST monad

2009-02-15 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Peter Verswyvelen-2 wrote:
> I could try to read the article a couple of times again, but are there any
> other good readings about these existentially quantified types and how the
> ST monad works?

The primary source is if I'm not mistaken, the following 
"State in Haskell" paper:

Having said that, I'm not sure about the statement on page 9
that "readVar v simply does not have type forall s. ST s Bool." 
The variable v could be of type "forall s. MutVar s Bool", 
in which case all of "runST (readVar v)" typechecks.

The sticking point really arises from "runST (newVar True)". 
So there isn't really "the other way round", but rather only 
one way.

Am I misreading something? A minor nit, to be sure.

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Re: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Looking for pointfree version

2009-02-15 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

> import Control.Applicative
> data Pair a = a :*: a
> instance Functor Pair where
>   f `fmap` (x :*: y) = f x :*: f y
> instance Applicative Pair where
>   (f :*: g) <*> (x :*: y) = f x :*: f y

The last f needs to be a g.

>   pure x = x :*: x
> pointfree :: (a -> b -> c) -> Pair a -> Pair b -> Pair c
> --pointfree o x y = pure o <*> x <*> y
> pointfree = ((<*>) .) . (<*>) . pure
> -- in the applicative paper notation:
> --pointfree o x y = [| o x y |]

Very nice. Aside: I wonder how much work it would be to
extend the pointfree tool to infer such equalities?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] forall & ST monad

2009-02-16 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Peter Verswyvelen-2 wrote:
> I'm having trouble understanding the explanation of the meaning of the
> signature of runST at
> I could try to read the article a couple of times again, but are there any
> other good readings about these existentially quantified types and how the
> ST monad works?

Existential quantification can be discussed without reference to 
runST, and the more I reread the wikibooks link you gave, the 
more I'm convinced the runST section doesn't belong there.

The tenuous connection between them is higher-ranked types.
You can't do much with existential quantification without
invoking them. That one presupposes the other does not
necessitate its converse. Despite its rank-2 type, runST really
doesn't have anything to do with e.q.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] forall & ST monad

2009-02-16 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Correct. And under the hood, GHC does implement runST in its
existential dual form using a hidden State# type.

I wonder however, if we're wandering too far away from the
OP's query about grokking runST and "how the ST monad
works." I'd imagine that means he'd like to see how rank-2
polymorphism keeps different threads separated, something
which doesn't require existentials, much less the perforce
crippled (because constructivist) duality between the two
flavors of quantification.

Wolfgang Jeltsch-2 wrote:
> Am Montag, 16. Februar 2009 19:22 schrieb Wolfgang Jeltsch:
>> Am Montag, 16. Februar 2009 19:04 schrieb Kim-Ee Yeoh:
>> > Despite its rank-2 type, runST really doesn't have anything to do with
>> > existential quantification.
>> First, I thought so too but I changed my mind. To my knowledge a type
>> (forall a. T[a]) -> T' is equivalent to the type exists a. (T[a] -> T').
>> It’s the same as in predicate logic – Curry-Howard in action.
> Oops, this is probably not true. The statement holds for classical
> predicate 
> logic with only non-empty domains. But in constructivist logic only the
> first 
> of the above statements follows from the second, not the other way round.
> So 
> arguing with the Curry-Howard isomorphism fails and indeed, the two types
> are 
> not equivalent. There is just a function from the second to the first
> (it’s 
> the function application function ($) actually).

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] forall & ST monad

2009-02-19 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Jonathan Cast-2 wrote:
> Summary: Existential types are not enough for ST.  You need the rank 2
> type, to guarantee that *each* application of runST may (potentially)
> work with a different class of references.  (A different state thread).


What's going on in the example that you posted seems to be a 
stronger but still familiar version of "there exists", namely "there
exists exactly one" a.k.a. "there uniquely exists", often represented 
with exists-bang: "exists!".

The problem is that given

[1] exists! a. (U[a] ->V)

we can constructively derive

[2] (forall a. U[a]) -> V

even though the program/proof of [2] derived from [1] is 
deficient as you've explained.

In Haskell, the only existential quantification is exists-bang.
The weaker form of existence is sufficient to regain thread safety
for runST. Every application of a program of type 
(exists-w/o-bang a. U[a]) simply cannot assume that the (a) is 
always the same.

What would be a suitable logic for framing these kinds
of analyses I wonder?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] forall & ST monad

2009-02-19 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

There's a lot to chew on (thank you!), but I'll just take something 
I can handle for now.

Dan Doel wrote:
> An existential:
> exists a:T. P(a)
> is a pair of some a with type T and a proof that a satisfies P (which has
> type 
> P(a)). In Haskell, T is some kind, and P(a) is some type making use of a.
> That 
> doesn't mean that there is only one a:T for which P is satisfied. But it 
> *does* mean that for any particular proof of exists a:T. P(a), only one
> a:T is 
> involved. So if you can open that proof, then you know that that is the 
> particular a you're dealing with, which leads to the problems in the 
> grandparent.

re: Constructivity and the opening of a proof

A form of the theorem that the primes are infinite goes
"Given a finite set of primes, there's a prime bigger than any of them."

The usual proof is constructive since factorization is algorithmic,
but I don't see why a priori, applications of this theorem on a given input
should always yield the same prime when more than one factor exists.

Is non-deterministic choice forbidden in constructive math? A cursory
google seems to suggest that if not, it's at least a bête noire to some.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] forall & ST monad

2009-02-19 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Jonathan Cast-2 wrote:
> Taking the `let open' syntax from `First-class
> Modules for Haskell' [1], we can say
>   let open runST' = runST in
>   let
> ref = runST' $ newSTRef 0
> !() = runST' $ writeSTRef ref 1
> !() = runST' $ writeSTRef ref 2
>   in runST' $ readSTRef ref
> This type-checks because the let open gives us the *same* skolemized
> constant for s everywhere in the sequel.

One answer, of course, is to lift the skolem type-constant into a
kind of IO-like type-monad. Sort of like getLine :: IO String,
which is still "constant" in a way, since the program 
doesn't vary.

You'd then want kind-level functions like
returnK :: * -> M * and the rest. It would be interesting
to see this made explicit in System F.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] forall & ST monad

2009-02-20 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Wolfgang Jeltsch-2 wrote:
> Am Montag, 16. Februar 2009 19:22 schrieb Wolfgang Jeltsch:
>> First, I thought so too but I changed my mind. To my knowledge a type
>> (forall a. T[a]) -> T' is equivalent to the type exists a. (T[a] -> T').
>> It’s the same as in predicate logic – Curry-Howard in action.
> Oops, this is probably not true. The statement holds for classical
> predicate 
> logic with only non-empty domains.

Here's a counterexample, regardless of whether you're using 
constructive or classical logic, that (forall a. T[a]) -> T' does 
not imply exists a. (T[a] -> T').

Let a not exist, but T' true. Done.

My apologies for not catching this earlier.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] forall & ST monad

2009-02-25 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
> Now,
>(forall a. T[a]) -> S
> is clearly true while
>exists a. (T[a] -> S)
> should be nonsense: having one example of a marble that is either red or
> blue does in no way imply that all of them are, at least constructively.
>  (It is true classically, but I forgot the name of the corresponding
> theorem.)

For the record, allow me to redress my earlier erroneous 
assertion by furnishing the proof for the classical case:

(forall a. T(a)) -> S
= not (forall a. T(a)) or S, by defn of implication
= not $ (forall a. T(a)) and (not S), by de Morgan's
= not $ forall a. T(a) and (not S), product rule???
= exists a. not (T(a)) or S, de Morgan's again
= exists a. T(a) -> S, by defn of implication

The only wrinkle is obviously in the logical "and"
of (not S) distributing under the universal quantifier.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functor and Haskell

2009-04-22 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Daryoush Mehrtash-2 wrote:
> I am not sure I follow how the endofunctor gave me the 2nd functor.
> As I read the transformation there are two catagories C and D and two
> functors F and G between the same two catagories.  My problem is that I
> only
> have one functor between the Hask and List catagories.  So where does the
> 2nd functor come into picture that also maps between the same C and D
> catagories?

singleton :: a -> [a]
singleton x = [x]

Here F is the identity functor, and G is the list functor. And yes, C=D=
category of (a subset of) Haskell types.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functor and Haskell

2009-04-22 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Daryoush Mehrtash-2 wrote:
>> singleton :: a -> [a]
>> singleton x = [x]
>> Here F is the identity functor, and G is the list functor. And yes, C=D=
>> category of (a subset of) Haskell types.
> Are you saying the function that goes from list functor to singleton
> funtor
> is a natural transformation?

Here *singleton* is the natural transformation from the identity functor
to the list functor.

Daryoush Mehrtash-2 wrote:
> But aren't they functors to different subset of Haskell Types?

They're usually treated as endofunctors on Hask, for reasons
Ross Paterson has given.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] FW: RE Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-08 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Claus Reinke wrote:
> there is usually a way to interpret monadic structures built in
> this way (a 'run' operation of some kind).

The "run" operation of type (m a -> a) is the (comonadic) coreturn. Many
monads are almost comonads too, for a meaning of "almost" to be made

Claus Reinke wrote:
> - i/o: primitive monadic things are basic i/o operations, 
> the 'run' operation is outside the language, applied to
> 'Main.main', and interprets (abstract) IO monad structures
> sequentially, starting with the leftmost innermost i/o 
> operation in the structure and applying the second
> argument of (>>=) to the result of executing the first.

"Run" for IO monad is obviously unsafePerformIO :: IO a -> a.

Claus Reinke wrote:
> - []: primitive monadic things are lists, the 'run' operation
> is the identity, ie, the lists are directly exposed as data
> structures, return creates a singleton list, (>>=) applies
> its second argument to each element of its first argument
> and concatenates the results (concatMap).

"Run" for [] is almost head :: [a] -> a. For the type of infinite streams,
the research community's comonad de rigeur, coreturn _is_ h(ea)d.

Claus Reinke wrote:
> - State: primitive monadic things are operations on a state
> type, returning a result and a state; return returns its 
> parameter, passing its input state unchanged, (>>=) applies 
> its first parameter to the input state, applies its second 
> parameter to the result value and result state of the first. 
> 'run' is runState and applies a (possibly) complex monadic 
> thing to an input state, returning a result and a (modified) 
> state.

The State monad is almost (there's that word again!) like the Context
comonad. And the Context comonad is a comonadification of the suboptimally
named Reader monad, a comonadification that wants to be made precise.

In fact, there's another comonad that solves the analogical equation:
comonad x is to monad State as comonad Context is to monad Reader. Any
takers on calling x the Costate comonad and Reader the Ntext monad?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-08 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Seth Gordon wrote:
> Functors are a generalization from lists to "things that can be mapped
> over" in general, and then monads are a generalization of functors.

Way to go! That way lies true co/monadic enlightenment. Put another way,
monads are no more about (only) IO/sequencing than fmap is about (only)
lists. To learn about monadic imperative programming there are excellent
places for doing so, but to learn about co/monads qua co/monads well, too

So here's my co/monad tutorial, or at least the barest outline of one. I
guess that almost everyone can "get" fmap :: (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b) if
only they got a good workout at it. So let's do lists, then trees, then your
favorite exponential types, say parsers. Howsoever it's done, be sure to get
a good grip on fmap.

Next introduce flip (>>=) :: (a -> m b) -> (m a -> m b) as a left-sided
fmap. Thinking what it means to lift just one side "nicely" should motivate
the return function and monadic laws. Here "nicely" is in the sense that
fmap lifts "nicely."

Of course the classy way of figuring out one-sided fmap's is to contemplate
both flip (>>=) and (comonadic) coextension :: (m a -> b) -> (m a -> m b) at
the same time.

This is my preferred approach to a co/monad tutorial. For sure, You Could
Have Invented Co/Monads Too.

Seth Gordon wrote:
> Haskell solves the "how can I do I/O in a pure functional language"
> problem by *turning the world inside-out*.  Instead of taking data from
> the mutable outside world, using functions to manipulate it, and
> depositing results back into that world, you put your functions into the
> IO monad.

But (the illusion of) taking data out from the real world, manipulating it,
and then putting it back is exactly what the monadic-do syntax sugar
  x <- inputFromRealWorld
  let y = manipulateIt x
  return y

You could use (fmap manipulateIt) to "put" it into the IO monad as you
describe, but monadic-do is by far the more common approach.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Explaining monads

2007-08-10 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Brian Brunswick-5 wrote:
>   g  f   ???  g ??? f
> application  a a->b  flip ($) b
> monad bind   m a   a->m b>>=  m b
> comonad cobind   w a   w a->b=>>  w b
> arrowarr a b   arr b c   >>>  arr a c

Fmap's missing: m a, a->b, flip fmap, m b. You might want to throw in
Applicative there too: m a, m (a->b), flip (<*>), m b.

Snipped: Arguments for monads being the best of the M-C-A trinity.

While I can share your enthusiasm over certain insights you've discovered
about monads, I think you'll find that each of those structures have their
privileged place in your code. You say "monads are somehow the /simplest/
way of adding general control structure on top of single values." Well sure,
for specific implicit parameters of ?simplest, ?general, and
?controlStructure. It's like saying lists are better than arrays and tuples.

Monads are undoubtedly more pervasive, and that could be because there
aren't as many arrow and comonad tutorials, atomic ones or otherwise. 

Brian Brunswick-5 wrote:
> Pity the poor comonad, only really suitable for infinite sequences!

Comonads are no more (exclusively) about infinite structures than monads are
(exclusively) about sequencing/imperative programming.

What's so infinite about this (specialization of the so-called Product)

instance Comonad ((,) Bool)  where
  -- coreturn :: (Bool, r) -> r
  coreturn (b, r) = r
  -- cobind :: (Bool, r) -> ((Bool, r) -> s) -> (Bool, s)
  coextend u@(b,r) g = (b, g u)

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Explaining monads

2007-08-11 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Ronald Guida wrote:
> Here's my interpretation of the table:
> --
>  Structure   | Subject  |  Action|  Verb  |  Result
>  +--+++--
>  function|  a   |  a->b  |  flip ($)  |  b
>  Functor |  f a |  a->b  |  <$>   |  f b
>  Applicative |  f a |  f (a->b)  |  flip <*>  |  f b
>  Monad   |  m a |  a->m b|  >>=   |  m b
>  Comonad |  w a |  w a->b|  =>>   |  w b
>  Arrow   |  a b c   |  a c d |  >>>   |  a b d
> --

This is the first time I've seen <$>. What a pleasing synonym for fmap. To
maintain a similar order of parameters, I think you'd want "flip <$>" up

Ronald Guida wrote:
> --
> Foo   a   = Foo { runFoo ::a } -- Functor
> State   s a   = State   { runState   :: s  -> (a, s) } -- Monad
> Context c a   = Context { runContext :: (a, c) ->  a } -- Comonad
> Thing   s a b = Thing   { runThing   :: (a, s) -> (b, s) } -- Arrow???
> --

I believe there is a way to see all of the above as forms of "generalized
application" although not in the way presented here. (I thank Brian for
pointing to the possibility of a unified treatment in the first place.) 

A point in common among your run* functions is that you can always observe
the instance of type (a) in (m a :: Monad a). But monads are equipped with
(return :: a -> m a), not (coreturn :: m a -> a). Your 2nd table is more
about comonads, at least the coreturn aspect, than about whatever unity
you're hoping to achieve. There's more about coreturn here:

So we need to explore "generalized application" without being too explicit
about "unwrapping" monads nor "wrapping" comonads. Why? Because being too
explicit invariably locks us into one particular instantiation and the
generalization goes poof! Think of all the otherwise rich and creative
papers written on the IO monad and its innards. 

The instances of monads I've seen are in themselves too sexy (probabilistic
modelling! digital circuit simulation! IO! concurrency!) that they end up
overwhelming the essence of monadism pregnant within. Better to start with
something boring. Like the Maybe monad.

Feck heh, "The essence of monadism pregnant within." Another fine title for
another monad tutorial.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Explaining monads

2007-08-12 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

David Menendez wrote:
> This is probably because no one has found a compelling use case for
> comonadic-style programming in Haskell. There have been some
> interesting papers, such as "Comonadic functional attribute
> evaluation" by Uustalu and Vene, but nothing as compelling as Wadler's
> "Monads for functional programming".

That same "Comonadic" paper describes how every zipper is a
comonad. I bet if we found more examples of zippers, comonads would
be in business. Much as I respect Huet 1997, more zipper tutorials
wouldn't harm either.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Explaining monads

2007-08-13 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Ronald Guida wrote:
> Given the question "What is a Monad", I would have to say "A Monad is
> a device for sequencing side-effects."

There are side-effects and there are side-effects. If the only
monad you use is Maybe, the only side-effect you get is a slight
warming of the CPU.

Dave Menendez pointed to that fine Wadler link earlier. Please read
it. To wit, in Section 2: "Explaining Monads" the "essence of an
algorithm can become buried under the plumbing required to carry
data from its point of creation to its point of use." Monads can
help keep the clarity of your code untrammelled by providing
implicit plumbing, "side-channels" if you prefer, when data is
moved around.

In fact if you follow Wadler all the way to his monadic expression
evaluator, you see that you could modularize your code in awesomely
cool ways. You get to see how the kernel of the expression
evaluator could be written for a generic monad and compiled
once-and-for-all. Any additional feature (the "variations") is
coded by enriching the monad.

Monads are powerful devices for modularizing code. Available for
free. Only in Haskell (thanks to type classes!). Get them today.

"Side-effects" is a piece of linguistic cruft played fast-and-loose
by too many people in this game. "Sequencing" suffers the same 

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Explaining monads

2007-08-14 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Ronald Guida wrote:
> Here is the brief explanation I came up with:
>  > Arrows and monads are abstract data types used to construct Domain
>  > Specific Embedded Languages (DSELs) within Haskel.  A simple arrow
>  > provides a closed DSEL.  A monad is a special type of arrow that
>  > creates an open DSEL by allowing users to embed arbitrary Haskel
>  > within it.
> Is this an accurate explanation?  I hate to feed a fire, but is
> "Domain Specific Embedded Language" a well-defined phrase, or is it
> just another example of linguistic cruft?

Neither. It's the latest buzzword, joining the likes of AOP and
Generics. Haskell has an opportunity to ride the DSEL bandwagon,
and like most such opportunities it can take her where she don't
want to go.

Ronald Guida wrote:
> Also, is this a /useful/ explanation, or have I simply hidden the
> complexity by invoking the concepts of ADTs and DSELs?

It certainly has a nice spin. I've nominated you to the Monad
Marketing Team already.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Explaining monads

2007-08-16 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Paul Hudak wrote:
> [I]n the one-of-many ways that I view monads, a monad is just a high-order
> function that abstracts away function composition.  In particular, if I
> have an action f, and an action g, I can think of them as recipes, because
> I can combine them via f >>= g.  It's only after I combine all of my
> actions together that I apply the result to my input (via "run").
> Well, that's just like function composition.  In particular, if I have a
> function f, and a function g, I can think of them as recipes, because I
> can combine them via f . g.

First a nitpick:

At the beginning of the thread I had pointed out how co/monadic 
co/bind generalizes function /application/, i.e. flip ($).

Generalized function /composition/ on the other hand has a different 
type. For instance, in the case of monads it's

(<.>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (c -> m a) -> (c -> m b)
(<.>) f g c = (g c) >>= f


Function (<.>) is flip (>>>) in the instance of Monad m => Arrow
(Kleisli m). (For a moment there I couldn't find it in the haskell
libs. Would be nice if Hoogle could read instances such as these. I
must not be using Hoogle right, I couldn't even locate (>>=) by
type signature.)

Returning to the main point, like you and Dan P, I also have my
reservations explaining a monadified value as a recipe, although
for arguably different reasons. It's too chef-centric for me, to
continue with the original analogy. I have an allergic reaction to
"run" functions, at least what they connote. I claim that in
genuinely monadic programming, you never think about "run". Code
that's genuinely monadic works for all monads. Code like that is
what you want to write.

Or put another way, you just program like before except lifting
stuff into an arbitrary monad. You then write different monads
to retrofit the various add-on computations you want performed.

I thought this is well-known for over 15 years?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hints for Euler Problem 11

2007-08-16 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Aaron Denney wrote:
> On 2007-08-15, Pekka Karjalainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> A little style issue here on the side, if I may. You don't need to use
>> (++) to join multiline string literals.
>> text = "If you want to have multiline string literals \
>>\in your source code, you can break them up with \
>>\backslashes. Any whitespace characters between \
>>\two backslashes will be ignored."
> I find the first far more readable.  The compiler should be able to
> assemble it all at compile time, right?

'Course not. The (++) function like all Haskell functions is only a
/promise/ to do its job. What does "assembling at compile time"
mean here:

s = "I will not write infinite loops " ++ s

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hints for Euler Problem 11

2007-08-17 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> On 8/16/07, Kim-Ee Yeoh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 'Course not. The (++) function like all Haskell functions is only a
>> /promise/ to do its job. What does "assembling at compile time"
>> mean here:
>> s = "I will not write infinite loops " ++ s
> But if the strings are all constant it's perfectly feasible to concatenate
> them at compile time.

It's feasible and I might add that it isn't worth it. Not for just
concatenation. How much static evaluation do you want to see
in Haskell?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hints for Euler Problem 11

2007-08-17 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

The compiler dumps are illuminating, thank you. 

I'm afraid I don't always compile under -O. In fact I never
debug with -O. I see now what I'm missing.

(Pain, grief, despair.)

Ketil Malde wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-08-16 at 12:50 -0700, Kim-Ee Yeoh wrote:
>> Aaron Denney wrote:
>> > The compiler should be able to
>> > assemble it all at compile time, right?
>> 'Course not. The (++) function like all Haskell functions is only a
>> /promise/ to do its job. What does "assembling at compile time"
>> mean here:
>> s = "I will not write infinite loops " ++ s
>   % cat C.hs
>   module Test where
>   x = "Foo" ++ "Bar"
>   y = "Zot" ++ y
>   % ghc -ddump-simpl C.hs
>    Tidy Core 
>   Test.x :: [GHC.Base.Char]
>   [GlobalId]
>   []
>   Test.x =
> GHC.Base.++
>   @ GHC.Base.Char (GHC.Base.unpackCString# "Foo")
> (GHC.Base.unpackCString# "Bar")
>   Rec {
>   Test.y :: [GHC.Base.Char]
>   [GlobalId]
>   []
>   Test.y = GHC.Base.++ @ GHC.Base.Char (GHC.Base.unpackCString# "Zot")
> Test.y
>   end Rec }
> If I interpret it correctly, the compiler does approximately nothing -
> reasonably enough, since we didn't ask for optimization.  With -O:
>   % ghc -ddump-simpl C.hs -O
>    Tidy Core 
>   Rec {
>   Test.y :: [GHC.Base.Char]
>   [GlobalId]
>   [Str: DmdType]
>   Test.y = GHC.Base.unpackAppendCString# "Zot" Test.y
>   end Rec }
>   Test.x :: [GHC.Base.Char]
>   [GlobalId]
>   [Str: DmdType]
>   Test.x = GHC.Base.unpackCString# "FooBar"
> y gets turned into an unpackAppendCString#, which I can only presume is
> a sensible way to represent a cyclic list, while x gets concatenated
> compile-time.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Bathroom reading

2007-08-17 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

ok-4 wrote:
> Someone mentioned the "Blow your mind" page.
> One example there really caught my attention.
>   "1234567" => ("1357","246")
>   foldr (\a ~(x,y) -> (a:y,x)) ([],[])
> I've known about lazy match since an early version of the Haskell
> report, but have never actually used it.  Last night, looking at
> that example, the lights went on and I finally grokked why it's
> there and understood when/why I might use it myself.

Don't you want an infinite list to illustrate the necessity 
of laziness?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hints for Euler Problem 11

2007-08-17 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> On 8/17/07, Kim-Ee Yeoh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How much static evaluation do you want to see
>> in Haskell?
> I'd like to see as much static evaluation as is practically possible.

Yes but not in (the language formally defined as) Haskell. Not 
even in {your favorite Haskell compiler/interpreter} without -O. 
With -O by all means let her rip.

Incidentally, GHC's type checker is Turing complete. You 
already have as much static evaluation as is practically possible. 
You already knew that.

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> And as a previous poster showed, ghc does concatenate strings.

And Haskell (as in the current language definition) does not.
I was talking about Haskell.

Having said that, I'll concede there may be room for more than 
one language here. I want syntax transparently reflecting
straightforward if slowpoke operational semantics. You want 
fast, tight programs. I want fast, tight programs too, but 
not by giving up the former.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compile-time v run-time

2007-08-17 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

If RAM was treated as an extension of non-volatile 
storage instead of the other way round, we'd already 
be there.

Put another way, would "suspending" program to 
disk achieve the same results?

Jon Fairbairn wrote:
> Something I've wanted to experiment with for a long time and
> never got round to is writing CAFs back to the load module
> at the end of a run (if they're small enough or took a long
> time to evaluate).  Has anyone tried this? (It would have a
> jolly entertaining effect on benchmark pages!).
> The logical extension of this would be that compiling a
> programme did the typechecking and then just wrote the
> binary equivalent of 'evaluate $ code-generate "...lambda
> expressions from programme text..."' into the load-module.
> If you never run the programme, this would be quicker. If
> you only run the programme once, it would take about the
> same time, and running it several times would be quicker --
> very much so if it didn't depend on any run-time data.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question of a manual computation on Reader Monad.

2007-08-25 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

一首诗 wrote:
> runReader (do { b <- Reader $ show; return b } )  -- This is the initial
> expression, it should equals "show"
> runReader (Reader $ show >>= \b -> return b)   -- remove do notion

I'm not sure that's the right un-do-ization. It so happens that the 
exponent monad ((->) r) and the Reader monads are semantically 
identically. Is this a homework question?

一首诗 wrote:
> runReader (Reader $ \e -> return( show e ) e)  -- apply the definition of
> ">>="
> runReader (Reader $ \e -> (Reader $ \e1 -> show(e)) e)  -- apply the
> definition of "return"
> But the last expression is incorrect, and I don't know how to go on.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Elevator pitch for Haskell.

2007-09-10 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Devin Mullins wrote:
> As for the latter, the reason I hear most often is "I want to be able to
> use the language at my job."* 
> -- snip --
> * This is somewhat odd, as the strong majority of vocal Rubyists /are/
> using it at their job.

Not without risk though. Their necks get wrung if things break, an 
ordinary case of "No one got fired for using ."

Price tags of "industry best practice" technologies have sizable, hidden
insurance components.

Devin Mullins wrote:
> Perhaps they're preparing for the condition that
> they lose their job and have to take one up at a Fortune 500 or something.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy vs correct IO [Was: A round of golf]

2008-09-19 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

oleg-30 wrote:
> I have not expected to see this Lazy IO code. After all, what could be
> more against
> the spirit of Haskell than a `pure' function with observable side effects.

What could even be more against the spirit of Haskell than 
the original theme of this thread, i.e. code that makes us cry?

Lennart's piece fudges purity, agreed, but it reads nicely as
idiomatic Haskell, swift on the eyes if not on the machine.

Consider if readFile's semantics were modified, i.e. not lazy,
at least not always.

In the ideal world, a smart enough compiler would just do 
the right thing, i.e. the IO String returned would be strict, or better 
yet, it would automatically chunkify the read to obtain constant 
space usage.

"Lazy IO" is indeed a nasty can of worms, not unrelated to the issue
of monadic IO as a gigantic sin bin. We could avoid it entirely, or we 
could sort out and algebraize the different interactions into a happier 
marriage of the pair.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Object-oriented programming, Haskell and existentials

2008-10-15 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

re: the importance of existential-cleansing   

On the one hand, it's easy to concur that existentials are simpler
than the alternatives, the tortuous elimination of CC Shan's
"translucent" existential being a case in point.

And it's also easy to dismiss such caprice as a penchant for Houdinian
escape perversities.  

Then again, why not?  There may never be a real need for anything
particular at all, existentials notwithstanding.  Affirming that by
cracking open the shackles of icons and diabolical shibboleths is
arguably the only "real need."

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> What do you mean by need?  From a theoretical or practical perspective?
> We don't need them from a theoretical perspective, but in practice I'd
> rather use existentials than encodinging them in some tricky way.
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 11:05 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The web page
>> begs a question if there is ever any real need for existentials.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problems with strictness analysis?

2008-11-04 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

David Menendez-2 wrote:
>> On Mon, 3 Nov 2008, Luke Palmer wrote:
>> I was actually being an annoying purist.  "f is strict" means "f _|_ =
>> _|_", so strictness is a semantic idea, not an operational one.
> I think Luke was commenting on the terminology, not the optimization.
> We have a tendency to say "lazy" when we mean "non-strict" and
> "strict" when we mean "eager".

Good point. If it sheds light on such elusive, important distinctions 
then this incorrigible pedantry can only be encouraged.

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Re: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problems with strictness analysis?

2008-11-05 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Luke Palmer-2 wrote:
> I would like to know or to develop a way to allow abstract 
> analysis of time and space complexity.

In the same way that type inference and strictness analysis can be
seen as instances of abstract interpretation, so can complexity
inference. I agree that the interplay between these various instances
of AI is an unexplored lode for us cogheads.

Below are 2 references to complexity inference. I have yet to look
closely to ascertain the degree of compositionality of their
methodologies. Can anyone recommend a survey paper of the 
entire field?

Linear, Polynomial or Exponential? Complexity Inference in Polynomial Time
Amir M. Ben-Amram, Neil D. Jones and Lars Kristiansen

Automated complexity analysis of Nuprl extracted programs
Ralph Benzinger

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Graphical graph reduction

2008-02-23 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

dainichi wrote:
> Now to the point: Wouldn't it be great if I had a visual tool that
> visually
> showed me the graph while the above evaluation unfolded? I could use it to
> show some of my co-workers to whom laziness is a mystery, what it's all
> about.

Check out Requires Java.

Explores several forms of laziness and them some.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] "shadowing" keywords like "otherwise"

2009-06-28 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Hi Vasili,

This isn't really a shadowing/redefinition issue. Here's 
a perfectly legitimate snippet that compiles fine:

f 0 = 0
f otherwise = 1+otherwise

Redefinition is when you have:

g = let otherwise = not in x 

-- Kim-Ee

VasiliIGalchin wrote:
> swishParse :: String -> String -> SwishStateIO (Maybe RDFGraph)
> swishParse fnam inp =
> do  { fmt <- gets $ format
> ; case fmt of
> N3-> swishParseN3 fnam inp
> otherwise ->
> do  { swishError ("Unsupported file format: "++(show fmt))
> 4
> ; return Nothing
> }
> }
> I am receiving a shadow warning:
> Swish/HaskellRDF/SwishCommands.hs:304:12:
> Warning: Defined but not used: `otherwise'
> It seems to me that in the code base somewhere that there is a "redefine"
> of
> the keyword"otherwise". I haven't read the Haskell 98 Report but I thought
> that it was not possible to redefine keywords. ??

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] "shadowing" keywords like "otherwise"

2009-06-28 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

I meant, of course,

g = let otherwise = not in otherwise

Sorry for the noise.

-- Kim-Ee

Kim-Ee Yeoh wrote:
> Hi Vasili,
> This isn't really a shadowing/redefinition issue. Here's 
> a perfectly legitimate snippet that compiles fine:
> f 0 = 0
> f otherwise = 1+otherwise
> Redefinition is when you have:
> g = let otherwise = not in x 
> -- Kim-Ee
> VasiliIGalchin wrote:
>> swishParse :: String -> String -> SwishStateIO (Maybe RDFGraph)
>> swishParse fnam inp =
>> do  { fmt <- gets $ format
>> ; case fmt of
>> N3-> swishParseN3 fnam inp
>> otherwise ->
>> do  { swishError ("Unsupported file format: "++(show
>> fmt)) 4
>> ; return Nothing
>> }
>> }
>> I am receiving a shadow warning:
>> Swish/HaskellRDF/SwishCommands.hs:304:12:
>> Warning: Defined but not used: `otherwise'
>> It seems to me that in the code base somewhere that there is a "redefine"
>> of
>> the keyword"otherwise". I haven't read the Haskell 98 Report but I
>> thought
>> that it was not possible to redefine keywords. ??

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] "shadowing" keywords like "otherwise"

2009-06-28 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Whoops, you're right.

Interestingly, the shadowing warnings vary between 
the 2 examples I gave, i.e. shadowing within 
'function definition' vs 'binding group'.

Felipe Lessa wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 12:49:12AM -0700, Kim-Ee Yeoh wrote:
>> This isn't really a shadowing/redefinition issue. Here's
>> a perfectly legitimate snippet that compiles fine:
>> f 0 = 0
>> f otherwise = 1+otherwise
> What?  It is a redefinition issue *as well*, but this kind of
> warning isn't active by default
> Prelude> :s -Wall
> Prelude> let f 0 = 0; f otherwise = 1 + otherwise
> :1:15:
> Warning: This binding for `otherwise' shadows the existing binding
>imported from Prelude
>  In the definition of `f'
> --
> Felipe.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] What is an "expected type" ...

2009-06-28 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Could you suggest a better word pair to describe the dichotomy then?
How about 'calculated' vs 'user-imposed' (or even, 'explicitly-

Dan Piponi-2 wrote:
> I really dislike this error message, and I think the terms are
> ambiguous. I think the words 'expected' and 'inferred' apply equally
> well to the term, and the context in which it has been found. Both of
> the incompatible types were 'inferred', and 'unexpected' is a property
> of the combination, not a property of one or the other.
> --
> Dan
> On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 8:24 AM, Martijn van
> Steenbergen wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> michael rice wrote:
>>> as opposed to an "inferred type"?
>> Can you deduce from the following example?
>>> Prelude> let foo = () :: Int
>>> :1:10:
>>>    Couldn't match expected type `Int' against inferred type `()'
>>>    In the expression: () :: Int
>>>    In the definition of `foo': foo = () :: Int
>> Hope this helps!
>> Martijn.
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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[Haskell-cafe] Flipping *->*->* kinds, or monadic finally-tagless madness

2009-07-02 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

I'm trying to write HOAS Show instances for the finally-tagless
type-classes using actual State monads.  

The original code:

Two type variables are needed: one to vary over the Symantics 
class (but only as a phantom type) and another to vary over the 
Monad class. Hence, the use of 2-variable type constructors.

> type VarCount = int
> newtype Y b a = Y {unY :: VarCount -> (b, VarCount)}

Not knowing of a type-level 'flip', I resort to newtype isomorphisms:

> newtype Z a b = Z {unZ :: Y b a}
> instance Monad (Z a)  where
>return x = Z $ Y $ \c  -> (x,c)
>(Z (Y m)) >>= f  = Z $ Y $ \c0 -> let (x,c1) = m c0 in (unY . unZ) (f
> x) c1-- Pace, too-strict puritans
> instance MonadState String (Z a)  where
>get   = Z $ Y $ \c -> (show c, c)
>put x = Z $ Y $ \_ -> ((), read x)

So far so good.  Now for the Symantics instances (abridged).

> class Symantics repr  where
>int  :: Int  -> repr Int  -- int literal
>add :: repr Int  -> repr Int -> repr Int
>lam :: (repr a -> repr b) -> repr (a->b)

> instance Symantics (Y String)  where
>int = unZ . return . show
>add x y = unZ $ do
>   sx <- Z x
>   sy <- Z y
>   return $ "(" ++ sx ++ " + " ++ sy ++ ")"

The add function illustrates the kind of do-sugaring we know and love
that I want to use for Symantics.

>lam f   = unZ $ do
>   show_c0 <- get
>   let
>  vname = "v" ++ show_c0
>  c0 = read show_c0 :: VarCount
>  c1 = succ c0
>  fz :: Z a String -> Z b String
>  fz = Z . f . unZ
>   put (show c1)
>   s <- (fz . return) vname
>   return $ "(\\" ++ vname ++ " -> " ++ s ++ ")"

Now with lam, I get this cryptic error message (under 6.8.2):

Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: b = a -> b
When trying to generalise the type inferred for `lam'
  Signature type: forall a1 b1.
  (Y String a1 -> Y String b1) -> Y String (a1 ->
  Type to generalise: forall a1 b1.
  (Y String a1 -> Y String b1) -> Y String (a1 ->
In the instance declaration for `Symantics (Y String)'

Both the two types in the error message are identical, which suggests
no generalization is needed.  I'm puzzled why ghc sees an infinite type.

Any ideas on how to proceed?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Flipping *->*->* kinds, or monadic finally-tagless madness

2009-07-03 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Hi Edward,

Your runPretty version fits the bill nicely, thank you. I might still retain
the state monad version because it allows generalizations beyond

As for fixing the original bug, I've found that the real magic lies
in the incantation (Y . unY) inserted at the appropriate places. Indeed,
I've removed type signatures because try as I might, I couldn't
write something the type-checker would accept. This is for 6.8.2.

FWIW, the final version:

instance Symantics (Y String)  where
int   = unZ . return . show
bool  = unZ . return . show
lam f  = unZ $ do
   show_c0 <- get
  vname = "v" ++ show_c0
  c0 = read show_c0 :: VarCount
  c1 = succ c0
   put (show c1)
   bodyf <- (Z . Y . unY . f . unZ . return) vname
   return $ "(\\" ++ vname ++ " -> " ++ bodyf ++ ")"
fix f= pr3 [MkZa $ lam f] ["(fix ", ")"]
app e1 e2= pr3 [MkZa e1,MkZa e2] ["("," "   ,")"]
add e1 e2= pr3 [MkZa e1,MkZa e2] ["("," + " ,")"]
mul e1 e2= pr3 [MkZa e1,MkZa e2] ["("," * " ,")"]
leq e1 e2= pr3 [MkZa e1,MkZa e2] ["("," <= ",")"]
if_ be et ee = pr3 [MkZa be,MkZa et,MkZa ee] ["(if "," then "," else

-- Suppress the Symantics phantom type by casting to an existential
data Za  where
MkZa :: Y String a -> Za

pr3 a b = unZ $ pr2 a b

pr2 :: forall a. [Za] -> [String] -> Z a String
pr2 _  [] = return ""
pr2 [] ts = (return . concat) ts
pr2 ((MkZa e):es) (t:ts) = do
s1 <- (Z . Y . unY) e   -- that (Y . unY) magical
incantation again!
s2 <- pr2 es ts
return $ t ++ s1 ++ s2

Edward Kmett wrote:
> You might also look at doing it without all the State monad noise with
> something like:
>> class Symantics repr  where
>>int :: Int  -> repr Int
>>add :: repr Int  -> repr Int -> repr Int
>>lam :: (repr a -> repr b) -> repr (a->b)
>>app :: repr (a -> b) -> repr a -> repr b
>> newtype Pretty a = Pretty { runPretty :: [String] -> String }
>> pretty :: Pretty a -> String
>> pretty (Pretty f) = f vars where
>> vars = [ [i] | i <- ['a'..'z']] ++ [i : show j | j <- [1..], i <-
> ['a'..'z'] ]
>> instance Symantics Pretty where
>>int = Pretty . const . show
>>add x y = Pretty $ \vars -> "(" ++ runPretty x vars ++ " + " ++
> runPretty y vars ++ ")"
>>lam f = Pretty $ \ (v:vars) -> "(\\" ++ v ++ ". " ++ runPretty (f (var
> v)) vars ++ ")" where
>>var = Pretty . const
>>app f x = Pretty $ \vars -> "(" ++ runPretty f vars ++ " " ++
>> runPretty
> x vars ++ ")"

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Flipping *->*->* kinds, or monadic finally-tagless madness

2009-07-11 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

>Kim-Ee Yeoh wrote:
>> As for fixing the original bug, I've found that the real magic lies
>> in the incantation (Y . unY) inserted at the appropriate places.

>Aka unsafeCoerce, changing the phantom type |a|.

The type of (Y . unY) is 

(Y . unY) :: forall a b c. Y c a -> Y c b

so modulo (Y c), it is indeed unsafeCoerce.

>The need to do it is caused by wanting to erase the existential introduced 
>by Za/MkZa. 

That's not the primary reason. The earlier version of the code
in my original message doesn't use existentials. We still however,
need to "wobble" the type via (Y . unY) in order to typecheck.

>Depending on what the phantom type is supposed to represent, this may or 
>may not give the semantics/safety you're after.

If you're referring to the safety of the object/target language, then even
without any Symantics instances, only type-correct code can compile,
thanks to the finally-tagless embedding that "lifts" type-checking in
the meta-language (Haskell) into type-checking for the target language.

That safety isn't in the least bit compromised.

The pretty-printing Symantics instance in question actually 
type-checks fine without unsafeCoerce or its like when written out
without the additional Monad type-class abstraction and Y-Z 
isomorphism. Translating to the latter was entirely straightforward.

Thanks to all who responded.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] n00b question: defining datatype

2009-07-23 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh


data Task = Task { title :: String, completed :: Bool, subtasks :: Maybe
[Task] }

Iain Barnett wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get my head around datatypes, and wondering how I might
> define
> a simple  "Task" datatype in Haskell.
> data Task = Task { title :: String, completed :: Bool }
> Ok, that's straightforward, but sometimes tasks become a list of tasks
> themselves
> data Task = Task { title :: String, completed :: Bool, subtasks :: [Task]
> }
> But that's not really right, because obviously, some tasks don't have
> subtasks. So I try this:
> data Task = Task { title :: String, completed :: Bool } | TaskWithSubtasks
> {
> title :: String, completed :: Bool, subtasks :: [Task] }
> It's a bit more accurate, but it's repeating things, which is ok with a
> simple type. Could anyone suggest a better way to define this? If I was
> using C#, which I'm far more familiar with, I could overload the
> constructor
> and refer to the smaller constructor. Is there a way to do that in
> Haskell,
> or am I still thinking too OOP?
> Iain
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Essentials about type classes?

2009-09-11 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Hi Fredrik,

Temaran wrote:
> data Dar = Dar String String
>   deriving (Show, Eq)
> class Bar a where
> foo :: a -> Int
> instance Bar Dar where
> foo(Dar n c) = length c
> but it keeps generating the same error;
> ERROR "./Bar.hs":16 - Inferred type is not general enough
> *** Expression: foo
> *** Expected type : a -> Int
> *** Inferred type : Dar -> Int

You're missing indentation. Instead of declaring foo as a member of the
typeclass, your code says it's a top-level function fully-polymorphic in the
first parameter. That's why defining it later as foo (Dar ...) gives the
error message it does.

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[Haskell-cafe] <**> for nested applicative functors?

2009-10-12 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Does anyone know if it's possible to write the following:

<**> :: (Applicative m, Applicative n) =>
m (n (a->b)) -> m (n a) -> m (n b)

Clearly, if m and n were monads, it would be trivial.

Rereading the original paper, I didn't see much discussion
about such nested app. functors. 

Any help appreciated.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] <**> for nested applicative functors?

2009-10-12 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

That's it: liftA2 (<*>), so obvious in hindsight.

Mustn't ... code ... when ... drained 

Thanks to Jeremy and Josef.

Jeremy Shaw-3 wrote:
> This looks like what is described in Section 4 to me:
> - jeremy
> On Oct 12, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Kim-Ee Yeoh wrote:
>> <**> :: (Applicative m, Applicative n) =>
>> m (n (a->b)) -> m (n a) -> m (n b)

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is there a null statement that does nothing?

2009-10-27 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Hi Brent,

Re: '"if" expressions, not statements' is an elegant clarification, one 
definitely for the haskellwiki, if not there already.

Just for completeness' sake, bottom is a value for any expression. 
Wouldn't making the else clause optional by defaulting to "undefined" 
worthy of consideration for Evil Haskell?

-- Kim-Ee

Brent Yorgey-2 wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 07:49:14PM -0500, Tim Wawrzynczak wrote:
>> Yes, an if statement must have both 'then' and 'else' branches.  As an
>> example, what if you had
>> let a = if b == 2 then True else False
>> and you were missing an else branch?  What would 'a' get assigned to?
>> The if statement "returns" a value so must have both branches.
> By the way, it helps to be precise with language here: "statement"
> usually indicates an instruction which causes some effect to happen.
> "Expression" indicates something which evaluates to a value.  Haskell
> doesn't have "if statements" but it does have "if expressions".  It
> makes sense for an if *statement* (in imperative languages like C) to
> have an optional else clause, since "do nothing" is a perfectly valid
> *statement*.  But it doesn't make sense for an if *expression* to have
> a missing else, since it must evaluate to something and (in general)
> there is no "null value" that could be used.  Of course, as others
> have noted, in a monadic context there IS a special "null value",
> namely return (), which can be used to indicate "do nothing".
> -Brent
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional programmer's intuition for adjunctions?

2008-03-05 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

ajb-2 wrote:
> In Haskell, natural transformations are
> functions that respect the structure of functors.  Since you can't
> avoid respecting the structure of functors (the language won't let you
> do otherwise), you get natural transformations for free. (Free as 
> in theorems, not free as in beer.)

It's worth noting that polymorphism is one of those unavoidable,
albeit hidden, functors. Polymorphizing a function "forall a" can 
be thought of as lifting it via the ((->) T_a) functor, where T_a
is the type variable of "a". E.g. reverse really has the signature
T_a -> [a] -> [a].

But ((->) T_a) is left adjoint to ((,) T_a), which just happens
to be the analogous type-explicit way of representing existentials.

Adjunctions are a useful tool to describe and analyze such
dualities precisely.

ajb-2 wrote:
> Adjunctions, on the other hand, you have to make yourself.  As such,
> they're more like monads.

Constructing adjunctions, comprising as they do of a pair of 
functors, does seem double the work of a single monad. Duality
OTOH is a powerful guiding principle and may well be easier than
working with the monad laws directly. 

And besides, you get a comonad for free.

ajb-2 wrote:
> One thing that springs to mind is that an adjunction could connect
> monads and their associated comonads.  Is that a good picture?


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Wrong Answer Computing Graph Dominators

2008-04-17 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Dan Weston wrote:
> Here, "any path" means all paths, a logical conjunction:
> and [True, True] = True
> and [True  ] = True
> and [  ] = True

Hate to nitpick, but what appears to be some kind of a 
limit in the opposite direction is a curious way of arguing 
that: and [] = True.

Surely one can also write

and [False, False] = False
and [False  ] = False
and [  ] = False ???

-- Kim-Ee

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Wrong Answer Computing Graph Dominators

2008-04-19 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Dan Weston wrote:
> f . and == and . map f
>where f = (not x ||)
> If and is defined with foldr, then the above can be proven for all 
> well-typed f, and for f = (not x ||) in particular, even if ys is null. 
> The law is painlessly extended to cover the null case automatically (and 
> is therefore consistent):
> LHS:  not x || (and []) == not x || True == True
> RHS:  and (map (not x ||) []) == and []  == True
>Therefore True |- True, an instance of x |- x
> If (and [] == False), then the law becomes inconsistent:

-- snipped --

Yes, the natural way of defining and [] is, well, natural in more
than one sense of the word.

I initially had a hard time grasping what you meant with the 
3 equations that started this discussion. I was sure 
you meant something other than what I thought, but I couldn't 
work it out. I'm glad Matt Brecknell came to the rescue.

Before I would've merely relied on a monoidal identity argument
like the one Chris had presented. Appealing to uniformity (a la
parametric polymorphism) definitely looks sexier. All the cool kids 
seem to be doing it.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Couple of formal questions

2008-05-02 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

I'm not sure there's a proof as such, more like a definitional absence
of distinction between initiality and finality.  In other words,
the CPO framework is orthogonal to such extremality considerations.

Perhaps someone here knows about work enriching CPOs in that

-- Kim-Ee

Michael Karcher-7 wrote:
> Wouter Swierstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Creighton,
>> > Where could I find a proof that the initial algebras & final  
>> > coalgebras of CPO coincide?  I saw this referenced in the  
>> > "Bananas.." paper as a fact, but am not sure where this comes from.
> Probably he was referring to the last paragraph of the introduction:
>   Working in CPO has the advantage that the carriers of intial algebras
>   and final co-algebras coincide, thus there is a single data type that
>   comprises both finite and infinite elements.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Short circuiting and the Maybe monad

2008-05-16 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Dan Piponi-2 wrote:
> In fact, you can use the Reader monad as a fixed size container monad.

Interesting that you say that. Reader seems to me more as an anti-container

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Re: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Aren't type system extensions fun? [Further analysis]

2008-05-27 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Andrew Coppin wrote:
> So, after an entire day of boggling my mind over this, I have brought it 
> down to one simple example:
>   (id 'J', id True)   -- Works perfectly.
>   \f -> (f 'J', f True)   -- Fails miserably.
> Both expressions are obviously perfectly type-safe, and yet the type 
> checker stubbornly rejects the second example. Clearly this is a flaw in 
> the type checker.
> So what is the type of that second expression? You would think that
>   (x -> x) -> (Char, Bool)
> as a valid type for it. But alas, this is not correct. The CALLER is 
> allowed to choose ANY type for x - and most of possible choices wouldn't 
> be type-safe. So that's no good at all!
> In a nutshell, the function being passed MAY accept any type - but we 
> want a function that MUST accept any type. This excusiatingly subtle 
> distinction appears to be the source of all the trouble.

Let's fill in the type variable: (x -> x) -> (Char, Bool) ==>
forall x. (x -> x) -> (Char, Bool) ==> x_t -> (x -> x) -> (Char, Bool),
where x_t is the hidden type-variable, not unlike the reader monad.

As you've pointed out, callER chooses x_t, say Int when
passing in (+1) :: Int -> Int, which obviously would break
  \f -> (f 'J', f True).

What we want is the callEE to choose x_t since callEE needs to
instantiate x_t to Char and Bool. What we want is
  (x_t -> x -> x) -> (Char, Bool).
But that's just
  (forall x. x -> x) -> (Char, Bool).

For completeness' sake, let me just state that if universal
quantification is like (x_t -> ...), then existential quantification
is like (x_t, ...).

Andrew Coppin wrote:
> At this point, I still haven't worked out exactly why this hack works. 
> Indeed, I've spent all day puzzling over this, to the point that my head 
> hurts! I have gone through several theories, all of which turned out to 
> be self-contradictory.

My sympathies. You may find the haskell-cafe archive to be 
as useful as I have (search Ben Rudiak-Gould or Dan Licata).
Having said that, I think you've done pretty well on your own.

Andrew Coppin wrote:
> - Why can't the type system automatically detect where polymorphism is 
> required?
> - Does the existence of these anomolies indicate that Haskell's entire 
> type system is fundamentally flawed and needs to be radically altered - 
> or completely redesigned?

Well, give it a try! I'm sure I'm not the only one interested in
your type inference experiments. Warning: they're addictive
and may lead to advanced degrees and other undesirable

-- Kim-Ee

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Re: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Aren't type system extensions fun? [Further analysis]

2008-05-29 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Roberto Zunino-2 wrote:
> Alas, for code like yours:
>foo = \f -> (f 'J', f True)
> there are infinite valid types too:
>(forall a. a -> Int) -> (Int, Int)
>(forall a. a -> Char)-> (Char, Char)
>(forall a. a -> (a,a)) -> ((Char,Char),(Bool,Bool))
> and it is much less clear if a "best", most general type exists at all.

How about
  foo :: (exists. m :: * -> *. forall a. a -> m a) -> (m Char, m Bool)

Not quite Haskell, but seems to cover all of the examples you gave.

-- Kim-Ee

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Re: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Aren't type system extensions fun? [Further analysis]

2008-05-29 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Luke Palmer-2 wrote:
> You have now introduced a first-class type function a la dependent
> types, which I believe makes the type system turing complete.  This
> does not help the decidability of inference :-)

God does not care about our computational difficulties. He infers
types emp^H^H^H ... uh, as He pleases.

Anyway, the original point of it was semantic. Let's first
explore the meaning of "the most general type." Type functions
give one answer, intersection types another.

-- Kim-Ee (yeoh at cs dot wisc dot edu)

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] More on performance

2008-06-05 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Jon Harrop wrote:
> On Wednesday 04 June 2008 11:05:52 Luke Palmer wrote:
>> Given unbounded time and space, you will still arrive at the same result
>> regardless of the complexity. 
> Given that the set of computers with unbounded time and space is empty, is
> it 
> not fruitless to discuss its properties?

The set of omnipotent people is also empty. That has not stopped 
homo sapiens from discussing /its/ properties. All history is ever 
only such a discussion for nothing fires up the imagination nor 
provokes acts of brilliant foolhardiness like the unattainable.

-- Kim-Ee

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] pointfree-trouble

2009-12-22 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Here's another way of writing it:

data Matrix a = Matr {unMatr :: [[a]]} | Scalar a  deriving (Show, Eq)
-- RealFrac constraint removed

reMatr :: RealFrac a => ([[a]] -> [[a]]) -> (Matrix a -> Matrix a)
reMatr f = Matr . f . unMatr -- this idiom occurs a lot, esp. with

Affixing constraints to type constructors is typically deprecated. 

slemi wrote:
> i have trouble making a function pointfree:
> data RealFrac a => Matrix a = Matr [[a]] | Scalar a
>   deriving (Show, Eq)
> unMatr :: RealFrac a => Matrix a -> [[a]]
> unMatr = (\(Matr a) -> a)
> reMatr :: RealFrac a => ([[a]] -> [[a]]) -> (Matrix a -> Matrix a)
> reMatr a = Matr . (flip (.) unMatr) a
> this works fine, but if i leave the 'a' in the last function's definition
> like this:
> reMatr = Matr . (flip (.) unMatr)
> it gives an error. can anybody tell me why? (i'm using ghci)

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] pointfree-trouble

2009-12-22 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

There you have it: fully- and semi-pointfree versions of reMatr.

A heads up: aggressively pursuing pointfreeness without type signatures
guarantees a courtesy call from the monomorphism restriction,
pace ()-garlic aficionados.

As for your question on why the original code doesn't typecheck: if
you explain how you arrived at it, perhaps we can figure out where 
you tripped up. Daniel Fischer for instance, *calculated* for you 
the right answer. Habeas calculus and all that.

slemi wrote:
> thanks, that's a really neat syntactic sugar :)
> however, my original question was how to make the reMatr function
> pointfree, as
> reMatr = Matr . (flip (.) unMatr)
> is not working. any ideas/explanation why it doesnt work?
> Kim-Ee Yeoh wrote:
>> Here's another way of writing it:
>> data Matrix a = Matr {unMatr :: [[a]]} | Scalar a  deriving (Show, Eq)
>> -- RealFrac constraint removed
>> reMatr :: RealFrac a => ([[a]] -> [[a]]) -> (Matrix a -> Matrix a)
>> reMatr f = Matr . f . unMatr -- this idiom occurs a lot, esp. with
>> newtypes
>> Affixing constraints to type constructors is typically deprecated. 
>> slemi wrote:
>>> i have trouble making a function pointfree:
>>> data RealFrac a => Matrix a = Matr [[a]] | Scalar a
>>>   deriving (Show, Eq)
>>> unMatr :: RealFrac a => Matrix a -> [[a]]
>>> unMatr = (\(Matr a) -> a)
>>> reMatr :: RealFrac a => ([[a]] -> [[a]]) -> (Matrix a -> Matrix a)
>>> reMatr a = Matr . (flip (.) unMatr) a
>>> this works fine, but if i leave the 'a' in the last function's
>>> definition like this:
>>> reMatr = Matr . (flip (.) unMatr)
>>> it gives an error. can anybody tell me why? (i'm using ghci)

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] (liftM join .) . mapM

2009-12-29 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

I'd write it as

foo f = join .<$> sequence . (f <$>)

(.<$>) :: (.<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> ((x -> f a) -> (x -> f b))
x .<$> y = (x <$>) . y

is part of my line-noise toolbox.

This join .* sequence family of functions is quite common. 
Should really have a name for them.

Tony Morris-4 wrote:
> Can (liftM join .) . mapM be improved?
> (Monad m) => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Finally tagless and abstract relational Algebra

2009-12-29 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Günther Schmidt wrote:
> Initially I had simply imported the CSV files into empty tables in a 
> database and done the calculations directly in SQL, never ever again!
> [snip]
> But my 1st goal here is to express the algorithm.

Sounds like you want a better DSL than SQL. You're in massive company.

Conal gives a lot of useful advice on DSL design. 
One way to start is to articulate existing pain. Where and why is SQL
Another trick is to work backwards: What kind of code do you really want to

Whether you employ GADTs, initial datatypes, finally-tagless codata, etc.
really relevant at this stage. Prematurely latching on to a particular tool
everything treated like a nail, even when they're nowhere close.

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Finally tagless and abstract relational Algebra

2009-12-29 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

The code we "want" to write is that which matches the way we think 
My way is to think hard about what the best way to think about things is.

I'm in two minds. On the one hand, we're in violent agreement:
The code we /want/ to write is that which matches the way we /want/ to
genuflecting, as it were, before the cold altar of mathematical perfection.
On the other hand, with a view towards AI, I'd want to code just the way
I now currently think, warts and all, except that I've designed the DSL
to fix all my idiosyncrasies, hidden contexts, annoying ambiguities, 
utter silliness, etc.

You might claim that the former is easier and more achievable. I don't
see why. It seems likely that the kind of perfection you seek can only be 
obtained by piercing insights into the nature of the mind's present drosses
(if indeed they be so). If you do reach such lofty heights of re-cognition, 
why not just program all of that into the DSL so that it corrects for all 
those mental lapses? Surely no more difficult than retooling the
mind permanently. Plus you get to share the wealth: make it easy 
for others to reach programming nirvana too. (We're already there:
it's that tarpit called Perl *smacks forehead*)

The completed journey ends with a return to where one first began.
Or something like that.

mathematicians spend a lot of time thinking about how to think about things.

G.C. Rota (RIP): The philosopher's role has always been that of stating
that may have been on everybody's mind but that no one dared state

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Where are the haskell elders?

2010-04-05 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Something I've noticed is the phenomenon of Help Vampires [1] on this list. 

Amy Hoy: "As soon as an open source project, language, or what-
have-you achieves a certain notoriety—its half-life, if you will—
they swarm in, seemingly draining the very life out of the 
community itself."

She proceeds to give some tips on handling vampires.  Let me excerpt
from #2 Cease Enabling Behavior:

* Enforce autonomy. No matter how beneficent you’re feeling, never directly
answer a common question. 

* Foster thinking. Even if it’s not a question you see go bye fifty times a
day… don’t answer it with a direct fix (unless the person is a known
non-vamp, or it’s a real puzzler).

* Reward self-help and helping others. Thank people who ask intelligent
questions and do research first, and people who make an effort to help
others. Tell them they’re a credit to the community.

The post was apparently written as a follow-up to [2] that meditated on why 
the Ruby on Rails community wasn't as good as it used to be.

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> What Don said.
> 2010/3/29 Don Stewart :
>>> Hi all,
>>> I notice that posts from the Haskell elders are pretty rare now. Only
>>> every now and then we hear from them.
>>> How come?
>> Because there is too much noise on this list, Günther
>> -- Don

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Church vs Boehm-Berarducci encoding of Lists

2012-09-18 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

Let me try to understand what you're saying here:

(1) Church encoding was discovered and investigated in an untyped setting.
I understand your tightness criterion to mean surjectivity, the absence of
which means having to deal with junk.

(2) Church didn't give an encoding for pattern-matching to match with
construction. Boehm and Berarducci did. So properly speaking, tail and pred
for Church-encoded lists and nats are trial-and-error affairs. But the
point is they need not be if we use B-B encoding, which looks _exactly_ the
same, except one gets a citation link to a systematic procedure.

So it looks like you're trying to set the record straight on who actually
did what.

-- Kim-Ee

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 3:27 PM,  wrote:

> There has been a recent discussion of ``Church encoding'' of lists and
> the comparison with Scott encoding.
> I'd like to point out that what is often called Church encoding is
> actually Boehm-Berarducci encoding. That is, often seen
> > newtype ChurchList a =
> > CL { cataCL :: forall r. (a -> r -> r) -> r -> r }
> (in 
>  )
> is _not_ Church encoding. First of all, Church encoding is not typed
> and it is not tight. The following article explains the other
> difference between the encodings
> Boehm-Berarducci encoding is very insightful and influential. The
> authors truly deserve credit.
> P.S. It is actually possible to write zip function using Boehm-Berarducci
> encoding:
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Church vs Boehm-Berarducci encoding of Lists

2012-09-23 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 3:15 PM, wrote:

> Incidentally, there is more than one way to build a predecessor of Church
> numerals. Kleene's solution is not the only one.

Wouldn't you say then that "Church encoding" is still the more appropriate
reference given that Boehm-Berarducci's algorithm is rarely used? And also
that on discovering Church numerals in the untyped setting, one easily sees
how to get it to work in Haskell? Even when one has no inkling of the
larger picture of the embedding into System F?

When I need to encode pattern matching it's goodbye Church and hello Scott.
Aside from your projects, where else is the B-B procedure used?

-- Kim-Ee

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 3:15 PM,  wrote:

> Dan Doel wrote:
> > >> P.S. It is actually possible to write zip function using
> Boehm-Berarducci
> > >> encoding:
> > >>
> >
> > If you do, you might want to consider not using the above method, as I
> > seem to recall it doing an undesirable amount of extra work (repeated
> > O(n) tail).
> It is correct. The Boehm-Berarducci web page discusses at some extent
> the general inefficiency of the encoding, the need for repeated
> reflections and reifications for some (but not all) operations. That
> is why arithmetic on Church numerals is generally a bad idea.
> A much better encoding of numerals is what I call P-numerals
> It turns out, I have re-discovered them after Michel Parigot (so my
> name P-numerals is actually meaningful). Not only they are faster; one
> can _syntactically_ prove that PRED . SUCC is the identity.
> The general idea of course is Goedel's recursor R.
>R b a 0 = a
>R b a (Succ n) = b n (R b a n)
> which easily generalizes to lists. The enclosed code shows the list
> encoding that has constant-time cons, head, tail and trivially
> expressible fold and zip.
> Kim-Ee Yeoh wrote:
> > So properly speaking, tail and pred for Church-encoded lists and nats
> > are trial-and-error affairs. But the point is they need not be if we
> > use B-B encoding, which looks _exactly_ the same, except one gets a
> > citation link to a systematic procedure.
> >
> > So it looks like you're trying to set the record straight on who actually
> > did what.
> Exactly. Incidentally, there is more than one way to build a
> predecessor of Church numerals. Kleene's solution is not the only
> one. Many years ago I was thinking on this problem and designed a
> different predecessor:
> excerpted from
> One ad hoc way of defining a predecessor of a positive numeral
> predp cn+1 ==> cn
> is to represent "predp cn" as "cn f v"
> where f and v are so chosen that (f z) acts as
> if z == v then c0 else (succ z)
> We know that z can be either a numeral cn or a special value v. All
> Church numerals have a property that (cn combI) is combI: the identity
> combinator is a fixpoint of every numeral. Therefore, ((cn combI) (succ
> cn)) reduces to (succ cn). We only need to choose the value v in such
> a way that ((v I) (succ v)) yields c0.
> > predp = eval $
> >   c ^ c
> ># (z ^ (z # combI # (succ # z)))   -- function f(z)
> ># (a ^ x ^ c0) -- value v
> {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
> -- List represented with R
> newtype R x = R{unR :: forall w.
>   -- b
>   (x -> R x -> w -> w)
>   -- a
>   -> w
>   -- result
>   -> w}
> nil :: R x
> nil = R (\b a -> a)
> -- constant type
> cons :: x -> R x -> R x
> cons x r = R(\b a -> b x r (unR r b a))
> -- constant time
> rhead :: R x -> x
> rhead (R fr) = fr (\x _ _ -> x) (error "head of the empty list")
> -- constant time
> rtail :: R x -> R x
> rtail (R fr) = fr (\_ r _ -> r) (error "tail of the empty list")
> -- fold
> rfold :: (x -> w -> w) -> w -> R x -> w
> rfold f z (R fr) = fr (\x _ w -> f x w) z
> -- zip is expressed via fold
> rzipWith :: (x -> y -> z) -> R x -> R y -> R z
> rzipWith f r1 r2 =  rfold f' z r1 r2
>  where f' x tD = \r2 -> cons (f x (rhead r2)) (tD (rtail r2))
>z   = \_  -> nil
> -- tests
> toR :: [a] -> R a
> toR = foldr cons nil
> toL :: R a -> [a]
> toL = rfold (:) []
> l1 = toR [1..10]
> l2 = toR "abcde"
> t1 = toL $ rtail l2
> -- "bcde"
> t2 = toL $ rzipWith (,) l2 l1
> -- [('a',1),('b',2),('c',3),('d',4),('e',5)]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Church vs Boehm-Berarducci encoding of Lists

2012-09-26 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
Both are excellent points, thank you.

Your mention of general recursion prompts the following: in 1995, ten years
after publication of Boehm-Berarducci, Launchbury and Sheard investigated
transformation of programs written in general recursive form into
build-foldr form, with an eye towards the normalization laid out in "A Fold
for All Seasons."

L&S does not cite B&B. Could they be the same algorithm?

-- Kim-Ee

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 11:41 AM,  wrote:

> > Wouldn't you say then that "Church encoding" is still the more
> appropriate
> > reference given that Boehm-Berarducci's algorithm is rarely used?
> >
> > When I need to encode pattern matching it's goodbye Church and hello
> Scott.
> > Aside from your projects, where else is the B-B procedure used?
> First of all, the Boehm-Berarducci encoding is inefficient only when
> doing an operation that is not easily representable as a fold. Quite
> many problems can be efficiently tackled by a fold.
> Second, I must stress the foundational advantage of the
> Boehm-Berarducci encoding: plain System F. Boehm-Berarducci encoding
> uses _no_ recursion: not at the term level, not at the type level.  In
> contrast, the efficient for pattern-match encodings need general
> recursive types. With such types, a fix-point combinator becomes
> expressible, and the system, as a logic, becomes inconsistent.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Which advanced Haskell topics interest you

2012-10-04 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
Something to consider is that it's not so much whether the material is
basic, advanced, or intermediate; it's that the way it's being presented is
boring and ineffective.

Take the Head First Java book, which was deliberately engineered to
overcome precisely this hitherto neglected aspect of technical teaching.
There's a lot we can learn from how that book was put together because it's
done wonders for onboarding java developers.

A summary of what makes the book different:

-- Kim-Ee

On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 9:43 PM, Manuel M T Chakravarty  wrote:

> Most existing Haskell books and similar teaching material is aimed at
> programmers who are new to Haskell. This survey is to assess the community
> interest in teaching material covering advanced topics beyond the commonly
> taught introductory material.
> Manuel
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why Kleisli composition is not in the Monad signature?

2012-10-23 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 9:37 PM, AUGER Cédric  wrote:

> As I said, from the mathematical point of view, join (often noted μ in
> category theory) is the (natural) transformation which with return (η
> that I may have erroneously written ε in some previous mail) defines a
> monad (and requires some additionnal law).


Your emails keep invoking "the mathematical point of view" as if it were
something unique and universal.

Mathematical definitions are created and adopted to the extent that they
give rise to interesting, meaningful proofs. Coding in Haskell is precisely
proving theorems in a branch of constructive mathematics. Its practitioners
have found one set of monad definitions more intuitive and sensible when
working on such proofs than another such set.

I don't understand your dogmatism about return and join being canonically
the best monad definition in all possible mathematics. That's truly a
quantifier that beggars imagination.

-- Kim-Ee

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 9:37 PM, AUGER Cédric  wrote:

> Le Tue, 16 Oct 2012 09:51:29 -0400,
> Jake McArthur  a écrit :
> > On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 11:29 PM, Dan Doel  wrote:
> > > I'd be down with putting join in the class, but that tends to not be
> > > terribly important for most cases, either.
> >
> > Join is not the most important, but I do think it's often easier to
> > define than bind. I often find myself implementing bind by explicitly
> > using join.
> join IS the most important from the categorical point of view.
> In a way it is natural to define 'bind' from 'join', but in Haskell, it
> is not always possible (see the Monad/Functor problem).
> As I said, from the mathematical point of view, join (often noted μ in
> category theory) is the (natural) transformation which with return (η
> that I may have erroneously written ε in some previous mail) defines a
> monad (and requires some additionnal law). As often some points it out,
> Haskellers are not very right in their definition of Monad, not because
> of the bind vs join (in fact in a Monad either of them can be defined
> from the other one), but because of the functor status of a Monad. A
> monad, should always be a functor (at least to fit its mathematical
> definition). And this problem with the functor has probably lead to the
> use of "bind" (which is polymorphic in two type variables) rather than
> "join" (which has only one type variable, and thus is simpler).
> The problem, is that when 'm' is a Haskell Monad which does not belong
> to the Functor class, we cannot define 'bind' in general from 'join'.
> That is in the context where you have:
> return:∀ a. a → (m a)
> join:∀ a. (m (m a)) → (m a)
> x:m a
> f:a → (m b)
> you cannot define some term of type 'm b', since you would need to use
> at the end, either 'f' (and you would require to produce a 'a' which
> would be impossible), or 'return' (and you would need to produce a 'b',
> which is impossible), or 'join' (and you would need to produce a 'm (m
> b)', and recursively for that you cannot use return which would make
> you go back to define a 'm b' term)
> For that, you need the 'fmap' operation of the functor.
> return:∀ a. a → (m a)
> join:∀ a. (m (m a)) → (m a)
> fmap:∀ a b. (a→b) → ((m a)→(m b))
> x:m a
> f:a → (m b)
> in this context defining a term of type 'm b' is feasible (join (fmap f
> x)), so that you can express "bind = \ x f -> join (fmap f x)".
> To sum up, mathematical monads are defined from 'return' and 'join' as
> a mathematical monad is always a functor (so 'fmap' is defined, and
> 'bind', which is more complex than 'join' can be defined from 'join'
> and 'fmap'). Haskell does not use a very good definition for their
> monads, as they may not be instance of the Functor class (although
> most of them can easily be defined as such), and without this 'fmap',
> 'join' and 'return' would be pretty useless, as you wouldn't be able
> to move from a type 'm a' to a type 'm b'.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Off-topic] How unimportant it is whether submarines can swim (EWD1056)

2012-10-29 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Rustom Mody  wrote:

> In particular, there is one small notational point that he insisted on
> towards the end of his career (and life) viz. where traditional
> mathematicians write *f(x)  *and functional programmers write *f x*, he
> would write *f.x* , ie he showed apply with a '.'
> In trying to understand his intentions, I wrote the following
> 'thought-dialogue' [as in thought-experiment :-) ]

I didn't read all of it, but near the end when "EWD" made the point about
how function application should be a first-class operator and not mere
whitespace, "Haskeller" missed a golden opportunity to segue into
applicative functors.

-- Kim-Ee
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compilers: Why do we need a core language?

2012-11-20 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
> Is it impossible (very hard) to directly translate high-level language
into machine code?

There's a context to your question I don't understand, so let me ask:

Wouldn't it be easier to break a big step into smaller baby steps?
And if it's indeed easier why wouldn't you choose that route?

-- Kim-Ee

On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 6:54 PM,  wrote:

> Hello,
> I know nothing about compilers and interpreters. I checked several
> books, but none of them explained why we have to translate a
> high-level language into a small (core) language. Is it impossible
> (very hard) to directly translate high-level language into machine
> code?
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] cabal configure && cabal build && cabal install

2012-11-26 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
Nice tip, Albert! Good to know! One question I have is, is (runghc
Setup.lhs) equivalent to (cabal) in

runghc Setup.lhs <$> [configure, build, install]


On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 8:08 AM, Brent Yorgey wrote:

> > [cabal haddock, if you want]
> > cabal copy
> > cabal register
> Even this does not do the same thing as 'cabal install', because it
> does not download and install any dependencies (whereas 'cabal
> install' does).

Brent, that's useful to know too, thanks!

Fwiw, I think Albert had the backdrop of classic GNU autoconf in mind,
predating all that newfangled stuff of downloading (!) dependencies (!!).

-- Kim-Ee

> -Brent
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to incrementally update list

2012-11-28 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
> I want to incrementally update list lot of times, but don't know how to
do this.

Are you using the right data structure for the job? Maybe you want an array

-- Kim-Ee

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 6:43 PM, Branimir Maksimovic wrote:

>  Problem is following short program:
> list = [1,2,3,4,5]
> advance l = map (\x -> x+1) l
> run 0 s = s
> run n s = run (n-1) $ advance s
> main = do
> let s =  run 5000 list
> putStrLn $ show s
> I want to incrementally update list lot of times, but don't know
> how to do this.
> Since Haskell does not have loops I have to use recursion,
> but problem is that recursive calls keep previous/state parameter
> leading to excessive stack.and memory usage.
> I don't know how to tell Haskell not to keep previous
> state rather to release so memory consumption becomes
> managable.
> Is there some solution to this problem as I think it is rather
> common?
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to incrementally update list

2012-11-30 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh
On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 1:16 AM, Mark Thom  wrote:

> > Is there a paper or other single resource that will help me thoroughly
understand non-strictness in Haskell?

If performance is utterly vital the best resource is Core, as in, the
ability to read it. The order of evaluation is all laid out there. Don [1]
and Johan [2] have written variously about it.


-- Kim-Ee

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 1:16 AM, Mark Thom  wrote:

> Haskell's laziness is tricky to understand coming from imperative
>> languages, but once you figure out its evaluation rules, you'll begin to
>> see the elegance.
> Is there a paper or other single resource that will help me thoroughly
> understand non-strictness in Haskell? Once my programs hit a certain level
> of complexity, their behaviour becomes much harder for me to predict. I've
> been using the wiki pages up to this point, but apparently they haven't
> pushed my understanding of laziness nearly far enough.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why Kleisli composition is not in the Monad signature?

2012-11-30 Thread Kim-Ee Yeoh

> Now, on to Bind: the standard finite structure example for Bind is
most probably the substitution thingy ...

Danger of conflating a bunch of things here:

(1) the substitution monadic effect is always also applicative and always
also unital/pointed because monads are always applicative and pointed.

(2) the zippy applicative effect is NOT monadic (see main applicative paper)

(3) for finite structures, there's even a
pre-applicative-but-still-zippy-ish Apply effect that's apparently NOT
unital/pointed. I don't know of any results that crystallize this intuition
about finite/infinite cleanly distributing itself into Applicative and
Apply bins.

(4) all the above has thus far been functors! Gershom has explained a use
case where Apply isn't even one.

-- Kim-Ee

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 5:00 AM, Ben Franksen  wrote:

> Gershom Bazerman wrote:
> > On 11/30/12 10:44 AM, Dan Doel wrote:
> >>
> >> Lists! The finite kind.
> >>
> >> This could mean Seq for instance.
> >>
> >> On Nov 30, 2012 9:53 AM, "Brent Yorgey"  >> > wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> Any data type which admits structures of arbitrary but *only finite*
> >> size has a natural "zippy" Apply instance but no Applicative (since
> >> pure would have to be an infinite structure).  The Map instance I
> >> mentioned above falls in this category.  Though I guess I'm having
> >> trouble coming up with other examples, but I'm sure some exist.
> Maybe
> >> Edward knows of other examples.
> >>
> >
> > Another common case would be an embedded DSL representing code in a
> > different language, targeting a different platform (or even an FPGA or
> > the like), etc. You can apply `OtherLang (a -> b)` to an `OtherLang a`
> > and get an `OtherLang b`, but you clearly can't promote (or "lower," I
> > guess) an arbitrary Haskell function into a function in your target
> > language. This is the same reason that GArrows remove the `arr` function
> > (
> A fine example! And I am getting the drift... yes, this could be a useful
> abstraction.
> Now, on to Bind: the standard finite structure example for Bind is most
> probably the substitution thingy, i.e. if m :: m a, f :: a -> m b, then m
> >>= f means replace all elements x :: a in m with f x and then flatten the
> result so it's an m b again. Like concatMap for lists, right? So, there is
> no return for that in the Map case for exactly the same reason as with
> Apply: the unit would have have value id for every possible key, so cannot
> be finite.
> So what about an example for Bind\\Monad that is not yet another variation
> of the finite structure theme?
> Cheers
> --
> Ben Franksen
> ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
> /\   - against proprietary attachments
> ___
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