Re: [Haskell-cafe] attoparsec double precision, quickCheck and aeson

2012-06-05 Thread Warren Harris

On Jun 5, 2012, at 10:51 AM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Warren Harris  
> wrote:
> which helps in many cases, but for some the parsing seems bi-stable, 
> alternating between two imprecise double values and causing the test to fail. 
> I was wondering if anyone could suggest a better work-around for this 
> problem, or explain why Attoparsec's double parser can't be isomorphic to 
> haskell's.
> If you need the full precision, use rational instead. The double parser is 
> there because parsing floating point numbers is often a bottleneck, and 
> double intentionally trades speed for precision. 

I'm actually using Aeson and the parser it provides, so I don't really have the 
option of using rational.___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] attoparsec double precision, quickCheck and aeson

2012-06-05 Thread Warren Harris

On Jun 5, 2012, at 9:57 AM, Johan Tibell wrote:

> I don't think applying == to something that contains floating point
> values at the leaves makes much sense. You want some approxEq function
> that uses approximate equality on floating point value or you want to
> equality function that ignores the floating point values. Probably not
> the answer you like, but I don't know how to define Eq in a robust way
> for types that include floating point values.

I buy that in general for comparing floats (those that result from arithmetic 
operations), but this is a case where attoparsec's parser is munging the value. 
I would like to have a law that says "parse . print == id" ... which is why 
this seems more like a bug than the usual floating point concerns. This law 
seems to hold for haskell's double parser: quickCheck (\d -> read (show d) == d)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] attoparsec double precision, quickCheck and aeson

2012-06-05 Thread Warren Harris

On Jun 5, 2012, at 9:38 AM, Johan Tibell wrote:
> You want to perform your test as
>d1 - d2 < epsilon

What's the best way to do this though, since aeson's Value type already 
provides instance Eq? I guess I can write my own suite of equality comparisons, 
but these aeson values are the leaves of an extensive grammar and it seems a 
shame to mimic everything that Eq does (without the benefits of deriving) just 
to compare doubles differently. 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] attoparsec double precision, quickCheck and aeson

2012-06-05 Thread Warren Harris
The double parser provided by Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 looses precision 
around the 13-15th decimal place 
 Unfortunately this reeks havoc with my attempts to write a quickCheck test 
that validates print-read equivalence for a program that uses Aeson. I have 
tried compensating for this round-off error in my quickCheck generator using a 
function like this:

roundDouble :: Double -> Double
roundDouble d = let Right v = A8.parseOnly A8.double (C.pack (show d)) in v

which helps in many cases, but for some the parsing seems bi-stable, 
alternating between two imprecise double values and causing the test to fail. I 
was wondering if anyone could suggest a better work-around for this problem, or 
explain why Attoparsec's double parser can't be isomorphic to haskell's. Thanks,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] using ResourceT with MVars

2012-05-02 Thread Warren Harris

On May 2, 2012, at 2:06 AM, Michael Snoyman wrote:

> I don't really know the details of LevelDB, but if the question is
> "how do I run MVar operations in ResourceT",


> the answer would be
> lifted-base[1]. Since ResourceT is an instance of MonadBaseControl,
> you can use any of the functions in Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted.

Perfect. I didn't know about lifted-base. Many thanks,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] using ResourceT with MVars

2012-05-02 Thread Warren Harris
I would like to use LevelDB in my code, and the HEAD version of leveldb-haskell 
now uses runResourceT to manage open db connections and iterators. I would also 
like to run multiple threads, and coordinate them for transaction-like 
behavior, i.e. read and writing data without interruption. LevelDB doesn't 
support transactions itself, so the alternative would seem to be using MVars 
for mutual exclusion. 

With the 0.0.3 version of leveldb-haskell, the get and put operations were in 
the IO monad, which made it trivial to write something like this:

withMVar state $ \db -> do
  maybeValue <- get db rdOpts key
  put db wrOpts key $ maybe init incr maybeValue

Now with the HEAD version, the get and put operations have types:

get :: MonadResource m => DB -> ReadOptions -> ByteString -> m (Maybe 
put :: MonadResource m => DB -> WriteOptions -> ByteString -> ByteString -> m ()

I don't think it makes sense in general to lift the withMVar into MonadResource 
and use runResourceT to run its body in IO. This would not satisfy the 
intention behind using ResourceT -- resource allocated inside the withMVar body 
would be deallocated when the withMVar scope is exited, rather than being 
managed by the outermost ResourceT. (Although, in this case we aren't 
allocating any resources, so maybe it's a moot point for my simple example.)

I also don't think it makes sense to use takeMVar and putMVar instead of 
withMVars as this would subvert the exception handling that withMVars provides. 
And my attempts to define a withMVarR (in the ResourceT IO monad) also seem to 
require runResourceT:

withMVarR :: MVar a -> (a -> ResourceT IO b) -> ResourceT IO b
withMVarR m io = do
  -- mask $ \restore -> do
a <- lift $ takeMVar m
b <- {-restore-} (io a) `onExceptionR` (lift $ putMVar m a)
lift $ putMVar m a
return b

onExceptionR :: ResourceT IO a -> ResourceT IO b -> ResourceT IO a
onExceptionR a b = do
  runResourceT $ transResourceT (\a -> transResourceT (onException a) b) a

Maybe I need to create a "HasMVar" class analogous to HasRef? 

I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to make these fit together. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] prettyprint with IO

2012-04-12 Thread Warren Harris

Thanks for the suggestions. No sooner did I send my message than I came to the 
same conclusion of creating a monadic version of the combinators to simplify 
the migration. It actually worked out fairly well -- most of the code ported 
over to the monadic version unaltered. The only exception is with literal lists 
used by combinators such as 'sep', e.g. sep [...]. This has to become sep $ 
sequence [...] in order to convert the argument into the expected monad. 

I put my code up on github
 If you can take a look, I'd appreciate your suggestions.


On Apr 12, 2012, at 6:22 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:

> Hi Warren,
> On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Warren Harris  
> wrote:
>> I wrote a parsec parser that does symbols lookups during the parsing process 
>> (ParsecT String Store IO a). Now I'd like to write a pretty printer that 
>> does the reverse. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a transformer 
>> version of Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ. Can anyone suggest a way to do this? 
>> Thanks,
> It seems like the opposite would be a function of type 'a -> Store -> IO Doc'.
> Maybe a function of type 'a -> ReaderT Store IO Doc' could be easier
> to work with.
> If you go this route you could write a lifted versions of (<>), (<+>), hcat 
> etc.
> An example:
> (<>) :: Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc
> I haven't tried any of this, so I'm not sure if you would get any big
> win over just using the first suggestion (a function of type 'a ->
> Store -> IO Doc') and using the stock combinators and threading the
> store around by hand.
> But do let me know if something works out.
> Antoine

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] prettyprint with IO

2012-04-12 Thread Warren Harris
I wrote a parsec parser that does symbols lookups during the parsing process 
(ParsecT String Store IO a). Now I'd like to write a pretty printer that does 
the reverse. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a transformer version of 
Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ. Can anyone suggest a way to do this? Thanks,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskell-platform vs macports

2012-03-22 Thread Warren Harris

Thanks for the recommendation. I tried installing with homebrew, and it went 
fairly smoothly. Only 12 minutes to build haskell-platform, as opposed to the 
11 hours to run port upgrade outdated yesterday!

I did have to get help on one thing though. Although the mac ships with 
libarchive.dylib, it doesn't have archive.h. In order to install that, the 
following steps are necessary, since the libarchive package is otherwise 

brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew install `brew --prefix`/Library/Formula/libarchive.rb


On Mar 22, 2012, at 3:31 PM, Thomas Schilling wrote:

> If you're not otherwise attached to MacPorts, you might want to check
> out Homebrew [1].  Its integration with the rest of OS X is generally
> more smoothly and I haven't come across any missing packages yet.
> [1]:
> On 22 March 2012 16:34, Warren Harris  wrote:
>> I assume that many haskell users out there on macs who are also users of 
>> macports, and I bet they've hit this same issue that I've hit numerous 
>> times. The problem is that there are 2 incompatible versions of libiconv -- 
>> one that ships with the mac, and one that's built with macports and that 
>> many macports-compiled libraries depend on.
>> Work-arounds have been documented in numerous places (notably here: 
>>, but if you are trying to link with a 
>> macports-compiled libraries that depends on /opt/local/lib/libiconv.2.dylib, 
>> your only alternative seems to be building ghc from source in order to avoid 
>> the incompatibility. I hit this problem while trying to build a 
>> foreign-function interface to libarchive.
>> So I built ghc from scratch -- in fact I built the whole haskell-platform. 
>> This was relatively painless, and fixed the libiconv problem. However, it 
>> brings me to the real point of my message, which is that the version of 
>> haskell-platform available via macports is way out of date (2009.2.0.2 
>> I'm wondering whether the haskell-platform team has considered maintaining a 
>> macports version of the haskell-platform for us mac users in addition to the 
>> binary install that's available now. This would avoid the incompatibilities 
>> such as this nagging one with libiconv. Perhaps it's just a matter of 
>> maintaining template versions of the port files?
>> Warren
>> Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
>>  "_locale_charset", referenced from:
>> _localeEncoding in libHSbase-
>>  "_iconv_close", referenced from:
>> _hs_iconv_close in libHSbase-
>>(maybe you meant: _hs_iconv_close)
>>  "_iconv", referenced from:
>> _hs_iconv in libHSbase-
>>(maybe you meant: _hs_iconv, _hs_iconv_open , _hs_iconv_close )
>>  "_iconv_open", referenced from:
>> _hs_iconv_open in libHSbase-
>>(maybe you meant: _hs_iconv_open)
>> ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>> cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
>> Libarchive-0.1 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
>> ExitFailure 1
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> -- 
> Push the envelope. Watch it bend.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] haskell-platform vs macports

2012-03-22 Thread Warren Harris
I assume that many haskell users out there on macs who are also users of 
macports, and I bet they've hit this same issue that I've hit numerous times. 
The problem is that there are 2 incompatible versions of libiconv -- one that 
ships with the mac, and one that's built with macports and that many 
macports-compiled libraries depend on.

Work-arounds have been documented in numerous places (notably here:, but if you are trying to link with a 
macports-compiled libraries that depends on /opt/local/lib/libiconv.2.dylib, 
your only alternative seems to be building ghc from source in order to avoid 
the incompatibility. I hit this problem while trying to build a 
foreign-function interface to libarchive.

So I built ghc from scratch -- in fact I built the whole haskell-platform. This 
was relatively painless, and fixed the libiconv problem. However, it brings me 
to the real point of my message, which is that the version of haskell-platform 
available via macports is way out of date (2009.2.0.2

I'm wondering whether the haskell-platform team has considered maintaining a 
macports version of the haskell-platform for us mac users in addition to the 
binary install that's available now. This would avoid the incompatibilities 
such as this nagging one with libiconv. Perhaps it's just a matter of 
maintaining template versions of the port files? 


Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
 "_locale_charset", referenced from:
 _localeEncoding in libHSbase-
 "_iconv_close", referenced from:
 _hs_iconv_close in libHSbase-
(maybe you meant: _hs_iconv_close)
 "_iconv", referenced from:
 _hs_iconv in libHSbase-
(maybe you meant: _hs_iconv, _hs_iconv_open , _hs_iconv_close )
 "_iconv_open", referenced from:
 _hs_iconv_open in libHSbase-
(maybe you meant: _hs_iconv_open)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
Libarchive-0.1 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] erratic behavior for System.Time.diffClockTimes

2011-04-08 Thread Warren Harris
I'm trying out GHC-7.0.3-x86_64 for Mac OS X and see what seems to be a bug in 
System.Time.diffClockTimes. The TimeDiff tdPicosec field returns values that 
seem to jump around erratically: 

test = do
  startTime <- System.Time.getClockTime
  endTime <- System.Time.getClockTime
  let dt = diffClockTimes endTime startTime
  putStrLn $ show dt

Prelude Test> test
TimeDiff {tdYear = 0, tdMonth = 0, tdDay = 0, tdHour = 0, tdMin = 0, tdSec = 0, 
tdPicosec = 0}
Prelude Test> test
TimeDiff {tdYear = 0, tdMonth = 0, tdDay = 0, tdHour = 0, tdMin = 0, tdSec = 0, 
tdPicosec = 300}
Prelude Test> test
TimeDiff {tdYear = 0, tdMonth = 0, tdDay = 0, tdHour = 0, tdMin = 0, tdSec = 0, 
tdPicosec = -332901224613832315000}
Prelude Test> test
TimeDiff {tdYear = 0, tdMonth = 0, tdDay = 0, tdHour = 0, tdMin = 0, tdSec = 0, 
tdPicosec = 300}
Prelude Test> test
TimeDiff {tdYear = 0, tdMonth = 0, tdDay = 0, tdHour = 0, tdMin = 0, tdSec = 0, 
tdPicosec = -332901224613832285100}
Prelude Test> 

I can file a bug, unless I'm overlooking something here.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] timely shutdown of timer threads

2011-02-02 Thread Warren Harris

On Feb 2, 2011, at 2:02 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 10:42 PM, Warren Harris  
> wrote:
>> Interesting. I hadn't thought of this solution. You're forking the timer to 
>> yet a third thread so that if it continues waiting beyond the checkpoint 
>> thread shutdown it doesn't really matter. I guess that works as long as the 
>> main thread doesn't wait for all other threads to terminate before 
>> terminating the app.
>> It still seems to me that haskell is lacking when it comes to operations 
>> that can wait for multiple conditions.
> I think we can make waiting for both I/O activity and timers at the
> same time using the I/O manager. I will need to do this for my planned
> timeout support in the network package.

I could see wanting to wait for an MVar, timeout, IO activity, STM channels 
(anything that could block), all in the same event handler. (Rather like the 
old WaitForMultipleObjects on Windows.) This would also require a way to test 
each condition without blocking (MVar has this with tryTakeMVar, but it doesn't 
look like they all support it.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] timely shutdown of timer threads

2011-02-02 Thread Warren Harris
Interesting. I hadn't thought of this solution. You're forking the timer to yet 
a third thread so that if it continues waiting beyond the checkpoint thread 
shutdown it doesn't really matter. I guess that works as long as the main 
thread doesn't wait for all other threads to terminate before terminating the 

It still seems to me that haskell is lacking when it comes to operations that 
can wait for multiple conditions.


On Feb 1, 2011, at 6:25 PM, Albert Y. C. Lai wrote:

> On 11-02-01 02:58 PM, Warren Harris wrote:
>> I have an application that forks a thread to run an activity on a timer. 
>> (The activity happens to be Berkeley DB checkpointing, but that's actually 
>> beside the point here.) The problem is that when the application wants to 
>> quit, I would like my main thread to be able to tell the timer thread to 
>> shut down in a timely way. However, I don't see a primitive in haskell that 
>> allows me to both wait for a timeout, or a notification. (If I were to do 
>> this in java, I would use wait/notify.)
> Use an MVar for signalling; use a two-valued data type to represent 
> time-to-work or time-to-die. For extra correctness, use a second MVar to be 
> notified that the child thread is really done --- because otherwise there 
> would be the race condition of the child thread still in the middle of 
> critical I/O when the program quits.
> import Control.Concurrent
> import Control.Exception(finally)
> data DoOrDie = Do | Die
> main = do
>  v <- newEmptyMVar
>  finale <- newEmptyMVar
>  forkIO (timeloop v `finally` putMVar finale ())
>  putStrLn "press enter to quit"
>  getLine
>  putMVar v Die
>  takeMVar finale
> timeloop v = run where
>  run = do
>forkIO (threadDelay 1500 >> putMVar v Do)
>m <- takeMVar v
>case m of
>  Do -> putStrLn "checkpoint" >> run
>  Die -> putStrLn "checkmate"
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] timely shutdown of timer threads

2011-02-01 Thread Warren Harris
I have an application that forks a thread to run an activity on a timer. (The 
activity happens to be Berkeley DB checkpointing, but that's actually beside 
the point here.) The problem is that when the application wants to quit, I 
would like my main thread to be able to tell the timer thread to shut down in a 
timely way. However, I don't see a primitive in haskell that allows me to both 
wait for a timeout, or a notification. (If I were to do this in java, I would 
use wait/notify.) 

Here's the code I wrote to attempt this shutdown procedure:

import Control.Exception
import Database.Berkeley.Db
import Data.IORef
import System.Posix.Unistd

closeEnv :: Env -> IO ()
closeEnv env = do
  threadId <- readIORef (envCheckpointThread env)
  case threadId of
Just tid -> killThread tid
Nothing -> return ()
  dbEnv_close [] (envDbEnv env)

startCheckpointing :: Env -> IO ThreadId
startCheckpointing env = do
  forkOS run
  where run = catch checkpoint handler
checkpoint = checkpoint1 >> checkpoint
checkpoint1 = unblock $ do
  let dbenv = envDbEnv env
  _ <- sleep checkpointInterval
  putStrLn "# checkpoint"
  dbEnv_txn_checkpoint [] dbenv 0 0
handler ThreadKilled = return ()
handler exn = throw exn

However, there are several problems here: First, the checkpointInterval is 15 
sec, so it takes at least 15 seconds for the thread to wake up and be 
interrupted. Second, it isn't clear to me whether the killThread call should 
interrupt the sleep or not. In practice, several checkpoints occur before the 
ThreadKilled message is delivered, and this can take up to 2 minutes to shut 

Is there a better way to do this? Suggestions would be greatly appreciated,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] dph question

2010-10-15 Thread Warren Harris
Got it - thanks. Any idea about the run-away process problem? Thanks,


On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Daniel Fischer wrote:

> On Friday 15 October 2010 14:59:18, Warren Harris wrote:
> > I trying to learn a bit about data parallel haskell, and started from
> > the wiki page here:
> > Two
> > questions:
> >
> > The examples express the dot product as:
> >
> > dotp_double xs ys = sumP [:x *
> > <
> >> y | x <- xs | y <- ys:]
> >
> > Unless I'm missing something, shouldn't this actually be:
> >
> > dotp_double xs ys = sumP [:x *
> > <
> >> y | x <- xs, y <- ys:]
> >
> No, it's supposed to be a parallel list comprehension, the dot product is
> sum $ zipWith (*) xs ys
> and the
> { blah x y | x <- xs | y <- ys }
> syntax (where {, } stand in for [, ] in parallel list comprehensions and
> for [:, :] in parallel array comprehensions) means
> { blah x y | (x,y) <- zip xs ys }
> > Second, when I run Main with the prescribed 1 element array,
> > everything seems to work quite nicely. The task takes about 2 seconds on
> > my 4 processor x86_64, and threadscope shows all processors nicely
> > utilized. However, when bumping this to 10 elements, rather than
> > taking 10x longer as I expected, the process never terminates. During
> > one run I even lost control of my machine and needed to do a hard reset.
> > Are there known limits to the array sizes that can be handled with dph,
> > or can someone suggest what might be going wrong here? Thanks,
> >
> > Warren
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] dph question

2010-10-15 Thread Warren Harris
I trying to learn a bit about data parallel haskell, and started from the
wiki page here:
Two questions:

The examples express the dot product as:

dotp_double xs ys = sumP [:x *

y | x <- xs | y <- ys:]

Unless I'm missing something, shouldn't this actually be:

dotp_double xs ys = sumP [:x *

y | x <- xs, y <- ys:]

Second, when I run Main with the prescribed 1 element array, everything
seems to work quite nicely. The task takes about 2 seconds on my 4 processor
x86_64, and threadscope shows all processors nicely utilized. However, when
bumping this to 10 elements, rather than taking 10x longer as I
expected, the process never terminates. During one run I even lost control
of my machine and needed to do a hard reset. Are there known limits to the
array sizes that can be handled with dph, or can someone suggest what might
be going wrong here? Thanks,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Build problems (hsp, trhsx, ultimately Happstack)

2010-05-01 Thread Warren Harris

On May 1, 2010, at 10:48 AM, Daniel Fischer wrote:

Add a --constraint="base>=4"

That should fix containers-, but it might break something else.


$ cabal install  --constraint="Crypto<4.2.1" -- 
constraint="HJScript<0.5" --constraint="base>=4" happs-tutorial

Resolving dependencies...
cabal: dependencies conflict: happstack-server-0.4.3 requires containers
== however
containers- was excluded because happstack-helpers-0.49 requires
containers >= && <
containers- was excluded because happs-tutorial-0.9.3 requires
containers >= && <

I think I'll have to wait for Jeremy's update.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Build problems (hsp, trhsx, ultimately Happstack)

2010-05-01 Thread Warren Harris

On May 1, 2010, at 3:39 AM, Daniel Fischer wrote:


$ cabal install  --constraint="Crypto<4.2.1" -- 


This had the same problem building containers:

Building containers-

Could not find module `Data.Data':
  It is a member of the hidden package `base'.
  Perhaps you need to add `base' to the build-depends in  
your .cabal file.

  Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:

On May 1, 2010, at 6:24 AM, Jeremy Shaw wrote:

I would recommend:

darcs get --lazy
cd happstack
chmod +x bin/

This should install the latest version of happstack from darcs which  
resolves most install problems. I intend to release it any minute  
now, but I am waiting for a patch to hsp.cabal to be applied.

This had a different problem building happstack itself:

Building happstack-0.4.3...
trhsx: Error at SrcLoc {srcFilename = "src/HSP/IdentityT.hs", srcLine  
= 73, srcColumn = 1}:

Illegal instance declaration
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
happstack-0.4.3 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

I can't see anything that looks obviously wrong with line 73 of that  
file, but haven't studied it in detail.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Build problems (hsp, trhsx, ultimately Happstack)

2010-05-01 Thread Warren Harris

On May 1, 2010, at 1:28 AM, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

Warren Harris  writes:

On May 1, 2010, at 12:08 AM, Alexander Solla wrote:

I think that if you run this, you will satisfy all the dependencies:

cabal install "hjscript<0.5.0" happstack

Thank you. That worked. I had a similar problem installing the
happstack-tutorial, but found that I could work around it with this:

 cabal install "Crypto<4.2.1"

And this, people, is why bounded dependencies in cabal files are so

Uh... actually I was a little too quick in sending my last message. I  
only built crypto, not the tutorial. Trying again I hit this:

$ cabal install "Crypto<4.2.1" happs-tutorial
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring containers-
Preprocessing library containers-
Building containers-

Could not find module `Data.Data':
  It is a member of the hidden package `base'.
  Perhaps you need to add `base' to the build-depends in  
your .cabal file.

  Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
HSH-2.0.3 depends on containers- which failed to install.
HStringTemplate-0.5 depends on containers- which failed to  
HStringTemplateHelpers-0.0.14 depends on containers- which  
failed to

HaXml-1.13.3 depends on containers- which failed to install.
MissingH-1.0.3 depends on containers- which failed to install.
PBKDF2-0.3 depends on containers- which failed to install.
SMTPClient-1.0.2 depends on containers- which failed to install.
binary- depends on containers- which failed to install.
containers- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
deepseq- depends on containers- which failed to install.
happs-tutorial-0.9.3 depends on containers- which failed to  

happstack-0.4.1 depends on containers- which failed to install.
happstack-data-0.4.1 depends on containers- which failed to  
happstack-helpers-0.49 depends on containers- which failed to  
happstack-ixset-0.4.1 depends on containers- which failed to  
happstack-server-0.4.1 depends on containers- which failed to  
happstack-state-0.4.1 depends on containers- which failed to  
happstack-util-0.4.1 depends on containers- which failed to  

hslogger-1.0.10 depends on containers- which failed to install.
parallel- depends on containers- which failed to install.
pureMD5- depends on containers- which failed to install.
regex-base-0.93.1 depends on containers- which failed to install.
regex-compat-0.92 depends on containers- which failed to install.
regex-posix-0.94.1 depends on containers- which failed to  

strict-concurrency-0.2.3 depends on containers- which failed to
syb-with-class-0.6.1 depends on containers- which failed to  

template-haskell- depends on containers- which failed to

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Build problems (hsp, trhsx, ultimately Happstack)

2010-05-01 Thread Warren Harris

On May 1, 2010, at 12:08 AM, Alexander Solla wrote:

I think that if you run this, you will satisfy all the dependencies:

cabal install "hjscript<0.5.0" happstack

Thank you. That worked. I had a similar problem installing the  
happstack-tutorial, but found that I could work around it with this:

  cabal install "Crypto<4.2.1"

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Build problems (hsp, trhsx, ultimately Happstack)

2010-04-30 Thread Warren Harris
I thought I'd install happstack to give it a try, but immediately hit  
the following build problem:

$ cabal install happstack
Resolving dependencies...
cabal: cannot configure HJScript-0.5.0. It requires hsx >=0.7.0
For the dependency on hsx >=0.7.0 there are these packages: hsx-0.7.0.  

none of them are available.
hsx-0.7.0 was excluded because happstack-0.4.1 requires hsx >=0.5.5 &&  

Any suggestions? I'm on mac os 10.5.8 with ghc 6.12.1. Thx,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskell platform questions

2010-03-26 Thread Warren Harris
FWIW, downloading the haskell-platform-2010.1.0.0 tarball and building  
it on my 10.5.8 system (with ghc 6.12.1 installed from the dmg) worked  
just fine. Didn't take too long either. Unfortunately I don't see any  
telltale linker options in the build logs.


On Mar 26, 2010, at 7:38 AM, Gregory Collins wrote:

Malcolm Wallace  writes:

It's a known issue, and it's mine. If you (naively) just expect to  
link on

Snow Leopard without passing any special backwards-
compatibility flags, and have things work on Leopard, well, Apple  
has news

for you.

gcc -mmacox-version-min=10.5.8  ?

Something like that, on both gcc and ld; I think you also need a
"-isysroot /blah.sdk" GCC option (unless that's only for Cocoa- 

stuff, I'm not sure).

I've been dreading it but I think I'm going to have to dig out my
Leopard CD and run it in a VM.

Gregory Collins 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskell platform questions

2010-03-22 Thread Warren Harris
BTW, I started to try the macports method (thinking that maybe  
building on my machine would resolve the linker problem), but the  
package up there seems to be the old one:

$ port info haskell-platform
haskell-platform @2009.2.0.2 (devel, haskell)

Description:  This is the the Haskell Platform: a single,  
standard Haskell distribution for every system. The Haskell Platform  
is a blessed library and tool suite for Haskell distilled from


Runtime Dependencies: ghc, hs-platform-cgi, hs-platform-fgl, hs- 
platform-editline, hs-platform-GLUT, hs-platform-haskell-src, hs- 
platform-html, hs-platform-HUnit, hs-platform-mtl, hs-platform-network,
  hs-platform-OpenGL, hs-platform-parallel, hs- 
platform-parsec, hs-platform-QuickCheck, hs-platform-regex-base, hs- 
platform-regex-compat, hs-platform-regex-posix, hs-platform-stm,
  hs-platform-time, hs-platform-xhtml, hs- 
platform-zlib, hs-platform-HTTP, hs-platform-alex, hs-platform-happy,  

License:  unknown

Maybe the dependencies haven't changed?

Also, not a big deal, but the instructions for the dmg version here 
 page say to follow the instructions, but there aren't any packaged  
with it. I mistakenly ran the "Haskell Platform 2010.1.0.0" installer  
first thinking that maybe it would install ghc as a dependency, but  
this crashed. Then I uninstalled everything, installed GHC-6.12.1- 
i386.pkg, then "Haskell Platform 2010.1.0.0", and rebooted... and then  
experienced the cabal problem.

BTW, there's some description of linker flags here: 
 but the developer claims 10.5.8 solved his problems (that's what I'm  


On Mar 22, 2010, at 7:45 AM, Gregory Collins wrote:

wren ng thornton  writes:

I'm still on 10.5.8. I don't have cabal-install installed yet, but  
I just
installed GHC-6.12.1/HP-2010.1.0.0. I can verify that ghci works  
fine so

far. I'll check out cabal-install in the next couple days.

If there is an issue here it'd be with the binaries that ship with the
platform, not GHC; can you check /usr/local/bin/cabal to see if yours
has the same issue?

I'm betting I probably have to re-link the binaries with some magic  

break on Leopard" linker flag.

Gregory Collins 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskell platform questions

2010-03-21 Thread Warren Harris
I downloaded the new haskell-platform-2010.1.0.0-i386.dmg today... ran  
the uninstaller, ghc installer and the platform installer. When I run  
ghci, it seems to work fine, but when I try cabal, I get this crash:

$ cabal --version
dyld: unknown required load command 0x8022
Trace/BPT trap

Any suggestions? (I'm on 10.5.8). Maybe I'll try the macport install  
process instead.

Thanks for your help,


On Mar 18, 2010, at 9:26 AM, John Velman wrote:

I'm also on Mac Leopard.  I tried installing ghc 6.12 with Haskell
Platform 2009.2.9.2-i386.dmg (ghc 6.10.4) for some reason, and ran  
a bunch of problems (problems to me, anyway).  I ended up  
uninstalling 6.12

and reinstalling haskell platform.  Uninstall is easy, there is an
uninstaller script in /Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/Tools.
(strangely, not in ..Frameworks/HaskellPaltform.framework).

I'm still using Leopard, but would like to move to Snow Leopard once  
I get
a few things out of the way.  But I see that there are (or were)  
some tricks in

getting ghc to work on OS X 10.6, apparently.  These seem to be well
documented, but, I'd rather spend the time on my own projects.


John V.

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 09:07:03PM -0700, Warren Harris wrote:
I installed haskell platform some time ago, and now I'm wondering  

version I have. How do I find out?

Also, when the new one comes along on the 21st, is there a way to  
Or if I must first uninstall the one I have now, how do I uninstall  

Is it recommended to periodically upgrade packages that came with the
platform (cabal upgrade), or is it recommended that they be left  
alone to
avoid dependency incompatibilities. Similar question for ghc itself  

can/should it be upgraded in the context of haskell platform?  (I was
hoping to try Leksah, but it dies without ghc 6.12.1. I seem to have

Apologies in advance if this is all documented somewhere, but I  
find it on the haskell platform site/trac. BTW, I'm on Mac/Leopard  
-- love

the fact that it didn't take hours to build everything!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] haskell platform questions

2010-03-17 Thread Warren Harris
I installed haskell platform some time ago, and now I'm wondering what  
version I have. How do I find out?

Also, when the new one comes along on the 21st, is there a way to  
upgrade? Or if I must first uninstall the one I have now, how do I  
uninstall it?

Is it recommended to periodically upgrade packages that came with the  
platform (cabal upgrade), or is it recommended that they be left alone  
to avoid dependency incompatibilities. Similar question for ghc itself  
-- can/should it be upgraded in the context of haskell platform?  (I  
was hoping to try Leksah, but it dies without ghc 6.12.1. I seem to  
have 6.10.4.)

Apologies in advance if this is all documented somewhere, but I  
couldn't find it on the haskell platform site/trac. BTW, I'm on Mac/ 
Leopard -- love the fact that it didn't take hours to build everything!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] buildExpressionParser prefix recursion

2009-12-01 Thread Warren Harris
I was wondering why Parsec's buildExpressionParser doesn't allow  
prefix expressions to be handled recursively, e.g. given a prefix "!"  
operation, it seems that "!!a" could parse without requiring  
parentheses ("!(!a)"). Is there an easy way to extend it? (I have a  
rich expression grammar I'd like to parse which includes several  
prefix forms, and it would be a shame to have to abandon  
buildExpressionParser since it is so concise and convenient.) Thanks,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Time Typeable Instances

2009-10-21 Thread Warren Harris

Hi John,

I just stumbled on this issue while trying to compile turbinado with  
the haskell platform / ghc 6.10.4. I got past it by manually editing  
back in the time definitions, but just wondering if there was an  
official resolution. Thanks,


On Oct 13, 2009, at 6:48 AM, John Goerzen wrote:

Hugo Gomes wrote:

The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.10.4
with old-time- and time-

This is a standard haskell platform on a windows xp. Cabal install
didn't work complaining about missing instances of typeable for posix
time and other datatypes, yet, after removing the macros (thus,  

those instances), hdbc and convertible compiled and installed fine.

Removing the macros might be a bit overkill, probably finetuning  
them so

that they add only the necessary instances for typeable in ghc > 610
might be a better solution.

I'm going to CC haskell-cafe on this because I am confused.

Hugo, can you confirm what version of convertible you have?

Back on May 21, I started a thread [1] on haskell-cafe complaining  
GHC 6.10.3 included a newer time that included instances of Typeable  

NominalDiffTime and UTCTime.  This broke my code, which had manually
defined instances for these types, as they were needed.  Things got
complicated, as only time's minor version number got incremented
(x.x.x.Y) [2].  Cabal can't test against that version number.

I wanted my code to work with old and new versions of GHC.  Since
testing against the version of time was impossible, I did the next  

thing: tested against the version of GHC.

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 610
-- instances added in GHC 6.10.3
instance Typeable NominalDiffTime where
   typeOf _ = mkTypeName "NominalDiffTime"

instance Typeable UTCTime where
   typeOf _ = mkTypeName "UTCTime"

Also, in the .cabal, there is a build-depends on time>=

Now, that would break for GHC 6.10.1 and 6.10.2 users, but will work  

6.10.3 and above, or 6.8 and below.  Or so I thought.

Now I'm getting complaints from people using 6.10.4 saying that there
are now missing instances of Typeable with time

1) Did the Typeable instances get dropped again from time?
2) What exactly should I do so this library compiles on GHC 6.8 and  

I'm looking at the darcs repo for time and don't see the instances  

getting dropped.


 later addendum 

so it appears that what's happening here is that GHC 6.10.3 extralibs
included time 1.1.3, but then haskell-platform standardized on
This is pretty annoying -- that haskell-platform would standardize  
on a
version older than what shipped with a GHC release -- but I guess I  

work around it by restricting my build-dep to be time < 1.1.3 and
re-adding the instances.

Does this sound right?

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 2:51 AM, John Goerzen>> wrote:

   Hugo Gomes wrote:


convertible and hdbc packages fail to compile in my standard

of the haskell platform. I think this has to do with those "if ghc  

610" macros on the typeable instances for some datatypes. I

   removed them

and now they work fine...

   What version of GHC and time do you have?

   -- John

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] mapping large structures into memory

2009-09-25 Thread Warren Harris

On Sep 25, 2009, at 12:14 PM, Don Stewart wrote:

It is entirely possible to use mmap to map structures into memory.
Thanks to the foreign function interface, there are well-defined
semantics for calling to and from C.

The key questions would be:

* what is the type and representation of the data you wish to map
* what operations on them

Right... my question relates more to how well the intrinsic type  
system integrates with foreign/mapped structures. For instance, I  
wouldn't want to create my own foreign arrays, and have to replicate  
all sorts of library code that only works on haskell's intrinsic arrays.

I'm assuming here that all this mapped data is self-contained, and  
doesn't point to heap-allocated structures, although that's a related  
question -- is it possible to inform the gc about heap pointers stored  
(temporarily) in these structures (and later identify them in order to  
swizzle them out when flushing the mapped file to disk).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] mapping large structures into memory

2009-09-25 Thread Warren Harris
I've dabbled in haskell, but am by no means an expert. I was hoping  
someone here could help me settle this debate so that we can more  
seriously consider haskell for a next version of an application we're  

I would like to understand better what its capabilities are for  
directly mapping and managing memory. For instance, I would like mmap  
many large files into memory and mutate their internals directly...  
without needing to reallocate them (or chunks of them) in the haskell  
heap, and without resorting to a byte-array and byte-offset  
representation. Furthermore, I might also like to map intrinsic  
haskell data structures into this mmap'd memory such that standard  
library functions can manipulate them (perhaps in a purely functional  
way, e.g. treating them as haskell arrays of smaller foreign  

I understand that the foreign function interface has the ability to  
marshall/unmarshall C structs, but I'm unsure of the memory  
implications of using this mechanism. Our application has a very large  
footprint, and reallocating some or all of these mapped files is a non- 
starter. Thanks,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell Logo write-in candidate

2009-03-20 Thread Warren Harris

Hi Jon,

I agree with much of your rant, and would agree that the logo is  
probably the least interesting about haskell, but I think that it's  
worth spending a little time to spiffy up haskell's image from a  
marketing perspective. Although I downplayed much of my design  
decisions by focusing on the logo's t-shirt potential, I just wanted  
to say that a lot of thought did go into the design aspects of what I  
sent out. A logo needs to be a crisp graphic, needs to draw people in  
who don't yet understand ("pure lazy fun-- huh?" or "what's with that  
Amtrak symbol?") and convey a deeper meaning to those who do  
understand (the interplay of the monad and lambda). I think many of  
the logos convey some or all of these points, although many also fall  
short. This is all off in the realm of marketing psychology, which is  
a far cry from programming language design, but important in the  
overall product perception nonetheless.

The other thing about this logo design that is so great is the  
community process that's creating it. It's the open source process in  
a nutshell -- the brightest minds playing off each other to build  
something bigger than the sum of the parts. So even if the new logo  
ends up looking like something that rolled down hill collecting  
rubbish, the story behind it will be brilliant -- like a family photo  
reflecting who we are and how we do things here.

I hesitated in sending my write-in candidate in the first place  
because I didn't want to derail the process that's underway, but did  
in the end because I thought I saw something that was a little bigger  
than some of the parts here, and thought that others might be  
encouraged if they saw it too. Now at the risk of further muddling  
things, I'll just say that I like your idea of focusing on the ::  
symbol, and just wanted to provide my interpretation:


I think that's not bad either, although I think it loses a little of  
the distinction and intrigue of Pollard's lovely monad/lambda symbol  
with its curved edges. I'd be happy to wear this one too though...  
actually, given what I said above, I'll be happy to wear any of them!


On Mar 20, 2009, at 2:17 AM, Jon Fairbairn wrote:

Warren Harris  writes:

After spending a bit of time trying to decide how to vote, I
ended up  deciding that my favorite would be a hybrid of
several of the designs  (#9 & #49 FalconNL, and #50 George
Pollard). It's probably too late to  include this in the
voting, but here it is nonetheless:

That's quite nice, but the >>= lambda thing looks too busy
to me. What surprises me is that none(?) of the candidates
makes use of the "type" symbol. I'd like to see a version
something like yours, but with :: instead of >>=/lambda


means "of type Haskell", which is what we want people's
programmes to be. Colour it interestingly and choose a good
font and there you are. The interestingly coloured "::" on
its own would make a reasonable choice for a badge (eg for a

* * *

semi-rant warning:

This whole badge/logo business seems to me to be an
excellent example of Parkinson's law of triviality (choosing
the colour of the bikeshed). We have a large (too large)
number of variations on relatively few themes and a really
sophisticated voting system, but no very clear idea of what
they're for and no explanation (such as my "of type Haskell"
above) of why the candidates are the way they are.

I didn't join in much to the earlier discussion because I
thought things would work out to something sensible in the
end, but it doesn't look like that happened. Work out what
the problem is before putting the solution up for election!

I agree that the current badge is horrid (it looks like
something that rolled down a hill and collected some rubbish
on the way), but in the absence of a reasoned replacement,
the first step would simply be to get rid of it. Designing
these things isn't trivial, and while many of the candidates
are quite good pieces of art, a badge needs to be more than
that. Not that professional designers do better in general;
only a few of them are any good at it -- the rest rely on
most people not knowing pretty from appropriate and just
rake in the cash.

Jón Fairbairn

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Logo write-in candidate

2009-03-19 Thread Warren Harris
After spending a bit of time trying to decide how to vote, I ended up  
deciding that my favorite would be a hybrid of several of the designs  
(#9 & #49 FalconNL, and #50 George Pollard). It's probably too late to  
include this in the voting, but here it is nonetheless:


(My primary criterion is "would I wear this t-shirt?") :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] teaching functional programming at work

2009-01-10 Thread Warren Harris
Thank you all for your responses on this. These ideas/materials are  
very helpful. In particular, the John Harrison book looks excellent ( 
) -- a comprehensive and understandable introduction to all the  
concepts I had in mind. (I'm not sure what my audience's attention  
span will be though.) The WhyFP paper is also very good, although  
doesn't go into monads or types, it does a good job of illustrating  

I'll send an update if this study group gets off the ground, to let  
you all know how it worked out.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] teaching functional programming at work

2009-01-03 Thread Warren Harris
I am seeking suggestions from the haskell cafe for teaching functional  
programming concepts to colleagues at work. I'm currently working on a  
project using ocaml and functional programming techniques, and am a  
lone ranger at my workplace when it comes to this sort of thing (we  
are primarily a python shop). However there seems to be a growing  
curiosity in functional programming, and I think there's a lot to be  
learned from from it whether one chooses a functional language for  
their next big project or not.

But I'm a practitioner, not an academic or lecturer, and although I  
find the idea of helping my colleagues understand these concepts to be  
an exciting prospect, I'm not really sure where to start in terms of  
materials or overall direction. My sense is to form a study group  
(perhaps going through Real World Haskell together), but I'm a little  
afraid of assembling people together for a "now what?" experience. So  
my first question is whether this is even a good idea?

Some things I think would be useful to get across are:

- fp is more than just an exercise in avoiding assignment statements  
-- why a smart programmer should care?
- reading knowledge of ocaml and/or haskell (even syntax, precedence  
and infix operators can be an initial stumbling block)
- core concepts: type classes, proper tail recursion, higher-order  
functions, folds, combinators, monads, monad transformers, arrows
- evidence that concise expression can lead to less bugs / better  
maintainability (hard to prove, but perhaps a sense can be conveyed)
- relationship between types / theorems / programs / proofs and why  
this is important for the future of software

Regarding this last point, my own sense has been that by leveraging a  
powerful type system such as found in ocaml or haskell has allowed me  
to achieve things I never would have been able to without it (or at  
least would have ended up with a much less elegant implementation and  
much more debugging) but many seem to find types to be either an  
impedance to getting things done quickly, or at best irrelevant. I  
know this is for the most part a religious war, but I would like my  
colleagues to arrive at their opinion from an informed perspective,  
which means learning that there's more to typeful programming than  
what is presented by java or c++.

Finally, any comments on how to make the learning experience fun,  
engaging, and a positive experience would be greatly appreciated.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] streaming translation using monads

2008-11-19 Thread Warren Harris

On Nov 19, 2008, at 12:19 PM, Justin Bailey wrote:

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Warren Harris
Now perhaps the in-memory list part was a bad conclusion since the  
can be decorated with translation functions capable of streaming  
the results
out to another channel. However, the use of a universal type for  
the values

would still seem to be required since there is no way to implement
type-indexed values when the queries themselves are expressed as an  

datatype rather than as functions. Am I overlooking something?

If the type of the input determines the type of the output, and the
type of the input can be determined statically, then I think you are
overlooking this technique. But if your application requires that each
input expression be sent to the remote client before type information
can be determined, then you are right.

In the case of HaskellDB, each operator/term in the Query monad
enriches the type information available. Of course, that enrichment
happens at compile time and occurs via type inference. For example,
assuming two tables T1 and T2, with columns T1col and T2col, this

 simpleQuery = do
t1 <- table T1
t2 <- table T2
restrict ( .. some expression ...)
project (t1 ! T1col1 # t2 ! T2col1)

Gives a type similar to Query (RecCons T1Col1 Int (RecCons T2 Col2 Int
RecNil)). RecCons and RecNil are types that allow a list to be built
at the type level. The list carries the column names and types in the
resulting projection. The type information is used  to ensure queries
only refer to columns that exist, datatypes are compared sensibly,
etc. If in your case you can build that kind of structure based purely
on the "input language" operators/terms, then it seems you could build
the entire "output expression" in one shot. But again, if input and
output have to be interleaved then I think you are stuck.

What you describe is very similar to my current implementation, except  
I'm using a continuation function to receive the results input from  
the remote server rather than creating a list. The continuation's type  
(a curried function) is analogous to a list at the type level, if I  
understand correctly. However, since what I would like to do is stream  
the results in from one server and out to another (translating as I  
go), I really need some way to hook my translation in between each  
primitive field read from the input. So inside the body of the  
'project' call you've given above, I might like to say something like:

  v1 <- t1 ! T1col1;
  v2 <- t2 ! T2col1;
  send client (trans v1 v2);
  return ()

However, since this input-receiving expression is now expressed as  
monad, it doesn't seem possible to use it to simultaneously formulate  
the output expressions that must be sent to the remote server to cause  
T1col1 and T2col1 to be requested.

In my particular application, the remote server not only handles  
simple directives to retrieve sequences of primitives like T1col1,  
T2col1, but also higher-order formulations of them as lists and  
tuples. So the server may be sent a request like "(T1col1, (list  
(T2col1, T2col2)))" meaning "request the tuple of T1col1 followed by a  
(possibly long) sequence of T2col1, T2col2 pairs" and I want to be  
able to translate the incoming result stream without holding the  
entire thing in memory.

Obviously I can do this by having one operation to generate the  
outbound query from a target language expression (implemented with an  
algebraic datatype), and another operation to handle the results based  
on the same expression, but it seems like some sort of formulation  
should be possible that allows both operations to be expressed  
simultaneously. In fact, I get that with the continuation-oriented  
combinators I mentioned earlier, but in practice I've found them to be  
very hard to work with. Just to make it more concrete, the above  
example might be expressed with my continuation-based combinators as:

T1col1 ==> (\ k t1 -> send client (trans1 t1); k) ++
list (T2col1 ++ T2col2
   ==> (\ k t2c1 t2c2 -> send client (trans2 t2c1 t2c2); k))) + 
+ ...

Here, the first function receives the value read from T1col1,  
translates it and send it to the originator of the request. This  
function is substituted for the an overall continuation -- receives  
the overall continuation as its first argument, k, and returns it at  
the end without passing any values to it. This effectively consumes  
the value t1. The second function is similar, and is called for each  
pair received from the list. The combinator '++', primitive directives  
like T1col1, and higher-order directives like 'list' are responsible  
for dealing with the overall expression grammar (i/o of delimiters,  
etc) and folding the overall continuation

Re: [Haskell-cafe] streaming translation using monads

2008-11-19 Thread Warren Harris

On Nov 19, 2008, at 9:11 AM, Justin Bailey wrote:

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 6:23 PM, Warren Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:
I am working on a query language translator, and although I feel  
that a
monadic formulation would work well for this application, I've  
stumbled on a
number of questions and difficulties that I thought the  
knowledgeable people

here might be able to help me with.

HaskellDB takes a similar approach. It's "Query" monad allows you to
build queries which are then translated to SQL by a "runQuery"
function. Could your bind operation collect the 'input' expressions
and then output them all at once via a "runTranslation" function?

Thanks for pointing this out. I had looked at Leigen & Meijer's paper  
a while back which describes this, and in one branch of my code taken  
a very similar approach by using an abstract datatype with phantom  
types to represent the target language. However, I had concluded  
(perhaps incorrectly) that the technique was not amenable to streaming  
the results back to the client without first constructing an in-memory  
list with a universal type representing the values returned.

Now perhaps the in-memory list part was a bad conclusion since the  
queries can be decorated with translation functions capable of  
streaming the results out to another channel. However, the use of a  
universal type for the values would still seem to be required since  
there is no way to implement type-indexed values when the queries  
themselves are expressed as an abstract datatype rather than as  
functions. Am I overlooking something?

As an aside, maybe I've been unduly concerned with wrapping the raw  
values in a universal type since I've found that in most cases for my  
target language I must deal with the possibility of null results, and  
must wrap most values in a Maybe type anyway. So I must pay the  
allocation cost in most cases... and with phantom types perhaps I can  
avoid the possibility of dynamic type errors due to unexpected data or  
ill-formed target queries.

you have to do in-place translation?

Not sure I follow.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] streaming translation using monads

2008-11-19 Thread Warren Harris

On Nov 18, 2008, at 6:53 PM, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On 2008 Nov 18, at 21:23, Warren Harris wrote:
However, each of the clauses is actually an output routine to send  
the expression that it denotes to a remote server, and a parser for  
receiving the results. Since a clause is really a pair of  
operations, it doesn't seem possible to formulate a monad that will  
compose all the output routines together and compose all the input  
routines together in one shot. (Note that the variables in the  
above code (v1, v2) represent inputs to be received from the remote  
server -- all outputs are packaged into the clause expressions  
themselves and are effectively literals.)

Have you considered using arrows instead?

I'm not that familiar with arrows, but have just looked at some papers  
by Hughes and Paterson. It appears that unlike monads, the right-hand  
side of the arrow operator is not a function, and as such could be  
used to define a pairwise stream sequencing operator for my particular  
case. Are there any specific references that show something like this,  
e.g. for implementing network protocols? (I'm still trying to get my  
head around the basics of arrows.) Thanks,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] streaming translation using monads

2008-11-18 Thread Warren Harris
I am working on a query language translator, and although I feel that  
a monadic formulation would work well for this application, I've  
stumbled on a number of questions and difficulties that I thought the  
knowledgeable people here might be able to help me with.

As a translator, there's a source language and a target language, and  
both of these are specified as a grammar of nested expressions. My  
first thought was to formulate the target language as an embedded  
language where each clause expression is represented as a monad  
operation, so that the bind operator can join the pieces together, e.g.:

 (clause1, clause2 ...)

could be specified as an embedded language as:

 clause1  >>= \ v1 ->
 clause2  >>= \ v2 -> ...

However, each of the clauses is actually an output routine to send the  
expression that it denotes to a remote server, and a parser for  
receiving the results. Since a clause is really a pair of operations,  
it doesn't seem possible to formulate a monad that will compose all  
the output routines together and compose all the input routines  
together in one shot. (Note that the variables in the above code (v1,  
v2) represent inputs to be received from the remote server -- all  
outputs are packaged into the clause expressions themselves and are  
effectively literals.)

A naive formulation of a monad to implement the above as "output ->  
input v" might appear to work, but has the ill-effect of interleaving  
the output and input statements for each clause rather than composing  
something that can send the entire request, and then receive the  
entire result.

This forces me to use "output * input v" as the type of each clause  
expression, but now it is not possible to write a monad with a bind  
operation that will compose pieces in terms of input variables.  
Instead I have had to resort to using a set of combinators that thread  
a continuation function through each clause and accumulate inputs as  
they are received:

 clause1 ==> (\ k v1 -> k (trans1 v1)) ++
 clause2 ==> (\ k v2 -> k (trans2 v2)) ++ ...

This threading is necessary in that I want to stream the translation  
back to the client requesting the translation rather than building up  
the (possibly large) results in memory.

This formulation has proven to be quite cumbersome in practice, as the  
resulting continuation types reflect the depth-first traversal of the  
nested query expressions, and type errors can be quite unintuitive.  
(It is quite interesting though that each continuation/transformation  
function can receive not only receive the input from the immediately  
preceding clause, but from any of the preceding clauses, and also  
return more or fewer results. However getting anything wrong can be  
very problematic in that it can lead to either downstream *or*  
upstream errors depending on how the clauses are composed into an  
overall query expression.)

An alternative to all this would be to use an algebraic datatype to  
specify the target language (with separate routines for the output and  
input operations), but that would appear to require another sum type  
to express the values to be received. I'd like to avoid that if  
possible since the projection of those values back into my program  
could lead to dynamic type errors, and also causes seemingly needless  
memory allocations.

There must be another technique for this sort of streaming translation  
out there... I welcome any suggestions you might have!

Warren Harris
Haskell-Cafe mailing list