Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-16 Thread Stephen Tetley
2009/12/16 Jason Dusek
  What is the relationship between the Parsec API, Applicative
  and Alternative? Is the only point of overlap `|`?

Hello everyone,

Lots of functions in Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Combinator can be
defined with only with an obligation on Applicative and no need to
access the token stream, parser state. etc. No surprise of course, as
the equivalents were available in UU parsing.

Here are some if the ones form
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Combinator defined just with Applicative
obligations that I did for a two continuation parser monad a while
ago. I was a bit surprised no-one had put something similar up on
Hackage, maybe they have but its not yet indexed by Hayoo. The code is
a bit old and might be some way off optimal, though the combinators do
show the utility of applicative cons (:).

Parsec's character parsers (Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Char) need
access to the input. My attempts to define similar ones with only type
class obligations rather than some concrete character type were dismal

Best wishes


-- Applicative cons
(:) :: Applicative f = f a - f [a] - f [a]
(:) p1 p2 = (:) $ p1 * p2

choice :: Alternative f = [f a] - f a
choice = foldr (|) empty

count :: Applicative f = Int - f a - f [a]
count i p | i = 0= pure []
  | otherwise = p : count (i-1) p

between :: Applicative f = f open - f close - f a - f a
between o c a = o * a * c

option :: Alternative f = a - f a - f a
option x p  = p | pure x

optionMaybe :: Alternative f = f a - f (Maybe a)
optionMaybe = optional

-- aka Parsecs /optional/
optionUnit :: Alternative f = f a - f ()
optionUnit p = () $ p | pure ()

skipMany1 :: Alternative f = f a - f ()
skipMany1 p = p * skipMany p

skipMany :: Alternative f = f a - f ()
skipMany p = many_p
  where many_p = some_p | pure ()
some_p = p   * many_p

-- | @many1@ an alias for @s...@.
many1 :: Alternative f = f a - f [a]
many1 = some

sepBy :: Alternative f = f a - f b - f [a]
sepBy p sep = sepBy1 p sep | pure []

sepBy1 :: Alternative f = f a - f b - f [a]
sepBy1 p sep = p : step where
step = (sep * p) : step | pure []

sepEndBy :: Alternative f = f a - f b - f [a]
sepEndBy p sep = sepEndBy1 p sep | pure []

sepEndBy1 :: Alternative f = f a - f b - f [a]
sepEndBy1 p sep = (p * sep) : step where
step = (p * sep) : step | pure []

manyTill :: Alternative f = f a - f b - f [a]
manyTill p end = step | pure [] where
step = p : (step | (pure [] $ end))
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-16 Thread Jason Dusek
2009/12/16 Stephen Tetley
 2009/12/16 Jason Dusek
  What is the relationship between the Parsec API, Applicative
  and Alternative? Is the only point of overlap `|`?

 Lots of functions in Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Combinator can be
 defined with only with an obligation on Applicative and no need to
 access the token stream, parser state. etc. No surprise of course, as
 the equivalents were available in UU parsing.

  Is UU parsing more Applicative aware, then?

  When you say obligation, what do you mean?

Jason Dusek
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-16 Thread Stephen Tetley
Hi Jason

UU parsing somewhat invented the Applicative style - it defined the
usual combinators from Control.Applicative ($), (*), (*), (*)
etc. but didn't have an 'Applicative' type class.

By obligation, I mean relying only on the Applicative class for the
derived operations, here manyTill, choice etc.

Best wishes


2009/12/16 Jason Dusek
  Is UU parsing more Applicative aware, then?

  When you say obligation, what do you mean?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-16 Thread Iavor Diatchki
Hi everyone,
While you are discussing performance of parsing combinator libraries,
I though I'd mention parsimony, available from Hackage.  It has as
good performance as parsec v2 but it also has support for different
buffer types (e.g., byte strings, including support for utf8 decoding,
etc) which is similar to parsec v3.  I also think that it has a
slightly simpler API.

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 4:45 AM, Stephen Tetley wrote:
 Hi Jason

 UU parsing somewhat invented the Applicative style - it defined the
 usual combinators from Control.Applicative ($), (*), (*), (*)
 etc. but didn't have an 'Applicative' type class.

 By obligation, I mean relying only on the Applicative class for the
 derived operations, here manyTill, choice etc.

 Best wishes


 2009/12/16 Jason Dusek
  Is UU parsing more Applicative aware, then?

  When you say obligation, what do you mean?
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-15 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan
On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Antoine Latter wrote:

 Well, the more eyes and test cases we can get on the new code the
 better. I'd also like to encourage anyone who's familiar with the idea
 of how parsec works to take a look at my changes to make sure they're

Where would I look to find a darcs repo with your changes? It would be great
to see parsec3 finally replace parsec2. Besides the performance issue, are
there any other considerations keeping it from becoming the default?

(I'd also like to write up a patch to add Data.Text support, not
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-15 Thread Paulo Tanimoto
Hi Bryan,

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

 Where would I look to find a darcs repo with your changes? It would be great
 to see parsec3 finally replace parsec2. Besides the performance issue, are
 there any other considerations keeping it from becoming the default?
 (I'd also like to write up a patch to add Data.Text support, not

This is the darcs repository, it's Antoine's work:

I don't know about the second question, I think performance and just
inertia were the big factors.  I don't know, for example, if it's like
quickcheck, where the new version is missing a few things that the old
one provided.  Everything appears to work for Pandoc though.

Data.Text support would be wonderful!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-15 Thread Antoine Latter
On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:
 Besides the performance issue, are
 there any other considerations keeping it from becoming the default?

One thing that makes me a bit hesitant is that it's a pretty big
change to the core parser data structure, to the extent that I'm not
sure I should even call it Parsec.

Reading through the Parsec technical report, one of the innovations
that made Parsec what it was is that it introduced a new way of
returning the four possible parse results

Previous work with parsers returning good error message indicated
parse reults with the following sort of data structure:

data ParseResult s a
  = EmptyOk s a-- parsed ok but did not consume any input
   | EmptyError ErrorMessage -- did not parse okay, but did not
consume any input
   | ConsumedOk s a -- parsed ok and consumed input
   | ConsumedError ErrorMessage -- did not parse okay and consumed input

To something like:

data Consumed a = Empty a | Consumed a
data Reply s a = Ok s a | Error ErrorMessage

data ParseResult s a = Consumed (Reply s a)

This change allows us to determine whether a parser consumes input
before forcing the computation that determines if the parser succeeds,
improving performance and getting rid of a space leak.

My branch takes us back to returning the four flattened results, but
offers them as four continuations to take during parsing.

So my biggest reservation is if I can even call my branch the same
parser as Parsec.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-15 Thread Evan Laforge
 So my biggest reservation is if I can even call my branch the same
 parser as Parsec.

Maybe we could go the way regexes: say parsec is an API, and allow
multiple backends with different characteristics as long as they
basically implement that API.  In practice, a lot of parser combinator
libraries have something close to the parsec API already.  They don't
have to be completely compatible, i.e. you might have a 'parse'
function take different arguments, but it would be practical to have a
standard set of core combinators.

Or come up with a new name for the API or call in parseclike or something :)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-15 Thread Jason Dusek
  What is the relationship between the Parsec API, Applicative
  and Alternative? Is the only point of overlap `|`?

Jason Dusek
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-06 Thread Antoine Latter
On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 7:47 PM, Paulo Tanimoto wrote:

 Great!  Antoine, other tests we should do?  Derek, I apologize if
 you're already following this, but can you give us your opinion?


Well, the more eyes and test cases we can get on the new code the
better. I'd also like to encourage anyone who's familiar with the idea
of how parsec works to take a look at my changes to make sure they're

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-05 Thread Howard B. Golden
On Friday December 4, 2009, John MacFarlane wrote:

 I used criterion to compare pandoc compiled with parsec2 to
 pandoc compiled with your version of parsec3.  (The benchmark
 is converting testsuite.txt from markdown to HTML.) The difference
  was minor:
 mean: 67.66576 ms, lb 67.56722 ms, ub 67.88983 ms, ci 0.950
 std dev: 722.3878 us, lb 323.0343 us, ub 1.356013 ms, ci 0.950
 mean: 68.20847 ms, lb 68.16387 ms, ub 68.26284 ms, ci 0.950
 std dev: 252.7773 us, lb 204.5512 us, ub 325.2424 us, ci 0.950
 So, once you release the new parsec3, I am prepared to remove the
 parsec  3 restriction from the libraries I maintain: pandoc,
 highlighting-kate, filestore, gitit, and yst.

I don't know what the performance of the current parsec3 is compared to 
parsec2. It would be helpful if you could run your benchmark for that 
also and include it.

If the only issue is performance, I respectfully request that you remove 
the parsec  3 requirement even before the new version of parsec3 is 
released. Thank you.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-05 Thread John MacFarlane
+++ Howard B. Golden [Dec 05 09 13:36 ]:
 On Friday December 4, 2009, John MacFarlane wrote:
  I used criterion to compare pandoc compiled with parsec2 to
  pandoc compiled with your version of parsec3.  (The benchmark
  is converting testsuite.txt from markdown to HTML.) The difference
   was minor:
  mean: 67.66576 ms, lb 67.56722 ms, ub 67.88983 ms, ci 0.950
  std dev: 722.3878 us, lb 323.0343 us, ub 1.356013 ms, ci 0.950
  mean: 68.20847 ms, lb 68.16387 ms, ub 68.26284 ms, ci 0.950
  std dev: 252.7773 us, lb 204.5512 us, ub 325.2424 us, ci 0.950
  So, once you release the new parsec3, I am prepared to remove the
  parsec  3 restriction from the libraries I maintain: pandoc,
  highlighting-kate, filestore, gitit, and yst.
 I don't know what the performance of the current parsec3 is compared to 
 parsec2. It would be helpful if you could run your benchmark for that 
 also and include it.

parsec from HackageDB:
mean: 67.71456 ms, lb 67.65181 ms, ub 67.82660 ms, ci 0.950
std dev: 416.1303 us, lb 274.0063 us, ub 761.6995 us, ci 0.950

parsec 3.0.1 from HackageDB:
mean: 188.5380 ms, lb 188.3217 ms, ub 188.7615 ms, ci 0.950
std dev: 1.136199 ms, lb 964.3489 us, ub 1.366720 ms, ci 0.950

parsec 3.0.1 from Antoine:
mean: 69.29665 ms, lb 69.22450 ms, ub 69.48016 ms, ci 0.950
std dev: 551.3562 us, lb 263.7954 us, ub 1.156183 ms, ci 0.950

 If the only issue is performance, I respectfully request that you remove 
 the parsec  3 requirement even before the new version of parsec3 is 
 released. Thank you.

Sorry, I don't want to do that. Lots of people have both parsec-2 and
parsec-3 installed, and if I remove the restriction, their pandoc (and
gitit and...) will be much slower unless they take special steps.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-04 Thread John MacFarlane
 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:
 I finally had some time to test it.  After running it multiple times
 (of course, it would be nice to use criterion here), I'm getting
 numbers in this neighborhood:

I used criterion to compare pandoc compiled with parsec2 to
pandoc compiled with your version of parsec3.  (The benchmark
is converting testsuite.txt from markdown to HTML.) The difference was

mean: 67.66576 ms, lb 67.56722 ms, ub 67.88983 ms, ci 0.950
std dev: 722.3878 us, lb 323.0343 us, ub 1.356013 ms, ci 0.950

mean: 68.20847 ms, lb 68.16387 ms, ub 68.26284 ms, ci 0.950
std dev: 252.7773 us, lb 204.5512 us, ub 325.2424 us, ci 0.950

So, once you release the new parsec3, I am prepared to remove the
parsec  3 restriction from the libraries I maintain: pandoc,
highlighting-kate, filestore, gitit, and yst.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-04 Thread Paulo Tanimoto
Hi John,

On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 3:09 PM, John MacFarlane wrote:

 I used criterion to compare pandoc compiled with parsec2 to
 pandoc compiled with your version of parsec3.  (The benchmark
 is converting testsuite.txt from markdown to HTML.) The difference was

 mean: 67.66576 ms, lb 67.56722 ms, ub 67.88983 ms, ci 0.950
 std dev: 722.3878 us, lb 323.0343 us, ub 1.356013 ms, ci 0.950

 mean: 68.20847 ms, lb 68.16387 ms, ub 68.26284 ms, ci 0.950
 std dev: 252.7773 us, lb 204.5512 us, ub 325.2424 us, ci 0.950

 So, once you release the new parsec3, I am prepared to remove the
 parsec  3 restriction from the libraries I maintain: pandoc,
 highlighting-kate, filestore, gitit, and yst.


Great!  Antoine, other tests we should do?  Derek, I apologize if
you're already following this, but can you give us your opinion?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-04 Thread Evan Laforge
On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 1:09 PM, John MacFarlane wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:

 I finally had some time to test it.  After running it multiple times
 (of course, it would be nice to use criterion here), I'm getting
 numbers in this neighborhood:

 I used criterion to compare pandoc compiled with parsec2 to
 pandoc compiled with your version of parsec3.  (The benchmark
 is converting testsuite.txt from markdown to HTML.) The difference was

Very nice, I was interested in parsec 3 but scared off by the reports
of slowness, as I'm sure many others were.

Is there any document out there describing the differences between 2
and 3?  I gathered 3 allows more flexibility wrt the input, so you can
more easily use ByteString or Text, but it would be nice to have a doc
saying what the new features are and why we should be interested in

The old parsec docs were out of date even for parsec 2, and looks like
they haven't been updated.  The new ones look like they use haddock
which is great, that was a gripe I had about the old doc.  However,
the haddock docs are less friendly than the old doc.  So my suggestion
is to paste the old introduction (with Daan permission, of course) or
something similar into the Text.Parsec description field, along with
links to more detailed descriptions and tutorial in the style of v2 on along with a 2 vs. 3 doc, even if they're sketchy and

Or if it's ok I could just send some darcs patches :)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimizing Parsec 3 -- was: Wiki software?

2009-12-04 Thread Derek Elkins
On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 11:01 PM, Evan Laforge wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 1:09 PM, John MacFarlane wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:

 I finally had some time to test it.  After running it multiple times
 (of course, it would be nice to use criterion here), I'm getting
 numbers in this neighborhood:

 I used criterion to compare pandoc compiled with parsec2 to
 pandoc compiled with your version of parsec3.  (The benchmark
 is converting testsuite.txt from markdown to HTML.) The difference was

 Very nice, I was interested in parsec 3 but scared off by the reports
 of slowness, as I'm sure many others were.

 Is there any document out there describing the differences between 2
 and 3?  I gathered 3 allows more flexibility wrt the input, so you can
 more easily use ByteString or Text, but it would be nice to have a doc
 saying what the new features are and why we should be interested in

Basically, the main (only) significant changes are that Parsec 3
provides a monad transformer rather than just a monad and the input
has been generalized to take arbitrary Streams rather than lists of

 The old parsec docs were out of date even for parsec 2, and looks like
 they haven't been updated.  The new ones look like they use haddock
 which is great, that was a gripe I had about the old doc.  However,
 the haddock docs are less friendly than the old doc.  So my suggestion
 is to paste the old introduction (with Daan permission, of course) or
 something similar into the Text.Parsec description field, along with
 links to more detailed descriptions and tutorial in the style of v2 on along with a 2 vs. 3 doc, even if they're sketchy and

The Parsec Letter applies to Parsec 3 readily.  The only thing that
needs changing is the module names and possibly one or two function
names which the haddock documentation should readily point out.  The
letter obviously does not cover the new features of Parsec 3; for that
there is only the haddock at this point.

It would be nice to update the Parsec letter but that would ideally
require the document source and necessarily require Daan's permission.
 Unfortunately, no one has been able to get in touch with Daan on this
issue to my knowledge.

 Or if it's ok I could just send some darcs patches :)

You can certainly email me patches and I'll likely apply them if there
are no copyright or licensing issues.
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