Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell: Use closures

2007-04-22 Thread Paul Johnson
Closures look like magic to those who don't know them.  So you might try 
something like this (which I have not compiled BTW):

 -- Haskell version

 data Train = Train {departs :: Time, platform :: Int }

 departsBefore :: Time - Train - Bool
 departsBefore t train = t  departs train

 beforeAfter :: Time - [Train] - ([Train], [Train])
 beforeAfter t = partition (departsBefore t) departures

The crucial point is that partition takes a function argument, but 
that function has to carry the 't' argument with it.

The only way you could write partition as a generic function in Java 
would be to define an interface class discriminator which is passed to 
partition.  discriminator is then specialised for every closure you 
want to create.  This is a lot of code for something that can be done 
in-line in Haskell.  The fact that all functions are curried by default 
also saves having lots of lambdas.

You might also show how deforestation optimises functional pipelines.  
Lots of Haskell code contains lines of the form

   foo = bar x $ foldr1 boz $ map baz ls

In other FP languages (like Erlang) you can use this style, but it tends 
to be inefficient because of all the intermediate lists.  Haskell is 
free to arrange the functions how it likes because of purity.  Hence it 
can optimise this pipeline into a single loop.  Obviously you know much 
more about this than I do, but to me its one of the biggest arguments in 
favour of purity.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-18 Thread Neil Davies

Yep - I've seen it in course work I've set in the past - random walk
through the arrangement of symbols in the language (it was a process
algebra work and proof system to check deadlock freedom).

... but ...

Haskell even helps those people - if you've created something that
works (and you are at least sensible to create a test suite be it
regression or property based) - then there is more confidence that
they've coded a solution (if not a good one).

Haskell raises the value of formality (both ecomomically and in terms
of its caché) - changin the mindset of the masses - creating the
meme - that's tricky. Especialy if they're really off the B Ark!


On 18/04/07, Michael Vanier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

R Hayes wrote:

 On Apr 17, 2007, at 4:46 PM, David Brown wrote:

 R Hayes wrote:

 They *enjoy* debugging ...

 I have to say this is one of the best things I've found for catching
 bad programmers during interviews, no matter what kind of system it is
 for.  I learned this the hard way after watching someone who never
 really understood her program, but just kept thwacking at it with a
 debugger until it at least partially worked.

 I've seen this too, but I would not use the word debugging to describe
 it.  I don't think I agree that enjoying debugging is a sufficient
 symptom for diagnosing this condition.  There are many people that
 love the puzzle-box aspect of debugging.  Some of them are very
 talented developers.

 R Hayes


I agree with the latter sentiment.  I call the thwacking at it
approach random programming or shotgun programming, the latter
suggesting that it's like shooting at the problem randomly until it
dies.  I prefer not having to debug, but when I do have to I find it fun
(up to a point).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-18 Thread Dougal Stanton

On 18/04/07, R Hayes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

One of the truly powerful things about Haskell is the short distance between
theory and practicality.  The problem is how to demonstrate this
convincingly.  The ability to prove a program's correctness is regularly
trotted out for show in this arena (or at least the lighter-weight claim
that programs that compile usually work).  I don't think that most
developers (and certainly not the OSCON crowd) are ready to drink that
kool-aid.  They *enjoy* debugging and are tired of the static vs.
dynamic debate.  But the ability to reason about programs has borne fruit
that I *do* think they will appreciate.  Because many of them care about

I completely agree with you there. Someone earlier in the thread
mentioned that QuickCheck almost in passing, but I think it should be

*QuickCheck is a really powerful way to work.*

The real pain in the butt with unit tests is having to write the damn
things. Especially for corner cases - if they were easy to reason
about they wouldn't really be corner cases, would they? QC allows you
to sidestep that neatly by generating a set of unit tests from a
specification. And often generating cases you *wouldn't* have thought
of yourself. Genius!

It does rely on a functional mindset, however. No state-fiddling going
on behind our backs. But maybe if you sell the idea first - create
hundreds of unit tests on demand without lifting a finger - then
people will make the leap of their own accord. Because let's face it,
selling referential transparency is a pretty dead loss ;-)

Salesmanship is about pointing out problems people have [1]. The
problem R Hayes identifies here is that theory is great in theory, but
in practise it's *too much work*. And short of creating a system where
even your QC properties are auto-generated (I live in eternal
hope...), this is a really important advances which people should
learn more about.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-18 Thread Chris Kuklewicz
Dougal Stanton wrote:
 *QuickCheck is a really powerful way to work.*
 The real pain in the butt with unit tests is having to write the damn
 things. Especially for corner cases - if they were easy to reason
 about they wouldn't really be corner cases, would they? QC allows you
 to sidestep that neatly by generating a set of unit tests from a
 specification. And often generating cases you *wouldn't* have thought
 of yourself. Genius!

For the regex-tdfa project, the unit tests from the ATT site defined important
semantic corners that some implementations got wrong.

Once I had code that worked with *all* those examples, the QuickCheck generated
strings and regular expressions made for some quite weird random tests that
still found holes in my code.

And holes in the TRE c-library code.

And holes in the standard c-library regex.h of OS X 10.4.x.

So I am quite impressed by Quickcheck.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-18 Thread Derek Elkins

Dougal Stanton wrote:

On 18/04/07, R Hayes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

One of the truly powerful things about Haskell is the short distance 

theory and practicality.  The problem is how to demonstrate this
convincingly.  The ability to prove a program's correctness is regularly
trotted out for show in this arena (or at least the lighter-weight claim
that programs that compile usually work).  I don't think that most
developers (and certainly not the OSCON crowd) are ready to drink that
kool-aid.  They *enjoy* debugging and are tired of the static vs.
dynamic debate.  But the ability to reason about programs has borne 

that I *do* think they will appreciate.  Because many of them care about

I completely agree with you there. Someone earlier in the thread
mentioned that QuickCheck almost in passing, but I think it should be

*QuickCheck is a really powerful way to work.*

Recently Neil Mitchell made an interesting blog post on this 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-18 Thread Taillefer, Troy (EXP)

I guess it is time to give my two cents on this topic I am definitely
not an expert Haskell programmer I am a mere hobbyist I make my bread
coding Java/C++/C.

I think the two things I like most about Haskell are 

1. Its methods of combination Lazy Eval, Function composition and Higher
order functions
aka the glue. Showing these off and how they compare and are better than
many other languages would be a nice selling point.

2. Its type system and the kind of errors it eliminates, and the way it
allows you to structure programs.

Things I like least about Haskell (These are Haskell show stoppers for
me) are

1. The tooling no good IDE for it. 

2. The Libraries/Available Code Examples (Missing Functionality, Sparse
availability, maturity, documentation, ability to understand them
because many of them use Monads and Arrows, Functors etc).  

I have to strongly disagree with the statement that developers like to
debug. Debugging is necessary because you can't reason about any
sizeable piece of code just is not tractable even in Haskell. Now
automated tools for reasoning about programs are very cool but lets face
it no real world developer will sit down start to manually formally
reason about large pieces of code. 

Picking Very Mathematical examples for the tutorial will also alienate
typical developers.

I am personal very interested in Category theory as it pertains to
software engineering but it is not very accessible for someone who is
trying to learn about it (aka me) never mind someone who could care

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-18 Thread Sebastian Sylvan

On 4/18/07, Taillefer, Troy (EXP) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have to strongly disagree with the statement that developers like to
debug. Debugging is necessary because you can't reason about any
sizeable piece of code just is not tractable even in Haskell. Now
automated tools for reasoning about programs are very cool but lets face
it no real world developer will sit down start to manually formally
reason about large pieces of code.

I think the emphasis when mentioning reasoning really shouldn't be you
can reason formally about your programs and prove that they don't go wrong,
nor when it has gone wrong, you can reason about the program to figure out
why, it should be since the language doesn't do batshit insane things
behind your back, your programs will mostly work the first time.
The reasoning isn't an active task that you schedule time for, at least
for a casual user like me, it's part of the actual programming. You do
reasoning when writing in C++ as well, but you often get it wrong (because
the language is, shall we say, unreasonable?) and that causes bugs.

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-18 Thread Nicolas Frisby

Here here.

This reminds me of a recent discussion on the cafe. Thee OP amounted
to: What are the monad laws good for?. The answer was: It means the
monad doesn't do surprising things and its behavior is congruent with
the basic intuitions of sequenced computation.

In my eyes, proving nice properties about programs and moreover
calculating the programs themselves are pillars of computer science.
However, I think it's helpful (for this sort of presentation crafting)
to be aware of the disparity between computer science and most
programming in the trenches. That said, Sylvan points out that the
disparity isn't a unbridgeable schism--it's just that the concepts
don't yet map as directly as we'd like.

On 4/18/07, Sebastian Sylvan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 4/18/07, Taillefer, Troy (EXP) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have to strongly disagree with the statement that developers like to
 debug. Debugging is necessary because you can't reason about any
 sizeable piece of code just is not tractable even in Haskell. Now
 automated tools for reasoning about programs are very cool but lets face
 it no real world developer will sit down start to manually formally
 reason about large pieces of code.

I think the emphasis when mentioning reasoning really shouldn't be you
can reason formally about your programs and prove that they don't go wrong,
nor when it has gone wrong, you can reason about the program to figure out
why, it should be since the language doesn't do batshit insane things
behind your back, your programs will mostly work the first time.
The reasoning isn't an active task that you schedule time for, at least
for a casual user like me, it's part of the actual programming. You do
reasoning when writing in C++ as well, but you often get it wrong (because
the language is, shall we say, unreasonable?) and that causes bugs.

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-18 Thread Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza

   I still love Haskell, but...

   since the language doesn't do batshit insane things behind your back  
- Hmmm... I'd contend that the Haskell language is the one language that  
does the most batshit insane things behind your back, for instance list  
fusion. This is probably because there are many more batshit insane  
things that can be done without playing russian-roulette games with your  

   I believe that the problem is with the semantics: if all the relevant  
semantics of your program are clear to you, then you understand it.  
Otherwise, you don't. Regardless of language. C++ semantics are hard to  
understand due to the existence of side effects, which explode the  
dependencies between parts of the code to nuclear proportions. The  
optional semantic notation const is the only tool available to help  
diminish the problem. Haskell semantics are typically hard to understand  
wherever strictness matters, which can also be very hard to figure out.  
Optional strictness annotations are the tool there. Polymorphism problems  
also come to mind, in which case type signatures are the tool. And  
performance I always find hard to reason about in Haskell, and there is no  
tool available besides the strictness annotations (or inline pragmas and  
such). If it performs very well, because fusion happened or whatever, then  
great. Otherwise, IO-izing is the only tool I know to apply to your code  
to make it tractable for performance (so you can lay out your data in a  
performant manner and such).

   So Haskell semantics, in my experience, are sometimes just as obscure  
and hard to understand as those of C++. Fortunately, that's a situation  
that maybe changes to the language, or maybe more literature, can improve.

   One example of a polymorphism semantic problem I encountered recently:

   Nice article. Relevant and informative. My first thought was... how  
silly. He's pairing up a type class with an abstract datatype (Language  
and SafeString). That's a waste. He could have just used a type class  
everywhere, and that would have worked fine. I hope you see that. Wherever  
he uses SafeString he must, by necessity, add the Language context to its  
parameter. So.. you can make SafeString a type class, with members  
empty, frag=litfrag, text=littext, render=natrep and  
lang=language, and the basic code turns much, much more concise. Users  
of the library need to define empty, whereas they didn't need to  
previously, but that's a relatively small price to pay.

   I tried that.

   Then, when I saw the compiler errors, it downed on me.

   The whole thing was done in this manner just so that he can instance  
Show (SafeString l). Instancing Show l is not an option due to the way  
class instantiation contexts are not part of the instance itself. Also, so  
that he could define showsPrec.

   Therefore, with the new and improved SafeString I was trying to make,  
there's more of a burden on the individual implementations of safe strings.

   And all that was kinda hidden in the semantics, undocumented, and there  
was no way for a strong novice like myself to figure it out without trying  
the alternative, even though it is a small and simple example.

   Maybe someone should properly document the class-record combo pattern  
or something. Or maybe it is documented and I haven't seen it. :-)


On Wed, 18 Apr 2007 10:50:04 -0700, Sebastian Sylvan  

I think the emphasis when mentioning reasoning really shouldn't be you
can reason formally about your programs and prove that they don't go  
nor when it has gone wrong, you can reason about the program to figure  

why, it should be since the language doesn't do batshit insane things
behind your back, your programs will mostly work the first time.
The reasoning isn't an active task that you schedule time for, at least
for a casual user like me, it's part of the actual programming. You do
reasoning when writing in C++ as well, but you often get it wrong  

the language is, shall we say, unreasonable?) and that causes bugs.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

FW: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-18 Thread Taillefer, Troy (EXP)
I am not try to hate on Haskell obviously I am a fan otherwise I
wouldn't be on this list but criticizing other languages
is not only a pointless waste of time it is logically flawed on many
A lot of the best software is written and still being written in C++ so
I will have to disagree with you that C++ is unreasonable. C++ is
dangerous and has its flaws especially in the hands of a noob but it is
also has some merits as well.
People have very logical reasons for choosing a programming language
1. Familiarity
2. Available people to work with
3. Tools
4. Libraries
5. Legacy
6. Political
7. Personal Preference
In terms of reasoning it is easier to reason in a language/Paradigm that
you are familiar with than 
one that might be better but you are totally unfamiliar with and must
learn from scratch.
Go on IRC #HASKELL and see how many people are struggling conceptual
ideas like Monads, Arrows and Functors I don't go there a lot but every
time I am there are a couple of people who are asking questions
like just what is a Monad. For myself I want to learn Category Theory
because it seems powerful just like Set Theory (which I have found
extremely useful). I find manipulating pointers and mutable variables
much easier to understand and saner. Maybe if I was a mathematician
instead of an Engineer/Computer Scientist I would feel different.
Saying Haskell is better and everyone should use it because it is better
is about as futile 
as saying we should all be speaking
Esperanto because it is better then English. 
You would be an awfully lonely person with almost nobody to talk to
if all you spoke was Esperanto or Haskell for that matter.
I have yet to meet face to face another person who has even written toy
code in Haskell let alone any real significant app.
I can't use Haskell at work because no one could maintain it. I can't
use Haskell in my graduate studies since my supervisor can't read
Haskell. So I am stuck writing toy code as a hobby and an educational
Programs are mostly for humans to read and modify and lets face it there
isn't a lot of people fluent in Haskell.
So if I want to work and interact with other Software professionals I
better be able to speak the lingua franca which is a derivative of C aka
C/C++/C#/Java ect.
Obviously C++ isn't that bad because people can write good cool software
in it. I like Haskell but I 
haven't seen a ton of Killer Haskell apps yet ( Or even one for that
matter). DARCS is coming close if they fix their conflict problems then
Haskell will have its first killer app that I know off. I heard they are
working on it this summer looking forward to it DARCS is really cool.
Sorry for the long rant but I get tired of people with their juvenile
and unconstructive statements like C++ sucks
Or Language X is better then Language Y even if it could ever be
objectively true (which I am sorry it can't be) who cares.


From: Sebastian Sylvan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1:50 PM
To: Taillefer, Troy (EXP)
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

On 4/18/07, Taillefer, Troy (EXP) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I have to strongly disagree with the statement that developers
like to
debug. Debugging is necessary because you can't reason about any
sizeable piece of code just is not tractable even in Haskell.
automated tools for reasoning about programs are very cool but
lets face
it no real world developer will sit down start to manually
reason about large pieces of code.

I think the emphasis when mentioning reasoning really shouldn't be
you can reason formally about your programs and prove that they don't
go wrong, nor when it has gone wrong, you can reason about the program
to figure out why, it should be since the language doesn't do batshit
insane things behind your back, your programs will mostly work the first
The reasoning isn't an active task that you schedule time for, at
least for a casual user like me, it's part of the actual programming.
You do reasoning when writing in C++ as well, but you often get it
wrong (because the language is, shall we say, unreasonable?) and that
causes bugs. 

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: FW: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-18 Thread Sebastian Sylvan

On 4/18/07, Taillefer, Troy (EXP) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry for the long rant but I get tired of people with their juvenile and
unconstructive statements like C++ sucks
Or Language X is better then Language Y even if it could ever be
objectively true (which I am sorry it can't be) who cares.

That's not really what I said, I simply said that Haskell is easier to
reason about, and I find it is. And C++ is very difficult to reason about,
so it's a good comparison (and an easy target :-)).

This is getting a bit OT, the thread was about promoting the benefits of
Haskell, not a language flame-war. The use of C++ was just a tongue-in-cheek
example of a language where you have to spend more effort making sure your
programs are correct because it's not as easy to reason about.

End of message.

Beginning of counter-rant:

I write C/C++ every day, and a recent example of what I'm talking about is
We have a tool which does some very complex and full-of-special-cases
processing. I'll abstract it a bit. It essentially does the tasks A, B, and
C. Now, I need information in B, which is only available after C is
computed. First off, in Haskell that wouldn't be a problem 'cause you'd just
set up the relationships between your data and go home early. In C++ not
only is this more or less impossible to sort out nicely (while keeping
separate concerns separate), but even the work-around (which in my case
means moving parts of C down below B) is way too fragile to be practical
when you risk disrupting production. I mean in my case I can see no obvious
reason for why I shouldn't just move that code around by looking at it, it
LOOKS like it should work, but because it's C++ such an operation is like
remodelling a house of cards. There's not telling how many cases that will
break in subtle ways because of all the side effects and invisible
dependencies. The end result? We just avoid the problem by not doing the
Right Thing in certain circumstances. It sucks, but it beats the alternative
of trying to reason about a complex C++ program and ending up with some
obscure error or crash six months later.

There's a bit of a turing tarpit like danger here. Where you fall into the
habit of being the good guy, defending languages and insisting that they
aren't that bad, the end result is that progress is slowed down. Languages
are just tools. Would you defend a BlackDecker power drill? Comparing and
criticizing them in order to end up with better tools (and a better
knowledge about which tool is better when) is useful and should be done more
often by more people.

C++ really is quite bad when it comes to being able to reason about your
program. Really. In Haskell, if you change a few function calls you know
exactly what will happen because it's localized, in C++ it's not so simple
because you have to worry about the side effects (not to mention all the
caveats in the language itself -- see the Effective C++ books for the
short list of why C++ will stab you in the back at the first chance if
you're not careful). There are reasons for using C++, but there is no
denying that there are many good reasons for why you should choose something
else instead if you can, and since this thread was about promoting the good
stuff about Haskell, the ease-of-reasoning argument is certainly relevant
(and I don't think it's all that controversial to use C++ as an example of a
language which is difficult to reason about).

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-18 Thread Michael Vanier
As one who teaches programming in a lot of different languages, I can 
state unequivocally that strong static typing of the Haskell or Ocaml 
variety is (in addition to all its other benefits) a godsend to the 
instructor.  So many incorrect ways of writing programs are simply ruled 
out right at the start that it makes it easier to concentrate on what 
really matters.  The downside is that sometimes you get programmers from 
an imperative languages background who cannot figure out why some simple 
code is giving them a type error (for instance, by not putting in an 
else clause in an if statement).


Neil Davies wrote:

Yep - I've seen it in course work I've set in the past - random walk
through the arrangement of symbols in the language (it was a process
algebra work and proof system to check deadlock freedom).

... but ...

Haskell even helps those people - if you've created something that
works (and you are at least sensible to create a test suite be it
regression or property based) - then there is more confidence that
they've coded a solution (if not a good one).

Haskell raises the value of formality (both ecomomically and in terms
of its caché) - changin the mindset of the masses - creating the
meme - that's tricky. Especialy if they're really off the B Ark!


On 18/04/07, Michael Vanier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

R Hayes wrote:

 On Apr 17, 2007, at 4:46 PM, David Brown wrote:

 R Hayes wrote:

 They *enjoy* debugging ...

 I have to say this is one of the best things I've found for catching
 bad programmers during interviews, no matter what kind of system 
it is

 for.  I learned this the hard way after watching someone who never
 really understood her program, but just kept thwacking at it with a
 debugger until it at least partially worked.

 I've seen this too, but I would not use the word debugging to describe
 it.  I don't think I agree that enjoying debugging is a sufficient
 symptom for diagnosing this condition.  There are many people that
 love the puzzle-box aspect of debugging.  Some of them are very
 talented developers.

 R Hayes


I agree with the latter sentiment.  I call the thwacking at it
approach random programming or shotgun programming, the latter
suggesting that it's like shooting at the problem randomly until it
dies.  I prefer not having to debug, but when I do have to I find it fun
(up to a point).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-17 Thread ajb
G'day all.

I wrote:

 I think you could.  What you need to convince a strict programmer of is
 that laziness gives you modularity.  The Graham Hutton Sudoku solver is
 a nice example, but it'd be cool if we had a similar example that was
 less cheesy than Sudoku.

OK, it's not pretty, but this is diff(1) in 120 lines:

It illustrates:

- Lazy evaluation (dynamic programming, lazy I/O, infinite lists)
- Function pipelining with (.) and ($)
- Monads
- Immutable arrays
- List comprehensions
- Algebraic data types
- Type-safe type synonyms (newtype)
- Fancy newtype deriving (Num)
- Smart constructors
- Pattern matching with at-patterns
- Lambda expressions
- Operator sections
- More besides

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-17 Thread R Hayes

In my opinion, one of the things that makes Haskell difficult to  
learn is the value system.  I'm not referring to pure vs.  
impure.  Instead, I am referring to the beliefs and principles held  
by the Haskell community that are not shared with most of the  
programming world.  Principles like It is valuable to be able to  
reason about programs rigorously.  This is foreign to most  
developers.  When they get to the section of a Haskell book that  
starts talking about this, their eyes glaze over and they skip over  
to the more practical stuff.  By the time they get to Monads  
they're ready to rip their eyes out because the book is too  
theoretical or too academic.

One of the truly powerful things about Haskell is the short distance  
between theory and practicality.  The problem is how to demonstrate  
this convincingly.  The ability to prove a program's correctness is  
regularly trotted out for show in this arena (or at least the lighter- 
weight claim that programs that compile usually work).  I don't think  
that most developers (and certainly not the OSCON crowd) are ready to  
drink that kool-aid.  They *enjoy* debugging and are tired of the  
static vs. dynamic debate.  But the ability to reason about  
programs has borne fruit that I *do* think they will appreciate.   
Because many of them care about performance.

I don't need to tell the subscribers to this list that the shockingly  
good performance of code written using Data.ByteString.Lazy is a  
direct result of being able to reason about programs.  Obviously, the  
details of the fusion techniques are outside the scope of any  
introductory tutorial.  But I think it would be useful to quickly  
implement a wc -l equivalent and explain why it's faster than the  
simple C equivalent.  Nothing overly deep, just draw the line from  
reasoning about programs to fusion and on to amazing  
performance  (capping it off with the fact the the fusion  
optimization is in the *Library*, not baked in to the compiler).  At  
a minimum, it shows that being able to reason about programs  
rigorously can have a payoff in a currency that they value.

R Hayes

On Apr 16, 2007, at 1:34 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:


I have agreed to give a 3-hr tutorial on Haskell at the Open Source  
Convention 2007

I'm quite excited about this: it is a great opportunity to expose  
Haskell to a bunch of smart folk, many of whom won't know much  
about Haskell.  My guess is that they'll be Linux/Perl/Ruby types,  
and they'll be practitioners rather than pointy-headed academics.

One possibility is to do a tutorial along the lines of here's how  
to reverse a list, here's what a type is etc; you know the kind  
of thing.  But instead, I'd prefer to show them programs that they  
might consider *useful* rather than cute, and introduce the  
language along the way, as it were.

So this message is to ask you for your advice.  Many of you are  
exactly the kind of folk that come to OSCON --- except that you  
know Haskell.   So help me out:

Suggest concrete examples of programs that are
* small
* useful
* demonstrate Haskell's power
* preferably something that might be a bit
tricky in another language

For example, a possible unifying theme would be this:

Another might be Don's cpu-scaling example

But there must be lots of others.  For example, there are lots in  
the blog entries that Don collects for the Haskell Weekly  
Newsletter.  But I'd like to use you as a filter: tell me your  
favourites, the examples you find compelling.  (It doesn't have to  
be *your* program... a URL to a great blog entry is just fine.)  Of  
course I'll give credit to the author.

Remember, the goal is _not_ explain monads.  It's Haskell is a  
great way to Get The Job Done.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-17 Thread David Brown
R Hayes wrote:

 They *enjoy* debugging ...

I have to say this is one of the best things I've found for catching
bad programmers during interviews, no matter what kind of system it is
for.  I learned this the hard way after watching someone who never
really understood her program, but just kept thwacking at it with a
debugger until it at least partially worked.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-17 Thread dfeustel
What would be really useful is a Haskell Cookbook that
shows how to do in Haskell things that are so easily
done in imperative languages. How to solve simultaneous
equations using Gaussian elimination comes to mind.

Lots of examples would be great.

Dave Feustel
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-17 Thread R Hayes

On Apr 17, 2007, at 4:46 PM, David Brown wrote:

R Hayes wrote:

They *enjoy* debugging ...

I have to say this is one of the best things I've found for catching
bad programmers during interviews, no matter what kind of system it is
for.  I learned this the hard way after watching someone who never
really understood her program, but just kept thwacking at it with a
debugger until it at least partially worked.

I've seen this too, but I would not use the word debugging to  
describe it.  I don't think I agree that enjoying debugging is a  
sufficient symptom for diagnosing this condition.  There are many  
people that love the puzzle-box aspect of debugging.  Some of them  
are very talented developers.

R Hayes


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-17 Thread Michael Vanier

R Hayes wrote:

On Apr 17, 2007, at 4:46 PM, David Brown wrote:

R Hayes wrote:

They *enjoy* debugging ...

I have to say this is one of the best things I've found for catching
bad programmers during interviews, no matter what kind of system it is
for.  I learned this the hard way after watching someone who never
really understood her program, but just kept thwacking at it with a
debugger until it at least partially worked.

I've seen this too, but I would not use the word debugging to describe 
it.  I don't think I agree that enjoying debugging is a sufficient 
symptom for diagnosing this condition.  There are many people that 
love the puzzle-box aspect of debugging.  Some of them are very 
talented developers.

R Hayes


I agree with the latter sentiment.  I call the thwacking at it
approach random programming or shotgun programming, the latter
suggesting that it's like shooting at the problem randomly until it
dies.  I prefer not having to debug, but when I do have to I find it fun
(up to a point).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones

I have agreed to give a 3-hr tutorial on Haskell at the Open Source Convention 

I'm quite excited about this: it is a great opportunity to expose Haskell to a 
bunch of smart folk, many of whom won't know much about Haskell.  My guess is 
that they'll be Linux/Perl/Ruby types, and they'll be practitioners rather than 
pointy-headed academics.

One possibility is to do a tutorial along the lines of here's how to reverse a 
list, here's what a type is etc; you know the kind of thing.  But instead, 
I'd prefer to show them programs that they might consider *useful* rather than 
cute, and introduce the language along the way, as it were.

So this message is to ask you for your advice.  Many of you are exactly the 
kind of folk that come to OSCON --- except that you know Haskell.   So help me 

Suggest concrete examples of programs that are
* small
* useful
* demonstrate Haskell's power
* preferably something that might be a bit
tricky in another language

For example, a possible unifying theme would be this:

Another might be Don's cpu-scaling example

But there must be lots of others.  For example, there are lots in the blog 
entries that Don collects for the Haskell Weekly Newsletter.  But I'd like to 
use you as a filter: tell me your favourites, the examples you find compelling. 
 (It doesn't have to be *your* program... a URL to a great blog entry is just 
fine.)  Of course I'll give credit to the author.

Remember, the goal is _not_ explain monads.  It's Haskell is a great way to 
Get The Job Done.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Steffen Mazanek

What about demonstrating the use of an Haskell interpreter as a pimped up

multTable = putStr $ unlines [unlines [show x ++ ' ':show y ++ ' ':show
(x*y)|y-[1..10]] | x-[1..10]]

2007/4/16, Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I have agreed to give a 3-hr tutorial on Haskell at the Open Source
Convention 2007

I'm quite excited about this: it is a great opportunity to expose Haskell
to a bunch of smart folk, many of whom won't know much about Haskell.  My
guess is that they'll be Linux/Perl/Ruby types, and they'll be practitioners
rather than pointy-headed academics.

One possibility is to do a tutorial along the lines of here's how to
reverse a list, here's what a type is etc; you know the kind of
thing.  But instead, I'd prefer to show them programs that they might
consider *useful* rather than cute, and introduce the language along the
way, as it were.

So this message is to ask you for your advice.  Many of you are exactly
the kind of folk that come to OSCON --- except that you know Haskell.   So
help me out:

Suggest concrete examples of programs that are
* small
* useful
* demonstrate Haskell's power
* preferably something that might be a bit
tricky in another language

For example, a possible unifying theme would be this:

Another might be Don's cpu-scaling example

But there must be lots of others.  For example, there are lots in the blog
entries that Don collects for the Haskell Weekly Newsletter.  But I'd like
to use you as a filter: tell me your favourites, the examples you find
compelling.  (It doesn't have to be *your* program... a URL to a great blog
entry is just fine.)  Of course I'll give credit to the author.

Remember, the goal is _not_ explain monads.  It's Haskell is a great
way to Get The Job Done.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Dipl.-Inform. Steffen Mazanek
Institut für Softwaretechnologie
Fakultät Informatik

Universität der Bundeswehr München
85577 Neubiberg

Tel: +49 (0)89 6004-2505
Fax: +49 (0)89 6004-4447

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Thomas Hartman

Give them a program that selects a bunch of files based on some
filtering criteria, and then does something to each file.

Kind of like find + xargs, but using haskell instead. Good recipe for sysadmins.

There was a recent example involving parsing raw emails into a thread here

Maybe that could be simplified and something could be based on that.

A one-liner using PCRE regex might also be of use.

2007/4/16, Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I have agreed to give a 3-hr tutorial on Haskell at the Open Source Convention 

I'm quite excited about this: it is a great opportunity to expose Haskell to a 
bunch of smart folk, many of whom won't know much about Haskell.  My guess is 
that they'll be Linux/Perl/Ruby types, and they'll be practitioners rather than 
pointy-headed academics.

One possibility is to do a tutorial along the lines of here's how to reverse a list, 
here's what a type is etc; you know the kind of thing.  But instead, I'd prefer to show 
them programs that they might consider *useful* rather than cute, and introduce the language along 
the way, as it were.

So this message is to ask you for your advice.  Many of you are exactly the 
kind of folk that come to OSCON --- except that you know Haskell.   So help me 

Suggest concrete examples of programs that are
* small
* useful
* demonstrate Haskell's power
* preferably something that might be a bit
tricky in another language

For example, a possible unifying theme would be this:

Another might be Don's cpu-scaling example

But there must be lots of others.  For example, there are lots in the blog 
entries that Don collects for the Haskell Weekly Newsletter.  But I'd like to 
use you as a filter: tell me your favourites, the examples you find compelling. 
 (It doesn't have to be *your* program... a URL to a great blog entry is just 
fine.)  Of course I'll give credit to the author.

Remember, the goal is _not_ explain monads.  It's Haskell is a great way to Get 
The Job Done.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Dougal Stanton

On 16/04/07, Thomas Hartman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Maybe that could be simplified and something could be based on that.

A one-liner using PCRE regex might also be of use.

Unless it can be performed with astounding dexterity, I don't think
try to beat, for example, Perl at its own game will produce worthwhile

What, instead, is Haskell's unique selling point? Non-strictness?
Purity? Optional, composable, computation styles (ie, drop-in monads
for non-determinism, continuations, state etc)? Succinct and elegant
syntax? Something else?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Thomas Hartman

There may be something to this point of view.

On the other hand, it is easier for me to see examples that can
connect back to something I am already familiar with.

That said, I will mention something where perl *seemed* to be a fit,
but later proved frustrating. To whit -- Doing something at the shell
level, in parallel. Ideally, in such a way that it could scale to, for
example, multiple processes on a multi processor box, or even
distributed map-reduce using a botnet.

I just couldn't figure out a good way to do this in perl, despite a
recently published map-reduce module to the CPAN. It all just seemed
to get icky. I couldn't plug in my bits of finished code in the way
I would have liked to, forking and other fiddly bits just seemed to
get in the way.

Now, this is probably largely due to my inexperience with parallel
thinking. However, I think part of it is also the limitations in the

My simple task was to download a bunch of urls. This could be done
with wget. What I got frustrated with was, speeding this up by doing
things in parallel. There are a number of modules on the CPAN that
purport to help with this... parallel fork manager... parallel web
user agent... others... but things got messy fast, even through the
core task (fetch a url) was extremely simple. That is something that
got me thinking.

So, an example to take a simple task (eg web fetch, but could be
something else), and then scale it to work in parallel -- with
threads, with map reduce, howsoever -- might be a good show of
haskell's strehgths. I think there was even a post to haskell cafe
about this today.

To recap: transform a piece of simple code that works in serial, so it
works in parallel. Maybe even a couple, or three ways: using forks,
using threads, using map reduce.

Compare and contrast this with doing the same transformation in perl.
Perl should be messier.

Hope this helps...

2007/4/16, Dougal Stanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On 16/04/07, Thomas Hartman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maybe that could be simplified and something could be based on that.

 A one-liner using PCRE regex might also be of use.

Unless it can be performed with astounding dexterity, I don't think
try to beat, for example, Perl at its own game will produce worthwhile

What, instead, is Haskell's unique selling point? Non-strictness?
Purity? Optional, composable, computation styles (ie, drop-in monads
for non-determinism, continuations, state etc)? Succinct and elegant
syntax? Something else?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Neil Bartlett
Well, given that concurrency is a hot topic at the moment, how about
something based on STM?

E.g. perhaps some kind of instant messaging server? Or Twitter except
scalable. By ruthlessly eliminating features, you could get the core of
one of these down to something that could be built in three hours.

But please, no Santa Clauses ;-)



 I have agreed to give a 3-hr tutorial on Haskell at the Open Source
Convention 2007

 I'm quite excited about this: it is a great opportunity to expose
Haskell to a bunch of smart folk, many of whom won't know much about
Haskell.  My guess is that they'll be Linux/Perl/Ruby types, and they'll
 practitioners rather than pointy-headed academics.

 One possibility is to do a tutorial along the lines of here's how to
reverse a list, here's what a type is etc; you know the kind of
thing. But instead, I'd prefer to show them programs that they might
consider *useful* rather than cute, and introduce the language along the
way, as it were.

 So this message is to ask you for your advice.  Many of you are exactly
the kind of folk that come to OSCON --- except that you know Haskell.  
So help me out:

 Suggest concrete examples of programs that are
 * small
 * useful
 * demonstrate Haskell's power
 * preferably something that might be a bit
 tricky in another language

 For example, a possible unifying theme would be this:

 Another might be Don's cpu-scaling example

 But there must be lots of others.  For example, there are lots in the
blog entries that Don collects for the Haskell Weekly Newsletter.  But
I'd like to use you as a filter: tell me your favourites, the examples
you find compelling.  (It doesn't have to be *your* program... a URL to
a great blog entry is just fine.)  Of course I'll give credit to the

 Remember, the goal is _not_ explain monads.  It's Haskell is a great
way to Get The Job Done.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Ketil Malde
On Mon, 2007-04-16 at 13:27 +0200, Thomas Hartman wrote:

 To recap: transform a piece of simple code that works in serial, so it
 works in parallel. Maybe even a couple, or three ways: using forks,
 using threads, using map reduce.

This made me think of one of my favorite observations.

You occasionally hear how the wonderful static type system just forces
your program to be correct: if they compile, they work.  We all know
that this is an exaggeration, but there is one case when this seems to
apply - when refactoring already working code.

IME, it seems that whenever I tear my programs apart, as long as the
type checker agrees the pieces all fit back together, the program works
as i expect it to.

(Perhaps not so easy to apply this to a tutorial setting?)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Ketil Malde
On Mon, 2007-04-16 at 11:06 +0100, Dougal Stanton wrote:

  A one-liner using PCRE regex might also be of use.

 Unless it can be performed with astounding dexterity, I don't think
 try to beat, for example, Perl at its own game will produce worthwhile

One possibility is a task where the Perl hacker will pull out regular
expressions, but where cleaner and more maintainable code can be written
using Haskell.  Possibly parsing a relatively simple, line based format
with 'words', 'concat', 'split', et al.?  Or a recursive format?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Sebastian Sylvan

On 4/16/07, Ketil Malde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, 2007-04-16 at 13:27 +0200, Thomas Hartman wrote:

 To recap: transform a piece of simple code that works in serial, so it
 works in parallel. Maybe even a couple, or three ways: using forks,
 using threads, using map reduce.

This made me think of one of my favorite observations.

You occasionally hear how the wonderful static type system just forces
your program to be correct: if they compile, they work.  We all know
that this is an exaggeration,

No we don't! At least not anywhere near as much of an exaggeration as that
statement would be about an strongly typed imperative language (sequencing
can't be type checked*, imperative programs are mostly sequencing, thus
imperative programs are mostly unchecked).

Strong static typing + expression-based programming + rich support for
custom data types = if the compiler doesn't beep, the program almost always

I think this is a key selling point. Not sure how to convince people it's
actually true in a 3 hour tutorial, though.

* well, you can check scoping, but that's about it, right?

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Hans van Thiel
On Mon, 2007-04-16 at 09:34 +0100, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 I have agreed to give a 3-hr tutorial on Haskell at the Open Source 
 Convention 2007
 I'm quite excited about this: it is a great opportunity to expose Haskell to 
 a bunch of smart folk, many of whom won't know much about Haskell.  My guess 
 is that they'll be Linux/Perl/Ruby types, and they'll be practitioners rather 
 than pointy-headed academics.
 One possibility is to do a tutorial along the lines of here's how to reverse 
 a list, here's what a type is etc; you know the kind of thing.  But 
 instead, I'd prefer to show them programs that they might consider *useful* 
 rather than cute, and introduce the language along the way, as it were.
 So this message is to ask you for your advice.  Many of you are exactly the 
 kind of folk that come to OSCON --- except that you know Haskell.   So help 
 me out:
 Suggest concrete examples of programs that are
 * small
 * useful
 * demonstrate Haskell's power
 * preferably something that might be a bit
 tricky in another language
 For example, a possible unifying theme would be this:
 Another might be Don's cpu-scaling example
 But there must be lots of others.  For example, there are lots in the blog 
 entries that Don collects for the Haskell Weekly Newsletter.  But I'd like to 
 use you as a filter: tell me your favourites, the examples you find 
 compelling.  (It doesn't have to be *your* program... a URL to a great blog 
 entry is just fine.)  Of course I'll give credit to the author.
 Remember, the goal is _not_ explain monads.  It's Haskell is a great way 
 to Get The Job Done.
I'm really enthusiastic about parsec. Even though the principles are
(still) far above my head, I've been able to use it on a .csv table
produced by OO Calc (the spreadsheet). The tutorial is also very good,
and maybe parsec is also an example of (possible) interaction of Haskell
to 'modules' written in other programming languages. You can do
something (simple but useful)  with parsec after just an afternoon's

fwiw, summing up my own Haskell experience:
I've been learning Haskell for a year now, and I find it very difficult.
I miss a training in computer science and often I feel like the guy in
that movie who's on a 500 mile trip driving an old lawn mower. Traffic
zooms past, and  often you depend on people who're willing to lend a
hand. Having said that, it's also fun and I enjoy the pioneer spirit in
the community.

The major advantages of Haskell are, IMO,

1) the type system is a great aid to the programmer and programs are
short. Therefore Haskell is very well suited for the independent
developer who can't afford huge amounts of code. Open Source has many of
2) polymorphism is also a great advantage. You can write your program in
the most general types using e.g. only equality and order, and fine tune
them later to more specific types which perform better.
3) the difficulty of Haskell is not necessarily a bad thing, it also
makes it interesting, and there are many good libraries to use. But
Haskell is also pretty scaleable, in the sense that you can do a lot of
things just with recursion, then do them better with maps, folds, list
comprehensions, then do them better with some monadic replacements, and
so on.
4) there is a very helpful and knowledgeable community.

A major disadvantage of Haskell is the lack of books, especially with
regard to intermediate level programming and the libraries.
Documentation that is available varies in quality and is, in general,

Best Regards,

Hans van Thiel

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Neil Mitchell


I think its important to cover whats different about Haskell. Things
like laziness are cool, but are harder to convince a strict programmer
that they are useful. Types however are obviously very handy, if you
can focus on why a Haskell program is so obviously correct easily.

1) the type system is a great aid to the programmer and programs are
short. Therefore Haskell is very well suited for the independent
developer who can't afford huge amounts of code. Open Source has many of

I'd also at least demonstrate Hoogle, but perhaps I'm biased :-)

2) polymorphism is also a great advantage. You can write your program in
the most general types using e.g. only equality and order, and fine tune
them later to more specific types which perform better.

I'd also focus on the fact that polymorphism can be inferred, in
things like C++/Ada using polymorphism means littering the code with
hints about the polymorphism.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Derek Elkins

Hans van Thiel wrote:

On Mon, 2007-04-16 at 09:34 +0100, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:


I have agreed to give a 3-hr tutorial on Haskell at the Open Source Convention 

I'm quite excited about this: it is a great opportunity to expose Haskell to a 
bunch of smart folk, many of whom won't know much about Haskell.  My guess is 
that they'll be Linux/Perl/Ruby types, and they'll be practitioners rather than 
pointy-headed academics.

One possibility is to do a tutorial along the lines of here's how to reverse a list, 
here's what a type is etc; you know the kind of thing.  But instead, I'd prefer to show 
them programs that they might consider *useful* rather than cute, and introduce the language along 
the way, as it were.

So this message is to ask you for your advice.  Many of you are exactly the 
kind of folk that come to OSCON --- except that you know Haskell.   So help me 

Suggest concrete examples of programs that are
* small
* useful
* demonstrate Haskell's power
* preferably something that might be a bit
tricky in another language

For example, a possible unifying theme would be this:

  Another might be Don's cpu-scaling example

But there must be lots of others.  For example, there are lots in the blog 
entries that Don collects for the Haskell Weekly Newsletter.  But I'd like to 
use you as a filter: tell me your favourites, the examples you find compelling. 
 (It doesn't have to be *your* program... a URL to a great blog entry is just 
fine.)  Of course I'll give credit to the author.

Remember, the goal is _not_ explain monads.  It's Haskell is a great way to Get 
The Job Done.



I'm really enthusiastic about parsec. Even though the principles are


4) there is a very helpful and knowledgeable community.

It is significant that Parsec has been and continues to be a lure of Haskell.

Also, the community, in my opinion, is one of the greatest boons of the 
language, but I'm not sure how to convey that.

This blog article 
was/is fairly popular and demonstrates many aspects of Haskell and the way 
Haskellers think.

Some of the recent ByteString stuff that does interesting things faster and much 
cleaner than C may also be a good example.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Nicolas Frisby

One technique I find compelling is (ab)using the type class system for
meta programming. Something from Lightweight Static Resources, Faking
It, or Hinze's Full Circle slides might be really attractive. Perhaps
Danvy's Haskell printf? The hook might be:

Yeah, you've heard of strong static typing and polymorphism, but did
you know you could do this?

Also: generic programming is always a hot topic.

On 4/16/07, Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have agreed to give a 3-hr tutorial on Haskell at the Open Source Convention 

I'm quite excited about this: it is a great opportunity to expose Haskell to a 
bunch of smart folk, many of whom won't know much about Haskell.  My guess is 
that they'll be Linux/Perl/Ruby types, and they'll be practitioners rather than 
pointy-headed academics.

One possibility is to do a tutorial along the lines of here's how to reverse a list, 
here's what a type is etc; you know the kind of thing.  But instead, I'd prefer to show 
them programs that they might consider *useful* rather than cute, and introduce the language along 
the way, as it were.

So this message is to ask you for your advice.  Many of you are exactly the 
kind of folk that come to OSCON --- except that you know Haskell.   So help me 

Suggest concrete examples of programs that are
* small
* useful
* demonstrate Haskell's power
* preferably something that might be a bit
tricky in another language

For example, a possible unifying theme would be this:

Another might be Don's cpu-scaling example

But there must be lots of others.  For example, there are lots in the blog 
entries that Don collects for the Haskell Weekly Newsletter.  But I'd like to 
use you as a filter: tell me your favourites, the examples you find compelling. 
 (It doesn't have to be *your* program... a URL to a great blog entry is just 
fine.)  Of course I'll give credit to the author.

Remember, the goal is _not_ explain monads.  It's Haskell is a great way to Get 
The Job Done.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Taillefer, Troy (EXP)

Hopefully a video of this tutorial would be made available as a learning
resource for those of use who can't make it to this Convention. 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 4:34 AM
Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell


I have agreed to give a 3-hr tutorial on Haskell at the Open Source
Convention 2007

I'm quite excited about this: it is a great opportunity to expose
Haskell to a bunch of smart folk, many of whom won't know much about
Haskell.  My guess is that they'll be Linux/Perl/Ruby types, and they'll
be practitioners rather than pointy-headed academics.

One possibility is to do a tutorial along the lines of here's how to
reverse a list, here's what a type is etc; you know the kind of
thing.  But instead, I'd prefer to show them programs that they might
consider *useful* rather than cute, and introduce the language along the
way, as it were.

So this message is to ask you for your advice.  Many of you are exactly
the kind of folk that come to OSCON --- except that you know Haskell.
So help me out:

Suggest concrete examples of programs that are
* small
* useful
* demonstrate Haskell's power
* preferably something that might be a bit
tricky in another language

For example, a possible unifying theme would be this:

Another might be Don's cpu-scaling example

But there must be lots of others.  For example, there are lots in the
blog entries that Don collects for the Haskell Weekly Newsletter.  But
I'd like to use you as a filter: tell me your favourites, the examples
you find compelling.  (It doesn't have to be *your* program... a URL to
a great blog entry is just fine.)  Of course I'll give credit to the

Remember, the goal is _not_ explain monads.  It's Haskell is a great
way to Get The Job Done.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
Hopefully!  Do suggest it to the OSCON organisers: the one I'm in touch with is 


| -Original Message-
| From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
| Taillefer, Troy (EXP)
| Sent: 16 April 2007 15:08
| To: Simon Peyton-Jones;
| Subject: RE: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell
| Simon,
| Hopefully a video of this tutorial would be made available as a learning
| resource for those of use who can't make it to this Convention.
| Troy
| -Original Message-
| [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon
| Peyton-Jones
| Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 4:34 AM
| To:
| Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell
| Friends
| I have agreed to give a 3-hr tutorial on Haskell at the Open Source
| Convention 2007
| I'm quite excited about this: it is a great opportunity to expose
| Haskell to a bunch of smart folk, many of whom won't know much about
| Haskell.  My guess is that they'll be Linux/Perl/Ruby types, and they'll
| be practitioners rather than pointy-headed academics.
| One possibility is to do a tutorial along the lines of here's how to
| reverse a list, here's what a type is etc; you know the kind of
| thing.  But instead, I'd prefer to show them programs that they might
| consider *useful* rather than cute, and introduce the language along the
| way, as it were.
| So this message is to ask you for your advice.  Many of you are exactly
| the kind of folk that come to OSCON --- except that you know Haskell.
| So help me out:
| Suggest concrete examples of programs that are
| * small
| * useful
| * demonstrate Haskell's power
| * preferably something that might be a bit
| tricky in another language
| For example, a possible unifying theme would be this:
| Another might be Don's cpu-scaling example
| But there must be lots of others.  For example, there are lots in the
| blog entries that Don collects for the Haskell Weekly Newsletter.  But
| I'd like to use you as a filter: tell me your favourites, the examples
| you find compelling.  (It doesn't have to be *your* program... a URL to
| a great blog entry is just fine.)  Of course I'll give credit to the
| author.
| Remember, the goal is _not_ explain monads.  It's Haskell is a great
| way to Get The Job Done.
| Thanks!
| Simon
| ___
| Haskell-Cafe mailing list
| ___
| Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Mark T.B. Carroll
Neil Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I think its important to cover whats different about Haskell. Things
 like laziness are cool, but are harder to convince a strict programmer
 that they are useful.

Mmmm, it took me a while to really find laziness useful, and that was
normally to let me create complex things that were mutually dependent on
each other, releasing me from some housekeeping - some calculation in
one would help the other creep along, and vice versa. I'm afraid no
examples come easily to mind, though.

BTW, I wonder if it's too much difficulty to show off STM.

-- Mark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Justin Bailey

I found this blog post, which describes a way to protect against SQL
injection attacks using the type system, to be really enlightening.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Aaron Tomb

Having just read Simon Marlow's paper on the Haskell Web Server, I  
think it might be interesting to at least mention it, and how simple  
it is, while still performing well.

Also, I second the comment several have made so far that talking  
about concurrency is important. Haskell does it better than most  
languages, and people care about concurrency these days.

Admittedly, these aren't very concrete suggestions.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan

Mark T.B. Carroll wrote:

I'm afraid no
examples come easily to mind, though.

Here's a simple one: reading a flattened graph from disk.  If your 
flattened representation contains forward references, you have to fix 
them up in a strict language.  In a lazy language, you can refer to 
elements you haven't yet read, eliminating that book-keeping.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Mark T.B. Carroll
Bryan O'Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Mark T.B. Carroll wrote:

 I'm afraid no
 examples come easily to mind, though.

 Here's a simple one: reading a flattened graph from disk.  If your 
 flattened representation contains forward references, you have to fix 
 them up in a strict language.  In a lazy language, you can refer to 
 elements you haven't yet read, eliminating that book-keeping.

That's a good point. Indeed, I had used laziness in a programme that
read a file that contained a series of entity definitions that could
include forward references, I just couldn't remember exactly how I'd
used laziness. (-: (It's also useful in some memoising, I think.)

-- Mark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan

Neil Bartlett wrote:

E.g. perhaps some kind of instant messaging server? Or Twitter except

A twitter-alike will quite probably get people's attention.  And of 
course anything that breaks the it's good for compilers! stereotype is 
to be commended :-)

Also on the subject of scaling, Ralf Lammel's paper on looking at 
MapReduce through a strongly typed functional lens has been quite a hit. 
A tutorial along the lines of dealing safely with lots of data, in a 
cluster of systems, would likely go down well.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Derek Elkins

Mark T.B. Carroll wrote:

Bryan O'Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mark T.B. Carroll wrote:

I'm afraid no
examples come easily to mind, though.
Here's a simple one: reading a flattened graph from disk.  If your 
flattened representation contains forward references, you have to fix 
them up in a strict language.  In a lazy language, you can refer to 
elements you haven't yet read, eliminating that book-keeping.

That's a good point. Indeed, I had used laziness in a programme that
read a file that contained a series of entity definitions that could
include forward references, I just couldn't remember exactly how I'd
used laziness. (-: (It's also useful in some memoising, I think.)

-- Mark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Near the bottom of is an example that 
uses lazy evaluation to do exactly this.  The real kicker though, is that the 
change from backward references only (i.e. simplistic one-pass code that would 
work in a strict language) to forward and backward references is trivial (just 
pass in the output).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Albert Y. C. Lai

Neil Mitchell wrote:

like laziness are cool, but are harder to convince a strict programmer
that they are useful.

Strict programmers like the yield command too. The same behaviour can 
be obtained by laziness, with easier reasoning.

That said, strict programmers may or may not like easier reasoning. 
Also, laziness in general (when not restricted to generators) is not 
easier to reason either.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread Ryan Dickie

Blast.. i didn't hit reply all so here's a forward of my mail to the

-- Forwarded message --
From: Ryan Dickie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Apr 16, 2007 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell
To: Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can tell you what me and my colleagues would be interested in (though none
of us are actually going). We code a lot of math. You may call it scientific
computing. Haskell seems like a natural fit for the task.

In particular we are interested in:
1) the type system
2) concurrency (can these be set to run on a large system)
3) simple relation between what equations we write on paper, and what
equations we write in haskell.

I'm still a n00b to Haskell. For us languages like matlab, maple, etc. do
not fit the job very well and run too slowly. C/C++ is usually what i use
but it can be a pain. Python, etc... well its good for the glue i suppose.
Haskell might fit that niche.

On 4/16/07, Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have agreed to give a 3-hr tutorial on Haskell at the Open Source
Convention 2007

I'm quite excited about this: it is a great opportunity to expose Haskell
to a bunch of smart folk, many of whom won't know much about Haskell.  My
guess is that they'll be Linux/Perl/Ruby types, and they'll be practitioners
rather than pointy-headed academics.

One possibility is to do a tutorial along the lines of here's how to
reverse a list, here's what a type is etc; you know the kind of
thing.  But instead, I'd prefer to show them programs that they might
consider *useful* rather than cute, and introduce the language along the
way, as it were.

So this message is to ask you for your advice.  Many of you are exactly
the kind of folk that come to OSCON --- except that you know Haskell.   So
help me out:

Suggest concrete examples of programs that are
* small
* useful
* demonstrate Haskell's power
* preferably something that might be a bit
tricky in another language

For example, a possible unifying theme would be this:

Another might be Don's cpu-scaling example

But there must be lots of others.  For example, there are lots in the blog
entries that Don collects for the Haskell Weekly Newsletter.  But I'd like
to use you as a filter: tell me your favourites, the examples you find
compelling.  (It doesn't have to be *your* program... a URL to a great blog
entry is just fine.)  Of course I'll give credit to the author.

Remember, the goal is _not_ explain monads.  It's Haskell is a great
way to Get The Job Done.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial on Haskell

2007-04-16 Thread ajb
G'day all.

Quoting Neil Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I think its important to cover whats different about Haskell. Things
 like laziness are cool, but are harder to convince a strict programmer
 that they are useful.

I think you could.  What you need to convince a strict programmer of is
that laziness gives you modularity.  The Graham Hutton Sudoku solver is
a nice example, but it'd be cool if we had a similar example that was
less cheesy than Sudoku.

A dynamic programming or memoing example might not hurt, either.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list