Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2006-03-18 Thread Alberto Ruiz
The Atlas library (Linux_P4SSE2) seems to be 9x faster (!) than gslcblas in 
matrix multiplication: 

ghc-6.4.1 --make examples/pca.hs GSL/debuggslaux.o \
 -L$(LIBATLAS) -lcblas  /usr/lib/libgsl.a -latlas

$ time ./a.out
GSL Wrapper gsl_matrix_fscanf: 2 s
GSL Wrapper submatrix: 0 s
GSL Wrapper constant: 0 s
GSL Wrapper constant: 0 s
GSL Wrapper multiplyR (gsl_blas_dgemm): 1 s
GSL Wrapper vector_scale: 0 s
GSL Wrapper multiplyR (gsl_blas_dgemm): 0 s
GSL Wrapper vector_scale: 0 s
GSL Wrapper gsl_vector_add: 0 s
GSL Wrapper trans: 0 s
GSL Wrapper multiplyR (gsl_blas_dgemm): 4 s  <---(the atlas version)
GSL Wrapper vector_scale: 0 s
GSL Wrapper trans: 0 s
GSL Wrapper vector_scale: 0 s
GSL Wrapper gsl_vector_add: 0 s
GSL Wrapper toScalar: 0 s
GSL Wrapper eigensystem: 11 s
[337829.6562539419,253504.78675022084,209790.38118221355, etc
sys 0m0.179s

So gsl+atlas+haskell is not that bad... Also, the 5000x785 matrix can now be 
loaded just in 2 seconds, using a wrapper for gsl_matrix_fscanf. We could 
also try to include some lapack or atlas-lapack routines.

Precompiled atlas for different processors can be downloaded from

However, I have not yet been able to link them in interactive mode.

The latest version of the library (extremely provisional, I am currently 
working actively in it) can be obtained from:

darcs get

Of course, any contribution or suggestion will be greatly appreciated, 
including code samples that "should work" with this kind of library, to be 
used as examples or tests.

Best regards,


On Friday 17 March 2006 13:30, Alberto Ruiz wrote:
> On Thursday 16 March 2006 18:13, Frederik Eaton wrote:
> > Also, in my experiments (with matrix inversion) it seems,
> > subjectively, that Octave is about 5 or so times faster for operations
> > on large matrices. Presumably you've tested this as well, do you have
> > any comparison results?
> Frederik, you are right, in my machine Octave is at least 3x faster than
> gsl (v1.5). Too much, specially in a simple matrix multiplication, and I
> don't know why. See below the times measured in the C side for the PCA
> example.
> I will look into this...
> Alberto
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2006-03-17 Thread Alberto Ruiz
On Thursday 16 March 2006 18:13, Frederik Eaton wrote:

> Also, in my experiments (with matrix inversion) it seems,
> subjectively, that Octave is about 5 or so times faster for operations
> on large matrices. Presumably you've tested this as well, do you have
> any comparison results?

Frederik, you are right, in my machine Octave is at least 3x faster than gsl 
(v1.5). Too much, specially in a simple matrix multiplication, and I don't 
know why. See below the times measured in the C side for the PCA example.

I will look into this...


gsl 1.5 
GHC> main
Loading package haskell98-1.0 ... linking ... done.
GSL Wrapper submatrix: 0 s
GSL Wrapper constant: 0 s
GSL Wrapper multiplyR (gsl_blas_dgemm): 0 s
GSL Wrapper vector_scale: 0 s
GSL Wrapper vector_scale: 1 s
GSL Wrapper gsl_vector_add: 0 s
GSL Wrapper trans: 0 s
GSL Wrapper multiplyR (gsl_blas_dgemm): 36 s   < (784x5000) x (5000 x 784)
GSL Wrapper vector_scale: 0 s
GSL Wrapper trans: 0 s
GSL Wrapper vector_scale: 0 s
GSL Wrapper gsl_vector_add: 0 s
GSL Wrapper toScalar: 0 s
GSL Wrapper eigensystem: 11 s<-- (784x784) 
[337829.65625394206,253504.7867502207, etc. 
(97.95 secs, 13096315340 bytes) (includes file loading, to be optimized)

GNU Octave, version 2.1.57 (i686-pc-linux-gnu).
octave:6> testmnist
x - repmat(mean(x),rows(x),1)

load mnist.txt   

x = mnist(:,1:784);  
d = mnist(:,785);

xc = x - repmat(mean(x),rows(x),1);
disp("x - repmat(mean(x),rows(x),1)");

mc = (xc'*xc)/rows(x);



- GSL + Haskell -

module Main where

import GSL
import GSL.Util

mean x = sumCols x ./. fromIntegral (rows x)

center x = x |-| fromRows (replicate (rows x) (mean x))

cov x = (trans xc <> xc) ./. n
where n = fromIntegral (rows x -1)
  xc = center x

m ./. r = m <> (1/r ::Double)

test :: M -> [Double]
test x = take 10 (toList lambdas) where
mc = cov x
(lambdas, _)  = eig mc

main = do 
m <- fromFile "mnist.txt"  
let x = subMatrix 0 (rows m-1) 0 (cols m -2) m
print (test x) 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2006-03-16 Thread Alberto Ruiz
Hi Frederick,

I refer to the ATLAS library:

Some versions of octave use it. I have not yet linked the GSL library with it, 
you must compile it yourself to take advantage of the optimizations for your 
architecture, but I think that it must be easy. It is in my TO DO list... :)

Curiously, I am just now working in a new (and hopefully improved) 
version of the GSL wrappers. A first and preliminary approximation to the 
documentation can be found at:

The code will be available in two or three days in a darcs repository.

I have simplified the wrapper infrastructure and the user interface. Now we 
can freely work both with real and complex vectors or matrices, still with 
static type checking. There are also some bug corrections (the eigensystem 
wrapper destroys its argument!).

I made some run time comparisons, precisely in the PCA example with the big 
matrix. I don't remember the exact difference, but I think that 5 times 
faster is too much... I will check it as soon as possible. Of course our goal 
is to have something like a functional "octave" with the same performance 
(and a much nicer language :)

Many thanks for your message!


On Thursday 16 March 2006 18:13, Frederik Eaton wrote:
> Hi Alberto,
> I'm sorry if this has been discussed before...
> I'm reading your paper, at one point it says (re. the PCA example):
> "Octave achieves the same result, slightly faster. (In this experiment
> we have not used optimized BLAS libraries which can improve efficiency
> of the GSL)"
> That seems to imply that there is a way to use optimized BLAS
> libraries? How can I do that?
> Also, in my experiments (with matrix inversion) it seems,
> subjectively, that Octave is about 5 or so times faster for operations
> on large matrices. Presumably you've tested this as well, do you have
> any comparison results?
> Thanks,
> Frederik
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2006-03-16 Thread Frederik Eaton
Hi Alberto,

I'm sorry if this has been discussed before...

I'm reading your paper, at one point it says (re. the PCA example):
"Octave achieves the same result, slightly faster. (In this experiment
we have not used optimized BLAS libraries which can improve efficiency
of the GSL)"

That seems to imply that there is a way to use optimized BLAS
libraries? How can I do that?

Also, in my experiments (with matrix inversion) it seems,
subjectively, that Octave is about 5 or so times faster for operations
on large matrices. Presumably you've tested this as well, do you have
any comparison results?



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-12-09 Thread Frederik Eaton

I've just looked through this discussion, since I'm working on my own
library, I wanted to see what people are doing.

It's something like this, using the Prepose (Implicit Configurations)

data L n = L Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- singleton domain
type S = L Zero

class (Bounded a, Ix a) => IxB a

instance ReflectNum n => Bounded (L n) where
minBound = L 0
maxBound = L $ reflectNum (__ :: n) - 1

mul :: (Num k, IxB a, IxB b, IxB c) => Matrix k a b -> Matrix k b c -> Matrix k 
a c
add :: (Num k, IxB a, IxB b) => Matrix k a b -> Matrix k a b -> Matrix k a b
vec :: (Num k, IxB a, IxB b) => Matrix k a b -> Matrix k (a,b) S

This way one can form a type "L n" which represents integers between 0
inclusive and n (rather, 'reflectNum (__ :: n)') exclusive, which can
serve to index the matrices and vectors... Of course, other index
types are allowed, such as "Either a b" - if we want to, say, take the
sum of two vector spaces, one indexed by "a" and the other by "b",
then the result should be indexed by "Either a b", etc. - we never
have to do anything with the type-level numerals other than assert
equality, i.e. we don't have to be able to add or multiply them in our
type-signatures, since structural operations will suffice.

I think having the ability to guarantee through the type system that
column and row dimensions are correct is of paramount importance to
those who would use a matrix library, but so far in this thread I
haven't seen any suggestions which would accomplish that. I'm sorry if
I didn't read carefully. Does my approach not work? I haven't filled
in the implementation yet, but it type-checks.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-19 Thread Alberto Ruiz
Hello Bulat, thanks a lot for your message, the RULES pragma is just what we 

However, in some initial experiments I have observed some strange behavior. 
For instance, in the following program:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

apply :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
apply f n = f n

sqr :: Int -> Int
sqr n = n * n

optimized_sqr :: Int -> Int 
optimized_sqr n = n*n+1 -- to check that the rule works :-)

"apply/sqr"apply sqr = optimized_sqr

main = do
--print $ apply sqr 3 
print $ apply sqr 5

The rule is not applied.

1 RuleFired
1 *#

if we uncomment the first line in the main function

main = do
print $ apply sqr 3 
print $ apply sqr 5 

then the rule is correctly applied:

6 RuleFired
2 *#
2 +#
2 apply/sqr

Solution: include at the beginning of the file

module Main

and then the rule works in both cases.

I have a similar problem in the LinearAlgebra library but there, curiously, 
the rule only works if it is applied once:

module Main 
import (...)
main = do 
print $ cos v
 --print $ cos v

 Grand total simplifier statistics 
Total ticks: 2584

461 PreInlineUnconditionally
230 PostInlineUnconditionally
387 UnfoldingDone
91 RuleFired
2 *#
16 *##
5 +##
8 ++
5 -##
2 SPEC $fLinearArray1
2 SPEC $fLinearArray2
1 SPEC $fNumComplex
1 SPEC $fShowComplex
1  <--- OK
20 int2Double#
4 map
4 mapList
2 plusDouble 0.0 x
4 plusDouble x 0.0
2 timesDouble x 0.0
2 timesDouble x 1.0
3 unpack
3 unpack-list
2 zipWith
2 zipWithList
47 LetFloatFromLet
9 EtaReduction
1136 BetaReduction
6 CaseOfCase
217 KnownBranch
14 SimplifierDone


main = do 
print $ cos v
 print $ cos v

 Grand total simplifier statistics 
Total ticks: 2664

470 PreInlineUnconditionally
240 PostInlineUnconditionally
402 UnfoldingDone
90 RuleFired
2 *#
16 *##
5 +##
8 ++
5 -##
2 SPEC $fLinearArray1
2 SPEC $fLinearArray2
1 SPEC $fNumComplex
1 SPEC $fShowComplex
20 int2Double#
4 map
4 mapList
2 plusDouble 0.0 x
4 plusDouble x 0.0
2 timesDouble x 0.0
2 timesDouble x 1.0
3 unpack
3 unpack-list
2 zipWith
2 zipWithList
49 LetFloatFromLet
9 EtaReduction
1181 BetaReduction
5 CaseOfCase
218 KnownBranch
17 SimplifierDone

I have tried several ideas, without any luck. 


On Monday 18 July 2005 10:14, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> Hello Alberto,
> Wednesday, July 13, 2005, 8:13:48 PM, you wrote:
> >>If there are no efficiency concerns, I would drop element-wise operations
> >>and prefer a matrix-map and a matrix-zipWith. If these operations shall
> >>remain I would somehow point to their element-wise operation in the name.
> AR> There is about 5x speed gain if we map in the C side. The "optimized"
> floating AR> map functions could be moved to a separate module.
> GHC also have a RULES pragma which can be used to automatically
> convert, for example, "mmap (*)" to "multipleElementWise". below is
> examples of using this pragma in the standard GHC modules:
> {-# RULES
> "foldr/id"foldr (:) []  = \x->x
> "foldr/single"  forall k z x. foldr k z [x] = k x z
> "foldr/nil" forall k z.   foldr k z []  = z
>  #-}
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-13 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 13 Jul 2005, Alberto Ruiz wrote:

> But now I have two problems:
> 1) If I define
> foo :: Vector.T a -> Matrix.T a
> Haddock (version 0.6) shows just this:
> foo :: T a -> T a
> I don't know how to tell haddock that I want the full names in the signatures.

I don't know, too. I'm afraid this is not possible with Haddock, yet.

> 2) When setting up the "main" module which reexports all the modules exposed
> to the user I cannot write this:

I guess a main module would be for re-exporting unqualified names which is
certainly no longer necessary if all names are used qualified. Every
program using the library should just import the modules from the library
it needs, e.g.

import qualified LinearAlgebra.Vector as Vector
import qualified LinearAlgebra.Matrix as Matrix

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-13 Thread Alberto Ruiz
Hello! I have a few doubts concerning the LinearAlgebra library...

On Friday 08 July 2005 11:29, Henning Thielemann wrote:
>I would remove the 'matrix' portions of the function names, since this
>information is already contained in the module name. E.g. after importing
>LinearAlgebra.Matrix as Matrix, Matrix.matrix look strange, but
>Matrix.fromList says everything.

I have changed the function names as suggested. This new style is clearly 
better, allowing Vector.add, Matrix.add, Vector.Complex.add, 
Matrix.Complex.add, etc.

>If the Matrix type would be parametrised (...)

Now we can have Vector.T a and Matrix.T a for any storable a (although at this 
point most functions are only defined for Double). For example:

eig :: Matrix.T Double -> ([Double], Matrix.T Double)

>I would also prefer a vector of complex numbers for the FFT function
>instead of a nx2 matrix.

This comes from the old version in which vectors and matrices were the same 
type :-) Now we have:
fft1D  :: Vector.T (Complex Double) -> Vector.T (Complex Double)
ifft1D :: Vector.T (Complex Double) -> Vector.T (Complex Double)
fft2D :: Matrix (Complex Double) -> Matrix (Complex Double)

But now I have two problems:

1) If I define

foo :: Vector.T a -> Matrix.T a

Haddock (version 0.6) shows just this:

foo :: T a -> T a
I don't know how to tell haddock that I want the full names in the signatures.

2) When setting up the "main" module which reexports all the modules exposed 
to the user I cannot write this:

module LinearAlgebra ( 
module Vector,
module Matrix,
module Matrix.Complex,
module LinearAlgebra.Algorithms
import LinearAlgebra.Vector as Vector
import LinearAlgebra.Matrix as Matrix
import LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Complex as Matrix.Complex
import LinearAlgebra.Algorithms

since we get lots of conflicting exports for T, add, scale, etc. 

I we use qualified imports:

module LinearAlgebra ( 
module Vector,
module Matrix,
module Matrix.Complex,
module LinearAlgebra.Algorithms
import qualified LinearAlgebra.Vector as Vector
import qualified LinearAlgebra.Matrix as Matrix
import qualified LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Complex as Matrix.Complex
import LinearAlgebra.Algorithms

then all the names in Vector, Matrix and Matrix.Complex must be always 
qualified, which is not very practical. I am afraid that I am doing something 

Another possibility is using type classes, since there is a lot of types 
addmiting add, sub, (ew)mul, scale, etc. (e.g., Vector Int, Vector Double, 
Matrix (Complex Float), etc.) We could also define type classes for higher 
level linear algebra algorithms working with different base types in the 

Any suggestion? 

And some final comments.

>If there are no efficiency concerns, I would drop element-wise operations
>and prefer a matrix-map and a matrix-zipWith. If these operations shall
>remain I would somehow point to their element-wise operation in the name.

There is about 5x speed gain if we map in the C side. The "optimized" floating 
map functions could be moved to a separate module.
>If the Matrix type would be parametrised then Matrix.fromBlocks could use
>a more natural indexing.

>Matrix.fromBlocks :: [[Matrix a b]] -> Matrix (Int,a) (Int,b)

>The Int of the index pair would store the block number and the type a
>index would store the index within the block. Hm, but it would not be
>possible to store the sizes of the sub-matrices.  It would be possible
>only if the sub-matrices have the same size.  Maybe it is better to allow
>matrices of matrices and to be able to apply a matrix-matrix
>multiplication which in turn employs a matrix-matrix multiplication of its
>elements. But the matrix decompositions will fail on this structure - but
>possibly those which fail aren't appropriate for block matrices.

We can have a Matrix (Matrix Double) if we define the instance Storable 
(Matrix a). Although a "block matrix" is perhaps better represented at a 
higher level (storing only one copy of repeated blocks, etc.). 

>It would be nice to have functions which don't simply write the formatted
>vectors and matrices to stdout but which return them as strings. E.g.

>Matrix.format :: Int -> Matrix.T -> String
>Vector.format :: Int -> Vector.T -> String
>(or Matrix.toString)
>The results can be reused in other contexts and the 'display' routines can
>use their results.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-09 Thread Glynn Clements

Keean Schupke wrote:

> >>So the linear operator is translation (ie: + v)... effectively 'plus'
> >>could be viewed as a function which takes a vector and returns a matrix
> >>(operator)
> >>
> >>(+) :: Vector -> Matrix
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Since a matrix _is_ not a linear map but only its representation, this
> >would not make sense. As I said (v+) is not a linear map thus there is no
> >matrix which represents it. A linear map f must fulfill
> > f 0 == 0
> >
> >But since
> > v+0 == v
> >  the function (v+) is only a linear map if 'v' is zero.
> >
> > I can't see how to fit in your vector extension by the 1-component.
> >
> >  
> >
> Eh?
> Translation is a linear operation no?

No. It's affine, but not linear. As Henning said, to be linear, it
must map zero to zero.

> Adding vectors translates the
> first by the second
> (or the second by the first - the two are isomorphic)... A translation
> can be represented
> by the matrix:
> 1   0   0   0
> 0   1   0   0
> 0   0   1   0
> dx dy dz 1
> So the result of "v+" is this matrix.

No. If the above matrix is M, then:

[x y z w].M = [x+w.dx y+w.dy w]

which isn't a translation.

In the specific case of homogeneous coordinates, where:

h  [x y z]   = [x y z 1]
h' [x y z w] = [x/w y/w z/w]

then \v -> h'(h(v).M) is a translation, but M isn't itself a

Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Friday 08 July 2005 17:46, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> Vectors can be used and abused for many things but 
> an object which can be called a vector (because of its ability of to
> be added and to be scaled) is not a linear operator itself and does
> not naturally represent one.

At least for finite dimensional spaces (and these are the only ones 
under consideration here, right?) scalar multiplication is a very nice 
and natural way to view a vector as a linear operation (into the scalar 
field). I know, in linear algebra the told us all that this 
corespondence is not a 'natural' or 'canonic' one because it depends on 
a chosen basis. Well, well. For practical purposes of programming, we 
always use the 'canonic base' right? So if the base is canonic, then so 
is the correspondence between vector space and its dual.

On a different not, one could argue that a 1xn matrix M is indeed a 
vector of dimension n, an then M' = M^T is a nx1 matrix, that is also a 
vector of dimension n, but this is the same vector as the 
non-transposed version. Now, the two things (M and M') are the same, if 
viewed as a vector, but not the same if viewed as a matrix. Can we 
express this in Haskell?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Keean Schupke wrote:

> Henning Thielemann wrote:
> >On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Keean Schupke wrote:
> >
> >>So the linear operator is translation (ie: + v)... effectively 'plus'
> >>could be viewed as a function which takes a vector and returns a matrix
> >>(operator)
> >>
> >>(+) :: Vector -> Matrix
> >
> >Since a matrix _is_ not a linear map but only its representation, this
> >would not make sense. As I said (v+) is not a linear map thus there is no
> >matrix which represents it. A linear map f must fulfill
> > f 0 == 0
> >
> >But since
> > v+0 == v
> >  the function (v+) is only a linear map if 'v' is zero.
> >
> > I can't see how to fit in your vector extension by the 1-component.
> >
> >
> >
> Eh?


| The Linear Map |

If F is a field, V a set of vectors, and (F,V,+,*) a vectorspace then a
function f of V -> V is linear if:

for all x and y from Vf (x+y) == f x + f y
for all k from F and x from V f (k*x) == k * f x


If f is a linear map, then f 0 = 0.

Proof: For any v from V it is v+(-1)*v = 0.
  f 0 = f (v+(-1)*v) = f v + f ((-1)*v) = f v + (-1) * f v = 0


If (v+) is a linear map then v == 0.

Proof: (v+0) == 0 (conclusion from the lemma)
 =>  v == 0


> (or the second by the first - the two are isomorphic)... A translation
> can be represented
> by the matrix:
> 1   0   0   0
> 0   1   0   0
> 0   0   1   0
> dx  dy  dz  1
> So the result of "v+" is this matrix.

But the vectors I can add to v have one component less than necessary for
multiplication with this matrix.

Indeed you can map all v's with three components to an affine sub-space of
the 4-dimensional space, namely to those vectors with a 1 in the last
component. But you are no longer working with three dimensional vectors
but with four-dimensional ones. Again: isomorphy is not identity.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Keean Schupke
Henning Thielemann wrote:

>On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Keean Schupke wrote:
>>So the linear operator is translation (ie: + v)... effectively 'plus'
>>could be viewed as a function which takes a vector and returns a matrix
>>(+) :: Vector -> Matrix
>Since a matrix _is_ not a linear map but only its representation, this
>would not make sense. As I said (v+) is not a linear map thus there is no
>matrix which represents it. A linear map f must fulfill
> f 0 == 0
>But since
> v+0 == v
>  the function (v+) is only a linear map if 'v' is zero.
> I can't see how to fit in your vector extension by the 1-component.

Translation is a linear operation no? Adding vectors translates the
first by the second
(or the second by the first - the two are isomorphic)... A translation
can be represented
by the matrix:

1   0   0   0
0   1   0   0
0   0   1   0
dx dy dz 1

So the result of "v+" is this matrix.

In other words this matrix is the 'vector addition operator'...
providing you pad the vectors
with an additional '1' at the end.

So if:

translate :: Vector -> Matrix

[x,y,z,1] = [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[x,y,z,1]]

 we can create a matrix representing translation from:

translate [3,4,5,1]

and can apply this translation to another vector:

mapply (translate [3,4,5,1]) [2,3,4,1] = [5,7,9,1]

All I was saying is that following this, partial application of vector

[3,4,5] + [2,3,4] = [5,7,9]

but partially applying:

([3,4,5] +)

would be a the matrix defined above as (translate [3,4,5,1]) ... Of
course this has the
drawback that you need an extra dimension in you vectors and matrices to
cope with

Anyway I have more or less convinced myself that separating vectors and
matrices is the
right thing to do... I was just trying to define vector addition in
terms of a matrix operation
for neatness.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Keean Schupke wrote:

> So the linear operator is translation (ie: + v)... effectively 'plus'
> could be viewed as a function which takes a vector and returns a matrix
> (operator)
> (+) :: Vector -> Matrix

Since a matrix _is_ not a linear map but only its representation, this
would not make sense. As I said (v+) is not a linear map thus there is no
matrix which represents it. A linear map f must fulfill
 f 0 == 0

But since
 v+0 == v
  the function (v+) is only a linear map if 'v' is zero.

 I can't see how to fit in your vector extension by the 1-component.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, David Roundy wrote:

> I don't particularly care what API you use for svd, since it's trivial to
> convert from one API to the other.  It's matrix arithmetic I care about,
> since that's the complicated part of the API.

Of course I want to use the results of more complicated routines with
basic matrix arithmetic and I like to reduce the number of conversions.
The other reason for the debate is that if you don't like the extra vector
type then you will not use it. If I want to apply a routine of you to my,
say, audio data I will have to decide whether I shall store it as column
or as row vector/matrix although this decision seems to me rather
irrelevant and annoying.

> On the other hand, the most natural return value for svd would be a
> diagonal matrix, since that is what the objects are, right?

Hm, since SVD means Singular Value Decomposition I like to have the
singular values as they are. I don't want to search them in a sparse

> svd returns three matrices, which when multiplied together give the
> original matrix ...

This would be a nice property, though. I could do it by converting the
singular value list to a diagonal matrix. So I need a conversion, hm.

> or at least that's how I think of it.  But I'll grant that a diagonal
> matrix isn't the most convenient representation, and certain is far from
> the most efficient, unless we introduce a diagonal matrix constructor
> (which would certainly be nice).

I would not like to obtain a value of general Matrix type since it is
statically guaranted that it is always diagonal.

>  I guess you'd prefer that svd returns a list of doubles and two lists
> of vectors? Or a list of triplets of a double and two vectors?

 Either there is a function to scale the columns of a matrix separately,
then two matrices and a list/vector of doubles are ok. Or there is a
function to multiply two vectors to obtain a matrix with rank 1 (Outer
product or tensor product might be the right name. Btw. the (<>) operator
has the problem, that it is always interpreted as scalar product. But it
could also mean this kind of multiplication.) Then adding such products of
left and right singular vectors scaled by the corresponding singular value
let me reconstruct the matrix.
 The triplet approach has the advantage that it is statically sure that
the number of singular values and singular vectors match. The matrix
approach has the advantage that it is statically guaranteed that the
dimension of all singular vectors match.
 With the (orthogonal) singular vector matrices we map vectors from one
basis to the representation in another basis. So these matrices represents
naturally linear maps and it makes sense to use them.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Keean Schupke
Henning Thielemann wrote:

>In general a vector need not to be a linear operator. You talked about
>vector translation, translation is not a linear operator. You gave some
>process to map the problem to somewhere, where it becomes a linear
>operator. Other people said that the scalar product with a fixed vector is
>a linear operator. That's true. Now what is a natural interpretation of a
>vector as linear operator? The scalar product or the translation? Vectors
>can be used and abused for many things but an object which can be called a
>vector (because of its ability of to be added and to be scaled) is not a
>linear operator itself and does not naturally represent one.
So the linear operator is translation (ie: + v)... effectively 'plus'
could be
viewed as a function which takes a vector and returns a matrix (operator)

(+) :: Vector -> Matrix

Which could also be called 'translate'. So 'translate' takes a vector
and returns
a linear-operator which can be applied to a vector:

mapply (translate vector1) vector2

So I guess I could now ask, why allow vector addition at all?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Keean Schupke wrote:

> Henning Thielemann wrote:
> >Do you mean
> > [x,y,z,1] * [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[dx,dy,dz,dw+1]]
> >?
> >
> Erm, yes thats what I meant ... but you obviously got the point.
> >>but how is this different from adding vectors? If we allow vector
> >>addition then we no longer have the nice separation between values and
> >>linear operators, as a value can also be a linear operator (a
> >>translation)?
> >
> >???
> Well if a vector can be a linear-operator, then surely it _is_ a matrix!

In general a vector need not to be a linear operator. You talked about
vector translation, translation is not a linear operator. You gave some
process to map the problem to somewhere, where it becomes a linear
operator. Other people said that the scalar product with a fixed vector is
a linear operator. That's true. Now what is a natural interpretation of a
vector as linear operator? The scalar product or the translation? Vectors
can be used and abused for many things but an object which can be called a
vector (because of its ability of to be added and to be scaled) is not a
linear operator itself and does not naturally represent one.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread David Roundy
On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 03:33:16PM +0200, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, David Roundy wrote:
> > On the other hand, this is sort of a silly debate, since the API *I*
> > want is a subset of the API *you* want.
> The API you want is certainly not just a subset of what I want. E.g. the
> singular value decomposition in your favorite API will probably return a
> 1xN matrix or a MxN diagonal matrix containing the singular values, while
> with my favorite API it will return a vector or a list. Right?

I don't particularly care what API you use for svd, since it's trivial to
convert from one API to the other.  It's matrix arithmetic I care about,
since that's the complicated part of the API.

On the other hand, the most natural return value for svd would be a
diagonal matrix, since that is what the objects are, right? svd returns
three matrices, which when multiplied together give the original
matrix... or at least that's how I think of it.  But I'll grant that a
diagonal matrix isn't the most convenient representation, and certain is
far from the most efficient, unless we introduce a diagonal matrix
constructor (which would certainly be nice).  I guess you'd prefer that svd
returns a list of doubles and two lists of vectors? Or a list of triplets
of a double and two vectors?

(Answering another email...) I certainly agree that fft is not a function
of a matrix.
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Keean Schupke
Henning Thielemann wrote:

>Do you mean
> [x,y,z,1] * [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[dx,dy,dz,dw+1]]
Erm, yes thats what I meant ... but you obviously got the point.

>>but how is this different from adding vectors? If we allow vector
>>addition then we no longer have the nice separation between values and
>>linear operators, as a value can also be a linear operator (a
Well if a vector can be a linear-operator, then surely it _is_ a matrix!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Keean Schupke
Henning Thielemann wrote:

>I'm excited if your code gets swamped by conversions between Double and
>Matrix then. I really plead for representing everything with strings, this
>is the most simple and most flexible solution! :-]
Surely its a case of balancing the advantage of type safety against the
added complexity. The point after all is to reduce bugs. Type-sigs reduce
one type of bug, at the cost of an increase in complexity. My argument is
that at some point the probability of introducing errors due to the
complexity outweighs the reduction in the probability of error due to

I think this is a pragmatic point, that cannot be argued with, all you
can argue over
is where in the continuum this point is.

As such we were dicussing the complexity/type-safety trade off with
respect to
matrices - to go from this to such a sweeping statment... is like saying
'if I can't have it my way I don't want anything at all"...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Keean Schupke wrote:

> Okay, this approach is starting to make sense to me... I can see now
> that Vectors are a different type of object to Matrices. Vectors
> represent points in N-Space and matrices represent operations on those
> points

That's what I wanted to express.

> (say rotations or translations)... But it seems we can represent
> translations as adding vectors or matrix operations (although we need to
> introduce the 'extra' dimension W... and have an extra field in vectors
> that contains the value '1').
> (3D translation)
> [x,y,z,1] * [[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[dx,dy,dz,dw]] =
> [x+dx,y+dy,z+dz,1+dw]

Do you mean
 [x,y,z,1] * [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[dx,dy,dz,dw+1]]

> but how is this different from adding vectors? If we allow vector
> addition then we no longer have the nice separation between values and
> linear operators, as a value can also be a linear operator (a
> translation)?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Keean Schupke wrote:

> Henning Thielemann wrote:
> >My objections to making everything a matrix were the objections I sketched
> >for MatLab.
> >
> >The example, again: If you write some common expression like
> >
> >transpose x * a * x
> Which just goes to show why haskell limits the '*' operator to
> multiplying the same types. Keep this to Matrix-times-Matrix operators.

Btw. the interface file by Alberto gives you uniform usage of an operator
symbol (<>) while retaining full type safety by functional dependencies.

This is a good solution, I think.

> I feel using separate types for vectors and scalars just overcomplicates
> things...

I'm excited if your code gets swamped by conversions between Double and
Matrix then. I really plead for representing everything with strings, this
is the most simple and most flexible solution! :-]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Keean Schupke
Henning Thielemann wrote:

>Let me elaborate on that:
> In some cases putting vectors as columns into a matrix then applying a
>matrix operation on this matrix leads to the same like to 'map' a
>matrix-vector operation to a list of vectors. But in other cases (as the
>one above) this is not what you want. I consider it as an incidence not as
>a general principle if this kind of extension works.
>Let's consider another example: The basic definition of the Fourier
>transform is for vectors. MatLab wants to make the effect of vector
>operations consistent for row and column vectors, thus
Okay, this approach is starting to make sense to me... I can see now that
Vectors are a different type of object to Matrices. Vectors represent
points in
N-Space and matrices represent operations on those points (say rotations or

But it seems we can represent translations as adding vectors or matrix
(although we need to introduce the 'extra' dimension W... and have an
extra field in vectors
that contains the value '1').

(3D translation)

[x,y,z,1] * [[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[dx,dy,dz,dw]] =

but how is this different from adding vectors? If we allow vector
addition then we no longer
have the nice separation between values and linear operators, as a value
can also be
a linear operator (a translation)?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Alberto Ruiz wrote:

> The server is working again.
> On Thursday 07 July 2005 20:58, Alberto Ruiz wrote:
> > I' sorry, our web server is temporarily down :-(
> >
> > >
> > >

I would also prefer a vector of complex numbers for the FFT function
instead of a nx2 matrix.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, David Roundy wrote:

> On the other hand, this is sort of a silly debate, since the API *I*
> want is a subset of the API *you* want.

The API you want is certainly not just a subset of what I want. E.g. the
singular value decomposition in your favorite API will probably return a
1xN matrix or a MxN diagonal matrix containing the singular values, while
with my favorite API it will return a vector or a list. Right?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Keean Schupke
Henning Thielemann wrote:

>My objections to making everything a matrix were the objections I sketched
>for MatLab.
>The example, again: If you write some common expression like
>transpose x * a * x
Which just goes to show why haskell limits the '*' operator to
multiplying the same types. Keep this to Matrix-times-Matrix operators.

Surely a vector is a 1xN matrix? And in terms of matrices a 1x1 matrix
and a scalar are the same? I don't see the point of having separate
matix and vector types... just have 'matrix constructors:

matrix :: [[a]] -> Matrix a
vector :: [a] -> Matrix a
scalar :: a -> Matrix a

I don't see any problems with this, and it lets you define the matrix

instance Floating a => Floating (Matrix a) where
exp = undefined

Type of exp in Floating is (a -> a -> a), so substituting the class
parameter gives:
exp :: Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a, however you can only compute
the matrix exponential
(x^y) for "scalar-x matrix-y" or "matrix-x scalar-y"...

I feel using separate types for vectors and scalars just overcomplicates

>then both the human reader and the compiler don't know whether x is a
>"true" matrix or if it simulates a column or a row vector. It may be that
>'x' is a row vector and 'a' a 1x1 matrix, then the expression denotes a
>square matrix of the size of the vector simulated by 'x'. It may be that
>'x' is a column vector and 'a' a square matrix. Certainly in most cases I
>want the latter one and I want to have a scalar as a result. But if
>everything is a matrix then I have to check at run-time if the result is a
>1x1 matrix and then I have to extract the only element from this matrix.
>If I omit the 1x1 test mistakes can remain undiscovered. I blame the
>common notation x^T * A * x for this trouble since the alternative
>notation  can be immediately transcribed into computer language
>code while retaining strong distinction between a vector and a matrix
If x is a matrix and y is a matrix then

x * y

can only be interpreted in one simple way - no special cases. Sometimes you
may need to transpose a 1xN into an Nx1 but at least you will get an
'error' if you
try to use the wrong type...

>More examples? More theory?
More complexity?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread David Roundy
On Thu, Jul 07, 2005 at 03:08:50PM +0200, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, David Roundy wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 08:17:58PM +0200, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> > > The example, again: If you write some common expression like
> > >
> > > transpose x * a * x
> > >
> > > then both the human reader and the compiler don't know whether x is a
> > > "true" matrix or if it simulates a column or a row vector. It may be that
> > > 'x' is a row vector and 'a' a 1x1 matrix, then the expression denotes a
> > > square matrix of the size of the vector simulated by 'x'. It may be that
> > > 'x' is a column vector and 'a' a square matrix. Certainly in most cases I
> > > want the latter one and I want to have a scalar as a result. But if
> > > everything is a matrix then I have to check at run-time if the result is a
> > > 1x1 matrix and then I have to extract the only element from this matrix.
> > > If I omit the 1x1 test mistakes can remain undiscovered. I blame the
> > > common notation x^T * A * x for this trouble since the alternative
> > > notation  can be immediately transcribed into computer language
> > > code while retaining strong distinction between a vector and a matrix
> > > type.
> >
> > The issue is that Haskell (as far as I understand, and noone has suggested
> > anything to the contrary) doesn't have a sufficiently powerful type system
> > to represent matrices or vectors in a statically typed way.  It would be
> > wonderful if we could represent matrix multiplication as
> >
> > matrix_mul :: Matrix n m -> Matrix m o -> Matrix n o
> Even if we had that I would vote for distinction of Vector and Matrix! I
> wanted to show with my example that vectors and matrices are different
> enough that it makes sense to give them different types. In my opinion
> multiplying a matrix with a so-called column vector is a more fundamental
> bug than multiplying a matrix with a vector of non-compatible size. That
> is I like static check of matrix-vector combinations and a dynamic check
> of their size. The latter also because in many application you don't know
> the vector size at compile time.

You wouldn't need to know the vector size at compile time in order to get
static type checking of vector sizes--if the type system is sufficiently

> > Also note that if you have several vectors x for which you want to compute
> > the dot product with metric A, and if you want to do this efficiently,
> > you'll have to convert your list of vectors into a matrix anyways.
> If you bundle some vectors as columns in matrix B and want to compute
> norms with respect to matrix A writing
>  B^T * A * B
>   you will not only get the norms of the vectors in B but also many mixed
> scalar products. This example shows to me that matrices are not simply
> collections of vectors.

Good point, and that does illustrate the pain of doing this (treating sets
of vectors as matrices).

> Btw. we should not mess up the design with decisions on efficiency
> concerns. If you want efficiency then you can abuse matrices for that but
> I consider a 'map' over a list of vectors as the cleaner way (and more
> type safe, because you can't make transposition errors).

Mapping is cleaner, but something like 10 times slower... not for my
example above, but for a simple y = A*x computation--you then could do the
vector-vector inner product better than transpose y * x.

Efficiency concerns shouldn't be separated from design decisions.  An API
shouldn't force an implementation to be inefficient.  On the other hand,
this is sort of a silly debate, since the API *I* want is a subset of the
API *you* want.  (Except that I'd like matrices to be an instance of
Floating, but that's easy enough to do once we've got all the matrix
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, Alberto Ruiz wrote:

> Hello! Thank you very much for all your suggestions. A new version of the
> library can be found at:

If the Matrix type would be parametrised then Matrix.fromBlocks could use
a more natural indexing.

Matrix.fromBlocks :: [[Matrix a b]] -> Matrix (Int,a) (Int,b)

The Int of the index pair would store the block number and the type a
index would store the index within the block. Hm, but it would not be
possible to store the sizes of the sub-matrices.  It would be possible
only if the sub-matrices have the same size.  Maybe it is better to allow
matrices of matrices and to be able to apply a matrix-matrix
multiplication which in turn employs a matrix-matrix multiplication of its
elements. But the matrix decompositions will fail on this structure - but
possibly those which fail aren't appropriate for block matrices.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Alberto Ruiz wrote:

> The server is working again.
> On Thursday 07 July 2005 20:58, Alberto Ruiz wrote:
> > I' sorry, our web server is temporarily down :-(
> >
> > >
> > >

I would remove the 'matrix' portions of the function names, since this
information is already contained in the module name. E.g. after importing
LinearAlgebra.Matrix as Matrix, Matrix.matrix look strange, but
Matrix.fromList says everything.

I suggest

 matrix -> fromList
 matrixElements -> toList
 displayMatrix  -> display
 readMatrix  -> fromFile :: FilePath -> IO Matrix
 writeMatrix -> toFile :: FilePath -> Matrix -> IO ()
 blockMatrix -> fromBlocks or fromMatrices
 subMatrix   -> clip or cut or take
 matrixScale  -> scale
 matrixOffset -> offset
 matrixAdd-> add
 matrixSub-> sub
 matrixMul-> mul  (element-wise multiplication?
  then better zipMul or elementwiseMul, elMul what know I :-)
 matrixDiv-> div
 matrixSigns  -> signs
 matrixAbs-> abs
 matrix_x_matrix  ... hm difficult

 msin :: Matrix -> Matrix
 mcos :: Matrix -> Matrix
 mtan :: Matrix -> Matrix
 masin :: Matrix -> Matrix
 macos :: Matrix -> Matrix
 matan :: Matrix -> Matrix
 matan2 :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix
 msinh :: Matrix -> Matrix
 mcosh :: Matrix -> Matrix
 mtanh :: Matrix -> Matrix
 masinh :: Matrix -> Matrix
 macosh :: Matrix -> Matrix
 matanh :: Matrix -> Matrix
 mexp :: Matrix -> Matrix
 mlog :: Matrix -> Matrix

If there are no efficiency concerns, I would drop element-wise operations
and prefer a matrix-map and a matrix-zipWith. If these operations shall
remain I would somehow point to their element-wise operation in the name.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-08 Thread Alberto Ruiz
The server is working again.

On Thursday 07 July 2005 20:58, Alberto Ruiz wrote:
> I' sorry, our web server is temporarily down :-(
> >
> >
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-07 Thread Alberto Ruiz
I' sorry, our web server is temporarily down :-(

On Thursday 07 July 2005 20:37, Alberto Ruiz wrote:
> Hello! Thank you very much for all your suggestions. A new version of the
> library can be found at:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-07 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, Alberto Ruiz wrote:

> Hello! Thank you very much for all your suggestions. A new version of the
> library can be found at:

I get time-out/ :-(

> - Vector and Matrix are now different types with different functions operating
> on them. They cannot be interchanged and we must use explicit conversion
> functions. Things like (v::Vector) + (m::Matrix), or svd (v::Vector) are
> statically rejected.


> You must use functions like matrix_x_matrix, matrix_x_vector, dot ::
> Vector->Vector->Double, etc. On the other hand, there are functions to
> build a matrix from a list of vectors, to concatenate the columns of a
> matrix as a vector, etc. If I am not mistaken, now the ambiguities
> explained by Henning do not occur.

Very great!

> - Only Eq, Show, and Read instances are now defined for Vector and Matrix. No
> numeric instances are defined, although it is very easy to do it using the
> functions provided. I have included a tentative "Interface" module including
> some hopefully user friendly operators.

This should be an excellent basis for experiments. Maybe I can contribute
an interface for the numericprelude type classes.

> We can use a darcs repository to allow contributions from all interested
> people.

Yes please!

> On the other hand, many useful functions have a type which depends on a value:
> vector :: [Double] -> Vector n
> We should statically reject this:
> vector [1,2,3] `vector_add` vector [1,2]
> (or perhaps we can imitate the zip behavior? :)

Better not :-) A static error is a must but obviously impossible.

> The sizes of some vectors and matrices depend on run time computations, even
> without taking into account IO:
> nullspace :: Matrix m n -> Matrix k n
> k depends on the particular matrix. We can improve this to:
> nullspace :: Matrix m n -> [Vector n]
> but if we need the nullspace in another matrix operation we must build a
> matrix from a list whose size is not known at compile time...

Yes, these are even more arguments for making the matrix size not integers
expressed by types.

> Static size checking is an advanced topic!

Static size checking seems to me possible only if the size is static.
Though clever people may have methods to statically check dynamic sizes.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-07 Thread Conal Elliott
Sorry for the delayed response, which has now led to two separate
threads.  See below.

> From: Henning Thielemann

> On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Conal Elliott wrote:

> > On row & column vectors, do you really want to think of them as
> > {1,...,n)->R?  They often represent linear maps from R^n to R or R
> > to R^n, which are very different types.  Similarly, instead of
> > working with matrices, how about linear maps from R^n to R^m?  In
> > this view, column and row vectors, matrices, and often scalars are
> > useful as representations of linear maps.

> We should not identify things which can be mapped bijectively.  1"
> "and 1 are very different [...]

> I think matrices and derivatives are very different issues. [...]

Of course.  My suggestion is to use linear maps instead of vectors or
matrices when the vectors or matrices serve as representations of
linear maps. 

> I have often seen that the first derivative is considered as vector,
> and the second derivative is considered as matrix.

I'm guessing you mean for derivatives of functions in R^n->R.

> In this spirit it is used like
>   x^T * (D2 f)(x) * x
> but this is only abuse of the common multiplication definitions. A
> good interpretation and notation should seamless extend to higher
> derivatives.  But the interpretation above does not work in higher
> dimensions.

What does work I think, for all degrees of derivatives and all
dimensions of vector spaces (and well beyond R^n), is keeping a clear
distinction between linear maps and representations of linear maps.
Linear maps get composed and applied, but certainly not multiplied.

> I like the following type for derivation.
>  derive :: ((i -> a) -> b) -> ((i -> a) -> (i -> b))
> Here i is the index type, (i -> a) is the vector type, b is the type
> the vector function maps to. 

This formulation is not much more general than R^n (i.e., {1,..,n}->R).
The vectors are still restricted to "tuples" (indexed by i) of elements
the same type, right?

>   Its derivative has the same type of
> argument, but the result is a vector with indices of type i. You see
> that it is easy to repeat the application of 'derive', just replace
> b by say i->b. The second derivative yields vectors of type (i -> i
> -> b). This can be interpreted as matrix because it has two
> indices. But this is certainly not a matrix which represents a
> linear mapping as usual, but it is a matrix representing a bilinear
> form. The only thing we need is a multiplication to reduce one level
> of indices.
>  mul :: (i -> c) -> (i -> b) -> b 
> Though, what we still need is a general (overloaded?) definition of
> scaling of b by c and a sum of b.

I prefer something like the following instead, where "VS s u" means that
is a vector space over the scalar field s.

>  derive :: (VS s u, VS s v) => (u -> v) -> (u -> LMap u v)

Since VS s (LMap u v), the result of derive may be given back to derive.
Second derivatives then have type u -> LMap u (LMap u v), where as we'd
expect, LMap u (LMap u v) is isomorphic to the type of bilinear maps
u to v.  By using LMap instead of Matrix, we're not tempted to confuse
(for instance) linear and bilinear maps, just as you pointed out.

- Conal

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-07 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, Conal Elliott wrote:

> Maybe we could solve this problem in a simple and general way by working
> with a more abstract notion of linear maps, rather than the matrices
> commonly used to represent linear maps.  Instead of "Matrix n m", where
> n and m are either integers (requiring something like dependent types)
> or type encodings of integers, use "LMap u v", where u and v are vector
> spaces, e.g., R^n and R^m.  This change would eliminate the need for
> dependent types or integer encodings.

I would also dislike integer encodings in the matrix type because it is
very sensible to have other types of indices. I would just do it how it is
solved for Arrays: Two index types for a matrix but the actual matrix size
is not coded in the type. E.g. I would like to multiply a matrix of type
Matrix (Bool, Char) Double with a vector of type Vector Char Double
obtaining a result of type Vector Bool Double.

> Also, it's clear that "LMap R R^n" and "LMap R^n R" are different types
> (for n/=1), so we can distinguish between "row" and "column" vectors
> without creating more types.  Are there other reasons for orienting
> vectors?

My point was that vectors naturally do _not_ represent linear maps at all,
but they are the objects linear maps act on. If I process an audio signal
or an image I can consider it well as vector but why should I consider it
as linear map?

> I can't call these comments a concrete proposal, as it's not clear to me
> how to define LMap and what operations it supports.

The problem will be that there is no canonical representation for linear
maps in general vector spaces. I consider a function of type (Double ->
Double) as an approximation to a real function but we don't have a general
representation for linear operators on real functions.

The remaining problem is that Vector and Linear Map are relative terms.
That is, as you point out, a Linear Map can be a Vector with respect to a
higher order Linear Map. I think in contrast to real mathematics we have
to distinct due to computational restrictions. On the one hand we can work
with a vector space type class which only specifies what basic operations
(namely add and scale) shall be supported by types that want to be called
vectors.  This type class has the full flexibility but no canonical
representation for linear maps. On the other hand we define finite
dimensional vectors (array like) and matrices as representations for
linear maps. For the case of higher order linear maps there should be a
conversion between Matrix and Vector.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-07 Thread Alberto Ruiz
Hello! Thank you very much for all your suggestions. A new version of the 
library can be found at:
Here are the main changes:

- Vector and Matrix are now different types with different functions operating 
on them. They cannot be interchanged and we must use explicit conversion 
functions. Things like (v::Vector) + (m::Matrix), or svd (v::Vector) are 
statically rejected. You must use functions like matrix_x_matrix, 
matrix_x_vector, dot :: Vector->Vector->Double, etc. On the other hand, there 
are functions to build a matrix from a list of vectors, to concatenate the 
columns of a matrix as a vector, etc. If I am not mistaken, now the 
ambiguities explained by Henning do not occur. 

- Only Eq, Show, and Read instances are now defined for Vector and Matrix. No 
numeric instances are defined, although it is very easy to do it using the 
functions provided. I have included a tentative "Interface" module including 
some hopefully user friendly operators. But it can be replaced or deleted 
without any problem... :)

If this approach makes sense, we can proceed to include more standard linear 
algebra functions based on GSL, LAPACK, or on any other available resource. 
We can use a darcs repository to allow contributions from all interested 

And a few comments:

David Roundy wrote:
>It would be wonderful if we could represent matrix multiplication as 
>matrix_mul :: Matrix n m -> Matrix m o -> Matrix n o

>(where n, m and o are dimensions) but we can't do that.  So we're stuck
>with dynamic size checking for all matrix and vector operations that
>involve two or more operands.

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
>Actually, Haskell does allow you to do that.  But the syntax of the
>types gets pretty horrendous.

We must also "add" types. To build a matrix from blocks we need something 

matrix_block_row :: Matrix n m -> Matrix n o -> Matrix n (o+m)

I understand from some papers and messages to the list that it can be done, 
but then we may also want lists of matrices with different dimensions:

matrix_block :: [[Matrix ? ?]] -> Matrix

The compile-time consistency check is not trivial. 

On the other hand, many useful functions have a type which depends on a value:

vector :: [Double] -> Vector n 

We should statically reject this:

vector [1,2,3] `vector_add` vector [1,2]

(or perhaps we can imitate the zip behavior? :)

The sizes of some vectors and matrices depend on run time computations, even 
without taking into account IO:

nullspace :: Matrix m n -> Matrix k n

k depends on the particular matrix. We can improve this to:

nullspace :: Matrix m n -> [Vector n]

but if we need the nullspace in another matrix operation we must build a 
matrix from a list whose size is not known at compile time...

Static size checking is an advanced topic!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-07 Thread Conal Elliott
Maybe we could solve this problem in a simple and general way by working
with a more abstract notion of linear maps, rather than the matrices
commonly used to represent linear maps.  Instead of "Matrix n m", where
n and m are either integers (requiring something like dependent types)
or type encodings of integers, use "LMap u v", where u and v are vector
spaces, e.g., R^n and R^m.  This change would eliminate the need for
dependent types or integer encodings.  From another perspective, the
integers are encodings of the vector space types, but a very restricted
subset of vector space types.  If we take the encoding out of the
interface, we might get a much mor general library, allowing for linear
maps between *any* vector spaces, not just ones of the form R^n.  For
instance, linear maps are vector spaces also, so we can handle "LMap u
(LMap u v)" (the range type of the second derivative of a u->v

Also, it's clear that "LMap R R^n" and "LMap R^n R" are different types
(for n/=1), so we can distinguish between "row" and "column" vectors
without creating more types.  Are there other reasons for orienting

I can't call these comments a concrete proposal, as it's not clear to me
how to define LMap and what operations it supports.  It may be worth
exploring, though.

Cheers,  - Conal

-Original Message-
From: Lennart Augustsson
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 5:44 AM
To: David Roundy
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

David Roundy wrote:
> The issue is that Haskell (as far as I understand, and noone has
> anything to the contrary) doesn't have a sufficiently powerful type
> to represent matrices or vectors in a statically typed way.  It would
> wonderful if we could represent matrix multiplication as 
> matrix_mul :: Matrix n m -> Matrix m o -> Matrix n o

Actually, Haskell does allow you to do that.  But the syntax of the
types gets pretty horrendous.
I'm sure Oleg will show you how any moment now. :)

-- Lennart

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-07 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, Henning Thielemann wrote:

> >> fft([1,0;0,0])
> ans =
>  1 0
>  1 0

Also funny:

>> conv([1;1],[1,1])

ans =

 1 2 1

>> conv([1;1;1],[1,1])

ans =


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-07 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, David Roundy wrote:

> Also note that if you have several vectors x for which you want to compute
> the dot product with metric A, and if you want to do this efficiently,
> you'll have to convert your list of vectors into a matrix anyways.  Writing
> functions of vectors instead as functions of 1xN matrices allows them to be
> efficiently applied to multiple vectors simultaneously, provided they are
> written carefully.

Btw. it is interesting that "source code efficiency" differs from runtime
efficiency for matrix operations:


where a, b, c are square matrices and v is a column vector/matrix. This
expression is interpreted as


and it need cubic time to multiply matrices. In contrast to that


needs only quadratic time.

If we would use matrices as what they are invented for, namely as
representations of linear operators, this efficiency leak would not occur:

mulVec a $ mulVec b $ mulVec c v

(Read mulVec as the mapping from a matrix to the linear operator it

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-07 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, Henning Thielemann wrote:

> > Also note that if you have several vectors x for which you want to compute
> > the dot product with metric A, and if you want to do this efficiently,
> > you'll have to convert your list of vectors into a matrix anyways.
> If you bundle some vectors as columns in matrix B and want to compute
> norms with respect to matrix A writing
>  B^T * A * B
>   you will not only get the norms of the vectors in B but also many mixed
> scalar products. This example shows to me that matrices are not simply
> collections of vectors.

Let me elaborate on that:
 In some cases putting vectors as columns into a matrix then applying a
matrix operation on this matrix leads to the same like to 'map' a
matrix-vector operation to a list of vectors. But in other cases (as the
one above) this is not what you want. I consider it as an incidence not as
a general principle if this kind of extension works.

Let's consider another example: The basic definition of the Fourier
transform is for vectors. MatLab wants to make the effect of vector
operations consistent for row and column vectors, thus

>> fft([1,0])

ans =

 1 1

>> fft([1;0])

ans =


What is the most natural extension to matrices? I would say it is the
composition of a row-wise Fourier transform and a column-wise transform.
This interpretation would have the special cases shown above. It would
yield fft([1,0;0,0]) = [1,1;1,1]

But MatLab says

>> fft([1,0;0,0])

ans =

 1 0
 1 0

That is by default it considers the Fourier transform as a column-wise
transform - but in the special case of a 1-row matrix it behaves
completely different.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-07 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, David Roundy wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 08:17:58PM +0200, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> > The example, again: If you write some common expression like
> >
> > transpose x * a * x
> >
> > then both the human reader and the compiler don't know whether x is a
> > "true" matrix or if it simulates a column or a row vector. It may be that
> > 'x' is a row vector and 'a' a 1x1 matrix, then the expression denotes a
> > square matrix of the size of the vector simulated by 'x'. It may be that
> > 'x' is a column vector and 'a' a square matrix. Certainly in most cases I
> > want the latter one and I want to have a scalar as a result. But if
> > everything is a matrix then I have to check at run-time if the result is a
> > 1x1 matrix and then I have to extract the only element from this matrix.
> > If I omit the 1x1 test mistakes can remain undiscovered. I blame the
> > common notation x^T * A * x for this trouble since the alternative
> > notation  can be immediately transcribed into computer language
> > code while retaining strong distinction between a vector and a matrix
> > type.
> The issue is that Haskell (as far as I understand, and noone has suggested
> anything to the contrary) doesn't have a sufficiently powerful type system
> to represent matrices or vectors in a statically typed way.  It would be
> wonderful if we could represent matrix multiplication as
> matrix_mul :: Matrix n m -> Matrix m o -> Matrix n o

Even if we had that I would vote for distinction of Vector and Matrix! I
wanted to show with my example that vectors and matrices are different
enough that it makes sense to give them different types. In my opinion
multiplying a matrix with a so-called column vector is a more fundamental
bug than multiplying a matrix with a vector of non-compatible size. That
is I like static check of matrix-vector combinations and a dynamic check
of their size. The latter also because in many application you don't know
the vector size at compile time.

> You think of vectors as fundamental and matrices as a sort of derived
> quantity.  I'd prefer to think the other way around, with vectors being
> special cases of matrices, since it's simpler to implement and work with.

It's less type-safe and thus cumbersome to work with. That's my experience
with MatLab.

> Also note that if you have several vectors x for which you want to compute
> the dot product with metric A, and if you want to do this efficiently,
> you'll have to convert your list of vectors into a matrix anyways.

If you bundle some vectors as columns in matrix B and want to compute
norms with respect to matrix A writing
 B^T * A * B
  you will not only get the norms of the vectors in B but also many mixed
scalar products. This example shows to me that matrices are not simply
collections of vectors. Btw. we should not mess up the design with
decisions on efficiency concerns. If you want efficiency then you can
abuse matrices for that but I consider a 'map' over a list of vectors as
the cleaner way (and more type safe, because you can't make transposition

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-07 Thread Lennart Augustsson

David Roundy wrote:

The issue is that Haskell (as far as I understand, and noone has suggested
anything to the contrary) doesn't have a sufficiently powerful type system
to represent matrices or vectors in a statically typed way.  It would be
wonderful if we could represent matrix multiplication as 

matrix_mul :: Matrix n m -> Matrix m o -> Matrix n o

Actually, Haskell does allow you to do that.  But the syntax of the
types gets pretty horrendous.
I'm sure Oleg will show you how any moment now. :)

-- Lennart
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-07 Thread David Roundy
On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 07:49:56PM +0200, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Jul 2005, Keean Schupke wrote:
> > David Roundy wrote:
> >
> > >In short, especially since the folks doing the work (not me) seem to want
> > >plain old octave-style matrix operations, it makes sense to actually do
> > >that.  *Then* someone can implement an ultra-uber-tensor library on top of
> > >that, if they like.  And I would be interested in a nice tensor
> > >library... it's just that matrices need to be the starting point, since
> > >they're where most of the interesting algorithms are (that is, the ones
> > >that are interesting to me, such as diagonalization, svd, matrix
> > >multiplication, etc).
> >
> > This is a really good idea. I would like a Matrix library soon, not in
> > 6 years time.  Slice it up into managable pieces and keep it simple!
> As I said, _that_ already exists: MatLab, HaskellDSP (with some simple
> new definitions for infix operators) ...

Except that matlab isn't a Matrix library--it's a horribly language--and
HaskellDSP doesn't seem to implement linear algebra and its interface is
such that it is probably very difficult to implement efficiently (since
efficient implementation means calling lapack).  In my opinion a decent
matrix API needs to have an opaque data type.  In other words, using
HaskellDSP to create a decent haskell Matrix library would be about as much
work as using lapack to do so.
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-07 Thread David Roundy
On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 08:17:58PM +0200, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> The example, again: If you write some common expression like
> transpose x * a * x
> then both the human reader and the compiler don't know whether x is a
> "true" matrix or if it simulates a column or a row vector. It may be that
> 'x' is a row vector and 'a' a 1x1 matrix, then the expression denotes a
> square matrix of the size of the vector simulated by 'x'. It may be that
> 'x' is a column vector and 'a' a square matrix. Certainly in most cases I
> want the latter one and I want to have a scalar as a result. But if
> everything is a matrix then I have to check at run-time if the result is a
> 1x1 matrix and then I have to extract the only element from this matrix.
> If I omit the 1x1 test mistakes can remain undiscovered. I blame the
> common notation x^T * A * x for this trouble since the alternative
> notation  can be immediately transcribed into computer language
> code while retaining strong distinction between a vector and a matrix
> type.

The issue is that Haskell (as far as I understand, and noone has suggested
anything to the contrary) doesn't have a sufficiently powerful type system
to represent matrices or vectors in a statically typed way.  It would be
wonderful if we could represent matrix multiplication as 

matrix_mul :: Matrix n m -> Matrix m o -> Matrix n o

(where n, m and o are dimensions) but we can't do that.  So we're stuck
with dynamic size checking for all matrix and vector operations that
involve two or more operands.  This is just something we have to live with
for now.  If anyone knows differently, please speak up! Perhaps one could
do this with template haskell, but that sounds scary and a bit ugly
(although I'd love to be proven wrong).

You'd like to have certain special cases where a dimension 1 is treated
differently from other size dimensions.  I'd say that it'd be simpler to
start out with everything done in a general manner, and then you can always
add special cases later if you'd like.  Given that we're stuck with a
dynamically typed system, I'd prefer to have a simple dynamically typed

You think of vectors as fundamental and matrices as a sort of derived
quantity.  I'd prefer to think the other way around, with vectors being
special cases of matrices, since it's simpler to implement and work with.
Since matrices form a complete self-contained algebra (and I'm sure I'm
massacring the terminology--sorry), it seems simplest to implement that
first, especially since you'd want to implement it anyways.

Also note that if you have several vectors x for which you want to compute
the dot product with metric A, and if you want to do this efficiently,
you'll have to convert your list of vectors into a matrix anyways.  Writing
functions of vectors instead as functions of 1xN matrices allows them to be
efficiently applied to multiple vectors simultaneously, provided they are
written carefully.  Alas, if we had static dimension checking, we wouldn't
have to worry about writing carefully, but alas that doesn't seem to be an
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-06 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Tue, 5 Jul 2005, Michael Walter wrote:

> On 7/5/05, Henning Thielemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The example, again: If you write some common expression like
> >
> > transpose x * a * x
> >
> > then both the human reader and the compiler don't know whether x is a
> > "true" matrix or if it simulates a column or a row vector.
> But since a, by definition (question), is a 1xN matrix, what's the
> ambiguity exactly?

 If you want this definition then you must also interpret any 1x1 matrix
as a real. That's what I wanted to show with my example, that's the way
MatLab works and why it sucks. Multiplication of reals is commutative,
reals are naturally totally ordered and so on, matrices (including 1x1
matrices) don't have these properties. Since it is sensible to work with
one dimensional vectors it is also sensible to work with 1x1 matrices. But
1x1 matrices of this kind are certainly different from 1x1 matrices
produced by transpose x * a * x. A 1x1 matrix in MatLab can thus mean a
scalar, a row 1-vector, a column 1-vector or a 1x1-matrix. (If you accept
the differences between these terms.) Alternatively you could convert the
expected 1x1-matrix into a real which must be checked at run time.
 Theoretically vectors are objects which can be scaled and added and
matrices represent linear operators on vectors. (Operators including
linear operators may build a vector space itself, but that's a different
issue.) Why should we convert each vector into the representation of some
linear operator before doing linear algebra and why should we convert this
representation of a linear operator back to the vector after linear
algebra has happened? Would you load an audio signal into a 1xN-matrix or
into a N-vector? Loading it into a 1xN-matrix forces you to check
dynamically and repeatedly if the matrix has really only row. Btw. I would
also load an image into a vector, but a vector with a two-dimensional
index set.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-05 Thread Michael Walter
On 7/5/05, Henning Thielemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The example, again: If you write some common expression like
> transpose x * a * x
> then both the human reader and the compiler don't know whether x is a
> "true" matrix or if it simulates a column or a row vector.

But since a, by definition (question), is a 1xN matrix, what's the
ambiguity exactly?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-05 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Tue, 5 Jul 2005, Keean Schupke wrote:

> Henning Thielemann wrote:
> >I'm uncertain about how who want to put the different kinds of
> >multiplication into one method, even with multi-parameter type classes.
> >You need instances
> >
> > (*) :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix
> > (*) :: RowVector -> Matrix -> RowVector
> > (*) :: Matrix -> ColumnVector -> ColumnVector
> > (*) :: RowVector -> ColumnVector -> Scalar
> > (*) :: ColumnVector -> RowVector -> Matrix
> > (*) :: Scalar -> RowVector -> RowVector
> > (*) :: RowVector -> Scalar -> RowVector
> > (*) :: Scalar -> ColumnVector -> ColumnVector
> > (*) :: ColumnVector -> Scalar -> ColumnVector
> >
> >but you have to make sure that it is not possible to write an expression
> >which needs
> > (*) :: Matrix -> RowVector -> RowVector

This was my reply to Jacques Carette who suggested to distinguish row and
column vectors by their _type_. His revised suggestion was to use phantom
types. Then the types changes to

(*) :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix
(*) :: Vector Row -> Matrix -> Vector Row
(*) :: Matrix -> Vector Column -> Vector Column
(*) :: Vector Row -> Vector Column -> Scalar

but the problem remains ...

> >Further you need
> > transpose :: RowVector -> ColumnVector
> > transpose :: ColumnVector -> RowVector
> > transpose :: Matrix -> Matrix
> >and you must forbid, say
> > transpose :: RowVector -> RowVector
> >
> >
> Of course if they are all of type Matrix this problem disappears.

All type problems disappear when we switch to exclusive String
representation. 8-]

> What is the difference between a 1xN matrix and a vector? Please explain...

My objections to making everything a matrix were the objections I sketched
for MatLab.

The example, again: If you write some common expression like

transpose x * a * x

then both the human reader and the compiler don't know whether x is a
"true" matrix or if it simulates a column or a row vector. It may be that
'x' is a row vector and 'a' a 1x1 matrix, then the expression denotes a
square matrix of the size of the vector simulated by 'x'. It may be that
'x' is a column vector and 'a' a square matrix. Certainly in most cases I
want the latter one and I want to have a scalar as a result. But if
everything is a matrix then I have to check at run-time if the result is a
1x1 matrix and then I have to extract the only element from this matrix.
If I omit the 1x1 test mistakes can remain undiscovered. I blame the
common notation x^T * A * x for this trouble since the alternative
notation  can be immediately transcribed into computer language
code while retaining strong distinction between a vector and a matrix

More examples? More theory?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-05 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Tue, 5 Jul 2005, Keean Schupke wrote:

> David Roundy wrote:
> >In short, especially since the folks doing the work (not me) seem to want
> >plain old octave-style matrix operations, it makes sense to actually do
> >that.  *Then* someone can implement an ultra-uber-tensor library on top of
> >that, if they like.  And I would be interested in a nice tensor
> >library... it's just that matrices need to be the starting point, since
> >they're where most of the interesting algorithms are (that is, the ones
> >that are interesting to me, such as diagonalization, svd, matrix
> >multiplication, etc).
> >
> This is a really good idea. I would like a Matrix library soon, not in 6
> years time.
> Slice it up into managable pieces and keep it simple!

As I said, _that_ already exists: MatLab, HaskellDSP (with some simple new
definitions for infix operators) ...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-05 Thread Keean Schupke
David Roundy wrote:

>In short, especially since the folks doing the work (not me) seem to want
>plain old octave-style matrix operations, it makes sense to actually do
>that.  *Then* someone can implement an ultra-uber-tensor library on top of
>that, if they like.  And I would be interested in a nice tensor
>library... it's just that matrices need to be the starting point, since
>they're where most of the interesting algorithms are (that is, the ones
>that are interesting to me, such as diagonalization, svd, matrix
>multiplication, etc).
This is a really good idea. I would like a Matrix library soon, not in 6
years time.
Slice it up into managable pieces and keep it simple!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-07-05 Thread Keean Schupke
Henning Thielemann wrote:

>I'm uncertain about how who want to put the different kinds of
>multiplication into one method, even with multi-parameter type classes.
>You need instances
> (*) :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix
> (*) :: RowVector -> Matrix -> RowVector
> (*) :: Matrix -> ColumnVector -> ColumnVector
> (*) :: RowVector -> ColumnVector -> Scalar
> (*) :: ColumnVector -> RowVector -> Matrix
> (*) :: Scalar -> RowVector -> RowVector
> (*) :: RowVector -> Scalar -> RowVector
> (*) :: Scalar -> ColumnVector -> ColumnVector
> (*) :: ColumnVector -> Scalar -> ColumnVector
>but you have to make sure that it is not possible to write an expression
>which needs
> (*) :: Matrix -> RowVector -> RowVector
>Further you need
> transpose :: RowVector -> ColumnVector
> transpose :: ColumnVector -> RowVector
> transpose :: Matrix -> Matrix
>and you must forbid, say
> transpose :: RowVector -> RowVector
Of course if they are all of type Matrix this problem disappears. What
is the
difference between a 1xN matrix and a vector? Please explain...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Wednesday 29 June 2005 22:54, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Dan Piponi wrote:
> > >On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:
> > >
> > >Distinction of row and column vectors is a misconcept
> >
> > Row and column vectors are sometimes worth distinguishing because
> > they can represent entirely different types of object. For example,
> > if a column vector represents an element of a vector space V over a
> > field F, then row vectors can be used to represent elements of the
> > dual space, V* = {f:V->F, f linear}. Quite different objects and in
> > some applications it makes sense to distinguish them.
> If f is a function
>   f :: a -> a
>  then, of course, the dual space is again a vector space. But it
> contains functionals and they have very different type, namely
>   f' :: (a -> a) -> a
>  If dual spaces would represent the concept of transposition then the
> dual space of the dual space should be original space. It is not, it
> can even not be identified in many cases, only if the space is
> reflexive. f'' :: ((a -> a) -> a) -> a
>  has certainly a type very different from (a -> a)!

IIRC, finite-dimensional spaces are always reflexive, as witnessed by 
the identification of elements of the dual space f with the vector y in 
f x =  (real scalars, here), where the identification is, of 
course, with respect to a given basis. I bet you know all this very 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:

> Henning Thielemann wrote:
> >>Data Orientation = Row | Column
> >>Data Vector a = Vector Orientation [a]
> >
> >In the first mail you wrote
> > "9. There are row vectors and column vectors, and these are different
> >types.  You get type errors if you mix them incorrectly."
> >
> >I interpreted that you want to encode the information Row or Column into
> >the type. This sounds reasonable to me because multiplying e.g. a column
> >vector by a matrix is so obviously wrong that it should be detected
> >statically.
> >
> Sorry, I should have been more precise, I used too straightforward an
> encoding from Maple (which is dynamically typed) into Haskell.  I should
> have used the usual type-trickery to encode the Orientation as 2
> different types, to have ``types reflect values''.

You mean phantom types?
 data Vector orient a = Vector [a]

 I'm excited to add lots of new orientations then! :-]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Jacques Carette

Henning Thielemann wrote:

Data Orientation = Row | Column
Data Vector a = Vector Orientation [a]

In the first mail you wrote
"9. There are row vectors and column vectors, and these are different
types.  You get type errors if you mix them incorrectly."

I interpreted that you want to encode the information Row or Column into
the type. This sounds reasonable to me because multiplying e.g. a column
vector by a matrix is so obviously wrong that it should be detected

Sorry, I should have been more precise, I used too straightforward an 
encoding from Maple (which is dynamically typed) into Haskell.  I should 
have used the usual type-trickery to encode the Orientation as 2 
different types, to have ``types reflect values''. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:

> Henning Thielemann wrote:
> >I'm uncertain about how who want to put the different kinds of
> >multiplication into one method, even with multi-parameter type classes.
> >You need instances
> >
> > (*) :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix
> > (*) :: RowVector -> Matrix -> RowVector
> >
> >
> [many other instances removed.]
> Definitely not.  You could do:
> Data Orientation = Row | Column
> Data Vector a = Vector Orientation [a]

In the first mail you wrote
 "9. There are row vectors and column vectors, and these are different
types.  You get type errors if you mix them incorrectly."

I interpreted that you want to encode the information Row or Column into
the type. This sounds reasonable to me because multiplying e.g. a column
vector by a matrix is so obviously wrong that it should be detected

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Jacques Carette

Henning Thielemann wrote:

I'm uncertain about how who want to put the different kinds of
multiplication into one method, even with multi-parameter type classes.
You need instances

(*) :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix
(*) :: RowVector -> Matrix -> RowVector

[many other instances removed.]

Definitely not.  You could do:
Data Orientation = Row | Column
Data Vector a = Vector Orientation [a]
(well, the size should be in there too, but I'll skip that).  That 
easily takes care of most of the complexity.  And you can easily define 
operations that can choose to ignore Orientation if they wish (like 
inner product of vectors).

I said that this design works.  Of course, implementing it along the 
lines you suggested in this email would have been idiotic - there is a 
better way to do it.  If you go back to my original email, the sheer 
complexity of all the combinations possible (several thousand) should 
have given you a clue that your proposal above was a complete and utter 

Is the design discussion related to linear algebra for Maple documented

Unfortunately not.  The design is documented, with some of the 
discussion captured, but those documents are still in internal papers to 
Maplesoft Inc.  There is no profit to be made in publishing it (in their 
estimation), so that information remains internal.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Jacques Carette
David Roundy and Henning Thielemann have been arguing about the nature 
of vectors and matrices, in particular saying:

On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 02:20:16PM +0200, Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, David Roundy wrote:

Matrices _and_ vectors! Because matrices represent operators on vectors
and it is certainly not sensible to support only the operators but not
the objects they act on ...  Adding a vector type by a library that is
build on top of a matrix library seems to me like making the first step
after the second one.

No, matrices operate on matrices and return matrices.  This is the
wonderful thing about matrix arithmetic, why it's unique, and why I'd like
to have a library that supports matrix arithemetic. 

The really funny thing about that exchange is that you are *both right* 
!  You're just using different interpretations of the same objects.

1) Matrices represent linear operators which naturally act (via 
application) on vectors
2) Matrices of compatible sizes, almost form a non-commutative graded 
ring.  It does not matter what a matrix represents here, this is true 
purely algebraically.  [to be a proper ring, the ``compatible sizes'' 
condition would need to be dropped]

There is a problem that the _types_ associated with both interpretations 
are quite different.  But if you want 2 different products on vectors 
(inner and outer) represented as matrices, you have no choice -- the 
``inner product'' will return a 1x1 matrix, not a real. 

The same thing is true for differential operators, BTW.  They can either 
represent actions on spaces of smooth-enough functions, or represent 
elements of a Weyl Algebra (or Ore Algebra if you really want to be 
algebraic).  You end up having the dichotomy of algebraic D-modules 
versus analytic D-modules, where they share a number of theorems, but 
the ``corner'' cases behave quite differently.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread David Roundy
On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 02:20:16PM +0200, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, David Roundy wrote:
> > If we support matrix-matrix multiplication, we already automatically
> > support matrix-column-vector and row-vector-matrix multiplication,
> > whether or not we actually intend to, unless you want to forbid the use
> > of 1xn or nx1 matrices.  So (provided we *do* want to support
> > matrix-matrix multiplication, and *I* certainly would like that) there
> > is no question whether we'll have octavish/matlabish functionality in
> > terms of row and column vectors--we already have this behavior with a
> > single multiplication representing a single operation.
> Of course, I only wanted a separate vector type (which also means a
> separate matrix-vector multiplication) and I argued against a further
> discrimination of row and column vectors.
> > If you want to introduce a more general set of tensor datatypes,
> Did someone requested tensor support? At least not me. I used the tensor
> example to show that MatLab throws them all together with matrices and
> vectors and I wanted to give an idea how to make it better by separating
> them.

I disagree.  Vectors *are* tensors... and once you've added rank-1 tensors,
you'll also be wanting to add support for rank-0 tensors.  These are nice
objects (and would be nice to support eventually), but they add
considerable complexity.  There's only one matrix-matrix multiplication,
but there are two vector-vector multiplications, two vector-matrix
multiplications.  All four of these multiplications can be expressed in
terms of the single matrix-matrix multiplication.

I agree that if we introduce a vector type there's no reason to introduce
separate row and column vectors, but I think we can get by quite well for
many purposes without introducing the vector type, which adds so much

I guess I've left out the ".*" pointwise multiply, probably because I'm a
physicist and am tensor-biased, and it's not a tensor operation in the
physics sense (it doesn't behave right under unitary transformations of its

> > In short, especially since the folks doing the work (not me) seem to want
> > plain old octave-style matrix operations, it makes sense to actually do
> > that.  *Then* someone can implement an ultra-uber-tensor library on top of
> > that, if they like.  And I would be interested in a nice tensor
> > library... it's just that matrices need to be the starting point,
> Matrices _and_ vectors! Because matrices represent operators on vectors
> and it is certainly not sensible to support only the operators but not
> the objects they act on ...  Adding a vector type by a library that is
> build on top of a matrix library seems to me like making the first step
> after the second one.

No, matrices operate on matrices and return matrices.  This is the
wonderful thing about matrix arithmetic, why it's unique, and why I'd like
to have a library that supports matrix arithemetic.  Tensors are also nice,
but are much more complicated, since most tensor multiplications change the
rank of the tensor--and that complication is precisely what you want.

You're taking an interperetation of what you mean by the math and wanting
to encode it in the type system.  Matrix arithmetic is entirely
self-contained, and I'd like to have *that* reflected in the type system.
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, David Roundy wrote:

> If we support matrix-matrix multiplication, we already automatically
> support matrix-column-vector and row-vector-matrix multiplication, whether
> or not we actually intend to, unless you want to forbid the use of 1xn or
> nx1 matrices.  So (provided we *do* want to support matrix-matrix
> multiplication, and *I* certainly would like that) there is no question
> whether we'll have octavish/matlabish functionality in terms of row and
> column vectors--we already have this behavior with a single multiplication
> representing a single operation.

Of course, I only wanted a separate vector type (which also means a
separate matrix-vector multiplication) and I argued against a further
discrimination of row and column vectors.

> If you want to introduce a more general set of tensor datatypes,

Did someone requested tensor support? At least not me. I used the tensor
example to show that MatLab throws them all together with matrices and
vectors and I wanted to give an idea how to make it better by separating

> In short, especially since the folks doing the work (not me) seem to want
> plain old octave-style matrix operations, it makes sense to actually do
> that.  *Then* someone can implement an ultra-uber-tensor library on top of
> that, if they like.  And I would be interested in a nice tensor
> library... it's just that matrices need to be the starting point,

Matrices _and_ vectors! Because matrices represent operators on vectors
and it is certainly not sensible to support only the operators but not the
objects they act on ...  Adding a vector type by a library that is build
on top of a matrix library seems to me like making the first step after
the second one.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread David Roundy
On Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 10:23:23PM +0200, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> More specific:
>  You give two different things the same name. You write
>   A*B
>and you mean a matrix multiplication. Matrix multiplication means
> finding a representation of the composition of the operators represented
> by A and B.
>  But you also write
>   A*x
>  and you mean the matrix-vector multiplication. This corresponds to the
> application of the operator represented by A to the vector x.
>  You see: Two different things, but the same sign (*). Why? You like this
> ambiguity because of its conciseness. You are used to it. What else?
>  But you have to introduce an orientation of vectors, thus you
> discriminate two things (row and column vectors) which are essentially the
> same!
>  What is the overall benefit?

I just wanted to insert a few thoughts on the subject of row and column
vectors.  (And I'm not going to address most of the content of this

If we support matrix-matrix multiplication, we already automatically
support matrix-column-vector and row-vector-matrix multiplication, whether
or not we actually intend to, unless you want to forbid the use of 1xn or
nx1 matrices.  So (provided we *do* want to support matrix-matrix
multiplication, and *I* certainly would like that) there is no question
whether we'll have octavish/matlabish functionality in terms of row and
column vectors--we already have this behavior with a single multiplication
representing a single operation.  There is indeed a special case where one
or more of the dimensions is 1, but it's just that, a special case, not a
separate function.

If you want to introduce a more general set of tensor datatypes, you could
do that, but matrix arithmetic is all *I* really need.  I agree that when
you add other data types you'll need other operators (or will need to do
something more tricky), but starting with the simple case seems like a good
idea, especially since the simple case is the one for which there exist
fast algorithms (i.e. level 3 BLAS).

There are good reasons when if I've got a set of vectors that I'd like to
multiply by a matrix that I should group those vectors into a separate
matrix--it's far faster (I'm not sure how much, but usually around 10 times
faster, sometimes more).  In fact, I'd think it's more likely that a
general tensor library will be implemented using matrix operations than the
other way around, since it's the matrix-matrix operations that have
optimized implementations.

In short, especially since the folks doing the work (not me) seem to want
plain old octave-style matrix operations, it makes sense to actually do
that.  *Then* someone can implement an ultra-uber-tensor library on top of
that, if they like.  And I would be interested in a nice tensor
library... it's just that matrices need to be the starting point, since
they're where most of the interesting algorithms are (that is, the ones
that are interesting to me, such as diagonalization, svd, matrix
multiplication, etc).
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Henning Thielemann wrote:

> On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:
> > This is called operator overloading.  It is completely harmless because
> > you can tell the two * apart from their type signatures.  It is a
> > complete and total waste of time to use two different symbols to mean
> > the same thing.
> But the multiplication in A*x already needs multi-parameter type classes.
> :-)

I'm uncertain about how who want to put the different kinds of
multiplication into one method, even with multi-parameter type classes.
You need instances

 (*) :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix
 (*) :: RowVector -> Matrix -> RowVector
 (*) :: Matrix -> ColumnVector -> ColumnVector
 (*) :: RowVector -> ColumnVector -> Scalar
 (*) :: ColumnVector -> RowVector -> Matrix
 (*) :: Scalar -> RowVector -> RowVector
 (*) :: RowVector -> Scalar -> RowVector
 (*) :: Scalar -> ColumnVector -> ColumnVector
 (*) :: ColumnVector -> Scalar -> ColumnVector

but you have to make sure that it is not possible to write an expression
which needs
 (*) :: Matrix -> RowVector -> RowVector

Further you need
 transpose :: RowVector -> ColumnVector
 transpose :: ColumnVector -> RowVector
 transpose :: Matrix -> Matrix
and you must forbid, say
 transpose :: RowVector -> RowVector

Not to mention many special (linear) operators which need to be prepared
for both column and row vectors, like Fourier transform, component
permutation, convolution, which essentially do the same on both types.

I assume that you mean with "common linear algebra idioms" transforms like
the following one. (x and y are column vectors)
 (x * y^T)^2
   = x * y^T * x * y^T
   = x * (y^T * x) * y^T| because y^T * x is "scalar"
   = (y^T * x) * (x * y^T)
 (Analogously this can be done with bra-ket notation, i.e. ,
then transposition must be adjoint)
 Now your concerns are that this becomes too complicated if the
distinction between row and column vectors is dropped and instead
different operators are used?

> > I should know better than to get into a discussion like this with
> > someone who believes they singlehandedly know better than tens of
> > thousands of mathematicians...

Is the design discussion related to linear algebra for Maple documented
somewhere? For Modula-3 such a discussion was recorded on video tape (then
got lost :-( ) and was later edited in "Systems programming with Modula-3"
by Greg Nelson. It's fun to read and very informative and I haven't seen
such a discussion for other languages.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-30 Thread Henning Thielemann

Let me a bit elaborate on what I wrote yesterday.

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Henning Thielemann wrote:

> I think matrices and derivatives are very different issues. I have often
> seen that the first derivative is considered as vector, and the second
> derivative is considered as matrix. In this spirit it is used like
>   x^T * (D2 f)(x) * x

It should be h^T * D2 f x * h (if at all the transposition notation is
used) if the curvature of f at x is meant.

>  but this is only abuse of the common multiplication definitions. A good
> interpretation and notation should seamless extend to higher derivatives.
> But the interpretation above does not work in higher dimensions.
> I like the following type for derivation.
>  derive :: ((i -> a) -> b) -> ((i -> a) -> (i -> b))
>   Here i is the index type, (i -> a) is the vector type, b is the type the
> vector function maps to. Its derivative has the same type of argument, but
> the result is a vector with indices of type i. You see that it is easy to
> repeat the application of 'derive', just replace b by say i->b. The second
> derivative yields vectors of type (i -> i -> b). This can be interpreted
> as matrix because it has two indices. But this is certainly not a matrix
> which represents a linear mapping as usual, but it is a matrix
> representing a bilinear form. The only thing we need is a multiplication
> to reduce one level of indices.
>  mul :: (i -> c) -> (i -> b) -> b
>   Though, what we still need is a general (overloaded?) definition of the
> scaling of b by c and a sum of b.

That is b must be a vector space with respect to c.

'derive' in this form is a bundled partial derivative, but it can be
identified with the total derivative. That is
 derive f x i   is the partial derivative of f at x with respect to the i-th 
 derive f x is the total derivative of f at x.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Jacques Carette

Henning Thielemann wrote:

I'm also aware of that I mean different objects when I write
uniformly '1'. But I know that they are somehow different. 

Since '1' can safely be used to denote the unit of any monoid, it does 
indeed have a lot of applications.  And of course the syntactic artifact 
should not be confused with its denotation.

I'm also ok
with not writing a conversion from say the integer 1 to the fraction 1/1,
but I know that there had to be one. We should be aware of such
abbreviations before adding them to a programming language.

But there is a difference here that is worth exploring.  There is a 
canonical embedding of Z into Q.  This embedding preserves the 
properties of Z as much as possible.  It is even possible to directly 
``see'' Z in Q.  There is also an embedding of the representable 
integers into the floating point domain - but it does not have nice 
properties.  It most definitely does not allow one to see the integers 
in amongst the floats (you just have to consider any representable 
integer with more significant bits than your float representation to see 
that).  It seems safe to ignore canonical embeddings that preserve 
properties, but not the others.

But the multiplication in A*x already needs multi-parameter type classes.

The matrix A already needs dependent types :-)  Even simpler things do - 
see the work on Automath done in the late 60s.

Note that the one giant try at a statically typed mathematics system
(Axiom w/ programming language Aldor) never caught on,

You mean I should have a closer look on it?

By all means!  Axiom 
( and Aldor 
( are extremely elegant, and contain many 
interesting ideas that are still ahead of other so-called ``research'' 
languages.  They can both slice and dice through algebraic problems like 
few other systems can, at least on the elegance front.  Magma 
( comes close, with the added 
advantage that it is *fast*.

Of course, don't try to symbolically solve a differential equation, do a 
Laplace transform, compute a closed form for a definite sum or a 
definite integral in any of those systems -- those facilities don't even 
exist.  But that might have something to do with the problem that 
``symbolic'' mathematics (especially in analysis) works on intensional 
representations directly, while most type theories are purely 
extensional.   But see Oleg's message to see how 
Haskell can support intensional representations (indirectly).  It is 
worth comparing that solution with similar functionality in Scheme to 
see the distance that still needs to be covered.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Jacques Carette


One of the things I appreciate and I hate simultaneously in your postings
is that you are so categorical.

'tis indeed simultaneously one of my strengths and one of my weaknesses 
;-)  I also like to play Devil's Advocate, to draw out the interesting 
arguments.  Luckily for me (but not my readers), I readily admit when 
I'm wrong...

This time you will *not* convince me that there is "one concept: 

cation", moreover "abstracted over unimportant details".
If matrices represent operators, their multiplication is a *group*
operation, the op. composition. Acting of a matrix on a vector is not.
"Multiplication" of two vectors giving a scalar (their contration) is
yet another beast. 

They are all operations that have signatures a -> b -> c where either 
a=b or b=c, is that enough structure? ;-)

More seriously, what about
forall A. 0.A = 0  [0 matrix, 0 matrix]
forall x. 0.x = 0 [0 matrix, 0 vector]
forall x. 0.x = 0 [0 vector, 0 scalar]
where x is a vector and A matrix.  Also there is something strangely 
similar in

forall x y.  =[matrix, matrix]
forall x y.  = [matrix,  vector]
forall x y  =   [vector,  vector]
where x,y are vectors, A,B matrices. There is some structure relating to 
the identity matrix too, but it is a little more contrived.
That's a lot of similar structure for 3 ``unrelated'' operations, isn't 
it?  However, you might still be able to convince me that I was 
stretching this a bit too far on that particular point.

I believe that some progress has been done in math,
when people discovered that mixing-up things is not necessarily a good
thing, and different entities should be treated differently.

I agree.  I certainly like going back to Newton to see that he made a 
difference between derivatives and fluxions (ie static vs dynamic 
derivatives) and Grassmann to make the difference between different 
kinds of vectors (and linear operators and ...).  Cauchy also knew some 
things about solutions to real linear ODEs that are quite fascinating 
[if you ``line up'' the singularities of the coefficients of an ODE with 
the ODEs own singularities, you can get more solutions than the order of 
the ODE -- see his 1821 Ecole Polytechnique lecture notes] that are not 
included in most theorems about ODEs, because few appreciate the real 
qualitative ``difference'' it makes to allow functions with 
singularities in the coefficients of an ODE.

But just as much progress has been made when ``different'' things were 
found to have a lot of similar structure.  Or at least that is the main 
lesson I draw from category theory.  I draw similar lessons from Euler's 
total disregard for convergence (with Tauberian theorems and the work of 
Ecalle justifying him).

I like to find whatever scraps of underlying structure are present 
between disparate looking concepts, just as much as I like seeing subtle 
differences between concepts that had not been noticed before.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread karczma
Jacques Carette writes: 

Henning Thielemann wrote:

I don't see the problem. There are three very different kinds of
multiplication, they should also have their own signs: Scalar product,
matrix-vector multiplication, matrix-matrix multiplication.

You see 3 concepts, I see one: multiplication.  Abstract Algebra is the 
branch of mathematics where you want to abstract out the *unimportant* 
details.  Much progress was made in the late 1800's when this was 
discovered by mathematicians ;-).

One of the things I appreciate and I hate simultaneously in your postings
is that you are so categorical. 

This time you will *not* convince me that there is "one concept: multipli-
cation", moreover "abstracted over unimportant details". 

If matrices represent operators, their multiplication is a *group*
operation, the op. composition. Acting of a matrix on a vector is not. 

"Multiplication" of two vectors giving a scalar (their contration) is
yet another beast. I believe that some progress has been done in math,
when people discovered that mixing-up things is not necessarily a good
thing, and different entities should be treated differently. 

Jerzy Karczmarczuk 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Jacques Carette

Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:

Next thing you know, you'll want a different 'application'
symbol for every arity of function, because they are ``different''.


Btw. there is less sarcasm in it as may you think. There was already a
proposal to extend function application:
 and guess - I would be very unhappy about such an extension because it
mixes the representation of a map with the map itself.

There are no maps in Haskell (or in any syntactic lambda calculus), only 
representations of maps.  It just turns out that things of type -> are 
builtin representations of maps, where other representations are not 
first class ``maps''.  This is a bias of all lambda-calculus based 

In ZFC, there are no maps, just sets, yet you can do lots of mathematics 
and CS in ZFC ;-). 

I happen to believe that a more structure-centric view of the world (a 
la category theory) reveals more than an object-centric view a la ZFC.  
But even arrows in a category sometimes turn out to be too restrictive.  
They are too ``functional'' instead of being more ``relational''.

Once you realize that \x.x is *not* a function, but a denotation of a 
function, then a proposal like the one you point to starts to make a lot 
of sense.  I rather like it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:

> Next thing you know, you'll want a different 'application'
> symbol for every arity of function, because they are ``different''.

Btw. there is less sarcasm in it as may you think. There was already a
proposal to extend function application:
  and guess - I would be very unhappy about such an extension because it
mixes the representation of a map with the map itself.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:

> In fact, type classes in Haskell is a *great* way to do just that!

I agree. I'm also aware of that I mean different objects when I write
uniformly '1'. But I know that they are somehow different. I'm also ok
with not writing a conversion from say the integer 1 to the fraction 1/1,
but I know that there had to be one. We should be aware of such
abbreviations before adding them to a programming language.

> This is called operator overloading.  It is completely harmless because
> you can tell the two * apart from their type signatures.  It is a
> complete and total waste of time to use two different symbols to mean
> the same thing.

But the multiplication in A*x already needs multi-parameter type classes.

Btw. A function in prefix notation for matrix vector multiplication would
also stress the role of a matrix as linear mapping. This is because this
function would just map the matrix to the linear mapping it represents.

Matrix.mulVec :: Matrix -> (Vector -> Vector)

>  Abstract Algebra is the branch of mathematics where you want to
> abstract out the *unimportant* details.

But typically they don't say 'identical' if they mean 'isomorphic'.

> Note that the one giant try at a statically typed mathematics system
> (Axiom w/ programming language Aldor) never caught on,

You mean I should have a closer look on it?

> >If translating all of existing idioms is your goal, then this is certainly
> >the only design. But adapting the sloppy (not really convenient)
> >mathematical notation is not a good design guideline.
> >
> I should know better than to get into a discussion like this with
> someone who believes they singlehandedly know better than tens of
> thousands of mathematicians...

Millions of people believe that it makes no sense to work with infinite
dimensional spaces ... The next argument, please. :-)
 I learned from "History of mathematical notation" by Florian Cajori that
defending _the_ mathematical notation is useless because there is not the
one notation. There are so much more notations than we know of. Notations
were chosen because of typographical issues, because there was no notation
for a specific operation before and so on. But there was never a
mathematician who designed a consistent notation from scratch, there was
no commitee to setup a standard, mathematical notation was always a
patchwork from very different sources. It looks like too many cooks spoil
the broth.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Conal Elliott wrote:

> On row & column vectors, do you really want to think of them as
> {1,...,n)->R?  They often represent linear maps from R^n to R or R to
> R^n, which are very different types.  Similarly, instead of working with
> matrices, how about linear maps from R^n to R^m?  In this view, column
> and row vectors, matrices, and often scalars are useful as
> representations of linear maps.

We should not identify things which can be mapped bijectively. "1" and 1
are very different, although they may mean the same in a given context.
Yes it is possible to describe linear maps with vectors but vectors are
not linear maps. Namely, x |->  is a linear map, so is y itself a
linear map? Certainly not!
 If you want to put an interpretation of row or column into a vector then
do it when you actually do the linear map but keep the vector itself free
of this information.

> I've played around some with this idea of working with linear maps
> instead of the common representations, especially in the context of
> derivatives (including higher-dimensional and higher-order), where it is
> the view of calculus on manifolds.  It's a lovely, unifying approach and
> combines all of the various chain rules into a single one.  I'd love to
> explore it more thoroughly with one or more collaborators.

I think matrices and derivatives are very different issues. I have often
seen that the first derivative is considered as vector, and the second
derivative is considered as matrix. In this spirit it is used like
  x^T * (D2 f)(x) * x
 but this is only abuse of the common multiplication definitions. A good
interpretation and notation should seamless extend to higher derivatives.
But the interpretation above does not work in higher dimensions.

I like the following type for derivation.
 derive :: ((i -> a) -> b) -> ((i -> a) -> (i -> b))
  Here i is the index type, (i -> a) is the vector type, b is the type the
vector function maps to. Its derivative has the same type of argument, but
the result is a vector with indices of type i. You see that it is easy to
repeat the application of 'derive', just replace b by say i->b. The second
derivative yields vectors of type (i -> i -> b). This can be interpreted
as matrix because it has two indices. But this is certainly not a matrix
which represents a linear mapping as usual, but it is a matrix
representing a bilinear form. The only thing we need is a multiplication
to reduce one level of indices.
 mul :: (i -> c) -> (i -> b) -> b
  Though, what we still need is a general (overloaded?) definition of the
scaling of b by c and a sum of b.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Jacques Carette

Henning Thielemann wrote:

Mathematical notation has the problem that it doesn't distinguish between
things that are different but in turn discriminates things which are
essentially the same. 

I used to think that too.  And while that is sometimes true, it is 
actually quite rare!  When common mathematical usage makes 2 things the 
same, it is usually because either they really are the same, or context 
is always sufficient to tell them apart.  When it keeps things separate, 
usually it is because there is something subtle going on.

If your design goal is to keep as close as possible
to common notational habits you have already lost! As I already pointed
out in an earlier discussion I see it the other way round: Computer
languages are the touchstones for mathematical notation because you can't
tell a computer about an imprecise expression: "Don't be stupid, you
_know_ what I mean!"

No, you misplace the problem: you seem to want all your mathematical 
expressions to be 100% meaningful in a context-free environment.  
Computers really do love that.  Humans mathematicians are much more 
sophisticated than that, they can deal with a lot of context-sensitivity 
without much difficulty.  The goal here should be to allow computers to 
deal with context sensitivity with as much ease. 

In fact, type classes in Haskell is a *great* way to do just that!

More specific:
You give two different things the same name. You write
  and you mean a matrix multiplication. Matrix multiplication means
finding a representation of the composition of the operators represented
by A and B.
But you also write
and you mean the matrix-vector multiplication. This corresponds to the
application of the operator represented by A to the vector x.
You see: Two different things, but the same sign (*). Why? You like this
ambiguity because of its conciseness. You are used to it. What else?

This is called operator overloading.  It is completely harmless because 
you can tell the two * apart from their type signatures.  It is a 
complete and total waste of time to use two different symbols to mean 
the same thing.

Next thing you know, you'll want a different 'application' 
symbol for every arity of function, because they are ``different''. 

Seriously, the unification of the concept of application, achieved 
through currying and first-class functions, is wonderful.  Operator 
application is no different!

But you have to introduce an orientation of vectors, thus you
discriminate two things (row and column vectors) which are essentially the
What is the overall benefit?

Someone else already answered this much better than I could.

It seems to me like the effort of most Haskell XML libraries in trying to
have as few as possible combinator functions (namely one: o) which forces
you to not discriminate the types for the functions to be combined (the
three essential types are unified to a -> [a]) and even more it forces you
to put conversions from the natural type (like a->Bool, a->a) in every
atomic function!

Here we agree.  Too much polymorphism can hurt too - you end up 
essentially pushing everything into dynamic typing, which is rather 
anti-Haskell.  The problem that the authors faced was that Haskell 
doesn't yet have enough facilities to eliminate *all* boilerplate code, 
and I guess they chose dynamic typing over boilerplate.

I don't see the problem. There are three very different kinds of
multiplication, they should also have their own signs: Scalar product,
matrix-vector multiplication, matrix-matrix multiplication.

You see 3 concepts, I see one: multiplication.  Abstract Algebra is the 
branch of mathematics where you want to abstract out the *unimportant* 
details.  Much progress was made in the late 1800's when this was 
discovered by mathematicians ;-).

I have worked with Maple and I have finally dropped it because of its
design. I dropped MatLab, too, because the distinction of row and column
vectors, because it makes no sense to distinguish between e.g. convolving
row vectors or column vectors. Many routines have to be aware of this
difference for which it is irrelevant and many routines work only with one
of these kinds and you are often busy with transposing them.

The core design of much of Maple and Matlab were done in the early 80s.  
That core design hasn't changed.  That it turns out to be sub-optimal is 
to be expected!!!
Note that the one giant try at a statically typed mathematics system 
(Axiom w/ programming language Aldor) never caught on, because they were 
way way too hard to use by mere mortals.  And Aldor has a type system 
that makes Haskell's look simple and pedestrian by comparison.  Aldor 
has full dependent types, recursive modules, first-class types, just to 
name a few.  There is a 50-long (recursive) dependency chain in Aldor's 
algebra library!

If translating all of existing idioms is your goal, then this is certainly
the only design. But adapting the slo

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Dan Piponi wrote:

> >On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:
> >Distinction of row and column vectors is a misconcept
> Row and column vectors are sometimes worth distinguishing because they
> can represent entirely different types of object. For example, if a
> column vector represents an element of a vector space V over a field F,
> then row vectors can be used to represent elements of the dual space, V*
> = {f:V->F, f linear}. Quite different objects and in some applications
> it makes sense to distinguish them.

If f is a function
  f :: a -> a
 then, of course, the dual space is again a vector space. But it contains
functionals and they have very different type, namely
  f' :: (a -> a) -> a
 If dual spaces would represent the concept of transposition then the dual
space of the dual space should be original space. It is not, it can even
not be identified in many cases, only if the space is reflexive.
  f'' :: ((a -> a) -> a) -> a
 has certainly a type very different from (a -> a)!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:

> > If we instead distinguish row and column vectors because we treat them as
> >matrices, then the quadratic form
> >  x^T * A * x
> > denotes a 1x1 matrix, not a real.
> >
> But if you consider x to be a vector without orientation, writing down
> x^T is *completely meaningless*!

That's what I stated.

>  If x is oriented, then x^T makes sense.
> Also, if x is oriented, then
> x^T * (A * x) = (x^T * A) * x.
> What is the meaning of  (x * A) for a 'vector' x ?

It has of course no meaning.

Mathematical notation has the problem that it doesn't distinguish between
things that are different but in turn discriminates things which are
essentially the same. If your design goal is to keep as close as possible
to common notational habits you have already lost! As I already pointed
out in an earlier discussion I see it the other way round: Computer
languages are the touchstones for mathematical notation because you can't
tell a computer about an imprecise expression: "Don't be stupid, you
_know_ what I mean!"

More specific:
 You give two different things the same name. You write
   and you mean a matrix multiplication. Matrix multiplication means
finding a representation of the composition of the operators represented
by A and B.
 But you also write
 and you mean the matrix-vector multiplication. This corresponds to the
application of the operator represented by A to the vector x.
 You see: Two different things, but the same sign (*). Why? You like this
ambiguity because of its conciseness. You are used to it. What else?
 But you have to introduce an orientation of vectors, thus you
discriminate two things (row and column vectors) which are essentially the
 What is the overall benefit?
 It seems to me like the effort of most Haskell XML libraries in trying to
have as few as possible combinator functions (namely one: o) which forces
you to not discriminate the types for the functions to be combined (the
three essential types are unified to a -> [a]) and even more it forces you
to put conversions from the natural type (like a->Bool, a->a) in every
atomic function!

>  It gets much worse when the middle A is of the form B.C.  To ensure
> that everything is as associative as can be, but no more, is very
> difficult.

I don't see the problem. There are three very different kinds of
multiplication, they should also have their own signs: Scalar product,
matrix-vector multiplication, matrix-matrix multiplication.

> I don't have the time to go into all the details of why this design
> 'works' (and it does!),

I have worked with Maple and I have finally dropped it because of its
design. I dropped MatLab, too, because the distinction of row and column
vectors, because it makes no sense to distinguish between e.g. convolving
row vectors or column vectors. Many routines have to be aware of this
difference for which it is irrelevant and many routines work only with one
of these kinds and you are often busy with transposing them.

> giving the 'expected' result to all meaningful linear algebra
> operations, but let me just say that this was the result of long and
> intense debate, and was the *only* design that actually allowed us to
> translate all of linear algebra idioms into convenient notation.

If translating all of existing idioms is your goal, then this is certainly
the only design. But adapting the sloppy (not really convenient)
mathematical notation is not a good design guideline. I advise everyone
who likes this kind of convenience to use Maple, MatLab, and friends

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Dan Piponi
>On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:

>Distinction of row and column vectors is a misconcept

Row and column vectors are sometimes worth distinguishing because they can 
represent entirely different types of object. For example, if a column vector 
represents an element of a vector space V over a field F, then row vectors can 
be used to represent elements of the dual space, V* = {f:V->F, f linear}. Quite 
different objects and in some applications it makes sense to distinguish them.

>You would never try to transpose a function.

Funny you say that, that's exactly what I've been writing Haskell code to do, 
at least for linear functions. Given any linear function f:V->W then the dual 
function, written f* maps W*->V*. In effect this is the transpose and it makes 
perfect sense.

> So what is the operation of transposition? A type conversion?

It maps objects of type V to objects of type V* and objects of type V->W to 
objects of type W*->V*.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Conal Elliott
On row & column vectors, do you really want to think of them as
{1,...,n)->R?  They often represent linear maps from R^n to R or R to
R^n, which are very different types.  Similarly, instead of working with
matrices, how about linear maps from R^n to R^m?  In this view, column
and row vectors, matrices, and often scalars are useful as
representations of linear maps.

I've played around some with this idea of working with linear maps
instead of the common representations, especially in the context of
derivatives (including higher-dimensional and higher-order), where it is
the view of calculus on manifolds.  It's a lovely, unifying approach and
combines all of the various chain rules into a single one.  I'd love to
explore it more thoroughly with one or more collaborators.


- Conal

-Original Message-
 Henning Thielemann wrote:

>On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:
>>9. There are row vectors and column vectors, and these are different
>>types.  You get type errors if you mix them incorrectly.
>What do you mean with "row vectors and column vectors are different
>types"? Do you mean that in a well designed library they should be
>distinguished? I disagree to this point of view which is also
>by MatLab. 
This was hotly debated during our design sessions too.  It does appear 
to be a rather odd decision, I agree!  It was arrived at after trying 
many alternatives, and finding all of them wanting.

Mathematically, vectors are elements of R^n which does not have any 
inherent 'orientation'.  They are just as simply abstracted as functions

from {1,...,n) -> R, as you point out.  But matrices are then just 
linear operators on R^n, and if you go there, then you have to first 
specify a basis for R^n before you can write down a representation for 
any matrix.  Not useful.

However, when you step away from the pure mathematics point of view and 
instead look at actual mathematical usage, things change significantly.

Mathematics is full of abuse of notation, and to make usage of matrices 
and vectors both convenient yet 'safe' required us to re-examine these 
many de facto conventions that mathematicians routinely use.  And try to

adapt our design to find the middle road between safety and usefulness.

One of the hacks in Matlab, because it only has matrices, is that 
vectors are also 1xN and Nx1 matrices.  In Maple, these are different 
types.  This helps a lot, because then a dot product is a function from 
R^n x R^n -> R.  1x1 matrices are not reals in Maple.  Nor are Nx1 
matrices Vectors.

> If we instead distinguish row and column vectors because we treat them
>matrices, then the quadratic form
>  x^T * A * x
> denotes a 1x1 matrix, not a real. 
But if you consider x to be a vector without orientation, writing down 
x^T is *completely meaningless*!  If x is oriented, then x^T makes
Also, if x is oriented, then
x^T * (A * x) = (x^T * A) * x.
What is the meaning of  (x * A) for a 'vector' x ?  It gets much worse 
when the middle A is of the form B.C.  To ensure that everything is as 
associative as can be, but no more, is very difficult.

I don't have the time to go into all the details of why this design 
'works' (and it does!), giving the 'expected' result to all meaningful 
linear algebra operations, but let me just say that this was the result 
of long and intense debate, and was the *only* design that actually 
allowed us to translate all of linear algebra idioms into convenient 
notation.  Please believe me that this design was not arrived at

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Alberto Ruiz


>I was wrong, the different names are synonymes for the same type. :-(

I agree that we must statically distinguish Vector and Matrix (see below).

>  Some notes: I would not call it a matrix library but a linear algebra
> library. Then setup modules like LinearAlgebra.Matrix,
> LinearAlgebra.Vector and so on and move functions related to each type
> into these modules. Vector is more basic than Matrix, thus Matrix should
> import Vector, not vice versa, it should contain Matrix-Vector operations.
> The Vector module could contain e.g. the scalar product. I also find it
> good style not to repeat the modules name in function and type names. E.g.
> Matrix.mulVector is a good function name, but the type name should also
> not be Matrix.Matrix but say Matrix.T. Unfortunately this style is not
> very widely spread currently, I wished it would be more. 

You are right, module structure and names are provisional.

> Then you may 
> consider no to restrict the library to Double. Most operations can be
> defined in terms of any numbers (including even say matrices of matrices).
> This can be handled by type classes. The instances for Double can invoke
> GSL, others may use Haskell routines.

Ok. Currently we can have "blocks" of Storable types. Block Double works with 
the GSL and Block Int is only in Num, using Haskell. Clearly we should admit 
other any number as base type. 

>  If you are interested I have here some algorithm for computing the
> determinant of a n by n matrix in n^4 steps which does not need division
> and thus can be used for integers and polynomials.

Of course I would like to see it, and we can include it in the library...


> The one thing I'd like to see (and here I agree with Hennig) is a
> distinction between matrices and tensors.  Your library is really very
> tensor-based, but tensors and matrices are very different beasts.
> I imagine one could take your Block, which is really a sort of generalized
> tensor, and implement a Matrix type such as
> data Matrix = M (Block Double)
> (or perhaps for arbitrary element type) with the constructor not exported,
> so that Matrices will always be guaranteed to be two-dimensional.
> Then for matrices one could define * to be matrix multiplication, sqrt,
> exp, cos, sin etc to be matrix functions (expm etc in octave-speak), and
> then define .* and ./ to be as defined in octave.
> This definition would allow considerably more type-safeness than your
> current implementation (which seems scarily dynamically typed to me).

To me too! Due to the type trickery required to statically check matrix 
dimensions in this first version I also used a common type for blocks with 
any number of indices, which ruins many of the Haskell advantages.

I will work on your idea. We can have different types for scalar, vector and 
matrix, with elementwise numeric operations, and using multiparamenter 
classes we can statically check typical multiplications and other functions. 
We can also define a constructor from vectors or matrices to arbitrary 
blocks, to be used (dynamically) in more general but less frequent 

> Alas, we'd still not have the truly strong typing I'd dream about where one
> could define
> matMul :: Int n, m, l =>  Matrix n m -> Matrix m l -> Matrix n l
> which as I understand things, isn't possible in Haskell without some sort
> of weird type trickery.  Of course, if you had this kind of type trickery,
> you might not need to declare a separate Matrix type, since you'd be able
> to represent the dimensionality of the Block in its type.
> And hopefully you and he can work together to create a great library (and
> I'll be able to mooch off of whatever you create...).  :)

Of course! I am very happy to know that other people is also interested in a 
simple "scientific computing" library for Haskell.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Jacques Carette

Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:

9. There are row vectors and column vectors, and these are different
types.  You get type errors if you mix them incorrectly.

What do you mean with "row vectors and column vectors are different
types"? Do you mean that in a well designed library they should be
distinguished? I disagree to this point of view which is also represented
by MatLab. 

This was hotly debated during our design sessions too.  It does appear 
to be a rather odd decision, I agree!  It was arrived at after trying 
many alternatives, and finding all of them wanting.

Mathematically, vectors are elements of R^n which does not have any 
inherent 'orientation'.  They are just as simply abstracted as functions 
from {1,...,n) -> R, as you point out.  But matrices are then just 
linear operators on R^n, and if you go there, then you have to first 
specify a basis for R^n before you can write down a representation for 
any matrix.  Not useful.

However, when you step away from the pure mathematics point of view and 
instead look at actual mathematical usage, things change significantly.  
Mathematics is full of abuse of notation, and to make usage of matrices 
and vectors both convenient yet 'safe' required us to re-examine these 
many de facto conventions that mathematicians routinely use.  And try to 
adapt our design to find the middle road between safety and usefulness.

One of the hacks in Matlab, because it only has matrices, is that 
vectors are also 1xN and Nx1 matrices.  In Maple, these are different 
types.  This helps a lot, because then a dot product is a function from 
R^n x R^n -> R.  1x1 matrices are not reals in Maple.  Nor are Nx1 
matrices Vectors.

If we instead distinguish row and column vectors because we treat them as
matrices, then the quadratic form
 x^T * A * x
denotes a 1x1 matrix, not a real. 

But if you consider x to be a vector without orientation, writing down 
x^T is *completely meaningless*!  If x is oriented, then x^T makes sense.

Also, if x is oriented, then
x^T * (A * x) = (x^T * A) * x.
What is the meaning of  (x * A) for a 'vector' x ?  It gets much worse 
when the middle A is of the form B.C.  To ensure that everything is as 
associative as can be, but no more, is very difficult.

I don't have the time to go into all the details of why this design 
'works' (and it does!), giving the 'expected' result to all meaningful 
linear algebra operations, but let me just say that this was the result 
of long and intense debate, and was the *only* design that actually 
allowed us to translate all of linear algebra idioms into convenient 
notation.  Please believe me that this design was not arrived at lightly!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:

> 9. There are row vectors and column vectors, and these are different
> types.  You get type errors if you mix them incorrectly.

What do you mean with "row vectors and column vectors are different
types"? Do you mean that in a well designed library they should be
distinguished? I disagree to this point of view which is also represented
by MatLab. Distinction of row and column vectors is a misconcept and it
seems to have its roots in mixing up vectors with matrices. In linear
functional analysis you have functions (as vectors), operators (as
matrices) and scalar products. You would never try to transpose a
function. A vector of R^n can be considered as function from {1,...,n} ->
R. So what is the operation of transposition? A type conversion?
 If we instead distinguish row and column vectors because we treat them as
matrices, then the quadratic form
  x^T * A * x
 denotes a 1x1 matrix, not a real. The MatLab hack for this inconvenience
is to consider 1x1 matrix as real. But there is no need to do so since
 evaluates a real and works also for continuous functions x.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Jacques Carette
I would recommend that you look very closely at the design of the 
LinearAlgebra package, the Matrix and Vector constructors, and the 
underlying implementation data-structure rtable() for Maple's 
implementation of all these ideas.  About 250 person-days were spent on 
just the high-level design, as we knew that the underlying 
implementation would take a lot longer (it ended up taking about 6 

The main design points were:
1. complete separation of the user-visible types (Matrix, Vector, Array) 
from the implementation type (rtable)
2. complete separation of the usual functions for user use (matrix 
addition, multiplication, LUDecomposition, etc) from the actual 
underlying implementations
3. for efficiency purposes (only), allow access  to the low-level 
details of both data-structures and implementations, but spend no effort 
on making these easy to use.  Making them efficient was the only thing 
that mattered.  Thus the calling sequences for the low-level routines 
are quite tedious.
4. the high-level commands should do what one expects, but they are 
expected to pay a (small) efficiency cost for this convenience
5. incorporate all of LAPACK (through ATLAS, raw LAPACK is now too 
slow), as well as *all* of NAG's LinearAlgebra routines in a completely 
seamless manner.
6. do #6 for double precision as well as arbitrary precision arithmetic, 
again seamlessly

7. use as much structure information to do algorithm dispatch as possible
8. Matrices and Arrays are different high-level types, with different 
defaults.  A.B for Matrices is matrix multiplication, A.B for Arrays is 
component-wise.  To serves the purpose of both those who want to do 
linear algebra and those who want to do signal processing.
9. There are row vectors and column vectors, and these are different 
types.  You get type errors if you mix them incorrectly.

Things that follow from that are numerous.  For example, for the Matrix 
constructor there are:
1. 15 different abstract 'shapes' a matrix can have, with the 
band[n1,n2] 'shape' having two integer parameters

2. 14 different storage formats (element *layouts*)
3. each storage format can come in C or Fortran order
4. datatype which can be complex[8], float[8], integer[1], integer[2], 
integer[4], integer[8] or Maple
5. a variety of attributes (like positive_definite) which can be used by 
various routines for algorithm selection

This implies that, in Maple (unlike in Matlab), the eigenvalues of a 
real symmetric matrix are guaranteed to be real, ie not contain spurious 
small imaginary parts.  Solving Ax=b for A positive definite will use a 
Cholesky decomposition (automatically), etc.  Computations on arbitrary 
length integers will also use different algorithms than for matrices of 
polynomials, for example.  Where appropriate, fraction-free algorithms 
are used, etc.

Some routines are even designed to be a bit 'lazy': one can use an 
LUDecomposition of a matrix A and return essentially only the 
information necessary to then do a large number of Ax=b solves for 
different b.

Matrix access is also very convenient, at the element level, but also at 
the sub-matrix level, rather like Matlab's notation.  If A is a 5x5 
Matrix, then

A[1..2,3..4] := A[2..3,-2..-1];
will assign the submatrix of A consisting of the elements from row 2,3 
and columns 4,5 to the submatrix of A in rows 1,2 and columns 3,4.  
Notice the indexing from the right (positive numbers) and the left 
(negative).  One can also say

A[[2,1],3..4] := A[2..3,[-1,-2]];
As this is somewhat difficult to explain, let me show what this does:
> A := Matrix(5,5,(i,j)->i*j);

   [1 2 3 4 5]
   [ ]
   [2 4 6 810]
   [ ]
  A := [3 6 91215]
   [ ]
   [4 8121620]
   [ ]
> A[[2,1],3..4] := A[2..3,[-1,-2]]: A;

[1 21512 5]
[ ]
[2 410 810]
[ ]
[3 6 91215]
[ ]
[4 8121620]
[ ]

(hopefully the above will come out in a fixed-width font!).  This makes 
writing block-algorithms extremely easy.

Overall, this design lets one easily add new algorithms without having 
to worry about breaking user code.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread David Roundy
On Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 01:38:51PM +0200, Alberto Ruiz wrote:
> Wow! It is exactly the same idea! I did not find the above message by
> Keean in my google searchs when I decided to work on this, it is very
> recent! After a quick look to the thread I wish I would have followed the
> discussions... A much more serious work was in progress. At least it was
> fun and I have learnt a lot of Haskell...

Your library is far more complete than Keean's is so far, and looks very
nice.  The one thing I'd like to see (and here I agree with Hennig) is a
distinction between matrices and tensors.  Your library is really very
tensor-based, but tensors and matrices are very different beasts.

I imagine one could take your Block, which is really a sort of generalized
tensor, and implement a Matrix type such as

data Matrix = M (Block Double)

(or perhaps for arbitrary element type) with the constructor not exported,
so that Matrices will always be guaranteed to be two-dimensional.

Then for matrices one could define * to be matrix multiplication, sqrt,
exp, cos, sin etc to be matrix functions (expm etc in octave-speak), and
then define .* and ./ to be as defined in octave.

This definition would allow considerably more type-safeness than your
current implementation (which seems scarily dynamically typed to me).
Alas, we'd still not have the truly strong typing I'd dream about where one
could define

matMul :: Int n, m, l =>  Matrix n m -> Matrix m l -> Matrix n l

which as I understand things, isn't possible in Haskell without some sort
of weird type trickery.  Of course, if you had this kind of type trickery,
you might not need to declare a separate Matrix type, since you'd be able
to represent the dimensionality of the Block in its type.

> And next I will study Keean's library.

And hopefully you and he can work together to create a great library (and
I'll be able to mooch off of whatever you create...).  :)
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Henning Thielemann wrote:

> On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Alberto Ruiz wrote:
> > On Wednesday 29 June 2005 12:31, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> > > On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Alberto Ruiz wrote:
> > > > In my work I often need linear algebra algorithms and other numeric
> > > > computations.
> > >
> > > Nice coincidence:
> > >
> >
> > Wow! It is exactly the same idea! I did not find the above message by Keean 
> > in
> > my google searchs when I decided to work on this, it is very recent! After a
> > quick look to the thread I wish I would have followed the discussions... A
> > much more serious work was in progress. At least it was fun and I have 
> > learnt
> > a lot of Haskell...
> >
> > I'm going to subscribe immediately to the libraries Haskell list. I stupidly
> > thought that it was only for discussion about existing libraries :(
> From a first look at your approach I like it even more because you
> explicitly distinguish between Matrix and Vector.

I was wrong, the different names are synonymes for the same type. :-(

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Alberto Ruiz wrote:

> On Wednesday 29 June 2005 12:31, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> > On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Alberto Ruiz wrote:
> > > In my work I often need linear algebra algorithms and other numeric
> > > computations.
> >
> > Nice coincidence:
> >
> Wow! It is exactly the same idea! I did not find the above message by Keean in
> my google searchs when I decided to work on this, it is very recent! After a
> quick look to the thread I wish I would have followed the discussions... A
> much more serious work was in progress. At least it was fun and I have learnt
> a lot of Haskell...
> I'm going to subscribe immediately to the libraries Haskell list. I stupidly
> thought that it was only for discussion about existing libraries :(

>From a first look at your approach I like it even more because you
explicitly distinguish between Matrix and Vector.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Alberto Ruiz
On Wednesday 29 June 2005 12:31, Henning Thielemann wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Alberto Ruiz wrote:
> > In my work I often need linear algebra algorithms and other numeric
> > computations.
> Nice coincidence:

Wow! It is exactly the same idea! I did not find the above message by Keean in 
my google searchs when I decided to work on this, it is very recent! After a 
quick look to the thread I wish I would have followed the discussions... A 
much more serious work was in progress. At least it was fun and I have learnt 
a lot of Haskell...

I'm going to subscribe immediately to the libraries Haskell list. I stupidly 
thought that it was only for discussion about existing libraries :(

And next I will study Keean's library.

Thank you for your message,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Alberto Ruiz wrote:

> In my work I often need linear algebra algorithms and other numeric
> computations.

Nice coincidence:

> An option is using scientific computing systems like Matlab,
> Mathematica, Maple, etc. In Haskell there are several modules and bindings to
> matrix libraries; many of them are excellent.

Many bindings to (foreign?) matrix libraries? Which ones?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations based on the GSL

2005-06-29 Thread Keean Schupke
Thats cool, I needed a matrix library and had started to roll my own in
Haskell, but a frontend for
the GSL library seems much more efficient. I will give the library a go
- and let you know if there are
any problems...


Alberto Ruiz wrote:

> Hello all! This is my first message to the list.
> In my work I often need linear algebra algorithms and other numeric
> computations. An option is using scientific computing systems like
> Matlab,
> Mathematica, Maple, etc. In Haskell there are several modules and
> bindings to
> matrix libraries; many of them are excellent. But I think that Haskell
> would
> be even more attractive if the basic matrix computations (what we
> find, for
> example, in the GNU Octave Quick Reference) were easily available in a
> standard library.
> We have all we need: an interactive environment, excellent graphics
> (HOpenGL), FFI and ForeignPtr with automatic garbage collection,
> QuickCheck,
> etc. Computations can be implemented by the GSL (GNU Scientific
> Library), a
> well designed numerical library written in C.
> Well... I know that I am trying to reinvent the wheel: I am working on
> a user
> friendly functional interface to matrix computations based on the GSL. I
> think that many numeric problems that can be solved using Octave or a
> similar system can be also solved more elegantly using Haskell.
> The library is very preliminary and incomplete but some simple
> problems can
> already be solved. The sources, haddock documentation and the draft of a
> tutorial can be found at:
> I am not a Haskell expert, I only use the most basic programming
> techniques,
> so any suggestion will be greatly appreciated...
> Alberto
>Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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