Re: Status of Haskell'?

2012-12-02 Thread Stefan Holdermans
Simon wrote:

> I’m sure that any solution will involve (as it did in earlier stages) 
> motivated individuals who are willing to take up leadership roles in 
> developing Haskell’s language definition.  I’m copying this to the main 
> Haskell list, in the hope of attracting volunteers!

I, for one, would love to help out!


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: Deprecate ExistentialQuantification

2009-06-28 Thread Stefan Holdermans


What you really want or mean when you use
the classic syntax with existential quantification is

data Foo = Foo (exists a . (Show a) => a)

Having that would make a lot more sense, and would fit well together
with the intuition of the classic syntax.

How would you then define

  data Foo :: * where
Foo :: forall a. a -> a -> Foo

in which the scope of existentially quantified type variable spans  
more than one field?


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: Deprecate ExistentialQuantification

2009-06-28 Thread Stefan Holdermans


I am opposed since
a) it requires the addition of extra syntax to the language, and
b) we have another, better, way to do it.

Somewhat pointed, I don't think the C++ way of putting all imaginable
ways to do the same thing into the language is a sound design
principle. If we have two ways to do the same thing, and one of them
is considered prefered, then I see no reason at all to keep the other
around. What I'm arguing here is that the GADT style syntax is truly
preferable, and thus the other should be removed.

I agree. But ;-) since it's obvious not possible to get rid of the  
classic syntax completely, I see no harm in having it support  
existentials and GADTs as well. In an ideal word, in which there  
wasn't a single Haskell program written yet, I'd indeed like to throw  
the classic syntax out altogether.



On Jun 28, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Niklas Broberg wrote:

In other words, in your 2x3 grid of syntactic x expressiveness, I  

the two points corresponding to classic syntax x {existential
quantification, GADTs} to be removed from the language. My second
semi-proposal also makes each of the three points corresponding to  

new cool syntax a separate extension.

I see, but why are you opposed to have the classic syntax still  
existentials (though foralls) and GADTs (through equality  
constraints). I

would make sense to me to keep this support around.

I am opposed since
a) it requires the addition of extra syntax to the language, and
b) we have another, better, way to do it.

Somewhat pointed, I don't think the C++ way of putting all imaginable
ways to do the same thing into the language is a sound design
principle. If we have two ways to do the same thing, and one of them
is considered prefered, then I see no reason at all to keep the other
around. What I'm arguing here is that the GADT style syntax is truly
preferable, and thus the other should be removed.



Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: Deprecate ExistentialQuantification

2009-06-28 Thread Stefan Holdermans


In other words, in your 2x3 grid of syntactic x expressiveness, I want
the two points corresponding to classic syntax x {existential
quantification, GADTs} to be removed from the language. My second
semi-proposal also makes each of the three points corresponding to the
new cool syntax a separate extension.

I see, but why are you opposed to have the classic syntax still  
support existentials (though foralls) and GADTs (through equality  
constraints). I would make sense to me to keep this support around.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: Deprecate ExistentialQuantification

2009-06-28 Thread Stefan Holdermans


My rationale is as follows. With the introduction of GADTs, we now
have two ways to write datatype declarations, the old simple way and
the GADTs way. The GADTs way fits better syntactically with Haskell's
other syntactic constructs, in all ways. The general style is
(somewhat simplified) "keyword type 'where' decls", where keyword can
in Haskell 98 be class or instance, but with GADTs also data. The old
simple way of defining data types is the odd one out. It certainly has
its uses though, in particular when defining some simple (but possibly
large) enum-like datatype (like cabal's Extension type incidentally),
then it obviously becomes tedious to have to restate the trivial type
signature for each constructor.

That's why one should really be allowed to group constructor's in a  
type's definition:

  data Colour :: * where
Red, Green, Blue :: Colour

This is consistent with what is allowed for type signatures for  

More general, whatever way your proposal is going, I think you should  
have it reflect that there are two, more or less unrelated, issues here:

1. The expressiveness of data types: algebraic data types <  
existential data types < GADTs.
2. The syntax of type definitions: the classic, Haskell 98 syntax and  
the new, cool listings-of-constructor-signature syntax. (Don't call  
the latter NewTypeSyntax or anything similar in a LANGUAGE pragma;  
choose something descriptive.)

These are really orthogonal issues: all three levels of expressiveness  
of types can be expressed in either syntax. Therefore: keep these  
issues separated in your proposal.

Just my two cents,

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: type aliases and Id

2007-03-19 Thread Stefan Holdermans



* Allow "type Id =" (I prefer this to "type Id" as I think we are more
  likely to want to use the latter syntax for something else later  

Looks kind of funny; I'm not too thrilled.

* Implementations should eta-reduce all type synonyms as much as
  possible, e.g.
  type T a b c d = X a b Int c d
  is equivalent to
  type T a b = X a b Int
  type Id a = a
  is equivalent to a type that cannot be expressed directly.

I like this alternatie a bit better, but I can also see how it  
introduces a lot of potential confusing, especially for novice  
Haskell programmers. You write something and the compiler goes along  
with something else...

Maybe this will serve as a source of inspiration: http:// [1].



[1] Matthias Neubauer and Peter Thiemann. Type classes with more  
higher-order poly-
morphism. In Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGPLAN International  
Conference on
Functional Programming (ICFP ’02), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA,  
October 4–-6, 2002,

pages 179–-190. ACM Press, 2002.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: small extension to `...` notation

2006-03-09 Thread Stefan Holdermans


 xs `zipWith (+)` ys

Another problem is that it's not clear how to declare the fixity of  
these things. Should they always have the default fixity? Should  
they be required to have the form ` ` and use the  
fixity of `ident`? Neither approach seems very clean.

Following Philippa's suggestion to handle nesting, one could again  
treat `` and `` differently and always assume  
the latter is given infix 9.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: the dreaded offside rule

2006-03-09 Thread Stefan Holdermans


   1) it is impossible to explain the precise workings of the rule to
a class of first years undergraduates

Then don't explain it to them. At York in the 3rd year Haskell course
it is never explained in detail, I think it might be briefly mentioned
in passing that some kind of indentation thing is used, but not
focused on. I certainly don't have a clue what the rule is.

Well, that of course only works out well if students don't violate  
the offside rule. As soon as they do (for instance, because they use  
tabs instead of spaces to lay out their code), they want to know why  
the compiler rejects their programs. For students that have the right  
attitude, you can't just say that "it has something to do with  
indentation" then, because those will want to know the details then.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: what's the goal of haskell-prime?

2006-02-12 Thread Stefan Holdermans


To be fair, the current version of Helium does support some  

Really?  Are you talking about version 1.5?

No, version 1.6, which was released just last week. See http://


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Parallel list comprehensions

2006-02-04 Thread Stefan Holdermans

Hash: SHA1

I noticed ticket #55--add parallel list comprehensions--which  
according to

the ticket, will probably be adopted. I would argue against.


For what's it worth: I totally agree with John. Not only does this  
seems to me like a feature that'll be so little used to justify the  
introduction of special syntax, I also it'll make the language far  
less accessible for newbies.

Just my $ .02,

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)

Haskell-prime mailing list