BRSLV ברסלב

2010-03-09 Thread Joseph Galron-Goldschlaeger
I know Joan will love my next question :-)

What is the correct romanization of BRSLV ברסלב

Is it Braslav
or Breslav
or Breslev
or something else

all forms found in the OCLC data-base

In LC:
Braslav - 104 times
Breslev - 190 times
Breslav - 137 times

In the Encyclopaedia Judaica (1972) there is a small town in Belarus
called Braslav (in Polish: Braslaw) - but they do not mention the
Hassidic sect - so I am not sure that this is the source.


Joseph (Yossi) Galron-Goldschlaeger
Head, Hebraica & Jewish Studies  Library
355A Thompson Memorial Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Ave. Mall
Columbus, Ohio 43210 USA
E-Mail:  or
Tel.: (614) 292-3362,  Fax: (614)292-1918
Lexicon of Modern Hebrew Literature:

Roger's: Subject tentative weekly list 10/10

2010-03-09 Thread Roger Kohn
   The selected subject headings appearing here reflect only what I
thought would be relevant for my work as a cataloger.
   Entries listed after "And also" are curious or mildly funny titles
which might make you smile.
   Starting with twls0839, my comments will be sent on a separate
email; they should not be construed as official statements by the
Library of Congress or by any other member of the Hebraica cataloging
- r. 

Library of Congress Subject Headings Tentative Weekly List 10 (2010)
The proposed headings and changes on this list are NOT YET APPROVED and
not yet available for use in current cataloging.

Date of editorial meeting: March 10, 2010

Library of Congress staff:
Send comments on this list to Janis Young, Policy and Standards
Division - Telephone: 7-4467 Email: 
SACO contributors:
Send questions or comments to your SACO liaison in the Cooperative
Programs Section.

Changes to existing headings are indicated by an asterisk. (A)
indicates proposals that were approved before the editorial meeting. (C)
indicates proposals submitted by cooperating libraries.

110  Abraham Lincoln House (Milwaukee, Wis.)  
  * 410UF Jewish Center (Milwaukee, Wis. : Building)
  * 410UF Jewish Center (Milwaukee, Wis.)   CANCEL
  * 410UF Milwaukee Jewish Settlement
  * 410UF Settlement (Milwaukee, Wis.)
  * 410UF Settlement House (Milwaukee, Wis.)

   150  Church and college   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85025517]
  * 680   Here are entered works on the influence of
religious denominations and sects on 
colleges. Works on colleges supported and/or administered by a
religious denomination or 
sect are entered under Church colleges.   CANCEL
  * 681   Note under Church colleges   CANCEL

  * 150  Church colleges   CANCEL
150  Christian universities and colleges   [May Subd
Geog]   [sp 85025586]
450UF Christian colleges
450UF Church colleges   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
550BT Universities and colleges

(A)150  Computer sex—Religious aspects   [sp2010002299]

(A)150  Computer sex—Religious aspects—Buddhism,
[Christianity, etc.]   [sp2010002300]

(A)150  Internet pornography—Religious aspects  

(A)150  Internet pornography—Religious aspects—Buddhism,
[Christianity, etc.]   

(C)150  Conflict of laws—Prenuptial agreements   [May Subd
Geog]   [sp2010002060]
450UF Prenuptial agreements—Conflict of laws

(C)150  Joint ownership of personal property   [May Subd
Geog]   [sp 85070650]
  * 450UF Joint ownership of personal property—Law and

  * 150  Legends, Jewish   CANCEL
150  Jewish legends   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85075792]
680   Here are entered collections of and works
about Jewish legends, including 
comprehensive works covering both Old Testament legends and
postBiblical Jewish 
legends. Works on legends in the Bible and on extraBiblical
legends about Biblical 
characters and events are entered under BibleLegends. Works
limited to legends in or 
about the Old or New Testament are entered under Bible. 
O.T.Legends or Bible.  N.T.
450UF Jews—Legends
450UF Legends—Jews
450UF Legends, Jewish   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
530RT Bible. N.T.—Legends
530RT Bible. O.T.—Legends
681   Note under BibleLegends

150  Aggada   [sp 85002181]
  * 550BT Jewish legends
  * 550BT Legends, Jewish   CANCEL

130  Bible—Legends   [sp 85013675]
  * 680   Here are entered works on legends in the Bible
and on extraBiblical legends about 
Biblical characters and events. Works limited to legends in or
about the Old or New 
Testament are entered under Bible.  O.T.Legends or Bible. 
N.T.Legends. Collections 
of and works about Jewish legends, including comprehensive works
covering both Old 
Testament legends and postBiblical Jewish legends are entered
under Jewish legends.
  * 680   Here are entered works on legends in the Bible
and on extraBiblical legends about 
Biblical characters and events. Works limited to legends in or
about the Old or New 
Testament are entered under Bible.  O.T.Legends or Bible. 
N.T.Legends. Collections 
of and works about Jewish legends, including comprehensive works
covering both Old 
Testament legends and postBiblical Jewi

Roger's: Subject tentative weekly list 10/11

2010-03-09 Thread Roger Kohn
   The selected subject headings appearing here reflect only what I
thought would be relevant for my work as a cataloger.
   Entries listed after "And also" are curious or mildly funny titles
which might make you smile.
   Starting with twls0839, my comments will be sent on a separate
email; they should not be construed as official statements by the
Library of Congress or by any other member of the Hebraica cataloging
- r. 

Library of Congress Subject Headings Tentative Weekly List 11 (2010)
The proposed headings and changes on this list are NOT YET APPROVED and
not yet available for use in current cataloging.

Date of editorial meeting: March 17, 2010

Library of Congress staff:
Send comments on this list to Libby Dechman, Policy and Standards
Division - Telephone: 7-4768 Email: 
SACO contributors:
Send questions or comments to your SACO liaison in the Cooperative
Programs Section.

Changes to existing headings are indicated by an asterisk. (A)
indicates proposals that were approved before the editorial meeting. (C)
indicates proposals submitted by cooperating libraries.

150  Americans, [Chinese, French, etc.] abroad 
260USEheadings of the type Americans[name of
foreign country]; Chinese[name of 
foreign country]; French[name of foreign country]

150  Expatriate Americans, [Chinese, French, etc.] 
260USEheadings of the type Americans[name of
foreign country]; Chinese[name of 
foreign country]; French[name of foreign country]

(C)150  Asperger's syndrome in literature   [Not Subd Geog] 

150  Asses in literature   [Not Subd Geog]  

(C)150  Aversion in literature   [Not Subd Geog]  

150  Belgian literature   [May Subd Geog]   [sp
  * 680   Comprises literature in Flemish, French, and
Walloon.   CANCEL
  * 680   Here are entered collections of literature
from Belgium in multiple languages.

(A)150  Ethnocentrism—Religious aspects   [sp2010002563]

(A)150  Ethnocentrism—Religious aspects—Baptists,
[Catholic Church, etc.]   [sp2010002564]

 150  Faith and reason   [sp 85046933]
  * 680   Here are entered works on the relationship
between the knowledge attained through 
faith and that attained through reason.   CANCEL
  * 680   Here are entered works on the role of reason
in religious faith and on the conflict 
between faith and reason.
  * 450UF Faith and logic
  * 450UF Reason—Religious aspects
  * 450UF Reason and religion
  * 450UF Religion and reason

150  Faith and reason—Islam   [sp 85046934]
  * 450UF Islam and reason   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
  * 550BT Islam—Doctrines   CANCEL

  * 150  Islam and reason   CANCEL   [sp 85068423]
  * 682   This authority record has been deleted because
the heading is covered by the subject 
heading Faith and reasonIslam (sh 85046934).

  * 150  Islam and reason—Koranic teaching   CANCEL   [sp
  * 682   This authority record has been deleted because
the heading is covered by the subject 
heading Faith and reasonIslamKoranic teaching a heading for
which a subject authority 
record is not made because it uses a freefloating subdivision.

(C)181  Foreign countries   [sp 99001185]
  * 680   Use as a geographic subdivision under ethnic
groups, individual languages, individual 
literatures, military services, and types of publications
qualified by language or nationality. 
  * 680   Use as a geographic subdivision under ethnic
groups, individual languages, individual 
literatures, military services, nationalities, and types of
publications qualified by language 
or nationality.

(C)150  Intellectual freedom in literature   [Not Subd Geog]  

(A)150  Misotheism   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2010002517]
450UF Hatred of God
450UF Hatred of gods
550BT God

(C)150  Patriotism—Religious aspects   [sp2010002608]

(C)150  Patriotism—Religious aspects—Buddhism,
[Christianity, etc.]   [sp2010002609]

(C)150  Reparation (Psychoanalysis) in literature   [Not
Subd Geog]   [sp2010002613]

ברסלב BRSLV

2010-03-09 Thread Zachary Baker
The Braslav in Belarus (Polish:  Brasław) is not the same as Rabbi 
Naḥman's Braslav/Breslav/Breslev/Breslov [I've seen that spelling, too], 
etc.  He was from Bratslav, in Podolia, Ukraine.  Somewhere along the 
line his followers dropped the "t" from their pronunciation of that 
place name.  I'll refrain from weighing in on the romanization question.


Zachary M. Baker
Reinhard Family Curator of Judaica and Hebraica Collections
Head, Humanities and Area Studies Resource Group
Stanford University Libraries
Green Library 321
Stanford, CA 94305-6004
Telephone 1-650-725-1054
Fax 1-650-725-1068

Re: BRSLV ברסלב

2010-03-09 Thread Joan C Biella
This is indeed a horrible question, because:

Our usual authoritative source for place-name romanizations,
ha-Entsiklopedyah ha-'Ivrit, gives "Bratslav," which you might think
would point to "Braslav."

But I'm pretty sure that in all the vocalized texts I've seen, and
these pretty much all come from the Haside Breslev, it's vocalized as

So if we want a standard romanization, we'd better choose "Breslev," or
we will inadvertently be "correcting" a lot of instances in our
databases where the actual chief-source vocalization was "Breslev."

Would everyone be satisfied with a standard romanization of "Breslev"?

>>> Joseph Galron-Goldschlaeger  3/9/2010 1:45 PM
I know Joan will love my next question :-)

What is the correct romanization of BRSLV ברסלב

Is it Braslav
or Breslav
or Breslev
or something else

all forms found in the OCLC data-base

In LC:
Braslav - 104 times
Breslev - 190 times
Breslav - 137 times

In the Encyclopaedia Judaica (1972) there is a small town in Belarus
called Braslav (in Polish: Braslaw) - but they do not mention the
Hassidic sect - so I am not sure that this is the source.


Joseph (Yossi) Galron-Goldschlaeger
Head, Hebraica & Jewish Studies  Library
355A Thompson Memorial Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Ave. Mall
Columbus, Ohio 43210 USA
E-Mail:  or 
Tel.: (614) 292-3362,  Fax: (614)292-1918
Lexicon of Modern Hebrew Literature:

Re: BRSLV ברסלב

2010-03-09 Thread Joseph Galron-Goldschlaeger
Well, I personally would go with Braslav (I had an unvocalized serial in
hand and I could not find it because I was looking under Braslav. It also
did not have the Hebrew script title in the record (LCCN 2001-208266).

We also have the subject heading Bratslav Hasidim  (sh 85016498) and
Bratslav (Ukraine) with x-ref. from Breslav (Ukraine) - [no x-ref. from

I don't know if in Yiddish it appears as ברעסלעב or בראסלאב or ברעסלאב or
just ברסלב


Joseph (Yossi) Galron-Goldschlaeger
Head, Hebraica & Jewish Studies  Library
355A Thompson Memorial Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Ave. Mall
Columbus, Ohio 43210 USA
E-Mail:  or
Tel.: (614) 292-3362,  Fax: (614)292-1918
Lexicon of Modern Hebrew Literature:

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Joan C Biella  wrote:
> This is indeed a horrible question, because:
> Our usual authoritative source for place-name romanizations,
> ha-Entsiklopedyah ha-'Ivrit, gives "Bratslav," which you might think
> would point to "Braslav."
> But I'm pretty sure that in all the vocalized texts I've seen, and
> these pretty much all come from the Haside Breslev, it's vocalized as
> "Breslev."
> So if we want a standard romanization, we'd better choose "Breslev," or
> we will inadvertently be "correcting" a lot of instances in our
> databases where the actual chief-source vocalization was "Breslev."
> Would everyone be satisfied with a standard romanization of "Breslev"?
> Joan
 Joseph Galron-Goldschlaeger  3/9/2010 1:45 PM

> I know Joan will love my next question :-)
> What is the correct romanization of BRSLV ברסלב
> Is it Braslav
> or Breslav
> or Breslev
> or something else
> all forms found in the OCLC data-base
> In LC:
> Braslav - 104 times
> Breslev - 190 times
> Breslav - 137 times
> In the Encyclopaedia Judaica (1972) there is a small town in Belarus
> called Braslav (in Polish: Braslaw) - but they do not mention the
> Hassidic sect - so I am not sure that this is the source.
> Yossi
> Joseph (Yossi) Galron-Goldschlaeger
> Head, Hebraica & Jewish Studies  Library
> 355A Thompson Memorial Library
> The Ohio State University Libraries
> 1858 Neil Ave. Mall
> Columbus, Ohio 43210 USA
> E-Mail:  or
> Tel.: (614) 292-3362,  Fax: (614)292-1918
> URL:
> Lexicon of Modern Hebrew Literature: