Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Learn Tajweed with Yasir Qadhi

2010-09-06 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Learn Tajweed with Yasir Qadhi

A series of videos about learning Tajweed of The Qur’an.


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InshaAllah !

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Biography of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (DVD Set)

2010-08-10 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
The Biography of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (RA) by Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki 
[9 DVD''s box set] 



This nine-disks DVD PACK features, Sheikh Anwar effortlessly transports  the 
viewer back to a unique place in Islamic history. This epic journey  begins 
Umars (RA) early life and conversion to Islam, to his close  relationship with 
rasoolullah (SAW), to living through Abu Bakrs  Khalifah, to eventually 
succeeding him as Khalifah and concluding with  his brutal assassination. 

This series is over 20 hrs long and features UNCUT footage and also QA which 
was not included in the audio release. 


MIRROR Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 01 
(Disk01).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 02 
(Disk01).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 03 
(Disk02).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 04 
(Disk02).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 05 
(Disk03).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 06 
(Disk03).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 07 
(Disk04).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 08 
(Disk04).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 09 
(Disk05).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 10 
(Disk05).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 11 
(Disk06).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 12 
(Disk06).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 13 
(Disk07).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 14 
(Disk07).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 15 
(Disk08).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 16 
(Disk08).avi Ibn Al-Khattaab - Session 17 

We ask  Allah (swt) to accept our efforts and intentions of those who spread  
this knowledge, support it or who produced this series and especially  Sheikh 
Anwar Al-Awlaki - may Allah protect him and give him Firdaws  Al-Ala. (Amin.) 

Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Vote for Prophet Muhammad (saw)

2009-08-09 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Bestofmen an online research for the Best of Men of All time, results will be 
anounced on 2\2\2010.

Prophet  Muhammad  is also among the list.

You can vote for our Prophet. No doubt, Prophet Muhammad  is the best person to 
ever walk on the face of this earth.

Vote Here

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Why and How to Learn Arabic

2009-08-03 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Why and How to Learn Arabic

Nouman Ali Khan of the Bayyinah Arabic Institute (
gave this speech in Houston, Texas. He explains the importance of
studying Arabic for comprehension of the Quran. And he discusses the
pitfalls of many techniques used by students. Finally, he describes the
advantages of the methods used by Bayyinah. A must-see for any student
studying Arabic to better understand the Quran and Islam.


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Does God exist ? -- By Dr. Zakir Naik

2009-07-20 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Does God exist ?
Dr. Zakir Naik proves to atheists that there
is a creator of the universe. ie - a God

Watch Video Here

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Life of Mohammed (SAW) Madeenah Period Vol.2 ~ By Anwar Al-Awlaki

2009-05-07 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
The Life of Mohammed (SAW) Madeenah Period Vol.2

This set of lectures is the third and last part of “The Life of
Muhammad (saaws)”. This set covers the last five years of the life of
the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (saaws) from the fifth year of Hijra
to the tenth. It includes the important events of the truce of
Hudaybiyyah, the battle of Khaibar, the battle of Mu’tah, the conquest
of Makkah, the battle of Hunain, the battle of Tabuk and finally the
passing away of the seal of the Prophets.


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InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Ahmed Deedat Collection ~ MP3 Audio

2009-05-06 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

Download All Lectures of Ahmed Deedat in MP3 Format
Click Here

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Khalid Yasin - What Is True Success In Life

2009-05-06 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

Is true success in life achieving fame and fortune?
Evidently not, as we constantly hear stories of amous people who experience 
depression, use drugs and even commit suicide.
Money did not buy them happiness after all, as many beleive.
The West - so called ‘advanced nations’ - have the highest rate of
suicide, divorce, drug and alcohol abuse and many other social problems
- all because they wish to forget and escape the miseries of their life
- hopelessly attempting to obtain happiness.
In this lecture, Shaykh Khalid Yasin reveals that true success in life
is knowing your purpose on earth and where you ultimate destination is.
The grave cannot be the end…

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InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Khalid Yasin - From the Root to the Fruit

2009-05-06 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

A lecture in which Shaykh Khalid Yasin focuses primarily on the
youth, taking them back to the heart of Islam - believing in the
oneness of God and fearing Him wherever they may be. Khalid Yasin also
advises the youth on ways to improve themselves and possibly become the
soldiers of Islam. The lecture also includes a short talk from World
Champion Boxer Hajj Nasim Hamed.

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InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~ Stories from the Quran ~

2009-05-06 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
 ~ Reflections on the Stories of Quran ~  

By: Dr. Bashar Shala 

Story of Creation, Two Sons of Adam, All Prophets (as), Owners of the Garden, 
Stories from Surah Al-Kahf, Believer of Surah YaSeen, Talut and Jalut, The 
Family of Imran, Stories of Yemen  more...

Download Here

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InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~ The Sealed Nectar ~

2009-05-03 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul


For more Islamic Lectures, Videos, Books  Articles visit
Islamic Knowledge Website

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InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The New World Order !

2009-05-03 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
The Messenger of Allah [saws] told us that a group of people would come ahead 
of the Dajjal and prepare the world for him [to take over].

Who are Free Masons?? and what are they up to? Listen to both sides and you 
will definitely be !!!Shocked!!! Explore the cloaked hand that has been 
responsible for some of history’s most important turning points. The same hand 
that now controls every medium, exploiting it for their sole ambition of total 
global domination with a one World government. Be there when we uncover the 
gripping truth surrounding Masonry, past and present that is exposed in this 
exclusive insight never before revealed


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InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Sleeping Habits of Prophet (PBUH)

2009-05-03 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

The speaker explains the sleeping habits of Prophet (PBUH) and why
companions imitated these actions. He also gives tips on practicing the
sleeping habits of the Prophet (PBUH) and the reasons why these habits
are beneficial for us Muslims.


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Healer of the Hearts - Quran

2009-05-03 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

This 2 CD set has beautiful recitation of the Qur’an Juz 29 and 30
and Adhan by Haroon Baqai. He is also the head of Dar-us-Salaam’s Hifz
School in College Park, Maryland, USA, where he has also lead taraweeh
prayers for the last 6 years. He has ijaza in Hafs ‘un ‘asim from Saudi

Click to Download

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~ Fiqh of Love ~

2009-04-26 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

by Shaykh Yaser Birjas

Fiqh of Love - The Fiqh of Marriage in
Islam is the official recording of an AIMaghrib Institute seminar. What
you hold in your hands is a detailed look at the process and rites of
marriage in Islam as explained by Shaykh Yaser Birjas. The seminar
begins with a discussion of the various concepts of love as defined by
Islam and other competing theories. It then presents the flqh of
marriage beginning with the search for a suitable spouse, following the
entire process including the details of the marriage contract and then
concluding with advice for marriage life. This amazing seminar is a
testament to the comprehensive nature of Islam as well as to the mercy
and sensitivity of Allah that He should make clear to us the right way
even in our most intimate affairs. Insha’Allah, you’ll witness your
Eman growing stronger as your understanding of the wisdom of the Qur’an
and Sunnah comes alive in your mind, in your soul, and in your heart.
We call it an EmanRush! Visit for a complete list of
available single CD’s and other available seminars.


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Du’as in the Life of a Muslim (Dua in Audio format)

2009-04-26 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

Based on the Madrassah textbooks:
‘Du’as in the Life of a Muslim’ and ‘Basic Essentials for Muslims’.

Arabic: Qari Altaf Hathodwi
English: Jazaar Raad

Two CDs worth of Du’as in mp3 including for:
Fasting, On breaking fast, Having iftaar at someone else’s house,
Sneezing, On wearing a new garment, On hearing good news, Greeting a
Muslim and Replying to the greetings, and more.

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Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The letters of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)

2009-04-26 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

Prophet Muhammad’s letters to Emperor Heraclius, Chosroes II, Muqawqis, Negus, 
Governor of Syria and Ruler of Bahrain.

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Holy Quran - Mishary Efaasy

2009-04-26 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Mishaary Rasheed al Efaasy - Kuwait  | Entire Quran  [High CD Quality]

Beautiful Recitation of Quran by Mishary Rasheed Al-Efaasy

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Untold Stories of World History

2009-04-26 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
“Untold Stories of World History”
A series you should not miss!!

Presented by Dr. Abdullah H. Quick

This series is intended to bring untold stories from world history,
highlighting few scenes from the Golden Age of Islam when ruled the world,
Islam within 100 years was able to go far to the east to China and far to the 
west all the way to the Atlantic ocean,
The Muslim world leads the planet in science, medicine and technology.
Throughout history there were high points for the Muslims and low points too,
but Muslims were always naturally oriented toward success in science, knowledge 
and education

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InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Winning the Heart of your Husband - For Sisters

2009-04-24 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

By Ibraahim ibn Saaleh al-Mahmud. Happiness is a feeling that
resides in the heart. It is characterized by peace of mind,
tranquility, a sense of well-being, and a relaxed disposition. It comes
as a result of proper behavior, both inward and outward, and is
inspired by strong faith. This is attested to by the Qur’ân and Sunnah.
Allah says: Happy marriages are fundamental to a stable family and for
personal well being. This book is specifically written for women so
that inshallah they can have succesful marriages


By: Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar

This book is about the life stories of the
Mothers of the Believers and 16 other Sahabyat who had been given the
good news of the paradise in this world by Prophet Muhammad (S). There
are good examples in the lifestyle of the Mothers of the believers and
women Companions especially for the Muslim women. It is necessary for
all of us to study the Seerah of these noble and fortunate women.
Besides the Mothers of the believers, the compiler of the book has
included the description of those sixteen women who had been given the
good News of the Paradise in this world by the Prophet Muhammad (S).
Although the original book is in the Urdu language but the efforts of
the translator had made it more beneficial for the readers.

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqqas - The Knight Of Islam

2009-04-10 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

An account of the life of the Great Companion Sa’d Ibn Abi Waqqas radiyallahu 


Other Downloads

The story of Musa and Al-Khizr
When Wolves Become Shepards

Refuting Attacks Against Islam
The Life of Salahudeen Ayyubi
The Martydom Of Hussein (RA)
The Martydom Of ‘Uhmaan
The Martydom Of ‘Umar
Abdullah Ibn Zubayr The Seventh Caliph
I want to retaliate…
All Lectures by Jamal Badawi
Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqqas - The Knight Of Islam
The Final Disaster
Salman Al-Farsi
Lazy Boy | Emaan - The Verb

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Refuting Attacks Against Islam

2009-04-10 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

Refuting all Acts against Islam
(by Abu Sufyan,Abu Aaliyah ,Yasir Qadhi )


Also visit
(All lectures of Jamal Badawi)

Other Downloads

The story of Musa and Al-Khizr
When Wolves Become Shepards

Refuting Attacks Against Islam
The Life of Salahudeen Ayyubi
The Martydom Of Hussein (RA)
The Martydom Of ‘Uhmaan
The Martydom Of ‘Umar
Abdullah Ibn Zubayr The Seventh Caliph
I want to retaliate…
All Lectures by Jamal Badawi
Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqqas - The Knight Of Islam
The Final Disaster
Salman Al-Farsi
Lazy Boy | Emaan - The Verb

Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Final Disaster

2009-04-09 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
By - Shiekh Zahir Mahmood

Shaykh Zahir explains the causes of natural
disasters and how mans actions contribute to these disasters. The
Shaykh further elaborates on the earthquake of the final hour and
finally concludes that both of these earthquakes are considerably less
significant than the ultimate disaster.


Other Downloads

The story of Musa and Al-Khizr
When Wolves Become Shepards

Refuting Attacks Against Islam
The Life of Salahudeen Ayyubi
The Martydom Of Hussein (RA)
The Martydom Of ‘Uhmaan
The Martydom Of ‘Umar
Abdullah Ibn Zubayr The Seventh Caliph
I want to retaliate…
All Lectures by Jamal Badawi
Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqqas - The Knight Of Islam
The Final Disaster
Salman Al-Farsi
Lazy Boy | Emaan - The Verb

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Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Martydom Of Hussein (RA)

2009-04-09 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

Shaykh Zahir details the events leading up to and including the martyrdom of 
Hussain (RA), the grandson of the Prophet (SAW).


Other Downloads

The story of Musa and Al-Khizr
When Wolves Become Shepards

Refuting Attacks Against Islam
The Life of Salahudeen Ayyubi
The Martydom Of Hussein (RA)
The Martydom Of ‘Uhmaan
The Martydom Of ‘Umar
Abdullah Ibn Zubayr The Seventh Caliph
I want to retaliate…
All Lectures by Jamal Badawi
Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqqas - The Knight Of Islam
The Final Disaster
Salman Al-Farsi
Lazy Boy | Emaan - The Verb

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InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Fortress of the Muslim

2009-04-09 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

Invocations form the Qur'an  Sunnah. Translation of Hisnul-Muslim.
(pocket-size edition with revised English translation) This is a very
beautiful pocket-size booklet consisting of many authentic dua's
(supplications) for a Muslim to suplicate on a daily basis and on
speciall occasions.



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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] When Wolves Become Shepards

2009-04-09 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

A lecture discourse, on CD, by Ustadh Muhammad Alshareef.
In this audio lecture, Sheikh Muhammad AlShareef gives a detailed
analysis of the Shaytan’s plot to lead humanity astray and ultimately
land them in Hellfire. The content of the lecture is easily understood
by the listener, as the Shaytan’s plot is broken down into a series of
levels. These levels categorize information concisely, and give the
listener the opportunity to classify themselves as a member of a
certain level. Discovering that one falls into a certain category
allows the listener to diagnose his or her shortcomings and then find a
suitable solution, insha’Allah. The lecture, however, does not leave
the listener thinking, “Now that I know what my problem is, what do I
do from here?” This element of practical application is a reoccurring
theme in many of Sheikh Muhammad AlShareef’s lectures.


Other Downloads

The story of Musa and Al-Khizr
When Wolves Become Shepards

Refuting Attacks Against Islam
The Life of Salahudeen Ayyubi
The Martydom Of Hussein (RA)
The Martydom Of ‘Uhmaan
The Martydom Of ‘Umar
Abdullah Ibn Zubayr The Seventh Caliph
I want to retaliate…
All Lectures by Jamal Badawi
Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqqas - The Knight Of Islam
The Final Disaster
Salman Al-Farsi
Lazy Boy | Emaan - The Verb

Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

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InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Martydom Of ‘Usmaan (ra)

2009-04-09 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

A moving account of the martyrdom of Sayyiduna Uthman Ibn Affan radiyallahu 


Other Downloads

The story of Musa and Al-Khizr
When Wolves Become Shepards

Refuting Attacks Against Islam
The Life of Salahudeen Ayyubi
The Martydom Of Hussein (RA)
The Martydom Of ‘Uhmaan
The Martydom Of ‘Umar
Abdullah Ibn Zubayr The Seventh Caliph
I want to retaliate…
All Lectures by Jamal Badawi
Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqqas - The Knight Of Islam
The Final Disaster
Salman Al-Farsi
Lazy Boy | Emaan - The Verb

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InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Lazy Boy | Emaan - The Verb

2009-04-09 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

Lazy Boy In this khutbah, Muhammad
Alshareef discusses the topic of procrastination as a disease. This is
such an important topic that scholars have written chapters on seeking
Allah’s protection from this. It is a disease that first afflicts the
mind, then the heart, and finally the body, as it moves on to
negatively affecting our worship of Allah.
Eman. The Verb. In this lecture, Muhammad Alshareef talks about the
common pitfall of taking our Eman for granted. He encourages us to
realize that if we do not have an aim in this life to reach Jannah,
then by default, by the passing of time we will indeed be of the
losers. It is only when we realize our purpose in this life will we
attain high Eman, manifesting itself through our actions.

Other Downloads

The story of Musa and Al-Khizr
When Wolves Become Shepards

Refuting Attacks Against Islam
The Life of Salahudeen Ayyubi
The Martydom Of Hussein (RA)
The Martydom Of ‘Uhmaan
The Martydom Of ‘Umar
Abdullah Ibn Zubayr The Seventh Caliph
I want to retaliate…
All Lectures by Jamal Badawi
Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqqas - The Knight Of Islam
The Final Disaster
Salman Al-Farsi
Lazy Boy | Emaan - The Verb

Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Martydom Of Umar (ra)

2009-04-09 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

An account of the martyrdom of the second Khalifa Sayyiduna Umar Ibn al-Khattab 
radiyallahu anhu.


Other Downloads

The story of Musa and Al-Khizr
When Wolves Become Shepards

Refuting Attacks Against Islam
The Life of Salahudeen Ayyubi
The Martydom Of Hussein (RA)
The Martydom Of ‘Uhmaan
The Martydom Of ‘Umar
Abdullah Ibn Zubayr The Seventh Caliph
I want to retaliate…
All Lectures by Jamal Badawi
Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqqas - The Knight Of Islam
The Final Disaster
Salman Al-Farsi
Lazy Boy | Emaan - The Verb

Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

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InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Al-Quran a Timless Guide

2009-04-06 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

In this time of firm (tribulation), Shaykh Zahir
rakes a journey through the past stories detailed in al-Qu’an the final
Revelation, to extract Allah’s guidance for the modern day. Among these
stories is the account of Musa’s (peace and blessings be upon him)
dealings with Pharaoh and considers the cunning tactics of Shairan
along the way.

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Abdullah Ibn Zubayr The Seventh Caliph

2009-04-06 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Abdullah ibn Zubayr, the Grandson of Abu
Bakr, nephew of Aisha, son of Zubayr ibn Al-Awwam, one of the ten
guaranteed Jannah and Asma (known as the one with the two waist belts).
Sahaaba (may Allah be pleased with them) would say three things; no one
disputed regarding Abdullah ibn Zubayr “His bravery, eloquence and
worship”. He was the first child to be born in Medina; upon nobody’s
birth were the Sahaaba as happy as upon the birth of Abdullah ibn
Zubayr. The Seventh Caliph, his final discussion with his mother is one
of the most touching that history has ever captured. It exemplifies the
bravery of mother and child.

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Qasas-ul-Ambiya ~ Urdu Lectures

2009-03-17 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Qasas ul Ambiya

Series of Urdu lectures on life of the Prophets from Adam (as) to Isa (as) in 
by Shiekh Makki Al-Hijazi

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Life of Khulafay-a-Rashideen ~ Urdu Lecture

2009-03-17 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
by Shiekh Makki Al-Hijazi

Series of Urdu lectures covering the lives of the four Khalifas :

Abu Bakr Siddique (ra),
Umar bin Al-Khattab (ra)
Usman bin Affan (ra)
Ali bin Abi Talib (ra)

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The World Of The Jinn

2009-03-17 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
The World Of The Jinn

By - Shaikh Riad Ouarzazi


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The World of Jinns

2009-02-16 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Amazing Lecture ~ Must Listen

By - Shaikh Riad Ouarzazi


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InshaAllah !

. More Downloads 

Are we allowed to pay our ‘zakah’ to our brothers in Gaza??The Best Shoes in 
the World !
Bulugh al-Maram - The Book of Prayers
Anger Management
Where is the “Identity” of the Muslims??Teaching kids stories from the Qur’an
An extraordinary incident of brotherhood….

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Teaching kids stories from the Qur’an

2009-01-04 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Teaching kids stories from the Qur’an

Shaikh: Muhammad Salah

The episode is talking about

Teaching kids stories from the Qur’an


(( Other Downloads ))

Rights  limitsLifting the Fog ~ By Yusuf Estes (Video)
Advices before marriage for husband  wife
Embryology  facts in the Qur’an
The rights of the wife
Teaching kids stories from the Qur’an
Importance of work in Islam
Faith  its proof
Love  Islam
Rights  the balance that goes with them

Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The rights of the wife !

2009-01-04 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
The rights of the wife !
Shaikh: Muhammad Salah

The episode is talking about The rights of the wife


(( Other Downloads ))

Rights  limitsLifting the Fog ~ By Yusuf Estes (Video)
Advices before marriage for husband  wife
Embryology  facts in the Qur’an
The rights of the wife
Teaching kids stories from the Qur’an
Importance of work in Islam
Faith  its proof
Love  Islam
Rights  the balance that goes with them

Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Equalities of men women !

2009-01-04 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Equalities of men  women

with Shaikh: Yusuf Estes


(( Other Downloads ))

Rights  limitsLifting the Fog ~ By Yusuf Estes (Video)
Advices before marriage for husband  wife
Embryology  facts in the Qur’an
The rights of the wife
Teaching kids stories from the Qur’an
Importance of work in Islam
Faith  its proof
Love  Islam
Rights  the balance that goes with them

Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Advices before marriage for husband wife

2009-01-04 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Some advices by Shaikh Muhammad Salah
for those who are getting married.


(( Other Downloads ))

Rights  limitsLifting the Fog ~ By Yusuf Estes (Video)
Advices before marriage for husband  wife
Embryology  facts in the Qur’an
The rights of the wife
Teaching kids stories from the Qur’an
Importance of work in Islam
Faith  its proof
Love  Islam
Rights  the balance that goes with them

Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Love Islam

2009-01-04 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Love  Islam
with Shaikh: Yusuf Estes


Faith  its proof
with Shaikh: Yusuf Estes


Rights  the balance that goes with them
with Shaikh: Yusuf Estes


Rights  limits
with Shaikh: Yusuf Estes


Equalities of men  women
with Shaikh: Yusuf Estes


(( Other Downloads ))

Bulugh al-Maram - The Book of PrayersThe Sealed Nectar ~ Biography of the 
Prophet (saw)
Ruling on Magic and Fortunetelling
The Best Shoes in the World !
Anger ManagementLifting the Fog ~ By Yusuf Estes (Video)
Advices before marriage for husband  wife
Embryology  facts in the Qur’an
Teaching kids stories from the Qur’an

Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

  From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India. Go to

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Usool ul-Fiqh ~ Code of the Scholars

2008-11-19 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
~ Usool ul-Fiqh ~ Code of the Scholars ~

Usoolul-Fiqh: it is the science concerning the comprehensive
evidences of fiqh. Since fiqh consist of either [i] masaa‘il (issues)
concerning which the ruling by one of the five rulings is sought, or
[ii] it is the dalaa‘il (evidences) employed in extracting and
determining these masaa‘il (issues). So fiqh is actualy knowledge of
the masaa‘il (issues) and the dalaa‘il (evidences).

~ Download Usool Al-Fiqh ~

 More lectures by Muhammad Al-Shareef

Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Fiqh Ad-Da’wah: Guiding to Allah By the Book

2008-11-19 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
   Fiqh Ad-Da’wah: Guiding to Allah By the Book

Fiqh of Dawah-Guiding to Allah by the Book is the official recording
of an AlMaghrib Institute seminar. This recording of an Almaghrib
Institute Seminar addresses 4 basic pillars of giving dawah. Each
pillar is then divided into different subcategories such as the
Character of the Da’ee, Understanding Who We are Guiding, Essential
Dawah and Debating Techniques, 25 Psychological Tips and Tricks, and
many more. This set, which comes with two bonus CD’s, ABC’s of
Speech/Article writing and Swift and Logical Responses, will give you
the proper tools to spread the message of Islam in a variety of
settings and situations. This CD set is the first of its kind from and
for the English speaking population of Muslims. InshAllah, the next
time you encounter a co-worker or a family member for dawah purposes,
this EmanRush will not leave you empty-handed!


Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Beauties o f Islam ~ Videos

2008-11-19 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Beauties of Islam ~ A series of Lectures !

with Shaikh: Yusuf Estes


Download Videos
Faith  its proof
Rights  limits

Equalities of men  women
Rights  the balance that goes with them
Love  Islam

Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Tafseer Juz’ Amma ~ Touched by An Angel

2008-11-19 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
  Tafseer Juz’ Amma ~ Touched by An Angel

The audio of the first Double-weekend-accredited-seminar given by
Al-Maghrib Institute solely dedicated to the explanation of Part 30 of
the Qur’an

Download complete Series

Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Advices before marriage for husband wife

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Advices before marriage for husband  wife
Some advices by Shaikh Muhammad Salah for those who are getting married.


Other Downloads

Muhammad Alshareef - HajjCoach
Non-Muslim Religious Celebrations  Ruling On Part Participating
Celebrating Valentine’s Day
Ruling on Magic and Fortunetelling
Dawah ~ How to invite non muslims to Islam
The truth about Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)
Why is the eating of pork forbidden in Islam?
Qur’an is not a book of science, Qur’an is the book of signs
Woman Rights in Islam
Fataawa (Rulings) Concerning Tobacco Cigarettes
QA : Eating Non-Vegetarian Food
Worship in Islam
Patience - Way of the muslim
Qetal  Jehad
Lifting the Fog ~ By Yusuf Estes (Video)
The First Female Teacher in Islam: Al-Shifa bint Abdullah

Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Dawah - How to invite Non Muslims to Islam

2008-10-30 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Dawah - How to invite Non Muslims to Islam

Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

Send free SMS to your Friends on Mobile from your Yahoo! Messenger. Download 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Fataawa (Rulings) Concerning Tobacco Cigarettes

2008-10-20 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

The colossal devastation of human health cause by tobacco use and
smoking in the recent centuries cannot be denied by any sensible
person. It is the single largest preventable cause of death all over
the world causing unmentionable suffering and millions of debts yearly,
yet even today the multinational tobacco corporations refuse to accept
the conclusive scientific evidence and continue to selfishly promote
their multi billion dollar industry often among those ignorant to the
far reaching hazards and health consequences. The Islamic legal
judgements of some of the most eminent scholars – Jurists of our era, -
the use and promotion of all tobacco products is strictly prohibited
(haram) and juristically punishable according to Islamic Law and legal
precepts. The lucid, intelligent and legally sound arguments presented
countered the feeble claim that tobacco use is merely obnoxious
(Makrooh) and therefore a lesser social evil to be tolerated society.


Spread the message of Islam,its obligatory on every Muslim !
Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Non-Muslim Religious Celebrations Ruling On Part Participating

2008-10-20 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
By: Taken from the introduction: The conflict between truth and
falsehood is ongoing and will last as long as this world remains. The
fact that some groups among the Ummah of Muhammad (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) are following the people of falsehood such as
the Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, idol-worshippers and others, whilst
a group is remaining steadfast to the truth despite the pressures, is
all part of the decreed system of the universe. But this does not mean
that we should give in and follow the ways of those who are astray,
because the one who told us that this would inevitably happen also
warned us against following this path, and he commanded us to adhere
firmly to Islam no matter how many people deviate from it and no matter
how strong they become. He told us that the blessed one is the one who
adheres steadfastly to the truth no matter what the distractions, at a
time when the one who does righteous deeds will earn the reward of
fifty men whose deeds are like those of the Sahaabah (may Allaah be
pleased with them) – as was reported in the hadeeth of Abu Tha’labah
al-Khushani (may Allaah be pleased with him).


Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !
Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Magic and Fortunetelling

2008-10-20 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Ruling on Magic and Fortune telling

By:   Shaykh Bin Baz.   A short treaty written on the danger getting involved 
with those who practice magic.


Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Celebrating Valentine’s Day

2008-10-20 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

By: A book by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid focusing on the history
of valentines day and the permisibility of muslims celebrating it.


Spread the message of Islam, its obligatory on every Muslim !

Pass this email to everyone you know ... Allah will reward you for this.. 
InshaAllah !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Divine GPS : The Inner Dimensions of Istikhara

2008-10-16 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Divine GPS
The Inner Dimensions of Salatul Istikhara

By ~ Abdul Bary Yahya


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Three Types of People in the Quran

2008-10-16 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Three Types of People in the Quran
By ~ Mamdouh Mohamed

Sources of Tranquility in Times of Calamity

By ~ Mamdouh Mohamed


((( More Lectures by Mamdouh Mohammed )))

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Passion Of The Christ

2008-10-13 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
The Passion of The Christ

The true account of Prophet Isa’s life, an unprecedented and highly
detailed, systematic, chronological but breathtaking account on the
Life of Prophet Isa (Jesus)(as) compiled from the authentic Quran 
Hadith. A must have for every muslim household, as well as for the
comparative religion student.


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Effect of the Quran

2008-10-13 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Lectures By - Mamdouh Mohammed

The Effect of the QuranImproving Your Salah
Oh My Willing Servant

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] In The light of The Qur’an

2008-09-20 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
In The light of The Qur’an

By Sheikh Mutassim Al-Hameedi.. new Series designed to understand the
words of the Holy Qur’an and the wisdoms in it by studying few verses
in each episode . As shown on Huda TV.


Dear Brothers  Sisters

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Spreading the message of Islam is obligatory on very Muslim !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] S T RA N G E R S

2008-09-20 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

Muhammad (pbuh) said that this religion began as something strange
and will return as something strange… so give glad tidings to the
strangers. We see many cases of Muslims reforming themselves to become
better Muslims, and in most cases they are seen as extreme, strict and
sometimes even considered as crazy. Strangers is what they have become.
In this lecture Sheikh Khalid Yasin explains the importance of being
patient in difficult times like these.

Download Link

Dear Brothers  Sisters

Please forward this to everyone you know.
Spreading the message of Islam is obligatory on very Muslim !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Sealed Nectar ~ Biography of the Prophet (saw)

2008-09-20 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
 Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum  


A complete authoritative book on the life of the
Prophet (pbuh) which was honored by the World Muslim League as first
prize winner. Whoever wants to know the whole life style of the Prophet
in detail,this well written book is a must.


Dear Brothers  Sisters

Please forward this to everyone you know.
Spreading the message of Islam is obligatory on very Muslim ! 

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Legends of Islam

2008-09-20 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Legends of Islam

This set is a introduction into the lifes of some of the greatest
warriors in the history of the world. Muslims living today should know
about the Great Heroes of Islam and these lectures are an excellent way
to introduce us to these Great Heroes of Islam. We all need role models
and who better to be our role models than the people who sacrificed
there families, wealth and lives to honour this deen. It is the
sacrifies of such men that the deen came to us today and unless we
follow there example how will the deen continue down to the generations
to come insha’allah.

* Nouridden Zinki
* Salahuddin Ayoobi
* Ukbah bin Nafe’
* ‘Umar bin Abdul Aziz
* Imam Bukhari
* Saifuddin Kuduz

Download Links

 Other Random Downloads

Fruits Of RamadanThe Angels ~ By Yasir Qadhi

The Proper Manner Of Learning The Arabic Language
Life of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) - Lessons and Morals by Yasir QadhiRamadan Fiqh 
Issues By Salim Al-Amry
Eating Habits in Ramadan
Benefits of Ramadan

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Benefits of Ramadan

2008-09-10 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

By Ali At-Timimi (May Allah hasten his
release from prison..ameen). In the month of Ramadaan it is very
important that we spent a few moments to understand some of the wisdoms
and lessons that we can learn from this month of fasting.
Unfortunately, many Muslims come in to this month and they are as a
companion of the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “Let it not be that
the day that you fast and the day that you break fast be equal.”

Download Link

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Interesting Islamic E-Books

2008-09-10 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Interesting Islamic E-Books

Bukhari, Muslim, Malik, and Dawud Hadith Collection

Book of the End - Great Trials  Tribulations

The Friends of Allah  The Friends of Shaytan
Allah (swt) Governance on Earth

The Grave - Punishments and Blessings

Men and The Universe

30 Lessons For Those Who Fast
Allah’s Most Beautiful Names and Lofty Attributes

Return of the Pharaoh: Memoirs in Nasirs Prison
The Compilation of Hadith

The Ghurabah

Rules Governing The Criticism Of Hadith
Notes on the Science of Hadith

Al-Adab Al-Mufrad
Bulugh Al-Maram
Usool Al-Hadeeth

1066 - How Islamaphobia Came To The British Isles

The Ahmed Deedat Collection

Stories from the Quran

Stories of the Prophets

Madinah Arabic Book Series - Learning Arabic

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Eating Habits in Ramadan

2008-09-10 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

By Kamal El-Mekki.

The Messenger of
Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) addressed his
companions on the last day of Sha`ban, saying, “Oh people! A great
month has come over you; a blessed month; a month in which is a night
better than a thousand months; month in which Allah has made it
compulsory upon you to fast by day, and voluntary to pray by night.
Whoever draws nearer (to Allah) by performing any of the (optional)
good deeds in (this month) shall receive the same reward as performing
an obligatory deed at any other time, and whoever discharges an
obligatory deed in (this month) shall receive the reward of performing
seventy obligations at any other time. It is the month of patience, and
the reward of patience is Heaven. It is the month of charity, and a
month in which a believer’s sustenance is increased. Whoever gives food
to a fasting person to break his fast, shall have his sins forgiven,
and he will be saved from the Fire of Hell, and he shall have the same
reward as the fasting person, without his reward being diminished at
all.” [Narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah]


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Ahmed Deedat Books Collection

2008-09-10 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
The Ahmed Deedat Collection

By Ahmed Deedat

Sheikh Ahmed Hoosen Deedat was Born on the
01 July 1918 in the Surat district of India in 1918.. His father
emigrated to South Africa in 1927 with him. After reading a book called
Izharul Haq – The Truth revealed, a book about a debate with Christian
Missionaries in the then British India, Sheikh Deedat was spurred on in
the direction of Dawah – Islamic Missionary Activity to halt the tide
of the then Christian onslaught against Islam. Over the next four
decades, he immersed himself into a host of activities. Conducting
Bible classes, lectures and debates the world over. He established the
first Islamic Seminary in Southern Africa to train propagators at
Assalaam educational Institute - Braemar. He is the founder of the
largest Islamic Dawah Organization in the world, the Islamic
Propagation Center International and became its president. He delivered
thousands of lectures all over the world, crossing all the continents
and successfully engaging some of the biggest names in Christian
evangelists in public debates. Sheikh Deedat’s debates and lectures are
available all over the world in the various languages in Video and DVD
format. His career in the field of Comparative Religion took him across
all five continents and dialogue with the heads of the Protestant world
in America. May Almighty Allah bless his soul, accept his efforts for
the cause of da’wah and grant gracious patience to his loved ones
during this trying time.
Al-Quran - The Miracle of Miracles
Arabs And Israel Conflict Or Conciliation
Can You Stomach The Best Of Rushdie
Christ In Islam
Crucifixion Or Cruci-fiction
Is The Bible Gods Word
Muhammad The Greatest
Muhummed The Natural Successor To Christ
Resurrection Or Resuscitation
The God That Never Was
Was Jesus Crucified
What Is His Name
What The Bible Says About Muhammad
What Was The Sign Of Jonah
Who Moved The Stone


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Fruits Of Ramadan

2008-09-10 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

One of the scholars said: The person
who is fasting must fast with his eyes and not look at anything that is
not permissible; with his ears and not listen to anything that is not
permissible; with his tongue and not speak any obscene words or slander
any one or tell lies or backbite. The believer should make the most of
this blessed month in which the devils are chained up, the gates of
Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell are closed, and a caller
cries out, “O seeker of good, go ahead; O seeker of evil, desist!” The
believer should make the most of this month so that he may draw closer
to Allaah, repent sincerely from all his sins and make a pledge to
Allaah to adhere to His religion and laws.


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Daily Muslim ~ by Abu Khayraat

2008-09-09 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

Lecture by Abu Khayraat


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Ramadan Lecture Series ~ By Sheikh Feiz

2008-09-08 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

By Sheikh Feiz.

In this four part series Sheikh Feiz explains many of the virtues of
Ramadan aswell as anwering many common questions asked on the rules of
fasting in the month of Ramadan. Allah says in the Qur’an: ‘Oh you who
believe Observing As-Saum (fasting) has been prescribed for you as it
was prescribed for those before you, so that you may become Al-Muttaqun
(the pious)’. [Surah Al-Baqarah 2:183]


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Fiqh of Worship - By Yasir Qadhi

2008-09-03 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Fiqh of Worship - By Yasir Qadhi

In this lecture series, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi provides
listeners with the proper manner of carrying out purification (wudhu,
ghusl) salaah, zakaat etc. These lectures will enable the listener to
worship Allah with confidence and clarity and put a stop to the doubts
that cloud our minds while performing acts of worship.


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Ramadan Fiqh Issues : Video

2008-09-03 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Ramadan Fiqh Issues
Course By Salim Al-Amry


(( Other Downloads ))

30 Lessons For Those Who Fast186 Rules for Ramadan
How To Make This Your Best Ramadan Ever

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Story of the Ifk

2008-09-03 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
The Story of the Ifk
Lecture by Yasir Qadhi
The seerah is abound with numerous incidents from which we can
extract benefits which can be implemented in our daily lives. The story
of the ifk is one such incident which is overflowing with lessons.
One of the most traumatic periods in the life of Prophet Muhammad
sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam centered around his family affairs. It was
an attack, a slander invented by the hypocrites, against Aisha radi
Allahu anha, the most beloved of his wives, and one of his closest
This incident is one which carries immense benefit, and it has the
effect of softening our hearts to the extent that we can even feel the
pain and anguish which the Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam, Aisha
radi Allahu anha, her father Abu Bakr and the Sahaabaa radi Allahu anhu
experienced. It is therefore one of the most important stories in the
seerah and is especially relevant in today’s time when there is much
fitnah between Muslims.


Fiqh of Jumuah and Janaazah ~ By Yasir QadhiLife of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) - 
Lessons and Morals by Yasir Qadhi
The Angels ~ By Yasir QadhiThe Fruits of Iman - Yasir Qadhi
Dua: the Weapon of the Believer by Yasir Qadhi
Day of Judgement - By Yasir QadhiFiqh of Worship - By Yasir Qadhi

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Life of Prophet Muhammad (saw) by Yasir Qadhi

2008-08-27 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

Life Of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) - Lessons and Morals
By Yasir Qadhi

In this series of extraordinary lectures, Sh. Yasir Qadhi narrates,
in an engaging and informative style, the life and times of our beloved
Prophet (pbuh). What makes this series stand out above the rest is not
just the lucid style and narrative skills of the speaker, but also its
academic standard. The speaker returns to the original sources of the
Seerah, and discusses – based upon the sciences of hadeeth and the
verdicts of the hadeeth masters of the past and present – the
authenticity of many significant reports. Additionally, he does not
restrict himself to merely recounting these heart-warming stories
regarding the struggles of the Prophet (pbuh) and early Muslims; he
also derives numerous benefits and morals from them. This series (Part
One) covers the entire Makkan era.


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Angels ~ By Yasir Qadhi

2008-08-27 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
The Angels By Yasir Qadhi

Belief in angels is one of the six Articles of Faith in Islam, without
which there is no faith. Allah SWT says in Surah Fatir, verse 1:”Praise
be to God, Who created (out of nothing) the heavens and the earth, Who
made the angel messengers with wings - two, or three, or four (pairs)
and adds to Creation as He pleases: for God has power over all things “


  ((( Other Lectures By Yasir Qadhi )))

Fiqh of Worship

Fiqh of Jumuah and JanaazahLife of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) - Lessons and Morals

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Video : Muhammad (saw) - The Man And His Message

2008-08-26 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Muhammad (saw) - The Man And His Message

Download Video



Dreams and Dream Interpretations

Other Lectures

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) (Makkan Period)

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) (Madina Period)
Lives of the Prophets (as)

A Walk in Paradise

The Dust will Never Settle Down

The Hereafter Series
Abu Bakr As-Siddique (RA) his life and times
Umar bin Al Khattab (RA) his life and times
25 Promises from Allah to the Believers
Muslims Living as a Minority
Understanding the Quran
Companions of the Ditch
Stories from Hadith
Battle of The Hearts and Minds
All Lectures by Imam Anwar Awlaki

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Dua: the Weapon of the Believer by Yasir Qadhi

2008-08-26 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

 In a Prophetic hadeeth, we are informed that du’aa is the essence of 
worshipping Allah, and the most noble and blessed of acts. In this series of 
lectures, the speaker discusses, amongst other things, the blessings of du’aa, 
its pre-conditions and recommended etiquettes, the timings and situations in 
which a du’aa is more likely to be answered, the various factors that aid or 
prevent a du’aa from being accepted, the relationship of du’aa with Divine 
Destiny (Qadr), the wisdom behind a delayed response, and other relevant topics.



Dreams and Dream Interpretations

Other Lectures

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) (Makkan Period)

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) (Madina Period)
Lives of the Prophets (as)

A Walk in Paradise

The Dust will Never Settle Down

The Hereafter Series
Abu Bakr As-Siddique (RA) his life and times
Umar bin Al Khattab (RA) his life and times
25 Promises from Allah to the Believers
Muslims Living as a Minority
Understanding the Quran
Companions of the Ditch
Stories from Hadith
Battle of The Hearts and Minds
All Lectures by Imam Anwar Awlaki

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Day of Judgement - By Yasir Qadhi

2008-08-26 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

many of us living in the West, we may find that the hustle and bustle
of everyday life can often divert us from really reflecting and
preparing for the Day of Judgement.
In this powerful Khutbah, Yasir Qadhi beautifully combines many ayaat
and ahadeeth on how horrific the Great Day will actually be. A Day that
is equivalent to 50,000 years, a Day when no soul will be concerned
about anyone, be it their mother or child, but only themselves!
We know we will be questioned on that Great Day which awaits us all…yet
how have we prepared for it? Will it be of any benefit for us to regret
on that Day?









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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Fruits of Iman - Yasir Qadhi

2008-08-26 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Lecture Description: In The Qur’an Allah makes a similitude of Iman with a tree 
whose roots are firmly established and whose branches reach far into the sky. 
This parable, which describes Iman, is the primary theme of this presentation. 
The speaker summarizes several lessons regarding the benefits of having sincere 
faith. Tasting the sweetness of Iman is something that many have not 
experienced. This lecture should assist the one who yearns to experience the 
great fruits of Iman.




Dreams and Dream Interpretations

Other Lectures

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) (Makkan Period)

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) (Madina Period)
Lives of the Prophets (as)

A Walk in Paradise

The Dust will Never Settle Down

The Hereafter Series
Abu Bakr As-Siddique (RA) his life and times
Umar bin Al Khattab (RA) his life and times
25 Promises from Allah to the Believers
Muslims Living as a Minority
Understanding the Quran
Companions of the Ditch
Stories from Hadith
Battle of The Hearts and Minds
All Lectures by Imam Anwar Awlaki

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Purpose of Life

2008-08-25 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul



Other Downloads
Lectures by Tawfique ChoudhuryThe Repenter
The Dead Sea Scrolls

Minor Signs In The 21st Century

The Life Of Imam Bukhari

Love For The Prophet

Lectures by Shaykh Ahmad AliNo Human Can Defeat Them - Gog And Magog 
The Return Of Jesus

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Bible Led me to Islam

2008-08-25 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

Abdul Malik LeBlanc tells How He Discovered
Islam Within the Pages of Bible


Other Downloads
Lectures by Tawfique ChoudhuryThe Repenter
The Dead Sea Scrolls

Minor Signs In The 21st Century

The Life Of Imam Bukhari

Love For The Prophet

Lectures by Shaykh Ahmad AliNo Human Can Defeat Them - Gog And Magog 
The Return Of Jesus

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ISA - The Prophet of Islam

2008-08-19 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
ISA (as) - The Prophet of Islam

The Holy Quran relates the remarkable story of Isa (peace be upon
him) and his mother in surah Maryam. The Miraculous nature of Isa’s
(peace be upon him) conception and birth together with certain aspects
of his life were misinterpreted, misquoted and exaggerated so as to
give rise to a New World religion based on the mistaken ideology of the
“Holy Trinity” that forms the basis of Christianity. The simple truth
is that Allah is One the All Knowing. He begets not nor is He begotten.
All things are created by Him and submit to Him alone. This eloquent
commentry dispels the confusion surrounding Isa (peace be upon him) as
well as presenting the Islamic perspective on this noble Prophet of




The Globalised Suffering of the Muslims

Silence is Salvation

Sunnah - In Conduct  Character

The Importance of Knowledge

Ahmad The Repenter

Lessons from the Past

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Life of Prophet Muhammad (saws) - Video Lecture

2008-08-19 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
The Life of Prophet Muhammad (saws) -
By Yasir Qadhi

Amazing lecture on Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

Watch here !

Other Downloads

How to Be an Outstanding Husband  Wife

Fiqh Ad-Da’wah: Guiding to Allah By the Book

Tafseer Juz’ Amma ~ Touched by An Angel

Usool ul-Fiqh

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ARE RAM AND KRISHNA PROPHETS OF GOD?

2008-08-19 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
If according to Islam, messengers or prophets were sent to
each and every nation of the world, then which prophet was sent to
India? Can we consider Ram and Krishna to be messengers of God?

Check out the answer here !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Masjid Al - Aqsa In Danger

2008-08-19 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Masjid Al - Aqsa In Danger
- By Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul haq


Other Downloads

The Prophet and Heraclius: The Roman Emperor

Jewish Fundamentalism And The Muslims

The Evil Within

Under the Shade of Scrolls

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] fw : Dream Interpretation

2008-08-11 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Dream Interpretation


Devils Deception: The History of the Sects of Islam

The Devil’s Deception series teaches the history of
Islam from a unique perspective: through the history of the deviant
sects. It is how the eternal enemy of mankind tries to decieve people
with philosophy, eloquency etc…


Khushoo, Strengthening The Divine Connection

In this Lecture, Shaykh
Yaser Birjas diagnoses a malaise affecting our Salah, the second most
important aspect of our religion after the Shahadah. He explains why we
do not benefit from our Salah, why our minds are distracted, and why
our prayers are sometimes mere chores of the limbs. This lecture opens
our minds to the causes for the above problems and goes on to propose a
practical methodology by which we can strengthen our connection with
the Creator. InshAllah, by the end of this lecture, we will be able to
recognize the problems affecting our Salah, realize the importance of
Khushoo, as well as learn techniques of gaining Khushoo in Salah.


Every Heart Has A Passing Cloud - Jalal ibn Sa’eed

A very emotional and motivational lecture going through various phases of the 
heart and how to better our hearts.


The Fiqh Of Jihaad

A comprehensive series on
the fiqh of Jihaad. the series covers its various rulings, when Jihaad
is called upon, the people that respond to the call, when its classed
as offensive and defensive, with references to various scholars
opinions, and stories from the past. A very detailed an excellent
resource. Includes the famous lectue on the hoor al ayn.
“Fight in the way of
Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities.
Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors.” 2 : 190
“And fight them
until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah. But if they
desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers.” 2 :


An Introduction to the Companions


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] fw : Thugs In The Masjid

2008-08-11 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Thugs In The Masjid

A truly inspiring talk, taking a look into young Muslims who glorify
thug mentality, gang culture and also the dangers they are leading
themselves into. Timely and straight to the point, Imam Abdul Malik
relates the problems of its evils by sharing his own experience of
being a young thug as well as exploring rap music and its stars who
have had a big impact on society, ultimately on the Muslim youth.

The Dilemma of the Youth

By Abdullah Hakim Quick. A common question the speaker is asked
whilst on his travels is: What is the answer for the youth to keep them
upon the correct path? How detrimental is the predicament of the youth
today? The speaker shares with the listener various real-life examples
of the diseased situations hurting the young Muslim community. This
presentation can also be a tool in assessing what the current condition
of the ummah’s youth is.

When Will You Submit

If you have not submitted to the power and authority of Allah’s rule
already, then when? This talk asks those Muslims who do not fear the
consequences of their actions, the grave end that will take hold of
them, for missing Salah and other necessary obligations in order to
taste the pleasures of this temporary life. What happens if Allah
causes you never to turn to Him, when your “forty years old” or when
you “become rich and successful”, we are urged to reflect and respond
to the question, “when will you submit?”

Self Image Psychology

By Yassir Fazaga
Self Image Psychology expounds on some of
the harmful messages promoted by the western media. The speaker points
out how these common messages damage the Muslims’ self-image
psychology. Among the many things discussed in this presentation are
examples of proper self-respect and self-reverence from the lives of
the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (s). In addition, the speaker
mentions common acts that entail lack of self esteem, such as the
changing of Muslim names to non Muslim ones and the changing of the
Islamic identity in general. The mere nature of this discussion reveals
how Muslims today really view themselves.


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Recitation of Quran | Saad al-Ghaamidi

2008-08-07 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

By : Saad Al-Ghaamidi
All 114 Surahs (separate downloads)

Warning : May touch your soul  Heart after listening !


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Muhammad (saw) - The Man His Message

2008-08-07 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

Take a look at the best human being ever. Even his enemies called
him the truthful and trustworthy! Allah is perfect. 1426 years ago a
man known as Muhammad (peace be upon him) was chosen by Allah (the Most
High) to deliver a message, a message that would change the world
forever. So who was Muhammad and what message did he bring? Why are
there over 1.6 billion people who follow Him today and why is He
considered the most influential personality in the annals of History?
In this lecture Shaykh Khalid Yasin explains this great man, his
mission and his message. Allah (the Most High) says: O Muhammad, We
have not sent you but as a mercy for all the worlds. Quran 21: 107

Download Here

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Signs Before The Day Of Judgement

2008-08-07 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Lecture by : Ali Al-Tamimi
Dajjal, the Mehdi, the coming of Ya’jooj  Ma’jooj, to the
destruction of the first house of Allah, the Malhamtal Kubrah (The
Great Battle), are all signs before the Day of Judgement. Shaykh Ali
At-Tamimi chronologically categories the signs of the Hour.


Usool ul-Fiqh
History Of Palestine
Ghuraba (Strangers) Series

The Sahabah (ra)AND MORE HERE ...!

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Ahmad Deedat Videos

2008-08-04 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Ahmad Deedat VideosVarious Video lectures by Ahmad Deedat dealing with debates 
against Christian missionaries, dawah, and other interesting issues.


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Fw : Descriptions of Hell

2008-08-01 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
The Creation of Hell-Fire

“Fear the fire, which is prepared for the disbelievers.”
[Ali'-Imran, 3: 131]
“Truly Hell is lying in wait- a destination for the transgressors.”
[an-Naba, 78: 21-22]
(One’s rejection of faith is transgression against Allah and himself).
Abdullah bin Umar (radiAllahu anhu) narrated: “Allah Messenger (salAllahu 
alayhi wasalam) said,
‘When someone dies, he is shown his destination morning and evening and
if he belongs to the people of Paradise, (he will be shown his place)
among the people of Paradise, and if he is from the people of Hell, (he
will be shown his place) among the people of Hell.’”
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) reported that Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu 
alayhi wasalam) said:
“There was a dispute between Hell and Paradise during which Hell said,
‘The haughty and the proud will find abode in me.’ And Paradise said,
‘The meek and the humble will find their abode in me.’ Thereupon,
Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, (addressing Hell) said, ‘You are the
means of My punishment by which I punish those of My servants whom I
wish.’ (and addressing Paradise), He said, ‘You are My mercy by means
of which I will show mercy to those whom I wish. And each one of you
will be full.’”
Read Full Topic here !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Videos - Dr. Zakir Naik

2008-07-31 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Various Public Lectures delivered by Dr. Zakir Naik on interesting subjects, 
comparative religions, similarity between Islam, Hinduism, Christianity and 
other religions. And proving that all religions lead towards Islam !

Download them here

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] A Walk in Paradise

2008-07-30 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

Lecture By Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki

is a truly inspirational lecture that will Inshallah wake the listener
up to the reality of the value of this world in comparison to the
ultimate goal: Jannah. All the worldly things we strive for are merely
temporary. May Allah (swt) grant us all the success of Jannah!


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] FW : Dreams and Dream Interpretations !

2008-07-30 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

((( DOWNLOAD )))

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] All religions teach men to be righteous, then why follow only Islam?

2008-07-30 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
All religions basically teach followers to do good deeds. Why should
a person only follow Islam? Can he not follow any of the religions?

1.   Major difference between Islam and most other religions
All religions basically exhort mankind to be righteous and eschew evil. But 
Islam goes beyond that.
It guides us towards practical ways of achieving righteousness and
eliminating evil from our individual and collective lives. Islam takes
into account human nature and the complexities of human society. Islam
is guidance from the Creator Himself. Therefore, Islam is also called
the Deen-ul-Fitrah (the natural religion of Man).

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Who is your Role Model ?

2008-07-28 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
In this modern age every one of us has a role model, most of them are from 
Bollywood, Hollywood Celebrities, sportsmen, etc.

...And believe me, its just an illusion of this life !

But whats the reality  CHECK HERE

.Alert others, before its too late !

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Learn Quranic Arabic - Madinah Book Series

2008-06-26 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
This Arabic Course for English-Speaking Students is a comprehensive and popular 
course for the teaching of the Qur’anic and Traditional Arabic, originally 
devised and taught at the renowned Madinah Islamic University, catering for the 
non-Arabic speaking students from all over the world. Over the years, this 
course has enabled students to become competent in their use of the Arabic 
language and to participate and benefit from scholarly pursuits such as 
Qur’anic exegeses, hadith, fiqh, sirah, history, and classical and modern 
Arabic literature. It is concise (consisting of only three books, reasonably 
short) but extensive in their coverage. It combines modern Arabic vocabulary 
with Islamic terminology used in the Qur’an and Sunnah. It Helps acquire an 
understanding of hundreds of Qur’anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and 
poetry. Learning classical Arabic effectively could not be more easier than 
this course of Madinah Islamic University. A
 tried and tested course over 40 years with proven track record of success, it 
is ideal in terms of the the topics covered and short time taken to learn. It 
is suitable for schools and colleges in the UK and other Western English 
speaking countries.


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Hand Book

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Prophesied in Christian, Hindu other Scriptures

2008-05-13 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Muhammad (PBUH) Prophesied in Christian, Hindu  other Religious
Scriptures including Jew, Buddhist  Parsi Scriptures.

All prophecies mentioned is authentic with references to the religious  


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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Islamic Screen Savers !

2008-04-24 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
Islamic Screen Savers !

Allah's Names
Surah Fallak with Translation
Qulhowalha with Translation
Islamic art
Islamic calligraphy
Mosques of the world
Quranic verses
Gardens of Eden
Islamic Nature
Islamic Space
Learn Salat

  Best Jokes, Best Friends, Best Food and more. Go to

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)

2008-04-04 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)

Lecture delivered by Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) (Makkan Period)

This 16 CD set is an outstanding collection of inspirational talks 
thatintroduces the life of Prophet Muhammad, the greatest human being towalk 
the face of the earth. In these talks, Imam Anwar al-Awlaki,author of the best 
selling series, The Lives of the Prophets,eloquently presents the Makkan period 
of the Prophet's life in adetailed manner, deriving valuable lessons from it 
and thus making itrelevant to our modern times. The series is primarily based 
on IbnKathir's book on the Sirah. Some of the topics discussed include: 
TheHistory of the Kabah, Muhammad in the Bible, The Call to Near Kin, TheIslam 
of Hamzah, The Year of Grief, Lessons from the Trip to al-Taifand much more.



The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) (Madinan Period)

The Life of Muhammad (S): Medina Period 1 of 2 is the second part of athree 
part series on the Sirah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S). Thefirst part 
covered the Makkan era. This part focuses on the Medina erastarting from the 
Hijrah up until the battle of the Trench. Here, ImamAnwar Al-Awlaki covers the 
first five years of the Medina era whichinclude the all important events of the 
Hijrah, the establishment ofthe first Islamic State, the battle of Badr, the 
Battle of Uhud, andfinally the battle of the Trench.



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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)

2008-04-04 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)

Lecture delivered by Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) (Makkan Period)

This 16 CD set is an outstanding collection of inspirational talks 
thatintroduces the life of Prophet Muhammad, the greatest human being towalk 
the face of the earth. In these talks, Imam Anwar al-Awlaki,author of the best 
selling series, The Lives of the Prophets,eloquently presents the Makkan period 
of the Prophet's life in adetailed manner, deriving valuable lessons from it 
and thus making itrelevant to our modern times. The series is primarily based 
on IbnKathir's book on the Sirah. Some of the topics discussed include: 
TheHistory of the Kabah, Muhammad in the Bible, The Call to Near Kin, TheIslam 
of Hamzah, The Year of Grief, Lessons from the Trip to al-Taifand much more.



The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) (Madinan Period)

The Life of Muhammad (S): Medina Period 1 of 2 is the second part of athree 
part series on the Sirah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S). Thefirst part 
covered the Makkan era. This part focuses on the Medina erastarting from the 
Hijrah up until the battle of the Trench. Here, ImamAnwar Al-Awlaki covers the 
first five years of the Medina era whichinclude the all important events of the 
Hijrah, the establishment ofthe first Islamic State, the battle of Badr, the 
Battle of Uhud, andfinally the battle of the Trench.



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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Tafseer ul Quran by Ibn Kathir (10 Vol. Set)

2008-04-04 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
The Best Tafseer of the Glorious Quran
you can find is Tafseer Ibn Kathir..

This is very useful for understanding the Quran !

All Volumes compiled in one E-Book !
English  Arabic
Only English

Please pass to others and distribute the knowledge !

Allah will reward you Insha-Allah !

  Get your domain and website for less than Rs.100/month*. Go to

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)

2008-04-03 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)

Lecture delivered by Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) (Makkan Period)

This 16 CD set is an outstanding collection of inspirational talks 
thatintroduces the life of Prophet Muhammad, the greatest human being towalk 
the face of the earth. In these talks, Imam Anwar al-Awlaki,author of the best 
selling series, The Lives of the Prophets,eloquently presents the Makkan period 
of the Prophet's life in adetailed manner, deriving valuable lessons from it 
and thus making itrelevant to our modern times. The series is primarily based 
on IbnKathir's book on the Sirah. Some of the topics discussed include: 
TheHistory of the Kabah, Muhammad in the Bible, The Call to Near Kin, TheIslam 
of Hamzah, The Year of Grief, Lessons from the Trip to al-Taifand much more.



The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) (Madinan Period)

The Life of Muhammad (S): Medina Period 1 of 2 is the second part of athree 
part series on the Sirah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S). Thefirst part 
covered the Makkan era. This part focuses on the Medina erastarting from the 
Hijrah up until the battle of the Trench. Here, ImamAnwar Al-Awlaki covers the 
first five years of the Medina era whichinclude the all important events of the 
Hijrah, the establishment ofthe first Islamic State, the battle of Badr, the 
Battle of Uhud, andfinally the battle of the Trench.



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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Most Common Questions Asked By Non-muslims

2008-04-03 Terurut Topik Innocent Soul
In conveying the message of Islam to a non-Muslim, it is usually notsufficient 
to highlight only the positive nature of Islam. Mostnon-Muslims are not 
convinced about the truth of Islam because thereare a few questions about Islam 
at the back of their minds that remainunanswered.
They may agree with your contentions about the positive nature ofIslam. But, in 
the same breath, they will say - Ah! But you are thesame Muslims who marry 
more than one woman. You are the same people whosubjugate women by keeping them 
behind the veil. You arefundamentalists, etc.

I personally prefer asking the non-Muslim upfront, what he feels iswrong in 
Islam. I prefer asking directly, what they feel is wrong inIslam with their 
limited knowledge, whether right or wrong and fromwhichever source it may be. I 
encourage them to be very frank and openand convince them that I can take 
criticism about Islam.

In the past few years of my Da’wah experience, I have realized thatthere are 
barely twenty most common questions that a common non-Muslimhas regarding 
Islam. Whenever you ask a non-Muslim, what do you feelis wrong with Islam?, 
he poses five or six questions, and thesequestions invariably fall among the 
twenty most common questions.

Logical replies can convince the majority

The twenty most common questions about Islam can be answered withreason and 
logic. A majority of non-Muslims can be convinced with theseanswers. If a 
Muslim memorizes or simply remembers these answers,Inshallah he will be 
successful, if not in convincing non-Muslims aboutthe complete truth of Islam, 
then at least in removing misconceptionsabout Islam and neutralizing the 
negative thinking about Islam andMuslims that the non-Muslims have. A very few 
non-Muslims may havecounter arguments to these replies, for which further 
information maybe required.

Source : Islamic Research Foundation ! All Answers by Dr. Zakir Naik !





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