[Histonet] CD4 T cells FFPE vs frozen

2012-10-23 Thread Kim O'Sullivan

I am aware that there are mouse anti human CD4 markers for the detection of
CD4 T cells in human FFPE tissue. My question is do these antibodies (mouse
clone 1F6 and 4B12) detect the same number of T cells that are detected in
frozen tissue? Secondly does anyone know of any literature that validates
or tests this? This question arises out of the discrepany I have noticed in
our area of research(glomerulonephritis) in literature on the reported
number of T cells- papers using frozen tissue report 3 times the amount of
cells in the same disease studied on FFPE tissue.

Any help or any anectodal evidence would be appreciated.

Kim O'Sullivan

Kim O'Sullivan
Centre for Inflammatory Diseases
Department of Medicine
Southern Clinical School
Monash Medical Centre
Level 5, Block E
246 Clayton Road
Clayton, Melbourne
VIC 3168
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] non specific staining

2009-12-10 Thread Kim O'Sullivan

I am having a problem using DAB black on snap frozen mouse kidneys. We 
routinely stain for leukocytes (CD4(Gk1.5),neutrophils(GR1), and macrophages 
(fA11)) on PLP fixed tissue with very little background staining. However we 
currrently have to stain some snap tissue as the PLP tissue is all gone. 

The problem we are having is some cells are staining very specifically on the 
isotype controls, and controls with no primary or secondary antibody-this 
population of cells are hard to distinguish from positive cells in the 
experimental tissue.

I presume it is the DAB chromagen that is binding very specifically to a 
certain cell population. We currently use 0.3% H202 in methanol for 30 minutes 
to block endogenous peroxidase- is this insufficient? Does anyone think it is 
an endogenous peroxidase problem or something else?

Any suggestions would be helpful,

Department Of Medicine
Monash University
Monash Medical Centre
Melbourne, Australia

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] shrinking glomeruli

2009-10-23 Thread Kim O'Sullivan

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why our mouse glomeruli are
shrinking after coverlipping in DPX? Immunohistochemistry is performed on PLP 
frozen cryostat sections, and the glomeruli and tubules look fine
upon checking after the chromagen is developed, but once they are
dehydrated, cleared in histosol, and then coverslipped in DPX(also tried
with Vector hardmount) the glomeruli shrink, and the tubules look like
they are spreading out. We have been doing this for years, and not had a
problem. Does anyone know why we would have one now? Could the disease
state of the tissue contribute? Or earlier fixation- could that contribute 

Any suggestions would be appreciated- it is doing my head in!

Kim O'Sullivan
Department of Medicine
Monash Univeristy

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Mast cell staining HELP!

2009-09-01 Thread Kim O'Sullivan

Can anyone out there recommend the best way to stain mouse mast cells in the 
kidney(toluidine blue/or berberine sulfate) with a protocol that produces 
cconsistent results?

Secondly, I have mouse kidney sections fixed in FFPE, PLP and methyl Carnoys. 
Does anyone know of a company that supplies antibodies  which will work on any 
of these fixatives,for the staining of the IgE receptor, mast cell trytptase 
and chymase.

Any advice would be appreciated!

Kim O'Sullivan
Monash University

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Natural Killer Cell antibody

2009-03-04 Thread Kim O'Sullivan

Does anyone out there know if there is a monoclonal anti human NK cell antibody 
that is exclusive, ie does not also mark CD8 T cells etc?


Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] double immunoenzymatic methods

2009-01-06 Thread Kim O'Sullivan

Have been having trouble getting an antibody to work for double 
immunofluoresecence (with the confocal microscope), but am able to get it to 
work on FFPE tissue with DAB black.  Does anyone out there have a method I can 
use that will show colocalisation using enzyme labelling methods, ie which 
colour choices do you make to show double labelling within the same structure I 
understand this is not the preferred method.


Kim O'Sullivan

Histonet mailing list