Re: [hlcoders] Accessing WndProc in HL2 SDK?

2005-09-24 Thread Lance Vorgin
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
All sorts of ways to hook WndProc. Easiest way would be to subclass HL2's
window - SetWindowLong GWL_WNDPROC the window to your own func. You could
use SetWindowsHookEx WH_CALLWNDPROC, but that's huge and wasteful. You could
also IAT hook Dispatch/TranslateUserMessage on the appropriate module, or
patch them directly. But why can't you CreateWindow your own 0px invisible
window and use that? I haven't read up on DirectShow.

And how are you going about widening the string?

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Re: [hlcoders] Accessing WndProc in HL2 SDK?

2005-09-24 Thread Lance Vorgin
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I can't hardly see straight, but I believe you forget to make room for the
null terminator :P Try this crap:

int iLen = strlen(lpcSong) + 1;
WCHAR* lpwcSong = new WCHAR[iLen + 1]; //yay paranoia
memset(lpwcSong, 0, (iLen + 1));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpcSong, iLen, lpwcSong, iLen);

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Re: [hlcoders] HL2MP Speed hack

2005-03-04 Thread Lance Vorgin
Then I guess HL2 has no speed hack blocker yet. The speed hack is
possible because, obviously, there's lag, so the server allows some
discrepency between client and server times. Back in HL1 whever the
difference got too big they'd freeze for a few seconds, but I guess
it's yet to be implimented into HL2. It could very probably be done
from a mod or plugin, just check some client update time if it's in
there, or even the model's animation speed :/

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Re: [hlcoders] HL2MP Speed hack

2005-03-04 Thread Lance Vorgin
Dude put all anticheat related code on the server whenever possible :o

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Re: [hlcoders] Question about Precaching in Source.

2005-02-28 Thread Lance Vorgin
Hook the filesystem's read funcs, look for it reading a .res file, and
fake append your files to be sent to it. Muh :/

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Re: [hlcoders] Question about Precaching in Source.

2005-02-28 Thread Lance Vorgin
To me it's a choice between hooking an exposed, globally accessible
interface func, or rooting through the engine for some func that will
move every update and differs on every platform, then figuring out the
proto and calling it correctly somehow. Bleh D:

In theory it's pretty simple, and I can envision those hooks being
useful to have anyway

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Re: [hlcoders] Server Plugins refusing to load

2005-02-22 Thread Lance Vorgin
 You cant use CBaseEntity in a server plugin. There are
 unresolved symbols, so it cant be loaded by srcds.
Uhm - yes you can.

Try changing
CBaseCombatWeapon* pWeapon =
CBaseCombatWeapon* pWeapon =

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Re: [hlcoders] Server Plug-in Loading Order

2005-02-20 Thread Lance Vorgin

I'm doing that exact same thing right now, for a module for a plugin
manager that shall remain nameless :P

Your plugin is loaded before any ents are created, obviously, but
after all the factories are initialized and the class maps prettied up
and whatnot - a very good time for loading. Hooking CreateEdict is
nice, but it won't tell you what type of entity is being created.

So I went on to hooking EntityFactoryDictionary, which I've become
quite fond of :D A windows only way of getting the EFD ptr is in my
sigscanner thread on the forums of that place (nasty, I know, but hey
it works - haven't had to update it since I made it) - the linux way
is a ton easier. Using my vfunc hook thing again from those forums
heres a way to hook the creation of any ent, and do with it what you
will (too lazy to make my vtbl hook work on lin atm, but I'll be
forced to soon - again it's a ton easier)

class CEntityFactoryDictionary  : public IEntityFactoryDictionary {

void InstallFactory( IEntityFactory *pFactory, const char *pClassName );
IServerNetworkable *Create( const char *pClassName );
void Destroy( const char *pClassName, IServerNetworkable *pNetworkable 

IEntityFactory *FindFactory( const char *pClassName );

CUtlDict IEntityFactory *, unsigned short  m_Factories;

CEntityFactoryDictionary* pEntityFactoryDictionary = NULL;

CSigScanner SigEntityFactoryDictionary(SigEntityFactoryDictionary,
SIGRANGESERVERDLL, pEntityFactoryDictionary,
17, false, 2); //lol

DEFVFUNC(EntityFactoryDictionary_Create, CBaseEntity*,
(CEntityFactoryDictionary*, const char* lpcClassName));

CBaseEntity* VFUNC myEFD_Create(CEntityFactoryDictionary* pEFD, const
char* lpcClassName){
CBaseEntity* pEntity = EntityFactoryDictionary_Create(pEFD, 

LOG(Made ent: [%s] %x, lpcClassName, pEntity);

return pEntity;


HOOKVFUNC(pEntityFactoryDictionary, 1,
EntityFactoryDictionary_Create, myEFD_Create);

Regarding modifying those entities, hook their vtbls - you can do
anything you want ot them. If you want a single instance only hook
then swap out the ent's vtable ptr (which I've had no luck with,
honestly), or hook all ents of that type by just modifying it's vtable
directly (which I've had luck with).

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Re: [hlcoders] Respawning all players

2005-02-20 Thread Lance Vorgin
static_castCBasePlayer*(pEntity)-RemoveAllItems(false); ?

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Re: [hlcoders] Send user message

2005-02-16 Thread Lance Vorgin
UserMessageBegin and MessageEnd are pretty straightforward - paste
some sample code?

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-15 Thread Lance Vorgin
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 19:41:24 +0100, Beppo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The only thing I don't get about you Lance is the fact that you seem to be
 very aggressive in the way you stand your words.
 Just one thing... why?
I believe that if a game is good at its core but flawed or lacking in
some way in my eyes and the eyes of others that we should not turn
away from that mod, but that we should try to fix it. Perhaps you find
this proactive stance immature and unreasonable, but to each his own.

 Maybe you should not change/ruin/enhance any mod out there... make your
 own... there you can enhance and change as much stuff as you like...
 why do you choose the very easy way in changing the work of others that
 worked their asses off to get their baby to look like they wanted to have it
I love how you put ruin before enhance - you have a strange view.

As for making my own, that's actually how I was introduced to the sdk.
I've been a part of two unsuccessful mod teams (although it was quite
a while ago, and for the record I was doing my part), and seen
countless others suffer the same fate. So from that perspective I find
it far more logical to work with mods which are already successful and
have inertia than to attempt to create one from nothing, especially if
you already enjoy that mod but find it lacking in areas. Of course if
I had a team, an idea, and the will, I would create one, but why
should I when I enjoy existing mods, especially when I can improve
upon their already good foundation? A second reason for me choosing to
do this is because I enjoy this kind of code: my strange skill set
suits me pretty perfectly for this job. Many people want the ability
to mod mods, and I'm helping give it to them.

Regarding their baby looking like they want it to, my plugin wouldn't
change their creation, just the instance of it running on my box. They
still have their baby, and it looks exactly as they made it look, just
not on my server. If the plugin is popular and is on every server,
then they can choose to impliment it and change their baby for their
community, or not to and to suffocate their baby.

 I just don't get why you are acting like this.
 If someone asks you nicely to leave their stuff alone... why do you not
 simply show some respect to them as much as they show you and do not change
 I guess it is just for 'the fun' ... your fun... not theirs off course.
Writing the plugin is for my fun, but the plugin being used is for the
fun of others. Just writing the plugin affects _nobody_ but me, but
releasing it can only bring about enjoyment as people who like it will
stay and play with it but those who don't like it _CAN LEAVE THE
SERVER_. You apparently fail to grasp this concept.

 That's what I simply do not like to see happen with any mod out there... one
 or more folks that always go the aggressive style and have 'fun' in
 destroying the fun of others...
Dude, this is server side. People play on servers to have fun, and
won't if they don't. explative omitted! Please, please tell me you
understand this. Nobody suffers from me releasing a shitty plugin,
because nobody will be f#cking affected by it. Now if the mod team
releases a shitty patch, then everyone is affected by it. What then?
(again) Go down with the ship? Turn away from the [my] answer out of
spite? You baffle me.

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Re: [hlcoders] [OT] Server-side plugins and mod ownership (was: Safe way of setting weapon damages?)

2005-02-15 Thread Lance Vorgin
I agree with this man...

I've discussed an mmo mod with somebody already, and haven't
considered server plugins with them yet, but I had other, similar
concerns leading to the same quasi-grim conclusion for them: allow
only trusted servers to join the mmo world. Putting any power in the
hands of the public leads inevitably to its exploitation and abuse,
but in the confines of ones own server it has no real reprecussions.
The mmo realm is different though :/ Even globally tracked statistics
are skewable both by servers running plugins and clients with friends
and too much spare time. I really don't think banning plugins is worth
global stats by any stretch of the imagination. If only there was

Distinction between pure and modified servers would indeed be a
hideously good thing to have, but I don't forsee it being integrated
into steam at all, leaving us with the likely option of a third party
server browser. It would be trivially easy to make a standard protocol
for listing what plugins were being run [::cough:: ::SourceMod::
::cough::] that any program could talk to (or it could even be added
to HL's own server info protocol, at the cost of needless complexity).
But then one has to ask what defines 'pure'? Absolutly _no_ admin
plugins running, including votemap / kick / ban plugins? This calls
for either user defined filters or a central authority (perhaps the
authors of the browser).

Much love and respect to botman, but I too get pissed off when I join
a TFC server full of bots.

Excuse the rambling, I'm half asleep.

This makes it four cents.

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-15 Thread Lance Vorgin
I apologize for any aggressive talk - I just figure everybody talks
this way :/ I honestly want only the best for any creation of any
modder, but, to paraphrase a recent relevant argument, if the mod
author has the attitude of its my mod and I won't fix the bugs so go
die, then it's in the hands of others to further the mod's

Also apparently people get pissed off at me using I as it portrays
me as an egotistical assbag - I personally don't, never have, and
probably won't own a server and have yet to even make a server plugin
that is beyond a test dummy. I use I because it's quicker to type
than concerned persons who either own and / or adminster a server and
or have the ability to modify the mod on a / their server.

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-14 Thread Lance Vorgin
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 15:45:02 +1000, Draco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jeez, all this over whether to use scripts or hard code to decide
 weapon characteristics! It is a matter of preference, there is no need
 to try and convince others that yours is best. It would be like me
 saying my programming style 'pwns' yours and that your a 'stupid n00b'
 for using a different one. You would most likely tell me to 'STFU' and
 that my style should be crammed up whatever I traditionally cram
You wholly, entirely, completely miss the point of all this - where
you got the wildly wrong idea that this was a debate on whether
hardcoding or using a script interface was better is beyond me. The
discussion is about the futility of his quest, and his reasons behind
trying to do it. His last sentence makes this thread perfectly on

I do see, however, a similar futility in this argument. Some mod
authors may want to stop all customization of their mod [and in all
likelihood go down with their ship :p], and they will never be
convinced to abandon that position. I'm just saying, to them, don't be

Beyond that it's not like we're detracting from any other threads
currently on the mailing list :P

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Re: [hlcoders] Shake

2005-02-14 Thread Lance Vorgin
What's stopping you from just sending a shake message?

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-14 Thread Lance Vorgin
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 03:10:40 +0100, Beppo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If someone changes a value within my codes or writes codes that change the
 behaviour of my codes then he is actually reusing it.
Neg. I'm not redistributing your [already freely available] work, nor
am I calling it my own. Sorry pal.

 In terms of inherited classes this means that any direct copy of my codes
 that is then changed or an inherited class with changed behaviour is
 actually reusing my codes too. So this falls under the intellectual property
 copyright law.
Again, neg.

 But if a mod states in its licensee agreement that you are not allowed to
 change it in any way (agree to perform no after market modifications in
 termy to be allowed to use it) then the whole thing will be copyrighted.
 Either install it by agreeing or do not install it... your choice.
I believe I have my fair use rights despite the EULA, but assuming
we're in hell and I don't, then I hope both of your regular players
will enjoy all three of your mod's boring, identical servers for the
whole week.

 * I do take it as a challenge, as I find this kind of thing fun.
Beyond that if the system is never tested and publically disgraced it
will never be fixed. If I enjoyed the mod and wished to further mod
it, however, I'd aggressivly go at it with purpose. I wouldn't however
release something just to screw up gameplay :/ If I released
anything I would release something on which people could build
improvements to the gameplay despite the wishes of the original mod

 * Just because the EFF is biased doesn't mean they're wrong :P

 * Be happy to - 'stosw' on gamesurge, #sourcemod among others.

It's shouldn't you moron.

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-13 Thread Lance Vorgin
On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:13:51 +0100, Beppo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I do not disagree, only for a little aspect... if you want your mod to be
 this or that way and not another and someone changes it to become that
 other, then it comes close to hitting the original mod authors right into
 their faces. Not all mods out there do wish to fit for every player around
 the globe. Some want to attract only a specific type of player and so will
 not change their basic rules to allow the 'unwanted' folks to join the party
 cause this will most times ruin the gameplay for the others.
If third party features are added that attract 'unwanted folks', then
those people will play only on servers with those features, not the
base mod servers.

 Fixing obvious bugs is another thing of course but only if they are really
 bugs and not features someone doesn't like.
Who cares what someone doesn't like? If you don't like it, leave the
server. Lord.

 New additional features should first be presented to the mod authors
 themselves. Maybe by even showing them first hand.
Why? I value their opinion, and respect them and their work, but if,
in my eyes, my feature would better the mod, I will add it regardless
of their input. My plugin / feature does not become mandatory across
all of their servers, just those that choose to run it.

 But the decission to include them in the next release
Yes, this is entirely up to them, as it is their project. Only they
can officially release things under their mod's name and their team's

 or 'granting you permission' to release the
 modification to players/servers that want to use it is up to them.
This is where you're wildly wrong. I can release whatever I damn well
please, and run whatever I want on my server. Sorry.

 New features often ruin the balance within the game
If they suck they won't be played. Survival of the fittest.

 or add features that the original mod authors simply don't want to be 
 Again, if your changes are good and in the lines of what the original mod 
 want or plan to do, then there shouldn't be any reason for them to not listen 
The mod authors control the base mod, as it is their baby. I control,
however, what goes onto my server. If I want to run a plugin that adds
something that the mod authors consider blasphemous, but I enjoy, and
my community enjoys, then I will run it. They don't own my server.
Beyond that, again, successful mod authors rarely listen to reason.
There's a very obvious trend among mods.

 And if you then still want to do it, then I would consider you to make your
 own mod with your own ideas instead of ripping the work of others.
Nobody is ripping anybody. Plugin authors don't take credit for the
whole mod, just what they add, and rightfully so. Beyond that if a
plugin author takes time to improve the mod he obviously likes the
mod, so why would he write a new one? Now if the mod authors include
the features of that plugin into their mod without crediting the
original plugin author, _that_ is ripping.

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-13 Thread Lance Vorgin
It shuoldn't be a war.

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-11 Thread Lance Vorgin
 I'm speak

I sure wish I could edit my replies.

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-11 Thread Lance Vorgin
If you do that I'll.. err.. someone will just send unmodified values
to the client and use modified values to calculate damage. And if you
move damage calculation to the client, then I'll laugh really really

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Re: [hlcoders] Velocity and teleport

2005-02-10 Thread Lance Vorgin
Bomber - that's what Teleport is doing - just changing instantaneous
velocity. We use this because it is one of the few scraps server
plugins have easy access to.

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-10 Thread Lance Vorgin
In every modified server I've been on (too many to count) it's the
server that's rightfully been blamed for the modifications to the mod
and not the mod or mod authors themselves. There's no way to stop
admins from changing pretty much anything about your mod's server and,
as stated, it's not an option to make anything important client side
(just play AVP2 for an example). In fact by trying to prevent people
from modifying your mod, you attract people excited by the challenge
[so to speak]. It's a bad idea not only because of the time it wastes,
but because it actually hurts the mod: if more people play on servers
with modified damage, then that's what people want to play. There will
always be classic servers as well, so why would you not want to give
people the opportunity to improve your mod?

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-10 Thread Lance Vorgin
Yeah guys you're making my PINE lag :P

The new players argument is the only one that's really made me think
here - but perhaps, should your enjoy success and the inevitable
modifications it brings, you should tell new players [in a document
called the Manual!] to look for a 'classic' or otherwise unmodified
server first. Why should the non new players suffer complete
conformity for the new players the majority of whom won't become
regular players anyway? Is seniority dead?

These mini mods suffer from natural selection: if a mod sucks, people
leave the server, and admins remove the mod or shutdown their crappy
empty server. If it doesn't suck, then people play on the server, and
all is well, unless you don't want to see your players enjoying the

If people blame your mod for what a mutator does, then tell them it
was the mutator. Egads.

If a mini mod is liked [like the high damage example] by everybody,
then yes it should be implimented by the mod team. However, if a mod
is big enough to have such a mini mod base as, say, natural selection,
or any of the other large mods [nameless..], then it's pretty much
guaranteed that the mod team won't listen to anything the community
says, or, even worse, only listen to fanboys that have a horribly
retarded vision for the good game. Thanks, Fluyra [names edited to
protect the guilty]!

.ctx's are already useless - I don't see how people think it's
protection :P When code is running on a computer that people have
admin / root access to, _nothing_ is unmodifyable. Encrypt and
hardcode what you like, it's just adding needless and useless
complexity for you.

Oh, and who needs a mod's source when you have a debugger :)

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-10 Thread Lance Vorgin
I pretty much fully agree with you Karl.

I'm speak under the assumption that, like most of the servers I seem
to remember, the words OMG THIS SERVER IS RUNNING XMOD are plastered
all over a joining player's screen.

As far as I know there's no way to look for servers running specific
plugins, but if someone makes a popular third party server browser
it'd be plenty possible and I'd bet quite successful.

And perhaps I'm grizzled about my experience with successful mod
authors. I loved NS, and respect the hell out of him for authoring one
of my favorite games of all time, but am also sore at seeing 1.04 die.
It was fresh on my mind at the time of writing :(

I wasn't alluding to anti-cheats, and don't think it's the same
situation unless you consider admins enemies. Remember, admins are
vital to your mod's longevity :P

Regarding competative play I fully agree too - that's where those nazi
tourny plugins regarding round time, starting rules, consistency, and
everything come into play. Not all servers [in fact most I'd assume]
are competition servers though.

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Re: [hlcoders] Velocity and teleport

2005-02-09 Thread Lance Vorgin
 You can only get the user's origin with that (and its windows only since
 it's an offset).  You cannot change it.

Err.. says who? *(float*)(pEnt-GetUnknown() + OFFSET_ORIGIN_X) = fX; ...

But that method isn't very bright anyway, considering you have the
CBaseEntity definition - just access the vars directly. But what of
invalidatephysicsrecursive and dirty origin handling - well, you can
work those by going through CBaseEntity::KeyValue or whatever it's
called with origin, 0 0 0 - or.. you can just use Teleport :P

If this is a server plugin then currently he doesn't have access to gEntList.

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Re: [hlcoders] HL2DM IPlayerInfoManager Out of Date

2005-01-28 Thread Lance Vorgin
 Kids these days.. if every scrap of data doesnt have its own class,
 factory and RPC interface, they call it a hack.  ;)

Have you ever looked at my stuff? :P

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Re: [hlcoders] Player command - Health control? Damage?

2005-01-20 Thread Lance Vorgin
I really doubt that alot of those are forwarded to the server, as many
deal with the material and rendering subsystems and the sv_cheats
check is made locally :rolleyes:

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Re: [hlcoders] Player command - Health control? Damage?

2005-01-19 Thread Lance Vorgin
You need to include a ton of server project headers. Just #define
GAME_DLL 1 at the top and take all the #includes from util.cpp :/

Update killed the Event_ stuff for the time being (how mean of them).
CBaseEntity::Teleport still works.

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Re: [hlcoders] This should not be possible, yet it works!?

2005-01-12 Thread Lance Vorgin
Us plugin authors should be able to do anything we want with _our_
entities, as well.

 Do you really want to recompile every server plugin for every single mod
 where they will be used?


 Valve already made some good interfaces to the engine. They should also
 make a few standard interfaces for common entity functions. These
 interfaces could then be implemented by the mod entities where
 applicable. Then plugins have to be able to query these interfaces from
 entities.This would allow mod authors to modify their entities all they want,
 and implement the interfaces that apply to them.

Or the entity class defintion could be open, and none of that would be
necessary and would allow for complete and total entity modification /
access. Both would be fine if you feel like implimenting some
interface, but after all that work it still wouldn't be nearly as
useful as simply uploading your header files.

And do remember, when I say plugin I don't mean these little admin
tools - I mean NeoTF type stuff.

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Re: [hlcoders] This should not be possible, yet it works!?

2005-01-12 Thread Lance Vorgin
Platform specific: Absolutly none of that is needed at all in linux -
just put a pointer to a func in the format of the first callback in
the vtable and call the original like a normal one :) this is on the
stack, not in ecx. Quite nice, though I question the speed

Prone to crashes on updates: It's more bulletproof that most other
code out there being so simple and all, and will only crash if used
incorrectly or the interfaces update, in which case the whole plugin
is fubar :P

But yeah, it's quite nasty.

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Re: [hlcoders] This should not be possible, yet it works!?

2005-01-11 Thread Lance Vorgin
A plugin should have all of the capabilities of the server module. It
makes the game more fun, more diverse, and all around stronger. I just
can't imagine any reason to close off things from plugin authors
besides jealously guarding your code (or hiding your crappy code :P).
Any mod that disables useful plugins from interacting with it frankly
deserves to die at the hands of its incredibly short-sighted

Regarding your example: plugin authors wouldn't modify player
health... That's a really, really bad example, but then again, it's a
really bad point as well. Mod-specific plugin and libraries for
plugins have always worked, and always will as well.

And why would it require the mod author to impliment things he never
uses? Well gee, I don't recall plugins shipping with HL2. Why did they
impliment the plugin interface if they never use it? Hell, they should
have just built the client, server, engine, and all supporting
libraries into one monolithic binary! I mean they have everything
available to them, why should they give other people capability to
build on their work with puny mods, as the peasants call them.

Is it really that tough to release your class definitions and include
some symbol info? Give us some singletons? Is it really that hard? No,
it's not, and it'd help everybody.

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Re: [hlcoders] This should not be possible, yet it works!?

2005-01-10 Thread Lance Vorgin
If you're willing to detour, nobody's restricted by anybody :D

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Re: [hlcoders] Message printing? [CS-Source]

2005-01-09 Thread Lance Vorgin
Well, I've yet to see one work in CS:S. To the best of my knowledge it
can't be done, but I beg to be proven wrong. Easy as pie in HL2MP,

Note: In CS:S, those little messages like The bomb has been planted
that look like HudText are actally strings stored clientside - the
server just sends something like #Bomb_Planted to the client and he
draws it. Evil language compatibliity :P

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Re: [hlcoders] Message printing? [CS-Source]

2005-01-09 Thread Lance Vorgin
 Heh well I think that HL2MP/DM has the same code as CSS.
You'd think, we'd hope, apparently not. =(

 I mean the standard Message printing. So if there is a code for HL2MP,
 where is it, because I can't find it in any file or internet.
Use pGameDLL-GetUserMessageInfo to get a list of user messages, write
your own UserMessageFilter, and from there it's the same HL1
hudtextparams_t or whatnot, on which I'm sure there's a tutorial or 9

 Maybe because my C# isn't that good yet?
???!? It's C++ dude

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Re: [hlcoders] This should not be possible, yet it works!?

2005-01-09 Thread Lance Vorgin
That'd be the reasonable thing to do. It'd also be horribly,
amazingly, infinitly wonderful if they virtual'd more things and
exposed more useful singletons to us. Please guys - help out :/

It'd be a horrible idea for VAC to scan servers - the diversity of
servers is what keeps the game semi-fresh.

Someone ought to try that CBaseEntity idea. I would, but I don't have
enough drive space to compile a mod atm. You heard me :(

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Re: [hlcoders] Player command - Health control? Damage?

2005-01-09 Thread Lance Vorgin
Well, my friend qizmo and I have gotten slap working well. My
contribution was the actual slapping: get a CBaseEntity of the player
you want to slap and use the Teleport function to change his velocity
to some random vector. As for dealing damage, this is compliments of
theqizmo: static_castCBasePlayer* the CBaseEntity, then do
Event_Killed(CTakeDamageInfo( blah )); to kill him, then Event_Dying()
to make him run through the motions of actually dying. To modify his
health just use SetHealth and GetHealth - but make sure to check if it
goes to 0 or below, as you'll have to kill him yourself if it happens.

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Re: [hlcoders] This is how you get the player's origin/velocity/money/health/clip/armor using a server-plugin (Windows only)

2004-12-26 Thread Lance Vorgin
Or you could just use CBaseEntity. Cmon, be a man. )

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